ii February 19, 1868. lb Sitar mtd ffitutinel. ilettysbning, Wednesday, Feb. 19, 1949. 4.4 4 4 ; ;4 4 4 Xl4 PREMIUMS FOR NEW SUBSCRI BERS.—Our friends will!bear In mired that any one of our present subscribers sending in the names of four new subscribers, with the cash in advance ($2 per annum), will re ceive a credit of one yeir's subscription . on their own account—in other words, for each new subscriber sent in, accompanied by the cash, a PREMIUM OF FIFTY CENTS 'is allowed as a credit ou present subscriptions. Some of oar subscribers have thus paid their own paper for two and three years in ad vance.. The same opportunity is offered to all. WhO will' signalize the new year *by doing likewise? SALES.—The following sales of Personal Property, to take place this anring, will be foupd in our advertising column : Fab. 22.—William Walter, Ilatniltonban tp. 24.—Adaat . C. Musaalman, liamiltonban tp. near Fairfield. 7 • 25.—Wto. lloward„ Straban tp. —Dr. John Carpenter, Franklin tp. 26.—Jacob Minter, Franklin tp. —Francis Cunningham, Freedom tp. 27.—. Daniel Cashman, Straban tp. —John Hoover, Butler tp. 28.—Jacob C. Herbst. Cumberland tp. /liar. 2 —Adm's of Michael Carl dec'd., Berwick tp. " B.—Henry Doti sear, Huntington tp. "' —Adm'e of Frederick Stocksleger, Fsanklifi tp 4.—Chas. B Pollay,Cumberlatid tp. O.—Samuel Shelly, Huntington tp. 6.—Wm W ible , Straban tp. 0.—A..7. Bender; Menalien tp. " —John A. Shugh, Butler tp. " Speck, " '• " —llszekiah Latshaw, Franklin tp. " 10.—Isaac Basehosr, Union tp. " —J. McCleary and Rash M. Bighrn. Freedom tp " —J. W. Flddier,Straban tp. " " —Cyrus S Priest, Butler tp. I:l.—J. W. Weigle, Highland tp. 17—Jesse Cook,Liatimore tp. " 18.—Christian Benner, Straban tp. 19.—George Hewitt, Menalled tp. '33.—John Efilmripe, Union tp. •• 26.—Sarah Blotter, Sienallea tp • •• 21.—Santael rawvar, Batter tp. near Beecher•,' Fat- EXHIBITIQNAn Exhibition, under the auapilees and for the benefit of the Franklin Zouaves, will be given in Arendta ville on the evening of the 22d of February. IMPROVEMEN_T.—SAMUEL FIERBsT has put up a large 'Stable, 423030 feet, in the rear of the Keystone House. We beliete it is his intention to open a Livery Exchange. CONFIRMED.—The nomination of W. H. Lortawm.L. as Postmaster at Pitholu City, has been confirmed by the U. S. Sen ate. We congratulate our young friend and typo on his good luck. GETTYSBURG ZOUAVES.—WiII meet for Drill and Parade on the 22nd haat., at 1 o'clock, P. At., in full dress, with arms and accoutrements in good order—the. Company will also shoot for a medal to be presented to the best shot. PREMIUMS.—Last week the Westmin ster Building Association sold 3 P hares 01 money at 38 per cent.; t an d 3 shares at 41 per cent. premium. We thought the Gettys-_ buig Building Association was' doing a tab business in selling money at 28 per cent premium, but Westminster can beat us. BURNED.—On the night of the 7th inst., the building over the "water tank," 2 miles below New Oxford, on the Gettysburg rail road, was consumed by fire. It appears fire had been made in the building the evening previous to keep the water from freezing, and in some way the building took fire. • LECTURE.—The Lecture of Prof. Cor- PEE, hi Agricultural Hall, on the evening of the 11th, on the "use and abuse of the Eng lish Language," was delivered before a large and appreciative audience, and fully sustained the high reputation of Prof. C. as one of the first lectures of the day. ELECTION.—The following persons have been elected officers of-the "Siummasburg Mutual Fire Protection Society," for the ensuing year: President, E. W. Stehle. Vice President, Michael Deatrich, Sr. Secretary, James Russell. Treasurer, 11. J. Brinkerhoff. Executive Committee, Michael Deatrich, Jr., Peter Sholl and Capt. J. H. Plank. LITERARY ENTERTAINMENT.-We understand that the "Phtenakosmian Socie-• ty" of Pennsylvania College intend to give an entertainment in Agricultural Hall, on Saturday evening next, the 22d, consisting of Addresses, vocal music, &c. A pleasant t'me may be expected. No charge will be made for admittance, bit a collection will, be taken up to defray expenses - of rent of hall, lightr&c. APOLOGY. —We must krave the indul gence of our rePders for slew weeks in not giving them the Usual allotment of news and other matter. This is the season for person al estate advertising and, in order to accom modate our advertising friends, we are nec essarily obliged to give them the preference. It will pay, however, to read the advertise ments, as they show the business move ments and cluingse taking Vac° in the coun ty. REPEALED. ; The Legislaturb has pass ed the bill to repeal the "Gettysburg Asy lum" lottery scheme. As' the corporators have employed counsel and take the ground that the charter cannot be -repealed, we pre sume the matter will get into the Courts.— In the mean time we advise our readers, who do not wish to be swindled, to stand off. The bill as passed forfeits the charter to the Commonwealth by reason of the abusebt franchisee granted by the Legislature, and authorizee'the Auditor General to take such steps ati may be advisable to recover all the" ) property, assets and effects of the • corpora tion, by prompt seizure, and to held the same for the benefit of persons who have suffered losses at the hands of the corpora tion. A .RECEPTION—With exercises - appro priate to the commemoration of Washing ton!. Birth day, in which the Children will all participate, will beheld at the National Orphans' Homestead, on Saturday next, &rim 2tosP. M. Major Ciarsrox, of Conn., will be present and give some interesting facts concerning the earnest eo-operation of the Sabbath Schools in New England, in be half of the homestead. The public of Get, tyaburg and vicinity are respectfully invited to attend. ' Tickets of admission, 25 cents, can be pro cured at the stores of Messrs. likektcu, FATI- NiaToeic, Butim2.mt and Roma. The proceeds aroto be appropriated for the ben efit of the Children. Let the house be filled. DISCHARGED.—It may be recollected that a 'Young man by mane of ltosznv C Hirtiarar.vf Columbus, Ky., 'was Arrested in this place some months ago, while on a visit to his relatives, on a charge of purloin ing goods from the Express office in Colum bus. Mr. H. bad been for some time the Agent of the _Express • Company at that place, and during his absence some valuable packages were discovered to be . iniashige-= Suspidon attached to Mr. H., and an Agent of the Company followed him to this place and arrested him. Mr. H. indignantly aa serted his innocence, and determined to re turn at once to Columbus to meet the chard , gr. He had at the time the sympathy of , many personal friends, who will bevittitied tfj7 that the proxecutinn has been show 40111ffil „ . AT H081ig... 7 -By the annexed letter frcm our old tillA atid - Cnirespondant, "Z. S. G.," it will be seen that he is at home again —on :a brief visit, however, it being his pur pose to return in a few days "down east," to complete the survey of tba railroad from Bangor, Maine, into the British Provincei. It will be seen that his sojOurn Her Ma jesty's dominions hap not' diminished his interest in public affairs or iessoned his in dignation over the treachery and infidelity of the President, who, he thinks, should have been long since impeached. Nsw Ostrom', Feb. 18, 1868': 7b the Editors of the "Star and Sentinel" Inclosed is a $2,00 bill, which you will please pass to my credit. And while I am writing I will ask indulgence to state that 1 am on the third quarter of one hundred years, and have seen something of the iy-burly" of patties, and should like Lo have the oonfidence to believe that . 1 might yet see my country enjoying peace and prosperity. But, I would ash, how shalt peace and prosperity be obtained! One of the first lessons that my mother taught me, was not to cry peace where God said there was no peace. The Fremont policy is the only true policy. That poti , y probaDly would. saved Abra ham Lincioln`s life. That policy would have saved thousands of the lives of our young men, and millions of dollars of the people's money. The timid, "split-the-differanse" policy has flf led tneoountry with mourners and Invalids, and laid a burden on the na tion that will probably last as long as we are a nation. And what is the prospect? We have a traitor and rebel sympathizer in the chair, of State, with a classof men chosen by ourselves who have not the courage to put him out, although they have thepower and evidence enough of his guilt to justify the • measure. If his,finst veto message did not furnish evidence enough to convict him of treason, I should like to kilsow what would. He refused to sign a bill that passed both Houses of Congress because it was passed In the absence of eleven States, when those States had gone out of the Union by for*, had set up a government of their own, bad invaded our territory and done everything they could in the nature of war—and yet Congress could not pass a legal act in their absence. the idea is too ridiculous to be entertained in even a grog shop. This hesitating Policy is always paralyz ing—and the idea that the people are not ready for radical measures is a delusion.— The people are always in advance of the of fice-holders. The office-holders and office seekers are opposed to the impeachment of Andrew Johnson, but the great body of the people would have been glad to have seen him ousted from the place he holds, a year ago, and they will not be satisfied for him to remain a stumbling block till March 0369. i feel gratified When I reflect that, nine of the Pennsylvania Republitun members had courage enough to,st•nd up to the mark on the impeachment question, while live were too chicken hearted to vote for it, but cast .their vote against impeachment. One whom I helped to elect to toe place that he holds, I regret to say, backed down—poor fellow. I have no doubt that a inkijorlty of the Supreme Court are in sympathy with the rebellion and will do all that they can to se cure the prominent rebels, and shelter them selves and bewilder Congress by long wind ed arguments made up of ambiguous phrases in the name of law, and thereby introduce sophistry instead of common sense. J. S. GITT. BUGLARY AND ARREST.—On Tues day night last, between 9 and 10 o'clock, the Jewelry store of Messrs. SOPER, & MCCART NEI', on York street, was entered during the tempory absence of the proprietors, and three watches, worth about $75, stolen from one of the cases: The lass was not noticed until next morning, when the services of detective BOOZER were called in to work up the case. During the morning, officer RoOZER, learned that two strangers had been in town the preceding day, one of whom un der pretence of being blind had been dis posing of songs, and bad put up at the Bat tlefield Hotel,but who bad suddenly decamp •ed before midnight, and at once he proceed ed to look them up. They were tracked to Littlestown, where it teas found that they disposed of the watches at Hemler's tavern, and taken the morning train for Baltimore. • Mr. BOOZER immediately made for Hanover, the nearest telegraph station, and telegraph. ed to chief of Police in Baltimore. following himself in the next train. Reaching Balti more, he learned two men, answering to the descript.on, • had arrived in the morning train, but that the telegram had reached Baltimore a half hoar too late, the parties having inquired for and gone to the Wash ington depot. Mr. 11017ZER believing the parties to be old offenders, who adopted this ruse to mislead pursuit, insisted that they ware still in Baltimore, and had officers dwelled by the Chief of Police to sussiat'him in the search. At a late hour of the night, after visiting numberless cribs resorted to by thieves, the parties were found in one of these low dens, arrested and - brought *back to Gettysburg next day. They prove to be old offenders, going by the name of Henry Reed alias Rue, and James Elliott, one hail ing from Philadelphia and the other from Baltimore, and both of whom have been in the Penitentiary several times. Elliott is blind in one eye, and nearly so in the other. He carried about with him a printed state ment of his being blind, and that he bore a good character, .tc. The wonder is that they did not help themselves more liberally, as the case from which the watches were taken contained other watches with a large amount of valuable jewelry. Officer RotizEa deser ves much credit for the skill and persistsmce with which he worked up the case. ARREST.—Last week officer WEIKERT arrested a stranger, passing by name ofJoim Cook, and bad him comrnittedon a charge of larceny. He had been about town for sever al days, but withoutfear of the law, under took "feloniously to take and carry away" two umbrellas, the property of the Senior editor of this paper, and dispose of them. Ile had been to the residence of Mr. HAR PER, for aid, representing himself to be a printer in distress, and atter receiving aMist tauce the . rascal carried off the two uinbrel his. They werepot missed, but it so hap pened that one Of them bore Mr. H.'s name, which led to suspicion. Officer WRIER= got on his track, attested the unsnap, re covered the umbrellas, and returned them to Mr. H., 'Which was the first intimation the latter had of having been robbed. BALES.—CoL J. EL McClellan bas sold 10 acres of land, on Semnituy ridge, in bor ough limits. to Isaac Deardorff for .$l,OOO. Dr. F. E. Wandersioot, 'on the Bth inst., sold at public leale, his property on Balti more street in this place, at $4 376—Metors. J.W. C. O'Neal, W..A. Dumas and E. G. Fahnestock purchasers. • Isaac Deardorff' has sold his tarn; in Cuth berland township, to John Braught, - of Mif flin comity-312 acres, at $14,000. Michael B. Miller has sold a tract of twelve acres, with improvements, in Mount joy township, to David Chmeaddle, for 'sl,- 000. Mr. Miller has purchased from John Cress, a house and seven acres of land, in the same tove r htp, at $6OO coati. CHANGE ,OF COM:MS.—The Senate bee passed the Bill;prepared by ltfcCoiattrogv, changing the time of holding the Courts in Adams county, The Bill provides for a Court of one week In April and August, -commencing on third Monday u heretofore, 7 and a Court to continue two weeks in Nov ember and January, commencing on the . fourth Monday. The Bill is intended to facilitate the criminal end civil busineett of the county and save the necessity and ex pense of speCial Courts, and was prepared It the request of the memberis of .the - Bar and Judges of the Court. • ' COLORED CELEBRATION.—On Wed nesday last the "Sons of Aiegn." a benevo beat association composed of eokued men, paraded our ittitiets, with martial mode, WO member Wierlnig a blue sash, white gloves * and the regalia of the Order. The yelisbre tion Was in notrunesuorattou of the hirthdeY of Auti9Laar lintootarpthe rest Emium In pis* the “Seeit °See, three tu?Srty cheers *ire - 110 ,01 4, 011 also at other 'point* in Mime ft* awsubses aeparted,tbealselves with marked pmtrialty, and the preeseden attteeted Ottethattentkr: 89.414 4 AF444oWiiiieStOuse Com mittee, at flarrbibuilr, lad week,'after hear ing Senior MeCXerautattY In behalf of the citizens &the - border Counties claiming . re lief for damages sustained during the war by Rebel invasion; reported the:Bill to the Hones Pritha favOnalt xeconuaendation.-- We learn that the OemMittee bad detentaitt: ed to report the bill unfavorably, bat after Mr. MoOotravorrv'e able and thorough vin dication of the claims, changed their poi pose. We have not learned whet the pros pects are for- the pause of the bill, but nits to be hoped that this long delayol measure ofjustice will be accorded by the Legisla ture. The border counties had to bear the whole brunt of the injuries resulting i their eapoeed oondition, by reason of R ebel raid. and the battles of July wt. The dt feat of ihe Rebel army at Gettysburg, caved the State from Rebel spoliation, and tae Shit° should indenify our people for the heavy losses then incurred. FRIGHTENED OFF.—On Mcmdaynight a week fLutres warehouse, on the `Gettyi-' burg railroad, was entered by two thieves, a comrade remaining in a sleigh close by, but decamped without taking any goods— being disturbed by the approach of one of the hands employed there, whose attention had been attracted by the sleigh. On the approach of the latter, an alarm was given, when the two rascals malted from the ware house, jumped in the sleigh, and drove off. MOANING GLORY STOVE.--Greitt itn proventents in Stoves have been made with in the last few years by scientific men, who have directed their attention to the work of securing the greatest amount of heat from a given quantity of fuel, and it is now admit ted on all hands that the base-burning stoves are beyond all question the most economical and comfortable. Of the base-burning doves. it is also now admitted by all who have tested them, that the MORNING GLORY is equally beyond question the MOST ECO NOMICAL, and most deeirable—eonsum ing the least coal, easily managed, free from dust, and producing a uniform heat which io equally diffused throughout the. room. Hav ing a mill-grate, they never clog up with cinders, and being once 1-tarted can be burnt the entire winter without cleaning and with out letting the fire •go out. They are like wise ornamental, and equally adapted for parlor, chamber, office, hotel and hall. Over FIFTY of these stoves have been sold in Gettysburg and vicinity this winter. They can be seen in daily use at the ELOLE Ho- TEL. and the WAS rtiNGTON Elottsx, and also at the "STAN AND SENTINEL" Office. —Col. C. H. BETZHL.ER, at the corner of Railroad and Carlisle streets, Is the sole Agent for the MORNING GLORY, for Ad ams county. (Atli and examine them. "If Also. on hand a large variety of COOKING and PARLOR STOVES, COAL, LUMBER, Washing Machines, Tin Ware &c. Call and examine. NO MEDICINE ever appeared with strong er vouchers for its general and substantial excellence than the Peruvian Syrup. Inva lids, especially those suffering from dyspepsia and dilbility, should send to J. P. Dinsmore, 36 Dey street, New York,' for a pamphlet (sent free), concerning:this remarkable reme dy. It er"Time may sear and blanch your brow,' but it tannot silver your hair, if you use that excellent renewer know as "Barrett's Vege table Hair Restorative' to the i sbaolute ex clusion of all the vile compounds with which the market is flooded.—Portsmouth Jour nal. - CR - The sweetest singer and the sweetest per fume of the day are Adelina, Patti. and Pha lon's "Night blooming Cereus." Both ire American ! The &Jr singer enraptures evttry body—the perfame is in demand every where. - 7 -Georgetown Union. 3-4 gattni of tht Vtarlato. Baltimore Grain and Predate; Market. Baltimore, Titetaay Mornsw. 25 @ 10 00 ...1050 @ll 00 5 50 @ 5 62 ...230@ 2 80 ... 250 fio 2 DO 1 14 @ 1 20 1 60 @ 1 65 .... 78 @ 80 .... 3 00 @ 315 .... 8 12 @ 850 .... 2 50 0 2 80 .... 17 @ 18 .... 12} @ 13 11 @ 111 ....18 00 @ 25 00 WHISKEY, SrpEE nor n, Eznze FLOUR, BIICRWHILLT 31ZAL, WHITE WHEAT, RED WHEAT,.. Coax, Rrs, OATS, Tnianyz-sawn, CLOVER -GEED, kLA.X-ISSZD, BAoonr, Hams, " fints, SHOULD/AB" HAY, GOLD, Phila. Gettysburg Grain and Provision Market Gettythurg, Tredzeiday Morniite 830 9 50 SUPER FLOUR,... EXTRA FLOUR,.. WHITE WHEAT, RED WHEAT, ... Coss, RYE, OATS, BUCKWHEAT, TIMOTHY SEED, CLOVER SEED,.. POTATOES, Burns, LARD, Esse, BAOO4, HAMS, " SIDSS, " SHOULDERS,... SOAP, TALLOW, MIARRID. D errEnnon —Mos BR.—On the 31th of Dec. by,Ray. E. S. Johnston, Mr. Alton! Dotter ror, to Miss Ann IL Moser, both of Fred erick county, Md. Eiblielaingek—aearintaine, -11 the 16th ult., at the residence of the bride 's parents, by the Rev. Mr. Owens, Mr. W. A. Elotiel berger to Miss Lydia . A. Spiutgler;bo.h of this. eeettte. t Jotting —Zutezata.—On the 17th of Sep tember, at the Lutheran Parsonage in Han over, by Rev..B. Yingling, hix.,D.E. Johns Ihrmerly of Petersburg, (Y." 8.) to Wei Helen M. Ziegler, or this place. LIESPIa- , SWA arplacnr.--Ou- the 211th tilt., by Rev. J. D. Sebring, Mr. J.,;Hdrarn of the neighborhood of Gettysburg, to Mini Angeline litriftr.bacii, of letTenum, York county. Mwrzorn—lirrxr.—On the 28th nit by Rev. E. B. Johnston, Mr. Henry Clay Metz ger,ot Hanover, to Miss Emma COI.* My ley, of Fairfield, Pa. DIED tsbituary notices 5 cents s line for all over 4 lines—oselt to scoon2panT notices: [icons.- On the ,2d inst.,' Mr. Abraham Jambs; of Lathnore"township, in the :VW' year of his age. I .y t ii Kmtagt Mrs. .-On Monday last, 'nab H. Login, wife of Daniel Iflingel. }this place, age 34 years 10 months sod 14 da s. ~ Soctior.-On the 10thinst, at liettieriitt rg, Pa., Miss Margaret Scott, daughtat of tit ; James Scott. formerly of Dettypburg, bit ?4th ye a r of her age. . STAitanta.-On the Oth ult., Newry Allen, infant son of Samuel and Anumdst littetner, aged 6 months and 10 days. WAitrtint.=-Ott the 7th tiildl this Tilhot ,Mg,,,Restry-MewrgbrYw't, th Isr"rart'" tunnels and 4 l i gaiii iif „,,.tiC" Wour.-On• - 11114., at the Alms House, Mr. George Wolf, at an advaheed aCi li ttfa WAS 41111 I. ij(43B sl."FcgraVFl : 6 1 4 _ 4°711411 9 4 ! II IA"; 11 .. -'- r33"1,1!"11ri W=l l4 4lh= l- 3414 • I: , .• ! i llafti#34llll,7 • t - "! , 0 . ~:400. it asib IMMO -'• .'.' 1 ;i - i t Ise , 1., PUBLIC SALE OP VALUABLE PEBBONA.PROPERTT Ilisinbsertbar. litaisdlng to gralt IlWatbur, will lull st Public Bala, ow Wwhosaday As lath der' of North seal, at 100* A. At, at b in residence In township, about *Ss youthoost of Clostysburg, this Ponsousl Property. via: , • 4 D OP !OWN WORK ROOM 7 Inch Cows, 4 bowl of poling Ostalo, 2 Rut* 1 Raw and II Pigs, 1 bur. bons Wagon with Bed, day taddots, t two horns Wagon, I Cherisga, I Threshing Machina with doable Shaker, Wlrs4 oth Rats, iglu DrUl. Whinowlng NUL 2 sots of Brsochbatuk,2 nets frost Caws, 2 sots Plough Goats, 2 sata Hansww. Oals, Bridles, Madan, 2 Ploughs, 2 dosblo and single shovel Ploughs, Coro Covens", dm and shies Truss, Butt sad Snail Chains, Blahs and Cow Chains, Log Chains, and other Parsaugrotants. patent Dry-Rouse, a lot Bold a ball 'doses Chid , Cupboard, • Sploalng Whoa!, Q uitting Prange, and a lot of Household and Kitchen isurnitura. Attendance will be even and tonne each known by 081.18T.1LA24 MINNS& Joint Suwon*, Auctioneer. (ob. 19.-ti "UpkUBLIO SALE OF VALUABLE .1E- PERSONAL PROPERTY The undersigned will seU at Public Bale, on Thursday, Merck IT,M, I Bell, erlDeelosk, I. JL, on We premises In Mantles township, Adams edinty, ed the read leading trews Bendsraville to. Hunterstewn, erg:4mile from Beodeveville, the fislhow int Veneta! • 2 GOOD HOW% l Cows. Ribald of bbeep, 1 two or three-horse Wagon, Falling-too Baggy, 2 Sleighs. Wagon flows, Harrows, Oorn forkalhuvel Plow. Ilay Bake Grain Bonen, Winnowing Mill, Cumin g Box, Grain Cra dle Rakes, Parks S sets Breechbands, set Front Gears, 1 set Harness, Wagon Boddie, 8 Housings, 8 blind Bridles, Car Leathers, Plow Line, Biding Bridle, 2 .pa i r 1 pair Butt Chains, Mt of Bea Hives, a lot of Oar pouter Tools, inch as Planes, /lacers, Saws, Chisels, and many otherarticles. Also—Household and, Hitches Fur niture, consisting of- 2 Bedsteads, 1 Corner Cupboard, hoe Lade, and ether articles. Attendance will be given and terms made known on MME EIIIBLIC SALE or VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY The undersigned will sell at Public Sale. on Friday. 1./m2oth day of Marvit nest, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at his reold*Cce. In Union tewniddP, about two miles oast of Littleitown on the road leading to Hanover, the follow ing valuable Personal Property. via : 4 HEAD OF HOUK:SS head ofHorrini Catjle,3 Sheep, 4 Shotes.l Brood Sow, 2 Wagons, 'I sets of Llsy Ladders, SWIM Bed, Sled, 3 Ploughs, 3 Harrows, Cultivator, 2 Shove , Ploughs. 2 Corn Forks, Spring. Halts, !lackeys Beeper, Threohing Machine, Winnowing Mill, Jack Screw. Log Chains. Halter Chains, Cow Chains, Horse Coats, Ply Nets, Cutting Box, Forks, Bakes, dhovel a, sue of the best Grain Drills in use, Meat Vessels, Barrels, Cupboard, Beds and Bedsteads.and other Household and Kitchen Furniture, too numerous to mention. Attendance will be given and term.i mane known by Fob. 19.-it JORN KRt; MUM pUBLIC SALE. The undersigned intending to relinquish his trade, will pall at Pubic Bele, on Monday. the 9th day of March next at 1 o'clock, P. 1., on the premises, his residence In Frederick county, hid.. on the road from Tatieyt own to liforlm's Tavern, about S mils* from the former and 3 miles horn the latter, adjoining lands of Samuel Ott, Jacob Bollinger, Reuben flaming and others. cousieting of 81X AURBS. of first-rate land. improved with a large twuatory Log Dwelling. Log Barn, Blacksmith ROT. timoke House, and other out.buildiugs. a well of excel. lent Water near the door, and a Spring convenient to the house, also, Pb Orchard of choice fruit of all kinds, tc. This lea good ~itcration fur a Blacksmith, bola* in a good nefghborhudd and having& vod run of custom. attendance will be given and terms made known on day of sale by JOSZPiI F. BOWELS& Feb. 19.-te* PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY On Tuesday the 102 h of .Iktmh next, at 10 Vdock, A. _V. The undersigned having rented his Faros, will offer at Public Baia, at his residence hi Butler township, one mile north of Middletown ; the Viewing valuable Per sonal Property. to wit: 4 Homes, 2 oil them Hares with 8:41, year! tag. Colt, 3 good Mitch Cows, 4 bead hi' young Cattle, 18 Sheep, 6 Chaster Nutt* goat. two-horse Wag,n, twaharee Spring Wagon, two-tune Bled, Hey Ladder,. Lin. Bed, rprina tooth kith se Rake, a good Winnowing Mill, Plows, Her. rows, Bantle, Double sod Three bore. Trees, Stretcher, 3 seta Breerbb•nds. Fmut Osars,Diertsorse Gear., Conan, Bridles, Halters and Chains, Cow Cleans, Batt Chains, 2 Wain Oradtea, Mowing Scythse,llhovels, Forts, nod other ankles. Also, Hetwebold and Kitchen Furniture, coo t& lag in part of • Mahogany Side-Board, Bedsteads, Unarm and irlstitrea, Heat Stand, and a great variety of other art rhos rrirAtuendance will be given and terms wade known on day amide by • CY RCS 8. °MUT. Jona limos, Auctioneer. - (tab. 12.—u. FIRST NATIONAL BANK NOTICE TO HOLDERS OF Lut fell. when the priTtlege of concerting the Angust 7-30 Notes expired, many persons who neglected to rare sett into 5.20 Bonds, or sell, lost the premium and the Intrileftrofeatitetthig. It will be the mate /rids the 'tan maturing in June and July next, ((not di posed of in time. This Bank will either convert, , or parrhase, the7-30i,allowing premium and inteweat Feb.14 , ,1g611,4f NOTICE. The Sian account of Rams MCCoins, Nag" Ba. questrator of din 04tystatrg H.R. Co. has been filed in the Coors of Common Pleas of Adams county, and nil I be confirmed by sold Court en the 2601 day of March, 111611, 4. I.A. sinless cease be shows to the contrary. Feb. 19 -4t• J A. BI2ZMILLEIt.Proth'y. OF THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD, RUNNING WEST FROM OMAHA. ACROSS THE CONTINENT, rat MCI HMO LAID AID MAID SZNAlrfq WITHIN TIN ILIUM OP Till SUMMIT OF THE LEM The ptoapect that the Whole Grand Line to the Pacific was WITS! better. The Metal KO far provided br con struction have prayed ample, and then Is no lack of funds for the most elgorons prosecnti,m of tho 'enter prise. The Company's First Mortgage Bonds are now offered at £4,11. They pay 2 1 0 @ 2!20 ,2'lo (0 2 . 25 1 00 1,30 62 100 2 00 V 25 • SIX PER CENT. IN GOLD, and have tbh ty 3 earl to run before maturity. Enb emit tion■ will be received in Gettysburg, Pa., by the I 20 op 1,25 ,35 GETTYSIAJEGI NATIONAL BANE, and in New York at the Company's offices No. 20, Newest& street, and by 11 12 20 CoNTINILVTAL NATIONAL BANS, N 0.7, liassitti et CLARK, DODGE * CO., Bankers, No. 61, Wall it., 14 0 15 10 JOHN J. CISOO & SON, !tankers, No. SO, et., and by the Company's advertised Agents throughout the United States. Remittances should be made in draft or other funds par in New York, and the Bonds will be sent free of charge by return expreei. Parties subscribing through local agents, will loot to them for their safe • dellraty„ . • 7 8 A NNW PANPHLST AND MAP, showing' the Pro ,gress of the Work. Resoureeefor Donets-44ton, and Vane of Bonds, may be obtained at the Company's Mots or of its advestised agents, or will be aunt hiatus appiication. JOHN J. DISCO, Treasurer, New York. Yeb.l9,lB6B.—tt BARK ! BARK ! 1100 CORDS WANTED 1 inn* 600 .CORDS OF BLACK OAK BARK, for w bi ehelvfli My $S es sr card, du delivery, In • pod older,e4 kb twined hi Getty/Mtg. !iota also, 500 CORMS OF R():CK OAK BARK, tb`A:tdet the highest mak* peke will be emit JOHN VAMP. Feb. 12.—dso J 0 It* •"M..': IVfliki ~014-I.i. . „ Diat(ind - Confedioneq. Baltimore Street, oppoeile•Stor aiPilbSet . tinel Office, Oetilellarth,Pl fr ) OonlithaWili all ii* !r te Mid 0 • 0114, Waits, ftwies. L lt ampw,ll.l•3so4l, NM Not CIT t ally on baud. ORO, PO* " 6114 '14 Lrp Plightosimiliftimmtexpel V A-1., E NT-IN-E 8 • kiltoti l imi-4440-611 . C. 23, = few isgatistivento. GISOBON HISWITT. (r.u.19.-a OF GETTYSBURG 7-30 gb TES. GEO. ARNOLD, Cashier 540 MILES ARE NOW FINISHED ROCKY MOVNTAVO3 WILL BE COMPLET!D IN WM FIRST NATIONAL BANK and t ~ .,',oo*---Vldotoitittits. 1111ORDENTOWN FEMALE. COLLEGE BORDENI ; OWN, N. J. VAVUIDIDIDES THU vales BAST BDUCATIONAL AD. NTAGES in connection witti a phasing bome. Bowl •od i r ultkei $204 per year. For Ginkgoes address z.v., Joan 11. BRAICILICI, A. D. Preet. "THE PULPIT, "--A 82-pigeJourn*lnt Public Speaking, Pure Literati's and Practical Belieon, containing the hot things aid by the Clergy and Petals Men the world over. By our plan SZNT ONE TUTU NUR NOTHING. Bent 10 cts. with your address to "THU PULPIT COOPANY," 81 PARK ROW, NEW YORK. Agintig Wastai, Imo 'lady for Canoasbel, "?Ht HISTORY of the WAR BITWEEN =ESTATES," CRAILL6TIN CorDOCT LTD RLSCLII4 By Hon. ALEXANDER H. STEVENS. Seed tor Circulars, with terms, ands full description of the work. • Address NATIONAL PUBLIBIII3IO CO., Philadelphia. Pa. jilir N TED—IN ZYBRY COUNTY in the United States, A GOOD MAN to sell by sample, CHAMBERLAIN'S COMBINATION Square, Plumb, Level & Bevel. The greatest Invention of the age. and one that evsrj Mechanic, Workman and Partner in the land will buy. Scud addling'', with name. State, Oonnty and Po.t Office, plainly written, and we will 'end circulars and terms. W. 8. BATCHELDER L CO., Pittsb.irgh, Pa. A 7 ANTED-133 Teachers. Students, or oilyr intern ,' gent Men and Women. Business pays $lOO to tboo per month. according to abilit . Address ZIIG. LISM, McCURDY A CO., 614 Arch st , Philadelphia„, Pa. WANTND—To make an arrangement with a live man in every County, who wishes to make mop. ey, and can give good references No capital required. Will sell a basins nowaylng 11.500 per month, and rely on profit s for my pa t Address J. C TILTOA, Pitts. burgh, Pa. XL A PRESENT OF $25 VALUE, (IF your own selection, free of cost. for 'a few daya' kJ service in any town or Tillage. Particulars and a gift sent free, by addressing, with 'Kamp, N. B. CLOG' MAN k CO., 49 flanov , r et., Boston, Mit.e. Al ERICAN CLOCK CO. 3 CORTLANDT ST., NEW YORK, Manufaxturers, Agent-and Dealer, in ALL VARIETIES OF AHERICAN CLOCKS. Sole Agents for BETH TLIOMAR CLOCKS. THE CELEBRATED "ESTEY" ORGAN , • VOX HUMANA STOP. Pronounced by all who have hen. d It the moat natural and .beautiful Imitation of the HUMAN VOICE ever yet in• trocluead. J. EBTEY, t CO., Brattleboro. Vt., the orb gins! Inventors and , ManotacturAim. 417 Brooms at, N Y.; 27 River at., Troy. N. Y.; 18 North 7th at. Phila.; 115 Randolph at., Chicago. RED JACKET AXE. COLEMAN'S PATEN: TRIED AND NOT FOUND WANTING We claim it will cut Twenty-Five (25) per cent. more cord wood per day than any other Axe made. McEtzmret. Dec. 1.1.15 r Panama. (armTOtz k CQ. Fine:—T have fully tried your Patent Axe and and that it le all that you claim for it. It will chop faster that any other Ax• that ( ever saw. and leaves the wood without sticking at all. T would not chop throe days without one for the cost. I need not say any more, for any man that tries one will he waisted. CAUTION !—Sbe Axe and the Label are both patedt ed. Infringers oe these patents will be prosecuted at c.rtllng to law. Venders or deolera. and persona near eat infringement, are liable with the maker of the in fringement. larYor sale by all Dealers and the manufacturers, LIPPINCOTT & BAKEWE L L, (Scotsman to Ltrimecorr t Co.) 4.k rnen , rs nJ tht Patent', NORTH AMERICAN STEAM SHIP CO. 1 1 1. THROUGH LINE 'MI CA LTTORVTA. VIA PANAMA OR NICARAGUA. SAILING PROM NEW YORK December sth and 15th; January 5t1,, 15th and 25th, and February 15th and 25th. With New Steamship/La the ring. Claes. PASSAGE LOWER THAN BY ANT C. & 1111R. LINE. Ferterither Interesseket eddrees the Werslgned et 177 West street New Yuri. ..rt. N. CARILLHXIN, Agent. ONE DOLLAR! - ONE DOLLAR A GREAT WONDER, a Silk. Th Irma or Alpaca Dream, Cl. Wor,l Shawl, Carnet. 50 yes. Sheeting. Family Bible. stets Ladies Fart. Sewing Machine. Fine Wool Cloth for Gents. Sots, Ac, fur ONE DOLLAR EACH. Agent. wanted. Circ,.lers sent free Address O.S.WARREN A CO., Roston. Mess. Immense Dollar Sale Or ENGLINII, PRINCE' Alto GUMMI DRY AND FANcY Goons. Pt .ran WARY., CCLTRII. AMR& LIATRZI Goons, Ac , Ac Send 15 cents for one. or 10 cents each fir ten or more namei of articlea,wlikh we gill I SELL AT ONE DOLLAR EACH. Seenta can purchase an at ttcle worth from S 3 to $2OO, for One Dollar, According to flee of clut, ordered. Cir culars sent tree. KIMBALL e. CO , 3 Tremont Row, Boston, SUL P. O. Pox 2510. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT ! A Beautiful Ingot rated Book, worth a Thonaaad Dol. tars, tient Ire* to any address on re:eipt of 26 cents, by adtiresaiog Protestor JOILS VANDERPOOL. No. 285 Winthrop Place, New York City. ONE DOLLAR EACH. Avrtßs Caton Cloth, Dress Pelts, DO, Pant Patterns, V V Sewing Machines, Watches. Dry and Fancy tioods •c. &e. Bend ten cents for Patent Pen fountain, with slip describing an article in our dollar sale. Any patina, (male or femalejcan send ins club of from '0 to 10.10, at gune rate (In ets. for each.) gni get a pre-. mititn for so doing. Send In Registered Letters. Sam• pies mailed free to any address. E tsr NIA:4; A EF.NDALL, 65 Hanover it.. Boston. Mews. WE ARE COMING ! And twill present to any person sendiur, ns a elnb to oar ()teat ONE DOLLAR SALE hf DRY' AND FANCY GOODS, ■ Watch, Piece of Sheeting, Silk Dress Patters, kc., FREE OF COST. CatAlogne of goods and sample sent to any address Mt. • ALLEN, HAWES & CO., P. O. Box C. 15 Federal et, Bosi.m, Maxi Wholesale Dealer' in French, German, and English Dry and Fancy Goode, Gallery, Plated Ware, Albums, Leather Good!, &c. [Feb. 19-41 E. H. MINNIGH 9 CHAMBERSBURG STREET, nett doorlo the ileistoueliotel. GETTYSBURG, PA., Confection, Periodical and News Depot. All kinds of Confections, Can dies, Oranges, Lemons, Nuts, &c., &c., ao;stantlY on hand. The Daily Papers of Baltimore, Philadelphia, New Yotk, and choice Magazines, eupplaed to subscribers at lowest rates. VALENTI.NtS Plate, Qamlo "Clancy, slam actor tuteat Jot opered , pirCALL AND EXAMINE - 0k • robat—nl : GONFECTIONERY !CE CREAM SALOON JOHN GRUEL , Chambersburg Str Gettysburg, next door to a acieei; • F Navin quenplated bin now building, ban opened Alin lkt auortakant of Con &along ever aired in Get. • , larbul 4 ng I I ittOMMOlrearlditTi W s /Ws- and moth!** iberzii6 to a iretidai ciongv,.with npseUl sax= tiou Ibr Liao mind onsthsr tx- . ; impoid f boirtmt nom, .4. .1; : • ~. GEO. °JACOBS BRO., Ghaftibelibterg Street, GetWur.ry, Pa., CLOTHS, CASS.T.74ERS, TWEEDS, Of all styles, and best quality the market can produce,furn ished cheap as can be sold in the country,. which - will be cut out, if de sired, without extra charge. Goods made up and warranted The HoWe sewing Machine, The'most perfect & reliable in America ! The highest premium—the Cross of the Legion of Honor, and- Gold Medal—awarded at the Paris Exposition, 1867. The Ilowe Machine will do a largor variety of work in beter style than tfny other machine, and defies all c .m -pe,ition fJr simplicity and ease in working. Call and exam luo them. Circulars containing price list. kc., can be had on application. [Feb.l2, 18611.-tf Vii IRE RAILING, Wire i so Guards for ?-tone Fronts, Amy moms. kr ; Iron Ilftlideads, Wire Welt Wok for Sheep and Poultry Yards; Brims sou I ton It ire Cloth. hieves, Venders, screens for Coal, Ores, Saad, £c.; ii easy C..imped Cloth for Spark Arresters; Landscape Wires for Windows, nc.; Papermakere Wlres,Ortistaient. ci Wire Work, kc. Every Information by addressin t the manufacturers. M. WALKEN t SONS. No. )1 North Sixth st., Philadelphia. [Feb. 5,1868.-1 y CHESTNUT LAND AT PRIVATE SALE I will sell 160 ACRES, 2 miles meet of Milierstown.— The Timber Ispriacipaily Chestnut w ids emus Black Oak and Walnut. The land is easy of access and the eon first-rate. 100 Acren can be eanily cleared and theTimberwillpay (..r the land and clearing, as a portion of It will cut 1000 Rolle to the Acre. There are two capital iprings on the ['rant. It - will be gold in a body f.r 18.00 per acre; or to 1,411 to soft—Together it would make a nip Farm fora man wah 'mini means imPor terms. Addreu Fairfield, Pa, Doe 4.1867. tf A FIRST CLASS F &BM AT PRIVATE SALE, Within two miles of Gettyaborg, on the Harris burg road, with all n improvement's, And in prime order. twill sell from 100 to 160 Acres, to snit purchasers. Terms reasonable.— For further information, apply to WM. WIBLE, Gettysburg, i's. Sept: 18-U VALUABLE TANNERY " AT PRIVATE SALE WM . KEEP The subscriber, wishing to give tip the Tanning ball seas, offers at Pr rate Sale, his valuable TANNERY, situate on South Baltimore street, Gettysburg, Pa., in cluding Brick Beam Shop with 1 pool, 2 lima, and six handlers: Brick` urying Shop; Brick and Frame Bark 11l Howie; 311 lay-away Vata on the yard, with 11 Leaches and room to add any additional unbar--constant run ning Spring water, never-failing, in tan-yard and shops. This Tannery is located in a region whim, good Bark is abundant at resemiablepiicee. Possession ofthe Tannery will be given to the purchaser intmediateig„ if desired, with a supply of bark to run it. There is besides a large Two-story BRICK DWELLING on the property, with Spring tionee,Smoke House, Wood shed, Barn, Corn Crib, Wagon Shed and other outbitild inp, with a well of water and also hydrant at kitchen door, with running water through Spring 11011110. There is a variety of best quality of growing Grapes and Fruit on the premises. The property la in good condition, and in every respect a most desirable residence and business stand. PITTSBURGH,., Also, will be sold, A LOT OF GROUND adjoining a bow*, containing 1% Acrea, more or less, with an Appla Orchard and a first-clue Spring and Bathing Brushlish meta on it. Ala", A LOT OP GRAGND, on the Euunitteburg road, one-half Mile from town, containing Acres, which the purchaser eau also have, It desire& s Penws demising to slew the pniniess, or aeoertaia further partici:dare, will address the balbecriber residing itsGettysburg.Pa. , JOIIN WINEBILIeNNISIL. dept.lll.-if TOWN PROPERTY THE an,dersigned offers at Private Bale, the old DOBBIN DWELLING, at the junction of the Tane) town and Emmittsburg roacia,ln the borough of Oettysbrirg. The house is substantially built of stows, mad contains twelve large rooms There Is a strong. never-failing Spring of first rate water in the basement and l% Acres land connected with It. The location . is a very pleasant one. and with a little additional outlay Olin could be made one of the most comfortable and de sirable homes in the borough or its vignity. Nov. IL I b 7 —ll JOHN RUPP. FARMS FOR SALE. I win sell the Farms, . No. 1. Lying on the Harrisburg and 0 ettydbarg road between York Springs and Heidlert burg. containing 121 ACRES, with Improvements, new occupied b) James Miller. pile. $25 per acre. No. 2. Lying on the • Carlisle and New Oxford road, between ileidiersburg stid New Chea• ter, containing 145 ACKES, with good Improvements tow occupied by George J. Shank. Price tiC per acre. Terms: One half to be paid on the delivery of the deed ; the balance to suit the pacifistic, either in cash or in first judgment Bonds of not less than s4oofOr No.l, and $4OO for No. Z, to lb paid annually with interest. *A.:Theft farms are patented, lie handsomely and have been limed. W.F. BONNER. May 1867.-tt WESTERN PRE-EMPTION LANDS. I have on hand a few TRAMS of No. 1, second hand, prolanption Lends located near Q•llroads, County Town., &e., in well settled neighborhoods. ahkh I will sell, nr a:rheum' at a fair price for Reel Estate In Ad an, IS county. Pa. GEO. ARNOLD. Feb 5. 18813.—tf gooks, grugs, Wahines, &c. A. D. BUEHLER, DRUG & BOOK STORE STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS, PERFUMERY AND TOILET SOAPS. MERCHANTR supplied at wholeeele city price. Feb. 12.—tf „PlitriS74,llN 4ND DRUGG-187, Pews and Drug: -iltore, Oto.VIIMWOU Stun GETTYSBURG. *Aida advice witliout charge. KSIMILIOS, /AUNT DISDI(SaIIiL, ISTA. TIONSST, PIiIIiIIWIST, SOWS, 11/1111151311, TOIL IT ARTlCLW, Errinpra, 'mum, Silt. LNG SODA, COLWii OF TAWAS,. LAWS, COAL OIL, &C., &C. YII6IB LIOOOIII lbw sedlialsal purpoeee. Dr. S. Homes OLIEN, a reliable reedy f chapped bands, rough skis, At. • -. Allsfi. ;lee werresquivirairad Jim 111811.-tf :*ugeisl and 11tI~ dicier es. iithautuirs OLD ATAND. MERCHANT TAILORS, next floor to Eitystoo. Hotel TO FIT Also. axle Agent!, for Adams County for lital estate ,salts. JNO. P&XTON k DESIRABLE AT PRIVATE SALE. CHAMBERSBURG STREET, Neer the Diamond DRUGS AND MEDICINES, DR R. HORNIR, DIALER tN PO' gam Receipts and Expenditures OF ADAMS COUNTY FOR 1867. COMMIBBIOXIVA OPPICE, t • ADAMS (Alm f, PA. ) AGREEABLY to an Act of Assem- Dty "Au Act to Babe County Rates aad Levies," requiriug the I 'oonalssiosenrot the respective cossetko to publish a Statement of the Reosipttend Ix mullions@ yearly, we, the Coanniesioners of Taxa' of Sad county, do repor t follows. to wit—host the 7th day °l lamas''. A. D.,1801. to the 7th day of January, A. bath day. tactual's: JACOB ABEAM, Bsq., Treseurer. and the Commission ers, in account with the county of Adams, as follows: To sash in hands of Trissurer et last settle ment--_ .—.... V,131 50 Outstanding County Taxi, and Quit Rents M bands of Collectors- ................ ......-..-.-....10,492 69 (busty :Rates and Z411(41 assessed far 1887. Borough - of Getty abure..... 0 46ult Hants. 31,7:e /0 176 04 Cumberland township... ...... -.—... 1.638 66 Oxford ....k r .... ..... 1,436 90 Huntington ...... -........- 1,686 90 Frank) In . .... ..... 1,768 17 Btraban 1,844 12 Henalien 1,336 63 Haselltonban 1,335 80 Mountpleaaant 1,768 19 Reading -...- 1,481 63 Latimors ...„. ...... ....... 1,078 86 Butler ..... 1,119 28 Hamilton 1,421 69 Unioa . 1,664 91 Illountioy 1,263 68 Gonowago 1,265 86 Gecmany .......... —.... 914 92 Tyrone 974 12 Liberty 907 61 Berwick 696 94 Freedom. 665 07 Highland - en 86 Littlettown Borough_ 627 03 Berwick 363 92 N.-383 93 8,987 73 Loans from Bank and sundry perilous.— .... Cash received per Philip Hann, Sheriff, for Jury fees. Cash received from James J. Fink, for coal for office Cash received from J. A. ifitztailler, for coal for office, 2 years Cash received from A. W. ?dieter, for coal for offlce,l year ........ ... ('ash received for old lumber from bridges Cash received from J. M. Wolf Zsq, fines Dividend (rum Water Company, Z years Exonerated TaX Additional Tax Balance due Treasurer by county The outstanding Cixinty Tax and Quit Renta appear to hale the hands of the following Collector*, viz : Yrs. CblZectors. 80r.," 71C1.4. 11385. Henry Dotter*, Huntiligton 121 U is 1466. Henry 6htilts, Huntington 191 99 Michael Bender. Metudlenr....--.... 687 97 Fred:nick Qulale, Btraban..- ......„... 194 80 A. Be keurode, Mono tploseant•... 134 96 Daniel A. 6•11, Unkm— . . ....... ____ 133 7: Henry Slaybonigh. Butler 06 26 0 A. Ounorer. Mot:Aloe 114 01 F H nett. Tyrone—.— . 64 11 John Nunaemaker, ldberty 118 01 T. Blocher, lAttlestown 37 92 T. Pealger, Berwick b0r......- 111 88 tan. J nob Betranel, Gettysburg bor.* 811 97 * . Quit Bente 173 04 Jobe geefaussr. Cumberland'.._._.... '317 61 Georg* Shane, GAtted 571 23 John rtlVzsl, Ifuntington* 936 09 Usury ID.vdorft, Prank line„.... 566 16 T Taaaidababila, Bamboos—. ....._. 859 63 C. leppeltnan, Met.allen 866 34 IL. McGinley, LbsittUtonhan...--.. 656 17 Jacob Medborn.itoantolaaaasaf..---- 038 07 V. A. Orudord, Hauling 3:17 97 Aaron Leas, Let [more 403 60 Jacob B. Trost le, Botl..r* 953 90 Yranklin Woliet, Ibuniltou* ...... .-..-. 353 21 Jesse W. &Ides, Sloonkloy* 177 14 Joseph Bleak, Conowago* 415 46 Samuel Ramer, Germasy*______ ..... go 67 Jobs DeLep,Tyrone..- ..... -.- ....... -.... 799 40 James Corry, Liberty* 376 82 111 rem Kepner, Berwick* 153 74 John Dobbs, Highland* 236 90 Henry Kubler, Berwick bor.t 27 56 XS-Linton, freedom and LittlesMwn had paid In fall before settlement for 1867. arThoss marked thus (t) More Mine paid n fall. Tkom marked thus (•) have Mace paid part. CR. By orders paid out, as follows : By auditing and settling public accounts 848 00 J.C. Neely, Zig , auditor appointed by the Court to audit public offices Z 00 Printing, blanks, Ac....... ...... ...... ...... .. ............ 482 24 ~.- S tieriff's bills of Court costs ; 1,210 19 ‘l3l*rk's pay ... 500 00 Abatement to collectors of 5 per cent. fur 1864 and 1865 ' _ 444 00 Pox and wild cat scalps ...... ... 41 76 General Jury and Tiplitaves' pay 1,540 17 Assessor.' pay____ ....„ , 547 84 Adam Robert, Req., late Sheriff, fees for keep ing prisoners and turkey, 1885 and Is6B. 1,416 38 Wood rodeo 4 for public builkhngs--.....-.... 350 46 Repairs at public buildings____ 111 68 Grand Jury and 'l.p-staves' 5 7 512 83 Register, Prothonotary and Clerk of Bastions' Tax refunded to sundry persons.. ..... ---_-. -26 08 I:4' militates of Constables' return5.........._.._.. 80 26 Counsel tees. —.... 76 10 Treasurer of Alms H1X4111..........-- ......._. 12,700 00 Pottage and stationery for Commissioner's of fice6B 56 - .. _ . . . NOW and interest paid Bank and sundry per. sone ....... ..._..._...._ ....... ........... ... 4,107 55 Quit Rents paid Marcus Samson to Jan. 10, 1867---. 3 00 A. J. Owner, Esq., District Attorney's fees....._.(Si Abraham Krise, Esq Comssioners pay._... 286 Ott Samuel Wol',llPsq ,Comenimioner's pay.. ..... - - 285 00 Nicholas Wierman, &sq., Commissioner's pay.. 286 00 Keeping prisoners at Eastern Penitentiary 495 37 A. Hebert, late Sheriff, conveying prisoners to Eastern Penitentiary 356 00 Philip Hann, Sheriff, conveying prisoners to Eastern Penitentiary'. ....... . ....- Danner A Ziegler, harass's, .... for 1865 to 121 67 R.O. McCreary, Esq., Attorney's fee to Morrie -44 00 Inquisition on the body of Peter Glass. Oil 31 C.ll. Buehler, cylinder fur stove 11 12 Gas pipes and fixture. at Jail 105 54 Thames Wm, rimming privy at Court house.- 55 00 John Gib on, palm:lnt Court House cupola.... 27 13 Wm. L. Murphy A Soo, A'r dockets for County Offices 41 25 Michael Rupp, Court Housekeeper__ 35 00 Bedding and clothing for prison ..... ....... 22 50 Wm. 8. Lamb, (or seal presses lor County OP ficai 79 00 Adams County Agricultural Society .. -...-..- 100 00 JamesN. ginner, for arresting horse ..... 20 00 J P. Enabler, for arresting horse thief... • 64 00 Deficiency on State taxes and paid by the County-- .* ...... _-_____ .... . ..... - 2,345 71 Jacob Sheath , Treasurer , errors in collec t o rs' accounts 150 00 H. A Picking, Agent Perpetual Fire Insur ance on Court House of 64,000. 406 50 Dr..I.W. C. O'Neal, medical attendances!' pri soners for 1886 and 1867 ............ . .... '....... ...... 50 00 Jury Commisekmers' pay m 04 A. B. McNair, County Bounty due 1662 60 00 Paul Hersh, • " " " .- 50 00 J. H. Rrongh, " " '' - ...... -. 50 00 Reiman* stomps-- ---..........- 5 26 Orphan's Calms.- -.......- ............ ....- ..... -.. 77 00 Special Court, Dec. 9, -...... Nr7 34 Philip Hann, Sheriff, for summoningl more.- 86 40 A. Shealy, County superintendent, by an Act of Assembly 50 00 OMetre' pay at Spring Ileciion 420 64 141, , g i n ‘" 547 10 Directors of the Poor pay 60 00 Raul damages and &nazis views...._. 462 00 Repaint at M•Mges —. .... --. .....- . --. ' 609 49 Henry Quitman contract in fall on b ridge at Sticker's mill —....-- ... .. ~. 1,798 00 Pins Smith contract in fall on . lßlue Spring bridge-- 673 27 Exotterations allowed collectors-- ......... -..-.. 384 IS Collectors' bee - 1,633 68 Outstanding Tax and 114 , 11 t Rents in bands of Trammels salary A ...... .. ..... ............ 773 64 Ask lase: due CS3 usaty. DR. To amount of outstanding 234 mill Mats Tax ... -.....--"* 1115 5 To sinoont of outstanding mill itato Tax By amount of outstanding 2% mill Buda Tax dueoount7 . $2B 48 By amount of ouTZ • nding 3S mill State Tax due County—— —36 39 By amount of f :I; * allowed c011ec t0r......„_....48 78 By amount of stenetatlons to 0011act0r5......... ^ 79 Balance doe Canty by Tresumer a 49 29 terry Fends. To moan* at outdo/lan Military nada fur Bdid $37 09 To amount of outstanding lat. 70 By szconstion snowed 42 Haws du Cknuay by Tr imirarer--- 1213 filt 'may Bounty DB. To amoontotootolondisg Omar Bounty far • 1047. $l4B worsapet By amount of outstanding County Bounty for ""." • 14 ea. Cloutiff by Traisiner 62 (mil" ittloothioiy that thofbrogoing otatosoost of floortpla s ozbltrited 14$ the *Moo of the v i o g ismit ortelfOokly, le o correct oaf trfut copy telMtb c oljobiroff With edema rowdolog iWillifollett iv* have` bitoosto sot our ahiMtitaaddEz of lad siVt, fb 'cfaeolbriittor falvialf, one nurlllo44 dry" god iffolf4lo - • hqa !MOM VOW. 41fAMAIIIVIVIOLIN, - LOM Co c at rolisoonr of /Woo woody Attort-4. 31 7 WArro. • ATM:*tr 112PCII4T. . _ 2446 a° 61411 " 0111114 01 0 or elf Ot*rt of COM MR Moot Admen ootati: J., iiiii=vaitraseta .o—to. nun ''' do .6•011041 of Tratanie sod .a.... 4 is? bow Wont or if : - tiolowirfroartai ildlorteg to be a intomobrikolonbo erne* dmr• A. , , to &but one* day of "sears. . ' lb Ass hodier • plat Ifs• JACOB BREADS, Esq., Treasurer, and Commirtioneri, in account with the county of Adams: DR. Cash in hands of Treasurer at last s e t t lem e nt.. Outstanding County Tax and Quit Rents in hands of collectors-- ...... 16,492 r Loans from Rank and sundry pansina-..... 6,997 11; Amount of County Tax and Quit Rents assess ed for 1885 ...... ........ SPAM 7;: Cash from Philip Hann liberiiiJary tem el, James J. Pink fix coal far oMce 20 On Jacob M. Kitsmiller caul for office Adam W. Minter coal for office 1 year.-- For old lumber of briefing From John M.Wol noes.... Dividend from Water o.iiiipany fur 3 years, fixemsrated tan Additional tax ........ Balance dos Treasurer by minty, $240 ." 1,025 10,09 Ra Foos for 1864 61 66 11 1 63. .....................:_.........» . 317 IL 928 38 186 C tronotutlons in - 1864. 72 Ei2 1867 1.1 76 Dlsibutienton to on County36,lB2 V. Trestpurer's comm fission , 71 64 By OUt.tandillg taaca for ...... 114 ed ..... State Tatra clue (bunt,. • DR. To amount of outstanding 23,i mills State Taz due county._...... 4 3 Amount outstanding mill Rats Tax due county By amount olontstandlog milt State Tax dna county ..... it Amount ot outttanding 34 mill State Tax due, ... MGM) . Pees allowed collectors Exoneration allowed collectors.. Balance doe county by Treasurer 72 00 2000 M 7 00 2000 5048 2500 43'X 12i 64 44 3545 To amount ofontntandlng Military Fund* tor Rale :3; .Amonst of ortitanding 'tenet ............ 14'5 To $61.430 lu CIL By exoneration allowed collectors Balance due cennty by Treasurer.. To amount of outstanding County Bounty for it 44 '22 By amount at outitandlng County Bounty for 1888.. ........ —...... ...... ........ . . ....... Fees aUowed collector. Exoneration, allowed collectors Balance due county by Treasurer We, the undersigned, Auditors of the county - of Ad ams, Pennsylvania, elected and sworn In pursuance of law, do report that we met, did an , It, settle and adjust. according to law, the accounts of the Treasurer and Com missioners of said county. commencing on the seventh day of lanuary, 4." D.,1867, to the seventh day of Jan nary, A. D., 1668—both days inclusive; that rid M cGann', as settled above and • ntered on record in Settle ment Book in the Commiasionfirs' Office of Adams coon ty, Is correct, and that we, Itud a halanier due incol. &elide, Mao, Treasurer of Adams c.ount), of C.x.f.'" .Taxes, tit Irt)-five dollars and forty-five cents, ($35 45,) and a balance one county by Treasurer, of State Thies due county, of forty-nine dollars lino twenty-uine tette, /643 29,1 and a balance . doe county by Treasure of Belief Fun a of one hundred and twenty-eight dol lars and fifty cents, ($1223 50,) and a balance doe coun ty by Treasurer of Cennty Bounty of sixty-two dollars and forty-five cents, ($62 45,) and in outatanding Coun ty Taxiss twelve thousand six hbodred and twent3• flee dollars and sixty cents, ($12;625 60,) outstanding Stated Taxes due county of slaty-four dollars and &Islay seven cants, ($64 870 outstanding County Bounty f twenty-fire dollars and forty-six cents, ($25 46.) JACOB C. PITTSSTURT, IlEtillY L. BREAM, • MEM Leb.l2.-4t NOTlCE.—Letters of Administra tion on the estate of Jaws. C0111111:11.13, late of Hamiltonlean township. Adams county. deceased, har ing been granted to the undersigned residing in the same township, h.- hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to (attend make Immediate payment, and those having claim, against the same will present them properly authenticsted for settlement. fa. 12.—dt J. CLAYTON CHAMBERLIN, Admr. NOTlCE.—Letters Testamentary on the estate of Aetautn Jaunts, late of Lat Imdre tp., Adams county, decoused, bar ing been gra•ted to die undersigned, residing in the game township, he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to geld estate to make immediate payment, and thre. having claims against the mime to present them properly authenticated for eettlo- moot. JOHN COULSON, ter. Feb. 12.-tit JOTlCE.—Letters of Administea t ion on estate of Daiirt flaserkstztosa,late of }I mi llion township, Adams county. Pi deceased, having beet granted to the undersigned residing in Paradise twp., York county, be hereby gives notice to those indebted to said estate• to make immediate payment, and these having claims against the same to present them pmper ly authenticated en settlement. Feb.l2.-61* SOLOMON OISE, Adin'r. TO COLLECTORS. The COLLECTORS of State and County Taxes, Are reqoestod to collect all ontetatatig TAX ea Imme dLately, and make eettletnent of their Duplicates ON OP. BEFORE THE 20TH OF MARC% N'EXT toithout By order of the County C.oniminskaiers, Feb.l2 1568. td NNOTlCE.—Letters of Administra i- 'too on the estate of Sasmitt Ztroun, lea of Stra ban township, Adams county. Pa., decrited.bayini been granted to the undoreigned, residing in the said town. ship, he hereby gives notice to all persons Indebted to mail estate to make immediate payment, and those. hav tag claims &galas& the sante to present them properly authenticated for settlement. Feb.s -45 t WILLIAM JACIMIS, A daer. • NOTICE. THE account of ABNER S. BINDER, Trustee of the estate of Roessns. Ralsol.m... under tha wilt of BMWs= Baown, deceased. has been hied in the ofEce of the Clerk of the Orphans' Ceort of Adam. county, and will bepresented to said Court, for confirma tion and allowance, on Wednesday the 26th day of ifarrA next, oftsil which all part lea in interest are hereby noti fied. A. W. MINTER. Clerk . Yob. fr4t. Auditor's Notice. an.dersigned appointed by the X Orphans' Court, 4 Adams (minty. Auditor tomato dtstributien rf thebalanes rem* Ins in hands of Ann. T.Wmans. Administrator of the gatille of 84ntrat HARLAN. drie'd, to and among the parties' lewdly on tit led thereto. will attend at his dice In Uetty,tbutg,es Sztiatiey the 22nd day of February next, at 10 °Weak, A, , N. to dtseborge said duty. A 3. t:OVE.II, 11.-31 Auditor. $51,430 10 DISSOLUTION.—The Partnership .lUr heretofore enleting between the undenlgned ender the ann of I. Maxi £ Bee., doing bnelneu in Middle town. *dame county. Pa.., le hereby dleaelved.. AH per— sons Indebted to Geld arm CH please teaks payment nu or beta* the let day of .14R013 next. Feb.! —St* IdRAHL SHANEt Diu. .163 TO REGISTER'S NOTICES. NOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees and other persona concerned that the Administration Accelerate hereinafter Mentioned Will be presented at the Orphans' Court of Adams comm for oonfirmation and allowance, on TUESDAY, the 26tb dal of FEBRUARY, 1868, et 10 o'clock. A. M., . 1611. The end and On 1 acentrat of Pine P. $f md 31fink. Adis inlet:atom of Joseph Irbil; 7,Acconot of David Saurbaugh, Guardian of Tin David Penny! and George Edward PeusyL minor eb Oen ofJacub Pew!, deceased. settled by John lianiii Adminkrator of said David Saurbanch, deceased. 106. The first and flual account of Israel Gartman .end George Rkbert, Administrators of John Gartmaut late of ibmilton township, demised. 106: The account of Samuel Lent; Administrran of sary Lents, late of Butlir toernsb tp, deceased. 107. Guardianship acemnt of Wiliam Wible,Guairib3l.l of David Luther Plank and Anna filmy Louise V/ lleon, (late pkipkO minor children of John Plank, Jr., (Wed. W. D. HOLTZWORTG,Iteginter. leb:s—te .1163 70 .....i..... Si T 2 72 ~x,....... 1172 72 • DISSOLUTION. P E 4 pirtnership heretofore existing between the to &reigned maim ehe Ann of OARD NCR A BROTHIR, o Petersburg, T. 8., is beret,' .10 , - soloed. All persons indebted to said firm, will please Perms without delay. Slaw partner is nothorized to nee the name of tit, firm In the vet tiement of t ca hu• Envie. .1. A. ARV.; Alt, w.olAbLiri AR% HAVL.X6I disposed of tny *lO4 of Alert:handles to Simms. list twin A Sedif I. and Wraith* fr om aseccessful bushing eerier at k wrly tiphken years, I hereby return mi . ' I .11 10 0g 1 . ottnt.i lodgements to m she.s Ind eurtmers tbr t bars patecumge, sad rfully reeemmunsd to theft gimponmi, encouragement, My surceseda, Neese,lffrfronn.csio. A. mosestsm. tar April la. UK t • WA N t 20.0 Cords. •Ook d, • Bark $lO 112 ttaltyortat at Sandmes Vinl, of alii9phegm,k,,,h,i.,. the amine Ilhinstrer, for _which • ^ 1" $5 00 CASH 'PEat 'CORD. inn be paid, on dellvh.T. 7•141111$00"U 4006 01. A. Ott 4 :41 12:, 48 ZZ iC DZEM $51.4al I) 4i 1 $ 1 6:1 giE PrUef Fm•'4 DR. CUE E~ $44 27. 128 LO 5172 72 CLunty Buwely DR. 5148 22 Andiwra. J. M. WALTSB.CI•[L ! MORT cusoNurgia, MI 4..1 IJ 2;1 49 21, DM BEI 62 45