U r ItSL JOHN SPAN 'aro fast resetveit • splendid moortmout 0f.713.1811 4RoMU&Utit ttitor• oh the corner et the rah& 'l / 4 171re ' il r G £lB The emit lot of &tsars ever brought to Gottyoburg,iutd { my cheep. MELO] HL OA* Is niperior tai any olinreil in the place. ,If you don't believe it 0081111 tad use. ' MOLASSES. It'ion went the bat Syrups and Idelame In tees yen orlll Ifni them at Stran'e. QUIENSWARS. kc. His stocirot Queenswars, Dishes, Lampsote., is full cheap lid good. ltvet7 style and price, 4' . , CIGARS AND TDBACCO. His Cigars acid Tobacco ere of superior qustity...Ae snowledged by rood judges to be the best lb tbe matitet. CANDIES AND NOXIONS Particular attention paid to thli department. full atipply dandles, Nuts, Fruit, Soaps Fancy articles, In Giort any and everything uscuilly foundi in a Aria class Grocery. In laying in my stock I was careful to know what I iris buying, and am now prepared to sell not on ly GOOD Groceries, but to hell. them very cheap. Give me a call atui PO*e for yoursalree May 29,1866. WM. BOYER & SON, KEEP constantly on hand a splen did assortment of Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Syrups, Spices, Fish, Bacon, Silt, Notions, ,Tohacco, Cigars.Con feet lons, and soerythiagernonsected with aNamily. Grocery . We will always kecrplap a ftll supply of goods sad sell them sirloin which cannot fail to please. Gall gad ebb tue at our strnod in York street, opposite the Bank of ettyo burg. ...3"..&11 kinds of country produce takOn in ex. change 6,r goods. May 29, 1166.' NEW nRANGEMENTS: HENRY OVERDEER, On Vie Hill & Bdttistore Street, Gettysburg, to. EPS made arrangementi to get trash supplies every week from the City and is de termtned to WI cheap. Eta Invites all to - 10es them a call, hi. stock consists otOrocerietr, Notions. Plour, Corn Beal, Moped Feed. Corn. Oats, Fish, Bacon, Lard Cheese. Crackers, Tobacco, Cigars and Snuff, augur, Cot teka, Tees,_Byrup, Molasse s , , Candles, Coal Oil, Fish Oil. Tnt,BantOidia, 'Vinegar, and a great variety or Nation*: te., kc. *Saha mkt or trad will Le given for County Pro. dote Ina as Thur. Corn, Oats, Butter. Eggi, Potato... RM. &c• f May in, 1887.-tf NEW GROCERY STORE TELL ETRYEBODY YOU SEE TUAT GILBERT, XUST above the Court.Monse, and opposite the ampi ier Office will sell you everything in the 'GROCERY AND PROVISION Line cheaper than you can get it elsewhere. - 5 nears, Coffees, Molasses, Candles, Coal Oil, Syrups, Brooms, Buckets, Tubs, Tobacco, Cigare, Notts's* ofall kindi, HAAL,PLSH, OYSiEftii, VEGETA BUS. always on hand. Give me a call, as I am deter• mined to ac co mmodate. BUTTER. EGGS, and all kinds of vEktuntry 'Produce taken, for which the highest cub price will be given. Don't forget. the place—two doors others the oourt•Honse. Don't pass without calling, as I solicit your patronage. If ay 29,—tf Important TO ALL PERSONSL O:.•END RIOKS & WARREN hive purchased the Store situated on York etreet, two doors east of Wolf's Hotel, formerly occupied by J A. drknea, and latterly by G.O. Swope. where they will keep constantly on band a complete assortment of GRONERIES. including Syrups. Coffees, Sugars, Teas, Bacon, Flour, Few!, nice, Potatoes!, Salt, Tobacco, &0., with every arti elate be found in a Irstelass Grocery. Also 'CONFEC TIONS, NOTIONS and,FANCX ABTICLBS. They hope to receive a shire of public patronage,. and earnestly solicit a continuance of the custom heretofore given to the estapshment. Gettysburg, May ZJ, 1887 New Grocery, and Flour Store. MEALS Jr, BROTHER, • HAVING opened a Grocery, Flour and Vegetable Store - , In the Room formerly oc cupied by aeo. Little, on West Middle street, they ex tend an incitation to all buyers to give them a call.— Rverything in their line, fresh from the city and coon try; will be kepton hand. They are determined to sell, as cheap an the cheapest, and as they only ask the lowest Ming prollts,they hope to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. MEALS t BRO. May 29,1866. • • , Grocery & Liquor Store. A . LARGE assortment of line CIBOCABIIIIB, Teas. Cont.'s, White Sugars of ail kinds ; :and Brown :I ns's' 4, chow, prime new. crop Orleans Mot %sea. and al: a:tides of lisurps; .11.108 ItACKERICL, beet In market.— ..01 Mods el . tn4tiolis, gbplewAr au ! retail, prime Wine, Brandy, kye Whisky Ae., ter inrchttnal anti ut.her pupates, hi any .quantity. earH. i isiiler's (Leib Hitters. sod the "tireat Zingari bitters" 1 / 1 111 J. MAKTIN, • , May 29 Lialt.nitre et., Gettysburg: COAL and FISH OIL of the best quality far sale by WM. BOYER # FON pRESH supply of Groceries, No .,- Vona, Tobaccos, &c., constantly receiving and for sale b WM. BOYER & SON. earriageo, forntos, NEW FIRM! AT TH.E OLD STAND LESTABL,ISHED 1N.1817.T I have associntintwith me, in business, my son, Joni F. McCazalk, untteitherfirm and style of D. DlcCamtitt & BON, and I desire to say to my old friendeAnd the pub lic generally that. since the war, the manufacture of Hattneis,Collars, ac., has been rev teed at the old established and well known stand on Baltimore Street. one agnate south of the Court House, Gettysburg, Ps. Barinshad au experience of 40 years in this establish utt, I feelaseured. that, with renewed attention to bas in ,we can stllifurther merit and eaceiee a fulishare o public patronage Peb.1.1866, 'With increased facilities for condncting our business, w• are better prepared than ever to satisfy the wants of all those who may need anything in our line. 'We espe• daily call the attention of Farmers and others to the superior quality of our Plain or Quilted Seat Horn Side Leathers. ' Saddles, Hamm, all kinds, with or Plain or Quilted Seat no without fastenings, . Horn, Housings, Plain or Quilted Seat SideScotch,collars(leather), • Saddler," " (ticking), FlainorrneySaddleClothe No Seam Collars, Wagon Saddles, ' • Best Welt livnassCollars, Ridlitg Bridles of all k I nds,p a t•nt 'Leather Collars fair or Mack; rounded or stitched or nnatitchied, flat, ' Best Leather Wagon Whips Martingales, 4, 434, and 5 feet long, Carriage Harness, alistyleg,Pl•lted Team Whips, silver or black mounted, Trotting Whips, Heavy Draft:Harneas, Ladles' Hiding Twigs, Blind Bridles, Whip lashes, Girths, Horse Blankets, &c., /to. Croppers, Inahort.everythingthat pertains to Mirada's genera horse furni&ing establishment constantly on band or ADO* to,order promptly, of the very best material, and by the most experienced workmen in the country, (two having worked in this establishment for the last thirty years.) Ware sow meanktettirlng an excellentlet of Heavy Draft and Harness Collars for those a ho prefer our own to Mt • ring oral kinds doziest short notice and on rea sone is terms. aim cordially Invited to call and examine for them solves allow work cannottall to recommend == DAVID McCREARY k SON NEW Man w S d A , DDLER SHOP. 0 14 bstuR,T .34 "..`" ne rzsAree3frad.PaOr 3 on . RIDING EADDLAS, WAGON SADDLES, CAVIEGE HARNESS, • HAUGH? HARNESS, 4 RIDING BRIDLES, - BLIND BRIDLES, COLLARS, • • PLY NETS, As. as low • alba lowest mta 180.-*, rwintarrmaiNGßEtEcmo. its war bah* over, the nnilarthrthd rammed the CBRILIAGEALaNING BUSINESS, at their ak stela la But Middle stmt; Gettysburg, when they at* again prepared to pat up work In the mad alikseb ly and superior manner. • lot darer aaB secosibband ckassuansoitraonis, az an heina, elleidlt they will Mapco, oral the Invest priest; sod& ottleteeeftt enpptled sepromptly and eatlitha tatty as liirBEPAIRINGJEti ---' &am via worst* end at cheapest Mee. A l ot ia . n of.Asne modal& HARNESSPauI for sale. Awed mining* berstotbre °l soyed 101Sserew to demerre GU's* .461131146btic5. irMsma May ' Nett.. 7 . , = (*LUGES a sp TATE & C ti Are saw ' a Inullt CII t Won& - itaji Walt AMMO' 11.61.4 % th ; 4 , OW wt aill lllifit i agi emir . .I;efr - iiiiiisiiiit and of Wail a silimead Wilt *WM Merlon to beauty at say/a lli or ars zardldasti; rawsia do wadi bis Ng tabor in lic On elll• alas. All Os am- heigigas Omit iroilrit ii o coordmos Qom In AbOitii voiMit alit if fh• laaa TO MaSaielk gin' ball* 4Cfe MkteellaTe 4 10 0 1 r llia. ' "..0 boalitli g oeis ^Ga acsmier dub Gamy d Irsab: 10*tyabarg, Pa. "1 .-0 , ''EiV WORK ON SINGING. 4tikseams Twenty , Meloaic Exercises, SOLPEOGIO?,roRBOPRANO OR 10720 SOPRANO VOICES, *END= AS Studies to acquire the Art of Singing • 'Thews exercises were ooMposed to be need stmuttatte. on cutely with his • tem, "Tax xor ar151310,7 or with any other fbrtbe add' on of the voice, and will take th e plisca-of ixiNcowr „ BOILYZOOTOS ; being more meWlous end bettor adapted let teaching, "Some or these exercises are specially beautiful as well as risen', a mingling of the duke et ',we, ;which se cures the interest es well as the improvement of the student. The Tarim, styles developed In these exercises render them invaluable lu an edneatkmal pint of view, as they tend to enlarge the intelligence and the gip. „predation, and at the ume time form the taste of the pupil. They must be studied carefullywtth reference Mgt. innumerable marks of expression end forms of or mtinentation. Upon the minute accuracy . with 'which these are accomplished depends the actual sterling ad vancement of the pupil; any evasion or slurring y, thee. respects is time and effort utterly wasted, while, on the other hand, a ulnae and patient investigation, and a min utely faithful execution of them, will give unexpected power and !faculty. end open to the student the means and rem:purees by which great artists produce their nowt brilliant and profound stfecte.• Watson's Art Journal. JOHN M. SWAN MJESNME A Saisalle apy sent $ Mail. poet-paid, on receipt o Wholesale Price, $1.50.. WM. HALL :k SON, No. 543 Broadway,fNew York. Publishers and dealers in Mede, and Manufacturers of FLUTES, FIFES. Auto iwyr.i. kr., kr.. &e. Send for catalogue or pri,ve '' Joky 3, MM.—W. Pub Hotbed by (4,REAT CONOWAGO MILLS. 10,000CHESHELS OF WHEAT WANT& The undersigned having remodeled and Ljmproved his mills near New Chester. !formerly called Walnut Grove," but now "Great Conowagn Mina") is prepared to do all kinds of work in hie line with unusual dispatch. Constantly on hand, for sale or exchange, the very beat qualities of Super, Extra, and Family FLOUR, also Rye, Corn and Buckwheat Floor, with every variety of Chop. vad offal of wheat. Haring a SAW MILL attached, he la prepared to saw all kinds of lumber, at the shortest not ice. A farmer lu need of lumber and floor, ran pnt a logdpon his wagon, throw a few bushels of wheat on the top, hare the wheat exchanged for Ibur, and the log sawed, thus saving a double trip—®dalk because of the new and perfect ma chinery now employed in thee. mills. Haying the best of workmen, he will be able to please every body. Thankful orlon' &yore be hopes fora COP. ttnnance of the same. New Cheater, April 9.Sd, 186L-1y COTTAGE HILL • FEMALE COLLEGE Thia Institution ie located at York. Pa. The next term wiil begin SEPTEMBER ad and continue twenty weeks. Lbe bu ildingaand groonde are large and attractive, and superior advantages are afforded iu all department. of in struction. We refer to our patrons, among whom are Gev. Geary, Bishop Glosatirenner. Rev. J. If. Menges, Thomas E. emit. ran, Esq., J. B. Banglnen, John hillier, • IL B. Bittingar and Rey. J . C. eint ith. For catalogue and full particula relipply to REV.!). 11111tRIA, 6.11. Principal, July 10.-1 m• WOXIAN'S . WORK A work of real value, absorbing interest and universal popularity. The press and literary people everywheru commend end endorse it. It records the consecrated work of woman in organized and united effort, and the names'of nearly 600 of . ouiconntry's noblest women, with what they did for humanity and for the net ion iu rte darkest boors. Beautiful steel portraits of a number 01 these ladies adorn the work and it is acknowledged to be one of the finest works ever published. Clergymen, Teachers, Experienced Agents, and Ladles will find It to their advantage to canvass for this work. Address, ZEIGLER, McCIIRDY A CO.. 501 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. June 12,1867.-2 m JOHN HENDRICKS, HIRAM WARREN. JOHN BOWMAN, N0..704 Arch Street, PITILADELPHIA, Manufacturer and Dealer in • SILVER AND PLATED WARE, Our GOodi are decidedly the cheapeet in the City r . TRIPLR PLATR, A tin. 1. Ifar.l4, 1W:1y SKATER'S WASII POWDER. SAVES Time, Labor, Money. Makes Washlos a pas tittle, and Monday a festival. Sold ererywhet e. Try it Address all orders to the Manufacturers, ZIEGLER AND SMITH, Chemists and Wholesale DrnAgists, 137 North Third Street, Philadelphia. March 19,1867.-810 H. F. DEBRTNG & BRO., FRESCO. PAINTERS, FREDERICK CITY, 21D., RESPECTFULLY inform the pub lic that they are prepared to FRESCO CHURCH ES, HALLS, PRIVATE RESIDENCES, Lc., ip the most approved styles. modern or ancient. All work warranted to give satisfaction as to taste, durability and cheapness. April 25, 1567.-6 m • B R 0 0' - 14 S ! • B R - 0 MS! The undersigned continues to manufacture Brooms at his old stnnd in Carlisle street adjoining Railroad Depot. He will have &trine thA fall a full supply on hand, and will be able to fnrnlsh them WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. Broome made to order or nn the share*. Pereons having Broom Cormwould do well to give hlm.a call. Gettysburg, June 19.-Sta 8. It. TIPTOE. BROOM HANDLES FOR SALE, Wholesale or Betafl, it the Lumber Yard of C. FL *UHLER DAVID McCREARY CORN SHELLER, SEPARATOR The underigned would inform the Agricultural public that he has purchased from the Patentee of this extraordinary machine, the Patent Right for the States of Pennsylvania and Maryland. Brinkerhoff 's Corn Sheller, Separator and Clean er is pronounced the best machine of the kind in this country. And in proof, it may be mentioned that the "Advisory Committee appointed to select Implements for exhibition at the Universal Ex position in Paris, in 'lBB7, have selected this Sheller as the best in America," and at the request of J. C. Derby, C. S. Agent, a machine has been shipped to Paris for exhibition. One important feature in this machine is that it will shell ears large, small or crooked, perfectly clean, and separates the cob and chaff from the Corn ready for market. ' The fact may also be stated that at the great trial of Agricultural Implements, at Auburn, N. Y, in July last, under the auspices of the New York State Agricultural Society, the Brinkerhoff Corn Sheller, Separator and Cleaner was reported by one ofthe most competent Committees As the belt Corn Sheller out. They say, rWe have care fully examined and thoroughly tested this ma ul:int:tend have no hesitation in pronouncing it the beat Corn Sheller we ever saw." The re port is signed by sash men as John Stanton Gould, Presideui N. Y. State Agricultural Society; B. P Johnson,lSecretary to same; Solon Robinson, Ag ricultural Editor N. Y. Tribune; 8. Edward Todd, Agricultural Editor N. Y. Times. From among many Complimentary newspaper notices, the following, from the N. Y. Observer, fe deempd sufficient: 'Among all the. Bald Corn Sheller. made in New York and Albany—and one single firm man ufacturers more than 10,000 annually—not one can enter the circle with the Shellerju.st invented by J. Brinkerhoff, Auburn, New York. It shells, separates and cleanses, rapidly and easily, at one operation, , as fast as the ears can kaput in the hop per. J. M. ROWE The undersigned is now prepared to dispose of COMITY RIGHTS. He will have SHRUHRS Mad! for aale s in the course of a month's time. All lettere to be addresied to ' WM. WIBLE, P. 0. Box 246, Gettysburg, Pa. Mar. 14, 1867. N EW BAKERY. • - NNWPOILT £ lischialoaaßakory,B9nth Wuhistiton str., halfsquaro frog the Sigl• Rota ,Gettysbitsg, Pa. Conotaatb , on band, tbs best of Dr Isd bracker I. 0444, Prets,els, ac Paßona Inshlne'resh greed VIII besorvedevorralolll 60"etingthilr 11 1 11 8 0/ 4 tiNdAracessAtlkellskiit7 te phase. GY.III VS 'A -CIAAL • Arnlll.lllll4. a::: I aIaNTS. WAlllTlD—auxully—itak: 3sd $ ,I•rm oberearlUrCl4llsllFt I =WWI 11 istit I.ACIUNE. II Aga oad lailarisig. It *lkea a slit* say* 414.. Ix* only ritimer'llOLLAXL I.taza• pOottaalviVoinipAp fa Aosta. Nor fag ipartioulara sellikenac , ", DUMONT it - o i l 4 Jaw 19, firgitThaat, • I.*-Sni 1070/TED a rii 414 TT ~i libsldgbiNit maid* • . O. Vl4 l Ol Mat reituarim, IN FOB or 111 TWO 'VOLUMES do in Cloth, Retail IN . THE CIVIL WAR. g,grittllturat guiplemtuto. BRINKERHOFF'S AND CWNER fig• Wats. 3•00i1a0 00 NEW STX : PER CENT. TENNSYLVALNIA STATE LOAN. FREE FROM MA svorz, COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL TAXATION. • win be famished in mate to nit, on application to the Ineareat Batik or Banker; ettlter of the undersigned. JAY (OOHS & CO., DREXEL a CO., R. W. CLARK t CO., Bankers, Philadelphia. GETTYSBURG NATIONAL- BANK. GOVEB.NIVIBNT BONDS OF ALL ISSITEE; COJIPOUND INTEREST NOTES, Orders for purchase and sale of STOCKS, BONDS AND GOLD, S2OO 2 50 promptly execnted. AfifANTEREFIT *Bowed en SPECIAL DEPOSITS et 3 4 an 46 per cent., according to length of time of de. poolt.lr J. EMORY Milt. taahter. July 8,1867. First National Bank of Gettysliorl, k ALLOWS INTEREST OR DEPOSITS Buys and Sells all Kinds of .GOVERNAIENT 'SECURITIES, GOLD AND Converts 7-30 Notes into 5-20 tr. S. BOnds Skir Orders solicited and promptly at tended to. H. J. MYERS April 11, 107 `,Vhotograph (6alltritO. WE are always glad to see our friends at the Excelsior Gallery, it still stands in the saline old place opposite the Rank on York st., Get ty/11,11ra, Pa. C.. 1. TYSON. PHOTO MINIATURES at the Ex oelidoi Gallery are superb and are furnished at one•thlril city prices. Call and examine specimen's. C. J. TYSON. I. 4 I.X.CELSIOR is our motto. To '''a•-• please our atm: and to render fat Ea:taloa in every instance our determination. C. J. TYSON. CONSTANTLY on hand an assort mentor fine Pram OA, Photograph Alba mit, Cards and Baalcets for grassed, from the Battle-hold, Photographs of our G onera le. and other disti ngn lobed individuals. at the seelsior Gallery. , C.J. TY SON. T HE best Photographs made in this County are wade at the Excelsior Gallery. Gettys burg, opposite the old Bank. C.J. TYSON Ba' all means have your Photographs 'nada at 'the Excelsior tiallery Upon desire them per pet. c. J. TYSON. LARGE VIEWS of the Battle-field, Singly or lo sere, eery low; also Stereescopic 'Views fo th•Battle-deld, at the Y.scelrier Gallery. Do rot 601 to see them. C. J. TYSON. JRAMEB OF EVERY KINA), for Large Pictures. Marriage Certificates, Church Certinco.ea, Missionary Certificates, ac.. very cheap et G. SHEA, FER'll New Gallery, Hanover, Pa. June • REMOVAL! 1 THE GETTYSBURG SKYLIGHT GALLIRY. - . THE undersigned takes pleasure in .A. , Announcing to the citizens of Gettysburg and the public generally that he has removed from his old rooms on West Middle street, to Baltimore street and nearly opposite the store of Fahnestock Brothers. The room he now occupies, has been recently Sued up expressly for his business. The location is an admirrble one, enabling him to take pictures in all shades of weather. and with II orrectness unequalled any whereelse, LIFE-LIKE PTIOTOGRAPIIB, of entry size and description, executed In the flOeststyle nartitmlarattention given to the CARTE-DE VISITE,and in copying All BROTYPES and DAGUERREOTYPES ot deceased friends. Also - THE GETTYSBURG GEMS, a neW style of picture which has become very popular with the public, not only for their beauty, but for cheap ness and convenience. SIXTEEN for ONE.DOLLAR on• ly. Also—THE PORCELAIN PICTURES, which for thear beauty and durability are unsurpassed. FB areprepared to carry on the business. in all its various branches, and having had cons id erableex perienc• we run no risk in GUARANTEEING PERFELT SATISFACTION. Our facilities for a tall display of oor skill are unequal- ed by any other Gallery in the County, and we would herefore invite every one to call at the NEW GETTYSBURG SKYLIGHT GALLERY. Call and examine our Specimens and Judge for your selves. LEVI BUMPER. June 21,1856. JGURNEY & SON, • PHOTOGRAPH ARTISTS, 707 Broadway, Nor - York. In addition to our PHOTOGRAHIC ART GALLERY, established 1840. We have for the last five years had ad vantages superior to any other 'establishment in obtain ing sittings from life, of all the PROMINENT CELEBRI TIES of the day in CARD PORTRAITS, and are now publishing a Catalogue of over ZOO SURJ ECM AMERI CAN AND FOREIGN, also a large list of Copies of WORKS OF ART AND ENGRAVINGS. Such as the Right Rev. Bishops of the Epiacopial church, the Catholic Clergy, and the Clergy of all denominations, all prominent officers of the Army, Navy and Confederate States, Actors and Attreseee,Prafessiconal Billiard. Play ers, Foreign celebrities, Pictures from Statuary, male gad female. Catalogues sent on receipt of Stamp.. An order for one dozen pictures from our Catalogue Will be filled at 21.80, and sent by mail free. Single Pictures 26 cents each, copies of engravings 15 cents each. N. B. We also desire to call attention to the advantage we have for reprodnemg.or copying, Old Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes; Card Pictures, Ac., of DECEASED RELATIVES AND FRIENDS, enlavging them to any sine, and finishing in Oil, Water Colors, or India Ink, with the aid of TEN TALENTED ARTISTS. - Parties desiring copies, should therefore correspond with, tie direct. SEND FOR A CATALOGUE. The Trade Supplied at a Liberal Discount. IALLERY OPEN FOR FREE INSPECTION, and strangers visiting the City, will find our Gallery one of the most agreeable places in the City, wherein to while away an hour. . J. GU RNEY & SON, Pacrroeacraw, Oct. 4.1866.-421 707 Braidway, N. T. Cotifcttions, Nrt trtatn, Togo, at. SOMETHING NEW • IN GRITYSBUIDI l 11, .• - , 'fhe undersigned has the pleasure of informing' e citizens bf Gettysburg and vicinity, that he le now re. pared to onpPly them with the famous CREAM SODA, drawn from Dow's Soda Fountain, which has. become so popular in the cities. lfyou have never tested this de• ltds drink, you don't know what you have Waged.— Fry it. Once tasted, you will boot:sine a regular pat, on. I have also opened my ICE CREAM a/LOON, with accommodations for Ladies and Gentlemen, and am prepared to supply prtrate Partite, Ac., on reooneble terms. Also, constantly on hand, fresh - C N - 1? B I N , Cabe., to, Call at the old established stand on Chem betsburg street, opposite the Lutheran Ohurch adjoining the Keystone Hotel. glay 29.1307.4 m E. H. KINSIGH. Fresh Confectionery, &c. rIINHE subscriber calla the attention .a. ' °fne citizens of Gettysbarg and vicinity, to ids file Oonibctionery letsblishisent, one .door east of the It h e Hotel, on Ohambenburg street. alms, Oandies,and every description of Confection@ t er with Nnts,Oranges, awl all kinds offrul t s at. trim on hand. Parties, publicand private, as well asfamilieswill be rufrwi li hed with nil kinds of CakesjoeOrsam, Oa pynuni• lateral orotherwise,) and other rifreehmente althetr titre, upon shartnotice. rift spent a life-tLote at tit business. he latter@ h‘selftatbsiandarstandelt thathe I sabletoren. dtwentire setisbction. palisades* the Confectionary. JOHN El IMIL. 214 1 May 13117 . OYO, Nations, Marbles, &e., at J. Y . WARNER'S 0 and see J. M. Wainer's Store. RESIT PONFECTIONARIZS st rll,lliest sad Molted BRUM, it - Jilts OlliAkfh• PIM*. iceit• • J, H. WARMS. ' SEVEN-THIRTIES m:i bought and sold.; THE AS USUAL- GEO. ARNOLD, Cash:icy Coalopatlim44%.,At. L V .All3-.E.R.-4::..0,:i0A:U A N I 1 . 1 1 . MBITSR STOCK! OORNER OF OiltilsLB BT. 41t4D TB* RAII.X041:01 GETTYI3I3IIRG, PEWNA IN order to give the publiolornethh/g lik•-sai adequate idea of thsinsiiquire deck of Ltun. ber, OW, :town!, Tio , ware, tcs,ityla hand and Ibr by the noeursigaed, at his establishment, Carliele as, wool the Railroad zrom the Poiwager Lltatloa s be world enumerate as far as the Omits oft newspaper ad• vont/ems:it will allow : IN THE LUMBER LINE Aker& and Plank of every grade, front callinp to pawl. Joists and Scantling, pins and bewlook, Ming, = and unpinned, Flouring, 5W141100140 LOW, p ing Lathe, Pickets, ready- Dena sad Oath, Blinds and Shnttera—fn fart, every th ing wed for building per. poses. IN THE COAL LINE Shamokin White Ash and Lykene Valley Red Ask these two varieties being the purest and bug for all domestic purposes. Also the very best Broad.top and Allegheny smith Coal. 11181..F0r particulars of Stoves. Tinwareske., see adver tisement under head of Stoves and Tinware. C. IL BUEHLER, July 3, 1867. LUMBER! LUMBER! NEW LUMBER YARD IN EM = MITTSBURG, MD.• W E would respectfully inform the public that we have established a .LABGB LUM BER YARD In limmittsburg, Md. LUMBER, SCANTLING, Piersrs AND zArfira nownivo BOARDS, WINDOWS, DOORS, . SHUTTERS, BLINDS, andavery descriptkot of Building Lumber turnishedat the lowest cash prices, by WILLIAM 171.4R1CH 1 June 21, 1866.—tf Agent for Pottert Co. NEW LUMBER YARD . Tug undersigned has opened a LUMBER YARD, on the Railroad, Near Quinn k Reilly's Lime Kites, Gettysburg end sake the piddle to give him a call. Ms assortment is one of the beet ever offered here, ..no his p ricas afford ooly the &Leanest living profit. H. has. WHITE PINE PLANK, inch and halt BOARDS, FLOORING, PALINGS, hr., he., and is con stantly adding to kW stock. Come and examine kw yourselves.. supply of Shingles, it low prkev always oo bawd. Nov. 1.1886.—tr. JACOB sa KAN. SINGLES.—Prime Shingles, the heat in the market, for *ale at JACOB SIMMS new Lumber Yard, on the Railroad, adjoining the Lime K Ciettyaburg. (N0v.1866.-ta Lime Sr, Coal. GUINN & REILLY have erected two additional Lime Kilos, on the Railroad, mad are therefore better prepared than ever to supply the beet of LIME, in large or small quatitt ties. Farmers and others can hereafter look fore more prompt fillies' of their orders, and are faulted to extend and continue their favors to a firm which Is making every effort Jose commodate them in the beet manner possible. They will also continue to keep on hand, for sale, a good supply of the different.kinds of COAL, which they will sell at entail profits. Coal and Lime delitered any where lu Gettysburg. June 21, 111166.—tf c fitatits, linwart, off. TIN-WARE AND STOVES• 'I'II LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF TIN-WARE IN THE COUNTY, S. G. COOK'S, (Formerly ladies 1.411ero); THE BEST COOKING-STOVES IN TILE MARKET, among which/are the OLD DOMINION. i . co4Nno+nsr PKNNSYLVANIA, NOBLE COOK AIN., many other article. for kitchen age, which will be ■nlA AP 101 l *a xt ■ny otbar place inthe comity Apr1112.110;6 STOVES, TIN-WARE, &C., &C. rpuz putdir ar. invited to call and otamine my im -1 monaelnock olgoods IN THE STOVE LLD Waverly, Noble Cook, Royal Cook, Barley Sheol. Orient , al, titewart's Cook. Ornamental, Excelsior. Prince Royal and the Emerald Cooking Stove*, all for coal or wood.-:- These varieties area selection front the best and mie popular Cooking Stores the market affords, and are .4 warranted to give entire satisfaction. Also, a very law variety of Parlor, Saloon and Shop Stoves. for cool or wood, Including the celebrated Morning Okay, thirVula can. Oval Meteor, Round Meteor, Dial, Violet, Gem. Re gulator, Comet, Egg, New Egg, Parlor Cook, Lo., ke.— Pire Brick and Orates, for coal or wood, always on hand. IN TtiE TIN-WARE LINE The assortment embraces everything necessary Sr kitchen or household purposes. including a large num ber of convenient yet cheap articles of new design which must be seen to be appreciated. The stock I. so law and varied that those who have not visited the establish ment hare ho conception of its extent. In addition to the ordluary kitchen utensils, It Includes Bathing Var. eels, Toilet Chamber Sets, plain and fancy, Chamber Buckets, Bread and Spice Boxes, Tim and Coffee Coals tars, Deed Boxes, Spittoons, Tumbler Drainers, Bill-head Boxes. Waiters, Ale Carriers, Water Coolers, Slaw Cut tars, Nurse Lampe, Jelly Moulds Podding Moulds, Pa tent Nutmeg Graters, Comb Came;l, Gan. Gnat Plates and A B V Plates, Ash Buckets, Floor Sleeves, Bird Cagan, 'Spout Heads, Coffee Mills, Lanterns, Basting Spoons, Large Forks, Candle Sticks, Candle Moulds, Copper Dip pers, WrOught-iron Frying Pen.Bmoothing Irons, Foot Scrapers, Coffee Routers, W affil Irons, Snuffers, Dinner and Auctioneer Bells, Egg Seater, L Oilers, Fluted Fun nels, Coal Sieves. eLeas-top Fruit Cue, Plain-top Fruit Cans, Self-sealing Jar,, Ac., Ac. Tin-ware made to order, and repairing promptly attended to, by the but of work men. IN THE HOLLOW-WARE LINE Cast-iron Pota, of every alas and variety, kw stoves, Por celain •KeWea, for molting and preserving, Tin4ised Kettles, for ditto,CaaWron Stew Pane ' of every else and variety, Porcelain and tinned, with silimmand and one other articles impossible tar enumerate is an siverties. meat. Attention is specially directed to three valuable pa= tents for which he is agent, and about which there Is no , humbug, as can be attested by wares who have used , them, vie: THE vitivagmaL ounasswatxon,' DOTiTill MASHING KAOKINN,' end the cebbtated DIAMOND CHURN. The public are baited to roll and examine, goods and prices. HO guarantees to sell everything In bit line at exceeding low figures. Come and tea, to gratify year curiosity, it you do not want to buy. No trouble to show gds• C. 11 - 11CIMIJUL July 3, 1867,--tt gate's and ststurats. KEYSTONE HOTEL.. GETTYSB U.RG PA . WM. E. MYERS, PROPRIETOR. N.OW OPEN. THIS is a new House, and ha lt been lined npin tile wet opprueed Kyle. Ile beaks Is pleasant and enerefient, brig in the' Poet balsam lien °MI. town. igwidl,ninecoloent Ms been made ier the aceonunodation and eonstertof itsegg, with mole stabling attached. With experhuteed eareaste, rod se oceateeting Clerks, we ihpll aae Mil ilideriCif to plow. Thu Hotel is now open irtie the eatertaltenent of the public, and we kindly soltpit a Awe oCsithapeiroll• riby sr; isw., EAGLE HOTEL. The jaripit and sod commodious N owls ot.cousisikuviesp insatinew ow" JOHN L. TATE, Rrepider. Eras Oundbus, for Pasesegors mart* th• Drupe, ea antral prildwartoure or trains; Clarefid imeviate, Nod naitowilble ellggei t ; May Ile, 1847.--tf • '• NATIONAIi Horn, *Et P Timm, Li; but= Or a=l Osabton, AND Naomi Telegraph fistitiite. Cbracr of Penn and A. Clair Ntreete, PITTHBURG, PA. The Largest, Cheapest, Best ACTUAL BUSINESS COLLEGE IN THI UNITED STATES. During as Past ten wan, upwards of FIFTEEN ;THOUSAND STUDENTS, Yupresenuig weary State in the Union, have °radian. A OOLLIICIP OP ACTUAL itI:IBDTESB, BuPPlledloift; 116111 m, Storm, Poet Office, Commiss ion Broken? Institance. Itafirpad, Steam boat, and Telegraph Ofacee, te n combining THEORY AND PRACTICE. Students are thoroughly instructed fn all the branches of a PRACTICAL .BUSINESS EDUCATION, Including Book-kosping, Penmanship, Arithmetic, Com mercial Law, Political Mammy, Business Correspond ence. the Art of Detecting Counterfeit Money,. Railroad ing, gteambosting,Telsgraphing, PRACTICAL BANKING, Ac. STUDENTS CAN ENTER AT ANY. TIME, And complete a full course In from nowt to maims ;week, ' FIFTY DOLLARS Pays all expenses Mr Tuition, Books, Blanks, and Dip loan. For Penmanship, etaamboating, Railroading, Banking or Diploma, as In other Colleges. Puri LEINIONS daily in Penmanship to.sß students In the Commercial Depart ment. FOR CIRCULARS, giving full information. and con taining a complete outline of our system of Practical Bu siness Bducation, together with - TB STIMO NIA L 8 from Practical Business Men, Merchants, Flanker!, Book keepers, Address the Yetis* SMITH t COWLEY. Dec.l3, 1866.-ly Pit tsburg. Penns. ILMITLY IMPORTANT TO YOUNG MI NCONTEMP LATINO A BUSINESS EDUCATION. TO know that this Institution em ploys none bat competent Instructors in every de partment,and a enntcient number to insure individual Instruction to all of its students, and being eonnected with "Dickinson College," enables it to present combined &cattle* of the highest order, while the current ex penses; attending &course here, are from f,O to $lOO less than at similar institutions in large cities. We think that when there fasts are properly understood by those wbo contemplate entering an institution of this order, they will not be long In decidin‘ In favor of Carlisle. The following ccerse of lostructiim should commend itself to all, who desire that kind of Information most re quisite to prepare them for any of the business pursuits In life. t‘ingle mud Double Eutry as applied and practiced in the various department. of Trade and Commerce, and BalOkitig 110Uiell attic. country. PEN3IANSIIIP. Practical and Ornamental of superior Style—giving special attention to pruner movement, In the formation and combination of letters, and thereby imnaring to ev ery student a good Cthirent Hand. . 111:81.NRE8 AftITEI3I.I:IIC. Including lb. moat approved and beet adapted nietboda for all basinesii evlvulattuns--Mental and Written. Taught with ■prcial rekreticit to correct without which uo *toiler:it rill be qualified to asaume the dutiet of a first chub accouutant. MERCANTILE LAW. Taught lu classea. using `Lean'* Treaties" ea a Text Ltuuk, eculiraclug the moat important legal inforniatkin 4r a Lou/Ines! man So jamasess. FIUSINX.BB WOllllB AND CORRIFSPONDENCE, are•daily practiced In the Actual Du.lnes. Department, where the student* iu connectiun with their duties coo. duct an extend," corriarprrodince. and make oat all fetus front a Realipt, to 'judgment Note - HEYCIAG BRANCligit. Phonography ari , hort Hand Writing, Ornamental Pen manship, Pen Draning, Telegraphing, Natural Phi loon. phi, Geometry, Algebra. At. We invite an impartial investigation of our facilities, Eta Imparting wend imiroct ion in the branches enumer sled. ECONOMIST, BARLEY SUKAY, la K Stalest. enteggit any time, sod int rine their room without interruption. AlirFor further particolem mite and receive Circular. Address,A . M. MI M M ER, Carl isle, Pa. 21,1887. ' • COOK BUSINESS COLLEGE. BRYANT, STRATTON & -KI3II3ERLA"S prepared fur lhe-Cunnting Briom and Haeju..., life is THEORY & PRACTICE ombined by means of Banks, But,Weep lions,. and the b endorsed by the leading busineee men of the City OTUDENTS RWRIVHD AT ANY TIME FOR PAR'FICULIRS SEND FOR CIRCULARS June 19,1887.i1y earptuitro and eautractoro. STALLSMITH, CARPENTER & CONTRACTOR, /Keep constantly on hand and manufactures to order, DOOM, SHUTTISRS, BLINDS, SASH, DOOR AND WINDOW SUMS& CORNICE. DOOR AND And dory eMdr Anhtele in Me Letradine Line. seasoned metals, acute' tly; on hand, experienced work . lam always in readiness, and work executed with 16-Orden ptalolpUJ attended to Joss 6, 111111.--t$ G. O. CABMAN. I H. H. BOWL . ~ -CARP ENTERING . TfiE, . i . 'nu 4riligued respectfully in =se eliig thay have emeseneed the Oupeoldad la illa k cutely occupied ,by Gemini . . W. 111 *Protared to do any voila, Rbustiteasaad WI rearouablo u aay other *nib t at &mot lliM . . We stia tLi k tuuou to Mathew to unit a May 11167,4 ti datillbtAN # ROWN; TO T • E BUILDING ALL OTIEfE • • • ;bit" ." - * fo'sliottigt , 6l‘o. fed here NO EXTRA CITARGES DICKINSON MI AT CARLISLE, PE.N.N.A WOK-KEEPING JINGLISII GRAMSIAR CORNER. Una AND CHESTNUT STENETS PHILADELPHIA YOUNG MEN 11:=1 use ot 101 k Indx of BUSiIIPStI Paper THIS INSTITUTION COLLEGE OPEN ALL TAR TEAR GET7'Y,S,BURG, PA., *IA - DOW BRACKETS, :144** sett,. J. W. Bradley's celebrated Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTT (OR DOUBLE aPE!NG) S K - I RT . Tire WWIDEIiatILYLBUBLUIT and great coo and mast= tinny Lairr waaringtb•Dtrautz Mamma Sam will be etpaltinoodpaii.lcularlY in WI crowded Aim . * situ, Oreaaa , Calitanie, RAILSOAD Oats,ennicu Aix CRAM, for Paoistorsan and Hones Dikaa, aa the kW can be FOLDID when In use to occur"' a .malt Pi as molly and conveniently as a Stu orlf °guillemot; an invaluable quality in crinoline; not found in any Single Spring Skirt. A Lain haring enjoyed the PLUM/IZ, cOgrOlty, and greet oonverfaitcs of wearing the Duna &Immo Stink 2/11110 SLIM' for a mama Dar, will fterwirds willingly dispense with their use. for Oeitniuor, Kinn and Toone Lanies they are superior to all others.. They will not awn or ULM like the Single Sitting, bet will pasacitas their Pawner and 111.0.07131. sacra when three or four 011.DINAET BEIRTS will have been TEILOWN ASIDE AS uezasd. Tel HOOP, are covered with DOIIIII4 can TWESTIO Tucain,and the *Mon lorsi ere not only double springs, but tw ice (or double) comm. pre. venting them from wearing out when dragging down stoops, stairs, Ac. The Intiplex Elliptic ism g -eat favorite with all ladies and is universally recommended by the 7•5111011 MAO* sum as the STANDARD SKIRT ormax YASIIIONA BLE WORLD. To enjoy the following inestimable advantages in Crinoline, Vir.: 4 10M1011 QUALITY, PKITZCT MANUTACTUIZA STYLISH SHAPE and FINIIIII, FLEXIBILITY, DUILABiLITY, COY roar and scorn:l3lr, enquire for J. W. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC, or Double Spring Ski rt,and be sure jiliu get the genuine article. • CAUTION.—To guard against IMPOSITION be par ticular to NOTION that skirts offered as ''DUPLEX" have the red Ink stamp, viz : W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs," upon the waistband—none others are genuine. Also Notice that every Hoop will admit a pin being passed through the centre, thus revealing the two (or double) springs braldpd together therein. which lithe secret of their /Lail/MITT and 421101Gia t arid a combination not to be SALE in all Store where FIRST CLASS skirts fon l sl in any other Scar. FOR are sold throughout the ited States and elsewhere. Manufactured by the Sole Owners of the Patent, WEST'S, BRADLEY Jt CARY, 97 Chambers and 79 is 81 Beads etc, New York- April 18,1887.4 n, 628. i HOOP SKIRTS. 628. NEW SPRING STYLES, "Our own make." E jMB RAC IN G every New and Desirable size, •tyle and . 1 -" a Shape . of Plain and Trail Hoop Skirts.-2, 2%, 2%, 2%, 3,3 q, 3:y. and 4 Yds., round, every length and site waist; in every respect First Quality, and especially adapted to meet the watts of Finn Claes and moot Fash ionable Trade. •• Unl nwn kieke," 11000 SlOrte, are lighter.u.utcidu reble, end Ihe i tity Cheaper thew any other wake of either Single ur , nble Spring Skirt in the Anierit.wo. Market. They are 'Warranted iu every ratfect. and wherever lu tr‘Aneril give general Nati election. They ere now extra• eively &obi by Itetallers, and eve. y LADY en..add try them. Aqk for Hopkins' Own ?lake," and ate that each skirt is etamped - W. T. HOPKINS, 31A:ZE/AlatikElt, tr.% ARC If street PHILADELPHIA." Nu others arc ()cult lee. A Catalogue containing Style, Etat, and Retail Pri ces. out to coy address. A Ctifforni and l ibera I Dia- COU ut allowed t Ora lers. Orders by Mail or otherwise, prweptlitatel carefully tilled.—R•holeJrle and Retail, at .111 inti L.:tory and gale-rooms, Nu. Ufe Arch Street, Phila. :...klrta made to order, altered and repaired.—TEßMS NET CASH. ONE PRICE 0.. LY Ni.irch Woking *Urbino. D OTY'S CLOTHES' WASHER THE BLST .VARKEI. READ TILE FOLI - JIVING IIOILE„TERTIMONY LTTlfiliEl+j, Ps, Jau. S. 1h66 'laving used DOTY'S CI.TOIIEt . WiII , HER, and ther• oughly tetted it, we have no eeltatiomn endorsing it as the beet Washing Machine yet produced. UM simple in construction—iseasily worked, and does its work welt, without injury to clothing. An ordinary washing, re quiring usual!) b toll) bourn labor at the iiaah•tub, can readily be dune with the aid of Doly's Writer and the Untruersa/ ClabeF Wringer, In out. third the time-- economizing timo. labor, soap, inel, the necewtity of wach•tub», and enabling the person working to go through with a washing without wetting them delve. Or the flour. It really merit. all the good that can be euld of it. We do not think that any, faunly,aftet fairh ttetiog it, w0..1 , 1 dispents with it. Mr,. D. A. BUEHLER, E. G. FAHNESTOCK, A. M. HUNTER; H•. C. OTALLSIgT.II, D ARMOR. - H. J. FALINESTOCK. FIDIM REV. L. :SCOTT, BISHOP OF THE M. E. URCH, O. ;—We like our much ; could not be persuaded to do without it, end with the aid o f Doty we feel that we are master. of the posh than, On one orcadion, the clothed were prepared, but the waaherwoman failed ud. We were not to be defeat ed that way. I took hold (which. of course I should not have if we liivt had no trnaelliinei. and in :OA boor, we put through ele'rew dozen piectid, many lit WilleLl were sheet., and they we, well dune, tgaii. We wish you great elle ref.. C. 11. flitehler, corner Carlisle and R it street, is the eg.nt for the sale of the Universal Wringer and Doty's Wavlling Machine. in Aden, county, Pc. May 29, IMi7. THE BEST WASHING MACHINE THIS underxigned ,tier= •xle., the TOWNSILIP RIGHTS of Adwuts county. for DR LONG'S PATENT, which ix the cuAtrise, SIXPLILbT and vier WASHY& that ht e yet been ~tre red to the public. The R ightit Kill be gold on reateonable• te This is s flue opportunity for euergetis wen to make GOOD WAGES ruanutacturiog or selling' these macbieer. A sample meclline rill be (ax ulnhed any person who purchase. a Right, If desires!, it cost. Call at the store of Dophorn t liollnsen,N. W. co. Slicht,, where the machines may be seen and tried thqtyxl.targ, June 26, 1867.--tf snring Inachinto. FINKLE & LYON LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINE. The only Machin,. PO perfected that entire satisfaction is guaranteed or the purchase money refunded. When we hare no Agent a sample Machine will be sold at very low price, and a Local Agent appointed on the moat fr.vorable term, N. IL—Send for circular. Traveling Agents wanted.— Salary. liberal. FINKLE & LYON S. M. CO. sbl Broadway, New York. July 3, 1b17.-6m SINGER'S CELEBRATED SEWING MACHINE THE very beat and latest improved machine in nee, to sale at the CLOTHING STORE of JACOBS t BRO., In Chambersburg street. Gettysburg, where you can buy the beat and cheapest Cloths, Cass.meres and Testings, and every variety -Jfgoods in the line of MEN AND BOYS WEAR. You can have them cut out and made up in the very beat style if you wish, at moderato price', and without any risk whatever. GEO. JACOBS it BRO. Aug.lB,lBBB. THE HOWE MACHINE CO.'S SEWING MACI-IINES, 699 BROADWAY, Nsw Yoßk. These World-renowned Sewing Ma chines ware awarded the Highest•Pramiam at the World's Fair, in London, and six Pint Premiums at the N. Y. State Fair of 18 66, and are celebrated for doing the best work, using a much smaller needle for the same thread than any other machine, and by the intro duction of the most apprised machinery, we are now able to supply the very best machines in the world. These machines are made at our new and spacious fac tory at Bridgeport, Conn., under the iihmediete super - vision of the President of the Company, ELIAS HOWE, Jr., the original inventor of the Sewing Machine. They are adapted to all kinds of Family Sewing and to the use of Seamstresses, Dress Makers, Tailors, Manzi beturers of Shirt., Collars, Skirts, Gloaks, ManUllu, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Corsets, Boots, Shoes, Barnes, Saddles, Linen floods, Umbrellas, Parasols, etc. They work . equally well upon silk. linen, cotton or woolen goods with silk. cotton or linen thread. They will seam. quilt, gather, hes, MI, cprd, braid, bind and per%rm every species of sewing, making a beautiful and perfect stitch, alike on both sides of the article sewed. The Stitch invented by Mr. HOWE, and made on this ?Lachine, Is the most popular and durable, and all Sew ing Marbinee are suldect to the principle invented by him. Send for Circulars. SIBLEY . * STOOPS, General Agents, March 19,1857.-1 y No. 999 Chestnut Sty Phila. SEWING MACHINES! THE GROVER Os BAKER. TUB BEST IN 17811.--Thees Machines have becom Dowell known that little need be said, by way of recom mendation. They have taken the Snit premium at all the late State Pairs, and are univernilly acknowledged Lobe the BEST in use by all who has tried than.' The "Grover k Baker Stitch ^ and the "Shuttle Stitch" are prints that have been attained by no other Marlin...— They Ire the only Machines that surand embroider with perfection. These Machines ere prweliarly.sdagted to lamily use. They &maiming oditsew directly from the spool without rewinding, and are staple in their construction. They Mr easy to tad ma he wetted by almost any child. Evaey 3mHy should have ens. The ram Woe, thosseeniess, sad lhasitotelotwt, and do their work better than it tattle done by bend. Thiruadersipted having been; appointed mat ibe the allovehlarlsines, has estabbeed en Igency in Pairliald. .114eMir when, he will always have on head a supply. Pinions wishing to buy will plimsoll' and examine tor themselves. se m Needle' and Thread will bu supplied. . S. WITHISSOW, Aug.16,1886.-tf. I/airfield, Adonis county, Pa. CRE SHITTTLE BEWINII MA cox je ars iipperfor to all others by Iran! aim =Puma.. Weis isproyeaseats; an woody; Wm. liSlanadvibd eery Wrack. art to immid tel linitlarr Ible. hints muitell. Wed ipsombittiMo,. oisratalosas,. Addrie 1111111 8. M. 00 1 IP 44 0 0 8 V)Olt l'art• .. pipt.p, 180047 ' BARRET - T'S, HAIR RESTORATIVE, A SILVER MEDAL! The Highest Premises at the!Ness lisaapshire .fate Phis. rhlant ec.lie ry al a r b t :i b t e s "Ptior to all others for reetor- ORIGINA'L'COLOIL. This Preparation relieve& the bee. of Dandruff, Hum ore, and all unpleasant Battling or 'Whine of the scalp, supplying to therm& of the hair the• required nourish ment Itor the promotion of its growth IT IS A BEAUTIFUL DRESSING, keying the scalp, cool, clean sad healthy J. R. BARRETT a CO., Proprleturw. Manekerster, N. 11. ..larflrAd by Dr. R. Horner, liettyaburg, Pa., and by Druggist.; generally. Juno 1867 . CLIMAX ! CI. AX ! ! A FAMILY BLESSiNe, Yr , `: 2 CIINTe It * w i t with ou t & sc ar. N 6 Lonny .1... a id lie withunt it We warrant it to cure gcrafula, Sere% B.lt 111;••uto. Tetter, Pimplep, rrd rll E epth.n. "r Skin. For Sore Breast or Nipplre, Cute,: preint, Sruieve, Burns, iitatJe. Cintppr,l 44104, le., It mike.: vrt,•rt It Mae bfen need over fifteen years, without sue failure It has do parallel-641dg perfectly eradicated dig came and healed after all other reuiediee had failed. It tei a costivionntl of Arnim , oith many other Extrocte and -Bahama, obi) lint np inixex than any ii:her Oiutment :told by Druggist.' everywhere. White k II .wlitel Proprietor., 1_•'1 Liberty Street. Now York March 28. 1867 .—ly euvr R ING'S VEGETABLE AMBROSL•I FOR GRAY HAIR WM. T. HiRKIWS Jartnary 18. 1566 BLOOD! BLOOD!! BLOOD!!! An effectual remedy in miring: Scrofula, Balt Rheum, Team, Ulcers sad Sores. Sloths', Pimple, Tumors, Boils, Pustules, General Sysperda, e.s. of AP petite, inmate Irregularities end Complaints, and, In general, all disease. having thier origin In an impure condition of the Blood, or a diaorderedst ate of the ner ve= system. This medicine, the result of skillful and scientific com bination, is a purely vegetable prelaraike, free Somali lejurions ingredients. As its name indicates it renovates the Blood, purses not the corruption, that breed in It, restoring Ha - healthy action and vitality, and striking at the very vest of dis ease eradicates every trace of it from the sytem, andgives bloom to the pallid theeki and health and vigor to the frame. Many diseases awl much suffering are directly traceable to the impurity of the blood , and it is of the greatest importance for all that the blood which courses through *very part of [titivate= carry no poison or cor ruption with it. To suffer with hideous sores, pimples and eruption" and other disemes arising from impurity of the bloodies° longer necessary, as the Blood Purify ing A gent is sure and sat to its effects. Mothers having children suffering from eruption, of any kind will find it especially effective. The proprietor has many testimoni als from Clergymen and leading citizens of the county where the medicine is prepared certifying to the wonder ful curls effected by It. FRANK D. DIIPTIORN Prepared by Dr. U. D. MAIZE, Ashland, Penna. DepJeGilbert t Royal, .Wholesale Druggists, Nos. 309 'aud 311 North Third st., Philadelphia. air For sale by Dr. Hobert Horner and A. lauthler, Druggists, Oct tysburg, P 4. June 19, 1867.-31u*. HELM-.IOLD' S CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT SARSA - PARILLA Eradicates Eruptive and ClL:era/ire Disesuu of the Throat, Nose, Eyes, Eyelids, &alp, and Skin, Which so disfigure the : appearance, Purging the evil effects of Murcury, mind retaor lug all taints, the reunutnts of Diseases, hereditary hr otherwise, and is taken by Adults and Children with' perfect Safety. Two Tablespoonful's of the Extract of Sarsaparilla, added to a pint of water, is equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and one bottle is equal to a gallon of the Syrup of Sarsaparilla, or the decoctions as usually made. An Interesting Letter is published in the Medico-Chir urgical Review, on the subject of the Extract of Sarsapa rilla, in certain effeklhnis by Benjamin Travers, Y. R. etc. Speaking °ribose f diseases, and diseases arising from the excess of anurc7, be states that no remedy is equal to the Extract of Sarsaparilla ; its poyver is extra. ordinary, more sothan any °Vier drug I ant acquaint ed with. It is, in the strictest sense, 11"-*IiR1 le with this invaluable attribute, that it is applicable to a state o the system so sunken, and yet so irritable as renders other substances of the tonic class unavailable or injur ous. CONCENTRATED EXTRACT BAILMAPARILLA Established upwards of ait years. Prepared by H. T. HELAIROLD. Druggist and Chemist. .591 Btuadsysy, Y. 40,-Sold by all Druggists. Apr.3o —ly MOUNT'S' COMPOUND! FOE TEE CURE OF PUTRID SORB TIIROAT, INFLUENZA, oranyothertniammatoryorinwarddiseasfofthe Throat If not of too long standing: A Iso,flC.tal,FT FEVER.— Th ismedici nehas beentriedln _ THOUSANDS OF CASES, 1u dliferciftpartsoftheccruntry,andh beenknown to taint taken in time andiimording to directions. It is warranted tocure. Givelte trial audit will speak for it self. Every household should provide themselves with& boxofthismediclneandkeep it on hands. Thecurestliat It has effected are truly marvelous. gel,„Prepared and sold by:lawn Twin re Co., Getty*. burg,la.,or by their atithentufd agents. lona' eat near IyallWe &ores in Adamseounty. mar.10,11165-tf ISRAEL YOUNT 100. ITO LADIES.-=—lf you require a re liable remedy to restore yon, and remove Irma. leritles or Obstructions, why not use the beet I Thirty years experience has proved that DR. HARVEY'S FEMALE PILLS. have no equal for Removing Obit reetlosul call Irregular. Wee. No matter from what came they arise. They are Bah sad inn in every ease. 'Price. One Dolisr, mhos.' DR. HARVEY'S GOLDEN PILLS, Is a remedy her digreer stronger than the above, and Wended for special cases of long standing. Prh., live Dollars per box. Aappliondo n LadiesTrisate Oirculse,with Arsramisf l e,sentfnet . you cannot get the Pinter yosr druggistsend the money to Dr. J. Bryan, WI Treadway, New 'fork, and they will be lent tree from obeer va[Jana tion by return o mall. % 1867.- Tor Gale In Entmitteburg, Rd.. by LT. Stein eltßo.ly FREE TO EVERYBODY. • -r -„A Large 6 pp. Circular, giving beferatatioa of the veatoot haportaare to the men of both sexes. at touches hem tba basely may es lov becomeed. beautiful, the d em i se d. nupeeted. and the thrash No young lady or !*clues should fail to bead their Address, and receive a copy by r e tu rn mu, A tag . Drawer, 21, Neb. IS, I.BBtriba. 140!',11.. t. Lon' TWMONY. —The ollhotkee of tilts zpostito siz sity ko Phi" t i f korbotilmphrrottor, ii+tay marry tutottilyi_ BIM, without rived to , age or bototY• noted totrelva mime i ortletdor• to Madam Ll 3 Dimi. Bible goose, Now York 7aa.10,1•11,44y, gram:waxes olook trinket Sarsaparilla oos sad noloyokso Ike Wood, tootllb too Agee ass asks In &a to ,d,o option, ' sad paw" oaf thy • humors illOf a faw of the *ant disorders that - tZ t l ia a ter t "IN frost "rs i ii " ° Ts= vow • ~, 1 , TEE BEST normats TO WHICH WAS aIVARDZD Sir- EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED.' PAGE'S CLIMAX SALVE IttNGS RINGsI. RINGS RINGS To RINGS RINGS HoAtore RINGS RINGS Gray klairtu its RINGS RINGS Original Color, Erad- RINGS RINGS icate Dandruff and RINGS RINGS f VEGETABLE AMBROSIA ) RINGS RINGS j IS WARRANTED. j RINGS RINGS Ihuuore from the RINGS KINGS Scalp and pre- RINGS RINGS vent Baldness. RINGS RINGS TRY A Borne: RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS This Ls the AMBROSIA that Ititi4 suiide This is the Cure that lay In the AMBROSIA that Ring mule This is the Mau Mho rvas bald and gray, Who new has raven locks, that say Ile used the Curu that lay In the AMBROSIA that Ring wade. This is the Maiden, lianasume and gay, Who married the wan once bald and gray . Who now has raven locks, they say, Re used the AMBROSIA that Ring made. This is the Parson. who. by the way, Married the Maiden, landimane and gay, To the Man once bald and gray. But who now has raven locks, they say, Beauxe he used the Curathat lay In the AMBROSIA that Ring made. This is the Bell that rings away To arouse the people, sad and gay. Unto tlite fact which bete does lay— If you would not be bald or gray, Get the AMBROSIA that King made. R. M. TUBBS k CO., Proprietor., Peterboio'N. II PURIFY YOUR BLOOD MAIZE'S BLOOD PURIFYING AGENT HELNBOLD'S *teal. PRE GOAT CIEWLEP,A PRMNTAT VV. . L 1486. . . Zingari laitterri. TEM WOrivXll.ll3l. wis.disoomered an Introdneed about twenty year" ago by Jr. s.Cheop sus, an eminent Razi petal: physician. Ito bad Mug. seen midget the want of ems, remedy which wmild strike at the root of disease. sad an pt.. vent much of the tuffering which the human f a mily was then compelled to endure. This great question was presented to hie mind ever)" day in vtvldcolors &abemoved among theack muddying, and observed tilt inefficiency of nearly all the remedies • then to use. Titus be was led to think and wt pertinent ; and after ten years' study and *or, he primented to his fellow-man the wonderful Zinger' Bitters. The effect of this preparation in the prevention and mire of diatom., was so marvellourand astonishing, that the moetflatter lug marks of royal favor ware bestowed upon Nos who discovered IL RD name was placed upoe tbs Roll of Nobles, and a gold medal with the following Inscription —Dr. B.Cheopaua, the Public Benefactor—was presented to him by the Viceroy. The preparation bee been need in several epidemics of cholera, both as a preventive and curative roesatire, sued with such great success, that it has been Introduced into nearly all &besmear:it hospitals of the old world. The old saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, applies with marvellous force to cholera, and iherefore any remedy that will protect us egabut this terrible disease should be freely and persistently sued. All pathologists uow agree that. the cholera poison 4,34 on the system through the blood, sod tbat any co/obit:in t iLo which acts ou the excretory organs, and keeps them working order, fount prevent a sufficient acctizaulatfon of the puisou to exert iteterrlble effects on the organient. TLii Is true not only of cholera, but. of nearly all other fa..l , ,dies.etpecially the different forums of fever. Tho liuguri Bitters ill jut ouch a remedy as the above tuaditiona require. It acts on the orgunsof excretion trod secretion. keeping tip a perfect balance betwein, them. This Bitters is composed entirely of roots and herbs, so nicely concocted that every organ it acted upon ena put in tune. Ito taste Is pleasant and Its effects prompt and lasting. Numeroue cased of the following diereses have b4it cured by it: Cholera, Diarrhu'a, Dysentery; ecroftils. Typhoid and Typhus Fever. Vever,,A toe, Nirvana De• bility, ineetuie.Yetuale I rregularitiee. Dyspepsia, Flatu lency, Colic, kc. Price One Dollar per qiiert Bottle. Principal Depot at the Walnut street wharf, Barri-- burg, Pa. Suitt by DrugzietsAlutelkeepereantiGrocerogenerally. MAI F. KALlSPlimrscii. sole Agent for Gettysburg. F. RAIITKN, Sole Proprietor Harrisburg, PI May 2),1167 Nit MORE BL) IfF.11)S: NO MORE GRAY LOCKt, DR LEON'S ELECTRIC HAIR - RENEIVER. IS pronounced by all who have used A. it t h e very belt preparation f..r the Hair. It Ir arn art:vc cure for Babbles, era.licatea Dandrull anti lintnorn, buys the hair from filling out. awl apoeviily rest ae, Gray Lveks to their z,rigmai hue and luxuriance. It operate, on the hecretlotni, and fills the prlatnin a it 1. tic.: life and colum; matter. Thin. Jesol , fadad or wr.iy hair will Iwaye be brought back by a few applicatvo... to ita youthful abau•lance. v.tality and color. It !naked the Lair sat, gh.say. fragrant, plea"ant tot!, touch awl easy to arrange. Dry. wiry. and intraetala. , Locke become more, pliant, and distaded to remain in au!, desired position. As a hair dressing it has no equal. The sales are enormous, and it is a universal favorito with old and young 4 t both sexes. Sold by Druggists throughout the United State, A.I. dies§ all orders toZIEGLER A SMITH, Sole Proprietors, 117 'North Third Street. Philadelphia. D0c.111,1667.—1y • FOOD NEWS FOR MOTHERS THERS. are you opprelried with anxiety Sro your little ones' Are your alumberssind hearts broken by their crime Do you wake in the morning unrefreshed and apprebeuaive I Usti, procure at once a bottle of Dr. Le. on's Tarot Remedy, and you will have no more weary boors of watching and anxiety DR. LEON'S INFANT REMEDY has stood the teat of years. Thouwals of nurse* and The there hear wi n.. that it never fails to give relief if used in season. It is a mild, 'yet sure and apeesly cure for Colic Cramps and Windy Pains, and is invaluable lor all complaints incident to Teetbing. void by DruggLste throughout the U. States. Address all orders to ZII(ILgR ef- SMITH, Sole Proprietor*. 13: North Third Street, Philadelphia. March 19, 1567.—' , 111. YOUNG MEN, the experience of past ten years has demonstrated the fact that le Hance may be placed in the el:kitty of - BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS, fur the speedy unit permanent cure of Seminal weakties., Emissions. Physical and Necrotic debility. Impotence. or want o: power, the result of Sexual Excess, or Youthful Indiscretion. which neglected, ruins the happiness. and unfits the sufferer foullusineas, Social Society or Mar. riage, and often termidess in ■u untimely grate Make no delay in seeking the remedy, It is entirely vegeta ble and harmless on the systeni,tan be need without de tection or interference with business pursuits, and no change of diet is necusary while using them. Price, One Dollar. Ifyou conuot get them of your druggist, send the money to Dr. J. Bryan, 819 Broadway, New York, and they will be sent free from observation by return ot mail A-irate Circu/arsto Gentkasen sent free , ” appl ication . tor sale In Emmittsburg, 31d, by A. T. Bteiu it Co. Jan. 10, 1567.-ly _ DR. J. BRYAN, Consulting Null-lan, 619 Broadway, New York. SPICIAL TREATMENT in all eases of Bernina! Bexual,trinary and Nervous Diseases in male or female- ADTICL Faze and correspondence mime CONTITINTI L. Jan. 10. 1867 -1y jiVOID THE QUACKS.—If you are suffering from the effects of Youthful Indiscretion and base Seminal Weaaness, Emissions, 2c, I will send you, fres of Marv, Information whlth If Ulowed will cure you without the aid of medicines. Address ILENRY 231SDEN,Station D. New Y.rk.. Jan. 10.1g67.-ly - AClear Smooth Skin and Beatitiful omplexioo follows the use of llelnabold'i Concen trated Extract Sa:eaparilla- It removes black Spots, pimples and all eruptlow, ~1 the skin. YOUNG LADIES BEWARE !- Of the injurious effects of Face Powders and es. All such rem. lies close up the pores of the akin, And In a short time ueatroy toe complexion. If you would have* fresh, healthy and youthful appearance, Of. Helm. bold's Extract Ssu-saparillit. THOSE who desire brilliancy of com plexion must purify and enrich the blood, which Relmbold's Concentrated Extract of Sarsaparilla lorari• ably dote. Ask for Eielmbold's. Tak no other. HELNIBOLD'S Concentrated Extract Sarsaparilla, Ls the Great Blood Purifier. QUANTITY ve. Quality.l lage,Extmet Saraaparlla. The doge is Tho. , hu degire a large quantity and laege doses of Inedicin • Ektli T N the spring mouths, the system natu i rally undergoes • change, and Ileintbeld'a Highly Concentrated N.:tract of Sureaparila is au assistant of the greatest value. gorge and toundrp. IRON-IRON-IRON: GETTYSBURG FORGE subscribers respectfully inform THE the Public that they have erected a Forge in con nection with their steam Mill, and are now mauttfactur• ing -Forge-H¢mntcrcd Iron, such as Plough, Rorsieehoo and Bar Iron, and respectful ly invite Blacksmiths and Dealers to give them a call, feeling satisfied that they will be able to please as to quality, finish and price BRINGMAN & WARREN. N. B. Ths highest market price paid for wrought. ticrtp Iron. B.& W. Dec. 13,1866. GETTYSBURG FOUNDRY. THIS subscriber would inform Ma onatomen and others that be is Mill manufacturing various kinds of Cas tings and Machines, made to order, on @limit notice, inch THRESHERS AND POWERS. (five ditThrent sisal of Powers.) Oloversee.l Hullers .nd Cleaners, Corn Sheller. and Separators Oornfodder Cut ters, Straw and Hay Cutters, Ploughs, each as Cann Ploughs,.Barshear Ploughs, Side-bill and Born Plout h.; the WIRE-SPRING HORSE BAR R, the latest improvement ; alw Metal Screws for Cider Presses, Iron Railing for Cemeteries or Porches, with everything else in his line, all at low prices. FOR SALIG-4 light 2wo.harie Weston, a One•Lxer Wagon, all new. DA VID STERNS*. May 29.—tt - 4ardwart, Cutlery, &c. HARDWARE • ANDO ROCZEIXB Tin subscribers bare j mit returned from .cities With au ismoaussaupgly of HABDW ABBa-41 8, which they are offering at tb u rrold stand In Baltimore streets it prieesto suit 'heti is. Ourato3keeasistil part of Oarponter'sToolc BlocksmitleaTools, Crotch Findings, hoe /tailings, (*bine t Ilaker'sTools, Hasekeeper'sFixtures. Allkindsoflrou •r OR 0 °IRINA OP ALL KINDS, 011s,Pai ts, &c., ec. Thuds so articl el &clod ed le tbe several department, isentletted &basaltic what can he bad et this Store. Every °lasso!' Mechanic's can be ac commodated hero with tools &ad p And Hoasskeep• er's can find every articleln thelritne. Give a call as we arepreparedtmaell allow for ashes any oth ethos,* nutorthe city May t 29,1367 El -A TCHETS. The beet and cheapest ter the consumer are those Inas niectered by JENKINS it TONGUE, eh=Lander, Claw and !bond, made of the best end warrantedae good or better than any others tide In the Vatted States, and sold at much lower prices than other really erst•elam hatchets. They are temps r ed by gee of the trie,.A. J. Tango* who possesses peculiar !Imlay that mightbrealled • EMIL ON yrs /maw, which hourgrcen hie kali agreat,adelezity la those parts TAT tit IL Nee. 113 stud SlRlchiimt West ; the red are up Thyd Om. otima Itickmoid, *or thvirorki. may 30,18effil JOEL B. DANNER, DAVID ZIEGLER. 1:2 li ES 1fJl; f ~+v+n.~ Titr; ATM %irednesday; or $2.50 m..ripthms d . pall, adieu A p v Katt . rat;eB.. WI. 4 0114 flea EME rkte or t i to be Cil d ‘ r k it on _ Ttny u6wspiii vanish*: Joe W Pi rated, Cauts,'Pacilp will b.e Dr t C 4 B. • LAW, ot b.r ltoslasis bitir.. 11.1 1 11[): Lilr, Ler olVentlir krforepok...— . May '9l, . 180? DAVID, NET %T. and 'l‘lll other iiPOMfittat oppc4itoli!" • •r CLAIM' i . 4 1, aligned tlin U. 8.170 Petition's ur hernia any of 'Lir P. 807 3ft° • Lbriute .Citipbernbart Daring ths .A 11,43 on Sahli tilt hin coi re prompt pt IME 'Va. 43 Will giro p l , 41: ma tau, .tpril IR, 1S J. P. etAll (I.LARK MEE P.O. tig.itsfer Nov. 1,1868. DR Hub.. , 41,Nwris ti tynburg; ri4 C6l II *ring,pir tally mists hie ntzentiob given Prof. L J . C. Ma. %VIII. IL Cook Iron. Edward Davi.) Mils. Iter:.r: A on ecota door.. J°W l ' L Wit: (11110 - e I t tic Liana's= DrnK slurp, tyla • attend aor Persons in aria May 20;1867. 0-ELN ' ' etm BkR next •ioorto lie cvn at tit t nem. in hie line., .111 ensure Mt May ; `URN vare.-. • t( r iaaveyseW i co of COO' _ . irnimia OP ARr,cl.• • 'Maytag Wed to receive, • ly at ten*, than Fairfield, Ads . . May 20, 1307. OH! T in 1111 an Audi., publio,andarbe ii prepaid to By strict othot 1;1'04601cm.. fac tiori guar May gip* WM. -~A~PE Krupa aoit DOORS. 9 wilmv And nor firitiotled ms Men 111Wlyil d i match. 113. Juno 6, INr C.cAstdi C A 11 T lIE it l. forfa the. Ca.rPaatingit , Pohryact, our lino at i t I l'lngast sit • We Napa b a eharebf pa liay 1% • To - + -0 into at Ida old • at all tlnwsi in Minim building 11la • and cheaply in the nonatir,' and work** , bils:Demi to rim • Roy 26.1861; INAt Earl Avninatito. CAPITAL SAID Fca a ===l =MN l. elhet the - Mari '• 11111 titre tad 111 lay. A p Pali Of OS.. 1113114 CM rrm