N9VEMBER 6, 1867. 4.lciiew of the Vtarlats:l Baltimore Produce Market SUPER Fuynt; E X T.1?.1 FLOUR, "WHITE WHEAT RED WHEAT,- COEN, RYE, OAT , : • Bri'ENVILEAT, TIMOTILT-SEED CLOVF.I:-SEED,.. BACON, HAMS, " SIDER. 44 SIIOrLDEnS, I I,os, 4 1.' iOO lbs. ...... BEEF CATTLE, 7 0 . 100 lbs HAY lIIShEI GoLD, Phila Get I ysburg Grain and Provision Market. Gettysburg. Wesinesdoy Morning 9 30 9 50 SI - PER FLOCK ENTiLk • F 1.011:,.. Up.' WHEAT, HED WHEAT. Coin ii 1 F. = Br 1Y HEAT, TlNtOrilY SEED, SEE I f , )1.16 I ALI)... BA cos. SIDES Snot - LDERs = TAli( It, 2 - .taztar•.n EP- —On Cie ilith ult., at Frederick Md.., at the re-idence of the tiritio's neither, by 11ev. Zaeharias. D. D., assisted hv Diehl n TI.. Rev, .T. G. Butler. of Washington. IL c., to Miss Lizzie A. Baker. of FrerierWii. Md. St. John's Church, Carlisle, on Thursday. ttet. 11st , hy Rev, ('hallos West ThornpsoiL Major Avexy rain. of the 4th U. s. innintry. t,i mi 4: An- cooper, •lau2liter of the lat 9 Eon .LOOO. Cooper Fi.i..mmlso- SHAEFFEt.—tin the rtlt it Iten(lPrsville...;S•ttm.l.l Meals. Mr. James.W,F-hrinmiti....2; to Mary E sinettr, both of A , lntns.eotrAt y . FLICKINGER—:IIC EN. In the tlll nit.. at the retsiden-, of the Lride's In;ot her in Fannettsbtxrg. Fran.t lin county, Iry tin Hey. Mr. Porn9roe a , --skted hy Rev. Messrs Rest and Gordon, Dr. Flickinger, of Path Valley, to Mi,s MoAiler., of Fan net tshurg. On the nit., at the re , i'len(.o of the bride's lather, in ; n envillage. by Rev. Mr. Howe. Wm. D. Iloltzworth, Esq.. (Register and Iteeurder). of I i.qtysimrg, to,Miss Evaiinc Einds , tYi of rPen vi Franklin coinlty. WATsoN_E,or.LmAN.—on the letlt ult., hy Rey. Mr. 11 ,, 5-erman. Mr. Robert Wat r :0 .Miss Mary A. Eshelman, Loth oh 1)11:1) - W , itrtry 11‘,!ior's 5 vents 4 iitr. , —cash tr, af•vninpany near.Lih;d, - AA' ,- 4 :ation, Char:es A Ihert, in.nnt son of ;o1 l El;za ORE lifiAi•llOor filo '_9th of August last, ?ilitrgaret a:log - liter of ler and Benehoof, of Fairfield, aged If months and :29 days. Ill:Nom—Near ',East Berlin. on the :loth ult.. Mary, consort of Daniel Bender. aged years t months and 7 days. Fisumc.—On Saturfl4v last, John F;‘ , la:r, 6 . 2. years and 14 days. ;A BE Paradise township, York co on the 28th tilt.. George Gabel_ aged n 7 year I month and 2 days. IIoKE.---On the tith ult., Lydia E.. infant daughter of Abraham .11oke, .Reading township, 1.14;ed 4 111f , 4111,s and :20days. N.Einicir.—on the 26111 tilt Mrs. Sarah 01 Adams county, at the residence of her son-in-law. Mr. Jacob Star.-y, i2l Ma ryland, aged 71 years andcli ys.' • Srocnsi,,..“En..—ln :Burton. Adams (2611 U Illinois. September hnh,of consumption, Jo seph Stoekslager, formerly 01 this county, aged about 30 years. TANEY. 7-On the :;Otis tilt., in Mountjoy township. triah 'l. Taney, aged 28 years and 3 days. DIVIDEND ri'llEPricident an.] Dircetar, al the 4;ettcrl,l,r,z 11,:nr,1 n itiviritlltl live per cent. an capital click. vicar till 4; .venvori, pay aW4. an nail alter Nov. 11. {./.1 . 1•7 J. EMtoRY BAIR. Caf , or DIVIDEND TIIE • President and : 1 1ardtger$ tEe Gettyslatrg an•l l'etf.rs!ittrg pipe Compnily 11,v, thi, flAy ilecinr“l a avi.ler.id .4 one per 11,Q thle nu or aft-r the 14 e•ty , f/)••• - •nn.,t. tn^.24. IT. DIVIDEND cr (;::T7yFri - r.c.) 4th. I.`e. 5 ri 1 111: Pre.i.lcnt t , f,' this Ilfink Imre t Jaw h ,ir4.l.tre•fist ..f 1 mr und one huff I+.lrent.,.ver arid al, )ve all Mkrernment. taxvm pity:, 011 11 f: V! . (ht. 10t U EU. ARNIM!). l'il I LL 1 N E .WYN.., RS. .1,0 t. T;Vi'E ESPECTFULLVI:iforrn,; hcr frienils and uttnc rei,vi-nny. that :1,, j,..1 letarntJ the city with TIIE LATEST ST)-LES'OV in the 311:liner, :ine. khe prepared to make and repair BONNETS. JI it the !mitt lush i•.m itt4k. C.l.l.Pitr Idat of hpeineoe ie to Pr. T. T. TATE . . new' in Cht 1 IIII.CIFI'llr:t ,trtoct I; ettr.hul g. • Not. a • ADAMS COITINTI — INSTITUTE • Will meet in the rnblic Schou! 11l Peling New 011- rd, ett lu ereacß A. .M., nn Alonday, ftrenit,r :'sth.- The twenhig Ei bC held in the Luther,lll Chtirtll. The ext'rCjSte Will etntmist of Lecture., .A ddre.ite•e, Report.. E. , ty, (In.. Drill, Meru..ital.. - ... Sdpt. Illickershittn and iteputy Supt. Coburn, of the State Department. Dr. }drown and Prof. Ehrhart of Get tf •burg. Dr. Pfeiffer. of Niitv.Ozioril, Prof. Brooke. of the itleri, illy Normal Schoeh Prof. Thumps. a, a lAn. as frr, Et -1 S. G. Iloyd. of York, a- S. Jack, EA)., if Went nail et.iol utility end others, have teen engaged for the ocvnaliin. An interenting, and profitable meeting is ex pected henn a full attendance in desired. - . 1 -4 , oshog to Act of Anse:l;l,ly. approved April fith. It a .. a T...tcher' ait ,taute mullmt he held In cacti county 3 tit Commi t wealth, end tnnNt continue in tension at ~ ,I y...duys. am lthltng a halt day tor going and a half Y 'returning." The state act also authorizes direr ~,rl..*A t r Mt teachers the I init.. and 'nukes it binding lip on ten:Ater, to, attend. 'The ti.filinittce on pernianieut certificates, required bylaw, frill lie toerted on :tlontlay afternoon. The r t.tvetts of ft.t.w ins find hive kit.dry prEt pusetl,to entertain at many of t h e teachers an posnitile in private !fluid,. The 11.11,0 r.•dor•l t.,10 trill' I”, made at the hotels. A rrittigvutents her bt en, uncle with the severut Irian...Ail rolitpalile4 fit a reductlon o fare td all who may attend. All who t. 1,11 it, r., I.v yyllnii,,,,l stun he herr by 7.30 ea tie , morality of I 1,, 25th- •Di rectors to Sr hauls and t holt knits of I...ltteat ton generally ere cortiisl- Iv lIIVIted. ' , A A IttiN :• 1 11,1,L1'. Co, t-upt. - If ettptitir,7, Nov 6-3 t , FAMILY GRO CERY. W:11. BOYER & SO* ITII.EItS IN 1:7 CHOC NOTIONS, TOBACCO, &c York &I-fa; Galgsburg-, P«., invite attention to their Rtofk of CllOlO E FA ‘i I I t Y GROCERIF.S, Dried snit Canned Frigrs, Critek um Cheese. Fish, Brooms, cos! Oil, Wooden and ton Ware. Notions, Tiobtren, etr. !{lSt, al, tit all times prepared to pay the highest market prices f Butter, Eggs, and• comstry produce generally. . W3l. II OVER & SON. CHOICE BRANDS a Nary,Eyun Flounder, and Natural T“baccu& fir FAIL• by ' DOritit k SON. CRANBERRIES and Dried Fruits IT f ate by ' • EUY Elt 2 SON !".. 0 .1 . 11INI: OIL, Coal Oil atrlFish Oil for pale by BOYLE k ; . TONI6II'ARE and Wooden-ware ftw afd , by , BOYER & EON CONCENTR A.TLD LYE, for Eele by MI'S!! ROOM Watiir and sugar Crack era for Pale by BOYER t tON I3IP1:11 I AL, Japan and-Young II) PORI Tot kor Fide by WWI& & tAN. . DROOMS, Bronht and 17`oott-n-ware for e to by ' BOY It a. tOlt 'EXTRA NAY'S TOBACCO l'Jr tale by . V) lbs. of gond Lard wanted immt4iatelvat _ A SON, A al. di tot of Dried Peaches and *NAG" la tt.k Aim and -tor site - BOYILIC 4' EON. Nor 6,166i-1y Itethimure, Tuesday Morning. 9 75 @ 10* 50 10 50'@ . 11 00 .. , 2, GO @ r.l SO ... 2'Bo @ 285 "1 35 @ 1 40 135 @ I'so 65 @ 72 4 00@ 5 00 -2 50 @, 2 . 70 7 75 @ 25 lb @ 17@a lb l4@ 15 21 00 @23 00 ME 2 20r 2 40 2 10 • 90 1 10 1 30 1 00 2 :10 ao Cio GO 30 10 7 (Fp S A Convention of the friends of Sabbath Schocle in Ad ams county will be held in GETTY:WI IRO. the fourth week triN;ivember next, commencing or. Mrmday evening, _sth and conrinning•through Tuearlcty awl Wednesday, the 2Calt and 27b.. The aCCA/11013 will ire one of great in terest and n large attendance is expected. • Rev. ALFRED 'TAYLOR. :Secretary Pennn. State Sabbath School Associatin, Rev. Dr, WILLETTS, Ex.- floe. POLLOCK and other distinguKled and elorp.ent ‘gxitlemen from Philadelphia, and els/iv:here will be in ats -teiotonce and takeau active part in Sae proceedings. • Pashas. Superiutendentsand friearß.iof Sunday Schools through Out the county will please. pnbliali Akin notice had take pisaper measures to secure a full attendance. A program nixo f the exercises ;v9l be prepared for die tri blltiOU before NAB day of meeting. The following Cjatmittee of Axrangements lota been •oppointed, 1:15 , V. C. A. liAY. D. D.. 'Castor ofClirist Church, Luthtian. REV. E2II.REIDENBA UGH, • Paitor of St. JamelttChurch, Lutheran. REV. W. R. 11.1jEATRI , Palen, of ti ertuatr Itsflilmied Church. • REV. G. IV. ROUSE, o Pastor OIL C. horch. R. G. IfcCREARY, Superintendent Pt•esbyterian Sabbath Sr hnofN P. A. BUEHLER. Snperinterident Christ Church, Lutheran S. School, J. L. SCHICK, • . • ttln and after Wednesday,-November ilth, 1867, Pas eenger trains will leave mud arrive at iGettysburg, and make connktions as fdllows FII4ST .PASSENG SR „TRAIN will leave Gettysburg at 1 15. A. 31.,osith passengero for York. Ilarriaburg, Phila. delph ja; Baltimore. and the North and N% est, arriving at I (allover Junction wittrmt change of cars, at 10 16, connecting with the Fast Line South, on the Northern entral nailaay,atidarrivingat Baltimore at 12 %noon: Also. connecting, with Mail train frOmilialtimork)Sorth, arriving in Ilan 'shrug all 00,P. M. Arrive at Gettys• Imre I'2 40. P. M.. with passengers from llarrisburg, York. 1341 t i tour e, and Washington. surost) PAS°ENGP.R TRAIN will leave Gettysburg at I 30. P. 31... arrlvin.g at Hanover Junction at 3 30, and connecting with Majl train Eolith. Arrive in Baltimore at 0 4. 0 0/1". M. Arriv Aat Gettysburg at 5 30, P. K. with nasnen eery Inn") Philadelphia, Ilarriaburg. and the North end West and alio w ith patsengers front Baltimore and 'Washington i.y the 'Filet Line North; which leaven Dal* mare lit 1. 10. nocra. Pe . olenzeri can leave Baltimore in the Mail ;train, at R A. M, and arrivi. in Gettysburg at 1.: 40, P: M. .Or. leave Baltimoiiin'the Fast Line at 12 JO, nowili and ar rive in Gettphurg at 5 ..".O,P. M. Bet one change °fears by .the•hr,4 train, iitbar way, viz: at Hanover Junction. The fast line on the Northern C,entrar will not atop at any local etatious. except York, HatioaerJunction.,and Parkton. Connections certa in. . TO THE LADIES. Ilaxing Pur.7 cLisrd Mn. Kimmel' Patters Snit:ming Machin* Rto prepared to stamp patterns for ttl kinds of Iidd- IiROIDVIY D BRAIDING, on renattnable forme. An ablates on York street, adjoining tualtnak. Gettysburg, Pa„Oet.zo.--at , , • CHURCH .DEDICATION. Tft B . 11 ow MethOdist F. Church it: Aterxbutg, ti.:s. Pa., will be dedicated on Sunday. Noe. 1 CU,184 . 7. : F i t otww Rey. Dc. RIMS of Baltimore. Rev.* ..........R Of awns berobturp,'Ren. J. A. Rosa. W.e. AllOll. B. C. Ma* tut sod othei tainidets are expected be present. Oct. a0..-2t .. ' :NP - ttablege. . . . . BOY Eli L SON OTlCE.—Lettero of Administra t ton on the estate of Osman Yoni, late of -Lima ton townebtp, Adams cennty.Pa., decatad, bergiagneag granted M the underelvsed reeking I itiadisog tetv. o be_ horst/41'gal , intim to silvan*, indebted do taid , eite to eallua4make'hiamalJala payment mad tham-baring, datmiaatmt itte.mmairapromo: then ~7 ano thentieeW tor eattlementi pun) youL Oct. Bch —et ' I 7 Ada% BOYER k EON AdrertiOnnato. 'PICKING J UST FROM T-IE CITY cLoniim CLOTHING PrieeB Reduced .1 tßeduced ! - Reduced ! • • 14 1 B. PICKING, just from the 'city, . 11 - • with an enormous mock of new • CLOTLILNG,...TOtONTS, &C., offers bargains of the most astcialshlng character. To pure the aseertioo, ail he asks isAat buyer. Will COME AND SEE : • COLE AND SEE!. and judge for thetiselics. Reba/ COATS, . Over Coate ; Black Frock Coats, Cloth Sack Cuata, Ottasimera Sack Coats, Satinet Sack Coate, . :fa red SRLk Cuata. VESTS, Cloth Vests, ClansAwlere Vesta, Satinet' Vretii, Iret Vests, iit,nnati Vest's. CLOCKS, Light...lay Cl 6 ke, 'fhirtpliour (Kuck Alarm Clocks. ILIILic Clorlt, . Trunks and Culla-01am Buying at the lat,st ntid 6cline, PICKING can sell .t.thr very LOW E 6 r doubt ;Ana it Evi. - ybody EilyS so. FIRST NATIONAL BANK GETTYSBURG WILL ALLOW later e,t an SPECIAL. DEPOSITS as fol Lowe Z. PLR CENT. PER AZiNUM FOR I YEAR, G MONTHS, WILL CON V CIIL r z . ,-2u BONIN AS USUAL free of charge CASIi COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES AND COUPONS. Will aIK, Far: Ita. , e or ~e:1 STOCKS a BONDS of rto.ry kin.l fee,,,l charge na: anti will at all times the lIIGIIEWT PRICE for GOLIX.k-ND SItVElt ;;;: v 1114 I , l,a.t:re Ira t s..ct all busibes.,pr..rti; tly a , here t 1, re pertaining to a well regn.lateld Dunk GEO. ARNOLD. Carbi.r.... e G, sG7—tf ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF ESTATE Oa Feithry. the 22hd tidy of „Nerent'.Br. 1967. L. jui , u .n.... oi a decree of the ilrplittrie Court of Ad Ills county the undersigned. Administrators of the -huts uf .i. Atm!: CO7:. dreeastd. R• it I, sell at Public Vend ne, ..ii the premises. the fttllosrmg .I,cl - I bed TR Inxida FARM, ettitote in Latimsre fowl - Alin. Adams co unts. . P.i , adjoin mg latale of Co l ..lOhn W a ol ford. Johnoust Isaac Tudor. oot dir e -.lin-ker. and otlio. 8, con t ..iain g is ACRES. more or Los. of w hich about Li Acreskrn Timber. and the bal. : t ore good film land.. Th, lmprorUm entB are a good Two t.t..ry STONE V El.l3lZili 11OUSE.I.Log and Frame Barn. a Granary an 'arriage !louse. netvly built. and tither ...it buildings aid Improvements. There is,jui unfailing Sptinin ef gnu water near the Moue and R good Orchard ..r sartms kiddie u 1 fruit on the fart!. It it. ends. enient on Mill; .i nil ..... hoot Minims and atom I' ta e wiles front York Spr,ngs. and tie;;lratiteas a residence. 11 , "!....5a1e Will co ., intent, at I ii'ebitit. 7,1,. %vi te n at.. endatice will be given itnd ternix.litudill:W.WO on tlay of liyq SA RA LI JO6El'll A. WIER:NIA N, Atho'r • DUBUC SALE OF VALUABLE . P,linsoNAL PRoPERTY The 5 , 11 , a-riber will offer at Public'Sale. on it , nday. jkt 1!..t/ dap ff ..Ncealber..l.Q67. at bia residence iu Cumber 140d tawnship, the following Talnable Personal Psuper ty. viz e• • , SURfi.kt.:..s BeMiteadd. 2 IT ish4ands.4 other Staudt , . Corner Cupboard. 2 Tablez. Settee, tine dozen Chairs. 2 Rocking hairs, yard,. Carpeting. an E;ght-day Clock. .itiog„ontrae,, ipietnCe Frames. 2 P.M of bell metal Shovels and Tonga. Template .foci. and Pipe, Dlalat , e. Tula. itarrel4. Ltacketl, with a great ear iety of llouschlbi andlittchen Furniture too nuruermi to mention. Ca..Ssie will commence at 11 o'clock A. M., when at tenlance will be al - yen and terms mall. known by Nov. 64, 7!r.S Icy mvtits. _; DIS'“).1.1:TION O PARTNERSHIP. a • the partiod - ahiP heretofore existing between the 1711 del - awned. under the firm of Tanghktb•agh k Neele. of Haml..ti, ha, been:Alit...oft ed. All persona indebted to add firm. eiit please call and make v.) merit. Either part i- :uni orizet to use the tame of the firm in eet tlenirtt ,Jf the bu,ineßß • 3.R. 7 - 417 G lIIN BAD; 11, U. F. kiLKI.LY. Nov - O CT LOTS-F.OR SALE. iWO LOTS convenient Inc raFturss- ' e or cultivation. Ni est of the Theoloalotl ; 4 eininar,. and sulj , sining Lot, of hr. S S. Sr'mud:Writ:if of Judge Ziegler. are offered at Private Fate. Essig, contains about fire Acres,. They will ss N.oisl Ns:ether or stiosrately. App Is to Nov fs-sit . Li. EIc(XLNAUGIIY. S AI3,I3ATII SCHOOL CONVENTION Fliperiutendent M. E. PabLa th ficir)ol - DETWILER, Superintendent St. J runes' Church, Luti .. S. Schgol G EORGE GEYER , . Superintendent German Refonte d 5aL . school. - PALMER, Superintendent Atrir„an Fab. School JOHN R. IIE.F.SII,New Oxford. J. A. GAItDN Eh, Philadelphia. O. t. 30 -4t GETTYSBURG RAIL ROAD CHANGE :OF GOWNECTIONS 1.4 . 4 , T 11, ]F,67. PAN,T3, Black Coalmen, Pants, Fancy Cass haste Pants, Satinet Pants, Tan-;d Pants. NOTIONS, 411oves; Suspenders. Black ()loves, littudksrchiefa, Neck 'Pies Bpring Stocks Paper 'and Linen Collars, Sc IMUI 1 - iolius. dccordeous, F/utes. Fifes, Violin Striugs. 11E=11 are intended tot special elialt• requiring /11L./15 powerful medicine. 'Riley are lour deg - ees stronger than the or dinary kind and are perfectly harmless and reliable. 1 (you cannot set thew uty our druggist I will send thew by return mail, poet-pa Al and secure from observa tion fdi receipt of the money . 1 will also menden Illustra and Confidential Circular to Ladies pu application A Areas 7. BILYAN, M. U., eIY 13r.ad gray, New York. For sale in Enimittaburg aid., by A. T. &tem & Co. J5ll. 10, /blii.-/y, I. )R. J. BRIAT co nsulting Physician, f 19 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Gives SPECIAL T P.ATMENT in all eases of Seminal, Sexua I, Urinary and Nervous Diseases in Male o.r Female- ADVICE FREE and correkTonden CO' STRICTLY CONFIDEN TIAL. TJ iIEsTLENEN.—I will send my privattand confiden tial circulars free of chart, and for lu cents a valuable treathm un beuttual Wba knees, by llr. E. Br.u.. 100 Paer”s.. To LADILS.-1. will tiend.ruy Private Circular with An atowdeal Engravings free of charge, and for lu cents a Valuable treatise by Dr. Jon N IROvor, contain, ug taut information on all subJ ,cts Of int anst to tot /in Jana% .1.887.1 y • A who in mirky life was a victim to that debasing vice so comment o tooth, which resitited In Seminal Weakness, Involvntar v Emissions and I.Vervon, Prostration and came near ending his days in it willow misery.. After toting numerous -remedies without sac cess, he obtained from a friend some simple rules and prescriptions that effected a permanent Cute. On behalf of *suffering humanity ho -will send the same free et charge to all who may desire it. Address EDGAR THEMAINE, Station I), Bible Ilouae, N. Y. Jan. 10,1867.-Iy. ZXTBACT OF A LITTLE IMAM BARON SOLOMON MOTHS CMILD Will you be kind enough to have forwarded to me, here -200 battles of your Ind ten Liniment ; ii you will send at the same time the acc mut t . ' will forward you the amount through Messrs. Balm ORT & Co., New Yotk: BARON SOLOMON Rorngcmln hayin recommended to many of his Mendell! ajor LANE'S LIN IMENT, MENT, and they being d. shoos to procure' it, he should advise him to eetablish a depot in Paris. as if relief, ever ratty •Mt a killer of :Min, taken Ineratd ly,oicnittraroly applied, hu no equal. Bar If ierellefs.nd cure' of Rheirmatic and Neuralgic Affections, Sprains, Bres, it is uwequalled It is alto mu at efficacious, take inwardly, in tke care of Chojera, Vreuips and Rau in the Stomach, Diarrhoea, Dysenbyy, 0/lidera "'orbits, Violins 113 fontum, sic., and is withoutiexceiAinn the most worderfut /tomcat the world affords. No family should be without It. , Every TRAVELNR by lami or sew should have a bottle. . MINERS and YARIIIULS residing at a disitance front Physicians shoald , keep it ,constantly on hap& case of Accidents, and toddel n *tucks of Stomach Complaints, Its value cannot be or timated. In quire OF Ilejor LANK'S INDIAN LINIIIU I :NT, and take no Other. Price, 60 cts. per bottle. Forial eat wholesale wed retell by Duda.- Barnes .6 Co-, 21 Pt irk Row,' New ; Gale Robinson, 186 Greenwich et • New York; Y. O;7We Co., 192 Pall= pt,. New Tail.; Cheilea Crittenden, 38 Itch, Ave., New York; .cod, respectable Druggists throughout the world. None . /nine. Aar aijned by ;lone raw. Luz, Ana tooroew4., Toed by J: T. .1.41011; CO., Proptietors,l63 Broadway, ew Piet. .bend far Circular. .1 (Oct. api-it .111r.DT, apt TT /a U'll.K REST 'CHANCE t 1: -. 'EVER OFEEREIVTOf - /Vat/1M :One or two days' time will *et& a * -' Boeing — .11fil-' dittne,'Watoh, /htfk Dress, /Waver, *it • otter et title of.equel setae, FREE OF °oft! ,_ . 1 - ' Agents wentedheetywhen„ *ale sot' 'llillie, for the best Chie Dolhir pawnbroker's Bale fp the "entry.' Bend. *W O: tren t- W I % .' 31 tichan - ll ' cl ge ..raft : IN ' ste t ")/11 " ' . 1 4 t s 7th WA OW.p N Teeleg ents mi t et o b ur Zia 32,ti0 —eitba tly Ihe ;Rooth or o is, posppliirip* • :011y tilits witharze,'han;l4•ll; ha - bind, eod *Zak it 'ZZaI to-s -7 „ :Aft r atto L izia.".. ....:7... votteith i noes raid. Add , Addil, 4._l l,ll l l Wii AOMN 1 i Cimland, Ohio. --, T- ' fe..4t ftw AdvtrtimzentS. NEW. FIRM IN NEW OXFORD, ADAMS CO., PEIVX.A. HERSH Sr. , BROTHER HAVE taken the Warabouse recently ocCnpied by D. Hoke. They are now paying the HIGHER PRIOFS for & PRODUCE. Conetantly.on band CHOICE SELECTIONS' OF LUMBER, COAL & GROCERIES. JAMES HEES , I r PAUL HERSH. New Oxford, Oct. 30, WIT.-3m A NEW STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS AT J. C. ZOUCK SO.N'S, SEW OXFORD, PEXX'A We have just returned from the C‘ty where we bought a very large and well selected atoce of goods suitable in our line under tne late decline. Our sleek consists in part of Plain all Wool De Leine*. Chnll4 De Laines ' Call,, coca, Bleached and Unbleached Mus CeAsi mares. Cotiona.'es. Kentucky Je•ms, Linens. A laree lot of Ladles' Balmoral (Miters, plain and tipped M0r0c , ...0 Shoes. A comTdete assortment of Groceries at low rates. Hard ware sue lt as Tire Iron, Spring. Shear. Blister and Cast Steels. Horse Shoea, horse shoe Bar. Nail Rod Ham mered trim, Malts , Spikes, Shove.o. Spades and Forks, Door Locks. Pod Locks . Latches, Hinges, Screws. Table and Pocket Cutlery, Grindstones. Painta, Oils. GI nss, Putty. Ac.. China and Queensware by the set. • We invite the public to give us a call and examine our stock before purchasing eine% here as we are determined V. sell. Thankful fl ir past patronage we hope to merit the same in the futhre. EJunt 12,1661.-4 -4. C. ZOCCR L- SON. GETTYSBURG NATIONAL BANK• GOVERNMENT LOSDS. of all kinds. BOUGHT and SOLD EVEN THIRTY 11 1 7 C DS couvrrted into FIVE-TWEN fY" BONDS without charge. - Co lI')CSL INTERET NOTES CASHED. The HIGHEST PREMIUM paid on GOLD and SILVER STOCK'S and BONDS. of alt kinds. bought In- porgoas without CHARGING COMMISSION ORDERS PROSITTIX EXECUTED In'erf. , t on SPECIAL. DEPOSITS arirayi,4 I per rrnl., G PER CENT. for ] year 4 PER (ANT. for G month', 3 PER CENT. for 3 nioctlis. l'encins vvivlting information in regard to Bonds. and Stock - v.(lin ki id, are invited to a call, we rcili give all in lin inution cheerfully. J. 1:Moitl . R.kl it. Lathier. tiettyvlitirg Oct 33,. 1967-if CAPITALISTS LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST. J. C. ZoiT(*K, REAL ESTATI , ', AGENT.. 14 - 1 ). 1 TO'll/ - 4. A .VS COUN TY. I lIAS TWO N. 2.1 STORE STANDS. for S.lf. or Lent, it Ith Stock of fiords. loin; a first-rate business. sitauted near a Railrv], it; splendid ril,ages,evl[h y I cations A gaol chance I.or tn..se wisliing to engage in the bu,lo; A rarechance is offered if applied for immediately. POs session given any titre. . A Is, 1.0 Faring, M iilx. Country Seat., Fontdriee. Ma chine il 4 lip s . Town Lots, Ac.. in Penn ey I vania ant Mary • land, for vat,. ray gine , iu price, from Saud a, ... , -10.ttro. 4FirA ny person wishing to purchase property. an well 141 to P”11 through my agency. will di well to call ou th• subscriber. r r address by hitter, J.C. ZOL'CR. Arent. Address—New 0.r.4.rd. Adams comity, Penua HAPPINESS OR MISERY "1 1 11 E victim of youtisfal initigeretion degtroya his hop. 1 pi uegs. ruing Mg ;truetterth for Foetal en log ment. mar nage imd the pursuit of Miming .11 and emb, hi. am to rattier) ; hut liptlie timely age of t be ton g tried and faith tat remedy BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS, he may roicover Ms health. Make tlicrefure• no delay In using tlxisbremcely. It gives speedy relied and sill won eft,' a cure ill all cast:nut Weakuesa. Entitleions, Pliy•Kal and Nervous Debility and derangements it rile univiry inane. Pesitive benefit is nertred by using a single n.x. I t 3 . 5 entirely. regetahlr and liarrhiefrai and no change at diet is necessary %enlist Maim". Price 90e Dollar pet box with tail mreztiome. icy Di agszlists ,:en el . 111 places where they cannot Le pi.e.ured I will rend them by mail pent,paul ;Tho secure from übeervdti ill •.1:1 re:eilit of the :11,01,5:- .Idtiteser J. BRYAN, 31 in.. Broadliay, New York. Private and ronfideu hal Mr.... Mani will be sent I. Arti t kitten free 0/ charge. For Bale in Emnitttliburg. Md., by A. T.Steln A Co Jan. JO, TO LADIES VVCR attention is called to the moat eth , ations re thedits e‘er known (.r the rern , ,al of ot,structiuus and derangements iacllleut to the ft male nes. DR. LIARVE.I'S (AMON° THERMAL FEMALE PILLS. Lave been need fue titrarde of TIM &TY reels NIEL unvary ing eurceet.i± '1 tiny are adapted IC r all uruiu,try ranee end never tail in their ;antler' if taker , m time. DR. HARI/EY'S GOLDL.N FLUE e 1 E PILLS. PEICE FIVE DOI. LABS A BOX, ERRORS 0 F YOUTH THE RICHEST MAN IN THE WORLD Puusi Stb April, 1564,2 b Rue liattby, THE INDIAN LINIMENT, VI)" , Aisitte anti %artistel l Q 1 etigeLi, vs, w 4:, NEW . HO LIDAY BOOKS. G. W. CARLETON & CO., Publishers Lore Letters.—A selection of the most absorbir* char. actor and interest, from correapondence of celebrated and notorious men and women Pricey V CO IVidoto Sprigging.— A new comic volume, by the author of "Widow Bedott." Illustrated $1 75 A Book about Lawyers .—A reprint of the intensely curious London work, just published .......... 00 Epistles of Corry O'Lanus.—An Irresistibly laughable book of comic opinions. IllostrOad 41 50 Woman's Strategy.—A splendid new• English Love Story. Beautifully and profusely Illustrated $1 60 Condensed Norels, and other Comic and Burlesque Pa pers. By Bret Harts. Illustrated It 60 The Cameron Pride —A most delightful new bathe novel. By Mary J. liolinev $1 50 Artentur Ward in London.—A new Comic Book by this groat author. llinetrated $1 +5O St. Meta—By the author of ••Betdah." One of the best and most popular Novels ot the age 32 00 The Culprit lity.—A maguilleent Illustrated Edition of this Poem. Elegantly bound In gilt $6 00 How Co Make Money and How to Keep 11.—A valuable book tbat every one should read ' 81 60 The Habib of Good °.—An excellent work, teach ing good inoinnere end behavior $1 75 The .4rl of Cbnrersation.— A book that cannot fail to make ultuomt any une a good talker St 60 The Art of Ara nring.—lnstructione and flints far every sort of Home A muarmento .$2 00 These books areall beautifully bound—solil everywbore —and sent by mail. postage free, on receipt of price, by 0. W. CARLETON t CO., Publishers, N. Y. Oct..3C-4t NEW S SCRIBERS FOR 196 S to the ILLUSTRATED PIIIIENOLOOIuAL JOURNAL. at s3a year, will ro. colon Nov and Dec. Nos. thin year Fr.,. Atithesa Oct. 30....11 S. It. WELLS, 359 Broadway, N. Y. BALLOIA MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOR 1868. Enlarged to One Hundred Pageer The cirtu 'Aloe of BALLOU'S MAGAZINE having in creased during I&rti Learly _fifteen thuasuncl cupies and never being so . presperous as at present, the publishers are thereby induced to still further add to its value by LNLAKCING LACH NUMBLiI TO cNE I{ CNLRLD PAGES. Although thin eulargebient involves an ado itional expense of now. A 5,000 a year, yet there will be No INCHLAHL NHL MICE. TERMS:-1 1.50 a year: revel, rep ie.., 00: twelve copies, Slh.to; and a enpy !ir,lfis nue yearin Vie person &ending g club ed heel' , elv t &le cei,te. Send stamp for epecinieu u.•ry.77,. e',,eapee , . 3!l9,zin , in the World. ELL1917,1 . 11071ES A TALBOT, oct. :59-4 t lk,ton, Ma's. W f E art in want of VA1 4 ±11 , 41 ENTS for Iloyn- Ihe .\ury, the roost elegant i 1 1 ... trate,' wor k over in this or any country. Apply for rirculo r to L APP. ETIO; d Cm)., Oct. 30—; t 4t3 an.! 44. Itn.rulway. N. V. AGEYTS WANTED FOR THE iicn. 1.. . FAL Thi in 011,1 V.Oll, are tlin .•e.irc in the minds ,•• th, pe-The .44.1 in it. Ito ttici 41(.11am-ter /tic! rraily nle, c"rnion...iv ilt incremied commission. flank e it the thiti bliok ever nei' sr. t . ur tclins, and r. iy faster lint, tier work in p. HAI; ;: ETT &CO.. Cheituut it.. . Oct 3ti—lt A DVERTIS.fiIi'S GAZKTIE. New V 4.1. Price ad• vanc..l t.. twr yl,fr in gie ies• P. liuWh.LL dc co .r u i.l..h er , New 1'"rl COMPLETE 1.1.• , T5. of all NEWSPAPER. , in vleill#3l• and Wiz , 4)SPUN' In N.ireint...r. number. Ale., is l• of ALL REL IHIUCS NE PA PEAS ur A t)ct. .Al-4 t F IRST MORTGAGE lilyy Ds, :,.'LOUIS ;Nb IRON 3I , )C.NTAIN RAILP.OAD CO Seven lwr rent. inttreit, it•Lraary and Au;a4t Tile!, But' cover a ltond of ',41 mtica tmehrtl Irian rt. I,,ui• to 311. t in hl11:1•1 tin ei tattßiou ata.ot the hArlie length riot, Pilot kuoli to Bel l/loot. now r 'puffy constructing. fur a hie!, the prweeds of these tna..le are to tie used. ID:it:111g a througb•route grow rt. leans to Ne.. u rlcan, by rot, The earnings of the Mile. are $ u.. :.•w A year; the net pr.ifits now Are sufficient to I.ty the tit: 'feet the et,t ire amount of howl& Were they all th.ue.l The I. security is be lieved to be bey und that of ally • ther bonds now offered. Apply at the , ttlice oldie Con, pain'. Nu. 43 Wall et_ to 11. Itta" ANL+. Vice Pre.id• .•t, or to CLARK. DODGX et Cpl. orfter t-t Ran and Wilt. nut , a' York City. 41, t.:. -4r N()RTIL AMERICAN S'rEAMSIIIP °pro:qr . /0N L LA* E TO CA.LIFORNIA. tVERY DAr.%. PASSAGE AND /11EDIIIT AT DLL 'UCED HATES. Tor fnrther information. apply to D. N. CA ILRING TON, Agent. Oct. :sf-at 17; West s t., Nuw York. 1,1 iSOURI LANDS.-15.000 acres choit e farming and -J D rI. Tim , cr lands. in South Western )lire Smut at $1;45 prr iwrs I ,usb iir lots to suit Tit. perfrc. • Wll. II ICKoli, Jr., JU Broad st.. tier Tork city. oct.litt—tt HYDRAULIC RAI IS, POWER PUMPS, MEI T` vEICYBODY CAN et_r TnEla (lux Ci...niauu for rn•n 1 I r 11.1 y hy Uting PAlVnN'y StLP INsTSI:CTIN(O2ITARPA I . 4, 1:11b IN I. eet MUTI tto any arid reM for $2.040. Agent,. order a sa/uple. S end ntalups for term. and circular. Ott. JO-1 CORSET SKIRT SUPPORTER OMBINES in one garment a PER \ FE' T ?mum CORSI; anB.the moot de Pitiable Skirt . Supporter ever offered the pup IV. It places the weight of the skirts upon the shoulders 11:19t1Wt1 of the hips; it improves the fortn without tight lacing ; giTna ease and elegance; to approved and rerommended phviricisine.— Sold at tapes' fancy goods stores generally. and at whole sale at It. R. eAU N DER S k CO., 90 Summer et.. Boston, and 22 M alker et.. Near York. Also. by HENRY C. MOORS. 4_o Market street. l'bila &Intl's, and STELLM ANN, HINRICHS At CO- 21 Han over street, Baltimore, Md. ft/M.30.-41 Xll ALA]" prepay %slip my e Beware of infringer*. My circa tars will ' explain. A r TiAres A.J. FULLAM,Sprinattld, Vormont. WE STILL LIVE! DON'T he humbugged by Impost , rs or "patent" We iron or machine "Stencil tools." Send for our New Catalogue of IMPROVED STENCIL DIES, 20 varieties all of Steel. carefully finished and tempered. tic t. 30.-4 t S. M. SPENCER & CO, L..rattlehoro, Vt. - 1 - X7 - ANTED—AN AGENT — One chance in each town V I worthy the attention elan attire hueititwe man: to take tDe agency for the sale of BRADATREET's Runasa MOULDING AND WIATDDE STRIPS, applied to the aides, bot tom, top and centre of doors and windows. The sale is beyond ansthing ever offered before to an agent. and from, $lO to $25 per day can he made. Send for ngents'eireular. The first who apply secure a bargain. Terms for pi oßld lag. cash. J. R. BR ADSTH Efrf & CO, Oct. 80-It Boston, Mane. TOI3.WEINI PATENT WEATIIE . R STRIPSAn ex arninaikal et ite merits will convince any one that Torrey's Patent Weather Strips excel all oth, re Send fur illustrated circular. Agents wanted in every town.— E. 8. a J. TORREY ct CO , sole Manufactorers,72 Maiden Lane, New York. Oct. 30-4 t IAT ANTED—SALESMEN TO TRAVEL AND SELL. V V GOOD.S by sample. UNA waxes and eteady em ployment. Addeo& with stamp. HAMILTON, PERKY k CO., Cleveland, Ohio. 41.304 t IaT.I-NTED-3 CENTS—To sell a live man In evert rr county, a business paying 3450 per month sure. • Oct. 30-4 t I . TILTON, Pittsburg, Pa. PAINTS FOR FARMERS AND OTHERS THE ORAFT')N MINERAL PAINT COMPANY aro now manufacturing the Best. Cheapest and most Durable Faintin nee; two coats-well put on, mix.d with pure Linseed Ott, will last 10 or 15 years; it loofa light brown or beautiful chocolate color, and can be shangedto green, lead, stone, olive, or drab, to suit the taste of the commuter. It is vaDiablefor Houses, Bartie,Fundera Agricultural Impitanents, Carriage and 'Citr,Makera, Wooden.ware. Canvas, Metal and Shingle Roolh,( Whales' Fire and Water proof), Bridges, Burial Cases, Cana I Bests, Ships and Ship.' Bottoms Flyer Oil Clothe , (one Mavis. factnr,pr having need 50 W bbli. the past y. ar,) and as a paint for any purpose is unsurpassed Fur body,dnrability, elasticity, and adhesiveness. 1 thus IS per WI., of 300 lbs., which supply a farmer for years to come, wan. ranted in all cases as above. Send for a circular, - which gives fall particulars. None genuine unless branded is a trade nark Grafton Mineral Paint. Address - Dome!, 111DWE4L, PrOlpriefor.. 254 Pearl st y New ?talk • AM'Agents wanted. [Oct. 30.--4 t CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUBED.; • IB TUT ItniklEDY AT LAST DISCOVSAISIA, , US THAM'S Mkt! MEAT f:Xilta, prepared frau die Savants of Prof. T:itsi Riau - of Paris, cures 'Consumption, Isi ti nithnn ma'llro DisPeada.illaessaiiii, Genera Debilli y and all fa d coalitions of the rotast' dent on deficiency of vital - funs : 'tie pleasant tow t shale bottle will . oonvince the most- &epilog of Its virtue /if the great he.ling remedy of the ego.. fit et dad will iitwasio 'away wood mamas a clo.ll owy Greai Oaelorio• Ilata,edbly aid NiatvEloadat do, iiddik Drees Patter% litati , otillwathir, Vat** dol-frew °tato- Catalogtie wisowilatisid tsar*, seat to any, address *NI T A ddres, J. B RAWIIB , 4 00., 30 Uwaawawatweat,Battatit Maw. F. P.8eir6126... • ; t •ty w • • • LADIES & G ARMEN. oirmiiiiesVsjeothr *eV "I L 'l.l- "mai - filitittiabdttlatiratsod.Randt w* boo . iirtiawidatiltaisat atdow&tasitr . Ng Td!_N•L, iit4 110 1 8,1 0 1 1•" Ott. 80-tt _. few akkertionnotts. NOW I:: Till; TIME TO GET UP CLUBS! CAN VASSEHS WANTED 11157.0 R 7 OF 111 E SECICE' SERVIPE, DEEP WELL P U P.S FORCE PUMPS I=l COWINti dr. CU., Seneca I,llr. New Sark I i PA RSON'S. Cnedills. New York MADAM FO Y'S Neat folate Mts. PUBLIC SALE OF A VAI 4 ,UABLE •-•PROPERTY The undersigned, Trustee appointed by the Orphans' Court of Adams county, Pa., to Sell lands late of limy Wean, deeeaaed, lenderproceedings in Partition, will ex • pose to sale and sell at Public Vendure, on Saturday; the 9th day qf November next, all o'clock: P. Al., on the pre miser', the followlegdescribed TRACT OF LAND. situate in Liberty•township, Adams county, about two and a half miles south of Fairfield. near the road leading tq Miller's Mill, adjoining lands o'f Nathaniel ()revue, John. Clark, and others, now occupied by Andrew Donaldsoi. , It contains 11 34 Acres, more or lees, and is improved wi a one and • halt story LOG MOUSE, a good Stable, hog Pen, Corn Crib, And other outbuildings. There are three never-falling Springs of water convenient to the house, a fine young orchard of choice fruit of all kinds. including Pears, Peaches, Cherries, ac. A small stream of water runs through the guembes, sufficient to run any kind of small machinery. *a-Attendance will he given and tonne made known ••.n day of nate by ADAM C. 31COSaLvIAN, October 30.-ta Trnetee. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE The subscriber will sell hi 4 VALUABLE FARM, in Cumberland township, Adams county, Pa., containing THREE HUNDRED ACRES. The Itnproverw•nte are good, a large BRICK II - ,USE, Switzer Balm, Wagon Shod, Corn Crib Carriage House. kn. The lend Inall Granite soil, and' in a geed state of cultivation. THIS IS ONE OF THE REST WHEAT AND GRASS FAR3IS IN THE COUNTY, and would answer well fora Dairy. There are three wells of never-haling water, and atnnning stream through the farm, furnishing gever•lailing water in nearly all the fields. The faritt will be sold in parts of 100 end 200 Acrem, to suit purchasers. I will also sell my DWELLING DOUSE, r,u rharubees burg street, Gettysburg, whlch is n very d...4lrdb:e pru petty. o.l_ . Any veroun winking to view the propertkid will lie 'bow o dol' by the eitbacriiier. tiring is Gettpiliurg. Oct. ?:t,1 i 4t7.-tf le. 31 eC I.' pUBLIC'SALE. Thedsulaicriber will sell at PllllliC Sale, no Fri.h y. th. 15th day of November. Il'o7, at 10 o'clock. -1 M., at his residence in Iliguland township, .tdansti county. Psi the road laming from Millerstown •to Gingell's Mill, h a ir mile south of the M iIL the following, Personal Pro perty. to wit: HORSES. one of which is a Brood Mare, 3 Mitch Cows, 3 head of young Cattle. 2 Sows and Pigs, Farming Diessils, 1 two-horse Wagon, Wagon Bed, Hay Carriage. Phrw, Double Shovel Plows. Cultivator, Ilar• rows, Double and Single Trees. 2 setsof Mud Gears, I set of Plow Gesirs, Sleigh and Bells, Mattock. fore. Forks. Bake... Shovels. Hand Saw, Augers. Hatchets. bet of She ing Tools, Halters. Cow Chains, Axes, Biding Saddle, Side 8„,,i,11,, Riding Bridles, Blind Bridles. sic. Also, 11 , ,,ti5, hold ant: Kitchen Furniture, consietine of TableeShairs, Bedsteads. new Cook Stove end Pipeanil all the Fixtures, Template StOVe s .itUdietS. Ttlit,l..;id,r el, Meat Ves sel. Churn and Churn Burk, Behr: es small Brass het tie, Corner Ciphoard, Ilal(-buthel Measure, Crockery, a IA of Apple Butter. Cud a great variety of other arbeie• LW, numerous to 1111-11t1011. War-Attendance rill ba gif ea a nd tvrin, made krii,wo on day of sale by • Vi3l. F. WEL laEltT. KLUBLN GULDEN. tvliorieet. jOCt. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE Ii. .A LFSTA T E. (In Thursday the I Ifh of Ser. nth.. rno ,at tO ,A . ..tf. In pursuance of an order of the Orpharts' Cowl iif ISM. the u relersianee. Executer of the lam will and restanteitt ULU illtirlAN MILLER. late of St rattan tor re ship. Adams county, dere...od, will expose to Sale i,y public uutcly on the premised, the valuable /.'IL)1 of dt ,,letst. *au 44,1 5[441.1441 towneWip. Adams ..at the public r ad leadmir from Huuterstown to N ch at bit. 1 intled from each place, audadjointua lands e f bult..laccbilassatt. Jobe Harerstick, and other", con. Lou tm hI ACRES and PEKUIIES. The Improve tnota, err a tw,story LW/AAA:it; HOUSE, part t out weatherldamiled. a Flame Born, Wagon Shed. Carriage House. Wash House, and other outbuildings. with a never-falling write( water convenient to the bouae. There is also a ti e Orchard of Choice Fruit 7. tee,. of ea ery vafiety. There green the preruisea about S acres at Tiniliels Land. ti- Any person ',tolling to view - tbe ptemided before the day °reale, will be clown .he name by ealltng ''e George B. 51111 e.-. lei:Ming thereon. Tenn, made an .wit. en day 0(4101 by 6EO. E. BRANDT, Oct. 2..3-'4 PRIVATE SALE OF A VALUABLE FARM' The undertigne,i.iidending to quit farming, Ar.r wale hit:FARM, which hr now reed,. rear lb.. Cur. ii.ip pike, ono mile from Round ILp P. 0., and ar te miles from York Sulphur Spouses or Hampton. Adana ....linty. Pa.. con taming ACRES. inure or lea,, on a hut, is erected a new. two.atory LOti . HOUnE, with back Kit en•llunuae.24 by feet. There is a plaints 1.4 beret-fail ing water at the door; Apples, Peaches, Chr - dee, mutt other fruit free . .., on the preruilea: a good surd new P.ank (tarn, built in In .6 with all tither onthuildings. thousand Unclip:. of Lime hare been put On this farm in the last three years: ad o Bye thousand new Rails. There are about 3m acres of ['nary Timber of Whit, Oak aml Ifirkory. This firm 111.11 prvlured bush.' I. •if WLe.it and liunheis of Vats with n! IN) It alt, lien coornnieht Chur , hi.. Mill, an•! Insit ern Thi. cliame,. the firm in It, a high state or cult vathar Price kw—half - .0411. link' Cr in payments without inter eat I. E. SHIPLEY. puma: SALE OF VALUABLE FARM The. subscriber will offer at Public Sale, on attuning, At I tlth day 4 .Vorember. hie T ALCABLF. FARM. situate in .Stounijoy township. three trifles is utlheast Gettyw burg. near the Baltimore pike. containing 181 ACRES OF L 4ND, with thg nectesarr Impnrrements, with a large porron of Mehlour and Timber: an Oichard and otbsr font. It is well watered, with a 13priug near the Louse Fpring !louse. k.c. va. Persons ilesiriu- purchase or view the premises willinh on the game Alptr residing uu the property. *a-Attendance will be given and tern. made ILOO.D on 02+3 of ?.4e WILLIAM MOE ALCABLE TANNERY AT PRIVATE :4A.LE The subscriber. wishing to give up the Tanning busi news, idlers at "Pr rate Sale, his valuable TINNERT, Rituals on South Baltimore street. Gettysburg. I'a, in• eluding Brick Beam Shop with I pool, 2 limes, and six handlers: Brick Cur ying Shop; Bri..k and Frame Bork Mill Gongs:3s lay-away fate on the yard, with n Leech,. a1.,1 room to add any additional number--eoronaot raw. ning Spring water. never-failing, in tan-yard and phol.s. This Tannery Is located In a region w here gnat Bark is abundant at reasonable prices. Posneenion oft he Tannery will be given to the purchaser liumediatety, if desired. with a supply of bark to run it. There is besides a large rw,story biLICK DWELLINt, on the property, w ith Spring honey, Smoke House. Wood Shed. Barn. Corn Crib, Wagon Shed and other outbuild ings, with a well of water and also hydrant at kitchen door, with running 'water through Spring Gonne. There in a varlet y of beat quality of growing Grapes and Fruit on the premises. The property is in good condition, and in every respect a most desirable residenne and business stand. Also, will be sold, A LOT OF GROUND adjoining a base. containing I% Acres. more or leas. Willi an Apple Orchard and abrat-clam Spring and Bathing Establish ment on it. Also, A LOT OF GROUND, on the ErornYetrburg read. offe-haltmile from WWII, containing 9 Airrisi. which the purdhaser cau also have, it 'awed. igsy_Persons desiring to view the premium.. or ascertain further particulars, will franker'. the subscriber, renidiug in Gettysburg. Pa. JOHN WINEBRENNER. Sept. 18.—tf FOR SALE A very desirable BMW, containing 97 ACRES, oi good land, situated on the York pike about one mile front eet tyshurg. Pa. The land is in is high state of cultivation, beautifully located, and well adapted tekraising groin or grazing. improved by a DOUBLE TWO-STORY SAVE LW ELLIN() add Back-building, one half new end the other pert recently put in thorough iepairs to match; Lc•autifnliy situated, overlooking the town and surround. in.: country, Barn. Stabling, and all necessary out-build. inge, excel;ent water and good fencing. In Ammo, - W o od. land and line Meadow. Moo, a thriving young Orchard of the choicest selections of Apples and Peaches, Peach Orchard now bearing, Pears and small fruits in abun dance, on the premises, Apply to Sept. 25, 18+57.—tt SHEPARD STAMMERS. PRIVATE SALE The undersigned intending to leave the neighborhood, Will sell atPrirste Sale, We two BRICK BUILDINGS, mitadted on the Main-etreet in Benderaville—one a nice Lamle; the other a Store Room and Work Shop. Terms easy. Enquire of the nnderoigned Benderstill e, An g. 1867.-4 i FOIE, SALE.—A Choice FARM. in a high state 01 cultivation; ACRES; 100 bnabelsof Lime to the acre; 30 Acres in Timber; large Haar Barn and , Rtick ptenty of Frult o icl; 2 mitre feat froifigettysbnrg A 1.50- One other very desirable FARM ,containin7,l2s ACRES 25 Acres in TIMBER ;-buildings good; adjoining Son due's Mtn propirty. 6 miles south from Gettysburg. $2O per Acre will buy this term. GEO. ARNOLD. August 7,lB6f:wit . CII 0 I C E WESTERN PRE-EMPTION LANDS.—I have several Tracts of choice Western PRE-EltirtlON LANDS, good locations, near Railroads, °county Towns, &c., In well-settled unionisor h oo ds• which I wilidexchange at a fsir price for real wt. L i do in Adams dounti.. Ang.7,lBm_tf RAII FIRST CLASS F& , ; AT eitIVATE SALII, W thin two anales of Gett,ylitrurg, on the Harris burg road, With hit lieeriseary improvements, and in pritne'Order. I will sell from IQO to 160 Acres, to snit •purchasers, Terms reasonable.— For farther information, apply to WM. WIBLF., Sept. 18-If , ' Gettysburg, Pa. LAND 'FOR SALE nil .1104011J44 nxitre or. len—or ICO AGRI spers 4mmemil; or mtaktlit Ear Tre e t 34000 1 0 014 4 - t b ° 144raiMmcrtkets,4016,11 Wipst._4,ool4oHirif, wi th Ataklm . Proptly A* M O. ' :114 Fr _jerpitilPSAY , WW4- GRAwFoRDI • ,oetigroarg, 0et.14 -OR _ V . ALI T ABLZ PEPE' 'UTZ AT PINNA'T'E SALE. 1 4- TM underelpola VII en idirivit6Skle,' do vii's 4. vitiaion. d milimbldi Ifits.alimmg II MO land.PmnShiPo toWukiyvirllvomtles from Gm‘ tigimelt_ • ... . ACRES, on of loaf a whielt so Waal* , I MM imjestryllmbor. Mobil vetm, L . 1 .., isa!lirP , , I nal . 'Me - ' r -- '' ,l - 4 00-.3 ' • , IMIMI bk. • radio ut• two, Itimpm; ' %''' :WI i 4 di y , 41 , r „..,,,,,,,k, • „ T ..- ..„ ~ , . , ......,..i.. - 4 Ait e 1 41' ‘ , ' Ak / IrVirit 4 vALtrAELE PERSONA', PROPERTY AT PUBLIC SALE The subscriber wilt sell at Public Sale, on Tuesday the 191 h day of November nr.rf, at his residence in Cumber land township, about Slur Mlles south of Gettysburg, between the Emmittabusg and Taney town roads,. the fol lowing Persopal Property, to viz: 3 MARES, two 5 years old, one* good Family Mare, and one a good Brood Mate, 1 Colt, 6 Mdch Cows. 3 of which will be fresh by the time of sale, 2 :lulls, 3 Heifers, b fat Hogs, 5 Shoat-11,1 good four-horse Wagon, Lime Bed, Hay Carriage, &c., -one horse Sleigh and Bells, a good :led. Carriage and Harness Plows and Ilarrows,odouble and single Shovel Plows, three-horse Double-Tree, two-horse Double Trees, single Trees, Spreaders, &c o Dung Lb cards, a lot of Plank, .1 Roller;Grain Drill, an excellent Wheat Van, W heelbarrow, 2 good Grain Cradles. Mewing Scythe. Clover-seed Cradle, Mattock,, Pick, Shovels, Crowbar, Axes, Maul and Wedge*, Hood. Forks and Rakes, Horse Gears. Inciiidiug 2 meteor IlreeChbands, 2 sets oTCruppers, Collars and Bridles, Emr-horse Line, Plow Lines, Wsgini- Saild le, Whip, Kith n a Sadille,nearly new one, Side Saddle, Riding Bridles, Martingales, Halters, Log, Cow and Breast Chains, Butt Traces,l2 &ape of Bees; Colt^ by the Shock. Ac. A Ise. Household and Kitchen Furniture, such as Bedsteads, d Bureaux, Wardrobes. Corner Cupboard. Dres ser, Sink, Tables, Kitchen and Dining Tables, Chairs, Carpets, Lookingalassex Ten plate Stove and Pipe, Cook Stove with Pipe and all the Fixtures, Chests, Iron Ket tle, Copper Kettle, Spicing Wheel. Reel, flutter Churn, Vinegar, Meat Vessels. Tuba, Buckets, Cider Barrels, Tin ware, Crockery-mire, Smoothing Irons, Wood Saw, 0 indertoue, Cut Ririe, patent quilting-frame, and a great many articles too tedious to mention. .161-Sa e to commence precisely ii at o'cleek, A. M., when attendance will be given and terms made known by the undersigned. The sale will be continued from day to day until all is sold. NICHOLAS SELTZER. JATOII MMELTE, D. of D.. Auctiomer. Oct. 16.-ts FAIIMS AND MILL AT PUBLIC SALE The undersiunetl. Attorneys In fact for the Heirs of FREDERICK :trol:ii-si.cueit. late or Franklin township. Ad -141,11 county. Pa.. deceased, will offer at little, on cqttirday, the 91h day of Nol.nagr, 1107. at 9 o'clock, A M., on the premises, the following valuable Raul Estate of said deceased, to wit: No. I.—The Mansion Farm, situ• aced in Fianklin township; Comity and State aforexaid, near the road leading from Cash tow n to Fairfield, about 1 tulles touch of the limber place, adjoining lands of John Mickley, Frederick Diehl and other., containing '230 ACILES. more or less. hay lug thereon erected a large two - rdory HOUSE, part brick. large hank Barn, (built last summer.) Wagon Sheri. (new,) Carriaze House. hind Pen, and other necessary outtmilitinpr. There is a never-fail ing Spring .rot excellent water roarthe door of the dwell ing, also, an excellent spring•houne with a never-failing spring lof water in it. There is a variety of choice Fruit trees on the remises. ronseiting of Apples Peary. Pea, hes. So. About to Acres of the Tract are in excel) -tit Timbre. muatly White Oak. A lair proportion of the laud in well set In Meadow', the rest in a Mal state of cultivation, rir arly all having been limed once soil some twice, the limestone of which wan olitairied on the property. No. 2..—FARM lying in Highland . m torchship. on the public road running teem Laalit .wn b. Fairfield, 4 miles north of the ltttid. Untie. contairiitir, about '2:O Acres. e ii . loming mod s of Jooso h Rebert, Abra ham 3lickley. Win. Walter and others. Th. improve rat., area two-stay doable Log (loose a,l Rai nand other outtiu brings. There is a SAM' M I LL with good water-power on the pro-arty. About 71, Acres of this Tract are In Timber, consisting of Locust. Oak, Aco, and plenty of good Meadow. The laud is of an excellent inalfty and In a good state of cultivation, about One half haring been limed. Thertsis a writ of water at the door with a pump in it under ref The above Farms are sell watered. convenient to School Houses. Churches . and are in every r ( I desirable properties. No wad be ...tiered in separate Tr.ct, t suit porch:lsere. No. 3.—A valuable Merchant Mill, kur•nu n. Nerring's 31111, with 11 Acres of [Awl, situated Ihirmit.iitiari c arty. .on Little 3141,1/ Cre k. liar the I tilid lead m{ from I airne!il 1. i-litown. It iv !orated inn tine grain gr isfing Conan , 111M411 , 1• •-t •,t th, ~r %NI ha, two Owerniivt ‘Vatei•wircerls I! leer 1.:1,,.'JJ E, , , r Lit ltn rrs and one ,fl; tizrut:. no e-.nary to a g.A.AIIII - 1-t 31111 in gain! running oiler. Thin 11 1.1.1..11b1eU;y a desirable 31:11. den , • o l.4olVleWill4 the Aly,t I.r.pert:CA aII :A, n6 , /,111 the 01.1./Ng /LC Illab, , CribaJrA re ,,r4 Tract N , . 1. ttt.ud.nce rill be giccu and tering' onuie krcrirn ~ n eat of sale be A . F refoCKSLE , . I. J. STOCKSLEAiEIt. JlColl3licinur, (1.) Cf D.,) A octiuneer. [Oct. 9.—te PUBLIC SALE 0F VALtAI3LE HEM! ESTATI In purkuiiure qf an order 4 the Orphans' Conrt of A.! a the renry. sill he rap p-ed at ?Win :Sale. on Saturday the 'tail day r t f Nur-ullor vex! at 10 A W., pr,tut.,ef o the Real E•tate of C[111.14110, MUSSELXVI, d several ttacLa situate in the to • a ships of Itatuiltatibau and Liberty, u Llloars, to wit : • :Co. 1, The Mansion Tract, contain i❑c Acre. nude or 1.4. adjoining lands of dlaj J Hu.eltnan. Joseph Reel, Michael Kugler...oJ oi nem— The Improvements area large two-story t‘TOSEIIOI.I,'S: ,'tone hank Barn. Wagon tilted. Corn Crib, and other out-building, with a well of water near the dos,. al-. running water in the Barn-, ard; a rtARV MILL and also an excellent Mill seat with ste,.! w:tter Theo,• i. large tuaut its i.rtinvTirabar. I.two•t. Poplar mitt' Claw The re are Wovral quarris“ of excellent lune .t , nt si tit to tract. The land Is In x gond stoae of cultivation • a air a ekr,l Orchard, anda large tr. T.,111'4 crarit runs through the tract. Tlcere al-o Log Dwelling tddts. and Log Stable nn Ott, tract No. 2 Tract contains 200 Acres. lees, adjoining WA. of Maj Jona 1 1moselman r ra.ly. Juan Sand.-re and Tract No. I. The Im provemente are a tern.otory Weathernmrded Honer. ne Ztol.ae KALIL Barn, an excellent .iprtng of water, two Or :ha de one of wh,ch ie new. 3 Log Tenant ILmee, an ex cellent Miewdr•w and a proport tun of good Timber. Tour' cletk rune through tbie Tract. \0.3, A Tract of Mountain - Land, containing 19 Arre.., weipiillog./twob Eirtiad),t:w. c with otters. c - oretwal with Chowritut and Rock No. 4, A Lot of Mountain Land, ad la,,,Ul of M.. 1 J,.111 4 Musseiman. Jamie Watauu and utile: a, containing Jb , Acres, more or !esti, euvered ;O: II tekury, Oak. Chagnut and tiler timber. The first two tracts a: ill he mold in parcel" to 914il pUrchagers. alk—Att,an dance will be given and term. it vln known An Any ,'fiats b,tt , JOHN MUSSELM „ t LA VID FTEWART By the Court—. ! , 11tvita, Cie: k. ;Oct. Ifi • VALUABLE REAL ESTATE OFFEBED FoR SALE The aiier - eh:rue/1 ,tTere to !ell at Pitt - At. init.. 'he fol. howl hr Real Race at New Owford, rattlre, or it ?arts er arcels to suit purchattero No. L—Half an Acre of Ground, front, i fl. on t he tutopike. with the tuntroNt , oettuf thereon. for the hut t 32 years the homeiteut of the uudersitroe.t. No. 2.—A lot containing a quarter o 111 A, re, irk it It t6r itilprolC{).111111.11 thvrt , ,n, ,rm r No. 3.—A lot of Ground adjoining New OXIOrd on the rant. v. hereon iO ertqled the building of the NEW OXFORD INSIITC FE. and i.id out in iiactin9 La,. containing e-tonrth of an Acre of ground eAch. fronting the turnpilio and High street. and extend .ng the town rant ward No. 4.—Five lots of Ground, contain ing together iii ArreP. !note or less. close to New Oxford. and fronting on the turnpike leading to York—every lot acreissible from the turnpike. The Property Is all in a prime state of Cnltlvetion. Persons Intending: to locate at our increeeing and prne perini.: town are Invited to call. make their Fhoice, and rtier their billb—whict, will le , accepted it not t,:io for be low the oiamen marget pi ices here. }OR I WILL M. D. C PFEIFFER. New Oxford, Sept i4,lB67.—..iiimvi Id: A BLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE A valuable tract of land of 16 ACRES. more or lees, on the Millerstown road, being the west Fide of Seminary bill and commanding a view of the battle dell The im provements are an excellent TWO STORY FRANC 11011 E, n large Garden with *25 eelect Apple and Peach Trees. perpetual right to the nee of .1 net er-failing well of excel'ent water, an orcb trd of ehont 50 bearing Apple Trees, a Barn and several Sheds. The hv.use is beautiful ly shaded by the adjoining grove of 3 Acres, awl near the well. Alan, A FULL LOT WITH A TWO-STOUY I.L)USE stable, ami well of excellent water, on Htdd le. street, ad Joining the house of Henry Utz. Also, tep Acres ad) 'Ming this tract, and 3$ more, if de sired, nt a very cheap rate. *3 Far terms apply to WM. A DUNCAN. Aug. 21.-tf-eow ..--- VALL T ABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. The subscriber offers at Private Sale hts valnableFAßM, equated in Freedom township, Adams county, Pa., con taining ACRES, more or less, on the road leading from the Pinimernaker's road to Millerstown, adjoining inlloll of David Boeserman, Valentine 'Frock and others. The improvements are part Log and part Stone Dwelling, and in good condition. There are about 2.3 ACRES in good Timber, and a sufficient amount of gad meadow. The farm is well watered, and has recently bean wall limed. It is under good fencing. There are TWO YOUNG OR CHARDS on the place, in thriv.ng condition. School houses end Churches are convenient. WM. A. ELDEN ws,,Pers ns desiring to see the pro' erty will call on the undersigned residing, thereon. Sept.ll.-2m FARIIIS•FOR SALE. I will sell the Farms, No. 1. Lying ola the : llarrisburg and Gettysburg rbad between York Springs and gentler's. burg, emit aining Lit ACILES, with improvements, now occupied li) Janis Miller. Price $25 per acre. No. 2: Lying on the Carlisle and Oxford road, beta eau llaidlersburg and New Chre. ter, containing 34 AC/RS.B; with good iniprotemente now occupied by Ovingetd. Shank. Price SAC per acre. Terms: One half to be paid on the delivery: of the teed; thelialenve to suit the purchaser, either In casix qr in fleet judgment Bonds ofoot lesstlian S2OO for No. 1„ and 8400 for N 0.3, to ba paid annually with lnteeeet. , - Wm, are patented, Ile Isandaomely and have Seen limed. BOXNER. ' May S, iser-tr sonq s ARNOLD FOR, SALE, Valuable MERCHAITT MILL, tit DARK MIL'. and SAW 3111 L; with 40 'ADDED OP LAND, Spawn .t9sadosea.Mlll,f =Nam& track. ip Adame counte;, Pa., 4 miles northeast from Emmitts burg. and 6 nsiMi aeutitireatframe Dattlaburg, all in good order, water pcnOr beim, and in shod grain country. ALSO— One other MILL * known ►e."llollitiger's Mill," with 60 ACRES OF LAND, one hills fiotn. Abbottetown, on the Itnearer tnnntike, A.ll In good order. °BORON ARNOLD. Ane7,11167. 7 4 • 1 ATTRNTION- ZOTTA.VES ! TTNTlLturther order s .0. IL/ TYISBURGIMERAVBIS"II;nett stibeir Admit . " , tnl fbr ithesean44IIOIIEVIIKTACIMMEIVriIItIZNO. 0410 *Weeks AO Awitivy , amjuii i 'THIRD SAVA DA aback* nunittrar 10 gitqadk i ' {: • - Bit order of 00-0000114. Oct. 9.-tt wat. grirrsli, 0. S, , . -r-. - S. NOTICE.' ' . ''. •• lini.L. •• is 4ftroriirtili ontr,iat - 4 - iyirti MO'N ;DtaailtiNlNF *Auk T00jt...,1• ,toonitZ u lt doers ow to WOW Won still on•otWootOt iialosvalbeas!evesewooms.l4 Vrim/Kr Gr": if - Zitrefig, -011a_411 the Mod a nd Mar woo wN.. ••saur Wt• •• pdpfirto at t r dwelitup, by ,0•pt.24, isa..4t. 0 -., • • 0 Rell'elltULE, g,tat estate #alts. ABRAM FLENNER gteal ditto. JURY LIST-NOV. TERM GRAND JURY. • ilainfitonben. John Waugh, Foreman. Huntington. Philip Myers, Llenrg A. Mealy. Berwick tp. J. G. Wulf. Gettysburg. Jeremiah Rowe, Wm. Shillenn. . Frank lin. George Settle, Dr. John Carpenter. Cumberland., stclamßutt, A bratinna Plank. Ilenalleu.•••Nolth o.Bnytlei. • Union. Daniel Sell. Latimore. P. Andrew Myers. Sionssjey. r,llettry Buckler. . , Llttlestowo. John Diehl. • Berwick bor. George Baker. Liberty. Gregory P.Topper, Jacob Krise. Mountpleasant. l'eter K. Smith, Samuel ellierb. Germany 114mlltou Forrest. St rabau. William L. Thomas, JOWL, Rebert. Oxford. Franklin Peters. U 1 JERI% JinniHuh. Abner S. Hildebrand, John 0 ebielmau, Sam net Aiwine, Elijah Spangler. Gettysburg,. Edward Hanby, JaculaltritikerholT, Amon Plank. MuniDunbar'. Daniel Bieseciter,'Willi.un Culp. J. 111 1 ,11 Watson. Slottu Hoy. Monet Hartman. Tyrone. Juane Group. John Bolen. Franklin. Conrad Thomas. D. K. Snyder, Philip Cut shall Berwick Ler. F. J. W Non. ln,nowago. Jacob Little. oxford. Ephraim Heagy,JurobSlaglo,JeremiabDi e hl. Straban. John 0. Brinkerhoff, Johu 11. Eckert. Huntington. Benjamin Gardner. Jer. Hpangler, Jacob Zug."A'alterneyer Ziegler:Cyrus O. (teal,. Littlettuttli s Henry Diehl, George Yount. Mrnallen. Gunnel Corner, Isaac McCauley, Henry Er. primitn. Enoch Itominzahn. Butler. Josiah Wearer, Jacob Patel - A, S David Toot. Reading. .1..01, Miller. Freedom. Paviil Illosles. Jr. Mount ploasant. Micluid Levi list ine, Danlel Lawrence. Gerfilany. Jar J 1 tztkr, S Icon Menal.q. LAtitutiro. 1 ieorge L. Deardorff, Chan. 15'. Griest. Ctimberlatid. George Spangler. Liker ty iteniwn Shover. Oct. SHERIFF'S SALE i plArethiii, of a writ of V eiulitioni Ezponue, taan.sl out ~f t he C.,urt ~f C ,, tuniotiPkas of Ad:Min C,,Mity, Pil and t,, rue dileete,l, will be ext,need to Public Sale, at the - t‘urt lto 0.0, to 6..tty,burit. ,Situ rthl y Jrith dr, y f n , x(..fllu' -10 a. the f. , lluwin,:dc ,, Tibe,l Ceal E+tate. A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Butler township, Ad 11f114 county. l'a , adjoining land. of John rt,Klv.r., Jonas Roth. and ..thens, containing l'jn ACRES. more ur less, improved with a one andialialf-sikey 1.04.1 DOUSE, a Lag born. with Shed 4 ottarlied, and other outbuildings; a 3 num!, Apple °echoed, and other fruit trees About '25 acres of the form ate iu timber, the balance of the land to clear and under gi.,d fence. There are two wells of Water near the buildings. with a pump in one. I , eized and tai in in execution as the property Leah Ste,nour. Pllll.ll' HAN,. Sher Oalce, Gettysburg, Oct :itt-ts Ira:rep per cent. of the purchase money uprm all Rabe by the Sheriff alma be pistil over Immediately after the p.iiperty bietruck town i,r upon failure to comply there with the propel ty will be again put up for male. QHERIFF'S SALE In purPIIATI, , Pf n Writ of lied U.sulrz out of th,. C o urt „,(Cornu w e Pleas of Adams county null to me rec be at Public :',tle.on nurpla y, the N. dug of ..Vqr•tuber. 17.7, at 1 &clod:, on the pre the (unwiring '.e.crit.ted Real Estate, via: VALUABLE -FARM, ..ittiate its LAI t..A'fsblilp Adana , count y. Pa, adjoin. 7. land. or Jamb K. Lerew, Jaen', Ltvingshin, George lirs'aroo. sod other',, containing Pin ACRES. more or lens, to otTimber and a due proportion if Meadow The f.tr:ll in under g cult ivati,o, .0 leticirig, and Ilan wtier in all the field. but one. I,..nelcut.rovnmentaarn a in, 'tory BRICK 1101:,E. with a One,lnry [twin-b ui ld Ott a large I. rame Bun, with Sheds attached, a Hog - table. a -hop, a Spring lloole with never-tailing spring it, It. A ,woke (binge, and other on thrill ling, There err T 01:L1i A ILLS id rhoiLe fruit, of all ainda. ant the ',rends.+. Thin is a very desirable property. Alan, A TRACT or TIMBER LAND, In the same brwnshin. containing 10 Acres, more or less, aJj , .ining lands of Writ. , }. Bonner, Abraham Livingston, sbri others. Ilrarzleized and t .keil in Execution as the property 0 John C. lbecht, and to be sold by me. PHILIP !lA\\, Sheriff. Sheriff+ °trice. et ty.l. urg. Oct. 1.13,18c7.-ts Ara-T,q) per cent. of the pnr:hase money upon all sales I,y the Sheriff must be paid over immediately atter the ps' , perty is struck down, or upon failureto comply there with the pmyertyw II again be put up /Or sale. DROCLAMATION.-WHEREAS the ll—n I(OI3LELT FIILIER. President ~ f the oseveral if "linen Iti-as in the Counties comprising the Veit, District. and Jnia pie iit the Courts of tiyer and Ter miner and General .1.11 Delivery. for the trial of all rap vAl and otheroffen !ars in the said district. and least: E. %‘12.8.31 AN and ilvte Judges.il the ~eta of Pleitr,and Jaisticee,f the Coo rtA of Oyer null Terutieer are! rieneral Jail Delivery. for the trtal of nil ...plod an... 1 ..ther .1 . 1 - enders in the Cunnty iif Adiune— Avii their precept. hearing date the 21st !lay of ug. m the year of iiiir Lord one thousa rid eight hundred Ind seven. and to me iiirected. for holding a Court 'I Common Pleas. and General Quarter S...isions of the aid General Jail Delivers. Knit Court of Opir and fernsiner, at Gett)shurg, ou Iftaiday, Ms Pith day of November, instil nt— NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN to all the Justices of the Peace. the Coroner and Constables wittiff. thenaid i::aanity Madams. that they he then and there in their proper persons, with their Rolls. Records. Inquisitions, Bieduiciations. and other Remembrances, to do those thing. which to their Afters and in that liehal f appertain to be dune, and also, they who will prosecute against the prittonere that are or then shall be in the Jail of the said County of adams.are to, be thenand there toprosecutt as aminstti ein as ebalibejnst. PHILIP HANN; Sheriff. sherifre.Alee. Getiyelirg,) REGISTER'S NOTICES. VOTICE is hereby given to all Leza tee., and tiler per,ons ron , erne4 that the A dani: letration Aorou MR hereinafter mentioned will be ~re a e u ved at 'the Orphan t7r.nrt of Adntns county, fly ~ ..d.tirmatiou and n DAY, the 'l'4ll day NOVEM!trAI, 15G:. r 4 14 o'clock, A. M, viz: 52. The first account of Jarno K. Lerew, Fxecntor o will cifj.trob Lerew, ilvrejmid. The first f % hel T. Weight, Administrator Ithe f Samuel 11:111enn, The first and ti Dal actunut of William Bit t rnivistratnr flhrhaol Ili Iler...l,reased. Th., wend nud final account of Dr. D AFC. Whitey Adm in .strdtor of th•• estate of Dr. Chades lSli.h . late of ilnmpton. R..ndinn towt,blp. deceased. Th. , 11 - I account of J•dial Blucher and Eli Blocher xrclit o r, 3riarpli Blocher. clecrage.l. The first arm finui sccuunt iiftisviil Slagle Gusrilisu it 1.. v int Ellt i a Slagle, a minor daughter of Solemou Slagle. deceased. W. D LIOLTZWO1:TII. Register Oct.:10 —lc COLLECTORS, MAKE NOTICE ! rite Cullertora Nitre.; for lfatl and .I. precious years, in the different bormgha and town. ,hips of Adams county, are hereby notified that they will he required to nettle up their duplicate, on or before the I.Bth day of NOVEMBER.next • on which day the Corn mi•-ioners will meet at their office, to ON a the necessary exoneratioos &c. The Collectors of air yirraent year will to required to Pay over to the County Ylee,tirer all monies which may be collected by the November Court. A. KRTSE, S. WOLF. S. WIFE MAN. Corny, id}, iunsrs of Alms county Attest—J. M. WALTER, Clerk Oct LICENSES rilllE following applications to keep a restaurant have I been fired in my office with the requiiiite nninbcr of migners. and will be presented at the Court of quarter &abloom, on Alondity the 15th of Norewbse next. William 11. Small. Conowago township. Lawrence Brant. Littleatown borough. Conrad Fox, MeSherrystowia. Oct. A. W. MINT.EII,CIbrk. N - OTICE.-j—Letters of Administra tion on the estate of Flueozzick. BrotieLcosa, late of Ft anklin township. Adams county. Pa., deceased, hav ing been granted to the undersigned residing in the same townithip,.they hereby give notion. to all persons indebted to wild estate to Cal and MAP immediate payment and those having claims against the same will present them properly authenticated fur settlement. n. F. STOCKBLEGICR,) A dm're I. J. STOCKSLIW j " Oct. L'O.—dt NOT ICE.—Letters Testamentary on the estate of Jona Socie. late of Cumberland township, Adams county, Penna., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned. residing In the said town ship, he hereby gives notice to all - persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and ttioseltav ing claims against the same to present them properly an thenticated tor settlement. SAMUEL Pt TZ ER, Oct 111.6 t Executor. OTICE.-Letters. Testamentary on the estate of Ax sr Dounts s. late of Getty.burg, Adams county, Pa.. deceased, having been anodelf to the underalgued, residing In the said borough, he hegeby gtres notice to all persons indebted to raid estate to Make immedial P Payment, and thsse having chinas against the same to present them properly authentitated for settle ment. WM. DOUGLAS. Si's. 0ct.16 -41 XECUT OR' S NOTlCE.—Letters Testamentary on the Estate of Isamu esaMr s late of Cumberland township, Adams county, l'enn,ole ceased. haling been granted to the undersigned reekllng in Mountjcy township, he hereby gives notice to all per. eons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment and those having claims against the same to prevent them properly - authenticated for settlement. Oct. 5,1887.-8 t _ • . NOTICE. The undersigned haying been appolatod by the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, Co ..:. - ittee or DAVID J.SXML.-Moluitpleasant township, Adil (Musty, Pm, Itertferebrgivee itotieele •all-permawAssiebted• to said Smith to make payment to the Committee, residing in o‘mowago township.' 4i permit haying claims will please present them. DAVID 0: E.LIN 0ct.18.-6t Committee. DISSOLUTION. ►IIIIM partner hip hert*Orp J., heti/esti the undemignee under the. Arm oflTAPTi biza & BIKITITER, of Petersburg, T. if,,, , frAllereby Al! persons indebted t' nal& Orel, will please ifißtai payment without Aeley. Either partner is 'authorised to use the name of the Ilttnits the settlement of the bn. einem J. A.GARDNEIt, J. W. GARDNER.' 1[47 - maltitpolied of my- otoOki pf ` l lo , 6lllb4hler llartioac4 Shalleand In rocking from succeerful Milano:a Mired? 'cif , tearly eighttis tern, I blink, return mylirstieal % tiO com elbSONSergreriaNf 0 1 0;01 0 1 OA =l* OA , h April TW-if - Tiot#ing, gab, Am : Av. NEW GOODS. MOM ly of hia riwn MAIM nre, , onsi;fllN: oral! Area or SHIRTS, HEAD - QUARTERS FALL & WINTER GOODS I F you v. ant n cheap Oyer eaat, l E'y want n cl,ar DreF9 Cuat, gu to NORRIS' vnat a gowl Everyday Oat, I F you wand ri good Pant• I F you want a. , .g. , k1 cheap abet, I F Y"u want a FASHIONABLE. HAT, go to NORRIS' 1 Y you want a late Fall Style Cap. )'-'ll want n good pair of Boots or Sihoell . to , g NORRIS' IF y.,u LI t a FASHIONABLE NECK-TIE, go to NORMS'. you want a goal French Calf Gaiter, go to NOBRIW. I Fyon want a. good Umbrella, IF yon want good Paper Collars, F 3 , ,u want a fashionable suit of Clothes, go to NORRIS'. I F you want anything in the Centlema v n's to L t l i nA ms, I F you waht a good SMOKE, IF you Want good HEAVY tiNDER-CLOTHTNO, go to NORRIS'. Also—A large ntork otCASSIHEEES IN VIZ PIZCE. Persona preterlog the swats to Ready made Clothing, can be accommodated at the lowest cult mice. Oct. 9, 1807.—tt THY°. C. NOBJLIS. N_EW BOOT & SHOE STORE. NEW AND GOOD GOODS undersigned has opened a new Boot alai nos I Store, on DAL 1131013 E STREET, one door south of the Presbyterian Church and nearly opposite Meareary's Saddler Shop, where he offers an attractive assortment c , is in hie Ana, all new and selected with the peat - rst care. Ile has All will be soli at the lowest living profits. Buyers, from and country. are invited to call and examin• g00..1s and prices before purchasing elsewhere. lam de termined to sell cheep--a little cheaper than-any other bones in the county. By strict attention to business, alit dealing fairly rind squarely with everybody, I hope to merit and receire an encouraging share of public patron age. The lINNUiICTURING of Boots and Shoes will be/ carried on, in ail its branches. Boots, Shoes and Gaiterf mate to order Also, Boots and Shoes of his own menus facture conslaStly on hand. Repairing done on shbrt nothe—and no of ort spared to give satisfaction. None lint first class Workmen employed. having a life-time experience at the business, I feel cpaliclent that I am Flea, all who may call. D. H.' ItLINGSL. Gettysburg, July 31, NEW AND CIEAP, CLOTHING BREIKERIIOFF corner of the J • Diaunon4 Sind York urge has Just returned from the city whL In unusually attrectire assortment of CLOTIIING TOR SPRING It SLIMES WEAR, which he will tell at such prices u cannot fail to take them otr very rapidly. Call and Judge for yourselves.— To look at the excellent materiel, tasteful cutting, and neat and substantial sewing, and then to get his low pncee—callerseannot help but buy, when they swift le much to their interest to do so. • lie has Coate,' Pante, Veilts, of all styled and materials; hate, Haute and Shoes; Shirts, of all kinds, Hosiery, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Neck Ties, Crayon', Linen and Paper Collars, Suspenders, Brushes, Omaha; Trunks, '‘'alleee, Umbrellas, Pocket Knives, Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos. Pipes, Stationery. Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, with a thousan and one other articles, entirely too numerous to detail In a news. paper advertisement. He hake the attention of the public to his new stock, confident that It wilt please—aud no one caner will sell cheaper. Doetforget theplace;—cornerorlokk street and the Dismoild, Gettysburg. , . May IN, 1881. JACOB BRIP11(4111110711. MERCHANT TAILORING and other materials for Men's Wear, tarnished and mad up, to order, on short notice SATISFACTION WARRANTED Work also solicited from Customers, o purchase their 0 mtiv el.ewli ere Jane 12,1861-0-1 y BOOT AND SHOE-MAKING. Re. pert fully iniornst h is friends and the public generally, that he has built a new Shop, on West Middle street, ilErrrsßutio. a lew doors from the Court-House, and l now prepared promptly to execute all orders for work l■ big line. , Gentlemen. Wien and Children requiring BOOTA, SHUN% SLIPPIHS. &c, are requested to gi'e hint a call. lie,superifitends all work made In his Shop, and will guaraody satisfaction, both as to prices and quali ty of work. ! . Of all kinds proanptly attended to. Ang. 21,1887.41 f FALL i STYLE OF HATS ,FOR 1867. s..s. M'QREARY H AS Jan retiring] a fresh and general assortment of to HITS, lac ding the very latest idyl. of Ape Sint, Cognates. and ft far date, sad Wag_ a large supply of tine and low p cad Won HATS and ' CAPS for Men and BOYS. lie Inv Wile friends and the to give him a call. ,' ,1 ldept.ll, /86L—tf fl BENNER, Rzerutor New Goods ! CHEAP-CHEAPER-CHEAPEST! 17 you sh to ?boy 'good iltd cheap . 1 1- Goods , ca p t JACO BS & BROIL STOBN, seer Mi en' Hotel, in ambersOurg street, 814out Th ey hwire tips Teti, t eisleOPen tritirs, . Mk ossatazau TWNSM, dm.; seettket gam and are determ ed to mall them as cheap aa can be told anywhere in to nor 'country. Any parson wishing to have them cat t, can have it dons Irmo of charge,. Those desiring 4 lisle up s olin Ow b•adcallasstalated We warrant tit eat Stork and the beat eh to be had anywhere No !sating in what we say, ... , ,i ,.. -: ' 1 .Th Seat Niniti Welsits'ob d 611111 d iIIACHINICS. ' ace always ready to mitt ea Van 01 4 illtieeneo to operatisit •,.' . . ... 4 .. otrezteitt than to be the lin JACOBI Bb /Oa i . $ /ISIAt GEO. ARNOLD Lam uow opened a LARGE STOCK of READY-MADE CLOTHING, COATS, PANTS & VESTS, DRAWER'S, CRAVATS, HOSIERY, &e., AT C'EL`L•'. 10 sm THE TI IS OIAM ine and judge fur youreelset."4 Oct. 30, SOLDIERS' St NORRIS' STORE, le the place to get your CHEAP FOR CASH. AT LOW PRICES LADIKIV CONGRESS GAITERS LADIES' BALMORAL GAITERS, LADIES' COMMON GAITERS, . . LADIEF BALMORAL BOOTA IN LARGE VARIETY. GENTLE LEN'S CALF ROM, UENTLEHINT KIP BOOTS, GENTLEHLN'S COMIRKSS GAITKRA, (; I.NTLFMEN'S eLIPPKRB, ALL STILE. 4 ENTLE.ILEN'S BALMORALS, ti t:NTLIirLEZPS 11400.AN8, ae. MISSES' (*M . :Mir-SS BAITERS, 311SSE8' BALMORAL 13AITER1, MISSEs• MOROCCO BALMORALS, &c., lc., £c., kc. BOYS' CONGRESS GAITERS, BOYS' CALF BALMORAL.% ROTS' BROGANS, Ac., kc. AT BRINKERHOFF'S STACKS OF THEM! CLOTHS, CA SSIMED ES', TWEEDS, W. T. KING, Ysrk street, opposite the Bank JAMES WILSON .1' • go to NORRIg. go to NOARIB' go to NORRIS'. go to NORRIS' go to NORRIS' go to NORRIS'. ' go to NORRIS' go to NORP.LS'