II Le El Liti!f *tar •& *utintl. Wednesday, Fobriltary 1., Advertisers and ethers litsted will bear hi that th e resew *treed*. *tea of the • , STAB AND ISENTINIIII 9 Naiads larger than that of say other paper published in the 'Cuttisty. being read weakly by not less than 10.000 per- airAdvertisemente. to secure immediate attention Mild be handed In on or before Tuesday morning. THE WAY THE "DEMOCBAQT" EMMET ELECTIONS. A Rich Expose. ' An interesting contested election case is now in progress before a committee of the State Senate at Harrisburg, that of RonrNscor vs. SHUGART, train the Cen tre and Mifflin (21st) District. The cer tificate was granted to SHUGART, Demo crat. • • His majority, if onr memory 'serves us right, was less than 'a hundred. Rom - 1180N alleges that a large number of • fraudulent Votes were cast in the Dis trict, more than enough to wipe out the majority of his opponent. The testimo • ny taken by the committee shows that at least sixty men voted at Philipsburg, Centre county, on naturalization certifi cates purporting to have been issued by the Court of Luzerne county On the 28th of September, 1868. The Prothonotary of Luzerne, an Irish Democrat, after comparing these papers with the natural ization record, testified that no persons bearing such names had been naturalized in that court at that time. Being ahown one of the naturalization papers, be tee . tified that the printed part was similar to the genuine blanks used by him, and that the seal milt looked .like the impres sion of the genuine seal; but that the signature was not his, nor was the filling up in the handwriting of himself or any of his clerks. The men who cast the fraudulent votes at Philipsburg, were workmen from the railroad which is be ing built in Clearfield county to connect with the road completed to • PhWpsburg,. and it is alleged that the whole thing was managed by NtrALLA.cr., the Chair man of the Demoeratic State Central Committee. An Irishman named CASEY was one of the witnesses who testified to the manner in which the fraudulent voting was done, and by whom it was condUct • ed. On the evening of Jan. 28th, when . CASEY , was returning home from Harris burg, he was set upon, near Clearfield, by several persons, supposed to be 4nre of the railroad hands, and beaten so bad ly that he died from the effects of the in juries on the morning of the Ist of Feb ruary, never having recovered his rea son to designate who were his murder ers. That this man was murdered for having testified to these frauds, is doubt ed by noire, and we are glad to see that a resolution has been passed by the Legis lature authorizing the Governor to offer reward of $2,000 for the apprehension of the perpetrators of this foul murder. It is alleged that proof will be present ed to show that forged certificates were issued by the thousands in Luzerne coun ty, and that they' were sold openly in Scranton and Wilksbarre for $1.75 each. Little - doubt exists that two Democratic State Senators were elected with them lost fall. Judge SHARSWOOD 'vas eletted with them. Judge WOODWARD was elected with them. And they; intend to carry the State next fall with them, if their schemes are not frustrated. PRESIDEN'r JOHNSON has made a new move on the chess board, the meaning of which puzzles politicians at Washington. The President, as soon as he NV4S inform ed of the action of the Reconstruction Committee (in voting down the impeach ment resolutions of Mr. STEVENS), im mediately sent the name of Lieutenant General SHERMAN to the Senate for con firmation as General by brevet. Lead ing Senators regard this as an !improper nomination, there being no laW by which such a brevet can be made. 'The law by which both the General and Lieutenant General hold their commitkions is a special enactment for these speCial cases, they not being line officers, so it will fail in: the Senate. Simultaneously with this is'an order creating a new Department of the East headquarters at Washington, wad assigning General SHERMAN to its command. The moveruent excites a good deal of speculation, many regarding it as an effort to get SHERMAN into a position where he will rank with GRANT, and be (fie(' to put some indignity upon the lat ter. But the effort will prove ahjortive, as the relations between GRANT atid SHER MAN are of the most friendly character, and the latter, detecting the trap, in dignantly declines to be used to serve the President's purposes against his friend and fellow soldier. In a telegram to his brother,, Senator SHERMAN, the General positively refuses to accept die proposed brevet rank of General in the United States Army, even should President JOHNSOx'b recommendation be 'endorsed by the Senate. Iu the House, on F o riday, Mr. I NV.u.sop: gave notice of his intention , to offer a re solution inquiring by what law Mr. JOHN sox created the new Department to which he has assigned General SHER MAN. THE La Crosse Democrdt (Brick Po meroy's paper,) has opened its batteries on Gen. GRANT, because he refuses 'to train In the interest of treason, and the Copperhead presses ihroughout Jibe Coun try follow suit. Hitherto Gs.4.wr has been simply "a butcher" and the rector of "slaughter pens" during the war-now he. is proclaimed a "drunkard l ' and a "liar." These same worthies In times past. denounced HARRISON as a l'granny and a coward," CLAY as a "blac leg and duellist," TAYLOR as an "ignore and imbecile," Se.orr as a "popinj and a poltroon," and, Ljnccilh as a"b oon and blackguard." The whOle troub is that i lia the Copperheads dread the idea o GRANT taking the field against them, an in view of certain defeat, have eommeu _ the old game of "making mouths." AN act of tiongress has recently', passed, and been approved, allowing the "legis latures of each State to determine the manner and place of taxing all theahares of National banks located Within said State, subject to the restriction hat the taxation shall not be at a greater rate than is assessed upon ether moneyed capital in the hands of individual eitizens of such State. The shares of Mon-resi dents are to be taxed in the city pr town where the maid bank is loaded.' Ox our first page will he foiind the Speech of our Representative, Hiin H. K.OO,NTZ, on Reconstruction,tO which we alluded a few weeks ago. ' brief and to the point, presenting, the reaLissue . between the two great parties clearly and sharply, and wiil repay a e irefcl Perusal. • 3o*is - oarit,vme,(l,MY- - Jon XSONIViIIt oil mate-, ter of pertiMal, detdi ( ty, -has lee acted . against htii Itshatteatablished his own guilt in trOng to circumvent the :laws of the laud ; and has vindicated GRANT as a law-abiding, -straight-forward, honest man. JOHNSON'S Cabinet do not sustain his declarations. The only two who un dertake to give 11 statement of the inter view (BROWNING and Sliwann) sustain GRANT'S version of the conversation, on every essential point. The secret of the whole transaction Is that JouNsox ex pects to be the Copperhead candidate for the Presidency; and, thinking that. GgAxT will be the Republican, he sought to entrap the latter, and efreet his ruin. He has disgracefully failed. His controversies have generally re sulted disastrously to him. He made a point of veracity with Speaker Cor,vAx, on the point whether or not the latter had recommended the. calling of an ex tra session of Congress in the early sum mer of 1865. A gentleman who was present at the time, sustains Mr. COL FAX'S declarations. JOHNSON in 1863 had a like controver sy with Gen. BeELL, asserting, under oath, that Bu LL had been. prevented from abandoning Nashville to .Bragg in 1862 only by JoHNSON'S resolute expos tulations. BUELL replied, publicly, de nouncing the statement as false. He as serted further that he never intimated to JOHNSON" an• intention to leave Nash ville without a garrison ; that there was no discussion between them pro and con on the subject; that the determination to hold Nashville was his own, uninflu enced by JoHlisoN in any manner; and that he has not that confidence in JOHN sores judgment, or that distrust of his own, to induce him to seek JOELNSON's counsel. Jomisolsequietly submitted to this , de nial, and never undertook to vindicate the truthfulness of lila charges. His reputation for veracity—bad ns it lit—is, -we guess, about equal to his merits.— Certainly, liis controversy with BUELL, COLFAX, and GRANT has left him with little claim to be con sidered a reliable, truth-telling man. It illustrates his perversity, that, with such a series of mishaps, he should exhibit such a ten dency to make Issues involving personal honor. TgEjirEXT 11. S. SENATE. Several inaccurate statements have been published, respecting the vacancies which will occur in the 11. S. !Senate at the close of theFottieth Congiebs, March 4, 1869. • They will be as followi Republicans—Chandler of Michigan ; Conners of California; Edrounds of VermOnt ; Frelinghuysen of New Jer sey; Henderson. of Missouri; Morgan of New York; Morrill of Maine ; Ram sey of Minnesota ; Sprague of R bode Island ; Stewart of• Nevada ; Sumner of Massachusetts ; Tipton of Nebraska ; Wade of Ohio-13. Democrats—Bayard of Del. ; Bucka lew of Pennsylvania ; Dixon of Connec ticut; Doolittle of Wisconsin; Hen dricks of Indiana ; Johnson of Mary land ; Patterson of Tennessee-7, Unclassified-,Van Winkle of West Virg] n ia. Of , ,nor Gun, lot 134 Inch Pl'nk, Dung [Mato,. Scant ,o her Ltutd her, l Prep Bees, liouselt...4l h Tabiss, Bedateads, Clapboard"! KA, Cheat, Copper Ket tle, Iron Pots, Barrels and Isom*, good Bndalo Robe, Crocks, Jugs, Churn and Bucket", together with many articles not mentioned. Bain to commence et o'cloCk, A. Si., when Nttend.nce will begirt"' awl terms made known by JOHN NW:LEARY. • Abss— A t the same time and place, the undersigned will sell at Public Sale, 1 GOOD FAMILY AKE, 2 Mitch Cows, one of which will be fresh about the time of sale, 1 yearling Burl, 7 head of Shoats, 4 bead of neon. I broad tread bur horse Wagon, 1 Lime Bed, I Bay Carriage, I Winnowing Mill, Pluws sod Herrero, 1 Double Shovel Plow, 1 Blngletilhovel Plow, Corn fork, double. sing le and three horse Trees, 3 seta Breechhands, 2 sets Frolit (leant, Collars and Bridles, Wagon Saddle, aiding Saddle, Efili ten, Cow Chains, Butt Chains, Fifth Chain, York, Bakes, a r. PUBLIC SALE OP VALUABLE PEFL3ONIL PROPERTY On ikaday, the 24th of Fi.broary next, at 9 o'clock J. L. The undersigned, intending to quit farming, will sell at Public Sala at his residence, near Fairfield, in Hamil tonbau township, the following valuable Personal Pro perty, viz: FOUR HORSES, 2 two y 'mains Colt., 1 yearling Colt, 4 Milch Cows, 2 of which will be Dells about the time of sale, I Bull, 2 Steers and a lot of 'young Cattle, 1 Brood Bow and seven Motes, 2 four horse Wagons, 1 Boring Wagon calculated fiat I or 2 hones, Hay Carriages, Grain Drill, Seltdischarging Hay Rake. 3 Plows, 2 Harmers, Double and Single Shovel Plows. Corn Coverer. Single, three-horse Trees and Spreaders, Winnowing Hill, Cut ting Box. Grain Cradle, Scythiwand Smiths, Forks, Rakes, Shovels, 2 Lost-Leine, 1 F if - b Chain, Breast Chains and Butt Chains, 2 seta of Breechands. 3 seta of Front Gears; Bridles and Collars.: Fly Nets as good as new, Riding and Wagon Saddles, Halters. Cow Maim, Maul and Wedges, axes, mul a great many other articles. Alm, Household and Kitchen Fornitti9e, 2 Bedsteads, 1 large Kitchen Table, 1 Tea:plate Stove and Pips, about 30 or 40 yards of Carpeting, Oil Cloth, and many other house hold articles. sarAtteobnoe will be /glue° and terms made known on day of agile by ADAM C. MCIESSELMA.N. Jams Mmibmr. Auctioneer. [Feb. 5 -is PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE PISMO:CAL PROPERTY The undersigned, intending to remove from the coun ty. win expose to Public Sale, on Thursday, the 27th of 4W/wintry next, at 10 ()Week. el. N., at his resident!. in Butler township, near Roth's Mill, the (ultra-Mg value. ble Personal Property, to wit : TURKS HORSES, will work in any place they are hitched. 5 Mich Cows, 4 young Cattle, 3 Shotes, a three horse Wagon, Spring Wagon, hay Ladders. 2 Plows. 1 Harrow, 3 Corn Forks, double and single Trees, Spread ers, seta Hind Gears, set Front Gears. set single Har nese, Collars, Bridles, Saddles, Winnowing Mill. Rolling Screen, Cutting Box, Rakes, Forks, ilhritels, and a great variety of other articles too numerons to mention. Aleo. WAtaehoLl and Kitchen Furniture, consistlikt in part of Bedstead', Tables,Chairs,Cupbosrds,Sink, Settee, Stands, 1 Parlor and 1 Ten-plate Stoves, , with Pipe, one Drnm, Churn Benches, and a greet variety of other entries. AlsoL3oo. Bushels of Corti JU the ears. Attendance will be giant and tenn• made ;;noels on day of sale by JOIIN JOHN Itutips, Acketionittr. ;Ja.n.29.-ta 4.8. BARNIrL, D. EIOKE, Ade' ra PUBLIC SALE OP VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY The subscriber. intending to quit finning sod House keeping. will sell at Public Bale, on Tuesday, tAe 3rd day of March wart, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at his residence in Huntington township, Adams county, Pc. at the York Spriaga,l milasowth-east of Petersburg, known an the York Springs Hills, the following Personal Property: THREE HOURS. one excellent Brood Mare, heavy with foal, 1 Blooded Colt, 4 Mitch Cows, which will be fresh or nearly so by time of sale, 3 head of young Catt le, 5 flue Shotee. 1 broad-tread three-horse Wagon w ith Bed, I Spring Wagon, Hay Carriage. 2 two-hoese Plows, 2 Harrows, Cultivators,' Ball Ohio Reaper %rid Mower combined, Thresthink Machine and four-horse Power, Wire-tooth Rake. jurtnew, 3 Buggies, 2 good as new, one • Falling-top, one Rockawai , and one a Trotting Buggy. 2 5 . 0 of Bc22Y Harness, 2 sets of Breecbbends, 2 sets of Front Gears, Collars, Bridles, Lines, Whips, Hal ters. Cow Chains, epreaden, double and single Trees. Hay and Dung Forks, Bakes, Mowing Scythes, Grain Cradle, 2 drain Shovels, 1 new Reynolds Fanning Mill, 2 Sleighs, 3 string of Belle, Toole, Augers, Chisels, set of Sash Panes; also, Household and Kitchen Furniture, consisting in part of Cooking Stove and fixtures, 3 ten plate Stoves, Parlor Stove, lot of okl Iron and metal, hits, Kettles, Tubs, Churns. Barrel of Vinegar, Cupboards, Boreaus,Wedsteads and Bedding, Tables, Chairs, Chests, 2 Clocks-1 24-hour and I 11-day, 2- Centre Tables.--1 of them 'Mahogany, new hair-cloth Sofa, Wash-stand and Bowls, a large lot of Carpeting, and a great variety of other articles. A. F. STUCK I.lck:;r:F., 1 J. SP K - K .tam's Attendance will be giren and terms made known on day of aide by HENRY DOTTARAR. A. S. MUMS, Auctioneer. If not all sold on said day, the sale will be continued until all is sold. [Jan. V.-ts PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY. On Friday the 28th of February next, at 10 o'clock A. Y., The subscriber into. flag to quit farming, will sti I at Public Sale, at his residence in Cumberland township, near the Emmittstrurg road, two and • halt miles from Gettysburg, the following Personal Property, to wit: TWO GOOD MULES, 2 Mares With kal,l Colt, 7, Mitch Cows. 3 head of Young Cattle. 4 fitteutee.l four horse narrow-treed Wagon.l Wagon for one or two hor ses, Lime Bed, flay Carriage, Roc ka way Buggy and Ilar news, Baggy Spread, Hind and Front Gears, Wagon Sad dle, Blind Bridles, Collars, 2 Lines, a good Biding Saddle and Bridle, Halter' ' Log Chain, Fifth Chain,Breast Chant, Caw Chains , Spreaders, Jackscrew, Fee d Trough, a first-rate Winnowing Mill, Grain Shovel, 2 Ploughs, 1 Subsoil Plough. Harrow , 2 Corn Forks, 3 Double and 1 Single Shovel Ploughs, Roller, single double and three horse Trees, Grain Cradle, Clover Cradle, Scythes, Forks, Bakes, Ozoss-cat Saw, 2 Mattocks, Shovels, Crowbar, Grindstone, Mani and Wedges, Saw, Angels, a lot of Bs eon,Graln by the Acre, Steal a great many other articles too numerous to mention. Ba.Atten..ance will be given and terms made known on day of sal* by JACOB C. HERBST. Jour Btaumenn. Areetionear. [Jan 15-te • PUBLIC SALE UP TALIIABLB PERS'INAL PROPERTY The undersigned intending to relinquish farming, will Public Sale On Thursday, the 27th day of February ' sleet, at 9 o'clock, A. M., at hie residence in Straban township, Adams county, two miles east of Gettysburg, on the road leading from IL A. Picking's to th snort Pike, the kdlossiag Valuable Personal Property, to wit : TWO GOOD HORSNS, one a Brood Mars, the other a Colt, rising Spears. 3 good Mitch Cows, 2 Bulk, one a fell blooded Durham, the other • half blooded Durham, 2 Helters, both half blooded Diu , luuniatheone coming In profit this spring, 8 No.l Cotswald Sheep. 4 head of Shoats, agood two-horse Wagon Lime and Wood Bed, Hay Carriage% 2 sets of Gears, 2 set of Hareem, one doable sad the other single, 2 sets Check Lines, Plow Line, Blind Bridles, Collars, Government Saddle and Bridle, 3 sets of Horsens, Halters and Chains, Lag Om* Clow Chains, Rail Chaine,• Breast Chains, Thrombin; Mackine, with Hone Power and Double Sha• kir attached, all in good order, Boyer's Patent Fodder Cutter and Grinder, Winnowing Mill, Bowl's Screw Power R and Mower, Horse Rake, Rockaway Car =, seaw or two horses, Ploughs, Harrows, Large eke, Roller, Corn Pork, DoubleoornPlonh, Dou ble and Single Trees, Parks, Rakes, Orin Cradles, Mow ing Scythes, Cliater Cradle, Corn Hoes, Half Bushel Measure, Mattock, Shovel.. Also, Corn and Gate by the bushel, and one Stack of Hay, also, Household and Kitchen furniture, consisting I n part of a Cooking Stove. • good Ten-plate Stove, Parlor Stays, Copper Ket tle, Washing Machine, Tubs, Barrels, boxes, and men,' other articles. sm.Attendance will be tiven and terms made Inertial' on day of Bala by HAMM CASHMAN. Joan STALLIIIIII, Auctioneer. Pan. 22. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY The sabscriber intending to quit farming, will all at PabDo Bahr; on Thursday, the I.,th day ef 11 , ale nest, at 10 eclock,A. M. at his residence limos and one-half miles wad of Glettyabirg, formerly Wattles Mill, on Marsh GTM M the iHbiloAwDin O g P P Holll l 2 P. , ,a..1101w s a y, u to a wteilt :k r either Saddle or Hermes. 3of them Morse with foal, 4 Wash Bull, 1 Helfer, 5 bead of Biz t 2 ii fiaire, 2 Broad oe, =Sur horse W , 1 Wagon 1 of Wood Ladders, 1 Hay 1 pair Bay 1 small Bled, 22ockawa es and Harness, 1 yaii of bind Georg, 3 eat et fi st ears, Wagon Saddle, blind Bridles, collars., E musk 2 Riding Bridles, Wagoo B = l , 2 Yly Neta,lleiters and Cow Chains, Log Chains, Lock, ThrashlnallaoldriejiresstObsinkßutt-traces, Spreaders, leed.trougb, WinnowinSill Gutting Bac. 1 threw. horse Plow , 2 two hone 1114 2 Hamra% 2 Coro parks, 2 Single Shovel Photo, s, Double and 3 Hors. Trees, 1 Grain Drill,l Wire tooth Hay Rake,l Bevolving Hay Bake, 2 Grain Oratilss, 1 Clover Bred Cradle, 3 hosing Berths., Parks, Bakes, I Mattock, Sboveki, Grindstone. leirela, Bono, II set of Dug Boards, lot of Bags, Band Saw. and a great norahar of ether &Nolo. Sit-Attendance will be given and terms wade known on day of sale by JOHN W. WEIGLE. Jac= NICIZZiT, Anctioneer. Plan. 92.-ts PUBLIC SALE ow vauIABLB twoNAL I.IIOPEXfT. ..,..R. Tho itodanifflod will mall at Pat& balo, Wi, Ilusaii, 041004 494rigrat swat, a* 12 slaw*, X, at his sel dom, ta Ibrahim tows** Adana eoluttf, en Ow Siii loading Ikea dm thilim nod to lisaiwea oboist, about 2 e , Sad it baltitlisalwas II watustown, a misty of salaabla Powwow at a bowl of Hams, hoe %bur Ir. IoZWA=a two octit,r2Ti: lop Snood bow. _NW 11 ._t__,....m.i i s u affront Vous, S asta Tram, /11114 43= worms liAt r e two awd threwhora• Plow, dui. l 'olrfit ibilltsator Doable sad Nagle Troia a harp 14* an d aviuistr of other fetish, tod .Naafi to Athiudawao wed bq eves awl sigmas mad* lutowa at dig of oho b 7 fiWittrailailt i Mloo•Wri J.W. VIM* gtroond graperty .puBLIc SALE OP VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY Attendance will be given and terms made known by RII2II M. BIGIIAM. [Feb. 6.-ta JACOB 3i/CELEY, .BElCiioll6ol' February 19, 1868. Versonal groPaig salts. puma SALE , OP PF3IBONAL PKOPICHTV The subscriber,inteoding to quit farming, wUI sell at 'Nablle Bale, on Baherdoy, 7ht day of Mara meat 4110 wciock, A. M., at his residence in /Stratum townie, ip, on the road leading from New Chester to the York pike, and two mile. east from Hun terstown. 2 imp 01 000 D WORK 1101111103, both nine years old, 3 bead of Piret.rate Mitch Cows. two of which will have Calves about the time of sale, 1 two horse wagon with Bed, 1 two horse family Carriage, with Harness, X new Cart Wheel', 2 king P lough is.l double Shovel Plough, 1 single Shovel Plough, 2 Corn forks, 1 Corn Covet, 1 Corn Planter Warren's patent, 1 Harrow, Log Chitin, 1 two horse Sled, 1 Wheat /sal Howling ftrans, 1 ground Roller, IGrain Rake, Hay and Dung forks, Rakes and Ladders,2 Crampons Saws, 1 Crowbar, 1 lick. Maul and Wedges, Put Anger and Borleg Machine, Post Axe; 1 set of Coopering tools and Carpenter tool*, 2 seta of Hind Goitre, Collar. and Bridles, Wagon Saddles, Lines and Riding Bridles, Hay by the ton, 10 Acres of Wheat in the ground, 1 Fleit•lireak, Single and Doable Treed; also, Household ,and Kitchen Furniture, 1 Parlor Stove, 1 Corner Cupboard. 1 Clock, 1 Case of Drawers, 1 Table end Chairs, and a thousand other articles too numerous to mention. Bale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. IL, when attendance will be given anti terms made known on day of mile by HENRY 8 MCCH. (Jan. 29.-to ANDIUW Porroar. Auctioneer. pußLic SALE OF VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY The undersigned intending to quit farming, will sell at Public rale, on ;Tuts fay, the - 2.5 gt day of February ni-10 o'clock, A. M.. at his residence. in Stratum township. Adams connty, two miles east of Gettysburg, om the road leading to ifanorer. the following valuable Personal Property. to wit : FOUR WORK WHISKS, one a good Family Home, and all calculated for either saddle or harness, one yearling Colt, 3 Mild, Coss, will all be froob about the first of April. 3 head of young Cattle, b good Shotes, 1 brood Sou:, IS bead of No. I Sheep, I narrow•tread Wagon for wo or three horses, :Spring Wagons, flay Carriages, 2 Plows, 2 Harrows, Corn Folks, Corn Coserer, Shovel Sloe.. double, single and three-horse Trees, Spreaders, Sleigh, Roller. I Buggy, a n0..1 Winnowing MIII, Cutting box. 2 Grain Cradles, Sc) thee and Snaths, Illy Rakes, Folks, Rakes, Shovels 2 Log Chains, Cow Halter and Breast Chains, Butt Traces, 2 sets of Brseehbands, 2 sets Front Oears.Collars, Bridles, Cruppers, I sat of Carriage Harness, 3 Fly Nets good as new, Plow i.e,'o 2 Riding Saddles and Bridles, 2 flood Saws, Angers—one a two. inch. Planes, Chisels, Work Bench and Vice. Maul and %edger, Axes, and a great many' other article,. Also, Household and Kitchen Furniture, consisting in part of Tables, Chairs. Bedsteads Cupboards, 2 Stoves—one a Parlor Stuve,and many other household articles. Attendance will be given and terms made knowtitn day of sale by WILLIAM Ii"rWARD. Juin( STALLAYIIII, Auctioneer. (Jan. 24.-to Tue!thsy in Fret:a:0111 A.l P. 0.. ;4, PUBLIC SALE VALLABLE PERSONA'. I'ItOPY.RTY The subscriber, intending to quit firming. will rxpue to Public Sale, on Wednesday, The 2RM day of February next, at his residence, 1 .4 mile went of Ar.a.it,rflle, the following Personal Property. to wit : FOUR lIRAD OF GOOD ;WORK MAILEe, will work well any place pin bitch them—ono Leavy a tOi foal, Colts. one rising two yetrs old, the other one year, 5 bead of Milch Cows, one of which will be fresh about the time or sale, 1 'lei 6.1%3 gals. a lot of good Sheep. 2 four-hom e Wagons —one brood-tread nearly new, the other nsrrow. tread, Fancy Spring Wagon, with Oil-ninth top—motable for one or two harem, Lime Bed, pair of good Hay Lad ders, Thmihing Machine, good . Grain Van, Wire-tooth Hay Rake, Onin Drill . 2 good Plows. 2 Harrow., single Shovel Plow, 2 Cori. Forks. Log Chain. two-hone Spread. dere, Breast Chains. Butt Chains, Cow Chalon, two and three.horse Double Tries, Single Trees, 2 seta of Breech bands, 2 sets of Front Gears. Wagon saddle, Collars, Bridle!, Line, Fly Net., Whip, Mattock, Forks, Rakes, Cuttiorbox, Riding Bridled, Croirs-cua. Sea - . 2 Grain Cradles, Barrels, Tube, Potatoes by the bushel, Ile.'.itYod o sod Bedding, and a greet many other articles. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., when at teedun will be given and -terms made ketrarn on day of sale In JACOB MINTER. JACOB MIcILZT, Auctioneer. There will be no intoxicating Pritiorn Allowed oh the ground. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE PERSO.!'iAL PROPEKTI The undersigned, intending to quit terming. will en pose to Public Bale, on Thursday, the sth day of Mara. weal, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at his residerice in Pet ershn rg. the following valuable Personal Property, to wit noßsv.s., one a dappled grey of 7 year., the others a pair of matched Slacks 6 years old, 5 Mild' ;owe. two of which will be fresh about the time of sale, 2 beau of young Cattle, 4 Shotes, I four-bores broad-tread ~ on—partly new, one horse Wagon, 3 :term of Clean.. two Breech bands and one let Cruppers, •' setm mingle Harness,. Blind Bridles, Collars, Lines. 3 Plows. Marva, Corn Fork, Shovel Plow, 2 Cultivators, Spreaders. double and mingle Trees, Halter and 5 Cow Chains, Log and Fifth Chains, Jack Screw, Forks, Hakes, Shimmng, Pick, Mat t. wk, Digging Iron, Onsdatoee. Wheelbarrow, and man) other articles. Also, Hay by the ton, Wheat m .Corn, Oat., and Potatoes by the bushel, Household and Kitchen Fur niture. consimting in Pert vat Tables. Chaise. Cupboard. Chests, Sink. Stands. 6 Stoves-2 Caking. 2 Template. 1 Parlor and I Sheol Iron, Queeneware, Tinware, 4 Bed steads and Bedding, 100 yards Carpet, all good, le Crocks Apple Butter. near 300 weight of pickled and dried Be.; and Pork, and ationt one hundred might of Lard, Bore, Tube, Barrel,. Boar, and' a great variety of othererti- Clee AV.eudaLce will be gir,n and term.. 11314:e, knows ..: day reale by SA %!I: EL SIIELLKT A. K. Mrtna, Auctioneer. , 1 V ALUABLE PERSONA L.PROPERTY AT PUBLIC SALE The ettlisniber. intending to quit farming, will sell et Public Sale, me Wednesday, the 4th day of Nardi ant, at bis residence in Cumberland township, about two mile* west of tlettysbirg, on the Chambersburg pike, the f 4- lowing valuable Personal Property, viz 3 HEAD OF GOOD WORK HORSES. wee three year old, 2 good Mures. a Blooded Colt. S months old. ',trod by the thorough bred horse - Cashier," owned by Dr. T. T. Tate. and which took the ant premium at tbetiettysburg Fair. a three year old bolt, 4 goal Hilch Cows. one of which ail' fresh by time of sale, 3 Heifers, 2 Bulls, onea Dosban. two year old and the other a Devan one year old, whict, allatouk the tint premium at the Fair, lU head of extra South down Sheep, a two horse Wagon. a two seat Car riagi , a falling top Buggy, a Spring tooth ll'sy Rake. Wind. ruin of Reynolds patent, Feed Cutter, Threshing Ile chine and Horse Power, 2 Barehear Ploughs. 2 ❑arroan, double andsingle Shore! Ploughs, Core Fork, one thre e lion., and two double Trees. Spreaders, Singe W heel tArross , Horse Gears, _sets of Dreechbands, 2 st , ts Front Gears, 2 Housings, Wagon Saddle. Harness, Col lars and Bridles, Fly Nets, Cherk-lines, Plow-lines. Hal ter', Cow Chains,Buggy Spread, Wagon Whip, Forks, Rakes, Crowbars, Dung Hook. Mattock., Picks, Axes, Grindstone, Scythes, Corn Choppers: also, Cook -Store and Fiztures, Bedstead., and a variety of Househokt and Kitchen Furniture, and other articles too numerous t.. mention. Pale will eommeneeet 10 o'clock, A. 31., when attend. sae. will be given and terms made known on day of sale by CHARLES B. POLLEY. Jecon MICILZT, Auctioneer. :Jan Li9.-Ie PUBLIC SALE OP VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY The subscribtr, intending to quit farming, will sell •: Public Sale at his residence, two miles north-east of Gettysburg, on the Harrisburg road, on THURSDAY and FRIDAY, MARCH STH and 6111,1666, the following Personal Property, to wit: THREE HEAD OF WORK HORSES —ail calculus,: for either saddle or harness, one a Mare heavy with fief, I Stallion 6 years old—General Taylor stock—very gen tle, and broken to work anywhere ; 2 Colts, one 3 years old and one 2 years old; 5 Mulch Cows; one thorough bred Ayrshire Bull, 30 =oaths old—pedigree can be bad on day of sale; one Halfhlood 7 months old ; 1 Short horn, 4 rears old 1 do., 2 months old; 3 Heifers. good stock ; 3 Brood Sows, Chester breed; 14 Shoats, all Chen ter; Id head of improved Sheep, Cotswold breed—mce of Sham baring been selected from the best stock in Wrginia in the fall 0(1866; 3 Wagons—one Broad tread light bur boria, one light two-hone, one Spring do.; I Cart—broad-tread; I Lime-bed, Just new; 1 Falling-top Buggy, as good as new; 1 Threshing Machine, with 16 foot Shaker attached; 2 Harrisburg Fawning Hills, Roy mold's Patent; 1 Clover Huller, Just new—Reiff's Patent —the beat In use; 1 Chopping Mill—Bear's Patent—cal culated to chop all kinds of grain; 2 horse Hay Fork, •, 8 Corn Crushers, for chopping. corn in wire; 6 Combined Reaping and Mowing Machines, 2 of them second-band; 2 Mowers, Ohio and Buckeye Patent; 5 Sulkgy Corn Ploughs; 6 Wire-tooth Hay Bakes; 4 Grain Drills, with Guano attachment, Warranted to do good work ; Sleigh, 4 Plough', 2 Harrows. 1 Doable Shovel.Plough, 1 Single do., Corn Cultivator, Corn Coverer, 7 Corn Shellers—one calculated for either horse or hand power, Jackscrew, Fifth Chain, Leg Chains, 2-horse Spreader, 21-bone do, Double and Slagle Trees Halters, Cow Chains, Butt Chains, Breast Chains, 'Pieces, Feed Trough, Rail Car riage, 1 set heavy Blliptie Springs—one? ply the nib,: 6, Mattocks, Pick, Broadaxe, Hand axe, Forks, Rakes, Bag Wagon, Cutting Bag, Horse Gears, Breachlands, Front Gears, Plough Gears, 1 sot wheel blue Rears, Cart G 1-horse Harness, I set Ambulance Harness, Car riage Hatnea, Bridles and Collars, Ply Ness as good as new, Five•hores Line, Plough Lines, Wagon Saddle, Rid ing Bridles, a lot of Barrels. Boxes, &c. .1138 1 114 to comtavlwe at it Nielock A. 11., on said da, when attendance will be given and terms made kno wn by ' WILLIAM WIBLE. Jong itratrawrie, Auctioneer. (Jan.ls.—ts FIIIiLIC SALE OF VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY The undersigned will sell at Public Salo on Tuesday, the 10th day qf March meet, 419 o'clock, 4.1, at his re sidence, in Union township, Adams county, about threw. *north* of a mile north-lest of Latch:mown, near the Boaaughtown and Hanover rood. the following Pamela: Property, vie: THREE 1111ADOP soma, 2 Colts, 1 three years, the other two yews old, 6 Kik& Cows, I Ball, two years old, 5 bead of Sheep, 1 brood Bow, 6 Photos, 2 Wagons. both narrow-tread,. Stone Bed, Hay Carriage, as good as new, Thresitiag Machias with Hoinecirer sad gearing all in Ara-ruts order, Winnowing M 2 good Plows, Harrows, 2 Shovel Plows, 2 Cons For s, Cultivator, 1 Buckeye Bealmr, Wire Hay Bake, dpting Wagon and Gem, 2 ens Hind Gears, 11 seta fro nt Gel" 4 Ply Nse, Bridles, Collars, Lines, Boller, Sleigh and Bells, Double, Single and Three Morse Trees, Log, Halter and, Cow Chrans, Pork; Shovels, Bakes, Mattocks, Griodatons , Grata Medi% lot of Bap, Meat Vessels, , B .yak , about MO weight of Pork and • quantity of Lard by' Me poand, and a ntartber of other articles. 11.6,Atteadaistm be given and tense made known on day of sale by ISAAC BABBLIOAR. Atom Imam, Auctioneer. [Jan. 22.-te PUBLIC SALE - OF VALUVILS PERPONAL pitopmert. The undersigned Intending to relinquish kradag, will sell at Public Bale, on Wainsoday, Me 2014 clops/ ittimo ary mud, ill 9 o'clock, A.S., at his rosidonao, in Freedom township, on the road leading from Gettysburg to 14 "" noinaker's Mill, the Billowing valuntde Personal Propos , ty, to wit : POUR WORK HOURS, 1 Colt rising three years. hood of Milch Com:, all will bit fresh about time of sale, 6 head of young Cattle, 2 Sheep, Sow and PAP, Shale.. 1 *unhorse !arrow tread Wagon, Spring Wagon, Beek eye Reaper, Groin Drill„ Sleigh, Ibunborse Sled, Kay Rake, 9 paralmar Plow., Ray Carriage, 61ssie Cradle, 31.. whig Scythes, 2 Singh, Shovol Flows, 2 Marrows, 2 Oom Forks, 2 seta Rind (liars, 2 mots /rout Gears, 1 set Bine. Rarnosa, Collars, Radios, Maim. INV** and Arid*, Log Chains, Jodi knots, Doable , *sad threnhorso Tr imu bd . tocks, Crodboiri PlokinoWt. reli t Forksatakea, e, 1 pair Sled runners, 16614.-. Aleo,a wit oID orW l tool* and a 101 oft=ssansead Wagow-maker's tools. Household comloting in part ofAintight Oooktiut Rowe. miuoitioshatareeione Timings*, illowoand P4rio, Sink sedl ammicdam ar ti c h w too nomoroaa to amoittloa. 16,,itilowiatioe will lie glvon and toms nods know n *it day aside by FRANCIS ORICILNCUBAJL Rams: Outratr, Auctioneer. Van. 29.-teo JOB PRINTINGr eit.Mar =MT= NIATiLY AND _MAFIA' 0 01 Feb Mu Uettriburi; 4 4 4 • PRENErV BERG.-f*,, any one of oar in the Ream the cash ha ad °sive &Ana,. their ows,'it,slxt new subseo cash, a P allowed es -e Some of oar. own paper 4bii vane.. .11i!* . WheiWO doing likeW* 3A.LitSI.-4 1 6 Property, to rod in oqz e•b. 13.—Adasi ►.fddd. " —Dt.-Joika lIERi iiiiiii 141.—Jossb O. 1 Oar. 3 —Ado's of, •• 3.—llsary —Adm's at 4.—Clos. •, 0.-11Amusli4 I ir4.—Wat 6.—A. I. , " --Jobe " .—Houry • —J.W.I/ • —Crntio t 17—Joips • 14.--Cbristhis ly.L434targe :A.—Joba N.—Sasak • .• 21.-43stagel IM3IIO the ausplieet Franklin Zo. • villa on the e IMPROVF put up a large or the Keyoti hi. Intention t. cONFIRK a. Losow • City, hair belle: ate.. Pre oong typo on hla GWIWYSB • for Drill and- ' o'clock, P. M., accoutre= will also 'beet the best WA.' PREMITTIC star Building money at 38 mut. premiu burg Banding business iii .. premium, bui BUR,NEr the buildina..o below New 4. ; road, was .> bad been mr.'' previous to k and in som LECTURE. PEE, 16 Age' , the llth, on, lilt Las large and app sustained. the one of the 8 ELEcrto been elected Mutual Firs ensuing year Vice Presid Secretary, Treasurer, Executive Jr., Peter Sbo LITERAT' understand EY" of Penney an entertaines Saturday eve of Addressee,. t•mo miy be made for adm . . be taken at . APOLCKOr. gene of °lir giving thstit . . other waiter, al estate ,lAA modate oar smartly . • It will pay; meats, as meets and Cl REP . • ed the bill to lum" have emplofj that the ell .ume t 6. In the meth i • who do not VI The bill a. the Common franchisee antiSsiisiletl* steps as trop proPertY, tion, by groin same for - the suffered - kow Ikon. A REC prints to tons Birth all ParticiPater Orphans!`:H• . from 2to 5 P. will, be p lYic cone tbefiabbath • bolt at the H tY1i00 1 4 . 4 to &Mod. Tickets of cured at tit, • vErrock, procimitio eat of the DISCI that a 7•nnß '• Hamm iii. of hi tile Owl Tialg to MB Int tett ;XT. it Algiewet 9 100 0, 41 0", d Pl* earpidoii • of dos and . settled turn at gm- Mk Fii! =I