SEPTA . jpttut! fdtrto. DYSPEPSIA.. There is no disease which experience hu so limply proved to be - rantedfoble by the . " PERUVIAN SYRUP,' - (a protected Solution of the Protoxide of Iron), as Dys pepsia. The moat inveterate forma of this disease hay. been completely cored by tithe medicine, se ample mooy of some of our first citizens proves. /PROM MS VENERA bLE ARCHDEACON BCOTT, D. D Duanas, Canada nut. • • • "I am an inveterate Dyspeptic of mask THAR 2b TIAILLI ararmara." • • • -I have been so wonderfully bendltted In the three abort weeks during which I have need the Peru vim Syrup, that I can scarcely persuade myself of the reality. People who bays known me are astonished at the change I am widely known, and can but recommend to others that which has done so much for me." • • • • ANOTBXR CLPIGYIKAN WRITES AS DOLLOWS .24y voyage to Europe is indefinitely postponed. I have discovered the "Fountain of Health" on this side of the Atlantic. Three bottles of Peruvian Syrup have res cued me from the fangs of the fiend Dyspepsia." A pamphlet of 31 pages, containing a history of this re markable remedy, with a treatise on 'lron as a methb cane," will be sent free to any address. The genuine has "Pratfnan Sritus" blown in the glass. J.V. DINSMORE, Proprietor, .36 Dry street, New York. ISept. 4.-lm sir. sal 1.../ ill Druggists TO CONS UMPTrVES The REV. EDWARD A. WIX.SON will send (free of chargO) to all who desire it, thelproicription with the di rections for making and using the simple remedy by which he wee cured of a lung affection; and that dread d loess. Coasamptkin. His only object is to benefit the afflicted and he hopes every sufferer will try this prescription, as it will coin them nothing, and may prove a blousing.— Please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, No. 165 South Seecub., Et., Williamsburg, New York June 5,1867.—1 y NO2 CONSUMPTION CURABLE BY pR. SCHENCK'S MEDICINES. • TO CURE CONSUMPTION, the system must be pre pared so that the lungs will heal. 'To I.ccomplish this the liver and stomach must first be cleansed and an ap petite created for good wholesome food, which, by these medicines will be digested pnperly, and good healthy blood made; thus, building up the constitution. DR 13ClIENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS cleanse the stomach of all bilious or musoons accumulations; and, by using the Sea Weed Tonic invonnection, the appetite is restor ed. SCHENCK'S PIILMONIC SYRUP is rutricions as well as medicinal, and, by using the three remedies, all im purities are expelled from the system, arid good, whole some blood made, which will repel all dimes.. If pa• dents will take these medicines according to directions Consumption very frequently in its last stage yields readily to their action. Take the pills frequently, -to cleanse the liver and stomach. It does not follow that because the bowels are not costive they are not required, for sometimes In diarrhoea they are necessary. The stomach must be kept healthy ; and an appetite created to allow the Pulmonic Syrup to act on the respiratory organs properly and allay any irritation. Then all that is required to perform a permanent cure is, to prevent taking cold... Exercise about the roams as much as pos sible, eat all the richest food—tat seat, game, and, in fact, anything the appetite craves; but be particular and mast teat* well. [Oct. 25,1866.—werc1y cw g4,dtertionntotp. YORK COUNTY FAIR THE Tenth Annual York County-Fair will be hehl at York, Pa., October 1,2, 3, and .4 ,1887. For the Exhibition- of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, Ac., Agricultural Implements ' Machinery, In ventions, Farm Products, Fruits, Household floods, Fancy Work, An. PREMIUMS AVER 2 , 600. COMPETITION OPEN TO ALL With additional liberal Premiums offered by the York Trotting Association, for the trial of Horses. TILE PENNSYLVANIA FRUIT GROWERS' SOCIETY will be is Session at York during Fair week, and will exhibit Fruits on the Grounds of the Agricultural Society. For particulars or Premium Lists of the Fair, address GEo. A. Litman", Treasurer, or W. 8. ROLAND, Secretary. Sept . 25,-1 is JOHN EVANS, President. VOTlCE:—Letters of Administra tion on the estate of Jolts Tammateatron, late of Straban township, Adams county, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in the same township, he hereby' ives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and thee having claims against Ilia same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. Sept. 2.5.-6 t JACOB G. McILEIENNY, After, PAMPHLET LAWS. i TTIE PAMPIEILET ✓LAWS forliffi, have been received at the Prothonotary's Office, and are now ready fur distribution among the persons entitled by law to receive them. J. A. ILITZHILLER, Proth'y. Sept. 23.-3 t A FIRST CLASS FARM AT PRIVATE SALE, Within two miles of Gettysburg, on the Harris burg road, with all necessary improvements, and in prime order. I will sell from 100 to 160 Acres, to suit purchasers. Terms reasonable.— For further information, apply to WM. WIBLE, Gettysburg, Pa. Sept. 25.—tf NOTICE • IWILL he in Gettysburg with Flour, Ac., every MON DAY and FRIDAY in each week. Persons who may desire me to furnish them with either Flour or Feed-stuff, will leave their orders, either with John 0 riamer or Dan ner A Zeigler, - stating the kind and quantity wanted, when the ®me will be delivered at their dwellings, by . Sept. 25, 1867.-tf GEORDE DINGELL. DRUG STORE - pox" SALE.—The subscriber, Ex ecutor of the Estate of Dr. H. C. ECSZE.T, deceased, will sell. at Private Sale, the HOUSE and DRUG ES STABLIi•HMENT of said deceased, on the public square in HANOVER, in York county, Pa.. being a i excellent stand for a Drug Store, well establlthed, with a good run 01 custom. A ll desirous to.eugage in the Drug Busine.s would do well to call and exnuilue for themselves, as it will be sold—iftfut at private sale, at public male, with out reserve. STEPHEN KEEVER., Exec utor. Sept. 'IS.-its N E w SEGAR STORE. I priE undersigned announces to the citizens of Gettys• burg and the Ticlnity, that he has just opened a NEW SEGAR STORE , IN GETTYSBURGI . • He will keep on hand the best BRANDS, and 'lei manu facture for general sale throughout the county. Hi wil sell nt the lowest living prices, and at wholesale and re tail. • II is Store is in Chambersburg street, a half square wee of the Eagle Hotel Hotel, on the south side. WASHINGTON BIERBOWER. Sept. 25, 155T.-3m* BARGAINS atethe new G .R 0 . 0 E R Y IN GETTYSBURG. JOHN dRESS & SON HATE opened anew GROCERY, in Gettysbarg, on the north•west corner of the Public Square, havejust received a splendid assortment of FRESH GROCERIES, including Sugars, Coffee, lEolaseee, Syrup, Teas. Spices, Tobacco, Salt, Fish, Hama, Shoulders, ate. Also, QUEENSWARY, CONFCTIONS, • Nuts,lftnits,Sosix, Fancy Articles and rtolione generally. We will also keep on band FLOUR and FEED-STUFFS. Having purchased for CASti,we are prepared to sell very cheap. Give us a call and Judge fur yourselves. SePt. 25,186.7.-tf .11liN CRESS, J. CRESS. J. L. S.CHICK HAS JUST RECEIVED A SPLENDID STOCK OF DRY GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, ME ItINOES, POPLA,INS, WOOL' DEL AIRES, ALPACCAS, COB,IIRGS, and PLAIN and FANCY GO OODS of all kinds, which he is selling CHEAP= ER THAN EVER, Call at S. W. Corner of Public Square, Gettyaburg, Pa. scp .46, nag.-tf Clear 'Smooth Skin and Beautiful . bLoo_ol e t tind lui v ietraion v.. of Mgmacobri Obablia: trawl maribot rt. rowing Seek opoeviannos and 0114466 , t!f UK skin. RE t Nur Nttitoigements. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. rip LIR Beard ofDlrectors Ml6* lifununastmrg Mutual I. - Fire Instirance Bocisty, hese levied a tak et one and three-biarthe'per cent. Upon the wftintit IKON told by rhe.,T reistiref, to meet lose'eastaitied by fire during the current year. payable on or after the 7th day of October, 1661. A falitue to pig within thirty days works a fbr feiture of the policy. The following Darnedperform will collect theta: in the districts specified, sin : PeterScholl, -near Illittown, the township of Franklin ; Barnet Myers, Bendersville, the township of Menallefi and Tyrone north west of the Chesnut Ridge; Michael Deatrick, Br., near Lower's Mill, the township of Butler and the lower end of Tyrone •, N.J. Walt.pan, near Petersburg, Mip townships of Huntington and Latlinot e; John Mickley, near Fair field, the townships otalamlitonban and Liberty ; Michael Deatriek, Jr., at biummathurg, • the townships of High land, greedom, Mountjoy and Carol eriand; George Thomas, near New Chester, the townships of Stratum, Reading, Berwick, Hamilton, Oxford, Conowago, Union, Germany and Mocuttpleaccut. Sept. 25.-1 t JAMES BM sau4., Secretary. NOTICE TO A,SSF.SSORS. THE Assessors elected at the last Spring Election are hereby notified to attend at the Conunlseloners' of fice, in the Borough of Gettysburg, to receive blank as, sessmant Duplicates and the necessary instructions, as follows: The Assessors of Union, Conaway, Berwick, Berwick barony, Oxford, Hamilton, Reading, lionntplewmat; , Btraben, Idonnljoy, end Littlertown, will at tend on °MUT the:l4th day of 00TOBBit next. And the Amalgam of the Borough of Gettysburg, Cum berland, Highland, freedom, Liberty, iliuniltonbaq .Itranklin, Butler, Henallen, Tyrone, Huntington, and Latknore, will 'attend on TUESDAY the 15th day of OCTOBER next. By order oldie Coombstonere. - Fept.2s.4t J. M. WALTER, Clerk. .tirCbmpiler copy. FOR SALE A very desirable FARM, containing 97 ACRES, of good land, situated on the York pike about one mile from Get tysburg, Pa. The land is In a high state of cultivation, beautifully located, and well adapted to raising grain or grating, improved by a DOUBLE TWO-STORY BRICE DWELLING and Back-building, one half new anti the otheipart recently put in thorough repairs to match; beautifully situated, overlooking the town and surround ing country; Barn, Stabling, and all necessary out-build ings,, excellent water and good fencing. 10 Acres of Wood land and fine Meadow. Also, a thriving young Orchard of the choicest selections of Apples and Peaches, Peach Orchard now bearing, Pears and small fruits in abun dance, on the' premises, Apply to Sept. 25,11937.-tf SHZPARD STAMMERS. WOOD LOTS FOR SALE. IWILL sell at Public Bak, on Friday the 25th day of 1 October newt, on the premien. at 10 o'clork, A. M.,18 LOTS OF EXCALLIINT TIRMIR LAND, running tram 4 1 4 to 8 Acres, being a part of the Sandoe Mill property, on Minh Creak, Adams county, Pa. 119... Terms accommodating and will'be made known on day of sale. ' GEO. ARNOLD. Oettysburg, Sept. 25.-te GOODS FOR FALL & WINTER 18 6 7. IF YOU WANT CHEAP CLOTHS, CHEAP CASSIMERES CHEAP CASSINETTS, CHEAP MERINOS, CHEAP ALPACCAS CHEAP MOHAIR LUSTRES, CIIEAP COBURGS, ACHEAP DELAINES CHEAP SHAWLS, CHEAP BLANKETS, CHEAP CARPETS, CHEAP QUEENSWARE, All New and the Latest Styles GO TO DUPHORN tt HOFFM AN, N. W. Cor. of the Square Sept. 18, 1867.—t r ORNAMENTAL TOYS. kWARNER --- JOHN HAS just received from Philadelphia the . largest, best and cheapest assortment of ALBUMS, ORNAMENTAL TOYS, TOILET SETS, FANCY CARD DE VISITES, FRUITS, CONFECTIONS, A-VD NOTIOXS OF ALL BINDS; ever opened in Gettysburg. Call at his store ori Patti more et., opposite Fahnestocks' Store. Iftept. IS, MIA THE BALTIMORE DAILY MORNI4IG 4 - .IIBRIC.AIV" AND _COMMERCW AD - rionsAs, 11-4LT1N02211, YD. THE BEST PAPER IN TILE STATE., TERMS $9.00 PER !NNUM THE TRI-WEEKLY AMERICAN :Mt hnDV 01 - 010 11100 kitilari ►a_fs:/NV TWO DAYS' NEWS IN ONE SHEET PRICE $6 PER YEAR T/LE DAILY AFTERNOON AMERICAN CONTAINS THE LATEST NEWS. ` 'Tilt DAILY AND TB:I-WEEKLY iarneeof the Axiom. CIS osintain all the latest news, both Yoreignand Domes tie, received by mail and telegraph. Everything of pub. lie interest Is obtained at the earliest moment and given to the public. Our special correspondence give lit detail ail particulars not obtainable through the usual tele graphic synopsis. The proprietors will continue to nee their energies to render the various issues valuable for the record of every deLintelligince as well as for the, general Interest and vi.ty of each sheet. No facilities which can be used Will be snared to disseminate nseini knowledge and chronicle important events. In every department of legitimate newspaper 'enter prise the Publisl: ere prepose to meet the deniand for ear lytidings agrees, from whatever guartser,with the dee terminatlce of making.theAllsmosit wonlY of patronage and support. Our lug* six-cylinder Hoag prese,tegether with our paper folding machine, places= far in advance of any journal south of Philadelphia In hoilitiee for the rapid and early supply of newspapers. Sixteen editions of the kingless are bated Weekly odour aloes c onsisting, of Morning, Afternoon, Tri.eweeddy and Weltly P Prom this get alone rimy be judged the extent sT r4 our Combined circulation. THE WEEKLY AMERICAN, ISSUED - EvE:nrtaxbAT itoßaimpa, PRICE ELM PER TEAR The Wsnxt AXULICAN has a steadily growing. @lnnis . tioN u hell* Tw HH2dnier PAN:His TuscotarrgY. It contains twatfreieht columns of readlng. matter and from the act but Los adrertisements (ommistins of but hilf s eommatkare aflovild In ft the •proltrirtors *rear. - girded the~ apeee kr airing all the onment non o f the wea4brildss • charmang toe in tinny inns. Its stiseellaasous ooatents w Interesting and useful, the %l a d e wins: prepared with a view to _making it a wel come & m il: Thataninnaling 11114 1 8 inaniiceintr, - . - -432Htit - Olt 2 / 1 Ls SIM Rua enters toneWist4tl4 eittrrO PAP= alma be stenolls sun enclosed, to olus. Q yuLTOX t 801, mk t . - ato tla Hammon la Italarom --* Atisibavirerilhows *arts , 111 " 4- "" 10104 0 00mbr a, , T ii 4 14 41-0 • CHEAP NOTIONS Nat gavutiputnic THAYER & ;NOYES' GREAT CIRCUg ‘11117,0)01, PERFORMING LIONS AND ET4EPHANTS! Manager Dr. dam as L. Thayer. Equestrian Manager.....Mr.,Chat W. Noyes. Equestrian Director Horace Smith. Leader of Crchestra Phil. Blumenschein. Teasurer Wm. C. Crum. Business Agent....— Fred. S. Conldock. Gen. Ag't of Publicatiims....Olivier P. Myers. SEASON OF 1867. , EVER ITHING INEW EVERYTHING NOVEL! EVERYTHING EXCELUNT AN ENTIRE NEW ESTABLISILICENT, Including a NEW and E.XTENSIVh MARQITER NEW APPOINTMENTS and NEW PROPERTIES NEW WAGONS, By Jacob Rech, Girard avenue ,and Eighth street, Philadelphia. NEW HARNESS, By L. J. Lloyd, Albany; N. Y., of the most. exquisite workmanship and design. NEW TRAPPINGS and CAPARISONS, NEW SEATS and UkO LSTERY, NEW DECORATIONA, BANNERS and FLAGS, New and elegant BAND CHARIOT, an d SPLENDIDLY DECORkED CAGES. The Pavillon nightly brilligitly ILLUMINATED, WITH GAS, Manufactured by TGATErt t NOTES' new portable Gas Works, and the only traveling establishment in the world that is so beautifully mid por e Melly lighted. THAYER & NOYES Take pleasure In announcing that their long establish ed and favorite Circus and Animal Exhibition has been thoroughly reorganised and completely 'renewed in ev ery detail—thus enabling the management to present the public with SOILETHING FRESH AND ATTRACTIVE, embracing all the paraphernalia and adjuncts necessary to a first-class Circus. ,The limits of an , advertieement will witmely suffice for a full thaeriptlon at the outfit, or the talents of the artists employed in this unique estab lishment; but the proprietors take especial pride in di recting attention to the Equestrian Company, which is composed of all the old favolitiee, lIORSEMIN GYMNASTS AND ACROBATS in the profession. A CAGE OF TRAINED LIONS, hag also been placed in thie• Exhibition' Which will be entered by MR. CHAS. WHITE, who will give a sensational performance while in the midst 'Atheist) formidable and ferocious beuts; THE BABY ELEPHANT recently imported from Africa, is Indeed a; curiosity—the smallest animal of the kind ever seen—being ONLY 40 INCHES HlOlll A peculiar and exceedingly thrilling feature in the show will be the carrying of a LIVE% WILD LION THROUGH THS. STREETS Uncaged and enchained--a sight seldom i seen! At the same time, perfectly safe,the anima). being under the thorough control of its keeper. THE EQUESTRIAN. COMPANY embraces the elite of the genic art, and whose names wilt answer for the assertion, viz : Dr. JAS. THAYER, Humorist. Mr. C. W. NOYES, Animal Trainer. Mr. C. REED, Bareback Rider, Lc. Mr. CHAS. PARKER, Contortionist. Mr. H. SMITH and SON, Double Equestrians. ks. • HOGLE and KEEPE, Acrobats, Lc. The WACO BROTHEB.S, Trapezist'. - Mme. DzLORME, Equestrienne. Miss EUGENE DaFOE, Equestrienne. Master WOODA COOKE, great Boy Riderand Deeper. Mr. CHAR. M'CARTY, Horizontal Bar Performer. Mr. F. ROBINSON, Scenic Rider. Mr. J. II UNTE.B.SON, Batont Leaper and Double Somer. WEI last. Mr. ALLYN SMITH, Vaulter, dc, Wtth a host of auxiliaries. THE BABY ELEPHANT, LEARNED PONY AND TRICE HORSE "GREY . MOLE" will be Introduced by MT. Noyes. THE COMIC MULES Will be introduced by Dr: THAYER, and the Time CLAIM will prodncotbeir own credentials unassisted. ifit-rms GORGEOUS PAM) CHARIOT, with the splendid BAND OF MUSICIANS, will be followed by the HenHiceotly docorktedoarrlag. *sand vans, stnd will prove an eminently IMPOSING SPECTACLE very rarely Peen in this country. ADMIMION = 50 cents. CHILDREN under 10 years of ago 25 "'o PERFORMANCES DAlLY—A,fternogn at 2, Evening at 134. See Pictorial and Descriptive Bills. WILL E f ILILIBIT IN • GETTYSBURG; 41.0NDAY, REPT. 80t h. • HAINITTRBURG,EATURDAY,SEPT. 28th. HANOVER, TUESDAY, OCTOBER let sop:. 16.4 t NOTICE Frill stnimmENOloprs of Om mirk's" Salpistsit .s. Schools Jn the County ars requesbut to melt to the Lecture Ropui tit Christ Cleurdi, Gettyiburg,. - 14t,Pet Aso. lirday 5 4k dig of October; 'At 10 ietteek,Val ° Uk• hito oonsideritioUtbe rfety of pileuht,s 0 " . 11 f7 .. D . 1"1° A. Ira ' -alto. mitirt4thit: fil. It. a. mcm , . prtsby,' Art _ i Ais tt • Wiltil. WU LS • " - St. Mimes J. L. SCRIM, ' ".._ Methodist • s Vt . n. GBO. 011YIS, 4- . oer; Re termed " Gettysburg, Sept. 18.--St ' - • t , . . 2 imi - 3 XXPERrE=EV ' : ' .. • '.' ''' , ' .13besIGAGENTS laaa.,_„, have at opportuagOlitii OWN* ikittlalTilf FA 111 , 17 5* 4 2 Iwo= 1114581 44 s 7 .laM i l 4*Alt: Y e k*K- JOE HIPIDRIMR. IF YOU WANT TO BUY Gt{OCERIES cheap, come to our store in East York street where every thing in our 'ins will be sold at a short profit . Evei7thing kept in LEM class grocery, will be fownd there, also CONFECTIONS AND NOTIONS, TOBACCO AND SEGARS, Produce taken In exchange for goods, cash paid for old most. *3.Farmers come and see THE WONDER OF THE AGE, \ WARREN'S E.aCTRIC CHURN, which make one•tburth more butter than * any other Churn (oat of the same cream.) We keep them for sale and will be pleased Mellow them. Don't forget the place. HENDRICKS k WARREN. Gettysburg, Sept.lB, 1867.—g THE undersigned respectfully informs his friends and "Vile public that he has taken his sou, CRAII.II H. STAIIMITII Into partnership, and the business will here after be conducted under the firm name of Wit. C. Brame MUTH & BON. Re return* his thanks to the public for the liberal patronage biberto extended to him, and re quests that their favors be continued. Sept-18.-31 W.M. C. BTALLSKITII. WM. STALLSMITH & SON, CARPENTERS & CONTRACIORS, Are prepared to do all kinds of Carpentinin g—contractin g and erecting buildings of all kinds, Repairing, de. They Keep constantly on hand and inadheacture to order, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BLINDS, SAM, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES, CORNICE, DOOR AND And any other Article in the Building Line Seasoned material conetantly on band, experienced work- men always fa readiness, and work executed with dispatch. 03.. Orders promptly attended to Sept. 18, 1867.—tf p ROCLA MATION.—WHEREAS, in . and by the Act of the General Assembly of this State, entitled "An act to regulate the General Elections of this Cotimonwealth," enacted on the 2nd of u1y,18.19, it ii enjoined on me to give Public Notice of inch Election s fio behold, and to enumerate in such notice what officers are tobe elect: I. PHILIP HANN, Sheriff of the Coun ty of Adams, do, therefore, hereby give this public notice to the Electors ofthe said County of Adatns, that a GEN aaat Etacrios will beheld l i p said County, on the SECOND TPL6DIY or OCTOBER NEXT, (TM BTH) in the several Dis tricts, composed of the following Townships, viz: In the First district, composed of the Borough of 0 et tys burg, at the Court House, in Gettysburg. In the second distret, composed of the tom:slip of Ger many, at Golden's School-hmase, in the township of Ger many. In the Third district, composed of the township of Ox ford, at the house of I. B. Houser, in the town of New Ox ford. In the Fourth district, composed of the townships Lath:nose and Hunkington, at the house ofJane Reed,in the township of Huntington. In the Fifth district, composediof the townships of Hamiltonbenand Liberty, at the Public School house In Millerstowm In the Sixth district, composed of the township of Hamilton, at the house now occupied by Daniel Becker, in the town of East Berlin. In the Seventh district, composed of the township of Menallen, in the Public School house in the town of Ben- . dersville. In the Eighth district, composed of the township of Straban, at the house ofJacob L. G rass. In Ilunterstown. In the Ninth district, co. pus,' of the township of Franklin,at the house now occupied by John P. Butt, in said township. In the Tenth district, composed of the township of Conowago, at the house of Emanuel Diller, in McSherrye town. In the Eleventh district, composed of the township of Tyrone, at the house of Mrs . Cook, in Ileidlersburg. In the Twelfth district, composed of the township of Mountjoy, at the house of Mrs. V. Hans, in said township. In the Thirteenth district, composed of the township of Mountpleaaant, at the public School house In said town ship, situfte at the Cross roads, the one leading from Ox ford to OA Two Taverns, the other from Hunterstown Hanover. In the Fourteenth district, composed of the township of Beading, at the hone of It. 31. Dicks. iu Hampton. In the Fifteenth district, composed of the Borough of Berwick, at the public school house in Abbottstown. In the Sixteenth district, composed of the township of Freedom, at the house of Samuel Moritz , in said township. In the Seventeenth district, composed the township of Union, at the house of Enoch Lefever. in said township. In the Eighteenth distriet, composed of the township' of Butler, at the public school house in Middletown, in said township. In the N ineteenth district, composed of the township of Berwick, at the Pigeon Hill sch,ol house, in said town ship. In the Twentieth district, c0mp.,...1 o: the township of Cumberland, at the house of C,nr,id Snider, in the bor ough of Gettysburg. In the Twenty.first district, c‘nipe•ed of the township of Highland, at the School house at Lower Mai sit ereea esbyt , rian Church, in said township. In the Twenty-second district. of the borough of Litt leetown, at the most westerly r 5 ti.,01.1 10 u,,,, in „., a 1 borough. At which time and pLice.. Ibe ,elected One Member of Assembly ; - uue County Commissioner; Two Jury Commissioners; One County ressurer ; Otis Director of the Poor; One Ccunty Auditor. By an Act of the General Assembly of this State, it is enjoined upon me to insert In my proclamation of elec• tions the following sections of Laws passed by said Gener al Assembly, as follows: (Act of March 30 , 1866.) , , Samos 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and It is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the qualified voters of the several counties of this' Commonwealth. at all general, township, borough and special elections, are hereby, here after, authorized and required to vote, by tickets, printed, or written, or partly printed and partly written, severally classified as follows: One ticket shalt embrace the names ofall judges of courts voted tor, and to be labelled, out side,"judiciary:" one ticket shall embrace the names of all tate officers voted for, and be labelled "state:" one ticket shall embrace the names o' all county officers voted for, and be labelled "county ;" one ticket shall embrace the names stall township °Were voted for, and be label led "township," one ticket shall embrace the names of all borough officers voted for, and be labelled "borough;" and each class shall be deposited in separate ballot-boxes. (Act of June 4, 1866.) WHEREAS, By the act of the Congress of the United States, entitled "An Act to amend the several acts hereto fore paused to provide for the enrolling and calling out the National forces, and' for other purposes." and approved March third, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, all pe.eons who have deserted the military or naval ser vice of the United States, and who have rot been dis charged, or relieved from the penalty or disability there in provided, are deemed, and taken, to have voluntarily relinquished, and forfeited, their rights of ci ti zenah ip, and their rights to become citizens, and are deprived of exer cising any rights of citizens thereof: AND MIZIE/113, Persons, not citizens oft he United States, are not, under the Constitution and Laws of Pennsylva nia, qualified electors of this Commonwealth: Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate ant House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same: That in all elections hereafter to beheld in this Commonwealth, it shall-be unlawful for the judge or inspectors of any such election to receive ally ballot, or ballots, from any. person ' or persons, em braced In the provisions, and subject to the disability imposed by said act of Congress, approved March third, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and it shall be unlawful for any such person to offer to vete any ballot or ballots. Szcrioz 2. That if any each judge and Inspectors of election, or any one of them shall receive, or consent to receive, any such unlawful ballot, or ballots, from any such disqualified person, he, or they, so offending, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction there of, In any court of quarter session of this Commonwealth, he shall, for each offence be sentenced to pays fine of not less than one hundred dollars, and to undergo an im, prlsonment, in the jail of the proper county, for not less than sixty days. Sect tott 3. That li any person deprived of citizenship, and disqualified as aforesaid, shall, at any election, here after to be held in this Commonwealth, vote, or tender to the officers thereof, and offer to vote, a ballot or bal lots, any person so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeamor, and on conviction thereof; in an d court of quarter sessions of this Commonwealth, shall, for each offence, be punished in like manner as is provided in the preceding section of this a* in the case of officers of election receiving such unlawful ballot or ballot:a. Samoa 4. That if any person shall hereafter persuade, or advise, any person or persons deprived of citizenship,. and disqualified as aforesaid, to offer any ballot,or bal lots, to the officers of any election, hereafter to beheld in this Commonwealth, or shall persuade, or advise, any such officers to receive any ballot, or ballots, from any person deprived of citizenship, and disqualified as afore said, such person, so offending, shall be guilty of a mis demeanor, and upon conviction thereof, in any court et quarter tensions of this Commonwealth, shall be punish ed in like 'manner as is provided in the second section of this act, in the case of officers of such election receiving such unlawful ballot, or ballots. abd by virtue of the 14th section of the act of Feb. 27th, ISO, every person, excepting Justices of the Peace, who - shall hold any office or appointment of profit or trust under the Government of the 'United Mat" or Of any city or incorporated district, whether commission ed offiner ot ottiarwieetalliendinato.offictirer agent. e t bn is, or shall be employed under tiuslegiedative, executive orjudiciary department of tide Silt*, pr of the Uni t e d States, or any city or hicerporatud Idistrict, andalsolhat witty member of Congress and of the State Legislature, and of the Select or Common Council of any City or Com *missidoner of any Inoorporetteddhstrict, is by law incapable of holding or exercisi ng at t he mime time, the office or appointment ofJuske, Inspector, or Clerk of any election of .thisikeismintweatth, anitthat no. Judge, Inppecsr, or other affirm of any inch electioo, shall be eligible tctanyi office to be then votedior. Ansa—That in the fourth section of the Agt of Assam bit =Utica "An * Act relati p l to etecutidge, and dr Other Pttrpotes," approved A I lith, 1840. it is enacted that ateagressaiii lAthangdon..absanotbe oanatrued,,av to prevent any militia °dicer or borough officer from serving as judge, hillpilittillt , Or dealt, unY gaitlerat or special eleothatin thispormitonwealth." And in Mid by Art of the General Aseembly et;gbh; dtata, passed the 2nd tiny of Je1y,1839,1t directaltbst lite Inspectors and Judges be at the plume of their dis• theta on the 41.7 of emend 'Maim adtreasid, at ern: clock in the forenoon, do and perform the severer duties - regitire dg e d them ia and by not. Ann* it ftWthir arose*: 11401* hi owl by the Act at tha Noma itimaol444ll**lmadt.4ll44~.lll4o Jaftw.l of each at th. Maoist Addax ahroosid, who 2W4bavothwhily~4olbowbw otthW mud* • T1=44.61114144% tit tech ON ) oft Ibti at tim* ~~ ~~ ~. gew aedvotattento. HERAM WARRIN. RECONSTRUCTION. NOTICE GETTYSBURG, PA., WINDOW BRACKETS, WM.-C. STALLSMITII, C. 11.-STALLSIIITII. pgal Xiotirts. , ptittS. oeoUve dthtricte, a thee which shall be ftweeelit, at the iftn burg, then and the Minato of then. meet the third day atter the elec.- on Fumy, tel llra or °mina a- • ouee, in the borough of Obttys. to make a fair statement and cer • - of votes, which shall heft, Wm, district/lin the county of Adult: for :Moss aforesaid. . • given at the dliferen any persons for the PHILIP HANN;Sberld. thiburg, Sept. IS, ISST. Sheritra officio, 0 . . . ~ 4.lsT' . ACT For the better arid lore Impartial selection ofpersOns to serve asjurers, iq each of the counties of this Common- Wealth. 1 Szevicie L Be it eniScied by the &dude and Route of Re pretentatir es of thel Commonwealth of Panuyiyanfa - in Geuerni Attenthiy stet and it is heredy enacted by tie au. thority of the tainedr hat at the general election to be held on the second Tlueeday of October, Anne-Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, and tri-ennially thereafter, at such 'election, the qualified electors of the several counties of this commonwealth shall elect, in the manner now provided by law for the election of other county officers, two 'sober, intelligent and judicious per. sous, to serve ks jury' commissioners in each of said coun ties, for the period or three years ensuing their election; but the same person, or persons, shall not bb eligible for more than once in any period of Six years:—• /Wedded, That each; of said qualified electors shall vote Or one person onlyvis jury commiasioner; and the two persons having thereatest number of votes, fur jury sioner, shall e duly elected jury commissioners commis S; for such county. Sac. 2. It shall bihe duty of said jury commissioners and the president ju ge, or additional lairjudge. of the respective district, o a majority of them, to meet at the .1 seat ofjustice of; th respective counties at least thirty days before the find 'Vertu of the court of common pleas, in every year, and thereupon proceed, with due diligence, alternately, to select from the whole quallted electors of the respective county, at large, a number such as at the term of the court of common pleasnextpreceding shall, by the said court, be designated, ofsober, intelligent andjudi chins persons, to serve as jurors in the several courts of such county, during,that year; and the said jurycom missioners, and president judge, or additional law judge, or a majority -of film, shall, in the mode and manner now directed by law, p lace the names of persons, so 'elec• ted, In the proper jury wheel, and the said jury wheel locked, as now required by law, shall remain in custody of said jury commissioners, and the keys thereof in the custody of the sherltrof said County. SW. 3. That the said jury commissioners, and the sher Df of the reepetive cOunty, or any two of them, shall paw from the proper jury wheel, panels of juror,, as grand jurors of the pepper counties. and as petit and try, versigurors for the trial of Issues, in fact, which may be taken in any action, in any of the courts, civil and crim inal, of the several counties, aforesaid, In the manner now practiced and allowed; but before the said jury com missioners and sherthall proceed to select, or draw, jurors in the manner oresaid, they shall severally take the oath, or affirmation, now prescribed by law, to be taken by the sheriff nod county commissioners, before selecting and drawing jurors!. Sec. 4. That so much of any act or .acts of assembly of this Commonwealth, as make it the duty of the sheriff and county Comm Listeners, of any of said counties, to se lect and draw jurors, 'shall be r , and cease to have any force ' r effect, from and at t day of Decem ber next, Anno Domini, one thousan e ght hundred and millf or sixty-seven; Prodded, That all acts, and parts of acts of assembly, now lb force, in relation to the custody, sealing and .unsealin , locking and opening of the jury wheel of their reipec Die county, and all acts, and parts of acts of assembly, n w in force, imposing any penalty, or punishment, on the sheriff and county commissioners, or either of them, for any thing done, or omitted by them, or either of them, id relation to the keeping, locking, opening, seeing, or breaking the seal, of any jury wheel, or in relation to selecting or drawing ()Oeuvre, shell be taken, deemed and held to apply to the saidjory commis sioners and sheriff. Sac. 5. Each of said jury commissioners shall be allow ed and paid out of the respective county treasury, two dollars and fifty ceutsi per day, and four cents per ml's circular, from the residence of the commissioners to the court-tionse. • :EC. 8. It shall be him dutl' of each of said jury COM miserionere, to take upon h mself, and discharge the du ties of his said office under a penalty of one hundred dol lore for each and evesy neglect or refusal to attend the same, to be sued 'brand recovered, before any justice of the peace of the proper cuuuty, as debts of like gums are now by law recoverable: ten dollars of which shall go to the person ening, and the residue to be paid by the said justice to the treasuer of the respective county, for the use of the same. SEC. In case of the inability of either, or all of the maid Jury commissioners, by sicknees, death, or other tin avoictabie cause, to discharge the duties of said office, or in case of neglect, or refusal to serve thereon, it shall be the duty of the president judge, in such county - wherein said vacancy may have occurred, to appoint a suitable person, or persons, es the case may be, possessing the qualifications aforesaid, to perform the ddties of said of lice during inch vacancy ; and such person, or persons. after having compiled vitt, the respairements of the third section of this act, shall proceed to discharge the duties of said office during the remainder of the term so vacs. ted : Prorid-d, That the provisions of this act shall not apply to the city of Philadelphia. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters Testamentary °tithe Estate ofJ.4 cm; Lunr, Ben., late of Huntington township, Adams co., Pa, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned residing in said township, he hereby gives notice to all pe•-sons indebted to said estr.e to call and make immediate payment and those haring claims against the same will present them properly authenticated for settlement. Sept.,,H4.-6t • JACOB K. LEBEW. REGISTER'S -NOTICES. NOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees and other persons concerned that the Administration Aceounts hereinafter mentioned will be presented at the Orphans' Court of Adams county, (or confirmation and allowance, on MONDAY, the 30th day of SEPTEMBEIt, 1667, at 10 o'clock, A. M., yin: 75. The second and final account of Joseph Lilly, E.q., Administrator of the estate of Henry Leily, Esq., deceas ed. 16. The account. of William S. Cart. Adm in istra tor de bonie non. of the estate of George Heller,: r., deceased. 77. First and final ageount of James B. Topper and Jesse P.Topper, Exccnsors of „Xlisabetb Topper, deceit ed. 78. The first account Of William Kuhns, Executor of Jesse Heck, deceased. I 79. The first and Emil acconnt of Edward Staley and John W Staley, Execarors of the last will and testatnant ofJohnStaley,Sen., dee,eased, SO. First and final account of George W. Shall. Ad ministrator of the estate of Julia Aan Desert, 'at, of Liitiostoun, deceased. 81. The second and final account of Michael Leer, Ex.- eculur of the will of Elizabeth Leer, deceased. W. D. IfOLTZWORTH, 'Register. Aug.2s -fr • DISSOLUTION'. ►rHE partnership heretofore existing 11 I , .•tor.)en the Eff , drrifignol under 'he rim of GARII,- t; ft rt. EiIIOTH Eft. or l'eter.ifurg, T. S., r. hereby dis— soy( An persona indehaNl t said firm. will pleas• mat• payment without delay: Either partner is authorized to Übe the name of tLe 11:m in the settlement of the be• amass. A.GARDNEIi,• HAA 7 I-VG disposed of my stock of mero,lndtse to .Sileasrs. Hartman k Sadler, and in retiring Irvin a sueeessfnl business career of nearly eighteen years., 1 herei4 return my grateful nano... le.tgementa to my friends a-id customers for their liberal patronage, and cheertnllly recommend to their generous encouragement, my ancucaaors, Messrs. Hariman k Sad ler J. A. GARDNER. April 18, 1887.-tf CATION. THEpublic are hereby notified not to trust my wife duns E. Bloafta,ln my account, ae / will pay no bilbg of her contracting. OLIVER H. BLOCHER. Eept. 11.-3t* o#p cskirts. HOOP SKIRTS. 628. 628. WILLIA33 T. 110PKINS' "Our peen Make." After more than five years experience and experiment ing in the niaottfactare of STRICTLY FIRST QUALITY 1100 P SKIRTS, we offer our Justly celebrated goods to merchants and the pi:.4lre in full confidence oftheir su periority over all °there in the American market, and they are so acknowledged by all who wear or deal in them, as they give more satisfaction than any other Skirt, and recommend] themselves in every respect.— Dealers in Hoop Skirts ehonld make a note of this fact.— Every Lay who has not ',given them a . tria/ should do so without further delay. Our assortment embraces every style, length and size for Ladies ; lases and Children Also, Skirts MADE TO ORDER, Altered and 'Repaired. Ask Tor "Hopkins' Oa n Make," and be not deceived See that the letter"ll"iawoven on the Tapes betwein Each Hoop, and that Hi py are stamped i'VF.T.HOPILThS' MANUFACTURER, fr' ARCH St., Philadelphia," upon each tape. No °there ate genuine. Also, constantly on hind a fall line of good — New York and Eastern made Skirts, at very low. prices. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At the PHILADELPHIA HOOP SKIRT Manufactory and Emporium, No 628 At streetyPhHadelphis. Mach 19,1867.-10 m f WM. T. HOPKINS. 1 parOit CANNON'B MARBLE WORKS CORNER OF BAI,IMORE AND RAS MID DLE ST., OPP,OE TILE COURT-ROGBE. , GETI 4 .ItSBURG, PA., . ' II ORSCRIPTIOW OF WORK F.XECUTET) rx TETE rviwrisTYLE OF TUE ART. May 29,1867—U , G ET T YSSIJEG MARBLE YARD. MEALS a BRO. In East York Stree t t, tlettysbarg, Pa. Where they are prepared to furnia all kinds or work In their line, BITCH AS MONUME N TS. TOMBS, HEADSTONES - TLES, Ac., . nil as cheap u the chespast.— Prciduce tattoo to excbange tar at the ehorteel nett* as a call: work. Oettywprg, Ma 24,E Sat t, ONtitty, &c. H AILDw RE AND G ocsiiras .. • *Just eeterhed Item the aidlS of HABDWAIISAAROCIUU O S , , Alt Omit oldatud F Saltillork thcatimea. Onratoa,cooSidiulk • übseribers ha I I wise an immeasesupiil which they are offer' street, atpricost o a • part of' I Oarpont lackas"lth'sThols. ' 7 =I boeFindings,. CattlnAi, ' , .§4001s , . iroikimitreArMiqes._ At!o.lEll4"ron, 3 #7 - . 411 .t f r 00 1 li tei:diabut *Amin om , o f Jamul ben" - ' Attiooollo4lll 0 it Otglet MU ,Aseii.4o,te. l 4t. ravertailiparti• . midst Store. r * beinsiOil . , ISO WM, °:1011fr .1010644011Vrit !Mr? IME iii i r *l4ww,.,i-.:1:,, ENE The undersigned, intending to quit farming, offers for sale his. FARM, on which he now resides, near the Carlisle pike, one mile from Round Hill. P. 0., and three miles from York Sulphur Springs or Hampton Adams county, Pa., containing 101 ACRES, More or Jess, on which is erected a new two-story LOG HOUSE, with back Kitchen-House, 24 by 28 feet. There is a pump of never-falling water at the door; Ap ples, Peaches, Cherries, and other fruit trees, on the premises; a good and new Bank Barn, built in 1866, with all other outbuildings. Four thous and bushels of Lime have been put on this farm in.the last thtti l b years; also live thousand new -Rails. There are about 30 acres of heavy Tim ber of White Oak and Hickory. This farm has produced 200 bushels of Wheat and 500 bushels of Oats this season, with abundance of good Hay. It also lies convenient to Churches. Mills, BlaCksmitk shop, Stores, and Post office. This is a good chance, as the farm is in a high state of cultivation. Price low—half cash, balance in payments without interest.: Sept. 18.-3 t PUBLIC SALE 0? VALUABLE REAL MATE. The undersigned, Attorneys in fact for the Heirs of WILLLUIL Waviest, deceased, later of Frederick county, Md., will sell at Public Sale, on the premises, the follow. lug valuable Real Estate of said deceased, to wit: NO. 1.-THE MANSION FARM, situate in Frederick county, Maryland, ma the road lead ing from Emmittsburg to Littletdown, b miles from the former place, adjoining lands of Jacob Shoemaker, Isaac Fisher, and others, containing 163 ACRES, more mime, having thereon erected a large new Two.story B3ICK ROCS& with basement , brick Bank Bath, Wagon Shed, Carriage House, Hog Pen. and other necemary onthuild infra with a well of good water near the door of the Mansion Howie. There is also a large two-story Frame Tenant House on the premises, with a two-story Stone :.4pring House, with a never-failing Spring of good water, and a good Stable. There is a variety of choice trait on the property, about 35 Acres of excellent Timber, with a lair proportion of Meadow, and the Mance in a high state of cultivation. NO. 2.-A TRACT OF LARD lying partly in Cumberland township, Adams county, Pa_ and partly in Frederick couoty, bid., containing 130 ACRES, more or less, adjoining lands of D. W. Horner, ,c Fisher, end other.. The Improvement. are a large Two.btor) BRICK LIOUSE. a double Log Barn, Wagon Stie.l. and other outbuildings. About 30 Acrea are In good timber, the balance cleared, with a fair propor tion of good Meadow. NO. 3.-A TRACT OF LAND, adjoining No. 2, cnntaining 115 ACRES, more or lees, about 20 Acres of which are in good Timber, and the bal ance cleared and toads; cultivation. The above tracts are well watered, and conveniently located to Churches, Wools, Mills, and Markets. Per• eons desiriug to view either of the propegiee, will call on William B. Walker, residing on Tract No.l, or on Joseph W. Witherovr, residing on Tract No. 2, at any time ; or on the snbscribers on Monday before the day of sale. J. W. GARDN ER Attendance will be given and terms made known on day of sale by J. B. WITHEROW, S•pt. 4, 1867—ts JOSEPH WALKER. na..York True Democrat insert three times and send bill to this (Rice. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE enamor mass LOTS On Saturday Vie 515 of &pt., 1867, al 10 o'clock, A. N., The Hein Of Jaines Cunoingham, deceased, will sell at Public Sale, on the premises, the followlog described property : No. 1--Containing 6 Acres ft 8 Perches of choice young CR&STNIIT.TIMBER., ',Rusks In Frank. lin township, Adams county, Whiffling lands' of Samna Seabrooka, Isaac Killer, and others. Alm, at 2 °Waken said day, No. 2—Containing 7 Acres dr. 59 Perches of ROCK OAK and CIIgoTNIIT 'ZINSER, situate in Sam B tonban township, near the Cold Spring road,ad joining lands of Benjamin Marshall. Joseph Shorty, and balers. ti ..attendance will be given and terms made known by THE HEIRS. 1 . ALSO— Will be sold at Private Sale, A TRACT OF LAND in tait Freedom township, Adams nty, containing 10 ACRES and 29 PEROIIIId , edict g d e.manikin term of said deceased,John McCleary ere. The Improvements are a Two-Story WRATH BOWED HOUSE, Frame Barn, and other oat-buildings, alt nearly new, with m well of good water near the doer,. as Orchard of choice Apple and other fruit trees. This would be an excellent location for a mechanic. There are 42 Acres of produc tive land (part timber) adjoining the property, which could be bought entire or in part, on reasonable terms. For further luformation apply to the subscriber, residing In Freedom township. Bept.4—td FRANCIS CIINN/NOHAS. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE OFFERED FOR SALE V The undersigned offers to sell. at Private Bale, the fol lowing Real Estate at New Oxford, entire, or in parts or parcels to snit purchasers : ' No. I.—Half an Acre of Ground, front ing on the turnpike, with the improventenU thereon, for the last 22 years the homestead of the undersigned. ll=l2l No. 2.—A lot containing a quarter of en Acre, with the. imprcrrennente thereon, adjoining the farmer. No. S.—A Jot otGround adjoining New (Word on the east, whereon is erected the building of the NEW OXFORD INSTITUTS, and laid out in .38 Building Lots, containing one-knirth of an Acre of grownd each, fronting the turnpike and High &rest, and extend ing the town eastsrard. No. 4.—Five lots of Ground, contain fog together 16 Acres, mote or lase, close to New Oxford, luta fronting on the turnpike leading to York—every lot, accessible from the turnpike. The Pro.eerrtty~ is all in a prime state of cultirttion.— Petsuas intog to locate at oar increasing and pros. poring town are invited to call, snake their choice, sod offir their bids—which will by accepted It not too far bo lo* the common market prices here, FOB I WILL BELL. M. D. 0. PFIO/11111t. Sew Won', Sept. 4 ! 18477.-.360 , • fIRPHAISS' CO U RT SALE 1„ . .1 OF A VAWABLE FARM. By virtue °Pardus of the Orphans' Court of Adana scanty, Pa., dirk ted to the nedsnsd, will be atyceed to Public Bida on Saturday, the Sea day of &pitmans; IBC. .at 1 o'clock, P. N., on the premises, a valuable. ?ABM, late the lodate of ifetreno WILLIIMS and Bus= Wliinast. situated in llunthngto Unready. Manua co., on , the pablici roadaleading from le to Saw CrOnd, qnd Ettuderitowti to York 11priieterand duoit*_ , , g the road leader ems Buttyantrita HO Min about 2 milli south-nal Or Pastantig, lied Metre Wise sailor Gallaher& adjoining the Wigwam KM RraPetir, There saw -sheet - 1114 ACIULII of land in the fatuh at which abied a re In 41 It 4 and tail inoichirring bun in an . , stela of traleralrie; 'ice Bea Uwe it. Thst 0 : t OM o l'erentory BTONZ 80111111, id* Brick • illaMt e Beek Barti r art her sad port otherte* W Bow, ' name. and • . , . soh: end a offlor-ng ng weft or wasps 10 0 1 C' . ii+ ri ejt w W bowi ...4.l.. mi h r. ,,mitioi a no.: , .:,.. lbw sitnaiign of i s °l pso ,tlse serAft i=M •bt6 4ll l: ll 4 * .sitS Anyinirsoliw*P. : k e g be. 'n Ow eistie,b, OsW 111 ME le, residing Users* •,, Tams er ~ mos ?papyri on tha 9117 of uipar * l4 , . „ .1. .. ! P. ,- 1) : c „ ~. : ; :jel tj ....7 , i tM I • , L te /V11.1.10../1 W.. 4 , 4. 1_, A 0 : t" ; '. ~. gat Ostatt Alto. A GOOD FARM AT • PUBLIC SALE. sailbscrfbine, intending to make. changi la badmen.' win offer at Pilblic Sale, oa Eatarday, She =init., as 20!olaida on p.M., eke premises, that FARM, situated In Pretierick county, Md, cm the beaks of Monocary,adfolning Rinds of Harry Eyler, John Starner *ad others. Thie hum lies about am m.fle south-west of Harney, end * baitmile from Arnold's 111 .1 0. • containing 100 ACEEf, moroor less. The linpnevemonu consist of* Two-story BRICE HOUSE, with beck-build . tug attached,"Log Barn with Shedding, Hog Fen, Con- Crib, aim other outbuildings. There is an APPLE OR CHARD containing 100 trees °khakis frtrit in good Otte ing condition. and SOON of them bearing. Also, About 100 PEACH TRESS of errlinee kinds, and a great variety of other fruits such as Pears, Plums, cherries and Grapes. i This Fenn sln a good state of cultivation, about two thirds of the Farm being limed. There is a sufficient quantity of -Meadow and about. AUER of thriving Timber. There are two wells of good water near the door and a tor ring WIZ the house. • AKirYersons desiring to view the property can do so by calling on the subecribar, residing thereon. ilfir Attendance will be given nod terms made known on day aside by GNOME NOLL. Sept. 18.-tae PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE • • The undersigned. Executor of the estate of JACOB LULZW, Sr., deceased, will offer at Public Sale, en Sigur day, September 28th But. at 12 o'clock, M. on the pretw hies, in Petersburg. that Very desirable HOUSE and LOT, with 14 Act es of good land attached thereto. Thelro provemente of a good two story Weather-boarded House and back-building attached, good Barn, Hog House, °wave Rouse, *4 with a navozlMair Spring of water piped to the Kitchen ; there is a good Apple Orchard and a variety °tether fruit on the premises. The land is in a high state of cultivation. Also, at the came time and place will be sold the Poi lowing Personal Property, late of Elizabeth Lanier, de ceased, to wit: TWO COWR 3 Flogs, 1 Rockaway Buggy, Hay and Straw, Potatoes; also, 1 Cooking Stave,2 Corner Cupboards,Case of Draw er:a, Tables and Chairs, 1 Clock, Bedsteads and Bedding, Copper Kettle, Iron Kettle, Meat Stands, Side Biddle, and many other articles too numerous to mention. S.-Attendance will be given and terms made known on day of sale by JACOB K. LEBBW, Rz'r. • Sept. 18.-ts VALUABLE TANNERY AT PRIVATE SALE The subscriber, wishing to give up the Tanning busi ness, offers at rivate Bale, his valuable TANNERY, situate on South Baittmore street, Gettysburg, Pa., is chiding Brick Beam Shop with . 1 pool, 2 Limes asid sit handlers ; Brick Currying Bhop; Brick and Primp Bark kllll House; 88 Lay-away Vats on the yard, with 8 Leeches and room to add any additional number—constant run ning Spring water, never-falling, in tan-yard and shops. This Tannery is located in a region whore good Bark is abundant at reasonable prices. Possession of the Tarusery will be given to the purchaser immediately, if desired, with a supply of bark to run It. There is besides a large Two-story BRICK DWELLING on the property, with Spring House,Smore House, Wood Shed, Barn, Corn Crib, Wagon Shed and other outbuild ings, with a well of water and also hydrant at kitchen door, with running water through Spring House. There is a variety of beet quality of -growing Grapes and Fruit on the premises. The property is in good condition, and in every respect a most desirable residence and business stand. Also, will be cold, A LOT OP GROUND adjoining a bove, containing I% Acres, more or lads, with an Apple Orchard and a first-class Spring and Bathing Establish ment on it. Also, A LOT OF GROUND, on the Emniittsburg road, onehalf mile from town, containing 8 Acne, which the purchaser can ►Lo have, If desired. 13.1" arsons desiring to view the premises, or ascertain further particulars, will address the subscriber, residing in Gettysburg. Pa. JOHN WINEBRENNER. Sept. 18.-t f PRIVATE SALE OF A VALUABLE FARM. On Tuesday, October 14,1567, at 10 tidal:, A. .111-., =Min gliMIEMNffi FOR RALE A 'Valtkatk MERCHANT MILL, AI. BOK 'IIILX4 pd OAR lOU, with 40 AMU OF LAND. Known aelSandoe's MID," Ca Mardi creek, in Adieu county, Ps, 4 miles northoeat from Enunitts. berg, and 6 mike mewed hont4leityidsng, .Ilia good order, water power beery, pad Ina pod pMn country. Owe other MILL, known se "HoWager's Mill," with 60 AMA OP LAMM, one mile from Abbottedown, on the Hamner turnpike. ♦A In good order. lag. 7, IM.—ti VALUABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE A vahtable trattoria:id of 16 ACR e BII, tore or less, on the Olerstown road, being the west eide of Seminary hill and commanding a view of the battle held. The ien. provements are an excellent TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE, a large Garden with 25 select Apple and Peach Trees, perpetual right to the use of a never-felling well of excellent water, au orchard of abOut 60 bearing Apple Trove,. Barn and several Shetla. The house is beautiful ly shaded by the adjoining grove of 6,scres, and near the well. Also, 4 MILL LOT WITH A TWO-STOEY sousx, stable, and well 'tit excellent water, on Middle street, ad- Joining the house of limy Utz. Also, ten Acres adjoining this tract, and 36 more, if de• sired, at a very cheap rate. termiapply to Aug. 21.-tf-eow VALUABLE FARM AT PUBLIC SALE The undersigned, Administrator, cam testament° an nexo. Oftbe estate of Room= DIAOLVI,T, late of Damn tonban township, Adams county, Pa., deceased, will, by virtue of • decree of the Orpheus' Court of said county, expose to Public Bale, on Friday, the llth day of October next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., on the premises, the valuable FARM of said decamped, situate in "Carroll's Tract,' Ilamiltonban township aforesaid, about 34 mile east o' Fairfield, on the road leading to Emmittebucg, contain( ing 121 ACRES, more or ler, of first rate Limestone Land, with excellent running Water in most of the fields. The /MprOrelnentaltre a two story Stone Dwelling, Log Barn, with Wagon Shed attached, Stone Spring House, and other out-buildings About 20 Acres are in Ant-rate Meadow, with a fair proportion of good Timber. There is a good 0' chard of choice Fruit;' also a never-lhillng Spring of Water near the door. Several Quarries of good Limestone have been opsnied on the premises. iliF"Persoos desiring to view the Farm, will call on the undersigned residing thereon. SFr Attendence will be given and terms made known by - EBENEZER McOLNLEY, Adm'r. Aug. 21.-ts ilia".l(ark Ihme Democrat insert 3 times and charge this care. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE On Wednesday, the 2nd of October next, In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Adams county, will be offered at Public Sale, on the premises,, TILE MAN SION FARM of Samuel Knox, deceased, situate in Car roll's Tract, Hamiltonban township, Adams county, Pa., containitg 216 ACRES, more or less. adjoining lands of William Welter, Benjamin A. Marshall, Daniel Mickley, John Knox and others. The Improvements are a large Twostory LAG 8008 E, Two-story stone Kitchen, large Bank Barn, part stone, part frame, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, well of water at the door, water also in every field on the flrm,an excellent Orchard, containing every va riety of choice fruit; two good Meadows, about fie acres of good Timber, Ash, Poplar, Hickory, Oak, lc. A public road lead, past the buildings. The property is situated Pi a good neighborhood, in the vicinity of School Howe, Churches, Mills, Ac. The Farm is one of the best stock arms in the county. The property will be shown to per sons dstirous of purchssing by Jacob G. Walter, residing on the premises, or by the subscriber, residing near Fair field, 4611 Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on saki day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by JAMES H. MARSHALL, Adm'r. By the Coart—AeW. Mmuz , Clerk. ' Sept. 4 .4i V ALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE V The undersigned offer at Private Fate, their valuable Farm, situate in Franklin township, Adams county, Pa, mar Muteunasburg, on the road to Gettysburg, adjoidning lands of Benjamin Deardorff, Andrew Kluck, and others, contain in g 150 ACRES. more or less. The Improvements consist of two DWELLING HOUSES, one of them two stories, the other . 1% stories; also a good Beak Barn, and a good Stable. The property can be conveniently divid ed, is° as to have a set of building' on each, Spring Home, Corn Crib, Wagon Sheds, and other outbuildings. There lea good Orchard of choice Fruit; alsoa never-falling Spring of Water near the door. Part of the Farm bee been recently well limed. There is a tats proportion of Meadow and Timber Land. Also, about 25 or 30 ACRES of Mountain Land, near Arendtaville, adjoining lands of John Bittinger and others, well covered wit* excellent Timber. 811.Periams &wiring to view the premises, will call on the undersigned, residing thereon. J.K, 8, and IL A. WILSON. Ang.lll.-0 L R. SHIPLEY VALUABLE FAR)! AT PRIVATE SALE The subscriber offers at Private Sale his minable F ARM, situated in Freedom township, Adams county, Pa., con taining 1.2 f ACRES, more or lees, on the road leading from the Nunnemaker's- road to Milleretown. adjoining lands of David Rosserinan, Valentine Frock and others. The improvements are part Log and part Stone Dwelling, and in good condition. There are about 25 : ACHES in good Timber, and a sufficient amount of good meadow. The Sunnis well watered. and has recently Emma well I Im•d. It is under good fencing. There are TWO YOUNG OR CHARDS on the place, in thritng condition. School houses and Ch arches are convenient. tis.Pers •tis desiring to see the property irib call on the undersigned residing thereon: Sept. /1.--2 tn ABRAM lIPLENNER. V'ALLIABLE REAL ESTATE AT. " PUBLIC SALE. Will be sold at Public Sale, ov Saturday, the 28th day of September Met- at 1 o'clock, P. M., on the premises, the VALUABLE FARM of CATFILIUNZ Brom. situate in Mountjoy township, Adams county, Pa., about two miles from Two Taverns, near the road leading from Two Taverns to the Eounittsburg road, adjoining lands of George Hoffman, John Spangler, Stephen Gettier, and others, containing 154 ACRES:more or ler, of good land. The Improvements are a one and a half story 1.10135 E, part log and part stone, a Log Barn. Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, Hog Hoare, Granary, and al! other necessary out buildings • two first-rate Apple Orchards, and a general variety of choice fruit, Peaches, Peen, Grapes, he. There Is an excellent Spring of never.failiug water near the door. The hand is under good coltiption and highly productive, haying all been limed over twice, and part three times. It is under good fencing, mostly chestnut rails. There is a fair proportion of good Timber and Meadow. It lice convenient to Churches, School Houses, and Stores, and is ig every respect a most desirable pro. perty, Persons wishing to •iew the propertj are requested to call on HntlaT liftrunzer, residing thereon. I& Attendance +ln be given and teems Mule known by CONRAD R. WALTER, Agent. Sept. 11.—ts PITI3LIC SALE OF VALUABLE , REAL ESTATE On Sattmday, the 19th of October, Ma ,at 1 o'clock, P. M. The subscriber will eel, at Public Sale, on the premliee, THE VALUABLE FAA*, on which he row miller situate In Huntington town ship. Adams county, Pa., &bolt 2 miles mount of Patent burg, near Wierman's Mill, adjoining' lands of Joseph Wierman, Joseph A. Wiermsn, Herman Wierman, and other; containing 64 ACRES, more or leas. The Im provements are AFtweistriry Brame and' Log WEATHER, BOARDED DWELLING, with a Log Xi ilaeri attached, Log Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib,a frame weatherboard. ed Shop, and other outbuildings. There are two good Springs, one of them convenient to the house, a thriving young Apple Orchard, about 150 bearing Peach trees, about 25 bearing Pear trees, and other fruit. There is a fair proportion of good Timber and Meadow. There are between 4000 and 5000 young fruit trees In a Nursery, which will be sold with the property. *®-Any person desiring to view the premises eau call on the subscriber residing thereon. The property is in good order. Sir Attendance will be given and terms made known on day °reale by JOHN CLEAVER. Sept. 11.-ts pIIBLFC_SALE. The subscriber, Aixecutor of the Estate of lon s Mo ltmow, late ef Bendersville, Adams county, Pa., demo ad, will sell at Pubik Sale, on Saturday, the sth of Otto. bar next,. at 10 o'clock, A. M., on the yr:Midges, the Mil w• in`` valuable Real Notate of said deceased, to wit : THE MANSION HOUSB and Lot, situate in Benders• villa, frouthiron Main street, built 'ofdi rick, two-story high, containing Ave Booms and a Kitchen on first floor and six Booms on second floor with a good Cellar and Basement, a never-faldng well of good . water at the door, a Garden with a number of fruit trees thereon. No. 1. Lot lying in the rear of the House, containing three ACHIM on which is an excellent bearing Orchard with a double Log. Barn and threshing Boor thereon. No. 2. Adjoining the above, con taining two ands tialf Acre", and partly planted with fruit trees. No. 3. Adjoining No. nd contain ing two id a quarter Acres. No. 4. Lying north of No. 8, and containing 3y Acres. No. 6. Adjoining No. 4, and con taining sy, Acres. No. 6. Adjoining No. 5, and lying north of it c , ntaining Acre. No. 7. Adjoining lands' of WILLIAM inn Ten, Jr., and fronting on a twenty foot Alley, two Acres. Also, • Five BVILDDIG LOTS, fronting on Ikiatn street and contlnlng :bout of an Acre esth. Also, • A LOT OF MU= .LAND, latootl Oak and Hickory,) lying abort one mile north. emit liendermille end adjoining lands of Daniel Peters and oaten, containing 10 Acres, more sr lees. The irs- time oldie above property II very desirable ,and the lots en easy of moms. giThasone wishing to vicar the property will all on the Xxecntor residing In Bendenrville, derAttandanee will be given and terms made known on day Of isle by. A. T.118161T. Ilx'r. ;min Sins, Auctioneer. [Sept 11.—ts AA VALUABLE FARM ' AT PRIVATE "SALE. 410 • ' • entwerfbef AWN at lii Sate - bde, lilt valuable PEWiII BTONg we IARM, eltastat ht libetillen towashlp, • oft,T NS 00 mid 1 1 0 1 44‘ CenekAnsitete• ivti i lirbi ff x- two miler freak lid *ter* z Oillo•• tkaiii. la Adiina ltiMit l4 ool l We i e l t il r ed z e l ‘aa Sri kit soft ISNWitat7 . , • ' sollitobswinds. voll. of inset otter roast the • with an smiled lOng bat a short distance Sow th. hem's. Also atnWirUlatcoarn 93 feet in length to. cgtvnW.ts i ttibmisisd Pi% and Other necessary sibt-bil VI set to . ' The limn Mimes Wryer* ' With *great va.ilety of fruit pia fr. ' Th e , "taus of and eastsdnsla goof ' "•ofelitber a Meadow it ill "mad In a lbw being nopsesdent to Mar t AMA es Schools, sad b oboes the most . 1118114Ltpytwortiosproporty, wilt all up. li g ions , . : 10/61n b roP , r • - - .--pmemor =Rpm. _ - _ ' ~t MERE !MI *tax 401* Igo. GROWN ARNOLD WIL 41.1DIINCAN tat gotate.. AWL 3, , ,k FAR AT PRIVATE SALL , ___ , . . I teem for mj PAII.II situated in Strabett.towir ship, two mi east oftlettysburg, on the turnellond ing to York,and known on the old Trestle It contains:lbl ORES of goodiend, and is Ina high Mato ofrultlystion. It has been thoroughly !Mimi, tat le it good neOgr. The tsa t tesaye mostly of good porki and chestnut rkfle. Thema* oirr 70 AW.Win• god/I mendowj 1714 la thrie moult* ports. Thee% Ire woo about 3lscree of thriving timber sad good 'prior of Water - in every fled except one. There Is a new two. story BitlOl.llOUSI, and a Bank Bern over 100 It long neelly med. There lean excellent . e.M,ses_r the Romeo; sileo a good well of About 6 Acres are covered with erre enr gritto —Apple. 744 r tzhee. dijty wishing to Tendert* a good Bow win do well to . Ow this sing lift's farm botere=g elsewhere. , J 011.1311 June 6, 18(0.—tt . A VAiLUABLE F.A,1131, la Bassiiiimbast towns/sip, /dams amply, lbw*. AT. PRIVATE SALE. The subscri9er, having removed to the West, offers at Private Sale, kis valuable FARM, situate In Kind Wow ban township,i Adams county, Pa.. one mils from **- field, contalning about 900 AORBB, veiishdliff lablig' of Joseph Culbertson, J. 8. Wltherow, and others. sad hav ing thereonarly new twoatory Stone' AWIILLINO HOCBI9, wl tercHitory Kitchen, a newt, sow Dark Bun, Wagon Shed and Corn Crib, and other aatAldhl. lags; • nersrlfalling we itof water at the door, sad water in all the field s. There is on the premises a itai-ende young APPLE ORCHARD, Jost coming into fait bearing with other fruit of different kinds. There is also ea the Sum • two-eery Log . TENANT ,ff 01.181., with Stahla. , and an a:talent Orchard connected with the etome.. The land is tin *fine mats of cultivation, haring all been w hiles the fences are almost exclusively chest nut telL Churches, School Houses, Mills, Stores sad Mechanic Shops, are convenient—all within • mUe. arir Persons wishing to • lew the premises, are result , el to cell on time Renter, residing on Marsh urea near Y. Bream tavern, who will show the pr3Pirtri state tends. • JOHN U. BAUMOLIIBM Aug. 28,-tf 1 pi ARNI ,AT. PRIVATE SALE. 4 I offer at pritte sale at my residence in Tames town ship, one MHO west of Heldiersburg, on the lienallen road, 100 AORi OF GOOD LAND, on which are a tem. story Log Flo weather-Worded, and plastered Stone Kitchen, and Ilt Barn. There is a good well of Water ti g li near the ilon ; also two Streams of nevevfailing water running Gaon the farm. About 20 Acres are ()Ovum . thriving TIM R, with a never-failing Spring of run ning water thereon. There are shoat 25 Ames of goad Meadow Land ; also • good Lime Kiln on Ms farm, and • good ORCHARD OF SUIT. .The /via has been limed three tiepee within fifteen' poem It Is la a blab state of cultivilon, and is surrounded with lUDs and Churches. Th eis a good School - hone on the Arm. se_Any pe ii wishing to see this Farm, or that on the York turnriike. will And me at home at all tames. . June 5,1.8674-4 f JOSEPH TROSTLE. . , FARMS FOR SALE. I will sell the Farms, No. 1. laying on the Harriabur - g and Get tyaburit road between York. Spring mid ffelillere• burn, eon& ainlog 121 ACHES, with improvements, now occupied by Jones Miller. Price PA per sere. No. '2. laying on the Carlisle and New . Oxfnd reed, between Ileidlersburg and New Cher ter, containing 145 ACRES, with good Imptirroments now occupied by George J. Shank. Price Ilbe per acre. Terms: One half to be paid on the &Beery ot .the deed; the balance to unit the purchaser, either in cash or in first judgment Bonds of not less than s2oofor No.l, and $4OO fat Ni 2, to hi paid annually with Interest. ws..These farms are patented, lie handsomely and hare been limed. W.V. BONNIR. May 29, 186ittf • VALUARLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. The understood will sell at Private Side, on vary ad. vantageonotergui, his valuable Warm situate In High laud towuviliP, Adams county, about five miles from Get. tysburg, cotitai ing MO ACRES, more or less , of which from 70 to 30 A RES are In heavy Timber, The Impute*. ments are hug and convenient. Thereto largess:mount of Meadow on t a Farm, which is second to sow in an township as aFruit farm. It can be conveniently divid ed to make two! Farms. WM. WILdON. Aug. %.-31usi FOR SALE A VALUABLE FARM. The tindersi ed offers at Public Bale on the 2848 day of Septentkr, 1 87, his FARM, situated in Huntington township, A a, county , Pa., containing 25 ACERB and 80 PERMITS, sill limed and in good cultivating order, one mile watt of Round Hill, adjoin ink lands of Abr 'ham Picker, Leiria Stnitlh,J . H. Fink .ud others., on which are a TwO-story HOPPE and Barn and ail necessary outbuild ings, all newly built, about 3 acres fuorsod Timber,* never-failing well with good water near the door, a line young Orchard,* . 1k3...k1a1e to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M. of said day, when attendance will be given and term* made known by SAMUBL ENTERLIfiI. Sept. 4.-3 t PRIVATE SALE. The undersigned intending to leave the neitOborhood, will sell at priT4te Sale. his two BRICK BUILDINGS, situated on the Win street in Bendersville—one a ale* home ; the ether • Store Room and Work Shop. Tams easy. Enquire 4f the undersigned. WM. A. ELDEN. Bendererille, Aug. 28 , 1867 .—t FOR SALE.—The whole or part of , a tract of land In Highland township. containing 138 ACRES. Ewalt. at DR. R. RORNRR'S Drug Store. Aug. 21' 186744 f VOR SALE.—A Choice FARM, to a higk state of cultivation; 231 AMU: 10 0 bushels of Lintel° the acre; 30 Acres in Timber; large Bai.k Barn and Brick Dwelling; plenty of Fruit, Ilc.; 2 miles west from iGettysburg. ALSO- One other ieryi desirable FARM ,containinx 125 Aqua 25 Acres in TIMBER; buildings good; adJolotog Ben doer Milt property. 6 miles south from Gettysburg. SO per Acre will boy this firm. ONO. ARNOLD. August 7. 1t0:- -tf CHOICE WESTERN PRE-EMPTION LANDS4--I have several Tracts of choice Western PRE-RMPTION LANDS, good locations, near ,: Railroads, Conn Towne, *c.. in well-settled neighbor hmta, which I ill exchange at a Kir price tier real es tate in Adana unty. _ Aug. 7, 18417.-if FOR SALE, CHEAP. -A FirBt rate MEWLS MILL and SAW MILL with plenty of work, three lea from Cash town, Adama county, Pa. Aug 7, 1887 A. M. HUNTS'S. Oliroctrito. WM. BOYER & SON KEEP constantly on hand a splen did assortment of Coffee, Hum. Tea, Syrups, Spices, Flab, ffacon,lhlt, Notions, Tobacco, Cigars,Con i fections, and everythingonneccied with a Family . Orocery. We will always keg up a full supply of goods and sell tl.eni at prices which Cannot fall to please. Call and see us at our stand in, York street. opposite the Bank of Gettys burg. g5.,111 kicds of country produce taken In es change for goods. May 29, 1865. ARRANGEME.NTS. NEW 'RY OVERDEER, in Baltimore Street, Getlyelmeg, l a Ore the Hi HASIm: de arrangements to get fresh imp .lies every week from the City and is de. termined to or I cheap. He invitee all to give theta a tall, his stock sts of Groceries, Notions. Flair, Corn Meal, Choped es& Corn, Oats, Fish, Bacon, Lard, Cheese, Cracker Tobacco, Cfgamand Snuff, Sugar, Cof fee% Teas , gym . Molasses, Candles, Coal Oil, Flab OH, T Tar, Best Cider, -Inegar, and a great variety of Notions, Candies. ko,, he , geL.The cash r trade will De given for County Pro duce such as Fl r, Cora, Oats, Butter. Begs, Potatoes, Rags, ho. ; i (Ms ay ifi, 1857.-tf NEW ! GROCERY STORE.. TELL itTRYETIODY YOU 888 THAT OILBERT,— JUSTabogrithP Court-llortse, and opposite ths Compi kr °face, will salt you everything in the GROCERY AND PROVISION Line cheaper than yen can get It elsewhere. i Bogart, Coffees, „Moline... Candice, Coal Oil, Byrnps, Brooms, Buckets, Tubs, Tobacco, Cigar.; Notions of 11l knits, HAM,YISH, OYSTERS, YECIETk IMES. always la f i t, hond. Olen nil. a cell. as I am deter mined to secom iodate. BUTTER, BOGS, and all Wads of Conntryi P as taken, for which the highestiumb price will he gl en. Don't forget the place—cwo Soots above the flour House. Don't pass without calling, s I solicit your p tronsge. • • 11ay29.--tf 1 New GrUeery, and Flour Store. MEN L 3 da BROTHER, HAWN opened a Grocery, Flour . 4 ix Is Stare, 14 tie Rion loratarly Oa espied by Cleo.ilttle, on West Middle street, thsy e:• tend as lor Usti n to ail buyers to glee *am a eall.— liverything in t sir Itas, fresh fres the shy sad eon*. try.will be keption hand. 'They ars determined to as cheap as the 0 eapest,aad as they only 'di the lowest living profits, t • 'lisps to tiertt and reecho s Mend *bare of purls • tronage. MBA LB it HBO, ay M 29, WO. Liquor Store- A LAkIG aefortm en tof flue „ E , Tom Cotrooo, hit. Saran of on Una*, and prow* Butting , cheap, isle newql'op*l4opiao Molasses. and ni! R: rlea of Spirt: • M MSS it ACKERIL. boot in snotkot.— AIM lode of I. LTQUOItS I . . 160440.: r I ail. itrilvt. Ryi Wail& wr meeitHrt rare tAbor pa:pos.«, in Inc qualathrt. ria-11.Ablui' , WO, Witte+ otrd 111,tors Um:. 3. 3IA m sy 29 14f:7.; Dalt FOAL an PISII OIL of the b eet quality Pr 1. by W Iterfili a sou lit %series, •• No. • o• 4 . , FRESH • EU GEORGE ARNOLD