gni goods, goons, *s. FIWNESTOCK BROS. ?wen jiiit ovel,e , l Ihrir Ngiv FALL STOCK, the targe.t nt the connty—inmni.thig.ut DRY GOODS., MERrNOES, POPLINS, , ALPACAS, GINGHAM S, _~ DEL AINES. CALICOES, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES. JEANS, in every 'variety CARPETS, a large stock and very ebetkp SHAWLS; all kinds and prices SILOKIITS, Tay cheap. QITZINSWARE, the largest stock In the county and Tery chop HARDWARE and Saddlery, (nail ita branding, at the lowed market rater GILOOKBIES, of all kinds IRON AND NAILS, OILS AND PAINTS. WAI sell GOODS at prices peens° COMPITITION. Give n! a 11 and examine oar stock. SIGN OF THE RED FRONT. Oct. 2, 1887. tf FRESH ARRIVAL DRY GOODS FOR FALL & WINTER WEAR AT THE STORE OP A. SCOTT & SON THEIR STOCK CONSISTS OF MERINOS, all styles. DELAINES, all styles. • , CALICOES, all styes. . MUSLINS, all grades. CLQTHS AND CASSIMERES of all style, and_Atilditr Persons wanting good Goods and good Bargains, wi r Should reSt fail to go to the Store of A. SCOTT & SON, Chambersburg street, 2d Square, Gettyeburg, Pa . Oct-9,1867 NEW FALL & WINTER GOODS. E. HIT EIS H is now receiving a lame stock of I, DRY GOODS, . • , NOTIONS, • , GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, • HARDWARE, BOOTS,SHOES AND HATS. I call the attention of my customers and the corn. natualty to'my large stock of goods, I am now offering at lowar rates than they hare been 'since the war and at privet which cannot &II toetrike thapurebaser asehean. With oval Lsd llty for purchasing goods at as low fig- I:weevils aro In the trade, I am al.o prepared tomcat coot potion ow low Woes from any and all quarters. Prai w r ia looofotmity to the lowest market pukes is my . ?gib Tale. MiffBIIEW. Peterahnig;(4. 8.,) Oct. 9,1687.—1 y GOODS V)R FALL & WINTER I 8 6 7. IF YOU WANT CHEAT CLOTHS, -CHEAP CASSIMERES, CHEAP CASSINETTS, CHEAP MERINOS, CHEAP ALPACAS, CHEAP MOHAIR LUSTRES, CHEAP COM:IBGS, CHEAP DELAINES, CHEAP SHAWLS, CHEAP BLANKETS, CHEAP "NOTIONS, • CHEAP .CARPETS, OinAP QI3.IIENSWARE,' 4 •- '- Al l Ntalt; - 0441 - . the Latest EAT*, GO 10 DukORN a lionwx, N. W. Cor. of tke13511,. . erpt.1.11,1130104t L.,SCITICK HAS JITSI-T RECEIVED DRY GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, RIERIItOES. POPLAINS, WOOL DELAINES, MUSLINS, and PLAIN and FANCY GOOODS of all kinds, -which he is selling CHEAP ER THAN EVER. Call at I S. W. Corner of Public square, FLANNELS, Sept. 25, 18tr.-tf ORNAMENTAL. TOYS. . JOHN M. WARNER ET AS just received from Philadelphia the largest; 1 11 beet and cheapest sasertment of . ALBUMS ORNAMENTAL TOYS, TOILET. SETS, - FANCY CARD DE V,ISITES, " FRUITS, CONFECTIONS, AND NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS, t ever opened In Gettysburg. Call at his store on Balt& more st., opposite Faineetocks' Store. Pept.lB, 18437.4 f &c., &c., &c., •` NEW SEGAR STORE. TUX undersigned annosores to the citizens of Getty' : burg and the vicinity, that be bat just opened a NEW SEGAR STORE , IN GETTYSBURG. lie will kiep on hand the best BILiNDS, and will stunts facture for general sale throughout the county. He wil sell at the lOwest living prices, and at wholesale and re tail He is eh* the agent for the Richmond, ( Va.,) Tobacco Woits, andirill sell their Chewing Tobacco, at whole sale and retail. If is Store is in Chambersburg greet. a half square was of the Eagle Hotel Hotel, on the south side. _ - WASHING7.OI4BIERBOWER Sept. 25, 168 T.-310 7 - --„, i -) CALL AT THE . NEW STORE ! OPPOSITE THE 'COURT-HOUSE,- Gettysburg, Penn'a. N EW GOODS AND LOW PhICES! The undersigned have opened a new Dry Goode Store, in Kendlehart's building, directly opposite the Court house, Balt/More street. Gettysburg, and start with • eplendid stock, embracing everything to be found in• first-class establishment: Bought fur cash, and at the latest decline, we can offer bargains that must astonish , every one. Come and nee for yourselves, and you will find what we here say verified. With good Goode, small profits, and - fair and square dealing, we „hall en letterer to deserve, what we most respectfully ask, a liberal share of public patronage. We offer a' Ape assortment of CLOTHS, 0 AS SIM 8R1 , 2, Jeans, Cottnnadp, Veatings, Gloves,Suspenders, Neck Ties, and everything else the Gentemen's line. For the Ladies we have SILKS, ALPACAS, POPLINS, Bereges, Lawns, Detainee, Ginghams, Calicoes, Gloves, Para/lois, !loop Skirts, Corsets, Hosiery, White Goods, a ith whatever else may be called fur. Also, a large stock of MUSLINS, Sheetings, Ticking', CARPETING, QUEENS•WARE, Umbrellas, Window' Shades, &E., Sc. Call at the New Store, opposite the Oourt•bou!e, and examine the stock, before purchasing elsewhere May 29, 1867. REBERT 'd ELLIOTT. LADItS . TANCY F`IT S ! JOHN FA. R,EIRA'S No. TIS ARCU:TREET, above 7 . OI,,PHILADELPLIT.t. IT ATE now in Store ()rimy wen Importation and Man= ufacture. one of the largestind naost beautiful se. lent lons of ' for Ladles' and Children's Weer In the City. Alio,* line assodment of Gent's Pur.o Imre. am:lC(4lam. . . . , 1 em enabled to dispose of my goods at very reasonable prices, and I ;would therefore solicit a call from my Mends' o Adanfis county and vicinity. Remember thON ante, Number and Street I JOAN FAREIRA, No. 718 Arch et „above ith, e..T. have no partner, nor connection with any other Store In Philo I's. fOct.l.-4m FINE FANCY FURS. • CRAB. A. nERPICH, • 497 Broadway & 37 Maiden Lane, N. Y. terPorilt, MANUFACTURER and BUIPPBBOOF • F Pt, . Open lily large and well selected stock of line Furs, in all styles, at lowest auinallicturees prices. Righter price paid SHIPPING FURS. Flend for angular. Dec. 13,1866.-ly • gattio antAtttaranto. UNITED STATES HOTEL, W. Y. I NSW HAW ittIiSSFERINFIC. E DEIN; BEACH ST:II:EET; BY P. M. PBATT, • _ FORMERLY OP THE AMERICAN Oct. 9,11347.-ly KEYSTONE - HOTEL. GET± . Y58V7147, PA. . WM. E. 211 - TEES PROPRIETOR. TOW OPEN. THIS is a new . House, and has been' fitted up in the watt approved style. Die location is pleasant and conveiiiirnt, .being hi the soot business portion of the town. ltvery arrangement but 'been made kg the ancotalmodatiomand oomfertofinaste s witbample stabling attached. With expert/need Aliwnix{'M, and Iv= Mommodstingeterks, we: shall use arm litdefvor to please. This Hotel is now /pen for the entertainment of the public, and ;we kindly solicit aabarenifgalio patrim age. qNay 210867. EAGLE HOTEL. OWNER Of JOHN 4 Pivnietoi. siren Oundbus, for Passengers and Baggage, rune to the Dermot, on arrival and departure of Rail Board Trains. Gamest toorsuatkaad neseousblactumgep., May 29, VMFT..;—tf . N B A WERT.' . 4saiiß atotheakailtakory,Boutik Wimbhigton ire, balfmanam from tbo Emile flotol,lhttyobarg , Pa. Ocrusbustlytim llmod,the boot of • Brood, . • • ,Protatja, 40 . PorsiescrisliiiisiViAßroad irnteeitionirderiresysors •isr j byledivtui ttifirlisinasuid redden.' attbsaskiry everysiort mod* topless*. OITA MI & CALL. Apr 111414864— • • - , wtto 4exintbrilliancy of oow g it zw i sm - atia too* the t i abed, *do Ittatet hireeportls favert. ably dom. Ask kr Ifolabold'a Tale 130 other: April 10 .- ly • soadofitoimst at. M2=M!l=9 A SPLINDID BTOC7E ALPACAS, COBURGS, Gettysburg, Pa Old Established FLTR *Au factory, FANCY FURS, OPPOSITZ TIUt TM, largest and meet orm,r•tHlione 'irk osTrissuita. PZNN&. AID WALIEWITCOII MUM, Vdan.'; °Cakes, tata1,4 1 014.4#R#... M'CIIRDYA HAM ILTON, ' . , DEALERS IN FLOUR, GRAIN, GROCERIES, &c. Mllii underenvlrd NrO,piying tit their Wart 4 mane, in °artiste eueet, adjoin iag Baehler'e Bell, the tagbeet prime. 53r FLOUR, WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS, BUCKWHEAT, CLOSER AND TIROTHT-SEEDS, PO TATOES, ke., tc, , and invite sloilticere to give them a call before They have constantly en hand fur sale, A LARGE SUPPLY OF GROCERIES, Mo!aeries, Serape, Coffeei. Sugars, tc., with Salt, VA, Oils, Ter, Pave. Bacon alai Lard, Tobacees, be. Alio the best brand/lot FLOUR, with. FEZD of all kinds. They likewise Imre • - • SEVERAL VALUABLE FERTILIZERS, 'Soluble Pad fic Gonna. Rhodes' Phosphate and A A- Mexican Otago. Whilst they pay the highest market prices for all they buy; they sell at the' lowest living profits. They ask a ihareofpublic patronnge, resolved to give satisfaction in every cane. ROBE= McCURDY, W3i. S. HAMILTON. July 3,1867.—tf DANIEL GULDEN, DEALER IN . DRY GOODS, FLOUR, GRAIN, GROCERIES, LUMBER, COAL, &c. MITE nndershrned keeps nn band. at his Ware [louse, 1 known as "Gulden's Station." in Straban township, on the line of the Gettysburg Railroad, all kinds of GROCERIES Including Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Spices. &c., with Salt, Fish, Oils, Tobacco, Bacon, Lard, Ac. Also, LUMBER AND COAL, including Building Stuff, Shingles, Laths, Stove and Black smith Coal. Also, GUANO, and a large aarrtment of DRYGOODS , BOOTS , HATS AND CAPS , of all kinds,which he is prepared to sell at the lowest prices. e also pays thehighast market price krFlour, Grain, Oats, Buckwheat, Clover and Timothy Seeds, Pota toes, to., or will receirS and forward' the same to market an commission. lie respectfully asks his friends and the public-to give him a call. DANIEL GDLDEN, Aug. 21, 1867.—tf FORWA'ItDING AND COMMISSION HOUSE. FLOUR AND FEED. 3RAIN AND GROCERIES. HAVING purchased the extensive Warehouse, Cars, tc., heretofore owned by Samuel Herbst, tore beg leave to Inform the public that we are continuing the business at the old stand• on the corner of Washington and Railroad streets, on amore extensive scaleihan heretofore. Wesre paying the higkeet market price for Flour, Grain and all kiada ot produce. Flour and Peed, Balt, and all kinds of Groceries, kept constantly on band and for sale, cheaper than they can be had anywhere else. Pleader, and all kinds of fertilisers, constantly on hand, or furnished to order. irif-A regular line of Freight Care willleave our Ware house every TURS!AY MORNING. and accommodation trains will be run as occasion may require. By this ar rangement we are prepared to convey Freight at all times to and from Baltimore. All business of this kind entrusted to us, will be promptly attended to. Our are run to the Warshonan Of Stevenson k Sons, 166 north Coward street, Baltimore. Being determined to pay good prices, sell cheap and deal fairly, we invite every body to givens a call. CULP t ZARNSFIAW. Aug. 9,1866. W. E. BIDDLE 100,000 .Bashs. Grain Wanted. NEW FIRM AT THE OLD WARE HOUSE. WM. E. BIDDLE& CA) . would Inform the public that they hare leased the Warehouse on the cor net. orStratton atreet and the Railroad, in Gettysburg, where they will carryon TILE GRAIN AND PRODUCE BUSINESS, in allits branches. The highest prices will alwaya be paid for Wheat, Rye, Corn, Oats. Ulmer and Timothy Seeds,Plaiseed,-Sumac, Hay and Straw, Dried Fruit- Nuts, Soap, llama, Shoulders sod Sides, Potatoes, with everything else in the country produce line. OROCERIES.—On hand, far sale, Coffees, Sugars, Molasses. Syrups, Teas, Spice., Salt. Cheese. Vinegar, Salle, Mustard, Starch. Brooms, Buckets, Blacking. Soaps, &c. Also COAE OIL, PlattOil, Tar, ke. FISIt of all kinds; Spikes and Nail.; Smoking and Chewing To baccos. They are always able to supply a first rate article of Floor, with the different kinds of Feed. - &lad, Ground Plaster, with' 0 name and other fert II I tors. COAL, by the hnshel. ton or ear load. They will run a LINE, OF FREIGHT CABS from Get tystaarg to Baltimore once every week. They are pre pared to Convey Freight either way. in any quantity, et R 6DUCEB RATES. They will atiernd. It desired. to the making of prirchailes in the city. and delivering the goods promptly in Gettyabtirg•. Their ears run to the Wareham,* of Nathan Roop & CO.. N 0.123 North Howard street, neer Franklin, Baltimore, where freight will be received at anytime. They invite the attention of the public totheir line, alluring them that they will spare no effort to accommodate all who may patronize them. AMlll9.lBBB.—tt BIDDLRA BENNER. ----- Thotograpts Oalltrits. WE are always glad to see our friends at the Excelsior Gallery, It still stand& In the sante old place opp; sir e the Bank on Fork Get t yeburg. Pa. C. J. TTSOIC 'plloTo MINIATURES at the Ex celsiqr qallery are superb. and are furnished at one tliird city prices. Call and examine specimen's. C. d. TYSON. - EXCELSIOR is oor motto. To JE- 1, piense our aim! and to render satisfaction in every instance our determination. C. J. TYSON. CONSTANTLY on hand an assort-, men tof fine Frames, Photograph fillnime,Cardiand Baskets for greases, tram• the Battle-field, Photographs our G enerils, and other diatinguishod Individuals, at the Excelsior ganllery. C. .I..TYBON. 1 1` HE best Photographs made in this. .Ccamty are made at the ilacelitkr Gallery; Get4+ burg, oppoeltr the eld Mink. • B.J.TYBO7f.' BY all means have year Photographs made at the Excelsior Gallery if you desirethem per eat. Q.J. TYSON. LARGE VIEWS of the Battle-field, '"•-• singly or in sets, very law; also Stereoscopic View" to thellattleleld, atthe Exceitlor Gentry. Do not tail to mw them. • O. 7. TYSON. • VRAMES OF EVERY KIND, 1 . for Large Pictures, Marriage Certiticates, Church Certificates, Missionars Certificates, tr.. very cheap at - 8. G. MIMESES% • ' Near Gallery; Hanover, Pa. Jnno 5, 1867.7-ly RE'M 0 V A L TILE eETTIEBITIVa 1-XYLI(II{T ,tIALLEBY. THEltudersigned- takes pieatnire in aitnotineing to the citizens of tlettyabnig and the publio generally that he haa removed from hie old rooms on West Middle street, to Baltimore street and nearly opposite the storeafFehneetoek Brothers. - The room he now occupies, haebeeri-recently fitted up expressly for, Ids baldness. The !Oration is an admirable one, - enabling him to take pictures in all shades of weather, and with a orrectness unequalled anj where ese, LIB E—LIK PIIOTOGRAPILB, of every else and description, - exeentedialhdllneetelyle rartientarattentfongfven tothe OAItref , DB*IBITE, and in copying AtnIROTTPEI3 and DAGMFBRIKITTPgif decMftal'r ends. Also-- GETTYSBURG GEMS, a sew style ofpicture which hoe become very popular with the public, not only for their beauty, but for cheap ness and convenience. ZIMMER foi ONE DOLLAR on ly. A 18 6 7410! PORCELAIN . PICT-ORES, which for ',hew aaty and duraidllty axe noaurpamed. . • Wows. prepared to carry on the Inteinese In an Its irarions branches, and havlngha4coeehterableexparteace we run , no rink fn • • • .. : • , cr4l4 Irma/No .P.ER PM..? StrISTACTION. - • Our facilities fort lull display Of oat *in are htivinil• ad by aaroihert Gallery In the County, and we would 'Sorokin Invttenvery One to call at the NEW GETTYSBURG SKYLIGHT GALLERY. - Call and examine our Opecispeus, and Judge for, your selves. LEVI 11111h1PER, June E 1,11366. Wash* Iltatipt., t .. ~p- _~..,..,.,. t.~_.v_,:-.. -.-__, E, THE BEST WASHEN . G 'MACHINE. MIMI arraigned cars for Mb, the TOWNSHIP *CO*o f / 41 4• 16 acilaqr. for DC IfNEPS !Align whisti ir the tessaraer, IMAM alai Taff Wsu that has ;et been Irred to the pills, The Metre will be I ; sail as reuoieble tones. We le n opponeidtris maitAie men to-SpiiimillOOD WAG iSinotacturini ;Hahn these machines. A sample numAchie bele, Wished Amy person 70 Priam a Hights if deeirektik roe!. Celt at ilia Or OiVariara ,N W'it4 "4/0/1111111.111114;141464. Pi0(01144 0 410. THE`'.. , 1 ,, • - • :;!i.7 ; - 0 *ASATINGTON '..1431MARY,-,-,e46:44ff Is Cbutared by tLs ,Mato of PetimlllTafilloind Organ* In lad ol the . RIVERSIDE. INSTITUTE SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' ORIMAXS, SUBSCRIPTION ONE DOLLAR THE WAktINGTON LIBR/ RY COMPANY, TIMED RUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS And many other large preaenta. the whole amounting to For len schedate of Presents, see circulars, seat free on application. Each Certificate olltock issecompanied with a • • 'BEAUTIFUL STEEL-PLATE ENGRAVING, SUBSCRIPTION ONE DOLLAR. Any person sending WI ONE DOLLAR., or paylag the lame to our local Agents, wiU receive immediately a Ana steel Plate Engraving. at choke from the following list, and One Cartidada of Stock, insuring One Present in the GREAT DISTRIBUTION. No. 1.-=" My Child! My Chlii!"- No. 2.--' , They're Pared; They're &wail" N0.3.—.014 Serentyntet or, the Regly Mayo of the Revolution." Any potion puled TWO DOLLARS will receive either of the lolkarring floe Steel Puttee, at tholes, and Two Coe tillontee of Stock, thus beecming entitled to Twe Pre. mete. N0.1...'—i - "Washington's Courtship." No. 2.—"Woshlng totfe Lest Interview With hie Mother." TURES DOLLAR BNORAVJJOS. Any peilion paying THREE DOLLARS will retell,* the beautiful Steel Plate of "HOME FROM THE WAR," end Three Certhteaies of Stock, becoming entitled to Three Presents. FOUR DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS. Any person paying POUR DOLLARS shall receive the large and beautiful Steel Plate of . "TflE PERILS OF OUR FOREFATHERS," and Four Certificates of Stock, entitling them to Yom Presents. Any person Who pays PILE POLL/MS shall receive the large and splendid Steel Phil.. of TIIB 14141.111t11,06 CF PO4.IIONTAB." find Flve Certifiestes of Stock entitling them to Five Preeente. The Engravings and Certificates will be delivered to each subseriber at our Local Agencies, or sent ty mail, post paid, or express. as may be ordered. IL S. BENNER Pend orders to us by mail , enclosing from $1 to $2O, either by Post Office orders or in a registered letter, at our risk. Larger amounts should be sent by draft or expren. Local Alln.^Ti 4 WANTST) throughout thern Rad Ftatms Barmiest Rirerside, Burlington County, New Jersey, founded for the purpose of grit° itonsly educating the eons of detested Soldiers and seamen of the United States. The - Board of Trustees consists 01 the follow ng well knnwn Missals of Pennsylvania and New Jersey:- I'lON. WILLIAM B. MINN, District Attorney, Philadelphia, I'S. HON. LEWIS R. BROOMALL, Rs-Chief Coiner,ll.g. Mint, and Recorder of Deeds, Philadelphia, Pa. HON. JAMES M. SCOVEL New Jersfy. HON. W. W. WARR, New J ersey. HENRY GORMAN, Esq., Agent Adams Express, Philaddphla, Ps.. J. E. COE, Esq., Of Joy, Coe k Co., Philadelphia. TIEABUST DIPARTMLICT, WASHINGTON, D. C.. April 18, 1867..—0cg0g . of Internal lleevenne: —Having received satisfactory evidecre that MO procetile of the enterprise conducted by the Washington Library Company will be denoted to charitable nem, permission is hereby panted to Ittitt Company' to conduct snob enterprise exempt from 11 charge, whether from special tax or other ditty. The Association have appointed as Receivers; Masers. GEORGE A. COOKS * C0;33 South Third Staid, Philo ititriaMisee will-known integrity and busies* ex entre Will be it eullicient guarantee that the wooer ntrueted to them will be promptly applied to the pur pose stated. .. PILUADZLPHU; Pa., ]toy dik 1867. To the Officers and Members of the Weuhltageon Library S. READ, Secretary. "'Elzonanso:—.oa receipt of your favor of tbel4tb mat., notifying us of oar appointment ae Receivers Jr your Company, , we took the liberty to submit a copy , of your Choctaw, With a plan of your enterprise to mamma legal anti:with; orsi baying received his favorable)epinkm in regard to its legality, and sympathising site the benevOlent object of your Association, viz: tloo edema lion-and maintenance of the orphan cbildem of oWr .soldies and ration of the Riverside Institute, yo bate concluded to accept the trust, and to use our beg efforts to promote so worthy an object. Respectfully, 'an^ Ac., f ORO. A. COOKE* CO-, Alkdress all letters and orders to • ORQ L .I.) MORI 2 00., BANkW, W/3onth ThirriStreet, Phlbulsdpaia, Pa. Recitters for the Washington MbrAtfee. .Des B. Tweteu, Gettjebtuig. ' Avg. • • VOTING LADIES BEWA.t.E 1 Of thirlnjarnitut draft orPseePbikiders ak Wag. ea. A4enieti tashollebelose up the pores of the kia„ and In a' abattoir destroy toe iroirolexioti; If ydf would hare* Wear; healthy and yoatirra: . appearaime, bold'a Iltxtfoct Sarsaparilla. [ epritao i 1 JUST PUBLISHED, NEW WORK ON SINGING. SOLFEGGIOS FOR SOPRA-NO OR izzzo ScoritatO VOICES, i. ' 1240:=ED 414 ' Stvdies , to acquire the Art of 44909. "Theis exercises more COUlpplu4 lobe_need ~. otrane. =sly with.lie gam, 4 firli shT..Ar.Sliginia. es: lifiti Ray o th er method forthe colt) of the en ; . Mite. the 31400 pi .CONOON/Sc . :- ' " '"' 4 • iL)!'ihafi more melakets arid bettor adapt for teach "Some of these exercises are splashy .. , Will es well as useful. a mingling claim dram d ettiks,Whicji ow cures the interest as Weil de; the imp R u t Student. l'hirearines styles-developed in 6 render them Invaluable In awadncatimeal paid of viewi. as 'they tend to enlarge the intalignoe ant the an. Eneciatita,. sad atheneum dud farmthe trio of fig. pU. -They must be sallied carefitUY With Atorence the innameraisht malice of ezmunion and :he ns of or. mamentation. Upon the minute accuracy wish which theism* accompllshed depends the actual skyline id' 'hurl .ancement of the pupil; any mean or ,h t &pm reds Is time and effort utterly wasted, whi the qtr hand, _a demand patient Inveadp,tion, ' a mh• utdijillthill execution of them,_wrn_ iptfa..en poweiendrialty, and open to the " Stadia and reulamer by which4 : „artistsprodnei -va l e billliset atstProiolillit • nbille B 4 ,l `,Nuseitil IN TWO VOlaildlik. Priam" affich, in Boardi_ -------- $2 09 'do do Ihi *Ala . . 41.,,!otopk.cippy IMO 1 .7 Ain, • r ." , „ iNmar 411 ‘. • Ikailishod by ' So. NI Broadway, lan Ma. Pablimbots and *lus in Mod!, and Ilannemaiirsisof :1 1 . 44)114011, 444,41 -1 / 1 40.,8)1. 3,ler4i. - aziazuvritc, the i•'d • leo" sad revatiOß- 4111411allegill" ' i-VPHINIMP OUNK. Dirito PITYLADELPHIA /Oa EDUCATING GRATUITOUSLY fooorporated by the St.t te of New Jersey, APRIL Bth, 1887 BY VIRTUE OF TIMISVOVARTZR, and in • ACCORDANCE WITH I pßovisid3s, will distribute TN PRESENTS TO THEIRAREHOLDERS, ON WiIDNESDAY:J,