fitimitetai • AND ann o' 'telegrapA institute. o:niter of Penn and St. Clair Streets, PITTSBURG, PA he Largest, Cheapest, Best CTUAL BUSINESS COLLEGE IN TILE UNITED STATES. . , a' trtng the past ten pears upwards - of 11101FT211,1-THOITSAND years , ,presenting every State in the Union, !rave Gradna- ted here A COLLEGE OP ACTUAL BUSINESS, - • lied with Banks, Stores, Pod Office, Commission 'Brokers' Insurance, Railroad, Steamboat, and Telegraph Offices, ac., combining THEORY AND PRACTICE. meats are thoroughly instructed inall the brandies ZCZ'.4C,IL BUS.LVp.S' ED Li tiding Rook-keeping, Penutenebip, Arithmetic. tom— id Law, Political Economy, Business Correspond— . the Art of Detecting Counterfeit Money, Railroad• Sfeamboating, Telegraphing,. I 4. IIACTICAL BANKING, h e UDENTS GAN ENTER AT ANY TIME, couiplea full course In fi om Konsrto TWELVE weeks FIFTY DOLLARS . . all exiienses for Tuition, Books, Blanks, and Dip- NO EARA CtIARGES YorToumiiaahlp, Stearnbcati+, nailtratiling, Banking or Itiplonui, ne in other College -. Fans LESPIONS daily in Penhiansh* to all students in the Commercial Depart melt. -.,. ein F I: E C a I: Ai U O L 4 A , : I : . e g t hi giving w C i f t u h ll information. and cow , ESTIMONIAL .8 dress the Principals, D .13, 18G0.-ly ri l e Uri nk a complete ontllno of our system of Practical Bu• from Practkal Busiess - Men, Merchants, Bankers, Book• Yee ere, Acr, DICKINSON AT CARLISLE, PEXiVA GU IMPORTANT TO TOUNO MEN CONTEMP LATING A BUSINESS EDUCATION, 0 knovrthnt this Institution em- - - ploys none but competent instructors In every de par ...out, and a sufficient number to insure individual ins' • ction to all of its students, and being eonnected wit "Dickinson College," enables it to present combined fee Ries of the highest order, while the current ex pedites attending a course here, are from 50 to $lOO lees the* at similar institutions in• largo cities. We think thai, when these facts are properly understood by those who contemplate entering an institution of this order, titer will not be long in deciding in favor of Carlisle. Tile following course of Instruction should commend itseg to all, who desire that kind of Information most re qublite to prepare them for any of the buxiness pursuits in BOOK-KEEPING. f Single and Double Entry as applied and practiced in thoArarious departMents of Trade and Commerce, and Ba4king nooses of the country. PENMANSDIP. P t racti I And. Ornamental -of superior Style—giving spettal a ntiob -to proper movement, in the formation anitcomblinstlon of letters, and thereby Insuring to ev ery student a good Current Band. . . BUSINESS ARITIIIIETIC. • Incl g the most approved and beet adaptedlnethods for letli.b inese calculations--Mental and Written. ll 1- ENGLISH . , '4aught with special reference to correct composition, witimut student will be qualified to assume the dutils of a drat class aceditutant. MERCANTILE LAW Taught in classes, using "Dean's Trestles" as a Text liodk, embracing the most Important legal information for' t business man to possess. lItISLNESS FORT AND CORRXSPONDENCF, are daily practiced in the Actual Business Department where the students in connection with their duties con duet ari extensive correspondence, and make out al Pupas from a Receipt, to ajudgmeut Note • . . . _ SPECIAL BiIdNCLIES Phonography ea... Short Hand Writing, Ornamental Pen manship:yen Drawing, Telegraphing, :Natural Philuso. phy, Geometry, Algebra, &c., &c. Wa Melte an impartial Investigation of our (unities, foritimtritifig sound instruction in the branches enitmer atm'. • - - 11EsT41denfa enter at any time, and panne their course without uterrnptlon. itir•For further particnlars, write and receive Circular. Address, A. 31. TRIMMER, Carlisle, Pa. leb. 21, 1867. BUSINESS COLLEGE, BIIYANT, STRATTON S _KIMBERLY'S CORNER 10TH AND CHESTNUT STREETS, PHILADELPHIA YOUNG MEN •pared for the Con s nting Room and Business lire in getteral THEORY & PRACTICE otriblned by means of lisnkr, Business Houses and the nse of all kinds bf Business Paper THIS INSTITUTION is endOrsed by the lending business men of the City stUDENTS RECEIVED AT ANY TIME COLLEGE OPEN ALL THE YEAR ) FOR PARTICULARS SEND FOR CIRCULARS !June 19, 1867.—1 y Pvtril Aitabito. r, GETTYSEURG - LIVERY, & EXCIIANGE STABLES. THE Proprietor -;of these Stables, feelingthankfal for thelli;eralpatronageheretofore received, begs' save to inform thkpciblic that hecontinnes Lae LIVERY BUSINESS at his old stand on Washington s.reet,Gettysburg,lnear the Railroad, where he is pre ed at all times to accommodate p ersou swithanything 11 his line. lIORSES,COACUES, BUGGIES A c Mrnished at short notice and on _reasonable terms, and potent di Wert sent along it desired. , Persons will be toyed to other towns, or to any place in the county!. : is stock and Ooacheetare of the first dais, and no pains ill hampered to make passengers comfortable lie is r at=ed at all times to furnish coaches for. funerals; • so to parties desiring to zo over the Battle Field If toviith the Springs. ALSO-41.0E8E8 AND' HITLER bebough t and sold atoll times. Person sdesitingto rchase stock will Sod it to their advantage to call on . undersigned, as his - stock Is warranted to be as rep tad or no sale; He has aline lot of Horses and ' ttlesat present on band which will be sold on reasons .le terms. They are sound and free from disease, and. - guarantied to work as represented. Persons will .dit to tbelradvantase tortilla; the old stand before . !ringer purchasin g el sewliere. May 29, 1867.—tf NICHOLAS WEAVER. THE EAGLE LIVERY' :.ALE & EXCHANGE STABLES. • ' Washington Street, Gettysburg Pa. DIAM r ING THE EAGLE HOTEL; if HE undersigned would respectful= !I" tr Worm the public that , lie has opened a new HEY, BALE AND EXCHANGE STABLE in this . sod Si prepare* to offer superior accommodations Una • Be baip_rovided himself with Buggies, Car 1, • guytts,ldgat Wagons, Ac ,of the Intuit styles, , to need thepUbli: demand. His horses are all • • withautypot or blemish. and perfectly reliable— 's*, ofyour "did cripples," but all of the “2.40" order. Riding parties can always be *comae:dated and com ya epuipasentsfurthihed. Wee or mall, can gctiust what they want on he mot aocamodating terms. • Vision to the Battleitteld politely attended to, and fable drivers furnished it destuud. Pectin conveyed to and from the Depot upon the ar Tel and Sepangre of every train. • • • Hann boggle} , Wit, or lonhatoped, and always a ' 53 r tiyiPli spea Oa r motto n "tilt play sod 12 36 22 0 • • ..1.1 • • • • • Blocks tor W an to funtiabing Vehicles its!- ' paid • wilititer that by Xl7 by fOralsbing Bowe = swum we' nualiot ail 10 Bloom Over/ *us who patronises miry Mobile& . Mar TA, T. T. TAM.. • SEWING MA CAINE. The only Machine so perfected that entire satisfaction is guaranteed or the purchase monej refunded. When ire have no Xgent a sample ]MachinewUl be sold at very low price, and a Local Agent . appointed 'on the moat favorable terms. N. B.—Send for circular. Traveling Agents wanted.— Salary, liberal: FINKLE & LYON S. M. CO. 567 L'roadway, New York July 8,1869.-Om SIN GFtR''S C ELEBRA,TED SEWING MACHINE THE very beet and latest improved machine in nee, fu sale at the CLOUTING STORE of JACOBS Ai BttO., in Chambetaburg street, Gettysburg, where you.can buy the best and cheapist Clothe, Caasameres and Testinge, and every variety brgoods in the line of MEN AND BOYS WEAR. • Yon can have them Fut out and made up in the very best style if ydh wish,at[moderate 'prices, and without any risk whatever. ' 050. JACOBS & Aug. 16,1866.. - THE HOWE MACHINE CO.'S SEW-MO MAC ►► INES, C 99 gmeenwrcr, NEW YOltk. These World-renowned Sewing Ma chip,e were awarded the Highest Premium at the World's Fair. In London, aril six First Premiums at the N. Y. Stare Fair of 1866, and are celebrated for doing the best work, using a much smaller needle far the same thread than any other machine, and by the intro duction of the most appr3Ved machinery. we are now able to supply the very best machines in the world. These machines pre made at our new and spacious Fac to!), at Bridgeport, Conn., under the immediate super vision of the President of the Company, E.I„.IAS HOWE, Jr.. the original Inventor of the Sewing Machine. They are adapted to all kinds of Family Sewing, 'and to the use of Seamstresses, Dross Makers, Tailors, Madu lecturers of Shirts, Collars, Skirts, Cloaks, Mantillas, Clothing, Hats, Cart, Corsets, Boots, Shoes, Harness, Saddles, Linen Goods, Umbrellas, Parasols, etc'. •They work equally well upon silk, linen, cotton or woolen goods with silk, cotton or linen thread-. -They will seam, gather, hem, fell, cord, braid, bind and perform every species of sewing, making a beautiful and perfect stitch, alike on both sides of4he article sewed. • The Stitch invented by Mr. HOWE. and made on this Machine, is the most popular and durable, and all Sew ing Machines are subject to the principle invented by him. Send tor Circulate. SIBLEY & STOOPS. General Agents, March 19, l.Str;.—ly No. 99.2 Che.dnut St, Phila. SMITH t COWLEY, Pittsburg, Penna. SEWING MACHINES! THE iIEST IN USE.—These Machines have litcota so well known that little need be said by way of recom• mendation. • They have taken the first premium at all the late State Pairs, and are universally acknowledged to be the BEST id nee by all who have tried them. The "Grover 3. Baker Stitch" and the •• Shuttle Stitch" are points that have been attained by no other Machine.— They are the:only Machines that sew and embroider with perfection. These Machines are peculiarly adapted to Family use. They are almost noiseless,sew directly from the spool without •rewinding, and are simple in their construction. They are racy to manage, and can be worked by almost any child. Every family should have one. They care labor, they care t inie, and they met Stoney. and do their work better than it can be done by - hand. The undersigned having been appointed Agent for the above Machines, has established an Agency in Fairfield, Adams co., where be will always have on hand a supply. Persons wishing to buy will please call and examine for themselves. s Needles and Thread will also be supplied. J. S. WITHEBOW, Agent, Aug.16,1866.—ti. Fairfield, Adams county, Pe. EMPIRE SHUTTLE SEWING MA cEuNue are epperior to ail others for PARILT '4ND MLNUPACT NG PURPOSE& Contain all the latest improvements; are speedy; noise less; durable and easy to work. Illustrated Circulars free. Agents wanted. liberal discount allowed. No consignments made. Address EMPIRE S. 11.00., 616 Broadway, New York. Sept. 6,1866.—1 y CORN SI - TRUER, SEPARATOR / AND 'CLEANER. The underigned would inform the Agricultural public that be has purchased from the Patentee or this extraordinary machine, the Patent Right for' tho States of Pennsylvania and Maryland. BrinkerhofFs , Corn Sheller, Separator and Cloan3 er, is pronounced the bestmachine of the kind in this country. And in proot;-ft may be mentioned that the "Advisory Committee appointed to select Implements for exhibition at - t)ie Universal Ex— position in Paris, in 1367, have selected this Sheller as the best in America," and at the request of J. C. Derby, U. S. Agent, a machine has been shipped to Paris for exhibition. One important feature in this machine is that it will shell ears large, small or crooked, perfectly clean, and separates the cob and chaff from the Corn ready for market. The fact may also be stated that at the great trial of Agricultural Implements, at Auburn, N. Y., in July last, under the auspices of the New York State AgLiciiltural Society, the Brinkerhoff Corn Sheller,,Separator and Cleaner was reported by one of.the most competent Committee! as the best Corn Sheller out. They say, "We has care fully examined and thoroughly tested this ma— chine, and halve no hesitation in pronouncing it the best Corn Sheller we ever saw." The re— port is signed by such men as John Stanton Gould, President N. Y. State Agricultural Society; B. P Johnson, Secretary to same ; Solon Robinson, Ag ricultural Editor N. Y. Tribune; S. Edward Todd, Agricultural Editor N. Y. Times. From among many complimentary newspaper notices, the fallowing, from the N. Y. Observer, is deemed sufficient: "Among all the Hand Corn Shellers ,made in New York and Albany—and one single firm man— ufacturers more than 10,000 , annually—not one can enter the circle with the Sheller just invented by J. Brinkerhoff, Auburn, New York. It shells, separates and (licenses. rapidly and easily, at one operation, as fast as the ears can lie put in the hop— per." The undersigned is now prepared to dispose of COUNTY RIGHTS. 'He will have SHELLERS ready for sale in the course of a month's - time. All letters to be addressed to • ifolting Illarhinto. THE BEST WASHING MACHINE. THE undersigned oder& for sale, the TOWNSHIP RIGHTS of kiwi county., for DE LONG'S PATENT, which is the cum/tsar, SLIOLVII and BUT WASH.= that hes yet bees offered to the public. The Eights will be sold on reasonable to rine. This is a fine opportunity fur energetic men to make GDOD WAGES humutacturing or selling these machines. kwample machine will be fur nishod any person who purchidies a Right, if desired, at cost. Call at the gore of Duphorh Hofftuan,N. W. cur. , SOuare, where the machines may berwein and tiled. FRANS D . DIIPHORN. Gettysburg, Jane 26, 1867.—tf gtotilo and potattrantL: KEYSTONE HOTEL, G.ETTYSBURG, PA. • WM. E. MYERS, PROPRIETOR. • NOW' OPEN. THIS is a new House, and has been fitted up in the wort approved style. Its location is pleasant and convenient, .being in the most basines4 portion of the town. klveri arrangement has been made for the accommodation and comfort of guests, with ample stabLiag attachai. With experienced Berland', and se comniodating Clerks, we shall use every endeavor to please.: This ildtel In now opep for the entertainment of, the public, end we kindly solicit a share of publicpatrot age. l May 1867. . • E ' A IGLE HOTEL: .-• The largest and moat commodious in_ GETTYSBURG, PENNA. CORNIS OP CHASHIMIDDIG AND WASHINGTON STILISTS, JOHN L. TATE, ProPrietw% • air An Omnibus, ke•Wassongers and Dogma runs to the Denot, on arrival and departure of hall Road Trains. Carelbi servants, and reasonable charges. I May 29, 1867,-tf •. • • N TIONAL HOrEL9 . _ CASIITOWN PA ., E - . IKITTINGEE, PAOPRIETOR ]AMINO leased the abase weilitnovln Rouse and having tbusoughly relerniebed it, be is now pro per*" to entertain his 'friends - apd the public. The thoistown Sarin: (coetectsti wjth this li ons.,) bate also be ratitt , end . poisons decking to spend a few weeks or mootbs In healthy nal' ,osart a t a ,, morasetraesive ;piece. Largo Autoomedstlosa, the beat of Liquors and Windt. massmable • ` 1 •• • .018. 0114dowarrait JanelB, lB67.—saki . • RtVttt uthtn FINKS tt 'LYON LOOK-BTITCH THE GROWERS BAKER ritiaturat Illyttments. BR I,IKERHOFF'S WM. WIBLE, P. 0. Box 246, Gettysburg, Pa Mar. 14, 1867 inbc *Mr Vltttintl. A., It it T T S THE BEST VEGETABLE HAIlt. RESTORATIVE, TO 'CV ITICIf VrAti *WADDED de I L VE R - 3( E.L , A L I The Hight* Premium a/ he Nem Hampshire Mato AO% Q now eclnceded,to be superior to alt others for rester I ing Graly Hair to its ORIGINAL COLOR This Preparation relieves the hea . of Dandruff, limn ers, anti' all unpleasant Darning or Itching of the scalp, snpplying to the roar of the hair the required nourish ment for the promotion of its growth IT IS. k ,BEAUTIFUL DRESSIN3, leaving the scalp, cool, clean and healthy As: EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED. "(n4 J. R. BARTLETT & CO., Proprietors. Manchester, N. 11. la-Sold by Dr. R. Humor, Gettysburg, Po., and by ru ggistnjgenerdlly. June 28,1867.-6111 Mori T'S 111 F, PILLS ! ! AND PIICENIX BITTERS THE MOST SUCCESSFUL MEDICINES IN THE II ORLI) Established in 1835 14 °nowt our Most Erui Lent Piny anions, ithd now used throughout North end South America, with more pleasing results than any other Medicine civil of diseased Liver, Blood or Skin, Ind' gedtion, Costicrness, Bilious Cons!)taints, Illiennuttism, and Fever awl ,Agee Thouhaud,s of certificates are in our pos,..ssion, giving detailed accounts of perfect cure, effected by these in valuable 31edicluea. They regulate the system and put all the functions of the hotly in a healthy condition Sold by 111 Druggists. White & Howland, Proprietors SUCCe6SOrS to Dr. John Moffat and Dr. W. It. Moffat, New CM April 4, 1,867.-Iyt,iw RING'S VEGETABLE AMBROSIA FOR GRAY HAIR RINGS RINGi RINGS RINGS To RINGS RINGS, Restore RINGS RINGS Gray pair tu its RINGS RINGS OrieinaCColur,Erad- RINGS RINGS ieate Dandruff and RINGS RINGS ( VEGETABLE AMBROSIA t RINGS RINGS i is WARRANTED. RINGS RINGS Humors from the RINGS RINGS Scalp and pro- RINGS RINGS vent Baldnese. RINGS RINGS TRY A iiuTTLIC ! RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS This in the .tMpROSIA that Ring made. This is the Cure that lay 1, In the,AIIIIIIOSIA that Ring (w ade. Thls is the Mau who was bald and gray, Who nu* has raven locks, that say lie used the Cure that lay .In the AMOROSIk that Itiug mule. • Nlitiden, handsome and gay, Who married the man once bald and gray, Who now has raven 'mks, they may. He used the A3II3ItOSIA that Ring made. This in the Parson, who, by the way, 2 Mari hid the Maiden. handsome and gay, To the Man once bald and gray. But who now has raven lucks, they nay, Because he used the Care that lay In the AMBROSIA that lung made. This is the Bell that riivoi away ' To aroase the people. s ad and gay, Unto this fact which here dues lay— If yon not be bald or gray, Use the AM EIEOM A that It ing made. E. M. TUBBS & CO., Proprietors. Peterlimo N. II April, 4, IMi7.-tim BLOOD: BLOOD!! BLOOD!!! PURIFY YOUR BLOOD. P.I..0(11) PURIFYING AGENT An y ffeetmal remedy in curing: Scrofula. Salt Rheum, Toter, Clrers and nores,..Blothes, Pimples. Tumors, Boils, Pustules. tieneral Debttity. Dyspepsia. less of Ap petite. Female Irregularities and Cantiplaints, and, in general, all diseases hiving this?, origin in en impure condition of the Blood, or a ilisordetedst ate of the ner• vans cyst em. This medicine, the result of skillful and scientific corn. bination, is a purely vegetable preparaiiom free front all injurious ingredients. As its name indicates it renovate, the Blood, pur e es out the corruptions that breed in it, restoring its licalthit action and vitality, and striking at the very seat ease,eradicates every trace or it from the sytem, and gives lilooin t o the pallid Cheek, and health and vigor to the frame. Many diseases nod much suffering are directly traceable to the impurity of the blood, and it is of the greatest iraportance tor all that the blood which courses through every part of the system carry no poison or cor ruption with it. To suffer with hideous sores, pimple, and eruptions and other dent:twirl arising from Im our ity of the Itlrsal is no longer necessary, kils the Blood Purify s ing Agent leisure and safe in its effect!. Mothers having effildren sullering from eruptions of. any kind will thud it especially effective. The Proprietor lins many testimoni als from Clergymen and leading citizens of the county where the medicine is prepared certifying to the wonder 'ful cures effected by it Prepared by Dr. H. D. 3IA IZE, Penna. Depot Gilbert Jr Dula, Wholesale Druggii,te, N... :7i9 and t.:11. North Third et.. Philadelphia. ..Grar-For 113 to by Dr. Hobert 11 , dater and A. D. Buehler, Driig-ziste,Gettyebnr4, June 19, 1867.-3nt. DR. L. J. GROVE'S UNIVERSAL MAGNETIC SALVE & PLASTER. 41, r This deservedly popular remedy, - . having been greatly improred, is • ' ;.; .i now offered to the citizens of Adams county. toe many thousands who are daily using R. testify to its magical virtues in the early stages of Consumption, Coughs, local Rheumatism. /Yearn/pia. Jaw and Tooth Ache, Weakness and Pain in Me Back. Side and Kidneys, Gunter, Scrofula, Old Sores. Erysipelas, liresh Wounds, Burns, Bruises, fare or Injlamed Breasts, Inrerled Toe .Nails, f'orns, Bunions, stc., etc Its mysterious virtues, and the wonderful cures it has performed, might be published; but the discoverer is willing to rely on its intrinsic merits, in order to intro duce It into every family in the country. Prepared only by the proprietor. 255 E. Lombard St., Baltimore; and sold by A. D. BUEHLER, Dr. R. HOR NER, and J. S. FORNEY, Oetisburg, anti by the mer chants of the con sty. MIMES - CU :—llenry Culp, of P., Andrew Schick, John Winebrenner, J. L. Schick. .Merchants can get a supply by calling at J. WINE BRENNER'S, at Wholesale Prices, July 31, 1867.—1 y HELMBOLD' S CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Eradicateißruptire 'and Ulcerative Disease: of the Throat, Nose, .40, Eyelids, &dip, and .Skin, Which indistiggfe the appearance, Purging the evil effects of Idurcury,-and removing all taints, the remnants of Diseases, hereditary or otherwise, and is taken by Adults add Children with perfect Safety. Two Teblespoonfulls Of the Extract of Sarsaparilla, added to' a pint of water, is equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and one bottle is equal to a gallon 9f the Syrup of Sarsaparilla, or the decoctions as usually made. An Interesting Letter is published in the Aledico•Chir urglcal Review, on tbd subject of the Extract of Sarsapa rilla, in certain effections by Benjamin Travers. P. R. S., etc. Speaking of those diseases, and diseases arising from the excess of murcary, he states that no remedy is equal to the Extract of Sarsaparills ; its power is extra ordinary, more so than any other drug L am acquaint ed with. It is. In the strictest sense, a tonic with this invaluable attribute, that It is applicable to a state o the system so sunken, and • yet so imitable as renders other subitances of the tonic clam unavailable or injur- HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Establialind upwards of 18 years. Prepared by H. T. lIRLDIDOLD. Druggist and Chemist. 591 Bioadwsy. N. V. sir-Solo by all Dniggists. Apr 9U —ly LADIES. -If you require a ru ',liable remedy to restore you, and remove Irreira aritiesak Obstructions, why not use the best t Thittjv expatience has proved that DR. HARVEY'S FEMALE PILLS. tiive no ennal`for Removing Obstructions and Irregular. hies. No 3nattellruni what cause they arise. They are safe and slue lit 0411 case. Price . ' One Dollar, nerbox. DR. HARV&Y,'S GOLDEN PILLS, Is a remedy four de etiistrouger than theabove, and intended Tut special cas along stand*. • ! e, Fi Do are per box. A LactiSe Private Circa , iol .Engrayitagt, sent free on applicgtion. If youernot ,ist the Pills Alma ruggist, send the money to r. J. Bryan, 819 Broadway, , New York, and they will sent free from ohs ation by return o mall. ; an. 10, 1867.-ly For saki in Emmittsburg, Md.. by .T. Stein A Co. LOY' AND MATRIMO Y.—The -M-Al affections of the apposite tar may be nod by fol lowing siMple rules. and all may many happily, it de sired, without regard to wealth, age or beauty:\ Seta di rected envelope and stamp for particulars to Madam,,I7CILLISDEbLIMILE,BibIe lloture,tie*York Jan.10,1867.-Is A VOID THE QUACE3.—If you are sullbrinl t fro the effects of Youthful Ludrieretion and have eutinal Weakness, BMillaania, Ike, I vlil send yon,fres arrant, latormatiou which If followed - will cure you uithouethe aid of Medicines. Address EMILY AMEIDEN, Station D. New York. Jan. 10,11864.-ly ELMBOLD'S 'Extract. Sarsaparilla craltuas sad reamtes the blood, Wallis ifitor to the mom, aad purges eat the bonen bat Oak! diseme• a few of the worst (Warders; that Ismactud miles finoition of tholAciod. isnot SporzWi li p emedy of the at- OT ad! , Pink)ldi wia4 . , PISPI! 4I 4 Attitturil, _ -.. '' .-- "‘ . .":: . ..•.! . . : 161 - 0iiit..1' .. '..,:::.i...:: - . .- - 11-1 E -67.0,i14.;:7647ciiiiii PREVENTATIVE. • X. 1866. L• • IRE GREAT, Zingari Bitters. TEM WONwERFiII, REMEDY wee discovered en . 1 Introduced about twenty yearsigoby Dr,.l3.CheoP sus, an eminent Egyptian physician. • . Ile had long seen and felt the want of some remedy which would strike at the root of disease. and so pre vent much of the suffering which the he man family teas then compelled to Pruitt re. This great question was presented is his mind every day in vivid colors as he moved among the sick anddyingi and otwerved the inefficiency of nearlyall the remedies then in use. Thus be was led to think and experiment; and after ten years' study and labor, ha.preeented to his fellow-man the fronderful Zinger' Bitters. The effect of this preparation in the prevention and curs of &Seise, was so msrvelluus and astonishing, that the most flatter lug marks of royal favor were bestowed upon him who discovered it. Uhl name was plaoed upon the Roll of Nobles, and a gold medal with the following inscription i—Dr. B.Cheopsus, the Public Renefictor—was presented to him by the Viceroy. The preparation has been used in several epidemics of cholera, both as a preventive and curative measure, and with such great success, that it has been introduced into nearly all I he general hoepitals•of the old world. The old saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, applies with marvellous force to cholera, and therefore any remedy that will protect us against this terrible disease should be freely and persistently sued. All pathologists now agree t hat t hechol era poison acts on the system through the blood. and that any combina tion which acts on the excretory organs, and Imps them in working order, must prevent a sufficient accumulation of the poison to exert its terrible effects on the organism. This is-true not only of cholera, but of nearly all other maladies, especially the di ffereut forme of fever. • • - - • . The Zinger' Bitters is just such a remedy as the above conditions require. It Jets on the organs of excretion and secretion, keeping up a perfect balance between them. This Bitters is composed entirely of roots and herbs, so nicely concocted that every organ Is acted upon ens put in tune. Its taste is pleasent and its elfecta prompt end lasting. Numerous cases of the following diseases have been cured by it: Cholera, Diisrrlicea, Dysentery, ecrofnia, Typhoid and Typhus Fever, Fever, Ague, Nervous De bility, Anaemia, Female I rrecularities : Dyspepsla,Platu lency, Colic t ke. Price One Dollar per quart Bottle. Principal Depot at the Walnut street wharf, Harris burg, Pa. Bold by Druggists,llotelkeepereandOrocersgenerally. 10_0. F. KALBFLEISCII. !lulu Agent tor Gettysburg. F. ItA !ITER, Sole Proprietor Oarridburg, Pa May 29, 1867 NO MORE BALD HEADS: NO MOUE GRAY LOCKS! DR. LEON'S ELECTRIC HAIR RENEWER. IS pronounced by all have used it the very beet preparation f, , r the Heir. It Is apo eitive cure fur lia Plums. traiiratee Demi:ALl and Humors. elope the hair groin filling out. and speedily eesitoree Gray Locks t , their original hue and lux 'dance. It operates on the secretion., and fills the glaods •it b Dew l ife and coloring matter. Thin. dead- failedor gray hair alit always be brought back by a few applications, to its youthful abundance, vitality and color. It wakes the hair .It, glosay.fragrant.pleasaut to the touch and easy to arrange. Dry. a iry, and intractable locks become moist. pliant, and disixoted tc teuaain in any desired position. As a hair tireviting it has no equal. The sales are enormous, and it is a nuiremil favorite with old and young both sexes. Sold by Druggists throughout the Coital States. Ad dress all ordt to ZIEGLEtt L 4311111, Sole Proprietors, 137 North Third At - ett, Philadelphia Dec. 19, 1867.—1 y MIIMIE= IIt.ITIIEIZS, are you oppressed a ith anxiety Slot your little ones? Are your slumbers and hearts broken by their cries? Do you wake In the morning surefreelied and apprehensive? If so, primire at "nee s'lsitie of Dr. Le on's taunt Remedy, and you will hare to more weary bourn of watching and anxiety lilt. LEON'S INFANT lIEMEDY Midst.. I the tout of years. Thousands of nurses and Mo thers boar witness that it serer tails to glee relief if used in seater. It is a mild, yet sure and speedy elite fle Colic Celtalpa and Whole Pains. and is tut:doable for all complaints incident to Teething. sold by Druggists throughout the U. States. Addre.s all orders to SMITH, Sole Proprietors. .137 North Third Street, PlillaNiphia. March IS, Is67.—tim. VOTING MEN, the• experience of A. past ter years has demonstrated the fact that le limner may be placed lu the efficacy 4.4 BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS, ter the speedy end tiermanent cure O(Se/taunt weakness, Ernisnious, Physical and Nervous debility. impotenee.oe want or power, the result of eeznal Exceut. or Youthful keitaCretion. which neglected, ruins the happiness. and unfits the sufferer for linsinevs, social aciiity or Mar riage. and often terminates in an untimely grave Make TI,I delay iu seeking the remedy. It is eatirady vegeta ble a”1 harmless •n the syst en:. ran be tia-t1 without de tection or ititiitiferehre with business pursuits. and no change of diet is necestary while using them. Price, One Dollar. If yon contint :Tr: theta of your iv. 11C11 , 1 the money to Dr. J. Itrynn. nln 13rtmadw.ty, Now York, •nd tboy will be •ent fro.. from oheor•ntion hcreternof UlAil Pried!, areufarsto G. , narmen sentfer ,, n unpack/lion. For dale in Ernalittsburg, W., by A. T. St. In k Co, Jan. 10, 1567.-ly y 0 UNT'S COMPOUND! FOR THE CURE OP PUTRID SORE TARO AT, LNFLUENZA, or any other Inflammatory or inward disease of the Throat if not of too long standing.. Also, SCARLET FEVER. This medicine has been tried in THOUSANDS OF CASES, i in different parts . the rsdi ntry, and has never been known to fail it to in in time and itecortlitig to direc tions. It is wark! eil to cure. GiVait ill trial and it will ei.evk for itself. s. ery household slain hi provide them selves Is ith b b. a of this medicine and keep It on , Lands. The en tea that it has effscted aro trrrly marvelous. irg_Prepared and sold by ISRAEL brat & Co., Gettys burg. Pa . °thy their authorized agents. For sale at nearly all the Stores in Adams county. May !ZI!. 1513.-tf ISIC AEL YOUNT k CO. A Clear Smooth Skin and Beautiful 1',11.,ws the to.: of Eletall.ld'a Concen• trate.' Extract Sa-saparilla. It removes Mack ripots, pimples and ii eruptions of the skin. YOUNG LADIES BEARE !- W Of the inJuriorui effects of Face Powders and Wash es. All such remedies close up the poresuf the skin, and inn short time destroy tae complexion. If you would have a fresh, healthy and youthfu. west:once, use helm bold'e Extract Sarsaparilla. THOSE who desire brilliancy of com plexion moat purify and enrich the blood, which lielmbold's Concentrated Extract of flanwparilla invari ably ,toes. Aak for ilelmbold`c Talc no other. TN the spring months, the system natu i tally undergoes a change, and ileittbold'e Highly Concentrated Extract of Sarsaparita is anassistant of the greatest value. luouraurt. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY THE FARMERS' AND MERCHANTS' INSURANCE COMPANY, OF YORK, PENNA. • Incorporated by the Legislature cf Penn'a. in 1864.. AuTHORIZID CAPITAL.. 5100,900 00 CAPITAL PAID In AVAILABLZ ABUTS 52,974 17 I NSURANCE can be made in this company at as low retell as are consistent with the security of the Company and the parties insured, and on as accommodating terms as with any Company in the country. No premium notes are taken and consequently no .as semments will be made on its Pdlicies. This being an inland Company, no risks will be taken in the large cities. More than half of the entire stock is owned by its MQb cars and Directors, which Is a guarantee that its affairs will be ev managed as to make It • safe medium for instn , REMO. _iflthii' Ai.pllc‘tions ma 'e through the Post Office, from any part f the country, will meet with immediate attention. Office in the corner-room, Second Story of HARTMAN'S BUILDING, Centre Square, York, Pa, President—HENßY WELSH. • Via Presiderst-aDAVII) E. SMALL. Directors, Philip A. Small, • Jolla A. Weiser. M. B. Spahr, Goo; W. Ilgenfrits, Chides A. Morris, W. R. Kurtz, (at 0 ) John F. Spangler, Lewis Carl, _David E. Small. Treaniter--Ch arise Wager. ' Secretary--,q. Kirk White. HENRY A PICKING, Agent, Gettyebarif, F. N. W. ROWER, ' Yore. Springs Jaue 28, 1867.-3 m LIFE INSURANCE. THE NORTH VERICAN LIFT AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPAkY OF PHILADELPHIA, DISCRES PERSONS OP ANY AGE .. fft. OCCUPATION AGAINST DEATH EITHER FROM DISEASE OR ACCIDENT, AT LOWEST CASH RATT.S. ALL life policies of this Comp/Aram pay a bl e at the age of . 801 so that's man may enjo7 the beredit of his inmetment in his old age, if his life is protracted ba yond four score yean. .. CAPITAL. $500,000. i • OVVICUS: Le is L. Hoept, President. •8. Dar&m, &leretary and Treasorsr. • Di. la. is 1,. lionnt, Samuel 42. d er, W. W. w l it Kurtz, 11. R. Leisenting, James fibiold; J, Z. lingtirlY • James M. nnid, John Binginun, Thomas IL Peterson, John A. tt. APP I .I to •• Y A. rICILING, Esq aettypbmiir • Agent for ' Adams (Monty. - MirGenend 482 WALNUT T., PIin&DELPHIL: . , Aug. 21,3 i • • UAL: • • THE NE* SIX PER CENT. PENNSYLVANIA . . • STATE LOAN. FREE FROM ALL STATE, COUNTY AND AWNIQIPAL TAXATION. Win be farnkhed in!erams to snit, on application to the neatest Batik or Banker; also by either oldie undersigned. ' JAY COOKE h CO., DREXEL & CO., E. W. CLARK t CO.. Bankers, Philadelphift; GETTYSBURG NATIONAL BANK.' GOVERN4JENT! BONDS OF ALL ISSUES, SE-V.EN!TIIIRTIES AND COMPO U.A 7 1.) INTERES 7' \'O TES, li,ought and sold Orders tar purchase and sale of STOCKS, DONDS 'AND GOLD, piomptly executed 4fiP-INTEREST allowed on SPECIAL DEPOSITS. at S. 4 and 6 pee cent., according to length of time of de- "Kelt. July 3,18 in First liationg Butt of Gottyskr[, INTEREST ON DEPOSITS AS USUAL- Bass and Sells all Kinds of GOVERNM I ENT SECURITIES, GOLD 4Np SIL VER, Converts 7-30 ..,AVes into 5-20 1. S. Pont& /r< Orders solicited and . promptly at tended to. GEO. ARNOLD, Ca4hicr. t.pril 11, T-67. Vhotograph WE are always glad .to 'see our friends at the k:icelshir Gallery, it still stands In the same old plate opp.usite the Bank on York' et., Get tysburg, P. C. J. TYSON. PHOTO MINIATURES at the Ex celsior Gallery are superb and are furnished at one-third cisy prices. Call and examine• specuneu'o. EXCELSIOR is our motto. To WedUltl'0111" 'lira! and t. render 4at . ixtiction in every ..Ur d,terniinntlot. IONSTAN,I'LY on hand an assort meta f.f the Prtures,Phoutzraph Alt. rant. and Bnikettit for plumes, from the Battle-held. I.ll.4ographr"t tttar enerotl. and other dis - tiuguhthetl in.tivitluxh, at the Gall«ry r H E best Photographs made in this Cohnty are nhhle at the Excelsior Gsllery. Gettys burg, opposite the old Bank. C.J. TYSON. 1 . 3 Y all Weans baye ywir made at jj the E.scelsior tiallery it you desire they per ,..•t. C. J.1Y:,..)S LARGE VIEWS of the Battle-field, singly or in eel*. very low; aeleo Virwx to thellattle-tleld, Lt the Exf:el. ior IF, I .4 fail to ere them. C. J. TYFel:i. I. I I II.kNIES sOF EVERY KIND, 1. /Ix Loir! Pietur., Mart!, ; :, eqrtificates, , Ml,c:uo.n . ••)..,.‘;.. at S. 0 silk:Al. : FF.l., yr 0 , 11Irr). Jur, Z., 1 2 ? TVI 0 V AL! TIIE GETTYSOURG SKYLIGHT GALLERY. THE indextigned takes pleasure in annontiong to Mt citizens of Getlystmr,; and tli'e public genejealty that he has rdihured front hi. IT room. on West Middic street, to Baltimore street and u••arly oppisitte thot st4ree.4 Foiloe,to k Ilrotherh. The a,.a oCCIIVieIe, has 4,11 recently ri t tril np eXp:t,,ly for hi, hmitre.a. The location 1,, an admirulde ezin. et:3l , !.lliLt him to take picture.* in all shad, of weather, alp! w:th a otrecttiess nnequ:slied any 'abet ee I,IPE_I.TE}L . T (. d. II of every 117.4 slll , l.los , ript:W/. 4.1,011...! 114 ti ti r,t4ty Particular 3ttenti , o, r:iven t.. tt:e A ItTE-Ut. IT E. :1 tot Irucopying Alll3laoYl k:S 11111 11.1.; :it::i:UTYPEr of deceased ft ibnJe. Ire Tli I.:Trryst:l4l:; G new otyleuf pictiire which tow lee , lne very P. , Pukr with the pubic. not only for t ben l.nt for c neat and convenient, SIXTEEN fir ONE iniLLAR on ly. Altar--Tilr. PORGY-LAIN PICTURES. which for their beauty and durability urn We are prepared to curry (.0 the t u ine.s In a!I its various branches. and basing tns , l con ra F..rience we eon no risk in GGA R A ATE RING PE T S A TISFA CTION. Our Utilities far (0 tull tlbbbsy of our akili are unegnitl ed by any other thillery in the county. nud would herefore inyitu eery line to cad: at the NEW GErTYSBURG SKYLIGHT GALLERY Call arid examine our srecinsens awl judge vonr selves. LEVI M June 21, 1466 J GURNE'Y '& SON, • PHOTOGRAPH ARTISTS, 707 Broadway, .New York. In addition to mit PIIOTOGR AMC ART GALLERY, established 1810. We have for , the last fire years had ad vantages superior 10 any other establkliment in obtain ing sittings from lift, of all the PROMINENT CELEBRI TIES of the day in CARD' PORTRAITS. Id are now publishing a Catalogue of over 2.M.00 SUIt.IE , TS, A M F.P.I CAN AND fortgioN, also a large Mat of Copies of WORXS OF ART AND ENGRAVINGS. Bach as the Right liter. Bishops of the Episcopial church, the Catholic Clergy, and the Clergy °fail denominations, all prominent officers pf the A limy, Navy and Confederate States, Actors and Actresses. Proje‘sional Billiard Play ers,Foreign celebrities. Pictures from Statnary, male and female. Catalogues sent pn receipt of Stamp. 'An order for one dozen pictures from onr Catalogue will be filled at El.BO, and sent by Mail free. Single Pictures 25 cents each, copies of engrarings 15 Cents each. N. B. We also desire to call attention to the advantage we have for reprodectag,or copying, Old Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypeo,Card Pictures, Au., of DECEASED RELATITES AND FRIENDS, enlarging them to any size. unit finishing in Oil, Water Colors, or India Int, with the pfd of TEN TALENTED ARTISTS. Parties desiring'copies, should therefore correspond with us direct. SEND FOR A CATALOGUE. The Trade Supplied at a Liberal Discount. GALLERY OREN FOR FREE INSPECTION. and ',hangers visiting the City, will find our Gallery one of the most agreeableplaces in'. the City, wherein to while away an holm T J. GURNEY k SON, Pnoronaaranta, - Oct. 4,1868.-42 S 707 Broadway, N. T. 40,1X/0 00 Tquftetions, 'Wet cream, togs, &c. SOMETHING NEW IN GETTYSBURG ! The undersigned has the pleasure of informing the Minims of Oettyabprg and vicinity, that he is now pre• pared to supply them with thei famou qR AM SODA, d rawn f ron i Doer, Roam Founcidn, which has become so pepular in the titles. ifyou have never tasted this de• lidos§ drink, you don't know (what you have missed. Try it. Ones tasted, you w iillbecome a regular patron. I lave also 'opened my ; • . ICE CREAM AALOON, with accommodations for Ladles and Gentlemen, and am prepared to supply private `families. Parties, Ac., on reasonable farms. Also, constantly on hand, fresh coNirEprloxs,- aikes,ac, Call at the old eatablished stand on Clam berebrirg 'Meet, olmeite the Lutheran Church adjoining the Keystoie Hot ;May 29. I/167.-3nt ' E.'3. MINER:iII. Fresh Confeellonery, &e. 1" HE inbscriber coals the attention of the citizen" of Gettyskurg and vicinity, to his fine Confectionery : Istablishent, one door east of the Ingle Hotel, on Oliambersbn g street. _ • Oakes, Owndies,inud every d escription et Confections together with Nula,Orangol and all kindsoirridts al. linos on hand. ' Ralik's, Peblicakd private as well *eternities wil Ibe (*Dished with all kinds of Cakes,lce Orsam, (In pyraini daltorm orothezwiee,) and othenrefreahments at their houses, upob short Wotice. Haring sent a Hte-•time niche busineSs. he flatters kuneelithai he tinderstands i tland that hal - sable t o ren der entire tisliction . i Fallagd k eethegatifectionnry. I JOHN GRUEL. iiiity 29,1{E7. 1 t i , • , 1 . T°YB'tattoos, Marble,, ke., at -,- , . , ,J. M. WARNER'S , Gr° an , 1 i d bee r J. M. v miler's Store. PRESXe CONFECTIONARIES at T. M. 7411NICIL'8. tHR Salt sn frembeet FRUITS. VIITS, &e. It J WM:Waive,. T 08,10040141488, P Se. Ao., at. 41. 1 . WAIINIRIBv 4„,e J. EMORY BAIR. Cuallier 'l' HE ALLOWS SEEM C. J. TY6ON C. J. TV SO' ifik , VtiottitautouS. TAE WASHINGTON• LIBRARY CO, PILILAORLPHIA,' Ii Chartered by fbe;State of Pennaylvaniaoked Organised in sid of:the RIVERSIDE INSTITUTE FOB lEDUCATIMiI GILATLITIMIX SOLDIERS,' AND SAILORS' ORPHANS, Incorporated by the State of Sew Jersey, AMU. Btb, 1867 SUBSCRIPTION ONE DOLLAR THE WASHINGTON LISP? RY COMPANY, BY VIRTUE OF THEIR CLIAR'TER QM ACCORDANCE, WITH 'Ts pßuvtsioNs, wit! distribute THREE HUNDRED THOThiAND DOLLARS lii I'IIESENTS TO THE SHAREHOLDERS, 'ON WEDNESDAY - , SEPTEMBER 1867, =I Or• . rit th Inetitutc, Eirereitic, X. J ON E ENT WORTH $4O,!WrO. ONE PRESENT WORTII $20.1) , 1) ONE PitEzi ENT WoitTfl sl9,lsnl NE I' it 1.: EN T wo t Two PRESEsrs EACH And maim large I,resentA. Il se wil , le.avt•suitting Is 8300,000. For foil nolindrile of I'r rot, one eirculorn. nent hee on application. Such Certincnto or Snick in :actin:no lard. Niih n BEAUTIFT!.. STEEL-PLATE I:::‘,;E;RAVINt;, NVORTII )If)ic F. AT ItET'All, THAN rERTIIIC.kTI:. 'pi the, puEsw , T IN STBsCHIPTION uNE DoI,LAIZ wr. li6Ll-5 pAI h g 0.1 t. Our ItArgil A 1.1:11i: hits . I evi }II47I . RVIIIg. Mt choice Ji•Afl the t. 1 1 ,0". 1 . 1.1, ItJott Utie Cortincate of /he P1c...L1 ill (IS CF: .AT DISTIII lit: I IfiN. uNt: DuLLAP. N,,. Child: )ly Chil ::" Saved: They', Say.-1:" ; or, the Ent ly lay 4 Rev•iln Any perxou pay mg TN U LULLS R In:: tine kn.: and Two Cer titicatt-et 1-f ft.n L, tlinA mink entitled toTu,.Pte .4loA. TWO Lot.LAI: EN' it VINOO3 I.—' W ;1 , 4 1, ?.--Wnn!ling tora'n withLin.' I„ti.“,r." TI1lti:11 DOLLAR. ENGRA n% pe, TILHEE ItOLLARE , _ will the L•teel 1.1.. tr 14 "HOME k::(/‘1, THE 1,,, , .115iug ent:tl..l nwd I!.:ur Cettilit vt 1)01.1,AR I:Silt A V I NGS. A roc !ti;.! FOCI( DOLs.AItS the Ilrxe at. I 21111 PE1:11.. 017': F Alf C,1111..a1,..A . : 4 ( 4 , 11(1Ii111,: then' to jut FIVE 114iLLA V. pr.5.,.,h who I.:ty.g VI V h QL.1.,11:6 .c 4,1 xti Pl - 0.• - THE !,lAtti:IAGE PI , - .10. .!,'w.ere•! :c. L A,,:t It• 4r:O. eNpl 1101 V WITAIN SHARES AND f:- GI 1r , - =E=rll L, .1, ti•.‘f ~”• 11-k. L., e•~:~ • ' ,l,t, .1' A. LIP. .•1 11. A •i,tlae U Ith ErlglnV.4,.. ".1i nt the U:/ !i.! 4 , 111 .I';l.Nrz.: IVAN: inviAL:IDE INSTITUTE ~: Ida.!: G. I ..h . t:n T,z u..- • .1, !:t1rr.“41:,•• tio. 4.•••:•1-t. •I !I, n:,:4 vrr;l ,- 11( JN, NV ILLI,kM B. .\IANN, BiiLrs( t Att. t. HON. LW'ri R. 88, , i)V, I. L, ( Mitt. ..1 P 1/ON. jAM F.:S M. 6(IIVEL, Nett J,'r,'v. HON. \V. NV. ‘VA!ZE, New ivr,,ey. HENRY GOMIAN, Azent J. I:. (ME, Esq., . . C,t• A O._ Pl.Uw!,!phia P. C.. April IS, received tiiry ry ibetira :bat t.apr..i'reds the enterprise ctiiiitnetid by the W.l.llll4;tee Lihrar:, C•l4lipltly rill be drvott4i to charitab!.• tleteA, perlilk.i,ll is h-reby granted to said Corututto to co , rul , ,w,t such enterpro, exctupt (rum it diarutr, Si bet her frobi elaetai tax or tither duty. E= I:,vtnu I:. A. 1101.LIN:5.C..mtnih,tourr 'no Assatiati..m hare app.,inte.l as Receiver ., Messrs. (11.:0111it: .4.1 IJONE it 'U.. j:.; South Thin/ Stseet. lielyhTti, whose *yell- a thregrity and buoiness ox ;.rrfencc will Lea out t guarantee that the money intrusted to them will . nmiptly applied t.. the put -14.2q. +tate.l. PIIILADELI . II2A, PA., May '...M,1867. Ojirer, nud ..11rInt,ra rf the Washington Library READ, .Secretur!,. CNTLEN £5 :-0.1 receipt of your favor of the 15th Met., notifying us of l our appointment as 'Receivers for your Company, we took the liberty . to submit a copy of your Charter, with a plan of your enterprise to eminent legal authority, and having received his favorable opinion in regard to its legality, and sympathizing with the benevolent object of your Association, viz: the educa thin and maintenance of the orphan children of our soldiers and sailors of the Riverside Institute, we have concluded to accept the trust, and to use our best efforts to promote so worthy an object. Respectfully, yours, kc., GEO. A. pooK E; & CO., Address all letters and orders to GEO. A COOKE CO., RANKERS, 33 South Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa Receivers for the Washington Library Co. JOEN R. Timm, Gettysburg. Aug. 7.-2 m. , JUST PUBLISHED, NEW WORK ON SINGING. BASSINPS Twenty Melodic Exercises, . IN FOlllll OF - SOLFEGGIOS FOR SOPRANO OR "MEZZO SOPRANO VOICES, INTENDED AS Studies to acquire the 4 4rt of Singing. "Three exercises were composes to be used almnitane• onsly with hie system,'"Tas sat or durance," or - with any oilier method for the cultivation of the voice, and will take the place at OONCONWS .SOLFEGGIOS; being more melodious and better adapted for teaching. "dome of these exercises are specially • beautiful as well as useful, a mlnglingeof the duke et utile, which se cures the interetit as well as the improvement of the dtudent. The various sty I& developed in these exercisea render them invaluable halm educational point of view, as they tend to enlarge the intelligence and the ap preciation, and at the some time form the taste of the pupil. They most be studied carefully with reference to the Innumerable marks of expression and forma of or namentation: Upon the minute accuracy with which thOle are accomplished depends the actual eterlieg ad vancement of the pupil; any eveusion or slurring in these respects 113 time and effort utterly wasted, while, on the other hand, a claseand patient investigation, and a min utely faithful execution of them, will give unexpected power and faculty. and open to the student the means and resouries by which great artists produce their meet brilliant and profound effecbt.--Wation's Art Joanna. DT TWO TOLUmEB Priv, each, in Boards. Retail. $2 00 do do in Ciuth, Retail - - 260 I Satopk Opp sent by Mall,•pcat.pakl, on receipt o Ithiidaiale Price( $1.60. Published by W6I. HALL & BON, No. 643 Broadway, New York. Publishers and dealers in , Music, and Manufacturers of PLPTRB, PUPS, FLAGINGOTB, io n 3c., dc. Bead for catalogue of prices. .fnly 3,1861.--$l2. , , qoo: BUSHELS - EGYPTIAN SEED WHEAT, !or Sale. A De, variety • ykida vvell, not apt an kn ripen, -early; and entirely *ea tram all Blth. Prke,ll3" perelkahei. WM. wins, 4ag, 7, 1887.--tf NeatClettyabitrg, Pa TTENTION,,ZOITAVES! Sll "Gettysburg Zottaseso will meet tof Driu e l ;a Huainan every Tummy esti Aida Sereukkihat.44!clock, et the Cdrertakoseeyunt ,l l otbiendaeardirof.. Ity order of theolept4is ii WIL. L 3UZ 0. S. ,Jedru, mor.-tf. SELL - G _OFF! . THE FIRST SEMI-ANNUAL SALE FOR 1867, „, DRY G001),', Nom COMMENCES MONDAY, JULY 2i) AND WILL BE CONTINUED 40 DAYS Our whole Sam Mer Stork Marked DOWn, and trum :;l1 to 50 per cent. leAstiutu regular prim•... our ()Nee( ift•ll:g tti tt.TII c:1,11 GOot:ti t! ,Lt Hvul,l Othel WIZ!!! lie Ull 4,111 . ..T14.11 . 01. aii i to Mal r. ru du fir the !ar!,rsi Stock of hare r rcrheil \IA P '!'l4 -I, ‘ • L.E r; . 1. Moza. from to ;;" EMT Wool !iv In rpolli a tv t rl Aiptu•ar ;:F. fro : , 1 cottK tram t•• = BLEACHEI) :)11.;51.1Ns I lAlti) WIDE ntom 12} "FO CENTS. U.i~ a..). C......, Y.. -t. !.. 1-t ; t.. 2 =II P.,ra3,14 anti s,ara Jri4, Coll:a4. Net. lu 14'1.1,z. Linea ilati.lisrrcLidn fet t,12-5 crn t% 2‘) will be s, 4.1 3t 51! ft 1011 70 F..rit? to S; S I Cott:AD .(r . fr-rn 15 to 40 rtit. , —ordy Arirti.m Tickini.! , from to .P) rents ?h,•rt[n • Q U G 1, AS S- in the C..uuty offered At New York prices. flu 11,4 a A c1:1;11 mu buy 3.1 enr.lp 3 • t! . ... 1 13“./t tii/Crienl,l-1 At WORTH KNO \VEX ! CHEAP DRY GOODS! WENTZ, OVERBAUGH & Co •"nc t Fi‘v BRoAD\VAI", HANOVER, PA. Id the Room formerly occupied by J t.r 11A\ ji.t :r.rhr•l frith: Eastern where the !...v, tl,:ht I.kr4e .11.1 Stock of 1.., • , ,0 Tuey are 11:1 • X prepared ro tar, 1., the, public Goods of every ,!,zu,u neualiy kept iu a first-cnt.4 Pry (0..10 Than they have been since to 'war. tb.-y t" St4,i; tote purcLot*:::;.Plvki..wi,, :Loin Sc ..<1; iy c•ntir,iy t e r. and ipought My I,GT:t NEW ~PitING GOODS. JL. SCHICK invites the attention • "f hie friete!i and Catfloolers to Ilia large and well .elected stuck of Comprised in part of French Mot - eta - a,. All Wool Poplins, All Wool Delaines. All Wool Plaids, Plain. Poplins, Black and Fancy Silks, Txmisn Cloths. Black and Colored Alpaccae, Black Cloths an Cassimeres. Fancy Cassinets. Jeans. Gloves and Stockings Ala halloo. assortment of Ladies' SURSANDSHAWLS, as well as an abundant variety Of Notions, all of which will be sold cheap for the ranh Stay 2.9, 1867. J. L.SCHICH. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES OF' DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARD WARE, Q ErEENSWARE, ' AT J. C. ZOUCK & SON'S, NEW OXFORD, PENN'A- We have just returned from the City where we bought a very large and well selected stock of goods suitable in outline under the late decline. Our stock consists in part of Plain all Wool De Lefties. Challis De Lalnes, Cali- coes, Plaids,Bleached- and unbleached Muslin., ClURli mere', Coonades, Kentucky Jeans, Linens. A large lot of Ladies' Balmoral Gaiters, plata and tipped Morocco Shoes. A complete assortment of Groceries at low rates, Hard ware each as Tiro Iron, Spring, Shear, Blister and Cast Steels, Hone Shoes. Horse Shoe Bar, Nail Rod 1 , , Ham mered Iron, Nails, Spikes, 'Shovels. Spades and Perks, Door Locke, Pad Locks, Latches, Hinges, Screws, Table and Pocket Cutlegy, Grindstones, Paints, Oils, GI ,se, Putty. kc., China ald Queensware by the set. We invite the public to give us a call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere as we are determined to sell. Thankful fur past patronage we hope to merit the same in the future. June 14,1867.-din J. C. ZODCH k SON. JUST NOW- CHEAP BALMORAL SKIRTS, EUREKA BALMORAL SKIRT'S, M'ALEESE k JOHNSTON'S BALMORAL SKIRTS, ROSALIND BALMORAL SHIRTS, GERMANTOWN BALMORAL SKIRTS, WEB-BOTTOM HOOP SKIRTS,. 'SIMPLEX ELLIPTIC , HOOP SKIRTS, WASWNOTON HOOP SKIRTS,. the best Hoop Skirts in America. Al! Bolling cheap at Aug. 21-St ROW & MOODS. NEW SPRING GOODS. A SCOTT & SONS have just received q another fine assortment of NB W GOODS, consist ing, in part, off:loth', Cassimeres, Cassiettsi, ll,entucky. Jeans, and Tweeds, for Oentlensen'4 wear. Also,.a &Ise assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Our stock hu been Selected with great care, and we are prepared to sell $4 cheap as any ether eiturbilahment in the country. We ask the Public to glut's • call and Judge for themselves. We defy umpeititimv," :bet& as to quality and price. A. SCOTT & BONS. May 29,1867.-0 "VINE FANCY FURS. . CHAS. A.. XxF,BpxcH, 497 Broadway &37 Maiden Lane, N. Y. ItAIFOFAcTuRra sud 13111Rela OF • F Sista hie large and well selected stock of fine F.nrs, In all styles, at lowest manufactursee prices. . Highest prize paid BIIIPPLNO FURS. Send for Modal. „ 'Dec.13,1866.4, S' wonting a good 'slide of Nossiusa, bar/ Bop, or Bair 02 t ga•- , 'applied is a, @vg 644118, 5 404 0 , ttc. REGARDLESS OF COST, MEE=111111! dc.. will an }, gre.Lt t 1,1,1 re liar TnTeding'•. TnW.• ill:lrked down ^ht TIIE LARGEST STOCK OF - A N . I) :4) to CO Cetat4. Futi Tea Fein ;7, 5) to f 4; tendon and rii i t Etr t.. ai I ar csur tt,r. DLTHOPIN C HOFFMAN, N. IV. Car. of the Square -11 E, NEW STORE E; Cremer & Son I'uREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, QL r , at LOWER RATES MEM GREAT DECLINE ' EMESM:I wENrz. ovEßßAutm s co 'DRY. GOODS Flannels of all kinds 81flo x H O W M When times Dow you can The way to. If yon wilrr MEE@ Vito worked ba rd at his trade 1 Conk! not in ply hie nante—becnuse It cost more Ilan pc made. EI=ECE=I bare awl rcugla; I'd I air to 1,1 y nit.% i ti. A drel ===lll liii fiitud dim], "It woll't t , mt anvil =I 11 . y ' gill to cheap •tor.. Item & W.eni Ilt t , .ok utl Lo could Rove T., E. , A 8 IVlnps',Ovre. n.l bt light Lis wife a :114111:44.5ir oirrice f•A3I . trekere ..tier nn,111:.:. :111.1 $111.,11 11 1111 1 .-11 1... 1i11.;1/../ A tir'i -I:11 hn. ik4.11t.) t., A 11-.1 want. a.ith P. : 4 4 - -S. - •• . 111.41,- . . r like =EMS =I Fren:lt Lawlam ft all , M. , z.141/Iti , 1 110: fr so Alpar. !rum :la to '2UI to 95 rants II , i,ery,tiloyca trimtui . .gs, as rvrr I=ll DRY GOODS, AT REDUCED PRICES AT _1 R E 1!1111 CA LL Ati"CHE A It I: NEW STORE ! o 111) 111 E THE COURT-HOCsE, NEW GOODS AND LOW PRICES' IThe un ler , ,:yk .1 have epenedy new Ley' G. , „ de in Kete:iehart',o,lo , ltrez, dtreetly "preleitr the k!: Atrett. Gettypburz. and mart pli t.,tid eteck. i.tubrucing ever:, thlog t , , Le fehtel , 1. , t,l , ls o .lmt•tit. ftwzist f,r ca-h. aid t.o. t• lArAaitk4 that tudet ...10110.1i =1111! I,le •.‘y vct!tio-d. NI ,tl. r1,,11 1r Lt NIJ 1 4.411,114., clenlir,:, , x it t t•II ts!lMt rel.p . eftiTllty t-k, a 111 , ..tal ttu.r. rt., 3 Bie;a4 , ,,,r•mt•nt ,f rril. CAS I:S. . VeTtiltg., Nt,k I ev•-rtiSin , , , th•• 51L6. 4 . A I.I'ACAS. t.31%,:6 , th. , , CA! :4lc iris. IL..h•ry, Whit. Nlt It 6•• t t•t- rise may be ca11...1t,. , t T 111'1.71 - I ()L . ,EEN..-AV A R 1111, V. I OW at Nell, Store, ,q.p,,ite th , %t Atk. t•et,.• May 2'. , ..1`5..)7. P.EI;E:FIT li '\V (i 00 D S REDrCED ,PRICES, A.t 12 17'2 tents, GOoD MUSLINS AA 12 Cents. ALL KINDS OF GOODA AT PRICES DEFYING CONTI) ET I TION Call at once and buy some of the cheap Goods now opening ENE Tarpcnicrs and Contrartors. \VM. C. STALLSMITH, CARPENTER & CONTRACTOR, Keeps coustantlg on hand and 11111111lIftettlrertu...rlier DOOR?. SIIUTTRS, BLINDS, SASH, DOOR AND WINDOW IiRAMES, CORNICE, DOOR AND. And any other Article in the Building Line Seasoned material constantly on hand, experienced were men elwaye in ,readine:e, Ind work executed wittr dispatch ..Orders protaptly attended to Jane 5, 1867.-0 G. C. CASII.IIA-N CARPENTERING. TEE ttnciersigned respectfully in form the p lic that they have commenced the Carpenting in the Shop formerly occupied by George Schryock, deceased. We are prepared to do any work,lit our line of hominess and ea reasonablo an any other eetab lishment /n Gettyaborg. We hope by a Wet attention to bueinees to merit a share of public pa#runage May 2P, 1867.—tti TO THE BUILDING COMMUNITY. ANi) ALL OTHERS WHO WISH TO IMPROVE. THE undersigned respectfully in forms the peptic that ha still continues the CARVEµNTERI2 4 IG BIJSINESS at hie old stand, oh West street, Gettysburg, and is ready l op at all times to s mmodete those wanting anything done in his line. Ile is repered to furnish all k Inds of work for building purpos es of the beat material. and as neatly and cheaply as it be done at any other establishuirnt in the county. X aced Hands always _ln readiness and work exeunt wi th promptness and dispatch. 'Thankful fo put favors, he hopes. by attention to busluees to receive a liberal shard of public patronage. May Z1,1867:' WM. CGRIII,MAN. _ IR H ON4 . IRON -IRON! GETYSBURG FORGE. j , HE subs c ribers respootfully inform the Public tat they have erected a Yorge In con. nectiou with theirteam Mill, ander* now manuntot ur. lug Forge-Hantnrered Ir on, such 'as Plough, limns-shoe and Bar fr,m, and respectful I t iy invite Black= the and 'Dealers to' give them a call, feelingustisfiod th t they willbe able to please as to quality, finish and prise. 1 .. _ . BigNONAN k WARREN. -- "it market price paid for wrooght- B. it.W. N. B. The hl aerie Imo. Dee. 13,1866. GETTYS THE subscriber that be is sun tinge and Main 10, lIIR e iSDERS AND POWNali. (fire different of Pcrerers,) einem-seed Hullers and 010.ers, Corn 813 ilersand deparstora, Cernibddw Ca ters, Straw and ay Outten; Ploughs nab as Can Ploughs, Baraboar Ploughs, Etide.hill and oartt inatrivo the • .SPRING BOOM! RANA twinai ale 4 Meat SWIM fsr () kW Ins ihr Cemeteries or Perches, with sile Due, all evrAeiii. Two-bass Nava, a One-bursa DATUMULNIX the latest Wpm Primes, Iron Rat • everything Wee to .1104 pagBa, all new: 1:1 , t 4 8 67 .ro- oclo, Notions, &r. •TO SAVE N E ! re hard you'd like to know re your donars; It you will know what foltuwx !nt to the laws N UTIONS-, !HATS & SIIVE ~ i~(~ ,. & ;"U(►i) ttip4hitr.q, P,A?)tirt 13131 ELEO.. ‘ EV i NT .C.ALiCOES AT FA lINESTOCKS GETTYSBUI?G, PA., WINDOW BRACKETS CASHMAN & ROWE t and oundrg. URG FOUNDRY.•*4 ould innirtn his customers. and others ■uufactnriug various' kind' of O. mule to order, on short notice, such IL 11. ROWE 0 MIZE Tau &ail , ' • 4 : 4 1 4 ~ ' 4. or . lealpOlpb : paid, AD ratite. 'll I -'kwlx o * nog; [to 1111141 r • I 10-71: Ver A Jon °exited, CAtio Cala, Pail, will bs • A (Abet ettlce, stores, SitlienoW i j A Y• I 4 ) ‘', L . „ •r Df l ersl; '..: itderpu "".• %lay .r 31107„ D AkVl2llll,qc =I Ea; Po!. Pi!ost,o3o, or hoforeairati MAy 92,1&67:: n Moo 9 - 7:4=4*• Chnnt erdoilrif.'. • Btulilur's Rttsg • Durtnegai • ”tHesou BsWOW clletift . • Mire promkOt .• S A M I A No . 4 3 will 0(1 • a , wallas April IE4 I. t J. r . , Tuteol . t 0 L.A. ' ' rrr IL , : (1.1to1,1*.• stik_R ! iiirt'olll . Nov. n IL as 4 . . Il t Juur OK* flintpkbarsi ,C I waist nlly been AN ott tattles 41 Pvii. Ad. " • Mot. Yd Da.iltt Wll nos 6.1 owerd emir • e tOM l . /A r t 4 1 / 4 01111toe the Lutheran' /SC SW.; g M utted amok. P•rebas ht *Nit 1=11;B OHN ' BLit next dmrto4Po ha osn at an Wu mesa In his. Wig, w 111 ensure 01 May lb, "OW. QURVEY 0VEY4442 , a Co11•01110V tflca 149.4 . wrjhlNJ Ojka Having to recetvits I v attosesl to May • 01-1 an public, andr • 1. p r.paraiii4 By etTICI tine , • isti4actiois. fur tlug ornifrasl May 29,186 T TIN-W ME ME • , S - - ff=:4 Talc sneer OLD Dow* EC ME Al4O, raspy F!IFT•ItTrT IMO , OM I= ws ' sad • Th.* poguat warns r ""- oviiity at wi lgi e gobtor, Vire Orititquid MOWN or big of*. eih, mint ,0 : 44, 4 41. 1 Sol& moat lipte °Meaty I tr e e :lasi, tin, Dial SOX • r ton split • , emu 44 per*, , tempera, and A nab. • 4 • Cans;Pia and ntedrant men. Ea ‘. 1 • v hate