The star and sentinel. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1867-1961, April 29, 1868, Image 2

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    *ar & *tutinel.
Wednesday, April $9, 1262.
Advertisers and others interested will
buds in wind that the regular circular.
yon of She•.erftAlß AND SENTINNW•is
NM Web larper than that 'of any other
'mule published is the County, bylaw
tied weekly by not less than 10,080 Per
Advertisements. to secure immediate attention,
must be handed Mon or before Ttielutai morning..
The work of reconstruction goes brave
ly on, despite Jormsox's treason, Rebel
malignancy, Copperhead Interferences,
and "Kux Klux" assassinations. Al 4.
kansas, South Carolina, North Carolina,
Louisiana and Georgia, have all declar
ed for Republican principles, carrying
the new Constitutions, and electing Re
publican State Tickets.
Although the majority in Arkansas is
not very large, at least half the Republi
can vote was compod of native-born
white citizens, estimaced at 15,000. Gen.
Cia.vroN, the Governor elect, is a na
tive of Pennsylvania.
South Carolina looms up with a Re
publican majority of about 43,000.
- Louisinna, notwithstanding the atro
cious frauds and ballot-stnifing by the
Rebel Itegistrators and Commissioners
of elections appointed by HANCOCK,
gives a sweeping majority for the Consti
tution and Republican State Ticket—the
last despatches claitning 20,000.
North Carolina is Republican all
through by over 20,000, at least 30,000
White votes voting the Republican tick
In Georgia the contest was bitter, the
opposition being lead by all the old Se
cash leaders, and the result for some days
was in doubt; but the last despatches
announce that the Republicans have
swept the State by ahandsome majority.
The new Legislatures in all these
States are Republican, will send ten Re
publicans to the United States Senate,
and be ready to cast their electoral votes
for Gen. Grum' next. November.—
Messrs. McDosrALD and RICE, the Sena
tors elect from Arkansas, are already in
Washington, but will not apply for ad
minion until the close of the impeach
ment trial. "Occasional," writing from
Washington to the Phlladelphia Press,
thus sums up some important points dis
closed by the result of the elections
L That in every one, of these original se
cessions States a very large white vote has
been cast for Radical principles.
II That the colored people have refused,
says in rare cases, to present themselves as
candidates for office.
n. .1. That not a negro has allowed himself
to be elected to Congress.
IV. That the heavy majorities cast for the
Republicans secure the electoral votes of
these five States for Geceral Meat in Novem
V. That the impeachment and removal of
Andrew Johnson will not only seal these
States to the American Union, but will give
force and victory to the Republicans of the
other insurgent States remaluing to be recon
WE have bad occasion to copy, from
time to time, some choice extracts from
BRICK Poutnoy's paper, the La Crosse
Democrat, eulogisticof the Rebellion and
denunciatory of the Government, to
show the treasonable sympathies of the
so-called "Democratic" party. Some
Copperhead papers claim that it is "un
fair" thus to quote BRICK POMEROY as
"Democratic" authority. To which plea
we make the all-sufficient answer, that
the "La Crosse Democrat," as a party or
gan, appealed to the party, and the party
• responded by giving the paper an unex
ampled support—far greater than it gives
to the New York - World, Philadelphia
Age, Boston Post, and other acknow
ledged party organs. This finds its only
solution the fact that the treasonable
utterances and malignant libels of BRICK
POMEROY suit the party. We venture to
assert that the "La Crosse Democrat" has
more subscribers in Adams county than
all other Copperhead journals combined--
the Compiler alone excepted. Is it "un
fair," then, to Infer that the party in Ad
ams county sympathize with treason and
approve the ribald slang of this misera
ble sheet? Meanwhile we quote from
the Democrat of last week the following
as another specimen ''of what finds the
readiest market in that party :
"Do you blame us when we say that God
was just in send i ng Joan Wu.xga BOOTH on
that dark Good Friday night, three years age,
the darkest and gloomiest in American his
tory, to strike the traitor down, and liberate
the white freemen of America from the yoke
of a despot? God is just. He struck the
- tyrant Li:soots from existence in an hour
when the country could no longer bear the
burden of him, and God, in His wisdom. can
not let the free people of America, whom he
has so rotected and prospered, long remain
under the rule of any despot."
Here is another specimen, showing
that the Pomeroy is not only a malignant
Rebel, but a bold Infidel :
These long-haired imps of niggeriem
and bitter foes to true religion, the Young
Men's Chriatian..Aismiations (so-called), who
infest the State of Wiseonsin, have issued a
"call" for a general love-feast of the brethren,
to beholden at Madison. It devolves on De
snocritic journals and speakers to warn the
people against these Satanic white nigger
• known as Christian Associations,
Aid Societies, Mission Clubs, etc. Democrata,
avoid them as you would the plague. Pro-
test your children froth their insidious wiles :
they are the bastard foie of your race and your
God. The Almighty is wiping the foul breed
from the hoe of the earth. Their missions,
their associations, and their reign will soon
terminate. White men, we must check-mate
thesepsalm-singing hypocrities this year,
and their power will be gone forever.
TITERE is one circumstance that must
weigh heavily against the "Democratic"
party in the pending Presidential can
vass—their substantial identification in
sympathy and ideas with the crushed Re
bellion. The enormous circulation at
tained in nearly every State by Brick
Pomeroy's Rebel organ is a fact that can'
not be explained sway. Here is ajour
nal remarkable for nothing but its undis
guised, vehement championship of the
Rebel cause—which predicted and has re
peatedly exulted over LINCOLN'S assas
sination, and glorified J. WIVICES Barri
as an apostle and martyr of Liberty—with
a larger and more widely diffused circula
tion to-day than any two other Demo
cratic sheets, though it is printed in
village on the upper MississipPi. Can
any one explain that fact into harmony
with any theory which affirms that the
"Democratic" party was ever at heart
hostile to the Rebellion ?
THE Pittsburg Post, the. leading Cop
perhead paper of Western Pennsylvania,
declares that Gen. HANCOCK Will not get
a vote for the Presidential nomination in
the Deimooratio National Convention.—
.HA.NCOCK helped to whip the Rebels, and
was a meinber of ,the Court Martial that
hung the murderers of Liwoora. This
is :a record which the Copperheads can't.
approve, and which Hauscomr's Rebel
inboodsdtastio n in Lonirisrm will not ef
• :41001.14
trial ii In paueresa.,: - It iiino
ordered AlAki Sew* tiat4bajokii*ild
be but four iireeelies, tw4stfly fife prose-
cution and two by the defence. At the
request of counsel, however, the Senate
lady inekliftedithe rule so as to allow
all the counsel, on either side, to file
Written brOtriiir'brBlai'gurciiiiiiiofiliey
desired. -Ay - ailing himaelf of this; 'rev
liege Mr. LOGAN filed a lengtliy and able
argument. judge Wirsox haviagi pre"
fented hia views In the argument he
made the questioti of admitting the
testimony of the Cabinet, will not take
part in the 'dosing argument• All the
others will, excepting possibly Mr. STAN
BERV, who continues ill.
On yi'ednmlixy Gov Bol:rrNN , llt,L open-
ed on behalf of the-Managers in a pow
erful argument,. which. was • continued
through part of Thursday. He was fol
lowed by Judge NELSON for the defence
in a lengthy, dreary stump speech,
which occupied the balance' of the day
and all of Thursday, tiring the Senate,'
galleries and counsel by his rambling
egotism, bad grammar, irrelevant mat
ter, and silly argument Lions. . Even his
oolleagues, Messrs. EVABTS and GROES
BECK left the Senate Chamfer, not being
able te stand the infliction. On, Satur
day, Mr. GROESBECK ibllowed on . the
same side in a very able speech, contrast
ing strongly with NErson's effort.—
Messrs. SVEVENS and WILLIAMS, on - the
part of the Managers, occupied the whole
of Monday—the former occupying a lit
tle over an hoer, and the latter the bal
ance of the day—both speeches attracting
much attention. Mr. STEVENS, after
reading for a half hour or more, found
the effort too great, and had Gen. Err
mu finish the reading. Mr. WILLIAMS"
was expected to finish his argument yes
terday morning, and would be followed
by Mr. Evens for the defence, who
would occupy yesterday and to-day—
leaving Mr. Brzionsm to close on Thurs
an d Friday, unless Mr. &rANBERY should
desire to be heard. In either contingen
cy, it is not likely the Senate will reach
a verdict until the begining of next
week, as some time will be consumed in
deliberation and discussion. .
Our advices from Washington cot►tin
ue favorable—no doubt being entertained
in well informed quarters but that the
President will be found guilty and re
moved from office.
The great length of the arguments, and
the difficulty of making satisfactory ab
stracts thereof; preclude their publication
in our columns. We annex, however,
the closing paragraphs of Gov. Botrr-
WELL'S arraingment of the President,
which will be read with interest :
Nothing, literally nothing, can be said in
defence of this criminal. Upon his own'ad
missions he is guilty in substance of the grav
est charges contained in the articles of im
peachment exhibited against him by the
House of Representatives. In his personal
conduct or character he presents :to quality
or attribute which enlists the sympathy or the
regard of men. The exhibition which he
ade in this chamber on the 4th of March,
1865, by which the nation was humiliated and
republican institutions disgraced, in the pres
ence of the representatives of the civilized
nations of the earth, is a truthful exhibition
of his character. His violent, denunciatory,
blasphemous declarations made to the people
on various occasions, and proved by the tes
timony submitted to the Senate, illustrate oth
er qualities of his nature. His cold indiffer
ence to um uelyanitiou, tusurueT SUM crunea tn
the ten States of the Sonth.exhibit yet other
and darker features.
Andrew Johnson is guilty, upon the proof
in part and upon his own admission, of hav
ing intentionally violated a public law, of
usurping and exercising powers not exercised
nor even asserted by any of his predecessors
in office.
Andrew Johnson has disregarded and vio
lated the laws and Constitution of his own
country. Under his adrninistration the Gov
ernment has not been strengthened, but weak
ened. Its reputation and influence at home
and abroad have been Injured and diminish
ed. He has not outraged a distant people
bound to us by no ties but those which result
from conquest and the exercise of arbitrary
power on our part ; but through his violatiOn
of the laws and the influence of his evil ex-
ample upon the men _of the South, in whose
hearts the purposes and passions of the war
yet linger, he has brought disorder, confusion
and bloodshed to the homes of twelve mil
lions of people, many of whom are of our . own
blood and all of whom are our countrymen.
Ten States of this Union are without law,
without security, without safety; public or
der everywhere violated, public justice no
where respected; and all in consequeaiie of
the evil purposes and inachinations of the
President. Forty millions of people have been
rendered anxious and uncertain as to the
preservation of public peace and the perpetu
ity of the institutions of freedom in this
There are no limits to the consequences of
this man's evil example. A. member of his
Cabinet in your presence avows, proclaims
indeed, that he suspended from office indefin
itely a faithful public officer who was appoint
ned by your advice and consent ; ah act which
he does not attempt to justify by any law or
usage, except what he is pleased to tali the
law of necessity. Is it strange that in the
presence of these examples, the ignorant i the
vicious and the criminal are everywhere swift
to violate the laws? Is it strange that the
loyal people of the South, most of thempoor,
dependent, not yet, confident of their newly
acquired rights, exercising their just privilegra
in fear and trembling, should thus be made
the victims of the worst passions of men Who
have freed themselves from ail the restraints
of civil government? Under the htfinenee
of these examples good men inithe South have
everything to fear, and badmen have every
thing to hope. • -•
-Caius Verne is the great political (Amine!
of history. For two years he was prtior and
the scourge of Sicily. The area of Wit coun
try does not much exceed ten thousand square
miles, and in modern times it has had a pop
ulation of about two million souls. The
criminal at your bar has been the sconrge 'of
a country many times the area of Sicily, ' and
containing a population six times/Ls ,great. 7—,
Verres enriched himself and his friends ; _ he
seized the public paintings and statues „'grid
carried them to Rorie. Bat at the ea of his
brief rule of two years he left Sicily 'as he
had found It ;- in momPars4ve,peace, and in
the posoession of its *kW/knead its laws.
This resPondent has not ringed sattes nor
enriched himseit by the Anodes of their
treasures i but, he has inaugurated and ad
hered to a policy which has deprived 'Melva
ple of the blessings of peace, of the pr o t ec ,
tion of law, of the Just rewards 6 f-honiit ' An'
duatry. A vast ind important portion of . pie"'
Republic; a pOrtloll whoe!i fregfyeritY la es*
Sent's' to the proiperity of tie .country at
large is prostrate.and helpless uider 114 evil.
which ils ailmhdantion has bronght npook.
When Venn was before' hie lido
, •• , ~.; . ..
at Rome, and th e exposure aide' df,.. he..
gait, his counsel abandoned his pfnee'44 ihe .
, erix**,f 6l front
,the city. Yet Verne had
Mends in
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Widal liiiiigbro" 'llion titatir ..- -
peal to you for relief. The nation Wit to " in
anxiety for the conclusion of these proceed-
ings. Forty millions of people, whose !inter
est in public affairs is in the wise and just ad
ministration of the laws, look to this tribunal
as a sure defence against the encroachments
of a criminal Chief Magistrate.
Will any one say that the heaviest judgment
Which you catt give is any adequate
Ment for these crimes ? . YOur office is not
punishment, but to secure the safety of the
Republic. But human tribunals are inade
quate to punish thOse criminals, who, aarulers
or magistrates, by, their example,. conduct,
policy and crimes become the scourge of
communities and nations. Ne picture, no
power , of imagination, can illustrate or con
ceive the suffering of the poor but loyal peo
ple of the South. A patriotic, virtnons, law
abiding Chief Magistrate would have healed
the wounds of war, soothed private and pub
lic protected the weak, encouraged
the strong, and lifted from the Southern peo •
ple the burdens which now are greater, than
they can bear.
Travellers and astronomers inform ps that
in the Southern Heavens, near the southern
cross, there is a vast space which the un
educated call the hole in the sky, where the
eye of man, with the aid of the power's bf the
telescope, has been unable to discover nebuhe
or asteroid, or comet, or planet, or star, or
sun. In that dreary, cold, dark region Of
space, which is only known to be lest) than
infinite by the evidences of creation else
where, the Great Author ofcelestial mechani c
ism has left the chaos which was in the be
ginning. If this earth were capable of the
sentiments and emotions of justice and virtue,
which in human mortal beings are the evi
dences and the pledge of our Divine;; origin
and immortal destiny, she would heave and
throw, with the energy of the combined forces
of air, fire, and water, and project this enemy
of two races of men into that vast region, there
forever to exist in a solitude eternal as life, or
as the absence of life, emblematical of, if not
really, that "outer darkness" of which the
!Saviour of man spoke in warning to those
who are the enemies of themselves, of their
race, and of their God. But it is yowl to re
lieve, not to punish. Thli done and our
country is again advanced in the intelligent
opinion of mankind. In other governments
an unfaithful ruler can be removed only by
revolution, violence or force. The proceed
ing here is judicial, and according ,to the
forms of law. Your judgment will be en
forced without the aid of a policenum or a
soldier. What other evidence will be needed
of the value of Republican institutions?—
What other test of the strength and vigor of
our Government ? What other assurance that
the virtue of the people is equal to any emer
gency of national life ?
The contest which we carry on at your bar..
is a contest in defence of the constitutional
rights of the Congress of the United States,
representing the people of the United States,
against, the arbitrary, unjust, illegal chime of
the Executive.
This is the old contest of Europe revived in
America. England, France, and Spain have
each been the theatre of this strife. In
France and Spain the executive triumphed.
In England the people were victorious. The
people of France gradually but slowly : regain
their rights. But even yet there is no freedom
of the legislative will ; the Emperor 'is su
Spain is wholly unregenerated. England
alone has a free Parliament and a govenment
of laws emanating from the 'people who are
A ntoua
executed, and a sovereign who should will
fully interpose any obstacle would l de
thorned without delay. In England the law
is more mighty than the king. In S.Merica
a President claims to be mightier tkan the
This result in England was reached by slow
movements, and after a struggle which lasted
through many centuries. John Hampden
was not the first nor the last of the patriots
who resisted executive usurpation, but noth
ing could have been more inapplicable; to the
present circumstances than the introduction
of his name as an apology for the usurpations
of Andrew Johnson. .
No man will question John Hampden's
patriotism or the propriety of his acts when
he brought the question whether ship-money
was within the Constitution of Englewd, be
fore the courts; but no man will admit that
there is any parallel between Andrew, John
son and Join Htimpden. Andrew Johnson
takes the place of Charles I, and seeks to sub
stitute his own will for the laws of the land.
In 1688Johrt Hampden resisted the demands
of a usurping and unprincipled king, as does
Edwin M. Stanton to-day resist the claims
and demands of an unprincipled and usurp
ing President.
The people of England have successfully
resisted excutive encroachment upon their
lights. • Let not their example be lost upon
us. We suppressed the rebellion in , arms,
and we are now to expel it from the executive
councils. This done, Republican instiiitutions
need no futher illustration. All thine) then
relating to the national welfare and life are
made as secure as can be any future events.
The freedom, prosperity, and power of
America will be assured. The friends of con
stitutional liberty throughout: Europe will
hail with joy the assured greatness and glory
of the new republic. Our internal diffleulties
will tepidly disappesx. Peace and prosperity
will every portion of the country.
In a, few weeks or months we shall celebrate
s restored Unipn upon the basis of the equal
rights of the States, in each of which equali
ty of the people will be recognized anll es
tablished. This respondent is not to be con
victed that these things may come, but
justice being done these things are to come.
At your bar the House of Repesentritives
demands justice—justice for the people, jus
tice to the accused. Justice is of God, and
it cannot perisb turd through justice
comes the liberty of the law, which is free
doin without license. •
Senators, as far as T. am concerned, the
case is now in your hands, and it Is soon to
be closed by my associate. The House of
Repmsentatives has presented this criminal
at your bar with equal.confidence in his guilt
and in your disposition to administer exact
justice between hint and the people of the
United States, -
His autviction is the triumph of law, of
order, of justice. Ido not, contemplate 1 his
acquittal—it is impoesibks. Therefore I do
net look beyond. Bute Senators, the people
of America will never permit an warping ex
ecutive to break down the securities for Uhler
.ty provided by the Constitution. The Cause
of the country Is in your hands. Your ver
dict el guilty isitecum:to our beloved land
Wit are glad to learn from. the Lances
tet: ..libzoniser; that the health of Mr.
&ramie is now bettor than it has been
at any time during the pmt two years.--
He seems to have mastered his didesate,
and the presumption is, that he will be•
fore long regain his wonted good health
and energy. His appetite's good and he
T 11/45,4sylvattia:Legtalature
wlll 4eet a United iiieiattor To; elm
7eiri,attest the toRII4. et March, 1889,
whim BIyarALICR goes out,
- Afentine
PR D: .111.401IPASON7;40 P
sent to the S'itna*:the' - rof
Maj. (fen. JOiIP7 14.4Ciii6TEtiftRS Si.
retaty of War, rectilliniat
time the nomination of 'rnomAts - Ewil4l,
sen., made some weeks ago. Gen. ScHo-
FIELD is the military Commander of
Virginia, North and South Carolina, an
intimate frli-nd of Gen. GRANT S and a
warm supporter of the CongreSsional plan
of re-construction. It is understood the
nomination was made without his knowl
edge, and it is doubtful Whether he
will accept. The movement excited a
good dual of surprise and much specula
tion as to its purport. It is now generally
regard as the latest desperate card in the
impeachment question—an intimation
on the part of JoHNSON that, If acquit
tell, he will pll s t himself on good beha
vior and cease his war on Congress—and
Is In that light a hid for the vote of con
servative Republican Senators. If so, it
will fail of its purpose.
THE New York Tribune, refering, to
the Copperhead charge that the convic
tion ofJonNsox is to be carried as a par
tizan necessity, pointedly and justly says
that there is one sense, and one only, in
which the removal of ANDREW JOHN
SON can be called a party necessity. The
Republican party cannot afford to be re;
creaut to its duty. When it loses the
courage or the will to do right, it is time
for it to die. Its plain duty to the coun
try is to convict the President. The ne
cessity for it to perform that duty is of
the same kind which makes it impera
tive upon every individual man to obey
the Ten Commandments.
Wens.—Hon. B. F. Wade last week received
the following letter, post-marked Winchester
county, Kentucky, April 17 :
Ben Wade, Hon. (so called).
This communication is to notify you that
you are marked and watched by the K. K.
K., and should you and your infamous associ
ates succeed in your fanatical and hellish de
sign of foisting yourself as so called Presi
dent on an unwilling people by actual force,
that your fate will be before ONE moyru, that
of "the late lamented A. L." You may not
heed this warning, but go your course, and
your fate is sealed by a bullet by 8 S. K. K.
K. Eyes are on your track that never sleep ;
and this will be your portion. Thad. Stevens
is doomed. Gen. Grant is watched also.—
You think yourself in security, but there is a
vengeance awaiting you three grand con
spirators. As for Butler, the K. K. K. of
New Orleans will take him in charge at the
proper time, and his portion will also be a
bullet. An indignant people will no longer
bear what you demons in human shape are
preparing for them. Go on, and you will see
whether the S S. K. K. K. K. will lie Be
warned in time.
By order of the Grand Commander of the
K. K.. K.
W. C. C. K., April 14, 1868. 8 S. K. K. K.
FOREIGN.—The Atlantic cable brings news
from Abyssinia, which has caused great re
joicing in England. The expedition which it
was feared would be a tedious and expensive
affair, with a chance - at last of failing in its
objects, has proved at an early day a com
plete success. The latest previous despatch
es reported Gen. Napier preparing to make a
dash on Magdala, the capital of King Theo
dorus. On Good Friday the attack was
made, the Abyssinians defeated and driven in
to Magdala. On the Monday following Gen.
Napier attacked an carried the place by
storm. King Theedorus was killed with a
large number of:his warriors, and a still larger
number wounded or captured, whilst the Brit
ish loss was small. All the British captives
were found in the city alive and well. The
British force it was expected would imnuxii
ately return to a.--
The attempted assassination of Prince Al
fred took place at Sydney; Australia, on the
12th of March, when he was shot in the back
by an Irishman named Farrell, who, the des
patches say, is known to be connected with
the Fenian organization. If this be true it
will add to the dishonor which other acts of
a similar kind have brought upon the Fenian
cause. The wound was both painful and dan
gerous, but the Prince had so far recovered
that by the advice of his physicians be had
sailed for England. Prince Alfred Is the
most popular of the royal family in England,
and the attempted assassination has naturally
calved great excitement and indignation.
PnEsnyxgruAsr REmos. —For thirty-one
years the Presbyterians of the United States
have been 'divided and known respectively as
the New and Old School, but a general Con
vention of delegates from the various divia
ions adopted, last year, a basis for reunion,
and it is now being discussed and acted upon
in the subordinate synods and presbyteries
whose ratification is necessary. The Presby
terians of Western New York recently met at
Buffalo, and unanimously agreed to the pro
posed plan. Their example will probably be
generally followed throughout the country,
and as the leading clergymea en both sides
are in favor of the measure a great breach of
thirty years' standing will at last be healed.
The abrogation of slavery and the prevalence
of more liberal views respecting . ' abstract
questions of theology have materially pa
ved the way for the unity of the denomina
tion. .
TERM FATHER.-A shocking occurence took
place last month at Foxdale, in the Isle of
Man. A miner named Billy, who was sub
ject to fits of depression and lowness of spirits,
acting under the influence. of -a groundless
fear of the loss of employment, made up his
mind to destroy himdelf and family. He ac
cordingly walked out of his house into a field
where three of his children were playing, and
threw them one by one down a well. His
wife, who heard their screams, ran out of the
house to the well, with a baby in her arms.
He wrenched the baby out her grasp, and
threw it down the well, and tried to throw his
wife after the child, but she escaped. The
fifth child, who had been sent for assistance,
now came up, and he threw her down the
well, and plunged in after her. The bodies
were soon recovered, chiefly by the gallantry
of a man who descened into the well at the
risk of his life. Two of the children ssarviied ;
the rest, with the father, were 'brought up
Tux elephant Romeo, which was fin exhibi
tion in PhiladelVuia within a week or two,
has gone on a tour through the interior of the
State. Not long sincelie killed lib keeper,
and on - his way to Lancaster a few days ago,
he became angry and restive, and among
other freaks le killed a horse, injured other
animals, demolished wagons, fences, .tele
graph poles, and finally after five hours stab
bing and. beating he , roared, for mercy and
reached Lancaster in time to: take part in the
show in the evening.
Tin Secretary of the Treasury has decided
that a Collector of Internal Revenue, 'or any
other officei of the Government who lipids
*Ms of the. Government in a fiduciary ca
igaity; shalt not be perrititivi to deposit such
money in , any bank or banking insuniti on in
which the officer is s stockholder, or other
wise financially interested in the business of
the banking concern.
Hort,dlgm 3Manr.Botta thinks the Conetitu.
on, soon to be presented for the endorsement
of Virginia, "altogether the best emotive-.
ttoo we have had yet, and thelimoisstum
in it is the clause requirinfrall Gems S? lute
the test oath."
4* i . '-471--7
Ewa. anripm
... •
FOUR buodikil-thotilliod pOik of aboely
now mariofa*ed iu,',Feek.
Two cleriten were killed byltglitning at
Laurinburg, N. C., on Friday.
OLD things become new. Blue coats and
brass Imtkins are once again the fashion in
'A iriss ago a man paid $l,OOO for some
land ih Omaha. He luta just sold It to a rail
road for $36,000.
A trrrut boy was shot dead by his .brOther
at Geneva, 111., a few days ago, while playing
44 FLOCK of wild pigeons, twelve and a half
rages long, recently dew over Wellsville,
New York.
THE bill making local officers in this! State
elective at Fall elections did not piss the
AT the Paris Exposition, Brazil secured
the. prize for raising the 'best :coffee in the
A WEAVY snow storm prevailed in Canada
on Thursday, the drifts being in some places
two feet deep.
THE residence of Gen. Sherman, in St.
Louis, was entered a night or two since, and
robbed of a quart* of silver-ware.
THE New York Hera/dadvises Jeff. Davis
Wl' leave the United States. It says, "there
will be no pardon from old Ben Wade."
.OF the population of New Yekik city 429,
9th were born in the United States, and 383,
717 in foreign countries.
Frye hundred Northern emigrants a week,
it is estimated, pour into Missouri. They
take with them, on an average, 431,000 apiece.
Ids=AN advice, received via Havana
give a very discouraging account of the posi
tion of affairs in that Republic.
Tim Ohio Senate has indefinitely postponed
atiill to allow a higher rate of Interest than
six per cent. on special contract.
A sumnan of couterfeit five-cents notes of
the new issudjutieUcently been presented at
the Redemption Bureau of the Treasury De
partment for redemption.
HON. Wm. C. Rives of Virginia died at
Charlottesville, on Saturday. He was tomer
lya United States Senator from Virginia, and
at one time Minister to France.
A unu child attached to Forepaugh's
circus, aged about six years, fell from a horse
while performing at Chester recently and has
since died.
Desiso the five years the Republicans of
Indiana have been in power they have reduc
ed the State debt more than one-half; besides
paying all the war expenses.
ONE farm in Illinois has three hundred gad
twenty miles of hedge fencing.upon It. Th e
owner proposes to put out ten thousand acres
of wheat next year.
Scazarr's second trial will commence on
the 12th of May. Judge Black, Mr. :Merrick
and Mr. Bradley, Jr., will appear on his be
Wattem W. Wilson, prime], was killed in
Boston, on Friday, by falling from a third
story window while assisting in lowering a
heavy case •of books.
A Faixcit artist clams to have discovered
a method of photographing whereby the
colors of act object are reproduced with as
much fidelity as the form.
THE La Crosse Drilocrat thus defines
the abstraction known as "a conservative":
"A smooth-tongued, cold-blooded, deceitful,
double-faced, fork-tongued sneak.ll,
HON Chauncey Jerome, whose clocks have
made his name known world-wide, died on
sottmafty to CinunocAtiuta. after a .brief Funrtiv
in the 76th year of his age,
Fnom our Maryland exchanges we learn
that the fruit crop in Carroll, Alleghany and
Dorchester counties has not been seriously in
jured by the recent cold weather.
REV. Dr. Breekinridge, of Kentucky, is
out-spoken in favor of Gen. Grant for the
Presidency, not because he thinks Grant is
especially available, but because he esteems
him "the fittest man for the office in Ameri
DENZEAL Schofield has issued atiorder, stat
ing that, as Congress has made no appropria
tion for the election expenses in Virginia on
the 2d of June, the election will not take
place on that day unless the appropriation
should be made before that date.
DR. Bebee, of Chicago, was called to testify
in a case before the United States Circuit
'Wirt at Chicago, one day last week, as a.
medical expert. He refused to testify unless
hweceived tees as an expert to the amount of
*U. The Judge decided he was right, and
the fees were paid.
GENIRAL McDowell and staff arrived on
Wednesday at New York from California.—
Johnson had intended to put him in command
of the Lth military department, as successor
of Hancock. If Witt e becomes President,
PhiL Sheridan will be sent back to bring the
Rebels in that department to terms.
Tat Union Pacific Railroad is pushing
weetward with rapid strides. It has climbed
to the summit of the Rocky Mountains and
begun the decent on the Pacific Slope. A
dispatch from the Chief Engineer of the work
announces the laying of the rails upon the
summit, with befitting ceremonies, on the
IGth instant.
A raw days ago a young man employed in
a saw mill in Maine, got caught in the machin
ery, and before It could be stopped was carried
*between two and three hundred times around
an iron shalt passing with each revolution
thr9ugh a space about 16 inches in width be
tween, the &haft, and a partition. Strange to
stiy'he escaped with compartively slight in-
Trut public debt statement for this month
will show a reduction of the liabilities of the
Goiernment of &boat ten Millions. The re
ceipta from custom still come in encouraging
ly, and have reached eleven million four hun
dred thousand dollars for the twenty-three
days ending Friday. During the same period
the receiptsfrominternal revenue amount to
five Million nine hundred thousand dollars.
ACCORDING to the censui of 1860, the
average monthly wages, inclusive of board,
in thirteen States of the Union, was $3O for
males and $l7 for females. In the six New
Eng!and States the proportion was $32,46 for
men add sl6.BBfor women, and the excessof
the former was greatest in 'ltlaaaPPitusetts, be
ing $48.90 to $19.02. The highest ay given
to liomen was in Rhode Island i Wink $20.34
tier i - 4
ANDY JOHNSON was born to luck_ He is
the first Vice President who ever was inaugn
toted when drunk ; he is the first President
wito.orerreached the preaideincy through the
rdirdei of the President elect, and he is the
first Presdent who ever was indicted for high
crimes and misdemeanors. He came into the
White Heise through assassination, and will
go out of it by impeachment. A very remark
able man is the Copperhead "Moses."
Sit ROMAN Qmorrtcht.--Recent advises
P i kffenCe toys that - the Radian Govern
ment, under the pressure of Prance and Prus
sia, ' hos renounced the proleet of making
Rome the capital of Italy, then): it will not
ovum the vote of the Italian Parliament ;
IA the design is to make Rome a free city
mks the Presidency . of -the Pope. Prance
stipulates, however, that ne change is to
ails plum during the life of Pius DI.
.7.V,-..4.014111111VP, f, - ,
h ...;:: -.:-7. . . yam
- - ',.
E t _
.„, . .w by the irtilhie;t r ' a Pep.
sad—has been Wa thin 'on 0 801011 .
with the American flagungriled. Ahiteart*te
410iiiPiin g murder* "theVemoe*lc
~„ .
newspapers proclaim that the entire South is
loyal and has . the proper respect for the na
tional ensign. When he arrived at Baltimore
the traitors who, in 1861, shot unarmed men
on the march to. &feed the 0604'k - turned
oat in force to receive him. But the decep
tioitiliui ttektiCr paid
_Bates nor the' copper
-1 heads.
-Sputa! sotittB.
Tor the cursor Ceughs, Mid*, floartemess, Asthasa, ht
ltsants; Chomp, Whooping anegh, Artinchitis, Pro
lion to aterumpliein de de.
Thii great remedy Is too.well known and is -perform
ing too much good to make It necessary to go into an
elaborate discuesion of Its merits. Suffice It to say that
it still maintains Its supremacy In curing disease" of the
most obstinate character, and that ail who suffer from
the above complaints, after having tested this remedy
seldolu have °cession to resort to other nppliantes to In
sure a perfect. restoration to health.
Testimony of Mr. PETER SHAW,
Warr Witerunn, N. Y., Dec. 10, 1860.
Messrs. S. W. rOwIS It SO; Boston.
Dentlemen.—During the winter of 185 S I was very
mach out of health, afflicted with a severe Cough, Pain
inlhe ride and Lungs, and a general depression of health
to such an extent as crawly LO alarm myself end friends
as to the result. During t ills time I tried several high
ly recommended remedies, with little or no good result,
and bad concluded to try the effect of a Southern climate
upon my health; but, before carrying this resolution in
to effect, I was induced by the urgent solicitation of your
agent, blr. Huntley, to give Dr. WIWI AI'S BALSAM Or
ILD C use ar n trial. I did so, and to my great joy found
immediate and permanent relief by U. use of only one
bottle, and lam now in as good health as ever. I believe
your Balsam one of the best remedies, for °night. adds
and all Lung Diseases, row In use, and conscientiously
recommend Ras such.
Yours truly, PETER SHAW.
Prepared by S BTU W. WOW g Ar. SON, 18 Tremont,
st., Boston, and for sale by Druggists generally.
Ware constantly bearing favorable reports from those
who have tried this remedy Amy Anthony, wife of
Mark Anthony, of this city, and Ilying at No. 6 Locust
strict. afflicted with a felon on th*Snger, was recently
induced t.. make atrial kf the Salve. Almost. instantly
she experienced relief from the palo, which had been al
most unendurable. Every other remedy but thht proved
nuarailim s . Those who have trial it ones are usitlated
of its merits, and nothing will induce theca to be with
out a supply.—Fall Rim' News. [April 1,-1m
Can hare their hair restored to its natural color, and
if it has fallen out, create a new growth, by using
It is the beat hair dressing in the world, making lik
ings, stiff, brashy hair, healthy, soft, and glossy.
,Price SUDO. For sale by all druggists.
P.. P. HALL Nashua, N. H. Proprietors.
April •
Eiararnoy Umezzazus, Pius, 1887
Ei.Lie Ilbirs, .11
Awarded arer Eiyhipieva ampetifors,
The Only Cross of the Laghal of Honor
per Imperial Decree, published in the "Moniteur Cuirer
Bel" (Official Jon nal of the French Empire,) Tuesday
2d July, 1 1 167, in these words
labricante de 31nd:tines a
I eondre exposant.
ELI/...; ROWE, JR. -)
t. slar.ntattorer of Sewing
3 -lacbinea. Exhibitor.
This double 11 st hon o r is another proof of the great sn
periority of the Howe Sewing Machine over all others
Age Tor Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware sod
Western Virginia. [March 4.-3 m
- Agent■ for Adam!! County.
ADDRESS TO THE NERVOUS and debilitated whose
offerings hare bets protracted from hidden causes, and
whose awes revire prompt treatmen t to render existence
El - -sizable. If you are suffering or Lave suffered from invol
notary discharges, what effect does it produce upon your
general health ? Are you weak, debilitated, easily tired?
Omen little extra exertion produce palpitation of the
heart? Does your liver, or urinary organs, or your kid
ney s,frequently get out of order? Is your urine some
times thick, milky, or !lucky, or is It ropy on settling ?
Or does a thick scum rise to the top? Or is a sediment
at the bottom after ft lies stood awhile? Doyou have
spells of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are your bowels
constipated? Do you have spells of fainting or nahea of
blood to the head? la your memory impaired?' layout
mind constantly dwelling upon this subject? Do you
feel doll, listless, mopinl, tired of company, of fife? Do
you wish to be left alone, to get away from everybody
Does any little thing make you start or jump? Is your
sleep broken or restless? Is the lustre of your eye as
brilliant ? The bloom on yoarcheek as bright? Do you
enjoy yourself in society as well? Do you pursue your
business with the acme energy? Do yen feel as much
confidence in yourself? Are your spirits dull and flag
ging, given to fits of melancholy! If so, do not lay It to
your Ilver or dyspepsia. Have you restless nights?—
Your back weak, your knees weak, and have but little
appetite, and you attribute this to dyspepsia sr
Now,reader,self-abnse, venereal diseases badly cured,
and sexual ixcesses,are all capable of p roducing a weak
ness of the generativ e organs. The organs of generation,
when In perfect health, make the man. Did you ever
think that those bold, defiant, energetic, persevering,
successful business•menars tilers',s those whose genera
tive organs are in perfect health t You never hear such
men complain of being melancholy, of nervousness, of pal
pitation of the bean.. They are never afraid they can
not succeed In businees ; they don't become sad and dis
couraged; they are always polite and pleasant In the
company of ladles, and look you and them sight in the
faro---nooe of your downcast looks or any other mean.
news *bunt them. Ido not mean those who keep the or
gans Inflamed by running to excess. These will not on
ly ruin their constitutions, but also those they do bus
new with or for.
How many men from badly-cured diseases, from the
effecta of seltabuse nod excesses, hare brought about
that state of weakness in those organs that hoe reduced
the general system so much as to induce almost every
other disease—idiocy, In riacy,ParalYsiss spinal affections,
suicide, and almost every other form of disease which
humanity is heir to, and the real cause of the trouble
scarcely ever suspected, and hare doctored formal last the
right one.
Diseases of theeeorgans require the use eta diuretic,—
Diuretic, and is a certain cure for diseases of the Bladder,
Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organic Weakness, Female
Complaints, General Debility, and all diseases of the
Urinary Organs, whether existing In Male os Amank,
from whatever:cause originating and no matter of how
It no treatment Is submitted to, Consumption or In
sanity may ensue. Our &eh and blood are supported
from these sources, and the health and happiness, and
that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable
Ileliabold's Extract Buchu, established upward. of 18
years, prepared by 11. T. 1 12L51BOLD, Druggist,
894 Broadway, New York, and
104 South 10tb Ip, Pa.
Bktoe.-81.26 per bottle, or 6 b ottle s for 3640, delivered
to any address. Bold kr all Druggists everywhere.
April 30, 1887.-lr
We are selling Mks, Shale's, Dry and Ibney Goods of
NW] description, also, Silver Ware, Furniture, clic.—
Valuable Presents, from $3 to $3OO, sent fruit charge to
agents sending clubs of ten and upwards. Circulars
sent free to any addrean. WYETII k CO4
Successors to hissamtesm &
42 Hanover st, Boehm, Maim.
P. 0., Box, 2931
Feb. 6,6 m
with the titmosf success, by Dr. J. ISAACS, Oconliittaa'
Audit, (formerly of Leyden, Holland.) No. 805 . Arth
Philadelphia, Pa. Testiniontids from. the moat reliable
soirees in the City and Country can be seen at his tidies.
The 'medical - faculty are itrrited to accompany their pa
tients, as he has no secrets is his practice. Artilitial
Eyes inserted without pain. No charge made fbr ex
Briza's WINKS are pore - juice Grape Wines and excel
In purity and richness most of onr native vintage*. They
are teed In Obarcheako - oonimurtion purposes and In hoe.
&els for Invalids andeonvakecente on act* tof their
parity and reliability. (9ept.lB:-Ty_
Iniantestion " to produce • luxuriant growth
of halt upon a head or beardless face, also sedge
fur the rentoval offiesples, Blotches, Eruptions, etc., on
tbeskln, leaving the mime soft, clear, and beaattflei,ean
be obtained isidiont charge by addreadrig,
TUO6. P. CHAPIN/Lll, Chemist,
June6,1887,-1y 823 Broadway, New York.
ERASlVEll'l s tra ld °U R I "'
y be eonsidered
the STANDARD eir 1C.X04-
LINOS. lord by IQ Grocer s .
A 11141,--17
The UT. EDWARD A. WILSON will semi Woo of
chars') total who theirs it, the proocription with the di
reothnia kir making ming thoeitaplareseedy by which
he waa cared of a In nsaffection sad that dread dhow
Oonenniption. His only °adept ialitibeaelt the alliieted
add he hopes °Teri oulleror will try tide arescalption; an
pwleaen iltifoe
Add t
re them ss nothing. 'ad ay pffipv•alll
411.111 Le
ago. 165 South Secoodct "i winir. New York.
givrn to
No It 3 South Eighth Street,
in I
i ';
oNa, getioo, ‘cc.
Dial#Md & HOFFMAN,
8 H A 11 LS
currox %Des
BLACK • ClArriliz
April 22,1868.-tf
April 22.-3 m
horsiest received their
the Lomat is the connty—conetetlne of
in every variety
CARPM, a large deck and very cheep
8111.1118, an Wads aa4 cYa
*LANE T*, very asap.
QUIZNIIWAXE, tbe largest 'tack In tM county and
very cheap
ILARDWAII.I sad Saddlery, ia MI ita braise-hag, at tba
lowed auratitt rata,
GROCUIU, of all kinds.
Will sell GODS at prises DITYIIIO arertrnos. Give
us a call aailexamino oar stock.
Oct. 2, 1867. tf
Cheaper than Ever !
Baltimore et.,oppotile the Court House,
H AVE Just opened& new andhoge enartmest of
Bprmg and Rummer Goods
MUSLIN% &e.,
etekeideh they invite attentime—bikc determined to
.11 se lowest ciail plan //pa 8, 1888.—tt
A. saarr & BON, •
misicrsiosCoasszins ow
MERINOS, all styles.
DELAMES, all styles.
CALICOES, all" styes.
MUSIkINS, all grades.
=413.4 Olootaisroa of all dila Penow
ipotiloodre sad Gtr by:plus okleWd so to
' Clioattoriborit Moot.'down,
'wow. 91st, To.
B.AL. SKIRT.}, cheap
&c., &c., &c.,
T - RE , un d e rsigned offers - at Private
gale, the old DOSBIN awimusa, et the Junction
eta, Tootles's'' , a" JI" Di itmel=letin tits borough:
of Gettysburg. The boom Is bunt
and sustains toasts bogs tom& Thom is • strong,
oennthilbß amiss or aro totit water In the basement
and 1% Acres of land asemasted with It. The location
b a you, piensaat miessiodhsitliti itftieledtiftional outlay
Oda maid be made mut of the.most comfortable and de
sirable homes, in ihobilltioldtielefes TM",
I Nov. idti JOIRe' RUPP.
/ 1 4 1•Ortfor INw 1, second
hind, pre-emption Leant keeled tear R- ilroadti Cl: 43 aq
Tonne, ki riotketttlesk neighborhoods, *hkh I will
eidt, or PlGitarbe for Reel Estate le Ad
0011111ailli. 020 . ARNOLD.
7*. ---tr
April 29, 1868.
(Carriages; 4arutos,
The war befog over, the tiatlereived h+ re the
£t their old eland, In List Sllddle etre. t, GettybLurg,
sure they &melanin prerassd to !nit np work lo the
moat fashionable, anbaaantlal, and aupe t nr otliner. A
lot or new and second-hand
vo hand. which they will &sixes °fat the luwest pric •
andel/ orders will be supplied as promptly sod whirs,
torily as passible.
done with dispatch, audit cheapest rates
A lary lot of near and oW lIA R:VES2 n hamd for gal e
Thenkfht thr the liberal patron:tat, heretofore enjoyed
hit them, they solicit and will endeavor to deserve IL isrge
shies la the future.
May 29.-t f
Are now building a variety of COACH WORK of the
latest and most approved styloe, and constructed of ills
best material, to which they invite the attention of buy
ers. Having built our work with great case, and of nt
torial selected with special reference to beauty of style
and durability, we can confidently recommend the work
as nueurpaseed by any other Is or out of the cities. All
we ask is an inspection of our work, to convince Lose io
want of arty kind of a vehicle that this is the place to
boy them.
—REPAIRING in every brans) done at sheet ni.tire
aril on reasonable terms.
Olve Nil call at our Factory, near thi of roer of Wash
fngton and Chamber/burg street s, r; et t ›st,nrg, Po.
June 12 11‘47,--tr
Adams County Ahead
Manufactured entirely of Leather, and nuu•h
neater than Cbtton or Linen _Vets.
For service unsurpassrd.
3. L. WORLEY', Role Agent for the ExPFLsio re P.l
TENT NET for Adam!, county,
HALScpnetantlyon hand manufartnred N.. "1 th
above Patent. Also,
pertaining to a Horse furnishing establishment.
Allar AGENTS WANTND to Pell Territory for Patent
Neta, also to sell Nets on commlaeion in the Coulay.—
All communications should be addressed to
• York Sulphur Springs, Adams co., Pa.
April I,lBol.—tf
ON "the Bill," Baltimore Street, G ettyeho rg, Pa —C. a
'tautly on hand, cm made to order, all L inde
as low as the lowest
May 29, IMa.-t f.
"Best always Cheapest."
THE Best and Cheapest,
HARNESS of all kinds, in the County,
are always to be kand ■t the old and well known stand
Baltimore at, opposite the Presbyterian Church.
Our Riding and Wagon Saddles,
are the most substantially built and neatest.
Our Harness, (plain and silver moun e (1),
are complete in every respect and warranted t be of the
very best material and workmanship.
Our upper leather Draft Collars,
CAN NOT at: BIAS. They are the hest FITTING scd most
Our Heavy Draft Harness,
are made to order, u cheap as they can be made any
where and in tho moat anbetantial manner.
Riding Bridles, Whips, Lashes, Draft
Ilamea, Vly-nets and everything in the line; None bet
ter or cheaper.
Our prices
have been pmccro to the ',meat lii hug standard.
A liberal percentage for caah, off all blll9 amounting to
SA or more.
We work nothing but the best of stuck and will war
rant every artkle turned out to be in every respect 11 re
Thankful feeport favor, we lathe attention tooter pre.
sent stock.
.3.015 e as a call and examine ?RIM ANY QUALITY.
29.1868,tf • D. McCREARY A SON.
Neal fotatt ,tialt.s.
The subscribers having purchased front Ron. Thad
deus Stevens, a large portion of his Chestnut Lands, in
Hasailtomiaa township, Adams county, Pa., will 'Sell the
same at Public sale, on Saturday tee 1011 h day of May
amt, stlo o'ideek; et Z. These lands have been survey
ed into lots ranging from 6 to 10 ACRES each, and are
within a half mile of the old Furnace, but a few nuts
from the main road, and a good road touching all the
Lots. The TLlllllll6ts all young an* thriving Chestnut
alai Locust and is estimated to cat from WOO to /MOO
Bails a=d from 60 to 100 Locust Posts to the acre.
te4ttemdance will be given am! terms made known
on day aside by
..Compiler copy 3 times.
In pursuance of as Order of the Cont t of Common
Pleas of Admas countl, Pa., S ake undersigned, Trustee of
ef sbe &tate of Belinda Black. will sell at Public Sale,
os Saturday the 20th day of Jane next, al 12 o'dock, .V.,
on the premises, that valuable YARN, situate in Mount-
Joy township, Adams county, Pa., adjoining lands of
Wm. Young, Adam Wert, Mrs. Haner and others, con
taining lle AOILEB, 45 Acres of which are excellent
Woodland. The improvements consist of a god two.
story LOG DWELLING, Log Barn, and other out-ba Ild
lap, with a Well °foamier near tt e door, and an Orchard.
The land fs in good order, and the fencing has recently
been Lied.
It will be mold together or in parts ea may beet stilt
pitrchaserc Persons wishing to view the property wil
please all on the undersigned residing near by.
11011-Attendance wilt be given and tines made known
cm day of anis
April by JOHN CRIBS, Trustee.
tiff - COmpikr copy.
AT PRIVATE SAL, thletwo miles of Gettysburg, on the Harris
burg road, with all necessary improvements,
and in prime prder. I will sell from 100 to 160
Acres, to suit purchasers. Terms reasonable.—
For further Information, apply to
Gettysburg; Pa.
Sept. 18-tf
I win poll the Farms,
No. 1. Lying on the Harrisburg
and Gettysburg road between York Sprinp and el dlers •
burg, eosuttning 111 ACRES, with improvements, now
occupied by Jaime Miller. Pr tee $26 per acre.
No. 2. Lying on the Carlisle and
lfaw Oxibrd road, between Lieidlentbarg and New Ches
ter, containing 146 .401n1K with good Improvements
now occupied by Gleorginl. Pried s4Cper acre.
Teems: One haU to be pad on the delivery of the
deed; the balance to nett the intrahaner, either in cash
or In Ant Judgment Bonds otoot thang2tsi for No. 1,
and $4OO kit N 0.2, to Ds paid annually with interest.
lit3..Theee hulas are patentaut, lie handsomely and have
been limed. W. Y. BONNER,.
May 29.18117.-tf
01 6 i
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