psi gersonal salto. AT KTBLIC SALE. • Hubs of lUauitt acusali deceased, will offer at in dein en Theredey. issfeeeig, 30th, 1/MO, on the •• bee. the TALLTAn tiß v/31.111, late of mid dead latest* I. limsatolseemet townektp.,,Adams cone. !Wonting. lands of AlanneiderTenng, Peter Welk /its Eckert, and others, cud aoutshaln 136 Ks, more or less, thirty or thirty-Ave notes la timber, and a due proportlas ht meadow. Th e red land bu all been limed, le lei is high state of • 'anon. and under good lamest The Insonsimp. te consist of a large Twontory BRICK MOM Brick Backhanding, new Bank Barn, sow Wa- S, ,huland Corn Crib, Wash House, sod whir oat, Wings; a never.failing well of water, with *pump •t near the door, and a young bearing App ,g ARD, with all other kinds of fruit, of choice vs. tee. This Farm tea very desirable one, and should, • t thS attention of aliwishing to buy. Thorne de. nit to Clew it ere requested to call at tLe dwelling. • robes, Schools, Mills, Stores and Mechanic tamps convenient, and the community is pleasant. e to commence at 1 reek ck, P. M., on said day, • attendance will be given and terms made known L. H. BOKIIRT. Agent kr the Heirs. (Aug. 77-ra Dam Oursa, Auctioneer ÜBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE WOOD 'LOTS. will sell at Public Sala oes Saturday. Me IA dal, Septraiber acct. at o'ckeck. P. r' on the preening. to 20 ACSUB OP WOOD-LAND In Ountberis nship, Antos county, Penn'a., adjoining. lands or ■one! Hannan, George Culp, and others. one and If ne•ln west of Gettysburg, on the public road ling t,. Weigle's Mill. It will Do o ff ered In LOTS It 4 ACKKS. HACH. emu., wishing to buy WOOD LOTS will do well ttend. I will bate a plot of the Tract before the ttenitance iris be given end terms made ktIOWII R MeCRIIARY, el 13, 'SOL guaa "Samu el R. Hall ARMS FOR-SALE. ill be offered kr_Rale, on the promisee, on Sato , the imh^l Octooer next, .at 1 o'clock, P.M, th M now occupied by James Miller , and lying State road between York Spring. and 'Moldier. centalulog 121 ACRES with improvements... s farm lies beautifully, is patented and has been ad. It will positively be sold. Also, the LEMMAS RM. occupied by Glad. J. Shank, containing 145 RES, lylus between Ileidlersborg and New Cb ,in the Carlisle and New Oxford road, is in Ma et Private sale. WO VALtABLE FARMS AT PRIVATE SALE - - .0 111340 001g1:1041 offer sit Private Sale the followin !table Properties No 1, A FIRST.CLASS FARM, ate In Reading township, Adams county, one and alt toilers north of Hampton, adjoining lands o del Hoover. Solomon Miller and others, and con sf ICU AC O,ORES, more or less—with sufficient par of 1104 and e,metite Wago excellent Tiltiber. The Im con eiel I , C a good BRICK Ran n Shed slid Corn rrib, Sprin Hon Hone, and all necessary outbuildings g ; and ,•1 orchard. The land is in Eno cultivatlon,hafin • n limed two or three times; and well water ..1 h a running stream through It. The farm is ma the best •ud moot productive in the county. I I he stioan to person. wishing to view it b • dge Plebe), residing thereon. No. 2, ALSO A FINE FARM nate in Moantpleaaent township. Adams county .cuing lauds of Henry Rupp, Ephraim Miller an. ere, and containing 160 ACRES. more or less—lm re.l with a good DWELLING 1101:18E,Fratne Barn all necessary outbuildings; anexcellentOrchstd h plenty of Meadow and about 40 acres of prim. ber. The land Is In good cultivation, haring bee. R limed ; and has a running stream through it. I but sold by HIS lat of October, both farms aril for rent. JOIIN F. FELTY, Executor otJohrt Miller, dec',l EPHRAIM MILLER. ug 20, 4t ALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE to, undoraieeed offer. fur rale the property !drake resides, beings Lot orso feet front bylBol .311. nituatial on the northeast corner of Wes idle and Washington s treets. Gettysburg, Pa. Th ase I. a TWO STORY BRICK BUILDING wit m. Bari buildiug and Kitchen, containing nin ge rumor, an excellent Cellar In which there is 4 Spring; also,* splendid well of Water, and larg tern in the yard. Would have no objection to se' if lets of :al tot front each. Possession given t t purchaser.. '. S. 7f not bold by 011 let da MINNIGII.y of October, it wi offerod at Public Bale, on the 9 th day of • - • • - • t, at It o'clock, P. .W. mg. 20. 1809.-ta VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SAL be subscriber Intending to remove to Baltima uty, will offer at P-Ivate Sale We 'VALIUM RM. situated In MoantJoy township, Adams eon Pa.. en/la from Two Taverns, 6 miles frt tysburg and- 5 miles from Littlestown, un t timer.. turnpike. TELE FARM contains 33 Ac . 0 .1 farm land, 4 ACRES of excellent Timbi ti a good proportatlon of Meadow. fencing I . The Improvements consist of a good HOCIII (stone and half brick, with Xitcben attac.A • Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, Hog In Shed, and all other neceseary • to an excellent well of never-failing Watar door, and ► good spring. Thera ban ORCHAiI the best quality of Apples, Peaches. Pears. kg. 2 'emus wishing to purchase • the home for th, es should nut fall to call and see this one, ,JOBIPII BTOCIinLAGEIL ug 13 , 1869.-St ------,. ALUABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE S he - undersigned otfeM at Private Sale a &IRA OLE PALM, situate in Straban to 'at 1, 1 4 toffee eenthwAt of Newchester, ad j . di of Henry Thomas, Esq., George Cullman. ere. containing 86 gCII.BB of Land in a high' nitivation. The Improve vents are a new w oarded.COTTAGE HOUSE, Prams Barn, a young Ore Lard of Apple and Peach Trees, r.. es and Fruit Trees in the yard, a well of Wat* door; a Dever-failing Stream rune through- , tie of the Farm. There tau abundance of • . The location is convenient to Churchea, &hoe is, and Market. • Property is well 'piled for dITNIon, and wilt in Lots or entire to snit purchaser'. Awns wishing to view the premises or aster os, will call on the subscriber or address by let ABRAHAM PICKER:. ew Chester, 414. 13, 11168.-a RIVATE SALE OP A FARM NEAR GETTYBB e undersigned having divided his Perm lying .Iberland township, Adams county, Pa., abou t 1 west of Gettysburg, to the right otChanibe g turnpike, about mile, offers a portion t Private Sale. It contains about 115 acres (arm land, with 30 acres of goal Tiniber Improvenients are a new twoatory Brick Ho me Out-house, Frame Barn, and all other n • outbuildings. There is a line young Orchard I bearing condition of all kinds of Fruit. • ter part of the land basalt been limed and is in state of cultivation. Any person wishing to purchase a farm n n,3larkets.Churcher, School-houses, should la to call and tee this one. THEODORE BENDER, 9 ettyiburg, Pa ly 16, 1569.-tf ALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SAL he undersigned, Executrix of the will of ]ate .NSZND. dece..ed, in accordance with maid wit offer. at l'r.vate Sale, the valuable Farm o •ch eke now reside., belonging to the heirs e . Townsend, situated in Reading township, A , co., Pa., about 13 mile, north of Hampton, f, e• from York Solo:tar Spring, and 34 mile fro. Baltimore and Carlisle pike, containing o IBS. more or lees. This is °commonly known "Old Round Hill Farm." It is mostly of t lie soil, bee been heavily limed and manor • is in a high 'state of cultivation. There areal.). Acres of good farming land. and 40 Acres of g. • her. The farm ia well watered with springs.. ping water; a nevergalliag spring of exults. er about 25 yards from the door; also, &natl.,. large and strong spring about 34 mile from t on, from which the water runs to the bowie co ally, forced by a hydratdic Barn, which has • . • mental operation for over twenty years. The barrel of excellent water standing in the kitch. the time, suitable for cooking or washing. Pro house the water In carried by lead pipe to lib In the barn yard, thus furnishing plenty er all the time for all the stock. The bundle; a-large two-story STONE DWELLING HOGS sired Stone Barn, • large framed Stable ail e .ling for 6 Lone, ; Hay blows, Straw Shed, E. n Shed, Groan House, 31h:thine House, Sho: ,ke House, Spring House, flog House, and oth Cleary buildlngi—all under pine shingle roof. re is& No. 1 Apple Orchard In good Deering ord Teaches, Peer., Plums, Cherriee, Ac., in abnn. . Thu desirable farm is very oonveniently 1.- in regard to Churches. School Houses, to . t Mills, Saw Mills, Blacksmith Shops, Ac. II persons desirous of purchasing such a faim trolly invited to all and eramine for th • o es. They will end it as represented. Terms reasonable. Any person deatrlng any further informatim Is oot contenient For them to c►tt,) may obtal hitter, by addressing MARY T. TOWN SZ.ND, Ex bet trix. Hampton, Adams co., Pa. nu IS, 1869.-3 m• , WESTERN E-EIPTION LAND► I HAVE ON lIAND ♦ JEW R ACT OF No. 1, od hand, promo:option lends located neer %County Towns, tr., tn_wel I settled not • • , which I will sill, or exchange at a fair pr • *el tetate in Adamecounty, Pa. OIN). ARNOLD 11,11411.-t f FOR SALE. DESIRABLE THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUR front, on 40 feet lot, with twoetert. $t 'building, In dret•elau repair, two doors • House, on Baltimore street, will be sold on tint terns. (June IL:- OOD FOR SALE, 300 CORDS 0 . 200 HICKORY, SANDO.E'S MILL •2ld $2 per cord on the ground. . 20. ARNOLD. n. Aug. 214 111611.-ti ISAAC K. SfATJFFER, ATCHES &JEWELR ill NORTH ESCOND STRICZT, corner of Qua PHILADIt4IIIA. • • eat of Witch.s, Jevolz7.llsllm and Ware conetatitly oa Mod. Roped ng of Watches and 7.'6117 punt [Anal, INlte W. P. BONNER. Sheltar Settysbarg„ Ihrtilay,Bee, 2,1 PEAR.S.,‘We tender our eeknowledu mints to Mr. Wm. Foot, Ib` 'e basket. fine Peery. litir-A bridge amme.Little Marsh creek, near John Cover's, was granted •by the Grand Jury, at August term. • . CHANGE.—There wags decided change in the temperature on Monday, the mercu ry going down to be,* and making coal Area a luxury. The weather continues cool. RETURN/NO.—The trains during the last few days have brought a large num ber of Students, to resuine their oollegi. ate studies. W. notice a number of new students on the ground. , ELECTED.—We notice a statement in the Philadelphia papers that Prot STOI - vna,,of this plat* has been elected Pro fessor of Tann in Iltddenbarg College. ProtEl. occupies the same chair in Penn sylvania College, and we presume does tot contemplate a change. HORSE *C EVES.—Adams and sur rounding counties, Cumberland, York, Franklin, Carroll, Washington and Fred erick, are just now infested by horse thieves, and it is probable that an organ ized band is at work, from the boldness of their. operations. Ferment will do well to keep watch over their Wick. OPENED,—The Public Schools opened on Wednesday, with a fall corps of teach ers. Mrs. Wert having resigned as teach er of school No. 4, Mist Maria Thonap son was elected in her stead, W. R. Eyster, Esq., has been appointed a Director, instead of .1. F. McCreary, re signed. RAILROAD CHANGE.—The Winter Schedule Went into effect on the leading Railroads on Monday last, which will re quire a corresponding change in the sc he dulea of the Gettysburg Railroad. The morning train will leave at 9 A. Al., in stead of 8.15, and the afternoon train at 2P. M., instead of 1,45. The trains will arrive at Gettysburg at 12.55 and 5.50. CELEBRATION.—The Oak Ridge Union Sunday School wiLl hold a cele bration on Saturday, the 18th of Septem ber in Jacob B. Miller's Grove, near W4erinan's ai iIL A number of able speak ers are expected to be present. A cor dial invitation is extended to neighboring Schools and all favorable , to Sabbath Schophi. 4ggie Gettysburg Brass Band will be present. BURGLARIES.—On Wednesday night, the 18th ult., the dwelling of Gideon Baugher and Henry Epplernan, in Me nallen township, were entered by bur glars. About 112 were taken from the pocket of Mr. Baugher's, pants, hanging near his bed, while he ',was asleep—the thief leaving without exeiting an alarm. At Mr. Epplemauls he wail less successful, Ain. E. awaking just as he entered the bed room, and her efforts to awake her husband Inducing - the thief to- decamp immediately. 1t is supposed an entrance was effected in both cases by false keys COMPLIhiENTARY.—The West Branch Bulletin, published at Williams port, Pa., thus refers to the new proprie tor of the "Gettysburg Springs Hotel :" We can assure the people of Gettysburg that Mr. Hoppe "knows how to keep a hotel" and is one of the best landlords, ever known in this part of the country. We congratulate the company of their acqulstion and Mr. Hopped on his secur ing so distinguished a locality for the dis play of his peculiar abilities: We landhrstand that it is Mr. HOPPER' intention to keep the Hotel open during the entire year, for the accommodation of boarders and guests. The rates have been reduced to $l5 per week for boarders —transient guests a per day. FIRE.—The dwelling of Amos (colored,) on the long lane in the rear.of the colored church;in this place, was destroyed by fire on Wednesday eve ning last. It was a new I} story build ing, erected last spring. Williams is an industrious colored man, of'lttnited means, and the loss will be severelklelt. The house bad been locked up all day. Williams and his wite being at work, in town, and the origon of the fire is a mystery. ft was discovered about five o'clock. Williams and wife lost all their clothing except what they had on their person. A _portion of the furniture was saved by neighbors.. A SUPERIOR PEN.—We are indebt ed to our friend and former townsman, Mr. KELLER KuErz—now the senior member of the firm of KURTZ and :MON- Aorta*, of New York, noted for the ex cellence of thetold Pens turned out by them—for the bresent of anew Pen, man ufactured by them, intended to meet the wants of those who object to metallic pens. It is made of gotta percha, tipped with gold and diamond point, fashioned after the quill pen, and posesses the flexi bility of quill pens. It is unquestionably a superior article, and will doubtiess com mand a heavy sale. It Is warranted for six 'months, and sells at a reasonable price. Sold in Gettysburg by A. D. 'Runty-Ea. We advise all who prefer the quill to metallic pens to try this new arti cle. J. N.—The "immortal S. N." paid us visit last week, and seems to be more fol lys impressed than ever with A l e por taw* of the conflict between th d er ror, and his mission in connect th it. He thinks the cause is making progress, all the prominent Railroad Kings having been brought under the pressure already, as "J. N." mates with him innumerable free Passes authenticated by these mag nates, whereby he travels where he pleas es. He writes us from Harrisburg an nouncing his intention to return to these parts the last of the month, and will speak in New Oxford on Saturday night Sep.. 25, and in Gettysburg on Wednesday the 29th during the Agricultural Fair. J.N. also writesin cordial acknowledgement of the kindness shown him by Messrs. Georg W. and .T., H. McCraw- s us, during his severil trips to Gettysburg, who, he says, have "stood by him in the darkest days when the veil of prejudice overwhelmed him." CAMP MEETING.—The colored Camp meeting, in Wolfs Grove, closed on Mon day morning. The attendance on Sunday morning and evening was very large, a special train being run from Hanover, be aides frequent trains from • Gettysburg.— The preachers in charge were penally disappointed in not receiving prornlaed assistance from abroad, in consequence of camp-meetings in progress at the same time at other places. The preaching, however, during the week, wee creditable, and the beet order was maintained on the ground, notwithitauding the large crowds in attendance. It is due to Mr. Bounds, who hid been employed as po lice Milner, to say that the good order was largely due to his unremitting efforts and excellent tact. Mingled courtesy and firmness had the effect to repress all dis position to violate the rules or produce disorder. On Sunday afternoon, we understand, Geo. GREGORY,' of the Freedmen's Bu. reau, and Bishop Jorms addressed the• camp—the former on the condition of the colored people in the South and the oper. Idiom of the Bureau under his charge the latter in a politioo-religions disotuidon of God's dealing with the nation in the so. lution of the problem of Haman Slavery. A POPULATION INtr 11. UTION.-- The splendid swots of the Iron City Col ley; has made its same a household word thmughont the land. Students attend it from all porta of the Union. Ihrer arco lars, giving fell particulars, address the Principals, Smith tt Cowley, ~At" Pa. AGRIGHLOWAIPAIIterinte-licell issue will bs bond tie schedule of Pre. mitten to be *raided :al the nest meet ing •of the Mains Claim* Agikelturai Fair, with the rules end regulations to be observed In the entry of articles. The • remiums offered are liberal and °over t\whole range of products. The Pair ' be held on Tuesday, iVedneeday and Thwikay, the 28th, 28th and 80th of Sep tember. \The grounds will b, opened on Monday the 27th for the reception Of arti cles and and animals for exhibition. No entry for competition will be made after Tuesday. Truity persons will be em ployed by the Society to receive articles, assign them places, and properly guard the grounds. The Gettysburg Railroad will furnish transportation for articles and animals free of charge. Joan F. FELT:, Esq., has beenppointed Chief Marshal and will be oNiged with the duty of en forcing the rules and regulations. As the period between this, and the time fixed for the Fair is brief, it is to be hoped that Housekeepers, Farmers, and all in terested in the improvement and develop ment of our agricultural interests, will go to work promptly and vigorously in the preparation of articles for exhibition, and thus heartily second the energetic efforts of the °Mears. to make the Fair a credit to the county. tud. The ladle& both in town and county, can do 'much towards making an attractive display, by send ing in specimens of house wifery, needle work, Jellies, preserves, &c. This department has been an inter esting feature in Me last two exhibitions and there is no reason why it should not be largely increased this year. [Communicated HOW TO KEEP POOR. MESSRS. EDITORS There is no man who would not re joice to have the way pointed out by which he might honestly attain riches.— But no one would thank me for a pre scription to insure poverty, and yet there is many a man who keeps himself poor by indulging in the following:—Two glasses of ale a day at ten cents, seventy three dollars ; three cigars, one after each meal, one hundred and nine dollars and fifty cents; board for a big dog, thirty dollars—all in one year, making two hun dred and twelie dollars and fifty cents— sufficient to buy six barrels of flour, one barrel of sugar, one sack of coffee, a good snit of clothing, a respectable dress, a frock for the baby, a half dozen pairs of shoes, and meat and wood for the year. If you don't believe it, figure for yourself. No doubt there are othernseleas indulgen cies that are not enumerated here, thit could be dispensed with to the saving of another hundred' dollars. Look at it ye who indulge in these useless things. It will be to the joy and comfort of yourself and family. MAGNET. IMPROVED MORNING GLORY.— The famous Morning Glory Stove, so pop ular as a parlor and office stove, has some times been objected to for use in chain. bars and by families needing but one fire, because not adapted to heat water, &o.— . This difficulty has been overcame, and last Monday we saw one of the improved. Morning Glories in operation at the Ware room of Col. C. H. Bussnuts., on Carlisle street, which seems not only to obviate objections but to meet every desired want. It is qpthing more or lees than the ordi nary Morning Glory, with an Oven about 15 inches in diameter attached, and inge niously arranged dampers by which the beat can be thrown around the oven at pleasure, and making it as hot as the ovens of the best cooking stoves. Water pan be boiled, pies baked, and even meat roasted as gesdily as in a cooking' stove. This contrivance, while preserving all the qualities of the - Morning Glory as a beat er, idapta it for the sick chamber, or use in small families requiring but little , cooking. tf CAUTlON.—Extended success in any department of business justly awakens competition, and owing to defective men tal and moral structure, often begets envy. Now these are to be ex - Vic - fad and may be met with energy and determination ; bat not unfrequencly the bound. of leiritiniste rivalries are overstepped, and base, un scrupulous men stoop to use the mitron age of others to further their ,-nefarious purposes. With the assistance of science, and by means of industry and 'honesty, in providing a potent remedy, Dr. Wee ver's Old Standard Tonic Herb Bitters 4utve attained unparalleled celebrity, hay, ins been before The pnblic for the last thirty years. • Wherever they have entered the sick or complaining household, their effects have even exceeded expectation, and so far sur passed all walleye ever claimed for them by circular, card, or otherwise, that the public Confidence in the medical qualities of the Bitters is unbounded. We do not fear the competition of the empirical throng who attempt to \ palm off remedies upon the people, which \ are not scientifi cally compounded, and are destitute of available qualities. Their empiricism will be discovered in the eud, am the ineffi ciency of their preparations foundput. We would rather be envied for merited suc cess than despised for failure, however ungenerous it may be for man eithPr to envy or despise. Against another and worse class of individuals, we are forced' to take action. We allude to those who take advantage of Our popularity, and at tempt to gain public favor and confidence by counterfeiting the Old Standard Bit ters, barely imitating the label, or making other approaches to its preparation calctila .ted to deceive, and as a matter of course, in so far as they succeed, to bring our ex cellent Tonle into disrepute. The public are hereby warned against all such im itations. In order to further protect ourselves, and save the afflicted from im position, we have concluded to change our Label so as ever hereafter to sustain our indentity, and keep the reputation of the Old Standard intact. We incur great ex penile by so doing, but the end warrants the means: The new label along with the caption, dliectlons and neat ornaments- I tion,will present an excellent steel portrait of C. H. Kryder, the senior member of the firm. This will be the badge of its genuineness, as well as a guarantee of the quality of the Bitters. The label will be duly copyrighted, and thus placed beyond the reach of counterfeiters. By no fault of ours shall the public confidence ever be abused or the reputation of the "Old Standard" be allowed to suffer. None. genuine unless signed. ICRYDEIt dr. CO., 121 North Third Street, Philadelphia. Aug. 20.-2 m I jrig-Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., has discovered, residing in a very oona =on little plant found growing by the broad side, a medical principle, which sur passes everything heret9fore known for the cure of all severe Coughs and for - Ministers' Sore Throat, Laryngitis, Bron chitis and Omsumption, in its early eta. ges. It is called Dr. Pierce's Alterative Extract, or Golden. Medical Discovery, and is sold by druggists, or send three and a quarter dollars to the discoverer, and angst three bottles free of exp char. gee. • It PRETTY WOMEN.—A oomparatively few Ladles monopolize the Beauty m well u the attention of Society. This ought not to be so, but it is and will be while Wu are foolish, and single oat pretty faces for companions. This can all be 0111111ged by using Ha gan's Magnolia Balm, which gives the Bloom of Youth and a refined sparkling Beauty to the Oomplexion, pleasing, pelf tutu' and natund. No Lady need complain of a red, tan • freckled or rustic Complexion, who invest 76 mints in llfgan'a Magnolia. Balm. Its effects are truly wonderful. To promorra sad dram - the Hair ara Lyon'. &opt. 8-im tweet ftki.*imumDione teem Cexteia..-011 the ulgitt of the 224 ult., a hme wee 'stolen from Abe pitiable; of Mr. Grenville a Haines, near Bolan Bridge. Crommtwo.--The Republicans have nominated the following testy ticket:— As:pate, 00i. Deep Kimmel, mcbsnice burg ; Prothonotary, Abram L — Lits, Dickinson ; Clerk qf Courts, Adam Koontz, Newton ; Reeder, Samuel tillitatt i Oar lisle ; Treasurer, Samuel Taylor. South ampton ; Commissioner, John W. Foust, Penn ; Director of Poor, John R. Taylor, Lower Allen.—John W. Patton, Esq., of Carlisle, has been appointed Collector of Internal Revenue for the district composed orate counties of York, Cumberland, and Perry, in place of Wm. Penn Lloyd, re signed. Fautrus.—On the 25th nit., the Steam Flour and Saw Mill of Jacob Hollinger, Mercersburg, was destroyed by are ; loss $12,000 to $15,000, with $6,000 Insurance in the Franklin County Mutual Fire Insur ance Company.—A gentleman named Roumel, from Hagerstown, while on a visit to his sister residing on Heyser's farm, near Cbambersburg, on Friday night last was found dead in his bed, from appoplery. —The !Wrier will case, involving property to the amount of $160,000, tried at Cham bersburg last week, resulted in the will be ing set aside.—The Copperheads have nominated the following ticket:-Assem bly, George W. Skinner, of Chambersburg; Prothonotary, Geo. W. Welsh, of Waynes bont'; Register and Recorder, Hiram T. Snyder, of Fayetteville ; Clerk of the Courti, B. A. Cormany, of Chambersbtirg ; Treasurer, William Reber, of Southampton; Commissioner, Jacob Brumbaugh, of An trim ; Director of the Poor, Frederick Long, of Concord; Auditor, John C. Tri tle, of Hamilton.—On Tuesday night last, we learn that a line black mare was stolen from a field on the farm of Abraham Sol lenberger, in Green township, and subse quently recovered near Leitersburg, where the thief had sold him. nunumm.—Anthony Mcßride, of Em mittsburg Dititrict, met with a serious acci dent on Saturday last, while on his way from Frederick to his home. It seems that the vehicle in which Mr. Mcßride was rid ing gave wsy and precipitated him to the ground, breaking his leg in two places.— On the 25th ult., a game of Base Ball was played in Emmittsburg between the "Alpines," of that place, and the "Leather Legs," of Franklin • county, the former winning by a score of 67 runs to 40 for the latter; Finley Hoke, of Gettysburg, acted as empire. A CONVENIENCE.—We understand that iirrangeMents have been made to es tablish .. Baggage Depot in this place which will be under the charge of respon sible parties. Passengers arriving in the trains can leave their checks at the Ticket office, and their baggage will be delivered wherever ordered. Persons intending to leave in the cars can have their baggage called for at their residences and deliver at the depot. it pir-Do you want a nice suit of Summer Clothing, or a cheap Hat or Cap, suited to the season? You will find just the thing at Capt. Norris' Store, corner of the Dia mond and Chambersburg street. The Captain keeps always on hand a full as sortment of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods of latest styles, and sells at moder ate prices. He just received a new style of Caps, which are all the rage, and going off like hot buckwheat cakes. Call and see his establishment. tf FOR RENT two dellirable rooms on Baltimore street, near the diamond. En quire at this office. _ tf yar`Our Fur Traders and Trappers in fitting out here, find Ayer's medicine one of their most profitable articles of traffic. Around Slave Lake and the wild regions of the North, the Indians know their uses and have an abiding faith in them. They say : "Ayer—great medicine—cure sick man," and his remedies, Ibr the diseases from which they anebr, will often brtuk forth their stock of skins even quicker than wampum, rum, or tobacco. Sava ges are not fools it they are unsophisticat ed in some' of the arts ,of [Montreal Pilot. It THE COMET "Who has not seen, and seeing mourn'd, And mourning amiled,and smiling scorn' d In wild ambition flaming down, Some comet from a country town f See, see him in his motley hues: Funereal blacks and brimstone blues, And lurid green and bonfire red, At once their varied radiance shed." " No man from either the city or country ever looked like that if be bought his clothes at the Largest Clothing House, Sixth and Market Sleets, Philadelphia.— "Neat but not gaudy," is the Oak Hall style. It Sales Of Real and Personal Estate . We annex a lint of Sales of Real and Personal Estate, to be found in our ad yertiaing columns : 'Sept. U.—datives of Bainuel 8. Hall, Cumberland, 20 Acne Woodland. 9.—Zer of (Amon C. Moore, Huntington, 120 Acres. Mayer, Bstler.l32 Acres. - " 11—Jesse Wagoner, Butler, 20 Aorta. 16—Eter of Rebecca Campbell, litraban, Real and Personal Iratate. IL-Joseph Grove, Latlmore, Farm 27 Acre', and Woodland 8 Acre 188 Perches " Ls.—Ex'r of Frederick Yurney, KoantJoy, 104 Acre.. " 111—David Tboman's Executor, Gettysburg, • House and Lot. " 25—John Hoover, Franklin, 180 Acres. Oct. 2.—Heirs of Samuel White, FreedoM, 127 Acres. " 2.—Jesee Cline. Unworn, 99 Acres 138 Perches. 2—lx'r of Geo. Howard, Mountpleasont, Real and Parsimony. " s—Daniel Golden's =seniors, Btraban, Realty and Panionalty. " 6—John Holm, linntington,l24 Acres. " 16—Wm. F. Bonner, York Borings, 2 Farms. " 30.—Heirs of Egbert Eckert, Monntpleasant 185 Acres. Hos. 6.—Mmus. Irwin, Liberty, 225 Acres. AT PRIVATE sets. Rz'r ofJames Townsend, Rending, 201 Acres. 'Theodore Bandar, Cumberland, 110 Acres. .Abraham Mks., illtraban 66 Acres. Joseph Btooksbager,Nouilioy.33 Acres. Sx'ss of Jobn MEW, Rending, Two Tams of 160 Acres melt lira. B. Minnigh, Gettysburg, Hoagie and Lot. Bohn Brinkerhoff, iltreban, Matinee. Geo. C. Cashman, Gettysburg, House and Lot leery thronistir, Bandisee KW, Lumber. IT is reported that the real proposition made by this Ckrvernment, with reference to the purchase of Cuba by the patriots, and rejected by the Siianish authorities was : That the United. States agreed to act as a kind of trustee, pledged to retain enough of the revenue from customs, as an indirect guarantee to Spain for the island if sold. It is now stated that Minister Sickles will submit a new proposition, in substance as follows : Cubans to have the rights of Span ish citizens and of representation in the Coates, amnesty to those engaged in the in surrection, and the suppresion of slavery in Cuba with protection to the freedmen. Should Spain accept this poposition, it is stated this Government will try to have peace on the island. FOR SALE AT SANDOZ'S MILL, hLtatSH CREEK. 1) 1 6 and 2 babas ASH PLANK. 341=11 " POPLAR BOARDS. A i POPLAR SCANTLING. I hick WA ST BOARDS. i. beeties 0 PLANK, U. REM CHRONISTRI. &pt. S.-it XECUTOR'S NOTICE.—Let, tars TestamenterY on the unstop; JOIN KUM see, late of Clonsorsio township, AMR. comity. nu, demesed. Wand been molted to the under, deed,they hereby gin notko to all parsons Indebt ed ee said estate to make hmeediste payment sad those Ming elshos whist the same to present Opea properly Wheatmeal for settlement. Bann"Lutzue iami ; Dania. R. amt lithoutors. plifleilmt NNW lisontoneetides to Campo nowenhip, Ads= emote; Ornilldp, Yost sentry. the latter la ilsellsomp • itotw, It Ott Vtaittc !realise liarkgit. ientre. nuisitar Abraftair. ..... 6 00 # 6 25 . 6 60 e 6 76 1 40/# 165 187 x'}66 1 16, • 1 24 .....114- 1 ItS 62 4 0(1 8 25 2 50 161 1 0* 25 Trwom SIZD. CLOVEZ-611110, FLAzimers '.53.100N, 3EOI:ILURE6, " SID=S, " GOLD Phila Gettysburg Grain & Prevision Market. 'Gettysburg, Pride, Niasim. 5 00 6 00 BuPsit FLOUR,.. EXTRA nun,. WEEMS WHEAT, RED WHEAT,... Cosa, Oaxe, BUCKWHEAT, THIOTHT SEED, CLOVER SEED, .. POTATOES, Bxrrrsz, LARD, EGGS, BACON,. HAMS .. -; SIDES, '' SHOTILDIES, SOAP,- TALLOW, MA RRIED BOWER—SMITH.—In Hanover, on the 10th ult., by the Rev. T. A. Dixon, Wil liam H. Bower, of this county, to Miss "Mauler. Smith, of Goshen City, Indi ana. HATTER——On the 22d by Rev. T. C. Billhelmer, Mr. Wm. flat ter to Miss Lizzie MeDanell, both of Ship pensbors, Pa. MILLER—NAGLE.—On the i2d ult., at the Reformed Parsonage, New Oxford. by Rev. W. F. P. Davis, Mr. Theodore Miller to Miss Sarah Pagle, both of near Abbotts town. Arendtavllle, on the 17th ult.. by Rev. M. Snyder. Mr. 'David D. Paul to Miss Mary S. bump, both of this county.. sTov E g_s HA uk E r.—ln Arendtaville, on the 12th ult., by Rev. D. W. Wolff, Mr. John P. Stover to Miss Susan Sharab. all of Frankliu township. DIED MP-Obituary notices 5 cents a line of all over 4 lines—cash to accompany no tices. Bp.ADY.—On the sth ult.. Mary Cecilia, and on the 14th. Mary Mamieline, infant children of John S. and Elizabeth Brady, in Oxford township. azed fifteen months. CROIIBE.—On tuft) 24th ult., Richard Crouse. of Freedom township. azed :19 years. 1 month and 5 days. [Westminster papers please cony.] ELDER.—At Emmittaburg, Md., on the 21st ult., Josephine. infant "twin" daugh ter of James A. and Mary Frances Elder, aged 9 months and M days. HERSIT.—In Osborn, Ohio, on the 14th of April. Willie Romsnus, son of John R. and Maggie .1. Hersh, aged 1 year, 3 months.and 14 days. Hrsrgi,E.—On the 13th ult., in LittlAs town, George M., infant son of John R. and Alverta Hinkle, aged 5 months and 2 days. HOFPREIN9.—On the 14th ult., near New Oxford. after a lingering. IllnPea. Mier Emma Hoff being, only daughter of Nathan Hoffbelus, aged 21 years, 9 months and 9 days. KLINE.—On the 15th ult., in Mountjoy township, Amenia Virginia Kline. daugh ter of Ellen Kline, aged 6 months and 12 days. MIIIIBELMAR.—In Fairfield. on Friday last, Rebecca Grace, only daughter of Adam C. and Lucinda Musselman, aged 2 years, 1 month and 8 days. MILLER.—At Centre Hall. Centre Coun ty, Pa., on Sunday the 29th ult.. Charlotte H., wife of Rey. J. K. Miller, and daugh ter of Charles Zeigler, deceased, formerly of this place, aged 39 years 11 months and 8 days. The deceased was called home after an illness ofaboutfour weeks. She she lived, in the triumphs of the gospel and in full hopes of a blessed resurrection. Dur ing her Illness she longed to go to her , Sav iour. her only concern being for the dear ones left behind. She called her mother to her bedside and committed her young children to her affectionate care, while to her devoted husband she again and again spoke gloriously of the promises of the Master and the blessed hopes of a re-union in the mansions reserved for all who serve him faithfully to the end. She leaves a bus band and eight children, Her reniltna were brought to spettysbur ic on Tuesday and intered in Ever Green Cemetery. RATFEIsBPREGER.—On the 14th ult., in Arendtsville, very suddenly. Mrs. Mary Catharine. consort of Jonn H. Raffensper ger. aged 2.5 years 6 months and 9 days. Sco'rr.—ln Caahtown, on the 27th tilt., John G. Scott. In the 27th year of his age. SHANER.—Near llilltown, on the Ist of May, Charlotte M. Shaner, aged 12 years. 7 months and 21 days; and on the 21st ult., Martha Jane Shaner. aged years, 1 month and 18 days—daughters of Jacob Shaner. of Franklin township. SHRIVER.— Oa the 28th ult., in Cumber land township, Lillie Mark, infant child of Edward and Lucy Shriver, aged 6 months and 3 days. SLornourt.—ln June last. in LafAyette county, Wisconsin, Mrs. Elizabeth Sloth our, formerly of this county, aged about 57 years. 141 v .Adrtaistnutit.s. N()TICE. , The that account of JESSE CLINE, Trustee of Joint C. HCCNIT k Wm: for the use of Calmar: es J. Hamm of Adams county. has bees filed In the Court of Common Pleas of Adams County, and will be confirmed by said court, ou the 18th day of October, 1869, unless cause heal:wen to the contrary. JACOB 318L11011,N, Proth'y. Sept. .3..-td! T OTICE. The first account of GIOROE BROWN, Commit tee Of 8171LARIA1 HAMMON, e Lunatic, of Adams county, has been filed In the Court 'of Com mon Pleas of Adams county, and will be confirmed by said court, on the 18th day of October,lB69, unless cause be shown to the contrary. JACOB lIELTIORA, Proth'y. Sept. 3.—tde DISSOLUTION.—The partner ship, heretofore existing between L. V.B. BOPKIL and Ww. P. 31cCsavrxr, has this day been dissolved. All indebted to the above firm will pione call and set tle and those having claims against the same will call and settle the same lON Wit. P. MoC . , in whose bands the books are. L. V. 11. SOPER. WM. P. McCARENEy. Sept. 3.-31 NOT.lCE.—Letters of Adminis tration on die estate of Itmum) ClOl3lll, di. ceased, late of Freedom twp. , Adams co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, residing fit Cumber land township, he hereby gives notice to all perseint indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to prams' them propirly authenticated for settlement. H. P. BD3HAbI, Adger. Grenumount, Pa.,Sept.3.-61 AUDITOR'S NOTICE. T Hlt undersigned, appointed Auditor to distribute the funds in the hands of ISAAC nuts, Adminis trator ofthe estate of JOHN Lunn, deceased, to and amongst the parties .entitled thereto, will attend, for - that purpose, at his Mies In Gettysburg, on Friday the ink day of Septasber Out., at 10 *Worn. 4.1, of which an parties to interest win tate notlas . J. Y. HigAIITEI, Auditor. Sept. 3.—St VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. The undersigned offer, his VALUABLE PROPER TY, cu York lirat, stifoining propetttes of Andrew &lila and Judge Robinson, deceased. The property its In good =Witten. air Phew call on the undendgiled reskUng on the property beim purchasing elsewhere. GEORG' C. CAORK&N. Gettysburg, Pa., Sept. 3,1869.-3 m TN TUB DISTRICT COURT OP THE UN ITED STATES POE TER EASTERN DISTRICT OP PENNSYLVANIA. IN BANKRUPTCY. At Philadelphia, the 7th dny of July, A. D. 1869. The undersigned hereby ghee notice of his appoint ment as essignse of Run= of Butler, in , the county of Adams and Stet is of Pemusylvania, with .in said district, who has been m4lMillad a banksPh on crediton' petition, by the District Court of MO district. IDWAILD a. FAZISZEITOCIEK, A To th• emitters of plikbankrupi leWilb [Sok VALUABEE FARM AT /MUTE lILLAL The andertiped, intendin to quit farming, offers at m in d s 2Mi 11/211M g on wtioh 46 rendes, la iltraban township, Adams conot7, Pa., on the road hadfog from IletWeburg to Ilunteratown, 2% Milli from either place, containing 125 2412118,, mars or inn, improved with 6 large two-story BUCK DWille VINO, with D0n5411/2212, containing le largo Bank Barn, thorn Orlb, Opting Boom Oustitchen, Hog Pen, and other =ago; • nwter-Milmg Spring of Water between the Rollie and Barn', a law thriving young Orchard of &ohm fruit of ailhble. - -Thereat* about 8 term is good Timber, tho babas* cleareksod under good cultivation, with • 10rP1209 2112 1.0 , Window. The ism ham been well limed, and h one of the beat wheat prodaelog Brae in the neighborhood. Then le every comome eon ee the primbis, sad it is dadrably lotrated with ndisince to Rohm* o:hiurobei„ Market, he. ' • It will be mold on rsemoribis tennis Pereeni m eg to view the prattles* or obtain further faifonta. tip s t emmell wen or aildrem theltimiwsigned. Unot sold by erNeennber, tint ram willbe be - - JOHN 11.1in11KOM iiitkriers o ß B . . • . 11;61 .•., c sran . AMIL FAIR OF THE ADAM COUNTY AGRICULTURAL 80- cum. AT dunffuno, • On Neaday, Wednesday, and Thursday, B er t em b er 28th * 29Os'arid 30a, 1889. PREMIUM .LIST. ORS& AID 311114 DRPATRMINT Cull No. 1. Mans and Cbitr for Heavy Draught Boot stallion over 4 years- $l2 00 6 00 Bast stallion between 3 and d Years ' 600 3 00 a 00 Bm Sec reatal bed lion bet . w ‘ Den 2 and 3 years )(art brood mare ' 600 Beet bone colt between 2 and 3 3 00 Bee&mare colt between 2 and 3 year5.....„,._..„3 00 Beet dolt between 1 and 2 year”- 3,00 Beet aft under 1 var..... 2 40 Spacial 'ttemium for strongest and beat - pulling Inellion, mare, gelding or macs..__.. 10 00 • \ • Qum Beat "Milks overt years _ .312 00 Second beet 600 Best betwesM 3 and 4 ..... 6 00 Second bort • a ......... 3 00 • Beet stallion between 2 and 3 ..... 00 Beet bone colt between 8 and 4year" 300 Beet a 2 tt,• "8 00 Best 1 2 ............ 00 Beet brood mare over 4' ..... 600 Beat mare between 3 and 4 years....±. 400 2 and 3 .• 300 land 3..... ....... 300 Best colt under 1 year 200 Bum No. 3. Quick Draught and addle. 2O f) \2o} 1 8:. . 125Qi 150 . 100.120 90 000 e# 95 40 90 3 50 700 40 25 20 I 5 20 16 16 6 • 8 10 Beet stallion over 4 years $J 00 Second best 6 00 Beet pair matched horses or mars. 8 00 Best and fastest horse or mare for light bar. nem, owned in the Dowdy 25 00 Second best-. 14 00 Beet family horse or mars Ibr general utility... 10 00 Second best.-- ....... ---- 5 00 Best saddle horse or mars 6 00 Fastest walking horse or mare 5 00 Fastest nicker or pacer 10 00 Special Premium for the fastest trotting hone, mare or gelding, In harnese—best tiro in three miles—open to the world. 100 00 $5 entrance fee is to be paid upon entering for this premium. . Best team horses, not ler than 4 s 4 co Best team mules. v P 00 Beat Angle draught hone or mars. 4 00 Bret jack.... 6 00 Beet pair of mules over 3 years ...- 3 00 Best pate of mules between 1 and 2 years 2 00 Best mule Oily CATTLE DEPARTMENT. Rest bull over 3 :ears - $lO 00 Best bull between 2 and 3 years 6 00 " 1 and 2 years 400 Best bull calf under 1 year 2 00 Beet cow over 3 years 8 00 Second best " ' 400 Best heifer or cow between 2 and 3 years 4 00 Best heifer between 1 and 2 years 300 Best heifer calf 2 00 Persons competing for Premiums for Blooded Cattle, must give satisfactory amarancs to . the Cammittee of the purity of the stock. Premiums to be given for each of the (Mow ing breeds—Durham, Devon, Ayrshire, A lder ny and Temwater. Beat bull over 3 years Best boll between 2 and 3 years -- Best bull calf between 1 and 2 year 3 Oli Best bull calf under 1 year 2 00 Beat cow over 3 years 5 00 Second beet " 2 So Bert bolter or cow between 2 and 3 years 3 00 Best heifer between 1 and 2 years... ............ ..... 2 00 Best heifer calf under 1 year 1 00 Cues No. 7. Beet pen of sheep not leas than 3 35 00 Beat pen of lambs, not ler than 3 3 00 Beet hack over 1 year 5 00 Boat boar over 1 yea: ..... ...—. 4 00 Best boar under 1 year 2 00 Best sow overt year 6 00 Beet *ow nailer 1 year ' 200 Beet pen of cheats, not len than 3 6 00 Beat pen of No, not leas than 3 300 Cl-448 No. S. /belfry. Beat coop of chicken., not lem than 4. .... ........ $2 00 Second best, not leas than 4 100 Best pair chickens 1 00 Best pair turkeys 2 00 Best pair geese. 2 00 Best pair ducks' 1 00 . Beet pair pigeon. . 1 00 But pair Eagliah rabbits ., 1 00 Cuss 1(0. 9. .- Machinery and Implemrnts. Best farm wagon-- .... Best horse art for farm..._ Beathay carriage or ladders.. Beathorse rake Best reaping and mowing machioe. Best mow er_— Beet separator Best bone power thresher-- Best portable hay press.-- ...... Best lime epreader....-.... ...... Beet corn 'hailer ...... ........ Best clover huller.-- • Best fanning mill .......... „................. ..... .._ ..... $a co Best corn dock cutter —...... 3 00 Best bay and straw cutter 3 00 Best three horse p10ugh..... 2 00 Best two hors plough ._....«.«.._......... 200 Best sub-soil plough.-- 2 00 Bert harrow.-- Best con cultivator .......... :........--.... ......... 200 west grate drum.-- ................. .......... 4 00 Best corn planter 2 00 Best cultivator for general purp05e5......... 2 00 Beat bread cast sower ... 2 00 Best flake for general us 2 00 Best and largest collection •sidbited by ono person of agricultural implements, to be dee tided by the Managers 6 00 CUSS No. 11. Farm and Household imp/emeriti. Beet hotter churn . Best milt stramer . Bed washing machine.......... _...._ Best grain cradle ...... ....... Best scythe and !maths ..... . ..... ..,.... Best 6 hand rakes Bet 6 hay forks Best ate Brat manure !arks Best long handle ehovel...— Best short handle shovel Best spade Best corn h0et...... Beet set horse shoes Best wire tied browns Best twine tied brooms Beat 6 corn bushel baskets ............ Best weighing machine for general purposes.... 1 00 Beet portable cider null 1 00 Beet 6 flour barrels 1 DO Best shingle and stave cutter 2 03 Bent shingle cutter 1 00 Beat stave cutter 1 OD But bee hive 100 Best barrel family dour, white wheat ifl 00 Beet barrel family flour, red wheat— 200 Beet barrel flour. supertine...—.--- 1 00 1 00 Best 25 pounds corn meal._ 1 00 Best 25 pounds buckwheat flour 100 Beet half bushel white wbeet t co Best " • red wheat ' 2CO B a t " white corn 100 . Best " yellow cora- 100 Best " rye 100 Best oate_.-....-.-....- ................... 100 Best " barley ....... ............ 100 Best peck timothy seed 100 Beet Deck clover Need 100 Beetpeek 1 OC Beet sample newly introdueed main. valuable to the farmer, not lase Ono halt baehel...... 2 00 CLass No. 13. Vegetables. For the best half bushel of any variety of pota toes, each --- Bl co Best half bushel sweet potatoes 1 00 Best ‘, tttrulps— ...... —... ,P 0 Beet " beets 50 Best " rutabagas 50 Bed " Best " onions Bed " Beet 5 stalk • celere - - Beet 12 beads cauliflower__ - Best 6 heads cabbago....„ -- 50 Best litomatess....- ... _......... 50 Best 3 largest sweet pwopki— ~. ns 50 Best 3 Bad pumpkins— *** --•— 50 Beet 3Mg Plants••••—•••-••••,.....-...... ............... 50 Best half pock Beta bean 5............ 60 Beet 3 garden squashes. .... 50 But and largest exhibitkin of apple', con set ly labelled, not less than Ave specimen. eac h ... $2 00 Belt "'amen a fill apples, ona half bash e 1.... 1 00 Best s pecimen, of winter apple one halt bushel. 1 00 Bast specimen of peaches not Ices than 008 I/ 00 Bat .0 ICra6at collection of peers, correctly oot lass than three spelmens each.. 2.00 Best escorted basket or dish of quince/1 ....... b 0 Best collection at plums, 0 of each kind bo Best collection of grapes grown in the open air. 1 00 Beat spocialoo of mask 60 Bat specimen of cantolenps 60 Best wine of any variety, each...... 50 Best bottle of vinegar 50 Best bottled cidell.with the mode co curing to keep sweet one .......... AU fruits ezhitittedWassebe grown by ihe competi• tors, and the Judges may withhold premiumalf fruits of stiglelont merit are not presented. But 5 pounds butter Beet ...... . 1 00 Best ham cured by exhibitor Deere pounds of 1 00 All competitor for ham premiums ere required to bare their burostooked mad Mau*" to 'Use WOW mon with the *Meets, suds* to era lutetsuot of the mode of isuriliguAte. Cu. N 0.16. CtrrviewcZe,klitr futd atme Departzuzi. . , . Bed pleedire eatri0p....t.‘..—..... ...... ...—.-- 111 SO Bed tilliteap buicr, .......—. '3 00- 8ed0pen4c6......».—........4 .. ... ~..........-....- 300 Bed Aiiw w0660---L.......-..,.........«........, 1100 Beat apriog w5id0..........- CO SOO Bed due* horned .....-...-.................., 2 02 last doable 2 00 Beet wagon heraels, hind .... 2 00 Best ware harnesepliant 2 011 Beet riding ...... 200 Bart bailee 2 00 Best tiding bridle .........:....»...:..»..»......»»»1 00 Beeclot sole leather..}.. 1 00 Bosellatlienises 1 00 Best lot epper leather 106 : Besd~ at ßast :dreamed sheep r at Best reeking Mare lbe 'wood ar 200 Bost orasaasotal path* ....... . . ..... SOO Best drain 2 00 Best sample Inn .... 100 • ' 0tAt1116.17. Beet 16 yards vacant ISI 60 Bad 16 yards riga 4* Hist Youth doable 2 po' lest pair ladfliare, 2•40 60' Anis Masa •, ' ' ' 'SP Net pidrpad: apnea 60 Nat ui pals ir half Base; 00 Best fable COM.. - • • • , - ..; • • se , . 1MM233 Cuss N 0.6. Blooded Cattle CLAM No. 6. Nato and Grade Cattie 3 00 ...... 3 00 . . 300 CLY Na. U. Farm /mpkmmts ..... $1 00 00 1 00 1 00 CUM N o. 12. Agricultural Productions EIBEIMI Ctoso N 0.14. Fruits, Wines and Cider Own No. lb. „Nati; Cheese, Haul', Hens, iEe. 7 • • ‘. 00 Hoed paicie4k WS.-- • Second boo 1 00 Third best. 60 Bea Alt 2 410 Second beet.........n 1 00 Best debase... ....... ..... 100 Bast ........ 1 00 But pcdr cloollne 1 00 Seated beet - . Best 10 fords ," 1 0 00 0 Beet 10 yards linen ...... • 1 00 Best boaw_Bo4/10 100 =!= CLAM No. 18. Worsted Work Best mend display of worsted work BR 00 1 00 !Mateo!' cushion. .. . . ... .... ......-- .... ....... ..... ....-.... 100 Net worked recitation c1iidr......-..............„ I 00 Beet pair worsted slipper ' .4..-4 50 Best wonted lamp mat . . ...... . . ........ ....... ... ... 50 Best Slower vase mat 50 Best child's worsted worked dress t o Best child's /Ashen 50 Beet worsted tidy to Best wonted Meatiest shawl - to Best wonted toilet enehion. ................. ......-.... AO Own N 0.19. Embroidery avid Pitney Work Best knit quilt.---..........--.....--_____ ... 81 00 Beat sPerinten skeleton work— ..... ....... ..... ....—...: 100 alimenit tiest..... .......... ....... . . --................. 60 Best embroidery on mu51ia......—..................... 50 Beet embroidered skirt SO . But silk slippers ... 00 Best crochet tidy 60 Best isceshawt SO • best embroidered pillow ease 50 Best embroidered bendkerchiet...4 00 Best embroidered child's cape 50 Best embroidered collar 60 Beetspecimen of wax flowers.-- 1 00 Second beet . . Best hair Dowers Best shell work Best leather work.. Best button basket.. Best burr basket Best bead eashkdr—.. Best bead beak/it...— Best work basket. CLAB3 No. 20 Beat home-made bread 31 W B•cond beet " 50 But 5 leaven baker'. bread I 00 Second beet " 50 Beet pound, rponge, fruit, jelly, e -no ev. clover, gold, silver, marble, mad loon, ~.,,I, r..le and cocoanut cake, each I 00 But ginger and sugar cakes, n ~, -0,, jum Wee, reek, biscuit, sob . 50 EITEEEM Bed, preserved sires - Louise, i,•:i•••••1 niche., pine.apiiilite,peers,apt crab apples, clierties, citron,* ••., each Bea; currant, quince, raspberry. :apple, cairn foot, huckel berry and and peach j ,Ily, each... 50 Beet brandy peaches 50 Beat canned tometota, peached, pears. CUI - 11 cherries, etc., each CLASS No.'_".. Beet apple, peach, pair, quince butter, .............. Bed planted cucudbere, plppars, canteleope, plume, mined plekeli Beet totnatoe catsup CLASS No. 12 Greatest variety stabiles, roses, verbenas. each.. .50 Second best varieties dahlia', rases, At ZO Beat varieties German eaten, pa nsies, collection greenhouse plants, by one person, floral orwr, Men to, each A Beet hand haloes :50 For the most beautifully arranged basket of flownt t C 1.4.44 No. 24. Musical instruments Best piano Best Best cabinet organ Cum Yo. 5. Cabinet Ware and household Inrenlions. Best variety of cabinet ware $2 00 Beet mewing Li Oki Beat case cutlery, special premium. For all Inventions and improvements of ho iaehold utility, having valuable properties, nod ii,t .uclud ed under, any of the foregoing bruit, discretionary premiums, or diplomas, may be awarded. 15 00 3 (.0 Cuba No. 2e, Hats, Baer, Shoct, Clothing, do Best display of hats and caps $1 00 Best display of boots and 5h00... 1 00 Best display of men's clothing 1 00 Best display of segars 1 00 Beet display of smoking and chewing tobaccos_ 1 00 Beet cigars =Ada illthe coo Li) . 1 00 CLASS No. 27. Paintings, Peassaaship, kc.' Best display of drawings and paintings.- ....... $1 00 Best display of oil painting. drawn by a native of kinms county 1 00 Best water color pal ntlug.. ....... ........ 10x.• Best crayon or pencil drawing 1 Oti Bast display of photographs and ambrotypws..... 2 (.19 Best sign and ornamental Best marble work. 2 00 Best penmanship I 00 Ct. se Nu. Fastest Veloelpedist on the track ........... ...... ...$lO 00 Second best 5 6.0 kURCELLLSROUS ARTICLES. The Society it:waited the exhibition or any ■nd *very- Wag that may be rueful or COtlVenieut in the price. tic. of Agriculture or Eforticalto re, or be the pro duct ot either; MI articled and implement■ of conve nience or wain the domestic dr social UN, or of all the products of art and chili, and for all Inch things of merit althou;th not enumerated to the foregoing prom fume or diplomat, may be awarded. RULES AND REGULATIONS. S 4 00 200 2 00 300 II DO 3 00 5 00 All Articles sod Animale for Exhibition must be properly entered at the BOlllnega office. The Grounds and Buildlnge will he opened on vonday the lath of September, to receive them ; and trusty persons em ployed by the Society will assign them places and guard the grounds. Articles shipped beLlrehand will be properly cared for. No entry for competition will be made after Tues day: nor can anything entered be rem .used from the grounds (lb the close of the Fair, without permimion of tits Prealdent. The Judger are requested to present themselves at the Easiness Office, sal() o'clock, A. 31 ,on Wednesday, and to report their awards to the Secretary before 12 o'clock, M., on Thursday. Article. and anlinalli oho only be entered to com pete In one chug, and no one can have two premiums ase.rded to it. Daring the examination o( boreal, no person e:• cooing those having charge of the stock, Judge. and Annan attending to their duties, will, under any pretence or excnee, be admitted within t►e ring. Hey, etre. and water be sorpplied free of charge, for all lintinCe entered for premiums ; and grain will be provided at the lowest cost price. for those who desire t o pn rchaee. All article. cad animals entered for exhibition free of charge. All awarded premiums uncalled for, for thirty dare after the close of the Pair, shall be deemed donated to the Society. Premiums sh.ll not be awarded - when the animal or article is deemed unworthy. Ali articles must be msrked with cards, which will be furnished by the Ferraary, designating clan and slumber; sad theeeesris meat not be resuorel until after the Awarding Committees hare finished thing The Erecutive Committee will take every possible precaution for the safekeeping of all articles on exhi. tiou. after their swat . arrangement. but the So ciety will not be respesitile for any loss or damage that may occur. They desire exhibitors to give per sonal attention to their animals or articb.s, and at the close cf the Fair attend to their removal. ' No animal or 1 - ticlefball he taken out of the Fair Grounds without the leave of the President. P.xhibltors are expected to obey the Marshals promptly In producing their stock, when instructed to do so; end any permit proving refractory will be ruled out from competing. No animal orarticle w ill be assigned a place on the groneds until the entries &remade, as the regulations of the Society require. Persons renting refreshment booths .ill not be per mitted to sell intoxicating drink*. Any person found Intoxicated upon the Fah' Grounds, or acting In a disorderly manner, shall be Immediately ejected from the grounds. A prompt and severe example will be made of any fraudulent um of Admi .ion Tickets. Any porton atttmpt lug tri Interfere with thejudget, in their adjudications, will be promptly excluded from competition. Shoo Id any doubt arise as to the regularity of the entry, or any other important matter, which the committee feel Incompetent to decide, they may at once report the tame to the Prattcleut. PRICES OP ADMISSION Family tickets, admitting than. wife, n nmurried dal.ghters, and minor isons,or one gentleman and lady, during the Mak... $1 00 Footman, single admission 26 Children under 10 years of age Free One man and borne, single ......... .. 50 One horse buggy or pleasure vehicle, pint Inman and lady, single admission . ' 75 Each additional person in them. . Two horse buggy or p .easnre vehicle, gentleman and lady. single admiseion.. 1 00 Each achittionalpersJo in them. 25 Pleasure ticket; admitting man and horsedur ing the Fair. in additioa•to family tickets Pleasure ticketa,admitting one horse buggy or pleasure vehicle. gentleman and lady daring the yair, In addition to family ticket............ 60 Pleasure tickets, admitting two•horse buggy Or . pleasure vehicle, gentleman and lady daring the Pair, in additi. n to family Applicants for pleasure tickets required to give evidence that they have obtained family tickets. Pleasure eehleleastrletly required to keep upon the grounds assigned them by the Board of Mane/gen, and enter the Ring only at the time designated by the Marshal. OFFICERS: SAMUEL iIEABST, Pr•.ident, WILIJAN 31cSmmar, Waco Prealdent, J: 8- Witss.ow, , " ITAHALST, CE, Becordlog Secretary, H. J. Sestets. Corresponding D. Watts, Treasurer. Mauagers—Wm. B. Mute's, Jo tt.t.s ROCANZ tax, Wit Nuns, Pttcn