ektiditg o **, Am, at MEAD QUARTERS FOR CLOTHING. PICYriNG EIDLLii COATS CHEAP P.M7I 'CHEAP: PICKING @ELLS VESTS CEIRIP PICKING SELLS SHIRTS CHEAP PICKING SELLS NOTIONS tait'AP PICKING CELLS CLOCKS CHEAP. OTOKINO BMUS TRUNKS CHEAP SELLS VIOLINS CHAP. PICKING CALLS 4CCORDEONS CHEAP PICKING SELLS VERY CHEAP CALL AID SEMI HIM dilly 24, 1867 NEW BOOT & SHOE STORE. KNIT AM 0008 13001h5 ixdoreived lata waned a new Boot and Shoe 1. bent, ea BALTllloitid STABIT, one door south of elle Presbyterial' Climb mad nearly opposite McCreary's BlAiller spop, wilier. ha offers an attractive assortieut vegooda In kis we, all aew aid selected with the rest ate ears. .liie has LADIRr COMMON{ OATTYRS, LAMM/ BALMORAL OATTNRS, LADIES/ COMMON OATTBOA, LAlpise BALICORAL BOOTOt IN 1,4 tBl 'VARIETY. ONITLIMBN'S'oAr BOOTS, BBNPLEISSN'S LIP BOOTS, lINITIMMSN'S CONGRESS GAITERS, 111NTLKILON'S&JGAPPERS, ALL STYLES, OBNIt'LEIVX'S BAINIORALS, eiNTLIMILITS BROGANS, Ac. NISSILT COMMIES OAI:NR3. 'war BALMORAL RAITERM, minas , MOROOOO BALMORALIL /N., km, Itc. lIOYH CONGItHSS BOYS' CALLBALVORALS, JAYS' BROGANS, de., ac. All will he sold at the lowest living profits. Buyers, frees tem' and ample,, are invited tn eall and examine pods sad priceelFeTorepuropasing elsewhere. lam de- Janakisteosell ejseap,-a little cheaper than any other keels Wale county. Sly strict attention yo hoidoess, wed disdain raid-pawl squarely with everybhdy, I hope to aseeit aisdireceive an eacirraglog share of public patron ?lee 11111111FACTURING of Boots and Shoes will be serried en, in dal Its branches. Boots, Shoes and Gaiters 'white order. Also, Routs and Shoes of hie own manto fistari sponstafillly oa hand. Repairing done on short tortko—and ao effort spared to _give satisfaction. None Mkt first ales. worktspn Having a life-time eb, =ikes stthe busload, I feel confident that I can pßasandi will say call. 1). IL KLINGEL. lieripikurs. July 31, Iss-t • 1W AND CHEAP CLOTHING BRINKEIEHOFF'S STA OK'S OF THEM.' IjRINKERHOFF, corner of the • Diamond and iiirk street, hes just returned from the city with w unusually attractive atiortmept of (ItOTEPEG POE SPRlieto t StWMER WEAR, which he will jell at such prices as cannot fall to take them *Every rapidle. Call and judge for yourselves.— To look at the extelldnt material, tasteful cutting, and moat asteabstaatial sewing, and then to get his low yriess—,callers samisen help bat bay, when they eec it no much to their laterest to do so. Me has Coati& Pante, Yeats, °fall styles and materials, Eats, Boots and Shoes ; Illeirts, of all !lads. Hosiery, Gloves, Handkerch lets Neck This„Oravats, Lime' and Paper Collars, lilaspenders &name, Combo; Waste, Indices, Umbrellas, Pocket Entree, Begs* Smoking and Mewing Tobaccos, Pipes, Stationery. &e. ; ClocJii, Watches, Jewelry, with a thousen and one other articles, entirely tee numerous to detail in a news. paper atipertisement. He sari the attention of the public to his new stock. contd.:it that it will please—apd no one can or will sell *limper. Don't follget thaplace--cornerui York street sad the Illltmond, rg. May SI, 1967. JACOB BRIIsIBERHOFF. ANOTHER VETO BY NORRIS CLOTHING, ATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES GIirEAP AB BEFORE THE WAR ENKE A 44 Gtmtlesnan'4 furnishing line tan be found at---the Cheap ''Store of T. C. NORRIS 11167.-Af Now Goods ! t741.U1P-CHBAPER-CHEAPEST fF yoli wish to buy good and cheap l. Goode, call at JACOBS k BIRO'S. STOtI!, sear My ers' Hoteijin Clumlbetabarg street, eettysburg. They Isere the very bait sislestion of goods, curb as CLOTHS, SIASSIMEERS, TWIEDe, Le., the market can produce, and are determined to sell them as cheap at can he sold tywhdre in town or eountry. Any person wishing to e thiMt tut out, caa.have it done free of charge.— me desiring Omsk thole up, can also be accommodated Warrant the best work and the best flts to be bad adywhere No humbug in whit we say. • We have en hand the very best moot durable SEWING MACHINES, and are always ready to wait on purchas efull satisfac,tlen given as to operating machines. —, and examine. We warrant them to be the best in UM JACOBS & BRO. May 20, 186 EATS,' CAPS, FURS. s. S. McOttEARY ass just opened a new assortment of H♦ T 8 and CAPS, of the latest style and fasiden, which he is pre poletb Dinar rillioitd prices and lower than the same can by had in the city. Call:and examine his Lott, at his old establishment on eimatberslmtg street, opposite Buohlor's Drug atom Gettysb tug, June 8,1807.-1 y MBRCHANT TAILORING. 0414 WHERES, TWEEDS, and mbar materials ilbr 3fen's Wee*, furnished and made up, to order, en -short notice. SAfiItaILACTION WARRAIs: TED. Work also softetted from Customers, 'rho purchase their Goods roiMmerhers. • W. T. KING, Truk street, opposite the Bank. .Jane 12,111117.-1 f T BAL R M' Ed (Patent) _ p • • E.LA 4 .770 'STRAP .AND B eCKLE, roil 4. • ' PANTS, 'VESTS and . .DRAWERS. Ma JIMA braleatian lb just oat. sad as It Is no ',bum one Li stating with a rapid sale. Ia ma be applied In a ionotat tow garment, by any person, causing it to, 15t X=igy prrrents tatting tkr .ttapt and intlklod oR tie clotlse, sad aim allays perfect fraoont of tks body whit* working or taking siereb.r. • arn& trytonoroaad tbotrade generally. Bend 26 eta. 'Arnim", circulars, tames to &tents and the trade, to lb* BAIi9IM E. 8. & B. co. • ass Irrarthray, New Tod,. Agitatellrantsd In Grail rout/. Juni6,lllllB,-4m Wats. PAir' 1 AMON wam-itteomda an d AY o.lt/ WO? Ostrochoce our N Iff PATENT Alt lIMUTTLE I tIeWTHO MACHINE. It is adapted MMus. sod is Is maker a rthcb Who on Price only TWENTY IiOLLAEL tars vsconsorr basoofunu Agents. /or Nig r iettMahmr* sparse, Dower 1684.0 N. ) JIMA legteat OM Arch stmt. NalsoNalphi*, Pa. WANTIFP !—.!Mush ßat iutd lank " THE NEW SIX PER NT. • PENNSYLVANIA STATE LOAN. FREE FROM ALLSTATE, COUNTY AND. .MUNICIPAL.TA_XATIOM Will N I furnishad:in Innis to suit, on applicailon to the nearest. Bank or Banker; also-tty, etthet of the undersigned. • BONDS OP ALL ISSUES, SkVEN-THIRTIES • ANI COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES, ,KirINTEREST allowed on SPVIAL DEPOSITS at 3. 4 and fi per tent., according to length of time of de posit. J. EMORY BAIR, Cashier. July 3,1867. THE First Natiolial . Bang of GettysliorL ALLOWS /N TER 4ST ON-DEPOSITS • ". AS USUAL— , Buys and Sells all Kinds of - GOVERNMEN-T SECURIT:i,ES, GoLD AND SILVER, Coneerts 7-30 IV - otes-into 5-20 Bonds_ Self - Orders solicited and promptly at tended M. - - C4EO. ARNOLD, Cashier. 167. • /T LOW PRICES 'llotograpit 6111.eric$. . _ WE are always glad ^to see our friends at the Excelsior Gallery, It 'still stand' ln the sarde old place opposite the Bank on York at., Get tyaburg, Pa. • C.. 7. TYSON. PHOTO MINIATURES at the Ex celsior Gallery are maperb and are frirniabod at on&third , city prices. Cull and exatulno specimen's. C. J. TYSON. -111-41XCELSIQR is our motto. To please our aim! and to render satisfaction in every instance our determination. C. J. TYSON. • CONS.TANTLY on hand an assort ment of tine Promt4l, Photograph Albunts.Cords and. Baskets for grasses, from the Battle-field, Photographs ot our Generals and other distinguishexl individuate at the Excehior Gonery. C. J. T Y.4ON. THE best Photographs made in this County are niadSitt the Excelsior Gallery. Gettys burg, opposite thS old Bank, . C. J. TYSON. Ba all means.have your Photographs made at the Excelsior Gallery if you desire them per. ism • C. .1: TYSON. LARGE VIEWS of the Battle-field, sin g ly or ifi sets, very low; also Stere4wcopic View 4 fo theltnt tl e-teld, at the axeetrior Gallery. -Do not till to see them. t;. d. TYSON. FRAMES - OF EVERY KIND, for Large Navin-1,. Marriage Certifieatel. Church Certidcatea, Misskinary Certificates, ar._ very cheap at S. G. PLI EA New Gallery, Hanover, Pa. Jane 5,107.-1 y REMOVAL! THE GETTYSBURG SKYLIGHT GALLERY. THE undeisigned take pleasure in announcing to the citizens ig r g end the pnblic generally that he has r **Obis old r on West Middle street, to Balt et and nearly opposite the store of Fahnestock 2 era. The room he now occupies, has been recently fitted up expressly for his business. The location is an admirable one, enabling him to take pictures in all shades of taeather, and with a orrectness unequalled any where else, LIFE—LIKE PHOTOGRAPHS, of every else and description, executed in the fineststyle narticniar attention given to-the CA RTE•DE VISIT E, and in copying A3IBROTTPES and DA9ITERREOTYPES of deceased fr ends. Also— THE GETTYSBURG GEMS, . a new style of picture which llas become 'T ery popular with the public, not only forair beauty, but for c heap neni and convenience. SIXT P .EN for ONE DOLLAR on ly. Also—TIIE PORCELAIN PICTURES, which for their beauty and durability are unsurpassed. We are prepared' to carry on the bush:wan In all Its various branches. and having had co a sidera Id eespe r i ence we ran no risk in • CUARA.VTEEING PER FEt,T S A TISFA CTIO Our facilities fors lull display of ourakill are nnequa!- ed by any other . Gallery in the County. and we would herefore Invite every one to call at the NEW GETTYSBURG SKYLIGHT GALLERY. - - . Call and examine our Specimens and judge for your melte& LIiYI .11UMPER. June 21,1866. jr‘ G U,R N EA' & N, • ' PHOTOGRAPH ARTISTS, 707 Broadway, New York. In additioh to our PHOTOORAHIC ART GALLERY, established 184.0. We have for the last five years had ad repast* superior to any other establishment In obtain ing sittings from life. of all the PROMINENT CELEBRI TIES of the day •in. CARD PORTRAITS. and age nom Publishing a Catalogue of over 2:410 SUR,IECTS, AMERI CAN AND FOREIGN, also a-large list of Copies of WORKS OP ART AND ENGRAVINGS. • Such as the Right Rev. Bishops of the Episcopial church, the Catholic Clergy, and the Clergy ofall denominations. all prominent officers of the Army,Navy and Confederate States, Act. - ms aod'A c tresses, Professional Billiard Play era. Foreign celebrities; Pictures fir. Stitt - nary. male and female. • Catalogues sent oh receipt of Stamp. An order for one dozen pictures from onrCatalogne will be (Vied so $l.BO, and sent by mail Due. Single Pictures 23 cents each, copies of engravings 15 cents each. 7 N. R. We also desire to call attention to thoadvantage we bare for trproduoing.orcopyln g. Old Dago erreotypt s, Ambrotypes, Card Pictures, &c., of DECEASED RELATIVES AND FRIENDS, enlarging them to any size, and finishing In Oil, Water Colors, or India Ink, with the aid of TEN TALENTED ARTISTS. Parties &string copies, should therefore correspond with us direct. SEND FOR A CATALOGUE. ' The. Trade Sup ied at a Liberal Dixeount. ' GALLERY OPEN FOR FREE INSPECTION. and strangers visiting the City, will And our Gallery ono of the most sgriieable places in tho City, wherein to while away-an bur. J. GURNEY t SON, PUOTOURAPIiEne, 707 Broadway, N. Y. Oct..t.r ISM—$2l 6onfutiotts, tirt out, Napo, SOMETH.TgGr NEW The undersigned has the pleasure of Informing the citizens of Gettysburg and sianity, that he la ..now pro per* to supply the with the tiurioas IL CRA.II SODA, -• • is drawn from Dow's Sada Fountain, which has become so popular in the cities; Ifyon have never tasted this de heicrus drink, you don't know what yon have missed.— ,Try it. Once tasted, yon will become a regular pat! on. I have alecoopened my ICE, CREAM SALOON, with accommodations for , Larnekand Gentlemen; and am prepared to supply! Wrath Antilles. Parties, kc., on reasonable terms. ALso,roonstantly on hand, fresh 'CONFEOTIOWS, . • CAN, do; Cell at the old established stand on Cluun losriburg street, opposite the Lutheran Church attioin log Ithe Keystone otel May 29, 1807.-3 m I ,, HE subseilber calla the attention Of the ethernet:if 0 ottyaburg and vicinity, to his fthe Confectionary, glitentithinent, one door east tittle he on Chamberebuirg street: Oakes, °and ith,ead every description of Confections together with Nu th.Oianges, slot en kitlall of frtdts al ways cai hand: rardee,pnblicand private. tutwell atifitmilles will be hicnistieft with ail kinds of Cakev,lceCreatu, (in pyrnmt &atone oretheretheN) and Other refinahluentv t their Jambes, upon short notice. Havbig spins a 11.4-time at the buslitess.he Otters ftbsttpt aiderstaadsit mdtbie. be lisablctorest , der entire ' Ositro4.?e•theConeticilopar3.' May 49,1887 T°TS. Notions, lifarbieo,%. lIIITARNERT GO and see 3. M. Warner's S* FRESEC_COICRECT_XON • • 'FEB finest and fireshest FRUITS, NUTS, de. at 4 • J. ALIS t ARSHirik , . Topa,milt • 0.*1.60..:4:06:.. JAY D6ORE DREXEL & • B. W. CLARK A :CO., Bankers, • GNTTYSBUItO NATIONAL BANK. bought and sold Orders for purchase and ssiletef • STOCKS, BONDS AND GOLD, promptly execute?. _ . . Fresh Confectioner'', &c. it p tto., tit - _ WAR2III6II, LoeErriToi ic_ SEWING ATACHINE. The Sully Machina so perfected that entire satisfactiou to geiWtnteed or itre, purchase money refunded. MIMI we have)m, ' Agent a simple Machine will be sold at very low price: and a Local Agent appointed on the Mat freeeriblO term. N. B.HSend for'slreulai. Traveling Agents Wanted,— Salary,: ÜberaL & LYON S. M. CO. MIT Broadway, New York Ju1i;,1867. 7 t,m SINGER'SCELEBRATED SLOWING MACHINE TILE Verybeat and latest improved machine In use, to sale at the CLOTHING STORE of JACOBS k BRO., in. Chmabersburg street, Gettysburg, where you eau buy the beet and cheapest Cloths. Case.meres and Yeatings, and evety variety ~ fgoods in the line of NEN AND BOYS WEAR. Teacart', have them cut out and made,op In the very beet style if You wish, at moderate prices, and without auy risk whatever. . GEO. JA,COBS k BRO. , A0g.16,1868. THE HOWE MACHINE CO.'S SEWING MAC INES ' 699 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Th. . ete World-renowned Sewing chioes were awarded the Highest Premium at the World's fair, in London, and six First,Preminme at the N. Y. State Fair of 1886, and are celebrated for doing the Wet work, using a much smaller needle for the same thread than any other machine, and by the Intro -doction Of the most approved machinery, we are now able to supply the very beet machines In the world. These machines are made at our uew and spacious Feb tory at Bridgeport, Conn., under the Immediate super vision of the President of the Company, KLIAS ROWB, Jr., the Original inventor of the Sewing Machine. They ate adapted to all kinds of Family Sewing. and to the nee of Seamstresses, Dress Makers, Tailors, Mann facturert of Shirts, Collars. Skirts. utak', Mantilla ti, Clothing, Vats, Caps, Corsets, Bootb,. Shoes, flarneee, Saddles, i L Men Goode, Umbrellas, Parasols, etc: They work equally will upon silk, linen, cotton or woolen goods with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will seam. quilt. gather, hem,' fell, cord, braid, hind and perform every species of sewing, making a beautiful and percent stitch, alike on both sides of the articlusewed. The Stitch itiveniusi by Mr. HOWE, and made on this Machine, Is the most popular and durable, and all Sew ing Machined are snlject to the principle invented by hint. Send for Citoiliers. SIBLEY .t STOUPS, Genernl Ageois, Mardi 19, Iht:7.-1y N 0.922 Chestnut St., Phil* sEW.ING MACHINES BEST USE.—These Machines have heroin ao well known thatriittle need be said by way of recom mendation. They hare taken the first premium at all the lain State Fain. end are noiveisally acknowledged to hn the BEST in use by all who have tried them. The "'Gruver A Baker Stitch" and the ^ Shuttle Stitch" ate polt.ts that have been attained by no other Machine.— They are the only Machines that sew and embroider With perfection. These Machines aro peculiarly adapted to Ilse. They are almost noiseless, sew directly from the spool without rewinding, and are simple In their construction. rbey are easy to manage, and can be worked , by almost any child. Every family should have one. limy sure labor, they sae, lime, and theysare money. and do their work better than it can be done by hand. The undersigned haring been appointed Agent for the above Machines, has established an Agency in Fairfield, Adams co., where be will always have on Land a supply. Person, wishing to buy will pleaeecall and elan - tine for themselves. . . Neociles and Thread will nlso I,e supplied. J. S. WITIIEROW. Agent. Fairfield, Adam/county, Pa.. Ang.16.186 0 L-tf. .VAIPIRE SHUTTLE SEWING A. 1- .12.4C1 lIrES are superior to all others for Emma' sap htsacn [MING PURPOSEb. Contain all the latest improveruenta; are npeedy; noise. len; durable end easy to work. Illustratedren Inn. free. Agenie wanted. Liberal discount allow ed. No consignment wade. Addrenn EMPIRE S. M. CO., tllO Broadway, New York. Sent. h.. litt;(l.-ly . BRINKERHOFF'S ('JOHN' SHELLER, SEPARATO AND CLEANER. The uuderigned would inform the Agricultural public that he has purchased from the Patentee of Otte exteacrdinary machine, the Patent Right for the States of Pennsylvania and Maryland. Brinkerhoff's Corn Sheller,Separator and Cleani• er, is prOnonnoed the best machine of the kind its this country. And in proof, it may be mentioned that the "Advisory Committee appointed to select impietunte for exhibition at the Universal Ex position in Parie; in 1867, have selected this - Sheller ris the best in America," and at the request or J. C. Derby, U. S. Agent. a enextrine has been shipped to Paris for exhibition. One important feature in this machine is that it will shell earl large, mall or crooked. perfectly clean, and separatei the cob and chaff from the Corn ready for market. The fact may also Le stated that at the great trial of Agricultural Implements, at Auburn, N. Y., io Tel). last, under the auspices of the New York State Agricultural Society, the Brinkerhoff Corn Sliel:er, Separator and Cleaner was reported by one stlthe most competent Committees as the best Coin' Sheller out. They say, "We have care fully examined and thoroughly tested this Ma chine, and have no hesitation 'in pronouncing it the bud /Joni Sheller ire ever saw." The re port is signed by such men as John Stanton Gould, President N. Y. State Agricultural Society; B. P, Johnson, Secretary to surne; Solon Robinson. Ag riculturaiEditorN. Y. Tribune; S. Edward Todd, Agricultuiral Editor N. Y. Times. From among many complimentary newspaper notices, the following, from the N. Y. Obiterver, is deemed sufficient: "Among• all the Hand Corn Shellers made in New York and Albany—and one single firm man 7 nfacturers more than 10,000 annually—not one can enter the circle with the Shellerjust invented by J. Brinkerhoff, Auburn, New York. It shells, separates hnd eleunses, repidly end easily, it one operation, as fast ; :as the ears can be put in the hop. 2 per." The undersigned is new prepared to d:vpose of COUNTY] RIGHTS. He will have SHELLERS ready fur sale in the vourse of a month's time. All letters to be addressed to WIBLE, P. 0. Box 246, Gettysbuig, Pa Mar. 14 1867. ItVaohing atitarhinto. THE BEST W A'SIIING MACHINE. TEIE undersigned offers for Bale, the TOWNSIIIP ItIGILTS of. Adams county, for DE LONG'S PATENT, which is tho onEAPIsT, SIMPLUT and mar that Ins yet been Mt red to the public. TIM Rights will be sold on rea.sonablo Leone. Tide is a flue 011,101 trinity fur energetfc to make GOOD WAGES manntaetnrlng or selling these, Machines. A sample iyeachine will be far nisi ml any ierson who purchases a Right, If desired, at cat. Call aj..the store of Duphorn t Iloffrnan, N. W. cur.. Equate, where the triitchinee , may be seen and tried. • FItA,NK D. DUPHOILN. Gettysburg, Jnne 26, 1867.---tf DI 01 ETTYEBUIIO Aotels and Atotturanto. KEYSTONE HOTEL . GETTYSB ETRO , P A. WM. 1. MYERS, PROPRIETOR. 'NOW OPEN. . THISS Is a new House, and has been A fitted np in the most approved style. Its location ' is pleasant And Convenient, being in the most business portion of the town. Every arrangenient has been wade for the acroMmodatlon and comfort of guests, with ample stabling attached. With experienced servants, and an astanaxiating Clerk., we shall WM every endeavor to please. Thisitiosel is now open for the gotertainment of the public, and we kindly solicit a share of public patron. age. (Slay 29,1867. R. H. IdINNIG E -A O LE HOTEL. This largest and mat comminliocis in Gerrresußa. PViNA. Coax= or 'cniaissitanuiut Airs wAsatiroroar rramrs, J0421T.L. TATE, Proprietor. ggAn ions , Aarn_ Gagers sodAtirgage, inns to th e De,es, oaf and dopicrtnro of Rail Road Troia& Carefill to, sad namable charges. May 29, JOll3 GRUEL. NATIONAL HOrEL, CASEITOWN, PA., E. P. rrTnceFER, pßoiltimE u . orma . ,the oboes erell•ketree -noose, and hawing rucabll , rehtruiehrd It, he it rem pre. =red to ht trir•pds and the public. The b a yeArnf.BO (roseeetet with We liousejletve *hobos& re•S tied prisms deelehlg to "peals kw .1144 l*Pa a *WO/ Plllobaltaalitchh dltd Da, . _ tt, • Lare_ , ..otabibafrrelO ri aslesek ltArt folk *rot yr hoot ~ "ai s' • • ' I. P. , vocipiA akier.-411* . x, v i ltio e. sewervAolitt, , THE GROVER & BAKER , - Agricultural )Impitittents. M!=10 M'CURDYez FLOUR, GRAIN, GROCERIES, ..hoc pax undersigned are paying at their trariptiesnis, tr Carlisle street:adjoining guehler's ths Waist prices for FLOI7R, WIIBAT, BYE, CORN, OATS, RIICHWEILiT, CLOVER AND TIMOTHY-SEEDS, PC. TATORS, to., and Writs producere to give them • call before genie& They bays constantly on hand for sale, A LARGE SUPPLY OF GROCERIES, Molasses, Byrum Coffees, Sagarsote. ' with Balt, Blab, 0118, Tar, &am Bacon and Lard, Tobaocna, Az. Mao the best brawls or FLOUR, with TEED of all kind& They Illteielaa bare SEVERAL ViILUABLE FERTILIZERS, Soluble Pacific Guano, Rhodes' Phosphate and A A Mexican Guano. Whilst they pay the highrilt market prices formal they buy, they sell at the lowonst living profits. Theyask sbareof public patronage r 'resolve4 to give mktehlitiMi in every cane. ROBERT MeCIGUIY, WM. 8. GAMILTOM. July 3,lBtYi'.-tf F 0 R WA AND COMMISSION HOUSE. GRAIN AND ;GROCERIES HAVING purchased the extensive Warehouse, Can, tc., heretofore owned by Samuel Herbgt, we beg leave to inform the public that we are continuing the business at the old stand on the corner rf Washington and naliroad fumes, on a more extensive scale than heretofore. We are paying the highest market price for Flout, Grain and all kinds of produce. • Flour and Feed, Salt, and all kinds of Gmcerim,.kept constantly on hand and for sale, cheaper than they can be had anywhere else. Plaster, and all kinds of fertilizers, constantly on band. or furnished to order. fil-A register line of Freight Cars will leave our Ware house every TIIESO AY MORNINO. and accommodation trains wilt be run as occasion may require. By this ar rangement we are prepared to convey Freight at all times to and from Baltimore.' All business of tideland entrusted to as, will be promptly attended to. Our cars ruu to the Warehouse of Stevenson ,t Sons, le!! north Howard street, Baltimore. Being , determined to pay good prices, sell cheap and deal fairly, we Invite every body to give U 1 a call. CULT & E.A.B.IBH&W. Aug. 9. 1 afifl. W. E. BIDDLE. H. s. BE,NNIRIL 100,000 Buslts. brain Wanted. EW FIRM AT THE OLD WARE 110USR. W 31.. E. CO. would Inform the public that they have leased the IVarehonee on the cor ner ofStratton street and the Railroad, iu Gettysburg, where they will carry on THE GRAIN AND PRODUCE BUSINESS, In snits branches. The highest prices will always be paid for Wheat, Rye, Corn, Oats, Clover and Timothy Seeds, Flaxseed, Sumac, 114 and Straw. Dried Fruit- Nuts, Sirp, Hams, Shoulders and Sides, Potatoes, with everything else in the country produce line. GROCERIES. —On hand, fur sale, Coffees, Sugars, Molasses. Syrups, Teas, Spices, Salt, Cheese, Vinegar, Soda, Mustard, Starch. Broome, Buckets, Blacking, Soaps. An. Also COA GI L, Fish Oil, Tar, Ac. FISH of all kinds; Spikes and Nails; Smoking mid Chewing To baccos. They are always able to mustily egret rate arttcle'ot Flour, with the different kinds or Feed. A leo, G round 'Plaster, with Goan and other fertili sers. COAL, by the bushel, ton or tar load. They will inn • LINE OF FREIGHT CABS from Get tymburg to Baltimore once every week. They are pre. pared to convoy Freight either way. in any quantity, at CDUCED RATES. They will attend, it deviled, to the making of purchases In the city, and delivering the goods promptly in Gettysburg. Their care run to the Warehouse of Nathan Hoop t. Lo., N 0.128 North froward street, near Franklin, Baltimore, where freight will be received at ittortitne. They invite the attention nftbe public to their line. assuring them that they will stare no effort to accommonate all who may patronize them, Api laeiti.—tf • BIDDLE BENN ER. GRAIN AND GROCERIES.—The highest Market price paid for Grain end all kindaot Produce. Uroceries, Pertilikern.ke.,constantly on baud for 'ale at the Mare , honse of Aug. 9 IFICR CULP A EARN: 4 IIa W. SWAN'S GROCERY JOHN SWAN Has fait t eleirfol a spletulid aksottmeht of FRESH GROCERIES. at his Stine on the eta tier of the puhlk &mare, in (Jett yiilinrg. The finest lot otSugars ever brought to tletlyslirg, and very cheap. COFFEE. Coffee Is superior to soy offered In :Le lilacs If you don't bailers It come and sae. MOLASSES. If you want the best Syrups and Molnss-e In toes Jon will and thew at Swan's. QUEL.XiiiII'AILE. tr. lII■ stuck ul Queenaware. Dishe., IA nips. ac., id full cheap and good. Every sty le and price. Cigar. and Tobacco are of ouperior quality. Ac knowledged by good judges to be the best in the toarket. Particular attention paid to Ibis department. A full supply of Candle*. Slits, Fruit. Soaps, Paltry articles. In abort any and every - thing usually found` in a firs! class Grocery. In laying in my stock I was careful to know what I wan buying, and am now prepared to sell no t on ly thunt Groceries, but to sell them very cheap. Give me a call and judge for yuurselvott. May 29. 1866. JOIIN 3L SWAN. W.M. BOYER SON, K EEP constantly on hand a splen 'LW did assortment of Coffee. Sugar. Tea, Syrups, Spices, Fish, Bacon, 8411, Notious, Tobaceo.Cigers,Con factions, and everythingconneccli•dwith a FlUtil% tlrocery, We will alwalti keep up a full supply ofgooda and sell Item at prices srltdch cannot fall to please. Call and see us at ti ix., our 'Mufti York street, opposite the think of Gettys burg. tQR.t II kinds of country produce tat en Inez change for dn. May 29, 1865. NEW ARRANGEMENTS. HENRY OVERDEER, On Om 11,11 in Baltimore Street, Gettysburg, I a HAS made arrangements to get fresh supplies every week from the City and is de• termined to sell ckenp. He invites 'all to else them a call, his stock conaists of Groceries, Nottcns, Flour, Corn Meal, Choped Feed. Corn. Oats, Ptah, Bacon, Lard, Cheese. Crackers, Tobacco, Cigars and Snug, Sugar, tot. tees, Teas, Syrup, Mo:asses. Candles, Coal Oil, Fish Oil, Tar, Beat Cider, Vinegar, and a great raeety or Notion., Candies. *c.. &c. ikaL,Tlie coati or trade will be given for County Pro. duce such as Flour, Corn, Oats, Butter, Egge, Potatoes, Rage, Lc. [May 29, 1867.-tf NEW GROCERY STORE TELL EVRTEBODT YOU SEE THAT GILBERT, TUST *bore the Court-House, and opposite the Cbstpi ler Office, will sell you everything in the GROCERY AND PROVISION Line cheaper than yen can get it elsewhere. Sugars, Coffees, Molasses, Candles, Coal,oll, Byrum Brooms, Buckets, Tuba, Tobacco, Cigars, Notions of all kinds, II AM, ISH, OYSTERS , 'VEGETA , BEES. always on hand. Give me a call. &LI am deter. - mined to accommodate. BUTTER. EGOS,.and all kinds of Country Produce taken, for which the Meng* east price will be given. Don't forget the place—tcwo down!' above the Court-bonne. Don't page without calling, as' t solicit year patronage. • May 29.—tf Important' TO ALL PERSONS! HENDRICKS & WARREN have iz parch the Store situated on York street, two dpors east of Mrs Hotel, formerly occupied by JA. ailmes, and itterly by 0.11 Swope. where they will keep constant on hand a complete assortment of GROCERIES. including Syrapskoffees, Sugars, Teas, Bacon, Flour, Peed, Rice, Potatoes, Solt, Tobacco , iho, with every arti cle to be found in a Bret-clam Grocery. Also CONICILT TIQNS, NOTIONS and FANCY ARTICLES. They hope to receive a Share of public patronage, and earnestly solicit a continua: co ut the custom heretofore given to the establishment. JOHN 11.1;NDRIONg, Gettysburg, May 29, ISM. HIRAM WAgg,gN, Sol' Grocery and Flour Store. MEALS it BROTHER., IiAVING opened a Grocery, Flour lA.". and Vegetable Store, In the Boom formerly on. stapled by Ow. Little, on West Middle street, they ex 'tend an Invitation to all buyers to eye them a ealL-- . Everything in their line, fresh tram the City and mate try , will be kept On hand. They are determined to aell• Mb cheap as the cheapest, and as they only Ilk Lim Merest living Prance, they hope to merit and receive a liberal "bare uf publics patronage. MEALS A BRO. May 29,1886. Grocery 4 Liquor Store. A LARGE assortment of line Koosaiss, Cotreee, White swan of an. Wads', awl Br i ms iiiii6 emir. prituo noir Crop Odious Moluases. auto twirl of Ity laps ; M atSai a 1401161111. 1 .4 beat in tasirkfiL li kiwis or . • LIQUORS, .• Wboidssleand rotati,prieve Wins, Brandy, Rye Whist" ,Iko i for medicinal and other rupees*, in any quantity. As.B, it lablar's Berl. Bitters. lad th• .. .great Zimisei ilitt.ers WSJ. d. MAMPIN. .* 1 3Lsy 29. Mr.- ti Balt lamest., Gettaeberite . -.; . . . . f OAS and FISH Oil, of the "beg q uait t eir.hf WK. . iscwititi r now 71- SR mit arletrini‘ 1 40 1 tkis, 'esessiatikrastike k 119;114"i' 1 ; • . . *rt ~ ' • . ~.. - * ....,._-.........._.--___ . . . s . ", : - -, j . ` '' 1,1 • , :":!.: 1, 40 - --It s y.f4i :- •• A „ ~ ' '. • ,- '. . : . ' ~,•• ':: ",- ,c,-- . e .„,, " - , , 5 , g - . \ ~g , , , i I 4 .i i -.. ~ • ' --- r ---- 7 - ' • ."(- - - - :DEALERS IN FLOUR A D FEED T OrortritS. CIUARS AND TOBACCO CANDIES AND NOrIONS snottdd wisto. MEI L)4wi•a& El Eli EEO National 'telegraph Inutile, ansisr of Apia and & CRaiy &reds, PIPTIMIIRO, PA. # rhe largest, Cheapest, Beit ACfIJAL .Ousnms ccii,LEOE. IN THS UNITED STATES Dui the pm . t ten yeare, upwards of PIP BIN tNOUBAND BTUDENTBi Beeman ag well' State la the Union, have Oradea. , t ted here. , .. ' A qauxcq OP ACTUAL BUSINESS, SoPolled id* Radoi,,Storea, Pod Moo, Commloslon BroliarV Insurdare. Railroad, Rtaamboat, sad Macao, ke.,'coasbialitig TkiEORY AND PRACTICE. Students are thoruitghly lastructeiln all the branch*" of a • P.BACTkAL Dus.rHEssr EDUCATION, DMlading Baolvkoeping, Penmanship, Arithmetic, Com meicial Law, Politic* Economy, Losiness Correspond ence. the Art of Detecting Counterfeit Money, Railroad. fug, Steambcating, Tielegraph!ng, PRACTIpAL BANKING, Ac. STUDENTS CAN ENTER AT ANT TIME, And complete a full onn' roe In ft omllOllT to Timms 'nooks. Pays all expo . mei forinition, Books, Blank., and Dip loma. NO .IIXTRA CUAROES For PeumaaShip, Staanibonting, Railroading, Banking or Diploma, as In other Colleges. Fru Litsinotts daily in Penmanship to all etWdents in the Commercial Depart ment. , • FOR CIRgIILARR4 givinglull information. sad onk• contiplete iwftlitio of our system of Practical En shws Rdnealdon, ther with S±IMONIAL 8 from Practical Bnsinass Men, Iferehants, Banker., Book keepers, Se. Address the Principels, • - - 13, 18156.-ly DICKINSON Mi AT CARLISLA PEN. NA GIGRLY IMPORTANT TO :OUNG MEN CONTEMP LATING A BUSINESS EDUCATION, TO know that this Institution em ploys nose but competent instructuni In every de partment, and a stiglcieut number to insure individual Instiuction to all unto students. and being connected with "Dickinson College," enables it to preaent combined facilities of the highest order, while the current ex penses attending a coarse here, are from 50 to $lOO less than at similar iperltitions in large cities. We think that when them recto ere properly understood by those whoeontemplate mattering an institution of this order, they will not be long iqdecidini, In favor of Carlisle. The following ccurseht Instruction' ahould commend itself to all, who dealre that kind of Information most re quisite to prepare them for any ...fibs tesisess poritals in Ms. BOOK•KSEPIN6. Single and Double Diary u applied and practiced in the various dapartmeate of Trade and Commerce, and Banking [forums of the country. Practical sad Ornamental of superko Style—giving specks! amen goo to pior,er movement, in the formation and combination ul loggers. and thereby insuring to ev ery student alood Cu' rent Band. BUSINESS ARITFI3IETIC including the moat nlpproved and pert adapted !netball fur elliCUbigkrcup--Mental end Written. ENGLOM GRAMMAR Tawglit Via iFpreLillreferiwiet to ow: wet ewaspoeltkni, ithOUt WhICIS ho student will assumed. duties of a tlgt claim ai.cuuntimi. MEFCANTI LE LAW Taught In laisners, using . - Dean's Treaties" u a Tent Book, toshraming the nsost important legal information 11,r a itoutitteso man to pusses. c BUSINEMB' FORST A\D CORRESPONDENCE, are daily practiced in the Actual Business Deputmeut, where the students in exianection with their untie. mee duct -an extensive virrespondince, and make out all rums from a fteceipt,no a judittutmt :tote liPlteistL BR ANCIIE2I. ; ' Phonography or Ato m Mad Writing, Ornamental Pep. ninnehip, Pen Drawing, Selegrephing, hatural Philoso phy, tieutnetrl, A isetnes. tc . tc. We Invite an Impartial inv migattsn of our facilities, fsr imparting *Gaud luatraction in the branches entiler. steel.; • deo Students cuter ut 'thy time, wad pu Nue theliVottrue withciut lutertimtkm. sir For further panic-al:al, write and receive Circular. &term, . M. TRIMM KM, Carlisle, Yu. Felt. 21, 1867. BUSINESS COLLEGE, BRYANT, STRATTON 5z KIMBERLY'S CORNER lOTA AND CHESTSUT 3TRRETu PHILADELPHIA YOUNG MEN epitted or lie Conotitur Room and flosine•to life Ib THEORY & PRACTICE omblned by mem of lankp, Baldric. House!, and the nRe of all kiwi, of flualnel. Paper THIS INSTITUTION Is endorsed by the leafing business men of tile City STUDENTS RECIIVED AT ANT TIMIS 'CO4EOI6 OPEN ALL THE YEAR FOR PARTICULARS BEND FOR CIRCULARS June 19, 1861.'—ly . : . titter stabito. :_..........[ _.'7-...___,... . 4. . GETTYSB. RG LIVERY, SALE k EXCTfANGE STABLES. L IrtiE Prspriethr of these Stables, - fo o ting thankhil for kbellberalpstrouageheretofore m ei! , beside"?' tribicernithepubijc that becontinuei 1 the I.II I ,ART BORINRSB at his old stand on Washington street, Dettysburg,vear Ihe Railroad, where hole pre prired at all times to aceonumbla t r persons wit hanything la bhp line. t .i WOWS, 00A EP, HUN GIEB,Ac., urpishell staliorli notice nd on reasonable terms, and otenpetetftativers gent along it desired. Persons will be conveyeii to other town i tto any place in the country. stock'Bleand DOA es of the first ohms, and no pains dill be to Make p pgers comfortable He Is at all times to furnish coaches for Amends; al also to perties Multi* to go over the Battle Plaid or to That the Springs. ALSO—HONES AND MULXS 1 will bobought and sold aMII thir es. Personsdestrlngto ' ,arches* , stock will flndit to their advantage to call on sp undersigned, as his stoc k is warranted to be as rep. ...rented or no Mile. 11 bets a One lot of Noises and Mass at present on . hand blob will be sold on reasons. blip term" They're soand free from disease, and aye griarantied to work ;represented. Persons will 3 audit tp theiradivintag 4 collet the old stand before Mentor pnrckarlagelsevihere. Ito N/, 1.1167.tf . ' NICHOLAS WEAVAR. . . .THE EAG E LIVERY, BALE & EXCEANGE STABLES. irdishingbin .Ftiv.t, Gettysburg, Pa: ADJOINING TH I E EAGLE HOTEL. T 1 , gem lundi i r_si ' dth:ozidhur!.spectitd snr z.vrxi , LUIS GE BTATLi ad i a this soo4b 8 WPrePiwild to' er capsular scrammed:Skew in dds e. H. has prow himself wish Doggie., Oar- Aim Its, Lien W to ,of the latest Wiles, saillehmit to skeet the pu I demand.. His horses are a/I 14 04 0, *lakes opt or til lA, and perfectly relielde— diateurpWir "old brim*" bet all of the "II.40" order. B'es ese alw be accommodated and aria !IWO; sits fa ed. , rar=r . 011 1 011111fti Keiji:art whet they want on Sbe ywtt rze= to . fie politely attended to, sad imitable suss bed Haired. Hut warty p suet Vein the Depot spa the sr dull imitable. - of ovlrr %Pan. 1631 %., - eokk• Ar• Whafilfdd r , and ohm* a Sirruis elooko • ~ us dirric. Oar motto la .fidr alai mod 110 r. -: t 1 1 , • ..:. 4 1 44' * 11 4 edindied paid to Dultieliand Ythid . idt reeire dliaby rho' J 114111111111410 i , I v. 4. ' paroo- - - ' O -*lap 4$ a paid ON s ate 04111,4.4!1 •I AND ?tflY DOLLARS SMITH A COWLEY, Pittsburg, Penna. PliN3tAl 4 iBllll'.,/ k.el3 till • 'Peatesi. B. A. RnR E T] S TIIE MIT' VEGETABLE HAIR RESTORATIVE, TO WITIOR WAG AWARDED A SILVER if.ND.AL! 7* Highest Protium al Use New Hampshire :Gals Affr. superior to all others for rester. .1 8 1 :g o w an : l'774l " r :P e ts •ORIGINAL COLOR. This Pneparetion relieves the hes... of Douidruff, Hats. .ors; and all unpleasant Horn ing or Itchin g of the scalp, supplying to the roots°f the hair the required nourish. went for the promotion of Its growth IT IS A BEAUTIFUL DRESSING, leaving the scalp, cool, clean and healthy. /a, EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED. 'VI - J. R. BARRICTT k CO., Proprietors. Manchester, N. IL 8181.8 old by Dr. E. Horner, Gettysbur g , Pa., and by Druggists generally. June 26,1867.—em CLIMAX ! CLIP A.X ! ! PAGE'S CLIMAX SALVE, A FAMILY BLESSING FOR 25 CYNTS It heals without a scar. No family should be without it. We warraut It to cure Scrofula, fierce, Salt Rheum, Chilblain', Tatter, Pimple!, and all Eruptions of the Skin. For Sore Breed or Nipples. Cut■, Boredom, Brui.oe, Barns, Beek's, Chapped fiends, kc., it maketra perfect 13=! It hes been axed over fifteen years, without one failure It has no parallul—batlng perfectly entdkated ease and healed after all other remedies bad failed. It Li a compohnil of Arnica with many other Extracts and Salaams, and put up In larger boxes; than any other Oluttuent Sob! by Drugglets everywhere. White I Howland Proprietori. 121 Liberty Street. Sew York 31iireb 28,18157.—1 y cow R ING'S VEGETABLE AMBROSIA FOR GRAY HAIR RINGS RINGS. RINGF RINGS To RINGS RINGS Restore RINGS RINGS Gray flair to its RINGS RINGS Original Color. Era& RINGS RINGS Mate Dandruff and RINGS RINGS f VEGETABLE Ananosie 1 RINGS RINGS j la WARRANTED. 5 RINGS RINGS Humors from the RINGS RINGS Scalp and pre- RINDS RINGS rent Baldness. RINGS RINGS TEN . A Boma: RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RLNGS This is the AMBRAMIA that 11); g made. Thin is the Cure that ley In the .A 311IKOSIA that Iting guide This Is the Man alovvas hall aid gray, Who nrw has raven locks, that say lle used the Cure that lay In the AMBROSIA that Ring tuade. This is the tlai.len, handsome and gay, Who married the man.onee bald and gray Who nor has royeu locks. t bey ray. Ile need the A 318h02.a10 that Ring made. This I. the Parpon, silo, by the way, Married the Maiden. handsome and gay, the Mao mime bald and gray. But uoarliaa raeeu lucks, they say, Betels.* housed the Cure that lay In the M IthoBl A that Ring made. TL is 14 the Bell that rings away annlflr V3e pen;el«, nut KW) gay, Unto this GKt *hich herein...lo lay— If yt,u atonal:lnt he bal.: or gray, Use the A)1111:0:74,k that It hag rustle. E. )I,TUBBSv k CO., Proprietors, Peterboro' N BLOOD! BLOOD!! BLOOD PURIFY YOU'I? BLOOD 3IAIZE'S BLOOD PCB'kV : LNG AGENT An effectual remedy in curing: Sertifola. Salt Rheum, Teter, Ulcers nod Sorel. ilinthai; Pimple., Tumors, PWltulet. General Dehility.DyniepSis Lou of Ap petite. Female Irregnlntritiev rad Comp Mints, and, in. gruel:it, Ali Moodier. hiving thier origin hi i nn Impure condition of the Stood, or a disordered:et ate of \t c he ner von. syvtem. TAO. medicine. the result orskillful aed scientillurom. bluetit...it. is a purely vegetable pre; swollen, free frorwall ihjorifsts ingreqients. as its name Indicates it renovate* the Wed; prtr•MH not the corruption, that breed in it. restoring ita healthy . act i. n and litality, and striking at the very east of dire ease eradicates every trace of it innit the sytem, and gives b lawn to the pallid cheek. and health and vigor to the (tame. Many diseases and much suffering are directly traceable to the impurity of the blood. and it is of the greatest imis,rtaince for all tins% the blood which coerces through every part of the system carry no poison or cor rupt:on with It. To suffer with hideous sorea ' pimples and eruptions and ether diseases arising from impurity of the blow! is no longer necessary. sa the Blood Purify ing A gent in sure and safe In its effect.. Mothers having children buttering truer eruptions of any kind will find it especiAlly effective. ThaPeonrie ter has many testimoni als from Clergymen and feeding citizens of the county alter.. the medicine is prepared certifying to the wonder ful curer effected by it, vpareal by Dr. H. D. 3IAIZE, Albland, Penna. Depot Gilbert t Royal, Wholesale Druggists, has. 309 and 1 I North Third et, Philadelphia. ai-ror gale by Dr. Hubert Horne.r and A. 1). Buehler, liettysburg, Pa. June 19. I Stri.-3mo DR. L. J. GROVE'S UNIVERSAL MAGNETIC SALVE & PLASTER. •Th This deservedly popular remedy, having been greatly improved, is now offered to the citizens of Adams county. sae titauyabousituds who ire daily using it, testify to its magical Virtues in the early staged of Cbanneption„ (mobs, local it Aetanatient, Neuralgia, Jew and Tooth Ache, Weakness and l'uin in the Back, Side aad Kidneys, • Cancer, Scrofula, Old &nees. Eryripetes,• Iresh frosted., Burns, Bruises. Sare or Inflamed Broads, farcrted Toe /Pails, (brat. Bunions. dr24 dc.. Its mytterieua virtues, and the wonder fill extras It has perti,rtned, tuLtht be published; but the discoverer Is willing to rely on Its intrinsic merits, in order to Inkro /ince it into ever) family in the country Prepared Only by the proprietor, 9.53 R. Lombard St., Baltimore; and mild by A. D. BUEHLER, Dr. R. 110 - N RR. and .1. S. FORNEY, Get•yeburg, and by the mer chant. of the county. itcrxxxxcis. :—llenry Culp, of P., Andrew Schick, jam Winebrenner, J. L. Schick. air Merck:lilts can cet n @apply ny cAlling at J. WINE BRENNER'S, nt ‘Vliblesale Priam July 31, IFt.7.—ly HELMBOLD' S CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Eradicates Eruptire and Ukerative DiffAJCJ of the:Thrua Nate, Eye:, Eyelids, &alp, and Skin, Which so disfigure the appearance, Purging the evil effects of Mercury, and removing all to the resonance of Disesses, hereditary or otherwise, and b taken by Adults and Children withperfect Safety. Two Tablespoonfalls :of the Extract of Sarsaparilla, added to a pint of water, is equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and to bottle lammed to a gallon of the Syrup of Sarsaparilla, or the decoctions a. nanally made. An Intereedng Letter is pnblhthed In the Medico-Mir urgioal Review, on the subject of the Extractor &maple dila, in certain effectiosse by Benjamin TrWrere, P. R. IL, etc. speakieg of those diseases., and Mame, arising front the excess of mercury, he states that no remedy is equal to the Extract of ilaraaparilla ; its power is extra ordinary, mdre so than any other drug ram acquaint ed with. It 'is, in the strictest sense, a tonic with this invaluable attribute, that ft is applicable to a state o the system so sunken, and yet so irritable es renders other substances of the tonic class unavailable or tapir one. lIELMMOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT BARBAPARiLLA Established upwards of 18 years. Prepared by K. T. NEWBOLD, Droggifit and Chemist. 694 Btoadway; N. Y. arSold by aft Dragglatv. Apr,E9-1, frOLADIES.-If you require a re liable remedy to ratters you, and remove Irregu larities; or Otsitjnettons, why not nee the beet I Thirty yeas" experience has proved that DR: HARVEY'S, FEM ALR PILLS. have no qua for Removing Obstructions and Irregular. ince. No matter from what mass they arise. They are safe and sure in every tails. Price. Ons potjar e perboa. DR. HARVEY'S GOLDEN PILLS, Is a remedy Blur degrees stronger than theabove, and intended air special CUM Cajon standing. PA( e, live Dollars per box. A Lake liivate Circular, with Jrnoretefarr, sent fess on application. If yea cannot met the Pills of your druggist, send the money MTh'. J. Bryan, 816 Broadway, New, York, and they will be sent free from observation by return 0 man. pan. 10, 11167.-ly niggle in Inualttsburd, Idd., by Stela A co. - - a FREE TO EVERYBODY. A Lange 6 pp. Olfoultr, giving intenaatlau of the greeted importance to Mayans. of both sexes. It teaches how the homely may become beautiful, the despised reenacted, and the briaken loved. No young lady or gentlemen shenkl iz tidl to new th eir Addries, and receive a copy postpaid, return mall. Addreee P. . Drawer, 21, Tab. 21, 160.-11 m. 11:0.31. Y. ;- LOVE AND MATRIMONY.-The directions of the opposite sex say be gained by A& lowing Otistple rules and at mayplly, ft de. rafted ; without record to wealth , age'good di. iroctel eirrelope aid atsiap Sr pa nto !Whim L13011.1401131•111111,111blo aeon, New To* Jou. 10, 1867;-ly goiXELMEOLD'S Extasat Ba n g or!ibi SeaaaM aad renovates the biped, litonb,iii ' Ito .the system, and purges out the hammy Itee wits dues..,. , taw Aries tae war sir s re s at Woollies.— As' dilot_plaitHa ghat lli afoot skipaino a raft* a• • s Wand THE GREAT PREVENT I. 1866. L. TEE GREAT Zingari Bitters. frif - D3 DIVADT was discovered an -. L. introduced about twenty year's ago by Dr. 13.Cheop sue, an eminent&gyptian physician. He had long seen and felt the want of some remedy which would strike at the root of dhotis.. and so pre vent much of the suffering *which the human kindly wart then compelled to endure. This groat question was presented to his mind area day in vividoolors se be moved among thesick and dying, and observed the insilleienery of nearly all the remedies then In use. Thus be was led to think and experiment; and afterten years' study and labor, be presented to his itilkow-man the Wonderful Zinged Bitters. The effect of this preparation in the prevention and cure of disease, Was so mervellotwand astonishing, that the mostdatter• lug marks of royal favor were bestowed upon him who discovered it. His name was placed upon the 801 l of Nobles, and a gold medal with the following inscription —Dr. 13.0beopsus, the Public Benefactor—was presented to him by the Viceroy. The preparation has been used in several epidemics of cholera, both es a preventiveand curative measure, and with such great success, that It has been introduced into nearly all the general hospitals of the old world, The old saying that an ounce of prevention is worth • viand of cure, applies with marvellous force to cholera, and therefore any remedy that will protect us against this terrible disease should be freely said persistently sued. All pathologists now agree that thocholera poison acts •on the system through the blood, and that any.combina- Mon which acts on the excretory organs, and keeps them in working order, must prevent a sufficient accuteulation of the poison to exert its terrible effects on the organink. This is true not only of cholera..but of nearly all other maladies, especially the differenetomm of fever. The Zinged Bitters is Just such a remedy as the shave conditions require. It acts on the organsof excretion and secretion, keeping up a perfect balance between them. This Bitters is composed entirely of room and herbs, so nicely concocted that every organ is acted upon sad put in tone. Its taste is pleasant and its effect' prompt and lasting. Numerous cases of the following diseases have b•en cured , by it: Cholera, Diarrhme, Dysentery, Scrofula, Typhoid and Typhus Fever, lever, Ague, Nervous De bility, Anaemia.remalelrregniarities,Dyspepala,Flatu lency, Colic, &c. Price One Dollar per quart Bottle. Principal Depot at the Walnut street wharf, Harris burg, Pa, Sold by D'rugaists,llot elk eepersand Groceregenerally. igg6.G. F. KALBPLXISCH, sole Agent for Gettysburg. P. BARTER, Sole Proprietor Harrisburg - , Ps May 29, 1867 NO MORE BALD READS! DR. LEO-N'S ELECTRIC HAIR RENEWER. ItS pronounced by all who have used ithe very begt:preparation for the Hair. It le apo *Rive cure for Ba Illness, eradicates Dandruff and Humors, stops the hair from tilling out, and speedily restores Gray Locks t., their original hue and in. uriance. It operates on the secretions, and flits the glands with new life and coloring matter. Thin, dead, faded or gray heir will always be brought back by a few applications, to its youthful abundence, vitality and color. It makes the hair soft. glossy. fragrant, pleasant to the touch and easy to arrange. Dry. wiry, and intractable locks become moist, pliant, and disposed to remain inlay desired position. As a hair dressing it has no equal. The sales are enormous, and it is a universal favorite with old and young t b oth sexes. Sold by Druggists throughout the United States. Ad dress all orders to ZIEGLER it SMITH, Sole Proprietors, 137 North Third St•eet, Philadelphia. Dec.l9, 1667.-1 y GOOD NEWS FOR MOTHERS ! a-e you oppressed with anxiety for your little ones! Are your slumbers and hearts broken •by their cries? Do you wake in the morning unrefreshed and apprebenelve , I f so, procure at once a bottle of Dr. Le on's Infant Remedy, and you will have no more weary hours of watching and anxiety DR. LEON'S INTANT REMEDY bee stood the test of years. Thousands of ourvoi and Mo thers herr witness that it never falls to give relief if used in se.s.oe. It as a mild, yet sure and speedy cure for Colic Cramps and Windy Pains, and is hicaluable for all complaints incident to Teething. r•old by Druggists throughout the U. Staten. Address all orders to ZIMMER & SMITH, Sole Proprietors. 137 North Third Street, Philadelphia. March 19, 1867.-Bm. YOUNG MEN, the experience of past ten years has demoustrated the fact that zee Hance may be placed in the efficacy of BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS, for the speedy end permanent cure of Seminal weakness, Emissions, Physical and Nervous debility, Impotence.or want or power, the result of Sexual Excess, or Youthful Indiscretion, which neglected, ruins the happiness, and unfits the sufferer for Business, Social Society or Mar riage. and often terminates Man untimely grave Make no delay in seeking the remedy. It is entirely vegeta ble ana harmless ou the 'yam, can be used without de tection or interference with business pursuits, and no change of diet is nixessary while using them. Price, One Dollar. If )ou connot get them of your druggist, send the money to Dr. J. Bryan, 819 Broadway, New York, and they will be sent free from observation by return of mall Private Circulars to Gent/ones smtfree , u application. For sale to EturnittsbUrg, Md., by A. T.Strisi k Co, Jan. 10, 11167.-1 y DR. J. BRYAN, cmi im ati og . 619 Broadway, New York, ei'ECIAL TREATMENT in all cases of Seminal, Beznai, Urinary and Nervous Diseases in male or female• Annex Fm and correspondence smcnr coarmarrui. Jan. 10. 1867.-ly AA4\ VOID THE QUACKS.—If you are suffering .from the effects of Youthful Indiscretion 'and hale Seminal Weakness, Emission; de., I will send ycni, free of charge, information which if follow's' will can you wHhout-the aid of medicines. Address HENRY AMSDEN, Station D. Now York. Jan. 10,1867:.1y A Clear Sinunth Skin and Beautiful Complexion foll4tem the [lie of llelmbold's Conten t Extract Sa. - aapatllla. It removes black Spots, pimple' and all ertiptions of the skin. YOUNG LADIES BEWARE !- Of the 'Num:rue effects of 'Kee Powders and Wash ing. All such tatuollee close up the ports of the akin. and In a short time destroy tu• complexion. If you would have a fresh, healthy and you thfu. appennuace, use H elm bold'a Extract Saraapertlla. THO 6 who desire brillian4 of eoin plexi net parity and enrich the biped, which Lielmbold's • trated Extract of Bareaparille, torari ably does. de • for Tak fo other. • AsELMBO' D'B Concentrated Extract SersapieriHa, Is the Great Bleod Patifier. UANTITY t'9. Quality. Helmbold's a t Y.l tract Sanwparqla. The does Is entail. Those whu desire a large quantity and large doses or medicine ERR TN the spring months, the system naiti j_ rally undergoes a change, and Eletnabold's Highly Concentrated Extract of Sersaparila is an anis' taut of the veatent value. ,forge and t oundq. IRON-IRON-IRON! GETTYSBURG FORGE THE subscribers respectfully inform the Public that they hare erected a Ports in con nection with their steamll,and are now manufact ur- Forge-Hammered Iron, ifflch as Plough, lloree.ahoe and Bar Iron, and respectful ly invite BLackanithe and Dealers to give them a call, Dieting satisfied that they willbe able to please as to quality, finish and price. BRING2ILLN k WARREN. N. B. The higheat parker price paid for wrought wrap Iron. B. kW. Dee. 18.1166. GETTYSBURG FOUNDRY. TEM eubscribar would Worst his customers and others that ha Is still manufacturing various kinds of Caa time aid Machines, wade to order, oa short *nice, such 1111 TIIBZ9HYBB AIgWPOWEIIB. (Ave diftareni sizes of Powera,) Clover-swat Hullers and Cleaners, Corn Sheller, and Separator*, Conlikkhilhr Cut ters Straw and Hay Cutter*, Plough., such as Cast Pilo Cut ters, Baraboar •Plougtta, Side - hlll and r* Ploughs; Slons; th WIRE-BPBING UORU RAZII, the latest Improvement; also Metal Screws for cider Presses, Iron nailing be Cemeteries or Porches, : with everything else in his line, all at low prices. FOR sels—A light Two•horse Wagon a One•horse Wagon, all new. DAVID ' ftsans.a. 'May 21).—tf gardwart, gulltry, &c. HARDWARg AND 0 ROCBRIZB THZ eubeoribere have j t returned limn the ettlee With en i omens ornpp ly of ITARDWARNA GROOKBRIE, which they are offering at their old stand In Balthnere West, f at pileesto suit thethoos. Ours to:koosidirtat Dirt o Oarpenter'eTools. ' Biacbmith'iTool ■ o • Findings, • Cabinet Ilfaker'eToole, HoutphsepertePixturm. , A.llklndsoflron 0 caßiza PP ALL BINDS, 0114Pai tits, kg., Mc. Thereto no ertie4titeinded in at* erweral departments mentioned above. MIR wbeteen Se Med et this Store. Brary elm of Meehattir'eoen be e 6 ocimmodated here with mole audit nditt its.end lioneekeep- Ws con lind every artielein Give aumal alt we Ilreprepared to eel lasi ow for cash se anyottinri k os ue est albs city May IS ,1867 HATCHETS. The beet and cheapest for the caummer ars alum man ntaatured by JENKINS & TONGUE, PIRLADYLPUU. Bblaglins. lathing, Claw and Dread, made or the peat easi-eteW root aramtaltedsolgoodior haft th an a n y °that's sods la the Unittod Sado, and sold at mach lower pies than other really Ilret.elsas listebsti. They are WOO , ' ad kr oils of the Ina, 8. J. Tonga% who /"' 1 " 1 " a warier lheatity - that salsllthe titled twasz ON nue mum, - which Me gietet his tools a greet celebrity is then pert. ,__'. !tiliT . TalFili. ,• • IS , A. nand unit: go red OM lit Vlard stria otos ibb meth Jur Paw .. . NO MORE GRAY LOCHS! , Waverly, Noble Cook, Riryal Cook, Barley Sheaf. Orient al, otewart's Cook, Ornamental, Excelsior, Prince)toyal end the Emerald Cookleg Stoves, all ter coal or wood.— These varieties are a sebection\ from the best and trust . popular Cooking Stoves the mierket affords, and are all warranted to give entir i satisfaction. Also, a Very large variety of Parlor, Saloon and Shop Stoves_ fur awl or z i wood, including the cel brated Mortitng Glory, the Vol. can, Oval Meteor, Roun Meteor, Dial; Violet, Oem, He. waster, Comet, Egg, ew Egg, Parlor 'cook, to., ke.— Fire Brick and Orates, fr coal or wood, aler \ ays on baud. • ‘,, IN TttE TN-WARE LINE i\‘. , , ci a The assortment emb ce. ereryth ink Lecessary \Jor kitchen or howrehoki p maws, including a large nubs her of convenient yet ch p articles of new design which, i must be seen to be ap redated. The stock is so large \ and varied that those w o have not visited the - estab li sh- \ meat have no coecept of Da extent. In addition to • • the ordinary kitchen u nsih, It Includes Bathing V. eels, Toilet Chamber 14, plain and hurry, Chamber Buckets, Breed and Sp • oozes, Tea and Coffee Cant.. tars, Deed Boxes, Opittocrs, Tumbler Drainers, Bill-head i Doan. Waiters, Ale Car ars, Water Coolers , Slaw Cut - ten, Nurse Lampe, Jelly Moulds Pudding Mould*, Pa tent Nutmeg Graters, b Carree,Gen. Omit Plates and. A B C Plates, Ash Buck ta, Floor Sleeves, Bird Cages, Spout Roads, - Coffee .61 Is, Lanterns, Basting Spootko , Largo Forks. Candle Stir s, Candle Monk's, Copper Dip pers, Wrought - Iron Fryi Pens, Smoothing Irons, Foot Scrapers, Coffee Boaster W aMed Irons, Snuffers. Diane r and Auctioneer Bells, Beaters, Oilers, Flut e d p u . ar . nets, Coal Sieves, Glass- Fruit Cans,- Plaiatog unit Cans, Self-sealing Jars, k ~ kc. Tin- ' ware made to order, and repairing promptly tended to, by the best of yak. men. . IN THE HO IW-WARE LINE : . Cast-iron Pot", of every iii e and variety , ler stoves, Per• eslain Kett l es, Ihr cook iiir ,and preservitig, Tin•lined ' Nettles, So d Itto, Cast-I Stew Pans °revery size and variety, Porcelain and' ti ned; with athonsand and one other articles impoesible emu:aerate in en airertiw meat. Attention is specially rectal to nave valsabl. • ~_ tents for which he le , and about which Mete I humbug, as can be at by scores who base - used them. Ids: TRH UNIT REAL CLOTHILSWRIN , in, WITT'S WASHING . CHINS, see the eclat /rated DIAMOND CHURN. closet' finding*, novoMin arotivited • price. He gunrinteot to exceeding low Awl. aorlontty, If you do not goads. I . July 3, 1867,tf • 628. HOOP WIRT'S. 628. Nkii_IIMING MUM, ' 1 r own make:" E M MRDACIND ewer. y N and Desirable she, style and .0 asps or Hein and I Hoop B_ltirts.-2, 04. 14 I; tirt; V,.Z... 4 ; 84 4 '17,..• 11 W, aniii=4 l eta odeit the was Olin& Clam and inept Path koneble T "Oat owl" toake;' of la i r* trelitibier. Moth hi rable, and Reilly mower bra any o th er snake eialther Biagio or Doable Spring 8 irS In the Anterkee Market., They are Warranted In sr : respect, and wherever In troduced glee general sat) ion. They are now olden. Mealy saM by Detailen, - eve.y LADY heath! try Ask hr "Hopkins' Own i;ka," and see that mob Mart 1 is - Asemp e e " W. T. lioPx 8. DIANDFAVTUititt. nil ARCH etripet PHYDADEL HU." Nu oti , liff are Hein le& A Cataknrue oteitelni Style, Mae end Loan hi. the. riot to airy addrese. Dogma and larnien I Ms- Meat *Booed to Dealers. ' by mall or otherwise. promptly and torarally Wholthehattil Lite% ei Imenteceemantiludiet limillill Arek Yalta - i vs , n izgaile le MO Ageoll • OILS MO LT. Wari0...10.1 , WIL T. Min" JOEL B. DMllia, DAVID ZIROLAR. Ihare asioolatetSwl . me, In bullies', my son, lean h. Sicautin, under. • • firm and style of D. licenser ! Soi, and I depire to yto my old Mends and thepub. lle generally that. ii the war, the matialtature of Saddles, Barnes', Col mac., has been retired at the old established and well k • ern stand on Baltimore Street. one square south of t Court House, Gettysburg, p. . _ Haying bad an • once of 40 years in this establish. went, I reelassured.t t , with renewed attention to bus. Mess, we can mil i Inn er merit and i melee a 101 l share of public patronage. Yeb.1.1866. . i J With increased facilities for conduyting our busies's, we are bettor prepared than seer to satisfy the wants of all those whn may need anything in our line. Weave. chilly call the at tent4a of /armors and others to the aupetlor quality of °Mr Plain or Quilted Seat Horn Side Leathers. Saddles, Alamos, all kinds, with or Plain• or Quilted Sedt no withont.fluitenlngs, Horn, . I Housings, Plain or Quilted Seat Side Scotch Collanleather), 14 Saddles, µ (tickin g), Plainoriancy &addict:Paths No Seam Collars, Wagon Saddles,i Dist Weltllarness Collars, Riding Bridles, of all kinds, Fa tent Leather Collar., fair or black, rounded or stitched or unstitched. flat. I Best Leather Wagon Whips, Martingales, 4, 4 1 , 1 4. and feet long, Carriage HAI lloU, ell layite, PIO TINOS Whips. ' silver or black. mounted, Trotting Whip.. Heavy Draft Harness, Ladies' Riding Twigs, Blind Bridles, Whip lashes, Girths, ' • Horse Blankets, kc., de. Cruppers, In short, everything that pertains to a drat class genera horse furnialling establishment constantly on hand or mitde to order promptly, of the very best material, and by the most experieneed workmen in the country, (two haring worked in thislestatilishment for the last thirty veers.) lllV•ntre now manufacturing an excellent lot of 'leery Draft and Harness Goiters for those w ho prefer onr own to city made work. • Repairing °fall kinds doneat short notice and on rea sonable terms. All are cordially invitedto call and examine for thew , selves as our work canbotfail to recommend itself. lab. 1.18136—tf. DAVID McCRIAttY .k 808. " NEW SADDLER SHOP. rt .t an b t eHi b " . ll,B o st oallt to order,treet,e d t t Pa.—C an O b iy on RIDING SADDLES, WAGON SADDLES. CARRIAGE HARNESS, DRAUGHT HARNESS, RIDING BRIDLES; BLIND BRIDLES. COLLARS. FLY NETti, as loss az the losresit May 2'i, 1567.—1 f. C ARRIAGE-3TAKIiNG RESU3IED he war being over, the uudirsigued have restrued the CARRIAGE-MAKING BESINEFIS. at their old stand. in; East Middle facet, Gettysburg. where they are again :prepared to put up work in the most fashionable. substantial, and superior- manlier. A lot of new and secowbhand CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, AC on hand, which they still dispose ofat the lowed' pric and all orders will be supplied as promptly and wish.; tortly as posaible. IarREPAIREIG.IIO dune with dispatch, and at cheapest rates. A large lot of new andold lIARNESS n hand fur eale. Thankful Air the liberal patronage heretofore enjoyed In them, they solicit Ind will endeavor to deserve a large share in the future. May 29.-t f ARRIAGES AND BUGGIES TATE & CULP Are now building a rariety of COACH WORK of the latest and mod sppred styles, and constructed of the best materval, to ow they invite the attention of buy ers. Having built out work with great care, and of ma t brial selected with apOctal reference to beauty of style and durability, we cat! confidently recommend the work as unsurpassed by an other in or out uf the tithe. All we ask is an inspection of our work, to convince too.e in want ofany kind of a !vehicle that this is the place to buy them. .FirRKRAIRING fy every branch done at Abort notice and on reasonable terms. Give us a call at ourYactory. Leer the corner of Wash iogton and Chamtierateurxstreets. tlettyabhrg, J doe 42, 1863.—tt ,Storto, linwart, &r. TIN-WARE AND STOVES• THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT O} TIN-WARE] IN THE COUNTY, Ma S. G. COOK'S, (Formerly ladeew Polley's); also some 01 THE BEET COOKINg-STOVES IN TILE MARKET, among which are tht OLD DOMINION, co.uPitolu4E, PEN:O_ , YLVANIA NOBLE COOK Also, in/my other art Idles for kitchen use, which will be mold u low &rat any other place Inthe county Apr 11.12,1866 =U STOVES, TIN-WARE, &C., &C. rpm: public are invitml to call and examine my itn_ menaa stock gOods 2 Ir THE STOVE LINE : • mil and examine r iods and everything in f uyeat me and °°°. to ga testy your tto buy. No twig DM to C. H. I sumo. goo DAVID McCILIART J. 31. Rork: DANNER k ZIEGLER ECONO3 . fIS7, BARLEY SURAF, Ac COOK