May, a l3, /86 D clto an 4 ofs,cutinel. Gettreltieo.olredaleiday f gals 1111, $llBl4. t_ _ - - qiirThe Board of-Vmstees of ,Pa. College will meet on Friday next to elect a President of the Ttisfitolion. CLIANUE 11OURS:—T4e 1 10 011 Pas senker tiokitt has •.c.hinged "to leave 'Gettys burg at 1245, and return at 4 o'clock,—The morning ftrain•wlil continue to leave at 8.15. Ca - The suit of D. W..llcama vs. Mr-Sher iff RSBEET. removed to r Dauphin county ] was tiled injlarclablirg last week, The jury ren dering a' verdictlfor Plaintiff for damn,- NEW DRUG STORE.—Dr. JAMES Cams, formerly of this place, has opened a new Drug Store in Littlestown, and will keep on hand everything usually found in a first- c lass estab lishment. See advertisement. BATTLE BI ELI) M EMO RI A L ASSO CIATION.—We observe that the Legisla ture voted $3,01.* additional to this associa tion, to be applied to the pudhase of land and its other general purpostis. P. 0. APPOINTIIEN I'S.— Jens RUFF has been appointed Postmaster at Green Ridge, In place of Mr. NORBECK, resigned. J. A. H.. REETHER has been appointed Postmaster at Bigler, in place of Mr Rax resigned. ' ar - We notice that JAMES Gowew, former ly of Gettysburg, has received the - contract for the erection of the State Capitol buildings at Springfield, 111. Mr. G. was elie of the contractors for the building of the famous lake tunnel at Chicago. CL ASSlS.—Zron's Classis of the German Reformed Church met in Bast Berlin on Fri day last, Rev. Mr. DEATEL/CU, of this plate, Secretary. The attendance of ministers and lay delegates was large, and khe session a pleasant one. SOLD.-Messrs. FAENESTOCK EICHEL BERGER have sold their farm, in Cumber land township, west of Seminary ridge, 145 Acres, to Messrs. EMERSRN and 11...xxiiroN, of New York, for $6 per acre. These p en tlemen represent the Gettysburg Springs Company. - ELECTION.—On-the 4th inst., the follow ing gentlemen were elected officers of the Littlestown Railroad company President—Ephraim Myers. DirrctorB Jos L. Shorb, Geo. Stonesifer, Jacob Wirt, Joe. Barker, Wm. McSberry James C. Clarke. MAIL SERVICE.—Tbe E. M. General lia* ordered four years' 'contracts with the fol: lowing railroads for carryingthe mail ; from Hanover to Gettysburg, to the Gettysburg R. R. Company, at $375 per annum ; from Hanover Junction to Littlestswn, to the Hanover Branch R. R. Company, at $9OO per annum. • ELECTION.—The following .gentlemen have been elected officers of the Littlestown Building Association for the ensuing year: President—John Spangler, Jr. • 1 7 cc- President —lBa:se Staub. Treasurer- 1 James H. Colelionse. - Secretary—James A. Lefever. Directors—John Diehl, H. S. Klein, Mar tin Steffy, Israel Yount, Jacob Hornberger. A ttorney —W A. Duncan. All the stock writ promptly taken, and the association starts with an efficient manage ment, which augurs well for its success. TAXATIog OF MORTGAGE'S —Weno flee a paragraph in our exchanges to the ef fect that a "general" act wax passed by the last Legislature exempting mortgages, jfidgments, ttc., from all taxation except for State purposes. The act is not general but applies to only 43 counties, including York. Franklin, Cumberland, and Dauphin. Ad ams is' not included, and hence the law does not apply to this county. SUPREME COURT.—The following Ad ams County cases were argued last week ; Neely vs. Granthaip, No. 34, MayT., 1868. McConaughy for plaintiff 'in error. Mc- Creary for defendant in error. Diehl vs. The Adams County' Mutual Fire Insurance Company; No. 41, May T., 1868, Wills and Smyserfor,..aintiff in error. Mc- Creary for defendant in error, , Waner vs. Fisher. No: 59, May T., ISM; M'Creary for plaintiff in error; M. and W. M'Clean fur defendant in error. ANOTHER RAILROAD.—TiIe West- Chester Republican says Ale people of Wil mington, are discusing,the feasibility as well as tho importanceorccinstructing the pro posed railrot)s3froin that city to Oxford, Chester coutity, and from thence to Hanover Junction, York county, with a view to con nect with-fhe west by way of Baltimore and Ohio and Connelsville Railroads. The Board of Trade of that city have passed res olutions to investigate the merits of a road to Oxford as a means of developing local trade, and with the view to its continuance further west, if circumstances should warrant. PRESBYTERIAL.—From the minutes of the late meeting, of the Carlisle Presby tery, we learn that the following appoint ments were made for the supply of th'e HunterstoWn and Mirsh Creek churches: Hunterstown—Second Sabbath in June, Mr. Craig. First Sabbath in July, Mr. Ma hon. First Sabbath in August, Mr. Kerr. First Sabbatn in September,Mr. MeCaebren. Fifth Sabbath in September, Mr. Moury. Marsh Creck—First Sabbath in May, Mr. Wilhelm. Fifth Sabbath in May, Mr. Craig. Fourth Sabbath in June, Mr. Mahon.- , - Fourth Sabbath in July, Mr. Kerr. Fourth Sabbath in August, Mr.`MeCaehren. Fourth Sabbath in September, Mr. Woodburn. VAtErABLE P ROPERTY.—By adver tisement in to dey's paper it-will be noticed that Dr. M. D. G. PrsiFFER intends to offer his valuable Property in New Oxford, at Public Bale, on the ilth of Jttne. 'New Ox ford is a pleasant and thriving town, conve ., niently located with reference to Railroad our mudication with the County seat - and the Cam, and this property presents spec ial attraodons to capitalista, We understand that the Dr. iexpects next August to make a visit to the Tether land," and spend the greater part of a year in re juvinated and united Germany, which, un der the decisive policy di King WILLIAM and his renowned prime Minister Bistraux, now stands in the front rank of European nationalities. _ THE EIGHT HOUR LMV.—The follow ing is the eight hot:trial* passed at the late session of lA:tgistajmni: thitt On and after the first day of July.lB6B, eight how's of labor between the rising and setting of the sun, shall be deem ed and held to be a legal day'■ work in all cases of labor and by ; the day, when there is rid tiorttirsot or agreement toibei con trary. Provided,.The pay be the same u in ten hours. SEC. 2. This act shall not apply to, or in any way effect, farm or agricultural labor or aervioe op Mon 4 or week.; nat. shall any person be prevented by anything herein tkintaliiist, *Oaf !Perking at. many hours ovariverk,or extra work as be or sbe may see fit, the coMpensation to be agreed upon between the ,enaployer and the em ployee.. Sec. 3, MI other act; or parts of sets rela ting to the hourni;or Libor whiek.eball oelisti 7 tuts a day's work thislitate are Upended: Airlt wool '' d'bu'a gross' at ladies use tobacco, met you P:tenieut's tle of Pbalon's new perfume, '"FLOR DE MAYO." to a pretty girl, she will be' apt to oPen z by au vvoti, TOWN IMPROVEMENTS.--On Friday last, Prof. Runntrawr bulltßag lots opposite the Preparatory Departtnent to Mrs. Dr. Baugher and Emanuel J. Ziegler, Jr., for $3OO each, and to Robert MOCurd, y, ibr 8200, on all of 'which handsome improlve mental will be made. Mesars. Fahnestock & Duncan have sold • building lot on East York street, to Wil liam F. Baker for;l50. Jacob Benner &Son intend building two houses on WashingAon street. The Lodge House at the entrance to the National Cemetery has been beautified by a Frenith roof, a wide vernanda aroUnd the entire - building, and by other improirements adding to 10 eomfortand appearance. , David Sterner has sold , to Jacob heads, two lots on corner of Stmtlan Railroad street, for $550 cash. In addition to improvements formerly noticed, we gleam the following from the last Compiler: Chatnberaburg Mrcet.—E. H. Minnigh's house is finished, and John Gruel's nearly so. Both are decided improvementi, with an attractive city look. Geo. H. Swope has commenced the erec tion of a two-story frame biiilding adjoin ing Dr. Tate. The row of brick residences owned by Messrs. Fahnestock and - Duncan, W. T. King, 'Wrnz,H. pulp, and 'Geo. Weikert, is being re-painted and otherwise repaired. Henry MoDannell is ahOut to build a two story frame (Melling, near the end, of the street. C. J. Tyson's prdperty shows considerable improvemenl. The House has been entire ly repaired and the grounds are being laid out tastefully. York Street.—On this street the only im provement we notice is that of Simon Co dorrs house. He has remodeled the front, and repaired throughout. It will look first class when finished. The' building adjoin ing is'soon to be treated to a new brick front and other additions, with a view to its use as a fresh meat store. Carlisle Street.—John Reiling is, about erecting a ishoernaker shop, adjoining S. R Tipton. On the Mummasburg road, near the Col- lego, Geo. E. Ritzmiller has commenced the erection of a neat two-story frathe dwelling. 31"ashington Street —Peter Thorn has fitted up the property on the corner of Sonth Washington and High streets, for a bakery. The building has been enlarged by a back building, and the whole tastefully painted. Jamea Foster43old to Samuel Boser a lot of ground, fronting on Washington street. We understand it is Nix. li'oser's intention to build a two-story brick residence• there on. Mr. Foster also sold a half lot to RoV. Mr Jamison, adjoing the above. Joseph Wible is about to erect a large Warehouse on the corner of Washingtn and Railroad streets. The building will be used in the forwarding business. Samuel Little has finished a weather boarded house opposite the College Campus. On the same side of the street, Vim. T. Ziegler has commenced the crectio4 of a la - o -story frame dwelling. East 3fidctle Strect.—Wm. C. Strickbouser has erected a two-story frame house, near the corner of Stratton. Levi Mumper has just finished a two story frame back building to his reiddence, opposite the Methodist Church. West Middle Street.—Jobn Zhea - has fin ished a snug one-and-a-half story frame dwelling, near West street. John Tawney has putrup a two-story,fratn• house at the end of the street. Stratton .Slreq.—V. A. Miller's two framehonse, near the Railroad, is nearly finished. Samuel Cassatt has commenced the erec on of a two-story frame house on North Stratton High Street.—David Bluebaugh is about completing a very neat and comfortable two-story frame dwelling en this street.— The building is on the cottage order. John Swope has re-painted and otherwise im proved his property. Mrs. Maria Wotzkey's frame cottage, opposite the Fair Grounds, looks well. Breckenridge - Street.—A. R. Feistel has just erected a two-story frame dwelling, ad joining his present residence. This build iug displays considerable taste. John Weirich is about to erect a two-story frame building, on the lot adjoining his dwelling. From what we learn concerning it, it will be a neat and comfortable cottgge. CONFERENCE.—The York County Con ference of the Lutheran church will meet in St. Paul's church near New Chester, on Mon day nest, May 18. , In the evening there will be a sermon by the President ; on Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, a Children's Jubilee; in the evening Preaching ; and on Wednes day evening a Jubilee meeting. InterFstiug addresses may b e expected on both occasions. TIMBER LAND SALE.—We would call the attention of. Farmers and others, wanting Rails and Posts, to the sale of PartoN WITHERMV, advertised for the 16th inst.— We understand their lands abound in Cheat nut and' Locust, such as have not been in the market for some years. See advertise ment in another. column.. it ._Vr• JOHN W., formerly with DrPHORN at HOFFMAN, in this place, is now with M. M. Ideit,PLE dt Co., dealers in No tions and Fancy Goods, 53 North Third at., Philadelphia. Mr. Yusprs enjoys a large acquaintance, and having fine business ca pacity, with the confidence of the public, he cannotlttil to_succeed in his new place. , Our merchants buying in Philadephia should be mare to give John a call. It ..Spring fri . cherry, . Winter Is dreary, .1) tlreen leaves hang, but the brown must fly; When he ts shaken, • Lone and'forsaken. What ran an old man do but dler Why, take Plantation Bitters, to sure, and with them a new lease of life. Tlie old are made young again, the middle-aged re joice, and the young become doubly brilli ant by using this splendid Tonic. Dyripep eta, Heartburn, Liver Complaint, Headache, Painsi in the side, 'l'Crick in the l3ack,'° and all symptoms of Stomachic Derangement, yield at once to the health-giving influence of Plantation Bitters. They add strength to the system and buoyancy to the mind, or-Magnolia Water is a delightful toilet ar ticle—stperior to, Cologne, at half the price. May 6.-2 t THE DIFFERENCE.—One of the chief points of difference between civilized and barbarous mankind is in the attention giv en to the natural covering for the head; the one being carefully cut, cleansed and brush ed, and the - other allowed, to remain dirty anti unkept. The using of "Barrett's Veg etable Hair Restoratire" will ensure fill that could be desired by civilization or .ignpred by barbarism -- 'Sagan Post. - : It Xer"'Time tries all things" and has prov ed that Dr. firistar's .paleaut of W*l Cher ry is the remedypar :ineettenee-for the intro of coughs, colds, croup, hooping-cough, bronchitis, asthma, phthisio, sore throattand influenza. It cures coughs and colds instax ter I It soothes t 5 irritated parts; it heals the inflammation ; and even oomstunption Itself yields to Its magic. influence. It MRS. S.A.- Au..gOs IMP I RAVED (sew HAIR RESTORER OR DRESSING, (in cnte bottle.)—Two weeks' trial, and you have the gtuulantee that you will not hake a gray hair la Yell? him& The natural color and beauty are restored, and a newand lui uriath7growth is the result.. Wo hear thla spoken by those whohave used It, and we predict hosts of fri -for the inipreved .repivalloafaad arelutppy to state the ae;iM on ODO I / 1 1 T Tier b#0 6 ':. 1 4, 3 1 4 0 4 I .M 01.401400 TO BUILDERS.—OoI. 0.H. 1 I;ltr*HLisa has just IlleelVilit3 tyllrY.44llolBlo/431#44 of LUMBER suitable for Bolding purpolleti, in eluding Beards, Planks„ Flooring, EidiML Laths. Pic ci* Shingle!, ttcr.--AiscilPastii, hewed and sawed, with prime Fencing Boards, white Pine and Hemlock. Oldero will do well to give him a call. as his:: stock is not only large, but his arranitemmiis are such that he can sell at the very lowe4 cash rates. Also, constantly on bands Black-irmitb, Lime-Bunmrs' and Stove COAL, I 7 - th an extensive assortment of .COO IN 43 STOVES, of the best make, Hollow•iWare, Tin-Ware, Japan-iiVare, dc., which House keepers will do well to examine. Ware room, on Carlisle street opposite the Opot. NO HUMSUG.—Do you want anything in the shape of Jewelry, Salver Plated !Ware, Knives, Forks, Spoons, Castozp, Clocks, Watches, (American or Foreign,) go io So Pas & liteCanTnny's on York street, who had just opened the largest assortment of goods in this line ever offered to the citizens of .Gettysburg—all of which are warrattted to be what they are sold for—no humbug or de ception. Call and examine. 2t ANOTHER VETO.--Capt. T. C. #onms has vetoed the high prim*, and is . Selling Clothing. Hats, Caps, Boots_and Shoes at Prices as low as before the war. His. stock is the largest and best selected, that has been our fortune to see out side of the large cities. His stock of Men's and Boy's Fur and Straw Hats for Spring and Summer, are just opened, and is the Largest and mc4t com plete in Adams county. Give him a call and be convinced. May 6,2 t WIRE TOOTH HAY RAKES, of best make, for sale dnring tile season, bi Wm. Im V,tvitiv of the parktts..l Baltimore Grain sutd Produce Market. Bailin:ore, Tuesday horning. 10 00 ffl 0 60 11 b 0 @ 12 00 2 62 @ 3 32 Bursa. nous,. ExTRA FLOOR,. WRITE WHEAT, RED WRAAX COBS RYE, Ours, TIMOTH`E-SEED, CIAYEE-BEE~,. FLAX -SEED, BACON, Sumo, " SHO CLDE RS, LARD, ... GOLD, Phila.. Gettysburg Grain and Prevision Market Cefly:bury, Wednesday Morning 10 00 SUPER FLOUR,... EXTRA FLOUR,. WHITE WHEAT, RED WHEAT, ... CORN, • 111. x, OATS, BUCKWHEAT, TIMOTHY SEED, CLOVER SEED, ....- ....... POTATOES, 13trrnts, LARD, &es, BACON, HAMS, " SIDES, ' " SHOULDERS, 50AP,.... TALLow, MARRIED. DILLER—ALBRIGHT:—On the 3rd inst., by Rey W. K. Zieber, Mr. Simon J. Diller to Kiss Ellen Albri bt. all of Hanover. BOSSERMAN—Bnycrosit,—On the sth 'inst., at the residence of the bride's father, near York Springs. by Rev. John Fohl, Mr. Wm. Bosserthan and Miss Martha A. Bricker, all of this county. ElouortTELDr—McFiTutrioz.—At the res idence of the bride's parents, on Thutisday evening the 7th inst., by the Rev. William McElwee, William Id.II. Houghtetin of Chambersburg, Pa., to Jennie L., eldest daughter of Samuel L. McFetridge, of Phil adelphia. DIED. pi - Obituary notices 5 cents a line ibr all over 4 lines—cash to accompany . notices. MAvEs.— At the residence of her mother. in Frederick county, on the 2d inst., Jikitty Duckett, wife of Professor Alfred M. Arayer, formerly of Gettysburg, and daughter of it k._ late Dr. Charles H. Goldaborough. T ICMASTER.—On the 30th ult., at. the dent* of her son-in-law, Mr. Frank - urtx, in Oxford township, Mrs. Catharine McAlester, aged at•out 85 years. NIGPREnsoN.—In Washington City, D. C. on the 6th inst., E !ward, infant son of Hon. Edward and Annie C. McPherson, aged 2 months and 10 days. The remains were brought to Gettysburg on Thursday, and buried in Evergreen Cemetery on Friday last. WILDASINN.—On the 30th tat., in Union township, Harvey Milton, infant sun of Ja cot-and Caroline Wildasinn, aged 2 years, 6 months and 26 days. Atw akdvtrtiotulitts. _ _-- S IX DOLLARS. I will pay Six Dollariperberd tor BLACK tt&ir.iAßK delivered at Sandoe'a May 13.18418.-tf JIMMY QHRONISTAIL NOTlCE.—Letters Teatampntary A. 11 on the waste of Pitta Nom, late of Itoonlielear. ant township, Adams county, Pa., deceesed.haviepz granted to the undersigned, residing In Mcilberry Conawago township, he hereby gives notice to al per sona to said *Mete to mete itomedide pal/Melt and those having claims against tbeninta to }Want them properly authenticated for settlement. May 13.-Ilt SHERIFF'S SALE. The ode of Dr. J. A. Armstrong's PERSONAL PRO PERTY, at EaM Berlin, Adams county, will be regiunsd ea Wednesday, the 20th day of Hay inst., at 10 ardock, AL Y. The DROOL MEDICINES, Ac., will be °Relied at wholesale. or in small lots, as may best sal* A credit of six months would be given the purchaser lithe Whole, on accepted security. PHILIP RARE, Sbakilf. Sheriff's Office, Gettyelairg, May 13.-te PHILADELPHIA EVENING - ° BULLS !s, A DAILY AFTERNOON PAPER; PIIBLIEHED AT THE NEW BULLETIN BUILDINO, NO. arl CVESTNUT'SrRifft, Contains the Latest News by Telegra l et ai rd the Mails to daemon:mt. of ping to Local Reports, *Beets, Fitabm Li - terary M.atter, Foreign and Pushes, - mestic Correspondence,-Edi torial Comments on Cur- . rent Events, &c. Served to enbeeritieni in the City it eighteen cents per week payable to thaCarriar, 'or Nell at eight per liana. la advance. IGHI ZVI SOIIREALXICH, I. L. halms w Pubdisheri Hay 13.-4 t • -DR. JAMES' CRES'. • DRUGGIS r, Store in Branes Building, ilakintorr - LITTLEST 0. 18 7 N .7 R:u HIVING opened s new DG n•AL Irrhltil and fittQ It np hi the beetetyle, stock Ipf pure and bash Drugs to the citizens of lath*. town sod Tidally at the toweetet wstee,-assisting In part of Drugs and Family Medicine', Pure .Mqitori for . Ai edicinnt PurpoieS,l i ' Patent Medicinii; Horse' Powders,.. tura Bolas, Dos and Dog IlOoffirs,Porhaloa r * Soaps Aua F...j ital.: -It 111111mioftiar - • 336".." *Irlikael s lootro• lidadi =o lWillatP AlNAr L a ti g r- . 4th hard or soft maw, cold or wog. Vieraor . _el th this lloproro mode lorodeollyrofilloloiltiorallealibir lillSall-r - MISMIAIMINV ', f , A tr IA 1 1./ ori# •., , - •+: t • tr ~ ..' ''l ~a r 1 • 1 DIIBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE VEAL ESTATE. The subticriberlirill ofibr at Poliliellals, OU lintroft% the 11 Os day of Jane, at 10 o'clock, .A. Z., on the premises, the following valuatiloProperty, Wade is New Oxford, Adams county, Ps., viz: , No. 1, A. half Acre of . Ground, tooting on the turnpike, with the improvements there. ,Au the bet 22 you. the homestead of the orndor-, allilled. , - . No 2, Ann fourth an Acre, with . taejappyrencoloobereue.iumeadbutho Ulna. .. •j . To. '3, Lot of Orptjpi, adjoining New Oxbrd on the out, whereon is erected the building or*, New Oxford institute. sad ; 1.11 out ht,Bollgog Lote, containing onis-burth High Aco _OI grontid fronting the Turnpike and Unfit, end eltteattlali the! town outward. • o. 4 ii , -Five Lots of - G , round con at ing together 16 A , Acres, more or . low, ekes to lite" Ox. for , said heaths, on the Turnpike leading to York— every lot acroosible from Abe tulip**. Tie, shove 44nd is sill in a prime elate of onlitostkin. sod will be.sold en, tir of in parcels. u may suit purchawri. e town of New Oxford Ls II prompertrad han dsome vil oath* line of the Gettysburg an ilassover Italf , to miles from Ifrinover, .proyarbielb" healthyome a vorite retreat, !nibs hot petaup, of deism's of Bahl- MOM with which city there is communication by 014 road twice • day, (Sundays excepted,) in about *Owen. Wlagton Ls about 5 holm and Phliadelphia - 6 hours . dls - - e COLLICIE WILDING has a front of dO feet, depth 114 lot, and 66 bet high, anbstantially built, and out easily be transformed into en elegant constry seat, from the' top 01 which, by reason alb *boated position, there is a foes prospect, In a dowdily, of gse whole of Moms c• unty, and onchalf oi York sad ClarroUeoutho—thore ' being no surrounding hill high enough to obstruct the view. For farther tufgratation addrem the proprietor, resid ing In New Or i futd. Coliditioaa will,-be neadakitowur an day of sale by • • 111. D. 0. - PIitEITIPRII, J. F. Nonni', Auctioneer. Proprietor. May 13.—ta TRUNK5... 4 ., Valises, Oil, Carpet and and Railroad Flicks, at CUNXIMILIAIII3. PLY-NETS, Umbrellas and Ho alert', te ; at avx s rsoneml3. SMOKING and Chewing Tobacco, Cigars and Pipes, at LIMNINGHAIPB. LINEN and Paper Collars, Nenk• Ilea Handkerchiefs and• great variety of Notions tad Fapey !tads anal 1. kinds, in CUNNING LIAIII.B. LECTION.-EVERGREEN CEME riar.—An election for a PRLESIDENT and SEVEN MANAGERS of Evergreen Cemetery Astoclatioo, to serve for one year,trill be held an Therday Anentng,June 2d, at 734 o'clock, in the A rbitratke Roma, In the Bor ough of dettgaborg. J."l. SCHICK, frosident. Wm. If. Mr..u.s, Secretary. ' [May 18.-St DRESS Coats, Pants and Vests at WY N.INGLIA 31',9 LOTH Coats, Pants and Vests at CIIN2tTS43n AWs . 2 80 0:3 05 . 1 05 @ 17 1 80 @ 2 10 89 p 93 . )) - 50 @ 2 62 .750 0 . 7 75 . 2 80 @ 90 . 20 @ 22 . 17 @ 17i . 143@ 14 . )9 @ 20 FANCY Cassimer -Summer Coats, Pants and Testass - CUNNING-HAWS. SUMMER Cassimer Coate, Pants and Tata et CUNNINGHAM'S. LINEN Coats, Pants and Vests at CIINNINOHAMI COTTONADE Coats, Pants and Vesta at OIINNINGHLIII3. LINEN Cotton and Wool Shirts and Drawera at CUNNING HAM'S. IMO RIGHT-DAY 30-hour - and Alarm I-A CLOCKS at CIZICSINGITAM'S. 11 00 @l2 2 30 ®.2 2 40 ® 2 1 VIOLINS, Flutes, Fifes, Flagelets, w Am:ordeals, he., at CUNNINGHAM'S. To Bridge Builders. PROPOSALS will be received by the COmmiltsioner. of Adams tenuity until TII /ODA!". the2dth day of MAY Inst., for building a Covered WOODEN BRIDGE arrow Gooogrago creek, at Snyder's fording, on the road leading from II unteeslown to Petersburg. The bride* is to P. built after the lityleof Burr's patent, of the best River eight. pine, two spans, each 75 teat lotig. Mons can be . had within a mile and a halt of the • it* of the bridge.- Plans and apecificat loos an be seen no the day of letting, or by application to J. M. Walter,Cleerg to the Commie• slope: t. 11 1 fa ei; :8 14 14 7 e 8 10 Attest,-.7. M. WAL7RI, Clerk A SERVANT FOR ALL Ramles Improvement for Opening, ao.sing and Latching (IWO, mAY be attached to any gate and operated from bug gy, team or saddle by one hand. any desired di rection tram the gate—Opened and ekwectfrom one point.. at any distance from the gat* This improvement is sim pie and cheap, yet perfect and strong; Will not be disar ranged by the sagging of the gate, nor by the frost neon tag the wets; may be made at a country blacksmith's, awl easily attached to a gate., The undersigned. baring the Right fur Adams county, will sell Township and FILM Meow of thin improvement. .- .Lbw, ROTH It SHAY BIS AMERICAN LEVER OATS —which sill be found valuable and eenvenient to 'all who have gates to drive throngs—as they remain by their team, open. close and lamb a mite, without the ne cessity of getting in the wet er mud. For fur•her information, &c., address MIRA RL BRICKER, Mena Ilea P. 0., Adams co., Pa. May 13.-tr A FINAL STATEMENT embracing three annna let tlementa of the Bounty Accounts of BUTLER TOWNSHIP, up to March 14,1868—f0r the all of Sept ember, : The cost of 28 volunteers__ lotterest to Yebruary, 1866.. " 1867 .......... ..... .Expenses of committee at Harrisburg ... board, travel and 5tamp5........ Interest to March, .. Sundry expecte, G. 8. Hewitt. Esq., fur collecting subecriptioa— Five d .ys' auditing.. ............ Lawyer's foes Stamps.. _ .. .. . ... Money refunded to I. Shank • Treasurer's fees School Directors' tees A maadt of T*x levied for S&9IC 14 .... .. . ... 4,400` 00 . . , $111,310 14 Exoneratiotts on duplicate of 62 Collectors' Am...-. F.soneratkins on duplicate of 1866 99 20 collectors' feel' ..... 98 14 ' 1426 69 Treasurer received teem Collectors for 1262--....-.-- and 1666 68,964.66 Internet paid to February, 12136. .... .-.....- .. -.. 102.116 1.967 .--.. 11.0 14 Received subscript in 04............- .......... 3,09 , 00 Interest to March, 1888 .--....._ .......... 416 ' 99 Interest on Squire's docket.--. . „........... .4' MI Treiunirer recarred of Collectors of 11217.... - - Received extra subscriptions--...... .. DAN/XL 841121:14 4 Presidia; or JAMES ILWALM. tWrialinr• We, the undersigned, Auditors at Butler - towiyelAP• We audited the above *council and believe it to be cor rect to the beet ofour knorledisci. t. • SOLOMON SA MOIL H. BARRIS, JOMbi Z. Auditors. MICHAEL EMILY May 13.-3 t. E,W FIRM• A T the old stead or Joszetil. Oman*, nett dooi to I'l the Globe lao, Tort 'tree, Glottistram, egor to the publio„ a. liat r ilee of supertur prcOCERIE - 8,,' Begais, Syrups, Molasses, Coffees, Tess, IWary is% /ie.; the lut the market, with Items. Shoulders, Bides, Lek Dried /snits, Confections, Ac. A ha, NOTIONS= in grea t variety; osdar and Willow4raira, By/WI. ges t Tobaccos, sad a thousagoi sad oassotbes ankles., 'BUTTER AND EGGS, . - almond trash; always for sale., gamma 00.,*411. 'Pero 02 oiled to, 0 11 to - 1 confidant of betas able to do so by conshut . ' 4 tall aad.attsHta 'fu stet stet selling at flavor' Log* - 'lto. 4Kanx, "micas virs a ud. either lisiiiep . „ ,or lee Zclugniktarlood l o4 l "" /I°ll4 - - • • JOSEPH GILL lir,; . . DANIEL CABIII4)W . . L PM= S. INTBBNAL :REVENUE • NO fICIL—Ths Annual Assionnent Su Attune -•ay of (persona Gable to tan on loccones„ Artieja gobedE6 ft: and Mae Wall pinions "nutter- to Special TaßAWßusibms, haying both completed, Is bwreby glTon that the Taxes &Romani bare owe m -- ono and payaNe, bed mill be reeeiVed Stitt Isegle.fite Gettysburg, on /RUMS and SATURDAY, the litth and 16th of MAY. Prathrtss.—Allparsou who bill to pay two annual taxes prior to the 26th day °filthy IM - hi dolylubtifted of tbeir neatest 10 . r • hich a foe of twenty (TM) eon% *lll bttelkalPd and Spur travoi4 fa gar ri li rw,no+ PersOal doing butanes s withatu havtiO4 ftielld Tai tbuiribroas tor &Pinsky elm j th 6 moons of tut, * eon rtf :Etuldthd . 1111 ! 1 . 1 t and. eitt Sof two • t • • - ` W:ASHOORry''' war %Umber lAtli Merlel ‘r* , • JMRLID. • -• NATiiisizillolliz dF Grierriipiadt Os Profiteer sadDineatemel laps : 4161*..11•1 ttoolamta own imuraiklairideldielNOUß ANDONit oelattiplPAMl (*or law IMAM Jut, fro troop an - 4100111911 1111#014,12idasr.' • ThaiMsil LT d WISP= or tii BURG IPA ban, ra esait - siamsal et= :PSII istockadoss of OA azwilmar , •: 11t6. 8; Us* 6,18011.-3 t . $33.7Va 1 A2:H043...,k4AP , 4* j a ragiSels, A iWri4~oA aat*W2 - O:4T - ' 1174 7 771 *M" 'Wo 1011Mijertif w'7 5 4 4 .1 4,-. - N eW g‘Perti#lntloo. SAMLICL WOLF. NICHOLAS WIERMAN, JACO tar.. Commimioners. [May 13.41 BOUNTY ACCOUNT DR. cn 20 79:1 09 / 99 1, 75 10 542 12 00 9i 91 24'05 ft! oso° CR. OILLESPZE & CO., BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR t 0 .73 _ 7 , , ,,,,,,w.,-..,. ,„,v !: , , 1 , , : At. ito „ t' '' i foI'ISIC Slit ii) )-. te-- ~. ' ' sz- , , ' -v - e ~.. .fw.:ak44,crOstniento.. B - - - OOK AGININ ,WASTILD 4 PUB; LOSING'S 111.8. TORT or Taro UNITIIO 11TATSS —trout Its obi inootery to the dad* of Andrew rolinintea admia'stratlon; ono royal ;par Octavo . Volta, of SOO pages. Binatrated by Modred on tooraiiseron wood and noetas enraving* to NW • 1 = Imo. for opoolta•ao sad tonna. applyßroad at., N swirls I,IMI , Conn. 0* BLISS it CO., 194 4 1 1114113.MANT11M.--for thei Pll 2 / 1 01(AL HIBTOitY AOV 0 KNERA L 0 ith NT, by A.D. Mica savant, author of Lwow. and. Raimpe," and "Bsioud the Materiil gathered by tbs author at "Restitipwatere iit ds Btrld , aad Irma chemists eloped GENERAL GRANT Jileaself. 96 full poiesiwynivings. Contains matter no other work hart"! —. get.. Utinowita prime It the may mOswited "Lite td fisatit4" Mon%over as Inferior work "Get the best." sepd for drunken madded , * Address eiMMILICAN , Hartford, Qum., or BLIES a Vv., 194 Broad at., Newark; it. J. AGENTS WANTED for the WEARING OF THE GREEII . .-1 - The greatest Buck ' published. De oonuinti. are deeply interesting and should be CAREFULLY Az.140 by ow: one. The kn. menu demand fur title tqat welt: stamps it the must 11001, 0 ha decidedly the BOOK NOR TELR.Tllditti. It fa ly.illbstrates OLD IRELAND, abounds in Rom ANCR4 IIO . I - 0 1 11 and %IT, showing The PATRIOTISM. altd DEY FI, the TRUTH and FERVDE, of that wenn-hearted people, containing Rio poses and over Lou ititatratiaosi honed in cloth, green and gold. Price $3. Agenti wanted everywhere. Ez ekiel,. territory given. Bend ibecirctilars and sample copyi WILLIAM FLINT, 26 South 7th it., Phil'., Pa. AGENTS WANTED 808 TILE LIFE OF - GRANT , ' BY A ISTAIT OFFICER. This is the only, Fa •Anthentio and OFFICIAL Hie tory of tke an4Friblie hervlrAw of the Great Chief. tat q, and the ally one that is endorsed by all his Lead ing Generals. Send for Specimen Pages and Circulate With terms. Address NATIOYAL POILIMITING CO, Philadel. Jidda, Pa. GAOTION.—The country-4 being flooded with seen& ed Lives et Grant, written by Civilities and Politicians, who never taw a battle. Nee that the Book you buy 4 endorsed by all the Leading Generals. Book Agents Wanted. :L 3 Oll •TitOPLIPS WOK OF BIOWitiI,PLIY," by JA F.B L PARTON, 16e "prince • f 1314intihers,!' containing lifes of distluguishen persons of all ages and countries, women as well as Men. s handsome octavo book of ovir SOO pages, Rinstnited with 12 beautiful steel so grasings. No competition. .Agitnfa My it mils Jager than any Book they erer sold. Teruo liberal. Fend for sobscrlption circular. MEN OF OUR DAY • Or Biographies (of over 60) of the most prominent men of the nation, including Grant, Sherman, Colfax, Sam- Der, Bunton. Sheridan, Grow; Kelley, Jay Cook, Curtin. Trumbull, Fenton, Bnckinghatn,Milson,Greeley, Wade, Morton, Phillips Yarragut, Chase, Logan Stevens, Beecher, and others. Embellished with user 40 lib like Steel Portraits. 600 Pages. Sold only by Agents Great tatineemente Send for-chatters. ZEIGLER, McCURDY k cO, 414 Arch et., Phila., 1.4. NORTH AMERICAN .STEAM -BIIIP,CO. TIIROITOH LINE TO CALLPORNIA, VIA PANAMA RAILROAD NEW ARRANGEMENT. SAILING FROM NEW YORK ON THE STH s t 20 TE EVER Y MONTH, Of the day Wors when these date, fall ou PASSAGE LOWER THAN BY ANY OTIIER LINE For ?let formation addres. D. N CAR RI NOTON. Agent 171 West etreet, New York. W- H. WEBB, President. CRAB. DANA. Pict Pre, OlSee—.s4 Eachange Place, Nov York. CIRCULAR, MILL, MULAY, -- GANG and CROSS CUT SAWS, Every Saw that teams, our Factory is Oil Tempered and Patent Oround, perfectly trite and even, and made of *inform temper by our patent tolerating process. AXES, Common shape, as good aa the beet. Tbe/ RED JACKET (COLBURN'S PA TENT) A X E. cannot be excelled. We guaranty they will cat 25 per coat. more than tomMon , kaes, atth lee. labor to the chopper. Jllireend Aor cirCulir and prim to LIPPINCOTT & BAKEWELL, PITTSBrEOLI, PENNA., Sole Manufacturer.. For sale by principal hardware Dealer'. MARR k LANGMAN'S PATENT LIQUID 81-SfILPffIfE OF LIME. A CERTAIN PRESERVATIVE OF EGGS, YRCTT, YRAT,ke, for any length of tire. For sale by Druggists and Grocers. WOODEN WATER PIPE GAS PIPE, AND EAVE TROUGH! ITIHE best and cheapest article ever made. E•ery -1 body, particularly Farmers and Miners, send for a free descriptive circular and price list to J. A. WOOD VVARD, Williamsport, Pa. —.4lB,fiett 00 761 46 SIM 63 IV ANTE D- -AG ENT S pre°.*gmbil Ur; SQUARE. LEPEL and BEVEL. Great indueesnests of- Awed. , ()aunty Rights fur sale on tut et liberal terms.— For particulars address W. P. tATCHELDER k CO., Pittsburgh. Pa. WANTED--AGENTB.—S ° .AO per month the year nand or a certainty of WO to 81,000 per month to those having a little capital. We guaranty 'belabor° monthly salary to - good active agents at then' own homes. livery agent; farmer, gerdner, planter and fruit grower, North and South, shoaki send at ewe -for alartiesikirs.— Please all on or address .1. AHEARN k 00., 68 Emend et., Baltimore, Md. $lB,OOB 78 On EOPLE in want of, and Agents who are 'wiling all P kinds of SEWING MACIIIIOB, are requested to ad. draw me (with stamp) for greatly reduced prices and term. .1. B. nazism, Box 4, Chkrlostown, Mass, - - INDISPENSABLE FOR LADIES IS THE SEWING GUIDE. - %Ma 00 fil 15 For the aseistance of ladles in band sewing, protecting the anger from the needle, and' g stitcbea to be taken with .ILICACT REGULAR! Y, and increased rapid ity. Invalitable in all kinds of matovidering and are/Acting. Bent to any Metres., by mail, elegantly silver plated, for 25 cents, or solidallver, for 75 cents.— Agents wanted in every town. Terms and sample for 7.5 cants. Liberal discount to the trade. Address NILES Ilkill:/FAIMEEI NG CO., 55 Water it., Boston, Mum. taboo 78 1,1/ANTED, AGENTS, $75 to $2OO w pey,mouth, everywhere, male and female, to in. troduce the eMNIILsiIt IMPROVMD COMMON SENSS ir.titux BICIPING NACIIINE.TO ism &chine will stitch. bets, fell, tack, gat, cord, bind, Raid and embroider In • moat row.* mariner. Price Only $lB. Tully war rental for fire years. IS. will poi, Only for any ma- chine that will sew a strewn., more beautiful, or more whistle seam tbjeu ours. It makes the' "Mimetic Lock Stitch" MeteryWecend 'Mick mottle dot, and still. the cloth cannot be putted spare without tearing it. We pay uesta from $76 to $2OO par month and expenses, or a aammiesion from which twice' that amount tan be made. AddreedBloool l / 1 41X0, PITTBUILEIH, Ye.; or BOSTON, 11.681 l CAUTION.—Do not be imposed nova by other parties palming off worthless cut-Irononachines, under - the Limonite:kern . otherwise. then is' the only genuine and ronny,praglioal cheap machine manufactured. Greatest Curdetajitrthe liffh Pottitry WONDZRfiIL KLECTRIO Prawn ALM— thelurßentor.,,lNTTVrttAdLL, West Millbut:y; M egs irAgenLlF Walled In every part of the world.-53. ; * "CARSONIZED MEAT." DO YOU surm, •ad D . EMI llErgr FROM CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, 'ASTHMA, or ' DYSPEPSIA? If so,- - THE "CMIBONIZEI) la Ours Coral Ae your Brunie for it or void $1 for & IM, to SAW.I4 B. COLES A CU. MIPIIIO per desalt. Xlkout, Pa. OTHING LIKE IN A i ta u Zil t ri tr=gek, da rporip en T:4f:. potties, an atttl-bilionss stomachic, a Marto tic, tic, and an alastrableireneral alttiettere. Bach Sr. the ackilowletla t j ag daily rotaspmtetties of TAB -11,:111.P11' AffittlMT. - Bald by all Ihmireists. r•- WrAR AIU 4.40'.1150101154 1 er Ode of NagHabana Alessi- INA. can Dry Mid:Taney deeds, °salary, Jelin,try. te.— Agents receive their goods a ass airriegtatt for their labor /*Procuring clubs. Send 25 ctia flis the names of two -ertkNes which will be sent on receipt of ONE DOLLAR ••Mitt „iliEkt_t wanted. Null clescsiptkom sent free by ma • 7 • • ILNINE ON, 12 .Zatir. aoi a / 101 ; 401 eLs'ffoliton, Efts. TO THE LADIES. z . Ilrf' ire Mesta hit over ONN HIINDIUID Foreign and Nomestie Nannelemeneefteind anummeted tqfeureteb the Titelecounttli *ULM IusafiNUMAIOCIDiI, 811.111, 14 ',IMMIX, BILVNit WARN, IFORNIIIIIII4, Yrliltoll,lavir 11AOHINN8, ho, ho., at the uniform . one , o r for each Article. wi . .1' of!lotioll , AI demist* ar 3 W t ankle - can be o tafteof int One , with 10 mete for etch check.. ettati6 ° Stiiit leitEr. ''' aeler"lti""4" 4 .-"4 fft". 1 0 231 • tif e timiumiti mi ..,:._ tue it 00, i - Arldea , i tl.l , *lte kit 4 1 ", *Ma, 10#911•Utiff• . YI 111111 A. 8. HALE k CO, Rant,' rd, Conn AOENTR WANTED FOR AGENTS WANTED. few aktivtrtistmento.• 2,l4o,oooCastemere in Your Years PATRONIZE THE BEST. Hating the largeet capital, moat experienced buyer', and ex tenalre trade of any roam n In ihe DOLLAR SALE business, we Guarantee Satisfaction In every , Instance, and also the bat selection Pr GOODS ever offered at ONE DOLLAR EACH. , ..Po otter amscerto has any show wherever our Agents art selling. Our motto: *PROMPT Ant ag.14.111.2." Mollend PeElllllO agents wanted in city and country. TILE LA DIES Are particularly requested to try our popular club sys tem of aU kinds of DRY AND FAN 4 :wl*, DRESS PATTERN& COTTON CUYTII, CAnTO Ir Rts o , yER po AtTED GOOD ac (Ratabliabed 1860 A PAIL"! Pia Altnildn and a check deem 'bins an 'Ritae to be llohllar a dollar, 10 cis.: 20 0142; 40 fur ill 00 Sur $6; 10Q, for Shit sent by mall. 1'1,4 presents to getter op. (worth 50 per cent. more than those seta by anyother oencern,) according to size of club. Send nun trial club. or if not do nut fail to lend fur a circular. N. B.—Our sale should nor be classed with New York dollar Jewelry sales or burns .Tea Companies," as it is nothing of the sort. EASTMAN & KENDALL, 65 Hanover st., Bookie, Mass. TO THE LADIES: FOR ONLY ONE DOLLAR. We are selling SILKS, SHAWLS, DRY •nd FANCY GOODS, of every description, also, SILVSR WARE, FURNITURE,. ie. Valuable presents, from IP to $5OO. sent free of charge to agents sending clubs of ten and ntiffrards. Circulars sent free to any address. WYETH co, P. O. Box 29.31. 42 Hanover at., Boston, :alum. 100 P FR CENT--wsl=c: the) lall u N o T t DOLLAR ALE. Pull particulars in circular. Athlreas DIME', EAVES & Co., 10.55 Washing'n at Eoston. Naar. We sell for One Dollar, GOLD' and Silver Watches, Sewing Machines, Silk Dress Patterns. Carpeting,. Domestic Gonda, to. (MOLARS SENT FEES, giving lull particulars, or ten checks gent for One Dollar, describing ten different articles which we will sell fur ONE DOLLAR EACH. Splendid inducements uffered to Agents sending us Clubs. Address, LA BONTE, & SHUT, No. S 3 cudbury street,Doston, Slam A GENTS WANTED f. .r EVERYCOUNTT.—Our Agents are making from $lOO to $lOO per month Hailing our STATIONF.EY GIFT PACKAGER. Send for circulars. lIAASIR & LCERF.CEIT, Empire Map, Chart and Sta tionary Establishment, 007 Liberty street, New York. XL A PRESENT OF $25 VALUE, OFyour nam selection, free of cost. for a fear days' Ferric* in any town or village. Particulars and a gift sent tree, toy addressing, with stamp, N. B. CLOUD MAN' ,k CO., 4d Ilatiover it., Boston, Meas. Agents Wanted for THE OFFICIAL HISTORY OF TUE WAR, It* Caimes, Character, Conduct and Re FrEl BY MX. ALEXANDER IL STEPIIENS A BOOK FOR ALL SECTIONS AND ALL PARTIES This great work presents the only complete and im partial analysis:if the Causes of the War yet published 1,0 gives those interiNr light. and shadows of the greet 4ffiLtilet only kwown to thoselbgh officers who watched the good-tide or revolution from its fountain springs. and which were so accessible to Mr. rtephens from his pool *Jon assecond officer of the Confederacy. To a public that has been eurteited with APPARENT LY eIMILAR PRODUCTION: 4 , we promise a change of fare, both agreeable and salutary, and an intellectual treat of the highest order. The Great American War has AT LAST found a historian worthy of its impurtance, sod at whose hams It will recelvethat moderate. candid and impartial treatment which truth and justice Si orgtntly demand. The intense desire every where manifts'eil to obtain this work, its Official character arod ready sale, c, , rribiord with an increased coturnpooou, make it the best 6 übscrip two book ever published. One Agent in Ea-atun, Pa. rep..rte. One In Boetoo, illaes. 103 subscribere In lour irate.. One in Metuptris, Tent. lon subscribers in five days. rend fur Circular, and see our teirn4, and a full de scription of thu fork, with Press notices of advance sheets, &c. AddremrtiATlON A L PLILLISHING;CO., 26 South Perenth nt. , PhtludelphiA, Pa April 29.-3 t WANTED, AGENTS QOLDIERS, TEACHERS, ENER GETIC MEN AND WOMEN, thr the LIFE OF GEN. U. S. GRANT, By Don. HENRY C. DBMlNG.Cheirman of the Military Committee In Congreol The only work of the kind is seed - of/der the 'ion and by the Ruth° ity of Gen Grant UIMSKLF. It is OYFICIAL, and is the moat in tens- ly Interesting biography ever published In Amen-- The author is one of the most brilliant writers In the country Agents will And this ilia stuaso work of the season. Terms, the most liberal. To secure choice of territory, apply soon to " PARIIELEE Ac CO., Publishers, 7.. gensom st., Philadelphia., Pa. April n.—lra A GENTS WANTED FOR DANA'S . AUTHORIZED AND AUTHENTIC LIFE OF ULYSSES S. GRANT, Comprising a complete and accurate history of his eTent ful and interesting career, with an authentic narrative of his invaluable military errsiera. adding also en impar lel estimate of his character as a Man, a ,soldier, and a Staressaan. By 1100. CHAILIJ3 A. DANAII. late Assistant Secretary of War. Th. 'Sprinfleld Republican says:- - Dana's Life of General Grant is sure to be the moot au thentic and beat Life of Giantpublied)ed.. tor particu lars, apply to or addrees 01.7RDON BILL 4 CO. Spring. Arid, Maas., or W. D. MYERS, 41 ILsideriram, 31. Y. April 2d1.-4t A CARD TO THE LADIES. DR DUPO:NCO'S gOLDEN PRRIODICAL PILLS FOR FEWALE' 4 . Infallible In correcting Irregularities. Iterbovtng Obstructions of the Monthly Torns, from whatever Cause, and always successful as a Preventive. Females pectin:Lily altunted, or those oupptsing amm onites so, are cautioned-agaiust using these Pids to that condition lest they "Invite miecarriage," at ter which adomiti se, the Proprietor Assumes no re sponsibility, although their mildness will prevent any mischief to health. Price $1 per Box. Six Boxes S 3. Sold by J. M. 11012 ER, DruggLst, Sole Agent flr Get tysburg, Pik. Ladles, by sending him SI throigh the Poet office, can hare the Pills sent, (confidentially,) by Mad, to any part of thecountry free of postage." April 29, 18611.—1 y NOTICE. HAVING retired from badness, I desire to close up my books as soon as possible, and request all indebt ed tome to call and setts r. Daring any absence the' Rooks will be left with my successor, Hr. EGANCIS CUN NINGHAM, who is authorized to receive monies and receipt In my name: • Y. B. PICKING. A oil 29-3 t FOR SALE AT PRIVATE SALE SHARES OP STOCK in the FIRST NATIONAL BANK of tlettyabnrg. Enquire at the Bank. April 3,14 ff .—tf photograph 6111trie8. EXCELSIOR GALLERY. PHOTOGRAPHS, PHOTO MINIATURES AMAROTYPES, Stereoscopic Views of the BATTLEFIELD, ST,EREOSCOPES, PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, AND ALBUMS IN GREAT VARIETY, '_ AND AT' GiREATLY REDUCED PRICES: Mir We flail is nothini but the best afite kind. !Oak amd examine our stock. J. 'Met, Apiil 1,1868.—U Premietor. R- F,. 0:--17-4...14-1 THE GETTYSBURG SKYLIGHT °AURAL THIS undersigned takes ; pleasure anwastai s tatb•iitisias of Gettysburg and the public gimetally that be bee remwridtetes ide obi Tool* on West Middle street, to Baltimore .street• mut -weerip astpoette timetoreof Telioestaek BrotheraL. The room he saw bee been ruosetly fitted up espirilletiF hie tramdbem. Tbiebwatikre-ie es itdiffittimasaiyabeldbotp blotto take pictures twaltabaded orWildtboti endilib orrice:teen useqpalbod anrorberrefie, oTo a RA4)HB A , . ogees= ea b deice i , fte.:nnHHl"fwfut)p tkou. • fu oopPing AM.B*OIVP and ".11 40 1 714118 or diroemedbilift , ; , . 1 a ' 'lll4 eifrie new Ityleirlapiatwaseikkb- item.beodWO Terri= wttig the vibikkwettliets lew,Joettitar a - 'mew asetiottomboWte_ Ay. Mins..llllllll- eOalOllA/11 basutVaitAllutalilliftrolurs easesimawdo—' fibree prepared Warapap- Abe., biwilestAken its saiodrermeipe wforlradwaosr Itek"Or. '6 1 4r42.4/frieldifiti;:i I.atrhkirvairAk2MOrt. Oeil 10464.4w54", NEU . Pot go - ticto .„.„, NOTIOF4-7—lsherehygiven that ap .L. „Stasi* pjlebe Itlds twits. Cbutt boiottion eas of Adams county dw the Incorporation of "Fkbr's Ow man „ReIFIWM ed Church," in Franklin township. and Tuesday the - 264%43W Nay hos been flapd fur the hear lug of tlie same, of Which all parties In 'Merest will take notice J. A. it It MULLER, Proth'y. Apri td . N, OTlCV.—Letters Testamentary A. on the estate of Parka Pewrz, late of Lai:Dore township, Adams county, deceased, bar log been grimed to the undersigned, Executrix, residing in the same township, she hereby glees notice to all persona indebt ed tossid eltateto stake Immediate payment, and tit , Is having.clatrus against thesame to present them properly authenticated fur settlement. LIARALI PENTZ, gxecntrlz. April 8 -Gt AUDITOR'S REPORT. =ln Common PIO/U1 of Adams co., Pa ,} Am, 168 N the matter of the Repoprtril of Ter the Au d itor appointed I to distribute the balance in bands of R. hicCoanY. R. Sequestiator of the Gettysburg Railroad Company, in his sixth account—upon affidavit filed and hearing had, it was ordered by the Court that the Report of Audi tor be referred beck for further proceedings. Notice le hereby given tool! persons In any way interested, that the u nderslatiediAnditoe, will sit In obedience 10 thie order of Court, at his °thee, in Gettysburg. on Friday. the IWI j May, ISBB. EELY April 2).—tc J. C. NAbdit, a•.. NOTICE. -The first and final ac want of Melee Fremont, Assignee tinder a deea rt rola utAry assignment of Joux Gitovs and Wife at Union township, Adams coutity, for the benefit of Credi• tor!, line been flied In the Court of Common Planta Ad am,' county , and will be confirmed by said Court on the 26th"doj of May next, Unless CORM be shown to the con trary. J, A. RITZITILLIIR. Prottey. April 22.40 NOTICE.- 1 1'he account of JERE . Ulan SHELLY, Aasignee of Lewis Seriles and Wife of Huntington township, Adams county. iu truet for Creditora, ha been filed in .the Ouetrf of Common Pen of Adams county, and will be confirmed by said Court, on Me 2fith cloy of May next, linters canoe be .boan to the contrary. J. A. Apt Proth'y. NOTlCE.—Letters Testamentary on the Estate of knits Ciargei, late of Menallen tojrndop Adams county. Pa-, deceased. having .been granted to the underbigued residing to the same place, they hereby give notice to those indebted to maid estate to make Immediate payment, and those having against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. April 2'.Z.-Ct Grand Jury Report ,r 0 the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Pence in and for the county of Adidas: The Grand Tannest, intiniring within and fur the staid county ..f Adomo, beg leave to report: That they bar, visited the Public Buil I nes of the county—othat thet are able to reoort favorably of the condition of the Jail finding it iu good order. That the be said of the Alms. tionse,. except as to the apartments assigned to the - insane, the cello it the insaro hospital being damp and unwholoome, ea les fated to thwart the efforts and services of the Phytkink and the Steward and his family in behalf of three unibr turiatea, and we woild earnestly recommend that more udable accommodations be provided fur them. We would amid that we found one of the furnaces Lad order—in act, worn out, and report fivorably with regard to the contemplated Improvement, viz.. placing a new one lei its place, whenever it mmy suit the swivels. 'mice of the officers having the matter in charge. JOGN L. JK:SIRiNS. Foreman., Adam Eicumetsnop, Vklmel Levlndtime, (4.0. liagerman,'; • James Linn, Geo. Stonesifer, least F. Tudor, W. W. Stewart ' , Isaac J. lS" x ht. Wn. . J Martin, B. spongier, Dante' Backer. John W.A. Water. James Marshall, John Cunningham. John B. Paxton. May tk—o3t REGISTER'S NOTICES. OTICE is hereby given to all - A. Lei:oleos and other persona coocereed that tht Admire isti &thin Accounts hereinafter mentioned will he presented at the Orphans' Court of Adorns eoduty, for cOtiltrmat Mc and al lowanee, on TUEBfiA I", the ?.6th day 51AY,l 504, at 10 o'clock, A. M., Ow: • 72 enLrcrib~•ra in 119.,The second and linal account of Samuel Brown. fideninistrat,,r of Elizt Freed, dece.sed. 120. The account of Virginia Braahears, Adrninfstra• [di de bouts 00n with the will &unclad of Margaret II Bosh, deceased. 121. The first and final account of Jacob B. Oyler, A 4 milostrator of estate of Valentine Oyler, dem:zed, net tled b Julian Oyler, Adathalstratrix of estate of Jacob B. 1.1 ) ler, deceased 1' he ac:onnt of Jacob Lady, Administrator of the es Abraham Lady, deceased. I e first account of Abranam Ilart, Mininistra tor o Joseph liartzel, deceased. 12.1. Aoreunt of Jacob Stock, Trustee fur the sale of the Real Estate ofJarob Wolf. deceaaed. 123. The Bret and coal account of Henry Myers, Ex• ecutor of Jacob March, deceased, settled by finny J. Myers, Executor of ilenry Myers, deceased. 12';. The first and final account of Fleury Kapp and Jim Kapp, Administrators of the estate of Elizabeth Kapp. deceased. 127. The first and final account ofJoseplos 8. Roland; A cu Mist rotor of toe estate of Addison d. Roland, dec'd 128. First and final account of Jam Ranee, Rag , Ad ministrator of Inn estate of David Baorbaugh, dee d. First and tinataccOunt of Peter Febl, Executor of the butt wiff and tartamitas of Valsitalse Peat, deceased. 130. First slid thud actionat pf Jacob Cl. Mel lbenny, Administrator ofJohn Tanithinbatigh. deceased. 131. First sad final accoaot of Peter Quickel and Jahn Sheely, Adruinistratdrs of John Sbeely, (of N..) deceased. 132. Account of Andrew Ilykes, Executor of Samuel Deardorff. deceased. 133. Second account of Isaac P. Brinkerhoff, Executor of the last will and testament of Samuel lies man,.dec'd :34, First account ofJohn Edwa•d Plank, Executor of the list will and testament of John G. Plank, dewed. 135. Second and final account of Peter B. Kauffman. surviving Executor of the last will and testament 0. Abraham Brown, deceased. 131. The sea .nd and final account of Frederick Quicker, surviving Admlnbrtrator of the wane of Samuel land, deceased. 137. First and final secootkt of John A. Swope, Ad. m mist rik tor of Morgan H. Sarive, - deeessed. W. D. ROLTZWORTH, Register. April 29—te BOUNTY ACCOUNT. STATEMENT of the Bounty Ap coutrt of VUMEEILL,Cip TO P, 4Witnia come. ty, Prune. FRAINCI6 BREAM, Esq., Treasurer, in account with Bounty thind. To Balance Duplicate L. Bushman, 156.5.... " C. :hriver,l£4l43 J. Deardorff, 156&.. " Omissions ff " I uplieate Soo. Keelanyer, 1107 " Loan A. Spangler ff Jno. Moonabower. " Cash in hands of Treasurer as per report of Auditors appointed by Co ........... 1,348 80 riterott from Sept-1108M to d i t s n i *unit " '" 49 LI "k„T' i,f ltalance of substitute money paid Wm. E. ............ ..... Ikimis paid Individuals Interest ‘• •........ Loans paid Batt Interest and Stamps paid Bank— Atturn lea' feea Printing.................., ...... ..... Expenses of and it *retrial by Court Sundry Orders Exoneration» L. A. Bushman, 1066 Fees Exoneration C. Siitlyer Fees .c , 1866 Elonerat lons J. Deardorff, 1866 Fees amount Outstanding on Duplicate of J. Kee (*over. 18n7 Treasurer's-Fees Etslanco In hands of Treasurer STATEMENT OF 'INDEBTEDNESS. The debt aa reported by Auditors Substitute money paid Inn. T. Hoffman, Jacob Sh river, Peter D. Swisher sad John Goode- month, and allowed by the Conn Balance enlystittne money paid W.. 11 Myen...— Of which has been paid during the year....— Lemming present debt at.... Due u fdlown Jon a Hebert Philip Sp3der.... Hauk ASSETS ARE AB FOLLOWS Cash in Treasurer!' hands Balance Outstanding on Duplicate Jno. Kee farmer.. The Auditors. submitting tbeabcrvestatemeht as to the condition of the Bounty fond of Cumberland town ship, report that the apparently large amount of ex uneratieus granted on Duplicates of 1866 and 18f6, • wes ocessioniss by assessing a large number of persons who were exempt by reason of servise In the army. The, would also report that the milt bpight by the township tor the recovery of money paid lbe , men never credited to the township has been decided in favor of the p. if the money can now be made there will be 81,- 800• (less erpenses of stilt) towsrds reducing still fur ther the township Ilabilitfei. April 29f-3t N EW BAKERY; NEWPORT t ZIEGLER ilschinicadiakery,SeintltWestihrgiee , Ir. hilfsqnue legit the Bade nota,asitiretiurvfa deletiuttlyes Iliand,the beat of =II a. 0.61: TV:j r4trsons wishinit'reaSlttetritiwitlllmaan•Arve , r) Mier I: 1.,6,41*1p4A14-'w faikby howdy; thebtAugessidrOjitslissid neonatal IMIE J0:4All GRIOT, JESSE W. ORIEST, Executors 1866. 2176 1131;&" 174 19 767 KS 11 26 Sll br 14. 4t 812. Kt 46 6S 16 .... 00 .............8,828 15 DOM MA.EING, LEVI 'Branum, .rstra ft mans% • • Auditor' gallery. t Crocker Cakes, IttAti9' *MAU' farming gatpitmento, &r. I{,EAPERS AND MOWERS. DODGES' PATENT E. BALL & COMPANY'S WORLD'S REAPER & MOWER: HAVING had considerable experi .Dce in the sale of Beep/instead 'towing Illachtkee. in the last few year.. I bars made its point to offer so h machine - to the Pinner that will not when thotongbly tested give patina sells faction, and- ynce hare &timed the agency for all but what I regard"the very hest in the market. I now offer to the tanner the cvtalag Sea son, two ut what t consider the best machin• in use.— • Last 4.116011 I sold of the ItUtai RYE - Patens which hare gives entire satiefattion. 30 me chiee has been returned, neither has there been any dif ficulty with any one to whom they were sold—all par. log br their machine. promptly. - Certificates tree twee who here perehamd, °maid be procurecLbut it unnecessary—hut for Would „ ow g h cm , wanting machines to any of the following - gentlemen who purchased and have been using thews machines: Jacob BaSeasperger, Edward, Wagoner, Jacob Xbiler, Samuel - Wagoner, William Wert. Jr., Jelin arinkerhoff, Denjarnielibelly, Willem Diabase, Newton Horner, Bash Dosham. ' - SIM& Horner, Dr. Gloklaboroggh, John Herbst, . Henry Spangler , Joseph 0 elbsuagh„ ' James Hanentll, Joseph. Calhertscu , Frederick Puffer, George eturhey, . Henry Weikert, Daniel March, Henry Batt, This machine bas beau awarded medals and drat Pre. *ilia ma by the Pennsylvania. lowa and New York State Fain t er:id by hundreds of County Yalra in all pews et the country, lucladiog the Adonis Chanty Fairs, hoeing teceithell the first Premium at lieederwritte la the tall of Ma, Ned at tiettyrburg in 1807, at the beat on exhibi tion. This mach , ne has met with the moat complete auctem,. In every section where It has been Introduced, it has ta. ken precedence over machines ablch have !Heretofore ranked as first cla e. lu on/pectoris, liahtuts. of draft. _excellent* and eleganceof workrnansb ip and II o hay, com bined 'wait great strength and adaptation to all Itla4s t t work, It will earl lbs any machine heretufOre uttered the farmer. The delgitoke en this machine has been considerably improved in the last tieaeou, au/ Lll war. ranted to give gentra salia6Ctlon or no sale. TRY WORLD'S KOWSR AND ARAM, This is en entire new machine, bet judging ttom its construction and the testimonials it has received, It wil I be the Leading machine. The gearing hi cut out of solid Iron. making every wheel and cog exact, titling up close, and mining **true es a dock, which makes the mt. chine much lighter of dr.ft, and. nu rut' ug of cogs or wear. The gearing is ■ll closed In a tight case the mine as a watch, entirely excluding water, dirt. or gram, and Indeed preventing everything that Is calculated to prove injurious to the machit e,y. To • fl, you simply open the lid when all the oiling ',bees are exposed and *Muir.- lenity idled. The burs are all el:leaked the Caine as the gearing a..d cut An the same way and when once tight. ened down—there is a., danger of working lows, as le the ease with other machines. The Company do not hesitate in saying that thia mach ine,"with proper care, will last a man a life time, which Is a matter every firmer should take into consideration, before boyfag at the present high prices of machines. TESTIMONY OF REV JACOB B. TBOSTLE, Lientxoar.. co., Aprittl, Ma. Wm. Wiece:—Last year I purchased one of H. Ball'■ WORLD'S REAPERS, an,. used is last harvest In in cutting my own drain and Gram and some of my neighbor., and hare nu heeitation In st)ing that it gar* me more satisfaction as a conOined =white than auy I hare ever used. although I have tried sotuo seven or eight other machine.. I regard it the Barr machine. In market, and du not hesitate to recumarend it 01 Inch to any person wanting a Brat-clam machine. Yours, rte., J, D. Tacoal.a. I cln al4o furnish BALL'S 01110 to those wishing that montane. I can furnish these machines to snit Airmen', and will tell as single &lowan or tutu biped Nachinee as Mowera— SeiEßake—li [impose and Band hake combined. lam also agent kr BOPE'Swictrpsa, which can be attached to any make of machine. none haring old machines on haw., mud wishing* Dropper cap be accommodated by sending in their onion' early and naming the kmd of machine to which they wish them lb be attached. Price c:3O. r ample machine% can be seen at the resideriee of She enbecriber.two miles from hiettynborg, on Uerrisburg road, or at the Warehonse of Gorr or a BionaSt, Getty s. bare, Pa. I also keep on Land WIRE-P . )078 D-{ I" STEEL PLOriilf.'; PEED CUTTERS AND PA 11.111A0 IMPLE XES GESERALLY. Farmers would do well to examine my machinery be fore baying elsewhere as I keep nothing but toe best. Extras constantly ou hand, en 1 have made arrange ments to have repairing done in the best po.ible man ner at short notice and ruodelate charges. April 22.-3 m irmix. WEAVER'S PATENT ADJUSTABLE SELF-FEEDTNCI ROCK DRILL, ONE OF THE GREATEST IMPROVEMENTS or 711 K Leing the first succetulta attempt to cipplY machinery to Rock Drilling for Misting purposes, and which trill answrr equally well for splitting Rork am( holes in Rock for any purpose. PATK:sITETi JrLY 16, 1867 THIS Drill has everything that is dewed Ina Roc k It has any amount of akr Jubtabillty, so that a 4 .111 stand on any nneTen Iwh.where this poartota for a tuna to drili. . - It drills or at any angle tip - to 55 de e7rees, and any depth or dimensions riquirett for Blain- It operateeenally, and with one ct thane Machined!' man can Au flve times the amount of work done In the way, in the lathe time. In ordinary Rork it will drill 4.140 inch per minute. With this Drill. Farmers, who have rough lai.d, eat, dear the rock ofF with little expense, aeaay permit who ern turn a wind ufill can operate the drill. It can be need in Welhi. &liars, Coal Mine., or any place that Mock le met with- ondmigned having purchased from the Pa tentee, Wm-tau Wssehe, ell hie interest In in ld Letteia Patent In and to the State of Pennnivanta, are proper. ea to soli (bast, and 7barnikfp Rights in said State, on reationsble terms. We bee. also been constituted, by Waters of Attorney, Agents fur the Patentee. fur the ,ale of State Rights throughout the Reit. d States. Per sons desiring to secure County or Township Rights in Pennsylvisnia, or tejseure the Right for other. State*, will address, BELL & WEAVER, liantorstown, Adams county, Pa PHILIP WEAVER. ROBIULT HELL. March 26, 1868.-3 m EAST BERLIN FIRM. •• 3001 11 1,364 72 .. 662 72 REBERT & HOOVER. EMI .. 6,P46 59 '4O 00 .. 200 00 FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Buckeye Reaper and Mower—DUckeye Self-Raker, Hciffheln's Patent—gelf disehargtng Wire Horse Rake, Shireman's Patent—Brand's Patent Wire Horse Rake —The Rockaway Wire Rake.—Also, itt1.629 19 .. 100 GO .. 1,606 O. .. 384 93 .. 2,139 Sr 616 22 90 CO Threshing Machines, CORE PLA.NTZEB, TWO &TNT*, - AZIRE74AWS PA TZNT ♦Nn WAIMAITOWS PATENT, TOM, GRAIN DRILLS, MOORE'S PATENT CQRN SHELLER, WAMTIALMTPS PATENT. - 1,702 .58 . 26 67 - 2 308 04 REPAIIVII9I Mill kinds dope on short no! . Call and see what we can do $11,69 19 S 1153 95 East Harlin, March 4, 1863.--Ita 1,200 00 100 00 NEW MACHINE SHOP 10,163 it 3,843 SC AT NEW OXFORD. THE undersigned calls attention to Menem Machine Shop. it New Chiford, Abuse county, which he has put up, at large expense. with the deternitnatkut to do good and satiefactory work. will manwfactuto WASIOIII kinds of 6,:;0' 8 16 2,398 01 AGRICULTURAL MACRINERY, oath u TIIIIASHRIG MACHINIIS, SPRING-TOOTII RAKIS,Ae.; and till keep the BUCHIP.YIi RNA k HOW= on hap- hy male All deuriptionket kIIPAIRINO done promptty •and u cheaply He has in conneediMi *HI his Hachine Shop a STHA3I SAW AULH:lapoit *kith Moen do all kl dw or wort to that line. , . • He astir the Pnblic to call and glee him a trial, and' h• ctiassateu gni teatietact lon . Hatch 25, 1868.-4501 94,100 59 Pardwart, tutttrg, If A RDW R E ARD4Rof, R IJ{ TaiLioseeibm•F baveJnst returned (mane a Wes with evil Mmeas es applypf BARI/WARR& OR whieb ;bey ars aff•riast Nate olekaaalsi;im llaitimore street, al pricetto suit 'betimes. Chatotoateotolsoln part of Clartmater'sToois RitaeltiMatibPsToois Coarl. Iftwtairgm, hoe? ittatitli, `` ' l ' : . . . Oebelee.fiffaktekTOOli; . 1401teekeapet'illiturek Aliktedroflres Fe fl 4°o ariLtti9 -OF 4il 40 A.J.A .11 3, ~ CHIE,PkIeta ke.oid. "Ther el so d e rrfc I r foelndeO itrtlk -Jia eveleellleitert st Sem tleued above. bat Otte*" ad At eltia Store. Every e 1../ of Meettaidorp ,be, KO otelfeEkted hers will, tool e a od Auditors-end -fdreep oeipaas and every sr tic it I a the' acm• at UN • ran II VliarittplllllX. 00 40 VA la OR (0 r cash a r iutiottieL ff hqn„ r oatin7oki try - -- •• :- iow r i..ll. notimo* ... . _ - 0 veroXt RaT.t.ii.''' - c. . . 116.01. Isas":.:- ~ .4 . • ,-, " pbAilltik#PFANOY. 0 6 . :Art J * 4 I4Y • 4ta 41 15 itdxrtteAr 4 Atiniartba. • s sof ' • )11 17%a1i,•1;L: 1A Tait staluAitaufissitpft %Ma 144 '," i. .Irerri s!?4' OHIO AND BUCKEYE, CIO HEBERT k BOOVF:11. JACOB STUCK