gi"TgW. - ..4'.•1ff57, NEWS'OF VEICIIIIII4IIIIRO COUNITER • - \ Carroll. • • ON the afternoon of the 24th ult., whilst a thunder storm Ina passing over the town of Manchester, tbe lightning struck the Steeple of the German Reform Church, and did con siderable damage by shattering and tearing out from the wall one half of the large arch= ed window frame, breaking lights in a small er window, and shattering the main entrance door into the Vestibule. No .damage was done to the wall or the church proper. 'Cumberland. Dn. John W. goodey, a native of Ship pensburg, and a highly, esteemed resident of Greensburg, Indiana, died on . the 17th ult.-, of typhoid fever. ON the 24th ult., a handsome Silver Pitcher was presented to Hon. Frederick Watts, by the farmers of Cumberland county, as a mark of their esteem and appreciation of his servi ces in behalf of the agricUltural interests of t he county. ON the tl.Gth ult., John Kretuuer, of Middle sex twp., was killed while threshing . wheat on. the premises of Mr. John Miller, in . Fran klin county. While.engaged in threshing he was struck in the forehead and fatally injured by the bnrsOng of the cylinder of the threshing machine, a piece of which was thrown witl. such force as to fracture the.skull. Dauphin. THE trestle work being used in the erection of a bridge acrosss the Susquehanna river at Harrisburg, gave Way on the 27th ult., pre cipitating seven workmen into the river, kill ing one man and slightly injuring the others. Franklin THE West Pennsylvania Synod (Lutherin,) will meet in Cbambersburg, on the 12th inst. A WINEISIttNAMAN Camp Meeting will be held on theland of John Kohler, about one mile fiSom Monterey Springs, commencing on Friday next. A. A. MILLER residing near the State blue harvested troin 35 acres, 133 tons r.,f . hay— limey' 4 tons to the acre. RICIIABD BAUD, an oigiitizen of Franklin county, died recently i y city in his Goth year. Ire represented Fr..lton county two terms in the State legislature. LAST week'a friend in the - count) , sent Mr. .J. S. Nixon fifteen snake eggs, which were thrown in an open box under the 'conriller in his store, and forgotten until Saturday, When attention being called to theln, Mr. Nixiim found the eggs beginning to open and during., the day nine copperhead snakes, abo pt six inches in length, came out of the eggs. ; True to the.instincts of nature, as soon as their heads appeared outside the sell, they stuck out their fangs and showed fight. —Cham bersburg Repository. Frederick. EMMITTSBURO Post office has been made a money order office. Fulton. THE Democratic Ticket is :—Assembly, George McGovern, of Todd ; County Com missioner, James A. Harris, of Licking, Creek ; Jury Commissioner, Jacob W. Miller, of Dublin ; Auditor, Nathan Barnet, of Tay or ; Coroner, Dr. Johnson,. of Bush Creek. . I.aiteAster ltEv. F. A. Gut, recently of St. Thomas, Franklin county, llas taken ,charge of the Preparatory Department of Franyin and Mar shall College. 'THE Republican County 'Convention met on the 28th ult., and by a vote of 14:2 to 64, adopted the Crawford COunty system of ma king nominations, and : the vote will be taken • on the 14th inst. Plillndelphin Hos. M. Russell Thayer has been roraina tect by the Reimblioan City Convention .tbr Associate Judge of the Court of Common Pleas. The nomination was Made in a most flattering manner, and was conferred upon a most able and upright man. Joseph A. Bon -1), in was nominated as the candidate for Sen ator in the Third District. tile following nominations were made for the Assembly : David Foy, 11. C.:Tittermary, A. M. Walk inshaw, W. W. Watt, Edmund Yard, Jr., Col. Charles Kleckner, James . Subers, James V. Stocks, Elisha W. Davis, Charles Eager, Alexander Adaire, George T. Thorn,- James Holgate, Marshall M. Hong, Watson Comly, James N. Marks. The 9th aut. t3th Districts have not yet nominated. Waghinglett TntrEETeraons,J . oseph Spidell, Gotlieb Mil ler, and Jacob Davis,. recently broke jail at Hagerstown'and made their escape. .Th'e re ward on them is $75. JAMES BLAIR, of Blairi Valley, made ten barrels of Blackberry Wine the present sea son. He picked over fifty bushels of berries off of the farm of Win. Dodge, Esq., to whom he made a present of one barrel of the wine for the privilege of picking the berries. He can doubtles find ready sale for the wine at from $2 to $3 per gallon. • York JACOB SPANGLER has been appointed Post master at Smith's *station. JAcon G. LEISER has been appointed F. M. at Wrightsville. Tux Shares or Ilanovbr Branch railroad stock, were recently _sold at $5l per share— par value $5O. llon. Thomas E. Cochran, and Isaac Fra zer, Esq., were appointed delegates to the next State Convention. AT a large Republican meeting in the Court House, on the 27th ult., speeches were made by Hon. Edward McPherson and Hon. Fran cis Jordan. , . ON Wednesday, the 21st ult., while Arthur, son of Dr. H. C. Eckeit,.deceased, of Hano ver, was endeavoring to climb upon the roof of a barn, he fell, breaking an arm, and dislo cating one of his wrists: He is recovering. Tits Hanover Citizen complains that the manufacturers of farming implements, car riages, etc., of Hanover, purpost attending the Adams county fair instead of the county fair at 'York, this fall. Let them come, we will do them good. lii Hanover, the Spectator reports these sales of property : William Bpadenhamert one-story brick, to Jacob Britcher for $1,509 ; Christian Barge's two-story brick, to George House for $1 ; 700; the "Franklin House" to Mr. Ruth for $6,500. THE Republican County Ticket is : —Assem-. bly, Emanuel Ziegler, York, John Bear, L. Clanceford ; Commillsioner, William Herbst, -Glen Rock ; Jury Commissioner, David Wil son, Fawn Twp ; Director of the Poor, An drew F. Hake, Manchester ; Treasurer, Ja cob Loucks, W. Manchester ; Auditor,George W. Welsh, York. e A vALuanut bull, belonging to a man nam ed FonT, residing near the railroad a shore distance below Hanover, was killed on Sun day of last week by'another bull belonging M D. liter,witich he was engaged battling . with. The conflict tooklplacelit a field in whieh they were grazing, and it said by those who .wit nessed it, to hasibeen Serve and savage, last ing until the weaker one was thrown and his neck broken. Tux count* in the rieighborld of Irish town, a few miles from out town, norms to be infested with mad doge, sand - nxucli •excite anent exists among the people in consequence. On Monday af last week, a dog laboring un der Ifyilrt daobia. and belonging to a gentle man awned Smith, residingin the abOVEi men dtgne¢ Allay, made its appeamnoe r on tlte *vets of our town and succoodo In biting i... - ......... quite a num* of dogs, somenf them value tire hunting tOgrii: 'As smatter of preeaution i s s. ' they had to be killed. Th e brute of ' doing all the mischief hew*, returned to own er's house , where he was shortly a want 3 shot.—Hanover Spectator. 1 • CIirLDREN DROWNED. -g son and daughter of benj. Pymer, aged respectively six and eight years, together with a grandson pf Al ,exander Anderson, aged five years, residing in Lower Chaneeford township, were drown ed on the IGth alt. - The children were on a ;stone bride, looking at the creek, . tllat had been swollen by the late rains, when the , part on which they were standing gavel away, precipitating them into the water, and before assistance could be rendered, were drowned. !On Wednesday morning the 21st., daughter of,Joseph Shertzer, a resident 01' Wrig,htsville, aged twelve years, in "company with a number of oilier children, while play ing on the timber rafts lying along the shore. fell from a raft into'the river and was drown ed. Her terror stricken companions lly their *manta alarmed some of the men employed at the' furnace, who rushed to the spot 'but tou late'to render the unfortunate child any assis tance.— Wrightsville Star. gotirts. DYSPEPSIA • There is no disease which experience has so amp!, proved to be remediable by the PERUVIAN SYRUP, (a protected solution of the Protoxide of Irou), as Dye pepsin. The most inveterate forme of this disease hay< been completely cured by this medicine, as ample testi moo), of some o four first citizens proves. inOli Tilt V ENE'S/ODE ARCLIDEACON SCOTT, D. DI:MMUS, Canada East. a• • • "I am an inveterate Dyspeptic of atints TIIAN 25 VIALS STaanran." • • * "I have been PO wonderfully used in the three short weeks during which I have used Vi vi Peruvian Syrup, tha VI can scarcely persuade myself of the reality. People Who have known me are as tonialted at the change I am widely known, and can hut recommend to others that which has .done so much kir'Eue," • * * ANOTHER CLERGYMAN WRITES AS ro4.ows .liy voyage to Europe is indefinitely postponed. I have discovered the "Fountain of Health" on this side of the Atlantic. Three bottles of Peruvian Syrup hare res cued me from the flings of the fiend Dyspepsia."' A pamphlet of 32 pages, containing a history of this re markable remedy, with a treatise on 'lron as' a medi cine" will be sent free to any address. The genitino has "PraturtAN Ernes" blown in tho J. P.DLNSMORE, Proprietor, 36 Dey Street, New. York. Jr-4,1,1 by all Druggists. [Sept. 4.-lm ' SCROFtLA--CONSUMPTION. ' Dr. LUGOL, of Paris, one of the most eminent Chemists IA Europe, said: "The moat astounding results may be anticipated when lodine can be dissolved in pure water." Dr. n. Menses, after fifteen years of scientific research and experiment, has succeeded in dissolving one and one quarter grains of lodine to each fluid ounce of water, and the moat astounding results ,Itare foamed its use,, portico ,ptrly in Scrofula and kindred diseines. Circulars free. , Dr. H. Anders' lodine Water is for sale by J. P. DINS. ' MORE, 113 Dey street, New York, and all Druggists. Se,,p \ t. 4.—lm • tl, NO. 3. • \pli. SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP. This gr%fuedicine cured Dr. J. H. Scuanci, the Pro prietor, of ulmonary Consumption, when it had assum ed ifkvost rtuidable aspect, and when speedy deatlfate. pearesi to be evitable. His physicians pronounced his case incurable, hen he commenced thence of this simple but powerful re edy. His health was restored in every short time, and n retntn of the disease has been appro. hended, for all the mptoms quickly disappeared, and his present weight ' more than two hundred potinds. Since his recovery, e has devoted his attention exclu sively to the cure of Co umption, asd the diaeases which are usually complicated ith it, and the cures efilected by his medicines have been v y numerous and truly won derful. Dr. Schenck make professional 'visits to sever al of the larger cities weekly ' where he has a large. con course of patients, and it is frilly astonishing to see poor ~ consumptives that have to be li ed out of their carriages and in a few months healthy, robust persons. DR SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRIJP3EA WEED TONIC, AND MANDRAKE rats are gene lly all required in curing Consumption. Vila direction \ accompany each so that any one can take them without seeing Dr. Schenck, but when It is convenient it is hest to seliini. He gives advice . free, hat for a thorough examinatien with his he- Spirometer his fee is three dollars. Please observe, when purchasing, that [lessee of the DoCtor—one when in the last sumption, and the other as he now is, in p, the Government stamp. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers. Pric tle;Vr *7.50 the halfdozen. Letters for ad• waya lie directed to Dr. Schenck's North Gth Street:Philadelphia, Pa. General Wholesale Agents; Detnat Baru cs dr. Co., N.Y S. S. Hance, Baltimore, Md.; John. D. Park, Cincin , Ohio; Walker Taylor, Chicago, Ill.; Collins Bros., st., Louis, 310. [Nov. w c in Iv. • riA*BOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT TUCHU Is a 'certain cure for diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DRVIPSY. ow; A lc WEAKNESS, FEMALE, COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY, and all diseases of the CIIINARY OrtGAN. ihatber existing in MATE OR FEMALE, from whatever cause or lginatink and no matter of HOW LONG STANDING Diseases &these organs require the use eta diuretic. If no treatment is sulhuitted to, Consumption or In sanity may ensue. Our Flesh and Blood are supported from these sources, and the HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, and that of Posterity. depends upon prompt u a ri remedy. TIELSIBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHT:', Hest abl 'shed upwards of 1S years, prepared by 11. T. lIELINIBOLD,Druggi=t, 504 Broadway, New Rork. and 104 South 10th st., Philadelphia, Pa Feb. 28,1867.-1 y TO CONSUMPTIVES The advertiser, having been restored to health In a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption—is anxious to make' known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the pre scription used (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will fled a. SEMI coax for CONISIMPTION, ASTHMA, BBONCIIITIS, COLDS, Comm, and all Throat and Lung AffectionS The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer wilPtry his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, sass, by return mail, address. REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, • Williamsburg, Kings Co.; Now York. aline 5,1867.—1 y BOOK AGENTS, WANTED To 'Solicit Orders for -it Nov Illustrated BIBLE DICTIONARY. - (COMPLETE IN ONE VOLUME.) THIS DIC ' T'IONARY embodies the results of the. most recent study, research, and investigation, of about. sixty-five of the most eminent and advanced Bib Had Scholars now living. Clergymen of all denominations approve it, and regard it as the best work of its kind in the Englleh language, and one which ought to be in the hands of every Bible reader in the land. In circulating this work, Agents will find a pleasant and profitable employment. The numerous objections which are mmally encountered in selling ordinary works will not exist with this. But, on the contrary, encouragement and friendly aid Rill attend the Agent, making his labors agreeable, use ful, and lucrative. Ladies, retired Clergymen, School Teachers, warmers, Students, and all others who poetess interim are wanted to assist in canvassing every Town and Countyl in the country, to whom the ma" liberal inducements I will be offered. For particulars, apply to, or address ritimaLss BROTHER/5, 7n Sansom street, Philadelphia, henna. Aug.:24-1m /. ; - . • COLLATE COLGATEA CO'S GERMAN & Co's ERASIVE SOAP. ERASIVE la ma nufactured from PURI! MA -1,8, and may be coundeseil the STAND/LED OF EXCEL; SOAP. LENCE. For Rale by all Grocers. [May 16, 18671.—1 y "lIELMBOLIFS CONCIIIITY.A.TED EXTICACIT %THU , Is the' Great L. Diuretic. im. itsiunotn's CONCENI;IIED •EILSEAOT SAYEAPEERIA Is Ihe Great Blood Purgfer. . , Both are prepared according to rplee of Pharmacy arid Chemistry . , and are the wort active that caa * made . 1eb,28, 1867.-13 , . 1 • lIIIIMBOLD'itYXFIIACT BUCEID and e to,„3 Boar WEED COCOS secret and delicate disorders in their stages, A at little expense, little or no change in diet, n o in n von ince and no eepoenro. It Is pleasant in taste s si odor in ,ernediatein Its action, and free from all 11411 1 pro parties. [Feb. 28, 1887.1 - : ...._ . . DR. J. ERteaTl C,onsulting Physiciso, T) 1110 Broadway, New York. SPECIALI'' TUNNY in an cam of, Seminal, Sexual,Urtnary and Nervous DieereMein male Cr female. Amex ran and correspondence Town! conetronrriai. Jan. 10, 1847.-ly l i_ TAKS NO MORE NPLRLSANT AND UNROPII HER BUMS for unpleasant and' clamorous dlaeaset ual l;fae Belmbold's Itutract Buctut and Improved Hale W Yob. SS, 1.867.4 y ' DISSQLUTION. Friuli pieseenagli heretofo 4 rie, =haft hetwseh J. V. I Milani land K. P. Ibuirms doingbusiness in Pair- I li field islbh tlaY,(BaPt-2miA•dielulTetliby Mutual Oisent; All persbns indebted to sehl arm, will please pay ment without dekaYs as 46 retiring partner in en • ming in bosineelalsesthere and would like to , re the books settled up forthwith. , • Either tiattned is *Wheel:al to Use the name lof the drat in settling thelbaltnese. . • , L J.V.•11401A,.• M. P. 6S DB . mock of marehandim to Mr. A. na ‘ ll4. di1 " 1" 3W inidnees , I hereby return ' Mif &me C. l am [ fa. . i tont...talurs tor Opts !Moral WAM*l3lg4 ' - ' 7 711Wi1e; , .. (f owo l oases 4guittv..o •_ maps. QeStyaburx Grain an Getty* Soper F10ur,...5 9 .000 i 9 50 Pleat,... •-•• 10 . 00 Rye Flour, 6 1 700 White Wheat, 2 '2 10 Red Wheat,..... 1 80®1 Oorn, . 9 90 0 Rye . 100 Oats, .. . ..... 45 Buckwheat, 75 Timothy Seed, 2 50 Clover fieed,...' 0 00 Flat Seed 200• Plaster Paris,. 13 00 flay per t0n,... 10 000)15.00 Baltimore Produce Market BREADSTEFFB.—The market for Flour is very quiet, and but feiv transactions are re ported. Quotations are unchanged. How ard street super and cut extra $8.75@9.25. .Extra Shipping, $9,50@51.0.25, Retailing. $10.25®510 75. Family, $11.0001511.50 GRAlN —' l4:ol.—White Aoki at 820O@ $2.55, Red, at N.10(4)V.45. Oorn—White, $1.10@t1.13, Yellow, $l.lO©Sl.lB. Oats, 54(.965 pouts. Bye, $.1.35@51.40. K LINE —WETZEL. —DI Waynesboro, on the 11th ult. ' in the M. E. Parsonage ( by Rey. D. Sheffer, Air. James W. Kline to Miss Catha rine A. Wetzel, both of this county. STOIsTER—PAUWEIRRTY.-911 the 25th ult., in Tyrone tbwnship, by Rev. Daniel Long enecker, Mt. John M. Stoner to Miss Sarah E. Daugherty, both of Highland township. this county. TruiumEn--Gnoss.---On the 31st ult., by Rev. Dr. Hatter, Mr. Henry Trimmer to MisS" Catharine Gross, both of York co. °Obituarat,.noticcs 3 cents a line for all over 4 lines—(Ash to accompany notice. DAKEIL—Ou the 22d ult., near the Two Taverns, Willie Elmer, only child of Joseph H. and Katie A. Baker, aged 6 days. This lovely bud so young and fair, Called hence by early doom, 'Twas sent to show how sweet a flower . In Heaven above would bloom. BonN.—On the Vd ult., at East Berlin, af ter a short illness, Mrs. Mary Ann, wife of Michael Bohu, aged 51 years and 25 days. LINN:—On the 19th ult., Mr. William Linn, Sr., of .Freedom township, aged 6.9 years 5 months and 1 day. NrrortmAis7.—On the 24th ult.,. near Lower Bermudian church, Anthony Nitchman, aged 10 years and 2 days, MJ:ALS.—Ou the 29tH ult.,David Luther, infant son of William 8. , and Maria Meals, of this place, aged 4 months and 14 days. RoTtr.—On the 17th ult., at New Oxford, William Finly, infant son of Elias 13.0 th, aged 1 year 1 month and thiee days. STOCRSLAUEIL—On the 11th ult., of neu ralgia of the head, Mr. Frederick Stocksla ger, of Franklin township, aged 75 years 1 month and 2 days. WARREN.—On the 27th ult., Hannah War ren, wife of Frederick Warren, in the 67th year of her age. She was a great sufferer, but through gracet was enabled to endure to the end and died in peace and hoiy triumph. atew :Alittrtiscut SELECT SCIIOOL. IT I , L h E oo L I oAIiN the L ot . her G et tyrbrag, Sept. :.-td 9irE SALE NOTES given at Edward hail's Salo. in March lald, will t o aneon the 211.11 of SEPTE3IIIIO and will be left at the First National Bank of Get ty,burg for collection. Prompt payment is r..questr.t. Sept. 4-3 t W 31.11. PEATRICK. GRAND JURY REPORT TOthe IluttortiLle the Judges of the Court f,t Q 7131 tor SA-tsi ono. nits Grand Inquest of the Cu:um.,nwetiti. ~ f Tennul yania, inquiring to and for tho county c f Ad.nni., at Ang nmt SeR Rini) s, 1567, bag leave to report: That we vhited the Alms Mu,. and Conntv Jail. We f and the paupers well rriovideil f.r, hnildings clean and neat, and everything co:lira - tilde.. Tho fwa`ing has been much introvid around the preinise±. The Steward 'hosier,s the thanks of the pr to if the ca-ante fur his attenticti and rare. We would recomini•rel that the Cake Ifow,e bo rennslled and P ,unit C. ' al 1.. , w,1 in the oven instead of wood. At the Jail wer found the mows clean, the prisoners eurntertalih.. the Sheriff obliging awl woulcf oomniend that some made is prevvit ing the escape rriwrrrr. tit Ow back wall ul the front It ~ On the Ilatd. j*,, eh; \\, FAHNESTOCK BROTHERS, DllY GOODS QUk.:ENSIVARE, AtiRDWARE, OILS, PAL.NIIi & GLASS, S_kl)DLEltl sell all gc.ds pheapi..r thnn can ,Isewhere Gettysburg, Supt. 4,4 f PUBLIC SALE\ OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE On Tar:day, CA:totter Ist, 1567, at 10 'cloc :,\A. The undersigned, Attorneys in fact fur the Heirs of Wn.i.rat WALKER, deceased, late of Frederick county, Md., will sell at Public Salo, on the premises, the follow ing valuable Beal Estate of said deceased., to wit: NO. I.—THE MANSION 'FARM, situate in Frederick county, Maryland, on the road lead ing from Emmittsburg to Littlestown, 5 miles from the former place, adjoining lands of Jacob Shoemaker, Isaac Fisher, and others, containing 163 ACRES, more or less, having thereon erected a large new' Two-story MUCK HOUR", with basement, brick Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, Carriage House, Hog Pen, and other necessary outbuild. tugs, with a well of good ,water near the door of the Mansion House. There Is also a large two-story Frame Tenant House on the premises, with a two-story Stone Spring House, with a never-failing Spring of good water, and a good-Stable. There is a variety of choice fruit on the property, about 35 Acres of excellent Timber, with a fair proportion of Meadow, and the balance in a high state of cultivation. NO. 2.-A TRACT OF LAND lying partly In Cumberland township, Adams county, Pa., and partly in Frederick county, Md., containing 130 ACRES, more or leas, adjoining lands of D. W. Horner, Isaac Fisher, and others. The Improvementa are a large Two-story BRICK HOUSE. a double Log Darn, Wagon Shed, and other outbuildings. About 30 Acres are in good timber, the balance cleared; with a fair propor tion of good Meadow. NO. 3.-A] TRACT OF LAND, adjaining No. 2, containing 115 MillESOnore or tee, about 20 Acres of which are in good Timber, and the bal. anceciparod and nutlet cultivation. The nbove tracts are well watered, and conveniently located to Churches, Pcipols, Mins, and Markets. Per eons desiring to view either of the 'properties, will call on William B. Walker; residing on Tract No. 1; or on Joseph M. Witherow, residing on Trict No. 2, at any time ; - or on the subscribers on Monday before the day of sale. Attendance will be given and 'temp made known on day of sale by J. S. WXTIIRKOW Svt.'4,lB67—ts • JOSEPH WALKER. bill to Ra.. Yor thin °Mk Tr ee. ue Democrat ineert three thrice end lend PUBLIC SALE • . OF TALUABLIS CIIESTNIIT TIMBER VMS On Saturday the 26th qf Seyt.,lB6 7 , al 10 o'clock, A. M., Hoke of Jametennnlnghani, deceased, will sell at Pnblk, Bale, on the premises, the following described ProPert7 c _ No. 1 7 --Containing 6 Acres & S Perches of choice yo;n3g CIESBTI4I3T T/11111%, situate in Frank lin tOwneldp;kdams coonty, adtoining lands of. &wined " Setbrookg, Da*lllll4., and others. 4ilo;af o'crocko. said day, f, No. 2—Conta)uing 7 Aae:s. dt Pe reili g of BOOK OAK and . 911138TNIIT . TZKBIR, Innate in Elantittonban townshiN,near the Cold Spring road: ad joining lambi of Benjamin:Marshall, Joseph Bherfy, and others. .3,.Attendance Will be given ,and. tens gado known by \ • -. Tip ;wow Al, • WM be sold at 'Private thtle, A TRACT OF LAND /n, freedom township, Admire oop l36. aSy,Aontalnthg 10 ACRES And FS PlthOTlll4 'adjoining the Mapike :.ttrp of mid 4eceased,Johtt McCleary, and others. Th rattle e V" Denti Are A Two.gtory WEATIIRJO3OARDED `ll R, P Bern, and, other onthuildlngs, all near_ new,tr_ with- a hell of gtyd W. ter near the - doOr s oll Orobuko choke Apple an other &nit these. Thie ureedd , be an laccallaiit location for a tocchthic. There ate 42-Acres cdr.prddlit the land (Part timber) adioining tePFapaet7.".l lloo l2 could be bought ontireAufn pera,-en nalanatilatia. Nrior hnthai infanhatana 'applt lel the adbatibef , real ding lb Predawn taillnahl ' appt.4-4 .. 1r , i. lXliadrol44 1.~~1`,'?+.,c d Provisliipg aliarket. Witistuday Morning. 75(4.1,.00 P 9 toes ..... SO@ -S6 Mattet, 22 Lard;..— 10 15 Bacon, Hame,.... 22 " 10 1 " Shoulders, 10 Paaehes,.—. 100 15 ICherriea r . ...... .. • 200 Apples; " 8 Bhckberries,... 12 Soap, 70'.. 8 Tallow, 10 BALTIMORE, Monday Morning MARRIED. DIED NOTICE DEALERS IN f;IZOCF,IIIES IRON tV, NAILS, CIEDAIt WARE ; ,iliiti gar a iTh.RVEIA.IS . S' COURT SALE ~, -,-, OF A VALUABLE FARM: By virtue of angers of the Orphans' Court of ' A dams . county, Pa., direc tad to the undersigned, will be exposed to Public Bale, on Sofurday, the 28L day. of SePi 4 4ber• Vitfi., at I. otleelf,..P. Mi on the -=; i Taitetble: AB Inie The eitnie df ElettOtiti 'and 'Spam/ Wnotaisp, 'situated Bit. fluntington township, Adam* co., on the public roods leading from Carlisle tb New Oxford, i f and Buntenhown to York Springs and also adjoinin ' the State road leading from Oettydburg to Earrisbmir, ing abotit 2. inns, ecuithwrest of Petersburg, and Ivo miles rest of Gettirsburg, adjoining the Wienium ill .property. There are about 165 ,AORIIS of lan in the farm, of which about 50 Itetla ara. tit TIMBER land the balance having Been nil limed is in an excellent State of cultivation, with line Meadows. The 14nildings are a Two-story STONE MOOSE, - with Brick'. Back Building, Bank Darn part log and part frime, Wagon Shed, SMoke House, Spring boom, and other ont-biaildings, and rt never-failing well of Water near the House. Bermudian Creek passes along the border, and has tine sites for Mill seats on the farm. IS is in the neighborhood of 'lime. Kilns, School 'Borces, Churches, Ac. The situation ~r: this Parm and its surroundings make it one of the Most.? desirable properties in Adams county. Any person wish ing to view the premises will be shown the same by Can ing on Joseph A. Wierman, residing thereon. In-Terms °tante will be made known on the day of caltilby the undersigned. 1 JOSEPH A. WIERDAN. Executor of Nicholas Wierman. JOLEN DAY, I Sept..l.-ts Administrator of Susan Merine, ta..Lancuster Examiner insert 3 Uncut and send tri ll to this °Mee. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE OFFERED FOR SAIIE The undersigned offers to sell. at Private Sal 43, the (I. lowing Real Estate at Now Oxford, entire, er in tairta or parcels teen] t purchasers : No, I.—Half an Acre of Ground, front ing on the turnpike, with the Improvements thorium, for the last 2t years the homestead of the undersigned. No. 2—A lot containing a quarter; of an Acre, with the improremonte thereon, adjoining! the former. No. 3.—A lot of Ground adjOlping N'ew Oxford on the east, whereon is erected the build* of thu NEW - OXFORD INSTITUTE, and aid out id 3i Budding LGEs, containing one-fourth of an Acre of ground each, fronting the turnpike and High Street, and extend ing the town eastward. ! No. 4.—Five lots of Ground, contain ing together 10 Acres, more or leas, close to New Oxsrd, and fronting on the turnpike leading to, York—eiery lot accessible from the turnpikw. The Property is all in a prime state of cultivation.— Persons Intending.. to locate at our increasing and Pros. pering town tko invited to call, make their .choice, and offer their bidsr—which will 1)1 accepted if nut too fan be. low the common market pricei here, FOR TWILL SELL I. D. (1. PIEIFFEIt. New Oxfore, Sept. 4,1567.-..:lnes • ORPITAN ' S COURT SALE. On Friday, lA, 20th day rf September ttral,in of an order of the Orphans' Court of Adams county, will be offered at Public Sale, at the late residence of David Sarbaugh, deceased, the Real Estate of said decedent, cinsisting of TWO. TRACTS OF LAN D. in Tyrone tostms ship, in said county; the first a Man sion Tract, contain ing 38 ACRES and 125 PERCHES - , bounded by lands of Peter Trimmer, Daniel Bream, Peter Hummer, Esq., and others. Tho Improvements are a Two-etarY 1.400 AND iVEATLI.ERBOAItDED HOUSE, Frame Kitchen, Double Frame Barn, Wagon Shed, (brit .Crlb,, , lfog Stable, a Spring House, part stone, part frame, now occupied! by enmity; an excellent never-failing spring, and n very fine Orchard of Apples, Peaches, Plums, ind Pears,, of choice kinds. There is a reasonable quantity of Timber Land. The laud is of an excellent quality. N 0... a. TRACT in the same township, containing 14 ACRE'S and 19 PERCHLS, bounded by lauds of Peter Trimmer, Jo seph Trestle, Michael Beck, and others. It is under good fence end mu a good state of culdvatwn. The tract is bounded by the Menalleu read. The lands will' be shown by the fancily residing on the first described tract. irsj3ale to CUinnlonCl , It 1 o'cluek, P. M., on Najd day, when attendance w tltbo ginana tern matte ktlOwu by JOHN HANES, Alltu'r. By the Court— .A.W. Micv.n, Clerk. [Sept. 4.-h; VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC,SALE. On ii'sdiuJilgy, the gad of October next, in puninance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Adorns county, he offered at Public Sale, on the premise*, TIIK MAN eION FARM of $31111..1 !Chi., deceas...l, situate in ear. roll's Tract, Hamiltonian township, Ad'unl con:.ty, containing dl(; ACRES, coo, or less, adjoining Linde of Willie% Walter, Benjamin A. Marshall, Daniel Miclley, John Knox and others. The 1211prOVVILICIlt. are, n 4rge Twiretnry Ike; HOUSE, Twviitory stone Kitchen, huge Bank Lana part ctonv. -part frame, Wagon Flied, Dorn Crib, well of water at the door, water also in every field on the fartu,an excellent Orchard, containing every Heti.' of choice fruit ; good Meatiew., atom Z.o titre, .T good Tint,iir.Aali. Poplar, Hickory. Oak. Lc. A public tool leads past the buildings. The property is situdtel iu a good nriHiliorho d, in the vicinity of Schisil Churches, Mills, hr. The Farm is the of the awt ' , ruck Li/MS in the .The property will he shown to per• son., on of puteliaaiii4 dii"oli G. Walter, residing on the pr.n.b..•,, or by le- residing near Fair- .it I I:. I'. 31., a paid day, wkeii iitti i 1. , . I! lip! telllos mule knimu I.y JA311.: 11. A-11,1*t. 13) Court—A. W. 3.l.vs:La,Cl..rk pUBLIC SALE ()F VALUABLE l'Elt:sON A L PEOPEET :1 ho,:k r.ur;doy, 19f.'4 15';; . at lliitt'clock, A. 11 .1 at Lis residence in Meuallen township, on the road front Ben ttersr from Itenderseille,2% from Arentltsvllle. and 4 frjm Middletown, a variety 01 rnlrthbla PereenalPrepstrry, including 11- Abe FILMELY head of Midi - Cows, ell No.l, one of which will be fresh by the day of sale, one 'Steer, *large Hog, a 131,4 Sow of the Cheater White breed, 4 tike Elkins, a tour-horse Wagon, a Spring Wagon, a Rockitisay Buggy, FwdrrCutter,Lg Chain Sleighs, cue of them ono horse and cne two-horse, a set of Front Beata, a Bide Bad. dle, Corn and Potatoes by the bushel, Bacon and Lari 4 by the pc,ntrl, a ten-plate Store, Meat Vessels, Cider Bart'als, :riu:etot.e. Grain and Chrver :Seed Cradle. Coiner T Cha:r, CBs lion ant', C,K,,,r lii alto, and is variety of otior article•. Ars.Attei.dittice wiii Le girrn and terms made known on tiny of sale by JACOB CRIST. Sept. 4.-t+ Hart, rk lc , " thr, lezlt ME cdelna t real ila 'elpina, r Id men and t` on,ie Ile runs 'art. Liver, l' fula H oI:SE AND TRACT OF L.A.ND FOR, SALE fhc nnd , rsigued idlers at Private Sole, on reasonable tern's, the property a.. 0 wide!. she teoidri, situate in Liberty township, Adams imljoinflig lands of Samuel James Harrier, Elijah Boyd and others, about tine Intlt tulle (rem Dield's,sllll, on the road !old in ' - to G‘itt3slinrg. It contains 14 ACRES, rrinre or loss, otfirsbnlte chore.] land, with a twi..story LOG HOUSE. now Lot:Stable, thriving young Apple and Peach Or. psid well of watt, near the door, anti other Ins provements. rt • . •Ili c l' f, pLr,.1.1 tl preinis,N, oe t., obtain ftirttier inft.rtnnti.,t, tt. terms. kr., can apFlyt, th.ri or to N/CIPILAS Dium )lill. El.3llltA OR SALE A VALUABLE FARM nrider , igned offers at Public Sale on the L'H/, day vitter,lba, his situated in llnutingtri Adam e, county, Pa., containing 2.4 ACItES and I ,ES, all limed and in good et:Dlr. - Wag order, set of Round 11111, adjoining Janda of,Altdiato StnitlyJ.lLPink and others, on which are USL andltarn and all necessary ontbnlld• about 3 acme In goad Timber, a frith go.Al water near the' door. a One of Sop tOWJI3I.II'. SO 'PEI O one mile w }lckes, Lcwhi Two•story logs. all newly nvvur-failing: wclj , one Orchard, kd ts,Salo to comae , wleu attendance wit • \ii. l'Eli TY IVATE SALE. • A valuable tractor land of 16 A ; the 31111erstown rood, being the w hill and commanding a view of the I, provenients are an excellent TWO 'l\ HOUSE, a large Garden with 25 seleci A 1 \ Trees, perpetual right to the use of never of excelltint water, an orchard of abou 50 ben Trees, a linen and several Sheds. The house' ly shaded by the adjoining grove of 5 Acres, ALM well, , Also, ten Acres ad.fluing this tract, and 80 mor4 sired, at a very cheap rate. irskFar terms apply to Aug. 21.-tf-tvw 113MMa VALUABLE PI AT P. PORT GRAPE WINE,! Lrscd by hundreds of _Congregations fog Church or Communion Purposes. Exec Wilt for Ladies and Weakly Person VINEYARDS, NEW JERSEY;, SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE, FOUR YRARS 014 D, T'S Justly cokbratea native Wine is niade from the juice of the Oporto Grape, raised. In this counter t t — Its invaluable TONIC AND STRENGTLIENING PROPEItTIFS I; are unsurpassed by any ethic native' Wino: Doing the pure Juice of the Grape, produced under Mr. Speer's own,. personal supervision, its purity and genuineness are guaranteed. The youngest child may partake edits} Kit exerts qualities, and the weakest %rata untyinso filo. - -vantage. It is particularly beneficial to the aged sled debilitated, and suited_ to the variant aihneiits Unit af flict the weaker sex. It is, in every respect;! I A WINE TO BE 1 ET.TPI) InsolWe nee Speer's Port Grupe Wine : Females use Speer's ;Port Grape Wine.. w persons Midi benefit by its nee. Spied. Winos in hospitals are pruterryl to Mliti ; lanes, . -1 • - ; ; Firßold byDraggbite and Oroceni. - A. hoor's Vineyard; New Jersey, Offiee,243 Broadiriii Now York. - ffiept,4,lB67.—lyl EYRE Sz, , LAND - 1 L FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS,` inm.ADELMA,, ) Are offering 'a NEW STOCK of DRY. GOODS v i FOR TUE VAT,T, SALES OF BRAWLS,, pAnss bap% Aim . ~ STAPLE , :PRY ADS: ' x. B.,lol3 . 4o**e'etaiiik W4;110144 trittstnituto: I - t ce at 1 o'clock, P. M. of acid day, given and terms made knearu S.IqIUEL ,ES t more or ters;on ' side of Seminary tio.tield. The im- TrOffX YILLSIE role and reech -faffing well irfag Aptile \hreintifhl mar the WM. A! DUNCA SPEER'S ALSO, TO USE 1-A1 Wa l aktivaltionnent,g. OKAWICANT.,I Them sptiwOr AdvoTt4inf adopted I , y Geo- P. :;Rowell IC4 i., Adgertlslug Ageuts„Nu.lo Park 'Row, New gaud deal of agent/on. I• . • . ; Tike folio wing f]trliCir fruni a speech dolivttred lvfkire Il i he NV* rt at,Statl Edltorfal Couvautlon, (lately holden t Penn prom itivitt Advert isin4 A,h,ut of New that, twat least Atli n 4 qv lod ; .71 , 1 ire +lyar i t age, From .Jamestown, N. Y., Journal of Aug . +d, Edited ley C. 1. BisnoP, Chafrruan, df Committee on. ADV-ER ' TIBMG AGENCIES. "Mr. Pe ttingill vete in opposition to that plait from the iublish''er•jgtapd point Mono. He showed the pnblishol that by t his ayistem of contracting they were giving hewer Irtien than the y . gave their own Lome cinitotners or others ea prompt and good customers; that they veci ;telling ono portion of their payer to be need to confput %/Rh and tateleibid tho'other colntims ; that the oilier f /.te'spani.: thus 'soh! donldcoine right in and beat the Intl p titer pnd take, ithibttninotei away from hint ; that if the publishers, fully understitn:l ing this, tad) wieliot tb continue se frregular and mibuainew-like a lipitern 110 :(i'ettingili k Cb.) ehonid of worst mane trying to get Tl vertleing; for tio papers at their regular, rates and go int, t/to other eyeball of coutracting—whieli lie conld stan i i the printers con hb," The anxiety on the account of Lew3papil + is. 11ucall fOr. 'There Is not one in twenty which would not prof tipreceive all their Ilt,reign patronage vll thi+ plan, wLe it, is fully tindlintood. It is too gem rally ri.cognized a: thoroughly bttieflclal to all partien coneerne,l to 60 to ]oral in tho taut t by any thing whi ch may Lc nai!l again it by interattta prtie-4. 'Advertiser., stionl.l, s.1:11 for a tire!!! it. qiv iu;.; Pill Lx planatiup's or,Locri 14,1 first c.,1 ltf4r,ling P .114.48, Pitteield, Mass. Fall Term of 1:0 week bienr Oct. 4, 1 5 367. Fur particobtra itddrese , 5ept..4..-fts REV. W. C. RIOIIAIIDS, CIAI'S Sou latwn II608," 1.1 CopYieg letter.; without:lle uee ~1 either prt , r water' It earce time. labor, ana the asperse of i copylug prtis: For 211.1e'by an find rims. , 4*.ati c,cre , ii :it the of lico of the I.intifacturing E IVulkp, - (TheAtunt illadolphl3, Pa. [Sept. AL YEW mire grx.l Agents Wanted for tier,t - al L. C. Baker's "HISTORY OP sEcixr sEnvicE." fICII.IISOII CCalfakiioll 314oWNi, awl zreat,r if cltv . etuo:ti offered. Address, ' P. 41A1tiarr Sept. 4,-Its °ox 217, ra. inci AOI NTs wantol, to 111.1 Fix.' New Invel of great value to faruitie,f f • all pay ;.. - rat . pi,,fi 6:41n , , :!ai..,. atml get to pag . ..4 grit 14. Agent lutYu to ule ['IDtA I 1:1011"N, 'Sept. ...11.1.5. A TILEAII,4II ON DEAFNESS., CATAIi;:ii,CONSU3II.' VON unl C. , Lsit.:l.l:. Thcir ,au,ad and uadisuf ini !luxlrate rehof rind sr.eeLly cure, &rut free. 6eud partici' tars to DRAITILIV}!LL. N. , . 4.) S. , uth tith street. Wil limusburg, L.l. 4.-111 MADAM FOY'S CORSET SKIRT SUPPORTER OOMBLNES in one garment a PER- Coriscr, and the meet ilegiralle Skirt Supporter eTtt etiotell the public. It lilac,. ti, wl.izht atilt:skirts alien tile shoulders instead of the hips: it itepriives the tlrtn witlitiat tight fitting: give. gve ant sh.gan.e; is sppe,y e d nit tee enniended ifaiinturt ured by u. li. SA UNDER:- A 2,ept.4.—ltir t•tultni•T It.- I)AINT FOlt FA AND OTIIEItS :TOM lIINLItAL PAINT CoSlP.Ali'i ilutuufacturing ttn Lust., Cur:tpost ,u"t Durable L.. "MiXell with pure I.lrnw4Wl Oil, will last Id or Id yours; it is of a liititt brown aoliir, and out, load, #444104, oil ve. drat, or crtion. to 'laic the taste .• tic cunsullivr. I: is s-1ua1414. fur liou—s. Barns, Et.C.1.1. A zri -41. Car...nal:tr., 1 . Cal.VUtl, Meld( nid S14;14;110 Roofs, 4 It lioinz hiroatn.l Wator 140,1),1:1,14 , s, burial :!Iyip.l and 5i11)... j:ott,Jl , 4, Flow . Oil 1 . 1 , 111.. ((die Mart.. fai•turer !Irving bard the pant y, ur.) trot a+ , a taint fur WO un.urpa,,,d tut I , kly,dntab.lity. an.t Ne;,.N. price ~{ :W., u lick rill anl.pl7 :1 ilia ;nor for lea; tu run,. oar. r4ltid in all Le., a, al,Ve. Arad IL, a ,Irollar t gisrt full partlcallura. None;:, 11: l• 41;rAft , ,,:tirintral fillet, A.:dross LAWN ELL, F41,4.4.-11;1 • Prail st.. to Y..i k. r WILE NV A NfED ! )OK }IEEE ! Agents, b.. 11: Malt. ILIA C0 . 1.11R11 . , ver)rorher.. eejl the DectiT liteaav Lt. Ls* Itaartvota.(by•whiph frnm om. to t seop.eges. t.c seefrteu wilbotrt, tepldnistaing With ink),and,,ar Fancy and Dry Goods. rte. OM clear aim .1111 to $lO N., Capital Pri,,e. 10 With an a4h..ll.o! Litzailnitg Ku article for sal., In our DOLLAR PUIteIfASINU Ati}:N( Y. Clr cul.srs sent fret. E.A.:‘,T)IAN st K KNDA I. i•ept. 4.-lm If:mover st., DcUttED. The o:trtnlc Vii,e,t,,r at, int o the. ear, i, not 11,.1 I irthil• tetpar tliittuctly ut 'lurch , . By:d t:ulicn late h. 1 , 1:. N.•. 4 , btreka, Hiil iaar rg. N.V. WE ARE COMING, And will tin .I"Dt h, any perL , A. O Price 5.11 e, Dty au 1 F.r.ey .;,••••!... A.A.. AS• DresN Pattern, Piece e f CrLialogne , an t;- spt t • Illy .pl.loeL . PAR - E 4 0 ~. r L•treet. D. 111 P. O. Ms. Se; t 4 TIIIRTEEN }:"EAIt6 AGO Uez 1.:01.13 Prori,lene,... e• r. •,1 P Lc ball cur...l Louplre . ALAI all forma lf Nerv.rni Di-et•••••. .l LA.; L p.r an.letrt:ric tte. A IFIACTED 11).1;7 , N , 11.1. NC 11 EX.l'ki? rII , FALLACIES CN.II.4.BIiED:rIr taiporiant t both crier. married or single, in health or disease. LAUMONT'S Paris, London and Sew York Medical Ad viser and Mania ae CUide,B , ,Ch edition, 400 pa,ies, niar ly,loo Anatomical Illustrations, upon Mental and .N.w v.orts Debility,brinaryDepe-its and impotence, affection, of the It lad*, K oirte34, Genit , ..N.llrinary drgariv, and their corse/lances, and anatomy of both sexes!—Euro prim hospitalpractice—the Author's moral, legitimate and effectual iiethod of preventing too rapid increase cf fatnily.—hlsuliegnaled l'aris and London treatment. kr. Mailed free fot $1,50, closely sealed. Al) who woild avoid the brriotron, triatnitut with Mercury, Copal ba, Injactions, Cauterizations, gawk' Spe. cities, Autblotja and Itistrumenta. thou lil Own Cub, , tile work or caltsult the Doctor . personally .1 by letter, N'0.173 Broadtay, N. Y., from 10 A. M. to SP. XI. Poet Box 84A N. Y.. all- the athlret , l reinired. Col• sullalion;rldotce, diAfedicitte ts, in all cases In advance. e ceitcrir wit h other papers In recommending 1.,:. LARMONT and his work!'—Courier , b 1 Etas m 472 di:: Reform, Slaws liedic t a Retrieve, St. fziopt. 4-1 ut. WATCH FREE.—A silver P. Watch tliven Usti; to the purchaser ) f every IGO of Kennedy's Mammoth Prize StatiOnery Packages, the Largest lathe w•alti. ;As aniinducement to have them intretince4,) agents sell the packages as fast as they can reach thou out. :19 Dollars poi day can be mails sure. We litre agshts that eell on an average IuOO per week. Price per hundreds, 15 tiol la6. Retail at 25 rents. And a Watch in the Largain that will retail for $l5 more. For full particulars of Price ntekage, and other Saleublegoods, atilt e 4 4. . . . AIOKILOE xsIiNEDY, . Cur. Lth and• Wood et., l'ittetharg, 4upt. 4.-au • SCHOOLS. RINCIPALS of Academies, Seminaries, &e., hhould Conduit nsi in !mul 'to lull - embalm. No charge fur rmation. GEORGE P. ROili k CO. , Advortiaing Lts, New York. ot Sept. 4.-11 u INVENTORS. 'ertise p.m al mild en Li xi] I G EGILG pa}k Row, Y.Y.[Sept. 4.-1 m OOP SKIRTS. 698 .d • 628. WILLIA I T. HOPKINS' "Our 71 Make." t 4 o , , After mope than five year, ing in the manufacture of STh iOOP SKIRTS, we offer mucus merchants and the public in fall periority over all others In the A. they are so acknowledged by all wh. them, as they, give more satisfactlot Skirt, and redommenil thernsOlvea in Dealers In Hoop Skirts should make a not Every Lady mho has not gi,cn them a trial without/at-thee delay. Our assortment maw:wee every style, iongt and size fettLadlail, lillsees and Children Also, Sk Irts DE TO OPER, AltereJ and Itrpaired.. Ask fur i'Llopkins' Own hlake," and he not deeei Fee that the; letter “Il." is woven ou the Tapes bet . min NnOli Hoop, and that they are stamped "W. S' MANUFACTHItEIt, GO ARCH St., Philadelphia," Into etoPt tend. ?folothers are genuine. Al.o, cnbeltsAtl7 qn hand a fall line of pawl New York and Eastern'nunk Skittle, nt very low prices. • AVITODESALE AND EMAIL, • Aethe PHILADELPHIA 1100 P WRIDTAtann factory anti ligtPorlum, to. 628 Arct street, Thiladelphia. ,•• Itiazett 19, 2867.-10 m • WM. T. IFDPKINS. gooT/m SIIOE•DIAIZNG. RE JAMES WILSON B oi pecifnny b tforma his frfeuds and thepublie generally, alit he bee it. a , nowiShOP, on 'WslitMithte Meet , o uTyspu . s sew doors frown the Ocurntianteo, and is ncoWPlVell'at y:tmexesnis al l orderslbr work in bite lino., Gan mum, ladies and: Ohilarei requiring Baas, glig „ ~- aro' regtstod, to give Ws a call. saparlatkids all work made Iti his Shop, alai will Eas , cary satisfacion. t both as tourist.; and quaff ty,of wortc. . - !,. ary . i M Ajg P. 11 . 04. - eti - • ' atikn Z gs. . litiOestiod ta. -•, • . ~~ tE . o.Dl4.Voneentrated. Exttaq la tiiaereal B Wad nalitiv• u scu p a ,3 6 Bag , , vi, 40)4‘,F t. 4. In S r.• or. 4.nie n! , /a , Sprf'..: I.v i.,r[1,3 not tnlting a Nupply of Ati INCA N F:S. ndcrui;mrl do—ir In in time, w, that vvt.ryt...dv unutin:: hum may at -41:(.1:I/ Ito at ht. F.tir :It t:et tit, e; tit., 4 ,Iny4, lu r,..•iv.• It IF 1.. 1.1• - •11. , ..1 :1,1-41.-Ary to ;;7t1,1 I 11114 v,ry it lulu ken tried ti-iwt,,ry. A largf• r:utt/t , r Lot. Ihr F 3 Ir. lila) be m. 12 •4t zi:/i • cal linz ::,!••^.44,/..4! A. R. FErrrrr,, • CLOCI:S, WATeIIF.; AND JI:\VELIZI • HAgr.rnovr , llni Irn , to' It.,yer Snr,',4 Gr , c, , ,y. t t!y t.• th.• liettysbnrg v. - here Ir to snd f • c , :mrtoutly rectdring.Lar4,-.n:Frl,e,•l . • ety R...;zulator, orrice, 1f.i.,1,t.-1 - ty !lour Cktkm, tritlt •tull with,tit Al . tro Attarlinent—ill war raut-d, sty,lu ill dti , i"-; A n I. I ~- , I.t :; • ,•• 4 r(, S;ver 3 uc and (intta I . errila 1;; all -42,1,, anti pried, Gont,' ~f au kind.. 11(11 , , nous, 1.1,..d :and T, l'ens an,l Pencils, Napkin 1:44.; , , peetr.cb.x. Bil ler, plated an-I a large 'iii, ty of (b.:41 and Sikvr Vest and Curb Chain., Gents in -v, Loritufa. Charms, !al.! Car.APEII CILLAPEIiT. tri,Clecks. ‘volry and :%Insictil In.trumenti: of every description MP-iII:ED to orer. and .itisfact ion guarantied hall casiaL. Thankful for tho liberal patronage hen toforo extended o him. he hopes by doing ii,xsl work,at realoutiblepricee, o merit the cialtinnancoot the same. COMPARE, THEN JUDGE SILVER and SILVER-PLATED IVArbEb. OF AAR OWN MANI, F WTURE di les Sets. Urn- Ice Pitchers, WAsters,Doblets, Cake Musk e ts . ss. Cutt rs, hatter Coult egt ta- g mo. Ide Dist:cs, rns, Sugar and ...*T - 5 Clod II;Ls t Syrup and Drlnh• lig lug Cups, Entl es, and poonß. (4 - various kinds. Ac.., . lc., WARRANTED TRIPLE PLATE, on best of metals, and equal to any in the market, of the LATEST STYLES and no goods are intsrepsse, nted, at JOHN BOWMAN'S Now and lloeutaful Store, No 701 Arch street, Phil 'dolphin. tra,Pleise coil and exannne our Goodg before purclut• JOHN BOW MAN,‘ No. 704 Arch Street, mperience and experim eat- ICTLY 1 1 1ItST' ttIIALIT Y tly celebrated goods to `entidence at their en •terican market, and • wear or deal in than any other fiery rorpect.— ot tide fact.— vinitid do so QUNNNY SITA k- 7 ,FitMALE INSTITUTE, The next mexeion opens op' TULIDAT the 3r4 Clay of 13RYTEMBEIt nest. L'lor partfenhare ittprelei . . . YapURG n...114.LE DIST ITuTri. t • s • i, • Rb. 1 :... fitottykintrg, Ang. 4 . pEruszsliy: IA COLT RGE. The Pall &aim of thin In Ration will commence on Thor:day, fiftpfeotber 26t1i 18 , and continue thirteen woolut. t, Wor dataNcliet and (Aka. Rib= Jodi..— 4 . 0 f. Mt. tif.plLli 3 O. D., 1 .2 . 7. „ Ont,or - Fridet r il re artircDep't. CiettJobarg, Pi; Arii.l4olMatP • The next the second & For informatP oaDßlTowki naAaa.t. Alt tnillatitien eztitillt &Ad litormithijat4tio, Ladle the branches of a comprettkodneattott. /Mud mit in 12"/ Prn""37 Wad ; Witak Oralmental • , rri • tee I t tgiu N it . 11 AIM; !t : . . A. IL, Prtiddost. Cut ilvtrtionuents. 11111711 ANNUAL FAIR OF THE . ADAMS CQUNTY AGRICULT [ll,tA SOCIETY. WILL BE HELD. 'AT sEuRG, On Tuesdgy,•Wcdni;sday, .771urscluy-cenq Fridcw, 24th, 25111', 211th and 27th of ,Yeptember, 1867 FARMERS, MECHANICS, and alt others having Agricultural, Mechanical, or in. dustriaHmuleinent3 and rireilectit any' kind, and al,' Ilorses,Cattlealogs, Sheep. Poultry, Grain, Fruit, Ac., Az., are invited„,and urged to avail Chop, selves et this fair. The Ladies of the county are speeia:- ly requested to centribute to the exhibit iinz. All articles mast he on this ground and rrarged la t later than Tuesday the 24th ,d Sept, mbar. • At tem ,iclock, on Welne,iiiy morning the tl. • Judges will cmilmotice their examinatiete;, and it iA - cially enjoined that none but th, I.:l,iug charge of ti , • articles, shall he present at one :I Prim il:Atitoit3 and thea' subsequent deliberati o ns. Judges are. requested to t prompt in reperting at' the Secretary's office ou 11, • ground at the hour named. FRIDAY MORNING the 27 tl h., TEN MINUTE I'EECIIES PEI:TIS,ENT TO Tll6 61:JECT Olt THE FA 11 Farmer!! and all Other! having any naeffil information line to impart are riainoited to participate in Ole "Ire alk." L le, EMIUMS Wlli As per pnhlisli , ! Pr,minm !A At ionr k. P. M.. on Friday, the Fair will close when Tit-times eXilibiti. , ll will be re quested to take charge of theta, as the Society canteit it: any;;ire than after ilia' The