The star and sentinel. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1867-1961, January 22, 1868, Image 2

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TILE TALIIIE Tlltl t'' ; •
.41 • •
- ! T ell* *:ptOt mad C-. -thlikPbeitir*
heads of tile North affaiast Lhe Reis6 7
.11.1 , 4:ti0n Acts of Congress, is that they
propose to "abrojate all civil Slate gee
; crnmeatet iii 41y Strate-it g/' ithe Union "
• This is not tru • ; and the statement
begs the whole.queednif. - -' , '
The Republicans hale that the defeat
of the Rebels Swept away all civil gov
ernment in ih4.rebellious States, bemuse
the only governtinents existing in them,
at that thne, were organized wider the
"Confederate" Constitution. Joirsaori
en stated in his proclamations of re or-
ganizatony and justified his tidied b,)
hat absende of "all civil nt."
The Republicans insist, further; that,
in a land of law, the law-making power
eau re-establish civil government where
once destroyed. JoHNsoN' idaimii that
he had toe rightful poaller to re-organize
and resore it ; on his own terms, which
'alaictriate is mere despotism. And he din
set up a certain loran of gOvernments, in
which the law making power has refused
to acquiesce ; and, further, it ha,s declareu
such government - Is invalid, and has luau
gunned ineasares to establish formal civ
il goveratnents in their stead.
The view of the Southeru Copperheads
genera ly is that they forfeited nothing:
by Secession and War ; but that, tin
war being over (in the w.;rds of the Geor
gia Adiress just-publish-al), "the people
of those Sta es were remitted back to
their coioditutious and go4rainients
which existed at the time of secession."
This duct, ice was substantially that
the rlierinau-Julauston agfeeinent la
186.5, which, however,' was tomtit) ly re
pudiated by Joutisort and the entire
Cabiuet, and Inas mat beeu malniainett
by any Lmatisideaable Northern authority
It is, ho Never, a more logical theta*
than JOHNSON 8, and has, comparea
with it, the advantage of resting, at every
stage, upon law, and no where upon Lb•
will of one man.
_Here, then, is the controversy.
JOHNSON and the Copperheads claim
that the Rebel States have been rightful
y re-Orgaulzed and are entitled to repre
set, tation in Congress. The Republicans
deny it. Yet, in arguingupon the merits
of the proposed le.aislation, the Copper
heads always ssu.lis that these Slates
are restored and are to day a part of the
governing power of the Union. 01 course,
no one elatitns the right to expel a State
from the Union, or deprive a State of re
presentation in the Outgrew. The point
Is, that a State, once disorganized
by Re
bellion,'can only be restopsd to its rght.••
and poSition 'under and in conformity
with the law. But JOHNSON'S will nu,
not the law: Besides, tile forms of gov
eminent n o.v iu the Rebel States were,
in no case, submitted for ratification to
popular vote, awl were, in no case, ap
proved by the people concerned.
'.When the will of tile law-making
power has been obeyed, and the Coast
tutionsinade under it have been ratitlet,
by popular Vote and .aporoved by Con
greats as in conformity with the litnita
lions of tile : National Constitution, then
the now disorganized States will be re
stored, and again become, iu the Consti
tutional sense, States of the American.
- wind °ewe. littfriPorted will
hear In raind.Ohat reigadai circula
tion of the,•llrtilt AND. !GENII/C0.7 ia
wait* laryer than that of any 'titer
lat.oeti epubllahed In the County.- betas.
row, woolity by wet tee than , th.oatt per.
to Civerthiment... P.cnr« attpntion
start Iw bonded In osa or beim, Tweeds, mond nr e l •
" ELEcrt ems
4 -
The Copperheads are organizing every
where in the towashills, to carry the
Spring Elections and get - -the Election
of in as many as -possible. Their
State Couitnittee, - by - secret circular; has
invited . them to it; sad: the various
- CountisCommittees.are tarrying nut the
details. There is no. doubt the enemy
are active; and we all know !hoer run.,
pirricipled and unscrupulous they liabiti
ually are as tothe use•of means.
Diet fall,lthey paid their township pol
iticians so much a head, for getting out
their own vote. Next fall, they intend
to make a desperate,effort to elect ;their
Auditor General, Surveyor ' General,
Members of Congrete4, a Copperhead
Legislature, so as to . retain • 131tcx4m,
or elect WALLACE to the U. 14. Senate.
Beside's, they are ambitious tq give the
Elect Oral vote of Pennsylvania to the
Copperhead candidate for the Presidency.
Lad, fall, they elected their 'S'ipretne
Judge by lioldug tradu lent votes in Phu
adelpnia, and by polling, alilover the
State, the votes of deserters who are dis
franchised by the law of the;, State.—
Theie deserters systematically removed
into Copperhead townships, and were
systematically voted by Copperhead
Judges who violated the law and their
oaths In [en d01..k. NEXT FALL l i HEY
Elect' honest trust worthy Election
Boards; and block this dishonest,, dis
graceful, and unjust scheme! Let, our
friends awake t the great importance of
defeating this villain, and not, rest till it
is done.
General WILLIAM W. limn; of Berke
county, ifai beeneleeted State Treasurer,
to take, 4ftice May 18th next,: for one
year. Wt V. McGßaza was the Copper
head candidate. General lawis W a s
Commissary General of the State during
the war, has been for many years au
active politician, and, is a deserving, and
excellent man. lie will guard the in
terests of the State faithfully. The re
tiring Treasurer, Wxt. H. liEmithE, of
Philadelphia, has earned a very high
reputation for financial skill and ability,
wallas been eminently successful in the
discharge .of his high duties. The tax
payera of the State owe s him a delit al
gratitude. The finances of Penns% I Vattia
have never been in as good conditiOn as
they, are to-•lay--a tribute to the wisdom
of Republican legislation. The era of
Democratic wastefulness, extravagance,
and corruption has,, we trust, passed
away for ver. .
IN the arrange efts ot the Standing
Committees in thejienate, our Represen
tative, Senator .111COONAUG HY, is hOiiored
with the Chaitinatuthip of the Commit
tee on •Estates and Escheats, anil stands
second 0.1 the Uilluviring, important Corn
:mitt, Viz : —Geueral Judiciary, Feder
al Relations, add Public Printing :,:Roth
branches being fully orgamizcti, the tem
per and tone of - proceedings already !look
like WORK. - In regard to the hirge,cur
rent surplus iu - the Treasury referred to
by Gov. GEARY, the Senate adopted the
following resolution, on motion of Sena
tor 111cCoNAtrGlii
Resolved; That the General Judiieiary
Committee he instructed to.,euquire whether
mill can be framed in cons..nancembh the
Cubsiitutiou, wilich will provide for and re
quire the investment • t the current surplus in
the Treasury and iu the Slaking Pund,' sub
stantially iu accord.ince with the retoninwn
&lions of tile" Executive, iu his late tueit.age„
so as to produce a revenue to the Common
wealth —aud if so, to report such bill ter the
consideration of the Semite.
On Thursday th Sctiat.e, on inetihn of
Mr. McUONAuGtiY, passed a su 'plenum
to an act entitled "An act to •authorize
change iu the location of a portion of the
State road from Harrisburg to (Jetty's
THZ Maryland Copper' wads have, as we
anticipated, elected WILLIAM T.
TON, .•f H .ger-town, U. S. Senator flir six
years from', March 3, 18139. He will' suc
need ItEwEnnv
,JoHssoN. On the' last
ballot he received 58 votes, knd Tacimas
SwANN 48, with 8 scattering We rejoice
at this result, because it overthrow 4 one
of the moist unprincipled men in this
country:. SWANN, after betraying the
party which elected him, and restoring
the Rebel. Democracy to power, demand
ed the Senatorship as compensation.' and
has failed to receive it. He au un
scrupulous man ; he threw into the :con
test about 129 offices be has to Illtas 00V
ernor, and being rich, he wes lavish ;,with
his means ; but his inftp nJI4 treachery
remains unrewarded, and upon his leav
ing the Eiecutive Chair one year hence
he will sink into insignificance.
We understand that the Senate wtII, at
ap early day, admit to hie sett Pinup
F THOMAS, the other .Nary nii
Senator, who was elected last year and
has been hanging up on a charge of :dis•
Ar H. H. kiTUART of Virginia, Wan
in. itt dto the Bth of January dinner in
Washington, but declined because 'Vir
ginia bad not yet been restored. ;Tlei pm
misocl. when that occurred t- be as good
aC , pperhead as anybody. He's of the
uff modern• Democrats are made rifi In
1861, in the Convention of Virginia, he
put himi.elf on record," 'in a formal Re
port, in favor of limiting suffrage toi par
titular classes 88 against free Beholds,"
-beeausie in them,. "the children of the pool
are educated at the expense of the rich,"
and opposed to all' ext.mption and liCitne
stead hews. lie hi a tilde bound Huliker
in his principles; 1111 Aristocrat
opinions, and a Monarchist in his tinid .
eneies. Like all of his class, the worst
men in the whole Southern couittrY, he
is >a blathering Democrat , and of the tort
of miserable triciusterii whom the u
eratic party seeks "to wake the rulers of
this people.
THE Cops. propose to signalize their
attideutal majority ha the Legislature of
Ohio by so changing the Congressional
districts as to secure them mono aneuibers
than they air expert to elect under the
existing appointment It is duulitful
*nether this claim to tin afar it the !dis
tricts after oncenutde,at the legal period,
will be recpgnixed by the Otivertinr of
the 'Simr in giving Istrtilicates of ilee-
Um, or by C:augrese. The incident,
hai.tever, illustrates tlae utter unascraipu;
Initensam ut gai Coppariatoot
WE hadn't room last week to notice
the Copperhead dinner. in 'Washington
on the Bth of •January. The impudence
of the thing first struck evi ry one; tut
when living, JACKSON repudiated all tht
C f ALHOUN theories which are now Li..
.tapir of all 4 uppe head creeds.
The President of ' the evening we.-
Judge fAIN.LoP of the old District Court
in Washington, which Congress found it
necessary during the war to abolish, tom,
prevent it limn tint/wing all its judicial
(tower against the effort of the people U•
save their liovernment
The chief speaker was JERRY BLA - Jii,
who believed the War to put down Re
hellion wrong and unjustified in law ci
Constil ution. His principal denuncia
tion w.ea interferenem with
personal rightee-evielently sunerting yet
under the mollification of having heel)
oneepelled, during the War, by ruilhar)
powel, to take the oath of allegiance to
the Unitetl States We can imagine
nothing more calculated to stir his bile
mid keep it stirring.
M. BOYER spoke .to prove that
Jeiurisuri's "change of base" was the
natural res.ilt of his devotion to princi
ple. l3uYEtt - it knows, for he has boxed the
political campaign, having been first a
Whig, then a Know Nothing, then a
War Daumerat, and now a Johta•nn Dem
ocrat. -
REVERDY jORNSON who voted for tht
Rea:instruction measures of Congress, o.
course made a'speech, which was, as usu•
al, excellent, and showed these acts to b.
unwise and unconstitutional!
J A31}.73 R. Doot.r.rrix enjoyed the corn
panionship, of 10M FLORENCE, and
spoke a piece, in which he gave the un
asked and unwelcome advice to the Cope
not to place upon dead issues any dew►
men. Which means, take us live!j
-hangelings, and discard the veterans of
the partj.
Attorney General BTANBF.BRY brushed
the cobwebs• trou► - his oust, and came to
swear that, though he foutid his politic>
had mad! for him some strange bedfel
lows, he; au old Whig, and Republiout,
never felt happier than when consorting
with Black, Mahlon, Bennett, Howe,
Wendell and Flinn, and al! the seedy re
licta of the corrupt' BUCHANAN dynasty.
Poor PIERCE wrote A, letter to express.
his hope that the time would come fns►
Demopratlatatesmanship to takeehargc
of the country, His letter Is dated Janu
ary 4, 1888. On the Oth of January, 1880,
be wrote h letter to JEFF DAVIS, In
which he encouraged theaecession move
ment by assuring Davis that the Democ
racy of the North would never permit
the coercion of their seceding Southern
orethren. This Is Ms sons of statesman
ship! and it Issuelt restoration he desires.
Rebel Judges; and Rebel Colonels sent
their regrets, and the feed broke up In a
light, as the hour grew late and the sur
vivors of such talk grew drunk.
GENERAL GRANT it litßoUlleed by Hu
beiwell le Journal, as "Lupendoiii.
humbug," ai a "little, empty bag." ah
"strutting and swelling under laurels not
tile own," as "at Heltrt, no better than
BOrLER," as a - !ityrint by nature
ntid a despot in prinelole,"&e., &e. The
Natmnat biteltigencee thinks JOHNSoN
ought Id — court• martial hits for obeying
ihe laii end banding the War Office over
to STANTON. And in OW the new Re
construction bill pewee and en
dentition to disehtulte the dude* unposed
upon hint by its' provkione, the SNOW pa
per-,-jie Court Orgen— says, JOHNSON
will obliged to put t3ts,isrin
await his trial tor , treeeottl - Illey'entetp;
plekewital , • •
‘ll *use AWN/
A* as st tjuotu tf of qktl Suprt.ttle• COUrt
Ift.the 11:§., Mid providing that aion
4curren4s- of two t httvls of` ,the whole
Court (which i•onsistio of eight) shall he,
necessary to adludge invalid any law of
the United States.
Of course. the Cope denounced tide b
.4kunsonstitutionat ; but, they. 4.lWigroe4
ottuolig ,thesmelvem XS to the parth•ulars.
Some dettled the power et Congress t.O
leelare what shall eouatitute a quorum ;
whilst others admitted Its power in this
respect, denying it as to the other, As
to the former, it. was shown by the Re
publicans that frOm WASHINGTON'S
time down, the power Gm Az a quorum
had always beep conceded without ques
tion, and had been repeatedly exercised ;
and under the adnaluistratiott of WASH
INGTON the legislation was such that a
two-third vote was requi . td to protiouni*
a law invalid. Mr. WLLSON, of lowa in
closing the debate, said that Congrese, lu
his bill, was simply declaring that the
Supreme Cotirt suall not have legislative
powers without the concurrence of at
east two-thirds of its members It was
the duty of Congress to protect the peo
ple and the tiovermnent against the ac
.:ideutal creation of an organic law by
ihatCourt. At present that Court might,
:my the vote of one member, override the
`;:nacHnents of Congress and determine
toy principle of law, and . it certainly wag
.lot too much for t %Ingress to require that
in the 'exercise of that gigantic and crush
: lig power at lea-t two-thirds of the
court shot:ad coneur.
The 2d Sentkon of the 3d Article of the
Constitution gives Congress powet to
'4 stablish such regulations" with regard
to the Court as it thay set. proper; and is
4.-oiielu-ive as to the , ,authority for this
bill. On general prineipler, the argu
tient for it is very strong.' It takes two
hirds of Congress to override a veto 0:
.'he President ; why should It not take
two-thirds of the Supr. me Court to over•
ride Congress? A preposition to require :,
a unanimous Court, was lost yeas3B, nab
11l ; and the bill then passed—yeas
lays 39. It IS now in the Senate.
PRESIDENT JOHNSON fears assassins
'jou, aecurdiug to his friend "SiAtm, '
he correspondent of the Cincinnati
Coiranzercial, to whom the PRESIDENT
cet.putly said, in speaking of the Mary
tend Police Commissioner troubles In
Baltimore in the fall of 1866, that "tin ,
liadicals wanted to get up a reb••lliui.
that might possibly involve Washington,
roil thus get him out of the way by
shorter cut than impeachment " He sail
further: "I knew what they were ate'.
ind had determined they should not sue
:xed. I had foaues here ready to put
town any a tempt at disturbance, anu
when they found that out. they didn't go
very far."
The PREsibErr, by this confession, ab
,urd as to others but we are bound to at
rpt as ontclusive upon himself, has, w.
,pink, given a key to what has been the
great mystery of J is life, viz.: his stol
len ehange, after be twcaoe President.
rum being a ktetpmstructionist in the in
<wrests of Liberty Goa Reconstractinnist
m the interestof the Rebellion He took
warning from Ltscomes preferred
to give the Southern murderers no cause
of offence, and cast himself at their few.
There is no doubt that BUCHAN
feared assassination in the winter of 1861
'6l; and that he toyed with tiouthert.
men for the purpose of avoiding doing
anything positively adverse to their i..-
lerests. BUCHANAN has never adolitte.
this; but there is no other suit ble ex
planation of his course. Jourtsmi how
ever, has by a word disclosed the motiv.
n► his degnmiatiou and treachery. Hoare
hough dead, thus "still lives" to over
awe cowards and produce traitors.
COPPERHEADS sometimes have the e 1
tannery to justify tneir course towards th.
Rebels by quoting the course pursued to
wards the Tories of the Revolul ion b
WASHINGTON and the' Patriots of the
.lay. The truth Is, the parallel is all a
alma them. The Patriots of the Rev..
lotion had little mercy toward Tories.
Phe Tories had either to leave the cowl
ry, as hundreds did, taking their abod.
ii Canada or other British provinces, or
remain at home, paying heavy assessment
(or their devotion to the ro al cause,
knowing that when the colonists tri
umphed their political power had for
.ver vanished. While General %Vann
[ROTOR held command of the coloniz,l
ower, he never recognized the right ui
Tories to anynf the privileges belonging
to the loyal colonists; on the contrary.
his, actions, if they showesi anything, ex
bilked hie contempt for those crave,'
wretches ,who were willing to sell the
liberty of their land for the show and
tinsel of nobility. With the war ended
the power and influence of the Tories.
The restoration of the Tories of the Revo
intim, to civil and political power was
never for a moment entertained by any
•if the Revolutionary patriots, much leas
by WASHINGTON. Nor ought the Reb
'-Is of this day to became the govenling
,rower in any State or country in the na
ilon. All that has been justly forfeited
toy their crimes.
OUR . Democratic friends are mud .
elarined mt we expenses . if rrconatri‘eti ng
the Union, and ere anxious for retrench-
If they had never rebelled, these ex:.
i.wnses would never have been possible.
If, having rebelled at the Solidi, they hail
not encouraged the Rebellion at the
.4orth, the expenses would never have
reached half their pri;sent figure. Hav
ing made there expenses inevitable, it
they will abandon their efforts toward
repudiation. we may soon lessen the rate
of interest on the national debt from six
to four per cent,, and save the ciountr
440,000,000 a year. And, if they will
cease their abets to continue the pond
Pal slavery of four millions of the South
era people, and plat* no further obstrne
tion in the way of the Reconstruction of
the South, the. Unkin - will be restored,
and all expenses of Reconstruction stop
JOSHUA BILL is reported in a Tye
•peech to have said that he thought .it
would ben blessing to the peopleof Gror
gia,lf a thunderbolt from heaven whoulti
otl i the stage election every poll
(WWI in the State above fifty year. of
age. These old politicians of the South
are the meet pestifetous men in k They
have learned nothing, will swept c
thing, and are a curse - to their sestieti
and the country. Bub few of then: are
ready for artzlethunderbolt:
TT is sui'ed se it renntrimider ilect that'
et * Copperhead 'Meeting last week In
~lelma, Alabs , ua, a United ;States tag wa t
raised. ••suild tremendous cheering: ,
As it Was at night, out of doors, and
it* WO suppose the crowd Udetinik it } kor
We "thus and Bus."
sir •
V , •e:
Alexandria 4earnat, to ailitiat
.• - .
imitited allusi<ati to tlj lomat t *Volt
P :Antsrecleived with ill tise . binioN .44010•
-recent:44i of jafl nary banquet In Walk
"The Women of onr Race The best of the .
race: Wtiil , true v. themselves they will nev
er join in the conspiracy for debuting 'the
blood of that race."
We eunstrue this to be a delibentle
Dennwratic exculputioti of white woniet,
from all responaibility for the mass of mis
cegenation apptuvot all over the South,
(which it enittiently just) and equal
ly formal and di 111* ate avowal by th*
white male Democrats, of their own ex
elusive. Complicity "in the conspiracy for
debasinithe blood of that ram.," That is
right, gentlemen Democrats, own up
your past peccadilloes, father your oviln
delinquencies, and exempt the truly lo
iitaNtit. This timely penitential act will
go far towards ►caking a war of races ut
terly impo”.ib e.
THe Mod of men the Copperheads are
getting into the revenue service, •.o steal
the money of the people, is indicated b.t
the coll Owing, which we clip from tit ,
Chicago Tribune :
Kith the class of appointments which
Johnson and McCulloch bave . made, how is it
possible to have the revenue honestly collec
ted? One of the special revenue agents in
this city is a "Ki fight of the Golden 'Circle;'
or "Son of Liberty.' During the war he was
an active lead.•r among the "Knights" in this
city, who met to plot treason i , • an upper story
of McCormick's building. He was engaged
in the plot to liberate the Camp Diniglas pHs
oners and burn and plunder the city. He ad
vocated assassination of those opvosed to the
r hellion, and wanted to have a lire in the
rear opened on the Union army. When some.
of the.e things begAsi to lesk.out he fled the
city ; but, in the course of a_yearor two, h.
sneaked b.ick to Chicago. and is now I ewardet
by "Moses - with a revenue ageocy. This i
the class of chaps who arc tieing apistiutet
by the President to collect revenue, ai.d keel
it, as a reward tor their past and present Cop.
perhead serviced.
TILE restoration of Secretary STANroN
has non-plussed JOHNSON. woo hoped t.
b- able to "trick" him out of
111,4 piace.—
GRANT wouldn't help in any such game,
promptly obeyed the Civil Tenure Act.
and surrendered the War 0111-e. JoIIN
RON gives out that GRANT misled him a•
to hid purpose ; but Jots NSON ' S verw•tty i•
-o poor that he will n.•ed several god em
lonters before hi- statement would be ls•
,leved. STANTON states that he will no
esign, or leave the office except he is
- oreed out. But JOHNSON will not dar.
to do that If be should, he will be a.
:wee iwpea..•hed.
A BELL has oern intro luved into Eh&
Senate to restore loyi.l people "posses
'ion of lands vonflncated by the auth,tri
ties of States lately In rebellion." Thi
t passed the 1-I , ,uie last Congress, wifi
:vas resisted by every Copperhead Mem
her, who thereby a maintained and just,
tied JEFF DA V 1 6 513 toutistations, It wit
last in the Se ate for want of time. W
have no doubt this Congress will pass i,
tud men.who were deprived by itilS
Courts o 'their property .or the crime 0
:wing loyal to their flag and country,. wit
be re-Instated in their rights.
THERE I. no doubt a !settled iictertn'
nation on the !part of tlit.• it •publicaos is
Congress to impeach Jousrsos upon th
;irst cause for. much prw.teeciing. Tii
PIiESIDEiT Is toirr Muted with (Meng
lora, ands any violation of law by hill
will be resented in the (A' nistitutiona
CILIVISZREAND.—The Hotel in Carlisle occu
pied by Mr. John H.►nnun, was sold on th.
6th hist., to George Z. Itentz, for $20,000.
tin the t.ight of the 5111 two horses were stolen
!rum the stable ot Elias Brenneman. of Mid-
Ilesex township. -An attempt 16 being made
to get up * Building Association IL Cerli.le . —
rhe Fair held in that place for the benefit ot
the Soldiers '3lonument Association nette
$lO2l 98.-Rev. James Mahan died in Shil
pensburg ou the I ti• inst.
Fusetrs. —The first of a series of lecture! ,
d. the benefit of the poor of Chambersbur
as delivered in the Conrt House in that
town on the evening on the 9th inst. The
next will be delivered tm the evening of th•
23d inst., by Rev. Irving Magee.— Frederiet.
Frey, of Hamilton township, met with a seri
ous accident on the morning of the 4th ins' .
On his way to town he attempted to get on e
wagon near Cheesetown, when he slipped
old fell, one of the wheels running over him.
—The Western Hotel in Loudon. was sold
ut week to Peter Burkholder for $1,570.
On the Sib inst.. the W4shimpon House, in
Chamberaburg. w 1 , 4 s Ad by Slr. Jacob 'Sellers
to Mr. William Rupert, of Foetteville, r
$12,900.—0n the night of the 13th inst a
valuable bay horse was stolen from the stabli.
of Mr: Lawrence Berger, in Hamilton town
WASHINGTON.—Abraham Smith, of Sharp , -
burg, slaughtered two hogs, one weighing 65/ 1
4nd the other 7: - A pounds —the latter the larg
est ever slaughtered in Washington county.
Spesserd 01 Cavetown, also killed one
weighing 619 pounds.—Mr. Israel KnO L ae,
late of Hagerstown, died on the 7th inst., in
Baltimore.-31r. Thomas Lynch, of Boonsbo
ro, on the 7th received a pain ul wound in the
Sett arm by the accidental discharge of a pis
tol be was handling.
iroax.—Ou the 18th. sentence of death was
pmnonaceci against William Donovan by
Judge Risher, for the murder of George
Squibb.—At an election for Di. ettors, held
on the 14th inst., by the stockholders of tie-
First National Bank of Hanover, the follow
ing gentlemen were elected to serve for the
ensuing year : Jacob Forney, Geo. D. Kline
fetter, Dr. J. P. Smith, A. B. Rimes, S. Keel
er, Vincent O'Bold, Jacob Miller, lease
Loucks and John Grove.—Joseph Colkuyer
wade his escape trout York county prison on
the night-of the Slat niL The Sheriff tam
a reward of $25 for the arrest. -On the loth
inst., a skating party on the Codorus at York
UAW Mar beuig tiruwa..4 The Ice brute,
and no leerthan attain persons were in tits
water at one time, some out of their depth.
All were rescued.
Lascasrie.--Williarn th Seltzer, art Berke
County, a einiduate of Franklin and Marginal
College, war admitted on the 1 ,th lust., to
practice law in the Courisof Ltutcasterwun:
y.—The amount of Stale revenue paid by
Lancatter county for the last fiscal year was
4080,085.61...--Chaties Moore. who Kole a
valuable horse from Joshua F. Cockey, of
Cockeysville, Baltimore' conmy, Md., on the
let of Janderv, was arrested at Strasburg,
and is now in jail waiting a requisition .rom
the Governor of Maryland.
Fwsomuoun.— in. r. jr., and C.
V. B.' Levy, ;Fag , of Frederick city 'mu b ow
admitted to phiclice In the U. 8. District
Court si Biltintore.—The directors of the
Pirsh ,
Norma' Bank of Frederick have de
adiviiiied of t e a per cent.--Th e store
or xi. th e :: Jy„,. Johnston, of lticheado
to was brash Wen recently androbbefof
saituity of clothing.
sat ire said to be, at die present time,
- fhteettlititieti volcanoes to operstitm on the
Gnaws KNOP, cifileadlng. strange to relate,
while pulling, his bout off bruke the large
hone of the leg near the body. '
Tun- Belknap Kills =of New Hampehha
oiskethirty thousand yatTls of 'checked flan
nel a week.
Jour Jacob Astor, Jr., died in New York
on the 18th inst, in the sixty-sixth year of
; hie Bge.
AN explosion of fireworks in a store at Pitts
burg, Saturday, killed threelpersons and de
mroyed properly to the value of 4121,000.
Hay. F Blinefelter, of Philadelphia. and
late pastor of St. Peter's Lutheran Mission
Church, has accepted a call to the Lutheran
.7hurph at Tremont, Schuylkill county, Pa.
WILLIAM vary Jones who married a daugh
ter of Thomas H. Benton, who was given
'way at the wedding by Henry Clay, has just
died at San Francisco.
Tux Worci eter Spy says that Dr. Holland
went to Westboro' the other night to give a
lecture, and found that he had made a mistake
of a ‘onth in the time. So he isone lecture
fee out.
ACO - .6D1N0 to atati4•ica recently gathered by
thidt,grdtaries of the Catholic Church in the
diocese of Pennsylvania. there are now two
4undred ind seventy-five thousand Catholics
in It. Two hundred and thirty-four priests,
secular and regular, minister to their spiritual
wants In a hundred and eighty six churches,
rarty-one chapels and at ninety-five stations.
['here are five new churches building.
Tot late campaign in Kansas in favor of
woman's rights has not been without tangible
results, as we notice that on Wednesday last
Alas Emma Hunt was elected enrolling clerk
if the lower house of the Legislature of that
irate. This is, we b,,lieve, the first case of
the kind Olt record.
Is Fan I-. 10 lie, Wiic rosin I Ist week, a
young lady was to be married,when her moth
er died, amt the iutende I bride i nmAiately
became insane. She rapidly grew worse, and
tet father suggested marriage as the remedy.
rite bridegroom was summ,ned and the cer
emony performed in the pr. aenee of the c rpse
of thetn .titer, and the retain of the daughter
+vas immediately restored.
A TOCNG lady, residing near Princeton,
Ky.. in November last, while under the iutin
nee of religion"; excitement, fed into a state
&apparent uneoaselousness, which lasted for
lye days. On her recovery, she professed to
have passed into the other world. and seen
the glories of heaven and the horrors of
:he pit. She also predicted that three young
nen of her acquaintance w.Auld die before
the close of tl:e year, and strAnge to say, al
tnotigh then in perfect health, neither of them
Lie now living.
TII6 great funeral p•ocesaion in Dublin on
he Bth of December, contained thirty thou
:and person+, each of whom wore a green
-esirt; It green neck tie and a green rosette. at
old average c iat of tire puddings sterling for
•ach msn. T.li4, fir twenty thousand men.
.vould bus profit of five thousand pound+ to
Et.glishlins in:acturers. It is calc-Ilated
hat at'seventy-five Wonsan-I -dollars
ittre been expend in this way within the
Just month or two. tin tgine the disgust cif
lie Fenisns when they think of the money
hey have thus put into the pockets of their
Du. BACHMAN or Charleston, S. C. re
.ently celebnued th fifty third anniversary()
iis connection with the Ea;Usti Lutheran
:hnrch iu that city. F! was burn in New
eork State in 1790, and is in Ilia seventy
:ighth year. Ire was ordained in 1812, and
•vent to Clurlestou hi . 1415, wain' the E.141i4h
r..utheran Church was a small wog ien build-
ig IL:copying a position itt rear of the pres
ut which way erected is 1817. Fur
`-onte years he preached once a month in the
;vrilisn lantruage. Of the members of his
irot contimation, but one gentleman now sur
A VICRY "Vs.vanann.a MAN. -- There i. DOW
iving in a cat .in staudirig on a narrow alley,
o a poor quarterof I)etroit, a man who baa cel
•hrated his one hundred and thirteenth hinti
ng. "Old Father Robinson' . was born on
ae plantation of Colonel Du Citielle, of &wenn
Isryland, in 1753. The Colonel served in the
re vol nth in try army; It•lbin,nt
dm as a body servant, fusing a forefinger and
receiving a a dire eat on the head. He was
oresent at the surrender of Cnrnwallia. He
deo had the luck to be in the battle of New
, /rleans in 1815. Until a fortnight ago he
tept his in !nor'% a 1 tot I big glories of the
liars to mmg of the riot ladies of Detroit.
W ton nitte I nearly forty years
go. Very rece ttly his eyesight and hearing
ive begun to fail. II! him tell' save, "Tae
:10(.k is elm au run down.'
\Vim reference to the time of holding con
venth us for the nomination of can.lidates for
the Prestd.mcy, it is elated by *contemporary
'hat Harrison was nominated in Deceurier of
be year b. !Ore the election ; Jackson, Van
rluren Cass and Lincoln (that time) in May ;
Volk, Clay, Taylor, Pierce. Scott, Fremont.
Buc. anon, Douglas, Breckinridge and Lin
coln (second term), in June; and McClellan
in September, the latest nOmivation ever,
MAJOR GEN. STICKLE, of the 11. S. army,
.lied' at San Mateo, near San Francisco, Wi
llies, on the 12th inst., or apoplexy. He
was a gr4dusta of West Point, and served
with great credit in the war with Mexico. In
tiny 1861, he was promoted to command of
the Eleventh Infunry and participated in
mist of the battles in the Southwest during
the late rebellion. In March 1863, he was
confirmed Major General of volunteers. He
was in Command of the Department of Co
lumbia, on the Pacific, at the time of his
rhe Leavenworth' Cumervative, of Thurs
day, the 9th, states that on Wednesday Gen.
George..A. Costar and Lieut. W. W. Cook
were pnt upon preliminary examination there,
for the alleged murder of Charles Johnson,
private in Company K, 7th United States
Costar was Lieutenant Colonel of the regi
ment and Cook a first Lieutenant in it; John
son died near F. n Wallaceion the 19th or 2oth
al at July. Up to 2P.IL of the Mt he was
on duty as private in company K. At that
time six men wets seen leaving the camp.
Two mounted parties were 'ordered by Gen.
Custer to pursue and bring none of them in
alive. A government wagonteturned bring
ing three men who had been shOt, one of
whom was John!op. He'wee very feeble,
and seemed to bg tnyfering very much from a
wound in , the head. He had another wound
in his body, and one in his arm. He was
shot in the Tertitory of Colorado, July 7th,
1867. flit captain applied to Gen. i Onstar for
medical atumdanee fur Ms wounded men,
and was taiki that they were deserters, and
a deserter was not entitled to any ioonaidetai
tiun. The &spittle towed.,,that the ~,woanded
mentreoelve mead attendinee, which was
allowed after iota farther 'convivial'
Lierneaant C Kok was la nee of the pawing
parties. Ile said he had done soon of the
shoo*, led hoped none of the wolinded
woaki died Jcilinsen was hale and bearer !Ili
fore the statothtg. A detail of his, cleilleg
buriedlilm4 snit thaeaptaiiread. the Zpisets•
polberiat widow lit the pos. .`,
404 , 60
1 .„1
West Virente, Democrats are in E;;L:f
George a Pmegoesp ;
ot_Obio, for Pr
Mr. Morton intiCrieel has decli n ed re
uominatioa ler tire- °Me* or May o r or flaw
JOHN N. Cooper, Esq., of the Chambers-
V ‘P. 6ll 4 . l ) ***ikatilgFite4 *AK ,Pu;
eltion of Surveyor Gemmel of Petuutylvenis,
by the Demixfrauy.
No one will bs surprised at theappearance,
in &Nets York Democratic , paper, of • brutal
Stack on the memory of Genend Griffin,
who died of yellow 'fever rather than lease
his.pyst i , although he had pertnissiou 1406110.
s convention of the "11.)ys .Blue' of
Penneyimgda, hdd in Pbihalelphhion tlite Bth
of January, General U. S. Grant, was unani
tnuUsly nominated for President, and Ebt-Gov.
Andrew G. Curtin, the "Soldiers' Priend,"for
Vice President of the United States.
The "Democratic" State Central Committee
met at Harrisburg on Wednesday evening,
and fixed on March 4th as the time, and . Her
risburg u the place, for the assembling of
the next Democratic State Convention The
thue ant place of meeting of the
State Convention is not yet announced.
In the House of Delegates of Maryland,
Mr Syester recently presented a memorial trim,
Thomas A. Boullt, Secretary and Treasurer of
the Antietam National Cemetery, and seven
ty-five eitizeos of Wishington comity, pray
ing an appropriation of money for the pur
pose of removing to the Cemetery the remains
of the "Confederate - dead. It was referred
to the Committee of Ways and Means.
THE New York Tribune, of Saturday, In an
article•on the Presidential canvass makes thl.
frank and sensible declaration: ••If .General
Grant shall be the candidate for next Presi
dent, he will be be regular nominee of that
great party which lives and labors to secure
equal rigb•s to all men, IV d that party and its
nominee are sure of our most earnest and
hearty support."
The Indianapolis Journal says that the un
enviably poidtion held by soldiers who train
with the Copperheads, was painfully illustra
ted in the comty Convention heid at Craw
ford.ville, Montgomery county, last week.—
General M inson was fir.uriug I .rgely in the
meeting, ailing, imbed, as though he
p. wed a soldier wre at least as good as a Son
of Liberty ; IMA he was brought up standing
by a resolution introduced by a former occu
pant of a "Lincoln beadle," that no soldivr
ought to be nominated for any civil office by
a Dc nocratic convention.
By Atlantic telegraph from London we
learn that intelligence has been received there
of a very violent hurricane at the Island of
Teneritfe, by which great dam* was done
on the island and the ships in the harbor driv
en to sea. Darin.; a Fenian trial at Cork on
Thursday a b ottie coatainiug Greek fire was
thrown at one of the witnesses for the Gov
ernment. It failed to ignite and no harm was
done. The policv of Limerick have been
seizing arms sad ammunition from the shops
in that ci , y, and another editor of the Dublin
/4 4 / 4 man has begs wrested fir complicity iu
the Fenian movements. It lt claimed that
the man who fired the fuse at the Clerkenwell
Prison explosion has ben arrested in Glas
gow and brought to London in irons. Away
er man has been arrested in London charged
with firiag upon the police. A Fridge mani
festo, of what character we are nut in:lit - rued,
was found posted ou the Matudon House, Lou
don, yesterday.
Tue remains of the Archduke Meximilian
arrived at Viebna on the 12th in.t., and
were formally received with appropriate
honors by the Imperial Gunny et the palace
and by the people. The interment took
place with great pomp and ceremony.—
The body was placed in the church of the
Capuchins in the presence of the entire court,
officers of the army and navy, ate. The re
mains were visited by immense crowds of peo
pie while lying in State. Kuhn has bleen ap
pointed the Austrian Minister of War.
By way of Copenhagen we are informed
that the Tote iu the islands of St. Thomas and
St. Johns on the quiption of annexation to
the United States stood 1,244 for, and 22
The Italian Government is now realizing
large stuns from the sale of sego. ske s red
Church property. Advice. from C hins report
that the Imperial troops have.beew solo de
feated by the rebels.
Tea intermixture of races in California is
beyonl all pre.!edent in the history of man •
kind, and what the third or fourth gereration
may be like, or. what language they will
speak. are questions to puzzle the scientific
iniairer. I know of at irriages between Tan
keen and Digger In liana, Irish and Chinese,
ilexican and Malay, Portuguese and .Send
wica Island:rs, Eagli-h Canadian and negro,
French and Apache, to say nothing of the
mere common intermarriages to be seen in
all parts of America. And the way the Ens ;
fish language must suffer in the mouths of the
descen hints of those o idly coupled pe pie
will b 3 terrible. Why, even, the mast
familiar terms of Spanish have become engraft
ed on our En4lish, so that they can never be
detached again, and words from every lan
guage on eatth, from Chinese to Kanaks, are
working in. A langtdinie illustration of the
effect of this jumbling, together of the races
came under my observed an the other day. I
had entered a bootinakees, to haves little Job
done, and said to the shopkeeper, as a neces
sary preliminary, "You speak English ?" HL
answer, delivered pro:uptly and unhesitating
ly, was, 931, senor ; certainment ; you bet!"
There were three languages all in one see
WM" and the good man straightened : himself
up, with•a look of proud satisfaction at the
thought that he could speak E.iglish like a
native. He was an Italian, I believe. —San
Francisco Cor.. of Chicajo Tribune,
Tun Osowr! or PHILILDILLPRIA.-ID Phila
delphia there are 89,880 brick buildings, 6,-
815 sto ie buildin‘s, and 13,819 frame build
ings. Ofthe brick buildings 782 are ona-story,
16,517 two-story. 58,468 three-sti.ry, and 5,-
068 four-story and over. Of the stone build
ings 190 are one-story, 4,253 are two-story; .
2,839 are three-story, and 106 four-Rory and
over. Or the frames 1.014 are one-story, 11,-
510 two-stary, and 1.238 three-story. There.
are &a) a nuMb.r of Iron buildings iu the city,
while the aggregate number of buildings of all
kinds is 101,5 at. A n these are ihr:
churches, 208 public Normal, 45 religions
',too*, 1,263 factories, and 60 public Insti
iiLKBOLVI 11111,10 T BMW Mid lithions Sold
Caul curess•cret and d•lkata disorders Dal thairistaor
atti•szipears, littler noctrne. 1ir.4 1 14, up 111 101-
nomad au szowars tt ispliaint la IMP odic
sassodhstain its assts.. and IPe Qum PI Pjsrlskspo
u. rtiee Fsee. to 15671,
ersn's WU= aro parojaktoGnyoo Ithopeas4 met
la parity and dolmas morn ea ear Native .l taps.
we seed IN Cliteteheabli eeNtateeteer powwow sad la boo
olloloke iatotblo onotilooositto us moos 011411
pint' roilbobUity. (loptele.-te
Mtnlila IlLittlegar AND CATAXlM,• . trestai
el* 'thiretwoo' I atigesii,by fon J. UMW% 90411111 04ir
± ittly
tries; tarraftut Leyden. nulleacy No. No AM* 11..
MOM* the sad timitsitplaa - bisigii is
ilie lonllts ow Ma tewio mossipear . pa
usioso l e be foe so ',CMS bt 1110 4 6 Th A:Oki
sr* rioned sigma pals. M. . owls ' ler lis,
tribisikas. , . .0.41/111.4t
?Ammon thrtramrAir Ageittirsa t
4. R same
t ipticam ift** sat= 1118•114111i4
L ripens. '-'
rostexes views
"puha falai.
I,Y 0 01/ . • .
r•r.vilt wielaiittiryttfii brave.
6.lurk4i Atalk• shame.; vtaluner...
L ughtes Intim storstirod
SelltPte See In Op pa ticu 1140,
wowing itineltalittiodgol.
An It b. Insp. the neailly lightning
Sa l l4o l -)W4
But there h
Wk..* taileulif gentimileet power,
Owing to the tact sny
' SWleteet aid. in danger's hour.
last balm. list* ' die's!** • i
See the darltent li.dre• bow r •
3*.• the roar of h. elth and beauty
Tele the palest cheek mai brow I
1 1 .11. 41W* 14 dtatrapt.aa
Tim ad 4 114 arr enkbpd at 'emelt,
ror 1 glee .het lumen netnre
Only over sealad —estatetz I
bud I" tell tit illad,ttiat tdwadad
I can dm. your gpi , tiN efrfrf upl
Pall d tripaddart, t wefori.r.
Tie the teased . I . III.UTIAPII 2.111101,."
The Alto .r AY KIP yia p otitetod aototima attar
Protuildi !mitt. a 'lei due, or.r yhi vedichit: that
strike. at tbit root o diatoms , by supplylog ilia blood
irt•li Its vitt/ priatiplaiir Ufa .dsmisw—httm.
Tbo iptuoloti tratiortraataitt Ilityrup" Mutts le taw adatia
CIIRMICtIISCAsU, 7111011:1LA ULCrItS. &e
It le well know° that the betoolli chaired kern drink
in t of Um Coogir. r•erautoe end ..iher celebrate'
&pm's. I• principally eee, own.* to the .b.cirail hey contain
- Det,H. crusßa• iontNg WA not
',attains lodine in the sains nitro atato that It la
tim e I, ring moan, Iwt uyar 50u per oat. awir• it
•gnisatity, eutstil lag so It 4.. e• 114 graitat to eft It qua
ounce. diawland in pare water. unthf, at ft advent; a di.
c o ver; iglu 24441111 t 10t. In ibie country anti &trope mai
• the ..rat remedy in • be ...rl.l for ger. mama. Caneat
•ala Itheateo, Ulcers, eii4 all Chronle-Ltiaeamen 'uvular.
J. P. DIA P opi Inter,
J4a. I,lm
ADDRRSIS TO TON NYNVOIIk and debilitated reh o o.
offering. bare bee urptot ranted from bliihnin nausea. en.•
whom C. 40 raililra prompt treatment to reinter ex leteuee
4 witable. It you •reeutrrrurgar6Nesatrend Man
data y •ti•charitea. whet street does it produce nylon youi
gement !mottlel Are you week. clehintallot. easily tired?
thican little sutra eget - tam pnwltiCa pelpitatiou of th•
miart? Doss your liver. or urinary .spits. or youritio
mete t squently get on. io order? Is your urine some
times thick. milky, or fl .sky. or is it ropy on ...Mins 1-
- i. does a itio k sewn rho to the top/ tie is a sediment
it this bottom atter it Itos st•io.l awhile? Do you have
of etiirt breathing or it) spepri• I A•. your howeil
now.tipatres ? Do you bare spells of hardline or rm..bmiot
•loud 10 the heel 1 !mirror in. nno y impaired? layout.
ooze, constantly 4 up .n this subject ii..
Owl doll. looker, nt pins. t lied °remotion). I ? D..
sou wish to ho till alone to get arty from trieryteeli ?
'i.e. any little thing make you gnat or jump? 1. you
brolieuerrolatirre? I. the lu.tre ut,your eye ei
hrdlianti The Id emu uu yourebeek s• hi 101 ? Do you
Wow ourseirio society MI well Do you porn. your
Mal (WM with the emote eurrgt 1 thi you r.el u much
, m/Lieuce yOUriall? Ate ..our spirits dull and firs
zurg, given CO fits of melauCholy II do, do not lay it 1
ur over or dyripeo, • Woe you restless nights
Your bock week, your knee. weak and have but little
appetite and you attrituni tine to dyspepsia Dyer.
Nur.. eader,seltabnow, Tonere sl diseasses badly eared,
•0.1 .r2ll+l ewer... are ail capabk , *64 prodarlisig a irir,k
Ita-a IA tb generattve orssais. Iheirripnasof enema . ' ,e.
to hen Its perbet health. wale lb. es,a *Did you eves
think ihyt those bold derboot. raw OM, prareav•rhig
•is..ceseful 1,0411011.-ira ilier Ira% I ih•an 11 it ar. goners.
irr. .1u0..r• lu pet feet' heolsh t Von never bear • IC/.
10 . 11 C.Ol. Ida of betas raslanchoiy. o 1 Servoisissees. of psi
•it ttiuu of the bra t They are urger at*. aid they ecu
lar Lead in hostess.; they beano.. i.esd and shy
outtristed; they are &Swops pulite and piessant no the
wean/ lease, sod bask' yea sued tiers right ita
to e—uone j.aur doeuceyt lovas ui ally other meats
..111 •lit theta Idu not es .11.111 rhOsa was/ keep lb- or
..rone leave dby rah. ins to ea ins. These .111 not oil
sy tutu their cuestituuund, but 51+0 %buss they du bcei
oats with or fur.
Hoer many atom from badly-oared ditresees. from th.-
athlete of eel, *bate sod exer.oes. hairy br.egllrt. *two
•twt Mateo( weakness in Oboe organs that has reduce.
the general tem .o moth .. t.-, induce aitmat ravel;
thee datosee—tdivry, loose, vara/yete. optnel affeetivue.
.nd almost feu, other form of disease wttlet.
uumeoity is to, and the real rause of the troool.
-c.reeli ever eatwertad,tuad bare doctored lurid] bat Qv
.1 Ist taw.
Laaragna of theaeurgaas requlra the we uf a Aunt It.—
cL1114.11.1) LULU IiXTKAt:T SULAM is the par,.
thetrille. cad as ra, lain cure fur dtamerout thy bladder
Kiduel.s dteTea Dimity, Unmake 14 'ukases, Venal.
Uoueral Debility. and all .1110-aaolli of the
U. Wary o.saaw. whetuar winging in Maio Yuck
num whatever cause utiiiinativa aao au natter of hua
bong atatating
It tu. traLtuault Le saUtuatual to. e.m.anaption or 11.
.autty way 'was. Oar deal. and bind are saitiout to tbs.. source*, and too inselth cud lUkoislioma. a. - of rusterity, depetala a uu 0%04 use ut a sell/Sao
Ilviuthokf. itztrisci owiblistiod upward of Is
. ears, proper* by 11. T.. 1 SILN /141.4,, urua‘tv..
beL LI odors,: oar Tura, ao.LI
lu 8 nib 1 .th aLtwa k'ultaatelphla, Pa.
rains—sl.Yl , pet %WWI/. ore bottle. tut ats. uvt,fflor.•
t.. any ad i rare. Sold Liz cU urugoad ovary whore.
t r•mti,l BLESSING FOR 2i CENT
t beat• wititost sow. No (sadly should to witiwat
Via warrant', It to cane Scrofula, Soma Salt abaci
'bilboday Totter, Pimples, aad all C: optimal of b.
-its. far Soria Breast Nipples, ate, Spraiaa, Brutes.
Bursa, SW4; I hopped Urads,ta., It maks. a porter t
It It e ben need over Aileen years, without one failure
It limis Ito gaLrall.4—hairlag pwriactl3 otaiticaupd
.a. sad ba.led alter all other remedies had failed
is • cianywoud t . Arnica with many other Satracta au
Balsams, and pot op in larger boxes than aay oars
add by Dviibitsts everywhere. White t Howlan
r..prieton6l2l Liberty Street, New York
Nara 1147.-4 ip
The Riff. LOW Alb A. W I W 4021 will staid (hoe .
'barge) wail wile datat• It the pr cripthet with the d
noct was tor nothing 1111.1 mins the shwas remedy I, wbi.t
no waecitat of 4 lung affection aad that Wend dates.
•:e.weiattotkat. ilia only °New is t benefit the attl
sad be h law ever, eaters/ will try this . reactiphi..a,
it will ran that notating, -ad tam p• yea a We slug--
Plow addrraa
No iK SofsgL Semm.m., Williamsburg. Ns. lurk
assiiufacturedlrota PURI: MA
IA 1...., mod nary b. CORMINISKI.
SOAP, LYINCX. fur ear by all Grucri •
MA, 1817.-11
Infonsattrot trastouteed to prodtdip iluinriant
hair urr.ta a 8•1 , 1 hews or bourdleis lice al •••it •
f r the r•tnowal of Pimples. 81.d. - bei Kraption• rte_
t tritio 1••••os the mom oat cemr. •od bototiful•ca
tre obtalued irith.c.out harp by .dir
TUOB. V. Oh n Pit th,Chpatht.
8181 Broody. ity. Nen•lrork.
§solto, frogs, paktum kr.
HA, Just nitvived A bilge boortampia .f MOTO!
Holiday Presents ,
Ay Um most popular 'Wixom—
kW—ALBUMS AVD FA %CY ARTICLES. asebil.aad ar
aisiesial.etatioistry, Perhatim, Lc OW sad :Rimini.
Dm. Ilf. 11017.-t/
Drugs and Med iei ILOS.
frill' undersigned having talcs* 'barge of tbi.
L eld end pepsins Store, taker phoneme is in
fonaut" the pith= con-tantty racsieten treat
iropplies of all ki de of DI AND IIItDICI NIS frun
the wag reliable and to prepares" to accontato.
ink big skit sksartirie is big lii ,
I..erery description, an the populee pATIIIIT
• .Til 11114 e day. with e *apply . el cie;calcals.
taaiery. relate. Ole Stalk V 'rabbits, ir adds+Terra
Ohm Heir tJlb iatratte. &spa -rube,. termini Witt.
I yawl variety et. Nary ertitare—la dart. evrrytkiise_
nd Anna io ti Ind class Drag dusito-estistnatip
- , 4
apPhylialsas , applied at reasaisable tatea: asatioil •
aartoduai .aars y talty cow paaaard aad preys,* aik, aOIII
tia. , I
boarsur the da alitht-4asa sat ex/ tiik•tartatnedta,imaloaaap,lo..willa p ktoo ash a 14v a.,
or public patronage. Give use call sad a., ‘lO. .'
.4T.. , . , ..,
Maw Ilk INN. '.* ' - - - ' -''
PHF3IO.I4g4NO DRugo . fs - 4
gays lad Drys ew.., offitienassua4 trzicr,
~ I ,
Meat* Ovine wilisoutAgimo.
•Ro iretimpria. 04t101 Maimotx4l4 Fin.
4414 i
TW it IST- . 1 1 1 11 4 ;4 0 41M..44041441A41110-
41' 4 1 1 1 Cgi P E PRIM, 1t11351014-'
DM 110 b i: S A tri 4 tke ii, tikes,
to 011; 60., sc.
tun u4ocissi Li testisat purism,. -
De. IL it wilervit,m4', a npuour reiray f clorril
imilis. sigh sib, AS.
1 Altilitidii. ll ole.taielajlii• 4111 mat x. t . ,„,,,,,,,,
Jes. 1,1111 L-41 I
clocii, ; , -w i i i,_,
On York street, girporite the Bunk, Get-
A now and told swortmow just recedved
trom tpu. Viky . .
U 61.1.; L. I 61 lt U M &NTS !
vm4411.. gutters. mew doom.PO* at,
00.1.11 p trkameiwis.v is: K... Striafj. bevesaill4Paild
'ref}ihi or, Iselloormg W At Isoitronwhip.
RepigiHrig avid ail lf>riid of work hi Our Ike
of All,a ork Vii4rl44oo-1 t 0y. 11 1, 0 K11,11 scot *I/
goods waeFiii4adia ballades* stimprownted.
Nov. 27, 11•67.-1(
Watchmaker and' Jew4or,
No. 148 North 2d at., corner cif Quarry,
far hopeirlog of %Adobe. dad Jeettdry,sotemptly at
leaded at.. f too 77,m7.-1y
30 tie, Yu; k.
UP 4010 NACU, AND sAntrAcnuzi (KARAM
Imo :Cad Gold Hunting ...... ark to 11.000
luu Cheed tiold ruches 260 to 600
100 Leith.' Watches. enameied....... Zoo to 300
0 wild Untiring , Throu.sueret Watchoe. 250 to 200
2 000 W Minting CUM!' Tana 200 to 250
3006k01n Ranting Duple: Watidies. ..... GM to 1100
500 Ould Hunting American Watchee.-.... 100 to OW
600 anew Glinting le mos 50 .5)
500 Silver limiting Do tried 75 to 260
t o 01)011 001 d bolus' tt etched 5u to 250
1,1 W Gilt Hunting Lepinee 511 to 75
I.OIM Mlacellaneorie Soler Wakiree. ........ 50 to DO
2i60 0 Iluntluo. Silver Watches 25 to• n 0
600 Ansort.l Watches_ all tinily 10 to 76
The aline atialt will be Iluip aesl us th,.portru k k one
Pll.lCe. PLAN giving -very moron a da du/ liton W t Ryer
Wait.% r r 510, wetimut levant to e.o.m.
WItIGuT Hsu. I Cu.. (61 dr odeay. new York. wish to
1/1111.0,1i.t•iy drapoeeof theabote oragnldoeui .tuck Cm ,
naming the anodes, ate, pliwed lii Nailed an
vil. pea. and well mixed. Holders ere entitled to thear
'kiwi ...anted in their eerier ate. upon paymes4 of „fen
alhollher it he a maims . worth $l.OO. sue time worth
esa. The ret rn .fan, our cortilleateeentltlee ydh to
'he article. named • hernia.. npoo payment. Irrespective
.fit. w orth and as no irticie veined ism that; 410 16
iame uu aU. errtglic.ate,' it w lat ouce laa Win thee this
1.110 lottery. but A atr..labt 1 tward legman' ire tranwc
.n which gray be partkupatiod, iu eves by the suet Mr
• +lngle orrtilkste will bosom b i mall. poet paid. upin
.rerells4 of 25 emits. nee fur It. warren t r 1.. tblrty• three
sll.l eleintnt pfOUIDIDI her 46. eurt, elz anti mew vainable
premium err iliaomeri hundred and m et super. Watch fur
615. To egente or Ob.*. killing «awl.) mint, Ike I.a
rate empartitaity. LIM a legialamtely esmitueted buil
-eft, drily sattiorized oy the tli.vreutueuSar.W•lsiu t the
sows carefol eerutruy. Watilies *rut by kapnairi, with
mil for wlinctio on delivery, r. toot no dimatietactron
can pomsbly utinr Try a• itadreee
DILUTIi KA t CU., Initiotrera.
Oct. 23.-3 w 161 Broadirk ,New York.
V KB V BODY need. • gone watch, and writes to get
.4.:s at the luwesateesible Kira; a hide o ametudiers
knowing this hats °unlearnt witikna• Ingraham &vitro to
Set pinapies money, and then dtbar tail to send a watch,
or feud we that I. worthier a* a tiro keeper. Ale
KA.. °ALL at CO. have now perfected a. - ratignarata by
*lda. Jur the mat! ear ul 41.0.4 pad and rell•bie welch
way heorierma Li Warner They have tarmegla 11, KAT
CLUB uu thy, fuller ti.aa ertillcalrik coo
taiatue, the numbers us all the watobes U.UVeld to our
%bolter, aistorliscb Is iwut tuatl appliCatiej ate mixed
up eaclowral ill windups& and add 2.r 2o carte wk.—
Avery cottlikete to woutairram to be kt, a Watch. and et
will tie beau tau teliii•uce to the 11$. boa* are 1.4 leas
teUibe titan feu bullets, *utast err ate a .rth 4300.
A e uoilertate to .14 • I watch Masan wba' t•Irl UM)
ita .2414 Sot latt.issed U. u der that essay wee wag ab
airpeua apse gotta' s , V inn Was. daabileeper,
• guistaalar that era y pui 4;644 of One Unbar - s rut Ma
of cattradole Utah 1101/70 at rest ere law o*l* 4u. 43
or our oreukoote tat, •ettlp et tribe, Talc& se • drarwtrie
Cleat lever. a barbarity awl reliable catch in tattling
:Raves hamr. Ciarg, wau rawly eula fir 440. ton aid
a Yawl eat •acti a watch; an . besides. ,)on rat rot •
• litrarueter wW lit certtocateo
: , Jus Zoe lb cents; 1 Lase Ix ft i cents; air, fur
awl Testy fur BS. ta. baxea dtugfi, •• a ill send
wane cb•Uk para Tu boor sa. we all
oat.] • goal lawn annealed Out to (Alma. Is 4 yarn
?Artie. &cilia& up Lirga clubs will nitaive uuenl pre
-rota. part ICIAIII.II tit um.) to law teed u• applies
ion. AO QUI to do ast troy See .mete
.0 tan. e. nod to h. rani we. ruetoutet• trails ibabilty to
tat our muerte, it evened. +Mara U• 41.7,
r. t I U.: tag Use &Apr...a s kant to collect silt de...very.
LI a • are iteets at to agsewaru watches • I as r e re taro
• h• rat wby Brit brats. or Peet terns ottl t..00d
ta, in.ltivea 144 41.01116 s lag. U a will tutu ragater the
package at our pear .ffice sod 1C...4 a ilt •el Lea..l ties
di claims. II any watch ..tot n out *wove* it Loa) Le 4
aurae. aunt 1.1.• tr ue) Will be tetutatetb the iepota
i- of ;mar tat w. which bas beau coseteatimet tits Ave
,cat. cud i• .41 tic wit in ay. ty part ul the country.
• e list. ail oe °awed • panic...ll e uaiewtes libel a •
.aii 14.010111 katioria all eie neuter t to du. Adds we
AK& UAL S; it
“tuadway, new lurk,
- Post Office Sue, bribs.
Doc. V, B^i -3m
Includin every style
- 4. , .....--=_,_ . and deerription, elude & z 1
Pxpressiv for the Winter ‘-7-
trade, whlch for neatness Ili
-=- and durability cannot he A"
--..- surpassed at
Wholesale and Heft!! Manor/set ovine , Fautb!lament,
a Re-plat in. at shuts aeUce.
Lee. lb, leO7
urn TRIM
Entire Importation •
UR Tits iiiiressirsiAsoN. 80 wiki, they moot re
•iectfttill, %eqe the att•a•kmsiting Pb i Is
stagAteettua as early call, before the rh.eeeet ar
Ides are everted. - and tits hurry of Raid.) bu.fuese
..repute that metal aiteutloh they &taro attended to
•it their Nahum The et-ek of
altsay' dasqrlytfaa.',utlated al; hempen by this House
*sestets In Kane* morality sod beauty. arse,' bp of any year. A n eismiustion of oar aux* cannot but
'u, lOterietifig to frogs idus °worry, also are
‘,O t cteolally nal to visit oar astablo.btuent All
'dare by let tar, or IngNl Isr rasyset lan woods and prices,
wII receive careful and prompt cat. loam. Hissis cars
• eh) WIC ad and t rWarded. NUM tiftitATLY HE
hrirehrio isad Silvenar t h.
No. d
in Cbastant rag, Philailelp
Dee. 1111*67. [l4l. 23.-3 m
No. 704 A rch Street,
Our Goods amodooddab tbodidaildwoi tlio City
Wu. 14.1/11111214. I.
• •
.1 1 11 E undersigned. take 'this method
11 . a taireviag poo , lllc vast goy 4111 amp az the
Cabinet-making. Business,
Ak aft Rioaraml breaches. and thet dOs letaie oa
V4rito &Newt omit .1
Corneo o,o o o a l 44 . 6l4AB.,ibisheot
• *Stands . Dressing Bursautr - Chaim
of dtrefOind.; fn s • -
everylimoitio hi& astif
, • . netiliecrkftv Hue. -
, agAr+i4A.DX COFFINS, 4140
• • , • • . • • • • 4
5114 it 14144 1 - 60 ,14,4 4 ,r 910 1 V. " 4 " • .404,
0 4 SA* *WWII 4 , 441.444111`, 111 . 114 1 ,0 mime" taft.,
nab,. The aoderehapvi harlot/ bed . over JO )oars
Paramaall e *wow Lau% e00..4..-thits thof
niniewsbosibipineOwerl vet ear alien. w imeteor.- - ew
smilz r zZrz i riptas~ lrg %
. •
# • LL 118„.i.d. a.l
ctrAlli r trdt#4/41 4 :
.10 4 N", r gt ° , 4 * -0 , 1 , ,
. , .
gialis of Igo mai'. gnaw. wilissist ro blea
001414041:1* Matto &iv*
P itot-at waiver *sot
1 10441tals
SU Sus am Ilansts& WI" 41411tikalt,
Jamt!anx.-g* ,1868:s -g
Waldo , and.Ntwsky.
C4ll. AT
(estrum Penna.
An wain - intent of WareAes, Jewelry. Silver
and Plated Ware entwiantlyen hand.
Watches for the Million !
Manufacturer mud &eh; in
gmigt. Pa*
[Aug. 21.-ly
, Pairr;
OA -44
* 1 4, 11 4/10^ •
1/'; he Air
liiv Ageo .4 Real acet
Toe.4lav the I Itb,
Fe' roary
51 ‘ll:—Tt Is
the Dr perto4,,eo#
nMi r ted to 141tt
arrt+4 for slime Mit
thia pl ,anY *t.
nu•ubor are s.a.kl
good work gawn.'i
pa •o'i 'le I a half - 1
B rn )1.4 ottrA4:.
beek Intention td;
on thn 13th ind.. t
were pleetr.4 DI
Illrowtl Gonpilitty
Director% -1 7 . A..
IL M. •.n.t.h,•llen
karton. Goo. V.
land, D. MeConad..
the NI u iiiittaikiiiirig,
S etety, Wag hPili al,
fiklriwillaf WOllll4ll
Ilnir. 13 urnat Nlyt44.
Statile, 4 7enrige Tis
Des: rich, Ir., ilien4
PI hilt. J dm Murk/
Octet Do.rtrieb, sr.
. ,
el..c.i..ti for Direotrk
timixt It.titk, • it ill
were elte-en : • Own
Win. I
t.t.r, I) 'via , . Komi'
M.treits Samson,
'rite followle‘
the Fir-it !tatting
J.r4ri) %I emteltniiiiii,
D. Nict:ot aAu ;Ay, J
have receive I a. Or
a Stale TLIIIptI alit: •
In itarri-bunt e-tt
F..brultry. AII.Irt
v d 1,4, attend.
to liarn%lJurg 'lvor
rt, ,d, Ilse l'ittlaCti.l
and the Nun hr.
con e at the (_;',..fivi
it I- Kiiteil ill ib
plerr ..(LI• PeILLII4I,I
Lnu u. .6O
■uziliary Cu
formed, unit mule
beuu svld.ll Lne
to le trn that opt
re.txu•ted Ottzett ti
zen to deitaii.
13ROt•ait S. AboVel
un.iet,o •k to
10 IC •Uil lgolgge mg IL is rillitts)
feu lop his ientimlt
z_47 year s I mmtb Iti
La-t w‘ ek 11r: I.
ma:e tit • Nltr .
suit/ of $11,..51X).
Mr. Lool4
or*,4•ll* Y
of L.,. t,,04 oau t for
Mr. J4iu
buildia; Ou th
%V tO
M r. SVareh•dm
ill ire strettt,.lo SIC
MET (j. 151. 4-
EAst thiLl A
hi tAiu
C,Hireretice etzti)r
n , trtlirrn awl atoit ,
and the moans! an
and in tnio Sta.o.
nteAuLs slid
—Thi4 w..11-kutler
at Wm loot 411 the
lunipike Ilvat
berebursti wee:re
wnprh tor,
po,,,usion to tw
11611. This .1)Isoe.
co.ttinii phi iVil ft
t.lti pli re
ry. it- pi. iinsit)
c 'lent pro par eat^
tiiui 14 rutin whicta alsailittincw
it a veryta,insbta
an um..n.liauuder
in{ ,n/L evetyb ,
Stnpi , l —lot tire.'
so +lowly I
either Ko betwegiti
Stupid • to stoppiln
church mime auti
going. 11r. Stupi
annoy the win
your IQ.My en
(into!, three feeal.'
if any one •tept'
that people's 'Opt
phi our IOVTIII .
Wall ler ihnutt
to save
dollars a year fbiw 7
taku a county pa '•
of NlivitlAy the I.
o du •k, the lunt,!
Hear F.ountain 11•1
covore I L on
tun.. entirely
port W. iPt Pt
atAbek W 44 savqpil,
boric+, a tutlf. 2 tl+
n. wing
60 , .3 of glihtri,
bu-bels of chive
rye. nO.l oats, 1:
With all ItinclA of
tirely desirttytti.
of a vile
e imetedial•lF
Mr Graeae F.
judlin.r fia-in re
ing to.tru • an , ' is
lived Uy= gt
wn me 4.
* $1 7 4.811141 . : : :
sir 331 lit
barn wsw
urn wh
soottilufg le