II etonttardbill !IMO' WCURDY & HAMILTON, DEA.LEBS ' IN . . • ^OUR, GEM . N, GROCERIES, &c NTH! undersigned are paying at Umiak Wars pones, 1 Carlisle street, adjoining Briehlee*Hall,tbe highest prices for • ‘. . , . t'LOUR, WHEAT, RY.H , DORN, OATS, BUOIEWHEA.T 'CLOVEN AND TIMOTHY-SENDS, PO. 1 TATOES, 10., ho., ntl invite producers to give them a call beams selling They have gonstantly on Lend kr sale, A LARGE SUPPLY OF GROCERIES, molarms, error', bodies, Stigars.kc., with Salt, Fish, 01ls,Tar, Soaps, Bacon and Ls rd, Tobaccos, &c: Ala the best brands of /LOUR, with FEND of all kinds. They Umiak bare 1 ; SEVERAL VALITA.BLE FERTILIZERS, a ttibia Pacific Cimino, Rtesdai' Phosphate and A A alus' Guano. 1 Whilst they pay the highest market prices for all they ti. they mil at the lowest living profits. They ask a me of public patronage, resolved to give eatisAiction 14 every we. , . . _ . Jab' 8,1867.—tt DANIEL GULDEN, DEALER IN ;:DRY GOODS, fLoIIR,GRAIN, GROCERIES, . LIIIII3EIt, COAL, &c. fir HE undersigned keeps nn hands al. kis Ware House, IX known as "Glade s's &ahem" In Straka° township, *the line of the Gettysburg Railroad, all kinds of GROCERIES, iticluding Sugar, Coffew, Molasses, Spices, Bc., with Balt, Fish, Oils, Tobacco, Bacon, Lard, &c. Also, • LUMBER AND COAL, isicluding Blinding Bluff, Shingles, Laths,Btore and Black snitch Coal. Also, GUANO, aild a larks assortment of DRY GOODS, BOOTS, HATS AND CAPS, 4111 kinds, which he is prepared to sell at the lowest life also pays the highest market price kr Flour, Grain, Can, Oats, Buckwheat, Clover and Timothy Seeds, Pot., Mt.r.., or wilt receive and forward tho Name to market mtudon. Be respectfully asks his friends and the public to give him a call. DANIEL GULDEN. Aug. 21, 11367.-tf FtORWA tti DING ,AND COMMISSION HOUSE. FLOUR AND FEED GRAIN AND GROCERIES HAVING ;p u rchased the extensive 7 Warehouse, Cara, Ac., heretofore owned by Samuel Militia, we beg leave to inform the public that we are continuing the business at the old stand 'on the corner of Washington -and Railroad streets, on a more extensive scale than heretofore. Bare paying the highest market price for flour, rain and all kinds of produce. Flour and Feed, Salt, and all kinds of Groceries, kept constantly on hand and for wale, cheaper than they , can be bad *miters else. Fluter, and all kinds ol fertilizers, constantly on hand, or furnished to order. : A regular line of Freight„Cars willleave our Ware bonne every TUNS „PAY MORNING. and accommodation trains will be run as occasion may require. By this ar rangement we are - prepared to convey Freight at all times to and - from Baltimore. All business of this kind entrusted to us, will be, promptly attended to. Our cars run to the Warehouse of Stevenson A Bone, 155 north Howard street, Baltimore. Being determined to pay staid prices, sell cheap And deal fairly, we invite every ""body to give us a call. CULP k EARNSHAW. dug. 9, 1860. "fr. E. BIDDLE. H.' S. BENNER. )100,000 Busks. Grain Wanted. ,NEW FIRM AT THE OLD WARE . HOUSE. WM. E. BIDDLE k CO. would inform the pntilic that they litre leased the Warehouse on the cor nerlaStrattonatreet and the Railroad, in Gettysburg, where they will carry on THE GRAIN AND PRODUCE BUSINESS, „in all its branches. The highest prices will always be paid for Wheat, Rye, Corn, Outs, , (Sover and Timothy Seeds, Flaxseed, Sumac, Hay and Straw, Dried Fruit- Soap, Hams, Shoulders and Sides, Potatoes, with everything else in the country produce line. HAOCERIES.—On band, for sale, Coffees, Sugars, /dollisees, Syrups, Teas, Spices, Salt, Cheese, Vinecar, So* Mustard, Starch, Brooms, Buckets, Blacking, Soa°. Also CORE OIL, Fish 011 ''- Tar, Ac. FISH of all ads; SpikesandNalls; Smoking and Chewing To ba' They are always able to supply adrift rate article of Floor, with the different kinds of Feed. Also, Ground Plaster, with Guanos and other fertill sert. COAL, by the bushel, ton or car load. They will rim a LINE OF FREIGHT CARS from Get tysburg to Baltimore once 'every week. They are pre pared to convey Freight either way. in any quantity, at REDUCED RATES. They will attend, if desired. to the melting of purchases in the city, and delivering the goods promptly in Gettysburg. Their cars run to the Warehouse of Nathan Roop-a uo., N 0.128 North amend street. near Franklin, Baltimore, where freight will be received at anytime. They invite the attention of the public to their line, assuring them that they will spare no effort to accommodate all who may patronise them. • Api 1119, 1666.—tf BIDDLE * BENNER. GRAIN AND GROCERIES.—The highest Market price paid for Grain and aillrindsof Proliars., (irocerles, Fertilizers, Ac.,constantly on band for aide at the Ware-hoitse of Ante. 9 1864 CULP EARNSHAW. Tut, ttntbtr, That, &r. Sz, COAL, N IMIIENSET &PO C 1.7! ('OR Eic OF CARLISLE BT. AND TITS RAILROAD, GETTYSBURG, PENNA .1 N order to give the public something like an adequate idea attic, immense stock of Lum ber, OW, Store., Tin. irate, kc., on band and tin' sale by the andereigeed, at hie eetahllehnient,' In Carlisle et., &erode the mina the' howenirer Station, he wenld enumerate ae f.r it/t the !India ; of a new,ipalier ad vent/lenient will allow IN THE LUMBER LINE 11..artils and Plank of every grade, from Callings to panel. Joists tid Seiiiit ling, pine and hemlock, Biding, planed and ilinpldned, I , he o wing. Shiugles,Shingle Lathe. Plaster inc (Oohs, Pi,kete ; ready -made boors and Sash. Blinds stun t:e•t everything used for building par t.. IN1,1(.. IN THE COAL LINE ' Shamokin White Ash and Lykens* Valley Red lab, thesivtwo varieties I,eing the purest and best for all d.eneptie purpose. A leo the very best. Broaddop and A lea4heny •ntitb Coal. *For particular" of Stoves. Tinware, kc., see_ adver In.4lnertt under head or Stoves and Tinware. Jply3,lVC LUMBER! LUMBER! NEW 'LUMBER YARD P'C EM { • MITTSBURG, MD. WE would respectfully inform the ,t 1 public that we bass established a LARGE LUM 11V.It xARD in Euunittsbnrg. Md. L UMBER, SCANTLING, ?PICKETS AND LATHS PLOOR ING BOARDS; WINDOWS, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BLINDS, and *vary deacciptioa of !Wilding Lumber furnished at the Wrest club prices, by WILLIAM ITLRICH, Agent for Potter A Co. Judo 21, 1866. tf i , ,N-.1,W !JUMB ER YARD.. TE undersigned has opened a LUMBER 1 7 /MG. on the Railroad, Near Guinn a Reillylle Lime It line. Gettysburg and uks the public to give him& call. His amortnient is one of the beet eter offereil here, anti his priers afford only the anal lest lieLng prudit.b He has W LUTE PINK PLAINS, inch .and hall , BOA 8, PIS:WRING, PALINGS, As., &c., and is Oint- Z slant! adding to his stock. .eOlllll and , = smith Tor you Tee. ittlial supply of Shingles. at tow Oicies,ad ways on hand. NO11; 1.1866. 7 41. - 'JACOB dII RADS. 1 ' _ . Q i EtINGLI3S.- , -Ptime Shingles, the 1 ... , 4st In the market, for sale at JACOB SHBADIPB Dew handier Yard, on tRe Railroad, adjoining the Lime Kihit,Riettystiore. . liquv.lBll6.—ts 1 1 1[• - Lime & Coal. I v J. . i REILLY have erected additiodel Lime Kilns, on the Rain-cad, and 4 1 are t refers better prepared than Iv er to supply the best o LI MB , to large or small gun atAles Farmer, and oth , kereafter look for a more prompt Ailing of their adders, and are invited to extend and continua their *Tars toe firm which is making every, effort tome. eantuaddiste them in the bad manner partible. Tbei s il o ialso continue to keep en hand , for sale, a good of the different kinds of COAL, which they will at swan prate. Mai . . Limsdrettentilanywhere in riertysburg. Jun I.lllllLi—tf ' • grattig. 1 , A FARM WANTED. A ° la a barlog GOOD TARN for sale and iril 1040aa tract. of ;W•tera gasath iAlt ana, = 2o . h z 4 ljele f:f aa i l re a 11MOMIVIIIIMOC81601* BANKIW, STOCK Anil GOLD BROKERS BALTIMORE, Buy and sell all classes of GOVIERMEENT, '§TATE, Cr Y, RAIL ROAD, BANK,IIINING A; OTHER ' SECURITIES jeir-An classes Gbvernments kept eon= 'tartly on hand for sale at lowest New York rates and immediate delivery, and We are at all times prepared to pay.the for any amount of Government, or to ex change one issue for another net. for the, bonds of tit. UNION a PAOIFIC RAILROAD SEVEN IPER CENT. BONDS. 11131.Desoriptive fietophlets sent free on application. • ei fte=receftred .eubJect to check or draft and Inter. ROB ititT Mc(!URDY, Wit. $. HAMILTON. Refer to the Banks and all prominent Merchants of Italtimote. a Oct. 2,1867.-1 m GOVERNMENT BONDS OF ALL IS S UES, COMPOUND INTEREST-NOTES; STOCKS, BONDS AND GOLD, WrINTZES/37 allowed on .SPECIAL DEPOSITS at 3. 4 end 5 per cent., according to length of time of de posit. J. EMORY BAIR. Cashier. July 3,1887. THE First' National Bank of Gettysturl, ALLOWS INTEREST ON DEPOSITS AS ' USUAL— Buys and Sells all Eincls of GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, G,PLD AND, SIL VER, Converts 7-30 Notes into 5-"..0 U. S. Bonds. Se - Orders Solicited and promptly at tended to., GEO. ARNOLD, Cashier. April 11, 1507. Thotograpit 6alltrits. WE are alwaYe glad to see our IF friends at the Excelsior Oanery. it still stands in the !ante old place opposite the Bank on York et, Oct. tribute. PS. C. J. TYSON. PHOTO MINIATUR E S at the Ex celsior Gallery are superb and are furnished a one-third city prices. Call and examine specimen's. C. J. TYSON. EXCELSIOR is our motto. To please nnr aim! and to render satisfaction In every instance our determination. C. J. TYSON. CONSTANTLY on hand an assort meut of floe Frames, Photograph Albutne.Carde and Seekett for 141140401, from the Battle-field, Photographs ot our Genera le. and other distinguithed individuals. at the SacelsiorCellery. C. J. TYSON. I'HE best Photographs made in this County are made at the Excelsior Oallery, Gettys burg, opp2sitc the old Bank. C.J. TYSON. BY all means have your Photographa made at thvliseelsior Gallery if you dpire them per act. • C. J. MON. LATE VIEWS of the Battle-field, sin yor iu seta, very low; alio Stereoscopic Views fo theßattle:fleld, at the Excelsior Gallery. Do not Mil to see Mehl. C. J.,,TYSON. p4AmEs OF EVERY KIND, fur. Large Pictures, Marriage Certificates, Chinch Certificates, Missionary Certificates, *c., very cheap at S. G. SEIEA PER'S New Gallery, Hanover, Pa. Jniin 5, iStl7.—ly FtEMO AT A_ 1.4 THE GETTYSBURG SKYLIGHT GALLERY. THE Undersigned takes pleasure in ¬ing to tRe citizens of Gettysburg and the public gene Ily that be has removed from his old rooms on West Middle street, to Baltimore street and nearly opposite Lire store of Fahneetock Brothers. The room be uow occupies, has teen recently fitted up expressly fur hie bus ineee The location is an admirable one, enabling him to take pictures in all shades of weather, and with a orrectoese Unequalled any where else, LIFE—LIKE PHOTOGRAPHS, ot every eize and description, executed in the Snest style Particular attention given to theCARTE-DE VISITE, and in copying AM BROTYPES and DAGUERREOTYPES at decexeedfr lends.. Also— a new style of pict ere which hail become very popular with the public, oot only for the': beauty, but for cheap nissiand convenience. SIXTEEN for ONE DOLLAR on ly. Also—THE PORCELAIN PICTURES, 'which for their beauty and dunibility.are unsurpassed. We are prepared to carry on the business in all Ks various branches, and having had conaiderableexperience we ron no risk in GUARANTEEING PERPEL.T 3ATISPACSION. , Our fimilities for • tall display of our skill are unequal ed by any Other Gallery in the County. and we would herefore invite every one to call at the NEW GETTYSBURG SKYLIGHT GALLERY. Call and tramline our Specimens and Judge for your selves. LEVI At UMPER. June 21,1866. KEYSTONE HOTEL. WM. E. MYERS, PROPRIETOR C. BUEHLER, THIS is a new. House, and has been fitted up in the most approved style. Its location Is pleasant end convenient, being in the: moat business portion of the town. gvery arrangement has been made for the astommodation and comfort of guests; with ample stabling attached. With erperlenced servant% .and as commodating Clerks, we shall use every endeavor to please. This Hotel is now open ibr the entertainment of the public, and we kindly solicit a share of public patron age. iblay 1867. E A GL - E HO'TE L. !• Tha largest and must cotamodious in . ORTTfßftlitO, PF.1414 A. CORKIN Qr . CDANDENAIIITICI AND WASIITNOTON JOHN L. TATE, Proprietor. sarAn Otonlbria, for Par engers and 9111WILIM rooi to the De-.ot. on arrival and departure at Sall Road Trains. Weal servants, and - rearm:labia charges. May 29, 1967.—tf GETTYSBURG FOUNDRY. 'pas subscribetwould infbrm customers sudothers J- that he is still manufacturing various. kinds of • Chko• thip sad Mocbinee, roads to order, on short notice, itch a. (See different shwa of Powars,) Oloierseed Hullers and Cleaners, Corn Shelters and Separators, Cornfoddes Vas. ten Straw and Bay Oaten. Plonghs, sash as Oast, Ploughs, Barahear Ploughs, Side-hill and Corn Ploughs t e WIRE - SPRIN G HORSE RARE, . the latest improvement; also Yetal Screws - lbr Cider Prem., Imo RAUm- nu Cemeteries or Porches, 'With everything else In his line, all at low prices. FOR BALK—A Ught Two-horse Wagon. s One-home irng. m . nil new. • . DAVID STERN/la. May N EW BAKERY. NIIWPORT s *MIMI Illsobaskatibtkery , Swath Washlagtob etr., bid favors from the Ie 1 Hotol,Gettriburg ,Pa . emitastlboa ' toad, the berg of Pinions wohlailtreob Bread willb• earve devtro sutra lig,lry lastiair tbeirapaphosii eaddiumpast Cho Bakal •sr74 o lrt i vicuirk&a. , ay' vs A CALI,. •A ri n g il ' • , 0411wid, WILLIAM FISHER & SONS, 82 SOUTH ST., OPPOSITE SECOND ST., at the Boards on Commbsion HIGHEST MARKET RATES CASH AGENTS GETTYSBURG NATIONAL BANK. SEVEN-THIRTIES CM bought and &Ada Orders fir purchaae and gala of promptly executed TEN OETTYSIIVE9 GEMS, gottto and ItstatirautO. GETTYSB URG, PA NOW ) OPEN. Prat and toothy. TITILXSHIERAI AND POWZRIL gnat. lireed,: - °racier Chaim Pretzela, $ t it FINKIiE & , ILYON .-:. u_Or f errrpn • . SEVINO MACHINE. The only Macloleo volperfectad that entire aaltramtkni la guaranteed or the Amhara moiey refunded.' When wehave tee AnT a ealaple Machine will!» mold at very loot wit*. and Load A.gent appointed on the t most &Womble terme. . N. IL— Sey for circetar. Trio:sling Agents wanted.— Salary, gbenfi. 1 , FINKLE &I LYON S M. CO.. 587 Broadway, New York. July 3 1887 •-cto I II SIN GER'S ELgBRATEP S_LWIN4 MACH INE THE very heat and latest improved machine in nos, to sale at the CLOTHING STORK of JACOBS & 880., In Chiunbersburg street G ettysburg, where you can buy the best mid chemwst oth',Cause/rem and Vestings, and every variety i.fgodds In the line of MEN AND BOYS WRAR. You can have them cut out anirmads up In thenery best style ifyou wish, at moderate prices and without any risk whatever. ORO:JACOBS it BRO. Ang.16,11166. THE HOW ,MACHINE CO.'S SEWING 1M ACii INES, • 699 BBOADiWAY, .Nrw YORE. These WorlilAtenowned Se*ing Ma x Chines were awarded the' Highest Premium It the World's Fair, in Londom ant six First Premiums at the N. Y. State Fair of 180 E, and are celebrated for doing the beet work, using 4 much smaller needle for the same thread than any other, machine, and by the intro duction of the most apprived machinery, we are now able to supply the very beat machines in the world. Thais machines aremide at oar dew and spacious Fac tmy at Bridgeport, Cone., under the immediste super vision of the President Of the Company, ELIAS HOWE, Jr., the 'original invent* of the Sewing Mactitne. They are adapted to ell kinds of• Family Sewing. and to the, nee of Sesirmtre.4l. Brow Mnkere, Tailors, Manu facturers of Shirts,. Coasts, Skirts. (,leaks, Mantillas, Clothing, Hate, Cap, Corsets, Boots, Shoes, Harness, Saddles, Linen Goods. Umbrellas, Parasols, etc. They, work equally well upon silk, linen. mitt* or woolen good, with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will seam. quilt, gather, hem, fel4 cord, braid, bind and perform every species of Newing,!maklng a beautiful and pet iect stitch, alike on both of the article sewed:, The Stitch invented i y Mr. fIOWE, and made on this Machine, is the most polluter and durable, and all Sew ing Machines are aubjec to the principle invented by biol. Send for.Cirrula SIBLEY & TOOPS, General Agents, March 19,180.—1 y No. 922 Chestnut St., Phila. SEWING MACHINES THE G,ROVER & BAKER THE BEST TN TISIC.4-These Machines have becom BO well known thatt - little need be said by way of recom mendation. They.have taken the first premium at all the late State Faint, end are rolversally acanowledged to be the BEST in use k all who have tried them. The "Grover & Baker Stitch ' and the "Shuttle Stitch" are Pointe that have been attained by no other Machine.— They are the only Machines that sew and embroider with perfection. These 'Machines are peculiarly adapted to Family use. They are oiliest noiseleea,sew directly from the spool without rewinding, and are simple in their construction. They are easy to manage, and can be worked by almost any 4d. Every family should have one. They rare la bor, iare time. and their rare money. and do ,their work better, than it can be done by hand. The undersigned having been appointed Agent for the ee above Maeldn, has este, limbed an Agency in Fairfield, Adams co., where he will;at ways have on hand a supply. Persona wishing to buy Will please call and examine for themselves. Needlei and Thread aril) also be supplied. 8. WITHER VW Agent. Fairfield. Adiuns county. Pa. Aug.16.1888.-tf. Crottiito. JOUN HENDRICKS. HIRAM WARREN. RECONSTRUCTION. IF YOU WANT TO BUY (1 ROCERIES cheap. come to our store in East York street where every thing In our 'ine will be sold'at a short profit' Everything kept in a first Class grocery, will be found there, also CONFECTIONS .AND NOTIONS, TOBACCO AND SEGARS, Produce taken in exchange for goods, cash paid f,.r old meat gligy.Farmere come and see THE WON - DEB OF THE AGE, WARREN'S ELECTRIC CHU-RN, which makes one-fourth more butter than any other Churn (ont of the gime cream.) We keep them for sale and will be -leased to show them. Don't forget the place. HENDRICKS A W AILEEN. Gettysburg., Sept.lB, 1867.- 7 -lf BARGAINS at the uew GROCERY IN GETTYSBURG JOHN CRESS & SON HA VINO open.d a new Grocery. in Gettyahu re. ou the north.weet corner of the Public Square. have ju.t received a aplend4 aesortmeit of FILE SII GROCERIES, including Sugars, Collie, liolnapea, Syrup, Tam Spicer Tobacco, Salt, Finb, llama, gliouldern, &c. Also, QUEENS WARE, / CONFE CTIONS, Nuts., rulta,Boaps, Fancy Ai - titles and Notions generally. We will also keep on hand FILOOR end FERAISTUFI'S. Having purchased for CA ti. we are prepared to sell eery cheap. Give US s call nd judge fur yonrselres. I JOHN CRESS, • J. W. CRESS. Sept. :24.1967.-tr WM. BOYER tsc SON, KEEP constantly on hand a splen did *esurtment of Coffee, 4 Sugar. tea, Syrups, Spices, Fish, Bacon, Belt, Nopiuns Tobacco, Clirars.Con• fereions. and ererythinsvonneceted with a Fang Grocery. We will always keep up a full supply of goods and sell them at prices which cannot fall to please. Gall and lee us at ourstandin York street, Opposite the Bank of Gettys burg. kinds of country produce taken ID fa. change for goods. May 29, 1888. NEW A R R.NGENI ENTS. HENRY 9VERDEER, Ors Me MU in Balliatore Street, Gettysburg, la. HAS made arrangements to get fresh supplies every Weak from the City and is de termined to sell cheap. a invites all to give them a call, hit stock consists of GOcerlea, Notione. Flour, Corn Meal, Choped Peed, Col Oats, Fish, Bacon, Lard, Chose, Crackers, Tobacco Igats end Snuff, Sugar, Cof fees, Teas, Syrup, Maleitses t Candles, Coal Oil. Fish Oil, Tar, Beet Cider, Vinegar, at d a great var'ety of Notion*, Candles, tc.„ kc. NAL.The cub or trade will be given for County Pro duce inch as Floor, Corn, Osts, Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, Rags, kc. (May 38, 1887.-tf -NEW GROCRY STORE. ODY • TELL EVEYEB YOl7 SEE THAT GIL . ERT JUST above the Court - Ho se, and oppoeits the Compi ler Office. will sell you e erything in the GROCERY AND PROVISION Line ch per than Ten can get it elsewhere. Sugars, WWII, Molasses, ' • Caudle.. Coal Oil, Syr pp, Brooms,- Buckets, Tubs, apace', Cigars, Notions otall Muds, HAM, ISH, °ESTEEM, TIMETA BLES, always on hand. vii eme a cell, ea I am deter mined to accommodate. B TTER. EGOS * and ell binds of Country Produce taken for which the highest stab price will be given. Don't , forget the place—two doors above the Court-House. Do 't pass without calling, as I solicit your patrousge. May 29.—tf • New Grocery,' aid Flour Store. MEALS & iROTHER,. APING opene4 a Grocery, Flour ig-a• end Vegetable Btoriq in the Room formerly on. espied by Geo. Littfe, on Witt Middle str4t, they .—. ex tend aa invitation to ell buyer, to give them a Minnythiag lo line, flab from the city and coon. try, will be kept on bead. %hey are determined to sell, as sheep as the cheapest, and as they only** the lowest living plats, Any hope .to .Insirlt. mid 'receive .liberal share of pnblhi Patronage. ' lOWA ik gm) . MaY 29 , Mad. Grocery & Liquor Store. A LARGE assortment of fine 13E0011;a/118, TN% 0100113, White &Mari of ail Maids, and Brown g=ehesp,prime maw °rot) Orlon. Molasses, and all of limps; MISS MACKEZZL, best In market,. All kind* of LIQUORS, wbolaaale and rotail,prima wise. Bra Fey. Whisky ape., for atidkissii and irriteetrpodas, VII""217. Or B. Illiablaloa Herb and Ow "went 22i iny littars." WN. J. M• 111721, 'Say 20, 1867.41 • • ism* it ,Geitysburg. COAL and FISH (IL the beet owes or mit• AT i WK. 110'91)1 k SON FiLESII supply of , No , an., Toa••••..oli• aadior fob . 'VIU WASHINGTON LIERAIY - CO., PELILADELCIIIA. Ii Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania, std Organised /Oa Enumnso owertirrocrux SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' ORPHANS, SUBSCRIPTION ONE DOLLAR THE WAFIIINGTON LIBEL Hr.-COMPANY) THREE HUNDRED THOU 4 AND DOLLARS ON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY STD, 1868, Or at the Institute, .Riverside, N. J. And many other large presents, the whole amounting to For full schedule of Presents, see circulars, sent free on application. Each Certificate of Stock is accompanied with a BEAUTIFUL STEEL-PLATE ENGRAVING, WORTH MORE AT RETAIL THAN THE cOST'OY SUBSCRIPTION ONE . . DOLLAR. Any permon sandit4.- ue ONE DOLLA li. •?r paying the 141:0 0 to Otif local A tpt, G, wi I recal ca im m ...th a to, a Coe teel Plate Engraving. at choice n•.on r fo.lowing Bet, and One Oertilleate or St.el, blau , Preaent. In the GREAT DISTRIBUTION. No. I.—"My Child! My ChiLl!" No. '2.—.'•Thry're &teed! They're Savod!" Sereuty.six ; or, the Early Daptof the Revolution." Any pet-von paying TWO 'LOLL aILS will teto:re either of the follvwlutt Sue Steel Puttee, at choke, and Two Cer tificates of Stock, thus bee. ming entitled to Two Pre- Ben ta. No. I.—“Washington'e Court ip." Nu. '.'..—“Weshing ton'e Laet Interview with hie nuttier." TNRKR DO,L_LAR ENC,RAVINSS. ny itervun paylnrr Tlllt EP! LiOLLA lilt will receive the bcantitul Steel Plate 4 •110AIE Ink: WAIL" mud Three Certificates ~; jittlyt, to Three Presents• FOCH DOLLAR I:NgRAVINOS. Any person paying YuCit I)OI.i,ARS shall rerthr the Large and b.stut ifnl ;Reel Plate of ••TILE PERILS or CPU't FOREFAIIiERS." and Puny Cettineate4 4St•slt. .ntitlina thrri t.. Pont Presents. Any pttsPn win. pays VIVE 11.. large Steel Pn.le UI - THE 3140:1:1AtiL CF 'llf IsTAs." en.l Five Cortitic, tem ~ f ~ntitlinq them o. Five Prmienti. The Eugrarinee nod Ce. tifi.t., wit! each eabecrlber at our Inc..llAgenrite. t y with pot pat.', or exprees. e, !Day I.e orirr,ll. HOW TO OBTAIN SHARES AND EN GRAVINGs. Send orders to us by mail. i I to *2O, either by Poet Otte, le, /.r iu 4i e. letter, at onr risk. Large: sno.ulas diould 11. .1-aft or express. 10 with ptlrtreei is it !I Eng rat- in,:e shittrit with I:oxturitix,s 7510 see, Witt. Itacrtritsg.. 100 shfireit With XtiAttlYi-tige. Gall AGENTS 'WANTED throtw.l,ont the rttiteol Ethtes THE RIVERSIDE INSTITUTE, Situate tit Riverside. Borlingtan Cuttty. New Jersey, is founded for the pnriu.ii of arittli;tottaly saturating the sons of decerneei auldiet ts a. nil Seamen"! the United States. The Beard of Treaters causiats 01 the !allowing well kit awn citizens of Pennsylvania rind New Jerst y EON. WILLIAM B. MANN, District Attorney. Phtladelphri, Pa. HON. LEWIS R. BROOMALL, . Ez-Chief Cuitter U. S. Mint, and Recorder of Deeds, Philadelphia. Pa. HON. JAMES M. SCOVEL, New jersey. HON. W. W. WARE. Nilw ersey. HENRY GORMAN, Esq.. Agent Aderiia' Exprets, Philadelphia, P.I J. E. COE, FAA.. TREASURY DI.1.0.:1"311.!“. ..SLINGION, D. C.. April 18, ilis7.—Oflice of Internal ver.ue: —Having received satisfactory evidence that the proceeds of the enterprise condncted b, the Washington Library Company will be devoted to charitable uses, permission is hereby granted to said Company to conduct such t - nterprissisxempt,from II char ce, whether from special tax or other duty, The itieruriatiou have appointer] as Iteceivere, Mears. GEORGE A. LOOKE it:t South Third Steret, Phita delphia,whoxe well-kn integrity and busineee ex perience will be a sufficient i.ittaran tee that the money intrusted to them a 111 lie promptly applied to the pur posestated. PA, 'Lay '2O, 'Sul'. To the Officers and .I'.-htherr fl the Washington LibYezry Cb., N. S. READ, Secretory. G eNTLxa Le:—Oa receipt of your Avor of the ibtli inst., notifying us of our appnintnient as Receivers tor your Cowpony, we tuck the liberty to submit a ropy or your Charter. with a plan of your enterprise to eminent legal authority, and having received his favorable opinion in regard to its legality, and sympathizing with the benevolent object of your Association, viz: the educe tion and maintenance of the .orphan children of our soldiers and sailors of the Ri% eriside• Institute, we have concluied to accept the trust, and to use our beat efforts to promote ro wertby an object. Respectfully, yours, &c., O 30. A. COOK!: & CO., Address all letters end orders to GEO. A COOK F. & CO., BANK SRS. 33 South Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Receivers for the Washington Liontry Co. JOHN R. TURNER, Gettysburg. Aug. 7.-fun. JUST PUBLISHED, NEW WORK ON SINGING • 13ASSINI'S Twenty Melodic Exercises, IN PORX SOLFEbGIOS FOR SOPRANO OR MEZZO Studies to acquire the Art of Singing "Three exercises were composed to be need shnultene easily with his system, "Toe ART or tiumixo," or with Any other method for the cultivation of the voice, and will take the place of CONCONK'S SOLFEGGIOS; being more melodious and better adapted for teaching. "Some of these exercises are specially beautiful as well as useful, a mingling of the duke et sitik, which se cures the Interest as well as the Improvement of the student. The various styles developed in these exercises render them invaluable in an educational point of view, as they tend for enlarge the interns. ice and the ap preciation, and at the u-me time form the taste of the 'pupil. They must be studied carefully with reference to the innumerable marks of expression and forms of or namentation. Upon the' minute accuracy with which them are accomplished denends the actual sterling ad +=cement of the pupil; any evasion or slurring hi thaw respects Is time and e ff ort utterly wasted,. while, on the Mho' band, a close and patient investigation, and a min utely flithful execution of them, will give „ unexpected power and banity, and open to She student the means and resources by which great artists produce their moat brilliant and profound effects.— Watron's Art Journal. "IN TWO VOLOMES. Pries, each, Retail 32 00 do do in Cloth, Retail 0 Sabi* Opp sent by Mail, postpaid, on receipt o Wholesale Price, 340. I _ Wit. HALL & SON, No. 643 Broadway, New Turk. PabUsheri and dealers in Beaky and itannfactlimpor SLUM, IVIES. FLsiGELOTB, La., to., &e. Bad for catalogue of prices July 3, ISM—ft. Published by 300.13T8HELS , . EGYPTIAN BEEF wingAT, • Par bale. A new rarfety ; yleklavall ; Dot apt ta Ilial ripens early; sod eatfrely tree hem an filth; Price, $3 per•bueltel. WM. maim, Aa5 . .7,1107.—tf Near Gottyabarg, Ps A ;Clear Smooth Skin and Beautiful ,empmsoxklo follow. the use of lieLmbold's Comm. Irma Raquit -gk o wne um? , B , l %PlimPlik sad a ult r a = of IttbittbhMt*i. _TAE In aid of the RIVERSIDE INSTITUTE incorporated by the St.i te of Nen , Jolley, APRIL Bth, 1867. RY VIRTUE OE THEIR CUARTER, and in ACCORDANCE WITH ITS PROVISIONS, will distributi IN I.NEsENTs TO THE SHAREHOLDERS, AT PHILADELPiIId. PA., ONE,PRE• 4 ENT WORTH $40,000. ONE PRESENT WORTU $20,0,0. ONE PRESENT WORT(' $lO,OOO. ONE PRESENT WORTH HS,COO. TWO PR ESENTS WORTH 12.500 EAOU 8300,000. CERTIFICATE And also IntI:MPS to the holder a PRESENT TUC GREAT DISTRIBUTION ONE DOLLAR ENGRAVINOS TWO DOLLAR ENGRAVINos P 114: DOLLAI: 1:N4111.1V 01 Joy. Coe ("0, 14211.1e!p. E. A. ROLLINS. Commiseltmer. SOPRANO VOICES, INTENDED AS I 1 4 k VP • E= WAGON MAKING. THE subscriber respectfully informs the public that he carries - On the WAGON-MAXIM' RUMNESS in all Da branches, at ifs Shop, in Onekbarland township, about one-halt mile from Bream l Mt% on the road lead ing from said Itnt to the ltmmi feburg road; and le pre pare 4 to execute all birders itrith , Promptneie. serREPAIRING-IN OF ALL KINDS ATTENDED TO. He also •nuumbsoleirse HADD-RANTA, SHAIEDIG YORKS AND BII,OOII4IANDLICIII. for wholesale and re• tail trade. • He hopes, by prompt attention to badinage, to merit and receive a libetal patrol:4e. Orders addressed to Min at . Oettyaburg, iriji receive Primo attention. Aug, 1861.—1 y WI,LbT IL HOUCK. •. G REAT (ONOWAGO MILLS. 10,000 :Bilsgst9 coy WHEAT WANTED The' undersigned :having remodeled and improved his mills near New Chester, tkiSmarly milled "Walnut arose," but now .I:least ConoWsgo Mills") is prepared to do ill kinds await in his line with unusual dispatch. Constantly On band, for sale or exchange, the very best lualilies of Super, Extra, and Family YLODR, also Aye, Corn and litickrheat Flour, with every variety of Chop and °Mil of *heat. }laving a SAW SITU attached, he is prepared to saw all kinds of lumber, at the shortest notice. A fanner lit need of lumber and Dour, can put a log upon his wagon, throw a few bushels - of wheat on the top, bays the wheat exchanged for Unit. and the log sawed, thus saving a donbie trip—and all , because of the new and perfect ma chinery now employed In these ;nine. Raving the beet of workmen, he will be able to please every body. Thankful for past favors be hopes for a COW. tinnance of the same. IL .1. ALTERS. New Chester, April 23d, 113137.--ly. SILVER'S WASH POWDER. SAVES Time, Labor, Money. Makes Washing a pa.s mti., and Monday a festival. Sold everywhere. Try It. Address all orders. to the Manufacturer.. ZIEGLER AND SMITH, Chemists and Wholesale Druggists, 137 North Third Street, Philadelphia. March 19,1867.-Bin H. 4F. DEBRING & BRO., FRESCO PAINTERS FREDERICK CITY, MD., RESPECTFULLY inform the pub thattbey art prepared ti FRESCO CLIURCII RS, HALLS, PRI VA rE In the most approved ityies, modern or ancient, All work warranted to give astisfsction iw to ttite, du tab iilty and cheapness. April 25, 1867.--6tu • NOTIVE. TIIE subscriber has now thoroughly 11 rtdpaired his GRIST AND SAW MILL , . known as "McILII ENS Y'S MILL" on Marsh creck. and Is prepar ed to do GRINDING AND SAWING of every kind at stunt uottce. Ile Judie its the patronage of the neistda, - hood. and will guarantee sat istaction. Give 94 a call. June 12,16137,4 f GEORGE GINUELL. BROOM HANDLES FOR SALE, wbok.c. or Retail. at the Lumber Yard of C. D. BUEHLER. arriageo, fiarneso, ttr. NEW FIRM& AT THE OLD STAN D [E6TABLISHED IN Is have associated with mean business. my son.JOHN F. Mceasssix, under the firm and sty le of D 31ceg.g.tir Boa, stud I desire to say to my old friends end the pub lic geherally that since the war, the manufacture of Middles. (farness, Collars, •c., hes been revised at the old eatablished and well known stand on Baltimore Ytreet. one square south of tire Court House. (let ty.lierg. I'.•. Rasing had an experience of 40 years in this establish ment, I feelassured. that, with renewed attention to hue inesa, we ran atilt farther merit and . ereise of public patronage. Feb. 1,181545. DAVID .Nlt;CithAP.Y. With increased fart title. for conducting our business, , Ntt are better prepared than ever to satisfy the wants of All those who may need anything in on r line. We ewe- Chilly tall the attention of Farmers and others to the superior quality of our or Quilted Seat Born Side Saddles. flames. oil lands. •sith 0 Plain or Quilted .ient no dt ttirtut llorn. Olaau or Quilted i•-:,t ,i.leSeot..ll. ollarfileather), baddlee, .. i tick h . t' lain or Fnuc y rail 1, Cl,tb.. •lo Wagon Saddles, B.et Welt IlurriensCollers, Riding Bridles, of all kinds. ,'a Lent Loather Coll, t r., fidr or black, routidioi or o , lo:bed or unstitched, flat, Riot Loather Wagon Whips, 3lartingalcs.• 4. :1 01 .1 fret Irttx. Carriage Harness. allAtyle:, pi lted Whip.. silver or black mounted, Trottinx Whip.. .laeavr Draft Hartle,. Lail& Biding Dlindl Bridles, Whip lashes, Girtits. • Borst Blankets. f.t...te. Croppers. to shre Leversth lug that pertains to a fir,: , Inee genera horse furnishing ratablielimeut constantly on hand or made to order promptly, of the very best material, and by the most experienced workmen in the country, (t'wo haring woriCetlin (hie establishment for the last thirty years.) i 9 .4) In AI 46 60 ,;9 00 9%.1 1.10 %%Akre tow in.lncifweturing so rzcrll.r.t hot of H e avy Draft and Hamer,. C;W...kr bowl. prtfel our own to city made work. Repairing of all kiie:e dum it ant ice and on rea sonable forma. All are cordially invitedto call and examine for them aelvea as our work ranunt fail to recommend I tself. Yeti. 1.1866—tf. DAVID ScrItEARY SON. NEW SADDLER SHOT. ON “the IIIII," Baltimore Street, Gat tyuburg, P/11.-0011. inaptly on baud, 01 made to ' , flier, all kinds of RIDING SADDLES,. WAGON SADDLES. CARRIA HARNESS, DRAUGHT HARNESS, RIDING BRIDLES, BLIND BRIDLES, COLLARS. . FLY NETS:, .tc. is low as the lowest May 29, 1867.—tf. C ARRLAGF,3IAKING RESUMED The war being over, the undersigned haveresumed the CARRIAGE-MAING BUSINESS, at their old - stand, in East !fiddle street, Gettysburg, where they are again prepared to put up work in the most fashionable, substantisl, and superior manner. A lot of newand second.hauti CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, AC, on hand, which they will dispose ofnt the lowest prices, and all orders will be supplied as promptly and satisfac torily as ptstsible. ta - REPAIRING-0 done with dispatch, and at cheapest rate.. A large lot of new and old HARNESS n hand for sale. Thant:full for therlitssral patronage heretofore enjoyed by Mew, they solicit and will endeavor to deeerve.a large share in the future. May 29.-tf ARBIAGES AND BUGGIES • TATE & CULP Are now building a veriety of COACH WORK of the latest and moat approved styles, and constructed of the best material, to which they invite the attention of buy ers. Having built our work with great carNand of ma terial selected with special reference to beauty of style and durability, we can confidently recommend the work as unsurpassed by any other in or mit of the cities. All we.ask is de inspection of our work, to convince tome In want pf any kind of a vehicle that this is the place to buy them. iII446AIRING in every branch done at short nonee and on remain:labia terms. Giro us a call at our Factory. near the corner of Wash ngtoa and Chatubersburg streets, Gettysburg. Pa. Jana 12, tbk.i.—tf Agrirtitturat Ifinpittnitito. BRINKERHQFF'S , CORN SHELLER, SEPARATOR A- 1 AND CLEANER. - The underigned would inform the Agricultural public that be, has purchased froM the Patentee of this extraordinary machine. the'Patent Right for the States of Pennsylvania and Maryland. Erin korbors Corn libeller, Sepbrator and Clean er, its pronounced the best machi fl of the kind in c i thiS country. 'And in proof, it ay be mentioned that the "Advisory Committee a pointed to select Implements for exhibition at th Universal Ex position in Peris, in 1867, have selected this i Sheller as the best in America," and at the request of J. C. Derb.T. Er. S. Agent, a Macnine has been shipped to Paris for exhibition.. One important feature in this machine is that it will shell ears large, entail or crooked. perfectly clean, and separates the cob and chaff from the Corn ready for market, The fact may also Le stated that at the great trial of Agricultural' Impleuletita; at Auburn 'N. Y., in July last, under the anspittes of the itteiw• York State Agricultural Society, the Brinker off Corn Sheller, Separator and Cleatier was reps 1 by one of the most 'competent Cotmusittees as he best Corn Sheller out. They say,l"We have cage. i ed fully examined and thoroughly tested this via ehine,and have no imitation int pronouncing it the beet Cbrn Sheller we ever sato:" The re port is signed byeueh men as John Stanton Gould, President N. Y. State Agricultnril Sot:lath B. P Johnson,Secretary to same; Solon Robinson, Ag ricultural Editor N. Y. Tribune; 8. Edward Todd, Agriculbaral Editor N. Y. Times.l v -From among many complition i irry newapl! r ir notices, the following, from the . Y. °beery , is deemed sufficient: , t ..: "Amongst! : he liambeorn Sheller!. made 'in ' New York and Albany—and one atingle firm mem ufacturers more than 10,000 angually--inot tree can enter the circle with the Shellerluat invented by J. Brinkerhoff, Auburn,' New York.' It shells, separates and cleanses, rapidly add easily, at one operation, as fast as the ears can lre put in the hop- The undersigned is nowpreparild to dispute of COUNTY EIGHTS. He Will hale 13/1111LLRES ready for sale la the oottraiinf s mantles time. All letters to -be addreued to 1 WM. WIBLB, ' I'. Or Box us, Ehttebstiall. . 114 rz3 J. M. BOWE HELM.BOLD' S CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Eradicates Eruptire and L'iceraiire Diseases of Vic Throat, Which so disfigure the appearance, Purging the still effects of Morris ry, and removing all taints, the remnants of Diseases, hereditary or otherwise, and is taken by Adults 111 1 1 1Chilerell with perfect Safety. Two Tableepoonfolls of the Extract of Sarsaparilla, folded to a pint of water, is equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and 01/0 bottle is equal to a gallon of the Syrup of Sarsaparilla, or the dexictions as usually made. An Interesting Letter le published In the MediceChir urgical Review, on the subject of the Extract of Sammie rilla, in certain effections by Benjamin Travers, F. It. S., etc. Speaking of those diseases, and diseases arising from the excess of murectry, he states that no remedy is equal to the Extract of Sarsaparilla ; its power Is extral ordinary, more so then any other drug I am acquaint ed with. It is, in the strictest sense, a tonic with this, invaluable attribute, that It is applicable to a state o the system so sunken, and yet so Irritable as renders other substances of th e tonic chum unavailable or 'Rine- DANNER t ZIEGLER CONCRNTRATED EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Established upwards of 18 years. Pretared by 11. T. RELSIROLD, Druggist and Chemist 591 Itioadway. N. Y. 491r-Sold by all Druggists. Apr 30-17 SPEER'S P GRAPE WINE, Used by Hundreds of oongregations for C'hureh or Communion Purposes. Ereellent for Ladies and Weakly Person., TO USE. • VINEYARDS, NEW JERSEY SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE, FOUR YEARS OLD. THIS Justly celebrated native Wine is made from the juice of the Oporto Grape, raised in this country.— lts invaluable TONIC AND BTRIINGTHENING PROPNBTIBS are unsurpassed by any o•htr native Wins. Being the pure Juice of tbe Grape, produced under:Mr. Bpeer's own personal, supervision, its purity and genuineness are guaranteed. The youngest child may partake of its geis erotic qualities,und the weakest Invalid may use It to ad vantage. It is Particularly beneficial to the aged and debilitated, and suited to the various ailments that aP Blot the weaker, on. It is, in every respect, A WINE TO BE RELIED ON. Invalids use speer's Port Grape Wine. Females use Spear's Port Grape Wine. Weakly persons find a benefit by its use. Speer's - Wines In Hospitals are preferred to other • wines. Akrßold by Druggists and Grocers. A. beer's Vioeyard, New Jersey, Ofice,243 Broodway, New York. [Sept:. 4,1867,-1j yOUNT'S COMPOUND! PUTRID SORE THROAT, INFLUENZA, or any caber Inflammatory or iowud disease of t, Throat it not o; too Img standing. Also, 30411Li8 "BUR. mu —"dos has bow trip! ik THOUSANDS OF OASES , in different parts of the country, and ban 'wrier been known to dill if taken in time sad ocoordieg to dine. Una It is werrAnted to cure. Givelt a trial - and it wil/ spenkilbr livery household about& provide tl e s= solves with bon of tide medicine sad keep ft on h This oust *kat tt bss stfooted untruly marroloos. 1011,Prewed end sold by lektim Timid k Getty& bort Pa, orb, Ile& authorised siesta. Ns sale at watt tbares la Adam oataty. MI 11111T.4 I$!41 1701;1217 L CO. 6 • ii. x. YOUNG MEN, the •experienee of past-ten p laced um the the Ilscr that to Ilancemay be ln the efficacy of BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS, for the speedy and permanent oute of Seminal weeknem, Emladons, Phialland Nervous debility, Impotooce. or want of powsr,ghe result oiliest's] libunim, or Youthful Indiactetion, which neglected mains the happinses, and unilte the sufferer for BOdueles, Social Society or Mar. riago and often terminate, Wan untimely grave , Make no delay in seeking the remedy. It is entirely vegeta ble end harmless on the systems, tan be Wald without de tectkin or interference with biathlon pursuit"; and no change of diet is necessary while using them. Pride, OM Dollar. If you oonnot get them of your drigglet, send the money to Dr. J. Bryan, 819 Broadway, New York, and they will be sent free from obserretion by return of mall Private Circulars to Gentlemen maim". ayytt ont /or eala.in Ilmmittsburg, Md., by A. T. Sten h Co, Jan. 10, 11187.-ly LADIES.—If you require a re liable remedy to restore you, and remove Irregu larities or Obstructions, why not use the best 1 Thirty years experience has proved that DR. HARVEY'S FEMALE plus. have no equal for Removing Obstructions and Irregular. thee. No matter from what cause they arise. They are safe end sure In eveiy sue. Prim. One Dollar, weals. DR. HARVEY'S GOLDEN PILLS,. Is a remedy four degrees stronger than the above, and intended for special cases of long standing. Pri. , Five Dollars per box. Ladies' Private Circular, oith insgraeingr,srittfree en application. If you cannot get the Pills of your druggist, send the money to Dr. J. Bryan, 819, Broadway, New York, and they will be sent free from observation by return o mall. pan. 10, 18117.-ly For sale in Emmittaburg, Md... by A. T. Stein A Co. LOVE AND MATRIMONY.—The affections of the opposite sex may be gained by fol lowing simple rules. and all may marry happily, it do• sired, without regard to wealth, age or beanty. Bend di. rected envelope and stamp fur particular, to ' Madam LUCILLE DEMARRM,BibIe House, New York Jan. 10,1907.-Iy AVOID THE QUACKS.—If you are suffering from the effects of Youthful Indiscretion and have Seminal Weatness, Emissions, Lc., I will send you,frce of charge, information which If followed will cure you without the aid of medicines. Address HENRY MINDEN, Station D. New York. Jan. -10, 1801.-ly DR. J. BRYAN, Oinsulting Physician, 819 BROADWAY, E W YORK SPECIAL TREATMENT in all cases of Seminal, Sexual, Urinary and Nervous Die eases in Male or Female. ADVICE FREE Anil COrre 4 p , SlCiellea STRICT LY CONFIDENTIAL. jail. 7, 67—ly AGENTS WANT ED.—Sainples sent free. No capital required Ladies or . ur t men ean eArti from $3 to 310 per day. want p, and address Jan .7-ly TRIPP A: CO., Eighth pt., N. Y 11111=11:1 BAR/11E1'1, cl TUE BEST VEGETABLE BAIR RESTORATIVE, TO WHICH WAS AWARDED A SIL VER The triye.ge Premium at th' New Hampshire .Vale DOW ronetalo4 to be anberfor to a❑ other. for reAtor irig Gray 11.ir to ita ORIGINAL COLOR This Preperatidu relieves the hem. of Dandruff, hum• ors, cod all unpleasant Horning or Itching of the scalp, ■ui.plying to the gootJ of the hair the required nourish ment for the promotion of its growth IT [S A BEAUTIFUL DRESSING, I.lvlng th- cool. 1:10fIll arid healthy EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED.', J. It. BARRETT k CO, Proprietor'. MAtiebester, N. H. sa-Sold by Dr R. Ilorner, Gettyabarg, P.., and by Dr n egiste rrnerully. .blue. 26, 1567.-6 m R EcG'S VEGETABLE AMBROSIA FOR GRAY HAIR RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS To RINGS RINGS Restore RINGS RINGS Gray Hair to ita RINGS RINGS Ori K inal Color. Brad- RINGS RINGS kat , ' Dandruff and RINGS RINGS I VEGETAELR AIeRNOSIA RINGS RINGS t is WARRANTED. I RINGS RINGS lium,ra from the RINGS RINGS Scalp and pre- RINGS RINGS, vent Baldneas. RINGS JUNIUS TRY A BQrrLe ! RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS Thin it the AMBROSIA that Ring made. 'Me I tho Core that lay L. the AMBROSIA that Ring made Thig ii the Man who MSS held at:al Kra'', Who nett haa 'raven locks. that ear Ile u... 1 the Cure that lay the AMBROSIk that Ring made. Tihg is the Maiden, halidgorue and gay, WWI married the also once hold and gray Who now has raven lock!, they say. He used the AllithOSlA that Haig cnide. This is the Parson, Who, by the way. Married the Maiden, handtanne and gay, the Man once bald and gray. Hut who now has raven locks, they Tiy. Because he used the Cure that lay In the AMBROSIA that Ring made. This is the Bell that rings away To arouse the people, sad and gay, Cato this fact which hereucies lay— if puu would not he bald or gray, UM' the AMBROSIA that Ring made. E. M. TUBBS A. CO., Proprietors, Teterboro' N. H April 4. 1567.-eru Nose, Ryes, Rola:. Scalp, and Skin, HELMBOLD'S ALSO FOR TIIS CUBA OP THE GREAT CHOLERA Zingari Bitters. ' THIS WONwillillL RJMZDT was discovered an introduced about twenty piers ago la Dr. 11.0heop sex, an ambient Zgyptiau physician. • He had long seen and felt the want of some remedy which would strike at the root of disease. and so pre vent much of the suffering which the human Wally was then compellsd to eadure. This great question was presented to his mind every day inilvkl colors melte reovedassong the sick caddying, and observed the inefficiency of nearly all the remedies then In use. Thus he we, led to think and experiment; and after ten years' study and labor, be presented t• his fellow-man the wonderful Zinged Bitters. The effect of this preparation in the prevention and cure of disease, was so mervellonsaad astonishing, that the mostflatter lug marks of royal &vor were bestowpd upon him who discovered it. His name was placed upon the Roll of Nobles, end • gold medal with the following inscription —Dr. 13.0heopsni, the Public Bensisctor—waspreeented to him by the Viceroy. The preparation has been used In 1 epidemics of cholera, both as a preventive and curative meaanro,lnd with such great success, that It has been introduced into nearly all the general hospitals of the old world. The, old saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, applies with marvellous tree to cholera, and therefore any remedy that will protect us against this tern hi* disease should be freely and persistently sued. Jill pathologists now agree that tb r cholera poison acts on the system through the blood, and that any combina tion which acts on the excretory organs, and keeps them in working order, must prevent a sufficient accumulation of the poison to exert itsterriblit effects on the organism. This is true not onlj of cholera, but of nearly all other maladies, especially the different forms of fever. The Zingari Bitters is Just such a remedy as the above conditions require. It acts o f the orgensof excretion and secretion, keeping up • perfect balance between them. This Bitten Is composed entirely of roots and herbs, so nicely concocted that every organ is acted upon and put in tone. Its taste is pleasant and its effects prompt and lasting. Numerous crises of the following diseases have b•en cured by it: Cholera, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Scrofula, Typhoid and Typhus lever. Fever, Aggggggtqqqe, Nervous De. bility, Anaemia, Female irregularities, D spepsia,Platu lane'', Colic, lc. i t Price One Dollar per quart Bottle. Principal Depot at the Walnut kireet wharf, Harris burg, Pa. tb;ld bytirugeists,llote!keepers and Grocersgenerally. .3.0. F. KALBFLEISCH, stile Agent for Gettysburg. F. RA ling., Sole Proprietor Harrisburg, Pa May 29, 1867 NO MORE BALD HEADS! ELECTRIC HAIR RENEWER. 'is pronounced by all who have used .L it the very best preparation for the Hair. It Is apo allies core for Baldness, eradicates Dandruff and Humors, stops the hair irom felling out, and speedily restores Oray Locks to their original hue and his cuisine. It operates on the secretions, and Sub the glands with new life and coloring matter. Thin. dead, faded or gray hair will always be brought back by a few applications, to Its youthful abundance, vitality and color. It makes dm hair soft glossy. fragrant, plesaant to the touch and easy to arrange. Dry wiry, and intractable locks become moist, pliant, and disputed to remain in any desired position. As a hair dressing It has no equal. The said' are enormous, and it is a universal favorite with old and young 4 - 2 both sexes. Sold by Druggists throughout the United States. Ad dress all orders to ZIEGLER 1< SMITH, Sole Proprietors, 137 North Third St-eet, Philadelphia. Dec.l9, 1187.—1 y ifEDA L! Q-.luOOD NEWS FOR MOTHERS THERS, are you oppressed with anxiety for your little one*? Are your slumbers and. heart. broken by their cries? (lo you wake in the naming u trrefreshed and apprehensive? If so, procure at once a bottle of Dr. Le on's Infant Remedy, and you will have no more weary hours of watching and anxiety DR. LEON'S INFANT REMEDY has stood the ten of year,. Thousaiods of nurses and Mo thers bear witneekthat it never Stile to give relief If used in eeaoon. It is a mild, yet sure and speedy cure k.r Colic Cramps and Windy Paine, and is invaluable for all complaints incident to Teething. :old by Druggists throughout the 11. States. Address all orders to ZIFOLER cf- SMITH, Sole Proprietors, 137 North Third Street, Philadelphia.. March 19, Hilli.—firn. UNIVERSAL MAGNETIC SALVE & PLASTER This deservedly pope tar remedy, having been greatly improved, is now offered to the citizens of Adams twenty. e many t ousatude who are daily using it, testify to it. magical virtues in th early stages or Consumption, I:loughs, Local Bhciratatisas, Neuralgia, Jaw and Toot h Add., Weakness and Pain in the Back, Side and Kidneys, pincer, Scrofula, lt Old Sores. Erysipelas, Fresh Wounds: rn Bus. Bruises. Sore or inflamed Breast', Averted The ''acs, Corns, Bunions, rfc.„ etc. 114 mysterious virtues, and the wonderful cure. it has performed, might be published; but the disc is willing to rely on its Intrinsic merits, in order to intro duce it into every family in the country Prepared only by the proprietor, 265 E. Lombard St.. Baltimore; and sold by A. D. BUEHLER, Dr. R. LIOR NEIL and J. IS. FORNEY, Oetysburg, and by the mer chants of the county. RZYZIALWIS:—Henry Culp, of P., Andrew Schick, John Winebrenner, J. L. Schick. 40'31esehauta east get a supply ay calling at J, WINE BRENN RR'S, at Wholesale Prkes. July 31, 18.67.-1 y lIELIIIBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT BLICIIII uzumoLD's coNclxrarusn zira•cr intakreuur Is the Great Blood Purifier. Both are prepared according to roles of Pharmacy and Chemistry, and are the most acti•e that can be made. Yeb.2B, 1887,-ly RXTRACT B ROLM and Inettovsz Ross Wasucureasecret and delicate disorder* mall their stages, at little expense, little or no change in diet, no Inconven • ince and no exposure. It is pleasant in taste and odor emmedlate in its action, and free from all injurious pro parties. [Feb. 203 1867.1 - YOUNG LADIES BEWARE !- Of the injunous effects of pace Powders and Wash es. All truth revs lies close up the pores of the skin, and In a short time destroy tug complexion. If you would have a fresh, healthy and youthlth appearance, use Helm bold's Extract Sarsaparilla. THOSE who desire brilliancy of com plexion must purify aid enrich the blood, which flelottiold's Concentrated Extract of Eareaparilla Invari ably dots. Aek for Relmbold'a. Tak no other. LN the spring months, the system natu rally undergone alI Stange, and Helmbokl's Highly ceutratad Itzttaet het Barasparita la an aealatant of the greaten value. tr Et.M.BOLD'S Concentrated Extract Sarsaparilla, is the Great Blood Partner. iii IJANTITY vs. Quality. Helmbold's Ext'act Sansparhla. The dose la email. Those w ~ desire a large quantity and large dome of medicine ESE. HELMBOLD'S Extract Sarsaparilla cleanses and renovates the blood, instills the vigor health into the system, and purges out the humors hat make disease. NOT a few of the worst disorders that of lict mankind arise from corruption of the blood. .Sztract }Sarsaparilla is a remedy of tle ut most value. LIFE INSURANCE. THE NORTH AMERICAN LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, INBI7REES PE ' II3ONB OF ANY AGE OR OCCUPATION AGAINST DEATH EITHER FROM DISEASE OR ACCIDENT, AT LOWEST CASE RATES. ALL life poll ,ea of this Company are. payable at the 'goof 80;c'eo that amen may enlo - the benefit o his luveitment In his old age, if his life is protracted be. yond four score years. CAPITAL $500,000. 0111Cria : Lewis L. iloopt,Prarident. 8. P. Darlington Secretary and Treasons% Direbors.—Lewis L. Hoopt, bonnel O. Palmer W. W. Hurts, H. G. Labouring, James 8)&14 J. H. K i ngsley, John A Wright. James M. °ennui, John Bingham, Thomas H. Paterson . Andy to HENRY A. PIOILLECL Esq., Oettyebnrg, AlirGeneral Office, Agent for Adams County. 432 WALNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA.. Aug. 22.-3 m • W A.SHING MACHINE. THI andersliye . ed offers for sale; the TOWNSHIP RIGHTS of Adams county. fbr De LONG'S PATHNT, whloh4s the ensures:, Inman and ease WAssze that baa yet bees °Mired to the piOdie. The Rights will be sold re roaboosble terms This fasi Sim opportunity Sr enervate mete make GOOD WAGER manufacturing or selling these eachine. A Sample machine Will be for Meal ey person mte pareassa a Right, It deafradf at amt. Call at tile stars l e'Daphora i iteMaan,N. W. car. "Met seate the aa4Maa may be seen and tried. murk D. DIIPROSN. I a_199,961 . Ate 34. isa.—ts %WM!. PREVENTATIVE. L 1866. L. TUB GREAT NO MORN GRAY LOONS! DR. LEON'S DR. L. J. GROVE'S Is the Great Diuretic thouraurt. Ifaftin Itiladthug. gurowi:if OCTOB Sommer ' • . ' ' i• . • . ~.)I M V (-: National Telegraph Institute; Corner of Penn : I {nzi St. Clair Streets, PITTEIWURG, PA The Largest 'Cheapest, Best ACTUAL 13U4[1sTESS COLLEGE IN TEIE UNITED STATES During the past Iten years, upwards of FIFTEEN TNOX.JSAND STUIWTS, Repreeenting every State In the Union, have arsdue- 4EI here. A COLLEUX CFI ACTUAL BUSINESS • Stipplipd with Ranks, Stores, Poet Office, Commission Brokers' Insumnerailroad, Steamboat, and Telegraph 0 es, kc., combining THEORY AS:D PRACTICE Students are thoroughly Instructed In &I the branches of PRACTIqA L PU*LYESS _ED UCATION, Including Bookskoeping, pentnanship, Arithmetic, Com mercial Law, Political Etonomy, Business Correspond ence. the Art of Detecting Counterfeit Money, Railroad. lug, Steamboating, Telep4aphing, PRACTICAD. BANKING, Ac. STUDENTS CAN ENTER AT ANY TIME, And complete a full course In horn riour to 'metre weeks. FIFTY, DOLLARS Pays all expenses for Tuition, Books. Blanks, and Dip loma. NO EXTAA CHARGES' for Peumanehip, Steamboating, Railroading, Banking or Diploma, as in other Colleges. Fara Les , dosts daily in Penmanship to all studetite in the Commercial Depart ment. FOR CiiiCULARd, giv ug full information, and con taining a complete outline of our system of Practical Bu siness Education, together with TEST 1.111 . OA' / L s from Practical Business lien, Merchant!, Bankers,.l4,ok keepers, kr. Address the P6ncipale, Dee. 13. 1866.-1 y D I C K.! INSON AT CARLISLE, PE2V-V.A HIGHLY IMPORTANT TO YOUNG MEN CW,TEMP LATING A BUSINESS EDUCATION. , T O know that this Institution em ploys none but competent inntritetors in every de,- parttnent,and a sufticieutinututier to insure individual instruction to all of its students. and being connected with "Dickinson College,":enablen it to present combined facilities of the highest Order, while the current ex penses attending a cour-cohere, are fr o m 50 to SIOO lei., than at similar iliStillili Bin large rifler , . We think 'that when those fartis are roperly understood by those whotontemplate enterin an institution of this order. they will not be long in'ding in favor of Carli-le. (...i Th• following crurse or ;Instruction 6bould commend itself to all, who desire tl t kind of information 'mot re qukite to prepare then. f t any of the business pursuits in life. IIOOI4KEEPING. tingle and Double Entry as applied and pre( (iced in the various departments cif Trade and Cllliiien.e. and Honking !louses of the cottntry. PENMANSHIP 1 Practical and Ornamen al of superior S. tylo—,l,l prove 'Tech.' attention to pro movement. in the format ion and combination Oflottets and thereby inuring to ev ery st udent a good Curren Hand. BESIXES: ARITHMETIC Including the maat apprUced and he , t adapted hu.!, fur all bu 4 inebscalculittiun4l-31 e ntal awd Written. ENGLISII GRAMMAR Taught with specht/ reference to correct conuo, , dto.n, Without which no student trill he qualified to atcolinc the duties of a first clans accountant. 11ElteA74TILE LAW Taught in clasaes, nting ••Bean'S Tr< 3 Tt.tt Book, embracing the m ,, ehimportlint iEI f..r.31:1t ivu (Jr a business man to Nasi,i. BUSINESS FORMS AM) CORE ESPoNDENCi are daily practiced in the 'Actual Ifn where the students tts connection with their con duct an extensive corres>ond.dice„ and matte . ot all Forms Irmo a Receipt, to &judgment Note SPECIAL ftANCIIES. Phonography or Short H od Writing. Ornamental Pen manship, Pen Drawing, Telegraphing, Natural Ph 11, PhY, Geometry, Algebra. AL kc. We invite an impartial inv.:litigation of our fscilitio,, for imparting sound instruction in the brunches enumer• ated. sE Students enter at any time, and pursue their coil:, without interruption. 1. AlliP•For further particnbor, write and receive CI rc u la; . Address, A. 31. TRI3I3IER, Carlide. Ps. Feb. 21, 1867—1 y BUSINESS COLLEGE, BRYANT, STRATT!ON & KIMBERLY'S CORNER 10tu AND ;CIIESTNET STREETS PHILMEELPHIA YOUNG MEN epared fur the Counting; Room and Busa•at t life in generll THEORY PRACTICE ombined by means of Bani i s, Business 11.)115eS a ' ll , l t use of all kW& af Business Paper THIS INSTITUTION is endorsed by the lesdln business men of the City STUDENTS DECEIVED ANY Tl3l} EMT-ROE OPEN ALL THE YEAR YOB PARTICULAILS 8 1i ND FOS CIRCULARS June 18,188 —3y ! Xirery ,tables. GETTYs:BURU LIVERY, SALE & EICCHAIitiGE STABLES . THE Proprietor Of these Stables, feellngthaußfal for the liberal patronage heretofore received, begeleave to infarni epubllc that hscentlnues the LIVERY BUSINESS at hi old stand on Washington street, Gettysburg, near the I/road. where bets p re pared atoll times to accommo ate personswithasyth log In his Una. HORSES , COACHEiI3UGGIES,de., urnlshed at short notice and reasonable terms, and competent do leers sent along desired. Persons will be conveyed to other towns, or any place in the coon try ills stock and Coaches are oft e Ant class, and no pal tie will hovered to make pessen ere comfortable Ifs le prepared at all times to furs sh coaches for Amoral.; and also to parties desirltig to o over the Battle Fkid or to visit the Springs. stso—HA a sES AND MULES *III bebonght and sold atoll times. Peraouedesh log to parchaseetbek will find it to their advantage to call on an undendigned, as his stock is warranted to be as rep esented or no sale. He h• fine lot of Horses and ama m present on hand whl will be sold on reason. ble terms. They are sound a free from disease, and aregnarantled to work es re resented. Persons will And It to their/minket/4e local/ at th e old stand before hiringorpnrchusslngelsmeher' May 20, 1857.—tf THE EAGLE LIVERY; SALE' & EXCHANGE STABLES. Washington Street, ettysburg, Pa. ADJOINING THE GLE HOTEL. THE undersignid mild respectful .ly Inform the publ le th t he has opened a new LIVERY, BALD AND Z.XI3 NDE 13TABLI in this plce, and is prepared to offer sioperior accommodations in this line. He has provided himself with Buggies. Car. ' - rages, Hacks, Light Wagons, & r , of the latest styles, sufficient to meet the paint, demand. His horse' are all good, without spot or blemish, mil 'perfectly reliable— none of your "old cripples ,' I but di of the "2.40" order. Riding parties can alwayil be abcountwilated and coin fbrtable equipments furnished. Parties, large or small,cat i f s ettlust what they want on 'the most accommodating to . . Visitors to the Battle-dell poi reliable drivers tarnished 1460 Parties conveyed to and holm 1 rival and departure of every tral Horses boUght, sold, olr chats:Blpr be: plus given .o no gouging." • HylL.Particalar attentiond and Hacks for funerals. flatter ourselves t hat and by furnishing super*Alec fall to plan every oft .w ho amt. 1111:911141,--tti x. 1867. I ftillegts. /& ND 1 SMITH k COWLEY. I'tbburg.Penna ICHOLAB WZAVER ;!3:1=!!I • DePot Von the ar ' *ad. and always a MO I• "jrls play and throbbing Vehicles charging moderately ' • Moo, we cannot trochee our witabllsb - T. IFIARPXIS;S. .ra ii lIIIN 1 14 , 11i , ? , 0re sirrel, TIIIKB TIM STAR .tXTi: S wednesdayafterti. or $2.50 if not paid'. scriptions dlseonilti 1 , .d.1, unless al titl49 Alwr:nTisg.M . RiTit rates. A liberal,. sons atiVol.lBll3g,rPi year,. Speelisl.llll', • t,c.) be agreed, , ui-The NEI, pi one-half any newspaper it 4,41.., vertising medftlgii Jon Wong of all eented; and at Cards, Pamplaleta, will be printed at Ilrofessio t J. COITV 1 - a.• LAW. trill pißtm t,t BU 4 /10,11 COMO 17,111. - e het wern Attu t o rea, Salt imam street; DAV/D WI LAW Mee lit hie Enr ofeentre &pinto:- R.frrence.—lion. may 29, neq. DAVID A. B NEY tTLAW.w an 1 all other buaiues4eii 41.0flice at his roil Ws opposite the Court Hatt GL AI AGE x./ nigbe4l will atienjj.te the U. P. fitm.rhutkit, P:Ly, Penahr,, Forage; ur before,tny of the. 41epitil "1 troll Nl.ty 21, 1 4 67 3IcCONA _1)• Cwiritelar at • (7111111b , rn!)nrg street, Bu.,liler's Drug Store. During t metsion of t ,:fwerat SoturElart, and t I,,tt hie c lieut. , a rid - f4ir prmopt n t t at: SANIETEL D.'s No. 43 Lezingt , gi v. prompt attest ne w X 11 114 le - mg April 18, 1867.-C,m J. P. J . LARKSON. - CL A RKS ON • ATTURS;EYS AND• o. 82 . I), P. U. Box., 711. • ~...11,frr to Coo N v. 1.15C11.--ty. Dit. J. Hai hi. 0.11(•o at hi ts. 11.h , ra above the COM: ottysl, urg, Al.ty Et CoOK,, UUM Ravin,; pe•:manerrtly] ly orl••re his proteskikok given to tiisen.st, RE/ A.I. Lippe, )f. D., ' • J. C. Morgan, M. I) Wm. 11. Cook: M. D., Ca ll , ,n..E4lwarti McKie .1 D,ikid Wills, SN.I.. = thirOftien on the Sque • door from CentrOr JOHN LAWR ti4t.inneoineham• tl9. Laelicrau Church., .„ Urug : 4 fore,lthere he mg' att..“.l guy ClUtt Within Der..q.4 in waut of collie 31.ty 29, 15g7. . JOHN W. TI'S ItLk BARBER, Nur next door to ‘lcOlellan'li he in et ill times be(o no•n,in ttil line. Helms will enenr• witisfactivit. Nl.ty (.11:TVEYOlt A VEV NCE Tim a al', vt, nct•ro Licetioe.• °lnc, of COUNT Y SUILY WttlT OP DR:EDS.' ; A IC I' leLE3 UP 5686 11. a. vi g had ci turidepbtli to i to a liberal Wire , I y attoned to sad eharXt.oll Fairfield. Adams Co., Ps. May 29, I y OH ! YES I TIIE undersign: an Auctioneer's public, and wuuid reaps* 14 prepared toattend prom By .itrict At ten [ion t., blued s , ui'f:ction. la.CliarAn• fiction guarantied in • Mfly 29, 1867.-If. stotits, TIN-WARE TIII•: LARGEST TIN-WARE S. G. C (Formerly I t ndrvirl f um THE BEST CO KING-'• cm:4W OLD DO3IINION COMT*OH.IB!, Ali.), runny other article: Gold as low as at atly Otha: Apr 11.12,1888 STO TIN-WAR THE kmblic are Invited mania stock of gdoda IN Tilt B Waverly, btOble Cook, ft al. 6teiverrt's Cook, Ornate awl the litoershi Cooking ; These neigh* are kis*. pope Ixr Met trig Stoves. Lb warrinted lo give =unit variety of Parlor, flallbeat wool, inr lading the can, Oval Meteor, guimor, Comet, Fire Brick and Onitops,• - ~a IN TtiE TElt The assortment embrittlea kitchen or household pa • • ber of convenient yet cheap mast be seen to "bar Wl' • and varied that to who' went have no conception 0 the ordinary kitchen ate. eels, Toilet Clamber Bets Buckets, Rread and Spice-LI ters, Deed Boxes, Spittouns. Bozo... Waiters, Abs Cat ria tars, Nurse Lampe, J tout Nutmegs , AII C Plates, Ash octets, Spout Heade,24ree,gl , Large Forks, C. die pers, Wrought‘trOli Try • Scrap era, Coes° Roaaters, and A art Nis nels, Coall.9leveveGbleadlief , Cans, : 4 9ff-sealing Jere, le! a: e tre/airing promptly_ at • - ';_. / Lv TELE.,HOLP / Cut-Iron Pots, oierregfitie ' eelaln Kett:es, km texkl Kettles, for detto s Calms variety,Poreeleht other articles Impossiblirte meet. . Attention is egg ry tents for which fiji S' 4 `. humbug,. imp can. be. : 41 . them. viii Tgll MATT* WA . DIAMOND cnamtak:k:, The public are amz - 401 pm's. Ila wawa exceeding low Agnew . • oviosity, if you do sot, • :scrod.. July 3,1807r—1f • • •