_ y uctissburs. plass. April IC Ifi 13aass , BRIM/MILL ro Sum—The profits of keeping sheep are not stall .to be derived from itie wool they modem, or in crease in nnanksis4 for their-ire if one of the very hest • fertilizers we have. Al though sheep will not thrive If kept too long upon the same field, yet the sop. upon which they run will continually increase in pro ductiveness. Every farmer *Kars that a moderate coating of sheep manure wiltren ovate wom out soil more than a heavy coat ing of barnyard manure, and more partie ulady may it be used with profit on wheat land. • ptreat Pains should be taken in season when sheep are yarded to secure their drop pings. Straw, forest leaves, etc., are good absorbents, and a fresh coating should be put.in the-shed at least once a week. Be fore putting on the fresh heckling, clean ‘ froin the =face all that can be removed, "and put into a pile, thus keeping the shed in a healthier and sweeter condition, be sides saving a:greater amount of manure. We have heard men assert that they could make an absolute profit greater from the manure their sheep would furnish, by sav ing both soil and liquid excrements, than from their fleeces. A farmer. in the East says he believes the profits derived from *beep, by way of manure, to be five dol lars per head in value to him every winter. There has never yet been one-ball the at- tendon paid to saving this fertilizer among fanners generally, that there should have 'been, and . we hope the discouraged wool growlers, wlio talk about no profits from fleece and increase, will turn their attention to bringing their farms up into a higher state of productiveness, and make ther flocks the means of this wise improvement. Where sheep are not kept closely yarded, daring the winter the flock may be fed upon the poorer spots in the pasture when the weather is fine. A marked difference will be seen in the growth of grass upon these plots the nest season.—Ohio Partner. For mania Hossas.—.A. certain cure for founder in a horse is to staid him in water up to his belly. I have known it practiced for fifty years ; and swathing the legs in hot water, vinegar and sugar of lead, are all good to some extent; but a founder mast be relieved stOdenly, or the horse will show stiffness in his actions and have de formed, callous and tender hoofs. Water applied to the legs I do not Consider a positive cure, the disease must be attacked at the root, by bleeding and purging; a few drops of blood taken from below the fetlocks will hasten his recovery. But the most certain cure and - quick remedy that I have ever known is in a green gourd.— Take a large green gourd, cut it up, put it into a gallon of water and boil it down to a quart. Strain the liquid and drench—in twenty-four hours the horse will be per fectly himself: - The gourd is a powerful diuretic, and -will cause the horse to stand the most offensive odor. _ In 1822, I traded for two fine young `mares in Augusta, Ga. I rode one of them to Kentucky, and my servant the other. Early one morning at the crossing of Clinch river, Tenn., we found one of the mares so badly foundered that she could not be led out of the stable. 1 procured a green gourd and drenched her as directed above, and directed the servant to remain until she was able to travel, expecting that be would reach home in three or four days after me ; the next day atter my arrival he ho came in, with the mare in as good plight as if nothing had happened.—Cor. Rural iVorld. riTOP TITE Lees.—Turn that drain—the oni that runs out of your barn yard into the gutter by the highway. It dosen't make much difference which way ycu turn it, so that it discharges its contents on same part of the farm. Such a leak as that is far more expensive than one in your vinegar, cider or syrup barrel. Turn the one from the sink spout. A - good spot to lead it to is the location of some grape vine or apple tree. The roots of the former will take up every thing that is soluble in it, and will give you clusters of grapes instead, while the leaves will dispose of the most of the volatile and offensive gasses that will rise. We know an c, old farmer East who said he made his sink spout pay his taxes every year. io had an enormous russet apple tree planted with in a few yards of his kiMhen. On its roots the dial water flowed as often as the fami ly partook of their meals. We generally lbrget to feed our trees and vines, and too often loose our expected-supply of fruit.— llut by an arrangement of this kind we make provisions for a constant supply of nutriment.—Prairie Farmer. DRILL IN Torn OATS.—In moderately rich ',oil, oats should be planted with a grain drill putting about one -bushel, of forty-five pounds, to an acre. Plowing the ground in the fall will enable you to sow oats much earlier than spring plowing, and the earlier 'oats arc sown the better are-the chances for a good yield in quantity and_quality. If the spring season is very wet, ground that has been plowed in the fall can be sown almost as early as spring plowing begins. Late oats do not have time to ma ture, and, unless the season is favOrable, generally prove a failure. Oats that are drilled in arc improved by stirring between the rows, the yield being often increased twenty per cent. First-rate soil is not nec essarily needed to raise oats, but the rich est soil always pays best. Seventy t 6 hundred bushels is not an extraordin4 yield for the best kind of oats in good soil. If the season be too wet to plow, I prefer putting ioata with a shovel plow on clay soil. Onisandy soil It yields best to drill it, in with super phosphates.—farm Tour- THE CANADA THINTLZ.-Mr. David New port, of Abington, Pa., writes to Hearth .and Home : "On a farm which I purchased in Abiogton, I found two considerabb patches of Canada thistle, which I hal; destroyed in two seasons by the application df &small quantity of coal oil. I found it better to cut each plant close to the ground with a shap hoe or knife, and apply the coal Oil Immediately t 6 the fresh wound.— A small quantity seems to penetrate the plant, even to its most distant roots. Fer miers ainnot= be too careful to note the first encroachment of this pest, for it Is only then that it can be readily destroyed, but It will be found by experiment that the means above indicated, if perseveringly used, will prove thoroughly efficacious. HAW: TO MAX& • COMPOST HE•P.-A good compost heap may be made by first providing a suitable flooring, upon which muck, dry earth or leaf mould, should be spretul to the depth of ten inches or a foot. Ari tiro manure is taken from the stable, place It in a lajyer five or six feet deep.— Then more muck, and after that more nta numtt layers, until the heap gets too high ; for convenience in . pitching the = mode tipog it. After lying for two or limp months. It should be forked over several Boca.. It tro ash are laid to conduct the liquidifniertibe stable to the heap, so much the better, and the addition of ben manure, and such dad* Along fettillstng matter as ruayle at hand, will be found yea advan tageous • . ; , , - Poceit" ma.—The North Britiali" Agri *Weenies shy: "To improve - the "dice of t zdz , whetber planted with Wall or )r, or mu cut monk whim the ' are only a few Lochei,ldsh, l et the shoot be reduced by vulg. t a m opto mt . o f two, or It moat three. or the &arous e& .461.6a11but- wik eaMeeeneogy, *wet to very modh larger lomera re Awarjr,s4 for whet sod ibe *able. It is easy to try" $ faith rows by way of expert. pool, r'~~c~m p• Or k L L It—Oars. 13vr• Throat. Pav)6.ll.4l.l"liith s". l l et s erie Pate Rtiler. J NI aal..F.a 4°lie ' i liselhe Pitio' Kier- N O Medicine Ism popular Ki . Akthlleill'itillse, n , the PAU', KfLrillt&okows at tutodL. . ' - r y o u Itevia 001:1011 or (113!4) t . • ~ . , Bier therholltlte. TLOOH tint and Lot get (ought iiitheet a bottle at Pam Hiller le *litho',* LM atom body use tLe Pedti It tiler for Botahts sad 'utVlllßlr Etailersticiad carry it Lidtls et rm. &Wet L,' 1 with hhe. Dliblitlllikit the Pala Hiller. is Sue Loth Tetanal 1.1. and Mixteeted tuft. - • TIAPAIII HILLER b acid by all Draggiata and Deateribe Nattily Medicines. Pries 2S cent., 64 coats, and Sl. PERRY DAVIS 4-80 R, Proprietors, TS BiFb greet, Providence; 3S St. Paul street, Montreal, Canada;• 17 &mtbaippton Row, London, Ragland. March 19.-41 r LICIIMBICED BY Tile UNITED STATES AUTHORITY. S. C. TaPhIPSON & CO.'S ONE DOLLAR SALE DRY GOODS. DRESS GOODS. I 111 ENS, OOTTONS FANCY GOODS, ALBUMS, BIBLES, SILVER PLATED WARE. CUTLERY. LEATHEM nod GERMAN GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIP• 'NON, Re. These artlclarto be sold at the unikan price' of ONB DOLLAR BACH, and not to be paid foi• until you know what you are to The most plater and ~c1. . .14 um . laal method of &agog intsinees In the country. The goods we have for sale are detwribed on printed slips,and will be sent to any address at the rate of 10 cents each, to pay Ibr postsge,printing, &c. It is than at the option of holders whether they will *end one dollar for the arttcte or not. By patronizing thin ude you have • chance to ex. change your g oods, should the article mentioned on the printed slip not be deairoxi ne Smallest Articks sold for o.la DO L AGAR can - Gr exchanged for Sayer-Plated, Fiesßottled .B.erotring Castor, or your Choice of a large Variety of other Articles upon FOtharige committing over 250 useful articles, not one- of which could be bought at any retail country store ibr nearly double the amount. TERMS TO AGENTS. We send as commission to Agents: FOR A CLUB OF Tautrr, AND 1 3 . 00 , one of the following:articles: a Musket, Shot Gun, or Austrian Rifle, 20 Yards Cotton, Lady's Fancy Square Wool Shawl, Lancaster Quilt. A ccordeon, Set 01 Steel-Bladed Halves and Forks, Violle and Bow, pansy Drain Pattern, Pair Ladies' extra quality Cloth Boots, one dozen large size Linea Towels, Alhambra Quilt, Honeycomb Quilt, Cottage Clock, White Wool Blanket, lb yards best quality Prima, 12 yards De. laine, one dozen Linen Dinner Napkins, Ac. FOR A CLUB OF SIXTY, AND $OOO, one of the following articles: Revolver, Sliji Gun, or Springfield Rifle. 42 Fends Sheeting. Pair Knee comb Quilts, Cylinder Watch, 4 yards Double Width Water. proof Cloaking, Lady's Double Wool Shawl- Lancaster Quilt, Alpacca Dress Pattern, Engraved Silver... Noted nix• Bottled Revolving Castor, Set of ivory -Handled Knives, with Silver-Plated Forks, Pair of All-Wool Blankets, Pair of Alhambra Quilt; 30 yards, Print, or a Marseilles Quilt, Double Eight-Rayed Aceordeon, Webeter i e National Pictorial I/mile:tarp Roo engrav ings, 900 pages), 814 yaids Doeskin for mitt, Ac. FOR A CLUB OF ONE HUNDRED AND 310.00, Double Barrel Shot Gun, Rifle Cane, or Sharp's RIB 85 yards Sheeting, Fanty Cassimer Coat, Pante and Vest Pattern (extra quality), Pair Splendid Rote Blankets, Fancy Plaid Wool Long Shawl,2s •cir,Herop Carpeting, splendid Violin and Bow, splendid Alpacas Dress Pattern, 'Silver Hunting-Cased Watch, Single Barrel Shot Gun, bharVe Revolver, one pair tine Da mask Table Covers, with one dozen dinner Napkins to match, Worcester's Illustrated Unabridged Diction ary, (1800 pages), to. u - For additional List of commluion s, see Circular. Conam'ssione for larger Clubs in proportion. Agents will please take notice of this. Do not seed names, but taunter your clubs from one upward.— Make your letters short and plain as poselb:e. Takp particular notice of this.: Eir.Ro SUBS and Send Money in ALL CAM soy Post LETTER, which can be sent from say Post Moe. This way of sending money Is preferred to any other method wbateser. We cannot be responsible for money lost, unless some precautions are taken to Insure Its safety. SEND FOR CIRCULARS. Pend your addrus in full, Torn, County, and State. S. C. THOMPSON & CO., 130 Federal Street, BOBroN, meas. 144rch 19.-4 v AGENTS WANTED for the LIFE AND TIMES OF ST. PAUL . -$3.00 Complete Unabridged. Edition, as arranged by CON Y. BEARE and HOWSON, with au Introduction by Els. hop SIMPSON. In consequence of the appearance of mutilated editions of title great work, we bevel been compelled to reduce the price or our Complete Edition front $4 50 to $4. N. B. TREATS 00.,,Publishers,654 Broadway, N. y, [March 19.-4 w Cancers--Tdmors--ITlcers. DROP. KLINE, of the Philadelphia Cuivereity, is J. making aetontshlng cures of Cancer and all Tum ors, by. • new preemie, A CHEMICAL CANCER AN TIDOTE, that removes the largest of Cancers and Tumors Without pain or the use of the knife ; without caustic, eating cr horning medicines, and without the loss or • drop of blood. For particulars, call or ad dress R./1. KLINE, M. D., N 0.931 Arch it. Philadel phia. Pa. [March 19.-4er A CIENTE WANTED FOR THE BIGHTS AND BE. A CEETB OF THE NATIONAL CAPITOL. The most startling, instructive, and entertaining book of the day. Bend for circulars, and see our terms.. Ad. dress IL 8 Publishing Co., No. 4.11 Broome et., N. Y. March 19.--1 w WE ARE COMING, 1:7C11 MORE WITH A NEW SPRING STOCK IN , oar Great One Dollar Sale of Dry and Fancy GOODS CUTLERY, &O. &O. PREMIUM RITES OF SHEETING FOR CLUB THIRTY, SIXTY " ONE HUNDRED, 85 " All other premiums in nine 'alto Enlarged Inc Lange List, with new and useful aril- Sec new Circular an I Simple. Sent to apromidreas igge.Pleue seed your mousy by registered letter Address to J. 8. HAWES & CO., 128 &130 - isdaral Street, Saito' P. 0. Box C Allen's Lung Balsam I Physicians who have failed to cure their patient, should try this medicine before they 'give the came up, as we know very many valuable lives have been saved by being persuaded to give its DON'T DERPAIR because all other remedies have failed, but try this, and you will not be deceived. The proprietors of thls valuable Salaam takepleas , nre fu calling to it the attention ()fel medicine deal. ere, desiring that they procure a supply of it, and re- commend it to their afflicted patrons and friends. It will Cure when alll others fail. . DIRECTIONS ACCOMPANY LACE BOTTLE. March 19.-4 w ONE POUND OF (UTTER MADE FROM ONE PINT OF MILK. $25 profit made by investing $1 bra bottle of-the EXTRACT OP BUTTER PLANT, which, with six gallons of milk, will produce 60 lbs of prime fresh Batter. This ineXPensivs, excellent Butter is how daily consumed from the tables of the first Ho tels, Esstaurasts andprivate families In New York City and elsewhere. State, County and City Eights for sale, altering to capitalists rare opportunities for establishing a staple bosinese, paying enormous profit.. - Agents wanted everywhere. A bottle of tb•A Extract, sufficient to make 60 lbs. of Butter, with fall directions for use, will bersent to any address on the recslpt of 11 M. The public are meth:mei' against all worthies. imi tations, sold under the sm. of "Butter Powders, Compounds. to ," as the EXTBACT OP .BUTTICE PLANT is prepared only Ity the ECONOMY BU'VER COMPANY, Office, 115 Litierty Street. Factory, 236 CtreenwiCh Street, - • - YORK CITY. N. 8..--By the use of the Batter P ant a pare and xcellent Table Batter is Multi at • oast 'of - elates. sale Per gonad. PAIL 22.-4 a A. s 5. 0 0 11, _... ~ GitEENBACK Offile_l4.eisti v erse Pp INN Book Amit. AG :..WM. ANTED FOR 114.TMEW &al MUM'S lirdW Boor. "Sanstdo A o and rellumlow is Now York." IIrOAA and w LIZ IN THZ OftarnltiltTßOPOLB. oftas.liTilkOlt Of NOW T u la miscuing tas mama 0/ TEM T OUT . OM IWlllil mid TO *Min ii.l anstir sold cad ots• *ant IN ic , li dept. *maw alli ea dart. No book IMammjggogog Oat sells= in ari ar 'E q uip" lama N k" lirib loti lmild. s t WU alissif 12 . ' "NS 11 1 101100111 67 , mia * n ata Shillnlial s bOW ahliiiiklAs li• Simi snaisd; Wm DUO! 2-:=..... AM /60141 1 / 4 1 HO* Vilma ..., Me rir.4.."411 Vali * rt 11 1 4 b1 Tau xpeonlitor isoi cagssim cosy lief ifs Wei 1111 41 .. j .1746 lif a t c40044 , Omit 00 ._ir. ftimNs .sinT - : 6r 7: ork jeir Amirlh7 shoot - Ifle sit A lame The Mee • - J. =M;E;==l nOMNSIO' GREAT =^l ISELL for very small profits, and aim at doing a very [urge Business. FASHIONABLE SHADES OF FINE SILK POP. LINE. FASHIONABLY SHADES OF FRENCH WOOL POP LINS. FASHIONABLE SHADES OF ALPACrIA POPLINS. FRENCH CHINTZES, PIQUES, PERCALES AND LAWNS. BLACK SILKS, PLAIN SILKS, PLAID SILKS. SWISS MLDB .INS JAHONET MUSLIN& CAMBRIC. BLACK ALPAOCA, COLORED ALPACCA, BLACK ALL WOOL °BLAIN. , =PORI RHAWLS,CASHMERE SHAWLS, THIBET SHAWLS. CLOTHE, HAMMERS, CLOA KM/ B. LINEN DRILL. ING, COTTON ADE. TABLE HOVERS, TABLE LINEN, NAPKINS, TOW ELS. BALMORAL SKIRTS, HOOP SKIRTS. PLAIN LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEF'S, HEM STITCHED HAND. KERCHIEFS. MEN'S, LADIES', MISSES', it CHILDREN'S 0 LOVES, AND STOCKINGS. sirq am constantly receiving the latest styles of Dress and Pitney Goads. My stock , :omprises every thing usually found in • 4rat-claaa DRY 000D8 EI'ORR, to which I Invite the attention of the public, feeling assured that I can safely challenge compari son with all other stores In quality of g ode and low. new of price. J. L. Gettybuig, Pa., Jan. 15, 1142.--tf NEW GOODS. REBERT & ELLIOTT, Baltimoreat.,opposite the Court House H AVZpiat °paned • new and large assortment Spring and Summer Goods OF ALL KINDS, CLOTHS, CASSLVERES, to which they invite attention—being determined to sell at lowest cash prices. [April 8, 1868,—tf 21 YDS. BUESTLNO IMEMItiI NEW GOODS OLD PRICES The undersigned would respectftilly inform the pubic generally that he Is now doing bnalnea at the placa formetlY occupied by DUPHOEN t Herman, and that he hujust rft!nrned from theaitiu with the best selected stock on*. brought to his place, which Coo sista In past of CLOTHS, [Mar. 5.-4 w SHAW4S, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, Some of these goods will be sold lower than lIITer before, sad infect fresh from U 4.011180. FRANK D. DUPHORN. Nev. 26,1$61L—it GOODS FURNISHED Garmentg inade to order, W - T TO-et • ,41.41:,, , : . t• a - ttio 41, , NEIV' FIRM tilis;s4 B s . wo bi t t zr tmi.,b4;nn au. rigidness Pit.r.• Mr. a tru.a.74=1,72, 1 1:111:ka.= Large Stook of Goods, barn rocelTed a fail 'apply of WINTER DRY GOODS, Notions. Oraceries,Boots, Oboes. Mts. Oanst. Drniror Le, widen will be sold w prices to defy competition. We bope.by strict attention to lihorinees and a dis position topleara: fp *twit a liberal rear* of probity patronage. Our mutt eis aqukt sales and small pro. eta." Doe. lA.lB6B.:—tf C ARD • HAYING diapered of my entire stock to Mesas. Gaiter a Bowan, I embrace this opportunity_ to extend to my blends my sincere thanks for heir very liberal patronage, and knowing them to be men of strict Integrity, thorough:energetic sod prectPal business men. I would most respectfully solicit for them a full share of patronage. E. nrrEsaaw. Petersburg. Y. 8., Dec. 18.—tf BARGAINS FOR We propose to sell our entire Steck of Winter Dress Goods, Drees Trimmings, libewLr, Rood., Rubles, Clans, Cass:imam . Jaana, Flannels, lloop and Bal. moral Shirts, Gloves, Haddam Ladles' Vesta Velvets, Frame., Rllk- bons, Feathers and Ladles' and Chil- dren s Errata AT NET COST to reduce stock for Spring. H. B. WOODS' CHEAP CASH STORE, arrrnatoza, Pyre/. Jan.ls, 110,—tf 1869, D ES IRABLE 1869. NEW GOODS! Most Excellent Aseortmen Cheaper than Ever TTF EEDS, SILKS, GING HA MS, LAWNS, PRINTS, B ARE G ES, MUSL INS, &0., 133 CASSIMERS, CASSINETTS, MERINOS, POPLINS, DELAINS, SKIRTS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, GLASSWARE, QUEENSWARE, &c., &c Ell ,- " - firt irottin FAHNESTOCK B.ROS. • n. boss ea sigma ionortutont of DRESS G001)S: wtichthoy ari . / oMiug Tory cheep FAHNESTOCK,PROB JOEL GRIMM, P. N. W. BOWERS Largest stock of Fius In town. If you want bargains call and boy from them Cloths, Cassitners, &c. A groat variety, and at Icni,prleesoa.bAud:at CASH ! FAIINESTOCK BROS. i+l the piece to Lny CHEAP GOODS If you would save money buy et the SIGN OF THE RED FRONT. C EIRISTMASPRESENTS Boy a set of FURS urn hawimme DRRSS PAT TERN, the met useful CM-loam - is Pre,etit pm can MEM GettyaLarg, Dec. 4, 1883. tf (nothing, lints, Alms, &c. lIPLINGEL'S Boot and Shoe Emporium BALTIMORE STREET, TWO DOORS SOUTH OF THE hRESBYTERIA T HE undersigned fussiest returned from the elf with the best and cheapest variety of Boots Shoes and Gaiters, fur Spring and Summer, ever of hired in Gettysburg. Ells onck consists of - LADIES' CONGRESS GAITERS, LADIES' BALMORAL GAITERS, LADIES' COMMON GAITERS, LADIES' KID SLIPPERS, all styles, LADIES' MOROCCO BALMORAJLB, IN LARGE VARIETY. GENTS' FRENCH CALF BOOTS, GENTS' AMERICAN CALF BOOTS, GENTS' KIP BOOTS, _— GENTS' CONGRESS GAITERS, - GENTS' CALF BALMORALS, GENTS' SLIPPERS, all styles, GENTS' BROGANS, Ac.. ke. MISSES' CONGRESS GArERS, MISSES' SALMORAL GAITERS, MISSES' MOROCCO BALMOBALS, kc., Ac. Ac., kc. BOYS' CONGRESS GAITERS, BOYS' CALF BALMORALS, BOYS' BROGANS, Ac., Ac. INFANTS' SHOP'S, all styles, IN LARGE VARIETY. Alan, Boots and Shoes of his ow. manufacture con stantly on baud. All will be sold at the lowest living profit... Boy ers, from town and con ntry. era invited to call and examine gon d s and prices before purchasing else where, feeling confident that I can please all who Easy call. The II fiNUFACTIIItINO of Roots Bhoes.and nat ters, will also be carried on, In all Its branches. as be ton,. Repairing done on short notice. By employing none bat first-class w otkmep, and rising none bat the choicest leather, he feels confident cf maintaining his former reputation. Certainly nothing will be left un done to deserve It. s3l.Thankful for put favors, he solicits a continu ance of public patronage. D. IL KLINCIEL. 0 ettystinrg, April 22, 188E1.-tf CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! NEW AND LARGE ARRIVAL! J. BRINKERHOFF, corner of the Diamond and York street, has/net returned from the city with an normally attracts ye aserwttuen t of • CLOTHING FOR FALL & WINTER WEAR, which be will collet each prices as cannot fall to take them off very rapidly. Call and Judge for your selves. To look at the excellent material, tasteful nutting, and neat and substantial sewing, and then to get his low prices—callers cannot help but buy, when they see it so ranch to their interest to do so.. lie bas Coate, Pants, Tests, Well style Sand materi als; Hats, Boots and Shoes; Shirts , of all kinds, Hosiery, Gloves," Handker chiefs, s ee k Ties, Cravats, 1.1111612 and PaperCollara, 8111penders, Brushes, Combs; Trunks, Valises. Umbrellas, Pocket Knives, aeons. Smoking and Chewing Tobarcos,Pipes,Statlonery./M. Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, with a thousand and' one other articles, entirely too numerous to detail fa a newspaper advertisement. He asks the attention of the public to hie new stock, confident that it will please—and no °bacon or will sell cheaper. DOW t:Wrget the olace—oornet of York street and theDiamond.Oett7sburg. Nor. 6, I littfl.-tf JACOB filt IN HEJIIIO/1. HEAD-QUARTERS REMO V E D T. C. NORRI.S HAS removed hie Store to the corner of the Dian mond, long uccnpfed by George Arnold. where he will he glad to see his friends, and show his large assortmet t of CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, Every kind of Gentlemen'B Wear 4 t TEN COLLARS, COTTON STOCKINGS, POCKET BOOKS, FURS, TRAVELING BACKS, UMBRELLAS, I keep Gentlemen's Wear of all kinds and will se than at the LOWEST CASH PRICES Boys' Hats & Shoes, in great variety. 18-atire me • call before purchasing alas when lab. IS, 1869.-tt Fine Custom Made BOOTS AND SHOES FOIL GENTLEMEN. Alan, LEADING STILES on hand or mad* to ateeenre. Nice. fixed at lOW ylargrap. Ai Mee. grated Brice List with inetnulthins ibr *elf inseanro. Burnt sent on receipt of Pat 013 c. address. WU. N. BARTLETT, • _ 83 Booth Rath st.,abov•Gbintant, . REGLABILIOXIA. Anamettl, 1801 L-17 BOOTS AND SHOES. NEW ESTABLzszmzxr. 1 Boa a y.ed has maid a rrto= s lt s : for seas stie lellsoml Mateo. la bettyeb:r a g, where be sum alba oda, Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Bhp pers Ito lbesemsosoasser satiMaa,of 4tiereat stylise e_u4 JOON. Be bissallantiorbeest to sabot from, will mat m is artkae ou t si sser s i s t pi t zts, wr,ktimomixo o pet made Intl"' autt •/. to reeds, miasa ofeboyaelle b ib& "ist ras I ts= 0 4 = 1""at 0• 410, you am MWLaw& j FURS. HAVE THE FATINESTOCK BROS of etery Jeacription FALINESTOCK BROS. CIICIRCIt. AND SUCH AS PAPER CUFFS, PAPER BOSOMS, GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS, CANES, &c., &c. ALSO ;: ' s Slat SIA COIN THING. luiejulikireturobil has Mit Ohl Urges -,lt Best - Selected Sto-k of - Clothing - over opened l ha county, Which be workably low OIL . Ael At re'' His Stock consists of OV RCOAIS., t OR LL STYLES AND SIZES, Dress Oats, Business Coats, t Fancy eaaaitnerii Coate ot ail sty lee, aatinet and Jean ni ck C Nati. very ch . Doeekin fancy Caultnere and Sa tinet Pant., W Shirts. White Shirts, Under Shirt. and Drawers,C e, 31nalcat Instruments of ailklnda, TOBACO & CIGARS, Bator', Plpee,..! other artirles per advertisetne Oct. 2,1868. rushes, Neck-ties, and a thousand numerous to mention to a newspa- I t . Y. CONNINGII4M. U , ATS CAPS, 'LATER STYLES AND LOWEST PRICES AT R. WOODS. SIIOEB ! Or ALL KINDS At fIRDRC.ED PRICES AT 11. B. WOODS New_Boot and Shoe Store D. KITZIiILTJER & BRO. GETTYSBURG, PENNA. YORK STREET, OPPOSITE TIIE BAN THE underaigied have , opened a new Soot and Shoe Store, ea York street, Gettysburg, to the room recently ocapied by Sops'. k 11cOuttntii and have Jut recelvsd from the Oity • Large auut ment of BOOTS& SHOES GENTLEMEN, LADIES do CHIL- DRENS' YEAR, Consisting of Calf & Kip Boots Congress & Balmoral Gai ters, Slippers, &c. We also ILiNIIYACTURE TO ORDER, all kinds of BOOTS !ND SBOBS—the work belig made op of beet mate-sala sad by first class workmen. The isenior partner has been In the business for over if. years and personally superintends all work made up. We respectfully invite the attention of the public to oar erlabliabtnent, end brkke by strict attention to buainese and by milling at lowest cash pries., io give entire satisfsction. Jun* 24, 1868.-5 f HA TS & CAPS. Fall and Winter Styles. S. S. M'CREARY HAS Just received s fresh and generalassortment of HITS, including the very latest style fine Silk Cassintere, and Soft Fur Fists, and also large eupply of fine and low priced Wool HATS and CAPS for Hen and BOYS. He invites his friends and thew:olllot° wive Wins call. [Dee. 11. 1158.—ft souk; and ftntaurants. EAGLE HOTEL. The largest anti moat commodious in GETTYSBURG, PINTA. ooawas or C11L1M,31,11411 AID WASSINGION arum JOHN L. TATE, Propriedor. ,wr AD Osaallessitor Passengers and Iliagspg•,,runi to the met, mAittigral end departure of Hall Reed Trains. Garehilserrants, and ressonablechargee. May 20, 1067. KEYSTONE HOTEL. • GETTYSBURG, PA. WM. E. MYERS, PROPRIETOR. NOW OPEN. • THIS is anew House, and has been fitted up In the most approved style. Its location s pleasant and convenient, being In the most bus:Weal portion of the town. Every arrange meta has been made for the accommodation and com fort of guests, with ample stabling attached. - With experienced servants, and accommodating Clerks, we shall use every endeavor typhus.. This Hotel is now op;ti for the entertainment of tb °public, and we kindly solicit &share of pablicpatronage. May 29, 1867. Ainantial. Notice to Capitalists 1 PERSONS desiring of investing, and realising nearly NINE PER CENT., are requested to call at the Gettysburg National Bank, AND OBTAIN CIBCBLABS OF THE UNION. PACIFIC AND ALSO CENTRAL ?scum RAILROAD CCM- GRATIS! These Investments are daily growing in favor and sales increasing. /if - BONDS can be bad at all times at thin Bank and whirs all Information concerning said invest ments will ba cbserfully given. Dec.18.1867.-tt J. EMORY lure, Cashicr. GETTYSBURG NATIONAL BANK GOVERNMENT BONDS, of all kinds, BOUGHT and BOL BEVXN-TILIBTY BOlDBcoav D. arted I ntoYIVB-TWEN TY BONDS without charge. COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES CASHED. The HIGHEST PREMIUM paid on GOLD audSILYBR. STOCKS and BONDS, of an kinds. bought for perilous without CHARGING COMMISSION. ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Interest on SPECIAL DEPOSITS advanced Iper cen 6 PER CENT. for I year, 4 PER OEM. for 6 mouths, pmt, OUT. fora months. Persons wieldaginionniiiion ip Mora to V.P. Floods and Stocks of all Wide, are invited to give us call and we will give all halbrination ebserhally. utJ. EMORY BAIR, Cashier. Gelinbard, oat. ao,or-tf FIRST NATIONAL BANK GETTYSt URG mmuu 'Gums o P arzarm, D3POSITB w It4lawa I I PIE CDT. pin ittNtrx lasi 4 " ea " . OHO “ a , u u I tun commne) mum 110722 MD) win 40, ifesima groan sad IONDBot or josm- OssisassioNsad Inn es PM' as iop MOE gar GOMA= 81141:14 ow via pu* ii„,,sa *lgisakpropOttal lazoostspenathotookurigionadmias• - JUMOUN ;, , :, s,_ • - ..,-, - t 0.., 1.1. CENbe e l pam6i, mitatautifim toenaa EitteAll.qll4gßails Igra#Wiltlaeseiti;s;ish, " simmad alli - . nlia."" jimmimmis l iat r at ft* - 11friallall Me GSM In the PIETVITION and Cum of the above dieesses, It has never been known to fail, as thousands of our• most prominent citizens throughout all parts of the country, will testify. Let the arilicted send for cir cular containing testimonials and certificates of those who hive been cured after their cases hive been pro nounced hopeless by our best physicians. PRINCIPAL DEPOT, F. BARTER St CO., No. 6 N. Front St., Philadelphia. RECOUMENDED RY E. 00V. David R. Porter, of Pennsylvania .flon. hobert J. Fieber ' Non. Edward McPherson, Iron. Joel E. Danner, Ilog Wm. MeSherry, 4.51 ,- SEND FOR CIP.CULARS. Feb. 19, 1669.—1 y rin ' For Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, such as Coughs, Colds, Inoopiny Cough, Brorelatis, Asthma, and C'onumplion. Probably never before in the whole history of medi cine, has anything won so widely and so deeply upon the conAdence of mankind, as title excellent remedy for pulmonary complaints. Through a long seem of years, and among must of 'bermes of men it has risen higher and higher in their estimation, al it has be come better known. Its uniform cha racter and pow er to cure the various affections of the lungs and throat; have made it known as a reliable protector against them. While adapted to milder forms of dis ease and to young children, it is at the same time the most effectual remedy that can be gimlet for incipient consumption, and the dangerous affections of the throat end hinge. Aa a provision against sudden at tacks of Croup, It should be kept on hand In every family, and Indeed as all are sometimes subject to colds mid coughs, all should be provided with this an tidote for them DAVID KITZBILLER, JACOB A.KITZMILLBE Althoagb settled aatinatption i■ thought incurable, still great unrobete of caws where the disease seemed ',owed, have been completely cured, and 0.5 patient restored to 'mold health by the Cherry Pectoral. 8o complete U It/ mastery avec the disorders of the Lungs and Throat, that the most obstinate of them, under the Cherry 11.:Zoral they sub ide and di-Appear. Binger' and PlWirc %we:, dud gr ew protection from It. Asthma hi always relieved and often wholly cured by Bronchitis II generally cured by taking the CAtrry Pecterui in =ail and kequent dose.. Ito generally are its virtues known that we need not puttiteii the certificates of them here, or do more than ..cure the public that ita onalities ate fully maintained. Ayer's Ague Cure , Arr lever and Apse, hatereeiltent Fever. ChM Ptrer Reeeiitent Ferer, Dumb Ague, Periodieal or Bilious Ayer, Ifb., and indent all the affections *Mid arise free marsh, or miasmatic ,potioat. Li Its name Implies, It does acre, and dims not fall. °outsider neither Arsenic Quinine, Bismuth, Zinc, nor any other mineral or poisonous stands-nee what ever, it fu nimble to/urns any patient. The number and importance of Its cures in the ague districts. are Ifurally beyood accost.[. sod we believe without a parollel slim blistery of Ague medicine. One pride M matillad bribe acknowledgments we receive of the radical curse effected in ebailoaie case., and where other remedies had wholly tailed. Unacchmated persons, either resident In, or travel fug through misainaiic localii iee, will be protected by taking the AGUE CURE daily. For Liver Onamfaints, arising from torpidity of the Liver, it is en excellent remedy, stimulatlug the Liver Into healthy actisity. Pot Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaints, it is en excellent remedy. pi odtiCiug many truly remarkable mires, where other medicines had failed. Prepai ed by D11..1. C. AZEit A CO, Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Maas., and sold all round the world For sale by A. D. Dueller, Drugaist: Gettyebarg, Po. [Oct. 2,1868.-3al • Invigorator and Restorer Vitality of"i r re Stomach Preparedfrom Pare Vegetable Materials Pure Tonics and the mos This invaluable Remedy for Dyspepsia and General Debility of the system is offered to the public, after a fair trial of Its merits, with entire confidence that it will command their approval. It has been submitted. with the materials which compose it, to practising Physicians—among others to Dr. M. D. G PIZII7/0. 7 one of oar oldest and most eminent Physicians, resid ing at Nov Oxford, wbo, atter examination, pro. tionneed It a Recowlv which would not fail to show its salutary effects, when properly wimi Watered, in eases of Dyspepsia, springing from old age and debilitating effect. of serious inward diseases—weakening, and at last destroying the nervous power of the stomach U reic—end therefore entitling it to be emphatically called "The Great Invigorator." Dr. W. J.-McCune, another prominent PhyGelan Cif New Oxford, thus gives his opinion: Haw OXPORD, Dee. 30, 1868. Mr. JOUN DU3LIZT Dear Sir :—A t your request I have examined , The Great Invigorator," prepared by you, and the formula from which it la prepared. It le composed of some of the most powerful vegetable tonics and most pleasant aromatics known to our profession, end 1 ha.. no hesitancy in recommending it in Chroulcassaiof Dye. pepals, and In all cysts of Indigestion resulting from debility of the Stomach. Believing that, If properly used, It will be of incalculable Lemont to the sufferin g of our race, .1' subsurlbo myseif. Tours, very respectfully, .. W. J. McOLIIRE, M.D. • 111..11anufacturtkl and for sale, wholesale and re tail. at New Oxford, Adams county, Pa., by lIIIBBEY ABLAU Y, Proprietors. AGENTS.—The ext Invigorator" Can be had rem the following Ageois: sa; D. N. Fouts, Baltimore, 31d: ; B . 3 l.olbbotui, Bahl mare, kid.; A. D. Buehler, Gettyeburg, Pa.; A. 8. ! Hildebrand. Slut Berlin, Ps.; 1. J. Wi lson, Berwick ' Bor., Pa. • Theodore Pleger, Berwick Bor., Pa. i Y. X smith. Irlabtown, Pa.; 5.0, Lawrence, Mount Rock Pa.; W. A. Mcllhenny, Red Land, P. 0. Pa. ; J. Wiest New Oxford, Pa.; D. Id. Miller, New Oxford Pa. [Jan.ls.—t. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR FOR THE RENOVATION OF THE HAIR. The (heat Desideratum of the Age ♦ dressing which le et once agreeable, healthy, and effectual ibr preeerring tale hair. laded or rap hair I soon ratorot to its ortirtir/ color and the glom and ' , highness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, bine; hair checked. and baldowesoftan, though not always caredby 'Lye. Nothing can rater, the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. Bat such as remain can be avid for instal iseu by this application. loosed of fouling the hnir with a pasty eadmient, it will keep it clean and 'lgor. can, Its occasional use will Prevent the hair from turning gray Or flillfogoff. and conseinentli prevent bellows. Free Mon those deleterious subdue:es which make some preparations dangerous and fain/- ow to the lair; the Vigor can only benefit but no hum tt.. It wanted merely tor.a = HAIR DRESSING, AIWA& duo ama w amid ao daairabla. Clostaiobir .asitliiit ailmitt% It does lot 11 yet lists yaps on the tali, shins II l richillosqr huts* sad a pssetal pintnk . . Prepared by Dr. J. a Ayer do Cto9 n4ClTbar; & ANALYRICIAL MI MS, LOWIII4 10,243: 464, vialsLitemmi • 11Prstiiiiirby A. D. Itubler. Drsiggiri;ils trii" fO4ll U 111.4 *Mal. yOUNT'S OOMP.OURD YQR Tint C4RB OF -- #I3TRED BORE THROAT, INIPLUICM4 - or eh/ ether IngamMatory or inward4feersee Of the Threettf smolt Too lout standing. Also,llo/121111T ThinissaUcin• has beau tried la THOUSANDS OF CASES, ditllersot part of lb. country, and has been known WWI If takenglp time and according to directions. It is warrAnted to cure. Girona trial and it willepeak for itself. livery household should provide themselves with s box of this medicine and keep it on bands. 'The cures that it bat efficted are truly marvelous. Ifilsfrepared and sold by Isaam.Younr & Co.,Get , tisburg, Pa, or by thoir authorized agents. for sale at nearly all thentcres in Adam. county. May te. t867.-tf (SRAM, ',GUN g k'CO. TUE ORE VT • ZIN6ARI . BITTERS. A SAFE BLOOD PURIFIER, A SPLENDID TONIC, A PLEASAN I BEVERAGE A CERTAIN CURE PREVENTIVF OF DISEASES The ZENGART BITTEI4 are compoundoil from a prescription of thecalebrated Egyptian physician Da. CIitOPISIM who, after years of trial and experisaont, discoaeced the Zingarint Herb—the most remarkable vregelable production, the earth, perhaps, has ever yielded--certalnly the moat effective In the cure of dis ease, It, in combination with the other valuable pro parties of which the BITTERS is composed, will Curb Dyspepsia; Fever and Ague, Bilious Fever, Cholie, Colds . , Bronchitis, Consumption in its first stage, Flatulency, Nervous Debility, Female Complaints, Rheu matism, Dysentery, Acute and Chronic Dutrrhceu, Cholera Morbus, Chol era, Typhoid and Ty phus Fever, Yellow Fever, Scrofula, Diseases of the Kidneys, Ha bitpai Cost i v eness, &c.,&e. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL PRICE, $lOO PER BOTTLE THE GREAT Pleasant Aromatics - FARMERS Star" Bone Phosithate,- rro all agriculturists; therefore:who are l esoreli 1 of an active sod permaimnt Runtime, and who nine have the clnlm ofthis article proemial to their ootia for the drat One, the mantuactstere would enggeet, that IL" - STAR BONE PrEOSPHATE Is worthy of their experimental trial. at lost; past expellent* warranting the fullest eonddenes, that of ter latrial they will sod their testimony to that of hundreds of farmers who now regard it as the cheap-. set sad be•; manual In the market. THE A M M O N I A. is supplied abundantly front the ornaolc portion of the bone. PRICE $U PER TON IN BAGS. Formers wishing Ground Bone, Oil of Pltriol , con be Ohre as r call. ts.A. Fpengler has our Phosphate for sale. PETER BOBLITZ. Mauethactarer. . BURKHOLDER. t WILSON, Beater Flay-Lien Beading; N. W.eorner Waahhigt.in atid Railroad eta, Gettysburg. Penna. VA-The Phosphate Is for sale by A. SPANGLER, Gettysburg. p.. WIBLE t :me. Gettysburg, Pa. GRAFT & SCRENRODE, Granite Station. Pa. MELIIORK A BENDER, New oxford. Pa. CHARLES KULIN, Ilauorer, Pa March 12.—t( A Word to the Wise HIGHLY IMPORTANT TO FARMERS! Renner's Chemical Fertilizer! THE importance of a- quick, ac tives." attrable fertiliser, adapted to the sill of our county, Is acknowledvii by all farmers. Hav ing satisfied myself, after long study and Niteroi ex periment, that F. C. Itmixtes Chemical Fertilizer surpasses •1l others In sdaptedness• to all kinds bt soli, I 1. • e purchased the right fur Adnms county, and am prepared to fill orders fur it promptly and on reasonable' terms. It is no humbug, but HAS BEEN SUCCESSFULLY TRIED by a nnmber of our Farmers, and to admitted by all who have it to be the best in tho market, ,nd the cheapest. lam prepared to furnish this Fertilizer in anpistantity, and will deliver In any town or village in the County, is e n ordered in not les" quantity than a TON. I manufactuati, it for sale at VA per too without bag., or $65 in bags. This frrtillzer is composed of the best fertilizing chemicals that can be bad. I nee no oil of vitriol; it does not contain any ammonia, therefore I do not use it. Neither do I use lime our ashes. THE, OBJECT OF THE CHEMICAL FERTILIZER Is to Introduce a fertilizer that will last fora aerie. of clopa,uot only Zr one. It contaius aufflcieut an:mal matter to mature the grain and make It ripen early, while the anuronia forces the growth. I expect to manufactures large ripply this winter for the spring cropa,sod thglefore Incite farmers and the public goo orally to gi it a trial on all kinds of Grains and Vegebsbles. and others Ca UTION.—T hereby give notice that Farm Bights herea tier sold sinless Signed by me, are Infringements on my Rigid, and will be prosecuted and dealt with according to law, from which there 11 no appeal. 11E 1 )-1111 orders will be promptly attended to by ad dressing e GEORGE BENDER, Deaden, PCIIII6. sx E. N. Mcllllloecteral &goat (Cr sale A cam ty and State Eights, Bendemille, Adams county, Pa Dee. 26.-1 y FARMERS!!! TRY THE ALTA VELA PEtOSPHATE! IT Is composed principally of the celebrated Guano from ALTA VELA. Contains three per cent. of AMMONIA, an ample quantity to give activity (without injury) to the veg.- tation, and a large quantity of soluble BONE PHOSPHATE OF LIME, together with Potaah and Soda, the essential element. of • COMPLETE MANURE. thousand fa rm ers ttim: it Gl s Wl: a rt preference ce all other kinds, Is a sure guarantee of it. value. PRICE $66.00 Pig TON. Saud fora pamphlet. Address THE ALTA VELA GUANO 00., 57 Broadway, New Tort. S. S. BISHOP A CO., 200 N. Del. Ave., Philadelphia, Agents for Penna. and Southern New Jersey. July 31, 1861%—1y Fruit Growers & Gardners. Beers - "Improved Paliwt :Fruit Tree Invigorator and Vine In sect Destroyer." THIS Is truly one of the greatest discoveries ever made—combining the moat useful ingredlen•s ever known for fruit, grain and general vegetation. As a fertilizer, it bu no no equal. When ',oohed to the tree it penetrates 0,15.17 pore—destroying every species of insect, and the worm in the bean of the tree or plant.—.coo nesting with the mineral substance of the earth, destroys the cause and prevents the crea tion of asy destructive insect. It will prevent Cur culio from stinging the plum It will kill the peach grub. It will loosen the knot and old bark on the vine and tree—slough off the same and re-bark the stock. In a word, it re-invigorates the whole tree and gives it health and strength to withstand the seventy of the weather and retain its fruit. It will destroy all Insects which Infest the pot-sower., cucumbers, I potatoes, tomatoes, plaint!, *c. and stimulate their growth. It will prevent weevil, mildew, rust or the fly from touching the wheat, and the cat worm from the corn. It is now extensively used in the Western Btatea and persons who use it would not be without it for one thousand times Its value. No man who has a single fruit tree can afford to be without it. Upon application, we will telex to persons who are using It in Barbs county, and would out take SIoCKI for their recipe, we will give residence and address. • The un dersigned have purchased the soli right to nee, sell and apply the Invigorator, within the counties of York, Cumberland. Adams, Franklin, Wester, Del.. aware, llontgomexy, Lehigh and Philadelphia City and county, and are itter prepared to sell towinhips or county rights. Persona who have purchased town ships have =ideas high as $5O to 1100 per day selling farm rights at from $5 to $lO per recipe. Address EveNs k CO., Reading, Penn'a. Zeb.l2.-2m* The public are noosed to purchase no right of J. Ahearn, alias Cleo. W. Jackson, of Baltimore, Md, as we will prosecute to the Utmost extent, sit who bny from him to sell or no. The sole right for the above ter ritory is owned by use. Ahearn never saw Best's Im proved Patent, and knows Jibing of its ingredients. Our right was obtained from the patentee, Mr. Best - who is now prosecuting Ahearn In the Baltimore Courts fur fraud. EVANS A CO. BOWER'S COMPLETE MANURE, 3 4 1 317AC51111D BY HENRY BOWER, Chemist, PHILADELPHIA. MAIM not &per-Phosphate of Line, Annsonia and Potash womuunn nu max AIICLTRILVYION TM. Manure tontake all the elements to produce large crops oral/ kinds, and Is highly recommended by all who used it, siso by distiaguished chemists who have, by analysis, tested its qualities. Packed in Bags of 200 Ms. each. DIXON, 81.1ARPLE88 k 00., Agents, 39 sou th Water and 40 'South Delaware Avenue, PM BALI BY WILLIAM REYNOLDS, 79 80IITH BTBEZT, BAI4TIAIORE, MD. , . And by dealer, generally throughout the country. For Information, address Henry Dewar, Phlladel , pkta. [Feb.l9.-;.17 . The Farmers' Book 140 beautiftil and inelni illustrations. 760 octavo pa ge .. Shovin g pun what every farmer wants to know; HOW TO MAKE THE FARM PAY. Send for circular giving full Asecription. PADMRILI3I PARMIELEP Bout Irpsrlenced Book Agent* and others wanted to take this book to every lamer in every oinennuulty. BD. iciness eat. Pays trout 1060 to $llOO per month g to experience and ability. Address REIGIMR, *GOURD! A 00., Philivielpbia, Po i Oinotpnetl e CL, china 111 or lank, Wo. [Aug. 21.—eas Carpenter% ant foutrartfiro. m. Q. Stallsmith dk Son GETTYSBURG, P 4., Carpenters and Contractors Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Door andWinclowTranaes,Cor nielftsDoor &Window Brackets, &c. Oosaintly on Mud 4 mauntecturod to order of BEST MATERIALS, by atitatialsomi aratkmaa,aad at 11.4ASONABLE FR.ICES. 115,011diro popsy attended to, stia,ll,lll9.—tt *rtan MI TRY TILLS FARMERS, A LL kinds of Fresh and Salt. Meats, 43 6 , sad Lard of the vary boat at ego. A. OODORI West hliddl Vitiatingoo. SOMETHING NEW New Furniture Rooms lisrniture Store in Gettysbuiv A. M. HUNTER & CO. have been to the Ewers' cities and have laid in a large and splendid assortment 01 Cottage and Parlor Furniture, equal iD siSis to ruy hic.us out o f U. city, teliiith they oder to the public et city prber. Their er - ek consists of PULL OOTTA6I6 CMS lIIINK BUIT3, from $3O up. BUIMAIre. how $0 dp. WARUSTAN frAu $250 up. • L ItAfIC•, from 75 ctr. up. MAIM. from $6 setup. RINDSTICA Irons $J up. W.A RUMOURS. at low as $l6. TA 1t1.116, 61. low u, f?. 'FAS. a.) law At 3!6. LOUNGER, ill WV MATT/CR.5383. SPRING BED folLixu.l a gr. at variety of other tiood., .- t 0-1.1 , 11!3 . Inn rntc•. ,QTY Cull and examine our stock, ..etiy AT TUN OLD "AT.VT.INEL'' South-east Corner of Ma'am Id 113reh 12"--tf TIII AMERICAN BUTTON HOLE. 0 VP', I; E NI ING SEWING MACHINE CO., Ir. .dlrertlng :Met/tine to !Lair 81NATION uuTroN flock: ,k tont IN.; 1n•u. ,, V0 to refer to its tr.•rolc. tri I ir:. r‘. cloche proof of Ile great lite; The increase in thedeconed f.n tbi. r.t!., ,I.le ba• been TEN FOLD during IL , 1. , 'r t of it, Ent yew before the public. Tblegrand and rorpririny 4.t In the Idabery sewing•tuachinee, and we fc.l warranted In elrtierier, that IT 11A.5 Ecel."..lL BEING ABSOLUTELY THE LEST FAMILY MACHINE IN THE WORLD, And Intrinsically the CheapeA It le really two Machluescomblned In one. (by a phi and beautiful mechanical array geui,..,,t,) rauLlug both the Shuttle or Loek•etitcb, end the tivereeaming and Button hole stitch, with equal ficility and per (cotton. It execute. in the rery best manner ever y en riety of Sewing, such aa, Conlinil, Tucking, Stitching, Breldirrg end god ■nd Sewing on, (done et the seine time.) i.n.t tion, Oversew:lm, Embroiders on the rlee, and :nrkee beautiful Buttonand Eyelet !(Dies I Every Machine is warranted try the Co Agents, to give entire sati.f.actiuti. ;'ircularsgritb full part [cut Ard . . .1f , v , •rli done ou [Ws Machine. can De had ollappii.....atat at tl. SaleAroot. of the C.cuparly. S. IV. Con E/cventh and_Che4t,tut .Street Philadelphia, Pa. Instructions given on the Mach los at the rooms o the Company gratuitously to all purcliarcrs. AGENTS WANTED FREDERICK PAX&jN, President W. B. MANDE:MALL, Trealtlier D. W. ROBISON, Agcnt, Gettysburg„ Pa May 27-1 y MO STITCH ! 837 50 $4O $4O first class SEWING MACHINES $37 50 6:0 given as premiums for $37 50 worth 137 50 140 ofstibscri 'Alone for WOOD'S HOUSE- Ki 7 50 $4O HOLD ADVOCATE, a first class $37 50 $4O Yamlly paper, at 75 cents a year.— $47 50 $4O Also $37 50 $32 . TICK ! TICK ! $3O $1132 AMERICAN WATCHES, worth $32, 130 $32 given for $3O worth of aubscriptioos.— $3O $32 Also $l2 • DICTIONARY. $l2 112 Webster', Unabridged Dictionary, $l2 $l2 ammo $l2, given as premium. for $l2 $l2 • $l2 worth of subscriptions. Also $l2 $lOO Sunday School $lOO $BO LIBRARIES, $BO $6O Large-or small. to be selected from EEO $5O 400 volumes of the eery best Boots ;1:0 140 publiahed and given as • premium 140 $lO for an equivalent amount of sob- S.O $24 scriptimie. $24 to. Mao several other premiums equally liberal. Ac. mirorbe ADVOCATE, (formerly called the Provec tusdcontafns 16 large pages and aim' to promote • Knowledge, Virtue, and Temperance. It has Leen enlarged and improved three times- In 27 months— Send for specimen copy. Address 3 - .. WWI% • P.O. Building, Newburgh, N. Y. March 12.-410 NOW IS THE TINED. TO MISCHIEF. g g TOP. TRY NEW YORK WEEKLY, THE PEOPLE'S FAVORITE JOURNAL THE MOST INTERESTING STORIES Are ahrept to he four. , l ha the N E W YORK WEEKLY At present there are FOUR GREAT STORIES running through its columns; and at least ONE STORY IS BEGUN EVERY MONTI; New subscribers are thus sure of bating the com mencement of a new continued story,:,,, when they subscribe for the NEW YORK W EEKL Each number of the NEW YORK WEI:If TX con tains Several Beautiful 111riatrati 1n.., Double the Amount of Reading Matter of my raper of it and toe Sketches, Stturbdtories, Pderns, etc.. are by the ablest - writers of America and Burepe. The NEW YORK WEEKLY does not confine Its usefa Mem teamuseto cat, bat pub lishes a great quantity of really lustructire. Matter, in the most condensed form. The N. Y. WEEKLY DEPARTMENTS have attained 11l bish reputation from their brevity, excellence, and correctness. The pleasant paragraphs are made up of the con centrated wit and humor of many minds. The Knowledge Bor_is confined to useful informs titut on all manner of subjects,. The News Item give in the fewest words the most notable doings all over world. The Gossip with Correspondents contains answers to Inquiries upon all imaginable subjects. An Unrivalled Literary Paper ECEM NEW YORK WEEKLY Each bine contains from EIGHT to TIN STORIES and SKETCHES, sad lIALP A DOZEN bums, l ADDITION to the /OD It SERIAL STORIES and the VARIED DEPARTMENTS. TILE TERMS TO SUBSCRIBERS One Yogr—eingle Dollars. " Four copies ($2 50 each), Teo Dollars. a Sight copies, Twenty boilers. Those sending s2llbr &club 01 sight, all sent at one time, will be entitled to • copy tree. Getters up of clubs can afterward add single espies at $2 50 each. STRIET k dMITH, Proprietors, No. 55 Fulton it, New York. Kush 2fl—lza 1115 1100:P SKIRTS. 1115 WM. T. HOPKINS Has Removed his liaauhstory mad Salesrooms to N 0.1116 01166M1, ll" UT STREET PHILADELPHIA, especi sally I Where k lly adaptis "Own d Rake Cha lan Hoop S Adailkirts, to est-c oflase o and Trade, will be lonia to ealbisos the most extinsive assortment in the Vidells and all the latest and most desirable Styles, Shapes, Lengths and SIVA, 2, 2Ng, 2,14,03 g yards wand,- of Plain and Gorea Rutter*, k ng Skirts, Reception Trails, Ac., he. together with over ninety different varieties of Misses and Children's Skirts, all of which for symmetry of style, finish, tightness, ebuticity,durability and real Cheap step, are unequaled by any other goods In the market, and are warranted la every inspect. Bating made to order. Altered and Repaired, Wholesale and RatalL fall lines of Low Priced Eastern Made Skirts, 16 Sprin g s, 260ents; 20 Spring', 46 Cants ; tai Springs, 66 Omni; BO Springy 66 Cents; and ampringe, 76 Gents. • COMETS! weans I I CORSETS I! I 57 different styles and price', from 75 Cents to 67.00,. embracing R. Wortley...Recital," ofii ate Fitting" Madam Foy's Corset Skirt Supporters, lira. Moody's Patent "doif- AffiestilEg Alidiseataall Oareete. /renal, testes and Domestics Hand-made Oarless, and superior French Patten* of (Mil ;Cbieets, Whir Own Make," to which we' lairisa espial& nitration. Ciamplete caliruneti* of Wise' Under Garments, 0 bra AGENT 1011,1111 BARTRAY A lAN TON ifSilaLY *SWUM liactatitio, ouportor to =Pt Won she pantie. Rimer. Theselito 1 nu Moe Slitinimcb. are diTenswoy tam asotorill, la or ore to golt theta hudused. pence to iant ofarticles hoarbw. eke* oar goods before porch& ottoithors. Out or aaa alretuars, at our ad Galesiooms, Nu 1116 Oltestamest., March ' T, HOTILINEL VW ARTED.--Tho highest price pal kr &woo sad Lankily - 11.110. s ORDORI, Was! ! 111,fddla st. Mar.s,-tt Nu. L-tf • oleon.equenee of the :I,ll,tri nt sll re..witt , h 14 . 7 " uar, tnet, deee.:3ect thOr 15:0(. 411! It. 4N.lit,it!. J. E. GAL D & CI) Jew ellerN, ; ta rlififire I AO./ .% 111 114il 11 --Nei, -. Stock of ChOice Goods, Tc.1,4.4..110.N C 9 ,1,4 .3,4 rikAY 4" ""°n• Very Fine Perin Mantle Clock*, 361:4 . iwpr4v..,lent,.) :cm 6114.: 011S1.14.ENT8 'TO 3:ATCIf, Bronzes, Groups. - unit Figure :4 Gonu.sm 31ANrrG FINE ELECTRO WARES, kcal ski - m/11 ,SVrer Watches, Jewelry, S[c., &e., A v..ry4 , A.41:11,...t , Itt rtry MODERATE PRICES. 819 CIIESI'.N UT ST., PHIUDELPHIA. %. 31. 111:NTkt: & MIME EAU :) N U 1; :1. I LILUAD. Lt 1. INTER. .I.IIP.A.Nt;EMENT, I [o-I'D. I 14th, 1868 • froD. AL. th auJ NOrilinent eitii./ it. Ash! .Ic., 4 ,- . TI Air t, • ff“I!, A. 411.1 I'.till ailliar /1011!" ~ n tLol'cnu •\l': Ntlr I r tIR at I ikrt A. :A- 0 P L . M., •,,„I 615 A. M., !...111i.irtIVOIV. Sl , ••ping Cara no .., •fnp/Imy the. 71,:0i A. M. and 10.:A/ i'. l'l:LiTot witl,lltellartge. 11 , arri,! , nrx fur R , adif.g. triville. Tarn., 31•Lers•fille.-11,1,1and, Ilrofe, A 1 , ,v. a Lo! Phil if at ' 4 .10 al,l P. M., ,1,10; nu: at 1...ha,, , Az and prlnclpul IA .4) S Li. the 4.10 P. M. train luairafig •rol Antriltn, rin. ~ c 1111311:111 anal ortAwitla 11“:111,4,1.1,,,•11.trri..1,11r1; P. 31. 1:•,:r wog : I.t.t ScW , ru .t I IL.I W.V.,!ii.LI P t 31. ring . .:l.:io P. M.: .-11,11 9..1 CI 1, N, V,,g t ch ,t:ge• tm,en,,e, Train PhilaC.r;ll,in rt A ; •11t.:111111::.11- L. I R,..vnog p. •r :tE 311 Stnti.•.n; is are l'uttas!ll. , at 7 . .)) ; “-1 s 1,-, A. .112,1 V. : kin at A. 31.; A•:, 7 A. ' l .; • lid ; M.: Ti t• nt h.';q A. M.. ind 9..5...1) P. Al., for PL;ladv/iiii,.. L' ,Vv Vi t. 01H Eta! 5t12.11, , 0t at 7.1 , , A. M .‘r. 1 11 ;. .1. I.A• l';ukilir.,re Awl t nt. • • • Pr.t,;•• itl.i.vts 7... r) A. M. ft Iltrilf,;" j• in At 411 M. Putts:own A..c..•n1.n.,!ei..n Train: I.,anvee 2' I; e.; A. `I, l• I•l”lnkl.AlT.i.• p. 7,1 Ct.11.1140..k tit 7.Uu A. 1 6.1; P. r Epht.ttl, at 9.13 A. 31. a:. .I 3:"0 P. M. dkippack at b lu A. 31.. and .2 45 P. 31 , connecting Witty nit, lor train 4 oo Itcatling 1:411 On 50.143 • : Leave Nen Yots a t 4.90 P. 31., Nti'a. &II:Ilia 5.09 A. 31. and 3.15 P. 31., the 8.00 A. 31. Train running ...I) to (:,:.ding; Putt+ , ill, 3. 0 a.) A. 31.; 11. , , .5.50 A. If. 0044.10 oo.t 10.30 P. M., and ing at I.la, ::, tto 0t.4 4.16 A. 31. fur liarrlaburg, at 12, 54 A. 31.1 . , New in: 1.23 P. 31. for Pltilit• delphia. eeheul and Lien, - lion Tickrl A. to aril trout ill i,int4, at reduced Ito !Pi C. 13.41• d tilt..LIP DAI pOUIIIII3 each Passenger. Ci A. .N C1,n4.,1 Sup. inten , .,. Reading, Fa. , Dec.2.l, leti. EN.NSYLVANIA. CENTRAL RA I LROAD. Double track rvnta rynnlnz Vetareen and Pitt4hurg. Lains Itusin4 titit,borg mqie the fulkwlng • , ..,,ecti.n4 tht, T.onk fine . Getty,burg klse a. m. & p. Lat.GcerJrincti,n a.zi‘e ..10. 4 )k) 1-ave I .• II arn bb I: r, amts, 1.!.. - -; p. in. lid ... li are 3.;i0 ' Philadelphia artlve 9.4 , ; •• S.lu •• Ilarrislinrg I•uire 1.15 ' 12,:d Pittsburg arrive 1..:0 a. m. ').40 ••• At l'hilaili.lplii.t C ,,, ,e cunnuiti,ais ate made wdi, the 'rutin; fur New Ina, ft....ten and all Euit,n Cities. At Yittuburg COrllleCtiocif aro made no flit New Cni .ti Depot with the trains to all il'e.iom polo t.. It./..Per farther information apply to EDICARL H. WILLIAMr.., Oen. A npariatrodent, Elselts R. 43 11113,1 21, G en. Poss. Agent. i'bileds. Dee. TI. leete.-tt - v - oII.TIIERN CENTRAL RAILWAY WM . TER SCHEDULF.. On and after Not. 2 : 2 , l S 43 ,Trainawiilleat e Hen 'ter Juu,tiun at follows: LEAVE NORTHWARD. 1.C2 a. m--Daily for Williamsport, daily (except 810.1:13,1for taganirails a t ndErie and the West. m.—Daly (except Saud's) for Elmira, Buff o, 2.05 IP.iexcapt Sunda) 1.,r WI and rle. 0.0", P. (except uudys) fur York. p. (except Sunda t)r) tvr II (rid It and the Woo. LEA YE it 01.71 - 11 WARD 12.3.) 3. in.—DOly eropplng at Park ton o . nly. m.—Dally (except Emaday.) 'topping at all Snot. lid. • 7.22 a. m.—Dnlty 'topple ; ; at Parkton only. 2.43 p. tn.—Daily (except arida} e) atoppmg at the Station,. EDW. P. YOLING.Gen. PSIS. Agent, Baltimo M N. DUBARRY, Gen. Superintende re, nt. d. Jan. 12. rrisMirg„ Penn's. GETTYSBLRG RAIL ROAD. FIRST TRAIN leases Gettysburg at 9 00, A. M nd c4tin , ct4 at 11 . 3r,,,..r Junction with the Mail Train 'fort at 11 .t. 31., reaching, Llartisburg at 12 55, P. M. Iteturaii:,; arrivei xt tlettyaburg at 1: 30, P. 31., with passengera from Baltimore rim! Watbing!un, anti those from the North by morning DEM SECOND TESlNlc.tv.,,Gettysburg at I P.M.And onnoctmat LinnoverJlincti.,n with Mail Train foot]. at 2 45, P. 31., reaching Baltimore at b .10, P. M. Re tarttinit attires at GettyAburr tit 4 c. 4 P.M., with ptt.F.etJger, from the North Nov 27. 1,r13 REAL ESTATE AGENCY. I have opened an agency for the SALE OF REAL ESTATE, u nomination with my law lkuoinesa in Oettyabury Parties 'sighing to MI, or boy Nude, may Anil It to their advantage to roll. Borers! Farms and Woodland, A No. 1, FARM. PRIOR - 36000 • A TRACI', 90 ACRES. KO* 81,800 .-- A GOOD PARR, 230 ACRES, VERY .CIIEAP A FARM S 130 ACRES, P 0113,900 A FARM, 66 AORES,,POR $2,379 A FARM, 54 ACM, FOR 82.400 A VERY. GOOD TA Ethl, , loo ACRES A VERY GOOD PARR!. ,125 ACRES A VERY GOOD - OARS!. 160 ACRES A NO. 1, FRUIT FA:NAL, 200 ACREi A GOOD FARM, 160,ACRES, near Gettysbu rp A GOOD TAR-V. 150 ACRES sad S 0 ACRES WOOD. LAND FOR 85,802 A GOOD FARM, 120 ACRES AT $35 PER ACRE A VERY GOOD FARII, 240 ACRES, AT 6 5 0 A FARM, 100 Rk.'9, AT RA A FARM, 150 ACRES AND VERY GOOD DOILLINGS AT 639 PER LOAN AGOOD PARK. 100 ACRES and GOOD lIITILDINGS AGOJD eAIOI, 150 ACRES Very desirable proderty is Llttlestown- A4o , Never al Runs-sand out-lots in Gettysburg fur We, • 4ttayney •t law Gettymborg.Julylo.lg&R.—tf. PUMPS ! PUMPS I FOR pure water use, neither bad tasting wood, may iron, nor poison lead, bat CUCUMBER PUMP, made of wild cucumber wood. entirely ta4teless, dura 'big and relict/de. Nut a patent article, but the good old• fashioned wooden Pump, made by machinery, dud tberafere perfect and saturate in all Its parte, raising all equal amount of water, and costing lose than hall • the money. F.l' telly arranged so as to be ton-freezing, and In oonetraction so simple that any wse COX Ilve it up and keep if in repair. After thorotash trial it acknowledged the BUT AND effEAPZIa. Twelve Wet of tubing with etch pomp, free of charge. Dealers sup plied at lowest manufactureti rater. For circular., prig MO, tn. Call or adddress _ _ CHAS. G. BLATCEILEY, No. S North Beventh Atrear, Agents wanted., Phtindelphlth.ps. No. 624 filbert at. bet. 6th! 7th Alashet 44 Ale t at, PhiWl, Vila, Pa P0b.19.-43m A SERTAINITO.R,..ALL, koCh'a Irni>roi en lent . " tior Closing and Latching Gates, rAT be attaches:eto nay gate and operated from 1V :buggy; team or saddle ' by one hand, lb any de- Woo direttiOn,treil the anste--owened and aloud Oman. ens point, at any distance (rum the gate. This im provement is simple and cheap, yet portett and virtual will not be disarranged by the eagenfg **EN% 'Mr by the Item raising the Poeta; eleY Co. made at a country, blaolunnitiVa, and reartY ettedhod'lMlClaite. The undersigned, haring the Right for Adams, aqua. ty, will will Township add Warm Rlnbia orthia ha. .porreinawt. ROTH A SHANE'S *Ail/MOAN L.11313101.TY —which will be found valuable and cony enfant to all who have gates to drive throughrea 1,141111111 by their team open, close and latch a gateortabovi u m , necaseity o f getting in the wet primed. '• • •." - For,tar.lar Lafotana ,; • !„- !Malt 11,11.1 Menials. P.O., Aeliarieeci Pa; May 18.-tf EST ADVENTIBING Af.E.DLUM, Tall STAN AND _ ELT Irdy I t t'fr TIME TABLE R.McCURDY Sup't 4, G. McCBEARY, TEE 021.EBIL&TED MU wore areal, Uhl** 614 0.0041/1; TIRY/3 Oir TILE 514114.3 D IfirriYlll4 .Lay Ina ruing. at S 2, Q a jot,' ant pail within the year. Vti tinned until all urns/ ilk* .' Lien of the tintillebers. I L organs xxx 2 , 1 x *oasts* • I bars I J*41.41(11'0 ,- wltl4o al by by lbw qoar*W.ll4l6 lieu wall boliwertall .. upon. etrcitatibi half larger titan History In Adam. cusifity ; *IA ILIA! en n ris. be *scaled. Jos Woltz of 41 Ithedesrel be • and at fair rase. atateleleilleh,Sbas lets, do., In every Variety aid ftjl abort erotic.. Tertne 1:41. MNIMf] xtr °moo* Pr, ,4e e /Jodie—Robert J Ast,ittle fudges—lsaac Hublossilif,' R.)irfer n,4 M=3l=l=M DI ifrect .Iffortley--Wm.•.1.1011111111. 1.1 Vnittl4M. • • . o,...er—Dr. W..) %LeClair*: 4 Su rceynr —J au* U. K. Ildr. Conednistatostri—llebutss• Wlermim EN2 ISIMIE MEM l'hysitian to Ititoebe. Directors of the Ther.....kele• I,.Duala Deardorff. heershrect—J, Tn ingrer-4Zio MEM $Ol—J. C Neely. PAysicil4rs-4 A It diirt-111 , ary L. Ilisaut, U. lie ,igy. E=i= .• Burge.r.ll-I'dter 31yeri. • Collard—W. S. Ihmlltou n Ale • Warron Onorge A.roahawi_ A F. tker. Cfrrk.—Jereqriikh cl; Smnael R. Itureoll. . • C.ll.ol.o.lr—iirur ge W. Welk er t. SrAnof Direct,rl Id A , SW. • T. It Inc Ulrab Marna., Joh p- CJTor. try—J.,lo 7. niC E. U. Y 413 no•cot k.• ILITISSISIa PretUeal-6eurtt•dwupe. Carhi. r—J. ikaury Bair. • re/kr—henry d. Benner. Directors—thomge Swope, WiRL.. Wart. D4vl4 Willi, David Sherry. William D. filmes. Iceslin -; , Shui I 71:0=1 t'rnt !Went —CI eld.ge Throne. ' ClisA eorge Arnold. . niter—A. 21. Ilunter. Directorn—deorge Tbronik. Ditl4'3l Brongh, 11...mbert 8011, Juba UAW. Jacob Muarltitift. &VA GALLI( N RLTFa Pruilr al• -J. L. Schick. Serr,t.try —Wttliam LI. bleats. . Fre.tsur•r—Alexan.ler Conlosn. ' • !tun,. J, L ." (7... r;,.. Spangler, George (AU., ' A ickiicoltr eiihemL AD/J(4 cot•Nri strrcAl INSOII4I.ILC rf,.f ,dea—O•orge Swope. PreJickst—ilaasol K. Busa ll Serretary--Davld A, Davitler. • Treasurer—Edward isinestock. Eaccuthe Clusiniita—Ruben Picking, Jacub King ADAMS Co NTT aaIUCLLTURS.I. rf Herbst. rice Pre3idritli—LVlllLtnscßborri Obrr,spmdin7 Srcretary—Plenty J. AtC°Ming zccrriary-- to.l w ant (1.1 Trea.tur,r—D Manag•rs—Williain H. Wilson. WWI Ilou [Lahti. Mkha ['enrolso, Johd ICILUIten 158001.111911 Pr• ider a— Ed ward . Vahadesck. Vie! Prraidenl—Willlam ♦ Dwaco Sktrebtry—Johu ir..llaCretkty. rt,” urer—Jatob A. Er. ant - Whit - . nagerit-0. Ildrury iloehtiKT3.ll, Illn pp, Joliu Culp (of 11.4 Wm. Qt t ra n 1.9 COMMIT, Pre, ident—fl. G. Fab nortock Secr , ld ry—W 01. A. DUI. Tr* surer—Ju,l 8. thmuer Mar..9...4—A. D. Buehler 'lf. Mccb Wattles, S. H. hum.ll, W. A. wrin conteiNx, Pres folent-0 eor go W. McClellan., .4k-rtrary and Trra.rurer—deantelß tanagers—O. W. McClellan, thee II u«hlrr. S. R. Russell!. U. JOU* OTTSIII3 I6 SOLNA • tai—Robert McCurdy. ' Ne-r-tury and Treartwer—Dnvid WI Tr+lns depart MEM Tbo ntei train thakoa c 1240 000 rieturg nud Ensteril Western pf. Irma v• ithßnit nu err, t 54,CIATIONS. L, age, X. 124. 1. 0. 0. Kai Irowl et teuto wtery Kyvampment, .Vo. 1 213,i., 0. 0. lows' HMI, t.t and 34 Monday ts Good Samaritan Loctv , , So. 324, 4. Carlisle and Railroad streets, 24 sea I n oath month. • • G.o. if , psolds Lodge. No. 140 a. O. more etreet., L every IlwdeT e,* •• Coylig,s Tribe, Ne.:11,1.0. H. IL— i Flail, every Friday evening: ?bat N 0.9, G. A. H.-49. Star and So every Set arday evening. Adorns DiMans Na ;14 S. T.—lot Bull4ing, every Wed uesaay evenly BM= Lvelleran, (Chrism) —Pastor, Rim C. 5c n is es by Psyfrours of t).11 ter netrly, idebbatii morning an Wo.lues.J.Ay evening. During ' r y eveaing +err:co OWitle..ll. Lutherun,(AT.Jawee)--Ilarl. R. Its VICt.. muralui; and evou dq .inut Ong. MitA , list Episcopal—Revs. U. C: Shaver. Batnua SibLlntWilli it”LI Thurt.tay G