Ncenther I t c," tar nil ffitutintl. Gettysburg, Wednesday, Dec. 2.5,,1887 LOCAL. I..VTEI.LI.NCE. , a ` A g ricultural column on 4th page. ALMANAC FOR -1868.—We present seen of our subscribers, with to-day's issue, ail extra containing a convenient Connting House Almanac for 1868. _ CIIIIRCH SERVICES.—We are reqoest ed to announce that Prof. EHBEILILET, ok this place, will preach in the Presbyterian church, at Hunterstown, on Sunday next at 101 o'clock, A. M. CHRISTMAS.—We anticipate our usual publication day, to enable . all hands to ob serve Christmas, and send greetings to all our patrons, with ;Slap compliments of the season. A "merry dhristmas" to all, old and. young. • CARRIER'S ADDRESS.—By sutpry tnystevous arrangements in progress be tween our "devil" and the carrier, we infer that the usual New Year's carol is in prepar ation and that they will honor their friendi with a call on New Year's morn. We give this hint in advance, that the "dimes" and "quarters" may be got in readiness. NEW YEAR'S BALL.—The Gettysburg Brass Band will give a grand Ball on New Year's Night, in Agricultural Hall, the pro ceeds to be devoted to the purchase of new Instruments. One of the best Cotillion Bands of Baltimore has been engaged for the occa.-16h. 'Tickets, admitting a gentle man and ladies, $l. THE COLFAX LECTURE. - --We learn that there is it surplus of about $45, from proceeds of the Colfax Lecture in this place, after payment of, expenses. The committee who had charge of the' arrangements, have determined to appropriate the surplus to the relief of the poor, and Mr. McPzizasos, chairman of the otnnmittee, has paid over to R. G. MCCE.F.ARY, Esq., the surplus, to be appropriated accordingly. FAIR AT NEW OXFORD.—Tht Ladies of New Oxford design to hold a Fair for the benefit of the Brass Band of that plticea,om mencing on Tuesday the 31st instant, and closing on the'lli of January. The Fair will be held in Dr. PFEIFFER'S College building. A number of Fancy Articles have been pre pared, and it is to be hoped these commend able efforts of the Ladies of New Oxford will meet with a liberal response. A supper will be provided for New Year's night.: ; NEW BUILDING:3.—A. R. FELSTEL is putting upanother dwelling hotnie on Breck enridge street. JACOB BOLLINGER, Jr., has in course of erection a dwelling on the same street. JoHN Zia:A has nearly completed a dwel ling on West Middle street. Joan TAWN&Y has bought a lot from FREDERICK. RIDOLY, in the same street, with a view to building a house thereon before spring. Mrs. Merits WIROTZREY is about having a dwelling put up, on West High street, op posite the Fair Grounds. WHAT DOES IT MEAN ?—By notice in to-day's paper it will be observed that the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the "Gettysburg Railroad Company," and elec tion of officers, is to be held "at the office of the President, in Columbia," on the 13th of January. We had supposed the office of the Company was in Gettysburg. When and why was it transferred to Columbia? By the-way, several years ago a number of the Stockholders made gratuitous assign ments of their Stook, under representations that a company of capitalists, on such assign ment being completed, were prepared to take charge of the road, meet the floating debt, and extend the road. What has, be come of this suck? If Mr. CAsE holds it— on what conditions? GETTYSBURG ASYLUM—In the House of Representatives, at Washington, Mr. VAN WYCK, of New York, offered a resolu tion directing the commissioner of internal revenue to inform the House whether the directors of the enterprise professing to be for the relief of wounded soldiers, and known as the Gettysburg Gift Enterprise, had paid the revenue license for lotteties.— Mr. VAN WYCK demiunced the scheme as one of the most atroc'ous swindles of the times, stating amrng other things, that the `.l.Fariii" advertised as one of the prizes at 31; 1,000, is worth in reality hut $B,OOO. We had thought Attorney General BEW.WSTEIL bad "squelched" this enterprise last sum flier by instituting legal proceedings against it. It seems, however, the Managers have started afresh, opening an office in ~New York city, and announcing a drawing to take place ou 'the Bth of Febtuary. Some how or other they managed to get an en dorsement of the "Gift Festival" as a "chari able enterprise," and exempt froth revenue licenSe, from Commissioner ROLLINS.— Hence Mr. VAN Wzckcs resolution, which was adopted by the House. ADVERTISING SALES OF PROPER TY.—A cotempory, in speaking of the im portance and great advantage of advertising sales of property in the newspapers, in ad dition to having handbills printed, very truthfully says : "A newspaper is read by hundreds who never see the attractive bills which are posted up in the taverns and store rooms. Every subscriber to a eotuittnr pa per reads all such advertisements carefully. Ho knows who is selling out and exactly what is offered for sale. The advertisenients are a topic of conversation when friends meet, and arrangements are made for at 'tending sales. The result is a large crowd zpinted bidding, and a realization of ten, twenty or fifty times of what it cost to ad vertise. No money is so sure to return a large profit as that spent on printer's ink., A single attlitional bidder on a single article will pay all 4t costa to advertise a sale of per sonal property in a newspaper." Is it not strange, thO t s. that any one should fill to ad vertide ? sale of Personal or Real Pro pertyl advertised in the "STAR AND Storri- NEL," pt a cost of a few dollers, will attract the atbittion of over 2,000 Asubecribers, not ono-tenth of whom will seethe hand-bills.— Let our friends think of tbis matter. LECTURES.—A Course of Lectures, un der the auspices of the Pigenakosmian and Philomathean Societies of Pennsylvania ,College, will be delivered, during the next session, commencing on the 21st of January. . It is expected that some of the leading Lee: tuners of the country will be secured for the course. The committee dimmed with the arrangements, are in correapondence with such distinguished lecturers and orators as. DAVID Para. Ritovnr,'Esq ~Rev. Drs. A.A. Witaxrs and T. .15E WITT VirbNAGE, of Phil adelphia, Rev. Drs. , lionniaend hticCitort, of Baltimore, Dr. J. D. ilotarxri, ("Timothy Titcomb,"_) President COPPER of Lehigh University and Prof. limn, of Cincinnati. Ithe latter of whom hi* inled 0100utionist.— Hon. REVISEDT Jourssoty of Md., , had been invited, but declines on account of a press of ppttlic engagement*: Ths .etoquent PAUL BROWN, Of Philadelphia, Will . open the course, which trill' amulet of eight lecturer', on the evening of the 2lst of Jan uary: It is expecteUthat there will te an interval of about ten dive betweed the sev eral lectirea. Future:pavan mikets will give farther particular*. . It Is hived that this tummenclable effoft to proiricie literary instruction and entertainment for the how- . muniti will be duly appreciated. 4 4 86 n 'he fair l os o s durtin'th'e G ETTYSBURG( lIiiciBDLI*EOTOR I. O R (se s Iftesiiiieinado • . ATTIMMITS AT LAW. Mcoreur7. Yeriretreet r in residence.. McConangby O Krentb,Cheinbersburg It., in'residence D. Pill* on Public Square, in residence. A. J. Cower, Baltimore street, near Fahnestack's Store. D. A.: Buehler, Bulilukorq street, in residence 3. W. Tipton, i 4 E. oor. Public Square Newport k Ziegler, Washington at.mear Cbamberburg at BOOT it anosaraisaa. D. H. Klingel, Balt. between Middle and High Gerlach ce Trimmer, South Baltimore street. • 00171C1101LI, TOTS, IC. • J. M. Warner, Baltimore street, firat square. S. M. Gilbert, Baltimore street, second square. E. H. M innigb, Ohamberabtale street. J. H. Minnigh, Baltimore street, first square. CLIMINTZDA AND CONDIACTORS. Wm-C. Steilsmith A Son, York street, first square Wm. Chritsman, West street, near Chambersburg. Cashman & Bowe, Baltimore street, third -square. C k 101401.11, AC. Danner ;It Ziegler, Middle wee, near Baltimore. Tate 3 Culp, Washington at., near Ohamberaburg 13=3 George Arnold, corner of Diamond and Chamberstrarg et W. Y. Bing, York st., opposite Bank. F. B. Picking, Baltimore street, Bret square. T. C. Norrik Chambersburg street, first 'Oars. Jacobs & Brother, Chambersburg street, first square. Jacob Brinkerhoff, corner of York snit-Public Square. COAL, X011111:14 ums, ac. C. B. Buehler, corner of Carlisle and Railroad streets Jacob Sheads, on It :inroad, West of Stratton. Jacob Reilly, dorner of Stratton and Railroad. I_l J. L. 11111, Chambersburg street, opposite Eagle Liotel DIit.IIGGIOTS. A. D..Buehler, Chambereburg et., near Public Square. J. S. Forney, Baltimore street. lint square. IL Homer, Chambereburg it, opposite Christ's Church. DRY GOODS. Fahnestock Brothers, cor. of Baltimore and Middle stn. J. L. Schick ,00r. Baltimore and Public Square. ()unborn & Hoffman, cor.Carlieleand Public Square. Rebert A Elliot, Balt. et. opposite the Court-house. A. tkott a Sons, cor. Chambersburg and Washington Nis. Geo. Arnold, cor. Diamond and Chambersburg it. 1 , 0141. AND POGNDIIT David Sterner, West Street. TONWARDLNO AND 0010118SION HODINA. Culp & Rarushaw cor. Washington and _Railroad W. P. Biddle & Co., cor. Stratton and Railroad. McCurdy & Ilatnilton, Carlisle Street. OROCEHT/11, CC. J. Cress d , .Sora,cor. Chambereburg and Pub pi Square Wm. Boyer dr. Son, York at., opposite Eatiodel Bank. Meals k Bros., Middle street, east of Washington. ._Henry Orerdeer, Baltimore et., third square. Wm. J Martin. car. of Baltimore and High streets. Hendricks & Warren, York street, first square. S. M. Gilbert, Baltimore street, second square. Fahnestock Brothers, cor. Baltimore and Middle streets Culp & ltarnehaw,eor. Washington and Railroad streets. W. E. Biddle & Co.; cor. Stratton and.Railrosd streets. McCurdy 4 Hamilton, Carlisle st. HAEDWARZ AND CUTLXRY. Dinner & Ziegler, Baltimore street, first square. Nahnestock Brothers, corner Baltimore and Middle stre = D lleCreary at. opposite Pres Church J. 11. Rowe, Baltimore street, third square. HATS, CAPS, SEMIS, AC. • S. S. MCOTOATy. Chambersburg street, first square. Jacob Brinkerhoff. corner of York st., and Public Squarf T C Norris, Chambersburg street, first square. Cobean & Bhriver, Chainbersburg et. 1=22 Eagle Hotel, J. L. Tate, proprietor, corner Chambereburg and' Washington. Keystone 1101160, W. Z. Myers, proprietor, Chambersburg street, opposite Christ's Church. uTrar 0TA217.3. N. Weaver, Washington et., north of Chambereburg T. T, Tate, Washington et., near Eagle Hotel. John Cannon, corner ot_Baltlmore'and Middle streets Meals 4 Broter, York at., east of Stratton. PrIOTOGRAPTIERS. C. J. Tyson. York street, opposite National Bank. Levi ]pumper, Baltimore it., first square. - PIITSICLLN. J. W. C.o'..Neal, Baltimore street, near high 'mama orrice. Star. cE Sentinel. Baltimore st., midway between this Court House and Public Square, west side. STOVES, TINWARE, kC, C. H. Buehler, corner of Carlleleand Railroad. S. G. Cook, York at., ne..riy opposite the National Bank • BEG AR STORE. Washlogton Bierbower, Chambersbarg mt., below Wash ingtou. ' WATCHXAEZR. Soper k McCartney, York street, opposite Bank AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITU TION.—A 'meeting was held in Christ Church, in this place, on Thursday evening last, to further the movement to secure cer tain religions amendments to the Constitu tion of the United States, and was opened with prayer by Rev. Dr. BROWN. R. G MCCREARY, E.sq4 was called to the chair, and D. A. BUEHLER, Esq., appointed Secre- . terry. Rev. Dr. HAY, alter explaining the object of tho meeting, introduced Rev. J J. STEVENSON, of PhiLadelphia, who discussed at considerable length the nature of civi government—its dependence on the Divine" will, and the importance of public and oh vial acknowledginent of this dependence in State and National Constitutions. After some further remarks by Rev. Drs. HAY and BnowN, the lollowing preamble and resolu tioniswere unanimously adegted—being in substance those adopted a' the last annual meeting of the National Asiociation : Wherca.s, It is a most certain truth, re ceived by all denominations of Christians, that Almighty God is the source of all au thority and power in civil government, and that His moral laws are of supremo author ity in all national as well as individual life And affairs, and, Wherems, Nations, as such, are under Hi s moral go . vernment, and are responsible to Him, and are rewarded and punished ac corilini, to their moral coudlict as nations, and, Whereas, In the character and profession of the vast majority of our citizens, as well as in maby elements of our governmental organization, we are a Christian nation, and therdfore have an Inaliony.bla right, and are under the most sacred•obligations to govern ourselves in a Christian manner, and, Whereas, We, as a nation, have experi enced throughout our whole history, and es pecially during the late civil war, the most signal manifestations of God's providential . mercy, £1.9 well as of His just displeasure for our national sins, therefore, Resolved, 1. That our duty and gratitude to God as national Governor, Protector, and Preserver, and our need of securin,r His favor, and of averting His displeasure, require that we distinctly and explicitly acknowleflge Him : His Son as the Ruler among the nations, and the authority of His Word, in the great charter of our national existence and pow ers—the fundamental and organic law of the land. • 2. That such an amendment of our Na tional Constitution implies no more than the exercise of the inalienable right of a Christ ian people to acknowledge their .God and Preserver; and would do no injustice to those few individuals among us who are the enemies of the Christian -religion, and who claim the right to prohibit the nation, as such, from all Ibligions worship, and whose claims cannot be satisfied without abolish ing all laws for the observance of the Sab bath, and banishing all religious worship and all chaplains from the army and navy of the United States. On motion of Dr. Hex, the Chair appoint ed an Execulive Coininittae. to take charge of the movement in this county, In co-oper ation, with the National Association, with authority , to cal , future public meetings, when deemed desirable. Committee—Rev. H. L. Baugher, D. D., -Rev. C. A: Hay, D. D., Rev...E. Breidenbangh, Rev. W.' R. H. Deatrich, and Rev. G. W. House. Adjourned with prayer by Rev. Mr B*EIDZIfBAI7O4. "HOW CAN YE BLOOM SO FRESH AND FAIR?" goes the old Scotch song. °Etow ? Why, those, who show the bloom of health on their .cheeks take Plantation Bit ters, which has the power of fortifying the system against disease, and of regulating the digestive aparatus. Are you dyspeptic, weal; , void of energy Have you little or no appetite, headache, continued lassitude and depression of spirits ? Take S. T. 1880-1., and bloom and beauty will return, the 'Bitters have become a household Mend. • MAGNOLIA WICER.--A. delightftd toil et article—superior to Oologne and at half the price. Dec. 18-21 WITETNYME A WIMLE ItLl33ht of tonic and alterative medicines known, none is entitled , t 0 more eoutdderation than the Peruvian Syrup. In all awes of enfeebled ' and debilitated, oonstitUtion it is the very comedy neegied.',The most positive proof of adduced.this can be add;ed. it , YOUNG WOMEN, if you need a Dressing or Restorative for the hair, try "Barrett's," and be no longer _ashamed of your !Omar- k eine. " / t 1 TAP. WASHINCRON ,LIDIV,ARY PANY of PhiladeliAllit,i; t bushed in; the confidence and affections of the people.; The reason is obvious. The design is worthy, and. creditable to the patriotic, hearts who are labOring to benefit a too much neglected' chnis. The funds go into responsible hands and the public have no fears, that they will! be mis-directed. The plan adopted satisfies the scruplei of the' most conscientious, and has the endorsement of eminent legal au-, thority. It is by its distinctive features en-', tirely removed from the taint of catch-penny schemes which have so often been the means of imposing on the public. It gives to pur chasers ot,its stock a full equivalent for the consideration, paid, besides equal and impar-:: tial participation in a great distribution of presents, worth in, the aggregate $300,000. All its transaotlone, are open and above': board. It has no concealments, and the rep utation of the managers is such that they cannot afford to be dishonest in this trans action. Read advertisement. It EXACT SCIENCE has been applied in the manufacture of FAIRBANK'S STAND ARD SCALES, so that they may be relied on as unerringly correct. The tests ma , "e at the Paris Exposition, where they received the highest premium, establish this tact. it Ittuitto of the' Ittarhet% Baltimore Grain and Produce Marlfet. Baltimore, Tuesday Ilm-rinx StrER FLOUR, 9 50 @ 10 00 EXTRA FLOUR, 10 50 r 11 00 WHITE WHEAT 2 35 2 RED WHEAT, 9 35 (g , 2 70 CORN, 1 20 (Fp 1 25 RYE, 1 60 1 70 OATS, 72a 7s BUCKWIMAT, TIMOTHY -SEED, 2 st) @• '2 75 CLOVER-SEED, BACON, Hems, 17 (si,) '`` SIDES, 12 1:; " SHOULDERS,. 11 01! . :' HOGS, 1001 b,. ti. 6 l) BEEF CATTLE. "i+ 100 lbs. 00 0 2.1 (H) Wrnskgy, GOLD, Phila Gettysburg Grain and Provistotrnarket. Gettysburg. Wednesday .llorning SrPER FLoru, 9 00 EXTRA FLOUT:, 10 00 WHITE WHEAT, RED WHEAT CORN, RYE, OATS, ...... BUCKWHEAT, TIMOTHY SEED, CLOVER SEED, ~ POTATOES, Burrzli,... LARD, EGGS, BACON, HAMS, 4- (ip 15 " SIDES, . I r 7 " SHOULDERS I 0 SO tl',. .. TALLOW, MARRIED HOLLENBEROER—WEAVER.—On the 19th inst., by Rev. E. Breidenbaugh, Mr. Wm. A. HoNeuberger, of Chambersburg, to Mi,s Sarah J. Weaver, of this place. MILLER—SuurF.—On the 15th by Rev. Z. Hornberger, Samuel Miller to Lou isa Struff, both of this county. RICI-ITAGERMA.N.-Ou 'the 19th inst.. at Cary, Ohio, by Rev. Benner, Mr. Amos C. Rice, of Findlay Ohio to MissA. Hagerman. of Cary, Ohio.: SMITH—VANUERSLOOT.—On Wednesday evening, the :lth inat.. by Rev. 4 W. 13nn'4e. Malcom O. Smith, of York, to Miss Louisa Van derslont, daughter of Dr. F. E. Vander sluot, of this place. vicar drertistmcnts. °BANK ELECTION A N Electi..ll cot Director, at the FIRST NATIv AL BAN K OF U ETTYSBUR, fa- the en•ning y car. P het,' at the banking . IIoU a iu Gett)oburg. TLA , Jalottary 12th, I , tiS, at 1 c'eft,k. P M Dec 25, 18117.-td GEO. ARNOLD, Ca,hier. t.:ETTISBURG - RAIL ROAD. "••,._ The Annual Meetine.iif the Stet kh-Iders oI the 0 ETTYSBURG RAIL 110 A D COMPAN Y wits I ti ie Office of the President. in Columbia, en Mirridey Jan n..l64 Iht4,lSnts, et tan o'cleck. The Arinunl. •I. ; a President end Tae'. re Directors, will beheld bet, the hours tif 3 and 4 o'clock. P. M. Dec. '25.--tit DOW AI.D S. CAST.. Sei:y. Ass n\EE' NOTICE.—The 1111-' dereigne4 having been appointed Asourne , . LEWIS riEtTnElt and WIFE, ilt tutyn•Lip. , , , ler a deed of Voluntary Aeriigninent for the ben eft t Crv.i itorl. h.- hereby girt , n .ticv t j all iv•t4,l, )r.d •t•Ir•I • • said U+ai+ 1 4 ‘1,701-1 - I • in.ike i tine li..t pry 4:.:. v tiume having elahnE prevent • 11.. Jrl i.•- ihrtrat- JElt EMI A ti rii tiLI.Y. Huntingtun tp , Dec. 25.—t3t. TO BUILDERS THE School Directors of Mountjov townoop will receive sealed proposals. until ti t third Saturday in January theft, for the building of THREE NEW scitooLliorsr> in said be. , at White Run, one at Two Taverns. 1111.1 the other at Horner's—all to be built of brick, Plans anti speeinca• tine can be seen ft the house of the Secretary. The Board revervee the right to reject any or all hide. By order of the Board. JAMES REEVER, President TRAAC LinftTNErt, Secretaryp (Dec. TSC:.-td pr l7 BLIC.SALE OF VALAI3LE REAL & PERSONAL PROPERTY The undersigned. Assignee of Lzwts Svibtat and Wien, will nett at Publ i c Sale, on Saturday the 11th day of Jan.. . 4 . 7 -y next, at 1 o'clock, Y.. 1., the following Real Eatate,, viz : A' TRACT OF LAND, containing 5 Acrc9,' more or less. int proved with a tw4-story rough'rn•r Dwelling, with a go"! Spring of Water. and a varlotp of choice Fruit Trees, situate in Huntington township, on the road leading from Petersburg to Neville. !tdjo'n lug lands ofSsmuel Fhelly, Mlchae: Leer. Caroline Strtz• el. and others. The Land is all cleared, under good fencing, and in a good state of cultivaticln. Also, at the same time and place will he sal dt one Home, Riding Saddle and Bridle, a Spring Wagon, a ,er„ of new Carriage Harness , a set of Wagon Ifarneml, and variety of other articles. JIIRESITAIi SHELLY, Assignee. Dec. 24, 17867.—t• GRAND NEW YEAR'S BALL, AT AGRICULTURAL lIALL. The Gettysburg Brass Band will give a Grand Ball on Neu) Year's Night, January 1, 1.968., In Agricultural Hall, the proceeds to be applied to the purchasing of a new net of Instruments. This enter. tahrment will be one of the finest ever gotten up in Get ty:4meg The marries, of one of the bestCotilllon Bands in lilaitimen City has been secured for the °marten. larTickels, admitting Gentlemen and tales, one del, lar. PERRY J. TATE, WILLIAM H. RUPP, JACOB W. GILBERT, Ilec. 25, 1 857. Committee of Arrangements. ROBERT D. ARMOR;, GAS FITTER, PLUMBER AND BELL HANGER, East Niddre street, /ultra square fro,* the Court-housl, GETTYSBURG, - PA., WELL ptoniptly attend to all "Ore dare In blanche.— Work done krthe most satin. factory .tasoner, and at prices as km as can possibly_biw afforded tomake a living. . 4: GAS PIPE tarnished, assreU as Malndenemi iptnekelle,,Drep Lights to.; also W ATER PIPE; Store: Top ant Frost SPigets, and, in short everything beicogitpr to ipts or water di titre s. Belle hung, and furnished if desired. .Lock s of all kinds repaired.. • (pee: 26,1867.4 f COBEIN Sr, 601111.W.E11 , AVE just recall a newmixTply of Rats Caps Boots & Shoegs elates! styleii, tbr Whiter use; whit:ll4lm.y ire Win* at Mead prices.' They also meaufactistireadrepsir ; OA.RNE . S.q: . i.4i, , ii4ll promptly and op reasonable torn. • Brl4es, flattert, Whips, Tranks, Valises, l'alicoo; birds, 68 a great Arty of Notions ilwais an hand. all it ,flasoltatand Cbl;zlififisbaiit BtViislat;ia wait. sr • _t Store. ' 1.8150.1t5) 1851. '; • VOr _~~ TAX APPEALS': THE Commigsioners of Adams county hereby give no tice that they have-axed upon the following times and platies for holdhig'the TAX APPEALBI Tor 18x,8,in the Boroughs and Tow nbliips of Adams county, when at d where they -will attend, to hear appeals. between the hours 00 o'clock, A. yl., and §e'rlook, of each day, as fellows : For Monutjoy township, on %Outlay, the 2.7 tit of Jan uary next, at the house of Jesse D. Newman, in said township. For the towneh ip of Germany and the borough of Lit , tleetown. on Tuesday • the Ytith of January next, at the house of rhilip Gamier, iu Littlestown. For the townFhlp talon. On Wednesday, the 21th of January next, at the houie of Philip !feistier, in Littlee• town. For the township of Conuwago, on Thursday, the 300/ of Janu-ry nest, at the Ilou/S0 of Hurl:lt/el Diller. iu M. Sherrystown. Fur the ownehlp of Mountilleasant. on Friday. th•• 31st of January nest, at the 1../tee of J. .E.:::uoth, in said tow nshtp„ For the towrish p of f.trahan, on ~.:!orday. the lit ~ f February uest,aG the Luta° o% Jacob L. ti-ass, iu flue turstown. For the townehip of Oxford, bn hfoud.ry, the 3J of Feb rnary next, at the houie of 1. A. llooeer.' in New oxford Far the township and borough of Lierw ick,on Tuesday. the 4th of February next, nt the hJuse of F. J. Wilson, in Abbottetown. Fur the township f TiamiltOn. on Wednesday, the sth of February nest, at the houiiii of Abuer S. Ifildebraud, ill Balt Berlin. For the township of Refuting. on Thursday, the 6th n 1 February nest, at the lu•nse of It. M. Dicks, in Hampton. For the township of Hunt int:7.41,0u Friday, the 7th of February nest, at the house of Mrs.Janelteed, to Vetere burg. Fur the township of Lathnore, Saturday, the Bth of February next, at the I,Just-of Mrs. J sile Reed. in Peters burg. For the township 'fy roue ota Moud•ti, the lOtit of February next. at thr houit of Mrs. C.:,a4, in liebEer.l t neg. Far the township of Mena'. len. on Turifbt3 , the 11th February. Lext.At the hou , e ut CLarl- Nly ore, in Bend ermvil le. For the t”teuthiput Inttl-r. OIL Wrano,4l , the 12th t.; February next, at the, hour of (I. IV: Rex, in t, FL: throb,fAlAlie.,n tir,L4y. tLu 1;11 Ful inlry unit, ;1,1;4, ; NOW .I,r ~111,1:1•.;ont n. m}L..+,l4y. the 17th FebILU.:I" F..or the t0wa,..1‘.. the ISt h t 1 February xt v at toe :s1:11:,,,I11 , 11:t.1% It tbe 1 , ...e= try, ILe l'..!11 111A - Inicy 1 4 00 0 4 50 Fvr ;Le t-wr,hip “:1 , 1 !"..,1,:./T4O, ic0711.. , .U 4 V u Cuinltet;a.,l 7 50 a S 00 F v. 411 011.10t1:.,:0urg,,, I'l LICZt..II. ,tll. .c 15,7. IBM STATE AND (joUyTy TAXE::, 2 2 0 - 1) 2 3 U 210 na 2 :10 @ 1 10 1 20 11:,11,y tiv.t t 1 0( ME lo (io 1 90 LICENSES. fonimin g 1113 the I /On, .I'. A. W 11.1.1 *O.l E. 'TIER: A II N 9. E. ...7/ . MS F1:1-701tir:•: NT' rif • ‘,12 , ;;;VI: 1.0 SHERIFI.'S In Paren of a writ of `. 1.,11 1-,x.roonag. i4=nei f county. Ya . Com t ~•L, • : , l ift • . , A La .11:hoft:attN, A :IN, t. 3,3 !‘if vt, I. t ) tr a ie. .:at, •-t .111- :,,run: k.Gils. razed acid taken - . 11 t.,X, , it; a 1- 1 , - 5 - erty Wh 'Ham 11,.1tz.vr, , rt:., L 4 cl:eit,il. sfr. {...11,Ten per rrit...f .•, f 2:, • j j j e. j, 1, op ,sy k !Ur , c,• .th ;',AI• t c. 4,1114 I , ': Z p tz,r Watrlit's i!! 21.1 th- •t:t thl !,cE,t:•.:,LI th t:11.1e 1! : ,e ,!:1,11 V. Al till h.i . . , •vt : .•h• t3znitsh; ””•1 , , =I Mil I ,lur ui1.,11 - m-•1.: :l•t. tp. 1. Rrr! - c;>•. iittat Icy , r, r, hall 5 , 1,1,1 tl ; :••: ;1.1 e -1•1 f:: • 4...4, ; • Da v 4. 0. at- 4/ .11 ..•a. L:,/ • • . T ; ./.11 n roil .rr,nt.•d n • trtd -11 I Aril a. 4. • a; ; .:,•• ••, .I:t' Empr-•-• .1,••1 • 6 ,t.y , •Il lI N.-• •••I•.•• C., AE .1 , V EV', 1 y ! 1 , 2. It ink Dr r t!. I t. rctt.l ti u of Vll3 . ti • . Ir,l Aktkt 'DALE s: Util Dcc. 2;, 11437.-3 m Arid will I , rt sun: :o aily ONE DOLLAR 'SALE Watch, Piece of Sheeting. Silk Drese Pattern, itc..,itn, FREE OF COST...! Catalogue of goods and satnple sent to any address FELL. ALLEN, HAWES & CO., I'. 0. Box C. 15 Federal it., Beaton. Mau Whole ale Dollen! In French, Ferman. rind Engligh Dry and laucy Cut kry, PlatEid Ware, AlLou:ne, Leather Goud &c. WEBS Cotton Cloth, Dress Pat terns. Pant Patterns, Sewing Machines, Dry and Fancy Goods, &c., &c. Send ten cents for Patent Pen Fountain, with Slip describing an article in our dollar sale. Any person, (male or female.) can send in a du); of from 30 to 1,000, at same rate (10 Os. for each). and get a pre mium for so doing. Send In Registered Letter& Sam ples mailed free to any addre(s. EASTMAN .t KENDALL, • 6 Hanover st., Bogen, Masa. FOUND. A NEW METHOD OF COPYING LETTERS. witheni 11. either Press or Water. thereby saving time, labor and expense. Ask tor "PEN LETTER ROOK." For. dr. culling address .P. GARRETT k CO., 702 Chestnut et., Philadelphia. Agents wanted. FAR M E R S and Farmers' SonS wanted to engage In a bllginetis. during the Pall and Winter, paying from $1 50 to $2OO per month. Addreea ZEIGLER, McCU ELY & CO., No. 614 Arch et , Ph ladelphia, par CORSET SKIRT SUPPORTER COMBINES in one gannent a PER YVIT IMMO Coast& ind that:neer deal , alle 'Skirt Supporter over offertd the public. , It places the weight of the skirts upon the 'boulders inatead of thn hips; it improres the farm without tight litaing ; gives sees stet elegance; is appimed and recommended by physicns.-- Sold at ladies' fancy goods storm generally, sod at whole sale at D. B. SAUNDERS & CO., 96 Summer st.. Boston, and 22 Walker at., New York. Also, by HEITBY C. MOORS. 429 Market street ..Pbila delplda, and STELLMANN, HINBICHS & CO,, 21 Han over street, Baltimore . Old. • • , Revolution in Trade L A DIE ,‘..; you can receive for 'the scup of O.NE DOLLAR, "k•X_Prinot Pidt Atrimmyt prestos, Shwirls, 84100nd , , o, linen ca le, kiiiiEerrieTebletovere',"Wato.ei - jewctry, Silver Plated Ware,Sewing Machina. ke. Send clubs of tenor Zffors, wit* ten rents for each deecripivecheek.lerid .thegigter urt:eif the ebb Irilliremilves present '.worth from $3 to $3OO, eccording to nnmber anat. Agent* whnt red trempiehemee,Vireillare Sent • tree. PAliii 114114 W., isacoonnanta(ll4lall 00.) di and $0 Sodosal , MR** on. - 1 :1 4tur at4trtioontMo. SA):1 El, Irl - Yr ..!A; r. '-••" cl:ty - f() CHLLF,'"FORS I'IE (I Qt..l:cT MI =HE MEE A PIIII.IP HANN ,Sl.eritt MEE =I MIMI WE ARE COML%! •: - 1 ;lug u± s dull in our ME of DRY AND FANCY• GOODS, ONE DOLLAR EACH MADAM RMS. -arnitnex, ritronmelt. IM+ D • ELACOVE ,INSTITUTE.—Eng and French Boarding School tor Young Ladies.-- Accomplished Educators,' healthful location, delightful riverside residence, and home-like comfort, are' the chill attractions of this neseand heantLful Institution. Thir ty handsome chamberti limit the number of boarders to sixty. Second t,rtn commences Fob. let, 186.3. Fur Prospectus address thn Principal' - MISS RACIIELLE G. BUNT, Beverly, N. J. And send it to SMITH & COP7LEY, Pittsburgh, Pa .fir their large Quarto Circular of the IRON CITY COLLEGE, containing specime n , ny i • owley'sPlendurn Penmanship, Elegant Views of College Building, Halls, City of Pitts burg', FoR 1q(i8. FOR I L6S. THOSE WHO WISH TO A TAKE A GOOD ELIGIOITS PAPER Fvr ILn Sew Year ethudd ab•cribe fur • THE ADVA.NCE. Live, Earneet :oat Sp irittial. Just the: paper for hoixv• awl Sunday. Li) a year Splendid Premiums for thou, ,11,0 Ith Chthe. t•pecanen cola, sent tree. THE A [AA NCI.; tNIPANY, 2i Lombard Chi. ago. rl II RURA L G ENTLEM AN, n M .uthly.joutnaL • 11 -45 - ti at Balt it a year, in advance.— Spvcimtus lv cent, Adverti,effie:lts RAielted. Agelar A.•:drvsti au. ahor, /31,; LUIJBE.: .. qOULDI Stir AND IVEATEIER STRIP , The t , e,t.l. l lrAt an , ; u)y porn et 11 eat!.er St, ipm i u the lam ket Excfudra mn , n, r.llll, culd air and Just. Pricee / t.._ a.zPala. The vale is beyond au) thing. ever th-n :vhfl .r au agent's c ircular. .1. It. i;Ii&LYSTIII.:27 & ,N. Y f,7 li.,ston \ (,I:tm ( 1 11 101Y' 1 . &I e2 . etable Seeds ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF Sei'dB (10 , 1 _Floral Gui,le for 1868, t . It nrikes ort; ‘43:,,tit CIi()!CF.S] w i t h • svnig reed. Cu:lntr. &c. rt tfully ,th 1.1.• re than UN UIN -11Iti.1) k I:st; 15 . ) , ,t; i..N 4 ilLAllS6z , ,l'ilutvermuu.l Vege tAnk, an 1 a of..)Rro 01' ft"Lf 17.11 tt: Atttlt.rte t I the rutt.l It t.lttistl.—. A • t- vr [Le Lid ; . 1 v.', I , I , y :.. tAt-ita;.l, 1.. r tot. AMEEP:AN STEAM . !.' , VI 11.1 P.LV.L./.1 0.12 dita I ;di; January sth, 13th ano! 25th, and Fcbruary 15th and 25th. MIR PAS.AUK FIA CS As•Y usr. t &. tht r '7 - /NCI ,:unt AMJ UTC.A X CLUCK CO 3 CORTLAND - J.' ST.. NEW YORK, ALL V.s.i:7LTIE, Oi A ‘IF.i:IOAN CI.O,SES II I', It It! N G ' S PATENT VI" 1 , It ), 0 A 1 E VAI D I.E.D.A_LS FAA! 131110111 J'L I ;.:.t.:_L! WI NN E 1 THE NV_VER 3f 0) 1 H) _FR ‘N(':,!! 1... : Nrl.l:xl.ttA 71, e 'r: , t-• 1 ,1 1 cs.s:.;:nt rep , rl r u. n• :1. , I :tn rind or, oat over all °there. HERRING, FARREL S.: SHERMAN, EINEM A - I c . ,). , , FAIZI:EL k‘t: MEM • % I El, Fr . A NA S 1' 1 MEMINZIE I :* crriNcE .•• - r r : • A.,. u 1;,.1 WI p• • • . nrd f.; S. • 1.50 N er .tr--:. I\i'c )S,Oll I i OnP%Dollar. Fi!ver S:11. Duale,ti CI ItCU ,-ENT FREE. „,• 0:,1) F.C.". 11.-kt.1:111. 2:-. `,•; tiu MORE NEED ( ) F; , pir in tnP conl,try !iiyjnz three or fill: pror,t, t, buy. tJr-wrtlm , mm intro. iMiZIE :he th•• 1)01,1,Ail I, 1,1 - 111:11 , 1, a.. ,rered M. Co_ . enableA , - -tounter, t ,4,ttAtt, t, , ,,.121 nt “Itttieitie prier e. with Ai ti IA exultant:, and t;tlitable pre. nt- hr,Cll fc ud ten cent, f‘,l - 5111,. firt,tt itithicer,Deut4 for pnr4oug I. act as .Igelae. j Dec. :2.5. 1667.-4 t Mantua Making &Still:tying Mary MI ran Orsdal i Hiss Wil so n T i A VING mintmenecol the 31antna Making buteineat Il iespectiall.l request their fiend• not the public generally to gic'e them a call. Na effort will be spared to render sitintiictlon in every case. PLAIN $' T.ICIIING & SEWING none toorder. ()or place of husinege will he found in the rooms formerly occupied by M Ise Sivickley, on York St., nearly •)ppoeite the Lutheran Church. Dec. I.B.—Sm • II 0 L II) A - BOOKS! D. BUEHLER HAS Just' rerejatl A large assortment of CHOICE AND 4741.i . DA11.9 BOOKS, suitable for Holiday 'Presents, by tho most popular authors— LONGFE4LOTV, WHITTIER, • DICKENS,' • TENN MON, Ml&' Af ULBACH, MAYNE REED, ST., AIsd—ALBIIIIS I i AND FANCY ARTICLkiS, useful and dr. namental, Etadrary, Perfumery, &c. Can and exii , ,mina Dec.lB, 1.847.-itf • :Notre to Capitalists 1 PEILSON S clearing of investing, and realizing nearly NINE PER .CENT., are regnested tdcall at the • Gettysbnrg National' Bank • • .7 .AI ND 61ITAIN CIRCULARS OF THE UNION PACIFIC • A 2 ALSO CEIOTRAI IiACIVIC RAILROAD COS. GRATIS: Thetis invW4enta are daily grOwing in favor and sales increasing. , • ' WBbNDS cim beeid at all times at this Rank and whereall infOrMatiort concerning said investments will be ekeer Daly,glven. Dea.lB, ' ,J. /MORT SAIRf Cashier: VU.' IGg.--Tlul Annual Meeting of 1, TILIS APA X& CVUpVTY AURICULTIIIt&L. BO eign, will beheld le.thei Ceart-11.eure la the Boreugb or.A4ett,yrbuiv,,ett the .11,11411 T 110100 Of JA,NUAI, th , )1866 . at o'clock . 11;,)1. The lumina. elk.tion dicer* biased At. tba eetne time Seep. PO*, reum44. o 2Jewhet wan thehPers et Y and 4 Waugh, P.M. M. 11.1)W.0.PAJ1 14 tiT9WC.,, Recat.3* - • • t Secretory, tw Nutrtiottnoto. CUT THIS OUT BRAD ST RE E T'S JAMES VICK, HESTER. N. I VI ( :.K. it, lie-re-r, Y LoK- ;().f,)()f) FIZA:\-ez,:!! mtr).V.IMAY =ME !MI .:To! % , 1"'l A P:.1.1: Y. . ._• .1. gnu ~dttertiottuptii: 525 MILES OF THE UNION PACIPIC RAILROAD, I?.U.NNING WEST FROM: A ACROSS THE CONTINENT, ARE NOW COMPLETED This brings the line to the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains, and it ((expected that the track will be laid thirty miles fUrther, to Evans paes, the.highest point on the road, by January. The maximum grade from the foot of the mountains to the summit is but eight,' feet to the mile, while that of many eastern roads is over one hundred. Weak in the rock-cuttings on the western slope will continue through the winter, and there !s now no reason to doubt that the entire grand line to the Pa rifle will be open for business The means provided for the construction of this Crust Nati-nal Wora are ample. The United Statea grants its Six Per Cent. Bundratt the rate of from 316,000 to 348,000 per mile, ;or which it takes a setand lien as /security, and receives naytnent'to a large if not to the full extent uf its claim in services. These Bonds aro issued as each twen ty Mile section is finished, and after it has been examin , *4 by UniteslStates Commissioners and pronounEed to be in all reenacts a first-class road, thoroughly supplied with depots, repair-shops, stations, and all the necessary rollinc stock and other equipments. The United States also makes a donation of 12,800 acres of land to the mile, which will bee source of large revs,- nue to the Company. Much of this land in the Platte Valley is among the most fertile In the world, and other large portions are covered with heavy Mu( turrets end abound in coal of the best quality. The Company is also authorised to issue its own first Mortgage Bonds to an amount equal to the issue of the Oiove'?ninent and no more. Hon. E. D. Morgan and lion. 'lakes Ames are Trustees for the Ikmdholders, and deliver to, Bonds to the I ompany only as the work progresses, so that they always represent an actual and productive The authorized capital of the Company is One Ilund. r•-1311;11,,n Dollars, of vk !licit over five millions have been,l in upon the work already done. Earnings of the Company. At present. the profits of the Company are derived on from its lucid tralliz, but this is already much more thlu -nfi lent: to pay the interest on all the Bonds the ..r:titoy can i,eue, If out another to ilk. were built. It is not doul,bai that when n. ills completed the through tr :ill, of the only line connecting the Atlantic antliPa cilic iitates will be large beyond precedent, and, as there a ill be no competition, a can always be dune at profit. It win be :wt iced th .t the tuitn Paciiic Railroad is, a t t, a tiorernment work, built under the supervision o'Sr.ers,at,d to a large extent with GOI'- .. - Luent mousy. aril that its kinds are issued under Go . rosiest direction. It is believed that no similar se ty C./rVICIIy guards-I. and certainly DO other is a lari. , ,tr or more valuelde propertr. As the First Morta . ne Bonds :•-119t . the prtseut at 3t) CENTS ON TILE DOL LA R. they are the cheapeatttecuritf in the market, be : thAt, Li per cent. lower than U. 7,7. Et..clot.— . (i PER CENT. IN GOLD, f•r• NINE PER CENT. neon they inveAtumnt. Sub ..ripti nv will Le received in Gettysburg, Pa., by the FIRST NATIONAL BANK, And GETTYSBURG NATIONAL BANK, !in New York at the C.:eniiny's Office, Nu. .Nassau reef, an 1 by coNTINENTAL NATIONAL BANK, No. 7 Naseau et CLA DODGE s CQ.,Lliet s, No. Ll Wall st., JOHN J. CI,:Cu &SON, Bankers. No. =Wall sc., by 0. , Cornialey'A advertated Agents throughout the iteinitt,inco4 alutaill be wade in drafts or f,1:1211-,r in New Cork, and the Bond] will be 8 , ..nt !roe of char,.e by return expreqa. Partie.t substribing tnr m 41,1 local agect.i. will 1..i0k to them for their safe de. =MI A N 1-l* PAM VIILET AND MAP,snowing the Progress f •iirrirs fir Coniarnclion, and l'Atu r I, mil-. turty the Company's Offices or of hirrt.,..l.kgrrita, or will be font free on application. .101 IN J. CI3CO, Treasurer, Di... I New N's , Y il, I= NOTICE.—The regular , utlily Drill the GETTYSBURG MI: AYES, r p.iwe •,(i the Ell :ST DAY OF JANUARY. (Nese .: 10 o'elis:1:, A. M. Every member of the ia rt , llltfte.i to be present, as business of ifD• hef,,re toe Company. Every member is to provitiohlnineir with 15 or :L roundsof ll' , r14.1. The commanding offlrer - also requests, t.-t the nt , :mbers in arrears pay their dues, Le, up to of the New Year. lie has also very good assnr „,,, fr, quarter-, that the members will be com p t !al f,r their aervicesin the future. By order of the 'Captain. W. R. EYSTEE. 0. S. =IE9 13" rw:A- tO THE PUBLIC THE undersigned take this method .•!,.tar,ulti 4 the public that they still carry on the (abluct-making Business , =VS : , tr 4d !.ran, Sea. and that :h.!y now lave on • trg, talt-Lt BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, Corn' • r Cupboards, Ninks, Dressing Burf!cous, Chairs, 01 ( t rott kind# ; in short . ,•,11 thing in thr Cabi nci-inoking line. tEADV . -MADE COFFINS, AND COFFINS 'MADE TO ORDER f whop will be finished promptly, at the old stand, h !Salt:more btr , l't, I , pproci , e Winebrenner's Tans u Thr ndersigned having had user 30 years ex rnre'rnre 171 the business, flatter themselves that they gel work as any .thers, if not better. New and oth4 , rl will foul it to their advantage to rn:l a,.01 lot from us. no we are determined to tell at low •FE:t.ic to suit - the times. GAIILACEI A TRIII3IER, 1 , , GREAT CONOIVAGO MILLS. 10.00 BUSHELS OF WHEAT WANTED The undervigned laving remodeled and improved h.., ro w, near New ChTster, ( brucorly called "Walnut rove." but now "Great Conowago is prepared d all kihde of work hie tone with Unusual dispatch. 1...,,,tant1y on hand, for sade or exchange, the very beat Extra, and Family FLOUR, *leo Rye, o and Buckwheat Flour:with every variety of Chop vcd offal of %cheat. !laving a SAW MILL attached, be is prepared to s• All kinds oflumberost the shortest notice. A farmer In or Inmber and flour. can Wit a log upon his wagon, throw a few bushels of wheat on the top, bare the wheat , xchanced for II •iir. and the log sawed, thus saying a d 'utile trip—and all because orlhe new and pertect , :hinery now employed in these mills. Having the best of workmen.he will be able to .pleas ..c.ry body: Thankful tor past favor. he hopes for ■ eon ri nuance of the samo. R. J. MYER New Chefater,34l, 1.867.—1 y EA STRAY.—CAME to the residence of the subscriber, in Straban township, about the middle of September laet,a White RASISILKEP, with no special marks. The owner will Wellse come forward, prove property. pay charges and.tilksit away._ Dec. IS.-Et • ABRAHAM TANEY. JAMES E. CALDWELL 455 CO., ARE NOW . READY 0: +7; • #•• 73,TH THEIR ......4: T. - L. Entire Importation ill CHRISTMAS GOODS FOR THE PRESENT SEASON, to which they most re specthilly invite the attention of those visiting Phila delphia, suggesting an early call, before the choicest ar ticles are selected,. and the hurry of Holiday business prevents that careful attention they •leeire extended to all their vieltorp. The stock of • WATCHER, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY. SILVER-WARE, PLATED GOODS, CLOCKS. BRONZES; AND EUROPEAN NOVELTIES, of every dose riptioq, offered this eeason by this - House exceeds in richness, varietyand beauty, the efforts of any previous year. An examination of our goods cannot but prove interesting to mirth* from the country, who are mo-t cordially invited to visit our establishment. All qrdera by letter, or Inquiries respecting goods and prices, will receive careful and prbmpt .attonthm. Goods care. fully pac ed and I .rwarded. PRIORS GREATLY 111, DUCED TO SUIT THE TIMES. JAMES B. CALDWELL & CO., Jewelers and Silversmiths, No. Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Dec. 18,1867. [Oct. 23.73 m SEEING IS BELIEVING AT 704 ARCH STREET. NEW PRICES! NEW GOODS ! RICH SILVER & SILVER PLATED WARES, Including every style k- and description, made expressly for the Winter's • is trade, which for neatness and durability eanuot be a * MOW surpassed at JOHN BOWMAN'S whoteehe sad Retail Mignoactaring Eguiblishment. 704 A.BOll. STREET, war Esetatlng at short liotkx. Dec 6.18,1467. [And. 21.47 JOB rPRINTING, EXEC I:MM NEk'fiT AND ' CHEAPLY, inn OVItICE.' OP EVXILL IUgOIcMOII teal gotifts. Valuation and Assessment FOR 1868: IN pursuance of an Act of Assetn bly passed the IT th day of July, 1849, the following Statementts hereby published by the Commissioners of Adams county, which exhibits the amount, description and value of the Real and Personal Property, Trade., Oc cupations and Professions, made taxable by the several Acts of Assembly of this Commonwealth: = 9 = 3-.. "" 5 ;t 13°7 _ 4. ! Z 1 7.•=4 1 .7 14 ow, 202 F. , 3 17g.a..;:i=51 'l 5 l • CI tJ • u ;C. :4 DvitOUGIIS AND . 1 262693 10600 ! 19530 67960 249401' 41780, 145061 6790 ' 1217211 22363: 16381 4060 192514' 21895 8482.5; 13810 2142111 3'580 207481 9250 148864 , 30315' 198871 7195 214241! 22852 15065, 11475 2 8 2447' 46810, 371021 8950 2696061 . 51900 36020 15565 222519 , 45050 8315! 18170 205825: 34428, 33496, 5461 194543 30524' 305001 11280 266605 49346, 16491 7306 249501 23573 54297 4330 155329 29275, 52051 3900 185158 291571-il3ll 5680 148575 , 2 . 8281 15775! 7675 1924421 338•:7! 19903 4660 84901 15105' 9155 3065 1409771 235231 118401 4490" 177726 14145* 14532 i :3540 64 ,4 801 42201 12650' 5450 64399; 53991 164687 7234 968* 9390; 13849 , . 2220 Gettysburg .... Cumberland.... Germany Ox ford Huntington Lati more H iltonban... tribe n Franklin enallen Reading Hamilton Mountpleasant Cnion Tyrone Conow•ago Butler )loontJoy Freedom Liberty Bervviet IS.rwick bar bor highland 4439967' 6576)43'55^_658 234,116 • gi 0,• =;; ;;L 3 2 =2. i _ r 4 1 ; : 4 - 0 •••••, c. •• • S 7:1 2 BOROUGHS ANL TOWNsHIPS. 10400 15001 510: :.596 $79 37u0 2175 Z 755, Gettysburg Ctunberbuid.... Germany 01.1ord ...... t .... untingtob Lati more Gam Mont.. n traba n Franklin Siena! len Reading ...... II amilton M on nip leactin t Union Tyrone CULMS/t0 Brit ler tlountjoy Fre.oir.rn LlLerty llrrtrick berwict, Lor Littlegtown Lor highland ...... 10400 150 U 510 82166 Ili 11. WOLF, Ath,t—J. M. WILTEE,CIerI REGISTER'S NOTICES. \TOTICE is hereby given to all 1- • Legatees and other perauns concerned that the Administration Accounts hereinafter mentioned will be presented at the Orphans' Court of Adams county, for oonfinvation and allowance, on THL'MSDAY, the Ittl day of JANUARY, 1868, et 10 o'clock, A. M., viz: 23. Account of Joseph Rider. Guardian of Andrew Jo seph Smith, deceased, settled by Win. Rider, Executor of said Joseph. Rider, deceased. • 94. Account ofJoseph Rider, Guard an of Lucinda Ma ry Smith, deceased, settled by Was. Rider, Executor of said Joseph Rider. deceased. 95. The second and anal account of Wm. Walter, Ex• e ntor of George Walter, deceased. 90. The account ofJohn Hartman, Guardian of the es- tate of Harriet, Alice, Jacob and Jane Latabaw. 97. The tirst account of Franklin H. Ehert,Adminlstra tor of Zechariah (Worn, deceased 9i. The first and 51Lal account of Emeline Smirk. Ad tulnistratrx. ot George .irnick, deceased. W. D. HOLTZWORTH, Resister Dec. 11—tc JURY LIST-JANUARY TERM GRAND JURY Robert McCurdy, (Foreman.) llenry Culp Get tysburg Wm. Bo‘ er. Highland. George W. Scott. Cumberland. Wen. Rues, Henry L. Bream. lir mil tun. Jacub Reiser. Tyrone. John Conrad, Ezra X. Myers. Ileuallen. Samuel Meal•. • Muuntpleaeaut. John R Tawney. Scrabuia., Jeremiah Bliriver. ^Lilip Di uoLue. .1 , hoN Boyer. Lattimore. John Martin. Muuntjoy. Slim M. Horner. oxford. IlearrWlest. Huntington. Cent:go A. Peters, JuAeph A. Wieroar.. Butler. George BStlevrltt. Franklin. Daniel K. 6'nyder,John Cule. Union. Edward Robert. Conowago. Samuel Schwartz. GRIVE,.AL JURY. Gettysburg. Jacob Riley, Jacob Brinkerhoff. c.t cativo. Henry A. Pic king, J ohu F. Petty. Franklin. Albert Vandyke, Daniel Miller. Daniel Kuhn Raffensperger, Jacob F. Lower, Jeremiah seeker. Berwick bor. Joseph Wolf, George Davis. Tyrone. Henry Spangler. Berwick tp. Elijah Kepner, Levi Kepner. Reading. Jacob S Taughinbaugh. Abraham Bushey. Cumberland. James Thompson, Wm. Curren% P. D. W Bagley, Charles B. Polley. Oxford: Henry L. Gilt, John Bushey. Liberty. John Musselman. Freedom. David Rhodes. Sr. Mountjoy. James Spalding. Isaac N. Duroaraw. Littirstown. Philip Helmer, Ephraim Myers, John F McSherry. Butler. John O. Minter, Henry Ilartrel. Mountpleasant. Samuel Shurb, John Reed, Francis M Buddy, J. A. C. Rindaub, Joseph Kuhn. Union. Enoch Lefever, Muni Itfm. Henry Lawrence. Henry Wolf. Mena:leo. Henry Eppelmau, John Burkholder. Lail:m..l.e. low D. Worley. Huntington. Thomas G. Neely. Jacob Z Highland. David:its/kart. Conowago. Peter Neiderer, Henry Gut Dec. lb, 1567.-tc OTICE. AU persons indebted to the Tate Firm of COBEAN a CRAWFORD, are requested to call and settle their dues on or before the Ist of January next, as atteF that tune the accounts will be placed in the hands of an otfl• cc. for collection. COBEAN & CRAWFORD Dec. 11.-3 t• B ANK ELECTION. Notice la hereby given that the ANNUAL ELECTION for Directots of the "Gettysburg National Bank" will be held at the Banking-House, on Tuesday the 14th day of. January neat, at 1 o'clock, P. M. J. EMORY BAIR, Cashier. Dec. 11.-3 t OTlCE.—Letters of Administra- A- tiou on the estate of Davin CLIPSADDLI, late of Mountjoy township, Adams county, t'a., deceassvl.having been granted to the undersigned, residing in Straban t..wnship, he hereby gives notice to all persons Indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. Dec.ll.-6t EDEN ORRIS, Adm'r. DISSOLUTION. P PHE partnenihip heretofore existing i•titaraeii the nudersigned under 'he firm of GARD NBR k. BROTHER, o Petersburg, Y. S., is hereby dis— sol.ed. All persons indebted t ) said firm, will please make payment without delay. Either partner is authorized to use the name of the firm in thq settlement of the btl. siness. J. A.OARDNER, J. W. GARDNER. HAVING disposed of my stock of Merchandise to Messrs. Hartman A Sadler, and in retiring from a successful business career of nearly eighteen years, 1 hereby return my gratenl acknow ledgements to my friends arid customers for tbeir liberal patronage, and cheerfully recommend to their generous encouragement, my snceeetars, Messrs. Hartman A Sad ler. J. A. GARDN ER. April 18. 1861—t f iUinnry. MILLINERY. MRS. LOU TATE RESPECTFULLY informs her friends and the public generally, that she has just returned from the city with THE LATEST STYLES OF BONNETS, HATS, &C., In the IldMinery Has, and that she l pinioned to make and repair BONNETS, HATS, Le., in the most fashion able styles. - **.Her place of business is in Dr. T. T. TATE'S new Cottage in Chambersburg street, Gettysburg. Nov. 8.-2 ms - Millinery & Mantua. Making_ Ad.MNPIAIaTka 4 . 00 ItZBILMI4 st. TEM • HAVE started the Millinery and Sfatttnast Irides, to Cbambersburg street, In thereat of Mitt Store, and MTHe the ladies of town and country :1i; give them a call. No effort will be spared to render satisfac lion in every cue. Plain flowing and, Stitching also done. fff ettisburplts BROOMS! B*Mil BROCIMEI! . ' 'fhb Al The undersigned poutinsee to menu taw rooms at hbrolditentiti °Miele etvelmeitMeber liedlesmiaapet. 4 . He will have lade& the tall a full ly on hand, and will be ablatelleinlah them WHIZ -ALE OR lIBTALL; Eitode eitat4oerdeeeetetehe ~ PubtelphaSiie EroomOorn would do well to givell &NI: eatilltliallk Act. is-am 8.8. Trrros, z QOM RANDLE& FOR SALA Whqes l o or *AV dat Itteiber INA of 5 Ttpthing, Atiats t cslttitt Soldiers' Head-Quarters A t NORRIS' STORE, le the place to get your FALL & WINTER GOODS CHEAP FOR CASH. I F you want a cheap Over coat, to N you "Plot a good cheap Dread Cust, go MEM. Co to ROLES iT you Manta good Everyday coat, F you phut a good pair or Pinto, F you want a good cheap Vent, go to NOWA' V you want a FASTIIONABLE lIAT, go to NORRIS' P you want a late Pall Style Cap, go to NORRIS'. IF you 'antis grad pair of Boots orShowe, • go to NORRIS'. IF you wont a FASHIONABLE NECK-TIE, go to IF you want a goal French WO:titer, NOKltir, go to Namur, I F you want a pod Umbrella, I F you want good Paper Collars, go to NORRIS' F you want a fashionable suit of Clothes, • go to NORRIS'. F you wan, anything in the Gentleman's Line, go to NORRIS'. P you want a good SMOKE, go to NORRIV, IF you want good lIEAVI UNDER•CLOTIIING, R to NORIS'. Also—AlArgoAdock of CABSIMNREB Igo II PN TIEC. Persons pretering the goods to Ready made Clothing, can be aoconintodated at the lowest cash price. Oct.U, 1667.—tf VISO. C. NORRIS. New Boot and Shoe Store. NEW GOODS AND AT LOW PRICES r r II E undersigned has opened a new Boot and shoe 1. Store, on BaL rnantr. 811LEET, onedoor south of the Presbyterian Church and nearly opposite McCreary's daddler Shop where he o ff ers an attractive amertmeat of goods In his line, all new and selected with the great est care. Ile has IMI ~~ ~= LADIES' CONGRESS GAITERS, LADIES' BALMORAL GAITERS, LADIES' COMMON GAITERS, LADIES' BALMORAL BOOTS, IN LARGE VARISTY. GENTLEMEN'S CALF BOOTS, GENTLEMEN'S RIP BOOTS, GENTLEMEN'S CONGRESS GAITERS, GENTLFMEN'S SLIPPERS, ALL STYLES, GENTLEMEN'S BALMORALS, GENTLEMEN'S BROGANS, tc. MISSES' CONGRESS GAITERS, MISSES' BALMORAL GAITKRS, MISSES' MOROCCO BALMORALS, Ac., tc he., to. BOYS' CONGRESS GAITERS, BOYS' CALF BALMORALS, BOYS' BROGANS, ho. All will Le sold at the loweet, living profits. Buyers, from town and country. are invited to call and examine goods and prices before purchuing elsewhere. lam di tdrininiql to sell cheap--a little cheaper than any other house in the comity. By strictattention to business, and dealing fairly and squarely with everybody, I hope to merit and receive an encouraging share of public patron age. 32'0 9 4140 1 3 2045 b 5;::0 5 51 4 0 . 411.0 ... 3520 11V32 3644 i E. 4 1356 3u70 4 1010 1744) ..1) The MANUPACTURTNO of Boots and Shoes will be carried on, in all its branches. Boots, Shoes and Gaiters made to order Also, Roots and Shoes of his own manu facture constantly on hand. Repairing done on short notice—and no effort spared to give satlefacUon. Nona but first clam workmen employed. Having a life-time experience at the business, I feel confident that I can please all who may call. D. H. RLIITGEL. Gettysburg, July 31, 1867.-tf N. W I MOJA N, J. WIT, Conuulswik,nern. [Dec. PS, 1967 —4t JUST FROM TILE CITY! CLOTHING ! CLOTHING Prices Reduced ! Reduced ! Reduced ! • F 4/( 1 ) 8,. ICKING, just from the city, • with an enormous stock of new CLOTHING, NOTIONS, &C ., lifers bargains of the most astonishing character. To priive the assertion, ail he asks is that buyers will COME AND SEE! COME AND SEE!' and Judge for themselves. He has COATS PANTS, Over goats, Black Cassin:ire Pants., Stark Prod( Coats, Fancy Caseimere Pants, Cloth Sack Coats. Satinet Pants, Cassimere Sack Coats, Tweed Paute , Satinet Sack Coats, Tweed Sack Coats VESTS, Cloth Vests, Cassimere Vests, ti: tinet Vests, Velvet Vests, Merman Vests. Paper and Linen CLOCKS, Eight-darClo - ks, Thirty-boar Clocks, Alarm Clocks, gothic Clocks, franks and Umbrellas Buying at the West and lowest decline, PICKING can sell .t the. very LOWEST pi ices. No doubt about W— ET rybudy says so. (Nov. 6, 1867-tf NEW GOODS. GEO. ARNOLD bas now opened a LARGE STNS. of READY-M , ‘DE CLOTHING, m , -fly cot his own manufacture, consisting of all alma of COATS, PANTS & VESTS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS , CRAVATS, HOSIERY, &c., AT PRICES To'srrr THE TIMES. AlirCall, examine and judge for yourselves.' Oct. 30, 1567.—t f NEW AND CHEAP CLOTHING STACKS OF 'THEM! CLOTDING FOR FALL AND WINTER WEIR, which he is Belling at inch prices u cannot fail to take them off very rapidly. Call and Judge for yourselvas..— To look st the excellent material, tasteful cutting, and neat and substantial sewing, and then to get his low priceil--callers cannot help hut buy, when they sea it so much to thew interest to do 80. Ile has Coate, Pants, Vests, of all styles and materials Hats, Boots and Shoes; Shirts, of all kinds, Hosiery, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Neck Ties, Cravats, Linen and Paper Collars, Suspenders, Brushes, Combs; Trunks, Vallee', Umbrellas, - Pocket Knives, Began, Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos, Pipes. Stationery. tm ; Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, with a thonian and' one other artfcles, entirely too nur.erons to &tall its news paper adrertlsenient. He saki the attention of the public to his new stook, confident!that it will please—and no one can or will sell cheaper. !Don't forget theplace—eornerot York rift,: and the Diamcitid,Gettyahurg. Hay 29, 1867. - J AOOl4 BarNIEIRIIOFIP. CHEAP-CHEAPER-CHEAPEST,' 1 - F you wish to buy good. and cheap L Goodie, call at JACOBS k. BROIL STOLE, Roar My ere'llotei, In Chamberebwror street, Gettysburg. They have the very beet selection otgoodp each as- CLOTHS, • CASSLILSIIIIB B TWEED& de., the market an pro dud and are determined to sejl.them u cheap as as .ba Wild anraherd to town or country. Any perion wishing to Immo them cot out, can have ft done from orchirp.— TtimwdeshingOoode male up, can aim be accommodated ' Ws warrnnt the bed work end the bast ate to haa bad. anywhere. No humbug in what we say. • We have on band the very boa meet durable, SEWING MACELII9O, and as always relay to wait oa partlata ors. Pull satisfaction given ae to operating mashing.— CaU and We warrant them to be this best fa au. • JAMBS t IMO. ilay 29,; 1867 . FA4.14 STYIX OF HATS . FOR 1867. S. S. AO C A 8 list recalaol trait asdlrsalral aNiatamat 0 : 11. BM; hitladihrtbirTery latest 'style of Ani SSA, - Cassimera mia Solytar A*. and saris lam MAY 01 fine and low i geed W ild MATS and CAPE Am Man and SOT& Mei tinkle and Idas public to_7l Ma • call. . . • tglopt.l..llG.--Irr .# O ,IAIiT TAILORING. CLOTHS, O.4SSIMERES, i!TVEIIcDB, •nd °diet material& for 31erVii %eau, farnlahed 1114 1111.114 4 t, Up, to artier, on short notice. SATISFACTION WAER.AkN'nED: Work aim !Dilated hutA Ctuddizipini, co. Goode ottwluoes. jot* 1 1 ;,1 , 47.-17 i • go to NOILIIIIP. go to Noway. go to7.4ORRIS' POCKING NOTIONS, Gloves, Suspenders, Black Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Neck Ties, Spring Stocks, Collars, to ALSO, Violins, Accordeves, Flutes, Fifes, Violin Strings. AT BRINKERHOFF'S New Goods ! tiI t KING, Y York Wad; DEEM ME MU