The star and sentinel. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1867-1961, November 13, 1868, Image 2

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    Eto *tat tt• *eutinel.
tirilislY, Now. t.S.
4.41 verit' erstlitdoeh ere ted ßill
b' tr in mind !hitt the refttlarjeleeti
littion t '"IF3T-1:111. AN111111MITNISICL"
is ihdtM lamer ihke'thof of way ether
paper petbilidied Au time Comfy, bolas
reed weekly by not le en thaw 11.000
C-17-I:4re'rtlaeinsais. teescsireisessoal•t•MteriOn
'suet SauJed is on or before Thuredsi mom .
To Canniaign Subseribeis
This week's issue (Nov. 13j is the
Whieh will he sent to campaign
bsyriLierft. We should he glad, 110W
e:ver, to retain 'Al t ar at least a goodly
Iltimbet them, as- regular sub
scribers and shall eudesivor to fur
nish them with an interesting. an,
profitable Taper. In these stirring
lives, no man acorn afford - to do without
a good newspaper, to keep -himself
posted as to ourrent news,- and through
which the family, old and young, are
largely profited. Next week we-shall
return to our regular edition-, so that
those campaign subscribers who de
sire to continue the paper should
notify us prornptly, othe . rwlse there
moy be failure to supply them, as we
t each week only es many 'papers
as our ruallins list calk , for. Fur $2
we Will send the pal er tine year—for
$l, six ssionflisiind - fet- SOcentii, three
months. In view of the slre• of the
paper—lts varied contents—theSe terms
are lower than these of any lap r is,
the district.
Nye Imre been intsrekted in ex:uniti
ng the returns of ihe . ereetlons in this
County wince 1860, and re-produce some
of the Wires '-for the gratification of
our readers. We give the vote in Oc
tober and November of the Presiden-
Liu! years 1860,-1804, and 1868:
October. }B6O, November.
Curtin, 2,17811.1ne01n, 2,724
Eager, 2,849'411 opposition2,7lB
Dern., maj. 76 Lincoln's maj 6
Total vote 5,622 Total, 5,442
October., 1864. Ziovearibe'r.
maj. 298
Tatra vote, 5,282
October. 18;
klartratft, 2 892'
Boy/a, 8,173
I)em.; nIaJ. 541
Total vote, 8,005
These' tlgurei prove that the most
rapid growth of the Democratic vote in
this CountY was between 1860 and 1864,
whkiii was doubtless due to the War,
to the slavery question as developed by
the War, to our nearness to the scenes
of the War, and to the large share of
sufferings and losses entailed on us by
the War. From 1864 to 1868, the Dem
ocratic vote-has grown from 3,016 to 3,-
173, or but 157 votes, being an increase
of but five per cent. During the same
period, the Republican vote has grown
from 2,612 to 2.,917, or 305 votes, being
an increase of nearly twelve per cent I
These figures show that the day of
heavy trial for the Republicans has
passed, and that we are gradually gain
ing upon our enemies, notwsthstanding
the influence of the natural
„ growth of
population, the increased emigration of
Republican young men, and the re
iouvals into our county from the- Cop
perkiest} counties Adjoining on nearly
every side.
Our inereasirig strength manifestly I
comes -from conversions, and especially
from the dispositions of young men to
ally themselves with a patriotic and
progressive party, whose triumphs and
glories are its present honor, • rather
than with a tarnished and re-aetionary
party which turns Its .face away from
the living ideas of the present, which
seeks to obstruct the-path of progress,
whose policy is a policy of dishonor
and shame, and over 'whose recent rec
ord no notary can have the 'slightest 1
feeling of pride.
There is much in this retrospect to
encourage the Republicans of Adams.;
They have maintained a grand fight.—
They have stood by their principles.—
They have been faithful to their coiin
try. They have not abandoned one of
the great ideas which waderlie the or
gauization of their party. They have
bravely borne its banner aloft, and it
bears not a single stain. Let them be,
In the future as in the peat, faithful,
decided, and uncompromising, and
they will soon be a, majority in the I
County as their comrades are in the
State and the Nation.
General Grant, the President elect,
accompanied by his family and several
of his Staff, reached Washington on
Saturday evening. The trip from
Galena to. Washington waa accomplish
hi that quiet, ancetaltatiowi manner
which is characteristic of General
Grant. Moving rapidly, seeking to
withhold as much as possible all know
ledge of his movements, and to avoid
as far as possible - all popular deinon-
strations, H. was pot yet quite possible
for the General to entirely escape the
manifeatitimui which the people desir
ed to offer him. Before leaving Galena
he bid good bye to his fellow-townsmen,
thanking them and all others who have
fought together in this contest; and in
timating that be did not expect to visit,
them again for some years. At several
points on the route eastward he was
called out by spontaneous demono tra-
Lions of' the people. At only one point
did he make a speech, and it was brief
as well as significant. Gre4ed by a
Republican pnwetislon in which were
many soldiers who had "yotedas they
fought," he said : "Gentlemen—l see
u►auy of you In uniforms. You laid
them oil' three years ago, and you can
now lay them off again. We will
have peace. Good night." Evidently
General Grant understands the (Amme
ter of the Victory won.
The Washington city authorities
and olUcers of the several R e p u bli can
organizations of that city waited upon
him on Tuesday to ascertain et what
time it would suit ids convenience for
thew to make a public demonstration.
General Grunt responded that .he was
glad to meet theta to rebeive their con
gratulations, but hoped that they
would spare ldul any public demon
stration, stating that he would. be giad
to receive his friends at hie residence.
One of General Grant's flrst acts up
on arriving at : his headquarters _ In
Wa,hingtou was to order the destruc
tion of - several bushels of letters which
have been sent to him in relation to
ottices, &c., which had been - opened
and hriefai by Ida Staff: No record of
them wa..4 kept, and this timely' warn
ing will probably save a vast „amount
of importunity in advance, and -Indi
cators:determination not to allow the
titateto weigh him down pre-
ilarace (steely, IlTheatc4ickniell, and
oilier prominent citizen*, brave been
appointed a Committee to investigate
the In Now York City.
rieweisizia Alum!
7 7-- •
The Philadelphia Copperheads made
a desperate effort Tiiestlity of last week.
to maintain their vote !of the second
Tuesday of October. TA. isectsitalkM
Lid., they stuffed the billluti - bdies
the most al prose mcdern WiriOcra44e7 .
atyle.• The returns _silt,* diyisirn:
which gave the Coltr'tbik tads .0r
October gave 1018 in November! An
other division lose frOm 668 Copper
head Fetes in October to 1201 in Novem
ber. Another rose frtim 414 t 0.1176, and
fcwAxClaL ;sop 418 to 651. The extra
votes were all put in the hist - hour' I'hr
peas were open. The Return Judges
threw out the feturils,Which were Roll
accompanied AtiClists of voters. Tte
show the utter disregard of law, we:
subjoin an aftidevit of one of the in-!II
opectors of the Eight division of the
Fourth Ward. - He swims that - persons
voted over and over again en false, tic-
Wanes mimes; some persons voting 08
often as three, four, five, six, seven and
eight times each; that the whole num
ber of taxables on the . regular Asses
sor's list of said Division; is six - hun
dred 'and fifty -three-(058), and in the
extra assessment list is two hundred
and fifteen (215), making a total. of
eight hundred and sixty-eight (888);
that one thousand'three, hundred and
fifty-four tickets - were counted in said
electiOn Livision et said election ; that
the largest vote polled in said Division
ut the election held October 13, -1868,
was sevenhundred and-forty-four (744);
that deponent was a clerk in the said
division at the eltetion held Octoberl3,
/868, and that said election was a gross
and atrocious fraud; th,lit the frauds
perpetrated at theelection held Novem
ber 3, 3868, exceed the frauds perpetrat
ed Oct. 13, 1868; that no oppotunity
was given deponent to aseertain if the
names of persons offering to vote were
on the list of taxabTee; that challenges
were disregaided, and tickets placed in
the box as soon as received in the-win
dow and that at least jive hundred votes
were received from persons not on the
dist of taxabtes; that persons claiming
to be between the ages of twenty-one
and twenty-two years voted without
being sworp or affirmed, and without
requsFing vonciaers few residence ; that
tickets were thrown in the window, a
name announced by some person out
side and the ticket received and plaCed
in the box; that persons• came up with
a ticket in each hand,placing one hand
in first with a ticket, announcing a
nanief,and then placing the other hand
in the window and announcing another
name, and that all-such votes were- re
ceived, regardless of challenges, and
placed in the box.
In NM JERSEY, as well as in .NEw
YORK, the same infamous means were
emplayed. For some time past blank
naturalization papers, bearing a coml.
terfeit seal of the Essex county Court,
have been circulated in Newark ; and
on Wednesday of last week, Col. Win.
A. Treadwell, late of the Rebel army,
was arrested, clidged with their issue.
He eas committed to the Hudson
County Jail, iu default•of $20,000 bail.
Other persons are also implicated in ,
theie frauds whiCh are believed to have
been committed by wholesale in Hud
Pounty. Mr. HaesEy, uefeated for
Congress by these and'llke frauds, will
contest the seat; and it is not impossi
ble that the Copperhead Governor may I
be unseated by the exposure of these i
monstrous crimes.
Lincoln, . 2,612
McClellan, 3,016
8, November.
Arai, 2,917
'Seymour, 3,170
J 3,07
If no remedy can ik discovered and
applied, and if corruption in this re
spect should continue to spread for the
next twenty year's as it has the past ten,
popular elections will becorne a mere
farce, and the maintenance of Republi
can Government will beCome a difficul
ty. Every man—witbobt diatinctiou'
of party—who loves his country and
would preserve its liberties,-is Interest
ed, deeply and vitally, in frowning
down tillayillainy, ukmatter by whom,
or in whose interest, _praeticed. Those
who tamper with the hallot-box are
public enemies, and should belsci - con
sidered, for they strike at the only safe
guard for property, liberty, and -life
itself, which it is possible to have-in a
government like ours. :Outside of a
pure and honest suffrage, there can be
nu adequate protection found for the
great interests 'uf society. The scoun
drels who invade it, should be sum
nrarily and severely punished.
One of ; the Republican speakers at
i the last taslitewn meeting charged
upon the Maryland Democrats that
they were rewarding with office men
who had been in the Rebel military ser
vice. A Copperhead present denied
the statement, and Alleged that no per-.
sons who had been in the Rebel service
were In public position in Maryland.
The original statement is true. We
are assured that among the police force,
and in all portions of the Baltimore
City organization, Rebel officers and
privates are in office, and that some of
them Superseded men who had been
wounded in the . Union Army,
Besides, every body knols that the
clrat act of Judge S. TEacK.LE War.-
Lis, *lon his election as chief Judge of
the Superior Court of Rakimore 'city,
was the appoin tmen t r io Clerk of that
Court, of CkunmodopseHoraaus, late
of the - Rebel Navy, who is now enjoy
ing the prittlts of one of the most lu
crative offices in that State! .He was
one of the most daring and mischiev
ous officers in the Rebel service, and
coat the U. S. Government great losses
in men and money. His reward Is, to
retire upon the profits of a fat office,
while wounded Union soldiers beg for
a livlng.k Such Is Maryland Democra
cy, - against which Pennsylvania De
mocracy enters no protest. •
In re-organizing the Maryland Mili
tia, Gov. SWANN has given high places
to JOSEPH COOPER and othereßebel of
ficers, it being a mark of merit in
Swerix's eyes to. have served in the
RebeLArmy, and a demerit to - have
served under the "Stars and Stripes."
Whatever may be said of other por
tions of thekcountry it is no doubt trae
that in Maryland, Delaware, and. Ken
tuck.y the only reliable ond pure-blood
ed Democratic States in • the Union—
eiery Rebel is a Democrat, and nearly
every Democrat it - a Rebel in spirit,
sentiment, and puriamie. Fortunately,
GRANT'S election will tend to establish
firmly the idea that Loyalty, and .not
Treason, shall be a test of Merit, and
an occasion of promotion. •
THE editor of the Boston Post is a
philosopher. In a recent number, he
announced: -
For Sale—Eight roosters, as good as
pew, never having crowed but once.—
Here follows the picture of a very
good-looking rooster, considering that
he is a Democratic rooster. He is - in
good condition evidently, his etarvice In
the Democratic'party not having tired
him greatly.
The sir New-'England States give
flu/am nearly. 150,000 majority. We
expect to hear soon a rebevral of the
Copperhead demand of 1563 that in re
constructing tbe Union, New Englan d should be "Wt. ofit in, Me acid." Npw
England Intelligence is dreadfully In
the way of Copperhead policy.
The Electoral , voto,ii.: giveit by p
1114vre Ras £41) . 544:0341 0 1 /3 l:1111: t-.--
W4l*-001%10* tillii t e, Wi I 'l,C*Tiitki,
4 , 4„
.., t . , . - ... .
namelrl :as Atli cats* by :turitto
ilk, th. 4 , - ItWill cottbire 1 :iregllipr,
.4,*1 ito "
_.. atA c-....?rt*t \ lfig
' POR ORANT ND t k t '
Electoral i.ote. Majorities.
Alabama, 8 2 - 1,000
Arkausa6, 5 5,000
California, `\ 5 1,500
V )4 4
\ 3 --
fill/ I ° l st '4 6 62,(X11
• ' 'll,OOO
S' 53,000
3 18 "
'Maine, 7 ,t 3,000
Iklassaeliuseits, 12 76,442
Michigan, 8 • 31,000
blinnesota ?. 4 \ 8,000
• •
Missouri, 11 ~ • 21,328
. .
Nebraska,. 8 . 4,000
Nevada,, 8
New Hampshire,
North Carolina, 0
Ohio, , ,
Oregon, 3
Pennsylvania, 26
Rhode Island, 4
South Carolina, • 6
TennesSee, 10
Vermont, 5
West Virginia, 5
Wisconsin, 8
' , Electors chosen in F bride by Lettisteture
New York,*
New Jereey,*
77 181,266
*Carried by fraud. {Carried by Rebel terrorism.
The Vote in Pennsylvania
The annexed table shows the major
ities in the different counties at the
Presidential election. All are official,
except hiusquehanna.
Alleghany 10,815'Adams 253
Armstrong 870• Bedford 211
Bradford 4,2Botßerks 6,065
Beaver, 1023. Bucks 528
Blair 919 t Cambria 623
Butler 547 . Carbon - 557
Chester 2,688 Centre 217
Cameron 115iClarion 930
Crawford I,B67.Cleartleld 1,122
Dauphin 2,llo'Clinton 525
Delaware 1 4 550;Columbia 1,879
Erie B',4s2 l Cumberland 423
Forrest - 611E1k 551
Franklin 280 Fayette 816
Iluntingdon 1,338 Fulton 295
Indiana 2,6B6,Greene 1,492
Jefferson 79tJuniata 280
Lancaster 7,slllsehigh 1,317
Lawrence 2,l42 , Luzerne 3,583
Lebanon I,4B7;Lyeozning 126
Mcliean 298 Monroe 2,102
Mercer 001'Montgomery 720
Mifflin 39 , Montour 427
Perry 248 Northampton 2,971
Potter.. I,olo,Northurnh'il 415
Philadelphia s,Bl2'Pike 943
Snyder 607 tiehuylkill 721
Somerset I,4B3!Sullivan_ 398
Susquehanna 1,600 i Wayne r-- 636
Tioga 3,598, Westmorerd 1,075
Union 804'Wyoming 143
Veuango 985 York 2,645
Warren 1,1:63
Ww_4l:ington 184; 34,989
Gmut's maj. Z 3,107;
IN accordance with the resolution of
adjournment,•lwth houses of Congress
were called to order at noon OR Tues
day, by Vice President Wade and
Speaker Colfax. But few members
were present in either, and both houses
were adjourned sine die by their re
spective presiding °inners. The next
session begins on Monday, December
7. Mr. COLFAX, Nice President elect,
left Washington on Tuesday in com
pany with Senator WADE, Hon. Wm.
SON, Hon. 0. J. DICKEY, and ex-sena
tor CRFWELL, spending the evening
in Baltimore, and leaving the next
morning for the West with Senator
The Copperhead leaders, with their
usual hypocrisy, have since the elec
tion taken to praising Gartigi'. Their
daily occupation, before it, was to de
nounce him as lacking every virtue,
and capable of every crime. He wail
indifferent to their censure; he will be
as heedlesS of their praise.
IN SEYMOUR'S town, Dearfleld IS% y
the Republicans made a large gain.—
Galena, GRANT'S home, which gave.
McClellan 120 majority, gave Grfitit”a
majority of 9. In South Bend, Cot,
FAX'S home, the Republicans gained
71 over the October election. .These
are significant facts.
tom chosen in each state meet at the Capital
of that State cm the first Wednesday In De
cember. They vote by.distinct ballots for
President and Vice Piesident, and send the
result, carefully sealed, by a special mes
senger, who Will deliver it to Hon. Benja
min Wade, President of the Senate. The
Senate and House having fixed a day for, a
joint convention, will assemble together in
the House Mr. Wade will open the car
ficates, count the votes, and announce that
Ulysses S. Grant is elected President and
SchuDer Colfax Vice-President of the Uni
ted States. Neither General Grant or Mr.
Colfax arc therefore yet legally elected ; and
they will not be until the first Wednesday
In December.
A DRUNKEN Democnit , was arrested at
Lowell, Mass., on complaint of his neigh
bors, Tuesday night. The officers found
him seated at a table, with a large potato
iu front of him, four or five candles stick
ing In it, at his right hand a bottle of
whisky, and at his left a tumbler. They
asked him what he was about, and he re
plied in maudlin tones. "An' I'm holding a
wake over Saymour."
A COUPLE of gentlemen observing a pret
ty rough-looking customer leaning against
a lamp-post, much under the influence of
tarantula, made a bet as to his politics.
Approaching himi one of them said :
"How do yOu shuld +uncle ? You're a Dem
ocrat, are you not ?" "Democrat be---d I
I admit the i,ymploms, but, if I know my
self, I'm ou inter side."
Tas Carlisle Herds has been enlarged
and ireproied. Likewise the Westminster
Sentinel, tinder the vigorous management
of its new proprietor, Mr. Seahrooks.. This
Baltimore Daily, Sun has added a column
to each page, ands fully maintains its rspu
tette& as an enterprising newtgoper. George
On..qhilds, Esq., publisher of the Philedel
phis Ledger, has sailed \for Europe.
FREDERICK county, give a
Republican majority of fifty -Idx votes for
Grant and Colfax; and fifty-kofor Judge
Weisel. It is the "banner" cotinty, 'bring the
only one in the State carried by Gratit, The
Republicans of Emmittaburg district! \re
duced the Copperhead majority to iO2.
Tax Commissioners of Antietam National
Cemetery Meet at New York en Pecaltber
elk, when it Is eximeted that the dispOsel
me.remaina of the Contetiimue 4eak in ,
the vicinity of the hattle.field of Alitiopma
will be finally determined.
84,0% 1
• Iff It* .0 P . s
COI , ,`TX.
,Since fie Ntratocratir,„oliiYia dowl: it is'
ds siruble that its abould txr wounri.
vat administered upon Ai
Iy>t alai The ftdlowing ntticles
ec t , 40 , 10.tatileirf the personal pnisturty
• ..:',4l4llkiliettparty, which will he poKit
'aUlsdiatitt' . 111:1130ijkday :
3,000,1100 paha of sieve Manacles (uncon
stitutionally damaged by Abe Lincoln.)—
They will be sold as old iron.
800,000 slave drivers' whips, (lashes con
siderable worn, handles in good ordd.)
I I„ordinanct3s of secession. •
old window iash—somewhat damaged
by tire, removed from its original place by,
order of Governor Vance, in order that
"Yankees" tulzht be piled so high "that
their legs would stick out of the windows."
Lost (*we.
100,000 Gray Uniforms (badly worn.) -
50,000 Seymour and Blair banners, (per
forated with numerous boles, will be sold
by the pound; for paper rages-)
25,000 portraks of Horatio Seymour, la
belled4The People's Choice" (very :hand
\ 1 "Policy' (manufactured by the Tailor
of nasee. )
lre Manuscript, being the original of
Blair'S•Broadhead letter, (interesting as an
historicalttelic, since it was in the hands of
the decerittein the hour of Death, and
bears traces of the tears shed by disconso
late friends-on that occasion.)
1 lot of old Ittrobr (used in the Democrat
ic platform. , Hampton's plank is in a good
state of preservation.) \
I lot of type (damagerk by printing red
hot Democratic newspapert9
tusk of the "Democratic elephant,"
broken off by the World's advice in the
vain - attempt to hold to the ice and escape
1 geological specimen of great vahle, be
ing the "superfluous fragment" struck \by
the "stone hammer" from the igneous roek
which the Democratic Ajax was unable to
throw into the Republican camp on the I Bth
of October.
1 coffee pot, used in coloring Naturaliza
tion papers for use in the Pennsylvania elec
100 bales of Penclietonian greenbacks—
nominal value $1,500,000,000 (will be sold
by the pound. The attention of paper
makers is especially called to this item.)
These articles will be sold at as low a
. .
price told on ae long time as customers may
desire since the surviving relatives are anxi
ous to get them out of the way as soon as
8911:11111 I
The only despotism of which we find any
trace is that despotism of fraud with which,
in other guises, New Yorkers are familiar.
In Louisiana, Georgia and Afabama, the
Democratic whites conspired to prevent a
free election. Their success, whatever it
amounts to, is attributable to violence and
knavery. In Louisiana, especially, Demo
cratic tactics attained full development
By a system of intimidation and assassina
tion—by armed organizations and system
atic lawlessuess—the Democratic minority
have carried the State. Republican voters
were not permitted near the polls, and
thousands. were thus disfranchised. By no
other means could the Democratic ticket
have been sustained in the State. The
same plan was pursued in Georgia, though
in a modified form. The only tyranny,
therefore, from teach the reconstructed ,
Stales have suffered in this election is the
tyranny of a Democratic minority, acting I
in defiance of law and order.
In North and South Carolina, where the
Republicans have triumphed, order and
freedom were maintained.. The local laws,
enacted by Republicans, - confer the fran
chise on all, and all voted without hindrance
or disturbance.
The South, then, suffered no injustice, no
oppression, no wrong at the hands of Re
publicans. It is freer—more truly self
governing—than at any period of its histo
ry. The exceptional instances of tyranny
proceed exclusively from the Democratic
whites—black and white Republicans being
alike the sufferers. The advent of GRANT
to the Presidency, and the supremacy of
law and liberty which will be guaranteed
by harmony between the Executive and
Congress, will render a repetition of the
Louisiana outrages dangerous if not.tmpos
sible.--V. Tilnel?'s envsnAos perplexes the English
rexising barristers who are charged with
the duty of registering voters, and they are
deciding contradictorily. One has admitted
the claim of a considerable number of
women to the franchise in Finsburry, de
fending his opinion by an elaborate array
of historical and legal arguments. A few
years ago Lord Brougham secured the pass
ing of an interpretation Act intended to
shorten and'simplify all subsequent Acts of
Parliament, and in this there was a provis
ion that the word "man" should be under
stood to import the feminine as well as the
masculine gender in every case where the
Legislature did not specially express a con
trary intentt But this, like many other
Ants, has been almost forgotten, and Perna
.mentriht passing a new Retorm Bill, never
once thought of their own decree that
"man" *Auld mean "woman." But on the
othe•hand, a revising barrister at Leeds has
condemned the claim of women to the fran
chise as "frivolous, groundless, and absurd,"
and has inflicted a due of ten shillings on a
lady for making it. This, to say the least,
is hard treatment. The , appearance of the
names of many thousand of ladies on the
overseers' lists in various parts of the king
dom, proved that the legal question was at
least open for discussion. We observe, that
two ladies claimed the privilege of voting at
the late election in New Jersey, but were
refused by the election officers.
Tue Round Table, which has been a
supporter of the. Democratic candidates,
says that "It is a notations, audnow proves
a significant fact, that the great bulk of elo
quent speaking and clever writing in this
canvass have been done for the Republit.4m
side. With exceptions that may be counted
on the fingers, the Democrats have really
had neither spokesmen nor journalists
whose abilities are worth a straw to their
FEEDISIME %Yaws has issued a circular,
stating that "the trustees of the Agricultural
College of, Pennsylvania have under consi,
deration the reorganization of the institu
tion ; and-for that purpose desire the em
ployment of a Principle whose learning,
and especially whose executive and admin
istrative ability, will fit him to preside over
and govern its operation."
la the Supreme Court of the District of
Columbia yesterday the appeal of the United
States from the jungment of Judge Wylie,
setting aside the indictment against Surratt,
was dismissal. The. Court took the ground
. that the United States had no right of ap
peal in a criminal case. So the Surratt
easels• closed.
Fait eirsomui twenia about to be per
mitted all, over this country. For the ant
time since morning ofcreation northern
people will tow be able to say what they
please, in any part of American territory.
And let alltur people say Amen. Tar and
billets will henceforth be only used fbr
their legitimate purposes.
German HoChattaw is to have a salary
of ten thousand dollars a year from the °as
enters of the will of the late Edwin A.
Stamens, for superintending tbh'immpletion
of • famous litevens battery. at Hoboken.
T venvacnig bave latekt =minced
"Lim ' tkrla," bat they ettll 4* to "the
nosh and the devil." •
- - - -
1-A„ Dar and brims-mut relations, which they sum
Sate. their peculiar organisation, and the Men they
pergirm, are subject lo insuy enfferiage. Freedom
frimithme emoted's** in nu eineJlrlegree to their hap. :
pla# l,4 g4 welfare, for Beet can b. happy who an ill
men only*. but no One of these carkom female cam.
offittlfot litp Offered to tits em without tonal,-
h of thetibiliVidisal. and ere long •
laileriaineut Malmo audpirresemito decline
171k phimentto cousulta phyakiln kir the relief
. of theee.v*Moue delicate "Smile s/1; s.d = l 7 nem Om
.malts rgent necessity will true woman so far mei+
!ICU her gnashed charm es to dotb is. The sex ninths*
nook ere for 'placing In their...lands simple specifies
which will be found of cacies:l in relieving and eating
pe alinmit,
tter every onesiex. of those troublesome complaints
rmi settle
Utttt Exya•ey Beentt.—Hundreds-milfer
on in ellemice: and hundred. or others apply vainly to
dratted& and doctors, who either merely fantail*
tAttin with Melnik, of a career apply remedies which
make them worm. I would not wish to assert any.
thing that would do injustice to the afflicted, bat I em
obliged to say thatammongh ft may be produced from
excessive exhaustion of the powers of life, by laborites
employment, uowholesome air and Axel, profuse men
struation. the use of to end coffee, sod frequent
Childbirth. it is tar oftener tensed lig direct hi itatiaN
aPPlied to the mucous membrane of the vagina Itself.
When reviewing the causeeof these distressing cow
plaints; it is most painful to contemplate the attend.
ant evils consequent upon them. It is but simple
Justice to the subject to enumerate a few of the many •
additional causes which no largely effect the life,
health, and happines of woman In all chums of ets
awl which,- neatly, affect, more or loom
directly, the ye t
er. oft to entire (ntraeltfelnd7- The
Mania that sable kr . ..precocious - educaticiit and gum-
nage, musses the yeara that matins designediorcorpo.
reel developmeut to be wasted and perverted in the
restraints of dress, the early confinement of school,
end especially In the unhealthy excitement tife
ball-room. Thus, with the body 6W-clothed end' the
Wad mduly excited by pleasure, tereerting to mid.
night revel the hours dedigned by nature for sleep and
reek, the work of destruction Is half accomplished.
Ia con-equenceof this e trly omen upon bar system,
anDsCemary effort is required by the delicate votary to
retain her situation is sob of et • later day, thus ag
gravating the evil. When ogle excitement is over, an
other in prospective keeps the mind morbiely sensitive
to turreencin, while the now constant restraint of
fashionable drops, absolutely forbidding the exercise
indispenseble to the attainment and retention of or.
genic health and strength; the exposure to night, air;
the sudden change of temperature the complete
prostration produced by excotelve da ncing, must, of
necessity, produce their legitimate effect At last,
an early marriage caps the climax of misery, emd the
unfortunate on hitherto so utterly regardieas of the
plain dictates and remonstrate:les of her delicate
mature, becomes au unwilling subject of medical
treatment. This is but • truthful picture of the
experience of I bolisaroll of owl young WOOlOl2.
/Mg before the ability to Mercian the functions of
the generative organs, they require an education o
their peculiar nervous system, composed, of what is
called the tissue, which Is, iucommun with the female
brie: t and lip., contently under the control of mental
emotions and &34.CiatIOCUI at an early period of W.;
and, ssi we shall subsequently see, those emotions,
when localise, lead, long before pettedly, te 'habits
which sap the very life of their victims ere nature has
selfamplated their development,
Fur Female Weakness and Debility, Whites or Lem
corrhma, Too Profuse Ilenittruation, Exhaustion, Too
Long COUtinned Periods, for Prolapses and Bearing
Down, or Utoi, we oder the most perfect
ensteillc k titian : linsuapuVl Coneonen Latium 01
'Won 0' Directions for use, diet, and advice moon.pinky: •
Females in every period of life, fade Infancy to ex
treeme old age, will And it • remedy to aid nature in
the discharge of Its functispos. Strength is the glary
of nuanhootmod womanhood. , Munson's Bitelmot
Benin ts moroetrengthening that any of the preps.
rations of Bark- s ot Iron, inflaitel,v safer, and more
pleasant.. listlinottia• Katxspr Ducey, having re.
cent* the endormuient Of the most
skims In the Hilted iltstiow_ollbred to at
humanity aa 'certain tort for the folloalig diseases
and -symptoms from winnower taus* originating:
General Debility, Mental sad Physical Depression,
Imbecility, Determination of Blood to the Head-
Confused Ideas, Hysteria, General Irritability, hest
lame,* and Sleeplessness at Night, Absence of tier
cular Einciency, Loos of Appetite, Dywpopeta, druscia.
lion, Low ilipisita, Diwarganiaatien er Paralysistri the
Organs of Donors ties, Palpitation of the Bert, and,
in sect all the ConootOriantsi of a Nervous and Debit's.
ted state of the system. Tu insure the genuine, cut
rids tint. Ask fur iIIIJLBOLD'S. Take no other. Bold
by Lima's and Dealers ever) where.' 11.26 perbottla,
or six bow. for SO60: Delivered to any address
Describe symptoms in all communications. Address
T. Drug and Chemical WareMmee,
694 Broadway, N, V,
./.11 stool-engraved wrapper, with faceusile of my
Cbvmiuel Nagehuose, Sun signed
Oct. 2-21 u y U. T. lIMI.MBOLD.
has proved itself to be the most perfect preparation
for the LW: ever offered to the public to
and treats a new growth where it has fallen or Arena
disease or natural decay.
It will prevent the flair from telling out.
AU who use it are unanimous In awarding It the
Prat. 0 1 being the best Clair Drawling extant.
Our Treatise on the Ualr /gent free by mall.
R. P. (LILL t C 0.., Rubor, N. H.. Proprlstors.
Wm sac* by all Protests.
A Clergymen, while residing In South dmerks a s
miaikasary,, discovered a safe And alspl• remedy fee
the Cure of Nervous Weakness, Betty Decay, Diseases
of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, •nd the whole
train of disorders brought - on by baneful and vicious
halals. Greet numbers have been cured by this noble
remedy. Prompted by a desire to besiege the afflicted
and nutovtimste, I will send the recipe for preparing
and using this medicine, In • sealed envelope, to say
one who needs it, free of charge. Address
JuliSPli T. INMAN,
Station D, Bible Roans New City.
Sept. 18.-ly
ed with the utmost 'eaten, by Dr. J. ISAACll,ooes
!let nod Aurlet, (torwerly of Levies, Hollagd,) No.
Kid Arch it., Philadelphia, Pa. Tao thaanials frit the
moat r•lf abb. sources In the City and C.:l' etetrp_cas b•
mom at bit oak.. The teedetel lbwolty r. litintal Is
hl tecomitmay -1.1.41.••••:•••••,, tto th• CS or Mt
t p tntekv. brt ryes lasertad wlttmettm•ta
Ye cbarg• made for esaminetios.
N0.r.20.1b151.- I;
few gt dvatistmento.
imtlalu--Trisierick Dish', (Forman,) Daniel Sett*
Ephraim D. Newman.
Cumberland—James McCullough, L Sherry.
Gettysburg—Samuel S. McCreary.
Couowago—George 11. Kuhn.
limn Pion—Joseph .1 Kuhu.
Ilamiltunban—John Ogdeu, Adam C. Muss, Iman.
Mau:Olen—Christman= Eppelmsin, Conrad Miertnati.
Germany—John O. Byers.
MountJoy—Wililata Young.
Berwick tp.—Sscouel A. Wertz.
Liberty—busts A. Wertz, Joseph P. McWrit.
Lstimore—Paul Troup, Jacob K. Lerew.
csford—Jaci•to E. Myers, John Brady.
H istiland—John Dubs.
Butler—Jacob Eppelman.
Fleet Week.
Frauklin—Jolih Brady, Isaac Stockslager, Paul Bow
en, John Chunber lln.
liamiltonhan—Hobert Watson, Andrew Marshall,
George Watson, Rolett lily the, Wm-Culp.
tiontingtoo —Philip Myers, Daniel 11.1Iarkley, John
O. Brandon, Jacob Y. Bowers, si Brough,
Francis Coulson. •
8 graben —Jeremiah Unghiabsugh, John 0. Brinker
hoff, John Kohn, Henry Thomas.
Cumberland—Theodore Bender.
Ilaniilton—Georga Batt, John Paterson.
Reading—Baranal Overindtser,-Leri Chrosister, John
Liberty—William Boss White, Saragel Krim.
Freedom—Jushua Brown.
Gernmny—Peter Santa, William Dotter*.
Tyrooe—Marks Bimini. Jambe. Pittantnit.
Dnloo--John Kindig, Daniel Sheely.
Motrtplemant—Willisni lieSbui7
Mouniqoy—Francis Afton, Lori Golder
Mensllen—Jonaa Boutaihn, Charles Stewart, Wm. P.
Gettysburg—J. B. Danner, Wm. F. Atkinson;
o :bird—Charism BhLUen, Bkhard Adams.
Bathe—lsaac Myers.
Conowsgo—Edgar L. Jenklna.
Llttlestown—it. &Bahia, Wm Lmilinger.
Second Week.
Freedom—Abraham Brise.
Liberty—Win. C. iSeabrooks, James Corey, Wishing
ton Shover.
Camberland—Jonas Johns.
Unkta--Edward Shorb, John Wramrine. Jacob Balsa
boar, George lisaehonr, Jr., Henry Jetty, Joseph L
Beading—Peter Heilman, Jacob Minor, Andrew
Brough, Samuel B. Willer.
IStrahan--Jaeob Bestow, Jacob Cassatt,John Winker
MonntJoy— Wm. Dovraover, R m.
o:And—John C. touck, David W. Lawrence, hassle
X. Smith.
Littlestown--John Spangler, Sr , O. B. Yantis.
lionntplesurant—ChartaiG Miller, Bunn* Gelaiihnun,
John Btalismith, David Destrick.•
Gettysburg—Davit! Sweeney, U. J. Stahl*, Abmandar
Cohan David Ziegler, John S. Crawford, thong.
JacobO Troxel, Jeremiah Culp.
Baffeasperger, J. IL Plank.
Germany—Jacob Yealy.
ilamlltonban—George Trenk le.
Butlei—Martin Thomas, Berkbart Wert,
klenallen—leas Bender.
Runtingtou—Jew Johns.
Latimore--311chael Stanabseb.
liamilton--John Picking.
BROOMS ! 811003131
The tunlersigoed continuo! to.manufestare Brooms
at lila old stand In Carlisle street adjoining Balloted
and will
have during the WI a fall supply on
hand, and will be able to furnish them WHOLIMALB
OR RETAIL. Brooms made to orderor on the shares.
Parades having Broom Odra would do well to glom
him a call. 8. B. TIPTON.
Ge4faborit, Nov. 6.-3 m
novicares 07
W•T BE pi AN'S
Cocktail and Tonic Bitters,
Miasmas and Retail.
1106 Market *eft, PliaadelPhia•
The took lonportioo of tbape Moro bum boa foor-
WWI to by was o f our l ot a, eminent e:liking
rectu se Ye boot solo now to asoord tboOsek-
Skins m, le libe universal ik•orits wood oargi_se
• good gbi or Middy °pokes& •
The Farmers' Book
140 bewail mot oi offal Illastrotioas. 760 ootrvo
= B k 0 •1 141 Aft what miry imam vista to
Bend for eirtidar eying hall diralirtkou
PARmuts I PARlfillir lONS
Itzposioaced Book Aosta sad others, washed to take
tide book to Irvin Faatald in ewer} oineigiltlittr• 2*.
. I ;in.lterwament. rays troll PIO to $llOO pea =Oath
"g to crliettenc• and ability. Addram
satamt,:einn * 00„
Philadelphia, pa.,olboi ns ioi, 0, chicasoll1 A _o 11 1 1 -
Louis, No.
ALL persons Indebted to the late Am et lama &
Bionnot see hereby =Met to 001 l and settle be. Me. i ltd 4 ll qf Dvather i e so YE trilittiftt to
condo of date wit to WIN las* or aa
Ito an is taw Mob of
M• ... ammo, ot Mama nag lroobtoo4 a
oot; who II ooge n tiollt& '
001.1104. , .1/Ma.
gat and sgenumat
The uedereliped, AatnatalPtratet of the estate of
Wllifasa iller,destased, will sell at Nikko Isle, ok
ftstailhty, thille day ief Naiwntiar nest, at 10 *Wok
A. 1, at the late lesideace of said deceased, In !PO
W 1011111111, Adams misty, Pa. In BeecheratilliAllis
tai istelea Persoisal Property, to wit:
On ROG. Bedttsada and . Tablas, Chairs,
Itespik Skelt." [pubes Osphoards, Lode ,
tat; Gles, Ittee-phoe Stevie sad Pivil
Store ead taw, Wood Box, lot of Dongh..
tray. Clock; Silver Witch, lot of Poets , be, Mat
Vowels, Iron Kettle, two Wearing Lome and Pla
tareo,2 Spinning Wheels,with a largo variety of likasso.
bold and Pitches' Furniture. Also, a lot of Store
Goode, tonslidlag of Calicoes, Laces, tioaleryGlores,
Bottom,. Omaha, Thready Sesars, Sesoklas Tattsoco
Oil Cloths , GlauJ ars, Cups and !tamers, Dishes, Con;
Brooms, Strap Iron. and a variety f other ardelos
Cur 'y. kepnfodder la a county store. Also, a kit of Hay
and .
Attendance will be given and terms made known
on day of sale by
Nov. 6.—us
The undersigned, iptendlog to remora to York coon.
h. Will otter at Public dale, en Menrday, ths slat dap
stf Reemsber mud, an the premises, his rateable Farm,
situated la Franklin township. A.daues county, en the
road leading from W illowgrove springs to ralrlekt,
about 4 miles southwest of earibtowu and about 2%
milts From the Gettyllepg turnpike, containing 263
Acne; there being *boat 60 Acres of farm Ind, a
part l imed, and the balance well covered with Met
nut and Oak timber. The Building are • two-story
Log Hoe" a Frame Barn,. Rimilamith Bbop, %Mug
House, and other outbuildings. The Farm Is we eft
lamed ur =As two arms out of It. There • are ilex
001100i Apple Orcluirds, of them young Orchards
comtuenoing to boar, and a variety of other MOSE Mk
the larva, licbool Mouses, Churches, Hills and Raw-
Who all within 2 miles. Lad of Joke
Throne, Peter Hake, Isaac HIS, and other. It will be
sold in' timber lots, or any way to suit purchasers.:
Persons wishing to view the term as timber,
will call on the undersigned yielding thereon.
Ode will 001121LOCIC• at 10 o'clock. A. H., whoa 'at
tendance wilt be given and terms made known by
In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Adams mummy, the undersigned, Administrator of the
estate of Esther McKinney. deceased, will offer at
Public Bala, on the premises, on Saturday the 2111 day
of Woe/debts neat, the interest of eaid decedent, being
the undivided one third part, in and to a Tract of
land, situate in Monotjoy township,. Adams county,
Pa., on the road leading from Gettysburg to Taney.
town, about 6 Mile. from Gettysburg, near itOrDiell
mill, adjoining land, of Newton Horner, John Bon
er, George Metering, Ilabry O. Cromer, Silas Er. Horn
er, and others, oontsining 112 Acres. The buildings
are a ono-story Log Honor and Log Barn ; an Ciechard,
and a well of never-Wing water. About D 3 Acres are
Woodland. with some nice Meadow land.
Sale will commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., when eb
tendance will be given and terms made known by
BEERY 11. CROMgit Adair.
Atted —A. W Moms, Clerk. (Oct 30.-3 t
ID purniance of sundry WritliOrVenditloni Exposes
and hied Facies, issued out of the Cogrt oicommou
Pleas or Aflame county, Pa and to sue directed, will
be ezposta to Public tile, at the Court HMSO, in
Gettysburg. as attarday the 140. day qj froceseisr
sart, al I o'clock, P. N., the following described Real
&tate, els:
No. I—Two Lots of Ground, Nos.
93 and 94i, situated in ilintinmabarg. Franklin toad.
ship. Adams county, P.. fronting oa York street and
running bock to a9l het alley, bmuded on the west
by lot Flo. 92, on the mat by tot Po. 944 cootainlog
one-third of an rime each.
No. 2—Lot No. 138, in same place,
containing 2 Acres and 124 Perches, bounded on the
east by lot No. 136, north by lot 139, south by a 20
teat alley, and west by lot 140.
No. B—Lot No. 140, in same place,
'containing 2 Acres apd 137 Perches, bounded on the
south by a 24 hut alley, west by a 20 *et alley, north
by lot 139 and east hy lot 13 5 .
No. 4—Lot No. 185, in game place,
containing 2 Acres and el Vecchia bounded on the
south by a 20 had alley, west by lot 12*, north by lot
134, nod east by lots lab and 127. Seised and taken
in essential as the real estate of Jacob Vl:dweller.
/Fir Any person doming to see the plot of the town
can do ao by calling an James Rumen, Z.q., in sea
maabu ng.
PHILIP MANN, 13ber11/.
Shortro Nice, Gettygtntrg, Oct. 80.-ti
li-Tea per amt of the parches, money upon all
inks by the Sheriff mast be paid over immediately
after the property le Mack down or upon Where to
comply theretritu the property will be twin pet up
for este.
The noclerslined having quit terming, will Hill se
Prlvatio, thsllow fag Keel SAWA:
No. I—The Home Farm, known
ea ulfAlbut Lillie.. situated about two mules was of
liamitetsurg,euuteloiag about 104 Aimee—WO Acres
term laud is s high arts of caltivatke, lbs rvems/w
der of the Lead lu Timber. The Mending@ are comfort
able, with the best of spring water at the door.
Tract No. 2 Contains 164 Acres,
adjoining lands of H. D. Hayman and tbio heirs of J.
Noblylt, situated in Liberty township, Adana coun
ty, Ps. About SO Aorta of this tract ars clearod ;
fllZlAiDert is timber land. Ma Insproteassitts on this
property ars a 1.00 HOUSE and Darn. The soli is of
ths beid quality for wheat or corn.
Tract No. 3 Containing 29 Acres,
►boat the one half cleared, the remainder In • timber.
Thum to as old boom on it. I think it one of lb. most
desirable locations fur a good building in the neigh
borhood, situated about two miles wool of Mammas
Tract No. 4 Containing 22 Acres,
Wog &boat ono silo moot of No. S.
Tract No. 5 Containing 19 Aeries,
44 good Timber turf, known u elm' Crooke lot, lying
• twinges Friend's creek * in the /redo/Irk twenty,
Terms of sale, onathird of the parchese emery in
hood; remainder may be made to wit Me purchasers.
Emmittoberg, Md., Oct. 9.-2 m
Tho mabocriber wishing to retire from laminae on
I account of hie health, offers at Private Bale hi• valua
ble Property, situated in Liberty township, Admits
county, Pa., 3 miles math of Falrtield, known as Aa
gusts llllls. The Farm contain, about 76 Acres o
►and; about 16 keret of which is in meadow, about 6
Acre. In thriving timber, principally Locust, and the
balance except that occupied by Buildings, Dam,
Bolide, he. In a high state of cultivation. There is •
great variety of fruit on the premise.. The Buildings
are a large two-Mori Brick Duelling Mouse with
BacklinfUlsig, Double Log Barn, Flagon Shed, nog
House, Spring Hones and all other necessary outbuild
ing.. The Mills are on Middle creek with sufficient
water to run the year round, the Mill Huns. is 60 by
40 feet, 3 stories high lower story stone, the balance
frame., good as new, built in the moat substantial
manner, Power, 20yershot Wheels 13 feet high, con
tain. 2 pain of Burrs and 2 pairs of Chopping Stones,
together with all the machinery and Biter, a in a Aral
class Merchant and Us fat Mill. There b also a new
Saw Mill attached tripple geared, capable of ,swing
160 feet of Oak Lumber per boar. The above Mills
are in a good neighborhood for grain being within 2
miles of lOUTOIPS Tract sad Timber ; al ea, for Schools,
Charokes, Markets, &a.
Alert and Carew Rade known by calling on the sub
scriber on tile purest, es addreaaing him at Fairfield,
Harsh, 114/I.—et
The undarsignid Intending to quit farming, offers
for este the Pane on which he now resides, .near the
Outlet* pike, was mils from gonad Hill P. 0., and
throe miles from York Balpbur Springs and Ilmopkm,
Adams cement' Pa., containing 101 .ACIMII„ sass* or
lee, on which s erected a new twoutory (Inter Poet
Homo, It by 2$ feet, with beak-kitchea. There is •
pump of nover.falling water at the door, three
Springs in two of the Acids, and running vat*, la two
others; Apples, .Pomeho., Cherries, and other fruit
troop on the primaless; • good and new lank Barn,
built In 180, with all other outbuildings, Hog and
Chicken Roue, Ac. live thousand businis
her. been put at this farm in the last four years, and
Ivo thousand sew rile. There are about 30 Aaron of
111011 , 7 Timberland of Wnite Oak and Hickory. It al
so conveulna. is Churchro„ liackuitltb
Mope, Stares and Poet °Mee. This lea good chance,
as the farm is in • high Mato of ealtlinntion, prim low;
halt cash, balance in mamas with interim.
If the above Pants Is not sold by Meiling of Dans
her, it will bo
For farther Information address
&mad ELM P. 0., Adams ca„ Pa.
• .
Lag. 211,—1f
with SO AGM of cholas Load, oa tit. Turapik•
log bow Abbottatown to Hanovor, 0110 all. fromAk•
Swam plow, biollll u Hollinswei NUL
OF !AND, or 110 Acre. at may b. &skid, on Mars
Crook, 6 natio oonth-weat tont Gettysburg, and known
sa Banda' IfilL
[Oct 30.-to
A DIODiI FA8.11,221 AMR OF LAND, in a high
state of cultivation, 100 baobab of Lime to the Acre,
No.l, Buildings, 2 miles west from Gettysburg.
Gettysburg, Aug. 21, 11108.-43 int
OF No. 1, .
osooad pr•orrpelloa . Lana hooted amiiltallp
rlookOosaty ' Nino, to.; is moll mottled solghlise
book HMI win mil, or mimeo *1 • bir prki•
hr 114•1 MOM* la Limo amity, Pe.
010. ARNOLD.
two miles of Gettysburg, on the Har
risburg road, with all necessary improve
ments. and In prime order. I will sell from
100 to 160 Acres, to ma purchasers. Terms
, easonabia, For further information *Duly to
wm. mita,
Gettysburg, ra.
Sept. 18-ht
eltaabgl °RAU Yost and Gettysburg tasugs ki t,
adissfrosa Odeysbur& cantsdatbg 97 ACM of
salad had vftb consented roportion of Wood,X•a.
doei aadTarminglaad. P ings ad flaming In fine
caadftioa aud,pleuty el water.
Astypaum /a mutt of a erst-rate products(( farm
aftispleassat raddeace. ainde troll to *drat,
tidapcoppily- '
isepsrticuisra W.; is Gmoutraibor.ltme
piste. WPM
gips. 17.0.41
' '
M. A. MILLISR, Aduer
Ladies Fancy Furs
Old Iletahlished Tllit Manufactory,
No. 718 ARCH STREET, above 7th,
Have now la Store of my own Importation sod Man
ti Machin, one of the largest and matt beautiMi Wee-
for Ladies' and (Thildren's Wear, In the City. Ala", •
Sae amortises( of Gents' Par Gloves and Collars.
I am to dispose of my goods at very reams.
able and I would there lore solicit a call from
my Mode of Adams county sad vicinity.
MirDensamber the Same, Number sad Street
N 0.718 Arch et., ab. 7th , 80, t dh s id e , p haa.
WI have no Partner, no connectimedtb any th
store Philadaloos. /o ft . `3,!_mt:
.1.1 to IdasalultErrow and Nuns, I take the annoy
or artendlng to the public my eirearo thanks
tor their liberal paerouap In the past; and knowing
annamonara. be prompt, thorogh, energetic
d Osaka IGerAoliers, I oak tbr u them g gga.
Vl:inane* albs aame. They haring_kmialmoat entire
control of the Excejelor Gallery gmthe litettiroyegra.
I know that thy will exert army Meat to render NIL
satkdkotion at all Guam O. J. TYSON.
Oct. 23.-31 n
QDND TWIERTY4Int ORM, AND 1120811,3 by
1.2 return mall a sample lot of the celebrated
which producmloo ;bushels to the acre. 4tio, km 26
cents, • simple lot of the renowned
wL bee been so 400 spoken of 1 7 thi step}
tufgpagets. The shore Neat ban beak Val keoeff.
/411 by Mr 11. 1": Parmees Okb
kni bon of young on ;Enke g Mak *CIL '
lIJAI4 Hon ge.01.1,
few !abetllamado.
ltd V 13 rettarat-d from tin:City au d havoll eh cap an,l
ex)11 isblecliwi of „ •
The latmig gibuidtt
elnalys on hand. Felt Hate real Gael; ed In' the latest
Ready-made Bonnets
Liberal dedaelket made to those baying WWI solo
neatenSoya. Oot. Xll,4at •
1868. IifIIIINERY. 1868.
Lir ABA'S returned from the City with a large u
-11 of /all
Ala% Bonnet and Bet Trimmings of the latest styles
with an aiwortment of fashionable
Fancy and Toilet Goods ,
&be le determined to sell at the very lowest caah
will be kept on hand, and Bonnets wade to order at
the ahortast notice.
Ifilliners supplied' with goods t• sell again on the
moat favorable terms, and patterns with instructions
gratis. Sept. 11.-3 m
The public will Pad •t
In York street, Opposite the Bank,
of every description for men and trope wear, of the
beat quitlitlee and !ramie styles.
ItS-Gurtnents for mon and buys' wear made on short
notice and a Rime tit guaranteed in r 11 respects.
Persone in boy ink their clothing should not forget
to give a• a call an we hell cheaper than the cheapest.
Oct. 9, IStilt.—iy
J. MIN KERIIOFF, corner of the Diamond and
Turk street, has/nut returned from the city with au
nousunity attractive niniortuteut of
which he will sell at such prices a■ cannot fail to
take them of.very rapidly. Call and Judge for your
selves. To look at the excellent material, tasteful
cutting, and neat and substantial sewing, and then
to set his low prices—callers cannot help but buy,
when they see It 'Kirundi to their interest to do so.
Re bas Coop , Pante, Vests, olall styles and ma tart
Mate, Soots and Shoes; .
Shirts, of all kinds, Ilogiery, Moves, Handker
chiefs, Neck Ties, Oravats,tioen and Paper Collars
Suspenders. firushea, Combs ;
'intake, Valises, Umbrellas, Shekel Halves, &gars,
Smoking and Chewing Tobaecos,Pities, St
Clacks, Wstches, Jewelry, with a thousand end
one oil er articlea, entirely too numeraa■ to detail la
a newspaper advertisement.
He mks lb* attention of the public to his new
stock, conlideat that It will please—mud no one can
or will sell cheaper. Don'tforlet the place—corner
al Pork eeeee tend the Diaasond,Gettysbnrg.
Nor. 6, 11166.—tf JACOB 11111NRICRI1077.
Thas erected a new building, for
a Boot and Sims Zatablishmant, on Cattalo at.,
near the Railroad Station, It Gettysburg, where he
sow offers for sale,
Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slip
pers, &e ., &c .,
for emu, women sod child rev, of different styles sod
prices. He has a nee sacrament to select from, and
•ill sell every article at Gm smallest protlla.
WORE MADE TO GROSE, of the best materials
and wairionanahl.i. Every strum made to render
satishiction. The patronage of the public la solicited.
Call In, and select from his stock or leave your mews.
arc In either.eam you cannot 'alto beipleased.
July 17,111118.--ly JOHN N. RULING.
HAS Jett received a fregh and general assortment
of HATS. Including the very latest style
fine Silk Caminsei.e, and Soft Fur Wit. '
and Alan •
large rupply of Due and low priced Wool HATS and
CAPS for Wen and BOYS. He invites his friends and
the public ta Klee Win* call. rAprlln. 1867.—ti
I have opened an agency for the
a connection with my law baldness la Ciallyebayg
Partied wishing to sell, or buy lands, may find It to
their adjusts/pp to ealL Several
Farms and Woodland
A No. 1, FARM. PRICE $6,000
A TRACT, 90 ACRES; FOR $1,600
A FARM, 130 ACRES, FOR s3,9oiig
A FARM, 65 ACRES, FUR $2,270
A FARM, 54 ACRES, FOR $2.460
A VidlY lit./OD FARM. 160 ACRES
A 'GOOD FARM, 160 ACRES, near Gettysburg
LAND Full 15,'50.1
A FARM, liNl Ai ICES, Ay $5O
Very desirable property in Lit lientown. Also, atte ar—
❑ Ilunee and oat-lots in Getty*burg for !tale.
Attorney at law.
eattyaborg, July 10. —t f.
E. W. 'CLARK & CO',
States o/ Pennsylvania and Southern
New Jersey.
a carpet-aka Quartered by Special Aes at Congress,
approve/July 25, 1868, with ■
Cash Capital of Ono Million
and is Dow Manned,' organised and prepared Aar biz
laical terms offered to sigmas and Solicitor., who
are hirftsd to apply at our office.
Pall partlosiarie to be had on application at cur of.
see, located in the second story of our Banking boos
where Circulars end Pamphlets, folly describing th
advantages offend by the Company, may be had.
Applications for Central and Weston Pommylrani
tube made to B. L ItII.SEIRLL, Manager, Barri/bur
E. W. CLARK & CO.,
No. 8b South Third Strut,
Aug. 214-IslllL—lyin
Sas Advnthitotatf.
, thiShiSt trled and popular Reined, la again called
teltheilliteation of the public. As °ltem as the pray
Tolle around, the proprietors aooeaily make their
bear to the people, end remind them that amongst the
many things requ'red for the health, comfort and am
Miasma of the family thrositi the long sad' tedious
monies of winter, Coe'. Cough Balsam alsiald trot be
knotten. tor yams It bu bees s household sal4l
- mathere aaalcare for the alJety of thir chil
dren, and all obi:ladies item soy dime* of the thrust,
chest and lungs, cannot afford to be without it. la
addition to the ordinary War 0040111 so loss is the
market, we now 'health our mammoth litany size
bottle+, which will, in COllllll.O with the other site, be
Mond at all Deng Stares,
The Bahama will b. &mad laryaabl., sealises . aterv • e
be relied apes la the aka t tremetem.
The testimony a fall who have used it fd- tide tern•
We (Mess* during the last ten years, hi, that It In
variably rsilevas and cures it.
Keep your throat wet withiitte Balsam—taking
tie and often—and yon will very soon find relief.
Yield at once to a steady use of this great remedy.—
It wit! succeed to giving relief where all other re—
medial have Med.
Do not delay procuring and Immediately %hint
Cue's Cough Salaam. When troubled with any of the
above named difilcoltJen. They are all prausonitory
symptoms of Consumption, and II not arrested, will
sooner or totes sump lon away Into dm valley of
ahsdows from which none can ever return. •
Many a eare•worn sufferer has found walla as to
day rejoices that har life has beetinasele easy and pro
longed by tha use of Coe's Cough Salim.
The people know the artlele,and It node r o 0011816011,
from us. It Is for eel• by every Druggist. and Dealer
is liedkinee in Use United Stake.
Sole Proprietors, New Haven, Ct.
Read ! Read I t Read I
World's Great Remedy,
Coe's Dyspepsia Cure.
Ildapreparatien la preesonnoed by Dyspeptics u the
only bums nrosedy that will arrely care that ag
gravating and Dial malady. For years It mut as It.
fearful hde, carrying before It to an untimely pave,
Its =Micas of sufferers.
Coe's Dyspepsia Care has come to
the rescue.
Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sick Howlaehei
Sburneatt or Acidity of Stomach, Bic-
Mg of Food, /Tats/mum Lac-
anode, Wearinesa i finaliy ter
minating in Death,
Ara u sureig cured b Wu poem remedy, am tits gap
Haat takes it. Although bat Asa years belies the
psopls;what a the Tanta:morn. agar t Saar what
Laster ha=tes., of lillaraistau mart
[From LitrrZB ZIEZTON, Mdeeserheci
111rxweirces, Wee, Jan. U, its
Mums. O. 0. °wiz t Co., Nei. Rims, Onta.
Both myseltaod with have weed Cade gimped Carla,
and It hat proved PIOUICTLT iesleaddery es ilde•-
edy. I have NO hesitation In say's; that ire have re
ceived 01/NAT BILNILVIT Coxes Its use.
Very BeePecINIIIY.
( 81 4aatt) 41143T86 NBETON.
(Prow Rey. L. It WARD, Aso% Zirlairiga, O.
Jkteee. Stroup ArmitraiM,Drygoitts, assassd.
Gentiesses:—lt gives magnet plows to stalathat
my wills has derived great heaelt beat the see at
Co.', Dyspepsia Cure. She bat bems At & amber
years greatly troubled with Dotpersaa, seeesepasied
y violent paroxysms of eoustipatkia which is attic
stated her that eke was ell the telkida Slo r lsOstals. oa
able to do anything. She took, at yourisetanes„ Cod-
Dyspepsia Cure, sad has derived CIBIAT BINUTZ
/SOU IT, and a now eamparatieely. w•U. She re•
garde this medicine ass groat bleating.
Truly yours,
The Rev. ISAAC AIM eflegbauz, Wallas that
It has cored htm, Whir 41 ether noudiad had bilmd.
DR UGI Gtz9 rs.
An druggist tat mob" will ten it fa
take s he trouble to usqulre, flea in we Urtletoo
• bottle oil:We Wiper% AVIII bs
the wet witriellta• praise et pest 1,116
Coe's Dyspepsia Cure
WI Ultima! Isteabiabie aB Una et
Bywater", Oaf, Bomar Oat*lats. 11 6 1111lial t
ta awe 'eery Wlt . mime eratllea dialog
Ilokt by Draggles la city ae aloft miegyvbers ea
$1 per Berth% or by appikstkat .
Bolt Paripisima, Now llama. 01-
A . D .
Agent for Adams 001101.
9 14 . 141 FrOf ainlC-47w,
3 3 it c > r:310101 .. .100110 m,
- •
MUM baa this day, declined a seinlannual dbl.:. ad
ccat., clear orall Orm.
USO. ARNOLD; t%aahl«r.
Nor 8.-3 t
D -
I V'T D E N D . _______
_n. Proof:MO loaf Dtroototi of Os 0 MIMI.
BONO NATIONAL *ANN him Ode Am 0•01ar.4 a
goof i .nano' dillicibnd of 11;ir Mit wa capital stook.
door al GO U. B. two, pfkyrbb oft and after Noverther
OW. J. =ON Y NALL OnfOloo.
Nov. 0.-41
At • useedi,g at the Baerdof Mdradden of law
(laityktna . g nod Peterabarg Taraplk• Complus', held
Ms day at the holm of Om W. ieCiallais la the
b.resialo ef al es ty•berg, a *lndeed et Oita MOBA!
wee declared, payable ell or after *Wu NEL
JOHN U. iIeOLILLLAN, Treasurer.
Telma. Nur. o.—ln
. .
0 T I C .. .
./Si Notice is borimby even t oll persoes 0.4 tO
pu rc hese • Promissory N ote, dated March 11,1101, for
Ile sum of Fifteen Dollars, payable oat year after
Mae, glum by she arderremed Jacob Lortimaa, ne
maid note will tot be Nab! by me all I 111101111
let 10 Me rum. 113$?.
!tempter., Noe. IL—a*
._ ..
du gleatko tor Maaaetre of the G•ttyablarg
awl Petenberg Ism Ike Cooptay irM take plem, at
the holm id Geo. W. , au ANIIIIii, the 9tA
day of Noreatber hut, ed 2 Wektek_
_P. M.
JOHN IL iihso•l4lA, Treaserer.
:Gettysburg, Nov. I.—e 4
Al tore Tettammtasy oa estate of DAUM YAP
am, deceased, late or Maori towasble. adios mii'
ty, basin boor graantd to the wad nahltai
la mto
om weettlpi he hereby ghee eat be all ?sr
sour ledo6t WPM moat* to andto immedlate pay
ment., and those Slav's; 514 pain 1116 same to
present char properly aatbea{iCatad bar settlement.
amtintairtilialNG, itztentriz,
Nov. 6.—tit
- ten festaiinentery on tb• estate or MAROI.II7
MITIMX. deceased, late of hailer township, Adams
county. Pi., baying been granted to tb• undersigned.
residing in said township, be hereby glees notice to
all piteous Indebted to said cants to make immediate
psi went, and Uwee haring cla me aphiNit thesasue to
present :hem properly aothentlested for settlement.
.111CliAXL Eseentor.
The nrideirigned, Auditor appointed by the Or
phans' Court in and fur the county of Adams to make
dirtritnition of the below. In the hands of AM T.
Adminlinnitor of Uncut IttntAtr, deceased,
decreed to the holm of Data Incur, deterred, but wi
thin Muted. hereby giver notice that be will Mt in the
d mammae of the dut Me of his said appointment at hi*
wilco I u tbn Borough of viettysburg. on Antonia', Mt
21st day of ',em ins
t., it., oil° dock, A. if., (drain
A. J. CO V Auditor.
Nov. 6.-31
NOTICE. --The third account Of
&roue' Bucher, couunittue of tletkperuou and
salute of Juba °minter, a lunatic, of the'townably
BrunkHa, Adanurcounty, Pa., ha s been Mad in the
Court of C ,, ntuaurt Plano of Adams conaty, and will be,
c . Jr/ wed by said CO4l rt. On SOVI day of Aocemat,r,
IOeS, unless came be allows to the contrary.
IJCI. 34.-31 VA. JUTZIIILLX/t, Prottry.
NOTICE.—The first and final ac
count of Henry P. M. retiv.• CUUMUni""
Ihargaret Lowrey, a Lunatic, of the townehip et Moe-.
alien, Adams county, Pa, has been Bled In the Court,
or Connuou Plum of Adam, county, and will be coo.
armed by mid Court, on the 30th day of Zioecebber -
nett, units. cause be shown to the contrary.
J. A. HITZMILLER, Proth'y.
NOT.T.CE.—Letters of Ada:anis--
tretlon on the estate, of Walsall llaunn, de
ceased, l ate of Bailer township, Adams county .
having been granted to the underalgeed, in Franklin,
tameable, be hereby gine entice torn permute indebt
ed to said estate to make Iniatediate payment, and
those having claims against the same topreseut them
psvparly authenticated ibr settlement.
Oct Fo.--at 3t. A. !MUSE, Adm'e.
NOTlCE—Letters Testamentary
os um east* of Pau HAAraux, Lrs of Emoting
wernehly, Adam, ementy,Pa., deeeaa•d, having been
granted LO the naderidgnitd, residing in mid ton mitt',
they hereby give notice to all persona itsdebted 1u eal4
estate to make immediate paynepl, %Ad tiw► harlot
claims against the
to proven! them properly - an,
thee:infested Ear set tiemegt.
JONAS notmalara, --" • T
Oct. 16,-6t
NioTicg.—Lette r , of Adminis
mtion on the estate of Mona berm/. (MILL,
WilGaT) latent lAttnaor• totrintatp, Adams ronnt,l,
Pe., deceased. bovine boos graataa to the audestith•
i, hereby gives notice to alt puma/ helebted to
tl h
eetit e tato Mate hassedlete want. and Mame
havlageialasseedest the same to *reseal them pro.
pscl estbeeteasted for eettlelnen t.
Ott. ii.hhiLitth P. imareAvaa, Adm.r.
iliirMadraLecraioe residaa In Sailer tp, Adam co,
NOTlCE.—Letters of Adthinis
tratios oa the snare of Vs Oaisr. docooorit.
Wow dile:talks towooldp, Adana ratify. Oaring boon,
Voided totals oailorrlgood, he irwroby Woo setae* ts,
ea pawla fadalited to sold seats to call sad make
hasordisto porrowin,abill Um, bonus. claims arsine.
the Num win
for sonlionout. prowoor num properly rorniorrirot e d
Oat. 2.-44 - 11111117SL 011inrg, Adoer.
riatilto AdnaloratratEr resider la eanebornad co,
P. 0 ; odd,* alispordtknro, Es.
track*. oa tn. %Wu of-Strallos.
deed. tat of SaUgt.k MY Log
beau granted ea. the e r e alpa WO taws
dap, be hereby eye to on potions laglobtod
to mid *tato tainkoleunothuopsystoot, gel abase
baying cola. Wawa .►. muse asisases ilium pro-
Pertl M4ltptkOaN¢ kit eutelmeat.
061111WLD A. 3AAit . Muer.
Oa. zi—ek• • '
11) 18 80LIITION.
ALF Nut van that the !ea ot Our.
tux k gems has beset ih4. day itumehnot by imam!
Coubeibb. Thu earpetuar buataaut km* be oustlauste
by Xf-CiaallAi whoM babballibm bo saittle
mutate ut the tat. dm Persona tedebtad wilt ?tom.
all and make settimmet, without delis
a. 041,35 MAN
Gettysburg. Pa., Oct. 110.411,
LICENSE.—The following ap
plicatkes to keep a keetautatit, Iwo hematite° it
lay tate, with the requielt• tiainher of Wipers, and
will be presented at the Court of Quattar Bee.loot, oft
thefeertk Jibruksy f Noscia2er, 21168:
LOUIS /OH L, Batts ;
CONRAD FOP, Comnrato
Nov. 6.-3 t 'A. W. M.INTMR. Clerk
NOTICE is tiereby given to all
LogotwOo WOO 01.1IOW paeans concerned, that the
Adioholitiwike diewunis berfalludin
be prewieled et the Orphans' Court of dame county
lbw endiesirtiee end isitswasscu, IbiNDAT, th• Mai
day of bluirattassa boa, as hi • 14., viz
109. The sceoisliS of Jeredtillii ltrocetor of
Jokes Diehl, lase of Osisebsrlead to deem.
11h. that aril tail account of Semen s mith,
.lascetor of the Wel will end testament of Judith Om
, deceseed.
Iwo and sad final soccsint of Artsoki Gardn
er, ildwilniscracor of she essabs lof VespOrin P. Gar
dew, dowsed.
172. The diet sceeest ef Jahn elat libubir
um*, lecscutoss of Jew* > We of Sam kk
township, decsseed.
173. The dna and Owl scosent oiWeawah
0 Aitesinklisetlin of She MOS of dash U Min
land, doomed. I
174. As and eiso4 0;3400 MVP* litho,
tot: will*. 14' Jima Moe*
In. who ant mg Sag moolist el Adam aear.
or tho'orsesio of Jena Browse !ase of
tow nsisip„ Adages cosa% do ses&
i. awe • soweat of Jkloiero Valk bk., aow
soy yid 6121144 SiiiCateg of sloo toot will est tests.
asencof Thome* McWnlifelS dwiewed.
O. 110421111101/38, liegister.
Court Prwlawtiou.
unillitXdi tie How Items J-Itsmit,Prreadieut
T of the several Courts at Omahas "ler is the
collet:lee ouspealai the 111 4 / 1 Markt, sot Justice of
the (haute of Opr and Tarealsat molillaaileal Jail De•
liTery, for the trial of all= ether ;deaden
it said distriet, LW ;Nog $I 'a d Roam
sol,Beqrs., Judges of tbs Gomm P 1..,
and Justices of au oretris 'at Oria tad Tenahier and
(Hunt Jall.bithey, WAG 'Mal of all cocksl end
tether aditudsirs sdeisty Alidaaer—hem e
thatLiZitensteg ltltb days( August, kg,
yeAg assigsd op* tboutesed lash 4.
111; $4O IMO &rooted air belittles Goan or
Osismos Ow, sad Gamier ' Quarter ikkeeloil el the
Nosey sal Ottawa" Jail Douniziiiis cousiat Oyu
and Terminer, at Gettysburg. so disseisg, cis ad of
Mullion IS HAUNT 6 1 1YZN,..10
_Mt tie Jamikee of
the free, Um Coroner sad the uesetahhoe within the
sold county, that ltken and than la their pre
peeme, with Oar Bony illomendo lanadeitions,
and othor Boasetab to do those
name Which to their (Mead pad la that babalf adder
tab go too don* sod &bd. UN!,,Ino dill proasente
against:dm prleonors that are °canna...hall be la the.
Jail of Mid Meaty of Adams, are to be than and there
to proteenta wart them ma 'hall be Jut.
Burin 0110%ilitgiobora Oog. SO, 11611.-c
foal, guider, rime, &t.
VI Dii w ii' i•
TRO suliortiguut Ma bought mat Ws Abeam past
Nig Ws. ems, mil am. eiesuaiNe
TIM Libmßrawn% DWI:MESS
bisosii—at Usisilettribin Limo Um; OM Um conger
thit Ildtrasi ari 111 rlk11 1 fielibmi Mow. ?Utak -
Val Ass post potesissisp, bona modsevcr le doom ite
osettagasieh by yealibuttosy ttt. bastmeds as vigorous
ly Ws* so Wye* mobs am psosible—sawsim
• rued .11e, and ghlag gad 118111011111sa0
Minns grair fool fbr the prompt Maga ihrd4rs.
. elostasstkoses tk•
awing the sod popular kladb. Wouse sop*re sal
etbaiskeeld eve ht. * eW. Illeskofft ak,4:1061 taw
meads **bawl.
xtra.4ol,l4llllo**l gardia.sti eitelyst.
esurtfins Nay. IS, left.4l raCelf
strain haring be ea sd
Oaring the lee ezQq
should like to sersfigh
that we have atraigh
. •
We have several beai3'; l
ing due, and we hinv4).
friends to help usage*
CJurt will afford -Vat
rubroribercin iiNldhlaL
Ay. 14oh:•reildent
by mall. A few denary
seriber sent In at ogee
and demand cordial ,than
Pon't delay—hut suri4fn
copies irathout credit-U$
of damage claimanto, Rh
. alter much hibtir. This
practice, neiglib•.r.
- - ~ •
New Salem, intandlktel:.
and will have a aide or•
Property at hie
See ad vertleemen4.
E M errs BU I{o.—Tb
Flonnittehurg intend - to
tion and Torchlight P.
night, in houor ;he elog
col fax: A gout! claw taivt
llanover will celnbraiel •
by a Grand Barbaeue Du'
nouu next, and A T.
and lilunilnallon'at
rts-Wo notice by 140,4
that the Trustees:of 1101
have made provision kir
er,i, one fur Ji uslc, One •
one for liwk-keepinir.
It. It. 'AI E I SO. :-. 7 1110
t , ,ri and liut.tingdon Con.
a rail liir a meeting of ail
..,ded in Elie eonstructioi
upeako and Lake Era
in Niceutinelsburg,
Haven losuninee ert
its tiro marshal' to emandu
to see if the stoves and ,
up properly, in - order ,
tires. Our housekeepers
similar caution at this
COURT.—Tho Ziovetu
commence on the fourth, ,
continuing two week'',
criminal cases will be -
and the civil causeathe
arate Traverao Juror*
for each week. •
form last week, the v 0
township for Grant and Se
in the official table, well;
error su patent that
doubtless correct it tor•h •
vote as given was corp*,
that Rev. Mr. JoattsTo
Illinois, ham deollfied r ibe
of the Preebyterlan ao
place. A Coogrega4l Itta .
been called for k-aior . roW
o'clook, P. M. , -
ELECTION.—The folio
were on Monday last -
the Gettysburg and Peters
Company, viz:
Preeident—Wm. D. •
Mauagers--George .
McSiie'rry, Jacob Wirt; J.
Joseph Bailey, Mamie
Treasurer—J-. U. M • .
the M,areh Creek '
Sabbath the 221 inst., at
morning worship. -
There will be Col:era , ;
orotown Pre4hytPrian
(Nov. 13th) Rev. Dr. W
Preparatory services OD
at _Rif o'clock.
of Hanover has mstle
per cent. ; the Hanover'
Society ten per cent. ; the
railroad company five
Carlisle Deposit Bank five
Farmers Bank of Carlisle.
the Yark NaUoLuditank
York County National
National Bank each wren •
; As we have had
tiering the late Campaign
perbead outrage* at Rep
in this copuiy, it lap)
justice that we should .
nits:racy of Gottyat*g.
solves with., owninendAb
propriety on Ilouday nig.
Illumination anti To
were In progress. vo
kind occured,
canary birds are mout..
sing, do this; Put a
(iron rust from the drttlr'
couple of Lath tutila be An
drink ; takeaway their
can't get any drink
It. another water imp
saffron. The latter . giresr
coming feathers. The. `
systems while moulting.
they will einginud enough
DLootantriso _mad ?sum
bailing from the moun
mittaburg, were arrested
jail here on the 3d- Wei.
stealing a beg and tsitri.
from Jason Et.iummult44l.
travelled in a one home
dition to the abovi '
a bag of screenings, a' •
of buckwheat, ski •
Lawaraccn and othens
land line.—Compiler
It is stated that tauter
is an Immediate cure for I.
Put a small piece of tall
and heat It over a lamp U
very hot, and drop two
between the nall, aad
effect Ls almoseAtelped.
demos* are su once • i
days the granulationi ail:
diseased parts dry, ao as to
pared away without aim'
The operation (*yak
the tallow la propetli • •
SALM—David Blink*
house and tot on Willi
story frame dwelling, t0 . .7:
for ;gra cash. • -
Ilk:helot Weaver has
frame hoaxes on,
second square, to isoot,
logton Blorbower, for 112
to be given April Ist. •
George Bupp retieutbr e 0
in Emit Bonin, to
$2,200. Subisqueatly
to W. B. lioul . ior WOG.
A. NN'. Fleuniaing •
West Middle Ariel,
as Browning, of VIZ'
$l5O cash.
Las opened a new
_Store, at (litmus Liana:
West Middle street. His
Sugars, Coffees, Syrups, T.
~.looses, &tad Sespurs r Afit!!
selected assoruneot of '
Cedarware. Tho , .$11)141,
Invited to call and e • ~
Warning his goods to bit