sxrit a gatin _ 40*1 DYSPEPSIA Thera is ao dismiss which experience has so amply proved tohrintmediableby the PERUVIAN BUMP, (a Protected notation of the ProtaMde of IrM), as Dye• Pepe ee introtimate forms of ibis disease have, Dean oompletaly cored by this Medicine; isr nip% testis moray Of some of our first citizens pores. PROMS VENEBARLS ARAIIDILADON 13001T,D.D ' DONBAS, Canada But. • $ • "lan an inveterate Dyspeptic at atom TUN 25 Y 141.5 asainzara." • • • • wl have been so wonderfully bonelitted in the three 'lion weeks during which I have need the Peruvian Syrup, that I can scarcely persuade myself of the reality. People who have known me are astonhdied at the change lam widely known, and can but recommend to other, that which has done so mucti for me." * • • •.. ANcrrasß OLSIVIYMAN warns AS FOLLOWB "My voyage to Europe pOIItTXMOd. have discovered the "Fountain of Health" on this side of theiAtiantic. Three bottles of Peruvian Syrup have res cued me from the fangs of the tltind Dyspepsia." pamphlet of 32 pages, containing a history of this re markable remedy, . with a treatise on 'lron as a medi cine," will be sent free to any address. The genuine has "Parnerr MU," blown in the glue. J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, 38 Dey street, New York. [Sept. 4.-lm larSold by all Waggling SCROFULA-CONSMIMON Dr. LIIGOI., of Paris, one bf the most eminentCliamists of Europe, la id: "The most astotindingresnit may be anticipated when lodine can be dissolved In pyre water." Dr. H. ArDnsAitter fifteen years of scientific research and experiment, has succiceded in dissolving one and one quarter grain: of lodine to each fluid ounce of water, and the mod astounding remits have followed its use, particu larly in Scrofula Ond kindred diseases. ' Circulars free. Dr. H. Anders','lodine Water' is for sale by J. P. DINS MORE, 36 Dey street, New Yark,;find all Druggists. Sept. 4.-Ira TO CON§IIMPTIVES The REV. EDWARD A. WILSON will send (free of charge) to all who desire it, gm prescription 'with the di rect lons for making and using-the simple remedy by which he was cared of a lung affection 40 that dread d Warm Conenmptlon. Ills only ohject* to bine& the afflicted and he hopes every sufferer WilNtry this prescription, as It will cost them nothing, and may prove a bletsing.— Please addrees REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, No. 165 South Beconc. et., Williamsburg, New York June 5,1867.-17. ni7omeTioN Information guaranteed to pioduce a luxuriant growth of hair upon a bald head or beardless face, also a recipe for the removal of Pimples, Blotches, Eruptions, etc., on theakin, leaving the same Soft, clear, and beautiful, can be obtained wtthont charge by addressing. THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, Broadway, New York. Ju i n° 5, 1867,—1y NO. 4 R. SCLIDNCK'S NAN DRAKE PILLS. AS CBSTITUTE FOR CALOMEL. These Pills ate composed of varietal, - roots, baying th power to relax tbeeecretions of theliver as promptly and etfectuilly as blue pill or mercury „anti without produc ing coy of those diaatt edible or diengenene etreets which often follow the use of the latter. In all bilious disorders these Pills miq- be used with confidence, as they promote the Machine of vitiated bile, and remove those obstructions from the liver an illary ducts, which are the cause ofbiltous affections general. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS ori re Sick Headache, and all disorders of the Liver indicated by callow skin, coated tongue, cositiveness , , dxoweinese, aud a general feeling of weariness and lassitude, showing that the liver is in a torpid or obstructed condition. In short, these Pills may be used with advantage in al cases when & purgative or alterative medicine 13 regal!' ed. Please salliror "Dr. Schenckis Mandrake Pills." and ob that-the two liltenessesuf the Docter-are on the Government • when in the last stage of Con• gumption, and the other in birpresent health. Bold by all Druggists and dealers. Price 25 cents per box. Principal otlice,,No. 15 North Bth street, Phlludel phis„Pa. General Wholesale Agents; Demas Barnes & C0.,21 Park Row, New York ; 8. B. Hance, 108 Baltimore street Baltimore, Md.; John D. Park, N. E. cor. of Fourth and Walnut etr, Cincinnati, Ohio; Walker Taylor, 134 and 130 WabastfAvenne, Chicago, Illinois; Collin Brothers, southwest corner of Second and Vine eta., Bt.louie,Mo Nov. 8, 1866.-wemly - HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT . BUCHU Is a certain cure for diseases of the ' BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY, and all diseases of the lIIR.'iARY ORGANS, whether existing i n MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever came originating and no matter of MOW LONG STANDING Diseases of these organs rdpia e the use of a diuretic. If no treatment is submitted to-, Consumption or sanity may ensue. Oar Fiesta and Blood are supported from these source., and the HEALTH AND HAPPINESS and that of Posterity. depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. HUMBOLDT EXTRACT BUCHII, ' Restablished upwards 01'18 years, prepared by H. T. lIELMBOLD, Druggist, 504 Broadway, New Rork, and 104 Smith 10th at., Philadelphia, Pa. Feb. 28,1867,1 y BOOK AGENTS WANTED To Solicit Orders for a -The Illustrctted BIBLE DICTIONARY. (COMPLETE IN ONE VOLC)f.) MELTS DICTIONARY embodies the results of the most I. recent study, tesearch,and investigation, of 'about sixty-Bye of the most eminent and advanced Biblical Scholars now living. Clergymen of all detunininationa approve it, and regard Was the best work of its kind in the English language, and one which ought to be in the heads of every Bible reader'in the land: • In circulating this work, Agents will find a pleasant and profitable employment. The 'numerous objections which are usually encountered in ruling ordinary works will not exist with this. . . , But, on the contrary, encouragement and friendly aid will attend the Agent, making his landts agreeable, use ful, apd lucrative. Ladies, retired Clergymen, School Teachers, talcums, Students, awl all others who I.oll,eviscuergy. are wanted to nebeit in cagicassing ecery Ton m♦and County in the country, to whom the no t lil,eral iItIitICCRIPUIS will be offered. For patticulani. apply to. or address PARMELEE BROTHERS, 7'22 'Sansoui street, Philadelphia, Penna Aug. 21.-liu COLGATE & CO'S COLGATE GERMAN & cc's BRASIVE SOAP. ERAsIVE ; manufactured from PURE XA TEIIIALS. and may be consideired the' STANDARD OF EXCEL SOAP. LENCE. For sale by all Grocers. [May 10, 1867.—1 y lIELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT BUCIIII Is the Great Diuretic ILELXISOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Is the Great Blood Purifier. Both are prepared according to role' of Pharmacy and Chemistry, and are the moat active that can be made. Feb..2B, 1867.-ly lIELIIBOLD . B EXTRACT RIICIIII and iMPHOTED Rosa WASH cures secret and delicate disorders in iill their stages, at little expense, little or no change in diet, no incousen• 'floe and no exposure. It is pleasant in taste and odor immediate in its action, and free, from all injtartetis pro perties. [Feb. 28. 1887.1 - DR' j: BRYAN, Consulting Physi:ian, 819 Broadway, New York. SPECIAL TREATMENT in all cases of Seminal, Sexual, Urinary and Nervous Dlseasee in male or female. ADVICE Fan and•correapondence miens CONFIDENTIAL. Jan. 10, 1807...1y TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT AND UNSAFE REM EDIEI3 for unpleasant and dangerous diseases. Use Relmbold's Extract Buchu and Improved , Roe.) Wash. Feb. 28, 1867.-ly gevitur of .ibe } WarltetA. Gettysburg. Grath and Previstan Market. Gettysburg, Wednesday Nersting. Super F10ur,...$ 8 50® 9 00 Appie5,'.......,....1 7541 00 Sutra Flour,- 9 00® . 950 Potatoes : SO® 60 Rye Flour, 6 60® 700 Butter, , 22 'fflklte Wheat, 2 00® 2 10 Lard, 10 Red Wheat,.... 1 804 190 Eggs, 15 Corn, 94 Bacon, Mimi.- 16 100 " aldes,.... . 10 Oats, 46 " Shoulders, 10 Buckwheat, .» 75 Peache5,......_... 10@ 16 Timothy Seed, 2 10 Cherries,..-..... ' 2 00 Clover Seed,- i 600 Apples, . • 8 Flax s ee d._ .. ... 2 00 1111ack 1 / 4 erries,.... 12 60 Plaster Paris,. 13 Soap, . 7@ 8 Bay per t0n,... 10 00@15 00 Tallow, 10 Baltimore Produce Market BREADSTUFFEL—The market for Flour eon-, tinues quiet but steady. We renew quota tions :—Howard street Super and Cut Extra, 0.75®9.25•, - Extra shipping, $0 50 ®10.25 ; Retailing, $10.25 ®10.75 ; Family, sll®ll 50. Rye Flour, $8.25®8.75. Corn Meal, $.5.50® 5.75. Gams.- Wheat-Recelpts 2019 bushels white and 6,494 bushels red. The market was BIM for prime and choice grades. . The sales 118 reppoorted on 'Change were as follows : Whi @t 2 M. Red-42.20@t 2 .4 5 . - Chili. -Receipts 4,306 bashels white and'3,2so bushels yellow. White $1.12®41.11. YOl - ;1.26. Oats,-Reseipta 8,791 bushels:- The market continues firm and active, and prices are steadily maintained. Salm -56@ 64 cents. 104-Receipts 1,375 bushels.-? Sales 11.00@51.35. • A FARM WANTED. A"person having a GOOD 14.1138 for sale and willing to tithe M part payment, one or more tracts of choice Western Land, located in a well settled neighbor hood near County, Towne, UrMoods; ffc., he will I t ! d a U. purchaser by lugairing at this office. • t. 11,18 I .-tt CAUTION. • T ILE public are herriby notiflad:nog tolrust my wl4 Anna .E.BLOCIIII4 on my account, 1 1 11 X wilX11 1 7) 1 0 bill' other contracting. OLIVRit El. nocups. 4.0.11.-30 Tmaaa children, in attempting to crow a = wi le d track at Boston, on the 34:1;liern j over by a pining train sad IM=I FALL STYLE OF HATS FOR 186,7. S. S. M'CREARY HAS Just received a fresh and genital aasortmenf of HATS, including the very latest iityle of file Silk, 'Cassimers and Soft Fur Hats, and alecia large supplY of fine and low priced Wool HATS andCAPS for Men and BOYS. He Invites his friends and the public to give him a call. Sept. 11,1887..—tf p ITBLIC SALE: The Shbacriber, Executor of the Estate of Jotne Mc- Kxtottr, late ef Bendersville, Adams county, Pa., deceas ed, will sell at Public Sale, on Saturday, the sth of 104/4 0 . bee nett, at 30 o'clock, A. M., on the premises, the follow- ing Ta!noble Real Rotate of said deceased, to wit : THE MAMBA:MI:1011SE and Lot, situate in Benders- Tills, fronting on Main street, built of Brick, two-story high, containinglive Rooms and a Kitchen on Bret door and six Rooms on second Boor with a good Cellar and Basement. a nevergaPing well of good water at the door, a Garden with a number of fruit trees thereon. No. 1. Lot lying in the rear of the House, containing, three ACRES, on which Is an excellent bearing Orchard with a double Log Barn and threshing floor theregn. . NO. 2. Adjoining the above, con taming two ands half Acres, and partly planted wit} fruit trees. No. 3. Adjoining No. 2, and contain ng two and a quarter Acres. No. 4. Lying north of No. 3, .and containing 3% Acres. No. 5. Adjoining No. 4, and con aining 3! , i Acres. No. 6. Adjoining No. 5, and lying north of ;t c..ntaintog*i Acres. No. 7. Adjoining lands of WILLIAM Yarns, Jr., and fronting on a twenty foot Alley, Ciro Acres. Also, FIVE BUILDING LOTS, ^. fronting on Main street and confining about !.1 of an Acta each. Alpo, A LOT OF TIMBER LAND, (mostly Oak - and Hickory.) lying about one mile north. east of Bendersville and adjoining lands of Daniel Peters and others, containing to Acrm, more er lean. The location of the above property is very desirable and the lots all may of access. —Persons wishing to view the property will call on the gxecutor residing in Benderaville. Attendance will be given and terms made known on day of sale by A. T. WILIGHT, Ex'r. Jotm llanns, Auctioneer. [Sept. 11.—te PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE 3Cty virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Adonis county. too undersigned, Administratora of the estate of Jdnn Ilona, deceased, will sell at Public Sale, on Friday, Mt MTh day of Septenter, at 2 o'clock, P. M., on thiTire• raises, at Butt's School loose, in Franklin township:Ad. ante county, P., the following valuable Lots of Ground, to wit: SO. i , O. I.—A LOT OF CLEARED L ND, in Franklin owneldp, adjoining lands of Ilezekial atalill tr. and ottter ands of said deceased, containing ACRES AND 21 titcli Es.. Also, 201511, LOTS OW WOOD-LAND, I n`Franklin townt.hip. lying on Little Marsh Creek, 'ad joining lands of John Butt and others: " 4 10 64 93 Alao-A.LOT OF, CLEARED LAND;= adjoining Wood Lot No. 4, containing 7 Acres and 107_,Yetches. Little Marsh Creek runs through all the above Wood Lots. which are heavily set with first-rate Oak and Ilickr cry Timber. The Lots are lets than two miles from. thee. Cbamberabnrg pike. and but five mile 4 from Gettysburg, and easy of access, makingibem 'among the most deairo ble and valuable Wood Lots in the county. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE , - REAL ESTATE On faturday, the 19171 of Octobir, 1867, atl o'clock, P. The subscriber will sell, at Public Sale, on the premises, nE VALUABLE FARM, on which he now. reside,, situate in Huntington towp ehip. Adams county, -Pa., about 2 miles south of Peters. bArg, near Wierman's Mill, adjoining lands of Joseph Wierman, Joseph A. Wierman, Berman Wierman, and others, containing •64 ACRES, more or leas. The Inv. provements are two-story Frame and Log WEATHER BOARDED DWELLING, with a Log Kitchen *McNeil, Log Barn, Waged . Shed, Corn Crib, a frame weatherboard ed Shop, and other outbuildings. There are two good Springs, one of them convenient to the house, a thriving young Apple Or c h a rd, about 150 beatingeitech trees, about 25 bearing Pear trees, and other frUlt. There is a fair proporpon of good Timber and Meadow. .There are between 4000 and 6:000 young fruit trees in a Nursery, which will be sold with the property. AP-Any persozi t desiring to view the premises can call on the suhscriber residing thereon. The priTerty is in good order; on will be given and terms made known on day ofsale by JOHN, CLEAVER. Sept. VAL'CABLE REAL ESTATE AT PURLIC SALE Will be solotet Public Bale, on Saturday, the 28th day o/ September inst. at 1-o'clock, P.Y. on the premises, the V ALUABLII 'FARM of Camillus Atom, situate in'Mountjoy township,. Adam, county, Pa., about two miles from Two Taverns, near the road leading from Two Taverns to the Bmmittaburg RAP:doing lands of George Hoffman, John Spangler, Stephen Gettier, and others, containing 44 ACEIB, more or lees, ofgoosi bind. Tlielmprovements are a one and a half story JIGIISIS, part log sad part atom, si Log Bern, Wagon Shed, Oorn Crib, Hog Boum, Granary, and all other nessemeey out buildings ; two tirst-rate- Apple Orchards, and a general variety of choice fruit, Peaches, Pears, Grapes, &a. There is an excellint Spring of never-falling water near the &sir. The land is under good cultivation and highly productive, having all been limed over twice, - 'Slid pa rt three times. It is under good fencing, mostly -chestnut veils. There is a fair proportion of good 'bees and Meadow. It Ike convenient to Churches, School Houses, and t Stores, and is in every respect a most desirable prb. qr aeons wishing to view the property are requested to' call on Übay Muarxsar, residing thereon. 616 Attendance will be givenand term' made known by 6 - cONEAD B. WALTER, Agent. VALUABLE FARM • A.T PRIVATE BALE. The stabecriber offers at - Private Sale his valuahleF &RSA siMated in Freedom township, Adams county, Fe., ten taking 1,27 ACRES, more or less, on the road leading front the Nunnemakets lini road 'to •Millentown; adjoini4 laede of David Dossentum, Valentine Frock and othetw The improvements are pert Logand pert_ Stone Dwelling, and in good condition . . 'There' are abbot arc :A.ONIN goltd Timber, and a sufficient amount of good meadow. The fltrm is well watts/14,4'nd has recentlj been well limed. It ls under good fencing. There are TWO YOUNG OR ON.A.NDS on the place, in thrieng condition. ScluMl houses and Churches are convenient. go,Perans desiring to see the prokerty #ill WI cOx laundersigned raiding thereon. tt. MMUS BUYS*. T HE School Directors of.Straban township hereby give , no ti c e to all persons liable to the payment of Bounty ta, said township, that they have made anramposents trey the Abel satiate/Mot the Bounty Amanita fir said n i btp ; . They, there fo re, gtrb foal/ Aliz-payees to teaks piquiest of their tax on or bean* the. 'Nth of UMW= ttext.• The collection oiallempaidtamic attar that date will be enforced without reeving Wkpot• rt s i t( son& 4.2 loottetarhs#l26 tithlOuliOnirt the Smutty Fmrd saillicomildparewtsiemted to present the name to the Beorttprior to Seth ol September. lisotremourodpclar therotoimeh olalms will be rldeetel. : • 4 ' PKOP II . I 4CELIWIMMIW 6 10 statart. '1 hpft.ll,l6o7..—Att • ~`-'_s~ p ftW g'.#/tal4tMenb• ROW' WOQPS.,t:', CORNEA .TIXAMOND AO ;TOW *Rill; GETTYSBURG, PA., HAVE Draw 811 b, Calicos, 13kgh*, c ' Merinos, . GIN;Mum, Cassimeres, WOOl Delalues, De Begin, _ • garrinsbrit ` Alpacas, Flannels, Jeans, Poplins, Skirtings, Maims, • Lusre's, Osnaburgs, Holland, ! Mohiirs, *Muslim, Canes* I. Deist-me, ' Chaakessr, I . Antoine, Tick ecks, ing, Comma N * ' 0 Orem Murata, Huakaback, ilitiela, • Sack Cloth, Crash, Limeys, Sack Flannel, Linens, Tweeds, I Brown Drib, Pique, Wadding, l Blue Drills, .- Beregs, Combs, ' Corset Drills, Chambray, Brushes, \ ~. Cambria, IViglATd' 'Neck-tiel,l `Lawns, Orrnedin'es, ' Co ll ars, Lame,' Mozambique, Needles, Mantes, Plaids, Pins, Dram Buttons, , Jsconets, Suspender% Velvet Ribbon, , SwAzs, . Cord-edge Gibbon, Matqa . iit2lthbon, Nalnsook, T hinge, peelje !pool !ilk, Skein Slit, Ruffling, Spool Cotton, *41[14; Strops; I Skein Cotton, Edging, Skirt Braids, Corsets, HATs Balmoral Skirts, Stockings, Hoop Skirts, Moves, Halting, Parasols, . - AND Belt Buckles, Hoods, Table Linen, Nabia3' SHOES Irish Linen, Blanket; Shirt Frynts, . Tapes, Head Nets, - Thimbles, - Hair Pins burners . . L Stocking Yarn, Zephyr, variety. Mending Cotton, Tidy Cotton, 4a-Parchasers are invited to examine our prices, and determine for themselves whether we do not sell al kinds of (boo& cheaper than they can be bought 'else where. - [Sept. u,isq7.-t 1867. FALL 1867 MILLINERY. MISS McCREARY . 'T_TASJtist returned from the City with a large 'assort :ll ment of new style. BONNETS AND HATS which she it prepared to self at at prices which will defy competition. Also Bonnet and Rat trimmings of lathe latest styles, and FANCY GOODS of every variety. ilia. Bonnets made to order, at the shortest notice.' hept.ll, 1667 —lm No. I.—Containing 4 Acres and 82 Perches 6 " 155 VS-Attendance will be given and terms made known y P D. DUPHORN, l Ad, a' rs. ANN E. HOKE, Jaren Mmicutt, (D. of D.) Auctioneer. Sept,ll.—ta•- NOTICE. Stitt Aittationents. ,Tba new nyiptont Adrirttsbeg ailiiited by Oeo. P Bowel! ,613:;, Advertising Agenta,No.4o Park Row, New Yoe% bilitsraatingitAoodtlein The following extract &mi . & speech delivered lathe, the New York iitate &Modal Convention, (lately holden at Penn Yen,) by a preitninen t Advertising Agent of NOW York city, goes to show that heat least acknowledges it; advantages. .From Jamestown, N. Y., journal of Aug. gntl,'Eclitecl by C. E. BISHOP, Chairman of Committee on Apra?.- .. TIRING AGENCIES. "Hr. Pettingill spoketn opposition to thatplan from the publisher's stand point skins. He shown:Ms publishers that by this *stem of otnatracling they weregiving lower rates than they gave their own home customers or others equally as prompt and good customers; that they were selling one portion of their paper to be used to compete 'with and underbid the other columns; that the owner of the space thus sold could come right in and beat the pub lisher's prices and take hitbasinessaway from him ; that if the publishers, fully understanding this, still wished to continue so irregular and turbusineseake a system he (Pettingill .t Co.) should of course cease trying to get ad vertising for the papers at their regular rates and go into the other system of contracting—which he could stand if the printers could." HandicTrcitierb Twitrt, H Razo ' : in great The anxiety on the account of newspapers is uncalled for. liter; le not one in twenty which would not prefer to receive all their foreign patronage on this plan, when tis fully understood. It is too generally recognized as thoroughly beneficial to all parties concerned to be In ured in the least by any thing which maybe said agalnet t by inteteeted pgrties Advertisers should send for a circular giving full ex- planatlone fOLLOOK INSTITUTE, a first. case Hoarding School for Buy., at Pittsfiehr, - Ilass. trail Term of 20 weeks begins Oct. 4.!887. For particulars address Sept. 4.-lin ILEA'. W. C. 114011ARDS, Principal. HAVE you seen the "PENN LETTER BOOR," for copying letters without the use of either press or water? It mares time, labor, and the expense of a copying press. For Bele by all first glass stationers, and at the of tice of the "Penn lianufaciuring Works," 702 Chestnut et., Philadelphia, Pa. [Sept. 4._lm A FEW niori3 good Agents Wanted for General L. C. /1 Baker's nELInTOS-lf, OF THE SECRET SERVICE." lncreabed commlaslon allowed, and greater hAncements offered. Address, P. GARRETT & CO., Sept. 4.—lm .;ox. 217, Philadelphia, Pa. 6 000AOENTS wanted, to Bell Six New Inven ) • tions, of great value to families; slimly great prutita fiend 23c. end get 80 pages and sample gratis.— Agents base made 3100,000. EPIIKAIM BKOWN • Sept. 4.-lm Lowell, Mass. A TREATISE ON DEAFNESS, CATARRLI, CONSIIMP- TluN and CANCER. Their causes and cueans of lm• mediate relief and speedy cure, sent free. Send particu lard to DR. STILWXLL, No. 40 South 6th street, Wil liamsburg, L. I. [Sept. 4.-1 m MADAM FOY'S CORSET SKIRT SUPPORTER COMBINES in one garment a PER FLGT FITTING CORNET, and the 133011 t desirable Skirt Supporter ever offered the public. It places the weight of the skirts upon the shoulders instead of the hips; it improves the h.= without tight lacing ; gives ease and elegance; is approved and recommended by physicians.— Manufactured by ; D. B. BAUNDgII9 .t CO., Sept. 4.-1 m 968ummer at., Boston. PAINTS FOE, FARMERS • AND OTHERS TIIE GRAFTON MINERAL PAINT COMPANY are manufacturing the Beet, 'Cheapest and most Durable Paint in use; two coats well - put on, mixed with pore Linseed Oil, will last 10 or 15 years; Bleat a light brown or beautiful chocolate color, and ems be changed to green, lead, stone, olive, drab or cream, M suit the taste of the consumer. It is valuable for llonses,Barna, Fences, Agri cultural Implements, Carriage and Car,Makers, Palls and Wooden-ware. Canvas, Metal and Shingle hoofs, (it being Fire and Water proof), Bridges, Burial Casa, Cana l Boats, Ships and Ship.' Bottoms Floor Oil Clothe; (one .Maou facturer haying used SOW bide. the past y , ar,) and as a paint tbr any purpose is unsurpassed for body, durability, elasticity, and ad,heuivenees. Price $d per bbl., of 300 lbs., which will supply a farmer for years to come. ar ranted in all cases as above. Send for a circular, which gives full particulars. None genuine unless branded is a trade sari' Grafttui Mineral Paint. Address DANIEL BIDWELL, Propri-tor. Sept. 254 Pearl st., New York. yOU'RE WANTEDI LOOK HERE! Agents, both m►le and female, wanted everywhere to sell the PATENT /XPILOVID IX[ itLEEZVOlit.(by which from one to two pages cat, be written without replenishing with ink). and our Fancy and Dry Gonda. etc. Can clear from SZi to - SIO a day. :No capital required. Price 10 Ceuta, with an advertisement describing an article for sale in our DOLLAR PURCHASING AGENCY. Cir cularseent free. EASTIIAN it KENDALL, Sept. 4.-Im , 65 Hanover st., Boston, Mass. TIEAFNESE CURED. Tire Organic Vibrator fits - Into 1.1 the cx , is nut perceptible, and enables deaf persuus t , bear distinctly at church and at public assemblies.-- . 8 , ..u4.1 particulars to Mt. STILWELL, No. 45 South (Ali street, Williamsburg, N. Y. (Sept. 4.-Ini WE ARE COMING, And will present to any person sendiug us a club in our Great One Price Sale, of Dry and Fancy Goods, kr., a Silk Dress Pattern, Piece of Sheeting, Watch, tic., tree of coed. Catalogue of goods. and sample, sent to any address free. Address, J. S HAWES k CO., :to Ilanorer street, Boston, Mass. I'. 0. Box 5125. [ Sept. 4.—lm THIRTEEN YEARS AGO Dr. Lome of Providence, R. I. discovered Remedies wills a Lich be has cured hundreds of cases of Paralysis, Fits, and all forms of Nervous Dileases. Fend two stamps for Pamphlet and Certificate. [Sept. . A FFLICTED RESTORED'. IGNORANCE EXPOSED Li FALLACIES UNMASKED! Highly important to both sexed. married or single, In health or disease. Dr. LARMONT'd Paris, London and New York Medical Ad viser and Marria , ze Guide, 80th edition. 400 pages, near ly 100 Anatomical Illustrations, upon Mental and Ner vous Debility, ri nary D epom ts and Impotency, affections, of - the Madder, Kaluo3s , Gentto-Urinary Organs, and their consequences, and anatomy of both sexes!—Enron peen hospital practico=the Author's moral, legitimate and effectual methed of preventing too rapid Increase of unequaled Paris and London treatment, Ac. Mailed free for $1,50, closely sealed. All who would avoid the barbarous treatment with Mercury, Copaiba, Injections, Cauterizations, Quack Soo. Mika, Antidotes and Instruments, should own this value.- ble work or consult the Doctor personally or by letter, N 0.173 Broadway, N. Y., from /0 A. M. to bP. AL Yost Oißce, Dor. 844, h. Y., Is all the address required. Con sultation, Adria, Medicine to, iu all cases in advance. "We concur with Other papers in recommending Dr. LARMONT and hie work."—Courier ties Etas Unis, Ger man die Reform, Dispatch, Metals Zeitarte, .lass, Medical Review, oft. [Sept. 4-lass. AWATCH FREE. —A Oyer P. Watch Given Gratis to the purchaser , f Every 100 of /Kennedy's .31ammoth Prize Stationery Packages,zhe Largest in the (As an inducement to have them introduced,) agents sell the packages /1/1 fast as they can reach the out. 30 Dollars per day can be made sure. We have aigents that sell on an average 1000 per week. Price per hundreds, 15 dol lars. Retail at 25 cents. And a Watch in the bargain that will retail for $1.5 more. For full particulars of Prize Package, and other saleable goods, 'address R. MONROE KENNEDY, Cor. sth and Wood at., Pittsburg, Pa. • Sept. 4,17:11 ID RINCIPALS of Academia, Seminaries, Sc., should consult no In regard to advertising. No charge for information. GEORGE P. ROWELL A CO, Advertising Agents, New York. [Sept, 4.-lm INVENTORS. irp you with to advertiseyot should consaltOßOßDE 11 RowELL k CO., 40 Perk Sow, N. Y. [Sept. 4.-Im. FAHNESTOCK BROTHERS, DRY GOODS, QUEENSWARE, OILS, PAINTS it GLASS, SADDLERY, CEDARWARE; tell all toads clasper that caabe boughs ,alset4iere. Gettysburg, Sept. 4.—tf . • DRUNi, 'ON COLD WATER ! • Rwyboily *mid attend the Lectures of the celebns. tat Prof. B. BROWN WILLLS3IB,,M. D. who has ...rested Buell trernendous seimatlons In New York, Philadelphisi Baltimore, do., at PA : la HALL., on.ffilmaritys Wednesday, letttilskystiatt. Bearive, Pse—n-r 10th, 111 h,• 12th and 18th, and seehim awake old men sad young men Drank on told Wade, besides As thousand other very Wounding ens laughable Adage.. He curse of chronic diseases Of the Lungs, Stornact4aeart, Wer t Bowels, Nerves, Nidneri, Bladder, together with Paley, Rheurnatism, Dropey, St. Vitas' Dance, &rotate, Cen ters witbont the kbife, Ulcers, te., with success. He has cured thousands-during 80 years, that had no hope. Call and see blot oktba days lamed above at the Kee'Hetel. Hetet conaultstions arsine tons. 4,1887.-2 t ' • . • /ENT A fIOI7SE fora rpia7l Autilly, Alel/000" and 1 - 1 Kltzben, and about two Acres of ittand atom:bed, also Stable, on Man& Clee!t, near B{wam's Tavern. /In quire of • • i•Re3C4oilpiniqlr.; etittYlaull***-if - ' I , 3IIBOLD'S Conegintrataftinet Sarsaparilla, Es thq Great Bleed PkriSar• .; - • • . • '. ~ I ~'', ,'~t: SIGNIFICAM% (Sept. 4, SCHOOLS. DEALERS Di GROCERIES, HARDWARE, IRON & tmri :14wir,.4smo " 34110ftongsto ANNUAL FAIR . OF THE ADAMS COUNTY" AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY WILL BE HELD AT GIITTYSBIJRG, On Tue:Bda,y,'Wedneaday, Thursday and Friday, 24th, 25th, 28th and 27th of Septetnber,,lB67. - FARMERS, MECHANICS, and all otheral having Agricultural, Mechanical, 'or ! Mistrial Implements and products of any kind, and Mao Horma,Oattle,lloga, Sheep; Poultry, Orsin, Fruit, Tfte tables, du., &c., kr., are invited and urged to avail thorn. selves of this fair. The Ladies of the county are special ly requested to contribute to the exhibition. • All articles must be on the ground and arranged not later tLan Tuesday the 24th of September. At ten o'clock, on Wedneeday morning the 25th, the Judges will commence their examinations, and it Is espe cially enjoined that none but those having charge of the articles, shall be present at such examinations and their subsequent deliberations. Judges are requested to be prompt in reporting at the Secretary's office on the ground at the hour named. FRIDAY MORNING the 27th will be devoted to TEN MINUTE SPEECHES PERTINENT TO THE OBJECT OF THE FAIR Farmers and alt others having any useful information thus to Impart aro requested to participate in this "free talk." LIBERAL PREMIUMS will be offered, as per published Premium List At four o'clock, P. M., on Friday; the Fair will close, when persons having articles on 'exhibition will he re• quested to take charge of them, as the Society cannot in any ease give attention to them after that time. The execution of the programme and the preiervation of older on the ground will be in the hands of Col. C. 11. Bumitra, Chief Marshal. si-Price of admission TWENTY-FIVE cents. Tickets thr the season Including one year's membership, ONE DOLLAR ; Life membership TEN DOLLARS. Articles •nd Animals for exhibition will be transported over the Gettysburg Railroad FREE OF CHARGE. A liberal arrangement will be made for transportatlyn Over the Railroad of visitors to and from the fair. SAMUEL HERIIIt-T, President. WILLIAX 11'9111314T, Vice Prealdent. J. 8. Wrtaztow, E. G. PAussirroce, Rec. Secretary. 11.1. &Luna, Cor. Secretary. JOSAS Reneezenx, Treasurer. MANAGERS. Mittuai B. WruioN, WILU.O Wrtn.r., Rusin. Pl.llllOBl, Josr H. llcetzt.i.ty, DAVID WILLS. Aug. 14. 1867.-td SPEER•'S POWI" GRAPE WINE,. Used by Hundreds of Congregations for Church or Cothmitnion Porposch• A LSO Era - Vent for Ladies rt n , l Wotkly Per:sows TO USE VINEYARDS, NEW JERSEY SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WI NE, FOUR YEARS OLD. F Justly celebrated net ire Wine is made from the juice of the Oporto Grape, raised in this country. Its Invaluable TONIC AND STRENGTHENING PROPERTIES are unaurpasaed by any o•hsr native Wine. Being the pure juice ~f the Grape, prutlured under Mr. Speer's eels personal supervision, its purity and genuineness are guaranteed. The youngest child may partake of its gen. crone qualities, and the weakest invalid may rise it to ad. vantage. It is particularly beneficial to the aged and debilitated, and suited to the various ailtuents that Met the weaker rex. It is, In every respect. A WINE TO RE RELIED ON. Invalids nee Speer's Port Grape Wine. Females use Speer's Port Grape Wine. Weakly pernms End a benettt by Its nee Speer's Wines In 11reqpi . r .„ ...4 are prefertell to etbtr Elan AKir•Sold by Druggists au 1 G iecers. A. Speer's Vineyard, New Jersey, triFtce,::l3 Itreadw.ty dept. 4. Dail .—ly u Yurk 62 8 . Hoop SE:MTS. 628. WILLIA3I T. HOPKINS' "Our Own Make." After wore than five years experience and experinient , ing in the manufacture of STRICTLY 'FIRST QUALITY' HOOP SKIRTS, we offer our (wetly celebrated goods to merchants and the public in full confidence of their su periority over all others in the American market, and they are so acknowledged by all who wear or deal in them, as they give more satiefaction than any other Skirt, and reerminiend themselves in every respect.— Dealers in Hoop Skirts should make a noteof this fact.— Every lady who har not giros them a trial should do 40 withoutfuriher delay. Our assortment embraces every style, length an il site for Ladies, Misses and Children Also, Skirts MADE TO' ORDER, Altered and Repaired. Ask for "Hopkins' Own Make," and be not deceirel.—. See that the letter "II" is woven on the Tapes bitween, Each Hoop. and that they are stamped "W. T.HOPKI N S' MANUFACTURER., 62$ ARCH St., Philadelphia," upon each tape. No others are genuine. Also, constantly on hand &full line of good New York' and Eastern made Skirts, at very low prices. I'UOLESALE AND RETAIL, At the PHILADELPHIA HOOP SKIRT Manufactory and Emporium, No. 628 Arch street, Philadelphia. March 19, 1867.-10 m WM. T. HOPKINS. Tarpenttro and Contragtors. WM. C. STALLSMITH, GETTYSBcRG, PA., CARPENTER it CONTRACTOR, Keeps constantly. on band and manufactures to order, DOORS. gRUTTUS, BLINDS, SASH, DOOR AND. WINDOW FRAMES, CORNICE, DOOR AND WINDOW BRACKETS, And any other Article in the Building Line Seasoned material constantly on hand, experienced work- men always In readinve, and work executed with' dispatch. s3.orders promptly attended to Jane 5, 1867.—tf C. CAEIHMA.N CARP ENTERING.; THE undersigned respectfully ■•• form the public that they have commenced the Carpenting in the Shop formerly occupied by Geor Bchryock, deceased. We are prepared to do any work in; our line of business and as reasonable Uany other estab liakment in Gettysburg. • We hope by a strict attention to business . to fnerlt • 'bare of public patronage. May 29, 1867.-tt TO THE BUILDING COMMUNITY. AND ALL OTTERS 'e WHO WISH TO Ik.PROVE. THE undersigned respectfully forms the public that be 'dill continues the _ CARPENTERING. BUSINESS at his old stand, on West street, Gettysburg, and bread*" at all times to accommodate thosewanting anything done in bis line. He ',prepared to furnish all kindeof work for building purposed', of the best material, and as neatly and cheaply as It can be done at any other establishment In the county. Experienced. Hands always in reedited" and wove executed with promptness and dispatch. . hankfal fin past favors, he hopes. bytttention t o bus:nest to receive a liberal share of public patronage. May 9Y.1887. WM. 011.11,1TZM • . gaktry. . NEw .K 'BAERY. • NEWPORT A ZIEELIE, • . . . —,. . - - Rechaalcalitilkeiy,RoathWalsilagtOallr.c balfito3llNi from the Bagte Rotel ,Get triburg , Pa. oobstantly os, hand,thio beet of Bread,. • • Oraeliai Oakes, • Plo o t , r y inAtner u_ nse Ppicttfpg, 4o ! hci= itar . Z edo **no, um US OALL '4 =I IN NEW AND lIISInd en! ittte, on i• the Praibyteti w of good* in his eat tire, Ile h All wiA be sold at the lowest living profits. Boyers, from toes and chuntry. are invited M call and examine goods sisd price 4 before purchasing elsewhere. • I am de tannin& to sell reiteap--a little cheaper than any other house in the city. fly strict attention to business, sad dealing Atirly an squarely with everybody, I hope to merit ald receivie an encouraging share of public patron- The MANUFACTURING of Boots and Shoes will be carried s, In all its branches. Boots, Shoes and Gaiters made tohirder also, Bats and Shoes of his own mann. facture' csnetantly on band. Repairing done on short notice-td no erort spared to give satisfaction. None but first class Workmen em p loy ed. Baring a „lik , tizne experience at Gil" business, 1 feel confident that I can please all who ntay call. D. 11. KLINGEL. Gettwitarg, July 31, 1867.-tf BOOT AND SIIOE-MAKING. Respectedly informs his friends and the public generally, that h. hr.s GnilB a new Shop, on Weet Sil tdle street, GETTYSICURG 4 few doors from the Court-Elouse, and is now prepatedpOmptly to execute all orders Sru work In Ms line. Gentlemen, Ladies and Children requiring BOOTS., !EWES, SLIPPERS. &c., are regnested to give him a colt lie fuperintemli all work matte in his Shop, and will gaarantt satisLiction, both as to prices and quail. ty of wort. IIeirMENDING - tt;gl Of all Mails protOptly attended Aug. 11,1,4;7.-0 NEW AND CHEAP CLOTHING AT BRINKERHOFF'S. BRINiiERHOFF, corner of the J • Diamond 4nd York stree , haejum returned from the eitymith aumnosually attractive saeortment of t'LOTIIINGf'OR sPitrs:a .it SUMMED WEAR, which be will sell at such prices ea cannot fail to take them off tery rapidly. Ceti and Judge for yourselves.— To look al the ex cellent material, tasteful cutting, acid neat and substa tint sewing, and then to fret his low prices—cellers snot help but buy, when they see it so roach to bieir is erect to do so. Ile has Coata Plots, Vesta, of ell styles and materials, Hata. th.ds an Shoes; Shirts', if all kind,.. Hosiery. Gkres. Handkerchiefs, Neck Ties,Craraka, Linen and Paper Collars ziusponders, ltrushes,Thmbs:i Trunks, Yalicsk. Umbrellas, Pocket Knlses, Sep's', Smoking 111,1 Chewing Tobaccos. Pipes. Stationery. kc. ; Clocks. HittcbSet, Jewelry. with a thousan and one ether article!, ei4.irely too numerous to &tail Ina news paperlp . rolrerese ent. He asks th'e at utiou of the public to Ids new stock. confident thl it ill please—and no one can or will sell cheaper. Doi' t rget t h epl ace--corn ero t York street and tbeDiarson Atettysburg. Slay 29, 1,67. JACOB BRINKERHOFF. AN - OTI-IER VETO B NORRIS. OTHING, 11 ATS AND CAPS, FOOTS AND SHOES AS CEIEAIi' AS BEFORE THE. WAR. ; ALSO Anythin - i in li,tc Geralentan '8 furnishing line. Can be found at the Cheap Store of T. C. NORRIS. May NOM .-tlf CHEAP—q}IEAPER—CHEAPEST ! i ! r F you wiah to buy good and cheap L Goods,call at JACOBS A BKO'S. STORE, near My ers' Hotel:in Ch 'bersbnrg street, Gettysburg. They have the very b t selection orgoods, such as,CLOTIIS, CASSIMEkES, WEEDS, &c.. the market cat produce, and are deferral tb sell them as cheep as can be sold anywhere in tow or country. Any person wishing to have thancrat o t, can have ft done tree of charge.— Those desielagGmale up. can also be accommodated We warrant the t work and the best fits to be had cas anywherei No humbug in what we say. We haVe on head the very best most durable SEWING MACIIII.IIS, and are always ready to wait on purchas era. Sulleatistketion given as to operating machines.— Caltend teaming. We warrant them to be the ,beet In bee. . JACOBS it BRO. May 21:4181V HATS H. U. ROWE. Has Jut ope CAN, of, be lot Pared to 011 at r goods rah \ be stock, at his old opposite Buehler Gettlaburg, J MEKCH CASICILAN & ROWE. and other mate up, to oriler; op SATISF Work abo Wirt Goode elnewbere June 12,1667 ME 111 alr4,W llBl Sir# 3 o 3 , DRESS GRXYLIK AXD 14115.140 , T :tted#oo4os/11MM MIMI fIEA 11 4, 4140# SW, AC. QUARTERS FOR CL OTH.ING. M=!! PI a PI G PI*NG ISELLS VESTS CHEAP SELLS COATS CHEAP (SELLS PANTS CHEAP PI 1 G SELLS SHIRTS CHEAP. L PICICENG SELLS NOTIONS CHEAP FICTiasIG SELLS, CLOCKS CHEAP. Pit% SELLS TRUNKS CHEAP. PIC LN G :ELLS VIOLINS CHEAP. PIC ING SELLS ACCORDEONS CHEAP ii; PIC '`G SELLS VERY CHEAP. AN SEE HIM 24, 167. OE BOOT & SHOE, ) TORE. GOOD GOODS AT LOW PRICES ned has opened a new Boot and Shoe • LTIMORE STREET, one door south of Church and nearly opposite McCreary's • ere he offers an attractive assortment ne, all new and 'elected with the great- LAD' LAD' LAD LAD' IN ES' CONGRESS GAITERS, BB' BALMORAL GAITERS, ES' COMMON GAITERS, ES' BALMORAL BOOTS, ,ARGE VARIETY. ORIITLEM :NT CALF BOOTS, ' OESTLEM • N'S KIP BOOTS, GEXLEM N'S CONGRESS GAITERS, GMTLEM N'S SLIPPERS, ALL STYLES, GENTLEMEN'S BALMORALS, GENTLEMEN'S BROGANS, Ake. 'MISS S' CONGRESS GAITERS. MISS .8' BALMORAL GAITERS MISS J' MOROCCO BALMORALS, kc., kr , tc., kc. BOtYS' CONGRESS GAITERS, BOYS' CALF BALMORALS, BOYS' BROGANS, kc., tc. JANES WILSON .STd CIK S OF THEN! IN I ONV Gooas ! CAPS, FURS. S. McCREARY a new einiortnient T, 8 and t style and fashion, which he le pre • need prim and lower than the same in the city. Call and ezamine hie tabllahnient on Cluunbetsburg street, Drug Store. e b, l 867.—1 y T TAILO CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, CLOTHS, , a for lien's Wear, tarnished and made rt, notice. MON WARRAitiTED. from Customers, irho purclase'the* W. T. gris . G,, :York street, opposite the Beek LANDE4L, YRE .AND ARCH STREET 3, litimumamati, 'ng.a !lint STOCK of 'Yi.GOODS, 1:r, A ,L1.-BALss i:j or ' 1867. FOUR BM NOS T ; 4 ..f" 441 1 400 Moo. A RARE • CHANCE FOR CAPITALISTS A FARM IN STRABAN TOWNSHIP AT PUBLIC BALE. l AN HATORHAIf, the 14th of IHIPTEHBER next, the subscriber s Executor of the left will and testament of Simnel Herman, deceased, will cffer at Public Sale, at the pram isea, THE FARM late of said decedent, Wooten% Stratum township, Adams county, Pa., 3 mils' from Gettysburg, and 1 mile from Harm's Station on the Gettysburg Railroad, adjoining holds of A. D. Buehler, Wm. Stallamith, John Staley and the undersigned, containing 188 ACRES, more or less, with large proportions of excellent. Woodland and Mea dow. The farm is under good fence and good cultivation. The improvemeots - are • Two-story Weatherboarded HOUSE, large Frame Barn with two doors,. Wagon Shed and Coro Orib attached, Carriage House, Smoke House, Wash Moose and Spring House, with Poultry and Hog Houses, ipdeed every necessary outbuilding. There is a serer failing well of water convenient to the house and barn, with running water in m , at of the fields. two is also a n Apple Orchard, with a variety of other fruit, on the premises. - The Gettysburg Railroad runs within two hundred yarns of the farm, thus bringing lime within very con venient reach. Persons wishing to view the property are requested to call on the Lueoutor, residing on the adjoining farm. Sale-to commenceat 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day, ohm attendance will be given and terms made known by ISAAC F. bRINKJEIWOFF, Ex'r. Aug. 14,1867.—ta A VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE The subscriber offers at Private Sale, his valuable COPPER STONE FARM, situated in 3fentilen township, Adams county, Pa., on the road leading from Benders, Title to Petersburg, two miles from the former place, containing 137 ACRES and 76 PERCHES, Improved with a new two-story BRICK HOUSE, 32 feet by 42, with an out kitchen ands well of water under vadat the with with an excellent spring but a short distance fi om the house. Also a new Bank Barn 93 feet in length in cluding Wagon Shed and Corn Crib, and other necessary out-buildings arson thtf premises. The Farm possesses superior water advantages, with a great variety of fruit upon it. The land is In a high state of cultivation and contains 11, good proportion of Timber and Meadow. It is loc Ile(' in fine neighborhood being convenient to Mar kets, Mills, Churches and Schools, and id among the Most desirable properties in the county. tri..Persons 'wishing to view the property, will call up. on the subscriber residing thereon. Aug. 25.-3 m ' SOLOMON BENDER,. • A VALUABLE FARM, In ilani iltonban tctonship, Adam: couniy, Prnna44, AT PRIVATE SALE The enbricriber; Laving removed to the West. offers at Private Sale, his valuable FARM, situate In Ifatuilton ban township, Adams county, Pa.. one mile from Fair ffekl,.containing abort 200 . ACRES, adjoining lands of Joseph Culbertson, J. 8. Witherow, and others, and hav ing thereon a nearly new two-story Stone DWELLING HOUSE, with two-story Kitchen, a nearly new Back Barn, Wagon Shed and Crwn Crib, and .other out•bulld fdgs; a never-falling well of water at the door, and water in all the fields. There Is on the premises a firrt.rate young APPLE ORCHARD, just coming into fall bearing with other fruit of different kinds. There is also on the rhm a two-story Log TENANT IIOCSE, with Stable, and an excellent Orchard connected with the same. The land is in •fine state of cultivation, having all been limed, whilst the fencesare almost exclusively chest nut rail. Churches, School 'louses, Mills, Stares and Mechanic Shops, are convenient-41i within a mile. Sig-Persons wishing to view the premises, are request ed on Isaac hereter, residing ou Marsh Creek, near F. Bream's tavern, who will show the property and state terms.' • JOIIN If. BAUMGAItDNER. Aug. Its.-tf VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE The undersigned offer at Private Sale, their valuable Farm, situate in Franklin township, Adams county, Fa., near Mummasbnrg, on the road to Gettysburg, adjoining lands of Benjamin Deardorff. Andrew Klnck, and others. containing ILO ACRES. more or less. The Improvements consist of two DWELLING ROUSES, one of them two stories, the other 13:"l, stories; also a good Bank Itaru.and a good Stable. The property can be conveniently divid ed, so an to have a set of buildings on each, Spring House, Corn Crib, Wagon Sheds, and other outbuildings. There is a good Orchard of choice Fruit; also a never failing Spring of Water near the door. Part of the Farm his been recently well limed. There ia a fair proportion of Meadow and Tantter Land. Also, about 25 or 30 ACRES of Mountain Land. near Arenetsvilie, adjoining lands of John Bittinger and others, well covered wish excellent Timber. Ikt„.Persons desiring to view the premises, will call on the undersigned, residing thereon. J.K ,S, awl 31. A. WILSON. Aug. 19 -tf PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Tan undersigned, Administrator of the Estate of LIELTb, !avec( Tyrone township, Adams county, Pa., deceased, will sell at Public Salt.. on Saturday, the 21st of SeptenVecr, 15if , at 2 o'clock, P. M., on the pretn lees, by order of the Orphans' Court of Adams county, the following Deal Estate of bald deceased, to wit: A DWELLING 11008 E and two Lots of Ground situate in the'.town of Heidle•sburg. The noise is a one and a half story Log Weathertsierded. with an excellent Stable, Wood House, and other outbuildings. ilet.,Attelidauce will ilt) given and terms made known On day of sale by Aug. 14.-ts JOHN F. HOUCK, Adm'r VALUABLE FARM AT PUBLIC SALE The undersigned, Administrator, cum testamento an nex, of the estate of klegarkka Macon.; late of Ilamil tonban townillip,'Adame comizy, Pa., deceased, trill, by virtue of a decree of the Orphans' Court of eaid musty, expose to Public Sale. on Jliday, the 1W day of October net, at. 1 o'clock. P. 31. on the premises. the valuable FAit3l i.l said deceased, situate in -Carroil's Tract,', Ilauoltindian township aforesaid, about 3.4 tulle east o Fairfield, on the road leading to Erumlttsourg, .contatuf tog Iltio ACHES.. more or lees, °flint rate Limestone Lend, with excellent running Water In moot of the ReirLo. The Improvements are a two story Ste die Dwelling, Log Barn, with Wagon Shed attached. 'Stone Spring ILmse. and other out-buildings About 20 Acres are in fi rat-rate 'Meadow, with a Jai ropnrtiou of good Timber. There Is a gaud O: chard choice Fruit; also a never-ft ili ng Spring . of Water n the door. :Several Quarrias of good Limestone have been opened un the premises. *j-Persons desiring to view Oie F.lrm, a ill call en the undersigned residing therein. 4arAttentlance will Le given and terms made known by EDEN mat MaaNLEY. Adner. • . Aug. 21.-ts - - . "I'rue Democrat fusert trues au..l churge• this Oft,e. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE TDIBER LAND The undersigned. Executors of the bat Will and Testa ment Of Darin E. Coos. deceased, will sell at Public Sale, on the premises, on Saturday the 21st day of Sententber next, 30 ACRES OF VALUABLE TIMBER, situate iu 'McMahen township, about two miles north-west of Ben denrville. near to road leading to Carlisle. adjoining lands of Aaron Pax ton, Pinegrove Iron Works. Joseph W)ckers ham and others. It will be @WO in six Lots of laciest five Acres each. Four of the above Lots are covered:princi pally with good thriving Chestnut Timber—the others have Chestnut, White Oaa, Piu Oak and Ilickoryt illisWersons wishing to view the premises will Call at the residence of Samuel E. Cook, above Bendeniville. lirfale will commence at 10 o'clock, A. M, when at tendance will be given and teims made known by dug. M..-ts FARM AT PRIVATE SALE I °far for sale my /ARSE sftuated in Straban town ship, two miles eau of Gettysburg. on the turnpike lead ing to York, and known on the old Trostle Farm. It contains 151 ACRES of good land, and is In a high state of cultivation. It has been thoroughly limed, end is in good repair. The truces are mostly of good locust posts and chestnut rails. There are about 20 ACRES in good Meadow, If lug in three separite ens. There are also about 85 acres of thriving timber.. and good springs' of Water in every new except, one. There is a new two story BRICK IfOUSR, and a Bank Barn over' 100 feet long newly covered. There 'is an excellent BprinitSicar the douse; also a good well , of water near - the Barn.— About 6 Acres &recovered with excellent grafted Fruit —Apples and peaches. - ius—Any perern wishing tii . purcbsee a good Route will do well to view this snug little Farm before purchasing elseWhisret., • ' TM/BTU. Juni 5,186 . 7.—t1 I FARM AT PRIVATE SALE, I offer at private sale etmy residence In Tyrone town ship, one mile west of M6nlersburg, on the Menallen road. 1004CRES OF GOOD LAND, on which are a two stovy Log Unpile, weathei-beezded, mad plastered 'Stone Kitchen, and Bank-Barn. There la a good well of Water near the !fosse; also two streams of never.taiiing water running through the farm. About 20 Acres are o f young thriving TIMBER, with irnaver-failteg Epring - of run. ning water thereon. There are about 23 Acres of good bitutdois Land; also a good Lime Kiln on the farm, and • good ORCHARD OF FRUIT. The Farm has been limed three times within fifteen yeers.' It is In a high state °torah ivation, and is Surrounded with Mills and Churches. There is a good School-housenn the farm. 113.,Any parson wishing to see this Farm,or that on the York turnpike. will find me at home at 4.1 times. Jane 5,1867.—tf . JORSPA TEOSTLX. F4.RMS FOR SALE: I will sell.the /WU, No. Lying ak tote Harrii3burg and Gettysburg rood betwesn York, Sprinp and Ijoidlers borw, containing ]2L AQMB with bnproremopto, now oectigned by Jonsonittillor. Prk* Ifls par. acre. A • No. 'Lying on . ul thl Clslo and Nevi Okibrd road, between ileidlueburt and Rdw Ches. ter, 'cobtaining 145 ACM* with Oar Improvements now oebtipied by Genet 2. Shenk. Ptioeffie per tore. Terms: One half to 'be paid en the delivery elf' the deed ; .the balance to snit the pereheser, either in cub or in first judgment Sande otnotiesethem $2OO for No. f, and 141)0 for No. 2, to b pald'annini2lV with interest. 103,„Theeelerms are. patented, lie heendeenketrand have been limed. 314, 7 ,21„.Leet-er • • • • • , xT.4r4uABLE pikopiattr A.T PRIVATE SALE Thainderalepted ll Sit on: POW, I, q,ll 4 tri XII:r vantageous term', his valuable Warm:, , bs Ado land township, Admus county, about Ihe frataßtet• tyaborg, containing 240 ACRES, more aria% of Which W ; from 10 to BO ACRES are rt. VI : i l l i t % 4 . , Tito Luttdnvo ments are huge sgui di' , ill Mr* ofilmiow op tigaiW ' ' th e , totrimbipt ma a 61 1 1114. , illibsocials it& .1 0 iv., ,,, :, . ,—,r. .., :::.•,,...,- ', - - '-• • . , • T . S • , 16, 4 * loop WititiliWeru&-tWo BUCK "4 1a)_ , • =7 4, q IMMO s_etflia - • BoaderninetAll62l,lall.-41 ITBLIC SAIE OP VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. On heialkii, octoiier Ist, 1861, at 10 o'clui, A. AL • The ncolegned, Attorneys In fact for the Heirs of WILLIAM WOW, deceased, late of Frederick county, Md., will sell at Public Sale, on the premised, the follow. log valuable 11•41(Atite of said deceased, to wit: NO. 1.-THE MANSION FARM, situate in Frederick county, Maryland, on the toad lead ing from limmltteburg to Littleatown, 6 miles from thei Penner place, adjoining lands of Jacob Shoemaker, Isaac Fisher, and others, containing 163 ACRES, more or less, having thereon 'erected a large new Two-story HAWK HOUSE, with basement, brick Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, Carriage House, Hog Pen. sad other necessary outbn ild. in with a well of good water near the door of the Isi Ma on House. There is also a large twoArtory Frame T - t House on the premises, with a tw o-story Stone Sequa House, with a never-failing Spring of good water, and a good Stable. There is a variety of choice fruit on the property, about 33 acres of excellent Timber, with a lair proportion of Meidow, and the balance in a high state of cultivation. NO. 2.-A TRACT OF LAND' lying partly in Cumberland township, Adams comity, Pa and partly in Frederick cow.ty, Md., containing 130 ACI,BB, more or less, adioiniuglanda of D. W. Burner, Isaac Fisher, and others. The Improvements are a large Two-story BRICK 110 USE. a double Log Barn, Wagon Shed, and' other outtmildiags. About 30 Acres are in good timber, the balance cleared, with a fair propor tion of good Meadow. NO. 3.-A TRACT OF LAND, adjoining No. 2, containing 115 AMC!, more or low about 2u Acres of which are In good Tim b er, and tho bal ante cleared and under cultivation. Thoebove tracts am well watered. and conveniently located to Churches, Sch,ols, Mills, and Markets. per• suns desiring to view either of the properties, will call on William H. Walker: residing on Tract No.l, or on Joseph W. Witherow, residing on Tract No. 2. at any time ; or on the subscribers un Monday before the day of sale. 43 — Attendance will be given and terms made known on day a mile by • J. S. WITIIEROW, Sept. 4, ISe7—te JOSEPH WALKER. la_li - ork True Democrat insert three Units awl and bill to this thee. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE. CHESTNUT TIMBER (/TS On Saturday the '2sth of Sept., 1867, at 10 o'cie . ..*, A. Al., The ['else of James Cunningham, deceased, will sell at Public Sale, on the premises, the following described property : No. I—Containing 6 Acres &• 8 Perches of choke young CHESTNUT TI)IUER, situate In Frank. Iln township, Adams couuty,fadfolnlng lands of /Ismael Seabrooks, Isaac Miller, PILO others. Also, at 2 o'clock on said day, No. 2—Containing 7 Acres & 59 Perches of R.0"..',K OAK and CIitaTNUT TIMBER, situate in Hamlltonban township, near the Cold Spring road, ad joining lands of Benjamin Marshall. Joseph Sherfy, and other's. Vl..attendance will be given and terms mad e known by THE HEIRS, ALSO— Will be sold at Private dale, A TRACT OP LAND in Freedom township, Adams county, containing 10 ACRES and 29 PERCIIES adjoining the mansion tarn" of said deceased, John McCleary, and others. The wprovements are a Two-story 'NEAT!' EIRROAROED HOUSE, Frame Darn, nod other ont.buililinge, all nearly new, with a well of good water near the door, an Orchard of choice Apple and other fruit trees. Tills woulil be an excellent location fora mechanic. There are 42 Acrt.w of produc tive land (part - timber) adioluing the property, which could be bought entire or in pert.on reasonable terms. •• . AVE-For further Information apply to the subscriber, residing in Freedom township. • cept.4—td FRANCIS CUNNINGHAM. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE OFFERED FOR SALE The tinderrigned offers to eel! at Private Sale, the fol wing Real - Estate at New Oxford, entire, or in parts or •arcels to suit purchasers No. I.—Half an Acre of Ground, front "rig on the turnpike. with the improvements thereon, or the last 21 years the homestead of the undersigned. No. 2.—A lot containing a quarter of an Acre, with the improvements thereon, adjoining the former. No. 3.—A lot of Ground adjoining:New Oxford on the east, whereon in erected the building of the NEW OXFORD INSTITUTE, and laid oat is 3h Building 1/4:, containing one-fourth ohm Acre of ground each. fronting the turnpike and High Street, and extend ing the town eastward No. 4.—Five lots of Ground, contain ing together 16 Acres. mot e'or close to New Oxford, and fronting on 'the turnpike leading to York-.-every lot accessible from the turnpike. The Property is all in a prime state of cultivation.— Perscms intending to locate et our increasing and pros tiering town are invited to call, make their choice, and offer their bids—which will by accepted it not too far be low the common market price, here, FOR I WILL SELL. .31. D. . PPEIFFEII. New Ox ford, + Sept. 4,1567.-.Lniv ORPHANS' COURT SALE Oy, A VALUABLE FARM By virtue of ordern of the Orphans' Court of Adams county. Pa., dire. tea to the undersigned, will be exposed to Public Sole. on Saturday, (he 2Sth day of .skptezol , er, 1567. at I o'clock. P.M.. on the premises, a valuable FARM, late the estate of McnotAs WIEBAIAN and Z. , 1:3 , 01 IVIEP.mAx. situated in Huntington township, Adams co_ on the public roads leadiro , from Carlisle to Sew Oxford, and Hunterstown to York ' Springs, and also adjoining the State road leading from Gettysburg to liarrinburg, being about 2 miles obuth-west of Petersbnrg. and twelve miles east of Gettysburg. adjoining the Wierman Mill property. There are about 135 ACRES of limn in the farm, of which about 50 Acres are in TIMBER and the balance having been all litusd is in an excellent state of cultivation, with flue Meadows. The buildings are a Two-story STONE HOUSE, with Brick Back Building. Bank Bare part log and part triune, Wagon Shed, smoke Hamm, Spring liouse. and other out-buildings, and a never-failing well of Water near the House. Bermudian Creek plumes along the border, and has fine sites fur MIII meets on the farm. It is In the neighborhood of Lime Kilns, School Routes, Churches, ac. The situation of thin Farm and its surroundings make it one of the moat desirable properties in Adams county. Any person wish ing to view the premises will be shown the acme by call ing on Joseph A. Wierman. residing thereon. BA—Terms of sale will be mule known on the day of sale by the undersigned. JOSEPH A. WIERMAX, Executor of Nicholas Wlerman. JOHN DAY, Sept ..4.-to Adrrliuistrator of *Susan Wiermau. rsi_Laut - ast&r Era:tater iu . sert 3 times and send tall to his office. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE On Friday, th, clay qf ,sliptcmber :w.f.!, in pur,uance an order id the Orphans' Court of Adams county, will offered at Piddle Sa!e, at the late residence of David S:arbangli. deceased, the Real Estate of said decedent. consisting of TWO TItACTB OF LAND. in Tyrone town ship. in said county: the first a Mansion Tract. contain ing 38 ACRES and 12 PERCHES, bounded by lands of Peter Trimmer. Daniel Bream, Peter Hummer. Esq., and others. The Improvementsare a Two-story LOO AND WEATIIERBOARDED HOCSE, Frame Kitchen, Double Frame Barn, Wagon Shed. Corn Crib..llog stable, a Spring House, part stone. part frame, now occupied by afarniiy: an excellent never-failing spring, and a very fine Orchard of Apples, Peaches. Plum., and Pears. of choice kinds. There is a reasonable linantity of Timber Land. The land is of an excellent quality. No. 2. a TRACT in the saute township. containing 14 -ACRES and 19 PRRGUES, bounded by Janda of Peter Trimmer. Jo seph ?rustle, Michael Beck, and others. It is nuder good fence and in a good state of cultivation. The ttiwt to bounded by the Menallen read. The lauds will tie shown by the family residing au tile first described tract. le to commence at 1 o'clock, F. 31., nn said flay. when attendance w be giveu and terms made known by JOHN HANI,S. ➢y the Court— W. Minna. Clerk. [Sept. 4.-tn VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE THOMAS E. COOK, GEORGE 11. COOK. Executcrre On Wednesday. the 2nti of October next, in pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Adaur. county, will be offered at PubliC :ale. on the premises. THE MAN SION FARM of Samuel Knox. deceased, situate iu Car. roll's Tract, Ilamiltonban township; Adams ciar.ty, Pa., containing 2t6 ACRES. mom or less, adjoining lanosof William Walter,' Benjamin A. Marshall. DAtiiel Mickley, John Knox told Others. The Improvements are Is large Twostory WO ROUSE, Twtestory *tone Kitchen. Large Bunk Batn, part stone. part (mule. Wagon s!,ed. corn Crib, well of water at the door, water also iu every neni on the farns,an excellent Orchard, containing every va riety of choice fruit; two good )eadows. about 00 acres of good Timber, Ask, Poplar, Hickory. Oak, ac. A public road loath; past the buildings. Ibe property is mullet In a good nelghborhood,,in the vicinity of School House, Cburches, Mina, kn. The Farm Is one of the best stock Sarum in the county. The property will be shown to pet" sons drairous of purchasing by Jivxili G. Walter, resoling on the premises, or by the subscriber, residing logic Fair field, ilkir Sale Co commence at 1 o'clock, P. 3L,on said day, when attendance . witi be giren cod terms made known by JAMES li. MARS ill LL, Aduer: BY the Callrk—A. W. ilinrca, Clerk. Sept. 4.-ts PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY. The undersigned will sell at Public Sale on Thursday, the 191 A day of September, 1867, at 10 e'cleclt, A.M., at his residence lu Menallen township,,on the road tram lien dererille to Arendtarille, 3 miles from Beuderseitle., from Arendtsrille, and 4 from Middletown, a variety VI valtudde Personal Property, including a not," PA3IILY 11111tSZ, IS head of 3liich Cows, all No.l, eye of which will be fresh by the day of sale: onesteer, a tarsi !logo, Brood Sow of the Chester White breed, ;nice 'Shutt& a door-horse Wagau (IL Spring Wagon, a Rockaway Buggy, a Fodder Out ter,f,og Chain, 2 Sleighs, one of them en, horse and one two-horse, a set of Front Bears a Side Sad dle, Corn and Potatoes by the bushel, Bacon end Lord by the pound, a ten-plate Stove, Meat Vessels, Cider Barrels, Grit... Worts, Grain and Clover Seed Cradle, Corner. Cow board, Tables, Chairs. Clock, Iron and Copper Kettles, and a variety of other articles. Air Attendance will be given and Mime made known on day of sale by JACOB GRIST. Sept. VALUABLE PROPERTY • • AT PRIVATE SALE. A valuable tract of land of 16 RES, more or lees. on the Milleretisin road, being the elder of Seminary hill and commending a view of the battle Mild. The in* peovements are an excellent TWO nTOitl HOUSE, a large Garden with 26 select Apple end Peach Trees, perpetual right to the nee of a never-failing well utexcaltent Wuttir, la orchard of about tin liveries Apple Treenot Barri and several Sheds. The heave is heituhlal ly shaded by the adjoining grove el ii. Acres, and near the well. Also, ten Acres adjoining this tract, and 30 more, if de sired, at a very cheap rate. gajor terms apply to Aug. 21,.-tf-eow Valuable MERCHANT MILL , CR. DARK MILL and SAW MILL, with 40 AMPS OF LAND. Known as "&usdoter .14111)" on Marsh triek, in Adams county, Ps., 4 mites' northMrt from &smiths. gurg,and 4 miles southwest froui Nutty4burg, Olin good or d er , mow power hour), and inn gaud grain country. BEM One other MILL. Mamie, as "liollinger's ICU," with 110 Ammo ON WI), one mile from Abbottstown, on the Hanover tantilka: Altm Rood order, •••••it 1 110110 * ARNOLD, gtali.fOltitt WM. A: , DUNCAN FOR SAL V, _ _____ _ The w, er...'PeFt of ",• kcal Otte JrSE AND TRACT OF .I,AND FOR , SAILE. ...., The Itedenigned offers et Print* l!= tentsa, the property on which she it Liberty township, Adagio emery, GC, sdiedid i i - Wo 4 it 4.41444 hietlay, JINNI& Garner. 414ith Boyd *notions halt mile from Diehl's 11111, au the rod= ing ;to Gettysburg, It otudedis 14 AOIMI, .ere of liret-rate cleared land, with a twoetory LOG n“ tog liable, thriving young Apple seed Or chards,a good well of water near the door, andolher,lna , prot emote. rirAuy pram desiring to view the givwdem or to obtain farther information is to terms, to, eon virtu theeindereigned residing thereon, or to monour ft, mot.,st Dishia Mill. IMMIX& MI&LIG. gdpt. 4.-30 FoR SALE A VALUABLE FARM. The undersigned offers at Public Saloon the nth dolt of 3lFptonber,lB67, his FAIINI, gunnel la Ilti townehlp, Adams, coonty,Ps., contshelog 26 A and 80 PA . R.CHBB; all limed and In good oalttrattag amber, one reale went of Round HMI, adjoining landso(Abrthisoe i fs Fick , Lewis Bmith,J. H. Fink . nd others, on which are s'T o-etory HOUHE and Baru and alAneoessary eattwOhla ing all newly built, about 1 acres In good Mabee, a usre -Ailing well with good water Dear rho dour, a Awe .you g Orchanl,oe. 101..110e to eommemm at 1 o'clock, P. 111, of mkt day, what attendance will be Oren sad term* wade know* by ! samun xsTrauxt upt.4.-36 ' . sport SALE.—A Choice FARM, in a high state of reltlvation; 2SI ACME; lACI busintie of Lime to the sera 30 Acne la?layer; jaria !Sauk' Barn and Brick Dwel ling; plenty of Fruit, &a.; 2 miler west from 0 ettyaba rg. One other very desirable FAllll,oontistalim _125 AMIN 25 Acres In 711IBEIt ; buildings good; adjoining libta• doe's Mat property, 8 miles south front Go ttssbusi. 11, per Acre will buy tlds farm. GEO. ARNOLD. August 7,1567:- -Of 0 0I C E WESTERN PRE-EMFFION 4,:iNDS.-I have several Tracts oteholee wmori YRE-R3IPTION LAADR, good. kialikag• sisr Rail r oads, County Towns, Ac., 1n wth.oettled neighbor which I will exchange at a fair pica he real or , tate in Adams county. An 4. 7,1867.—1 t OBORON ARNOLD. FOR. SALE, CHEAP.—A First }ate SHINGLE HILL mid SAW MILL with plash, of woe*, three miles from Cashtown, Adams comity, Pa. Aupi 7,1= --tf A. iII.HUNTIR. Ttgat SOWS. GRAND JURY. REPORT. TO the Iloaorsble the Judges of the Court of Quarter Srsefons. The Graod Inquest of the Commonwealth or Pesissyl- Sunk, l Inquiring in and for the county of Adams, et Ant so esetons, 1867, beg leave to report: That we visited the Alms House and Cousity . .4o. We fund the paupers well provided for, the bollcitage clean and neat, and everything comfortable. The fencing bee - been Much Improved around the premims. The liseeeni deserves. the thanks of the people of the wanly hie • at f. talon and care. We would recommend Omit theinkdt- Honed be remodled and raised one story, and coal beamed in theoven instead of wood. At the Jail we fond the rooms clean. the primmer' comfortable, the Sheriff obliging and careful-and weight recommend that some improvement be made in prevent ing the escape of prisoners, at the back wall of the front building, by placing Iron railing, With spears, on She wall, Sr raisin; the wall. JOhn Spangler, Jr., Jacob Peters, Jacob Diehl, Alexander Jscolei, Gibson Rosa, Joseph .Arents, Lewis Doll, Raphael Sherry, RtillosiCrug, Daniel Smith,. Sept. 4.-3 t REGISTER'S NOTICES. NOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees and other persons ewnceraed that the Aihninistration Accounts hereinafter mentlooedwDl be presented at the Orphans' Court of Adams county, Ihr confirmation and allowance, on MONDAY, the 30th day of SEPTEMBER, 1867, at 10 o'clock, A. 3f., via: 75. The second and dual account of Joseph Lilly, Administrator of the estate of Henry Rally, lact., deceas ed. 76. The account of William 8. Cart, Administrator di boon; non, of the estate of George Heller...l;r., deceased. 77. First acd final account of James B. Topper and Jesse p. Topper, Executors of Elizabeth Topper, deems. 78. The first account of William Kuhns, Executor of Jesse Beck, deceased. 79. The first and final account of Edward Staley and John W Staley, Executors of the last will and testament ofJoh*Staley, Sen.. deceased. SO. first and final account of George W. Shull. 'Ad ministrator of the estate of Julia Ann Dysert, late or Li! tleatow n, deceased. 81 The second andlual account of 3lichael Leer, Es ecutor of the %rill of Elizabeth Leer, deceased. W. D. tIOLT2WORTPI, B.egister Aug.l:S.—tc DISSOLUTION 'plii heretofore existing between J. V. litstmen. and M. P. &ILEUM doing business in Fair field iS, thim day, (Sept. 2nd,) dl teed by Mutual COolleat. All Folsom' iudebted Weald 'firm. will please make pay ment Without delay, as theretiring partner intends en gaging in business elsewhere and would like to bane the Woks Settled up forthwith. Either partner is authorized to use the name of the firm In settling the business. l [wring disp.nred of my stock of merchandise to Mr. A. C. AIt:OILMAN, in retiring from business I hereby return my flotilla to my friends and customers for their liberal pito:nage and cheerfully recommend rur AIUCCISPOT to their gOnerone encouragement. J. V. DANNER. Sept DISSOLUTION. rrirE partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned under 'be grin of flAhlo. La BILUTLIKII., of Petersburg, Y. 8., le hereby 11/i -dol-ed. All petwons indebted t said firm, will please make payment without delay. Either partner is authorised to nee the name of the firm in the settlement of the btu HA I :ING disposed of my stock of ittergbandiee to Metiers. Hartman ilk Sadler, lapd in retiring from asuccessful bueluees career of nearly rigida.* years, t hereby return my grateiul seknow leegemente to my frlende and mob:were far their liberal patronage, and cheerfully recommend to their generate enennrigenient, my sum/ors, Mestri. Hartman & Sad ler. .1. A. GAlthiii SM. AprillS, 1 (7-tf AUDITOR'S NOTICE 1. it II nmierainneet. Audit. r,appolneed by the Orphans' Curt of Adams county, titeulater. to distribute the balance remninlng in the band. of Jona' Daum, Patentor of the !tin Will and Testament of Maar ANN ALLISON, de cessed. to and attiong creditors, will attend to the duties hiA appointment. at his oillee.lti Gettysburcon SATS:M- S lIA ;the 'net day of Sli:PTialßfflit neat, at Ifie`eloct., A. of which all pante:. in interest ■re hereby notifies]. ' D. A. BUIPILED, Auditor. Aug. BLS.-3t 1 1j0TICE.—Letters of Administra- L Lion with the will annexed, on the estate of ill3A ttr9 O . BOLD. Imo orcalowngu township. Adatni want,. deeeusial, having been granted to the underelmel. rc iding in the wilt township, be hereby gisea Doti .e to all peraons inebted to said estate to melte Immediate pity tnent. nud tli,rte having claims against the 4111110 to pre sent thew properly anthentienteil for settlement. MICH A lel. ItEl L It, .AiLser Aug.: 7, 1867.-Ct NOTICE q , 11.g ondereialool h-rphy give. notice to the piddle Unit on the titit day of UOUST haploid. ha port hon ed front dttainatt STAHL. All him Parrolial Property, an. eluding three heed of horned Cottle, one Mare, Untie in the strew, one broad tread Wagon, one Plough. nee Harp row. tItU nets o f Norse Gearli. sr., dud they are 1114 W the propte of the cumierelgoett Aug . CAUTION public are hereby notified not to *runt my wit* 1 • 80 1 1‘thnfaii CRIB?, oo my "mount, AS I Will pay 'OO l , debts contracted by her, nor has Abe authority to dirpma °limy 01 my property. J ACU B MIST. Menallen tp., Ang. 2A.-It • NOTICE. rilimsma: Nov Iss PAheard linlrs Bale. In .11. March Met, will be dueon the Ilith of aI{PTIKMBEIt and will be left at the Pint National Hank orflottplbeirn for coil tion. Prompt pny re ment Iv rignmaill. Pept. 4.--8 t - 9011. H. iIItaTRICIC. • rattle largo,. CN NON'.B CORNER OP BALTIMORE AND BAB:. MID DLI ST.,OPPOSITE, THE COHRT-1101381. GETTYSR URG, PA., • avint onkrairnow OY WORK stxmotilww 1w THE TINESTSTYLE 01'1411 ANT. May..lB67—tf TTYSBURG MARIILE YARR . • 1111•14 I t isid). In /Cast York Btreet, Gettysburg, Pa. Where tbay are priparea to tarnish all kind. of work io their nag., 1317C11 , AB. AIO3IMIIINTS. 701103. IMADBTOSII,3 MANTLES. ke, ko at the,l,, oriotat uutfru,4lllll 4* chf5p.,x414441100-.1.1 No .*B n Prixtue. tarn Mokir Pf.f work. Gott Sky4'9,:pec7 Nuratiattai. pEINNSYLVAIO4 'COLLEGE. , The ' • Tsll &wilco of this. lwaSiistien will ANNIIIIIMMIMY OA Thstrscay, septemtwr 2,4:,14;, And cootiune thirteen weeks. 1111.70 r Catslogoes aniulher hawwwilios ialtrusw—, .key. • t.ut = si n - I • 'r Prinef tat s burg, 7 _B,Eascry 5cH004.4114 wiiiVr aw f #44.4.41 • I= F. DIEHL, Foreman John Rife, Abraham Hart, Joseph Mickley, James A. Mike', Ckariee Ziegler, Isaac Hannan, John' Wilma, John Mortis, John E. Little, W. A. Young. J. V. DANNZIL M. P. 8111ELDS. .1. A. GARDNET. J. W. UARDNICS, IIgNILY A.STAIAL MAMMA WORKS