A FOREIGN . NEWS. THE Italian Parliament has been proro gued: —The hostile. movement of Garibaldi on . Rome has been 'discontinued.—Kossuill has, declined to serve in the Hungarian Parliament to which lie ,has been elected.—The Salts burg Conference between the Emperors of France and Austria continues to occupy pub lic attention in Europe. It is said that the agluament 'between the Emperors involves not only the formation of a Southern German Confederation, but also resistance to any in tervention in the Eastern question, and the settle rent of the Schleswig trouble. In rela thin t Mexico, it was determined to make a joint demand for the body of litAximilitiu,and to protect , the cittzens of both emplrefit in Mex ico at all hazards. The semi-official` papers at Berlin fiercely attack the Saltzburg Con terence,and asserts that definite atrangements were made for the formation, of a pro-Austrian German Confederation.—Advices from Spain report an insurrection in Arragon, and at last adviceskhe insurgents were carrying every thing before them. Tux. SuartArr Jrn.y.—One of the jurymen in. the Surratt case, it seems, has given an ac count of the deliberations of that body after retiring to make up their verdict. They first had a secret ballot,when four of the Alps were marked "gully" and eight "dot ghilty." Dis cussions of the' testiinony followed at. length, the majority party adhering to the belief that Surratt had proved an alibi. This belief was adhered to during; all subsequent di‘isions.— The evidence which had the Most weight with them was that given by the thres...store keepers at Elmira, who testified that they saw Surratt in their store at'sothe time be-, tween the 12thand 15th of April,,ltiti. They admitted that the piisoner was guilty of par ticipation in the conspiracy, but did not be lieve he was present in Washington on the day of the assassination. The testimony that ex ercised the greatest influence 'on the minds of those jurors Who voted for conviction was that given by Susan Jackson, the colored ser vant of Mrs, Surratt's house, who swore that she saw the prisoner sitting in the basement on the'l4th of. April, when Mrs. Surratt said, nThii is ray son John; doyou think he looks anything like Anna?" The manM which d ys the simple minded servant a qed to her statement that this occurred on r Good Friday, notwithstanding the earnest efforts of oppo sing counsel to confuse her as to dates, .. car ried conviction to the minds of the minority. The question of Mrs. Surratt's guilt or Inno cence, it - seems, were discussed, and, after the expression of much variety of opinion, that of her, having been guilty and justly executed 4lrevailed. Tux CAsnuratE Goir.,--Itiquiries making in Europe by American agents with reference to 'raising Cashntere goats and manufacturing the wool and hair In,the 'United States, encourage a belief 9tat succeiut, would reward efforts in this direction. Mr. J. S. Diehl, now in Eu rope collecting information on this subject, speaks of numerous fabrics in the Paris Exhi bition made from the goat's fleece, with the looms, cards and other machinery employed in their manufactute,and expresses confidence that this department of industry can "be made more successful in the tnited States than - in Europe." Specimens of Cashmere, Thibet and Angora goat's wool have been forwarded to Washington. American .specimens of An gora fleece, exhibited to the manufacturers in Leeds, England, were pronounced "the most beautiful they had seen."' Similar expressions were heard id Vienna, where the most im proved Jacquard looms are in operation.— Machinery of this description can be readily purchased at a moderate cost, and there is no lack of workmen to assist in introducing this branch of Manufactures into _ the new world. We may safely predict that in a few years ele gant fabrics Will. be made in the United States from the wool of the (4.3 - 13 mere goats of our own production. sptriat Aotircs. NO2• CONSUMPTION CURABLE BY DR. SCftENCICS MEDICINES TO CURE CONSUMPTION, the system must be pre paced so that the lungs will heal. To ocr . omplish this (he liver and stomach Tenet first be cleansed and an up petite created for good wholegselne feed, which, be these medicines Neill Joe digested properly. and good healthy blood made: -thus building up the cougaitution, DR SCRENCK`tI MANDRAKE PILLS Cie . : lloW the igtotnach gif all bilidge . er woocous accumulations: and, by using the Sea Weed Tgsmic , iga connection, the appetite is roster ed. SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP is r utricious as well as medicinal, and. by using the three remedies, all im purities are expelled from the system, and, good, whole some blood made, which will repel all disease. If pa tients will take these medicinal according to direction,. Consmuption very frequently in' its last stage yields readily to their action. Take the pills frequently, to cleatae the liver and stomach. It does not follow that because the bowels are nut costive they are not required, for sometimes in diarrhoea they are necessary. The stomach most be kept healthy, and au appetite created to allow the Pulmonic Syrup toilet on the respiratory organs properly and allay any irritation. Then all that is required to perform a permanent cute is, -to prevent taking cold. Exercise shout the rooms es much as pus Bible, eat all the richest food—tat meat, game, and, iu fact, anything the appetite craves; but be particulai and masticate well. [Oct. 95, 1866: wanly lIELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU Iv a certain cure for diseases of the • BLADDER., KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, CENERAI DEBILITY, • and all Lliseaus of the. _ . UIRNARIi ORGANS, whether existing 10 MALI OR FEMALE, , trust whatever cause originating and no :natter of DOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of these organs reqrlice the WM ofn ditiretle. If no treatutent is submitted to, Consumption or In -sanity !nay ensue. Our Flesh and Blood are supported (row Over Soltreell,f1111; • REALM D lIAPPINESS, and Cud of Posterity. depends upon prompt_ use of a reliable rowdy. lIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT DUCIIII, Rest ablialied upwards Of 18 years, prepared by 11. T.IIELELBOLD, Druggist, kO4 Broadway, New Rork, and 104 Bondi IDtb st., Philadelplla, Fob. 28,1867.-ly TO CONSUMPTIVES The advertise", Laving been restored to health in a few week I{ by a very simple remedy, after having suffered for several years with a severe lung affection, 'and that dread Mtwara Conaimption—is anxious to make known to his fellow•suffeiers the means of core. .To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the pre.• scription used (free of charge), with,the directions for preparing and using the same; whic they will And a SUSS CUES for CONSUMPTION. ASTHMA, HEUSI:MINS, COLDS, COUG/Is, and all Thket and Lung Affections The only ohject of the advertiser in sending the Prescription isto tament the afllicted, and spread information which be conceives to be invaluable, and he Lopes eyery auffeaer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing . Parties wishing the prescription, emu, by return mail, will please address RFS. El AID A. WILSON; Williamsburg. Kings Cu., - linw Yak June 5, 18G7.—ly ACROSTIC. 4; mall h penetrates through every pore, It envying sufferers from each angry sore. ; A Ilyeounris it heats with certainty end speed: C uts Bur*, feoln Inflammation soim are freed; ru:ntions, accts presence disappear; kips lase each stab, and the•ccanplezion's clear! 8 Ati'e, such as anscen every one should buy, A 11 to its wondrous merits testify, , 1, t,those who doubt, a singk bra try V erily, then its true deeerte 'twonid baTP ; yen nnbelleveri would lauctOutcre &Lyn! Aug. 7, . C OLGATE & CO'S COLGATE GERM4LN & CO'S ERASIVE SOAP. ER ASIV El. a xitira c ti r dtryt r erja: l 4 - the STANDARD OF EXCRL LKNCK. , For sale by all Grocers . Way 16, 1867.—1 y SOAP. lIELNIIIOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT DUCEDI Ia the Great Diuretic. , • aeuwcn`A zFra4cr SARSAPAZILLL re the Great Blood Nrifter. • Both are prepared acoordlag to roles of Ph and Chemistry, and are the moat active that can be ' V eb.2B, t4A7.47 H ELM [PAM'S EXTRACT BUCI/II and Laraopilo Rou Waxes , Itre.theertm and delicate disorders in all tNilliatigee, at licit., expewas little or 114 change In diet, no incoinell• Ince and no ex paws. It ia plesaaet Itt taste and odor ontmediate in its action, awl tree from ali Notions pro pert lea. ' ts nor-13- Rempestful now at Iliss Uttar "Bssi• *AA; og ow; to rtoseive du milli of tbase • Al* 1144 • • "1" , , • r WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD Ctillit r. ," Ceugdis, Odds, AtismOifis, Arthaa,' l lflnSujs; Quinsy, atul,thyswurnerous as well"; dangerrms„ dinear of the Thrnitt,:lal ;Tasnys,prevell.:ln our Changeable climate at all seasons of the year; few are fortunate enough to escape theft' baneful influence. liow la* Cant then to have at hand a certain altidote to all tlesswcomplaints. Ezperience proves that this exists in Wisitzes Balsam to en extent not found in any other re medj hewer sevens the suffering,, the application o this noodling, healing and wonderful Balsam at once TILD• quishes the disease and restores the sufferer to wonted health Or BAUDWIN, Cant* Qum, X, Y.—wrttee "I was weed by a neighbor to get one bottle of the elidattim for my wife, being assured by him that in case it did not produce good effects, he would pay for the bottle ,himself. On the strength of such practical evidence of its merits, I procured a bottle. My wife at this time was so low with what the physicians termed Scam Coma:rues as lobe unable to raise herself from the bed, coughing constantly and ratedng more or less blood. I commenced gi s ing the Balsam at 'Erected; and Wes so much pleased with its operation that I obtained another bottle, and continued giving it: Before this bottle was entirely used, she ceased coughing and was strong enough to sit up.— The fifth bbole entirely surroano HER To HEALTH, doing that which several Physicians had tried to do but bad felled." Pr4pared. by SETH IV. FOVillt SON; 18 Tremont et, Bost n, and for sale by Drnggintl generally. Aug 7,1867.-1 m BOOK AGENTS WANTED To Sulicil 9rdees for a Sew illustrated BIBLE DICTIONARY. 1115 DICTIONARY embodies the results of the mad 7_ recent study, research; and investigation, of 'about slsti•five of the most eminent and advancej Biblical Scholars now living. Clergymen of all denominations apprOve it, and regard it as the best work of its kind in the English language, and one which ought to be in the hands of every Bible reader in the land. In;circulating this work, Agents will find a pleasant and profitable employment. The numerous objections which are usually encountered is selling ordinary works will not exist with this. lint, on the contrary, encouragement and friendly aid IA ill 'attend the Agent, 'linking his lalsirs agreeable, use ful, end lucrative. ladies, retired Clergymen, School Teachers, Farmers, Students, end all others who rummer energy, are wanted to alisist in canvassing every Town and County in the country, to whom the most liberal inducements will be offered. A4g.21.-Im TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT AND UNSAFE REM EDIES for unpleasant anti dangerous diaeaaes. -Use Rehab°ld'a Extract llnchu and Improved Ruse Wash. Feb. 28,1867.-1 y gram of the Intifada Gettysburg Grain amp Provision Market. Gettysburg, Weinuday Morning. Supor 50®12 001Applee; . $0 0040 00 Extra Flour,- 13 50t13 50; Potatoes ;6i.@ 70 Rye Flour, 7 00@) 8 001 Butter, 3) White Wheat, '2 00(0.2 00 Red Wheat,.... 1 75kia 1 80 C0rn,........ 80 Oats, Buckwheat, Timpthy Seed, Clovgr Flax Seed, .... . Plaster Ilayper ton,— I 8 004118 00 Baltimore Produce Market. BALTIMORE, M onday 3f o 'rning. BREADSTUFF& Flo ur Howard Street 9.00(4,9.50; Eamily 11.50a12.00; Super 9.75 @10.50. Wheat—White 2.1042.25 ; Red 2.50 0 . 1)2.55. k Corm White 1.05@1.06; Yellow 1.15@„1.16. Oat4- 7 -54(60. .12.0-1.60@1.66. IMO BL - ErrNmt-WETzEr.:---.ln Hanover, on the 18th inst., by Rev. S. Yingling, Mr. Wil liatit of Conowago township, to Mitt; Mary Wetzel, of Union township. • CHUM-1T Arendtsville, on the 18th inst., by the Rev. D. W. Wolff, Mr. Peter S. Crum to Miss Hannah F. Warren, both of Menallon township. HENDERSON—CLOUSER.—On the 'St' inst., atßendersville, by Rev. M. Z. Hornberger, Mr 4 Henderson, to Miss Ellen Clouser, both of New Bloomfield, Pa. I-LutnAcuitit—DlCK6ON.--011 the 13th inst., in the United Brethren Parsonage, in:Spring field, by Rev, J. Cr Shoaff, Mr. Charles B. Hatittelker, of East Berlin, to Miss Maggie A. Diuksou, of Milltown, Cumberland county. ?`Obituary notices 3 cents.a line for al over 4 lines—cash to accompany notice. Anmiirr.—ln Franklin township, on the 18th inst., George Franklin, son of George and Matilda' Arendt; aged 7 months and 16 days. .hk.Ktirr.—in Hanover, cu tale 20th inst., Dr. Henry Corson Eckert, aged 45 years, 9 mouths and 13-days. GRAMMER.—Near Bendersville. on the Bth inst., Mrs. MAnuArter GRANMER, aged SI years and 5 days. HORNBERGER.—On the 201.11 inst., in Ben dersville, Willie, son of L. and M. llornber gert,, aged 1 year, 2 month's and 7 days. ROEHLEn.—On the 11th inst., dary Gen evieve, daughter of J. F. and Louisa 1L Ku h ler of Abbottstown. aged 4 Months. ROSE.—On the 20th ult.. near Eininitts burg, Md., Mrs. Elizabeth Rose, .aged 85. years, 9 months and 2 days. NOEL.-On the 2-Ith inst., in Franklin township, Thaddeus, son of John A. and Lucy Noel, aged 11 months and.l day. He is gone, he is gone from our gaze The beautiful, laved, and the lost, Through earth's labarynthian ways His spirit shall never be toss'd. Fie has gone from the regions of sin, Of sorrow, and darlinesO and gloom, At last entered joyfully , in To the haven of rest through the tomb COUNTY TREASURER. pifiC undersigned will be a Candidate for Cbonty Trews, carer, subject to a 'lamination by the Repnblican Cotinty Convention. If nominated and elected. h e pledges hiffiself to discharge thoduties of the office with impel,. tiality and fidelity. D. W. MEADS. Aug. 28 .-1 is . 1 1 7. 1 HOUSE ftlr a imall family, with Ave Rooms and Kitchen, and about two Acres of ground attached, ft Stable, on Marsh Creek, near Bream's Tavern. En quire of DAVID HEAGY. Gettysburg, Aug. 25.-tf , iAI.TTION. TILE public are hereby notified not to trust my wills SUSANNAH Cater, On my account, as I will pay no debts contractbd by her, nor has she authority to dispose : ofittly et my property. JACOB CRIST. Menalleti tp., Aug. M-It DEDICATI.ON,.G. A. R. The hall ..1.1 of O. A. R. Post No 9 State of Penna. will EVE N ill#Lted with aptpriate Exercises on MONDAY IN G, SEPT. 2nd t 'PA o'clock, Every member - in the county is nrivutly requested to be present - as other biAiness of importance mur beattended to W. E. ELVER, P.C. ; E. M. IlmermejP. Adft. . [Aug. 28.-M --- - , NOTICE. . ft rill undersigned hereby gives, notice to the public f that on the 9th day of AXIOM instant, he purchu} od:from ABIARAN WAHL, all hie meal • Property, ia eluding three head of horned Qat ii, one Mare, Grain in the straw, onabroad.tread Wagon,, one Plough, one liar tow, two. seta dilate Goers, at., and they are now the property of the tmdereigned. • , #ug.2B.-Bto =CRY Ail SLUM.' -----j AUDITOR'S NOTICE. rruzundersigned, Auditor, Appointed by the Orphan?' Court of Adams county, Auditor, to distribute the balance remaining In the hands of .lonit Ihmm,'Execritor of, the last W ill and Testament of MAZY AMR Amami, de ceiwed, to and among creditors. will attend to the deities appointment,ofbb at hie °See. in Gettysbnrg.on SAUTE SDAY the filet day of SEPTEMBER next, at 10 o'clock, Ai DI, of which ail parties in interest sae - berehy notified. D. A. BUEHLER, Auditor.' Ang.23.-3t NOTICE is. hereby given to all Legatees and other persons concerned that the Administration Accounts hereinafter mentioned Will he presented at the ffrphans . Court 'of Adams county, far confirmation and allowance, on MONDAY, the 30th dey of 8111PTFEBER, 1867. at 10 o'clock, A. M.. via : ,75: The second and final account of Joseph Lilly, Esq., Administrator ofthe estate of Ileneyßeily,Eisq., decals ed. 16. The account of William 8. Cart, Administrator de bona non, of the estate of George Heller, Eir, demised. 77. Pint acd final account of James B. Topper and Jase,p. Topper, Eleanore of Elisabeth Topper, deceit . ed. 78. The flat ICODUR . . . tof William Kuhns, Ixecutor of Jennie neck, deceased. ' 79. The first aridly* account of Edward Staley and John W Staley, Rxemitore of the last will and testament ofJohn Staley,•Sen : -.; deceased: _, 80. first and , final account of Diorite W. Shull, 4- 9 - mini ettator of the estate of Julia. Ann Dysart, late, of Littlestown, deceased. • i i 81. The second and Real account of Michael Leer, IPc ecutor of the will of 71 El*.apeth LOW, deeeased. 1 W. , 0. OLTZWORTM, Register! Lag. 28-44 PRINTING PRS•S -- 7 .- ' We have a earplug IRON FRANKLIN . 1 pRB3S--platen 24 x 38 inches--widdt mill 44,7 be sold low. lila in good lorder.... th e . timer biviii Wen Printed on ig up Cu e clee of oinsolMatiton. It' is now otrerul• or sale shnily beeseke we have no nue Tor It. '. ipldress i ; 4 1 ,11 48 11 4 1 / 4 ..MqP# Ea r iT A PPI W Pra Zt. - .-7, ptsia MI lIR.JOIIN .BUNTO, (COMPLETE IN ON VOLUME.) Fur particulars, apply to. or :oldreas "'PARMELEE BROTHERS, 722 Sansom street, Philadelphia, rental Lard, Egg , Bacon, Hams, Sides " ehou 'der n, 10 Peaches, 10 15 250 6 00 2 25 17 50 Apples, Blackberries, Soap, 11122 MARRIED DIED grai Irer;istuteuto. FOR RENT, REGISTER'S NOTICES. FOR SALE. gmatinta#4. lA L VALUA A B T L P E FARMRIvA TE SALE o subscriber offers at-'Private We t h'it valuable COP STONE VARY, situated In Mentilen township, Adams co ty. Pa., on the road leading from Sanders ville to Peter 16. two miles front the former place, i containinp,' I USES and T 6 PERCHES, Improved with a new twostory-4111ICK 1100 SE, fr 2 feet by 42, with an out kitchen andiwell of Water under roof at the door with an excellent spring,bat a short distance om the house. Also a new Bank Barn 93 feet in length in- Outing Wagon Shed and Corn Crib, and other necessary - gout-buildings are on the premises. The Farm possesses -superior water advantages, with a great variety of fruit ;upon it. The land is in a high state of cultivation and ,'contains a good proportion ofTimber and Meadow. It is floceted M a fine neighborhood being convenient to- Alar lketi‘liills, Churches and Schools, and is among the most ,'desirable properties in the county. , IMPersons wishing to view the property, will 'call upe 'on the subscriber realdlog thereon. i Aug. 28.-3 m SOLOMON BENDER. VA'LUABLEFARM, In. Hamalonban kivnuhip, Adages county, Penna AT PRIVATE SALE. The subscriber, haring removed to the West, offers at !Private Sale, hie valuable FARM, situate in Hamilton- ban township, Adams county, Pa. one mile from Fair field, containing about WO ACRES, adjoining lands of Joseph Culbertson. J. S. Witberow, and others, and bar ; ins thereon. a nearly new two-story Stone DWELLING 'HOUSE, with two-story Kitchen, a nearly new Bank Earn, Wagon Shed and Corn Crib, and other ono-build logs; a never-failing well of water at the do-Sr, and water in all the fields. There is on the premises a flrat-rate young APPLE ORCIIARD,just coming into frill bearing with other fruit of different kinds. There is also on the !farm a two-story Log TENANT ;ROUSE, with Stable, and an excellent Orchard connected with the same. The land is in a line state of cnitivationi•having all been limed, whilst the fences a re almost exclusively cheat !.nut rail. Churches, School Houses, Mills, Stereo and Mechanic Shops, areconvenient—ell within a mile. inr•Persons wishing to view the premises. are request ed to call on Isaac Ilereter, residing on Marsh Creek. near F. Bream's tavern, who will show the property and state terms. JOIIN 11. BAUMGARDNER. Aug. L.-tf TALI ABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE The undersigned offer at Private Sale, their valuable Farm, satiate in Franklin townehip, Adams county, Pa., near M inmasburg. on the road to Gettysburg, adjoining lands of Benjamin Deardorff, Andrew Kluck, and others, contai nin g 150 ACRES. ninre or less. The 1m provement s consist of two DWELLING HOUSES, one of them two. stories, the other PA stories; also a good Bank ilarn,and good Stable. The property can be conveniently divid ed, so as to have a set of buildings on each, Spring House, Corn Crib, Wagon Sheds, and Giber outbuildings. There is a good Orchard of choice Fruit.; also a never failing Spring of Water near the door. Part of the Farm has been recently well limed. There is a fair proportion of Meadow and Timber Land. Also, about 25 or lio ACRES of Mountain Land, tear Arendtsville, adjoining lands of John Bittinger and others, well covered with excellent Timber. lielp_Persons desiring to view the premises, will call on io uudernignetl,resitiing thereon. J.s., S., and N. A. WILSON. Aug. IS-t PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE THE undersigniii, Administrator of the Estate of !Menial. SIMETIi latent Tyrone township, Adams county, Pa, deceased, will sell at Public gala, on Saturday, the 'lst of Septeinkr, ISC.7, at 2 o'clock, P. M., on the prem. ises, by order of the Orphan.' Court of Adams county, the following Real Baste of said deceased, to wit: • A DWELLING HOUSE and two Lots of Ground situate iu the town of lleidlarnburg. The Honse is none and a half story Log Weatherlaatrcled. with an excellent Stable, Wool Uouso•, and other outbuildinus. tA.Attendance will bo given and terns ti le kn,wu on day of safe by Ang.l4.-tE JOIIN P. .110UCE, Adui r. IN VALUABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE ' The undersigned will sell at Private sle, on very ad vantageousterins, his valuable Farm. altuale in High land township, Adams county. about five miles from Get tysburg. containing 24.0 ACHES, more or less, of which from 7U to So ACHES are in heavy Timber. The Improve ments are large and convenient. There is& largeamount of Meadow on the Farm, which is second to nose in the township an a Fruit farm. It call be conveniently divid ed to make two Farkes. • W3l. WILSON. Aug. 25.-:tu. p RIVATE SALE The it rideNigued intending to leave the neightewhood will tell at Private :tale, hie two IIRICS DUILDINOS wn Eed on the Main str,et In Een.le,ville—one a nice ~.111(!; the other a etme and Work Shop. Terms sy. Enquire the ninlernigne,l. Retider±ville, Aug. youNT's COMPOUND: k\LIL TILE CURE O 'UTRID SORE THROAT, INFLUENZA any ,dher Inflammatory or inward dierioir the Throat it not of too tong mauling. Also, SCAI:LET FLYER. This medicine has been tried in TIiOUSANDS OF CASES, in different parts of the country, and boa never been known to fail if taken iu time awl according to direc rt is ware . ..amid to cure. Give It u trial tool it evil speak far itself. Every household should provide thew selves with a Los of this ined;cine and keep it on hands The cures That it has effected are truly warvelotte. *.Prepared and sold by idILtEL Totter k Co., Gettys burg, Pa . o rby their nothorizrd agtiatr. For male at nearly ail the Stnreet in A dams county. May 1567.-It ISRAEL, YOUS r k CO. 1867. REMOVAL. 1567. _l. R. FEISTEL, Watehm47, , r AND , I , EALE;! T CLOCKS, WATCHES AND .JEWELRY. uAS removed his Store to York Striiet. neat ibru- to Il i Boyer ik So n'3 Griieiery. and directly opposite the Gettysburg National Bank, wherr ho hat d, and 13 etinstan tly receiving, large4upirl ieg of CL 0 K , front the 1,4 t Mann factories in the United States: all styles, Regulator, Office, Eight dap and Twentp•Gmr !lour Clocks, with and without Alanu A ttarhment—all it or. rt f 01, and will be sold cheap. Prices from $t SO to Se SO. WATCHES. of American and Foreign manufacture; Gold and Silver, liuuting•case and Opetefaced Levers, Detached Levers, Straight Line, White Movement, Lepines. Ralluxul, Time• keepers and Timing . Watches, all warranted—at prices ranging from $l3 00 to $75 00. JEWELRY . A splendid assortment of Rings, chased end plain, Wed ding Rings, Itlnge; suited(' for Gifts, Silver Rings, and Grata Pemba Rings, Ladies' Breastpins and Ear-rings of all styles and prices, Gents' Pins of all kinds, Masonic, Odd Follows, Red Men and Templars'. Gold Pens and Pencili, Napkin Rings, Silver Thimbles, Spectacles, sil ver, plated and steel, a large variety of Gold and Silver Vest and Curb Chains, Gents' Bosom Studs, Sleeve But tons, Lockets, Charms, Ac.;.4c., sold cusses"fu ax nu. CLIZAYLST. 1/9,..C10ck5. Watches. Jewelryatid Musical Instruments of every deacciption REPAIRED R, order, and satisfaction guarantied in all cases. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, he hopes by doing good Svork,at reasonableprices, to merit the continuance of the same. Gettysburg, Aug. 21, 1807.-ly A. R. PEI ETEL. DANIEL GULDEN, DEALER IN J 1 I . DRY GO ODS, ill FLOUR, GRAIN, GROCERIES, o i LUMBER, COAL, &c. TIDE undersigned keeps on hand, at l!is Ware House, .l known as "Guiden's *alien," in. Straben township, on the line of the Gettysbnrg Itailroad, all kinds of GROCtRdEfi, including Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Spices, i itc., with Salt, Fish, Oils, Tobacco, Bacon, Lard, &c. Also, LUMBER AND COAL, i net uti Mg Building Stuff, Shingles, inehs, Stove and Black. smith Coal. Also, GUANO, and 7 • and a large assortment of DRY'GOODS , BOOTS, HATS • AND CAPS,I• - ot all kinds, which he is prepared to sell at the elowest pticea. Ile also pays the highest market pri forlinnF,Graiii, Corn, Oeta, Bntkwheat, Clover and Tim thy Seeds, Pota toes, &c., or mill receive and forward t hAe same to market on commission. Ile reepectfally asks his friends and the public to give him a call.' DANIEL GI:MDSE. Ang. 21, 1861.—tf . . . BOOT AND - SHOE-MAKING. • JAMES WILSON Respectfully intents h is friends and thepnblic generally, that lie has bat a new Shop, on Welt Middle street, GET'rfSBURG, a few doors from the Court-lionse, and IA now prepared promptly to *lkea* all murders for work in line. Gentlemen, Ladies and Children requiring 'BOOTS, SGOM3, SLIPPERS, ie., are requested to give DIM is call.- lie superintends all work madein his Shop, end will guaranty satisfaction, both as to prices and quaff ty of work.. , • „ - • - leki - MENDINglatt . °fall kinds promptly 'attended to. • Suf. 21, 1867.-tf , ;JUST', NOW-, CLIBAP BALMORAL MAIM, EUREKA MAMMAL BRIM, WALEERMik JQIIIIMPLOBALMOItALSWIRM ROBAIJND BALMORAL SHIRTS, /4443104.1, BOMA „ Wzß-Borrcetiocip suirrai • 3 sum= maim llooi , iSiEnifs, • WASHINGTON HOOP XCENTS, Sitl4 *IOW '4llo6sirOliiiiiii suak • WOODS. r-- C 1ittr.44# 1 ,9 41 ),4.. 4. Q UA.CKENBOS'S ARITHMETIC& WI TEE z_srgsr 44V0 szsz i., PILIXAMT, 40c. • • XLXXXXIAXY, 60c. enactitatt,ll.6o. Up to the times; teach the make& need by business men ; complete on all the branchosof Commercial Arith metic; well condensed in roles and aualysea; adm i lagy graded; puiscif sisr-tatical XO :INPUT& Y Teachers who use them. Going In everywhere. peel nienamailed tolsaithersathalttleallOveptioes. s.nta wanted in every County. Address, D. APPLETt* k CO.; New York. , Aug. 7, 1867.-Itu T /GUT WORK A:CO(100D PAY.—For pleasant and pro fltablee emppyment take Agency fur .13(xel Be Ask for Illustrated' Catalogue. Send two stamps. 8. U. WELLS, 389 Breeden', N.Y. Aug. 7.-Ixn AGENTS WANTED to crurrase for "POO YEAS& BOISE Oth W'Outo n. 13,000 elready sold. Now l the Uwe to make mooed.. No competition. Great indnoententa offered teachers, ministers, active ladies or experienced agouti. Send for terms to POSTER & PALMER, Jr., Aug. 7.-Im. 14 Bible Elouse, New Ithrk. ANOTE{ ER Great - Work by E. A. POLLLID, .eniitied "DBE AND HIS LIEUTENANTS," coinpriaingaLife of Gen. It. E. Lee, replete with facts never before publish ed, including Biographies of every Southern General of distinction. A companion volume to "TILE LOST CAUSE,' , a Stand ard Southern ilistory of the War. A new and enlarged edition is now ready. These two works form a complete "Ibrary of the War from the other ante. E. B. TREAT CO., Publishers. 654 Broadway, N. Y. Aug. 7.-lm JOS. GILLOTVS STEEL PENS,: OF TILE OLD STANDARD QUALITY TRADE N1.11:1: Thu wt I known ORIGINAL and P0P1.71-AR Nu, brre, 303-404-170-351, flaring been absolved by other MAKEIIII, we desire to caution the public in respect to sab.l ituttatious. ASK FOR. GILLOTT'S. CAUTION !—An injunction wax granted by die Sn nrenie Court ((New York) at General Term, January, L 67, t miort the LIM: by ~there of tbn JOS. OILLOTT k SONS, • No. 91 John St., New York. HENRY OW EN, Sole Agent RODMAN, FISK & CO., GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, NO. 16 NAS.II: NEW YORK, 13 UV and sell at market rates Sia per cent Bonds of ISS/ Five-Twents Bonds, all issues; Tau-Forty Bonds; SevelnTliirty Notes, altlerks: Co:Npoulalutereat and Gold and Silver Coin. Convert all cedes 0174'0 Not. the . Nev, Cons°li dnled L-'lO It< ode at he .t market rate.. Execute orders for purchase NISI sale of all nalscellane ces Securities. Receive Dem.ite And allow:, per emit lutenist on tell micee, subject to check at eight. Slake collect en A ll ; ma,. Alt kiln t,l lir lit,vern:.,ent 61,0/ titled creditod or remit ted for, on receipt, at market rates. Fl-ee pf ttt rummi.•- sloe charges. la/D.IIAN, FMK & CU. PAINTS FOR FARMERS AND OTIIMS. TILE GRA PT. , N MINERAL PAINT COMPANY are manufacturing the Best. Chenpett and wont Durable Paint in nue; two costa well put mixed with puce Uuseed Oil, will taut Iu or in year.; it le era light brown or beautiful chocolate color. a,(1 , 1 can bechanged to green, lead, atone, olive, drab or cream, to suit the taste wf the conmumer. It la valuable flr !foram Barna, Pences,Agri. cultural Implements, Carriage and Car-Maker m. Pa i lama] Woodumware. Canvas. Metal and Shingle Roofs, ( it being yi, nu d W a t e r pr,,d), Burial Canal R•.oats. Ehipm and Ships' Romani. Plobr Oil Cloths, roue Mann. factnrer having used LOOO Ltda. the Twat year,) and au a paint for any pa gar-, i, in,urpaased for body. durability. elasticity, and adlierivenet,. Price in per bbl., .of lbsa which will supply a farmer for years to come. r• ar m:lilted in all caret us aiwv V. Send M•r a carcu;ar, %hid/ giver full particulars. Note grunion Üblftlef branded in a trade mark Grafton Mineral Paint. Address ISNIGI. RILAVEI.I, r. New York LEGS AND ARMS INVENTEL, hpSn Ni:.e patent.: in Legs, ran::- ing from UN% tilr.4:ii Nil the irnpreseinentt.un to the A nattanical Leg eith Latera :a , Li,ll at .Aukin, like ter tU ral one, $159. W3l. A. ELDEN Two teitetite in Anti, wit', new :notion, i 75 to 5115. Send for It litttinn nivable in forma:i.,u and n ...tit free. Orricx.s: Comionati, 11 , i W. Fourth St. Cl,Cestire. P. 0. St. Louis., 4i Piue St. New York, 41,1,13 Dreadu tr. DOUGLAS BUY, NI. D.. Aug. 7(50. " C TURY. TUE have aduirol the plan c.f putting meney in CE N. V V TI.:111" TgLACCO to induce consumets to Ike it, that it it only nrce,sary'l - or. them I ;rise it it trial to hecatne fully r,rt.fred iir it" merit, itttit to tit, moo,' it Tut: ttr.tiiT I , IN cur NI A ct,o •inu,t to zpAtll tI m fact k fully EIME Wt. 31t, nnikin-L. THE l'ENTl 7 1:)" fr,,nl eg•lt.PLor:s ..t the vcry clpti kAL arid rt,! t•r.•ry cavi t" ile t.ir.•. It fr,qn Drng4. awl in every re.lect A PEER ARTICLE OF ToBACCO. •.ot i u 1.1,. in k.fi. it $ll - 11 C. 6. t rail, On {Pntn , •inlit3R, in fivepapery•sd2ii in r--cll. On Ttiti-pday+, in ten papers. $ u❑ Friday:, is twenty each. and on S:it 'inky+, rip t, ear!, ill GENUINE U. i. GI:I:ENLACES fife :lllil.lllii •C :40 it day. The fi:ph•r4 of It EEN B ACKS—t.y sending: OA thvir :I:l , llaimber. nt the Lil t, /rill Lc pr,eut.,l wit h pu k“,tett of our Toluu:ou, in proportion to the a Moll:it uf zany tuund. This Lai +e estahl imbed for over a IltruArell Yearn, and hn. always tnr...tairred a character fn. luniesty and fair dealing. which putt. to flight all double, if any Should elbt, as to the genuinemsnn of thin enterprise. THE CENTURY TOBACCO e.tn be had in large quail tales at NI annlasturers. prices, of A. It.. Mitchall,:l4 Cen tral at, llostan; It. A. Van Schalck.lCi S. Front at., delphia ; Foy & Earle. C S. Water st., Chicago; Schultz Bagley, ti. West Second it., Clncitnutti. P:ia• Ikt ❑t ru appllcAtica. to Aug. 7 .-ho MADAM FOY' CORSET SKIRT SUPPORTERI 0011IBINES in one garment a ,PER- N., EMT YITTING CORBST, and,the most dealtahlu Skirt Supporter ever offered the public. It places the weight of the skirts upon the shoulders instead of the hips; it improves the form without tight lacing; gives tem and elegance; is approved and recommended by physicians.— Manufactured by D. R. SAUNDERS k CO, Aug. 7.-I.m 9G Summer et., Beaton. MORE 200148 R TIIAN t MONTH. Made with Stencil Diee. Send fur Catalogue: 13 Saw plea, free. S. M. SPENCER A , Aug. 7.-Ire • Enitthays,.., ont. AGENTS wanted, to sell Slx New Invem 6,000 Sons, of groat rid ue"to families ;al I pity great profits. Send 26c. nag get SO pages and sample gratis.— Agents bave made $lOO,OOO. EMBALM BROWN, Aug; 7.-Im • Lowell, Mau.' . , LADIES AND GENTLEMR4, EMPLOYED. Picture business. Very pro fi table. - *No risk. I 7 Siteelmen Pictures and Catalogue sent for lbc. Onstage. MANSON LANG. 297 Bowery, New l'orkiClty. Aug. 7.-7ir. "BEYOND. THE MISSISSIPPI !" A Complete)listory of the New hates and Territories, from the Great - OVER. 20,000 COPIES 6CiLD IN ONE MONTH Life alld. Adventure on Praises,Mountains- and the rauvhp Chwet. With . over 200 Dscriptire end /Wks. graphic newt of the Scenery, Cities. Lands. AK e+,+ Ito. pte and Curiosities of at New Statesund 9krrt Mr TO prospective emigrant; and settlers in fie "Far West," this ilistocy of tbat vast and fertile region will prove an invaluable 'waistlines, supplying as ft eiberig want long felt of a full, authentic and reliable !guide to climate, soil, products, mainsof travel, Itt. Agents Wanted—Send for Circulars and see our terms, and a fall description of the work. Address •!_ NATIONAL, PUBLISIIING CO, 10 Miner st., Phibutelpbbt, Pa. ng.7.4m $l5 PER. DAT'. susic—Ageute wantedereryirbirUth sell our Patrtat White Wire Clothes Idol UAW years. Aildraea the Aug. 7.-1 m AMERICAN' • - ',.; BE, E. HIV * - As there were eotee disappoistmett* is i t ti te e , by part Mild getting a supply of the All Mg ItoXn: , the tkaderrigned is desiresrs that oteisTS, toad , ed in in time; so that everybody Walltlar thorn' Waste oflotoodated without fail. Hs will be at Obi le 41t - ilbit, tyvbpg, during ' tlat•onthro , t dos, to mob* It bot deemed -toottifsty to ester,tototi •., , WA vary voltut , h) nil'', is it bait. beon tried 'i tbonopty suktilkotaryz -kluge WOOtbor 444 -. 1 will ba shown at *contr. or imbe , !°, l ..,' - . imathriadol , ll l o 4 . • ' ''' - ' - ', , ' -ail ee .4,tit golt* AGENTS WANTED. JOSEPH Or Descriptive ILLOTT, Name and Desig- WA arta , urn% 'luting Number. BANKERS tNIP DEALERS' IN YI neartst 0111 c. INIDCCLX. WO A 1)_1.1. P. .1; G. LORILLARD, tAblie.Led in 1700.1 16 Clunnberr at, New York River to the Great Ocean, by Albert D. Richardson AMICRICAN 06k*162 lirciwaky~Y.otic A4votitittutato. El A NUAL FAIR OF THE AMS COUNTY TLTUR I AL SOCIETY. RE ILL. BE HELD T GETTYSB,IIRG, On Wednesday,•Thursday and `da✓, 24th, 2.5 th, :WA and 27th of Septem b er, 1867. - iniZi=l2=l and all' , , sies. haring Agricultaral. Mechanical, or in tinntrial i iseinents and products or any kind: and alto Ilerses,C talibliugs, Sheep, Poultry, Grain, Fruit, Vege table*, kc ,itc:, kz., are invited and urged to avail t bent may.. o t •ii lit fair. The Ladles of the county are special ly requeidled to contribute to the exhibition. • All arts lqs taunt lid on the ground end arranged not later tla Tuesday the 24th of Li eptenther. 'I At ten tc4nok, on Weilnesday morning the 25t11, the Jtidges w I Commence their examinations, and it is Aspe dally enJ ed that none but thew having charge of the r ankles, all he present at rich examinations and their sabseque t deliberations. Judges ate requested to Le prompt i reporting at the Secretary's i•llite un the n..und s the hour nanieil. , - Pit IDA.7•MORNING the 27th will be devoted to , . TEN MINUTE SPEECHES PZIITOINT TO TIM OT CT OF THE FAIR Fennerland ail others having any useful in formation thus to 'wiriest aro requested to .participate in ibis "free LiBIER'AL PREMIUMS will tie 'uttered. an per published Pr ..mium List. At four 'clock, , P. M., ou Friday, the Fair wiii close, when per having articles en exhibition will be re• quested take charge of them, as the Society cannot in any ease ire attention to them after that time. - • The ex I gctitlow of the pmg - rstrime and the preservation Monier 0 the ground will be in the h.tiols of Col. C.ll. Iluzinist, pier .ILarnbal. ia-Priie of atm isaion TWENT V-FIVE cants. Tickets far the Ell*Soll inCiUdiDg one ye.ar'e nieinlmnihip, ONE DOLLAR!: Life membership TEN DOLLARS. Artie! and li. . _ Animals for exhibition will be transportcll over the l ettystmeg Railroad 1 FREE OF CHARGE. A liberal arrangement will be made fur transportation ev e r the tailruad of viaitora to and from the fitir. SAMUEL IfEltll,T, Pried,lent. 1 WILLIAII M'SrfEltar, Vise President. 1 J. S. WITH ZIWIT, . 1.. , E. G. YAIINESTOCI, Rec. Secretary. • 1' It. J. STAIILL Cor. Secretary. 1 • JONAS Hat.TOLALIN, Tresuarer. , t MANAGERS. IV4IJAx D. WILMJN, WILLIAM Wings, EllitA YeAttosx. Joni H. McCLILL4.3, LAUD WILU. • Aug. 1 .1861%-td CO4PARE, TEEN JUDGE GREAT REDUCTION IN WIIC!LESALE AND RETAIL PRICES 01 VERY SUPER/OR • I SILVEp and SILVER-PLATED WARES, Or 'PLIR OWN 31ANUFACTURE.—Simh .•. as Tea Sets. Urns. Ito Pitchers, ..31. ~,t -•-_, Waiters. Q iildels, Cike Baskets, .... ' Castors, Butter Colers, Vegeta *., ,=, i tile Dishea, Tureens, Sugar and •: i Cant Basket., Syrup and Drink :is .• ing CIIP4. Knives. Forts, and , - Sitcoms, of rarions knots. t.-., ~.. tr., WABRANTED TILLPLE ' Near PLATE, on hest of inetalo, and equal toty in the market, of the LATEST STYLES. 4 and no ids are inicreptcgerited, at JOON BOW3IAN'S Ni•ge and Beautiful Store, . , N. ;04 A r..h street, Philadelphia. In... Please cc II .tiol evonine nor ti,..ods Lei, re pu cchuss tag. • N. D.—All kinds of PLATING at rearsinable prices. Aug. 21, 1567.-ly 300 BUSHELS EGYPTIAN SEED WIIEAT, -• For Bale. A new ‘aebty : yields well : not apt to fall ripens ealrly; and ewtrely free fruna all 131 th. Price, 13 Per baaitille,• W3l. WHILE, Aug. ,;'M7 .—tf Near Gettysburg, Pa 1867 ATTENTION, ZOCAYES! THE "illettyaburg 7.4uaiee" will meet for Drill and Duninixe very Twidoir itud Friday Evening, at o'clock, it Om Clurt•Loueit, uutil o:ln.nviar ordernil. lly order Of the Ca; tnin. WM. lt. EVSTEII, O. S. • July COUNTY TREASURER. TIM uni.tcrriptvd sill t,.• n rar,,!;,lato for ("cunt:, Tr , a, 41cc+ t bier: to a nunu mit ion by the Republican Ccainty et,nvettilm. 11 ti uninatt.l and elected. he pledges bun twit dbl.:huge the duties with Mit lily and impur DAN lk:L TRIM)IER. G..tty4urg,P.l , July 3, 156.7,—t tountit Acrounts BOUNTY ACCOUNT. YEATTS, Treawirer, in account with the TOWNz:IIIPUI , TYRONE, Aihunt, wunty, (I;,,utity 'end.) DR. Fats.: Daarr. To wholaf annatut of duplicate levied April 9, 1561-.4 Deduct witatenamt on tax Goilector'y cowtp ieeiun • it..zorterat lone. t aot,itot of tax re-oived ..... Amount 'Collected by ouLecriptiou Tutal rs.ctil, ! CR FIRAT DRAFT . By aracitat paid 19 wen Subscriptien money rtfumbsl ... lapsiise4 preouring volunteers, interest Stamp}, dc...—____ Tressur lent Secretary's salary, including stationery 55 99 Total ppentlitures • i.ailande in liatider.of Treonrer„ • DANIR4 S. DIEM., Treasurer, in account_ with the TOWNSIII OUTYRON Adams county, Pa. DR. SECOND DRAFT, ,Te anioultit borrowed from suudry perdots V. 3,0115 00 'Rccei vei., by gnbicrip 'Hon 3,028 2.5 i . i .. SZCOND Marl. By ammint paid 15 men $8,277 50 Redeeming David Yohe's bond, Interest and etampi 1,004 50 IMoney paid enJohn Bolen's bond IVO 00 John Y. Mooch, to Harrisburg, .Ic-15 00 'John 611Pittentiirr, to Gettysburg ' . 135 ilsaac KO% to Chambereburg ~... 726 ijaaob GiPlttenturt, to Chrunisintirg. „ ' 030' Daniel 8: Diehl, etpensos Mr bwrding, csnrrey anee, ssm4hile recruiting 6335 1 11. J. Were, expenses while recruiting._... 59 tiS iStiumne......— 3 35 'Daniel Si. Diehl, for time loot and respunsihili. [ ties Oille recruiting Daudet 9 # Diehl, Tuensurer's percentsge. MEE JACOB POWER, Treasurer, in account with tho TOWN sumo TYIt,OICE., Adams county, Pa. DR. SECOND DEMI, CONTINUED. To whote atnotint of 4nplicate for $3,097 97 1.866 3,608 4d Doiloot 6onerations of 1865..... 1806. ottectors' commission for two dap!! t 00.... • E --............ kat atuirout of tax receisal from two &pil attire ~.. —. ~. . . ...... 86,671 39 Acpottu fro m Oetty!borg ifook — af.' dieerent Uluaf • , ~ Saco*, lug Thar aosiTtrain. 'By piii borrosned money a .45. to persona.. $4,890 im a iel ; Dish', far tubatitute . 3W 00 along -1270 M, Itor Mslastitute and money Ler ) •ro c1i...'....»..,:.::..„ " ' . , - 4;0 00 -kite and etpmpe....a. 070155 lee*. felt Tresamer, percentage 48 01 otal i /Mock ,gm Den Imo—. 35 on liaanita tt, ttecretary,.iess and stationery 4U %) Doi* . abl, Dam s lieasarer....... .... ........ 20' 89 11.1. Oral time calm while reoro-0114........ 22 01 1 tam 0001 dine Vent. . ......,... .... ..... 745 Jr' - Mikich,serriais— ... .. ....;..-...:. ........ .... 046 jqt, Lima apeat au budgies.. .. .. .:.. '''.. pgaglew, time spied an blein aAlanYabargilawkoligie ea 5.4........ giat timer..:.., th 1.... j wages for meeting dftyo.--,..... M3O }l' tai1......... .... -... ..,...,.....;...i...- ..... ... . , . • : 'Debt®. ht.lo 3 lo ll .olTremsr . L I 01 =gaci . d , s , Aisi i . ( Si tw itr townt bi t athe hilt. ,j . mid 61 44,-.. c ' • • ,4.,:,...; • , murmur, ,;tq - z. , i. --. i-,.- a n ater :. ; -.1, t-• • ii: itirlik oins . ~...-..- • -,.... :,-i. •;71 Y., _7 $026. 1.11 18 67 6.1 196 rp stbv, 67 72U 00 3-6 67 $2.2-' . 4 5 00 ..AX) (YU :.1k) io 53.111 75 214 9 $9,723 25 66 15 45 il $9,44 14 $2O 89 7,306 43 . Vac as . 215 Ell Hill 629 04 2,9125 90 0.602 39 CR. 9 CO 26 00 1492$ 00 82 00 4 50 24 00 Skiair 35 OM 44 , 44 . . ittNi gellat Netitio. ELECTION. . AN'action for 21 Managers of the "Adams County Shama Ere !nommen ConirttlY." yin be bald at the Office of the Company in Gettysburg, on MONDAY the 2d of SEPTEMBER next, between the hoots of :rand .1 o'clock, P. M. Each member being entitle to one vote for each Policy held by - him. - *..TheExecntheCommitteewlll meet at 10 o'clock; A. M., of bald day. D. A. BUEHLER, Seey. - Aug. 14.Ltil OTlCE.—Letters of Administra tion with the will annexed, on the estate of less nos O'Bobn, late of Conowago township, Adams county, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, re-Ming in the sold township, he hereby gives notl . :e to all persons bladed to said estate to tusk° /mniediate pay ment, and those having claims against the owe to. pre sent them properly authenticated fur settlement. MICIIAEL RBILY, Adwer. Aug. 7,1567.-76 t DISSOLUTION. ►IIHE partnership heretofore existing 11 betwoen the undersigned under the firm of GARD NER. t 11110T11411, of Petersburg, Y. 8., la hereby dis— solved. All persons indebted , t r said firm, will please make payment without delay. Either partner Is authorised to nee the name of the arm in the settlement of the bi• slnest HAVING disposed of my stock of Merchandise to &Item. Hartman d tAadler, and iu retiring from a iinccelisfal business career • of nearly rigida"' years, 1 hereby return' my grateful acknow ledgements to my friends and customers for their liberal patronage, and cheertul'y recommend to their generous enconragenieut, my succussias, Messrs. Hartman.* Sad ler. J. A. II ARDNER. Awl! IS, 18C7.-t f DISSOLUTION ri 31[P: partnership heretofore existing betweett JOSEPH 1. 11. Culls and J ()sent Cuxs doing business la Adams, co., Pa., has bem this the Mb day of August. MT, mutually dissolved. They hereby give notke toll persons to call and settle their claims. The books will remain in the hands of JOSEPH CLINE who will continse the business as heretofore. Aug. 21.-3 t. STRAYED SHEEP QTRAYED frinn the premises of the subscriber ginning of July SIX SUERS, three old ones, 'arid three lambs, all white, with croppol tails. The old ones have a piece taken ont of each ear, underneath. Any person giving information in regard to above &beep to the subscriber, residing near G ett) eburg.willbesuitably rewarded; WM. WIBI.E. Aug. 14.-3t* .(Ittratiorunt. COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, MALE AND FEMALE, HANOVER, PA 'REV. 11. S. KOONS, A.M., Prin,ipal. 111t3. C. B. KOONS., 4.r.gistant The eserci•en of this Inetitntion will codonehce on )lONDAY, the 2nd of S EII'EMBEEt next. Lath, Greek, and 7lathetnatics, together with the rUITILUOiI acid higher English branches, thoroughly taught and ittolonte prepared for any one of the College Classes. French and tier-min—extra. Tuition pnyabte itt advice, or at tl:e middle of tech quarter. Apply to REV. li. S. KOOKS, A. M., Mauover, Aug. 21.-at Principal. QUNNINY SIDE FEMA.LE INSTITUTE, EWBURII , CUMBERLAND CO., Pa The next semaion opcna on TUESDAY the 3rd day of SEPTEMBER next. For particulars addre., IiEV. J. M. MORRISON, A. M., Principal. Aug. 21.-3 L, ci_ETTISBUIIG FEMALE INSTITUTE. The next se,..,ion or this Institution will commence on the second MONDAY in SEPTEMBER, next, (Sept.9th.) icr inf.irmation concerning the school apply to MRS. R. M. R. EYnER, Principal. MISS M. A. LONGWELL, Aftistauta. %V 1. It. EYSTER, A. M., Getty burg, Aug. '21.-3t pENNSYLVkNIA COLLEGE Tht. 111 Sp—i6n of this Institution will comrukee on 7'o.lr:day, S,pleJlll,,,- .and cuntibuc thirtevn Wer1:11. Catakatne., and other in 6.wmatidn addrea......- 11vr. 11. L. BACGIIER, D. Predident, ur • lir , . C. J. EIIIIEIIART, Principal Preparatory Dept. littty,t.n.rg, Pa.. Auz. 13, 15C,7.-3t BORDENTOWN FEMALE COL LEIS E, liordentown, N.J. An institution for the carefnl and thorough instruction of Young Ladies in all the branches of a complete education. tkard and tuition in the Preparatory and Collegiate depart manta, StOtt per year. Washing, Ancient and Modern Languages, and Ornamental brsnehes, extra. Slant n- SOU/ JOU copes' Sep tember 19th. For Catalogues. address REV. JOHN 11. BRAKELBY. A. 31.. Preddideut Aug. 7.-lm ItiisrellancouS. WAGON MAKING. THE subscriber respectfully informs the public that he clirries ou the WAGON-MAKING BUSINESS iu all it, bratatlwa. at Lin Shop, In Cumberland township, abootono-liall mile from Lream's Hill, on the told lead ing frion said 31i11 to th• kitutuittsburg road, and is pre pared to ex ',al to all orattqa with pri dart ees. Idf:."REPAIRING . 'Gz OF ALL KINDS ATTENDED TO. Ile also inner:facture. SIIAKING Fttt[HS liltoo3l-lIANDLES, 4,r Wholesale and re tail trade. Ile hopes, by prompt attention to ',smitten., to merit 3r1,1 reeeive a liberal patronage. Orders addressed to bin) at Gettysburg, will rereive prompt attention. Aug. 7,15a.-11 IV/LLIJAI I.I.IIOUCK. G REAT CONOWAGO MILLS. 10,000 BI:SIIELS OP WIIEAT WANTED. The undersigned haring remodeled and improved his mills near New Chester, (formerly called "Walnut Grove," but now "Great donowago Mille") is prepared to do all kinds of work In his line with unwmal dispatch. Constantly on hand. for sale or exchange. the very bast qual it ies of Super, Extra, and Family FLOUR, also Rye, Corn and Buckwheat Flour, with emery variety of Chop and offal of wheat. Having a SAW MILL attached, he is prepared to saw all kinds of lumber, at the shortest notice. A farmer In need of lumber and flour, can put a log upon his wagon, throw a few bushels of wheat on the top, have the wheat exchanged for TlJar, and the log sawed, thou saving a doable trip—and all because of the new and perfect ma chinery now employed in these mine. Having the beet of workmen, he will be able to please, every body. Than,kful for past favors he hopes for a con tinuance of the seine. H. J. MYIIRS. New. Chester, April 23d, ISG.-Iy. JOHN BOWMAN, No. 704 Arch Street, . PHILADELPHIA, 31annfacturer and Dealer in SILVER AND PLATED WARE, Our Goods aro decidedly the cheapest In the City TRIPLE PLATE, A No. 1. SILVER'S WASH POWDER. tIAYSS Time, Labor, Money. Makes Weighing a pas mile, and Monday a festival. Sold everywhete. Try it. Addro all orders to the 3failithteturees, IMIGLED ANDSMITII, Chetnista and Wholeaale Druggists, 137 Math Thitd Street, Philadelphia. March IA 1867.--Sm . H. F. DEI3RING & BRO., FRESCO PAINTERS, FREDERICK CITY, MD., fIESPECTAILLT inform the pub. lie that they are prepared to POMO CHURCH. XS, MALLS, PRIVATE IthaIDENCIPI, lc., in the moat approved styles, modern or ancient. AU work warranted to give foalsfaction as to taste, du tability and cheapness. April 26, 1867 -ens 113-RO 111-§ 1 'BROOMS' _ The andoralgued continuos to manufacture Brooms at Meek i stand In C.arlislo street adjoining Railroad 'Depot. Ilawfil have during the . al flOtsupply baud, and. will be abla to furnish thm 391301.4339.1,1 OR RETAIL. Broome made to order or on the shame. Penman basin g Nroom Ciont would du well to ere Utut a sall. Clettyaburg, June 79.-3 m B. B. TIPTON. ,—. . , REFRESHMENT .STANDS ON TH:E-F.A.IR!GROUND.. TAE ground set apart for ItIerICESUMBNT STANDS the new Pabllttnukd oath. Adams County Ate cultural Society , at G etty sbirC trill be riehd st public - outcry, In separate ldts, out ITLIVIRAT theiVot SW unlit* next, at UT o'clock lathe inenoon uteckedy,—' Persolupw hiking to keep &aod4 during the Sttlrp ahauld not lallto &flood at the twine named. Attg.l4.-td - 44NtIXL naltWlTAtreeldett., TRE B ubsllt liaS' i 2HzlT t ' 'roughly; _ydvatractibi e Ai* w. 1 : kw:it la “liki. Lawn.% r.P. as moat c to repot. iiiia lE ise al to tiaGitittillßei VW . . 4 . “4147 , 1-d st short not Ors 4 Borrol~* arum, wilettbar , hood;otoil Will valliatlitti ~. Rheas 1e . ' "Ili4 2 '181" 1 .I ' '' ' c - 01101M . anttdiui. .-, ,:,,,,.. . . RO,to . *b . . .t. -,." A FAIIM IN STRABAN TOWNSHIP ON SATURDAY, the 14th of SIPTESIDXR next, the subscriber, Itzscutor of die last will and teats:meat of Samnel lianas, deceased, will cffer tt Public Sale, on the presn lateof mid decedent, situate in /Drab= township, Adams county, Pa" 334 miles from Gettysburg, and 1 mile from Hanna Station on the Gettysburg Railroad, adioining lands of A. D. Buehler, Wm. Stallsmith, John Staley and the undersigned, containing UM ACRES, more or less, with huge proportions of excellent Woodland and Mee.' dew. The term is under good fence and good cultivation. The improvements are a Two-story Weatherboarded HOUSE, large /Ilene Barn with two Soon Wagon Shed and Corn Crib attached, Carriage House, imoke House, Wash Houseand Bpring House, with Poultry and Hog Rousse. Indeed every necessary outbuilding. There is • never-failing well of water convenient to the house and barn, with running water in in , st of the fields. 'there Is also • n Apple Orchard, with • variety of other trult,on the premises. The Gettysburg Railroad runs within two hundred yarns of the farm, thus bringing lime withiu very • con rodent -reach. . 1 . A. GARD:4ER, J. W. IiARDNER Persona winning to view the property are requested to tail on the Executor, residing on the adjoining farm. Bale to commenceat 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day, abet} attendance will be given and terms made known by ISAAC Y. ERIN KEltlloFile, Ex'r. Aug.14,1867.-ts BLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE On Sal urday, the 7a of Septerestwr, ISt37 , all o'clock , I'. M., The undersigned, Executors of the Estate of Parra 11. Sairn, deceased, will offer at Public Sale, on the premi ses, the following described Real Estate of said deceneed, viz :—A VALUABLE FARM, eittotte in Huntington tp., Adams county, Pa., one and a half miles southeast of York Springs, near the Carliele and Hanover turnpfke, adjoining mode of George Marta, Peter Ilyera,Bebastints Fickee, and others, containing 53 ACRES a 65 PEtiCilt ES, about 8 Acree of which are covered with thriving Timber, with a fair proportion of excellent Meadow. The Improvements consist Of a (,rood Twafltory LOG Log and Frame Weatherboarded Bars, Wagon Shed, Own Crib, nog House, Carriage House, Spring 'Louse, with two never-failing Springs mar the twuse There . is a flue Apple Orchard, and a variety of other fruit. on the premises. The land le in a high state of cul tivation, having been recently limed. JOSEPH H. CLINK, JOSEPH CLINE,. em. The Farm will be offered at Private Sale until the day above named, and persona are drivited to call in the meantime to view it. xi-Attendance will be given and terms made kuuwu by LKIVIS ABNER, S., BINDER, .Flrecutore Aug.?', 1667: VALUABLE FARM AT PUBLIC SALE The undersigned. Administrator, cam testament° an nex°. of the estate of Erma:rat Mx GlnUt, late of Ramil- Wnban township, Adams county, Pa., deceased, will, by virtue of a decree of the Orphans' Court of said county, expose to Public Sale, on Friday, the llth day of October next, at 1 o'clock, P.M., on the premises, the valuable FARM of said deceased, situate in .Carroll's Tract," Elauilltonban township aforesaid, about 34 mile east of Fairfield, on the road leading to Euimitts burg, contain ing 120 ACRES, more or less, of first rate Limestone Land, with excellent running Water in most of the fields. The Improvements are a two story Stone Dwelling, Log Baru, with Wagon Shed attached, Stone Spring Hours, and other out-buildings About 2P Acres are in first-rate Meadow with a lair proportion of good Timber. There is a good Orchard of choice Fruit; also a never-failing Spring of Water near the door. Several Quarries of good Limestone have been opened on the premises. air• Persons desiring to view the Farm, will call on the undersigned residing thereon. Attendants will be given and terms made known by EWEN ISZER SlctilNLEr, Adtu'r. Aug. 21.-ts York- True Democrat insert 3 times and charge this office. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE TIMBER LAND The nndersigned, Executors of the last Will and Testa ment of Daym E. Conic, deceased, will sell at Public Sale, on the premises, on Saturday the 21st day of September next. 30 ACLES OF VALUABLE TIMBER, situate in Menallen township, about two miles north-west of Ben dentrille, near to road leading to Carlisle, adjoining lands of Aaron Paxton, Pinegrove Iron Works...laity!' VFicker. ham and others. It will b e sold in six Lot. of about five Acres each. Four of the above Lots are covered princi. 'ally with good thriving Chest nut Timber—the others iave Chestnut, White Oaa, Pin Oak and Hickory. ifiGig•Penions wishing to view the premised will call at lie resitlence of Samuel E. Cook, above Bendersv ille. .earSele will commence at 10 o'clock, A.M., when at. endauce will be given and terms made known by TIIO3IAS E. COOK, GEORtiE 11. COOK, Executor.. dne. 21.-ts PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Ad alma county, will be offered at Public Sale. on Wedneaday, the 18th day of September. 1587, the FARM of Samuel Cashman, deceased, sit natelnAlletintpleasan t township, near Gulden's Station on the Gettysburg Railroad. ad joining lands of John Cashman, John May, John Miller, (merchant.) and containing GO ACRES. more or leas; im proved *with a two-story ROUGHCAST 110CSR, a good Log Barn, Wash house well of never-Ltiling water near the door, and a splendid young Orchard. The land has liii been limed, is in a good at' cultivation and under good fencing. Therein proportion of excellent timber. The property- ahown to persons wishing to purchase by the Wid ow, g on it. Sale to commence at 1 dock,t P. 31., *hen attend. ance will be given am! terms made known by DILE. meLlioßN, Guardian for the minor children of Samuel Cashman, de. ceased By the Court—A. W. Mts - ru, Clerk. [Aug. 21.-Zt+ PRIVATE SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE The nuderdgned will B ell at Private Saie, his valuable Farm, in Cumberland township. oil the Chambersburg pike. about 21-2 milea from Gettysburg, adjoining, hinds of Abraham Plank, George Storer. Whisler, Heller, and others, containing 100 ACRES of first-rate laud—the Acres of which are in good Timber. The 'Lint - movements area good two-story with o Lank Barn, with all the necessary odt-buildings —two wells of good water, a fine thriving younz Orchardof choice Fruit, and other improvemento. The fences are in good order, and the farm Ma high Etate of cultivation, must of it Laving been recently limed. It Is convenient ly located, and is regarded u one of the best farms In the neighborhood by competent judges. Also t a lot of ground in New Salem, un which is erected a now two story a Frame Stab le t earriage House, Rog Pen, and other necessary out•bliildiuga, with a well of first-rate water c .nvenient to the door. This property is admirably ad apted for a Shoemaker, Tinner, or Tailor, either of which businesses would prove profitable, as the town is rapidly improving, and a demand for these trades is increasing. tarn not sold within 30 days theabore properties will be rented. . Sir Persons desiring to view the same, and wislijng further information, can call upon the undersigned resid ing in Now Salem. My Post Office address is Cashtown, Pa. Persons desiring to purchase, would do well to ax amine these properties before purchasing elsewhere. July 31.-40 JACOB MICKLEY, D. of D. FARISI AT PRIVATE SALE I offer for sale my'YAR3I situated in Straban town ship, two miles east of Gettysburg, on the turnpike lead ing to York, and known on the old Trestle Yarn. It contains 151 ACRES of good land, and is in a high state of cultivation. It has been thoroughly limed, anellirin goad repair. The fences are mostly of good locust posts and chestnut rails. There are about Al ACRES In good Meadow, Iv leg in three separate parts. There are also about 35 acres of thriving timber, and good springs of Water in every BV.& except one. There is a new two: story BRICK ROUSE, and a Bank Barn over 100 feet long newly covered. There isan excellent Spring near the house; else a good well of water near the Barn.— About a Acres are covered with excellent grafted Fruit —Apples and peaches. irill - Any person wishing to purchase a good home will do well to view this snug little Farm before purchasing elsewhere. June 5, 1867.-0 PIII3LIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE The undersigned, Execator of the Estate of REMIT Barn= deceased, wilisek at Public Sale. on Priddy, August 304,11187, at 1 d P. N., on the premises, that valuable 'FARM situate in Cumberland township, three and a half Miles south of Gettysburg, on the road leading from Mark's Church to the Taneytawn road, and adjoining lands or John Trost's George Bushman and Henry Lott, containing 60 ACR ES, more or leas, with about 10 acres of Timber. The improvements consist of a two story LOG HOUSE, eased fit with brick, and Kitch en attached, a small Frame Barn,aud swell of water neur the door, with a Spring of running water through the property. There is also a One young Orchard. Zit-Attendance will be given and terms made known on day of rile by JOHN TROSTLK lix'r. Ang.l4, 1067.-ts a i Valuable MERCHANT MILL, .4.N. BARK MILL mad MAW MILL, with 40 AOKKB OP LAND. Known as uSandoe'sAlill," on Marsh creek, in Adams county, Pa., 4 miles •northeast from' Emmitio. burg, and b miles southwest from Gettysburg, ail in good order, water power heavy, and in a good grain countrY. One other MILL, known as "Hollinger's Mill," wi,tb 60 ACRES 08 LAND, one mile from Abbottstown, po the Ilinover turnpike. Ail In good order. ORORGN ARNOLD - . Aug. 7, 1807.—U .%n:11 01 E WESTERN PRE-EMPTION " -- LANDs.—I have *wend Tracts of choice Western PRE-EIRPT/ON LAN* good locations,' near Railroads, Cotint/Toshos, At., in well-settled neighbor hoods. Initial I win ezetutnge at a fair price for real es tate in Adams innlntp. Aug. 7, 18k/7.—U OZOROE ARNOLD. FOB, tAL.E.—A Choioe. FARM,' iq • high state -ot caltlvation; 721 ACRII3; 10 0 bitahelent Lime to the acre ; 20 Acres in Treiber; large Mnakillitru and Brink Dwelling; plenty of Fruit, &c.; 2 Masa Mist from Gettysburg. One other very desirable PAR3l,eoutaininAl23 ACRXI3 2Citcree in TI 16h; bulkUnge good; a4jointng Ban• ~doe's It 9l D ropirty,. 6 miles south from tiettyslivirg. Lb per Acm 4in - buy this farm. 0319. ARNOLD. August boa - . _ . reheat *Lula& . MILZ with plenty Ivo*, pint Cadquirsk Adams county, Pa. Am6l, , • h.*. OfititE.-41143 41tole or part of nto (d yeah lagidiad townildp, caatalAr 98 ttimpriiito g err ,k 4 scat Ostatt,Salto. A RAU CHANCE Ftott eitPrimaifirs. AT PUBLIC BALE. THE FARM STONE DWELLING, BRICK DWELLING, JOSEPH TROSTLE. FOR SALE, ALSO- ALSO- lig, (rotate Misr .. .• FAR AT PRIVATE 2. ALX r I offer a private sale at my residence In Tyrone town ship. onelle west of ileidiereborg, mi the Manallen read, 100 CRBS Ott GOOD LAND. tnewhich are a two. i i story Lo g louse, weather.boarded, and plastered Stone d Bank Barn . There le kVA wen of Wager near the I um; also two streams df neintliilleg miSer running t rough the Win: Abotutt) Asa asli Of young thriving T SIBBIL with a never-failing Spring of run ning wale thereon. There are about 25 Acres of good Meadow d; also a good Lime Kiln on the farm, and a good 0 CHARD OF FRUIT. The ffartu has beau limed thr times within .tifteera veers. It MAE a hick state of cultivation, and is surrounded with 'Wile and Churches. There is a good School-house on the term. in., ..Any person wishing to see this Band, or that 9a the York tasopike, will - Bud meat home at &Wanda. - June 5, 1867.—tf ' JOABPII TA,OBTLE. I . V__ARMS FOR SALE. Ivrill eel the Farms, . NO. ' . •Lying on tho Itaxriaburg and Gear urgvorui between York Springs and ileidlers• burg, coot ning 121 ACRES, with Improvements, now occupied kr:tames Miller. Price $25 per aces. No. 2. Lying on the Carlitle and. New °afore road, between Iltddlersburg and Now Ches. i d ter, contal Ing 145 ACRES, with good improvements now occopl by George J. Shank. Price SIC per tete: Terms: One half to be paid on the delivery of. the deal; the truce to snit the purchaser, either in cash or in drat J dgruent Roads allot Imo than $2OO for No. 1, and $4OO the Ne. 2, to b.: paid annually with interest. ' .!r-These farms are patented, lin handterenely and have been limed. W.F. BUNNEIL May '..11,1.1357.-tr goal* 141195, "Ittedirints, &c. Drugs, and Medicines. FI)RNEY 'S OLD STAND. BE urOcrsigned having taken charge of this T utid popular Store, takes pleasure in in— fornijog thif public that he la cotioutitly receiving froiih supplier of 411 kinds of -DItCGS AND M EDICINES, from the m -at reliable bousex; and in ptrpareed to arcommt. date bill eniiituuterei with any articlt iu Lin tine .1 FitEstr DRUGS AND MEDICINES, of every di.Wcrlptlon, all the popular PATENT MIDI i CIN or ilia 'day, with a full supply ul chemicals. Per fluttery. P4nts, Dye Stuffs, Varnishes, 1:11111111, Torpen tine, Hair (Ids, Its trac ts,Soaps, Brushes, together with a great vari;ty,of Fancy articles—in short, everything usually fon Ilu a first class Drug Store—constantly On hand. Ara•Phpilciitas supplied at reasonable rates, and pre. ' acriptions easefully compounded and prepared at all hours of the dity and night—Sunday not excepted. Be lug determined to veil cheap,he would ask a liberal share of public patrdnage. Give rasa tall , and set! Oar par selves. : JOBB ii FOUNIIII. May 29, Isll7. A. D. BUEHLER, AL AND 3118CELLADMOU3 THEOLOGtCAL, CLAW 0321 lia EDICINES, DRUGS, • MI ONERY, CM PERFUMERY OF ALL KINDS, GETTYSBURG, PA., Chainbcoilfurg ar Diamond May 29, 1867.1 y DR. R. HORNER'S DRUGS, STATIONERY AND NOTIONS, 0.1 , 7 T N Uft (1, PA Hi{ roWII tayparati,ns are all gnaran4 to answer the purpo.es Dr. R. 11...nor's Anti*Choloraawl Diarrbern,niii7 tote, A,r all AlOwanen of tho atutnatil tod Lowels. (Ywin for C6apl"l Hands Vragritnt styrrh, fnr prenerving anti %want ify ing the t.v.11, and for alidiananos of On gams. His Tunic and Alterative Powders, tor Horses and Cattle, are superior to any to the market. Plfre.t iquor3 fur me.lieul nAr. Pr, scrii.t ions TAT...fully 111 a4vire without charge JnnH 5, iS i -t! Kumbtr, imc, Sr. LUMBER, & COAL, AS' I ifJIENSE STOCK! CUI:NEI: OF CARLISLE ST. AND THE IZAILEGAID, CTTYSBURG, IN order to give the public something like an adequate idea of the immense stock of Um ber. Coral. stoves, Timware.ke., ke., on hand awl for sale by the undersigned, at his establishment, in Carlisle st., scroA4' CIA Itailroad Worn the l'ansoneer Station., he • would onumnrate as far an the limits era newspaper ad vertisemezit will allow : • IN THE LUMBER LINE : • - . Boards amPlank of every grade, from tunings to panel, Joists and'cantling, pine and hemlock, Siding, placed and unpLuted, Flooring. Sliingles,Shingle Laths,Plartere lug Laths,; Pickets, ready-made Doors and Bash, Illiude and Shatturs,—in fact, everything need for building pur poses. 1 IN THE COAL LINE Shamokin White Ash and Lykens" Valley Red Mb. these two irarieties being the purest and best for all domestic pnrposes. Also the rery best Broad-top and Allegheny!Smith eoal. 10¢For u iortIculars of Stoves. T inwaro, /le., we miter • tisement der head of Stove and Tinware. C. 11. BUEHLER, July 3, Ipei LUMBER! LUMBER! NEW LUMBER YARD IN EM , MITTSI3URtit4ID. wouldTespeetfully inform the pie that we have established a LABOR LUM BER YA In Ernmlttsburg, UMB .164 SCANTLING, PICKETS AND LATHS " FLOOR ING BOARDS, WINDOWS, DOORS, • silurpou.s, BLINDS, • • nod every description of Building Lumber furnished at the low est 'cash prIE co, by Jnne il 4806 --.1.f WILLIAM ULRICII t . Agent for Potter A Igo. . . NT,' W LtMBER YARD TILE dridarsiguld has opened a LUMBER YARD, on the Railroad, Near' Onion .t Reilly's LIM° Kilns, Gettysburg and asks the public to give him aicall. Ills assortment is one of the best ever offered he , inn his prices silbrd ouly the mnalleatittring profit. 11~ him MMUS PINK PLANK, Inch and hall BOARDS, woumk, PALINGS, Ac., Ac., and le con stantly jk, tug to his stock. Come surd examine for yourselecti ItLA et litis. 1, Ply oiShieglen,atlo%y price4,alwayxon bend JACOB SILICAD:4. SUNGLES.—Prime . Shingles, the beet IM the market, for pate at JACOB MIKAN'S new Lnint4ir Yard, on the Railroad, adJelning We Lime Kilns, 0 etlvibu re • • P10v.1366.-ta • Milne & Coal. 111 ~T & REILLY have ertted e , atiano lam Kilns, on the Itallr mid areitherif re better pritpaied than ever to MI y,the best of'Ll 11, in large or sinalignantales. Warmers and others can hereafter look fur a snore prompt Ailing el their man and are invited teiesitend anti aostimus. theft fitVo to a firm which is making every effort:Mao. commode them in the beat manner possible. They w also continue to keep pit head, for sale, a good inapp of the different kinds of COAL, which they will sell a small profits. . • Cold pa Limed& ered anywhere in Gottystottp. June2l 111613.-4 f gitkarm. vi BAK.ERY. NEWPORT 1 ?MOLER N E : k Eakery , Sunni Waal/Jog/on *tr.. MOTT/kr* , , u autel,Ovtiyalrirg ,PR . Outket*# Wi t f i t. ~..., • ear of - ' • ; ..' iAAs .T I t ;k It,. 04..4" ..4 .1 .k.A.1`'.41 F , - 4 c imur t . " ~ . 111,1 !: , ;aiy't 1 . ' 4 , . , bkohoofm from tho 1 tumd,the , Cakiir . - Pry' ii *to air . pwion.inshwareehßrsairwl it .q..„... thorniest •ir gird* topieloc..: i - 5 122 IBM o,l' slit