.. . ,Not ) ,Speriat . •!..3 :+, 1 T1:1;./ =Ohl no! 4 4 iitE.. 0A tra MC. This in rte. 17t t. . car.sefki .'a delphia, ends is 1' t nd ota in cli) me. t # ditiakihi !,,y 7 fiewimcott stomach wt i beheue is nil raitel 3 llls. Me Voi.ic ehe restortakAgpr .„,,volftotpplfkiii*bletitik,'' fire u.Tniliw ! i : eas - IT I fili t iltelk i . Cmr. l ,l' „t„.....ff,tk.-4 brieitebtlet rtittliallit cYrUlmnl ,ktotitteetiii ft' 'neer It flixdri•beettttiT kind the nrikitireVesitiriktlietlO'ttid 'go/Melina Plllst are re. qn i red h l ne atty. iltitil hi l arit6sitst raptiati .i . he liVtiten bottlettft At fostr'Xilliib Tom Aid Atte4e or four taxes or the Nika l lt/li4lt i•;: ., 111 1( 1..1k ,isil I (fureitn,T -artlitiar, ite of d).001;011i ' ''' Dr. Ichencit maVes .prol'esichntoir TlVilo lit New.Vorlt, ( 11. , stos ntl ilfllsll neft.iit i.oll6lln..Eltitadelph lir every week ' .. t eliti Git ollaci,plat'il nriii, piatOlet, on eon; f tbi ) 111-tdllWritit4tlont • . ' . Ple.•c4 e, Pataittitlti< 'ttikf 'Nile twa' like ' nessoeo Yt..f ti.t, .6116 klien'in rill 114,e't staii cif ' (ilk. 4 s umPtil ' a lt, 4 1 9 t A t i fF 141 1 ' 1 4 ,kt 14 Pf r . Th 'et h. lllll t l ' are on 111 vilf, g.• k- '' .- . Sold ily k ill ktA 0.0 1341:11, price SIM' In n NA. ltle, or 11":5ii lita rdneh: lllVlettera tor N IT ice . gj ov . pi be ad.l ros+ed, to Dr. Schenck's Principal Entice, N 0.15 North 6th st reet,,hil4delDWßTa. ' General WbQt44..o4(iiijhtb: 4Lebiiitirlitiiatte.to4,2it • Y. S S. Hance B.,ltirnore, 51d.; 4 olp D. Parke, Cincippat Ohio; t itiwlkir'lVlDiltitirt "Clitleato.'Sit; 414114 Pima., gt . Louis, VlO:'' '' '' ''• 7 ' 1 " ' (Oct. 11, 151182-weintx . . gtvi'M:."l4 . 4ltt Vorktts. naltivoraireAirain ward' Fired nee. !Market. ''•,:lprzflimirr,'2 l lieflcry . .yofntn4. SUPER FIIOUR,' 9 . 50,010 00. ExTisA ---ro-irtv TT -on NvitiTE noito 9 5.1 RED )V FIE AT, 2 80 @ 2 85 CORN, k .....::.....:,.....>:35 (d) 1 41i R YE OlTs. •' 70 @ 131 - 41: WHEAT, y ' 4 75 , @ 500 Ti M OTI I Yriltrid, i :J.Ca i• • i.44:44::•5i 150*, '2; 70 C1017.:1: 7 75 @ 8 2;) BAcoN, HAMS, 18 0. 19 " • my yed to other wens. or to any plateau the waiter,. aft 'tech and Coarbee are at the first alass e and no pains Bill baspated to wake passengers , uattortalda. Lie is prepared at al! times to faruinb coaches roe funerals; Ind a 1.., to earn e-desiring to do over the Battle Field wto visa t .Qprtaits. ALSO—HORSES AND MULES will benenght and sold stall antes: Personedealtingto darchasestork will find it to their advantage to call ots .n sodertfgned. üblartock Is warraotedto be u rep. r esented or no sale. He has ar tine lot of Horses and dulerat eresenton hand which will be sold on t estsona. terms. They are mound and free from disease, and are guarantied to wlrk as represented. Persons wi I Ind it to theiradvantageto cellist tie old it and bofore hiring pnrehasingelsewhere. May Zs, 18dT.—tf IC HO WM.I.VER. • A COREAN, J... CRAWFORD THE EAGLE LIVERY, SALE & EXCHANGE STABLES. Waeh ington .Street, Cktty.iburg, Pa. ADJOINING THE EAGLE HOTEL. 'I I IIE undersigned respectfid . a :y iirorrn the ;o: Oro he Lae opened a new fIVER.Y. SALE AM) 11)Acii..%);qa sTABLII In title place. and 1. prepared to offer enpertur aretormodat ioni thin line. lle line provided hitneelf with Ruguien.far cleireL [Lecke, I.4;ht kc , the tatcd,t etylve. , outclent to meet the puleli• denlaud. His hotarce ere till Leel. withour spirt blemleb. and perfectly tellable— e I,f your c. but all °Tine —2.40" ceder. !Siding partite can al rrayr be accommodated and cum fortahle r.ititpnteaut furnished. Partitei, Lula er mall, rae get net what they want ua tn. , moat Accod,m.lnt mit, tom*. u.. tore to the Battle-geld vlitely attended to, and reliable drlvere furniabeil if deetred. Partin. , conveyed to and frmn the Depo• upon the or rival and departure of every trwi u. iloreea bought, eulq, or exchanged, and ialwaya a chance for barguiuir given. Our motto is "fair play and no gouging wa_Partionlar attend ion, paitl to tura isling .'rebid a anti flacks tar Pancras. gm-4V e natter ourselves trust by charging moderately tiy furnishing superior Scrump:eel/tient', we cannot flit to please every One who patronises oar establish :neat. T. T llsv 1*67.---lt • ffflillintrg. HUNTERSTOWN MILLINE Y. ROSIE M. INION'FORT lAS returned from the City with an assortment of the latest styles of ' • - BONNETS 4.;HATS; Heady-mailie BONNETS alw a ys on hand. Ladies' Black Caps and Head-dresses made and for sale Feathers cleaned and curled e q ual to new. . All.work In the Millinery line done at ahOrt notice._ "00.16, 1887-2 m " • ' • MILLINERY.' NI RS. LOU :TATE p ESPEC EFULLY iptoragjigr fiends and the public genellintly; ttratosile tae )4.l3sturned trout the city with ~TIE LATEST SITUPS OF I . BONNETS, HATS, &.C., aithe Millinery line, and . that she prepared to make d repair RHNIV,HTfi, HATS, in the most *Woo able styles. Itly.Her place.of busing:es is in Dr, T. T, TATiI q ew t kettage in Chemberebirt etreet;f4eth'yeberk: '•'•• tf,Nov. ; $ Millinery &la' ntua Makina BARBARA IRTTEit AND REBECCA LTD; K. • HAVE started the Millinery . and Mantua-making ! trades, in Chambstsbirgoareet,la thetearof Fink's Stone, and invite the ladles of tooter Aultatinfry to give thou a call. No elliortwifi beapiriCticritider satisrac lion in overt coin . Hain .Bstrian ' , wad 14.1tobing /1 /AO '- • • (61/4/filMral N9Y.133;.1461-:44V f •goOti"lrtzkis 6 9 .8. ,i-H00p..rag044847 '6 9 Q ,wrawf HOp i KiNs' - ' Liburician make. , l I i; After more than five yearn experientn 'find experiment ing in the notantleertare eTSTRIOTL4 VIM QUALITY . ' 'HOOP SKIRTS.** ollec.ono lastly celebratial,.gooda, to InfOrmants andlbef pittille'in - ftar =Weave of then' . hit. petiority.otrairildlifithers in the American market, and Intityare eo acknowledged by all who. wear or deal to thrmt, se they give more satisfaction than any other Skirt, and recta:m.4snd thatabahtat ;entry respect.— fteetientla Akz)oP atv , r ll 4=fia ac" l i t flmOrrt; Powyttuly who has not given a, trial s do "so arialioutfurther de/ay. . Our aipprtinexj inttpcoi PT.ort lAnth lopig • ifilladies,altsses and Chilidree A , Stilt ArA pitiMtihditteeed and • • e,.. • 4 "BlopitinstOtra MaA,. and, be not iv -See that die fetter 4 -Tly' ts looven on 'the Thine In esti' Mach Hoop. and that they are ettnipetroillr.ViKON lftEN -NA I.4I7PACTUIt B o.::Ertisk yhiLooftwai °P"? 'each tape. No others' ine •‘. .Jr .Alvo o ,afontfintly.lnt galtlianOlgoOd j'ir! rprit• 'and Jhuitern made ales; of Vely ' • " ...,.,4711 4 :441444 641/4,RBTAIL, a►f 4e PHICADELPHIA HOOP SUMPliaini Emporium, N 0.028 Arch street, Philadelphia. Marrh 19,1807.-tom WM. P. HOPKINS. FRESIFDRITS AND MEDICINES, BOOKS, S2ATIO4.VERY, erETTYSWERG, PA., GETTY,Slirllq, PA Olefu for Chapped !lapis Fragrant yrrh, for preserving and ileantify ing the tee:h, and for all diseases of the gams. Pure Llquure for medical uw. Prexriptis¢a carefully filled. liodical Wylie wilhcvc cbarge - - ilda6ES,o4•Clifo4. Liaßeißs.i.¢, tortranktt *nom ffVF, I R M i , IN NED' OXPO/?b, -1 DAJLi CO., .! , i HERBII & =BROTHER AVE taken the Warshonse recently maple by H 11.,411A4. ; ; They are no; ' PriYing aTillaT IBT611:1i br GRAN PACID/UPE. il6t4AnbAnii 7l 0 H 4 L el NS' LUMBER, COAL do GRKERTEI) New Oxford, 90,30, 186 T ,. 3' Y SCHAMIL 01 , IN OM =EI DEALERS IN FLO LR, OE GRO.CERnts, ri 111 E undersigned are paying at their Ware-bonsir, in 1 Carlisle streog idjointig Ligehleelallit4th i bigbeat prices for , FLOUR,. WHEAT, RYE, CORY, OATB, - BRCRWELEAII, CLOVER AND TLROTILY-REEDS; PO TATOES, tc., ac., and 14ytteitroduierbio klts *tin • islif bid*, They hairs constantly on band for sale, A LARGE 81111TLY,Ot.GRQCERIES, . Mo eyrwpe,7Curiea, Stigarti, ke, fifth Bth, PM, 011a,Tar, , Sowo, Batotrand Lard. Tobaccos, to. Alp the best bra Anal' MAR, with FIND of all kinds. They likewise have .14.1t1 1 1LIiiRii, Soluble l'aciflc bliatkr. Abe(l6lo litioeihste atilt • • Mexican Guano. Whilst they pay the highest market *prices kir all they bny, they eell at the lowest livin protits. The .414.10 shareplpSibl(o patrelagi, resbeitt gilts In every cane. July 3, 1961.gtf DANIEL GULDENt, 'DEALER IN DRY GOODS, FLOUR, GRAIN, GROCERIES, LUMBER, COAL, &c. TIIR undersigned keeps on hand, at his Ware Rouse, known as - .Gil/sit:Os Station." in &labia townelalPti on the , tae of the Usitreborg Railroad, all kinds of GR4)C.ERIES, itclading Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Spiro,. kr., with Salt, 1 , 1514.,U110, Tobacco, Bacon, Lard, Ac. Also, LUMBER AND COAL; incltifitns ilding ENO, Shingles, Lathe, Stove Black smith goal. Also, GUANO, and a !arta assortment or DRY GOODS, BOOTS, HATS AND CAPS, ot'4ll kavig. which he is prepared to atoll at the loved' prices. 711 s ‘14 , 1 pays:tbehiphsettlisklkst priel tbt flont,Orain i e Cuts. Buckwheat. Clissactend Tiesotby Seeds; Pm, lea- Meg, ,or will roccive skid furward, the tomarksit mi cum ,!•.o Ile respectfully asks has friends ind the public to. eve him m call. DANIEL GULDEN. A uic..1.1, F 0 R 'W - A it DIN ' AND COMMISSION ROUSE. FLOUR AHD FEED GRAIN AND GROCERIES: HAVING purchased.- the. extensive Warehouse, Cars, kc., heretofore owned by Benicia 'herbs'. we bes Worm to Wham the pendia that w• ars continuing the husiners at tha ulti stand ea the corner orW.hinsetoo and Itsd'anad streets, on ► roorsektensive scale than heretofore. We are paying the highest market price fir Floor, Orefn and all Made of produce. Flour and Weed, Salt, and all kinds of Groceries, kept ocneßnt!y on hand and foi sale, cheaper than they Can be had anywhere else. Plater, and all kinds of fertilizers, constantly on band. or furnished to order. Shie-A_ regular line of Prejght Cara willleave our Ware house every TILIEB .. er VORSING. and accommodation Freight trains will be run as occ.ssion may require. B thlnar rang. m*nt we are prepared to convey at all times to an from Baltimore. All business e this kind ' mat rusted to ne. will be promptly attended tn. Oar cars tin to the Warehouse of dtesenson k Bone, 10 north Howard street, Baltimore. Being determined to pay gond prices, sell cheap and deal fairly, we invite every body were ai st calif.' , . atria , & IitABINIHAW.. Aug. 9, 106.3. W .E. RIDDLE. - 100,000 Bobs. Grain. Wanted. N I ENV FIRM AT THE OLD WARE ROung. viv M. B. BIDDLE& CO. would lullarrntho public that they hate leased the Warehouse on the cor ner orStrattou street and the Railroad, in Gettysburg, oshere they wilt twin on 3 THE CiRAIN AND PRODUCE BUSINESS, (nail its branches. The highest prices wilt always be paid fur Wbeats,RT*; :Corsi • data. Clover and Ttleurliko Seeds. Flaxseed. gnaw, tray and Straw, Dried fruit- Nuts, Slap. Hams. Shoulders and Sides, Potatoea, with .operything else in the country produce OROCERIES.—Chi band; foe sale, Gaga'', Sugars, Uolasens,,Sprapa, Teas. Spices, Balt, Choose. Vie..', Soda, Mustard, Starch. Brooms. Bdckets. Blocking, rb'uTr‘ka. Also COAL OIL, Fish Oil. Tar, do.. 11811 of all kinds; Spikesand Nails; Smoking and Chewing To baccos. ghey are always able to supply &first rate article of kie dffferent ltinds of Feed. A hp. (Ittrtind Plaster, with Gtranoe and other fertill- tern. COAL, by the bushel, ten or ear load. They wilt roe i 1 INB OF FKRIGIIT CARS from Get tysburp. to Baltidoie once every week. They are pd.- pared to convey Freight either way, 'Deny quantity, at R!: DUCE* RATS !Elroy will,atterad, Ude/drat, to the Idnir of pare Id the 'city. and delivering -the ..ordatptly In-Aettydbwrg.. Their ours mate the • • rebates of Nathan Reap A t10.;N0.L96 Worth Howard atreet, near Franklin, Baltimore, wberetreight will be • received - abanytime. They invite the attention •of the .puhlicollereileitrAineolikeerteg.then-theathey Le effort to accompwatte all w bosom pittrovize thme. 4pt1119. 186.8.44111. :.Nesttanct., LIFE INSURANCE. THE NORTH AXISRICAN unk AND ACCIDENT'INSITRANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, I.l(St BiktEBBOSB; OF !ANY £O OA )0006P4616 AGAIYIte Mill Et. irk& DISEASt OR ACbIDFST, AT j..psirust cisit. /wise •.:• . 1;"5 , • • Mill aoftbteCdlpplihlare panbli It . the ". 04c of sq,Alutt • • tt**o mix 040, $lOl bitolkt -. is iuviiioiivit 10100 . 00.0g0,,,1f hie 111010 Ofotflq.l. !if* youd „ . , . .. . . . 'N 0171 CM Lewis L. Haupt President. 8. , P. SfriirirrYoFicilk'easiter• Diredors..—:Le 4L. I.l6upt, BAttrrl C.'Paltner, 4.11. Kurtz, H. O. Lautenring, Jammetrtrildit. J.IL Maggie) thltnes Al. Conrai l , Thomas . ii.. Moors° rt ,4 4th A. Wright. , Apply to • HENRY' A. PICKING, 3titysburg Aghht for Choral. lirOeneral Mgt, k " ,• 482 WAINITT . ST.,IIOI:&.D.2I,I9EA: • 2 H . ARDW A Rm.: i n /1-41 f - f!PI3t (} i ; kreme. Ivo ir 'turned from t b • old.. witir 9 1 1441 4 ,7 1 4yrp.upww 5 .9 41 .4. 8 . ,,,, ji whichpfpe i n '6 6t031,t . (g,4 114 111 . ' street, at prteea un to t63ll6:ofrnilar ; ...4 part of asrpenier'iloola. disiclumitb'aeols, d.*ok Madlap. hoerindlage, .1 P.A.') Cabinet Itaker'•Toole• — '' • • abasekeeper't/Ixturei, ' Ail cludsullron de J '''''' Ar . 1111 4 4 1 C.1174rtg3 - 'Or 0/1.4'-',lti•leDiS,,7 g , -*• , l •-•1. 1•. — t •..4 , t•w i i. .: • • e it i . , i, 10 .1 Offe,rilute. ,t4•;*lt. 4.5 5 :0 5 thAiliell i 1141 *wen) department* mentiene aboes:Mnit w f oisk1 7 44 - , , i had at . Bun* To9.4o o . l 2,4 l .Ttts'iauk. _or_ _, ismal..7., d , • . c d• t v . • ''' AkiliAd H l i teMi . r ' I c,•u er'11 2 31 .1 1 13 •. 0 ONO Mr kifio/40.011034VA rut - o . ft 4 , 1 7 , 7 . , . i 71 , 1?!.. t{f . : Idly ..3 tArillitio , . 1. . 4,,....f, • C.. 's., I l e ' • . Wrillioralfti_ , A .' ' DAVID ZIYOUSIG ' '" ' ' 11117 99067. " JAMES Jinni:l', PAUL lISISII I- El ROBBER MiCURDIr; WM. S. HAMILTON. EL S. BENNIR FE NEM! =0