(frortrit#. ' l 4 NV A SG K i.)\c k; it Y .-AWAN fine lust twlaitaa 41.frialal a•aaatowni Witliblit ti-ROCIIKIKS, lit tile • • Art •.t thr pnblie &mate. In Onityanntg. • :4Ut Att . 'Clio fittest lot ,n . 41.441 n ever I.to.agiti to Ilrtl ystinrig. scol very cheap. curt' IC F flieCulfeeie+uperi.rto,t”lT!.l,l .1! if you .I.un't belie., it cora.. And are. . • .401. A SS V.S. It you *mit the nest SVI - 11114 and 44.1‘....i. fir t(4111 you will find them at ti r- - 9UHENSIYARK. kr. - . Rip stock of quimaiSmare. Diehr., Lamp- A,.... i: lia I clieap and gOOll. Erery sty ljt and price. '... ciaAlts AND TOBACCO. His Cigars and Tobacco are of superior titintliky. Av knyytedg6,l by good judge) to be the Celt in the nutrket: CANDIES AND NOTIONS. Particular attention paid to this department. A full eapply of Candles, Nuts, Frult,..Soaps, Fancy articles, in short any and everything usually found in s-flrst clue Grocery. In laying in my stock I was careful to know what I was buying, and am now prepared to sell not on ly GOOD Groceries, but to sell them very cheap. INTO me a call and judge for yourselves. May 291886. JOHN DI. SWAN. WM. BOYER & SON, Ls,EEP cordtantly on hand a splen 41d asiortment of Coffeo, Sugar. Tea, Syrups, Spices. Fish, Bacon, Salt, Notions, Tobacco, Cigars,Con-. fections, • sod eyerythingconneccted wltb 'Family Grocery. We will always keep up a full supply of goods and sell them at prices which cannot fail to pleue. ' Call and see us at oar stand in York street, opposite the Bank of Gettys burg. IeiLAII Veda of country produce taken In ex ..hange Or goods. May 29, 1885. NEW ARRANGEMENTS. HENRY OVERDEER. > - O7rthe Hill in Baltimore st., Gettysburg: Pa. I-IAS inade arrangements to get fresh supplies every week from the City And is ds. termined to sell cheap. Ile invites all to give thorn a call, his stock consists of Groceries, Notions. Flour, Corn Meal, Choped Feed. Corn, Oats, Fish, Bacon, Lard. Cheese. Crackerg, Tobacco, Cigars an Snufr b trr, Cot fees, Teas, Syrut, Molasses, Gaud , Gest sh Oil, Tar, Best Cider, Vinegar, and agr variety o Notions, Candles, ac., Ac. tit .The cash or trade will be given for County Pro duce such as Flour, Corn, Oats, Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, Hags, lc. [Miry 290867.-tf NEM" GROCERY STORE TELT. EVRTEBODT TOV SEE THAT G L BERT , "DST above the Court-Vonse, and opposite the Compi ler Office, will eel! you everything in the GROCERY AND PROVISION Lino cheaper than you can get It elsewhere. Sugars, Coffees, Molasses, Candlea, Coal Oil, Syrups, Broome, ' Buckets, Tubs, Tobacco, Cigars, Notions of all kinds, HAM, FISH, OYSTEBS, VEGETA size ' always on hand. Give me a call, as I am deter mined to accommtkiate. BUTTER, RUGS, and all kinds of Country rroditee taken, for which the highest cash prlea wilkbeticen. Don't forget the place—two doors above the Court-Honse. Don't pass without calling, as I solicit your patronage. May 29.—tf Important TO ALL PERSONS! HENDRICKS & WARREN havO B-A purchased the Store situated on Teri street, two doors east of Wolf's Rotel, formerly occupied by J Grimes, and latterly by G. II Swope. where they will keep constantly on hand a complete assortment of (3 It 0(1E It 1 S . including Syrups. Coffees, Sugars, Teas, Bacon, Flour, Feed, Rice, Potatoes, Belt, Tobacco, &c., with every artit ele to be found in a first-class Grocery. Also CONFICC. TIONS, NOTIONS and FANCY ARTICLBS. They hope to receive a share of public patronage, end earnestly solicit a continua.ce of the custom heretofore Given to the establishment. . . ilettyaburg, May 'n.lS'67 New _Grocery, and Flour Store. xEALS & BROTHER, RAVING opened a Grocery, Flour and Vegetable Store, in the Room formerly oc cupied by Geo. Little, on West Middle street, they ex tend an invitation to all buyers to give them a call.— Everything in their line, fresh from the city and coun try rWIII be kepton hand. They are determined to sell, as cheap as the cheapest, and as they only ask the lowest living profits, they hope to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. M RALS 11 BRO. May 29, 1866 . Grocery a Liquor Store. A LARGE asniartment of line GROONII.I,BB, T,,ae, Coffees, White Sugars of 411 ktbds, and Brown Sugars, cheap, prime new crop Orleans bllolasses, and al: grades of Spurge; MESS MACKEkrjrcbest In market.— All kinds or LIQUORS,. wholesale and retail,prime Wine, Brandy, Bye Whisky ac., for medicinal end other.purposes, in any quantity. nar-B. !dialler's Herb Bitters, and the "Great T.lngarl Bitters." MAR'BIN, tray 29, 1.867.-tt nalt.mo e 6t , Gettysburg. COAL tnd FISH OIL ' of the best q uality for sale by BOYER k SON 'FRESH supply of Groceries, No tions, Tobaccos, Ac., constantly receiving and for sale b ' WM. BOYER At SQN. "iirg Ociodo, gotiotto, &r. NEW SPRING GOODS. j. L. SCHICK invites the attention • of his friends and Customers to his large and well Mdieeted stock of • DRY GOODS thinprised In part of FFaach kierenoes, • All Wool Poplins, All Wool Delaines, All Wool Plaids, Plain Poplins, Black and Fancy Bilks, Utilise Cloths, Black and Colored Alpaccu Bla,k Cloths an Caasimeres Fancy Canimeros, Cassineta, Janus, Ale ),a fine assortment of Ladies' PUB 8 AND SHAW DB, as well am anabrindant variety of Notidns, all of which will be sold cheap far the rash May 29, 1867 NEW SPRING GOODS. ASCOTT & SONS have J u st received . another an° essorninent of NEW GOODS, consist. lug, In part, of Cloths, ' Coullmerea r Casaletta, Kentucky Jeans, and Tweeds, for Gentlemen's weir. Alta, attne assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Oar stock hu been selected with great care, and we are prepared to sell ar cheap u any other establishment in the country. We ask the Public to give us a call and Judge for themselves. We defy competition, both as to quality and price. A. SCOTT e. EONS. May 2:0,1867.-tf F INE FANCY FURS. • CHAS. A. HERPICH, 497 Broadway & 37 Maiden Lane, N. E IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER and SHIPPER OF . F .ILT R Offers his large and well selected stock of fine/ars, in al style., at lowest manufacturer's prices. Highest price paid SHIPPING FURS Send for circular FRESH arrivals of Dry Goods, No— tions, tc., Lc., every week a tDaphorn & Hoffman's as the Northwest corner of the Square. CALL AND SEE, the large stock of Dryilloods, Notions, Que, a mare, ke., on the N. W. corner of the B.lnare;Gettysburg, Pa. DUPHORN & HOFFMAN LADlES'wanting a - good article of Pertamory,, Fancy Soap, or Hair Bushes, can be applied at J. L. SCHICK'S. 'FPM. C. STALLSMITH, GETTYSBMG, PA., OTTER & CONTRACTOR, Keipe o'nfinnutly on hand ind mannketuren to ordet, DOORS, suorrizr :BLINDS, SASH, DOOR AND • wrstaw irsEt, comae, DOOR AND WINDOW DILACIMX f ; • Aid asy *Ow r tArtiele in as Abrading Lae: soliscasa imbed cogently oa bawd, eXPldend saw always fa radius': _and wort executed 16.0rdoro jtrompUiattoodal to. June 6, . • • Et.. OF EVERY BIND, Clettliadatritaor at 114-41111111111111W 5 • luralliu7s aanert / 110 Jaw b,lMf•44 MB MOWER AND REARER, AWARDED theETecial Diploma an i Grand Medal of Benorka the best combined Movie? Hand-Raking Reaper and lik-lt-Gaking Giaper—on ex hibition at thit great lair of the S. Louie Agricultural and Mechanlc4l Amociation Octobeitlth, raeo. OHIO AND BIICKETETATEN' TS At the great trial of Reapers and ,Mowers at Arditirn 3. 'l., in July last by the New York State 'Agricultural Society, this Machine was awarded the preference over all others In Clkes No 5. This class was the most im portant of any as it embraced Mowing and Hand pr Self- Raking Reaper, in the same Machine. This Machine has been awarded Medals and first Pre miums by the Pennsylvania and lowa State Fairs, and by hundreds of County Fairs in all parts of the country.— This Machine took the first Premium at the Adams Coun ty Agricultural Fair held at Bendersville, September 1166. Also, JOHN II ENDRICKS, HIRAM °WARREN. Flannels of all kinds, Gloves and Stocking J.L.SCHICE Pec.l3,lB6B—ly v Agarultural Nakpleuxtuto. THE .PREMIUM DODGEM. HARVESTER. BALL'S OHIO AND RLTSEL'S SCREW POWER, Both firot.class Machines, haVing told a number of these Machines in the last three years. They have given gen eral satisfaction wbereisr used. We ask farmers before buying a machine to call and examine these Machines before purchasing elsewhere. as they will be able to make a better selections. We could produce quite ft number of certificates from some of our • best Farmers in the County, but deem it unnecessary, as we warrant these machines to give satisfaction with a fair trial, or no sale. Insured for one season.. . . l it Extras always opt on hand. We have made arrange menu to have re airing done when , neetled at any nine and on moderate erms. With the above we have for salett number of valuable farming Implements. SULKY CORN PLOUGH Can be need (or ploughing and culivating corn—finish ing one row at a time. Can also be used for loosening up corn ground or putting in seeding—by raising the limit shovels it can be used for marking out corn ground {-markings two rows at a time. A Corn',tauter ran also attached, planting 2 rows at a time. CORN CRUSHERS Vor crushing coritin the ear or shelled. STEEL COMPOSITION BELLS For Schools, Churches, Farms, &c. , STEEL PLOuGH4;,wII7I'N I'. I TENT. HAY RAKES An article every Farmer should have—the heat in the market. Hand or aelf-discharging GRAIN DRILLS, (Wiliongl by's Patent) with Crowell'a Guano attachment. Harrisburg GRAIN PAN (Iteyniild'a Patent) consid iced the beat mill ever in use in this county: Any of the above machines can be had by calling on or addressing the subscribed miles from Gettysburg. yin the Harrisburg road. where specimen mitchineo eau be seen. W3l. WHILE. Agent, April 4. 1867.—tf. Gettysburg. Pa. THE -NATIONAL REAPERS AND MOWERS lIOFFIIEIN'S PATENTS. THE No. 1 Machine has Two Driving Wheels Hinge Joint and Folding Intr. making It very convenient to move from one place to another; is very simple in its construction. extremely light draught. and durable, cuts 4 feet 10 inches in grass and 5 fest inches In grain ; is a Self-Raker and Side.Delk ery. and is capable of cutting a whole field without bindlngu sheaf. and dram the most satisfactory work. This 31. chine can also be used as a Rand Machine without talib - ing its qualities as a Reaper. The Ma chine ta w ea so gee.. .... 00 0 0 r Mower that cuts the same widthr It is a strong two lone Machine—,hree or four can be need, if required, in hilly ground. (MEAT IMPROVEMENTS have been made for the coming season. The Machihe is also perfectly balanced, no weight on the horses' necks in Mowing or Reaping. Always remember that at the Mowing trial last Sum mer in iettysbneg, in competition with 6 other leading Machines, the above named Machine was awarded the First Premium. Tbis way if yon want the best Machine. N 0.2 is a light two-horse Machine. and is differently constructed,cutting on the rightskund side; and In front of Driting Wheels, Is a Self-Raker and Side Delivery.— The difference in the width of cut is 0 inches. Thtf shifting lever and the raising and lowering levers 'are both at the driver's right aide, and with his right foot upon a pedal and his left upon a foot step, be has the power and control of the whale machine,be can raise of lower the platform from three to fourteen ipches, throw the machine out of gear,and regulate the rake so as to make the sheaves large or small, and all this at the same time and without retarding the mr,tion or speed of the machine. Keep it before the People that at a fair mowinz trial 7 different leading Machines were present at Dillsburg, York, to., last Summer and`t.he National Machine was awarded the first premium. 11 All Machines warranted to give satisfaction! For fur ther Information apply to LEWIS;III3SIIMAN, Agent, S miles south of Gettystnir March Li, 11i67.—tt - SIIIREMAN'S HATIOHAL SELP-DL9CHARGINO,STEEL SPRING TOOTH .Horse Bake / Patented Sept. 9M, 1862, and Re-isaued Dec. 6th, 1664. THIS itake is an Independent St4l Spring 'Tomb Rake, and has proven itself to be the most perfeet 11011Sh' RAKE now in use. With this Rake the gorse doeli all the work, bdth the Raking and Discharging,.by the Driver moving a lever a few inch es, which throws it into geaf, and as the horse moves forward it raises the teeth and discharges its load, and then shifts out of gear itself, the teeth dropping down ready to take again. By this operation ids so easily un derstood that the Raker has hardly any work to do. Importsot improvements have been made of ,late, making it very simple and durable in its construction. Thousands of them have been sold in the few last years and given" the best kind of satisfaction. Circulars giving a fuller description of these Machines can be had by, applying to the Agent. APPIy to LBWIS BUSHMAN, Agent. 3 miles south of Gettysburg. March 14,188f=tf . • BRINKERHOEF'S CORN SHELLER, SEPARATOR AliD CLEANER. The underigned would inform the Agricultural public that ha has purchased from the Patentee of triextraordinary marbine, the Patent Right for the States of Pennsylvania and Maryland. Brinkertinrs Corn Silence, Separatorand Clean er is pronounced the best niachine of the kind in this country. And in proof, it may be mentioned that the "Advisory eonatnittee appointed to select Implements for exhibition at the Universal Ex position in Paris, hi havc selected this Sheller as the bestirs America," andat the request of J. C. Dark+, IT. 5, Agent, a matibine has been shipped to Paris for exhibition, One important feature in this machine is-that It will shell ears large, small or crooked. perfectly. clean, and separates the ceb and chaff from the Corn:ready for market. The fact may alsolbe stated that at -thevgreat trial of AgriculturaPlmplements, at Auburn, N. Y., in July last, under the auspicik of the New York State Agricultural Society, the Brinkerhoff Corn Sheller, Separator and Cleaner was reported by one of the most competent Committees as the best Corn Sheller et& TheNsay, "We have care fully examined and thoroughly tested this ma ,ehine,and have no bisitation in pronouncing ii the best Ctoivt Sheller we ever saw." The re (port is signed by such mon as John Stanton Gould, President N. Y. State Agricultikral Society; B. P Johnson, Secretary to same; Solon Robinson, Ag ricultural Editor N. Y. Tribane; S. Edward Todd, Agricultural Editor N. Y. Times. From among many complimentary newspaper notices, the following, from the N. Y. Observer, is deemed sufficient : "Among all the Hand Corn Shelters made in New York and Albany andone single firm man ufacturers 'more then 10,000 annually—not one can enter the eirele with the Sbellerjust invented by .1. Brinkerhoff, Auburn, New York. It shells, saplingsa and cleanses, rapidly and easily, at one operation, as fast as the canteen be put in the hop per." The un4ergigned is now prepared to dispose of COUNTY RIGHTS. He will have SHELL/IRS ready for sale in the coarse, of a month's time. All letters to be addressed to WM. WIBLH, P. 0. Box 248, Gettysburg, Pa. Ma: 14, 1867. • ' WIMDID PRIZES I . GREENBACKS. —T lrterllAoo-belaimbseks; $lO,OOO In Sewing Mr 1900 in Nadal"( Makings ; cast amount of . Haar ilkkts, Aibilsl l , Booka,Gold Pais.Pend Is, Lockets, as., be, to be distrthOed to the sebooribersand platinu mof tbe 'lions Mitaiintins." Bray poorly =teal* gets m a g r apar t glgtiketn drawing front 46 to 1100 each la Greenblatt. Gassueing Agents.elar . halt 10 to $l6 A iyn Al p er d y !oiling ba. , Sample cooks frith a prism W.* WI , dirsotknis *ad lattructlonsts, sent la latioslog On amob. Iftresild to Op Roan II Hagan stmt.!** Yot • Itek nild 0 1 1 11 1. 11 Pe mated ill ono Lit* vampirsogr,. . , . to • - , • . irgesi -e - Zbir* F M , at SIM -40-44itsg.. Airiria 14 *Urbino. SINGER' S CELEBRATED SEWING , MACHINE THE very,beet and l_atent improved machine in nee, fig sale at the .L.'LOTIIINI 1 STORE of JACOBS k BRO., in Chambershurg street, Gettysburg, where you can buy the hest and cheapest t loth". Cassaueres and Vesting', nd every variety mh, in the line of MEN A.ND BOYS WEAIt. Yunnan have them cut out and made up in the very hest styles v nwiih. trnalerate prices. and without any risk whatever. 01:0. JACOBS k 8110. And • \ 'WIN G MACHINES THE 0 ttpVER & BAKER Til r: BEST 1N ISE:,-Theie Machinee here heroin eu well known that Iltne heel he 1111 • d by way of recom . tnuilatien. They harp the Bret premium at all the late Stateruirii net art;,tittivereally ac•nowledgell to ba the BEST in sue by all Who have tried them. The "flyover k Baker Stitch" :and Shuttle Stitch" are poit.tii that have been attained by no other Machine.— They are the only Machintai that emeriti.' embroider with perfection:, These Machines are peenliarly adapted to Family use. They arealmovt noisless,eow - directly from the spool witholit rewinding, and are Sipple in their Construction. They are easy to manage, , , and can be worked by almost any child. Every family Should have one. They saes labor, they sare.tiine, and theysase, money. and do their work better than it eau be done by land. The undersigned having been appointed Agentlor the above Machines, has established an Agency In Valrtleld, Adams co., where lie adlltilways have on hand a enply. Persons wishing to buy Till please call nod examine ftle themselves. itN.. Needle. and Tia'read wig also be supplied: J. S. Ageue, - , Fairfield. Adams county, Ps, Aug.16,1G6.-tf. THE HOWE MACHINE CO.'S SEWING AI ACM-INES BllnutOwAY, NEW YORK. These \Vorld-renowned Sewing Ma chines were awarded the Highest Premium at the World's Fair. inn London, in I six First Premiums nut the Stale Fair of 1966. and are celebrated for doing the Lest 'swot. using a conch smaller needle for the same thread than :toy "flier machine. and by the intro duction of the most :ipprnved machinery.• we are now able to supply the very Inert machines in the world. Those marlines are made at our new and spacious Fac tray at Bridgeport. Conn., under the immediate super vision of the President of the Company, ELIAS HOWE, .Ir.. the rn icinal inventor of the Sewing Machine. They or- adapted to all kinds of Funnily Sewing. and to the use Id t 4 coot.treemes. Dress 'Makers, Tailors. Mandl. facture, of Shirts, Collars. Skirts, nalouks, Mantillas. Clothinb.:. Hats, Caps. Corsets. Boots. Shoes. Harness. Saddles, Lin on Goods. Umbrellas. rAroAuls, etc. They work e.i.;;lly aril upon silk, linen. nott,in or woolen gush" w -Ilk. cotton or linen thread. They will team. /t..u,, tell. cord. hraia, bind :111d perform „very ,es Of sewing, making' a beiptiful and perfect .ril e h, w o k; II both sides ..f the artnieaewr4l. The btlt, invented by Mr. !HAVE. and made on this popular and durl,ible. nnU all Sow• 3lachit,a are mnbject to the k . rJuciple invented by b„,,. Send ;hr eirrithttc. :1- I I: LEY General A;,nt 3lard; I st7.-1} No '.1•22. Chestnut St.. SHUTTLE sEwiNc; MA- E (All\ t S ,ro superior z•T all others 1 . . •if Cunt,in nii the fitt e st im i ,no e:;;;.ut.: or, speedy; usu.- d 11,11.1 4, and 111n,ltat , I Cat:W.3ls fret. Agent. wattled. Liberal Nrouat a:: rw .1. No h rr , ;...1111,11(.1111:1,11'. EMI•IIIK S.ll. CJ., riitc Broadway, New York sq, y • Q'arfttgo, Ttarno 7 s, SA% NEW SADDLEit SIIOP. O - th ilaltittore Street, Co.: tylttord. Pa.—Codt -.tautly .n Laud, of made to order, all kindit of RIDING SADDLES, WAGON SADDLES, . CARRIA - /E HARNESS, DRAUGHT HARNESS. RIDING BRIDLES, BLIND BRIDLES, COLLARS FLYNETS, &c iow u the lowest. 'May 2A, IS6i.-tit J. M. ROWE. C ARRIAGE -MAKING RESUMED, Abe war being over; the undersigned bare re:mmed the CA It WAG BUSINESS, at their old stand. In East Middle atre-t, Clattyshurg. where they are again prepared to put up tebrk in -the must fashionable, anbatantial, Ind superior manner. A lot of new and serond•hand CARRIAGE, BUGGIES., on hand. which they will dispose of at the towel:: pries: and all orders will be supplied as prow i pily itnil satisfac torily as possibie. r C-irREP AI R ING-Eb done with il ispatch, And at Cheapest rates. 'A large lot Of new and old HARNESS n hand for sale. a * Thankful for t liberal patronage heretofore enjoyed bv them, they a Land will endeavor to deserve a large share In the turn May - ..9.-t. f NEW FIRM! AT THE OLD, STAND [ESTABLISIIED IN 1817.] I hare associated with me, in business, my ion. Joxx F. McCeuta, under the firm and style of D. McCasaar .t SON, and I desire to say to pay old friends and the pub lic generally that. since the war, jthe manufacture of Saddles, Elarnees,Collars,kc., has beau {Waved at the old estabihdied and well known stand no Baltimore Street. one eoulimsouth of the Court lions., Gettysburg. P... Waxing had an er.perit.nce of 40 years in this establish meat, I feelasuired. that, with renewed attention to bus. i ties', we can still blither merit and t eceiTo a full share of public patronage Feb.l, 1866, With increased facilities for conducting our business, we are better prepared than ever to satisfy the wants of all these who may need anything in our line. We espe cially call the attention of Farmers and others to the superior quality of our Plain or Quilted Seat Horn Side Leathers, Saddles, flames, all kinds, with or Plain or Quilted Scat no without fastenings, Horn, Housings. Plain or Quilted Seat SideSootch Collars(leather), Saddles, " (ticking), Plalnor Fancy Saddle Cloths No Sewn Collars, Wagon Saddles, Rest Welt ilarneaa Collars, Riding Bridles, of all,k ;rids. p a t eat Leather Collars fair or black, rounded or stitched or unstltched, flat, Best Leather Wagon Whips gartlngales 4, 434. and 5 feet long, ~„ Carriagellarnese, all styles,VlAtedeam Whips, silver or, black mounted, Trotting Whin Heavy Draft blarness, Ladles' Riding Twigs, Blind Bridles, Whip lashes, Girths, - Flom Blankets, &c., kc . Cruppers, In short, everything that pertains to a first class genera horse furnishing establishment constantly on hand or made to order prottiptly, of the very hest material, and by the moat experienced - workmen in The country, (two having worked In t hie establishment for the last thirty years.) Ware now manufacturing an excellent let of Heavy Draft and Harness Collars for those alio prefer our own to city made work. Repairing of all kinds doneat short notice and on rea sonable terms. All are cordially taxi ted to call and examine for them Beim as our work cannot fail to recommend Itself. Feb. 1,1866—tf. DAVID MCCREARY A SON. CARRIAGES AND 'BUGGIES TATE' & CULP Are now building a variety of COACH WORK of the latest and moist approved styl.a, sod constructed of the best material, to which they Invite the attention of buy. ers. Raving built our work with great care, and of ma twist selected with special reference to beauty, of style and durability, we can confidently recommend the work as unsurpassed by any other in or out of the cities. All we ask is an inspection of our work, to convince time in want of any kind ofa vehicle that this is the place to buy them. iarß EPAIRING in every brancb'done at abort notice and on reasonable terms. else us a call at our Factory. near the corner of Wash ington and Chamberaburg streets, Glettysburg, Pa. June 12, 1887.—tf Wats• WANTED 7— FPrEARINIDRED To adieus or sell by s t keicription the Portrait et HO O 13 TRDEUB 1189 EN which we are about to publ ish. This Portrait is from aPhotograph by the late Chas. W. Eberman, and la acknowledged to be the tiestilkenese of this distinguished Statesman that bps seer been taken. The artist, who stands at the head of his art in America, has defe. red a trip to Europe expressly to execute this great work OK Mk picture ofone fifth* vastest liv of Statesmen ' *Hilo one of the 'beet Steel Engraved Pormiu evetproduced In this country, and we are en •aeled to offditaducemente to agents to make money, such as are rarely oSered anywhere. Wardell territory will be given to goad and reliable men' in all peril of the - United, States. Persons wishing to veal will do well to tali person or address the ea ber by mall, when all thewprticularswill bit made May 29.-St - No. 4ltet rt., fancester, Pa. AGENteWATED ! • 4S_ogryt Per Month and Expenses AMJNJ ' Paid, Mole er Female Ape* to intro. d uce its _ AHD UNIAVUL of , Mat 241111G4 •atwohrte woo .houeithokl. I rearing la7 to' work oa NlV lsmil F rAild 11 ON 00.01361atiegt.,Pathai a , -4- : 11169TY'S CLOTHES' WASuft. ii NV kali; timed DOTY'S OLTOILIRS' WA- llEtt, itral th(f , oughli tested ft, we have a, esitath.t.in ..1“1..r0i e,g it its the‘V Iti bc;t ashing Mach o,yet vrolue,,A. . It I. a l ui pi e i n coma kttetiou—lotloilfy, 044. .sioliiioa., it,, „t, .w, well, wit/Inu i t Injury to. ,eloth ng.' Au iurili e.l i e ie.tikig. • re -411 iring nimaliy'h to 10 - itottre htbot it th.. .. , dt•ntii.exii Z . I. lli iy. he 4ton., with tito wid of lit 11 - ii e f r ee end the awiaai Clothes' 11ringer, hi op t . third the tun,— eenitoirii.ilui tittle. latiiir, soap, Itie4 a; .—evolding the i i ..,,,,,,it ts o f we.h.thlie, whit tumbling the pernott working co gji, through with 3 we:lidos without w e tti ng wen.. ..,ivo. Or theltuur. 1 t really iot.rit,..ll the good that C4(l goi Milt., ( It. We di. h. t thiuk (bet way family, title. hftrll Misting' It, w0..1,1 .11, 1 .i0,... ii it h it. .. ____ D. A. BUraiLER. • ic; 4. •FAtINESTuCK. A. M. HUNTED., STALLSMITII, ARMOR, U. 7. FALINESTOCK. FRO REV. L. SCOTT. BISHOP:0Z VIZ M. E BAOWIITSO.—Dear Sir ;—We like our Machine mach ;!cotild not be persuaded to do without it, end with tho aid of Doty we feel that we are masters of the poet. Cons. ;On one occasion, the clothes were prepared, but the washerwoman failed no. We were not to be defeat• ed that way. took hold (whirl, of tourer t nhouldnot Lace Vire had had no machine), and in hours weput through eleiess dozen ;deers, many of which were shots, said they were well done. too. We wish you great sac exam. i C. H; Buehler, corner Carlisle and R. It street, lattify agent for the tale of the Universal Nringer end iht44l Worthing Machine, in Adams county, Pa. May 119. 1867. ' i TEE WORLD ASTONISHED AT Tilt WONDEII3I.7I, Cr.VELITIONI TIIE GREAT ASTROLOGIST, Le feet-xis secrets no mortal ever knew. She restores to happiness those who. Iron doleful eveuto, catattrte plies, crosaes in love, loss of relations and (Honda. bee of money, acc., have become despondent. She brinw to gether thOrte lobg separated, given inforniation cotiru; ing absent friends Or looms, restores lost or stolen puler ty, tell, you the hilliness you are neat qualified to pur sue in What You will be most inccessful. causes el OIT marriages and telia you the very day y ou will Mail, gives you the name. likeness and characteristicsllie • t person. She reads your very thoughts. and by her a 1 ,,,, supernitm al powers unveils the dark •nnd hidden ys teries of thelut ere. From the stare we ere hi the nuts ment--:the widen' stare that overcome or predomin e in the con fi guration—from the aspects and positions the planets and the fixed stars in the heaves. at the tie of Fail tto birth,she deduces the future destiny (I nt o. i , consult the greatest Astrologit on earth. it cost you , but a trifle. end you may never again have so ftvcnible 'n opsairtunity. Consultation fee, with likeness an( ell desired information, $l. parties living at a (lister* con cothrult the Madame by mail with equal safoty and Mess factiOta to themselves, Ho if in person. A full and eipliclt chart, written out, with all inquiries answered mullike. :less enclosed. tent by mail on receipt or price above,. I tionrd. The strictest secresy will be maintained, moduli corrospondeace returned or destroyed. References if the highest ordat furnished those desiring theip . . • V rite plainly the dayaif the month and year in which youwete born, euelosinr, a small lock of hair. Addi ens, , MADAM} 11. A. PERRIGI, Feb.2B, 1861.-ly E. 0. , rawer 2a, liutlolo.N. i Tbrvw away, yuur false frizzee,yvta sa 3i,ur Destructive of comfort, Rod not / reorth a fig Come aged, come youthful, etrfueigly and fair. And rejoice in your olyr.lurol'rianrintir. For restoring hair op6rz bald pearl 'from wl4tever eau, It may have oral and firi`ini: s grolth if hail upon the:face, it has DO equal. It is iil tors. Lb beard to grow uporrthe smoothest Lc, in front t eight weeks. or hair upon bald hrools in aims three months A few Ignorant practitioners have suit:vi ed ttoit'tliere 10' not Bing that will force or baster th• growth of the hair or heard. Their utoorrtiou3 arifilse as thousands al tiring witriessen (from their own riper! encercan hear witness. lint trinity sell Any. how lie se. to ill.tinguish the genuine Iron the spiiriou•? f tautly is difficult, as nine.teuths of the different l'rrlars tions advised for the hair and beard are entirely mirth less, stilt you may have already thrown away mounts in their pnrchase. T., ~n.• • a,- mid -.ay tr . the Keparstor Capilli it will c.,t you o ut4s fully -1 . 4.111e5 Ilp to our If Urn is doe. lot keep it. 14,114 one it',l; !AAP it. p—itpuid.toiii•ther with a rriu.ipt Will rfittiriou/ you on aripitiation, pro, kr*Ct:4ll is 0-.1 giten. V. L CLA I:K No. WCSI V” , 1 1 ,2 . 1=313M1 tit bei, t,,) the nle N XII:, yu can to cured permanently, and at a trithatt re The nitont,hinz suc e,. which bas at temdc.l th i. pre, Liable medicine fur Physical and Servoit,We4lise-..44- eral Di•stility and Prontr•tion. 31n.c.n:.tr leer*, Impotency, or any of the consequences of youth( aitnit. cretion, renders it the ne.4t vainable preparatiotr discovered. tt It will remove all nervous at!ecth,ns. de:pre—, n. !Dent...incapacity to #ttply or boßine,ol, ~f confusion, thoughts of self-Jostruction, fears of ihco kc. It will restore the appetite, renew the heah t those who have destroyed it by set:ion:ll excess or evil dices. Young Men. be humbugged no more by "Quack tors" and ignorant practitioners, but send without dek`, for the Elixir, and be at once restored to health and hal pine... A PerfeilCure is Guaranteed in every instanc • Price; SI, or four bottles to one eddress. one b,atle is snflicient toeffect a cure in all orilinar caem. ALSO, DR. JOINVILL.E'S SPECIFIC PILLS. forth speedy and pernment cur. of Clonirrhea. Meet, Croft* , Discharges. Gravel. Striotate, and all affections of ft Kidneys and Illadde:. Cures effected in from one to days., 'They are ptivaireil from vegetable extracts ' are harmless on the 'system. and never natiseat stomach ox impregnate the breath. No change of di it necessary while using them. oor doe s their actaa l i t ,;y manner interfere with tinniness pursuits. Piier,Sl r box. will be se to I Either of the :Limey-merit toned articles any address, closely sealed, and postpaid. by mail o as presaon receipt of price. Address all orders to i BERME}[. SIAIITTS @ CO.. Chemill Feb. 2S, 1867.-ly No. '.4sa River Street Troy. N 4 CRISPER COMA. Oh !she was beautiful mai MIT, Iti!th starry e es, and radiant Lair, Whose curling tetalrila .41., entwined, Enchained the very heart and mind, CRISPER COMA, For Carling the hair of either &r into lily awl (flossy Ringlets or Heavy aliassive Curls. DANNLIL & ZIEGLER ➢y using this article Ladles and Gentlemen cani:au• tify themselves a thousand fold. It is the only are the world that will curl straight hair, and at the time pre It a beautiful, glossy appearance. 11 Coma not only curls the hair, but invigorates. ana cleanses it ; is highly and deligttfully pert, is the most complete article of the kind ever the American public. The Crisper Coma will any address. sealed and postpaid for SI. Address all orders to • W. L. CLARK k CO., Chenital No. 3 West Fayette Street, Syracuse, Fe, Feb. 28, 1867.- ly I XCELSIOR EXCELSIOR DAVID 3IcCREARY 11A1R EXT_E'RIIIINATORIF - For Rc.woving Superfluous Hail! To the ladiesespeclally, this Invaluable being an almost indimpensible icle depila, re commends itself as to female beauty, Is easily applied, don't not burn o jure i ll the skin, but acts directly on the roots. It is wa ted to remove superfluous hair from low foreheads, t om any part of the body, completely, totally and ally extirpating the same, leaving the skin colt, small and natural. this is the only article used by the Frena and is the only real effectual depilitory in existeacerice 75 cents per package, sent post-paid, to any addis, on receipt of an order, by BERGER, SHUTT') & al., Cherol Feb. 2P. 1867.-6 m. 21.6 River St., Troy, Y. There cometh glad tiding if to all, `To young and to old, to great and to email, The beauty which once was so precious and ra is free for all, and all may be far. By the use of i CHASTELLAR'S ! For Improving and Beautifying the Complexion. most valuable and perfect preparation In u ol giving the skin a beautiful pearl•like tint that is 13 found In youth. It quickly removes Tan, Freckka, co pies, Blotches, Moth Patches, Sallowness. Eruption nd all impurities of the skin,kindly healing the same v- Ing the skin white andclear as alabaster. Its niece of be detected by the closest scrutiny, and being a vege le preparation is perfectly harmless. It Is the only a le of tlie kind us d by the French, and is considered b he Parisian es Indispensable to a perfect toilet. Upwar of 30.010 bottles were sold during the put year, a sufll t guarantee of ita efficacy. Price only 75 cents. Sen y mail, post-paid, on receipt of an order, by BERGS:A, SHOTTS k CO.; Chemls Feb.22,1887:-.ly 255 River Street, Troy, N. WHISKERS AND MUSTACHE pORCED to grow upon the smoothest facein from t to live weeks by using Dr. EiDVIDNE'S RESTA TEUR CA PILLAIRB, the most wonderful digicovery modern science, acting upon the Board and Bair almost miraculous manner. It lieu been used hz the °Otitis and London with he most Battering Neale/ oral] purchimers will be registered, and 'lien satisfaction is not even' in every instance, the mo will be cheerfully rellindod. Price by mistl, 's ea t e d t postpaid, $l. Descriptive circulars and tosobterd i d e se od tree. Address BRRGIEB, SIIIITTS & CO., Chem ti 0.2815 Elver Street, Tr 4, N. Y., Bola evad e far United States. • [Feb . . U,1867.-1 Aubtirn, Golden, .Flazen de Silken Cur PIODUCIID by thanes of Prof. DEBSEUX! "I,IICIIDVSUE. ewe application warranted to the mast straight and stubborn hair of either sex i.. wavy ringiets i or heavy MAINIITOCOXIIL Has been used the Dahlonab es of Paris and London, with the grattlying regatta. Does no Wray to the hair. Price mail.sealed and pod-paid, Sl. Descriptive Circulars ma ed tree. Address BZWER, SHOWS & 00, menus • N 0.285 River 'Street, Troy,. N. Y, Sole agents for United States. [Feb. 28, 11. F. DEBRING du BRO.) FRESCO PAINTER" i FREDERICK CITY, MD. RESPECTFULLY , inform the pug lie that they at. prepared to FUSCO 00%04 Ye, HALL% PRIVATIANSIDENONI, de., ha the approeed etylea,modera or unient. All 'Work wairent to 0 latisitetico le totnete, durabtlity and .1.... 0 ra . 5 411 . esoket.—en ---- - 7 n ßoom. HANDL E FOli SALA - . inugaid. or lad; a the Lanah ya r d of O. R. MUM *i_ -- - - Vtit • 'MT 131:41'1..V -1.1 KE T. I It.nAU Tl,l r, FOLtOWINCI Grtvrtutiu, PA, Jau,B. CHURCH, ASTROLOGY MADAME IL A. PEitTuao REPARATOR CAPILLI REPAII/ TOR CAPILLI AFFLICTED: SUFFER NO 311)11E: CHASTELLAR'S 'WHITE LIQUID ENAMEI BEAUTY! I .* _ • JULES JARED'S "EMAIL DV PARIS." TUE NEW REAUTIFIEROF THE SKIN. l'eathnonials from C'elebrated.Ladies : The secret of hmtutifying the skin being known only to peers. Jared & Hone, they honorably slate that it differs • nn all ether preparations. It gives to the most. harsh and freckled skin both the textute and color of polished ivory,femovlng all diseoloratlons whether appearing as frerkkti. tan, morph.... moth, or bleckworm speck., and is mi....tally socceonfril in amoothing out the marks left by Smell Pox. The eigetits of `L'Eniall de carte" most confidently' sub. mit to the public the earnest endorsements of snub dis tinguished Wire ~ SIGNORA RISTOR!., Mile FELICITA VESTVALI, Miss ittiOIEiITCIiELL, Mrs. D. P. BOWER! , LU CIL LEWESTERN , Mtu!. PONISI, Mrs. EMMA WA!.LER, LUCY ItURITONI NORSIII'- DE MARGUERITTES, Miss AO NES PERRY, • . and many others, whose high standing in the profession gives the stamp of truthfulness to their 'intelligent and genuine approval. January 18,.1866 The Beautiful Lucille Western says:- 118nd that the "Email" produces all the bri Illancy of rouge and 1111 y-whits, with the great and peon:liar advan tage of total harmlessness. It really adds to ti le softness pod beauty of the skin.' • The Magnificent Veatvali says I have suffered so much f rom the serious Whi to lotions, &c., which my theatrical profession obliges-me to use, that I consider it a perfect benefit - trim' to find at prepare iron • filch gives the necessary whiteness to the skin, and leaves the skin cool and smooth. bliss Maggie Mitchell says : • I have tried the ale b beautifier, "I...thgail do Paris," and found that Ithistantly imparts a nutdkal bloom and (reel:lees to the complexion.. "Jared Email de ('aria." is used as a delicate beautifier of the skin for Theatre, Saloon or Bail Hoorn. by the toot refined and scrupulous Ladies; pruduclug all tine beanti r) lug I . lTeCtil Of rouge and Illly white, without tho ir vulgar glare or ingairy to the skin. 'Soid by 311 first-class Druggists, Perinuiere Ladies' Hair Dreadera. L. liialieau 822 Broadway: Dented 111.1111104 .k Co.. and F. C. Wells ik Co., New York. and Eugene JOU 1nt..111 South Tenth Stieet, and Johns ton, Holloway a Cowden. Phila delphia, Agents JA lIED tleneral Ageu to and Importers, New York. Jan. 2.1.151i7.-tini GREAT CONO,WAGO MILLS. iu,ow i3usllli,L3 OF WHEAT WANTED The undersigned having remodeled and improved his mills near New Chester, f formerly called alnut Grove," but now "great Connwago Mills") is prepared to do nil kinds of work in his line with onus; ;al dispatch. Constantly on hand, for sale or exchange.; he very beet qualities of Super, Extra, and Family FDA: also Rye, Corn aid Buckwheat Flour. with every Tani try Of Chop and offal of wheat. Ilacjng a MAW MII.I. attached. lie k pte tare.' to saw all kinds of lumber. a: lb" 4:2.at,at mtt icr. k farmer in need of lumber and 11..ar. can put a log u;10 r his wagon, throw it few blithele of schwat on the top. Ita 're the wheat exchanged for 11 ow. • an.l the log sawed. t bus Raring a double trip—and ali beratn, of the new awl perfect Ma chinery now ..,111/I,pni 11.1 three mills. Having the hest or i or ;nen he will be 1, We to please every body. Thenk p.t.st ftVola he hr foes for Al Ibu tltamuce of the pane.- 31YEM. New Chester, April J. W. C. SEITZ. if. 1. T. RC C - iiINGIIA3I J. W. C. Seitz cL Co., DEALEI:iz k 3IANUYAC rci :ERS OF CIGARS, TOBACCO ANI) S2';UFF, No. 164 Frankin st. BETWEEN GREEN E D PACA ETS BALTIMORE :. "QUICK S.\ LE AND SMALL PROII TS! . 4 71: „ •s I:I; , P.Tr.D CIP:WIN11 Tutl•CCO, 41,1 Le %i %,r) .1,... r })(t,m, with a 4 , 1-m1244 •.rtruent Fancy .Y.C. —.1 3 . 11 _ I C II ET S . • vr tho fu.til• 111 rr r ) 3114 _ SILVER'S IV ASII PoIV DER. zi APES In r , ~L , a.r.Makt, 1 7 .1.411:44 a t in., and )lonclay a Ics - t 11 - 11. S. it every, rhe. 4. Try it Addrusi orrl , 4 r, c., t-/r. 'MIA/LER A: , J. 83111'11, Cheriii•t. olind 1111,:e..CP Pi.ai:gllt.l 1%7 N"rtn "itxrd ithtiadalphia. 113rch (401ETIIING, WONDERFUL fur the Nil LLIOS—all tma' - I, HO, ' , J.' apd MY '— Aget.tm vano d . Ent:lit, .ctuntit for pulica 11. CAXP, 142 111,0,ker et., k. [ Erb. FOR SALE. CHEAP. A REAPER AND \1() %VEIL IA.NNY'S PATEN T—ull in R •nd order—with tw.anivt.s. For lonia. tc., In quire line CumLwi:m•Gto - xn.hlp. June 12. 15,17 .-3t• tit:Wt./F. CULT' FREE' TO EVERY BUILT A Large 6 pp. Circular, giving information of the greaten Importance to the young of both ...ter. It teaches how the homely may become beautiful, the de•pleed respected, awl the forauken loved. • . No youni lady or gentlewom ~)touhl Sail to send their Address, slid re ;scatty post-paid. by return mail. Fol,. 2S, 7hel7.—+:tri THOSE who desire brilliancy'of pleuirqi mast purifrlthd ...rich 'the I.l.tiotl, which Ifelutbold's Concentrttteileetxtrort of .ittrittittrilla Invari ably does. Ask for fletutbold'e. Talc so other. Tux Woxtrarct. FLEXIBILITY and great COMPOST and PLEAACREtoany LADE wearingthe DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SKIRT will be experienced particularly in all crowded Angst- BLIES, OPERAS, CARRIAGES, RAILROAD CARE. Ctinactt Pews, ARM Climes, for PROMENADE and HOES' DIMS, as the SKIRT can be TOLDED when in use to occrir a small PLacx as easily and conveniently as a Mx or .I.IcBLIS Daxse;an invaluable quality in crinoline, not found in any Single Spring Skirt. A LADE baring enjoyed the PLUSHER. COMPORT, and great corvine:web! wearing the DUPER' ELLIPTIC STEIL SPRING SKIRT for a SINGLE DAT, will never afterwards willingly, dispense witb their use. For CaILDIXtr, Misses and YOUNG LADIES they are superior to all others. &They will not BIND or BREAK . like the Single Sprint& Ent will PRESERVE their paßracT and GRAcEPUL SHAPE when three or four ORDINARY SKIRTS will have been THROWN ASIDE AS InIELESS. THZ floors are coveted with DOUBLE AND TWISTED THREAD, and the BOTTOM RODS are not only double aprings, but twice tor double) comen: pre venting them from wearing out when dragging down stoops, stairs, &c. The Duplex Elliptic hie g-eat favorite with .all ladies and htuniversally recommended by the FASHION MAO 'AZINES as the STANDARD SKIRT OF THE FASHIONA BLE WORLD. ' To °Wu) , the following inestimable advantages In Cjillolll2E. PIZ SOPIHIOIL EICALI£P, PERFECT NA/lIIPLCTIIII.E, STYLISH SHAPE and lIINISH, mextinutr, niunit.rrr, , COY roan and ECONOMY, enquire for J. W. BRADLEY'S DUPLEX ELLIPTIC, or Double Spring Bkirt,and besure you get the genuine article. CAUTION.—To guard against IMPOSITION be par ticular to NOTICE that skirts offered as •ISUPLEE" have the red ink stamp, viz : ''J. W. Bradleet Duple( Elliptic Steel Springs," upon the waistband—Dune others are genuine. Also Notice that every Hoop will adinitfa pin being passed through the centre, thui restaling tile two (erdouble)isprinp braided together therein, which a le the secret ot their YLIXIBILITY and irruNqrn, and ly combination not to hi found in any other Smut. FOR BALK in all Stores where FIRST CLASS skirts are sold throughout the ijolted.Statee and eleSerbere. Manufactured by the Sole Owners of the Patent, WESTS, BRADLEY & GARY, 97 Chambers and 79 k 81 Reads Ste., New York. April 18,1887.-8 m ; , 628. HOOP SKIRTS. 628. NIW SPRING STYLES,"Onr own make." EEMBRACING every New and tesintble size, 'style and Shape of Plain and Trail Hoop Skirts„-2, 2 1 ,4, 214 2%, 3 t 3 1 4, 3%, 3 and 4 Yds.,round, every leingth and size walet; in every resptct First Quality, and kspecially adapted to meet the wants of First Class and Most Fash ionable Trade. "Out own make," of Hoop Skirts, are lighter, more du- table, and Really Cheaper than any other nuke of either Single or Double Spring Skirt In the American Market. They are Warranted in every respect, and wherever in troduced give general 'satisfaction. They are now ';ten. sively sold by Retailers, and era., 9MY eOould try them. Ask for "Hopkln's Own. Make," and see that each Skirt is Stamped "W. T. HOPNINS, MANUFAOTURKR,, 848 AROH Ediet PHILADRLPILLit," No others_ure Oen*. itte. A Catalogue containing Style, Size and Retail Pri ces, sent to tiny address. A iltdforte and Liberal Die. count allowed to Dealers. Orders by mail or otherwtes, promptly and careihtly tilled.—Wholseale•and Retail , sa Manufactory and Sale•roomi, No. 628 Arch Street, Phila. Skirts made to order altered; and repo r e d. MKT GASH . ONX FRIZZ ONLY. March ' • • WM. T. noimnia. MIDDLE OF THE BLOCK, Cooper Institute, New, York. HADLEY IN coostantly retelling Large DAWN!, Of 01 NEW AND BEAUTIFUL SHAPE, AT ONE.HALF THE USUAL PALLING PRICES. 1.0 hind:Ohba' Maar, Sets, 180 pieces, ; pmp • “ Tea ' " 44 7.00' " a Dinner Plates, p er dos., I 2.00 a " a Tea " 4 1.60 " 44 Cape sad Saucer*, Ze pleas, 4.00 ; Wench Out Goblets, Par dosen, lOO Also, Tium743oods la China, Eth Tea,' let White Barlstan Stone Wary 04 and 811TOr Plated Ware, Cutlery; kc, Ac, &a., Ili lo Weal. Glostepaeked to rill over the w , b - press or otherwise. ; Itouselfarnishlng floods! la large Ramenbar HADLEY'S Middle, of the Bllek. 111,1140 ad stir 0 1010 6 110 1 6 1 E, s I No °Megaton laith Oarner Skfre4s. gaith isaAts • MEE lI3IMMI ViutitantOtto. CONIIIISSION MERCHANTS J ENK I(N(i(1• =1 I.IN : ht.ttie of flat • Lest NI u tti•mte y..,,1 ,r-1.,; Ittitxhtly -thee* ••• l'::::et • t !•: ../4 ll i• .r mirt.x '11') T'l,y nre te: .Iper• the hen, " tlty t...tt I•ts tt.N TI. i BEA t• • e CE rLV f II Ri ,1.1 th,rfat ,t) 14 p T14::•1 ?, 1, rte r P. 0. Drawer, 21, Truy. N. Y 'coop radley's • celebrated Patent LEX ELLIPTIC ( Oa DullliLlS SPRING) SKIRT. FR N C!H CSZNA ,,j r,-.1,V4,1 'w014.44411 - Attars(44 144161:10k- • -11,4 X, ESC ao A.: itA !Ix. M AaNow a.—Tlito prt.t t 'lex. thing.? at "sweete,t I hing," m 34 chi" Itlvei tJt'i t 1 . -. r the le b' no.ney. it tr:erttother the ~.1.,r ..f peropiratibut r"liens smut iad•ts dulieney t.” the skin: i,i a de lightful perfn " allaya hruiluvhe and infitnnnut.• tiou, and is e,n‘ary eusninonion in the sick room, in. the ale ry uud upon the toilet Ado hoifeti. It UAL 100 ..bt.vined anywhere at one dot. kr per 1 , 0t.t!0. . . 8A RATon 'tivffiNo WA r):14,.olo by all I)m:4:WC sale :4. 6.,1;pruuy4.1.4 bor. kioitinit 110,1.11 Cr, Drug. lit UrWll•lqt, S. ISO -The m.runt ar Plantation Bitter, sold it/ one ye..r is e.outet binx•etartling.L-- They Nenuld till I: o.dway . is feet high, from the Nar6 to 41.1.1 rtreet. Drake's tnaitufnentrY i. one of the instituri,ca Sew York. it is said that brake painted tl. the ruekA w the En tern States with his oaba I iato• . " an d then got theaid granny legiCatura to pass a law "pre venting disfiguring the lace of nature," which gives him a monopoly. We in not know bow this is, hilt we do know that the Plantation Bitters KELL as no other article ever did. They aril Used by all classes of the community. and arc death on Dyspepsia--certain. They are very in rigors ting when lank uid and meek, and a great appe ' her. SARATOGA SPRIRG WATER. sold by all Druggists. Mr For sale by S. S. Forney and _Dr. Robert Horner, DI-uggiats, Gettysburg, '• In liftipg the kettle from the fire I scalp myself very severely--Mne hand almost . to. eriml Tbetorturewasunbearahle. • • • 'Fbe Mexi can Mustang Liniment relieved the pain almost immediately. rt, healed rapidly, and left very little aeon CHAS. J. Fosrun, 420 Broad St.. Phila.." This is merely sr sample of what the Mustang , Liniment will du. It is invaluable in all eases of woutill, swellings. sprains. cuts, bruises, sprains, etc., either upon den or beset. iterware of counterfeits. None is genuine un less wrapped in fine steel-plate engravings, hear ing the signature of U. W. Westbrook. Chemist, and the private st:Linp of De As Beanies & Co.- New York, SARATOGA SPRING %VATIC*, Sold by all Druggists. For sale by S. S. Forney and Dr. sleben llorner,Druggista, iiettyeburg, Pa. All silk, value a beautit'ul bead of Bair, and its prescrvillon from premature baldness and turn ing gray, will not fail to use Lyons' celebrated Kathairiin. It makes thie hair rich, suit and glossy, eradicates t:auglrul, and causes the hair to grow with luxuriant beauty. It is sold every where. 4 E. THOMAS LY DN. Chetuiat, N. Y. SARATOGA SPRING WATER, cold by ■Il Drug6 4 sta _Zter" For saki II) S. S. Forney and Dr. Robert Horner, Drtp.4o , ,te, Gettyabitrg, I'.. IC/I.Vr Drn 1-r?—A young 1 ady, returning tv her eouotrji home after a sojourn of a few months in New York, was hardly recog . lized by her friends. In place o a rustic. flushed I ace, she had a soft, ruby c3tuplezion, of almost marble smoothness; and instead of 22, she realy appeared hut 17. She told them plainly she used Bagatt's Magno lia Balm. and would not be without it. Any lady can improve her Personal appearance very mach by using this article. It can be ordered of any druggist fur only SU cents. SAI:ATOtj4 SPRING WATER, cold by all Druggists. . - .41...iF0r sale by S. S. Forney and Dr. Robert Horner, Druggists, Gettysburg, Pa. Helms:rect . , inimitable hair Coloring has been steadily growing in favor,f.,r over twenty yearn. It tl.:!ta upon the absorbents at the roots of the hair, an,: ,li.ngen it to it: original color by de gree:,.. inntantaheous dyes deaden and injure the hair. lieimstreet's is not a dye, but is cer tain in it. results. promotes its growth, and is a beautiful HAIR DRE. , UNG. Price 5u refit:" and $1 00 S.3ld by all .!eaters. SARAT,IGA.. , ..RDR. WATER. told by all Drugealts. lor b , . iz Forney mind Dr. Robert If.,roor, tiettynburg. Pa. E'.7ll.t , 'T Priti: JAMAIA GINGE.R— f.-tr NaiiteiL Heartburn, pick Head , : ache. .M , ,rbus,"*.c., where a warming. genial stimulant requireld. Itticareful.prepara tino nd entire purity makes it a cheap and re liable article for culinary purposep. Sold every where. at 5e cents per bottle. SA II ATcG SPRING WATER. sold by all Druggiks. I'ur "le by S. S. Forney and Dr. Robert Horner. ilettyaburg, Pa. July .5. ti 46.-12, Ii tLeen part R ETABLAMBROSIA I FOR GRAY HAIR r.iNcs itEs. - Gs. - RINGS RINGS To RINGS R NGS Restore RINGS RINGS Gray Hair to its RINGS RIN,;s Orizin r d Color. tired- RINGS RING: , ice:Q. Dandruff and RINGS RINGS , VEGETABLE . AIIBROSIA ) RINGS RINGS , Is WARRANTED. j RINGS RINGS Ilumor6 from the RINGS RING Scalp and pre- RINGS RAN ;S vent Baldneer. RINGS RING:: Tay A Bormic ! RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RINGS RlN'' , ' 4 RINGS RI S RINGS GS RINGS RINGS Thk i. tho . ANIBRobIA that Mug made. Thi• i• the Cure that lay lo the AMBROSIA that Ring made. Thi. la the Man alio was bald and gray, Who n, a lima raven locks. that say Ile used the Cure that lay In the AMBILOSI i that Ring made. 1 This the Maiden, handsome and gay, Who worried the man twee bald and gray Who nor has raven locks. they say. Ile need the .4.31131t0.51A that Ring made. This is the Parson, who, by the way, Married the Maiden. handsome and gay, To the Man once bald and gray. But who now has raven lucks, they say, Because he used the Cure that lay In the AMBROSIA that Ring made. This is the Bell that rings away To arouse the people, sad and gay. Unto this fact which heredoes lay— It' you would not be bald or gray, Übe the AMBROSIA that Ring made. E. M. TCBBS & CO., Proprietor*, Teterboro' N .31OFFAT'S LIFE PILLS ! AND PIRENIX BITTERS THE MOST SUCCESSFUL MEDICINES IN THE Established in 1835 by one of our Most Pah-opt Phy sicians, and now used throughout North affil-South America, with more pleasing results than any other Medicine in cases of diseased Liver, Bloottor Skin, Ind geation, Costiveness, Bilious Complaints, Rheumatism, and Fever and Agne 'oontide of certificates are In our possenion, eying detailed accounts of perfect cure effected by these in valoablo Medicines. They late the system and put all the fondling of the body in a healthy condition. ' Bold by all Druggists. White k Howland, Proprietors Successors to Dr. John Moffat and Dr. W. B. Moffat t New York April 4,1867.-17eow 'CLIMAX ! CLIMAX ! ! PAGE'S CLIMAX SALVE, A FAMILY BLESSING FOB 25 CENTS It heals without a scar. No family should be without it We warrant it to mire Seto&la, Sores, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Nutpick, and all Eruptions of the Skin. For Sore Breast or Nipples, Cuts, Sprains, Braise", Barna= Scalds, Chapped Hands, ke., It makes a perfect It hes been need over fifteen Jetinr,witbont one failure. It hu po parallel—having perfectly eradicated dis ease and healed after all other remedies had Allied. It is a compound of Arnica with many other Extracts and Balsams, and put up In larger boxes than any other Ointment. Sold by Druggists everywhere. 'White k Hoirlaud Propritors, ISI Liberty Street, New York. March 28, THE GOLDEN TABLET AN INPALLABLN REALIDY FOR Ach, Salt Rheum, ZrYe'peks, cusd aU Cidaaeout &lop Nowt) 014 Sorra, Son 144 Sbre .144; So►e Ntpokt, Chafing, Pimples, Bum, Ekakir,. raarratai Throat, Pikt, Cbtarrk, /Want of the Ivy, Oak, aussaek, de. Alto for LlMOOltititlA, AND ALL .111116 1 / 4 11 irIAXIIiBII2II. • • Tltla Is orie of the most extraordinary Znaridier Mir ebarvered producing looneterfiel mark In ad cams where it twat be used externally or httormally, am slake, Woodall, or gargle. la Liatoorrhoe it sato hde levet, caring the worst cases*fe m e i r days. giy•lts many pre. ventive and curative sr it indifiromparit to wiry duhag p g . * q f boo Air for which see the Mew lar. seat jree read. Primp a bon ; six boxes kw* by , Bold by the MWt. J. WLNOILISTIOL de 00 Siloam 8t , I nbone all orders rdtould be .. March 14,11301.—1 y • Ed • oft. nR. BRYAN, . tiIIateiTICIATIMINTIn all ,at Ilistual, Beonel,lrrhiary and prorroas Dhows@ is nab er ism* Amos 10 lash NMI asinipoodente friddiT 003=11010eXe • Jam., 1p67.-17 litelltegl. WORLD WlUnit THE GREAT CHOLERA PREVENTATIVE. X. ISIK. (HEAT n g r i Fitters. rlt 111 %%Os sY.IIFfL RBSIP:ILT ea. dternliir d In 141 reA .14,0 Awls, 1 w.. 07 I, pr. 911Clelaii 1.11•. sm....hen! Egyptian lie , Mad Nark. seen and relt , she vent .1 some rentsdT Which a .trikr s,l the r.s .11 .lisps. au. . pre. vent in init nt the •olgrfllll4 w hh - h the 1111.41. Ptah lig w.. then . . Thas Brest .ishmt lo”.• i5t..,14.-t1 n. I,i;,> wth.i o rry day iu TiVide , el , •l• u. Ilt . Ir.. etirt118.11;:. 111,004 atniglyins, :And observed the h.-Hull - hey ly 11r tha. rralniife 111,11114 Ull6. Thu'. he was Ird ; Allhl arteries* years' study and lats... be tar0...16A 1 • his fellow-wan the wonderful Masan Hitters. The eltect of this preparation lu the prevention and cure ot disease, Wu No marvellonratid , sakonlehiug. that tbr Wool ttit yr lag marks of royal tarot' were bestowed upon 111141 who discovered it.. 116 name was placed Upon. the of Nobles. and it gold medal with the following inscription —Dr. B.(Theopsus. the Public Itenefactor—Wen pre•rlited to hint by the Viceroy. The preparatiou has been asd i t, srVl.l.l I elshielltiCPoi cholera, both...prel'l , lllll.l•4llllCUl'Mtlte wrasort. and with such great /accts,. I hat it has heel; int • 1.111cv41 IMO nearly all the general booptinls of the oil IN, Id. The old saying that au nuuce of prt, rod; I- 'l4 a pound of curs. applleN with ..... : awl therefore any r role that w 1 1; e, I •• -t this terrible kliseN.ll.hotilil be Irt.l 813 •• stied. All petbulogiste bow agree that list rt. en, i • On the •Satelit tlitoiligis the blood 111.41 11. • I 3,1, •1111.1t.0.- 0011 With+ (heeling . ..ll4y tit L•k 11. • god ••• lot , t hin, in worki up order. Ullint preYelit eh. elk I unite poison tueiert it.terrihlt eile• 1 , the TLa-i. true not only tot . “11 mal Adielt.enpeeinl ly thr .111.h.rtio The Ziugarl Bitter. is }Uhl WlWl]rii,•• • 3 Ite the e conditions require. It set. un tbe ...,1 on and secretion. keeping hi. pet I.e!it ern thrill. This Bitters ie comp.seu • Id. herbs. S. , ittCnty Cillt..ct ell flint CO el Ltri I. 1...1 upon and put it, tone. Its I:tote i• pleitimist and it. a (recte prompt andlasting. Numerous tittle* of the Nolo.. Inv .lis, uses have b-en cured by it: Cholera, Dierrioea, D,rentery. dcrolnla, fl'yphold cud Typhus Fever. Fever. Ague. Nervous De. AnneiniCECt/Inle Irregularitie,Dyspepeia,Platue lency, Colic, It. Price One Dollar par quart Bottle. Principal Depot at the Walnut street whart. Barrie berg. Pa. Sold by Druegists.HotelkeepersendGrocersgenerally. im.GEO. Y. K A LB VLEISH sole Agent tor Gettysburg. Y. RA uric r., Sole Proprietor Harrisburg. Pa May 2,911G7 IMPORTANT TO INVALIDS ! ! 116a - .ALL I SUFFERERS4;iv • From Pulmonary Diseases. Nervous Debility, Female Weaknesses. or Chromic Disorders of any na ture, and all Whose rat Ibrees are depressed, rendering neeersary A Nervous Tonic and Invigbrator, A re earnestly rsCuttitnetAlesl to 13,e WINCHESTER'S GENL-LNE H OSPHI TLS LIME AND SODA, THE SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR CONSUMPTION NERVOUS DEBILITY, Scrofula, Asthma, Bronchitis, Dyspepsia, ,Paralysis, Loss of Appetite, Chlorosis, Maramnu.x, Wanting, Liver and Kid ney ,Complaint, Rickets, Debility of Nursing and Pregnancy, and all DISORDERS OF THE LUNGS NLIVOUS AND BLOOD hetnedy haw been United for ten years, with “Hcf,ll.7t , UNPAItt LLL7.71 , 17r THE ANN/LS 07 yytacitti." Its anion a TWO-FOLD and SPICCIFIC: OD the one band, iii cer.ASlNG MIL PRI3CIFLE that constitute* NERVOUS EN ERGY; and on the other, are the MOST POWERFUL BLOOD GEN EItATINO AGENTS KNOWN. By a timely D.. Of it in the inripierit otageti at Consumption. "Cure the Rule, and Penth the Exception." TRY IT. — ‘ll trOLPRICtS: Tn 7 and lr-oz Bottles, $1 and $2 each Three large, or six small Bottles WC SS, by express. Sir Circulars and Advice Free.-er • Sold by all respectable Draggiata, and Wholesale at the S.debepot iu the United States, by the Mantitacturers,J. WINCHESTER aE CO., 36 John at., N. Y.. to whom all omen, should he addressed. March 14, 1567.-1 y TO LADIES.—If you require a re liable remedy to restore you, and remove Irregu- Isriries or Obstructions, why not use the best Thirty year. experience has proved that DR. HARVEY'S FEMALE PILLS. hare no equal for Removing Obstructions and Irregular ities. No matter from what cause they arise. They are safe •rd sure in eve ry ease. Price. One Dollar, per box. DR. HARVEY'S GOLDEN PILLS, I. a remedy four degrees stronger than the above, and intended Air 'pedal cases of long standing. Pet e. Fir. Dollars per box. A Ladies' Private Circuit's., with Engravings, sent fre on application. If you cannot get.tbe Pills of your druggist. ■cud the money to Dr. J. Bryan, 819 Broadway, New York., and they will be sent free from ob lion by return o mail. (Jan. 10, 1867.-Iy For sale In Lintolttebnrg, Md., by A. T. Stein & Co. NO MORE BALD HEADS! DR. LEON'S ELECTRIC HAIR RENEWER. IS pronounced by all who have used sit the very best preparation for the Hair. It is apo si t I secure for Baldness, eradiates Dandruff and Humors, stops the hair from Ls/ling out. and speedily restores Gray Locks to their original hue and luxuriance. It operates on the secretions, and fill, the glands with new life and coloring matter. Thin. dead, faded or gray hair will always be brought back by a few applicationa, to its youthful abundance, vitality and color. It makes the hair soft, slowly, fragrant, pleasant {ate touch and easy to arrange.. Dry. wiry, and intractaMe locks become moist, pliant, and disposed to remain in any desired position. As a hair dressing it has no equal. The iales are enormous, and Lir is a universal favorite with old and young of both sel to Sold by Druggists throughout lhe ',United Stated. Ad dress all orders to 2 LER A SMITH, Sole Proprietors, IST North Third Street, Philadelphia. Dec.l9, 18417.—1 y GOOD NEWS FOR MOTHERS IityTHERS, are yot oppressed with anxiety for your little ones? Are your slumbers and hearts broken by their crtei? Do you wake in the morning anroilreshed and apprehensive? I (so, procure as once a bottle of Dr. Le on's Infant Remedy, and you will have no more weary hours of watching and anxiety DR. LEON'S INFANT REXIDY bas stood the test of years. Thousands demos and No theri bear witness that it never fails to give relief if used in season. It is a mild, yet aura and speedy .care for Colic Cramps and Windy Pains, and is invaluable for all complaints incident to Teething. Sold by Druggists throughout the 11. Staten. Address all orders to ZlkaLsa 4 MUTH, Sole Proprietors, 137 North -Third Street,, Phlbutelphis. ,March 19, 1867.-3 m. YOUNG MEN, the experience of past ten yeari has demonstrated the Sect that te• Hance may be placed in the efficacy of BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS, for the speedy and permanent cure of Seminal weakness, Emissions, Physical and Nervous debility, Impotence.or want of power, the result ef Sexual Excess, or Youth ful Indiscretion, whith neglected, mina ths happiness, and waits the sufferer for Business, Social Society or M riage. and often terminates in so untimely grave Make r no delay in seeking the remedy. It is entirely vegeta ble and harmleen'on the system ,cap ha used without de tection or interference with business pursuits, and no change of diet I. necessary while align them. /Wee, Ono Dollar. If you connot get them of your druggist, sand the money to D. J. Bryan, 819 Broadway, New York, and they will based free from observation by return of mall Private Circulars to Gentlemen sentykssese appik a gi on Ifor sale la Emmittabarg, Md., by A. T.Stein Co, Jan. 10, 1867.-ly • YOUNT'S COMPOUND! FOR THE emus Op PUTRID SORE THROAT, INFLUENZA, ora nyotherlatammatoryorinwardfflieteeoltk e Throat it not of todlong standing. AIso,BOAELET YEVEL— Thlunedieln•lmebeentriedin THOUSANDS OF CASES, I a differentpartassfthecountry,andhaMmverbeenknowt to fatllttakenin time andaccording to directions. It is warranted to cure. Givelt a trial andit will speak for it self. Every household should provide themselves Ma • boi ofthismedicineand keep It outlands. Thecuresthat It bas effected are truly marvelous. IS—Prepared and sold by Umiak Youtrrh 00., Getty,. burg,Pa. or by theirauthorhedagente. Formal eat near 1p allthe ' Stores in Adams/runty. mar. 30,18654 f ISRAEL TWIN? t Co. ITCH! ITCH!! ITCH'! ! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH I—WHEATON% OINTMENT will cure the itch in 48 hours, Also,. cares SW ItHßUltf, trum s, CHILBLAINS. andel! KRIM ?IONS OP THE SKIN. Price 5 9 teats, Ibr sale by di DTeubts. By sending so cents to WEER di POTTER, Sole A atm, 170 Washington street, Boston, it will be ed Un tateshymen, free of Postage, to _any part of the ited S. . . July S.-1y • LOVE ANtrMATRIBION,Y.—=-The affecilool of the vimeitalsex Mai be lathdbylid lawinewimple rules. and ,all may marry happily, It do. aired, without Mimrd to 'wealth, age or beauty. ilemil reeled tenvelo and stamp Ibr partimilato to Madam I . I MLLIDMAREN,BIide Ram, New York Jan.10,1807.4y, • RRNEST D. PAPS, :M.D., 1124 Broadway, New York having hr gem made die emus of wonsal a specialty In study sad paustsse, with =stool props Impels, devotes hie thin now mostly toodioe t hi ti d ed ccereepondence with by numerous the Vatted enstas. ladles ass caw =.7 , bhn one delicate sul4 mad fie. proper !Lad promptrsply. Enclose dimly for Poo t•P. Rob. ta.-15m UELMBOLD'S Ititraot SailorAl ohianier reaarttai do blood, hutting • ••••• that Mika WM, lth tato the . apt. 11 [N o ut the Malan ' ale ua rk e Months, the astern natn chsogiNt and Ilibebohrs al gatieliedla Is am amiltssit i ta la • IDrELittiOLTPS Concentrated Extract Ilariaperilla, Is Signs* Mood Purtler. ~__ _. AT CARLISLE, PENNA. HIGHLY IMPORTANT TO YOUNG MEN CONTEMP LATING A BURMESE EDUCATION. TO know that this Institution em ploys none but competent instructors In every de , " partment, and a sufficient number, to inning individual Instruction so all of its students, and being eannected with "Dickinson College," enables it to present, combined facilities of the highest order, while the current ex panses attending a course here, are from 60 to $lOO lea than et similar institutions In large cities. We think that when these facts are properly understood by those who contemplate entering an institution of this order, they will not be long in deciding In favor of Carlisle. The following ccurse of Instructkm should commend itself to all, who desire that kind a (information most re quisite to prepare them for any of tbe business purrusls in life. NO YORE GRAY LOCKS BOOK.K EEPDIG. Single and Double Entry ea applied andprattleed in the various department/ of Trade and Conunerce, nod Banking Houses of the country. • Practical and Ornamental of sagerjor special attention to proper movemetic in the formation and combination ofletters, and thereby insuring to ev ery student • good Cutrent Hand. BUSINESS AILITILBETIC. Including the most approved and beet adapted methods for all business calculations—Mental and Written. MOLISE' GRAMMAR. Taught with special reformat to correct composition, without which no student will be qualified to amunethe duties of a first class accountait. • • Taught In classes, using "pean's Treaties" as a Text Book, embracing the most important legal information for • business man to puniest. • Busrmrsa YORM AND CORRESPONDENCE, are daily practlced In the Actual Business Department, where the itedeete in;connection with their duties con duct an extensive correspondence, and make out all Forms from a Receipt, to a/ndgmeut Note. SPECIAL BRANCHES. Phonography or Short Hand Writing, Ornamental Pen mullshiPi Pea Drawing. Telegraphing, ?lateral Philoso phy Geometry, Algebra, Ac., At.. We Invite an 'impartial investigation of . our 'baffle; Sir aced. imparting li sound instruction in the ntoches enamor. - -Students wirer atep7flute,andpi:rime their course without interruption. • Afirlfor further particilars, write and receive Circular. Yet Add 21nw, A. M. TRIMMER, Carlisle, Pa. i. , 1867. A DAMS COIIIIITY MIITIJAL FIRE. IN/HIRANO! COMPANY. I NOORPORATXD, MARCH le, I ral ' Ornow. President—George Swop*. Vice President—Sammil R. R until I. B ecretasy—D.A.Busbler. Treislirer—R G. Fahnestock Rz ocu t i v eComAiittee—RotetllcCardy , A adroit Rota IP sabzust,Jacob Lug. George !Swope, • D. !L. Stiehl er, G. bicturdy, • Eicihelberger, B. IC Russell, • 8.0 . Bah unlock, A.D. Buehler, B. G IlcOreaCy , Jacob Xing, gtraban toe nib A . Hel utzeituall, Franklin. " D. Monti New Oxford. Wm. B. Wilsmt, Benderwrille. R• k Bfiraban townehly John Wolford, Unman, John Picking, But Berlin. • Abel T. Wrtaht, Bentisreville. Abdiel P. Olt t, New Oxford. Jea.R. Marshall, Natentonban township John Cunningham Freedom. 'John Born ,er Mount Joy Wm. Bose White, Liberty Algr• Thiellompany la limited Init. operational* the county of Banns. It has been in operation fo , more than MI year., dind in that period has made but mac as. emenmest haying paid losses by Ste during:bag paid daring t05iv00.47,1100 of which hate been paid dining the last three Year& _Ant lusloideeirtnig an la. mingovean apply teeny ono, MIDOTO mune* managers or htrther inbrneilon fagg.„The cromm itteemesto at the office° ft he aspany, on the! sat Wedadpiay I* every month, at II Colock, P. N. 2141816—t WOMAN'S WORK • IN THE CIVIL WAR. - A work areal value, alopsietni lateriet and andeersal popularity. The pries and literary people everywhere COMiliend and sodores It. It roar* the onwearatea walk ofironwin la orpreftew and united_ albs% suil the names of nearly. dOO of oar oandrrailobless ' what they did br hornaatty *ad lac the nes lel tee darkest Doom Beantifhl steel portraits of a arnalow of these ladles adorn the work and it la atineowledged to be tee of the linset works ever published. Tarolters, Inperlinoed Agents, end Ladles Will al to their advantage to osavaaolbr this west. A 4 =GLIB, MeOUEDT It , • Cheettrat street, Philadekebr f i Jane 4,11167.-okla OUNG LADIES IRWARE !-- _ ore. iodations anti of lie•Peinkra sad Wasi e. amok noodles dose op Umrim Ng **a lad ileargths• okra tea aliesithi.' If yolk would hove I /dm bold% Maria nti ll ElN s , • 1 tidal. H E L B 0 ' S 0014CNNTRATUD FLUID =TRACT SARSAPARILLA Erddieuku trseptire asd likerstire Diseases 69flhe TA real Now, Er; 110E4., rixdp, and Which aodasfsate the appeittnnee, Purging the evil effect. of Mercury, and reneerltin all taints. the remnant.. Ithauweik 'hereditary or otherwise, and la taltall Adults and (xlil.eren with perfect **Pity. I .Two Tiablespoonfolle of the lektract 'ealeaparilla, added to a plot of it *ter, is equal to the Lisbon Dlci .)rink. and one bottle equal to a gallon of the Nei+ titNeraaparlibt, or the decoctions*. usually wade. as lutereatius Lettar be published tu the MeetuusChir uNical Reties'. ,k theanbJect'of the Itztiatt tforsapax I WA. in certain etfectitno by Benjamin T etc. epraking ur those 111104.1., id dorm..+ ariltur front the tie.. of moteury. he Oaten that 4 . 1 , 12 1 0 1 a "I'M' to Ike' Extract aaparilla ; Its power la value- I...unary, bone eo than any other true 1 au. acquaint exl with. It is. in the xtrictext ranxe. • tonic with this invaluable attribute.. Oast it is applicable to. a ...tate si the wyeleua ao sunken. end yet su Ir.itahle as relation other submbettere of the to n ic Glee. nuansilable or Odor- UE L II L. I) ' S CIACKNTKATXD JSXPLACT SABSAPAILILLA kgabliabed upgrardd ul IR y.r.. Prepared by U. T 111M1144./1.0. Link:lst and;CLlCllilat 594 llbo.lway. v. V. 4169 - s.ld by bruggl.ts. Apr 7 INCHESTER'S SPECIFIC PILL FOR S IIit CORN Of , SEXUAL DEBILITY Al tended by intucumnar tolubtly ut daily looses. how cowed. orlurwerer aggravated In charac cei ; pi.onntly correcting tituae storidd donefitionswhich 1. , I lo• combetilleliCSll of *el( abuse. thesricinc eat. c. , ni,,lns no ilercnry. irun,Cautharidee, ur any In tn. t..u. ingrwlieut. Used in conjunction with the By— ttes, It will restore the Virile rimers is all ranee hopMence or incapacity. sa- A NEW TREATISE. 4911 giving in.. nin.t prominent causes and symptom/ of BRX - UAL DEUILIT 1, willhn Wailed free twill suf f erers ol .ither Priv $1 p e r h..x; .ix bouticfor $. by mail. Sold Droggootm. sud whoirwilv by the Ptoprietore. J. WIN CH 'Le:TER J. CO. to *bow enter...mould be whireiond itommerrial tolitges. -rirl/ 64, AND. National Telegraph Institute, Owner of l'enn and SY. Clair Nirerlx PITTSBURG, PA The Largest, Cheapest, Best ACTUAL BUSINESS COLLEGE IN TUE UNITED STATES During the past ten years, upwards n/" FIFTEEN THOUSAND STUDENTS, Representing. every State la the Union, hare Grader- MEM A COLLEGE OF ACTUAL BUSINESS Supplied with Banks, Storm, Nat (Mice, Coronihoi..n Broken' itomrance. Railroad, Steamboat; and Telegraph Offices, kc., combining THEORY AND PRACTICE Student+ are thoroughly Instructed In all the bronchi.* of a PRAM - CIL Bt.:SINES:S' EDUCATION. Inelading Book-koeplitg, Peutuawhip, Arithmetic, Com mercial Law, Political Economy, Lumineas Correspond ence. the Art of Detecting Counterfeit Money, Railroad ing, Eteamboating. Telegraphing, PRACTICAL BANKING, ao, STUDENTS CAN ENTER AT ANY TIME, A ud complete a full course in horn YIGFIT tOTIMLYS Weeki FIFTY DOLLARS Pays all exp.... fur Tuition, Booko, Blank., •1111 Uly lomn. NO EXTRA CHARGES For Penniakehip, Stranibuating, Railroading, Banking or Diploma, as in other college.. rase L 13.11011 daffy In PeIIMILIAIip to all students in the Commercial Depart. Dept. FOR CIRCULARS, Klein': full infonnatlou, and e,m taining w complete outline of our system of Practical Ba dness Edow..tion, together with TESTIMONIALS from Practical Business keepers, &c. Address the Principals Merchants, Bankers, Be.k Dee. 13, 18611.-ly TI_ICrKINSCON PSNMANSUIP MERCANTILE LAW Oourattet. MA"Acta. Gettyibarg ENE H ik COWLICY, Ittaborg. Penns El II =1 1 issimars or 1341 - 11 irriptloos P aid, cal: oveßir rates. L A sons MIT OM rates. ta Ire 'U , '. 11 O** any oe rrrtld Jow eel:Hatt old Caida, will be A. LAW • othor • Mee I Norsk 16AVID LAW. cer ofoe,tert Hellerseceire• May II; lifa D AVID' „dam CLAM the U. Pui eg** any Pea** or b , g 7 20.,1116 D hic • Chaattionerfee• Bn•blor's Drift Daring eb• oine. op that tile dhoti criv• pruiept a SAtftY Yo. 43 win gir. ....0 as kuts. April Ifivl J. r. C C LA 4ftg O. Bor. It ISICISPr to Nor. 1.1806, DR. J. Has his tvo doors* clettymbilkog, D" Ksvlqgi fully orenbiti •cc.ucio4-livol Prot Ad. Lip -" J.C. Y. Wm. H. '. Hod: IldWassi David Wills, Ain. J. A. —omca ob. econdollooi JOHN L tiat.oek. the Lutheran Drug Store, w ittond miy can pampa lq Wen • May 99. I=l .11 , SLR ISAR, mixt loorto X be cats at ort sewilo kle Ilse. wllleueureottl ?lay 211, 1 SC% URVg L Y is." VITA WIC • Co • rayansiAl dies tICOIINT NIWPIRi f MNQ_LOIL A It o t , llol Iyatt•atas /airfield. A • May 29.11147 off!, as A • pnbltoola4w pr•pi~ so • By strletosiga satisfactiols. „ fulled ii*Y.2 o . =MI w'm. C GU cARPIII4 Keeps, eimitlle DOORS, wlrrnotr 'And env tkommed mon always, 7s dlapalith. IS. Orders la a* 1,, In 7 G. C. CASHM C A.RI Tit'. CarPentint 411 u s : t r i fr.c.Z Enn=ri shnofts uPe a s maimftwart TO THE, WHO. TER AU! .1. inins ft* 12327 It hisahli Ow& st 111 timandi in Math*. building and cheaply to tha °miry. , sod work extol lirTbankfat bat:nage to road Mai 20, 1107. Au*" LNCIOII Pro Vk• Sec ixecatiY• • ' selsisne!seob A. .J 115 aarriki meaty at than 16 A.,.. EE • Oa 1 ,... Tb 6 risz a li