--, 1 viuriu r ni f a. rcpunpir, . i . t b ;tifel i alieeal,Lititlike cbait-hauil awf *viewed. * .. .; . ... •I I s llolo- 0 1 104i 4 49 01 / 4 : , .c . e To.. STAR. Asp ,Sx.Xx.r.axt. is published every Wed u esday afternobtl, et likt.llo a year In advance ; or 42.fielfziot :pald within 'the year. No stub beriptions 116061th/bed until all sarrearairee An paid, unless at the option of the rilibliaher. z . , • .Auvrarriskus. - ara are thacrted at, reasonable ittes. A liberal deduction will be made,to per ions apircitishig by the iznarter, half year, or year. SpeclA noticei trill We - inserted a special rates, to be ngreod upon. , 44 - The'clreulation of Tux .81\att timaxa- Nka. is one-half larger , than. that ever f kilned I. any newspillprin Adams county ; and, se as ad ; l ertlslng medium, it cannot be excelled. " 3.. ii Whua of all kinds aill be promptly ex ecuted, and at fair rates. Hand-Lifts, Bitinks,y Cards, l Pamphlets, &c., In every variety and titylo kill be printed at tbort - mittee. Term, CASH. ,roftosbnzat t attO, J. COVER, ATTORNEY AT Lt. LAW. 111 promptly attend to collection. and all •diteiMusinese entrusted table ears- Mee bettreea Falineatock and Danner and Ziegler's res , Baltimore siresf., asttiaburn; Pa. [May 29.1807. I)AVID WILLS, residence ATTORN th4 EY AT A.W,Office ' st hl4 in the Souaert COT , L el. of Centre Square. ncrersnce.—tlon.Thuddens Stevens, Lancastsr, Pa. May O. ISti7. .1 'AVID A. BUEHLER, 'ATTORL NEI: AT LAW, will promptly attend to dolleetlons nod.all other business entrusted to his care. sa-Office at his residence to the three story building opposite the Court. IIOUtIC4. [Gettysburg, May 29,1867. CLAIM AGENCY.--The under slatted will attend loth* collection of claims against f or U. S. Goverunteut, including Military Bounties. Back Par, Petedotts. Forage, kr.. either iu the Court of Claims or hofor'e any of the Departments at Washingtoin R. G McCREARY. May , 67. Attorney at Law, Gettysburg, Pa. McCONAUGHY, Attorney and - 1 -7 • Couns,liar at Law, and Mist Agent. Office on Chambersburg street, Gettysburg, one door west of Buehler's Drug store. During the session of the Senate he will attend at his offire'on Saturday, ' and has also made arrangements that his clients and theft business will at all times re• ceive prompt ettlutiou. May 49, 1867. SAMUEL 1). ScHKUCKER, ATTOMNBY AT LAW. .No. 43 Lexington st. itctltinio re,' ltd. Will give prompt atten , ion to all Profgeslonal matter., u PI t lommx coliections and ibrenttnErt.. April IS, 1867 .-tha it J. P. CLLUSQN it' VAN '"LAIR, 60N Sz VA SCHAACK, J- I ATTOIIN iTS AND COCNSELLOICS AT LAW, No. S 2 D.Arhern Street, .k. 0. Box, 711. CILICAGO, It.t. ely Refer to the Editors of the “Si ex t Sentinel." Noe. 1,1566.—1 y , . It. J. W. 0. O'NEAL' lint his Office at his residence in I.lsltinior.. street, two doors Akira the Compiler Office. • ti!ttyst , urg, 214 R. COOK, 11031(EOPATIIIC PHYSICIAN SURGEON AND ACCOIICIIEVD., Ilavieg permanently located in Hanover, Pa., respeet oily offers his prnfiscsionul cervices to thapublic. Special attention Oven to diseases of wodien and children. RISME:MSS, - Prof. Ad. Lippe, M.D., Philadelphia, • • .I.C. Morgan, )1. D.. Win. H. Cook, M.D.. Carlhile,.Pai., Edward Mcl'hernon, Gettysburg, Pa., Dal 1,1 Willa. Eng. hew. J. A, Itonn, annoyer. Pa. af-Office on the Square. tire doors went of Carlisle nt., scowl door front Central Hotel. [3 ay 9. 1867.-ly JOHN LAWRENCE HILL, Den t, Office in Chluubersbe rg street, one door west of the Lutheran Church. nearly opposite Dr. It. Horner's Drug Store, where he may be found ready and willing to attend soy cane within the provinces of thin Dentist— Persons in want of full sets of teeth are invited to Call.. May :40,1567 JOHN W. TIPTON, FASHIONA BLE BABAER.North-EaSt corner of the Diamond next-lour to IleCleiltuf Ilutel,)Gettysburg,Pa" where he can at all times be found ready to attend to all bust tesnt a his line. Ile hair misuse excellent asnintantand will,m4uretaisfaction Givenint seal )Ity 2J,1581. • LltVEloft AND TACIENSED CON VEYANCER. The'underetgabo, haying taken out a Conv4tyaneer"v Licon,e. will, In connection with the :Mire of COUNTY SURVEYOR,attOuI to the WRFFINB OF DEEDS, BONDS, WELF,ASES. WILLS .IRTICL ES OF A(.1• REEM ENT, CLERKING OF SALt:S, t( ring Iladctlisiderable ex perieure lit this Hue, he hopes to receive .t libert I rdiltre of patronege. Besiusys prompt- If It rttllll.l to-end ,earees reasonable. Post office •tidress, Fairfield, A 111.131 CU.. Pa. J. S. • Mei 29, 1867.-1 y OH! YES! OH.! YES! THE undersigned having taken out au Auctioneer's License, offereihis services to the yublic, and would respectfully inform the ipublic that he Is prepared toattend pron.ptly tdell businese in this line, by strict attention to business lie hopes to render entire satisfaction. lA—Charges will be very moderate, sad out. faction guarantied in all cases. Addret.s— -• HIRAM ALBERT" Cleartpring, York Co. Pa. 2'.1, ISB7.—tf Vlscrtograph 6alltrits. WE are always glad to see o,nr • irtend, At the Excelsior Gallery, it alb ilo , • sante o d d place opposite the Bank ou York nt., Get tysburg, Pa. C. J. TYSON. PHOTO MINIATURES at the Ex crixior Gallery-are !spelt, and are turaimbed at .we-third city prices. Call and exam it, specimen's. . O. J. TYSON. 1 4 `XCELSIOR is our motto. To pleaße ou t aim! tud to retWer sati.factioat fu every ingtanct, oar dt , taitnlaat ion CONSTANTLY on hand an assort ment of tine Frnrees. Photograph Albume,CardeanJ .11,etzeta for grasses, from.tha Battle-fleld, - Yhotograpbx of our G euora Is. awl other distinguished I udirlduaie. at the E.teele;Sor Onllery. C. 7. TYSON. 1' HE best Photographs made in this County are ufathirst the Exce:sior Galjery, Gettye• bur. ”ppohite the old Bank. !C.J. TYSON. B - all means have your Photographs made a the Excelsior Gallery if you desire them pert t. C.J. TYSON. LARGE VIE WS of the Battle-field, singly or to sets, very law ; also Stereoscopic Views to thehattle-field, at the laceb tor GellerDu notitail see to them. i C. J. TYSON. FRAMES ~OF EVERY KIND, for Large Picture.. 3.tairiage t e rtiticates,Church Cettllicates. 31hislounry Certifledes, very cheap at 8. 0.-611.11A.1rV.E11 . 8 New Gallery, fiaiuver, Pa. R EA' 0 V THE GETTYSBURG SKYLIGHT GALLERY 0 1111 E undersigned takes pleasure in A- - a tin on nc I trg to the ei GransOf Gettysburg and the publicgenerally that he has removed front his old rooms on West Middle street, to Balthnore street and nearly opposite the store 01'YMa:usenet Brothers. Theroont he now occupies, has been recently fitted' up expressly for hi. hoginc.. The location le an admin.ble one, enabling him to take pictures In all ehadea or weather, and with a nrrectness unequalled any whereelse, LIFE-1,14.X PHOTOGRAPHS, it every elle and description, exeCuted in the4neetstjle tirrticularattention given to theCARTWDE VIZITE, and in copying AJIBROTY.k'r& and DAGUERItZOTYPEEI of , Clecnitsed 4innda. Also— THE GETTTSBURO OEMS, a new• Rtyle of picture which ha become very popular with the public, not only fur their beauty, bat for cheap ness and convenience. SIXTEEN fur ONE DOLLAR' on ly. Also-eTHR PORCELAIN PICTURES, which for their beauty and durability are nnsurpaased. Weave prepared to carry — on . the tallness In all its various banshee, and lusvllig bad col:udders bine xperlence we inn no rielrin .OC , 4RANT#RING psaNui v r sanspAcriolf. Oar facilities for alal4 display of oar elan are unequal. ell by soy other Gaiters In the County. and 'ere Would hereforr invite every. aurrto at the NEW GETTY/011/10 E4YLIGIIT aeLLgaY. Call and examine tiui• Specimen', and judge for your selves. , LEVI MUMpJ.. Juue 21, TS66 GURNEY &:SON, • PIIOTOGRA.PJ.I ART/ST 8 , 707 Brparievay, .New l"prk. In rublition to our PHOTOGRAiIIe ART GALLERY, established 11140. Wb batve *albs DISVATItypan hlid imataget anparior to any other eatabittitnsaat ta obtain ing stithip from UR, <it Mlthe mom wertztaniti. TI itti of Oa day in 17.5.1t0 foßraArra i . mid are now publishing •Patulogne of mar 2500 BuancITB4AMERI CAN AND7OII.IIIOK alao • latia Itat of Ooptor bt WORKS OP .ittliTrAND F.MIAPINOIL Such as the Alio; Bay. Bishop of titsElescaPiltlechtlrbt the Catholic Clergy, and flat clergy ofaledenOtbleations, all prominent allaSersof therAnsty,Bary and Deafedetate States, Actor and Actresses, Professional Billiard Play ers, Foreigiocelebiltiee;Pleforee item BtetusTy, nude and fetaale.b . Catalogues sent on receipt pf Etsunp. A n order for and duke pletaiwitfrosi oureatalogve will be nase at/i1.130, mid Sairiallty mail Ore. Single piettres 25 cents each, copies of engravings 15 cents each. N. B. We atm destrsto asSattsadostais tito Orates. we bare lot reinciug,orcopylis&Old Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes, elterd Pictures; lc., of BBQE MILD fitZLATIVED AND IFRINNDS, ellianti sit them to any WM Sod Inhatiog to Oil, 'Notes orflntifft Ink, with the aid of TEN TAL.R.Vitti ARTISTE. Thirties desiring chides. stronld „ Iberelbre correspond with asditect.. t, ' • - , sou 0444 CATkl.ooela. , The Trade Suppliedat a Liberal Discount. 41.M14 1 ( QkPl ... .a4sg /*PaCT/ 1 4i. and stian yids in,g the Cltx, w 1114nd our Oallerriane o rthi4e 1410(444o pTaete iiiltwel!yiuleharaato wit he serarf4 , *Sri ," • i,-*44/4:2/1471 get, 4, 11160.—524 iroMbaillt• Jo, * _ . . . ..... , • • 1- - al ; •.. '., ;. i . • T 41 *I : V 4*, ' . . .• \ . -.,- I. .. C . .i , ; , ,.11 r tAtp,ti• . ) , \ \ lit* 111t11 . ' '' 411t,' illii i ' / ;,i .. ,, r:. , ' 1 ~1 ; ',.11 , 1 trk,,,,,,,,„ l et—. ' I '' I.4,lo l tkik . ' s ' , ~. '' s 1 t .° • 4 : . I .44 . 41 . 1 i I ,1 1 ti 1 ':I. , ~ .i• •.\ r :Ei.,,, ,1 ~ , t.r, '. l . l i •- • " r . Alic•f ili. I . , ' 1 04 , . - tollso bil ( • I. i 1, 3 1 1 ,I 01 1 ~, . 'l .4r.t .\ ! \ \\ ~ !". 4 ):-... —....._ '\ , ~ •, • \ - -1 , 11 1 Vaa• •„. \ , ..,,N, •• ' \ ' •...,.. AV -• ' 'ti ' '-, - , ...-- • ....... •.- .. .... • .......... .... wir d' ~., . . .. , 't. r:,i . ,t t. VOL LXV1T. , ' , ..N0;,84. , er.d.•;4 it. :4•ltairt GitiltirslLUt v olfAsii ' D' • 1 ; F. .03tyttrits.". " • ArCUUDY & ILAIWITAWN" - . ..D.EALE.tis IN FLOUR, GRATN,, GROOE.RIES &P. . , rjr axe st tkelT WaciPirn ai in. Carlisle street , adjoining Beetles% tbe I t prices br .1 FLOCS, 'WNSAT, NT* COIN • .01.01Filit AND TIMIMIZAIIMUIC lAA. • TATOSS, so. . •• and Invite producers to give theartt calL balm 5e11144 They hive constantly on itendtbr soh, A. LARGE SUPPLY OF GROCERIES, Melanie, Syrups Coffees Segue, le., with Salt, Oils, Tar, Soaps : B acon ' and Lard, Tobaccos, Ac. Also the best brands of FLOUR, with FES,D of all kind'. They likewise have BEVER:AL VALL'ABLE.f ARTILLZEILI3 i Soluble Pacific Guano. Rhodes' 'phosphate cad A ' Mexican Guano. Whilst they pay the highest market prices IN: all they bay, they sell at the lowest Welt* prate. They ask a &hereof public patronage, resolved to give satisfactke In every case. BABUT .1111cCIINCY, Wit. S. HAMILTON. July 3, 1567.—tt !t4 WAN'S GROCERY - .TOl-IN. SWAN Tlas lust relayed a splendid .essortatort of nue GROCERIES, at Elsinore on the ecrnew of the -Will* Square, I u Gettysburg.. SUGARS. The Hne■t lot or Sugars ever brought to Gettysburg.und very cheap. Ills coffee Is anwior to any offered In ehe'plaeo. If yon (don't believe it cone and *es. MOLASSICS, willfind them Ifyou want the best Syr s. ups ind Kola/tee la town Ton at Swa' C. VA.M6CLIALCIS QUEENSWARiIi ac. liis stock of Queensware. Dishes, Lamps, itc.,is ND cheap and good.- Every style and price. , ills Cigars and Tobacco are of superior quality. Ac knowledged by goodAdges to be the beetia the market. Particular attention paid to this department. A full supply of Candles, Nuts, fruit, Snaps, Fancy artkilea, in abort any slid everything usually found in a fi rst class Grocery. Ih laying in my stock I was careful to know what I wag buying, and am now . propared to lien not on ly GOOD Groceries, but to sell them very cheap. Give me a call and judge her yourselrew. - May 29 1866. JOHN M. SWAN. WM. BOYER & SON, KE EP constantly on hand a splen- AJIL. did snortment of an,l every thi geottneocted with a Validly Grocery. We will always keep up a full supply of goods and sell 04m at prices which cannot fail to piens,. Cell and se* waat our staud in York street, opposite the Bank of Gettys burg. kinds of country produce taken in ex change for goods. May 29, 1225. NEW ARRANGEMENTS. HENRY OVERDEER. On :the Hill in Baltimore st., Gettysburg; Pa. HAS made arrangements to get fresh supplies every week from the City and lir-de termined to sell cheap. lie Invitee all to give them • call, his stock consists of Groceries, Notions, Flour, Corn Meal. Moped Feed. Corn, 'Oats. Fish, Baton. Lard, Cheese. Crackers, Tobacco, Cigars and Snuff, Sugar, Cof fees, Teas, Syrup. Moiasses. Candles, Coal Fish Oil, Tar, Best Cider, Vinegar, cud a great variety of Candies. &c, Sc. sash or trade will be given for county Pio duce such as Flour, Corn, Oats, Butter, Bggs, Potatoes, Rags, &c. play 29, 1867.-tif NEW 'GROCERY -- "S`TORE TELL EVRTEBOLiT YOU BEE TEAT GILBERT , T U3T above the Court-Ilouse, and opposite the Contisi u ter Office, will sell you everything in'the GROCERY AND PROVISION Lino cheaper than ,yon can getjt elsewhere. • Sugars, Coffees, Maladies, Candles, Coal Oil, Byrips, Brooms, Buckets, Tube, Tobacco,Cigars, Notions of all kinds, LIAM, FISH, 113TEJ32, VECIETIL BLES. always' on hand. Give me a call. i.e I am deter mined to accommodate. BUTTER, WA' and all kinds of Country Produce taken, for which the highest eseh price will be given: Don't forget the plac*--dito daers above the Court-Boone. Don't pima without calling, all I solicit yoUr patronage. Hay 29.—tf TO -- ALL PERSONS! 11.1ENIMICKS. WARREN have purchased the Store situated on York street, tiro doors east of Wolf's Hotel, formerly occupied by J, Grimes, and latterly by G. H Swope. Where they r u keep canistantaon baud a complete. usortment of - R OCERIES. including Syrups. Coffees, Sugars, Teas, Bacon, Flour, Feed, Rice, Potatoes, Salt, Tobacco, Jle., wine every ettl cle to be found In a first-clam Grocery. Also CONFAffa- TIONS, NOTIONS and FANCY ARTICLES. O. J. TYSON They hope to receive a share of public patronage, earnestly solicit a coutinatioce of the custom heretafdre „Oven to the establishment. ()ell yiburg, Nay 2U, 1567 New. Grocery, and Flour More: MEALS & BROTHER, • • [1 AVI,INTG opened a Grocery, Flour A-IL and 'Vegetable Store, In the-Room formerly po °ivied by Geo. Little, on West Iliddkr street, they ex tend an invitation to alrhuyers to give them a call-- Everything In Wier line, fresh from the city and eogn try be keptos hand. They are determined to on 4 as cheap as the citespeat,and As they only ask the lowftes living profits, th. y hope to merit and-receive libetal share of public patronage. MEALS k B L EO4 Way 29,1866, . Grocery & Liquor Store. LARGg. asaortment of fine •.• onoennis..e.i•-, , Tao, pa . trees, White Sugars of ill kinds, and Brolra ,angsts, cheap, prime new ceop Orleans nolitasei, and ill gradel , 01 SYR*. ; adill SLACHISIL, bertlak market,— Ali kinds of wholesale and retwtl, primi' Wine, Brandy, Bye Whl4y „te., ter mLlrttrtniil and other purposes, In any quantity. *sr ll.Hisbler's Herb Bitters, and the .lireat Zinging Bitters." W11.4..X4VMD1, ' mai 29. 1867.- t/ -- ' Baltmbre id ,ItiettYmbarr. ejOAL and FISH OA of the be f et quality tot sale by WM. BOY= k BOW FRESH . supply of .Efroderies, - -Mo el) tions, Tqbaccos, Z c., cOnstantiYMMor GRAIN AND GROCIEREEL:4--The highest Marketptioa paidibr siAmit 1 .04 1 444 air Produce. Grocaries,fertillers,de.,dtinatan ly on laced Stor sale at the WareliCniseof AutiA IN& - CULP-a '1 I Told and 4estainstov KEY'STO - NE TYI,L G.RTTY8111.7.120, PAi-• - - • WM . . E. ifYEES' PROP.M.w.eOtt.: , N I OW OPEN:'"' trikiao,, and haaLbeen i . itiltedatp in thalamot approved atylc,.lla imeam9o9 is preaaant,and convenient, Wei . to the titbit 'bambino porthole or Re terra- IteeryAntrentemegkutillr,.. ter the 'accatnnottetket POjort 0 4 1488 4 1 ` 11 2 1 C stabling atinattiel. Intle - lowlentiet oorniabi coramodatl artheritee ethett hee 41 phase. This Hotel te aew ; open the the este ilSe . th e pnblk,!inbilfer kibeiy ?diet a dare di ~IFiFO 4 ,.6AMP E G L 0 B The largest coma ono et ' . ' ind need - odi i =L PINItA. dessa pp onewesstweepetielFilwal JO o pe r i: TA T.Eicriroprieltitil" I '.'• ! • serdet . lank kr Flistielie . nr ided , refilit4i the Denet,osierriesbeed iionetieetelpaioeUjleeet Xteeps. : Caretel spereatte, d y agd - re, i.. 14. My 21, 967.—tr •-• LT ...,: >„„ .. , r , , i y An_0,4414 -. 11t0rn..fr..„.: s,OAB4ITOWN - PA , , •.,,, y PA., .. i • :Iv . ' l• t ••• .., ''...4.:ii. ''. L' g'iP . .A 4 V l:44 k. •; 111 HAal ' i=ibs.i- - ...vis4 ze t t......embui tw i 4. 4 _ri.... ;ti crwo r Na i o n w t . 0994 -400 been ' ' ' porous* . Marine to - -weeks or mouths 9 o.hookby !tillillaborliood, ow Sots. -190r0Attrergi11,....469 911, .*.vipt..-IPI 11 1/ 4 1 ,1, 1 =T:IMM ;i.ll - 14,911 . ~•,- ••-•,- ,itaskfiroungff., Jute 19,1107.-9m' ”t`al COFFEE CTGARB AND TOBACCO CANDIES AND NOTIONS Blagar, Tea, Byrupc, Bpicee, Mb, Bacon, BC t, Notion', Tobacco, Clgarc,Con factions, Important JOHN HENDRICKS/ LISRAId WARKSK. ivu oft - s , -444 =ME earviaM NMI* &c. -hicrrelirfle-T-12z-wry-:- rA N D.' T.T Et : 0871;. et Ihave assotlated filtikkeeAn linsMiess f my Km oloiN MoCaseav, under the arm and style of D. McClean Sop, *1 Omits ID sew to zap ott,lPMpdspind_ 'Pm üb; lit gps thepias, phalassumoture of Saddles, muses, Collars, to., has ban revived at the old established and well known stand on Baltimore Street. one alums south of the Court House, Gettysburg, rs. ea expeeismssof arweellaMOl of lah. meat, I feelassured. that, lath rellowe4 ititintl9l , tO_FPb. inessme Min rintke# Audit and metiers NM gnaw of Walt ptronag, 146.1,11 t. • " • • DAVID IftlintMAFft. • With intruded &Mitres violin:4lr bisinsea, we are better pregmred Unto ever to the wants of all these site may need anything to Otrr De." We estwo. daily call the attention of Farmers aad others to the superiorquality of our - Plain or4Stilted Seat Mora/AdoLeathers, • ' Saddles, Hamm, all kinds, with or Ma co Quilted Seat 110 without " Horn, Hotising" L Plain or Quilted Seat Sidefkototwollalre(leather)f Saddles, ' (tickino, PlallterlianoytieddleCtetlisHo Sown ' Wagon Saddles, Beet Welt Harnesspollara; nidhlE BMWs, °NH kinds,P a tent 'Leather 'Collar", . biz or black, rounded . or stitched or nastliq . k_xl, 'Sat,Best Lekther%,tiod Waion Whip", Martinga 4 feetlong, • Carriage H le', arnees, es,Pl"ited Tetlll Whip, diver or black mounted, Trotting Whips, Heavy Draft Harness, Ladies' Riding Twigs, Blind Bridles, Whip Matta, Girths, • Horse Blankets, kc.,4kc. ' In short, everything that pertains to ad re t clam genera horse furnishing astabllshmeet constantly cm hand or made to order promptly, of the very best material, and by tb, most experleneed workmen in the aolatry, (two having worked in this establialunent for the last thirty years.) W. , are now manufacturing an excellent let of Heavy Dm:land gams, CoWrgfgrohopslwpfekron!q wa tat • • • . Repairing of all kinds doneat abort notice and on rea sonable terms. _ _ All are corthallyinvitedto call and examine for theta salved; u oar work caanot tall to recommend lawll4 lab. /see—a. . DAVID IieCRIADY. t DON. NEW SADDLER SHOP. O N stat l lriy ti o i n li 'ba " B :l, thugtr ol ." adq tro t iL et , t3 =Z a o . l Cce. RIDING BADDLNS, WAGON SADDLES, CARRIAOB HARNESS, DRAUGHT HARNESS, • RIDING BRIDLRB. BLIND BRIDLES, COLLARS, FLY NETS, &o. as low as the loweet. May 29,1567.—tf. J. M. ROWE. CARRIAGE-3LUKING RESIW,D. The war being_over, tbeundertigned hare resumed the CIARELIGE-WANING 11118151033, at their old stand, In East Middle street, Gettysburg, where they are again prepared to put up work in the most fashionable, substantial, and superior Mitmer: A lot of not and secondhand cARRIAGES, BUGGIES, RD . en hand, whit& they will digit,* of at die Jewett priers; and all orders will be supplied as promptly and satisfac torily as possible. CiIIiEPAIEUNG.Ei done with dlepateli, audit cheapest rates. - A large tot of new andel& HARNESS tz hand for sale. Thankful for the liberal patruaage berstokare enjoyed by them, they *elicit and wlltendeavor to deserve a large share In the future. ilay 29.-tf DANNER A EINGLER ..CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES. • TATE 4 CULP Are now building a variety of own .WOILIL at the latest and meet appeared style, and constricted of the best material, to whichthey invite the attention Obey ers. Having built our work with great care and of ma terial selected with spatial reference to be at of style and durability, we can coniiiimAly the work ensurpaated by any other is or out of the cities. All we ask le en Inspection of our work, to convince those in want otaay kind of a vektele that this Is the piece to buy them. .gp-REPAIRINCi in every branch done at abort notice and on reasonable terms. Give es a call at our Factory. near the corner of Woh ington and Chambiweburg streets, Gettysburg, Pa. Jane 12,1116f.—tf OM . autleffluttlfr OR—IRON—IRON! GETTYSBITRG FORGE THE subscribers respectfully inform the Public that th ey have erected a Forge In COO nection with their steam 11111, and are now manufactur ing Forge-Hammered Iron, each as Plough, Hartweahoe and Bar Iron, and respectful 174 writ* BlaMtamiths and Dealers to give them a all, feeling sattilled that they wink,e able to please as to Quality, apish and prim. BRINGMAN 4 WARREN. N. B. The highest market price pall for wrought. wrap !roil. /I.* W. De 0.18,11041. ' GETTYSBURG FOUNDRY. Tin subscriber would Lforns his customers and others that ha is still a iA ufacturiteg various kinds of Gas- Hugs /sad Machines, made to order, on short notice, such THRIIIIIIBBS AND POWERS. (five different ekes oftowers,) Clover Atari Hollers and Cleaners, Corn Shelters sad Separators, Cornfodder Cut ters, Straw and Hay Cutters, Ploughs, such as Cast Ploughs, Harshest' Ploughs, Slde4t 11l and Can ?toltghs; the WIRE-SPRING ROUE RAKE, the latest Improvement; also Metal acarters .kr Cider Presses, Iron Bailing Aar Cemeteries or Porches, with eveuthing else In his line, all at low prices. SALX—A light Two•hoiss Wagon, a One-bane Wagon, all new.. DAVID 157131A1111. May 29.—tf . gooltgA &c. 11R. R. H 0 nil DRUGS, STATIONBAY AND NOI'IONS, GETTYSBURG, PA. His crrrn preparatlonsare all goarantled to saswii the purposes Intended. ' • • Dr. R. Horoar's thilalera and Martinet znLa• tare, far all dlsenses of stomach . ' .sad %swats. Otsin thr Ohagmed Heads. Fragrant My r 6, for prammshog and beauty. lag Dia tee:b, and for seases ben • ' • ••• : „ Bfiltiala arid iitariihirrinrilars.4nr - gattla. sapasiar• .0 ahr WNW. Piro Liquors • i yarspol7 CNC. , “. • iserAt., ME rilt i Vt Weida S 4 "1t ' ROXF,grfi , ..0/4)4 21 441 1 4uri' t 14)1111141112 1i =Z VI tOt tiOS d tiloptit taiim ap forming the pa ac that lack y • • SUPS'r of an +. k I froth the la tetra* et l 4lo,== t° , Mmicr i lfr NUM Mohr, taw. •• , t. nasittasysiJarn . . flWaf OW Iv an A MYITALa _ 7.1•44 --- ittli • bow . . -- " - weeklikikbAkmftso*A4 ,iiomksza"moam", 2 „ , ulannt ings•W Of Pilaw sa....yn -1 Infaal44bnna 4.olnat OM kale disatfa# bead ,- sidiklifidagniVapvilediVianieninia•• niliA Una iirt ' l ,llOO ll l ,Pgrali an gir af !allorilipdfak V. 44 =, Torl boar of thi day'a akk—nunday not mg* filviladlasap,be: F i uty..pit.w. Ab. ~.s• flll e Vair -4111c,16111011._.• _ , . 2 , ..-. , ~ i.: '4. , : , ~0,1 trf,4 i 4:117 1 `Z 7; : gitrigitnigg ' " Xi .1 di 7 latslt ; .4:.... , .....±11 j IPN I W4 C4 Ift 94f0i9*./` ,RA.RFA4#1 1° - i ir:3 i• -Y. ,:, I'' tr.lrii - 4 t' .. .lt 2ta `i'llik , 2;,.l , , l ' r i 141. '( . . 1.41/ ,, , .. , ! 1• 1 10Kliic „it:o t,riK - .r. f y , e ,, 4 ' RNA - N:lW' it,l 2 , :f - tt 14! sil :if , g)X. .2flati ! . blit 4 . 1 ,,., i , „ iv itti, t i lf VeF3r, I "I. 1 ?4,11 , 1 .t:'9 l ,4 1 411 11 .,,N Otti ll gi9Y, 1041. t -Az ar witcrisia otidatteicrdri 4Pi3 I wolzi g`ititilli it) «tdy ^iitl gok e k_. '”3": ril-twats ;e:Actlx, 144t45 ift tai :ftri v it t igoz9 &taiga • /my . din Ker o`dted . , e`l4l 11.11 */* Ouria 167 SIIOC-11 AftroH ftfti ni a - ffitio " Orli sum Iluniclobtom ( s4l:= sl . ll ricotrAffeittui=. " ingeoWs alogßisirdenglho.44o• l •,-I,n 4 ' , it 4VOg g ir Clnnla- % W.M . ii Va t's it p AT Ll' • , t . Wt l / 4 103., .AJ %.1 t izcz 3 4 wAthpw .ll4la , , , nfOrkkoi IKOIII , 30111.1 -Citil*4-*4 l .kili4Or• .111ita:7#451 1 04 . iliswgoo illiDosia Joluk Ash . §telOang-40101 411111 01. N o li tMk Wolf. li W ul m ito sq M - olM Z•Nb o p e b i i k ts b t , oPßr•u-o•Ctoriaonliico i J o ar W .07 ts 1 t mrp.aftwrwoll • r?' mai* 047,4 t . 7 i£ -samportss-li, .*44huoCt •' ; I;ti d- a A 46414. Orunea-aanz ea WIl Alexand 10, er floAry rah:Margo Alaaftliblahr. bilLitr• agrje - - 4 ateu?/" PPP) 3.6 i' lur P`ll l° Pr i . sdwell' • r • ' • Clastol*4.-41140,5ei Orllly, stigNgpiream_Drid A. Buehler, nom saaulo,woni . Warritt,..loho Itillioanao.eltiterfil. it• A g e dork-John .y..llcQrwry. froantre7r- • Falu- Arri"PqM , Pasiokm , "um:, $ Aruulatt_G•orvatwo." Cttgliter--4..gmory 'Be 7'eUor-kleury,ls.lloanor. , Directara-tieotre Swope, 'William Young . Han Ind,. Janes J. WOls,'Da4lll Yeadlolisstl_lllim , William D. Wawa, Lewis Al. Moto*. Yams /MST XATIML BANK Jr CIMM4IO. President-George Yhtolie. Ouhion-eloorsi Amok). )l. Ranter. 'JX•realist-.11140ry Throws. Bold Iliddies4u4op,:kbak B Wil miCh, °a Ut'ert Bell* J 9 / 1 2 U ur Par a W e , Nn" i f low' Ip. " If -Us anal otiolOoatr.,l , -. - Ratlidfseix- 4 . &Oder I , Sectutary-Willlsin Meas. rimusurer:-Aliknotler Cubes= ; • ' , Jki*apin , ..442illi Rupp., Andrew Judah George Spungler,Cleotte Little:WM*lU S. Aida A'Atei andisrOobsin. • • snore 001417,116TVAL /ilil l4 l Coy9AX!. ... . „ Pruig.leta-4) ewe, Swope. Viiie Prinfien4—del IL limisbil. • .' - • • ; •-' ... Serregailt — Da rid Al.. Buehler. Trimitirer—lditard 41;lannentoellt. '' ireaciabe Otpumkk--Bobitirt 1110(tonin Andra , Deist! el man, Jacob King. . . ADAMS COLlffr Loaicarmts: ikkirrt. ' " Fret feleist--Sitaraeir Verbit. • • • - 4 ." Vico Presi v deity—Williana MeBbeilr , J. 8. lilritiTrpir, A'ecorda Seei•egiri—Edward . a.Tabsedtoce. ' - Cbrreapeading Aserskaro-aimep.l.Bl•lll% • - Treaturer—Joass Houtzahn ilaitairers—WMialo x. WfUes. !MINIM Wibill. 41Wrid Wills, 3110 ha Pgarwe, John U. iIfCALI.49I.. • lIIIILDVIG 4.1134X11110 M. . .Prssident=k4 wartfo . Vafruesfock. • ' rice Presidcal—Willita A Duality. .. • tiecydary—John N. McCreary. rreastyrer-4seoto A. If Jfanagera-0. Koury. 8ue144 , 4 J. W. C. 0 :#10.• 11 .0 , Rupp, John Culp, (of M.) Wm. Chritzman. Seerciary--Wm. A .Dune .fratmerer...ind R. Deaner: ' Aasafelf---A. D. E tiehier, E. a, satin...44k, U. D. ir t o- T: V. Oinow, Wik.Duncan. D. Daa*er. - "Ana linSranT. r. Preeidergn W, licOlatkeus. Secretary and Treannrer—Rannuil R. Rn Jhusapre-43 .W lleOletbia enure Inopt ; it: it nesi. ler, 8, Rmasall, li. J. §table. orrrisavin insutoAn: 14erielent—Rnbert Meennly. ' • &-rriary and l'r,arwrer -David WOl., ' ..,. . - - .Piral. tc .Snood. Trains dicart , ;JO I- IL L 29 P..[ " 'arri've 1 . 10 P If' 05 P M ... - P. ... • Soak Villas Malta close comidetkwel4ll4lthaari , tbe morning train makes dope conpectlan fix itarrisbius, and *astern and Wfadern }mints. - ' I. Genre - La*, Ns, /A I. 0 ~ .--Noeta mit id Qar• Bide and Rai fried ay e s aet ery Tneoday evening. }mate Pacalepotase, Da. AL 0,04 P.—laedd itaiwee lial,,lat end ild Mon la each month. Good AR, mar"n Wae , n• SM. 'A . r /V..6llrner Mbar lisle sa d 164114 ° 6 a 14 !"" , 24 15.40 ThiVo47 is alba month. Sea.,Ressatdr lodpe..'lVo. Igo, I, f LG. T.-06 ' lta! Won* street, *eery Monday even ins. Oddly/bail Ledge. Mo—. 1. v. G. T.—TwOild ifelkiere Hail, every irfday seeping. , , .. eagyugas IWbo, Na. 31, 1. 0. .R. .11.-=ln MeConaasky'a Hell. every Friday evening. : Pbat N 0 ..9 , 0.4. 3L-....iti 3 4Comiingb.7 . * Ball, every MOnZ, dal reepaog. Psosbyteriam—iter. .1241. Portior., bated Sandy. ' vici y arbip morling and iretdog,,nad Wadneaday Luikerath(Cfirisf4l-4*stor, Rs y. C. 4.1017, D. D. pF sloes by Professors of College and Seminary alternate.. 17, Sabath morning and melding and •Wodnoldoriste Mag. aditeraw, ( Jitiossl—Bee. E. Breidenbangb. ' Bereft, Illobboth morning and moninimundWainsus*Ly gmising. lkthodisi Spinamal—Rem.l3, W. Boom and A. J. Bender. &vilest Babtaith moraine mid gifting, and rinuisky Skv ening. ria l leiforrat4—Be r. W R. U. Destrith. &nicks Sabbath towning and evening, * Wadosodm•moslog. flitholic— Res. Jump), Ball. Serricrs Ist, la and bib Sailing kw, morning and unornom. • If you can not on the ocean Vaal atnoug the, swiftest deet, Rocking on4lte higlgist ,Laughing at the storut yuu meet, You can stand among the saihirs. Anchored yet within the You can lend a hand to help theta ` As they launch their boat: away. If you are too weak to, journey Up the mounteiu, steep ar,4ltigh, You can stand within the valley White the multitude's go by ; Yon can chant In happy. Measure, • As they slowly pass along; Though they may Sorget•the singer, • XbeY will mot torget the Fong. IT you have not gold and silver 3 Ever rendrfn command; . "; • Rye*, can not.to the needy Reach an ever Open"hand'; • j 4 You citn isi t 'the afflicted, O'er the erring you can weep, .) You can be sotruediaelple Sitting atAbe Savior's flee. ' ion can notin the harveet' t Gissuu- up the 6 0 4 , P 6 , t " h rVP al 4W e ldif?k, Will' the careless XeaPel leave aAdgleariamongthe,bri,s4' j Crowing raidi - a4tairA 00 wpp, , Far it mtay Y be that theff ' ;‘l4ll6i" tildes the heaiiest 'Wheat ' ! ' . Jf Y9tt caa not 04041 1 =410 .h ;in • , •:P Ye, Youxee l 4 oo l4*-4 1 4,--lim ! :44: 3 v i 1iP.A.0.4. 1 4 1 e 8 P;44 1 .1tr00k.44 1 ,41. , iiir IIAPP:LT49...Tiffk aA f4 I .YRA 4 9 - licrt 1 ; 9114 / 7 164044 ,,L .tic l . 3 ttn 4 roil gp th par,p4tltaxpi ," 1,,.. 661 ,a, te5fr an { 44 TIY, 'Yeti Oen otker the deed. - Do not, thin, stand-kily waiting FOrliehni4itreititee'levailift4 dh ; 14 " " Vottd4ol6llllol3cideltidia• 41 hi ( ate *stii•vexisotaiselyoapi toorintithyefteyspeeiv: DoliotAbLlS drecardusei,;-44'. ,44 It"- Y 4114 0111.1theck aily46l/Irei if ito 1.33 , 11 1 1 , . PM . .*ClMAMltysupos Nottiairibei lifismowesnilreetibit.toozot, otith. ,5141161, prokbild SClAllittouslif ]fit. /ki t Aio.y • IPf Ike.:3 ll4 glier:Lt- * ' • ' ounikker4 ikwu Itdothmeriheftsvisrlibi er. "0, there's nobody llkss.tsweashiswig care of you when siellywaher said. • A *ditOß IMF heit4 tat 4 s ielttre" 41. 90 " "AbdielifteltithOr : YAK * 4i ihr ~ 11../ 1 ; 4 4! 43 4 0 - 31.1 l ' 7t ab l Atithtbk . stimate - 4 10446 t, tare ltilitty , sm u,4 * , liba illniVebe t Spaßiflatr tittlY i J AM '4 , c. , Niftheirit :` A iredeW t oritAK 1 1 191 I th ; A ts tiii4llfraitealikkein!lbsie ". FierAlkeeti•iii6 initcll4 kl{ wpm Wifißtleirilil eittlier4. miinsiter,astiethitio iii toirtrd4"644, l elirlie. := ll4ll; ilikkalinseddy strelikir every (hp fa ›,;:r R• glut rtmvbris YOUR. 3tiliSlON rT q .I,,inkao 'immix V 1 0, 01 4 ,- .ll:4fir.' , -44' VlUitht:thellitifloVaitillettilleter'''' w t , , , : , ims li t h i o, Ifirtheiwpw, • / 1...«..1,111a , • ' , bovaterviseveltibest,l mist ' - o' . , isopillicialilopikirftwer...'ii . ' ..- ' 1019(140 lko .....,)• iii,.. tl.k/ lil ~• • • 148 l'i 0 • , , ",, , •••r . , , by n3 A.1 n .;..,,.-•,.. ! --. - ~..; . ~., * ~" , arildgis.:l . ii.., i iol.: 1 4 w i ..: - tlirikagi 18a4 41 ' .1 c1 1 ' ,11, - 1 4 , '(. 1 4 th.i.* i.ilwl4.C4P'. %LI 10 pi'4...1,;(1.1.44:" , . i,4 : ' " •• '.4IO I QPi t ickift‘tiftirsistly , • : 'i-st i 1 S aart .1 1‘ ; - 1, ~... ' WM fiR444) 4,11‘ , :'s Is.•A ! Au • ~:r , : • . e y aumjmer's4l4,,t c ; Alt hl it 1: •(..l,te 41., ,al t yin! ~ ,i., , ,,... ~..:. • 1 1. •lie e . ithoiltoottheinia4be way, . '..lk . -41 8 410 1 941P:57. 04 • . i.,i il, AS .. - 14 / !raLlUt 505 k, , Kuncalfy , ..o ,ui: • ~ wpol 9 „rtik - paiy:Vlll:., , letAr.7,llT l4 lti 1 P ' 1: k ilt 11‘,Zify il , h..tr.d:,w t,t I. ~ r ti ^,-..., • , i I , e W •4 1 1 , 41tAt1L,444 , tiikkliVf A f e, , PRRIOrPt e IFISPPR I OPRitinfttSak ' R.Pe sffetlei'N* : fieeP *14,9 1 :_ ,CAIPOP : 'Pe43~FNPKY I 'ONO ,w2d01 1 9,1104,1e. r IT gA I 4O. _ART 4 lrigigrP;',' P I T h 9 E4 VillkAge'. CIi VKA4_*P4R,r4P Pf 1 ififlaft4K AiNel;..4o l WAllAu4AVßekti4 W 4 04 1110 FATil l ki 1 4401 A i tf4e4 1 1MA1M 3 44:1 1 A.14 0 Pfget414 1 44140140. 1 011 1 4%.444)1158hirw1ire 1, A1it () P1114citc1444 1 4447,/"Malf#9a; !thy . ; ri‘ FW:4IIn. Miter, lIIIIM PA 0 ilve • 't tb#4IOOICsitiFeANLISATAN in A ~ .., - •me•Actie.:.,llAecipsfmAwsy;:ii 4V4P ' :' . Will NOM ‘trft4lNlfflan 04POCCO ' • . ' . Wilikeit4l.4loMitartafenellaieUtc4 IQ i . 40 oklikewiev. absiilikbviimoir4 10111 P. *Ms blormorill butt os e >} BlQty M ilwareatotst arosidwur AbOvetid.wilithssit-thattatassetianterotimpring I .1)*P114141 tim4 ale, had Alice tos.:surenlYeal I;uitibilli:dihsikaainosi> matediikklex.,,Xet .44,ltthfwidie, c und alllidatidllhaittkapetkedi P lasoViithileio,movetia t itailswgidet heant in..tko*mety chamber in: :whisk we: died r and 1114. sprthat mooned , .for us atilihe eltiectandMilitialskutlwitil iwr I tu*trillkd our Childitstslll,oease.lo.think ttf utiU not rementhat:to- Moose nem& goZl46titiiiii4is *tm, Conlii444 cut > foiretott 12611t, 1 itituticr, 'ea these a g. eat tel - acre to acre.,. and farm to farm, until they could go over : wiicolc; liiithuite t tittkethelf feet from their olirnitoil. 'Other indifants ming about them and. the -whisk Isis liettile,l becatuerlof great value ;..ao, .by , titer thwvthei brothers were old men, they wen very rich. 110/4the eldeg kat/unman V* dini, and: as he „upon his, tisaikbad,: las , asked -to be lifted, act that he could lookfrowittsaisdadow., Ills frietfilitraisediAint,unea pil!omasd threw; °Pea - • The dying dying man looked out over ,lei-and tuiles of Forest and hill anti al/m(I4)NT t where grain was ripening in thc,Sunalune, ,cattle and sheep were feeding, and the Genesee i;tiver, v w a as ne r y owing through th . e , mids , tin beltutHfut Hill, meadow, and , Rireat were all 1.191.--ey erything his eyes loOited'upon yet in a few houre he must gv away, Ind take none of his , riches with' bim-lge: aWay'ilitol, and in datki ness, and without distklbi 41e - iris 'hot . a. • Cindatiart.- 7 •lie • bad Amos acelsow Ite)ingi farm and houses authestlie that he ihad ao time to think of anything else. The rich man looked from the window a long time at his worldly riches.-•at the waving grain,, the shining river, .the wide-spreading trees, and the grazing mile—and then, turn ing away his head. burst into Asses, saying, "1 ant the poor( dt man in the whole world." WALTER 5 Scorr's Anvies To nts Bead, my diiar Charier, read : end that which is useful. Ilan differs from birdi and beasts only bees* he hat ibe.meatuk of &idling 'himself of the knowledge atiquired by his'ine deceSsors. The walk)* btdlda the tame nest which its father and mother bttilt, and the . sparrow does not imps:lye by the experience of its parents. The aorta a leatuoi pig, if It. had oae, would be a! brute, only fit to make bacon of. It is not so with the human race. Our ancestors lodged in caves and wigwams, where we construct palaces for the rich, and comfortable iwedlings for tha,poor ; and why is this but because our eye is, enabled to . 1 04 back upon tile 'past, to improve , upon our an cestors' improvements, 'and to avoid their er rors ?' This can only be doie by studying history, and comparing wlilt peselnieteefe. Murtha mut Soior.me.—"When I was a INTIS men, we hod a nehooknaskr why had an odd way of catching the idle boysi One ,day bp called out to •1, • • "Boys, I must have closer attention to raw hooka. 'The tint one of you that ems another boy klle I ,want you. to tel Lute anti we will ,tend ; to themase.',' I. . 1 tA , 14" thotiglia to IstYml4o , .utlime de Joe lump m tbit is don't 3lke ' /31 was* him awl if I catch hire l looktogoildssboak; 111 tea:" ./L19 16 afg Oki befoi.iffricle - , 10 9k • Pik his papiy: iffutolLitrAy igogoa€4l *Nor. "i n deed , "'• B 4 ll ex "bow 4 1 4 7 0 9 Ir4ow wits - _ _ • , ".I.4sw hun g paid 1.. • - . ~,-, t • 1 ' di4,';t ?knd Were 74": 971LA1-30.1 0 945 .Ivh.ft youssw him r . : .. i I • 1' *M 4milicit, ai4 . rieikr watchedictr'?Old ....... ...' .. , W.) 9 'S‘ zu .t ''. . • , c. • .:., i 4 ' Tr . e liii6 *.r. 1 0 -flififNifikEbill Prg 06'0k114 coed to Ilia jolt w e con duct of others. Prilarlii3llo.-itArgOnaidie~tiliates, #4,114,41"11M1011444040 Ott Sallitetein •40 Ai $ 151 44 ONOVI *MR at Jae Nerek MAW aAO **lli*liglie :011liteklie in% • NAlkianaiß9klgiAfWbeinitia (MAUL t f an hour behind time. She said thatitiltAilliti h Omr ile Ctiffig VAR ti kV4l44ll49‘ e 4 4 1 At1 ai 1b 1iP. ,.% 11 , 4) .; 0 - 401Mfiluitt urfAilfY iitej# 1 444,0404,_ 4 IuRNM 94 P l tr-W w Stiiii*/ *1 1 4,. '0 1 # 1411 1 90 4• 1 A l r w ß e 5 , :imult,MS 9f Miire4,iffittO9iti46.N.4l ll 4TP- I .Ci!'te, 4 lo ll N4a.VlClA l V.Pf+kh9) IT Liabit A v ek iffikf510.114 , X4, 4 3 9 ,4111 s ho o' ut ikq s° c 9 34 eifi ati# 9 ,l9 o YAit th i Whto tii , 4 to#*l L. find vi e f i ll fimt it , ~,.. • •••,.• ~•,31,, rsic..-. 4.t. , pliV lisftravemge"7o ~...i&k4 4 r, s-r4.lb 1 ! : ritti f 1z11) ii. 1 1 . 4.8 ; 09 t .- 77..at ,) . v ..-..., Illii , 4 t II: ti l . :!' I IR I. i7 ...• OAT , , 1 , ~, .. Wk to ou i t ii. or ' -i -,, . sci - 4sl'ip, i 'tire*aka , t all S" . c:T4, ;ear, - • 4..; 'Eh .1 ty , ,- ~ .? . rthetitar t atlie" ' Mt' en0401,,:i ibi to man for shelter. And 0 : when * it wzrnstdrig titiett: 1)? Ai atni talkie • V face*, 40; 2 4 jail* .; :: iltric• .Itiintiftfintiad... a 41 , ,- I ' 44-461:01-41ingipi ...- • ;AA +, c : 4 - 4 past Woeihdlate,trearliblia,oo - 0~11 4401;10 islimmiesogileallikftdr nollitih 4ftwillial 4A6ollo.lol6:4lWatitiki~ioi guide 41 =11004adiqui0" 410141010140 t 144, fti0tM600411 a1vv1807.4 prAtt 71.iaatisk *WC* 10) rt 5 "/ e;LI: 3x,42 'itatrirAiky, 1:11.1! lv-- e 14 . 191. 11ai4raimp1ima.t. , ,..,.1,... i tmlyiliOsiegifoMiiguisifkiiiiii letli ti I#ogiiit ' 4iiiit4 . fli . **. e a t W I herr... • ; ..ni ww- Inal sg tot .. a lgheitiit. ,, -.lfer ' 444,l,Olitli t • Witil t hld tieleitio*lip glitat*ihiSia':- '4444 tieliolie" .', 14 11c64114tOtMiixt' 164 liiifelice i Tiffiliti beilia lief 4 i*, initthi tat :goilei uthiii*ev (taw foe* brother liandolpirNettiligiikin iN delcAtt Falles loii ittiordil iiilllteeitnis y t itelietbireiblitteilidee 6111101thielk tOI l ifilMddifiir; 16814644thit WWI* 0914 ; antritlret ii . lerr*tinetiiint . beibre - thifittaxl likaoweititei tift ilb , ff iltdettli le hid cilia 11A1/2iti*Offre*. I:l..itke, ~ ~ N . , I.' " Madillfit i Ni* U ilt4'd lie a *Ye with a told Ago, itleilkeibitt' one or pima ( and `WIWI' owe l maiitesudtat giad ettnititr.— ; Mt* ithd atti*Wlier kirli havelamh ibeie'all. 'the littertWn;'' and •ire had a real' ntei thii„ only we were dotty yoti Were siek.ii ' .; V' ~ ,!`-Plor," 406 1 4 140 4 ,1 4 '` ) 0 , 1„ m,emr, 04)4., lo tet me ecie,if ;puma-Aug ?taw- INsw__ ,rcir 97, 11 1 40 elsti, l irblF**'' )4, abes •eYTYAw. 9d:ifia l www. Pei , Au 4 994 A i 7f r ,Orioeso - ,# o 4 l P4umPidst 44 . 0 .4 6 :I, l s t eA* Tfisiejo,9f. PP P44iFit was a *P:AIF , C I r44 I)° ;, 9 0r1FP 474 :70/ ja# ii i iv,est94llok, ,o 4 i , 4. Ole .dir l lo4 " 'IWO NO § 41. 4 *°7 4, MA . 41 , , • „.. - !A*5: 0 04*4 114 4 40pr he t 4'olo 00., volotivuitog 9Teri ill PrzPland *Mot.* alefguim U9N1M.4914, P 4 44 11 ,4441M444 11 1 fie; Af 4:O 4 KM 0* - 4 4F 3 Ageicfne ,natal her eMPIK 10, 1 4 *4%1,91 4F. voicit IT* WI I . o xand ! t ie #0 t9- l ier.brotligt27 - 1 :liani4C . , Vf hy Alt-.called , 7?? 8 :444 1 # 4.9 4 0. :Wpm?: ii , ?(Fail44 l ,m , 1 tiiAl2ow 7 4 9kaiist 0. means. ; .., 40,1 r. AI, Ater, liay .031 , dM ll,s B an, ll' C a ° ea ° ll ' ilun i l e i kr 4 1 0 4 #l9, t, aD4-9,xote:-4..f, 03,...,4 w • , 4 open to 01:04r 2 Ace i•the r° 0 1 45 1 ? ) : w 6 2. 18 : #sPi t i ltta*. ii. ; ~,,: " ± d then he atrat on t o till hei ni! l iedeas INITI. ' otil l' elood even - then in i o ` CMng at thlidoor ` of her poor little sinful heart, waitinglm her to 4 ogswiulta-BialtAutt4lo might enter ?Ad go AP al4re! 3 lo,fPWArf4 r, 440. 11 0:11 W 4 too full , * 91MILOPIOAPlioiSh,410/14fOlYell14- I.ls AMIN* Jena* NIPS t.,73)07;10404 fiasvaiAnd 1 110 .4 1 4er.~4, *IV kik We Pi4 er *gilt gil*keo4444l. Hun NO kiikevan Ala .4,f& OE iberr )44.11 kainfmrslo 10 6 ,mier ,was 4Wwiered L'iAr the , stA 4,04.*4 Apo ha : I CaPir,gmes, as 1 14- WM , . htr, atTla =Rd kettollleaP4C- 1 4 eaillgibe # 3 ,4 1 4, glee 9 3 F 1 the.retlectic‘Rl: the 1404 X the World.-Tne; S.ef.u.kicii.l4':l./ETV"... ! 16-1 !..A._ T. , A : 8941Nuti• . lle-17!gemen =Se_Xbr4/7 .gesti4 114 1 0 4.: RtikeF ds~ tat . r t9F lt al wW l i*4° l 4 ll lleduliAl haves ,lermeth,9n At!! iPe 1 49 14 :t4 14 t NOrilFtF aq Pak" Pq' t h ie ft.4l 4 4ve kl i TigArligrAPYl were obtained before it, wad too)fte,., were, part of the store of a striped squirrel; which he had laid up in a hollow tree. There ,were in ail five quarts - white' he: he minded ,up one by of e, few* tneauttloglgtvonitidin distant. The hole an inceitiniftiee la a heti, -zontal direction, so tion intansmatt/ *mkt hoc been say loadlinsetimilintstannihthope rolled ant withontnentemsaMilehnillmilislit make,with a geed dead of- nieldtedural his movements tieing wetcheidally brow in ferment He first hulk up la breastwork of clay, nicks, nutshells tad other rabid& at the mouth of his magazine, an inch or two high, and then Wed it up with his perviskinn OM it would hold no more. lie thenadded another coarse of mason work, and tooth": deposit: of nuts, and so on, till at the dine of the raid on the little fellow's coannimary tht wall was about a *lot high. The , pecailatiOn was considered justifistiks on the ground thairnion was crested lord over all the bents ofthellehl o and it was no worse to make a aptinellelirk for him than to make a horse or an ox de it. Besides, our friend kindly gave our four legged Mend his timelbr the rest lof the nistni, and in a week* two he had laid in a tiew mipPly for himself and family.--21renInniiport Her • Thum( —An American' Slops-of--war' had pot Into an English port, and the ‘firstilenen ant went ashore to reconnoitre.' In the coons of hist:reels he ineonntered * tavern where a number ot British When., were autisang. They at once recognized the lieutenant's, na tionallf,y by his dregs,' . anit resolved to Sunrise themselves by buthii ‘'freep; Ara op'e, - ypu be lo 4;° tale tiiitvftgrateli,q see r • answer. • 1 ..i4V7v wiit - .'Nybiaybu 'sty to a 'man who siiouldluiy-that yenr navy , aid not 'etintabt an officer fitl . 2l . l4 , boat?" contlntied . the glishman. -11 ' . '" -* • P`Portsila blow MP braille on !"- setarind the, • DenteniilWwittsr greet ekrohntuk 24 , • • -1 • Wiii.siletioolinang her Ifejestyorerel ;now** is; ssemetitt findlyane of them, tdore waddled) titian the(' reek, numaoid :to atom* oatt4- , . , ,Yiak,-1;--Itaatale• ••T ' TheAtianiew widkad-to Ida ai3a, i so& piled asha)p- t o • •t . v 471 .7,, 4 4%-iaibeckylfai "maw [llldpt that4R4 • batetataa tat biaortardri f tql) 'ailixeday4his illgaity,9l4lollll44 taaddadtaadawkiitedilatai Car , larel44l l o# ladled Itgota datatiia& *.fty • Y. 7.1, :L44 T, VlRSl42lllollhilagAWUßDlLmdThiltikallilleat 1ai11ikii1111641111161101110.04111110114 ladrand tteta /arkaasatila titiftillit Waiseer o - litaiiiliviivet. Li i odoelllsammc4 itioii g, Ingwassintitsin sale As 014. -PlRlblatuiripintaiir. ilidildhaid, filibMiutafeinh wq lif by the way, eaplailmtat whit ow • y o • L , t , • m e n when he died. " e I ; . ,1 just call hit 'ii * ** * V iie il ovitar* • : ‘....46 0 1 , 1 ?, ' ' s Ed lielirlafek e itater - „.. ..%.-. . .-.:' Aittp . vioweirike ,;,.:1,, A1 i e , ; , ~ , ,J ,-; ) , att, .&..i' -. 7.. it Wietrebiti'Et . 4' c` , . , ..,,„ I , ..,,... . 0 .„,,,,,„..,.., g ivr , -. - -4 iiiihi 'ota4B4? fresi pi fhg . : 4 06fIliek wtamdi ct 4 4 ,i 3t - , ~..,:i-, .t. 7, •,,, .L:; -„., . SC.'" RS.; '-:$••+ 1 LI ' ' ..' ft: , l, 5 4,.! ' it.:;' vr,,,-, 1 P 1511! f .yam 4, robot 'At - .77 1 7 - " Anfi 1.1.:0a! fiQubIIVIMONAIt AWES/466 7 w to.aetviecTiviMßAYT4t .,, i tls mug 3t.i -•P.I P. si t -t! ni -•ii ••• ••••' ),;' ,-,..,.• , ,, J ;,!,..,_, spiv zi a tolls ; . 11 4 . , i l i mr• t iy, .16 .• ti *, :..,777-',O g 414.40ni 5 h A iver. ~,Y.- a#keie siac. tiott Nei& Nat, • . . ..,. .. , , .. hi4 i 6 l+Fq i iii g ) ll ll - * 1 4. #• ' .: 41 0 1 *, .I'' kt el in g . l 4o t o t* -too -4:- Oifi,"oo j irwit hlvgilPki, , - ,orir. .:Pio.*T , ' milsw.Q•moitt oi lir , :,4P.ooll , . 4 . 4„....10 katlf i,l' ti'ilko'iloti . Aptoirolit, 7 347;diest .iata, 11 . 44iiii iA .416 4 1 ::to c :41i 1 4' AO thin'thakttig i i ` 0? tit'i *obi by, gift**. tnif - liteklookTil"iis . btlare - the cio , 4:4!# A tiOttpa," ;)r Ur i. 1 ,i .4 4 -- 41 :- 141,41 7.0 11 1 . bind, est utav et - ori4e'cle t pr:tip i.O' ibei's , ~ 100 :ins— .,.. flitt .9 41 " 4 -9 F l l ' All tb f 7 l 3* ~ 0 1 4 41 e 4 015 4 e ' 1: Q 144: . / .. 4 !iJ'' w .; 6 'W !'S, i) ° ll t': i k i it. i. _ Att i i 4 t tl i a r,* Juil 'lPlff'4' , 2W'Ku . iii' S' s4 'a t 1 ~-d dif i " Illi tt r °4 'thse ii l 4 l aint di, — • • :lEitets ieitile linbiiieS•iojisliii the lAiri,' bit *lt ~' ... tipin'ufkiiiii* iielic**c*idst*Sek it%an ;t4e guvit t hit *4 l , co - .6 0. ..ii,tir ioup :,:fitoc .. , .:!,!:‘ - ,1 0 1 1 ,' 1 0404 - Pf,..Wlt fir . foie.'aickiprtil;,;3 .l 224o..th.i 1,410) 4 CrattiOnikik t 9, ' i ',,' , ''att *fe iiiinble4ridi: ''' . t, ; ii -. Ol e. edi4diiiit ibtnii(nnir. t ., i 4. ' istil -. . 1 4 i ittroatog Ail* -:., : • *44 4 44 i.oirtithi tY. A! seiNlia"Onoo Ike 410(4* ittnlkiiref / 10( *le is ' AftitiViillieihti*lforinta;lllo . 110, ilid : iieehig - thke'illie or -- :, • early Mid and the rimer:l44 t; . 1 : iit'isetlib- In did aim:tilt to iironoit - boa* • 'filieniY, i itiike i titotight it tiled 'ti:lt• itor): whisk *INS/whir tie' visite,' lit-athl*Wa4be.. ' ben '' " iiii ti a*etsiiioi.l lt ir 16 ,0 16 . e 4P lA tttti s i'iltkagidtt;'' ' tlke - e - .• - , .. , Milled,beluttiMlelteilti Inp,'W'isctlbitii '1661 3 * theliateVaukt itiagthlilekimi It It iiii4nitinilie *kat oftlte'inakei ~ .0 014, m e, t oeinv. ,,i +4*. t , i . ,-; , , • i • - •-- , - 4,04 v ith ; • •i. ; ?Al Ireir,itet.'7—lfeNY good Aolies bui boot 441.ttribe. kite :Juke Osopor,, _oi A4600 1 401174.4111m PS ameba; : bets the Agioilltollsotietwessktitewity to the puls .10 ; ,- - Aildie 999111 CW. ate 0411 lam, iiilK4 1 ' the.W. 40,e40.b1i11i19111 WAlonietutAt eittii MOP kftl/4.1n041341001114 43111114 tracts 0 i Apkipmadibousreggsistro,ithichilembi Agtoloakoniescpkvirrilber**imstolies,4 settlers 4 •Y Ausapppio, TORION to 41 1014 / 1 41 WwUdAndill Pali cf,PV9iglidg, ,T 44 WO WS 47, von 41r4,4* °Nit; 41 7, -# 01 1 4 11404 1 04-1 03 0P7 *pm orb& was 1 44‘ibR ganar It 141 itiAlpFs.; .40,40srmorsike&MalillimPearo ea "FoaktlAkat ke In flak - TV VPIOMPFoIint Wiliekrate 4111kte et* 1 411/ 1 4 21k44"15111 laktiarker. •"Yea baw l ''• ' *efieft 1 14 1 44+414.04.the nr 4 "_ • • Akelw.ll l3) 4 l olNA, ..katliPOWLattakWibele.;•&49o7-111111 3 14 1ket Yolqufte" ; "Ott yel," 8.4 Witt*, good-aataredlyly "oaly Wag your Ilek along,. .111 take theta as Ahoy run.- . And so the , papers were made out, and the fanner departed, Bet the stmutter drew on, and waxed and waned. andyetnane o(MA:fish upon whick t 4.141411 mad eNzecied to reglii himself made its appearance at his door. Af 7 ter many months had pOneii, the judge, grow, frig patient about the promised • payines4 for hte land, mounted hts hOtee and rode opt into the region wheielniy. As he ezpscte d found the settler tempt upon his place. Tho lodge rode up to hi* and asked him a ilttle sharply " about the flab he had promised tQ bring hini. "Fish! Judge !" said the man, rising alowli frOm the Ox-yoki 3m Was mending, and look 4 frig withiaankaied sqUint upon Judge Coopi - er, "did I grunitte to bring you'any ash ' 'rho be More; yeitfdld ?" palette jti that the agreement? Y le s t:Amd hipaT 6:4rjtotir'llnd in filth. iihereYthi fib "'gut, judim►' said the man, k frompiertc Mite the gib iitthei nuir "ro'be" addihelidge JE W I tidM tiiingai l they of to , ii9r iii!ke,oo4 bin/ %%tit jtalgesaht 'the' raid, ''there's ibe Itiet ; ;fir. !bpi`, Tiliq.).ta ear (titre nke • 'them y The lodger , whed hastily . old miteviommroCidititii jot bli Mu 'lief Ur toy witiklir 41* fieo*nievartlighiedled • ts 4 iii3l other way. Bat he was sitikaltiaisd tO 1 -4.4 the story- :., 1.;,, • ,7 , --*—lvrls riot% ..1: ..1: ~ t , ~4t)Tirittr9p :Sal:fli!"*.On.CAJO44, 7 ,141,03 q 'IP 4. , ,FwitliyekmrPO mem., - . ..... A „, 4,..491iftp.-tigg,c biev ?..:,.,w .-w -0 , il l! :0 111 % _ ,*1 ) . 13 :• 1 1 (Ak a!! •. . . t A f.. . . .. fT C P 1 4 1 , 1114 ,........ . •... 1 / 7 11 1.- A ir iro, '' i-•.Z. , ' . l i . : .% ; •• ..1.'.. • ' :: ' 'A to tell thlo. 4 court • • 11 isu . 14icue "tw .th. •-•.:..,, ,;.; - 9 p.: raw ~:, 4, 4' * - , it'A : ! i , ‘ • ' • .!.., I l' . .. ii; '`i . 'r- , ' , -1! ~ L i ~ ...a ill.. ;71 - `: , V: ;; ''.,' iiiegai a l t dept;: 7#d i .1 .' 1 p -Wi tr• ' ,:('' ' , I ' , AI ~ ~. : - 1 L,, A .... -. /.1 12 kir At, ii ( 7 114 "- , ,1 ! u ° 4l ' -, ' . . •• • eiilfilit''.. l. . . , 76 , -1.1.4c.k. v ta..,yoili , t ...i i i! Xd 151.1 , InT ' 1? , :! • /, :',41 ...';',.; , .i i A.':.( 1 .. .1 ~frj 1, -, r1 ,, - : ;.,.1 if :::- - 1. 1 L.; , 4.i.....,1 . oral tril nivuice of t. ....im , al): :. :11 4 1.074' - 3 - • 7 ' ... „ ),.„Wai d ,if i citisr. Dm, ,I S., 1 Iv „ , , , ..riv.i...cti :.• :t , . '.ll' , li rtathig,thi, ?Lie ' . ':. .- , —. 4, sliiiinhAi.ii - . . .1 6 4. .1. 1 , 0 ~., . ex.r.! 7:3 , I.evy, ir.rA svti7.7 , ... .. " 4-- .) : It -•'? ~. ite tn-.....vra t. 1 ..s , ! 1. , i t . E . l, ,-- ; I . t t7",t , • ~.- .4 a 4W4,i . / k ii . Mils ~' ": 0 . y . 'O%. t• . 4 ,77 -, rff !,' ....- 1 ', ~ ;,,rnirl'. • . '.• -, - f". •, , t, . i AJ • • - - - . • was , . *ftiormti 1111004 Vitall** Off ;.//bilisinlisisinveliNt • inth MON* nikikkrbtabik 4 adtAllik+ ThlLititsmillebtatif, 4 ,le leg; 1.0 1 / 1 1tA . 6 . rt , remark, "I bwrei tifibboom i c, , mitassaktleattiumo,44o4 viwbblgrpow skiipthia %meet !ice OWL ' , ti• = - tV i a: _ e i , we Wm ear w i ttqr biblil6 whew they elemeeet-oibegrinf Is - In a ' *ON 1 I EMEI r il:" 0 1 4. 4 1 EE:SM • lettmeltereerittiareibib 10114. T VI *Maw /gimes aldpplilli dratighfy,like' leret tie treat" 6 fly ilk tett to retain an Wilms malt is soy etF "MO= whi9k ftir !TINA 7992. caw OA lid Of 1101111108. ilte imaiskiitioreedtare; Oil the • efidelligent ineligight— Pirticeistiy let the seetherbe alemieltele •tetivatel, and by daily aesmllli Jei lost (ow. 414basisio We die Rik fle hor NAL lake the farm-botwe a phiae =tie the iensetrind azi lamphalke Is 11111 a will noristla ancouregbay alqaistatailli esi X mir own sable cabs whidhla torthighthlitikiimillipliiiv , - ,- lei:Aias*" risk' 1 ibeautiveteak Vie*. ' I tirinAo66saik iii Sr s an iiiitiiiilittifialliilke: .fi es es *moll* any be Mad a ifitia viiiiity• ortilliriMili Ur immuisf AR Ir, try be awed Mew illo 81 eceepbdow which ben'-* , 11111Wola not aetilissamo of diva, lot ~l* veitriballib etneeibbestroalgeitileill.llll4 in nail*. Lied Atha a hilgise AIM 1111 ' ilbsteler conk* S isril~1111•0014111 ibeikialaterab Me yaw Jamisit t i thrilliftimeoutivitille I pit me ystivalitts sift Nab* , . umNiaissamtliffist fatiillksit. • Mrs *odd bo sodbalosolliadobs was* most avid, moo. Los aboldliat todoodyloils boy's plans soillopilosoiss sdorage Marto spook of Ass.: Alillajally -atetbliMialt ; WWI It sslps IJ. mis that *winsem be seadssillh 7101111 k lobate Is so baste to duo. SO , MOW My, barby derail eiilthi4~l.l6 "par Igldroomlioy esidisodr r Mks • /Ur Mad; lead Ids, odl4llllol* Aides WI dumb* pompoms. A MbilldadddillO tkr brat& leis dew et *lf deifig thin . hr be aboOld keeribbi - ty'easusel wltti those ',boss ittalidiablaS • .au emose expeadve Ibasi bisoibbi • 1 Adkins* Ain AAIMMO* Mai. Deer 7 --- ireassis ii, Numerous impuilt hive hors the Irarairis' blob rtlipocang, the ideiyitiffif bone .Ant s acilisstillsor W nowikle erW ClulOi Kiure, Skt22_lm t_ #4901 6 i of mat S.' Mined To“ 40 : ' "Ir there ill any ona practlin mpoig Ahoss.,,,, kin fiktimrl i gig which Pisz aOOO4 4141111 rlblaK It ' ,Voir Piudtib4 "0 , • 010 # 141 " 14 1 40 1 0 ;4 04 ' 41- proymnitt OOPS., TAC4P,diI of Logi of . ' eill: lectea a sum a i tiy in Cbicogo t ' sow York, and Other Mitikial - A ' ' t° -S°..-. r" rsisi N. t W 14 1 4711 7" 44- 4- Fit illis " 4 *fp. And retrerion tow, lc *RP luktwk, look rad say It agi, ' IMS So ionecommi l avoy own to tiwtorff "It will pir They have *et tifillilliP plicatlon of ground bone. There VP hot a meado* or a pasture in the 144 7 *ay few evntions---tiutt win not bi two 'ilkd by a dressing of gromid laiiii.-- : ZS , . . ofacres of the last - 11 had F u swlhiglaad w e la Slow= •006 451 ~ for the vast as raw groaoh bone. Such is the very Me of the soil ars understand and approciate tidi AIM *or -blow it pays to ship bones front** to enrich their' farms. Riney eh* . otholtes that is picked from our land *jinni* de cohere of our cistatry. England 44* in the excellence of the choke rise.* of Aim -6n dairies, while ire mak and wilYe over a pot of the whey. iktroplainit *skies over the rich, sweet American . butter, Alto we are so imacconatably stupid sr *he tido. * with the butter-milk Our **re Ai end delve, and rake, and scrape di* *elm fields, meadoWit, and pastorate 01l tic krtflizars to send to bums id proilheibig mops ofturnlys ; ands gramthe inii do notmde their own land as good tot *ohs& became their turnips refuse to brow asiatt do in human countries. .The trait' on tbis point in, Annetta' Or man mat save art 4 apply mak ntilinign to their htipeeeriahed t land; appecially arisrhey ide booed for wins a crop As wen as arammashicsamOW atop d AtrAigatlonit awkaraw, Idiom Whoa, and tan* litigOstead iptc.beil "TlK:nt •Is ► wtiltue Of am*V, tbD.aid mufti boxiithwt,)&9 no Mo .=;34=iikaw . 1442' SSG berstpoi ao *ate bins foro•44es 4 o, et; now To liace Itisiceiw.--Ito iiiper' whet breed you ,bese, 10540,irthhig ) 8 181,814, .. a . ree4liii i tilffied.lTP9 4l oB,Y : , . - r .V. r et ird; M4440t - b04 7 !*„ zoil a . 411 rad% ft . " 4416 , hp -oortiliiti*a,tiiiii tottiseile - ittimit i inner igigialAettibiiiiii* OW in raising a bed anigikitriailikail ' 'The osli ilia* toolreii Iktt all idstiiiiitir Aiioht. ' Vilt lltit to .bakogi 041ariol . ilk it% airtilinithitrilli t WOW 16 '‘imalliflilik *64. iiiiiiidikiiai taille liiit . 'if &fie firaseiseal l h it il l iaiapi v = mete a 16 dab,' coma mai Alimaihaast begin whe young. Fo lirik s it-mllter7,wVamoid * alte*t:" Mtw if MITTiTV d ' ' teltiii#6 h.. %Ili , itt Eibiii4efik - • i . E -- .• 4 -, i• - .. PIA , .• • , . ! both 04 you:; iiiil,liiiiait' `or a Pima' • :1 4 '''An .44er ball is } better. We we too '' It ' "A'illee di emoy aki v i ? v i so , ol66 ,.. vithir 4 sitss ~ io iteift* • r s. ' V.:` .4 aitil khaM*tii miiiiiitiv . paelqii.tiierid•i‘l ie ,itirikipi ' 1 Ah .4i. , -.44;8 . -1;1 a OEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers