11 II L... ENN 10 II NEWS OF FEIGIbtOR =I CaivoU. Twenty-five shares of Stock in theinst Na tional Bank of Westminster, were sold last week at a premier of $l5. Cumbeikani. I ra; let 'NatiOast BenlF of Eihippenebnrg, tae declared a dividend of 4 per cent for the bust six months: ON Wednesday last, a heavy hail storm peseed over the lower' end of Curitherhuld county, and betieen ',Shiremanstown and Me chanicsburg many fields of wheat and corn .sustained great damage. 'Numb tn. A little boy, about three years old, while sitting on the track of the Lebanon Valley Toad, near Harrisburg, on tixel 27th •ult., was run over and killed. He was noticed too late to stop the'train. Franklin. A Lodge of Good Templaks -was organized luFayetteirille, on the 28th ult. Jacob Whetzel, who had a leg bloken by. the falling of a tree, near Waynesboro', requi ring its imputation, died on the 2nd init. Mims Douglas, of Chambersburg, has pre sented a handsome Communion'Service to the new Presbyterian church in Waynesboro. The corn crop, which some weeks ago pre sented at unpromising appearance, now promises a fine yield. Tha.Corner Stone of the new Presbyterian church in Mercersburg, will be laid on Satur day next. Frederick The Secretary of the Treasury his appoint ed Lieut. Noble H. Creager, of Frederick ci ty, General Inspector of Distilled Spirits tar the Fourth Congressional District of Mary land- . The Frederick (Maryland) Republican says : The apprehensions that have been felt for some tithe in regard to the present harVest have now, happily vanished, and prospects have given way to reality. The wheat crop will surpass, both in quality and amount, any that we have had for a number of years. We are reliably informed that there never was a larger amount sown in Western Maryland, nor a yield that was more ample. The corn, which has been rather backward, is now oom zing forward rapidly, and bids fair to make a fug crop. We are glad to chronicle a fact 'which will have a wholesome effect upon both ithe business and finances of the country. Laneaster Henry Slaymaker, while engaged in repair ing the railroad track near Leaman Place, on the 2nd inst., was struck by the locomotive of a freight train, and was so severely injured That he died a short time after the accident. ON Thursday night, a young man named john 13. Stewart, boarding at Funk's hotel, Lancaster, got up in his sleep and sprang from a third story window. His fall was luckily broken by the limbs of a tree in • front of the building, and his injuries were not serious. Os the 35th ult., Mr. Abraham Kauffman, a respectable citizen of Manor township, was •overcome by heat in a hay-field, and fell speechless, dying in a few minutes. 1 ork. A Drum Corps has been organized in Han user—;!!ikon Bair; .Fife-major ; Howard Stahl 'Dram-major; and Wm. Britcher, Ensign. A DESTRUCTIN.E. hailstorm passed over parts of York county on Wednesday last, damaging the crops more sir less. Some sheep were FEARFUL LIiiIITSING STROKE.—Last Thurs- Tlay attenoon,. a large crowd had assembled In the Fair Ground it Buffalo. N. T., when a sharp thantler storm suddenly came 'up. The rain began to!fall t and the crowd sought ref-. age from its effects in the , exhibition sheds. A flash of lightning took place, accompanied by a loud peal of thunder, and instantly an awful spectacle was fcesented. The light ning struck one of the sheds which contained men, women and homes. About a hundred persons were paralysed in an instant., falling on their faces, and as many as fifty were ren dered Insensible for five or ten minutes, while about a dozen were quite seriously burned.— Two horses were killed on the spot. An old gentleman pamed John Gardeneir, and two or three others, are not .expected to recover.— The lightning struck a post in the centre of the shed, against which Henry Tilton,, the ,landlord of the West Falls Hotel, was leaning, land to which a horse was attached by a chain limber. The horse was killed instantly, while Mr. Tilton escaped by being dazed and knock ed down. A young lady named Miss Nellie (;asset', L Wila wore a white and black checked mess, was quite serously injured, and her dress was fairly scorched, but did not take fire. Ano ther woman was struck on the shoulder, the fluid , passing down her side, raising a perfect blister in its course. A man from Otto was hit on the right side of the bead, and on his recovery the mark was found to commence at the right eye, which was swelled like a puff •ball, and could be traced -doirn the neck, across the chest and off the leXt tgern. — 'The most fearful consternation existed among the people until it was discovered how light the injuries were that had been inflicted, and lbe excitement was most intense. Iloninnstut has nearly finished his sketch . or the - "Battle of Gettysburg," ordered by the Legislature for the State Capitol. Tilt Ateath of Mr. 31c1tueNsv, and change nn the sfsairrictorship of the Star, renders it ex-cessary Alai, all arrearages for subscription, :advertising and job work, be closed up, with -out unnecessary deley. Each subscriber can . ;ascertain the amount.of indebtedness on sub scription, by reference to *lie printed slip, in- Zeiaing the-date to which he has old. Par ties knowing themselves indebted wilt ple,ase .forwasd at once the amount due to the under signed. D. A. BUEHLER, A.dminigtactor of Estate of J. T. 31cIllietuay ftbitto rf tiiiarktts. 'GETTYSBURG GRAIN AND PROIN3MSO MARKET. Gettysburg, Wednesday Jenning. ?Super 1n0nr,...511 50(12 001Applee,'... SO 00(4 . 4 00 its tra Vlespr,, .11 506413 60 Potatoes 854 70' !Bye Ylour,—: 7 0000 8 00IButter, 15 'White Wheat, 2 We 2 00 Lard, 10 'Red Wheat,.... 3 80(e 1 80' i Eggs, ' 15 80 Bacon, flame,.... 14 ,Bye, 115 Sidea,... 10 • 'Oats, 6 0 " thonlders, 10 tßnekwheat,... eV. Peaches, 1000 16 Trialotby Seed, 2 54,Cterriee,.. ...... .. 2 00 %Clover Seed,... 6 00; Apci ea, 6 Relax Seed 2 25 Lilaop.*s)es,.... 12 Minster Paris,. 17 50Soap,6@ 7 .. . . 11Isy per ton,— 18 00@18 00 Tallow 8 BALTIMORE PRODUCE MARKET. s I3AI:TimOnE, Monday Morntug. ITREslssruscvs:—There is •rather more iu %cluiry for.good zotailing brandy of Flour.— We revise quotations as follows : Howard :Street Super and Cut Mara; $8.50@)810.09 ; Standard Extra, 910.59 40,1g.,00 L High grade, $12.00 ®513.00.; Family. $1.3,91144/ 4,5 °. RYE ELOila.ats7.so4sB.oo. than MEAL' 0.50. 1 et 11e2arrr.—Good Wheat is in neon, Acid millers who .had suspended rations tot .prepare for the ne% crop are nning to •enter the market again. We note sales to , sday as Mows: White at 290 Cents; Red at '250 to 300 oattta. •Cottrr.—We note sales as 'follows: Wittbeelos - to It 2 cents; Ye 14 0w,104 to 406 cents. vOsant continue active at, lower tam Sales at 85 '4O gt Amts. RYE . 4 140 , teats.' Paoamnoss.—The Gnat tea sozitinUes act" Iva sad strong. We lulte sales of AQ Abdo. Bacon alumlders at pi. cents ;.also, .of 0 . tibels. do. )1t 101)Q10/ cents, and 2 4 5 back , clear rib Skies at 134 Aleuts. Holders are '- inovr filling °Nara at lin mints for Shoulders ; 424 ® 1 - 3 cents for s{b Sides, and 133 cents for 'clear rib. Hams WA tirm.litentit."- Milk meats very ware% o neness A 9 ar kive are bold at Siaolifer d liVir l st 11}®11} Ceuta. moss orig: limns at 04:690 . 1r," ,_ 4, §4 so Pi aintli • - • • 4 4.2 1, ,...5t-,r4e.2.AYMi,* e4l-41,41,1EPAkijipta.1:*-4;-;,n, I .: .". • tog. 4 "11411111 4 4 1 .7 • , • - OSITNMUEA. Kmors--GIarTSRATA.-4;ka the 19th , y I last, by the Rev.l:,ffernlierger, Mr. nutlet Kuhns of Adams 00., to Miss Anna Gotta; hall, of Cumberland co. • t , Panics--Zinuratit.—on Thunwlay evens ing last, by Rev. J. A. 8011, Mr. Wm. Tr 4 Pierpe to Miss Helen Grace Ziegler, both of Ibis plabe. • REAmmt--Rmowm.—On the 4th inst., by Rev. E. Breidenbaugh, Mr. William Reamer, of Franklin c0.,. t0 'Mil* Mary L. Riggs', ( 4 New Salem. RHOADS—MILLER — On the 21st of last, by the Rev. Z. Hornberger, Mr. Rhoads, ofCumberland co., to Adaline 391116 r, of Adams co. WOBLur—Klas..—On the 4th inst., by Rev. E. Breidenbaugh, Mr. John Worley, to Miss Susan Kerr, both of Dauphin 00. • • Zmowin—DA.x.--On the 30th ult., by UM Rev.Z. Honiberger, Joseph Ziegler, of Clan* . :Amid 00., to RachaelA. Day, of Adarnack Obituary notices 3 cents a line for all over 4 lines—cash to accompanj , notice. Cook.—ln Menallen tp., on the lat Mr. David E. Cook, aged about 75 years. SABIDERB.—On the 29th ult., Mrs. Bridget, consort ,nf Henry Sanders, of 'M.ountpleas ant township, aged 77 years 1 month and 16 days. • . Yorwo.---On the 28th ult. in New Oxford, Mrs. Catharine Young, aged 74 years 11 months an& 13 days. REMEDIAL INSTITUTE FOR SPECIAL CASES NO. 14, BOND STREET,' NEW YORK. saritull information, with the highest testimonials also, a Book on Special (MECUM In • sealed envelope sent tree. .Bel 3. sure and send forthem, and you mil not regret it; tor, as advertising physicians are general ly impostors, without.references no stranger should be trusted. Enclose a stamp for postage, and direct to Dr LAWRENCE, N 0.14 BOND ST., NEW YORK. N0v.14, 1855.-1, COLGATE & 'CO'S GRMAIsT az co's ERASIVE SOAP, E R A E . I r i zTtrAt c . tu ns r may frfrom P Luiryt the STANDARD OF • EXCEL LENCE. For sale by an Grocers. [May 16, IS6l.—ly C'OLGATE PROTECTED SOLUTION OP TELE PROTOXIDE OF .inot supplies the blood with its LIFE ELEMENT, IRQN, giving strength, vigor and new lite to the wile system. If the thousands who are euqerjog from Overtrain, DEDILITT,FEBIALZ WEAKNESS, &C., wouisi bgt test the vir tues of the PERUVIAN SYRUP, the effect would ao: 017 ite toulsh themselves but would please all their friends; for instead of feeling cross. "all gone" and miserable, they would - be cheerful, vigorous and active. A PISTIROCISHED JURIPT WRITES TO A FRIEND AS FOLLOWS : • I hare tried thhe Pianrian SYRUP, and the result folly sustains your predichion• It has Made a MTN XVX of me infused into my system unw rigor and energy; I am no longer tremulous and debilitated. es When you last saw me, but stronger, heartier, end Argot capacity for labor, mental and physical, than Si any time during the last tire years." Thousands hare beat changed 5y the use of this remedy from weak, sickly, suffering crialtires, atrong, healthy, and happy men and v own ; and invalids canned reason ably haitate to Sire it a tried. The genuine has.Pczortse Brace blown In the glass. A. 1.12 ',age pamphlet wil bel sent free. J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, N 0.36 Dey it. New York. [July 3,1867.-1 m lad by all Druggistm The Rev. Lelia! Simms, of Brooklyn, N. Y., says, in the Bible Examiner, by are.y o‘tpology ler publishing a medical certificate In his isoaspwantiof the cnre of his only eon, of Scrofula. "after dimoMMon appa,und iuevitable." “We publish this etatement, not for pay, but hu giatitpda 'to God who has answered prayer, and in justice to Pr. Anders; being satisfied that there is virtue in the lodine Water treatment, which the readers of this Magazine will thank its sditor fur bringing io their notice.' Circtirlare free. Dr. IL Anders' Leine Water is for sale by J. P. DINS MORE, proprietor, 36 Dey et., N. Y and by all Druggldts „Lori, 1 67.74.61 R. smtviers Iia.NGR4.4•R VILLS. A SUBSTITUTE FOR C.ll.l,o4Etti. These Pills are composed of iarious ri4s, h„c-ying the power to relax the secretions of tititdiver as prou,PLTiakd effectually as blue pill or mercury; end without produc ing soy of those dleagremble or dangerone effects which often follow the use of the latter. In all bilious disorders these Pills may be used with confidence, as they promote the discharge of vitiated bile, end remove those obstructions from the liver and Mary dents, which are the cause of bilious affections iu general SCH VICK'S BIAND/Z4lp PILLS ours Sick Headache, and all dieorders ot the eiv, JudOsted by sallow skin, coated tongue, cositiveriesei dreWahASS, fitt h d a general Paling ofweitrineed and linnitlitda.shoWing pi. Op liver is is a torpid or obstructed coudittoti. • ,---111 abort, these Pills may be used with sdvaataka 43 all cases when a purgative or alteratild tnediebui is reqfilr- ed. Pferiee ask for "Dr. Schenck'e Mandrake Pills." and ob• sere that the two likenesses of the Doctor are on the Einvernnient etamp—one when in the lut stage , of Con sumption, and the other in his present health. 13oldliy all Druggists and dealers. Price 25 cents per box. Principal office, No. 16 North 6th street, Philadel phia, Pa. General ' Wholesale Agents; Demos Barnes A C0..21 Park gdg, New York ; 8. 8. Mance, 108 Baltimore street Beltiroov , , 104 John D.cox of Fourth and Walnut otirAinslnpati, Ohio; Walker Taylor, 134 and 136 Wabash .6.4.atio,e,Chje4go, Illiools; Collins Brothers, soutliweac corner 0,T3510,34 Yin° eta., et.Lortis,Mo Noy. 8, 1866.-wemLY A YOUNG LADY returning to her country borne, after a stgoorn of a few mouths In the City, was hardly recognized by her friends. In place °recourse; rustic, flashed face; she had a sof ruby complexion of almost marble smoothness, and In stead of twenty-three she really appeared but eighteen. Upon inquiry as to the CALM of so great a change, she plainly told them that she used the CIRCASSIAN BALM and considered it an invaluable acquisition twiny Lady's toilet. By its use any Lady or Gentleman nip improve their personal appearance an hundred fold. It is simple in Its combination, as Nature herself Is simple, yet un surpassed in its e ffi cacy In drawing impurities from, also healing, eleauslngand beautifying the alai:land complex ion. by tte direct action on the cuticle it draws from it all Its impurities. it,i4dly pealing the same, and leaving the 'Daiwa as Nature l¢ ended It should be, clear, colt smooth and beautiful. Price be, sehtt by Tailor I3 xprees, on receipt of an order by W. L. CLARK 4 CO,,Ctutmists, No 3 West Fayette Street, Syracuse, N. Y. The only American Agents for the sale of the same, Feb. 23,1867.-1 y The advertiser, having been restored to o ' ealth in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after ving suffered for several years with a severe lung affection. and that dread disease Consumption—is anxious to make known to hie fellow•sufferers the means of care. To sill who desire it, he will send a yof the pre scription need (free of charge), with c opirectios for preparing at 4 aging the same, which they: will find a Boaz cons for Co.NSIEWVI7.ON, AITIMA,BIONCHITIS, COLDS, .COVORS, and al} Threat and Lung Affections The only object of the adverthier in vending Alm Prprription Is to benefit the afflicted, andspread litforml.oup 14).jch he conceives to be invaluable, and he hope s a everf sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them hothitig, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, Can, by return wail, will please addrEag REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings Co., New York. June 3, 15157.-1 y HELVIDe I iD'S FLUID EXTRACT PPCAU Is n certain cure foy dieeados of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, BRoPpy, QIIDANIC WEAKNESS, yEMALE COMPLAINTS 'GEN/tßkl, • I DEBILITY, and all diseased Of the lIIIIIIADY ORGANS; whether exlsting I n MALE OR FEMALE, Iron whatever cause 'originating a no matter of, 110W nd LONG STABBING. Diseases of these organs reqeit e the use ofa diaretie. 11 no treatment is submitted to, Consumption - or In. sanity ma; ensue, Our Flesh and Blood are supported front these sortmeezand the AL6..16 - 4.ND ITAPPIN ESL that of Posterity. dependapponronant ;:; . f 8 reliable remedy. HELMBOLD'S EXTRAMP. Eestablished upwards of 18 years, ea by H. F. HE LD, Druggist, 104 Broadway, New Roar, and 104 South 10th et., Philadelphia; Pa. Feb. /9,1867.—1 y SNOW THY DESTINY. —..--• — *AA= B. Y. Tf oan row, the great Rziglleb Astrologist Clairroyentand Psyaloracd,rialer„ whohas astonished the sz t, scientific causes of theOldlirorghsts up! loomed her self at Hudson, N. Y. Mame UntOn poesseasa ti wooderful.powers of wood sigb t, as to imildife Hai to* *- part knowledge of the greatest importance to the 'el le or married of either sex,. While In a state of trance, s e delineates the very features of the person yon Are to marrj, and try the aid of en inetrumentof intensepower, knows as the Pflychomotrope, guarantee' to produce a lifelike picture of the future husband or wife of the sp. Fiartt, together with date of marriage, position in life J u g traits of charabter,fic. This is DO humbug, as ofiagsdpsof testimonials hanameit. She willeendwhen desiledi 13410V4Aectiliclits, or written guarantee, that the picture la wilet A. p i zni d orts to be. Byenaosting a smell lock of hatrotud gta par* oil a drth, age, disposi tion and complexion, and'elle 1160 y i g:7=l:i ed envelope sdhreased to yograelf, y ~• s picture and desired inbrutetion by ' r limil.'' . coeuneeisetiona sacredly eanddentieL - Address in con ndetiee,l&.acite N. P. boanivel P. o.lolr - MOWN New York. * '''' ' ' ' •• , [Feb. 18d -1y CRACKS CELEBRATED SALVE. • Assicsinivi 0ct.13,1861. .11A4MO"--Ditar HiHivtosboonanictodisiy ov'oup "Pt* zookul With a Wore &booms upon a lido. i fted my, AIM* Woo Siir Ito @radioed= w ire I*. eel aneildlor roar aim which et Siotiod =dr AisE zoo. ilikoff9l:. tool Y oky , tonildiniso %MMUS/. • • • TOW * t" . • I =OILY. tO tho,itotittigo,Bl Oldii ‘ M )3. iDe SEXWW. I rOWIA A scirim e 6 l l,,,t • Sold by ell BrultglaikAt bOz. 7=AM 0 5 5 . 'NIP 5,1857.—Am lattleasfurnextriuutftrOmpach ft*r441 4 ) 0 4,12:4 410•Fpop ,if LOta gift trt wife. ,timorelfg DIED• G iipetial Notices. SOAP. PERUVIAN SYRUP SCROFULA NO. 4 TO CONSUM PTITXS kt • mrt bal I a 4 147 Eta 4 11 - wpm ael ZarrOid rit"l g o - 41. A NEW PERFUME! EOR Tag HANDEERIMIEF. ''NIGHT BLCtOILING OIHNOS" ; , 5 PRAIA'S, "NIGHT BLOWN° mum* PHLLON'S .NllloaLboacoawrasui3., 'PRAWN'S "NIGHT BLOOMING CENSUS.' PRAWN'S . "NIGHT BLOWING OEREVS.'- . A !post exquisite, delioate,soil Isufiniut Perfume, die tilled from tberareend beantlinl Sower from which It take' Its flame. idazubutured only by PHALON • SON, New York. BEWARE OE COLINTEHMEITS. ASH FOR-PHALON'S—TAKE NO OTHER. July .12,1866