December 11; 1867. Zito cistar and ffitutintl. Gettysburg.; Wednesday, , Dec. 11, 1847. P it Is >i Als v.) :4. (I) Al _ T 9-The Rev. ldr. Gr.stsnroxx will preach in the United Presbyter an chordh, in this place, on Sabbath next (the 15th). L. -pit-We are informed that another cow be longing to CaAim= Drum, in New Oxford, went mad a few days ago, beitig the third cow that has gone mad in that place during the past month. FIRE.—We learn that the barn of Hr. litiansitsw., in Franklin township, south of MuNanowEa'sjyras destroyed by fire on Wednesday nieht. His crops of grain, hay, &c., were consumed with it. —We learn t,,Dir. IS drover, of Somerset county, who was so se verely injured on the' Railroad, near Hano ver, some weeks ago, died in that place on Wednesday last. SALES.—Nwirousseticinorti has sold 111 acres, with the buildings, on the Emmitts burg road, to JACOB RII j .EY, for $5,000. The price paid by the Misses REEVER for the property of JEssa B. SPAR, in Arendts vine, was $52.,050 --not $2,250, as published. prWe direct the attention of our readers to the advertisement of the proprietors of the New York Observer, announcing premiums fof new subscribers. The Observer is an ably conducted religious journal, with dou ble sheet—one being devoted to secular af lairs—and is a valuable family journal. ALMS-110USE APPOINTMENTS.—The Directors of the Poor, on the 2d inst., made the following re-appointments: Steward—JONAS JOHNS. Treasttrer—JACOE BENNER. Physician—Dr. J. W. C. O'NEAL. McCLEAN, ESQ. Clerk—ll. G. WoLF. LEG BROKEN.—Mr.GEOROE BASEHOAR, of ITnion township, met with a very painful and somewhat singular accident, one day last week. His son, with a team of horses, was dragging a log through the woods, the old gentleinan walking along side of it. The log, coming in contact with a tree, was sud denly thrown against Mr. B. with such force as to break one of his legs. COLD WEATHER.—The mild weather which ran through October and' November, has given way to the Ice King, who made his appearance in winter garb last Saturday. A light snow has been succeeded by intense cold, freezing over the ponds and smaller streams, to the great delight of the young folks, who, for the first time this winter, have had an opportunity to use the:r skates. CONSTITUTIONAL AM EN DMENT. Our readers are no doubt aware that a move ment is on foot to secure an amendment of the National Constitution, whereby the Christian religion may be formally recog nized. A. meeting in furtherance of the movement will be held in Christ Church, in this place, on Thursday evening the 19th inst, which will be addressed by J. J. STE VENSON,, Esq., of Philadelphia, and others. ROBBERY.—On Sunday night the Ist inst., the premises of Mr. Dexim. BENDER, of East Berlin, were robbed by some scoup drels of about twenty dollars' worth of clothing, which had been washed the day previous and left hanging on a line in, the yard. On Monday night following, the premises of Mrs. OVEILHOLTZER, of the same place, were also visited by some persons who stole a quantity of clothing therefrom. DEER HUNT.—Ex-Sheriff Wow?, of this place, JOSEPH WOLF, of Butler - township, and JortAs B. Omuta, of Menallen township. returned on Wedfteetday evening from a week's hunt in tik county, with five Deer (all bucks), weighing respePtively 30, 116, 137, 155, and 157. pounds. They also shot a Bear, which wits sold at Ilatrisburg. A sixth Deer was secured, bat-having hung it upon a tree in the woods, it was - ilearky de voured by bears in the absence of the httn, ten,. 3;" We invite the rea4er's attention to the original article on our first page on "Chester. White Hogs," from the same gentleman who recently contributed an article on "Al derney Stock." The writer is an intelligent and practical young Farmer in this county, who for some time has been directing his attention to i4nproved Stock. We shall be glad to receive at any timeNfrom our friends in the country well-written articles on agri cultural topics. MILITARY EDUCATION.—Last spring the Secretary of War commissioned Major J. H. WntrrLe.sEv, an officer, of the army, to visit West Point and leading educational institutions in the country, to inquire into the practicability of introducing military education into our Colleges and Universities A copy of Major WRITTLESEY'S report has been laid on our table. He cordially ap proves the project, and incorporates in his report, which is a lengthy one, a bill to be laid before Congress, embracing the follow ing ideas, viz:—One college in each State, to' be designated by the legislature thereof, and an additional college for each one million of inhabitants over one million, to be selected in the same way, may receive the benefits of the plan. Each college so chosen will be entitled to the services of two military pro fessors, to be appointed from the army by the President. Special and liberal provision is made for inducing military men to fit themselves for these positions. Students pursuing military studies will be furnished gratuitously With books and the necessary camp equipage, ctc., and each college will be furnished with three or four military musi cians. A limited number of college gradu ates every year, UV one in ten of the whole number, to be named by the regular faculty for proficiency in military matters, will have their names printed in the annual army re gister ; and one graduate of each college for each year will be made second lieutenant in the army. Each college will receive $lO,OOO for an armory building. There shall. be in the War Department a Bureau of Military Education, in charge of a director general, with the rank, pay. and emoluments of a brigadier general, who,phallhave, wider the Secretary orWar, general supervision of this branch of edricadori. He is to have two as sistants, and must make annual reports for the information of Congress. It is said Gen. GRANT favors the proposi tion. Shciuld the bill become a law two Colleges in this Stato . wnuld be entitled to its benefita. It would be well for the Trus tees of PennsylvaniiCollege to look into the matter. Should they desire to avail them selves of the provisions of the bill, the asso ciations growing out of the Battle Of Gettys k-rg would naturally induce the liegisia tf to to designate Pennsylimnia College as one of the two Institutions for this State. ,zII-At a meeting of the members of the Adams county Normal t3chool, on the 29th ult., the following preamble and resolutions were niaaniMonsly adopted : Wasuars it hasplepsed Almighty God to remove from this world, gRA.Now Livia - , a member et the Gettysburg Normal School, of which we were also members therefore Resolved, That in the death of our ohm mate we have lost one who, during our brief sojourn together at the Normal, gained the confidence and esteem of all, by his uniform kindness and good ounduct. .Resolved, T ha t in the death of our friend we have lost one whose place cannot easily beauppl led. .Resolved, That we, hit surviving class mates, herein tender to his bereaved parents and friends our heartfelt sympathy andcon dolenoe in this the hour of their uilliotk•n.' TEACHERS'. IN4ITTBETTE.—In our last I issue we referred ally to the closing exer cises of the Teacher's institute, which met in New Oxfords In the absence of any offi oial'report, we annex a summary of the ex ercises duffing the week : Monziar.—Morning Session: Prayer by Rev. Mr. Davis; call of roll of Teachers, showing 110 present; address of welcome by , Dr. Hendrix, with response by Mr. Sheely. Afternoon: Prayer by John B. Hersh ; Essay on Teachers' Institute, by Mies Essick ; election of officers. Evening Address by Rev. Dr. Brown on the import ance of Vocal Music as &branch of Common School education; address by Dr. Pfeifthr, of New Oxford, on the Laws of Health, Ven tilation, &c. Tuntine.v.—Morning: Mass drill in Men tal Arithmetic by Mr. Sheely; Essay on School Prizes and Rewards, followed by a general discussion ; Report on Graded Schools, by John M. WolL Afternoon: Es say on Methods of teaching Reading; class drill in Reading, by Mr. Sheely--followed by discussion, and address by Professor Boyd on Methods of ,Stildy in Arithmetic.— Evening : Lecture by Prof. Boyd on the his tory and meaning of Geography ; Address by Hon. J. P. Wiekershatn, State Superin tendent. WEDNESDAY. —Morning : Essay on irreg ularity of attendance, its causes and cure, by Miss Heinerd, followed by discussion, and Essay by Miss White on the Teacher's In fluence. 4 4fternoon : Addreas by Professor Boyd, in further explanation of hie views on the study of Arithmetic; Address by Prof. Ehrehart on the object aims, and pur poses of Education ; Essay by J. U. Neely on the importance of reading good books.— Evening . Address by Prof. Ehrehart on Ge ology and Revelation ; Essay on Decisive Conflicts :by J. H. Wirt ; Essay by Miss Hamilton on the true aim of the Teacher. URSDAY. —Morning : Report on History in Common Schools by W. H. Black,. fol lowed by a discussion; Lecture on Pen manship by Prof. A. S. Manson. Afternoon: Address by Prof. S. S. Jack on School Dis cipline ; *way by Miss Warren on the Glo ry of Teaching; Address by Hon. C. R. Co burn, Deputy State Superintendent. Even ing: Address by Mr. Coburn on Mathemat ics and the best method of teaching the same ; Address by Mr. Sheely to parents, directors and teachers. FRIDAY. —Essay by Miss McElwee on the duties of a Teacher to his profession. Read ing of one of Jerrold's "Caudle t Lecturcs," by Miss Group; Reports of Committees, when, after spending a short time in social intercourse, the Institute adjourned to meet in Gettysburg, at such time as the executive Committee may determine. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year : President—J. IL Wirt. Vice President—J. H. Eckenrode. Secretary—J. M. Wolf Treasurer —A. Sheely. Executive Committee—A. Slieely, H. N Minnigh, M. A. Warren. ATLANTIC ALMANAC.—Messrs. TICK NOR 6 FIELDS, the eminent Publishers, have just issued an illustrated Almanac for 1868, upon a plan and in a style entirely new in this country. While giving the usual statis tical information common to all Almanacs, the Atlantic gives in addition over 50 royal octavo pages of literary matter contributed by such distinguished authors as Oliver Wendell Holmes, Donald G. Mitchell, Alice Carey, Alfred Tennyson, R. W. Emerson, James Russell Lowell, Gail Hamilton, Na thaniel Hawthorne, Charles Dickens, Wil liam Cullen Bryant, George William Curtis, Mrs. Agassiz, W. M. Thackeray, J. G. Whit tier, itte. The, Almanac contains four full page illustrations, in colors, of The Seasorm, reproduced from paintings by Mr. A. F. Bellows, the well-known landscape artist.— In audition to these, the text is profusely il lustrated by the most skilful artists of the country. In the general character of its lit erature, the Atlantic Almanac may. be re garded as a Christmas Number of the Atlim tic Monthly, while it is rendered additional ly attractive by , the number and beauty of its illustrations. A beautiful Colored Cover adds to the attractiveness of the Almsnac. It is sold at Fifty Cents by all booksellers and newsdealers, or will he sent post paid by the Publishers, Ticknor dr. Fields, Boston. PETERSON'S DETECTOR, 1868.—As there is an extensive counterfeitinggoing on through the country of Greenbacks, Nation al Bank Note Bills, and Fractional Curren cy, the necessity of the "Detector" becomes still greater then ever. We would advise all storekeepers, merchants, bankers, to sub scribe now, as the next monthly number is the commencement of a new year. Terms, $1.50 a year Monthly, or $3 a year Semi- Monthly. Single numbers 15 cents. Sub scriptions may commence with any mouth, and are payable in advance. T. B. Peterson &Brothers, Publishers and Booksellers, 306 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. TIIE RIVERSIDE INSTITUTE.—We append a list of the most valuable presents to be awarded those who purchase stock, at one dollar per share, in aid of the Riverside Institute, a home for the gratuitous educa tion of soldiers' and sailors' orphans, from all parts of the country under the manage ment of the Washington Library Company of Philadelphia. The first present is worth forty thousand dollars; the second twenty thousand dollars ; the third eighteen thous and dollars ; the fourth ten thousand dollars ; the fifth five thousand dollars; the sixth con sist of two worth twenty five hundred each. The remainder are valued as follows ;—Two at fifteen thousand dollars each ; one at ten thousand dollars; four at five thousand dol lars each ; two at three thousand dollars each ; three at one thousand dollars each; twenty at five hundred dollars each; ten at three hundred dollars each ; three at two hundred and fifty dollars each; twenty at two hundred and twenty-five dollars each ; fifty-five at two hundred dollars each; fifty at one hundred and seventy-five dollars each ; one hundred and ten it one hundred dollars each; twenty at seventy-five dollars each; ten at fifty dollars each ; and numer ous other articles of use and value, amount ing to eighty-two thou - sand dollars, the whole making an aggregate of three hundred thousand dollars worth of presents, which will be distributed among the shareholders, each share guaranteeing some one of the pre sents named stove. In addition to this, a handsome steel-plate engraving is given at the time of the pnylialte of the stock. This engraving at retaiT, 'bottld not be obtained for the amount paidfor the stoat; Who will hesitate to aid a noble charity on mica terms ? Read advertisement. it EMINENT MEN. OF SCIENCE have dis covered that electricity and magnetism are developed in the system from.the trots fit the blood. This accounts for the debility, low spirits and lack of energy a person feels when this vital element becomes reduced.— The Peruvian Syrup, a protoxide of iron, supplies the blood with its imp element and in the only form in which it is possible for it to enter the circulation. *, It THE LARGEST FACILITIES and the longest experience ix; znanufmturing f enable the house of FAIRBANKS it 00., to pro duoe the best scales at the' Cheapest price.— Every modification of weighing apparelss is made, all of the hightet excellence, as was shown by their receiving the first premiums at the Paris Etposition. it The Special Court commenced on Monday. The ease of.aorcloble Adnfr vs. Wm. IByler s e Admen summons In debt., is on nisi as we go to prem. "WHILE THE LAMP HOLDS OUT TO BURN" there is a chance for frestoration o f health. If, therefore, the constitution has lieen weakened by diserise or ezcesa—the nerves 'shattered—the stomach weakened— the appetite gone, all the world appears gloomy —pour some fresh oil into your lamp, in the shape of Plantation Bitters, which will make the flame of life again bum brightly, andilln minate a once wretched existence, Foy ladies it is an elegant and gentle stimulant, exactly such as they require. Many families will not be without it. It has an immense sale through out the world. MAGNOLIA WATER.—A delightful toil et article--auperior to Cologne and at half the cost, Dec. 4-2 t FROM ALL CLASSES comes the nniver sai voice of miss for "Barrett's Hair Re storative." None should be without it, and few are. it gtvitut at the Viarktto. Baltimore Grain and Produce Market. 80/Aim:Tr, Tuesday Morning. SUPER nom?, 925 975 EXTRA. FLOUR, 10 25 @ 10 75 WHITE WHEAT, 2 27 @ 2 60 RED WHEAT, 2 50 @ 2 65 Coax,, RYE, OATS, BUCKWHEAT, .. TIMOTHY -SEED, CLOVER -SEED, 7 50 @ 8 00 BACON, HAMS, 17 0 18 SIDES, 14 ® IS " SHOULDERS,. 10 @ 12 Hoes, if 100 lbs BEEF CATTLE,tI 100 lbs. HAY, °" 00 @ 25 00 WHISKEY, GOLD, Phila Gettysburg Grain and Provision Market. Gettysburg, Wednesday .Morning 9 50 10 00 2 20 @ 2 30 2 10 @ 2 25 90@ 1 10 1 30 58 1 00 2 50 50 1 00 @ 1 10 SUPER FLOCK,... Fame FLorp.,.. WRITE WHEAT, RED WHEAT Coal, Rirg,. OATS, BucKWHEAT,.... TIMOTHY SEED, CLOVER SEEP. POTATOES, Brrrra, LARD, &cis, BACON, HAMS, SIDES, `` SHOULDERS, 50A,r,.... TALLOW, IILAABIED. BENDER-BUSHEY.- On the 3d inst., at the house of the bride's parents, by Rev. M. Snyder, Mr. Isaac Bender, of Menallen tp., to Miss Emma J., daughter of Jaeob Y. Bushey, Esq., of Butler township. [The happy couple did not forget the "prin ter," and therein gave evidence of good taste and judgment. They leave our most cordial wishes for a future of unalloyed do mestic bliss.) Boosm—Srubv.—{in the 19th ult., by Rev. J. M. Clemens, Mr. John Boose to Miss Se villa Study, both of Carroll county, Md. HARN—SNERRINGER.—On the sth ult., by Rev.. L. A. Shorb, Mr. Ezra Hahn, of Mt. Joy township, to Miss Mary Sneeringer, daughter of Mr. David Sneeringer, of Mt. Pleasant township. MILLER—GARVER.—On the 28th ult., at Petersburg Lutheran Parsonage, by Rev. D. M. Blackwelder, Mr.. Michael Miller, of York, to Mrs. Sarah E. Garver, of this co. MIIMMERT--TRIMMER.—On the sth inst., by Rev. Dr. Hauer, Mr. Emanuel F. Mum inert to Miss Sarah Jane, dpughter of Peter Trimmer, all of York county. OLINGER—NOEL.—On the 15th ult., by Rev. L. A. Shorb, Mr. William Louis Olinv er to Miss MARIA NOEL, both of Mount pleasant township. RICRWINE—GRoup.—On the 28th ult., by .Rev. Z. Hornberger, Jacob Richwine, 0 , - Cumberland county, to Lucy A. Group, of this county. SMITH— WOLF.—On the 17th ult., by Rev. John M. Clemens,Mr. James Smith to MiSs Margaret Wolf, both of this county. SPANGLER—MUMMERT. —On the 21st ult.. by Rev. J. M. Clemens, Mr. Matthias Spang ler to Miss Emma Mummert, both of this county. WALTER—HIJMICEIL=On the Ist inst., at A.rendtsville, by Rev. D. W. Wulf, Mr. Charles P. Waiter to Mrs. Lavine Hummer, of Middletown, this county. WAaREN—DAY.—On theakti ult., by Rev. G. W. Bouse, Mr. Peter Warren to Miss Ruth Day, both of this place. WOLFF —ZIEGLER.—On the Stl inst., at Petersburg Lutheran Parsonage, by Rev. D. Blackwelder, Mr. Samuel Wolff to Miss Maggie Ziegler, both of this county. ZIsOLER—HELLER —On the stb inst., by Rev. Z. Hornberger. David Ziegler, of Cum berland county, to Joanna Heller; of this co. DIED. jedr-Obittiary notices 5 cents a line for all over 4 lines—cash to accompany notices. FEISER.—On the 24th ult., near Abbotta town, Ca'harine, consort of Jacob Falser, ag 4l 64 eZ a i rs ar l e in tre ti d l ea an d d wtic a l s die in the Lord." Hoes.—At McConnellsburg, Pa., on the 29th ult., after a brief illness, Jacob Hoke, aged 84 years 1 month and 19 days, formerly of Gettysburg. IRVIN.—On the 28th ult., Miss Anna Mar grret Irvin, daughter of Levi Irvin, of Franklin township, aged 22 years 9 months and 22 days. Ross.—On Wednesday morning, at the Alms House, Mr. Samuel Rose, at an ad vanced age. $5.00 REWARD! STRATED away from the residence of Geo. 11 . Bittinger in Butler towns., ip, about three weeks ago, a DARK BRINDLE COW, heavy with Calf the time she strayed. Any person returning said Cow will receive the-,above reward. MARY G. MINTER. Dec. 11.-It* NOTICE. All persons Indebted to the late Pirm of COBEAN CRAWFORD, are requested to call and settle their dues on or before the lit ezi . January next, u after that time the accounts will be placed in the hands of an oM cer for collection. COBEAN A CRAWBOED! Dec. 'll. —St*, BANK ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that the ANNIIAL ELECTION for Directory of the "Gettysburg National Busk" will be held at She Banking•Hoaee, on Tuesday the 14th day of January next, at 1 o'clock, P.M. J. EMORY BAIR, Cashier. Dec. 11•-8 t NOTlCE.—Letters of Administra tion on the estate of Damn CuiPsaimts, late of Illounijoy township, Adams county, Pa., deceased„having been granted to the undersigned, residing in Bttaban township, he hereby gives notice to all prisons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those hiving claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. Deo.lL-6t FOR RENT OR SALE, DNB OP TEI BAST TAN4ABDB IN TEN COUNTY. The undersigned will rent for a term of years or mil his TAN-TARD at New Oxford, Adams county. PSIS hie of tanning 4000 Wes of Leatherper year ; ft in complete running order:--ell under roof. with Sheds sollicient to hold 400 cords of Bark. This Is one o the best Retail Stands In the County The best quality of Bark can be bad at reasonable pries'. Thaw% a good Bums lingine attached, which meld be bad With it If desired. • TUNIS reasonable. Address; PIM DEBRI Dec 11.-41 to New Word, Pa. 1101 FOR CHRISTMAS! DIAMOND CONIFECTIOIVE.R Y. JOHN M.MINNIGH muatfited.v=o:B,,,,,raigatclbe Gaut wee opium! to Gettysburg, aossietbag ' TOYS OF.ALL BINDS, FRENCH AND VallEfllON CANDIES, FRUITS, ORANGES, , LEMONS, NUTS, and NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. 11 0 =1 4 1 6 : r ad:ries his stook . on roanrostl7; If*, attars ant! aenthitti o eitgointra o 94+ HOLIDAY PRESENTS. DRY GOODS ! FANCY GOODS I JWELRY & - SILVERWARE. Werth over $2,000,0001 All to be sold for MS DOL LAR. NACU. 162 eau/mar; Mr lOu, AGENTS FOR EUROPEAN MANUFACTURERS, Announce; that in consequence of the overstocking of the English market, an immense quantity of DRY and FANCY GOODS have been consigned to them with instructkins to be cleared for immediate soh, at any sacrifice. ,A.* Co., have, therefore, resolved to offer them according to their ordinary system of bnidteee at $l. each, without re. gird to value. The following lilt shows the original wholesale prl tee of some of the articles which they now offer at $l. Boar, Wolf, and Buffalo Robes ........from $l5 00 to $6O 00 Bets of Furs, Sable, Ermine or Mink-- 20 00 to 100 00 Ladies' Muffs t , " " ...„. 1.6 00 to 60 00 " Collars s • 10 00 to 40 00 Bilk and Batts Dress Patterns 18 00 to 46 00 Berege and Egyptian Cloths 8 00 to 12 00 Alperin and Muslin de Leiner 4 00 to 10 00 French Merinos and Twills.... 10 00 to 20 00 Cambric, Thibet and Mohair. ...... ........„ 400 to 10 00 Balmoral and Elliptic Skirts ....... 2eo to 606 Silk and Lace 'Veils 200 to 600 Sets ilneCttifsaud Collars 200 to 600 Pain of Lad es' Cqrsets.a.. 2 fa/ to 600 Handkerchiefs, Bilk, Plain7llemstitched and Embroidered Linen Lawn; per dozen Ladle. and Gents' Cotton, Woolen and Bilk Helmand half 11.0110; per dozen Pairs Ladies and Gents' Merino, Cotton, Linen and Cotton Shirts and Undershirts; each Coat, Vest and Pantalbon Patterns in (Roth, tessimere ' and Doeskin Linen and Woblen Table Covers White and Colored Linen Napkins, per dozen 31.1 , 111ine, White and Unbleached, per yard 15 to 40 Flannelsi_Shswls in Woolen; Silk and Merino Nobles or Clouds; Woolen Hoods; Blankets; l inen and Muslin Sheets; Vkivet and Morocco Portmonaies; Shopping Bags; Wallets; Meerschaum Pipes; Four and Six Blade Pocket Knives, with pearl, tortoise and ivory handles: French Clocks; Gilt cud Bronze Sinaloa! Boxes; Revolve era; rowling Pieces; Fancy Combs; flair Bets; Work Boxes; Silva( Card Cases; Albums; Family and Pooket 'Bailee; Opera (Hawses, &c. We have also received a splendid assortment of WATCHES, Gold and Silver Hunting Cases for Gents; Enapieled do. for Ladies, together with Chains of every pattern and style. Sets of Jewelry in every variety; Sleeve Buttons, Thimbles, Loolvits; Crosses; Rings of every 'kind ; Brace lets; Gold Pens, Ac., Ac. THE SILVERWARE DEPARTMENT COMPRISES Silver, Dining and Tea Seta, Castors, ire Pitchers, Table Spoons, Forks. Tea Si eons, Goblets, Drinking Cups, Cof fee Urns, Tea Pots, Cream Pitchers, ,Sugar tiowls, Fruit Baskets, Cake Basketa,Card Baskets, Fruit Knives. Syrup Caps, Salvers ' Portmonales, Pie 'Knives, Fish Knives, Mustard and Salt Spoons, Hamlin Kings, Egg Stands, Wine Holders, Card Cases, Ac. All the above list of articles to be fold for 51 00 each, The expenses are paid by the sale of Coupons or Cer tificates naming cacti article in the stock, coo its value. these Certilicatee are enclosed in envelopes, mixed up ; and sold at 1 00 @ 1 20 1 60@ 1 65 72@ 74 4 50 @ 500 2 50 @ 270 mg 21.1 CENTS EACII—b FOR $l-11 FOR Whatever article Is named in the Certificate can be obtained at ONE VOI I LAR. The article will be shown to the holder of the Certifi cate, and it will Le at his option, whether he pays the dollar and takes the article or not. In MO' articles sent by mail or express are not satisketory, they can Le re turned and the money will be retailed. Every Gertilbeate entitles the holder to some article of sterling value.; worth much inure than a dollar. In proof of this LEE= You can have for any of our certificates and $1 UU, any of the following articles, so that if you are not pleased with the article or articles named on the certificate, you. need not lose the 25 cents you paid for it: One Silver plated three bottle Castor, handsome Allier plated Butter Dish with plate and cover. Lady's Yhop ping Bag, a 60 picture Album bound in velvet and set of Tea Spoons silver plated on white tuetal,eet d.uble plated Table Spoons or Forks. Pante pattern yards cassimere), pair Jonvin's Paris Kid Gloves, splendid real Meerschaum Pipe, or solid 16 carat Gold plain Ring. 10 10 10 During the four years we have been agents for Europe an manufacturers, we have received hundreds of com mendatory notices from the press, and letters from pri vate individuals, expressing the highest satisfaction with our method of doing business. %Vs - have many of these testimonials with names acd dates, printed in pamphlet form, and as we have no space for them in this advertise ment, we will send copies freeto any address. Whenever desired, we wilbeend articles by 'Express. C. O.D. So that the money need only be pail ON DELIV ERY OF THE GOODS. W. accept the entire responsibility of money sent by Express, Post Office Order, or Bank Draft. 'We want agents EVERYWHERE to whom a liberal compensation will be paid, which can be learned on ap plication. ,_Take care to write your name and address in a clear, distinct hand, and address. . _ Post Office Box, 5255 Dec. 11,1567 -3m. "A amtplete Pictorial History of the Times." 'TIM BUT CHZAPTST, AND MOST SUCCUSIrtI. YAXILT PAPER The MODIt. Nrusrartz of our country—complete in .11 the departments of an American Family Paper—Hee, rsa's WiLLIA has earned for itself a right to its title, "a JOCIALL or CITILIZATION.^—Apo Turk Creating lint.. Oar future historians wilrintich themselves out of Warsur lot g after writers: and printer., and publishers are turned io dust —Yew York Evangelist •e •e- o i s as e ilsksra's W !LILT may be unreservedly declared the beet newspaper in America.— The huiependent, New York. The articles upon public questions, which appear ill aAIIPZE'LI wzracur from week to week forma remarkable serum of briefpolitical essays They are distinguished fsy clear and pointed statement, by good common sense, by Independence and breridth of •iesr. They are the ex pression of mature COliilietion,high principle, and strong feeling, and their place among the beet newspaper Writing of the time—North American Beriew, Boston, The Publishers have perfected a system of mailing by which they can supply theTil Ard!te.,WILK.LT. and BAZAAa promptly to those who prefer to re-eire their periodicals directly from the office of publication Posttnasters and barrio desirous of n ett mg, up Clubs will be supplied with show-Bill ou application. The postage on IiARPZEi.I MAG t7.INE is 20 cents a year, which must be paid at the rubumber's post office. . An Extra of eitber the Nisusztxx, WEEKLY. or bassaa will be supplied gratis for every club of five stile scr hers at Si 00 each, in one remittance; or six copies for f2O 00. The Annual Volumee of HARPER'S WEZILY, in neat cloth binding, will be expressed, free of expense. for .$7 each. A complete set, comprising ten volumes, sent on receipt of Cash at the rate ofis 25 per vol., freight at expense of purchaser. Volume XI. reads January let. IRAS. Repository of Fa-vhion, Plc/mart, and In The Publishers will commence. on November let, the Issue of ileapea's BAZ4R. a Weekly Illueurntod Family Journal, devoted to Faibion and Home Literature. Their aim is twofold: to ripply the existing need 01 a Weekly Fashion Newspaper, and to combine therewith a first,. class literary journal, which will he indispensable to ev• ery house h old. ,Arrangements have been mad*, at an immense cost, will the most celebrated of the Fashion Papers of Bump., especially with the famous Ba.tar of Berlin, which sup plies the fashions to the leading journals of Paris, to fur nish the same to them In advabce,so that henceforth the fashions will appear In HAIIPIR'S BAZAR simultaneously with their publication in Paris and Berlin—an advan tage enjoyed by no other journal in the country. The patrons of Mum's BAIAIL will receive every fort night large pattern-plates, containing from forty to fifty full-sized patterns of ladies', misses', and children's bon• nets, cloaks, dresses, under-clothing, and other articles, accompanied with the necessary descriptions and direc tions, and occasionally an elegant Colored Fashion Plate of the 1311 e of 11411Pill'Il WIZELY. HAIPZIeII Berra will contain 16 folio pages of the else of Haseza's WIZELT, printed on superfine caiendered pa per, and will be published weekly. The Publishers have perfected a system of mailing by which they can supply theldscusucg, WIIiLY, and Bazi.a prowipffy to those who prefer to receive their periodicals directly from the Office of Publicatlob. Poet musters and others desirous of getting ub Club. will be supplied with • Show-Bill on application. The postage on Haassa's Bina , is 20 cents a year, which must be paid at the subscriber's poet office. TstUre:—Harper's Bazar, one year fifi 00 An Extra Copy of either the Maass:iris, Warm . ; or Balsa will be supplied gratis for every Club of five sub scribers at $4, 00 each, in one remittance; or six copies for 1120 00. ONZ DOLLAR eommission will be allowed toillY per eon sending the names of two new subscribers with the money for one year. A COPY OF THE OBSERVER for one year will be sent to ANY persons sending tll four new subscribers and feurteas do/lam A $66 .SEWING MACHINE, either Wheeler & Wilson or Omsk& Baker, will be sent to ANY person sending teethe names of eighteen new subscribers to the MIN NOEBll3,A4ser With the money WO for one year in advance. • We hive sent away as premiums more than SEVEN ItIINDRED ft these Machines, and they give universal aatlefaction. The. new subscribers way be from one, cc from various P laces. • iirtend by check, dratr, or Poet office order. Sample eagles and circulars sect free. Terms, $3 Ns year, in advance. 31101311 . E MORAL JR., t 00 ST Park Row, New Totk. Dec. 11.$t REGISTER'S NOTICES. N OTICE is hereby 'given to all Legatees and other persons, concerned that the AdministratiOn Accounts hereinafter mentioned will be presented at the Orphans' Court of Adams county, for oonfinnatkat and allowance, on THURSDAY, the 2d day of JANCARY,I66II, at 10 o'clock, Y., viz : . • O. Amount ellapaph Rider, Guardien of Andrew Jo kph Smith, deoeamed, settled by Wm. Rider, Rsectitor of said Joseph Rider, deceased. . 94. Account ofloseph Rider, Guardian of Lucinda Ma -17 Smith, deceased, settled by Win. Rider, Rascutor of said Joseph Rider, deceased. 95. The second and final pecount of Wee. Walter, Ilx rattor of Genres Walte4 demised. 96. The account ofJoht Hartman, Guardian of the es tate of Harriet, Alice, Jacob d Jane Latehaw. pz, The fo e ' segeenc ollrabklin H. illbert,Aandelstra tor of ZachalialMsbOrn; deceased 98. The drat and dual account of limaline Smick, Ad-' redabitrat4o2 Hoorp'Smiciti deceased. •• - - • , -Ir.II:IFOLTZ/rOldifategstir: DICW4OI. . , 4ttv akdrellifamato. ARRANDALE & CO., READ THIS OFFER. REFERENCES ARBANDALE A CO., 162 Broadway, New York I_l =9l HARPER'S WEEKLY; SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED Critical Notices of the Press. SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR 1999 TERMS Magazine. one year Back numbers can be supplied at any time HARPER I BhOTITICRS, Franklin S9nare, New York Dec.ll.-lt Si ruction.' HARPER'S BAZAR BIIBSCUPTIONS FOE 1868 Back tuition can be supplied at any time. HARPER & BROTHERS, Dec. 11.-It Franklin Square, New York TAKE YOUR CHOICE I NEW YORK OBSERVER, cw aktirtrtiomuts. OEO. DO BOLTON O. O. Wary Otte Stamm it Co.), (of firmover, Zn.) DIIMBOI,TON & WIRT, Omer of Bayimore and St. Paul streets, • ."` BALTIMORE, BANKERS, BROKIRS, AND DEILICES IN Government Securities, Gold, Silver, &c., HAVE CONSTANTLY POE SALE, V. S. 1881 BONDS, . U. S. 6-20 BONDS, S. 7-30 BONDS, / IT.' S. 10-40 BONDS, 7-30 SOI7DS of all issues converted into 15 7 2UPs upon the punt favorable terms. / *it Patioss wishing to convert any , 4os crlption of so, curates, or make or change invitetaSents, can have the same promptly execute& / ORDERS •BY 31A 1L OE ; i.iPRESS WILL BKOEI!irE PROMPT ATTENTION. INTERNAL REVENUE. STAMPS for We. sirDepoalte received and Interest paid upon balances subject to check at sight. [bec. 4, 15137.-am 6 00 to 18 00 THE BEST'IS THE C 4 HEAPEST ! - HARVEST ISMVER I 400 to 12 00 260 to 600 TU, YIELD IS GREAT! PROSPERITY., ABOUNDS! WINTER 13 COMING! / AND NOW It THE TIME TO TACO Noore's Rural New-Yorker 7 TUE GREAT TOWN /ND COUNTRY WEEKLY! THE RURAL is the Leading and Largeet Circnlating Newspaper of it. Class on the Continent,—superior In 'Value and Variety of Contents and Iteanty of Appear ance. It embrace. more Agricultural, Horticultural. Scientific, Educational, Literary and News Matter, inteiy spersed with Engravings, than any otherJournal,--lor,it comprises Departments including _Agriculture, Choice Literature,/ 3 00 to 28 00 200 to 800 600 to 12 00 Horticulture, Science and Art/ Sheep Husbandry,. Education, Grazing, Dairying, Youth's Reading, Rural Architecture, General :Neal', Domestic Economy, Commerce, , Markets, WITH ILLUIMUTIO3II. TILLB, MATS, NOSIC, YURS, 818 CUS Tar. Avast. New Yosicze. le a Natkma/ Journal, cir culating largely in the Emit and Welt, North and South. It Y.IIPLOTB THE Base Taunt in All Departments. Ito corps of kolitors,Coutributurs. comprises marry of the beat Yuman, Planters, Wool Girowers, Graziers. llortl cultnrlets,Ae-,and also Authgrs, Scholars, Ac , of note mod ability. In brief the Ittaksi is Ably Edited, Profuee ly Illustrated, Neat, y Priniect—Practical, Scientific, Use ful—Moral, Initrudire aid Entertaining. Wherever located,—in Country. illage or City,— YOU IV AlcT TILE RURAL! YOUR FA3IILI & FRIENDS WANT IT ! For it to adaptedto the wants cf all Note that it Isnot a monthly, btu aitarge and Besutiful Weekly, and that Vol. XLX will tie materially enlarged I ' Each No. contains Eight Double Quarto Pages, printed In extra etyie,—Clear Type. Good Paper, and more and better Ill,tretwselmes than any other Journal of its Class. A Title yage, lodes, etc.. at close of Vol. TEIt)P3--Only f 3 a year' to clubs of ten. V. 150 per copy. , Vol XIX begins Jan. 4, DM Nom is the time to PaNeril.e and dui. Great offers to Club Agents. Speci• mra, Show-hills. Premium Lists, Sic. sent tree; or the LI numbers of this loarter, (Oct. to Jan.) on trial. for only fifty cents! Addrese D. D. T. MOORE. Noe. 27.-4 t Rochester, New York. THE RICHEST MAN DT THE WORLD LITRICT OP A LETS= mom OLEO!: SOLOMON IOTEISCHILD Pants, sth April, 154,25 Rue Faaby, St. Honore Will you be kind enough to have forwarded to me here• 21:N0 bottles of your Indi.m Liniment; II you will send at the same time the amount,' will forward you the amount through Measra. BELKONT k CO., NOW York. Mang SOLOMON Rovescuttu having recommended to many of hia iends Major LANE'S LINIMENT, and they being desiri.u. to procure it, be should advice him to establish a depot iu Paris. THE INDIAN LINIMENT, as • rellef,ever ready; as a killer of vain, taken inward ly, or outwaroly applied, has no equal. Forthe relief and cure of Rheumatic and .Neuraigic Affections. Sprains. Bruises, de., it is unequalled. It is also must efficachns, taken Inwardly. in the cure of Cholera, Crastprand Pains in the Stomach. Diarrhoea. Dysentery, Clodera Afornus, Cholera infaatirm. etc., and is withnut exception the most wonderful Panacea the world affords. No family should be without Every TRAVELER by land or sea should have a bottle. MINElid and FARMERS residing at a distance from Physicians should keep It constantly on hand In case ut Accidents,_ and sudden attacks ot Stomach Complaints, its value cannot be estimated. In quire for Major LANE'S INDIAN LINIMENT, and take DO other. Price, 56 cm per bottle. For sale at wholesale and retail by Dens Barnes k Co., 21 Park Row, New York; Gale t Rubinson, 186 Greenwich at., New York F.C. Wells* Cu.. 192 Fulton it., New York; Charles N. Crittenden, 388th Ave., New York; and by respectable Druggists threuehout the world. None genuine unless signed by Joss Taus. Lana. and coonlersigned by J. T LANE At 00., Proprietors, lea Broadway, New York. 101.4a11l for Circular. (Nov. Revolution in Trade ! LAMBS, you will be utonlabed at the value of all kind" of Goode sent by the well known and justly celebrated lrm of GRLIIAM ct CO., /OR ONLY ONE DOLLAR! Such as S Ik, Merino. and Alpacca Dressers, Shawls, Bat , morals. Linen Goods. Embossed Table Covers, Watone•, Jewelry, Silver Plated Were, Sewing Mach ines. gr. This is no Humbug, but a reality. Sent your clubs of tee and upwards for checks describing the goods, with tee cents for each check. and the getter up of the club will receive a valuable present. worth from $.3 to s3tlo, accord ing to number of names sent. Agents wanted in every town. Circulars sent free.— Address. 0 BACIAM t CO., 64 and tie, Federalist, Boston. N0v.27.-4t CIRCULARS SENT FREE:: riONTAP“NG Lists of Dry and Fan,: Goods, Watcher., Plated are, t utlery. Ac., Ac., to be sold, uN DOLLA It for each article. ' Great ind ncements to Agents i'LIi.II3.IEMS MOULTON . , 15 IrarsLall street, BoriLin, Ma SS. [Nov. 27.--it WE ARE COMING, And will present to any person sending us a club in onr Great One Price Sale, of Dry and Fancy Goods, etc..* Silk Dress Pattern. Pirce of sheeting, Watch, Ac.. free of cost Catalogue of goods. and sample, 8001 to any address free Addresir..l. S HAWES A CU., 30 llaiguver street Boston Mass. P. 0. Box 5125. [Nov. 27-.41 UM CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. Tne. TRUE REMEDY AT LAST DISCOVERED. CP HAM'S FRESH MEAT 1 TRE, prepared from the formula of Prof. Trousseau of Paris, cures Co-xumption. Lung Diseases, Bronchitis, Dyspepsia, Marasmos, General Debility and all morbid conditions of the system depen- dent on deficiency of vital force. It is pleasant to taste, and a single bottle will convince the most skeptl , al of its virtue as the great '.eating remedy of the age. 51 a bottle, or six bottles for 55. Sent by Exp,l,B. Sold by S. C. UPHAM., No. 25 South Eighth it „Philadelphia. and principal Druggists. Circulate sent free. [Nov. 27.-4 t VASSAR COLLEGE FOR YOUNG LADIES The Trustees of this Institution. de.iring to extend the benefits of Mr. Varsar's mquilicent gift for the better education of young women, will admit, at any time iu the Collegiate year, etudente prepared to juin College classes, charging expenses only from the date of their reception. Terms low; treat facilities for education, such asCabiurts, Art Gallery, Library, Musical Conserva tory, *c. Nor circulars containing full information, ad dress J. N. SCHOU, Nov. 27.—it Poughkeepsie, New York. 1 F., TO 535 PER DAY, SURE. Agents wanted ',verv e./ where, to sell our Patent Everlasting Whitt Wir, Clotho-tines. "Every housewife should use it."—N. F. Tribune. "We have seen It used and it gives entire satis taction.."—.N. Y. Christian Advocate. ••The Patent Wire Clothes line is all it purports to be."—N. Y. Independent. Address the AMERICAN WISE C0.,162 Broadway, New York, [Nov. 27.-,lt DON'T be humbugged by Impostors or "patent" cast iron or esacAites "Stencil tools." Send for our New Catalogue of IMPROVED STENCIL DIES, 20 varieties aft of red, carefully finished and tempered. Nost2TAt S. M. SPENCER & CO, sirattleboro, Vt. XCELSIOR DIALOGUES, con .' Biting of bif , W and Original first-class dramascol loquies, & c., for adyanced speakers in Schools, Exhibi tion-rooms and private theatricals. Every line written espreeily for this book, by a corps of Professional Teach ers and writers. Acknowledged to be the best work of the kind ever published. Cloth, nearly 400 duodecimo pages, price $1.76, mailed free. Address P. GARRETT 00., Publishers 702 Chestnut st., Philadelphia. Nov. 27,18137.21 m STANDARD MILLING MACHINES- OF IMPROVED CONSTRUCTION, great power, large capacity, un rivaled convenience of adjustment. Also, pipe with and without extra jaw, and TIM of all slam, for heavy and light work. Sand to UNION VISE COM PANY, of Raton, Mass., for illustrated circular. For sale by dealers in hardware and machinery. Nov. El Si A A DAY MADE BYANY ONE, with my , Patent Stencil Tools. I prepay samples free. Beware of arini's% My circulars will explain. Addrew A.J. ItiLLAM, Sprinelekl, Yermont. [Nov. 27.-41 IATANTBD—AB AGENT—One chance in each town Vl' -worthy thenjtention of an active business man, to take the agency the jai* of BarrerrausEs Rosen Mouturso AND WILAtIII, Stun% applied to the sides, hot. torn, top and centre of doors and windows. The seJo is beyond intthingaver offered before to an agent, and from, Ulf ta $25 per day can berried°. Bend for agents' circular. 24t The drat.who-apply secure a bargain, Terms Ay Mould ing, Ncor cash. J. 8., BRAD-UZI= ston, M awA 00 .7- i. Bo WANTED! 200 FARMERS! To engage in alight and honorable bushman for the winter Menthe; in the vicinity where they reside, which will net them from $50105150 per mbnth. grx.dror particulars apply to or address PARNZLIK Bittritrt ITI ilanaorn t, philadelphia., Pa. [Nov. 27.-4 t TT Is THE BEST CHANCE I EVER OFFERED TO AGENTS One o* two days. • tilde will secure a good Dna* tg chilli. Watch, iNUi Draw. Reiciper, or some other at tide of meal value, MN Of COST! Agents wanted evergwbere, wale and female, for the best One Dollar Pawnbielter's Bale in the country. Send for Areultut. 2, 0. TOO ANON I CO., No. 2741 ,tOitanoter street, Be‘ten, Masa. WANTED. --100 " Farmers to en . PP in 11111tudzatisi that will pay from $lOO to, $160 . . per month from rnr uuntil Spriag. Addrem JUN3B pXOS. 00 1 Philadelphia. Vol'. 27,11107.--lin ESIGN•S, &C., &C WE STILL LIVE ! Saar akattertifituunts. FIRST MORTGE BONDS, , O 6T. LOUIS AND IRONAEORNTAL'i RAILROAD 00. Semi per cast Greta, Rebrusry and _August. 1 These Bondscor &Road of 91 miles. dabbed from Bt. Louis to Pilot ' , and in Ant-clans Ordenr, and an ex tension of abotOrthe same length from Pilot Knob to Bel mont, now rapidly constructing, for which the proceeds of thee. bons are to be used, making •through.ronte from lit. to New Orleans by rail. The earnings of the 91 OD are $600,000 8 year; the net profits now are sufkle t' to pay the interest on the entire amount 'of bond were they all burned. The basis of security is be lief' to be beyond that of any '.ther bonds now offered. Apply at the Office of the Company, No. 43 Wall it., to U. MARQUANO, Vice President, or to CLARK, DODOIC '& 00., corner of Wall and William etc., New York City. Nov. 27-4 t CENTURY TOBACCO. $l.OO airwr. HAVE NOT DIS NTINUED, nor do we PAOIERD atend to cease packingllloo IN TIM BRAND DAILY In P/LPZILS of CEN• DAILY TURF TOBACCO, reports • to the contrary notwith- Mondays, One $lOO Note. standing. 'Tuesdays, Two Fifties. WWe are making the Wednesdays, Five Twenties. Calmar from the CHOICVIT Thursdays, Ten Tens. tsar; it Is free from drugs, Fridays, Twenty Fives. and is in every respect, the zAturdays, Fifty Twos. hest ;Otte CDT TOBAC '0 P. AG. LORILLARD, manufactured. Sold by a 16,12 A2O Chambers et., respectable Jobbers. v New York. (A0v.2.7.-4t THE PAPER FOR THE MIL m• LION I—THE AMERICAN FARMER, the Proctici Farmer's Own Paper, the cheapest and the beet Agricul tural and Horticultural Journal in America. Beautiful ly illustrated wlth numerous Engravings of Farm Bt.lld lugs, Animals, Fruit' and Flowers. 'Now is the time to subscribe for"the year 1383. ONLY ONE DOLLAR L TEAR Agents wanted everywhere. Fer Club Price List o valuable Prizes open to all. &c., address .MIIN TURNER Publisher and Proprietor, Rochester, New York. MHO MADAM FOY'S .•CORSET SE'IRT SUPPORTER CIONIBINES in one garment a PER 7L , !? PITTING CORSET, sud the moAt desit able Akar Supporter ever offered the publir. It places the weigh of the ekirtm upon the shoulders instead of the hips; it improves the form without riga lacing; gives ease and elegance; is approved and rec.Anmended bj physictitne.— bold at ladles' fancy goods stores generally, and at Whole sale at D. B. SAUNDERS & 96 Summer Bt., Boston. and 2.2 Vi'a'ker st., New York. Alan, by HENRY C. MOORE. 429 Market street. Phila d-lphia, and STELL MA N HINRICHS k CO., 21 Han over street, Baltimore, Md. I Nov. 37.-4 t Tints of "d7ravet. GETTYSBURG RAIL ROAD. CHANGE OF CONNECTIONS. On and after Wednesday ' November 6th, 1867, Pas "roger Trains will leave and arrive at Gettymbarg, and make connection, as VAlown: FIRST PASSENGER TRAIN will leave Gettysburg at 8 15, A.M., with passengers for York, Harrisburg. Baltimore. and the/Nortb and Si eatoirriving at Hanover Junction with. ut cJiangeofcara,at 1U la. A.M., ,onnecting with the Fast Line South, on the Northern • tmtral Rails; ay, andarrivingat Baltimore at 12 20. noon. .Alm, connecting with Mail train from Baltimore north. arriving in Harrisburg at 1 00, P. M. r •Arrive at Gettya burg 12 40, P. M., with passengers from Harrisburg, York, Baltimore, and Washington. SECOND PASSENGER TRAIN will leave Gettysburg at 1 30. P. M., arriving at Hanover Janet km at 3 30, and connecting with Mail train loath. Arrive in Baltimore at 600, P. M. Arrive at Gettysburg et 530, P. M., with passiingerefrom Philadelphia, Harrisburg, and the North and 'Wet and also with pascengera from Baltimore and Washington by the Fast Line North, which le.ives Balti more at 12 10. noon. Pat4engent can le irei Baltimore in the Mail . train, at SSO A. M.. and arrive in Getty bore at 40, 0. 3!. Or leave Baltimore in the Feet Line at 12 10,noon. and ar rive In Gettyaburg at 5 41.), P. 1111 But onechange of Car either way, viz: at 11:inov,r Junction. H. McCURDX„Sup't. Dec. 4, 1567. HANOVER BRANCH RAILROAD, TIME T....ABLE. un and after MONDAY. May 6th,1867. passenger trains on the Hanover Branch Railroad will leave as follows FIRST TRAIN (which makes connection with the trains on the .North ern Central railway at the Junction.) will trace Hanover at Simi) A. M., for York, Baltimore, Harrisburg. and inter mediatastations. This train arrives at the Junction at '1..55 A. M.. connecting with the Fast Line Smith, on the Northern Central Railway, which arrive* at Baltimore at 12 30 P.M:, and also with the Mail Train North, which arrives at Flarrisbnig at 12 55 P. M 13—Thin train returns to Hanover at 12M. and arrives at Gettysburg at 1 P. M. SE OND TRAIN Leaves Hanover at 2.20 P. M. and arrives at the Junction at 3 to P. M., 'connecting with the Mail Train south, which arrives at Baltimore at 6 P. M. Passengers by this Train for York lay over it the Junction until 6.12 P. M. .Cir This Train returns to Hanover at I P. M., with pasengers for Hanover, Gettysburg and Littlestown. Passengers leaving Baltimore for Hanover. G et tystinr: And Littieitown, will take either the Mail Train at 821 A. M., or the Past Line at 12.10 P. M. May. 29, IsB7. JOSEPH.LEIB. Agent. READING RAILROAD WINTER ARRANGEMENT. November 25, 1867. Great trunk line from gm North and Northwest for Philadelphia, New York,heading, Pitttseille, Tamaqua Ashland, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Ephrata, Lttiz, Lancaster, Columbia. An.. ec. Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, as follows At Lut.. 5.25 and 510 A. M., and 2.05 and 9.36 P. M connect mg with similar Trams gat the Pennsylvania Hail Road, and arriving at New York at 5.1 u and 10.15 and 11.50 A. M.. and 3.4 u and 9.30 P. M. Sleeping Cars accompanying the 3.00 A. M. and 1/.35 P. M., Trains without change. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville. Tamaqua Mtnersville. Ashland, Pine Grove. Allentown and Philauelz phis, at S 1U A. M. and 2.05 and 4.19 I'. .11., stopp rig at Lebanon and principal Way stations ;the 4.10 P. M.mak- Ing connections fur Philadelphia and Columbia only. to Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill slid Susquehanna Rail Road, leave Harrisburg at 3.55 P. M. Returning: Leave New Tot k at 9.09 A. 01.12.00 Novo and 54.1,) and a 00 P •31.; Philadelphia at 5.15 A. 31. and 1.301' M. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia ai 7.;10 A. 31., returning Iron. Leading at 6.30 P. M., step ping at a11:4140.n5; Pottsville at 5.45 A. M. and 2.45 P M.; Ashland 6.00 A. M. and 12.19 noon. and 2.61 i P. 31.: faintly Mt at v. 31) A. 01.. and 1.60 .atel P. 31. Leave Pottsvibe for llarriaburg. via Schuylkill and Suaquehautia Hail Road at 7.19 A. 31 and 12.1.0 tram. heading Act:el:m.4a ion Traits: Leaves Reading at 7.30 A. 01. returuingirem Philadelphia at 4.196 P. 31. Pottstown Accombiodat ion Train: Leaves Pottstown at 6.45 A. tt , returning !nay's Philadelphia at 3.041 P. 31. Ccle mbia Rail Road Trains leave Reading at 7 c oo A M., ma] 6.15 I'. 31. for Ephrata, Litiz, Lancaster. tolumbia. lc. . . • On Sundays: Leave New York at 4.00 P. M., Philadel phia 4.00 A.M. and 3.15 P. M.. the 4.00 A. M. Train run ning only to Reading; Pottsville 8.0 A. M.; Harrisburg 5.15 A. M. and 4.10 and 9.35 P. 5.1..-and Readipg at 1.00 and 7.15 A M. for Harrisburg. and 7.00-A. M. 111.401 , . M. fur New York and 4.25 P, M. for Philadelphia. • Commutation, nileao, Season, Schad and Excursion Tickets, to and from all points, at reduced Rates. Baggage checked through; 100 pounds allowed each Passenger. G A. NICOLLS, General Superintendent. Reading, Pa., Dec. 4.1867. 4aribure, itutlerll, Sc. HARDWARE AND 0 ROC ERIES THE - subscribers hare just returned from the cttiea with an i mmensesupply of HARDIN AREA GROCEREIS, which they are offering at their old stand in Baltimore street, at pricesto tuft thetimes. Oursto:koorisistbin part of Carrinter'iTools. Blackamith'bToole. Coach Findings hoe F Indinge Cabinetliaker'4Tools. Honsekeeper'eFixturee. Allkindsoflr on *a ORO CBR .OF ALL BINDS, Oils,Paints, tr., (tc Thereis noarticleincluded in the I departments mentioned above. but whatcan h• had at this Store. Every chins of Mechanic's can beat. commodatedhere with toolsandtindines,andHonsekeep er'scan find every articietn theirllne. Give nsacall as wearepreparedtosellastowforeashasanyotherhofiso ontofthec ity May 2.9 4867 „foundry. GETTYSBURG FOUNDRY. THE subscriber would Inform hii customers and others that he is still manufacturing various kinds of Cas tings and Machine', made to order, on short notice, such as Threshers and Powers , (five different else, of Powers,) Clover-seed Hullers and Cleaners, Corn Sheller, and Separators, Corntodder Cut ters Straw and Ilay . Cutters, Ploughs, such as Cast Ploughs, Barshear Ploughs, Side-hill and Corn Ploughs; the Wire-spring' Horse Rake the latest improvement; also Metal Screws for Older Presses, Irbil Hellion for Cemeteries of Porches, with everythintelse ha his flue, all stiow Prices. POE SALE—A light wo-horsw Wagon, a Otte-horse Wagon, all new. , DAVID STERNER. May 29.—M Waldo. A FARM WANTED. A NY person having ll' GOOD LOIN for saleand willing to take in part payment, one or more tracts ot, choice Western Lank , located In a well settled neighbor. had neartionnty, Towns, Itatlicails,,kc., he will tlnd a purchaser by inquiring at this office! Dept.ll, 1887.-t WANTED, AGENTS—(MaIo. or Bomale)—Can claim g6O per week at their own home, in a light and hone/able. business. Any person having a few hours daily to spend *Oiled hue *rod paylng bushiest. Addresa, Bending two.atamps for feu particolnrs,ll. ILLOC WOOD u Detroip,Michigan. . NOT. 6.e. ATTENTION ) ZOITAYES ! UNTIL further orders; the "GET TITBURG ZOUVEII 9 will ityt their Armory, or bushiest and drill f.lrltßY WIION DA Y EVEN DM at 7% o'clock, and In Mt Mir ' TIMID . SATUR DAY-of *mob month at 10 crolook A - . .. . ' Brordieortito !. : octs,--it • 0:13, . , Soldiers' Head-Quarters At NORRIS' STOWS, Lathe place to get pur FALL & WINTER GOODS CHEAP FOR CASH. r ye* want • cheap Overcoat, go to NORMS. IF you want a good cheap Dress Coat, go to NO 1 F you want a good Everyday Coat, ~ go to NO S'. I F you want a good pair of Pante, I go to NORRIS'. F you want a good cheap Veal, go to NORRIS' IP you want • FASHIONABLE HAT, go to NORRIS'. IFYou want a late Fall Style Cap, to go NOwr u. I F you want a good pair of Boots orSh , 1 i 0 co NORRIS': , yem want a FASHIONABLE NICK-TIN, go to NORM'. IF you want a good French Calf Gaiter, p to NOBEIfiI. IF you want a good Umbrella, go to NORRIS'. F you want good Paper Collars, go to NORBir F you want a fashionable snit of Clothes, go to NORRIS' IF you want anything in the Gentleman's Line, go to NORRIS' F you want a good SMOKE, go to NORRIS'. 1 1 IF yeu want good HEAVY UNDER CLOTHING, go to NORRIS'. Also—A large stock orCASSIMERES IN THE PIECE. Persons pretering the goods to Ready made Clothing, can be acr ,, runuidated at the lowest cash price. Oct. 9, 1567.—tt THEO. C. NORRIS. New Boot and Shoe Store: NEW GOODS AND AT LOW PRICES. riri HE undersigned has opened a new Boot and tillOe I. Store, on ItALCIMORI: STREET, onedoor south el the Presbyterian Church and nearly opposite fifcCreary's Saddler Shop. where he offers an attractive assortment of goods In his line, all new and selected with the greet-, est care. its has LADIES' CONGRESS GAITERS, LADIES' BALMORAL GAITERS, LADIES' COMMON GAITERS, LADIES' BALMORAL BOOTS, IN LARGE VARIETY. GENTLEMEN'S CALF BOOTS, GENTLENIEN'S KIP BOOTS, GENTLEMEN'S CONGRESS GAITERS, GENTLEMEN'S SLIPPERS, ALL STYLES, GENTLEMEN'S BALMORALS, • GENTLEMEN'S BROGANS, Ac. MISSES' CONGRESS GAITERS, MISSES' BALMORAL GAITERS, MISSESt MOROCCO BALMORALS, Ac., Ac &c., &c. BOYS' CONGRESS GAITERS, BOYS' CALF BALMORALS, BOYS' BROGANS, Ac., Ac. AU will be sold at the lowest living profits. Buyers, (rota town and country, are invited to call and examine zr.ssis and prices before purchasing elsewhere. lam de termined to sell cheap--a little cheaper than any other house in the county. By strict attention to tinainese, &ad lealuag fairly and squarely with everybody, I hope to merit and receive en encouraging share of public patron age. The MANUFACTtRINO of Boots and Shoes will be carried 011, in all its branches. Boots, Shoes and Gaiters mode to order Also, Hoots and Shoes of his own mann ture coto.tantly on band. Repairing done on short noti.e--and nu effort spared to give satisfaction. None hut best class Workmen employed. Having a life-time experience at the business, I feel confident that I cad pica-c all who may roll. D. 11. KLINGEL. Gettysburg., Julsl, 1867.—tf JUST FROM THE CITY ! CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! Price'? I?ecluccd I Reduced ! Reduced! FB. PICKING, just from the city, • with an enormous stock of new CLOTIIING, NOTIONS, &C., iffers bargains of the most astonishing character. To pro's the assertion, all he asks Is that buyers will COME AND SEE: COME AND. SEE: and judge for themselves. He has COATS, PANTS, Over L....La, Black C.uimere Pants, Black Frock Coats, Fancy Caseimere Pants, Cloth Sack Coats, Satinet Pante, Casaimei. Sack Coats, Tweed Paula. Satinet Sack Coats, Tweed sack Coate. VESTS, NOTIONS, Cloth Vests, Gloves. Suspenders, Cassimere Vesta, Black Gloves, Satinet Vest., Handkerchiefs, Velvet Vests, Neck Ties. German Vests. Spring Stocks, Paper and Linen Collars, Lc CLOCKS, ALSO, Eight-day Cloaks, Violins, Accordeons, Thirty-hour Clocks, Flutes, Fifes, Alarm Clocks, Violin Strings. Gothic Clocks, Trunks and Umbrellas, Baring at the lat4st and lowest decline, PICKING can eon .t the very LOWEST prices. No doubt about it.— Bverytexty says so. - [Nov. 8,1867-tf NEW GOODS. GEO. ARNOLD has now opened a LARGE STOCK of READY-MADE CLOTHING, `mostly of his own manufacture, consisting of all sizes of COATS, PANTS & VESTS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, CRAVATS, HOSIERY, &c., AT rEicEs TO SILT THE TIMES. 4 - 4 - Call, examine and judge for yourselves. Oct. 7,0, .—tf NEW AND CHEAP CLOTHING AT BRINKERIIOFF'S. CLOTHING FOR PALL AND WINTER WEAR, which he is selling at inch prices as cannot fail to talc* them off very rapidly. Call andjudge for yourselves.— To look at the excellent material, tasteful cutting, and neat and substantial sewing, and then to get his low prices—callers cannot help but buy, when they see it so much to their interest to do so. He has Coats, Pants, Vests, of all styles and materials Hats. Boots and Shoes; Shirts, of all kinds, Hosiery, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Neck Ties, Cravats, Linen and Paper Collars, Snipenders, Brushes, Combs; Trunks, Volker,, Umbrellas, Pocket Knives, Began, Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos, Pipes, Stationery. 3c. ; Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, with a thonaan and one other articles, entirely too numerous to datail in a news paper advertisement. tie asks the attention of the public to his new stock, codfident that it will please—aod no one can or will sell cheaper. Don't forget theplace--cornerof York attest and the Diamond,Gettysburg. May 29, 1887. J ACOB BRINKERHOFF. CHEAP-CHEAPER-CHEAPEST! r F you wish to buy good and cheap Goode, call at JACOIIB k BROS STORE, sear My ers' Hotel, in Cbambersbnrg street, Gettysburg. They have the very best selection of goods, such as CLOTHS, GASSIMERES, TWEEDS, Ac, the market can pro duce and are determined to sell them as cheap as can, be sold anywhere In town or country. Any person wishing to have them cut out, can hate it done free of charge.— Those desiring Goods made op, can also be accommodated We warrant the beet work and the beet fits to be had anywhere, No humbug in what we say. JOEL B. ANNIE, DAVIDZIEGLEJL. We have on hand the very best moat durable SEWING MACHINES, and ate always ready to wait on purchas ers. Full satisfaction given as to operating machine— Calland examine. We warrant them to be. the bast in May 29, 1867 liargains ! Bargains I AT THE NEW FIRM Oa Chamberaburg sec, two doors.west of Buehteris Drug Store, Gettysburg, Pa. COBEAN &..SCEERIVER, • - . WOULD .most respectfully an. nouncs to the pnblio that they have just return ed froni the city with s large supply of Ten and Winter Hats egos, Boots and Shoes of the latest arks. TaIAC3O , I Cigars; Nimes of sit . h Inds, Bridles, Ratters, Whips, Trunks, Valises,Aq,.. malignantly on band. With a Veit variety of 'Notions and everything smelly &mad Ina. store of Weida. 113-Cull and see us and we will guarantee to please you. Nov. 13, 1867.-tf COBRAN & SCHEMER, ITAB kud- received a Rash and vim** aaeordnent of 12 hTtA Incinding the, vary titan atIl• of Ana Pk, Calatmare and'Mt ratMts. and also largo as,ply of fine aqd low pFiced 1 1 /04 HATB sad CAPBArlien sed BoY13.! llir*ftmMir *kat% sod thepub* to hba je0pt.11,1w.7. 4 . t Clothing,. !AO, Atoto, &c. PICKING STACKS OF THEM! New Goods ! FALL STYLE OF HATS FOR . 1867. S. S. M'CREARY elotkint glidot Am, it. MERCHANT TAILORING. CLOTHS, CASSLI'MEItte, TWIEJ" and other tseteriali fir Men's Weer, [anthill/4 sad sat op, to order, os short notice, SATIWACTION WARRANTED. Work also solicited from Custotasts, • pmt•ti•s• Um* Goods oloowboro June 14,1587.-1 y NEW FIRM NEW OXFORD, ADAMS 00., I.lMrd. HERSH & BROTHER AVE taken the Ware-booty recently occupied by H D. Hoke.' They are now paying the HIGRUT PllllOlll *r GRAIN & PRODUCE. Conidantly on baud CHOICE SELECTIONS LUMBER, COAL & GROCERIES. ) JAKIS 1111111111, PAUL KUSH. New Oxford, Oet. 30, 1887. itm M'CURDY Sc. HAMILTON, DgALERS Ilf FLOUR, GRAIN, GROCERIES, &e. THE undersigned are paying at their We:44mm in Carlisle street, adjoining &tailor's Hall, the ktgbeat prices [or FLOUR, WIIRAt, RYN, OORN, OATS, MIGEWMIAT, CLOVER AND TIMOTHT4NRDS, PO. TATOU, to., 40., and invite producers to give thent a call Debris dalbling.. They have constantly on bond ibr sale, A LARGE SUPPLY OF GRM3MLEI, Molasses, Syrups, Coffees, Boom& ' with kit, PM. Oils, Tar, doaps , Bacon and Lard, Tobac cos, he. Also tba best brands of FLOUR, with DOD of Ili kinds. They likewise have SEVERAL VALUABLE FERTILIZERS, Soluble Pacific Guano, Rhoden' Phoaphati And A • Mexican Guano. Whilst they pay the highest market prime thrall they buy, they sell at the lowest living profits. Thermal • 'hereof prattle patronage, resolved to give saththetkm in every rase. ROBERT McCVRDT, W. 8. HAMILTON. July 3, 1367.—tf DANIEL GULDEN, DRY GOODS, FLOUR, GRAIN, GROCERIES ' LUMBER, COAL, &c. rr LIE undersigned keep. on band all his Ware Hawn, known se Guides's Statiot," In Balboa towasildp on the line of the Gettysburg Railroad, all kinds of • • GROCERIES, including Sugar, Coffee, Holum, Spices, to, with Salt Flab, Oils, Tobacco, Bacon, Lard, So. Also, LUMBER AND COAL, including Bantling Stuff, Shingles, laths,Stase end Mak smith Coal. Also, Guano, and a large asscirtment of Dry Goods, Boots and Skews. Hats and Caps 01 1111 which he is prepared to sell at the toyed pima He air. pays the Mahan market pries for nour,Grahi, Corn, Oats, Buckwheat, Clover and Timothy Ueda, Pots toes, Ac„ or will receive, and forward Abe came tomato* commi.sion. He respectfully asks his friends sad the public to give him a call. DAZILBL OHLTII3. Aug. 210.867.-tf FORWARDING AND COMMISSION HOUSE. HAVING purchased the extensive Warehouse, Cars, he., heretofore owned by enema Herbst, we beg leave to inform the malls ihat we are continuing the business at the old 'Mad on the mew of Washington and Railroad streets, on a mare estatadr• stele than heretofore. We are pay lug the highest market pens far Plow, Grain and all kinds of produce. floor and Feed, Salt, and all grinds of Grecerfee, kept constantly on hand and for sale, cheaper than they can be bad anywhere alas. Plaster, and all kinds of fetilllsers, eceatenUy es hand. or furnished tenrder. .y regular line of Freight Cars wililasie ear Was"- house every TUBS,' AY MORNING, and accommodation trains will be run as occasion may regains. By this ar rangement we are prepared to convey Freight at all times to and from Baltimore. All business of this kind entrusted to us, will be promptly attended to. Our cars run to the Warehouse of Stevenson • Sons. 161 north Howard street, Baltimore. Being determined to pay good prices, all cheap and deal fairly, we invite, every body to give us a call. CVLP I RARNI3II/I.W. Aug. 9,1866. W B. BIDDLS. H. S. BENNBR. 100,000 4118118. Grain Wanted. NEW FIRM AT THE OLD WARE HOUSE. WM. Z. BIDDLE h 00.wcald iodine the public that they have leased the Warehouse on the ear ner ulStratton street and the Railroad, is Gettysburg, where they will carry on THE GRAIN AND PRODUCE worms, . . . in 'lilts branches. The highest prices will always be paid for Wheat, Rye, Corn, Oats, Clover and Timothy Seeds, Flaxseed, Sumac, Hay and Straw, Dried Fruit !luta, Snip, Hams, Shoulders and Bldes, Potatoes, with erythi g else to the country produce line. GROCERIES.—On hand, far sale, Ooffees, Sagan. MI °lasses, Syrups, Teas, Spices, Salt, Chimes. Vinegar, Soda, Mustard, Starch, Brooms, Buckets, Blacking, Soaps, Ac. Also COAL GIL, Fish Oil, Tar, Ao. FISH of all kinaa ; Spikes and Nails; Smoking and Chewing To baccos. They are always able to supply • Ant rate article • Flour, with the different kidds of Teed. Also, Ground Plaster, with (Mann and other tenni. Zen. COAL, by the bushel, ton or carload. They will run a LINE OF FREIGHT OARS from Get tyeborgto Baltimore once every week. They are pro. pared to convey Freight either way, in any quantity, at aD MED HATES. They will attend, if degred. to the making of purchases in the city, and delivering the roods promptly in Gettysburg. Their can rant° the Warehouse 61 Nathan Hoop A Co., N0.12$ North Howard street, near Franklin, Baltimore, wher•freight will he received at anytime. They Invite the attention of** dahlia to their line, assuring them that they will spare no effort to accommodate all who may Wrenn* them. Apt 1119.1866.—a BIDDLE t BINNIOL. CANNON'S CORNER OF BALTIMORE AND BAH MID DLB ST.,OPPOSITE THB COURT-HOWIE. AVERY DESCRIPTION OP WORK IZIOUTID Ix May 29,1861—tf G ETTYSBURG MARBLE YARD. 11111 Ala a IRO In Nut York Street, Gettysburg, P. Mum they JACOBS & Bao are prepared to fnrubh all kinds of work la their Use, SUCH AB MONUMENTS, tOMBB, ALLIIBTOM ti the shortest notice,amd am cheap as the dtsopede— sarahre as a call. Produea tan L atelaage Ar EMI Gattyaqtrg, Way 29,1887 CONOWAGO MILLS. '4O" io,ooo maims Or MAT WANT= The undersigned having remodeled and boomed his mIIL near Phew Chester, Ithruterly &kid "Walnut Grove," but. now "Great Oonowego Millen Is =I . • to do all kinds of work In hie line with wwwireal Constantly on hand, for sale at oxelvuoNtli• very butt wattles Of Super, nitre, and Ismity non, abo Bye, Ciao and Buckwheat flour, with every variety ud Clap and 44 of wheat. Having a GAP WILL ptheohed, he is moping to is all kinds °number, at the aborted notion A Annwr is need of lumber and flour. can put a log low ki s throw s Sow bushels of wheat on the top, bereeppe= exchanged ford bor. and the log sawed. time whin a dooble trip—anall because of the new awl. ported mop chhiary now employed In theme Haring the hest of workoien, he will Ito able to It 8 .,,, r y hod,. Ttumkftl vest Amen be loom Ihr dousace of the same. i.. 7.11111011: Now Onto; Ap5i1234,18.T.-4y. ' ' • W. T. KING, York street, opposite tka !salt privardiug gam. DEALER IN Viarbit fardo. MARBLJ WORM!' GETTYSBURG, PA., 13=1 THE PERM STUB OVUM ART MAIITIIIB, Acs., kc