.4 • NNW'S OF XICIOII4OIIIiI COIINTIOX. 'Pas TemPuMg* mo*Nent • be- 11 40 4 P orouslY 'GOv. Geary it tended a mirOw or , 'Deniplars } - few days ago, and made an 4ressive speech.— A Contention to form a Temperance Union for Bedford and Semerseteounties, is to be held at Bedford, July 81st, at 2 o'clock, P. M. Carroll. Ray. Jarse STEMILII has been•called to the "German Reformed" congregation at Taney town, tint the "Lath ran,". as We followed the Westminser sentinel in stating. CausiberlandL MICHAEL Guinosg of West Pennsboro' town ship, aged 82, died on the 24th suddenly, whilp visiting the Barracks at Carlisle. Wtuakit Ilmuiasn, near Leesburg, while engaged in unloading barley with a patent bay fork, became accidentally entangle4,l, was ele vated some distance, and, the rope brealirg, was thrown to the floor and so badly injured, that he died. Franklin Tag Corner-stone of the Lutheran church in Mercersburg, was laid on the 20th. Joss Szourrza, Sr., in his 80th year, died on the 22d, of apoplexy % near New Franklin. A BASE BALL club has been organized in Waynesboro'. WILLIAM .k.tsoe, aged 92, a soldier of the war of 1812, died near Green Castle, on the ,21st. The Green Castle band has been re ,organized. HENRY GOOD ot Quincy township, with one set of 'hands loaded and hauled to his barn with one set of horses, twenty-six large loads of hay in one day. ' Tux dwelling-house on the farm of John Price, near Waynesboro', was burned on the 19th. ro insurance. Loss between s2,qon and $3,000, Tun Waynesboro' Record says :—From all accounts cider. and apples promise to be scarce commodities in this comity the eon- lug season. The trees bloomed well general ly, but owing to4orne cause the fruit has near ly all dropped from the trees. Frederick ANTUONY *BRIDE, of - Emmittsburg, has been appointed p. S. Assessor for Frederick county, vice Capt. Geo. A. Hoskins. Attorr $9.0,000 have been subscribed to the stock of the Frederick and Pennsylvania line railroad, and ari l effort will soon be ;made to increase it. Jons Baostra has been appointed Discount C Jerk in the Central National Bank. Fulton COAL has' been found near the surface. in the neighbo'rbood of Sideling HilL On trial, it burned beautifully in a blacksmith's fire. Thum the past rew weeks several bears have beep Seen on the mountain a short dis tance below the toll gate, three miles east of this place. Passengers in the coach have several dines seen an old she one and two cube cross the road. They apparently have a den - in that vicinity. Old hunters and moun taineers say that bears have not been so plen ty in the mountains east of us for twenty years as at present—Fulton Democrat. Somerset Tax shook business is extensively carried on ; and enelmanufacturer, with twenty-four shops and one hundred and twenty-five hands, turns out sixty thousand shook each year, which are shipped to the West Indies for su gar purses The wages of workmen vary from $1 50 to $2 23 per day. Norikamp;au THE Commencement exercises of La Fay-: ettc College take plane this week. • Rev. William P: Rutfirauff, a native of Green Castle, has been called to the pastorate of Chtiat's Evangelical (Lutheran) Church, to Easton. Lancaster. L. H. TYSON, a native of Lancaster county, committed suicide in Louisville;bly., -. on the Z. L ABEL has been arrested in Harris burg, charged with -forgery of a check for $660, on the Colpmbia National Bank. He is in the county jail. The Commencement of Franklin and' , Mar shall College, took place last week—the grad. ustes numbering eleven. J. K. Gross of Harrisburg, had the Valedictory. Rev. S. H. Giesy ofPhiladelphia, delivered the ad dress before 'the alumni ; subject; "Normal Humanity, or Man in the Light of the Divine Idea." George W. Brewer, Rsti., of Cham bersburg, was chosen President of the Alum ni Association. Rev. Dr. Higbee of Mercers burg, addressed the Literary Societies. , \Washington Ir is expected the Washington County Railroad will be completed to Keedysville, by the 10th of August next. Tag managers of the Antietam Cemetery met last week, and took steps for inviting ma ny prominent men to attend the' dedication on the 17th of September next. • Da. J. E. Herbst, of Hagerstown, (former ly of this place,) had his right hand badly crushed last week at his saw mill near Hagers town. Amputation it was feared might be necessary. Asszsson Van Lear has- appointed E. W. Funk assistant assessor for Hagerstown dis trict, vice John E. McComas ; and Henry Titch has been appointed Deputy U. S. Mar shal vice Robert Thomsburg. Both the par ties removed were Union men throughout the MB York. , DE. Jacob Hay, Sr.; has been elected Presi dent of the York National Bank, vice Henry Welsh, resigned. Tins Red Men of York had a grand Coun cil during week before lash On Thursday, they had a pars — de through the streets, and proceeded to the Fair. ciround where a ban- quet was spread. James B.' Ziegler, Esq.; Grand Sachem of the Conowago tribe, deliv ered an address of welcome. Tnt Pennvivanian says :—There resides a,married lady in York county whom we re frain. from naming because she prefers it, who gate birth to 'a pair of plump twins a few weeks since, and the mother and children, at our latest advices, were all doing well. AT ' bout one Year ago.the same lady increased the population with WWI, ixoth of whom are also living and healthy; There are, therefore, four babes and infants in the household , whit receive nourishment from lltttles. This fam ily were favored with twit a few years pre viorudyl and the mother has had twine three times out of four. Ixt Virginia the telpublicen leaders are making it • distinctive portion of their . creed that encouragement should be given, to North ern settlers disposed to become permanent residenti-of the State se lamt.bnldera, The Democratic policy on the other hand is to dis courage, by ustentadc persecutions, the emi gration of men ito would be at once capital ists and laborers. The Democratic "Soma s ' don't want to see that country peopled by the claims, whom, before the war, they wire is the habit of stigmatising sr "small homers" and "greasy mechanics:" Tits Rouse of Hapsburg is =king fearful atanemsnt. Haynau's crimes are not fbilot ten, Aar are those of the Archduchess Sophht. It was the who ordered a score ofilanprian noblenunt to be put to deapi, said were so; .. with ithodi names engraved upon e v fingisting ofthe came. , 4867 x. Tim Democratic fairly be said to have been the ac , Thorhlptlecession and re bellion, and the Smith now look upon It. .A late number of the Eichniond :Whig anya: 1 "As one of the victimized we believe we can declare for the whole- &nith that the axperirnent.of rieceseion would nod , have been tried but for the thousand timesret peated oimpAranoes of the .Democratic leaders that if 'an army should be raised in the North for the purpose of making war upon the South, it would. be met by another army in the North to defend the Dertioie interpretation of the Onsti tution." lucuurasa Lr Velmii.—One of the ablest writers in Ohio, Mr. E. D. Mandield, states it as his opinion that the absolute money 'value of the crops this year will be jive hundred millions of dollars greater than in 186% and the power of exportation much greaterii pro portion, because it is the surpluses wludh arg increased. He argues that two effects will follow, to wit : "We shall have increased im portations and increased gold revenue. Gold will • ably fall considerably, in the autumn o 1867, and financiers will find thit the -honest road to specie payments is through good crops." Is his veto message of the Declaratory Bill, Johnson speaks of it as an attempt to impose a despotism upon twelve millions of Ameri can people. He is a little faulty in his arith metic. The whole population of the ten ex- States was less than nine millions, of whom three and a half millions are loyal people of color, and one and a half millions are white people•who cheerfully accept the provisions of the Reconstruction Acts. Here, then, are five of the nine millions who endorse and sup port the Congressional plan of reconstruction. The bill is "despotism" only to the four mil lion of rebel secessionists. Are their wishes to be deemed patamount to the will of the live millions of loyal ' people of those ex- States ? HUGE laundry has been established in Paris, which employs three hundred persons, and washes 40,000 pieces of soiled clothing from the principal hotels every day. The clothing is boiled with soap, and soda, washed in hollow wheels, dried by centrifugal ma chines and in hot' air ovens, and is finally ironed between polished rollers. Some per sons object to the washing of clothes by ma chinery, on the ground that it is too destructive to the fabric, but this is not necessarily the case. TILE President has appointed Lieut. Gen. Sherman, and Brig. Gens. Harney and Ter ry• as Members of the Indian Commission, who with four others named in the act, are author ized to treat with the Indians for peace. ONE of the editors of the Sandusky. (Ohio) Register, just returned from the Gulf States, speaks of intemperance as the bane of the South, and as being tearfully increased since the defeat of the Confederacy. BY his decision in reference to 1c111,1,1 tender currency, Judge Sharawood created more con fusion and, individual loss among business men than did any other judicial officer in the United States by a decision from the bench. THE testimony in the Surratt case, has clu sed, and the counsel have begun tolsum up. The defence attempted to prove that Surratt Was in Elmira, N. Y., on the day of the as sassination upon personal busines. But sev eral of their witnesses were badly tripped up. CHANCE FOR. SOME ONE! SEWING MACHINE, And a Life Scholarship In Bryan, Eitrat- BUSINESS COLLEGE, FE WE will present to anybody sending 113 30 NEW SUBSCRIBERS to the "Sztut AND SE'sriYEL," one of Finkle t Lyon's first class Family Sewing Machines, worth and considered one of the t ,est in the coon- To anybody sending us ;15 NEW SUB SCRIBERS, we will present a Life Scholar- ship, available in any of Brjran's, Stratton t Kimberly's Business Colleges, worth $5O Names may be sent - in at once, and if the required number snot be obtained, the person sending will b o paid FIFTY CENTS in Cash for every one ieceived. Those - who intend to compete for these Premiuins, will say so, when sending in the first name, thafl the proper record m: .3 - be made. The price of subscription ($3.00) must ac company every naine. GETTYSBURG GRAIN AN (Nay , Super 50;0 ; 12 00 Mara Flour,- 13-5012 50 Rye Flour, 7:000 8 00 White Wheat, 2;00® 2 00 Red Wheat,..- lin@ 1 80 Corn, 80 Rye, 00 Oats. 00 Buckwheat,... 80 Ttmotby Seed, 2 50 Mover Seed,— ! 6 00 Flex Seed, ; • 225 Plaster Paris,. • 17 60 Hay per t0n,... 1600@18 00 1 32i.LTIMORB, MOnda y Morning. Swung=Fis.—The market for Flour is unchanged. We renew quotai lons 'as given on Saturday: Howard Street Eluper and Cut Extra E9.00@510.50; Extra sllipping $ll.OO ®sl2 00r, Retailing .$12.50@x1.3.00;1 Family $14.00@514.50. GasiN.s—The receipts of Wheat were lar ger to-day than for several days, but not equal to general expectation, amounting only to 3,383 bushels white aud 17,211 bush els red. The receipts of white ciontinue very small, and lite quality generally inferior.— Etsies•ef white from 190 to 260 cents; red from 200 to 24Wcents. ConEr.--rThe receipts continue light and the market firm, as follows : White 119 to 125 cents ; Yellow 110 0.115 cents. OATS cdntinue to decline. The 0: des to day for new and old were at price* ranging front 55 to 80 cents for fair to prime, and 40 to 50 rents for damp and inferior. RYE--Sales of 84 bushele 14130 cents ; and 200 bushelsrat 145 cents. METZGAR—KoBLEB.L-On Thursdkr, 25th . inst., by Rev. Dr. Ratter, Mr. W P paton Metzgar, to Miss Emily Dorothy, ughter of Mr. Henryliobler, all of Abbo P . DIED. ,e4P-Obituary notices E cads a line fbr all over 4 lines—cash to aoximpeny notice. Dfivflortx.—On the 23rd _ph* very suddenly, Mr. John H. Duphorn, son of Samuel and Maria Duphorn, of Ezo, J pj*purg, Md., aged 31 yeah , ` 1 =dulls and 2 / *OIL - pAirtotirrOcx.—ln Philadelphia, J LISSie M., youngest daughter of James F. and Sarah Fahnestock r apd 3 years, 11 month. - • , • hinDzintoT,—At the residence of Mri. Aler beer NOW 'Oxford, on the 13. h Init., bert Iforterniokfbrmerly of Carroll counr lid« aged lb years. meginGaz—At East Liberty, Pennsyl veld& Amanda M., wife ofJ. W. IdOinight, aged 20 yeare,,s months and 5 . 41,y5. 71rOn the 20 th •• lust., - XIII ' It wigtjot LetiMota : tconludalk, aged: •' - Y14116 months and 21) day% A F . IR S T -,C LA S Finkle .t Lyon's W 0 R T if $6O, ton do Kimberly* WORTH $5 0, . GIVEN AWAY! pith) of I* ttarlitts: CI PROVISION MARKET. rg, Wednesd uy „Wbraing. lApples,'. ..60 00®0 00 Potatoes ...... ..... a@ 70 Butter, 16 Lard, 10 Eggs..... ~........ i 16 Bacon, Hants ~... ' 11 Mee, .... ' 10 dboutderii, 10 Peaches, ... • 46® 15 Cherrles,i r •.. I 200 Apples, . : ...... .... 1 s 6 Blackberrtes,.... 12 Soap, .... ..... ..... 1 6® 7 Ta110w,....... ..... . : 8 BALTIMORE PRODUCE .MA RKET 11I.ARRIED, . Orizeta,— , Ptart ItkPanties 1867.—ihrlees just re. oohed by mail enable us to auneumetthoshlyo/ thatjles only ./old Ikeda/ 'fa -Alisuielia - sewing , maliMuss -*as awarded to Ella* Howe, Jr, as the manufacturer of the bed sewlug aptahlus that - was sillibilladJ Than ware 'lab ty-tert MachhAsin competition lo? %beide', and Mr. Howe reeelverl tits eddltlatual award (t . the Cross of the Legion of Honor, as /nuututheturer and inventor.— The exact wording of lb* award Is as *lbws: Howe Kamm, trusaka k Wuaox. " Co-eperateur Elias , - 9Vlteshor ,t Wheat, hoer How*, Jr, Afteltutaar dela la tosahlta a boutonniere,— machine a coudre. AMMO- Medaak d'or." PROCLAM4TIOX.--WREP.us the Hon Roam. J. Thonsit,'Pteitident of t seem) 19thdItiantion nth. 19th -1611940M0* oftXidilemsts lUt miner and Clitoral Jail Delishessidior the trial of all cep- Gal and other offenders iu the said district, and Dun S. tauten and ISAAC Rostinalle, Itsqrs, Judges ofthe Courts OWONIIMOilie4$ 3 41 114110 OSOn& and Tei~eirldMhettllfitr DelfvirY,lMfirm all capital eadethe{ agenda/I,o4,count: of Adam., Lure issued their precept, be arin g date the ' ItU . day . of April, in the year ofonr Lord Qua thopsaod.sight hundred And sixty-seven, and to me directed, for holding * Court of Common Pleas,. and. General-Quarter Sessions of like: Peace and General Jail 'Delivery and' Court:et Oyer latui Terminer, at Oettysburg, on Monday, Ms 19Th day of .Auswtt, isufant—.._ • g, NOTICI IS HER EBY GIVEN to all the • Juitices of the Peace, the Commas; and constables: within thesaid County otAdarus, that they be then and there in their proper persOns, with their Roils, Records, Inquisitions, ftitminstione - end. other RetnemNrances, to do 'those things with& t ' o theiroffites and in that behalfaippertain to bottoms, and also, they who will prosecute against the prisoners that are ort hen shall be In the Jail of the said County of Adaros,ars to b. then and there to prosecute a gainst them as shallbid I 's Mies, Gettysburg, CONSUMPTION CUR.ABLII BY DR. SCIPPICIrS Sher iff July 31,1 m, , Th list of theist, who were made -Knights of the Lrgden of Honor, as published in the Paris papers, hada thus: "Mons. Elise Itowe,Jr.; fabrics , * de machines a rendre., expowint which, tran shied loth English, made : “Mr. Elias Rowe, Jr., luaker of sewing machines, .ex. hibitlog." from this it will be seen that' the medal awarded to Wheeler A Wilson was for • "Buttonhole Machine," and set/or the SeteinG Mlichitte. Each of thee. world•reaowued machines bears the me dallion head of Miles Howe, Jr.; (trade mark,) without which UMW are genuine. Merrrs. Sibley e toops, Agents, NO. 922 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. (July El.-4t CEE MEDICINES TO CURE CONSUMPTION, the system must * be pre pared so that the lungs will heal. To accomplish thie the liver and stomach mast And be clewed and snap petite created ter good wholesome food, which, by those medicines will be digested properly, and good healthy blood made; thus building up the oonstitution: DB SCUENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS cleanse the stomach (pistil bilious or mucous accumulations; and, by using the Bea Weed Tonic in connection, the appetite is reetor ed. • SCIIENC.K.'S PUL.II.OiNIC SYRUP is ruiricione as well as medicinal, and, by rishilg the three remedies, all im purities are expelled from.the system, sad good, whole some blood made, which will repel alLdiserise. Lipar tient' will take these medicinee according to directiohi' Consumption very frequently In its last stage yields readily to their action. Take the pills frequently, to cleanse the liver sad stomach. It does not follow that because the bowels are ncit costive they are not required, for sometimes In diarrhtea they are necemary. The stomach must be kept healthy, andan appetite created W allow the Pulmonic Syrup to act on the respiratory organs properly and allay any irritation. Then all that is required to perform a permanent care is, to prevent taking cold. Exercise about the rooms as much as pos Bible, eat all the richest food—tat meat, game, and, In fact, anything the appetite craves; bat be particular and masticate well. (Oct. 25, 1806.-wein ly PERU %lAN SYRUP A PROTECTED SOLUTION OF TUE PROTOXIDE OY IRON, supplies the blood with its LIFE ELEMENT, IRON, giving strerigth, vigor and new -life to the whole system If the thoudandi vflio ore suffering from DYSPEPSIA, DIBILITT,FIXLLE NV/Untras, An, would but test the Yin. nell of the PEI/ITV/AN Sean, tht. effect would not only aa. tonteh themselves but would please all their friends; for instead of foaling cross, "all gone" and miserable, they would be cheerful, vigorous and active. A DISTINAJUISIIED JURIST WRITIO TO A FRIEND AS rumr,ows : I hove tried the Ps:arms:4' Stave, and the result fully sustains your prediction. it has made a saw NUN ol me infumsi into my ,system new vigor and energy; I am no laager tremulous aud debilitated. as when you last saw ma, but stronger, heartier, and with larger capacity for labor, mental and physical, than at any time during the 141st five yearn." Thousands hare been changed by the use of this remedy /rum weak, sickiy, suffering creatures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women; and inealids cannot reason ably hesitate to glee it a trial. The genuine has . PERUVIAN EVEVP" blown In the glass. A 33 page pamphlet will be sent free. J. P. DINS TORE, Proprietor, No 36 Der st., New York. [July 3, 186;.—1m Sold by ;ill Druggists lIELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU Is a certain care fur dimmer of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, VEIIALE COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY, and all diseases of the : L'IRNARY ORGAN 2, whether extet hig MALE OR FEMALE, froze whatever cause originating awl no matter or 110 W I.ONO STANDING Diseases of these orgaus requite the issuers diuretic. Ir nu treatxueut is submitted tu , Consumption or lu. sanity may ensue. Ora• Flesh and Blued Are supported trout these sources, and the lIISALTH AND HAPPINESS, and that of Posterity. depends upon prompt erne Dig reliable remedy. lIILMBOLD'B EXTRACT BUCHC. Feet abl it.bed upward, of 18 yearn, prepared by T. 1111L.MBOLD, Dreitgied, 544 Broadway, NeW Rork, and 104 do ut b 10th st., Philadelphia, Pa. Feb. 28,1807.-1 y - TAKE NO AIORR UNPLEASANT AND UNSAFE REM EDIES kw unpleasant sod dangerous dileases. Use Ileimbolfl's Extract Bustin and Improved Rose Wash. Feb. 20. 1807.-1 y - _ _ _ • A. NEW PERFUME FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF. NIGHT BLOOMING CEREUIL" PIIALON'S NIGHT BLOOMING CEBU'S.' DEEM PH ALON'S lILOOMING CEIUMS.' PIIALON'S .•NIOUT BLOOMING CHAIM:I..' _ PIIALONI '`NIGHT BLOOMING orazusik. A Most exquisite, dellcate,and Fragrant Pertunie, dis tilled from the rare and beautiful flower from which it takes its name. Illannhicturod only by PIIALON a tION, Net York. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. ASK FOR . PHALON'S—TAKE NO OTHER. July 12, 1866.—eowly. ItELNIBOLD'S EXTRACT BIJCIIII and Istezortn Holz %%ten curessecm and delicate disorders mall thedrstages, at little expense, little or no change in diet, no inconeett ince and nu exposure. It Is pleasant In taste and odor mausedists In its action, and free from all injurious pro porting. [Feb. 28, liitil.ly- SCROFULA The RAS. GlORtif. 911111.24, of Brooklyn, N. Y, says, in the Bible Examiner, by way of apology for publishing a medical certificate in hl■ magazine, of the cure of his only eon, of Scrofula, "after dissolution appeared inevitable." ••We publish-this statement, not kerpay, butin gratitude to God who has answered prayer. and, in justice to Dr. Anders; Lein; satisfied that there is virtue in the lodine Water treatment, which the readers of this Magazine will thank its Editor fi.ir bringing To their notice. Circulars free. Dr. 11. Anders' lodine Water is for iiale by .1, I'. DINS. 3.101 t E. Proprietor, 36 Dry et., N. Y., and by e 7 I Druggists July 3, 1667.-1 m HELMBOLD'S Extract Sarsaparilla cleanses and renovates the blood, instills the 'rigor Instill into the system, and purges out the humors har make diteaan. NOT a few of the worst disorders that afflict mankind rte from corruption of the blood. Ixtract Sarseparillit is a remedy of the ut most value. TO CONSUM PTI YES The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread clisease Consumption—is anxious to make known to his feliow•sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the pre scription need (true of charge), with the directions for ,preparing and using the same, which they will find a SCRS QM for CONRIIMPTION, MYRNA, BRONCHITIS, COLDS, Cocous,.and all Throat and Lung Affections The only object of the advertiser In sending the Prescription is to beet the afflicted, and spread Information which be conceives to be Invaluable, and he how every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing thaer.scriptlon, ZaZZ, by return mail, will please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Rings Co., New York. JULIO 45, 1867.-14 • REMEDIAL" INSTITUTE s FOR SPECIAL CASES NO. 14, BOND STREET, NEW YORK. dir Fall information, with the highest SwidOisisials also, a Rook on ,9peciat Disease:, in a sealed envelope sent free. litik-Be we and send for tam, and you wil tug regret it; for, ss advertising physicians are general ly impostors, without Niceness no stranger should be trusted. Bucks° a stersipler postage. and direct to Dr LAWRENCE, N 0.14 BOND ST., NEW YORK. Nov .14,1866.-1 Y COLGATE & CO'S COLGATE GERMAN 155 C" EBASIVE SOAP. EBAS/VE Wit l ittrZt ed fr3 ytt Pultß ati the STANDARD - OP EXOBL . SOAP. LINO)]. For tate by MI Groton. ( 31 ,Y/ 6, Tr• — lY GRACE'S CSLEBRATED 8/Lifit: AXISIIIHT, Miss., 0ct.13,1887 Mr. Grace—Dear Sir:—Haring beenamicted grievous• ly fir several weeks with a severe ammo upon my aide. I aced wend remedies Tor its eradieation w ithout is °siring any retied, until' applied your mire, which of a- speedy and permanent cure. I therefore Del happy to certify my conlideibe in is es. - Yours withseipect, JAMBS DIA.N. I certify to the truthfulness of emits:me statement. H. EL Detains, hi. D. BETH W. FOWLS a 80N, Boston, Proprietor!. Boldly all Drugging, at 25 eta. a box. Bps*Hall& Jun. 5, 1867.:—Lat BELMHOLIPS;CoNIMINTRAIiDPACT •Butrayw Id yas great praretie. metzsoia's ocmcmx.mutim =num sormituar. • Ia the Great "Need Airiter. = Boti are prigareiomx‘tung.tonadrof PligglacY an 4 Chl46 emistry, a 417 .4,1 nd ars the meet active that ems be pm* , 36, 1.8 , - fitv , °5• THE LE11143... UNI ITY, - .a. -VERS . . . . SOOTS nraiossoF; *4: ‘ ' „ (roves LID ?iilip0:141) jar V: 01114011• 1 4' Vl* ••••• 4 7• 11 r opling smismode2idklor4oxisate, in the let tee *tbd elms*. rad I* lie Apidal imillmielitotllf. , A[eeh lob and intni) rd . AWlNgialif the loth to thee* onttrest i L Tar ril&I• 1 _ 11 ._w,i_th Per th:Waft apply lo . 11111111 Y 00 Frisfsieti il”, ' :ply 3/.-4* , A . TTENTIO Xrfett*A YEW: - 4n uz jir Ti it "Oetiys lent " T*11; Is ' ~.* ' V'' ' 4 Valnt •i- -, 1 - - - - '' . 4 'l' 4 I , NEW BOOT & SHOE NEW AND GOOD GOODS AT LOW PRICES rume uudoisigned has opened a near Boot and Shoe A. Store, on BALTIMORE STREET, one door south of the Preebyterixn church and nearly opposite IdcCreory's Saddler Shop, where he offers an attractive assortment of goods In him line, 01l new and 'elected with the great— est care. Ile has LADIES' CONGRESS GAITERS. LADIES' BALMORAL GAITERS, LADIES' COMMON GAITERS, LADIES' BALMORAL ROOTS. IS LARGE VARIETY. GENTLEMEN'S - CALF BOOTS, GENTLESLEN'S KIP BOOTS, GENTLEMEN'S CONGRESS GAITERS. GENTLFMEN'S SLIPPERS, ALL STYLES' GENTLEMEN'S BALMORALS, GENTLESEN'S BROGANS, to. MISSFIS' CONGRESS tiAI7ERS, MASSES' BALMORAL GAITERS, MISSES' MOROCCO BALMORALS, *c., ac tc. An wall be told at the lowest living profits. Buyers, from town and country. ore invited to call and examine goods and pekoes before purchasing elsewhere. I ant de termined to cell cheap--o hula diaper than any other house in the County. By strict attetittokto busineint, and dealing fairly and squarely with everybody, I hope t o merit and receive an encouraging share of poblla pat ron• age. The lifikItUrACTURIXO of Boole "and thoes will be carried op, in all its branches. llooto, S limns and Unites.; made to order Also, Boots and Shoes Of his own manu facture constantly on hand. Replacing dime .n sh o rt notice—and nu short spared to give satisfaction. None but first clue MOJ*II3.III eumployed. Having a life-time experience at the busineie,l feel confident that I can please all who way call. L. 11. IiLL.NUX.L. Getiyelinrg, July 31, 18t77.-t f GRAND CONTINENTAL BASKET PIG-MG, ON SATURDAY, THE 10TH OF AUGUSTA In the grove of Francis Cunninghatn, in Free dom twp., 2 miles west of Moritz's tavern, and 3 miles south-west of Fairfield. The Gettysburg Brass Band has been engaged for the occasion. and a plaassint time may be expected. It is hoped that there will be good turnout. as it is free to all who feel disposed to unite,in the festivities of th.occasion. _Arrangements have been made Go the feeding of borer. Thtoxicating liquors of all kinds strictly prohibited. ,q-Should the day be unfavorable it will take place on the following Saturday. July 31,1567.-2 t. DR. L. J. GROVE'S UNIVERSAL MAGNETIC SALVE & PLASTER TM* deservedle pupa lag' remedy. having been west!, improved, is now offered to the citizens of Adams county. The ninny thousands who are daily using it, testify to ite magical virtues In the early stages of Cbanompt‘on. Charts, local Bkossentisin. Newra/gia, Jaw and Tooth Ache, Weakness and Pain in Me Back, Side and Kidneys. Closcrr, Scrofula, Old Sams. Erysipelas, trot Wmntds, Berns, Bruins. Sore or initamed Breasts. Jiaertod Toe Waits, awns, Bunions, de, ofta Its mysterious virtues, and the wonderful cures It has peril:mined, might be pnblistied; but the discoverer is willing to rely gait. istriastemes4altin miler to istilme duce it into every family in the 'mutat!. Prepared onlj by the proprietor. 21b Lombard EC, Baltimore ; and Sold by A. D. BUEHLER, De. R. ROD , NES, and 3. FORIVET, Getvysburg, and by the mer chant* of tHle county. RX7EXIMCLS Chip, of P., Andrew• ?chick, John Wterebrest ner. .1. L. Schick. Aar Merchants can art a warp iy by calling at J. WINE BRENNER'S, at Klink...alp Pr:cra. July 31, 1567.-ly PRIVATE SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE The undereigned will sell at Private fis!e. his Suitable Farm, in Cumberland township. on the Coarnberstairg pike, about 2 1-2 miles from Gettysburg. adjoining lands of Abraham Plank. George ettorer. Whi►tar, Seller. and others, containing 100 ACRES of first-rate land—five Acres of which are in gaol Timber. The Inipriuretnento are a good two-story STONE DWELLING, with a bank Barn, with all the necessary Out-building. —twa well. of good water, a tine thriving young ()rebate of choice Fruit. and other improvements. The fences are In good order. atitftbe feria 41,0114 h state of cultivation. most of it Laving beet' recently limed. It Is convenient ly located, and is regarded as one of the hest farms In the neighborhood by competentjadges. Also,s lot aground in New Salem. on which is erected a new two story , BRICK DWEL LI NO, a Frame Stable, Carriage House, hog Pen. and other necessary out-buildings, with a well of fired - ate weer nvenient to the door. This property is admirably ad apted for a fiboomak sr, Tinner. ur Tailor, either antrtikh businesses would peeve prodtabhk as the tavoin is tastily. Improving. and a demand for three trades i■ increasing. /Wit not sad within 30 deg' the above propertbrewill be rented. WPerson■ desiring towlew the same, and wishing further information can call upon the undersigned resid ing in New Salem. My Post Office address is Cashtown, Pa. Persons desiring to purchase. would do wiill to ex amine these properties before purchasing elsewhere. July 31.-te* JACOB 31ICKLEX, llopf,D. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY The undersigned, Administrator of the estate of DsxtzL Fling', deceased, will sell at Public Sale, on Friday. the 16th day of August, at 9 olc.inch, 4. Afy at Gm late, reel deuce of said deceased, in Straban township, Adams co, Pa., a variety of valuable Personal Property, consisting of two.first-rate Breeding Mares, nue yearling Colt and a two year Colt, 4 first rate Milch C0W3,1 one of them near ly fresh, 6 head of young C attle, 19 head of Hogs, 2of which are first-rate Brood Sows, 10 head of good Sheep, 2 broad and one narrow-tread four horse Wagons, a one horse Wagon, Lime Bed, flay Carriage and /Adders. Wheat Fan, r.Threshing Machine, a Buckeye Beapert end Hower, double and single Shovel Plow/, isold I.larrows, Grain Drill, double and single Trees, Spreaders, Corn C 010141; Sleigh and Bled, Flax Breaks , Miewlag .41eytiese• Grain and Clover Ciadla Riding Saddle, 4 sets onkel rate Wagon Gears, TM Chs4ilyg Chaim, o , lollof milli A by the stark, 14 Aires of Corn this ground, Jra. Kettle, Ten-plate Stove and Pipe, Cutting Box, Orindstone,'Crasiwut Saw f g serpent Bees, tium, a fot of good sags, Mahood Cupboard, Baleen, Quire, Agdipteada and Bedding, and • variety of other articles. 4/-Attendance will be given and terms made known b Jo ly GEOBGE BOTH% Adm'r. ADAMS °MINTY NORMAL. TILE FALL TERM of the Adams County Normal Balool will open A1343115T 19th, and continnernisios:(9) - weeks. Tuition di, invariably in advance. Tbe money Will be refunded to any *lid may be Compelled tio days on account of personal sickness. Board and lodging can be hod In private !families at reasonable rates. Early application should be nta4e. AARON Getiysburg, Zuly 17,1)36f. • ' •'‘ • SUPERINTENDENT'S N0T1CE,,,,. IWILL examine Teachers •at following named times and places, h it ; Stralua, Hitn!srstowri, Augurt 8,1! a. m. Read!?i aad Il_ampton,lE . Lsiipt4 . )4,.." . .olphat 8, 2 p. m. 11tOn i East Berlin, Augeetir, 9 a. at. Demist liar.. Abbottttown, August Berwick typ...2l4ere ti xi aAajpart 10, Il i a. , Ozkee li *LW, Ipagd 11%2 Neu: Sutler, ifiddlitinni, 12,9 s'An. s litnnalleni,.llondernrAlle, Augusk,l2,4 in,, , Tyrone, Hildfeitbart, An ii. It. 111entlaates,-Petarebarr. dimwit 13; Ov. m larilabomstats Rand 8. H.Autross , a, m.:- tan_ AOC - k. Union; 9611491 B. l l.,'Alinark $ 0 ,111 1 .mt. - Littleetown, August, 17,10 a. m. -`• , ClititesaviGabletVe S. 11,-kagaet ' •' 4 Freedom, Merits', S. 11., August* *le It. H.; August 81.0 a. - ar.. - ; Ilareltunaben,l/airtleld, September Z. 9a. in. . lt il t uana,, m . tato , , 7,71 1 r74.1.1 Ilonk lin, atpleamankAraouornampi rok_ Var 4. ftlip 99 0 9 4 2 knP Is• ili• Fran Wprolnq trAi F - , - - It is ver7dedrable that tXreeters *add attend these tbasin_ of • • tla liar *inn • • •-• •`. l i Cter isti gka, graiy Wows, r=l PHILIP. fiA NN, Sheriff. STORE. BOYS' CONORILS3 GAITERS. BOYS' CAIN BALMORALS, BOYS' BROGANS, tc., kc. H. L. BREAM, J. OGDEN, K. HUNTER, .1%. El. RILEY, Committee • • tuf ;titorttiit A• 13E : D, THE MISSSSrPPI:" A OMPLYTY HIRTORT ' OF THE 1411 ' WETAT/ Airt• Tainttopply *IQ*. 'MIQUAY . : TO THE GREAT OOKAR. Bt - ALBSIDT D..47CIIMtIiBON Ow. 29,00,0 COPIES SOLD IN'OPilg MONTa. pfentui-Adeontare an Petrie-Gs, -. .Potsehtains end- the .PlSeffie - ewer 200- Descripenes End ;Photo gesmelie flesh ofthe'Seenery, Mies, Lands..Afisket4Peofrk aka l'irtedEtes tr the Nem &Oleo& irsre. • _ , T. ereepestlee emigrants end settlers. fu 'the "Par Weak" this Mister, at that vast and fertile zsgion will prole ku. Lasainable aseisouwe, MlPP l ooll , iiii it dols I went long felt of a full, authentic and' wettable guide to c ilenate, soli, prodncts, means of travel. tr.,. nc. AGENTS WANT BD.—Send tor'Otreulers and see. our tenon and is fell description of the work. • Address . NATIONAL PUBLISIIINO CO.. Jab' 501' Minor et., Philadelphia., Pa. LICENSE folloiring applications to keeps Restaurant hare - been filed fusty oaks with the ri gutsily number of Sirters, and grin be presented at the Court of Quarter Neßsidukott •MONlktYthe 19th day of AUGUST nett. JOHN R. ILORNYRITZ, Gettysburg, JOHN HOFFMAN, .W.Mtnrsa, Clerk. • [July 31.-hl COUNTY ,TREASURER The'undersigned's - 01 be • candidate for (hardy 7reas wrer, !abject ton nomination by the Republican County Cacrentios. If nominated and elected, be pledgee bins self to di•charge the ditties with Actelltr And impartiality DANIEL fiettyeburg, pa., J nip 3, 1867,—tf. HEAD QUARTERS CLOT LUNG. PICKING SELLS COATS CHEAP PICKING SELLS PANTS CHEAP PICKING SELLS VESTS CHEAP PICKING SELLS SHIRTS CHEAP PICKING SELLS NOTIONS CHEAP PICKING SELLS CLOCKS CHEAP PICKING SELLS TRUNKS CHEAP PICKING SELI., VIOLINS. CHEAP PICKING SELLS ACCORDEONS CHEAP PICKING SELLS VERY CHEAP CALL An) SEE HIM July 24, 1567 H 0 W T U S A V E MONEY ! When tirleg ure Imtd you'd like Io k now Ile+ yen can nave your dollars The Way to i.to It you will kiuoir 'rpm will read what rollowa A nun ebeolient t,, the Laws Who worked ha rd at his trade Cbsahl not snpply his Wants—because It con more than he made Ile met a friend: Si..l-5 be, "I gm,. I look threml-bare :r r.l r,o Kb P 1 like to Luy my wife u dreltr But can'! ime up envngli 1U fri.-cd replied, "It wont toe much To buy r6ur a ife'a dry gUIAIS Ifyaa the t....;;,p The •tore of Row .1; Weer, te.,ic what little he eenhl yen e To lOW k Wane' •tote. ADA. bolygla his wife a ;innJwwt• lICtM For half uLe cogt before Wl* other ;eels, Knit-Hate and Elton,. Hitnielf he there supplied And still money left to 1114 e And .sotne to I.y exiCie P. S —See .1112,X ,I Lin Price.. Other g.A.!A at like 11.1Auced ratex. frum lu t, :r2 rent» Criiia froth 8 wit, coots Fteuth%lts fr.ui 15 to 30 Cv,.111. )10z1abiques (row. 2.1 to 2 4 i cent,,. AlPillslll3.oln 3t) to 70eeeltx. Deoa.ia from 211 to cents, 11,i , iser3,01orel nal tr :atm i• iq. cheap as ever A full felortinent of DIII7 GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS & Srll E , Al' REDUCED PRICES AT RO &IV ODS. lay 41,14;7. SELLING OFF ! 'THE FIRST SEMI-ANNUAL iS4LE FOR 1867, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, &C., COMMENCES MONDAY, JULY 2n AND WILL BE Co TINTED 40 DAYS ctilr. whole Sununkr ,Sloe) Marked Down, REGARDLESS OF COST, and from 30 to 59 per cent. lens tutu reguftr prices, our object being to turn into call' Oooda that would other wise lie on our ,babas, and to make room for the Largest Stock of An Goode we have ever had. MARK THE PRICES ! Prima, Lawns from t to 35 cents **Ambigua from 20 to 30 cents. 'attar Lustre from 2.5 to 40 cents. Licti Del Attlee horn 40 to 70 cants, dltataa trol/1 36 to 70 cetl,to. M 60448. Delatnex from 22 to 28 cents 031/ 11 •Cabooft from S to 16 cent& IitEACIfED MUSLIN& 1 YARD WIDE - TRog, tf TO 25 -Cflrt3 °Otto* Holm from IN to %foto to 50 doz. Labtedl lov6o from 10 to 40 cents. Xolltreglieiteiteme Smear leertbanooet. buttons, Trimml**Sgiotei Afkip4 5 poi Nets, Inser tion., aft be sold at.aveat 19d,doi. ft4ekli4tO-2ieerits. f°i! WIC" WS, lOU b "a" balf pike. • publnietee, aU wOdi , WOIO Sd con)rtilr,(4o: how, Odtbni44.ll44lfeolb II to4o etite—only Auction , cisowilsis th 41 14144% Th • • 1 11,4110040 1 2tem 20 to 40 mite. :mpidetings, Ara" ; Table Clocks,tiurea,..lown aciter ;mit ° rV, 1 :cti I) TE WIP+94 I ROTPA r fi t 3 I F 4 qua * ,ft,E 014 AS * S . WA* i 74 A ..;(, 4 • 01 11 4 oti27l3l"eek eas , litokli SO fole w. lUd eitt bt l3 ; olo l 4 * 44 o 6 zlbli tuilikatanso arsisseasitme, k . • lor ottprihla t oa t t.c.l] qiw t isire4ipt Arr - 3,11131 r . I 4 1 art 14 F 0 It MiZZIESII i-sargunku, CAM% &s. H 4 4 ,1 t DWA. R E • . ANA ROOkRIIIB Tll.ll attbacribers havef wet retttruedlront the cities with anJunueneesupply of HARDWARE& catohuttElo, which qklsrare offering at theirold stand in Saitimore atpriceete suit thetimee. Oarsto:kconelattin girt Oarponter'tTools Blhcksm(tb'e•Toolr. tloisc h„Findiags, hoe FirAlogs. r•Ci.binei llaker'‘Toole r , • Honsekesper'sPlxturee I itindsotirototo G't o cz RI z a OP ALL KINDS, tc. Thereisoo orticlelneluded I n tlos wand erpartmenti mentioned above...but what eon ho had at t Store. Emery cludof Moctoule'sean bean! d hetowlth tool s and n adlogs.sod Ilonsekeep ar'soon does:7 ortieleln thelrlins. Glee osocoll u orn ueptiparedtosollaslow thrush aoanyotherhonso pouf tlnikoity 4.1 t • JOEL R. DAIONER, DAVID ZIEGLER. May 29,4.887 H A T .0 H T . S.. The hest Fuld cheapest fur the consumer are those man utactmrsd by JENKINS tir, TONGUE PHILADELPHIA. Shingling. Lathing, Claw and breed, made of the beet cast-steel and warranted as gtxxl or better than any others ntade in the United State, and sold at much tower price. than other really Bret-class hatchets. They are tempt r ed by one of the firm, S. J. Tongue, who po!aeea•e a peculiar faculty that might be called STEEL ON VIE BRAIN which ham 2.iven hi* toolti a great celetrit • y in these parts TRY TIIt.M. Nos. 33 and 35 Richmond street; the red cars up Third street crags Richmtaad, cur the work,. May 29, 11587.43 livery itatto. GErfITSBURG LIVERY, SALE & EXCHANGE STABLE. '(`HE Proprietor of these Stables, feellugthankfttl for theliberalpatronageheretorore recetred.bealleave to Inform thepublir that hecnntlnues the LIVERY BUSINESS at his 61t14tand on Washington Street, Gettysburg, near the Railroad, where lie ie pre pared at all times to accommodateperymealtbanything in his line. HORSES,COACHES, BUOGILS,&C., undshed at short notice and on reasonable terms, and competent dtivers sent along itdesired. Persons will be conveyed to other town., or to any place In the country. His ntock and Coaches are of the first clue, and no pains will be spared to make passengers comfortable Ile is prepared at anilines to furnish coaches for funerals; and aloe to parties desiring to go over the Battle Field .sr to visit the Springs. ALSO—TIOR SEB AND MULES will heboughtand sold *tall time'. Perionsdesitingto purchase stock will find it to their advantage to cell on so undersigned, as his stock Is warranted to be as rep odented or no sale. He has a tine lot of Horses and Mules at present on hand which will be sold on reason.. hle terms. They are sound and free from disease, and areeuarantied to work as represented. Persons will find it to theiradvantage to callat the old stand before hiring or purchasing elsewhere. Aug. 3, 1865.—tf NICHOLAS WEAVER. THE EAGLE LIVERY, SALE & EXCHANGE STABLES Washington Street, Gettysburg, Pa. ADJOINING THE EAGLE HOTEL. THE undersigned would respectful lyA in'orm the public that he has opened a now LIVERY. SALE AND E.XCUANGE STABLE in this place. and is prepared to offer superior accommodations in this line. lie has provided himself with Buggies. Car. via gos. Hacks, Light Wagons. to , of the latest styles sufficient to meet the publt demand. Bin horst, are all good, without spot or blemish. and perfectly reliable— ton e ofyour - old cripples," but all of the —1.40" order. Riding partietr can always be accommodated and corn fortahle equipments furnished. Parties, large or small, can get just what they want on the moat accommodating terms. Visitors to the Battledteld politely attended to, and teliahle drivers furnished if desired. Parties conveyed to and from the Depot upon the ar Vital and departure of every train. Horses bought, sold, or exchanged, and always chance for bargains given. Our motto is - fair play an! no gouging." im„PartiCular attention paid to furnishing Vehfcle and Hacks for Fnnerals. Gil - We flatter ourwelYes that by charging moderately and by furnishing superior accommodations, we cannot fall t.. please every one who patronizes one establish 133 M Mar ISC.—t f. Tonfertion,s, jce (tram, Zoo, &r SOMETHING NEW is GErn:BILIIII The under.igneil has the pleasure of informing the citizens of iiettjsburg and vicinity. that he is now pre pared to supply them with the famous CRE AM SODA, drawn from Dow's Soda Fountain, which has become so popular in the cities. Ifyou have never tasted this de licious drink, you don't know .bat you have missed.— Try it. Once tasted, you will become a regular pat:on. I have also opened my ICE CREAM SALOON, with accommodations for ladies and Gentlemen, and am prepared to supply private families. Parties. &c.. on reasonable terms. Also, eonatintly on band, fresh CONFECTIONS, Cakes, Ae, Can at the oLI established Ftarol on Chun trershurg street. opposite the Lutheran Church adjoining the Keystone Hotel. May 21.. 1867.-:3m . Fre4l Confectionery, Arc. THE subscriber calls the attention a. of the citizens of Gettysburg and vicinity. to his fine Confectionery Establishment; one door Edna ofthe Eagle Hotel. ou Chambersburg street. Cakes, Candies.and every description of Confections together with Nu to.Orangee. and all kinds offruits al- ways on hand. Parties, pailirand private, as well asfamilies will ba furnished with ail kinds of CakesiceCream. (in pyrami la It orm orotherwise.) and other refreahmente a t their house's. upon short notice. Raving spent a life-time at the business. he flatters hiruselfthat he understands' t and that he is abletoren. ler entire satisfaction . Callandsee theConfectionary . May V. 1.867 T" -s• Notions,t J. M ° WARNER'S GO and see J. M. Warner's Store. FRESH' CONFECTIONARIES at J. M. WARNER'S. THE finest and freshest- FRUITS. NUTS. de at J. 31. WARNER'S. TOBACCO, CIGARS, PIPES. Ac., at J. M. WARNER'S tf wgurance. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY TITS. FARMEP.S' AND MERCHANTS' INSURANCE COMPANY, OF YORK, PENNA. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pean'a. in 1864. A UMIORIZZD CAPITAL $lOO,OOO 00 CAPITAL PAID' in 40,000 00 A %MARLS Assrrs 52,914 IT INSURANCE can be taade in this Company at as low rates as are consistent with the Recut ity of the Company and the parties insured, and on as accommodating terms an with any company in the country. No premium notes are taken and consequently no as sessments will be made on its Policies. This being an inland Company, no risks will be taken Ai the large cities. More than half of the entire stock is owned by its o®- re and Directors, which Is a guarantee that its eiders wi be so managed as to make it a safe medium for insnr ant . A losses promptly adjusted and paid without any de. la At plicstions mtvis through the Post °Mee, from any part of the countu, will meet with immediate attention. °Bice in the cortuir-room„ Second Story of HARTMAN'S BUILDING, Centre Square, York, Pa, President—HENßY WELSH. Piac Presidene—DSVlD Z. SMALL. IDirectors, Phtilp ' Jobb A. Welter, M. B. Spahr : Geo. W. llgenfrite, Ch rtes A. Morris, W. H. Kerte, (ofO.) John F. Spangler, Lewis Carl„ Barbi E. Small. , Treiuures-..Cbartes Secretary—T. Kirk White. HENRY A. PICKING, kosi4Oettyaburg, F. M. W.' BOWER, " York Springs Jane 2.8„1881.-3m JURY; LIST-AUGUST TERM. 7", . . , . i GRAND JURY. , Hamilton—J.:4. Huhn, Perlman, Daniel Balla'. ' A r , Onyord , ;--1 a.i oder Jacobs, Jaeop Peters., Conowagoi— citing. , ' Huntington ....Aleiander littler. .Pranklim-- rißitin Gait, Piadarict Diehl. Mutation— wig Dull, Glbodniloss, Jolla Wilson , .ljttlestoirii-t-johp BPangleti 'idountplaimatit—Joseph rman. Liatimore—Tame Harman. airstutioy—Jacob Diehl, Joseph Arndt. . Cumberland—Raphael Sherry. Highland—Joseph Maley. . . Ilnion—Wilittan Young, John Rife; Reading—John Raines. atroban—J4bnit.,Little. Gettysburg-I-Charles Ziegler. Icamiltontate—JoßtiNm{ts. , 'atnEAL.inity. .Threwielt lar..—Joeeph Wolf%' i I Strabiii— John o.olVbert. illonaker, Daniel Cub ! nra, , Dmiik Wilitslaithrepigellkitst. • Dallene,(leatila lioNingsr. Anghlibangb,Jaankileaphea. , jiama 4li tior_ai llri son, Wans aab tl tac cownor e. . 48 r. 17624-41 L ,• tubarty— • . Moualplestn Walk • Jam uptlaan, John • 4,,;L„ it if oo iii +4 4 1 -0- der" 4o * ..410 1 , 4 - if-A. 44tivl • ' Mil rl; i }+' IC i I a = 2 = 0 I • Ittal 6otitte VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE . . The subscriber oters ton sale, cm advantsgscass hews, his FARM, situated in Stsaban township, Albans county, Pa„ nag mtica northeast of .Gettysbneg, onedoerth of a mile from g's and Gulden's Station, on the Railroad, containing _ _ _ Enure or lees. It eon be divided Into nine Lots. The improvements are n two story Briek•caind *lrk heck-budding, a well of water near the K Itch ens, a (Dater', near the Waah-hones, a Smoke and Dry House, Bank Darn. Wagon tilled, Ciorn Crib; and other outbuilcb Ings, with a well of good water near the door. There are a variety of au I kinds of FRUIT on the premiums; and garden and yard Ornamented with boxwood. If not eoIJ Latore the let day of October, it will be RENTED. A entall family would be preferred. For furtherptrticulare inquire of the subscriber, or of J. A. C. itOollaub, Jr., in blountplcustut townstdp. near ~tore. CELIIISTIAN RUNDLAUB. July Si-4t . . . PUBLIC s) LE. Tut saber fiber. as agent for the heirs, will sell at Pub• lic Sale. at thw City Hotel, In Frederick, un SATURDAY the 10th of AI:OUST. %567, at Li o'clock, P. It., that beau tiful and highly yiroductive F A It M . kuown as the houlestend of the late Jacob Wildrick i deceased. now In the possession of his heirs. This contains 1:1G ACRES OF LA , ill Orr or less. It 114 laid off into 0 !Wilt., with a.:crso, to running wat.r frIMI each field : • lino mealinw, with a beautiful oil am of porn Pelt NVIIEtr rimming' through It. A surrey and pl,t vi the Faith will he made out previous to the day of wla, which will Dp GMlibited MI that day. Thin Farm adjoins tha lands of William Smith, Philip Caller. .1 .htia ZILIMICTUJAI I J:111.7,M • There are about 30 Act es of very heavy timber, such OS lllsok mil:. White Oak. it,cloiry and Walnut. I ran out from a lloop role to a NADI Shalt. Tin , Lanni is peinripai ly Linn:4l,4,e a good Kiln near to the thick. This Fenn lays ndle4 south-went ..f Frederick city. on the road lending from Frederick IV the Point of Rocks. This Farm is coo,idaretl by all that has beet, on it to be one of the most Leitutilul Farm aituationm in the con aty. The inn provenieuts consist of a tine nitle&f. two stories high. 71 feet 6 inches by . 26 feet el Waits, laid off iota S fine Bisons large flail, with two tine Beleonies above ali I lic!ow; tb.•re lb alb° a fine Thl4lloll/4! is built of the very• hest material, eyed y nose bill and window sill front ta , tti , lll to top is dressed Stone. which will last for ever : time is not a crack in the lludding: it hss a south ern eiposilre. the Buu riAnglltt the yard in winter and summer. A splendid new blast ktarn.7U by 40. a double threshing :loth; :stabling for forces and 1.; hortibi Cattl e , with a title entry ,sassing Igo:,, each Stable and Feeding Room ; a new Cons Crib, with double Wagon sheds, with Wash Douse. Dairy and Smoke Haulm, a. fin. Barrickei for Hay, a Hog Pea, and all necessary out build ings. A fins YOUNG ORCIIARD, •. now In full bearing; also, Peaches, and Cherries in abund ance. This Farm lAN a Murel Bank on it that answers as a fertilizer forever. There a•e thiee Fiobring Mi 1. within one mile ot this Farm. One Mill and Saw Mill adjoins the Wood Land: the tinett of the Timber is a quarter of a mill from the Mill. A tine well of pure water In the yard, and two tine gardens. The Timber on this Farm will pay one-fourth of the purchase money. This is a tine summer residence for a gentleman that wishes to live in the city in winter, as the house is ver.) large. leas! OF SALC.—Ono.lialf cash on the (lay of sale, the balance iu two equal ist:1111:11, pIiyMrIILII. With Internet frorn day of sale ISAIAH MEALEY, July 17. to Agettt fur the Heirs. FARM AT PRIVATE SALE I offer for sale my FARM situated in Stralain town ship. two nu it./ east of Gettysburg. on the turnpike lead ; log to York, and known on the old Trestle Farm. It contains 151 ACRES of good lamb and in in a high state of cultivation. It has been thoroughly limed, and Is In good repair. The fences are mostly 4, f good 1. aunt poets and chestnut rails. There are about '2.0 ACREA in grace 'Meadow, lying in three separate parts. There are lila° alsint 3i.•1 acres of thriving timber and good springs of Water in every fie:4 except rm. There is a new two •tory BRICK soda Bank Barn I.ver 100 feet long newly covered. There in an excellent Spring near the Ounce; also a girYil well of water near the Dana.— Atsint 6 Acres are covered with excellent grafted Fruit —Apples and peaches. /Ur-Any perie n wishing t.. purchasa a Amid Home will dowel! to view this snug little Fat m before purchasing elsewhere. JOSEPH TROSTLE. June 5, lilfiT.—tl FARm AT PRIVATE SAL& I offer at private sale at my re;ie..,ce in Tyrone town ship, one mile west of flehilerstilirg, on the MenaHen runt. 100 ACRES OF 00011 LAND, on which are a two. story. Log House, weother.licrarded, and plastered Stone Kitchen, and Rank Barn; There is a west well of Irate' near the !louse: alto twu streams of never-failing weer running through the farm. About .2n Acr e s are thriving TIMBER, with a never-failing Spring of ron nip,: water therein. There are about h. Acrm of gout Nleadow Lent; alto a giss! Lime Kiln rn thesfarm, and a Cux,d ORCHARD OF FRUIT. The Farm has been limed three timer within fifteen jeers. It is In a high state of cultivation, and is surrounded with Mills and Churches. There is a goof Sch.:oil-house on the farm. sga,::Any perao, to tee this Farm, or that 01) the York turnpike, will find me at home at all times. J o ne 5, 1407.—tf JOSEPII FARMS FOR SALE. I will sell the. Farms. T. T TATE No. 1.. Lying on the llarrisburg and Get ty,bnrg r,4141 Let sceen York Springs and neidlers• burg, containing 121 ACRES. with imprrivernents, noft Occupied by JIIIMS Miller. Price $2.5 per +acre. No. 2. Lying on the Carlisle and New Oxf ird road; beta eeu Ileidirrelairg and New Chza. ter, containing 145 ACHES. with good iruprurenirata, now occupied by George J. Shank. Prig. 5 , .0 per acre. Terms: One half to be paid on the delivery of thr deed: the balance to .nit the p.nrchitaer, either in cash or in tirat judgment 'hinds of cut lea than 5.200 for No. 1. awl 540 n fir Nu. Li. to hi paid annually with intrre,t. *4Y - Thex. farina are patented. lie hartiLwinely and hive oren tuned. W.F. BON N F:ft. May 29. 160.-tf WE are always .glad .to See our friends at the Excelrior GaPer,'. it .till atandit iu he Sallie old . phe . e oppomite the Bank on York it.. Get. yethurir. C.I. TYSON. PHOTO MINIATURES at the Ex relsior Gallery Are itnperb And are thrtitPhed at onnlbird city prices. Cull and examine specimen's. C. J. TYSON. EXCELSIOR is our . motto. To J ll - 1 please our alto! and to rearters.itisfaction in every instance our detertnivatton. C. J. TY.t.4.IN. . _ CONSTANTLY on hand an asort mentof floe Frames. Photograph Alba ms. Girds and Baskets for grasses, front the Battle-Bela. PhotoOrephsw our G enerals. and other distinguished individuals. at the Excelsior Gallery. C. J. TYSON. Jolly GRUEL 'I I IIE best Photographs made in this County are made at the Excelsior Gallery, Gettys burg, opposite the old Bank. C.J. TYSON. BFDI" all means have your Photographs made At the Excelsior (.4allery illyou desire them per. test. C.J. TYSON. LARGE VIEWS of the Battle-field, ""'",,lngly or in sets, very low ; also Stereoscopic 'Views fo theßattle-field, nt the tlxcel•ior Gallery. Do not fail to see thorn. C. J. TYSON. FRAINIES OF EVERY Ktik.TD, for Large Pictures, Marriage Certificates, Church Certificated, Missionary Certificates, lc., very cheap at 8. G. SHEAF PEWS New. Gallery, Hanover, Pa. • Jane 5,1967..-1 y REMOVAL! THE GETTYSBURG SKYLIGHT GALLERY. THE undersigned takes pleasure in 1 announcing to the citizens of Oettysbnrg and the pnblic generally that he has removed from his old rooms on West Middle street, to Baltimore street and nearly opposite the storeof Fahnestock Brothers. The room he vow occriPlee, has been recently fitted np expressly for his business. The location lean admirsble one, enabling him to take pictures in all shades of weather, and with a orreetness unequalled any whereeise, LIFE—LIKE PHOTOGRAPHS, of every size and description, ezecuted in the flneststyle nartlettlar attention given to the CARTE-DE V !SITE, and in copying AMBROTYPES and DAGUER.REOTYPES ot decesseilfriends. Also— THE GETTYBBURH I OEMS, a new style of picture which has 'become very popular with the public, not only for their beauty, but for cheap • roes and conve nience. SIXTEEN for ONE DOLLAR on ly. Also—THE I'OECELALN PICTURES, which for their beauty and &arability are unsurpassed. We are prepared to carry on the business in all its earious branches, and having bad cotudderab leex parience we run no risk in GUARANTEEING PERFEL.T SATISFACTION. on r facilities fora full display of our skill are unequal ed by any other Gallery in the County. and we would herefore invite every one to call at thn NEW GETTYSBURG SKYLIGHT GALLERY. Call and examine our Specimens and judge for your selves. LEVI HUNTER. Tune 21,1866. jGURNEY & SON, 'PLIOTOGRAPII ARTISTS, 707 Broadway, New York In addition to out PHOTOGRARIC ART GALLERY, established 1640. We have trthe lest flue years had ad ilaperlor to any other establishment In obtain sitting from lit, of all the YKOMINIINTCELEBEI. YIN of the day lu, CARD PORTRAITS, and are now ,pablishing a estalcigneofever 2600 REINJECTS, AMERI CAN AND FOREIGN, also a large list of Copies of WORKS OF AST AND ENGRAVINGS. , Such as the Right Rev. Bishops of_the Epiecoplal church, the Catholic Clergy, and the Olorgy °fall denominations, alt prominent officers of the Army, Navyand Confederate Acton and ActreAtes, Frotemional Billiard Flay ma,,Fotate celebrities, Pictures from Statuary, male and female. ' . NA'nines sent on receipt of Stamp. An order En one doseu picture& front our Catalogn . e will li i i t i p :led at sl,9o;and sea Sty mail free. Single Pictures cents egcli, moles of engravings 15 cents melt. N. B. ,we a tm anittnio tali attention to tin advantage 20bare for reprodocing.or copying,Clidtligtte""es, brotypee, Card Pictures, Ac., of D1P:31.4 SSD RELATIVES AND FRIENDS, enlarging them to any atts, anst'llitehhit in Oil, Water Oolong, or India /ok, with the ald of parties desiring eapiasi thereibrt opi irl iend witkin dirges. . - amp role A a4 + l4omi, 4716 2 "d° atiPP I4I A 94 *-hfisfig:4 -1)4 "0" 4 • • , riALMMYIIM Ifitfirignalf, find ou; dawi ,ofth• miv voigtwqmp - kitok.sbh o lthiditrib in. 044 w= • NCAN. 'orgy I:y*. • . . evi s !i3 ACRES, DWELLING HOUSE, l'hotograpit 6alltritO. TIN TALIENVID 41i2:128. Yanks. $23.0004000. . 4 THE NEW SIX I'EA CENT? PENNSYLVANIA STATE LOAN. FREE FROIKAI L STATE, corTrvek NITNIC:TAL TAICATI - Will bafnmiehed id a [IMO to snit. on application to the nearest Bonk or Banker; &leo by either ,X the nudereigued. JAY COOKE ,t CO., DRFXEL k CO., E. W, CLARK CO., Bankers, Ph i/ad alp is GETTYSBURG NATIONAL BANK. GOVERNMENT BONDS OF ALL ISSUES, SEVEN-THIRTIES COMPO (NJ) INTEREST NOTRA', bought and 'bold Orders fur purchase and sale at STOCKS, BONDS AND GOLD, promptly executed /GI-INTEREST allovreA oo SPECIAL DY.POSITS nt 3 4 nod 5 per cent., nreording to. lenith of t(me nf - EMORt BAIR. Cashier., July 3,1887. 'I'M, F First Natiopal Bali of Gottystori, ALLOW I T RBT (),,y DEPOSITS A'S USUAL Buys and Voile all Kinds of GOVERNMENT SECJIRITIES, 'OLD - AND SILVER, co nver t s 7.30 _Votes into 5-20 CS. Bonds Ig - 2 - rOrders solicited and promptly at tended to. GEO. ARNOLD, Cashier April 11, 1567 i Xtgat sETER,IFF'S SALE. IN pursuance of sundry wilts of Venditioni Exponon. issued unt of the Court of Common Pleas of Adam a coun ty and to rue directed, will be exp. .sed at Public Ea le, at the Court Mute, in Get ()pun rg . nn Saturday.' the 10(4 :lay rj Aupust next. al I o'clock P. - the following It.. scribed Real Estate, viz: A TRACT OF LAND. situate In ;7-timberland township. Adams count•. Ps.. adjoining lands o. sliirahatu Truett*. Joseph Sherty, Samuel Herbst, John Socks, 3lichael Bushman and others. containing. 2^..4 ACBES, more or 'ems, improved with a Two-story Stun( DWELLING HOUSE, 4 one and a half story Stone attached, a large Rank Earn, with the necessary Sheila attached, Hog State le. Wash House, Smoke House, Spring flame, well of water With pump in it; also an Appl• and Peach Orchard. Thu farm has about 60 scree of Urn oer and a sufficient quantity of meadow- The road from iicttysburg to EattnitXstitirg runs through the farm.— Seized and taken into execution as the real'ostate or (3,-0, 14 . W. Rose. Also. A TRACT DO. LAND. situate in Cumberland township, Adams county. Pa., iolpining land of Nkholas Cod. ri, George Weikert, Abraham Matte, and otbeis containing 2Z ACRES, more or less. The land is all cleared end under fence. Seized and taken in execution as the real estate of Henry C. Nettleton& Sr., deceas.-I. in the hal/Moor Henry C. No instedt, Jr., Execute'. of said decedent. • PHILIP HANN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Gettysburg, :filly 15,1867. Ittl.:Ten per cent, of the purchase money upon all sales b tn.. sheriff must be paid over immediately after the. property is struck down, or upon faittere to comply therewith the property vi 11 again be put sip for sale. • J ly 17.-te. REGISTER'S NOTICES. NOTICE is hereby giyeil to all L. Legatees and other persons concerned that the Adm in let ration Accounts herinafter mentioned will be presented at the Orphans' Court of Adams COOnty, for confirmation and allowence. on !MONDAY, the 14th day at A I:OUST, 1867, et 10 o'clock, A. If., viz:. 57. The drat and final account of Susaisnah Bishop, Ad ministratrix of the estate of John Bishop, late of kloitiall ioy township. Adams county. deceased. The account of Jeremiah Gitt, Execntor of Wm. Gin, deceased. 59. The second and final account of Samuel Brown, Ad tuinnit-ator of (leo. Tull, deceased. • foi. The first - and final account of John n; Nell. Elect) for of Henry Nell. deceased. 61. The first and final account of Harriet Chrontster. Trustee for the sale of the real estate o fJacdb Chroniater. tat e of Latirnore township. deceased. t 2. Thefirst and linalscronnt of Daniel Cplp. Admit, with the will annexed ofJacuti Culp, of Peter, de ceased. • The first and tine) account of Nathaniel Millar. inlet rator of Lewis ..11r.ler, late of Berwick township deceased. luefirit account of Peter Attlaltattghoh, Adtui trator of Peter A ulattaugh, late of kteltditsg town/lair, deceased. 5.5. First and final account of Joe. ph L. I , lMt Administrator of Joseph Kuhn, deceased. fAS. Second account of George Ehrhart Executor of the last will and testament to Samuel B. Patterson, de- ceased, including the account of said George ithrehart. testamentary Guardian Of Olive Patterson, only child and legatee of said deceased. First and final account of A mos Stoneafferand Isaac C. litonesifer, Administrators of Ellen Stonesifer, de ceased. es. The account of Augustus Detrift, acting Executor of the will of Wm. Detrick, deceased. (9. The first and dot' account of J. W. Diehl, Adminis trator ot Edmund D. Menges, deceased. 70. First and final account of J L. :chick, Ettecutor of the last andtestament ofeatharine Ifereter,dereased. 71. The second Account of John Burkholder, Esq., Ex ecuter of the last will and testament of George Mack, late of Menai len township, .Adams county, deemssed. 7x. The aceonnt'of John Diehl, Executor of the will of . )lary Ann Allison, deceased. 73. First account ofJaMes W. Gubernator, Administra tor of the estate of Dr. Henry A. Lilly, deceas'ed. 74. First and final account of Franklin H. Ebert, Ad ininistratur of Ellenora M.Osborn, late of Huntington township, deceased. W, D. DOLT7,WORTFI, Regftdar July 24 —te AUDITOR'S NOTICE.: rj 'II E undersigned. auditor appointed by the Orphans' 1 Curt of Adams county, to make distribution of the be lance remaining in the hands of BCRIHART Want, act ing Administrator of the estate ot.lacon Rix, late of But ler township, Adams county, deceased; to•and among parties legally entitled thereto, hereby glees notice to 411 persons interested in said distribution that- he will sit in discharge of the ditties of his appointment at his office, in the borough of Gettysburg, on Friday, the nth day of Attgtut net, at o'clock, A.M., - alien and w here such persons are requested to attend. DAVID WILLS, Auditor. July 2 .-3t AUDITOR'S NOTICE 9111 E undersigned haring been appointed by tbe Or -1 phalli!' Court of Adams coanty,•Atidttor, to make distribution of the bell/wain the hands ofJosten BLDCA MAN, Adm in istrator of the eitate of Prrsa Wastra,deed, among his neat of kin, will attend to that dot yat his of ace, in Gettysburg, on TfIUIt&DAT th e 15fh day of AUGUST next, at 9 o'clock, A.M. when end where all persons interested are requested towhead. July:A-St NNOTlCE.—Letters of 'Administra- L. tion on the estate of Sonuitto Ik Munn, late of Orissa rd county, Oble, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, re4li.ng In New Oiford, Adante amity, Pa., be hereby glees noel Te to all persons Indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and-those ha*. Mg claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. JEREMIAH W. DIEHL, Adet'f., Jnne 20, 1867.-8 t• XECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters -u-a Testamentary on the Meats of Dann L Neel We of Msnalka township, Arleta' county, Puma., deceased. haying been granted to gel undersigned reeding in ssid township, they hereby gyve notice to all persons, indebt ed to said estate to call 'Jed make immedlnte raiment end those hiring claims air:thud the same w M presses them properly authenticated forzettlemeat, July 17.-6 t UNITED ST4TES INTERNAL REVENtrr i , NOTICE. Tax anneal Aisessment for Adana county .ot all per , sous liable to Mx on Tacoma, article* lo Schedule 4, and also of all persona aired to ray SPecial Ms on Busleess, having been coillpleted. notioe Is hereby Oleo that the Taxer' akin/raid bale become due aud payable.. and will be received at the Sagla Hotel, in tiougmogr ik . ON THURSDAY and TRIDAY, AUGUST let And 2d. PENA:LTIES. • •"- Au. persons wbo GsII to their annual Tax, ro the 20th day of AIIGITIST, "will be duly totifiteS of Their essleet, Sir which &fee erfweety quite sad Poor cents fir each mile travelled in serving the Notice, will be abased. Persons dighte busbies* wiiitout kemlag paid a Special Tax thereasry era liable lit a Density of. three times the amount of s. id 'fax. a SiiS of Ilia Rea died Dollars, and rinprisoninent for twayears • O. W. ASHCOW, , Clones-tor Mir District, Pa llotancii. Pa, JQII 17, 4857. . . ~..,..v . sQ „ trylox . ...... , ~. t_rng . . heretofore oxtsihtitl e igu r • lletwieh 1 ;timimi ed ander vlliCtrin'o l 'MAL. NMS A - .119/O 11iFt,of burg. T. '34 11 , 00 . 11, 11 ' 14 ' soled.i , ~. ' iat Perims iiiiiciked .1.. lata en*. win "hew ati " e.,g Parcelnoidnltt 'Way. tiSecior • pcsicor 1.-10111Wimicol , ,,a to tiseillic neinc bribe Agipl 111.11,4 ..... L . mo daffs, • . ikrj, , • . • • ~ t..) Azttj 4 z.g. it: T ING :. ingi lailed ., : ( 2,,, hin f . • ilorabtaiiilue co 11 . 01 r, -- • ---, ., , 'liar' * i .: t o , ' g i rlie j‘c*iciaat .1?ullf ~ ..,-,A,,r" ' : t ap etpusor smars... l lift e bY ' ! et 40 " • ' ,- ...44, . g -WilitismagellA a1,P 14 0 11 1, 4 4 .1 i.,f . 1. l'patroomo. w , cb"F= •''- ' , 2 x • : - .t •• ,,, k ibtir ' 4 **MP/ ri, ',.....; 4... , .. 'N . - ... , .. Alai*, teet-st MI THOMAS , R. COOK, GEORG 11, WOK , ExiKkutors. :41 Ot,'' 0