13 NI fire ,unmet anti Viulastkitper.', TIT TIMr'lli'IVENG.' ...ku article in am "Journal of Horticulture" has the following very juditious retniirks an the propriety ot , filtioning frUit The tiavor of frith, herring extreme, sunless seasor.s, is entirely . under ;the metro) of, the ganienor. A chWer nein can conintand vor ; wdull man, when he finds his. fruitl flay vorlesS; makes idle excuses, whichahmild'ne ver be listened in. If a stree trained tea wall tee allowexi to ripen, say ten dozen of fruit, when five or six dozen only should have been left, they, although they may he of a fair size and color, suffer in flavor to au extent.scati- . ly credible. Ho* often has the gardener had. occasion to complain of his pears not being, gocrd, although produced on fine trees trained: against walls? Tie complains of the seasons' but it is in most eases owing to the trees be ing allowed to bear 'just dcitible the number; they ought to have* done.; The following ought to be inscribed on every wall and in every orchard-house : By thinning, you make indifferent fruit good. Bbl 'Frowding, you make good fruit bad. If wit fine and high flavored friit is wished for, a tre capable of bearing three dozen of medium stied peaches, should he allowed to bear only twelve or. fif teen. This th inning is terrible work for the amateur. It is like drawing.a tooth, and eve ry fruit that falls to the ground creates a pang; but it Must be done. , A small sharp'penlatife is the best instrument fo enripoy, add is much better than tearing off the fruit with the finger and thumb. A Well formed peach or necta rine tree, be it bush or pyramid, with its fruit properly thinned and nearly ripe, is one of thc , most beautiful artieles 7 the skill of the cul tivator can produce. Let any one who is raising fruit, try the ex periment this.seaso. =y thinning the fruit on a single tree of ap 1 , peaches, pears; plums, &c., wheie the fruit is too abundant,. and he will next year treat all his trees in - the same way. Remedy for Trees Casting their Fruit. It is well known that although some trees, peach, apricot, plum, apple,. .&c., are well furnished with blossoms, they often fail in their impregnation, and fall off; and when impregnated • and set, they fall off at the stoning{ Frequintly, although they survive the sto4ng, thiy, become prematurely ripe and fa off, and very few, if ariy, of the fruit attain maturity, with no flavor. These fail ures have been proved to arise from unwhole some food, a remedy for which may be found in the following method.:- Hiving selected a tree that is in good condition, and well-fur nishedl withblossom b ds, just as the blos soms are beginning t expand, take a pota toe fork, and with take holes all over the Surface of the space occupied by the roots, (which extends as far from the stem as th branches) at about 18 inches apart; forcing in the fork to the full depth of the tines, and give it a gentle heave, by pressing on the end of the handle; then, having dissolved some nitre in water. to the proportion of one 'ounce to the gallon of water, fill the holes with the solution. No manure mast be given : bet if, after the stoning of the fruit, the tree shotild appear unable to sustain its crop of fruit, the blowing preparation may be given, in the same manner as the nitre : To one gallon of water add one ounce of potash; stir the mix ture well, and let it stand for a week -or ton days ; pour off the solution from the clot, and mix one gallon of this licinid with four 'gallons of water ; give it to the t7es as above. The remaining clot may be d&lolved by adding to it one quart of slacked lime, and one gallon of water, to one gallon of chit, but this solution must not be given to fruit trees, as it produces the effect which the nitre is intended; to re medy. It will, however, prove a good man me for the cabbage tribe, celery, dr,c.—Gar i cit r 311,9azine.. A New, Wrinkle in Horticulture. f At the lai l t meeting of the Agricultural So ciety of radivina, the Rev. Mr. Firminger einnmunicated a plan by which the stones of fruit may 4 reduced or made to disappear, and the pulp be increased in size and impro ved in flavor. At any time during the coljd, I ,__, season select a branch that is to be used after wards for irutrching. Split up carefully some what less than a span long. From both halves of the branch thus split, scoop out cleanly „all the pith; then bring the split halves together again ; and keep the bandaged till they have become thoroughly limited. A,t the usual time, the beginning of they rains, inarch the branch thus treated upon suitable stock ; taking for the place of union the portiorr i of the branch first below where the split was made' Upon a branch of a tree tluts•produc4 ii, similar. ope rationis performed, andon in succession; the result being that the te n et il the fruit be comes less and less, after eschlsAccessive ope tett ration. This process has be applied like wise to the grape vine at Mal and plants thereby have been produced hich bear the finest fruit, without the sligh . vestige of a .. . stone within them. . TAN BAJRKIFOR POTATOES. This subject is brought before the farmers of England, by a comtnunication in, the Mark Lane Express. M. -It B BfunfOrd claims thirty-five years experience in this •matter ; and has issued a pamphlet giving his method of using it, which is in brief the fallowing : Ile does not cut his potatoes for setting, but sets them whole, and the largest he clan select. The tows are thirty inares apart and the po tatoes set out nine inches from each crthei in the row. The lentils plowed only eight in ches deep, treads the manure fitculy in the fur rows, puts in the tubers, and cirvers them in at i ed with tan lige, nine inches deep, instead of earthing u . In this-way he reports that in 11357 he m i 07.5 bushels of potatoes—not a rotton one among them—to the, acre, with no thing b aide tan as a covering . This II of' great im rtanc% the tan refuse being of little or no 'Ulu - and if it can be pot to so impor tont .and vantageous a use in This case, it should be - idely known and practised.- .2 Taws.--.The Horticulturist says mid of potash to six gallons .of • wash to apply to trees on es or limbs are insects, moss, etc." Went • that "one water is a whose Cayennciepper, mixed with fine road dust, sifted on young vines, will prevent their destruction by t striped bugs. The lame mix ed with mobn Meal, will sate your chickens from death by "gapes." ROARING 411114T01t. 96: President—l shall not remain silent, while T have a voice that is nit dumb, in this Assembly. The gentleman, sir, cannot ex postulate this matter to any future time that is More suitable than now. lie may talk, sir, of the Herculean revoluticms where republics are hurled into arctic regions, and the work of eentinitunit -refrigerate to ashes--but, sir, we can till him, indefstigally, that the conse quences titendkom, , :mulliplied subterranean's. IY by the evisriagfing prineipleAcontended for thereby, can no morn simke thin resolution, than the roar of theNiameramluvenste around these walls, or the bowl ot the, /211114114 tempest conilagrate the tairble statue into ice. That's what I told them" iiirLenrn in childhood, if yoga ow Una UP= Ping OOLOide,bat inside. sAgood*ort and a clear coonskin* bdoeng inffinacit which no riches lAA no CiAmpOpaggs Owe, ever do. - CO at fterella" 4 1sT MEAVH4.14113.7-Within the I County of Aelmitok, reminded and dawned t)y the undersigned,; Apipesigkr oralercirtile 'faxes, in uccxmlance with Vie several Arts of Assembly, for theyear I s e-68, of Goods, Wares and Merchandise : GETIMIIVIt Boit: Fahnestoek & Bro., 6 :10 00 Danner & Ziegler. I 12 .'",O J. t.!..;ehiek -,' , • ' 0 25 on Gt.orge Arnold, - . 13 I AO 00 Jacob Brinkerhoff, 7 , ' 13 , 10 00 flow & Wohda, - 13 ; 10 00 F. II Picking,l3 i 10 00 Epbraini Minnieb, . .. 13 i 10 00 John Forney, ..- 14 • 700 Mrs. Mary .Marlin, 14 .7 00 .5... M. Gilbet,t, ' 14 7 00. Miehaol Spanwler - . 10 . 20 00 i (4 ‘‘, Shat Store, . 14 700 Miss H. Mc C reary, . 14 , 700 5 . . - B. McCreary, . s 14 744 £D. Buehler, - I I 15 00 Cobean & Crawford,l3 10 00 - Jacobs & Brother, 14 7 00 A. Scott & Son, - 13% 10 00 John Gruel, \, .14 700 Dr. Robert Horner,. 14 7 00 Miss Mary McAllister, 14 700 Joseph Gillespie, , 13 ~ : . 10 0Q Hendricks & Warren, -' 14 •\ 706 Boyer & Son, - - 12 11_50 - A. R. Fiestel, _ 14 17* Henry Overdeer, - .13 10 00, Theo. Norris, 13 10 00 Philip Winters, 14 700 Lewis Stronse, 14 7 00 Wm. J. Martin, 12 12 50 Bittle & Betuaer(Warehouse), 8 30 .00 _ _ leCurdy & Diehl, " 8 80 'OO Culp 4.7 Earrishaw, " 10 20 00 Alex. Spangler, " ' 8 30 tlo C. H. Buehler, 11 15 00 Guinn & Reilly, ' 14 % 700 John M. Swan, , 13 10 00 Duphorn & Hoffman, 1 . 2 12 50 Rebert & Elliott, 13 10 00 Miss Nott, 14 . .r 1 00 George F. Balblielsch, ' T 14 .I '7 00 Wm. & Henry Meals, • 14 ' 700 John Warner, . 14 700 Mrs. H. M. Paxton, ..F , 14 700 1 James F r rce, 14 7 00 . George Swop %- . 14 ' 700 S. G. —• 44 700 Daniel Culp, 'l4 7 (S) Geo. C. Strickhouser, • t 4 7 00 Wm. T. King, 14 7.00 Joseph Wible J 4 Son, 14 7 00 (' CUMBEBLAND.! H. Paxton Bighamt- 14 700 READI NG. Taughinliaugh & Neely, 14 700 Adam S. Myersa 14 7 00 J. & D. Howard, 14 7 00 MENALLEN. Epley & Hoopes, A. T. Wright, Jacob Pitzer & Son, C. D. Elden, H. 8. Penrose, Wm. A. Elden, Burkholder & Hoffman, . 14 7 00 Henry Minnich, Overdeer, LIBERTT• IA 7 00 David Samuel Martin, Ch9Xl63 BElhiMan, Martin Overholtzer, naoN John Boblitz, Abraham Sell, Edward Wentz BrTLER Shank & Bro., 'l'i Wm. Met, Edwar Staley, Miss E 7.11 Smith Jacob .ppelman, Jeremiah Golden. ITUNTEICITON !SEM E. Heitshew. - J. Frank Gardner, Hartman & Sadler, Mrs. Greist =EI ===2l D. \V. Ziegler, 14 7 00 MOVNTJOY. John Yost James Collins, Sahth ()sworn). John C. Zouck, 12 50 Francis X.. Smith, 14 7 00 14 7.00 ]0 20 00 John Ginter, David Hoke, J. C. Neely, Wm. D. Emmert, Abraham Sheely, , 10 20 00 R. iti Foutz &B w) . ~ :,. - 14 700 Jackson Bowers, 14 -7 00 Francis Sherman, Daniel Miller, GERM AN T Lydia Myers, - 7 4--- 14 700 Augustus J. glnith, 14 •7 00 • i STRAIUN. Philip Hann, 11 15 OQ Daniel Golden, 10 20 00 John Graft, jr., 14 7 00 Hugh 11in,,. 14 7 00 Brough & Myers, 14 700 Benjamin Eielioltz, 14 7 00 LITTLESTOWN. Maus & Spangler, 10 20 00 Steffy & Diehl, 11 15 00 Young &Staub, 11 IS 00 Ephraim Myers, 11 15 00 Crouse ai Bro., 12 12 50 Win. M. Hufbn, • 14 7 110 Sityder & Son, 14 700 Skmuel Little, 14 7 00 lienry Reeser, 14 700 Alex. Shorb, l4 7 00 Weikert ez Co., 11 15 00 J. W. Duttera, Sarah Brantz, 14 700 H. 8. Klein, 13 10 00 Wm. C. Merrick, .14 700 David Schwartz, 11 13 00 Harner & Co., 10 20 00 Amos Keefer, Maring & Lefever, 13 10 00 A. F/Barker, , 14 7 00. JoliA" M'Clay, 14 700 - AA Ar r r TONBAIi. George W, Wortz & Hinkle,, •14 700 Sullivan & Son, 1 . 11 10 90 Danner & Shields, 12 12 00 Israel Frame, 14 7 00 Ezra Overholtzer, 14 7 00 LATTMORE. B. M. Brenaman, Adam Lerew, MorsTPtsAaArr Samuel Taber, 14 700 J. St E. Miller, 13 10 00 S. G. Lawrence it Co., 14 7 00 E. D. Potts, J 4 700 Wm. A. MeSherry, 14 700 Simon Hernisli, 14 7 00 JamegBhangbrook, BEnwics 808. Mary Steffahn, 14 700 • Dysert & Wivill, 14 700 Lewis Jordy, 14 700 Mrs. Mayer, 14 700 David E. Hollinger, , 14 700 Wm. Davis, 14 7 00 Dr. Pfeffer & Goehenour, 14 700 CONORAGO John Fowler, Michael licitly, 13 10 00 Gubernator & Bneeringer, 14 700 Barbara Oaater, 14 700 Emanuel Diller,;', 14 7 .00 FRANKLIN. Mrs. Rahman, -- - 14 7 00 Martin S. Miller, 14 700 Plank & Spangler, 13 10 00 Josephvus, 14 7 00 John C arp enter, 14 700 Remy . Witmore, 14 700 Jacob Marks, 14. 700 James Rebert, l4 7 00 A. Little & Bro., 14 700 FitZEDOX A. Waybright, 14 700 • 'llamwrolt. - J. J. Klein, I 4 700 t. Wm. Wolf, , 1,4 700 Dr. J. Armstrong, i 4 700 Elijah S ler, 13 \ 10 - 00 W. 6. de d, ~ 14 \7 00 l$ f° ancy Store), 14 `7 00 Geo.'Munderff,l4 i 7' / John Geieelman --.., 14 700 JolniNorlSeck, -,„. ' l , 14 7 00 ' Daniel Raffeneperger,-I , l' , :v lO Geo. W. Spangler, 13 io 00 TYRONS. P. & C. Yeatta, 14 7 44, nyoack, 14 700 Daa sel Deep ' 14 7 00 Adam Di D Tu.ix,ne John Henning, :' " b W on • APPEAL. Notice is.hereby given'to all persona inter ested in the above zstnnt of ciapetheatien, that . I will hold an A at the Oimuniseicassne Office, in Get on sAnraray the l a t h d a y pt 1 1 1 at, ;between the hours of 8. A. M. and 8 whininnotishereafl par- . sons that may • • themilom wardeved by said clawed. • • ass,yeAtinA, . hf. WALTER, - t Aggindser of X tile Taxes for Adams Co. ltity . Q 0 Apricultural )finpittittut%. MOWER AND REAPER DODGES HARVESTER. • N WiAttDED the Special Diploma and armed Medal of Honoree the beet combined .dower keeper and Srltßaking Deeper—nu ex hibition ei the great fair of the St. Louie Agricultural and Aleoclation Uctgber 1ith,11856. OHIO,' AND' EtiCKEYE PATENTS • t the greist trial of Reapers and Mowers at Anßurn N.A.. in Only laid by the Nsw York State Agricultural Society. this. slacnine an awarded the preference over all . otiers:in Claw No 5. Thib clans was the most im portant ol'any to it embraced Mussing mud - Eland or Sell- Itiikingia per in the seine Machine. This Machine has been Awarded Medals and first Pre rainllle by the Petinsylratiia and lows State fairs. and by hundreds' of County Fairs in all parts of the collut ry.— This Machine t&,; , k the thst Premium at thb Adana Coun ty Agriciiltural fair het at Benderswille.septtniber 1584. Ball's Ohio &III?Ts Screw Pour Dot h Writ-class Machines, vine sold a number 01 the. Machines in the tort three years. They hare given gee eral satisfaction wherever need. We ask farmers befoi buyinge machine to call and examine these machine. before pnrchasing elsewhere. its they will be able make a ;better selections. We could produce quite a number tit certificates from some of our best Farmers in the County, but deem it 'unnecessary. as we warrant these machines to give satisfaction with a fair trial, or Elb sale. Ihsured for one season. Estrai always kept on hand. We have made arrange- Meads Where repairing doot when needed at any time and on moderate terms. WWII the above we love fur sale a number of valuable farming Implements. SULKY CORN PLOUGH Can be used for ploughing and coli•ating corn—finish ing one row at a time. Can also be used for loosening up corn !ground or putting in seeding—by raising the front 'shovels it can be used for marking out corn grou.nd —nok leg two rows at a time. A Curoplauter rat) also be attitobegb planting 2 rows at a time. For crushing corn in the ear or shelled !4 7 00 7 00 13 10 00 STEEL COMPOSITION BELLS For Sctp* h. CbnrclieL Farms. to. • 14 7 00 14 ' 7 00 14 7 00 I'LqI7(iHSSMYTH'A' PATENT. At) article every rartner should hare—the beat in the market. • Gaud or self-discharging GRAINibR I LLS. (Willongl. by'n Patent) with Crowell'. Guano a tachinent. liarri l burrOlßAlN lAN (Reynold's Patent) consid ered thicbest mill ever in use in this county. Any of the above machines can be had by calling en or iuidreasi4g the•aub.criber 2 'Miles from Get , ysburg, on the N ar e isbur g road, where specimen machines can be +eon. WM. WIBLY., Agent, 14 7 00 11 7 00 14 7 00 Eal 14 7 00 April it.186:.--tt 14 700 14 7 00 44 . 700 14 7 DO 14 - i 00 14 7i U 4) 14 7 00 14 7 on 14 7 00 14 7 oo 10 20 00 14 7 00 12 12 50 itorvileivs PATENTS. THE. So. 1 1 . twill !le has Two Driving x wilqi,i : iiiiige JciLlt anti Folding Bar. making it eery coloehnient to lin.w." It, ntn• pIRCe to an , I her: is very sinipte in its construttion. extremely liglit ui' draught. 1 ., and d hie, cuts 4 feet 10 inches in grass and 4 lett intlei - rai ;train: in a Self Raker and ,S itie-Deli . err. and is eapabli }f cutting a whole held without binding . .a rherif, and does the most satisfactory work. , 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 l 4 7 00 IBM 14 I' 00 This sfludiiiie can also be used as a Mind Machine without! ibjeiring its qualities as a Reaper. The Mas chine is 4arranted to cut grass as well a. any Sode, 'dower that nuts the game width. It is a Strong IWO liorse bree or four can bo us d, if required, iu hilly gro u ted. URKA,T I . MPROTE3IENTS Lune been made fur the coming ifritson. , The Machilie is also perfectly balanced, uo weight on the liorshe necks In Mowing or Reaping. 14 7 00 12 12 50 Always remember that. at the Mowing trial last Sum mer In dettyeburg, in competition with 6 other leading Machines, the •bore named M 1 1 ,11410 was awarded the First PrS.mitim. This way ityou want the best Machine. . . N 0.2 ill a light two-Lorin !‘larliina: and i. ditTereLtly (.011.in:toted. rutting on the right-hand side; and in front 14 7 00 14 7 00 of Driving Wheels. L. ■ Self-Hal:o'r mai Side Delivery.— The diflorenee in the width of cut is 6 inches. The shifting lever and the raising and lowering levers are both! at the driver's right side, and with his right foot upon &pedal and his left upon a foot step, he ha the power aed control of the whole machine, he can raise or corer the platform from three to murteon inches, nao hrow the nutohine out of rear,und regulate the rake so to make the sheaves large or small, and all this at le same time and without retarding - the motion or speed of !the mach lee Keep it befire the people that at a fair lieurrin I' trial 7' different leading, Machines were present at Dilisburg, York, cis. last :summer ancl-tbe National Machine was awardetl'tlie S atpiemiuta. AM Machines warranted to give satisfaction! For fur thet Information apply to LEWIS BUSHMAN, Agent, toilet south of tiettyslitif 314re1i.14,1867.—tf S IREMAN'S .NATIONAL SELF•DISCHARGING STEEL 9 ram: jiowni Horse Rake ! /Ntenteci Sept. 9a,,1882, and Re-issued Dec. WI, T.H'sßake is an Independent Steer Spring Tooth Rake, and halo proven itself to be the must perfeet IDOISIS RAKE now iu nse. With this Rake the Here. dues all the work, both the Hakim:and Discharging, by ,he Driver moving a levet ew inch es, which throws it into gear, and as the horse moves forward It raises the teeth mud discharges its load. and then shift. onSf lo g r ear itself, the teeth dropping down ready to;rake . By this operation it Liao easily un derstood ;that the Raker has hardly any work to do. Important improvements have been made of late, making :it very simple and durable in its construct ion. Tinniest' s of them have been sold In the few last yeara and given the beet kind of satisfaction. 12 12 50 7 00 leli,.Clrculars goring a fuller description of these Machines can be had by applying to the Agent. • APPlibo LB,WIS BUSHMAN, Agent. 3 tulles south of Gettysburg. March 14, 1867.—tf Ji3rinkerhoff's CORN SHELLER, SEPARATOR AND CLEANER. 14 700 14 1,00 The underigned would inform the Agricultural public that he has purchased from the Patentee of this extraordinary machine, the Patent Right for the States of Pennsylvania and Maryland. Brinkerhoff's Corn Sheller, Separator and Clean er, is pronounced the best machine of;thel kind in this country. And in proof, it may be mentioned that thek‘Advisory Committee appohitad to select Implements' for exhibition at the &Universal Ex position in Paris, in 1867 have selected this Sheller Is the 1;b0 in Ameri and at the request ofJ. C. Derby, U'S. Agent, a achine has been shipped lto Paris for exhibition. important feature in this machine is that it will shell ears large, Small or crooked perfectly . r Za i n, and separates the cob and shairfrom th ready for market. ~ The feet may alio be stated that at the great trial of Agricultural Implements,. at Auburn, N. Y., in July last, under the auspices of the New York State Agricultural Society, the\Brinkerhoff Corn Sheller, Separator and Cleaner w reported by one of the most competent Committee" as the beat ecru Sheller out. They say, "We havapary. fully eximined and thoroughly tested this ma i °bingo' d have no hesitation in_ -.pronouncing pnouncing it the best l Corn Sheller we ever saw." t The re port is si gned by sueb men as John Stanton Gould, President N. Y. State Agricultural Society; B. P Johnson, Secretary to Came; Solon Robinson, Ag rieulturil EditorN. Y. Tribune; 8: Edward Todd, Agiionithral Editor N. Y. Times. From Simons rainy complimentaiy newspaper notices, he following, from the N. Y. -Observer, is deem sullioiant: "Among all the Band Corn Shelters made in New Ye* and Albany—and one single firm man ufacturers More than 10,000 annnally—not one ean,entethe eirele with the Shelleriturt invented by i . B rinkerhoff, Auburn, New York. It shells, separates and cleanses, rapidly and easily, at one operator', as fast as the ears can be put in the hop or,: Vie uadersigned is now prepared to dispose of COIIIITY RIGHTS. He will have SHRI,LERS ready Bak sale in the course of a month'ittine. Allistters to be add d to - WM. WLBLE, P. O. Box 246, Gettysburg, Pm. Mar. 4, 1867. 14 7 00 14 7 00 .... ~,,T 1 ... RiEST D. PALE; Di: A . 1128 , way, New York having for years made 'dle oases of te.tt s peciality to .lady aed prig**, 'with marked IC ei&osti Immo, devotee Ma that - flow meetly t 4. ogles *Mice and oorrespoudalee with hie amtiercus pidgin* throughout the Valttd 'Stairs; Ladles eau boa. lidoatiallyl Wren hin, Guth reMost delicate MAMA, and racily, proper anapromet reply. Naciale tamp ilm poe. tag*. , Web. 214.11 m SO114:0THIIi W G ONEMRTML for . :4 11,140N -ell may be rich, wise sad m,,— km,ts tad. Wows stamp Oar garticalan. II:Oihm, le al •F it., New York. arld4B,llm, Nord: pm , the t eitlartlite !Facie film o f tithi s a t ot *r . 4441110 r 1- aliords got. yew , jo dune NM let t astiest *n wt tie ravoitemi ahem le litteletts *lx. C.J.TTIPON. THE PREMIUM CORN CRUSHERS HAY RAKES L=a Ilf • J go* i igittitur. • I' , ;1 , 4 11 44 : ' , .t. '~irdirnl. THE GREAT CHOLERA PIEVFAtIVE. L 1866. L rtiE GREAT Zingari Bitters. Tlllc WONwERFUL REMEDY was discovered an introduced about twenty years ago by Dr. S.Cheop ens. en eminent Egyptian physician. lie had lung P. El and felt the want of some remedy which would strike et the root of diem*. and au pre vent notch of the suffering which the human family was then compelled to entinrk. This great question was presented to his mind every day in vividcolore ash. moved amongthEsick anddying, and observed the inefliciehcy of nearly all the remedies then in use. Tba■ he was led to think and experiment; and after ten year: study and labor. be presented to his fellow-man the wonderful Zinged Bitters: The effect of this preparation In the prevention uhd cure of disease, was so marvellous and astonishing, that the most flatter ing marks of royal favor were bestowed upon him whO discovered it. his haute was placed twit, the -Roll of Nobles, and I gold medal with the following Inscription —Dr. S.Cheopone, the Public Denefector—was presented to lam by the Viceroy. b. °reparation has been used In esters! srpidentlca of both as a preveutive and curative measure. and great success, that it has been Introduced into I the general hoopitals of the old world. . old laving that an ounce or prevention is *Worth a , Id of cure, applies with marvellous force to cholera, ann-thcrefore any remedy that will protect us against this terrible disease should be freely and persistently sued. All pathologists now agree that tit e cholera poison acts on the system through the blood, and that any combina tion which acts ou the excretory organs, and keeps them in working order, must prevent &sufficient accumulation of the poison to exert I teterrible effects on the organism. This Is true hot only of cholera, but of nearly all °fier ionlAdiee, especially the different follow of fever. The Zirrgari Bitters is just such a remedy as the above conditions require. It acts on the °manse( excretion and secretion. keeping up a perfect balance between Item. This Bitters is composed entirely of roots and herbs, no nicely concocted that every organ le acted upon ant put in tune. Its taste Is pleasant and its effects prompt and liutlug: Numerous eases of the following diseases have been cued by it: Cholera, Diarrhosa, Dysentery, Scrofulst, Typhoid ■nd Typhus Fever, Fever, Ague, Nervous De bility. Anaemia. Female Irregularities, Dyspepaia,Flatti lency, Colic, dc. - Price One Dolle4er quart Bottle. Principal Depot at the Walnut street whart, If arrti burg. Pa. Bold by Druggist'. Hotelkeepers sod Urocersgenensily. es_GEO. F. K A LDPLE/311 41010 Agent for Gettysburg. F. It A LUSK, Sole Proprietor April 12, 1S Harrisburg, Pi D R• J• BRYAN, Connulting Ph)tisian, 619 Broadway, taw Ycirk ' • - SPECIAL TILEATMEiaT in ail cases of Seminal, Sexna I. Urinary and Nervous Diseases in male or remake ADVICE FELE and correspondence STIIIefONVIDENTIAL. Jan. 10, 1067.-ly LOVE AND MATRIMONY.—The affections of the opposite sex may be gained by fob I.mdug simple rules and all may marry happily, 11 do sired, without regard to wealth, age or beauty. Send di reete4 en seldpr and stamp for particulars to , Madam LUCILLE: DEMA ItRE. Bible Honce, New York Jan. 10, AVi/1,1) THE Q CK7 , .— I f mre Stiffering fr,the eff ec t s Inli,cretion Wens no,i4. itc.. I will send yon, free if charge, inf . , inatniti fLtclr if tilloweil will core you w Iniut Thr aid id - medicines. Address If.Nlti A NlSDES,: 4 tirti,.r.D, New T e o,. 10.15.;7 -ly Ilyspepsin ' 1.7 e _VEX TL Y Cc E B Sheb Dyspepsia Troches. A ,Perrillinent Cure or the 319nry Re-funded ilpll4 . Tr.,ebee not only give immediate relief j re sure to elect a permanent cure tor DyepepAia. They aro n,a. u purcative, •nd therefore, their lieu dues not creat.e'a necesoity for the habitual cue of Cathartic+ They cane: nu eickueea of the eteithach, or piping of the bowel., and nit perfectly hero:lkea to the roost delicate. They will immediately correct a sour stomacfN curp flatulence. heartburn, ItiCkl.64 or pain in the stomach, costiveness, belch ingot wind, livi r complaints; besulacbe and in fact ail those dissgrewabls and dangerous symp toms of this dinease, which unlit sue for the pleasures and 'duties of life. Weak and delicate persons who have been injured by the to.e of powerful stimulants and purgatives will find, them a mild, safe and sure restorer of the digestive or gans to their original strength and vigor. Prepared solely by the Proprietors, 8..1.1 ANL/EDI: 1 1,0 , 1T fi CO.. Chemists. No 718 Malice , st.. Philscla. A D. Buehler, Dalt ggist.Oe tysburg. Pa.,Sole Agt. or Adams Co. (June 2,18868. ganhs. D REXEL & CO. • ,3 SOUTH THIRD STREET, (GETWP:EN MARELT AND CIMSTNUT,) P II ILA D E LP UTA IA A IN F. 11, ?, AND DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES 7-30 s, JUNE, JrULY, A .ND A UG UST, CONVERTED IXTO • 5-2,0 s Without charge, and at prePerst' with a PROFIT to the • HOLDER. GOLD, SILVER, and COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES WANTED, Applications by mail will receive prompt attention, and all information cheerfully furnished. • Stocks and Bonde bought and sold on commission here or in New York. Orders solicited. Feb. 21,1887.-3 m Dividend. • May 7th, 1867. THE President and Directors of the Ciatiyabtarp National Bank bare this day declared • Dividend of FIVE PER CENT. for the last six months, payable on and after May 10, 1867. May J. EMORY BAN. Cashier. Gettysburg National Bank. GOVERNMENT BONDS OF ALL ISSUES, SEVEN-THIRTIES AND COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES, bought and sold Orders for Nashua and sale of STOCKS, BONDS AND GOLD,, pratappy executed. AIiPINTEREST allowid on SPECIAL DEPOSITS at 3, 4 and 5 per cent., Sexotdlng to length of time of de posi t. 1887. T. D. CARSON, Cashier. April 1.1, `TIE First Natiooal Bank of Gettyslout .ALLOWS INTEREST ON DEPOSITS AS USUAL Buys and Sells all Sinks of GOVERNMENT SECURITIES; GOLD AND SILVER, Ooneorte 7-80 Notes into 5-20 U.S. Bonds. Orders solicited and promptly at tended to. , . 080. ARNOLD, , Cashier. Aprllll, MT. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ONTTTISBIIItO will cash 0-20 sad 'lO4O 17.111 1100410 3 0401-20 600 CourNond Intatistirotit, 011101103 ANNOLD,Osiddet., 1 04 11.1866. 4 - MIDDLE :OFTHE BLOCK, • 1 , Cooper Institute, New lark. • ' lls otesibuttly-rsouleitts Liu* /Mot* Of. przzycs ci.r.srA, Of miiiir itAinsa YAL !' p AT 44.mumaar TuNITIIIaI. WIN* frreuokatistallaWitialitk nd Pima'. 'Sami, 44 e T en 41 44 a . .me * ' " *. l 141 0 1 1P4atr,P* 2 am, LOP 4, ! " " Cups and koosrs, 24 pleas, 2.00 Frew* Oat Goblets, per dowel, , ue Ai Goodeis GlLOpaiktitueoe Tee,roliet Sete, beb itcoelfiege fr .ces *ad Weemere. it t cogit Ulm Inity, ‘2O;, ko, U.; at .j o si esugUi prigs..thosile . ' *go all over the rafd, b & &&f : or ' nomp Yontshina goo* tk 'orp ,P#4.4l•?(Ratolgt, .., . , N 0 10101 , 80ruer ZONA ' ' ttltarehll, 010.-liii •• • . • . t *dint. 11.1POKTAi TTu . .NVALT.I.)B ,!! -ALL SUFFEitsERS-eit • From Pulmonary illisousot. Nerrofu Debstity. Fuuale Weaknesses. CILINIU Inlanfle .j" int, lid - tore. an nil Whose Ktul tbrcesAre, deptue y privierithi peccary A Nervous ;Tonic and Invigorator, Are earibeetl reeomerionded WINCHESTER'S i(iENUIN-E HY POPHOSPHITES riffi 111.M.EAND SODA, TUE SPECIFIC REMEDY FUR /CONSUA.IPTI,ON NERVOUs DEBILIIII, Scrofula, Astltma, Bronchitis, I Dyspepsia, _Paralysis, Loss of Appetite, lehlorosis, Marasmus, , Wasting, Liver and Kid ney Complaints, Rickets, Debility of Nursing and Pregnancy, and all DISORDER'S OF THE LUNGS N81T0173 LND BLOOD SYSTIMI Bar This Remedy has been tested for ten years. with VaPARALLJELLD 111 TEL •nnala OP iiltD/CINI." Its action is TWO-COLD and SPEITIC: On the one hand, la- CaLIISIBIO Tag PitINCIPta that constitutee4BßVOUß EN NBOY; and on the other, are the X POWERFUL BLOOD OpiEBATING AOHNTB KNOWB. By a timely use or it in' the incipient magas of Conentuption. "Care Ii theHulu, and Death the'Exoeption." *2l-PRICES: In 7 and 16-os Bottles, ud $2 each Three large, or six small Bottles. for $5, by express. , air Circulars lad Advice Frea.-11ES Sold by all respectable Druggists, and Wholesale at the Sole Depot in the United States, by the Manuracturer.,J. WINCUESTSK - if 00 ; 38 John it., TI. 1., to whom ■ll omen ehoula ho addressed. March 14,18117.-1 y YOUNG MEN, the experience of a past ten )ear• has demonstrated the act that t• Nance may be placed in the efficacy of . BELL'S :SPECIFIC PILLS, for the speedy and permanent cure of Seminal weeklies., Emissions, Physical and Nervons debility, Impotence. or. want o: power, the result of Sexual Excese 4 er Youthful Indiscretion, which neglected, ruins the happiness, and unfits the sufferer , thr Busineee, Social Society or Mar riage. and often terminates in an untimely gray• Slake no delay In seeking the remedy. It Is entirely vegeta ble and harmless on the lone*, can be used without de tection or interference with Wildness pursuits. and ne change of diet I. ne4eeiary while using them. Price. One If you connot ge• them of your druggist, sena th• money to Dr. J. Bryan, 819 Brbadway, New York, and they will be ',ant free from nbsereati.n by return of mail Private Circulars Co Gentle men diritt.fru-n app lication ~ For sale In lOnmlttaburg, Md., by A. t. Stein A Co, Jan. 10, 1847.-1 y . . .. . • ._ . . , ... . yOUNT'S CO*POUND FOR TUX CORE 0 PUTRID SORE THROAT, I. FLUENZA, oranyotherintlazugustor)orinirarddis sarolthe Throat If not of [oolong +4Ading. Also, SC RUT FEVER.— Thbtruntlicinehaabfreiatriedin . - THOUSANDS OF CASES, la differentpartvof theconntry,and haenever beenknown u till I I (taken in time andaccoiding to directions. It Is *Arra at ed tocure. Giver% a trial audit will speak for It. Self. Every hou•eboldahonld provide theznaelvesa box oltbi•tuedlclneind keep Iton band, Tbecuresteat It has effected are truly ruarvelon, llMPrepared and cold by lettaca Youturt Co.. Gettyar barg.Pa..ur by their antborlsecl agent.. Vorsaleat neat ly &lithe Btorec In •datosconnty. mar. 30,181.1b-tf 1.311.-aKL YOUNT /I CO. . TO LADI.ES.—If you require a xre liable remedy to restore you, and remove Irregn• le tit lee or Obstioetione, why not use the best Thirty years experleysee has proved that DR. HARVEY'S FEMALE PILLS. hey, b...., nal for Removing Obstructions and Iris-mutat , 'dm: No matter from abet CRIMP they arise. They are safe ant sots in every case. Prier. One Dollar, nee box. DR. HARVEY'S GOLDEN PILLS, 1. remedy four degrees stronger than the above, and inteodsd Lsr special cases °flung standing. Fiee Dollars per box. Prieuterireutar,laitts Angrarinus, testi - re on app!,. moot ,let , the l'illm of your druggiot. send the Indnrj t., Pr . J . Bryan, 619 Broadway. New Yerk, and tbey sent free from okerratiou by return o Mad tJ an. 10, 1867.-1 y mnic in I.:mut Ittaburg. 31,1.. by A. T. Stein k Co. Nadood. flow Lost, how blond. Just Publithrd, a -sic edition eJ • DC CULVEllitiCi CL-M4l D II4A T on die radical Curs (without medicine) ar Spertnatorrlnea. or Seminal Weak nes+. I •• voluntary Seminal Lasses, Impotency. Mental and 1•10• J cal fricapc,ity, Impedimenta to Marriage. etc., also Con samption, Epilepsyond Fits I .4duc'evl is Sell•ltidialgencS or sexual extravagances f? - Price, in • sealled,envelcipe, only 6 cent.. The celebrated author,ln thin admirable Emmy clearly deti.onattates from athlity yeara' successful practice that., the alarming consequence bus. may be radically! cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or: the application of the knife--pointing out • mode of core ; at once eitnple, certain rflect mil, by meant of which' every sufferer, no matter what hi. contlition, may be, may, cure himself cheaply, privatel, 4 d radically. AliirePtis lecture. hould be in thandsof ever: youth and every man in title land. Sent, under seal, lh a plain esvelope, to any address pair paid, on receipt btsixcents, or two poetag• stamps. Address the ptiblishera. CHAS. 3. C. KLINE 1< CO.. 127 Botroxl, New York Pomt Office toox 4586. Dec 20, 1866 AOUA me MAGN6I.4A.—The prettiest thing, at "sweeteetthing," and the most of it for the I eitt money. It overcomes the odor of perspirations s and adds delicacy to the akin; is a de htfu perfume; allays headache and inflamma -4 ,n, and is a necessary companion in the sick ito m, in t e rsery and upon the toilet r side board. It can obtained anywhero at one dol lar per bottle. cl SARATOGA Sray.tc WATER. sold by all Druggists. Or* For sale by S. S. Forney and Dr. Robert Homer, Druggists, Gettysliuog, Pa. S. T.-18 1 60.—X.—The amount of Plantation Bitters sold in one year is swathing startling.— They would MI Brotidway Six feet high, from the Park to 4th streetl. Drakes- manufactory is one ekt the institotionsi of New 'fork. It is said that Drake painted all the rocks in the Eastern States with his cabalistic "(S. T.-1860.—X ," and then got the old granny legislators to pass a law "pre venting disfiguring the face of nature," which 'gises him a monopoly. We do not know how this is, but we do know that the Plaptation Bitters exit as no other sirtiele ever did. They are used by all classes of the' community, and are death on Dyspepsia—certain. They are very invigora ting when languid and weak, and a great apt:m iner. 13A.RAT0GA SPRING! WATER, bold by all Druggists. par For sale by S. S. FOrney and Dr. Robert Horner, Draggiste, Gettysburg, Pa. " In lifting the kettle• from the fire I scalp myself very severely—one hand almost to a orisd Thetorturewsisunbearable.t • • • The Mexi can Mustang Liniment relieved the pain almost immediately. It honied rapidly, and left very little sear. CHAS. J. li'ostou, 4241 Broad St., Phila." This is merely a sample bf what the Mustang Liniment will do.i It is invialnsble in all eases of wounds, swellings, sprains. t outs, bruises, spavins, etc., either upon !man or beket. .Beware of counterfeits. 'None is genuine un less wrapped in flite steel-plate engravings, bear ing the signature iofici. W.' Westbrook, Chemist, and the private itoiop of is AS BARKA'S A CO.' New York. . • SARATOGA SPRING WATER, Told by all Druggists. tes".. For sale Sy 6. S. Barney and Dr. Robert Horner, Druggists, Gettysburg ) Pa. All who value 4 beantifni head of..hatr, d its preservation from ptematnee baldness turn ing gray, will not fail to Use c debrated liathairon. It makes the hair rich, aoft and ersdieitei dandruff and canna' the hair to grow with luxuriant bea ty. It is sold every whirs. E. VITAS LYON, Chemist, N. Y. ..._, Sold all ...... . SARATOGA SPRER il ATER, by Drug gi st s far- For sale by B. B. trey and Dr. Robert Horner, DruggistS, Oettys rg, Pa. . i W$ Woev Din 10—A youngilady, notes:king to her country home after h sofoutm of a few months in New York, was hirdly reco • ised by her friends. In place of a rustic, gushed face, she had • soft, ruby complexion,{ of almos tmarble smoothness; and instead of 22, she rally appeared but 17. She told them plainly she used Hagan', Magna vie lia Balm, and wo dim t be without it. Any lady can improve tier rsonal appearance very much by using this art Id It can be ordered of. any druggist fefonly bO cents. , t t SARATOGA pars WATSR, 001d•ily AS Druggists. He„ For sale b 8.8. Berney ad Dr. Robert Horner, Bruggis Oettyabarg, Pa. Reimsireet'e Inimitable hair COloring has been steadily growing In favor for over twenty years. It set" upon the absorbent' at the roots of the hair, and changes it to its original color by de pute*. AU inetazitaneons dyes deaden sad injure the hair. liehustreet'a Oleo' a dye, but is oar 'tan in its results, promote. its growth, And is a beautiful' Hai.DIOSIS/0. Price 60 - cents awl si.o. Bold by'llp leelers. . • ' liutkit6oLf3rgoili Itatuit; sold by all Druggists. r.,l*. lies safety 8. B.lbrney and Dr. Robert Horner, Druggist", (ilettyibitrg, Pa: Lvov?' 14111.1 t or Pima JAJILLIcA Giotazio-- for Indig e stion, sumo, ;11oarthoz4, Flick Moop.„ mob% Motors Morboo, - Ao., orberO , wourgtips, is* itinaulamt 1 4 0 risNol• JUPPRoffi preps *• lba 'it 0 4 Initirli . *OW iF • 9 1101 P sod it WAikootiolp far ary pill.poips t Bold yogi it& 11 W 11,14 • 1 WM E#r it* qt.. , 'i r . Yt i ~,, WA Oa* stl ziagiOW tOnoisi i + 1 .' i ll'ilaim!i ~ .. Attr 1 4 I ' ... ~-~-- A .:~ , _ / 1 17: 1 / // 1 N D Nal fount: Tel ra pit I nstifUte, • CSrru e 't• uJ /'run ord sr. (:fir e ,s7reetx, "Ilw Largest, Cheapest, Best ACTUAL,IK;SINESS COLLECE' Dttring the Ii"•l ten yetteN, FIPIEEN 1110US.ANJJ Represlstitilig. ever• St Ite in the Union. have Untclon red here. Supplied with Banks, Stores. P•wt Office, C0M1111104,41 Brokers' Insurance. Railroad, Steamboat, and. Telegraph Offices, kc., combining THEORY AND' PRACTICE Ftutlants are thoroughly Instructed In all the Winches of ► PR A CTIC L BUSINEM ED UCA 'PION Including Book-keeping, I'enntnAhlp,. Arithmetic, Com metcial Law, Political JP.contany, Lueineee Correepond race. the Art of Detecting Conntarfeit Money, Railroad Mg, Steembonting, Telegraphing, STUDENTS CAN ENTER AT ANY TIME, FNMMEMT=MMMMERIMENiffIrtiff.I Yale ull eXlielliles tor Tllltloll, BOAC BillllkS. Magi Di 1 lotus. For Penmanship, Steamboating, Rallr.aiding, !lank ing or Diploma, se in other Colleges. FREI. Lca•wts o.ily Penmanship to all etndant• in the Commercial Depart ment. FOR I'IRCULARS, Firing full informetinn. a u ri am talaing w complete outline of our eystein of Practical Elm 'Men Education, together with TESTIMO TALs from Piactkal Dusiner- 51ercltats, Bankers. Book keepers, &v. Address the Priucipals, Dec.l3, 1866.-ly DICb CoIIV two lIIGULY IMPORTANT TO YOUNG MEN CONTEMP LATING A BUSINESS EDUCATION, TO know that this Institution em ploy. none but competent instructors in every de partment, and a sufficient number to /1.1.11 - 0, indivtilual inatructi.n to all of it. .todenta. and being connected with - Dickinson College," enable. it to irreseut combined facilities of the highest order. while the current ex pense. attending a coarse here, are from 40 to $lOO less than at similar institution■ In large cities. Wit think that when these facts are properly understood by those who couteutOlate entering an institution of this order, they will not be lung in decidin e , in favor of Carbide. The following ci tires ut Instruction should commend Keel( to all, who desire that kind of information most re quisite to prepare them for any °flies business pursuits in life. \ Single and Double Entry as Applied awl practiced in the eariqus department. of Trade and Commerce, and Banking lions. of the conntrj. FIiNitANSIIIII. Practical and Ornaniertal Style—giving 'peeve I enten tit.,, to pro Ult" tuovernent. In the Lynne' ion end of lettere, and thereby Insuring to ev ery •tuden: • .:•--d Co • rent Hand. I;C: 4 1N V.SB Alt !VIM ETIC. Including Ih.. !doe' epproved and be.' adapted methods rut •II bu•nit.e, lculAtions-31.n141 and VI ritten. ?aught .: •"{*l refel puce to correct compoitition withe.tetu it•ns will be, cluallibed be assume, [2l bt ir• of milret class /14.71 , 0LintAnt lik:R(' A NTILF! LAW. Taught lir theses, .Dean's Treaties" as• Text Book. istul.rrcii,4 the miet.ittipurtrat legal infertnatlon for a buslusas /1.11 To p4 ,, ,p5. BUSINEA , AND CORRESPONDENCE, are daily practical iu the Actual Bush:krona Departm t t where th• student. in ti4,uwith their d uties a - • • duct an extensive ottire.pond. nee, and make oil al Yon= from a Receipt, to x judgment Note. PLUAL BIC Phonography or 'bort hand Writing. Ornamental POW n=nfh ip. Pen Drawing. Telegraphing, Natural Philoso phy. IL:cannel ry. Algebra. go.. kc. Me Invite an impartiat Investigation of uor for impartinz woad Instruct - fan in the branches to er ated. Stade' is triter at any time, and purse their cu rut withourt interrutA ion 4For Fur flirthrt- particnlars, write and receive Circular AdOres., A. M. TRIMMER. earlislaPl. Feb. 21. 144;:. SINGER'S CELEBRATED THE very beet and latest improved machine in nse, fo tale at the CLOTIIINO STORE of JACOBS t BRO., in Chambersburg street, Gettysburg. where you can buy the best and cheapest Cloths. Cuss.theres and Venting., and every variety,fgoods in the line of MBN AND BOYS WEAR. Yon can have them cut out and matte nti In the very best style if you wish, at moderate prices, Yid without any risk whatever. GEO. 3.110088 k BRO. Aug. 1e,18M3. • - SEWING 'MACHINES! THE GROVER do BAKER THE BEST IN USE.—These Machinn have beam Gowen known that little need be said by way of recom mendation. They have taken the first premium at all the late State Pali.. and are universally acknowledged to be the HEST in use by all who have tried them. The "Grover k Baker Stitch"and the Shnttle Stitch" are points that have been attained by no other Machine.— They are thlonly Machines that sew and embroider with perfection. These Machines are peculiarly adapted to Pamily use. Theyare almost noiaeless,spw directly from the spool without rewinding, end arm simple in their construction. They are *say to manage, and can be worked by almost any child. Every fatally should have ens. ray save &star, they samtinee, and theysaes money. and do their work better than it can be done by hand. The undersigned having been appointed Agent for the above Machines, ha eetabliabed an Agency in Isfrileld, Adamson., where he will always have on hand a supply. Persons wishing to buy will please call and emulates...tot' themselves. *s.. Needle t and Thread will &babe applied. , J. A. WITREROW, Agent, Aug. 16,1866.-tf. Fairfield, Adams county, Pa. EMPIRE : HIITTLE SEWING MA CHINES are superior to all others for Baum IND Ataxylacruanto Puireszs. Contain all the latest Improvements; are speedy; noise. Jell; durabro and easy to work. Illustrated Circulars' free. Agents wanted. Liberal discount allowed. No consignments made. Address BklPlftli 8.18. CO., 616 Broadway, New York. Sept 6, 18643.-17 A L DAMS COUNTY MUTUAL FIRE INBUBANOB 00111 , ANT. INCGEPOILATEB. MARCH 111,11151. OrAuras. Presldent.•-Geurge Swope. • • Vies Prepeldent—Benuol B.ltneeell. Bearetary—D. A. Buehler. Treausarer—BO. /chanted' . MtecutiusComenittee—Bab'tMcCurdy, , Andrew Debit• sithnen,Jecob mensuses. George Bwope, Gettysburg D. A. Buehler, •ft B. Ne(mrdy, M. Zclialberger, u • 8.11. ausesU, 61 LA. Bahneetock • AID. Buehler, ts • B. G McCreary, a Jacob King, Btrabsu At town "& _ is'eintentroan, • ' • Wm. D. Hines, New word. WM. B. Wilson, Beaderrellle. H. A. Picking, Shaba* township' oin'. it • job* Wollbrill, ram Pilnt, Abe) T,wriebt, Benstensville. Abdlel Y. GI tt, New Oxfird, Iftußtltuultem tuvehip JAIN Ounniughepe Irtimpaom. Job P !PM'S: Roulidoy WW . 1:9,t 8 nett* rireil s* li g ate l ln i lu " op" Per t t ,add in that Rotted has made hut. H a i m r wing paid Imam by Are detZyggille to $13,110-47;0100of which paw d ' ' th e kW three MAL Altnimßei sear ply to enyoftlie aboweansted 111111.11 s i limmiltrnihnimittesineets et the °Solo ?DM kerma Weibull* in every iseelk Qpat.• aszottrtiAl f °Rego'. . ~~~~1 1"1 . - I. Y. . P A UNITk:b • COI. LEG E OF ACT UAL tit:S.lN k:.5.. PRACTICAL BANKING, he FIFTY DOLLA lui No EXTRA CHARGES SMITH k COWLEY, Pit tabarg , Penne Al' C:A.II,LLS'LE, PENNA BOOK-K KEPING L'NGL/SII GRAMMAR swing )_llarhitto. tinouranct. ,-• lIMME • 7 !Y , ME VII4IIIIIIOnB. ASTIII4.I e OGY. TILE WORLD • ST llig wOXII..Rt TIIE OREAT As FROLOInST, MAD.k)lii IL A. PICIIRIGO. •+r. - set, in, 111,ot rap eV., k..w. eh.. restore. 1 ,,` 1:tedit•••• i 11.. .• au . .irons .lolrlol . et est.. initastr , . on..+w love. 1... friv , lll.llo. lot.. w......,.0k, • 14t, '1 , 1.41406C . SW* b 4111141. Ili tielinr t•••.... ' 4l V,' 110 n rosiseni lug sets". P. rewb we, luAt or Attach propel y. role y... :he IrliAillo*» y ..r.. tear qualified to istir• ,ose its .10, , os .11 he silloo .stere.stut. crltutem stseedy luarriagr. .aid rt p thy re,c,l:oty Ulan . 1011 I loe tiNtti• . un it pet...U. :qv, re o.• eons very tl ..... enii by b et it lmi m t, siip•rtintutitl parreri: Its eil, , the 'sark sio/1 hot Ails teriett of Ile rs.tm e I c the .101, air .e.- the elair. tll.o...VrrovolO r I 4.1-41.iik..ir in the contlsUntli - , -Irout the mtpert.m..l 1...411.. "lane piss - lei. AUG Ibe nit, atate 111 the Itraress stt the the.. of birth, t h e ustuces 11.. tutor. destiny 1110 can.hltthegrecttest.drtr,loiltun'earthr it coati; you but a trifle. seed you Indy never stl.lo hors so favor-tide an oppurtuniiy.. ..,•••ItAtiun li+. with likett*.Ahit all deeited 101?rtulttlott. $l. Pare...ll.in St • iii.taiice ran crinaul t tb. Slwlprne It equal aunty weal sato!. faction to dietnitelvra. t! if in I.ersota. A hill nod explicit chart. written out, with all inquiries anewelrsl and like. ness enclosed,' sent by won on receipt of pier above men tioned. Tte itricteet .e.cre.y will i.e 'maintained. cortempotirtnicereturiieti ur •IrAtro9e.l. Itefer.ller, t he Islglseet order furnish.d iloee slerirOss 111.0 s It rile plainly tliediv 01 the 11/1111111 /111,1 yearn. • burn. encluyag .1 01111111 lotrl4 of IIUiT. Add . elm .10AME 1l A Vvb 28, 1887.-1) I. 11.. roverr noura, • 8. 1° REPARATOR CAPILLI • ThrowZx... your worth i t — Destroctitn u( comfort. hilt h . Comeized. C. 111! pouf II luC c. our 0011 Ir Anti rrjvlce In yIAJI Itmumitft 11;ir. REPA It: , TOR CAPII.I.I For !cll.:int: hair upon hard heeds tt..nu n ,l :•-• er cause it piny hat- (Alen -lot, cod f, z e ,o, Ih hair oleo the face. it hos o.• ...tun:. it wall I. r the beard id p..w upon the poitoottat St lie in troll, five to sight Weeks, or lost! . 1110.41 Us id heads In from two to three months A few ig io.i ant practitioners here assert ed that there is ...Moog th.it will Irrce et th e growth uti. the hair Of 1,111 d. Their ato.ert loos are (nine, as thodsfauDf of 'telex Wllllo , sses &MIT the:4r • *a.pdrri• eiire) can Lear witness. !frit tunoy w.it nay. how ere we to distingullai the genuine boos the spurious? it cer tainly is di cult, ss Moe tenths of the different Prepare tiona advised for the halt and beard are entirely worth iest., and yin may have already thrown away large a mounts in their potchaee. To sue we would ray, try the Depurator Ca p illi; It will colt you nothing noires it fully comes up to our represeutatiuns.• If your Druggist doer not limit it, amid 4I one dollar and we will forwent It, postpaid. together with a receipt for tbetnoney, which will be reterited you on application, providing entire sat. Isfaction snot given. Address, W. L. CLARK & CO.,Cbemiets, No. 3 West Fayette Street, Syracuse, N. T. Feb, 28, 18f4.-ly CRISPER COMA Oh !.he was beautiful and Lair, • With starry ram:and radiant hair, Whose curling tendrils .oft. entwined, . Enchained the very heart and mind. CRISPER COMA, For Curling the Hair of either Bex into Wavy Lind Glossy Ringlets or Heavy Massive Curls. By using this article Ladle* and Gentlemen can beau ti iy.theinwelvee • thensand Mid. It is - the only article in the world that will curl straight hair, and at the slue time grte It a bent:lWO, glossy appearance. Ihe Crisper Coma not only curie the hair. hut Invigorates. beautifies ano cleftesen it; u highly and dvligt.thilly perfumed, and is the molt complete article of the kind ever offered to the American public. The Crisper Coma will be Out to any address. sealed and postpaid for fil. Address all orders to R. L. CLARK A CO.. Chemists, 3 West Fayette Street, Syracuse, .y. Feb. 2.5. ly " XCELSIOR ! EXCELSIOR ! ! CHASZELLAR's HAIR EXTERMINATOR ! ! For Removing Superfluous Hair. TO the ladiesespecially, this (flatlets'/le depilatory re commends itself es being an almost lodimpewible article to female beauty, easily applied, does not burn or injure the skin, hut acts directly on the roots. -It is warranted to remove superfluous bait from luw foreheads, or from any part of the body, completely, totally and radically extirpating. the same, leaning the skin soft, smooth and natural. lhis is the only article cued by the f rench, and is O. only real effectual depilitory in existence. Price 75 cents per package, sent post-paid, to any address, on receipt of an order, by BERGER, BRUITS it CO., Chemists, FA\ 2S, 1 1 167,-15m. 285 River St, Troy. N. T. 'There comet h glad tidings of to all. To young and to old, to great and to atrial' , The beonty which once was so precious and rote, Ic free for all, and'all may be fair. By the use of - - - CHASTELLAR'S WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL, Fur Improving and Beautifying the tasmplexion. The most valuable and perfect preparation in use, for giving the skin a beautiful pearl-like tint that is only Anson la 'oath- It quickly removes Tan, Freckles, Pltw pies, Blotchist. Moth Patche, Sallowsussa Renneinna. ail impurities ut the skin. k Indly healing the same leav ing the skin white andclearaa alabaster. Its usecan not be detected by the closest scrutiny. and being. vegetable preparation la perfectly harmless. It is the only article of the kind us d by lb. Wrench, and is considered by the Parisian as indispensable to a perfect toilet. Upwards of 30.000 bottles were sold during the put year, a sutlisient guarantee of Its efficacy. Price only 75 cents. Saul by mail, poibpaid,on receipt of an order, by' BERGER, SHUTT.; k CO, Chemists. Feb. 2S, 18437.-ly 2e5 Bayer StFeet, Troy, N. Y. AFFLICTED ! SUFFER NO MORE! When by the use of DR. JOINTILLE'S ELIXIR Too can be cured permanently, and at a trilling cest: The astonishing success which his attended this i &l imbic medicine for Physical and Nervous Weakness, en- sal Dennity and Prostration. Lists of Muscular En gy, Impotency, or any of the consequences of youthful dis• cretiou, renders it the most valuable preparation Ter discovered. It will remove all nervous affections. depression, cite. mint, incapacity to sandy or business, loss of m ory, confusion, thought, 48W-destruction, fears off ty, kc. It will restore the appetite. renewjhe h th of those who have destroyed it by sensual excesses I prac time. Young Men, be humbugged no more by "Qu a lls Doc tors" and Ignorant practitioners, but send with t delay for the Elixir, and be at once restored to health:lnd hap piness. A Perfect Cure is Guaranteed in every .heterre. Price, n, or four bottles to one address,s3. One bottle to sufficient toeffect a cure in all orithary cases. ALSO, DR. JOIN VILLIPS speedy and perm nen t curs of Discharges, Gravel, Stricture Kidneys and Bladder. Cures days. They are prepared fro, are hanulesi on the syste stomach or impregnate the tn necessary while using them, manner interfere with busint box. Either of the aboee-mentiot any address, closely sealed, am press, on receipt of price. Ad BERGER, ' Feb. 28, 1867.-ly No. 285 WHISKERS AND sa t ORCBD to grow upon the to Dee weeks by using Dr. TEUR CA PILLAIRE, the int modern science, acting upon almost blracakms manner. of Paris and London with the Names (4511 purchasers will satisfaction is not given tti will be cheerfully retsoded. postpaid,lll. Descriptive ed free. Address B EE PER N 0.285 Bber Street. United States. BEAUTY ! , 0 Auburn, Golden, Flaxen Silken Curls, paoroutsm by the use of Prof. D DEUX' PRISED .A. LE CESPEUX. One *optic:gal warranted to earl the most stralghtand stubborn bai t either sem Into wavy ringlets, or heavy Ineleiee CUIr nee been toad by the fashionable. of Paris and Lon a, with 'the most gratifying results. Does no injury ,the 'hair. Prkaby malLsealedand poet-paid, SI. Descriptive Circulars mail ed free.. Address DiECIER, ' SHOWS' 1 00., Chentleb, No. 285 River Strain,. Troy. / N. Y., Bob agents for the United Static .• (hb. 25, 1867:47. fl. F. Debring i& Bro., From and Ornainetil Fainters, FREDERICK CITY; MD • IPSPCTFULLY inform the pub lie that they are prepared to 1 1 / 1 8C0 CHURGIL 13, HALM, raivera ittilIDENO2ll4, as, in the most approved Apia., moderncc eneleat All *cork wanaota to give tls fibe tto ta am to te, durallitread chairman. April 26,1867.--6 m DOTY'S CLOTHES' WASHER. riz BEsr maßxier. HEAD TRX irtILLOWINU R011110311:1ThONY. Ps, Jan. 8,1888: Hoeing used DOTY'S ca,Tonier WAUKEE, and am:to . onghly tested It, we have no asitatioain endorsing It ma the best Washing Mach*,etrproduced. Ito simple In ttonsiznetios—lemaily wor ked, and does Its work well, without injury to clothing. An ordinary washing re- , glaring neneliy 8 told hours labor at the Wash-tub, ems readily be done with tba aid of Detre Wender and th e Oreinersal Olathe Wringer, in emathird the time-, OIXMOIM/11111, thee. labor, seep tau. *c..-4crolding the neceesity eraeh.tabe, and enabling the posse es s e kt ti t to go - through with a washing without wetting 'ikels. selves Olt **door. It really awns With* good Umtata be rid ofilL We do not think that anyli, attic stating It, **aid Owew with it. Mrs. D. A. D " M. G. rAJM UI Ver,, " A.. O. M. EDM A n titx X. Di • U. ital 42 41116 1ff0Cm. 'Rom REV. L. BOW =MOP Cff tits Y. s. AA,* 13, flee. • 11. o. tDear atr—Ad lota oar Xsehin• ma oki could sot be pomaded to do withost it, awl ___. lllB6 ' the dd *Mkt w• hel that we ere austere of the Opel° Walt. Oemr ereleten, the clothes wan prepaid. but the wadiarwoulas Med us. 'We were 644 to be • deteat ad that 'way. I took bold (*bleb ot orrayoe I should not have If Ira had had no aisaldaol sad h 234 bath we Put throne% don* dem ply *kayo! which were aborts. aid *hay *arodiamoips, we iddi Too mat atio. R Hjltteella WinterOarlW, ead . _ll I , etreet. the tiZ a teethlre %Weasel %Auger and Doty's IV4 id Maui county, Pa. ;, ist i nn a ro at il * K ik_ sWorig=" a """" 4l tb. l ' Wig = Mt "311C 1 ei . 're. WORDZILFOL FUSIBILITY and great coisroar , and ?LIAO WIZ tOang LADY wearing the Duress Eurrric BEntr will be experienced particularly in all crowded Aural- Mita, °M IA . CA.RILAOLS, RAILROAD Cali, CHURCH Piers SIM CNA! fil ' .XIIIADX and ROM DRIBS, as the Suer can , 0, , , . when in use to occupy a small Pis as easily an. con • Meetly as a Sat orMcgtor Dlllll,n invaluable quality • crinoline. not found In any sing e in Spring Skirt. A LADY having enjo. ed the ?LEASERS, COIMIXT, and great co:stammers of earing the DUPLEX ELLIPTIC Sviat, grim RIME for a SS GLS nsr, will never •fterwards willingly dispense wit • their use. For CHILI:HUN, MIMI, and YOUNG LADIES tey ate superior told] others. They will not ace o L i like the Single Spring, but will r 11713.101111 IN r PERPECT and GRACE/M.5 when three or Yon poser Salary will have been TTISOwn ARUM AS MULLS& Tax HOOFS are covered with-- DoC MA •ND TWISTED TRILIAD, and the DOTTOY LOD& are DOS only double springs, but twice (or double) COM= : pre venting them from wearing out when dragging down stoops, stairs, ase. The Duplex Elliptic is a g-eat favorite with all ladies. and is universally recommended by the $ . 13/110N, %m— -amas as the STANDARD SHUT OP TILE FASHIONA— BLE WORLD. To ei4ay the following inestimable advantages fm Criseslitle,TiZ:lol.llloll QUALITY, PltinCrxmtvrAcrraz: lITnISE PULPY and POW/. FLATIBILITY, DUILAAILITY, COM yOAT and icONOAVY, enquirefor J. W. EILADLAT'S bIIPLAZ ELLIPTIC, or Double Spring Skirt, and beware you get the genuine article. CAUTION.—To guard against IMPOSITION be par ticular to NOTION that skirts offered es .DUPE,' have the red ink stamp, vis : "J. W. Bradley's Deplez Elliptic Steel Springs," upon the waistband—none others are genuine. Alva Notice that every HOOp will admit • pin being passed through the centre, thus revealing the two (ordonble) springs braided together therein, which is the secret of their 1/1.11:111111.11.7 and STILEINITII, and combination not to be found in any other Sante. FOR SALE in all Stores where FIRST CLASS skirts ue mid throughout the United States and elsewhere. Manufactured by the Sole Owners of the Patent, WEST'S, BRADLEY A CARY, 97 Chambers and 79 & 81 Reade Sta., New York. April 18, 1887.-3 m JULES JARED'B/ . "Email De Par" TUE NEW BERUTIYIER OP THE SKIN. Te4timonials from Celebrated Laclin-..' The secret of beautifying the skin being known slily to. Nesits. Jared k Rene, they honorably state thee It dlEsms from all other preparations. It gives to the most end freckled skin both the texture end I:okiff of pig= Prot*, removing all discoloration: whethor appearing so freckles, tan, morphs's', moth, or blackitsna specks, and is especially successful In smoothing out the mark: loft by Small Pox. The sgsMte ofnllimall de Paris" mankconfidently Mo. mit tolls, p ublic the earnest endorsements of such db. tingulshed adies as SIGNORA STORI, Mlle PELICITA YESTTALI, 'mh o MAO MITCHELL, Mts. D. P. BOWERS, IX. CILLE WESTERN, Mad. PONIRI, Mn. ICIIYJA • LUCY RUSHTON, NOICHrg DE SIARGUERISTRS, Elsa AO NES PERRY, and stan others, whom high standing in. tk. D r e g...k m give' the stamp of truththhoSin to thole' intelligent end Maim) approval. The Beautiful Lucille Wei.,Leru says:— I dad dud the olisuall" producer. all the brilliaacy of map and 1111 y-white, with the gr eat and podgier &dm tags atotal bersoleaniesa. It really adds to the softness and beauty of the akin. The Magnificent Partysli says : I have suffered so math from the various white lotions, te n which my theatrical protemion obligee me to me, that I consider it a perfect bends-Ilion to find • prepara tion W hick gives the necessary whiteness to the skin, and leaves the skin coot feed smooth. Miss Maggie Mitchell says : I hays tried the skin beautifier, aVitualt d o purls," and found that it inemmtly imparts a natural Waal sad freshness to the complexion. "Jared Smell de Paris," is need as a delicate beautifier of the skin kw Theatre, Saloon or Bail Rom, by the•nited relined and scrupulous ladles p ro d uc fed all thibeanti f7iallagwinahlanta andWidte, without their vulgar glare or Iniptiry to the skirt. Sold by all first.claisDruntite, perooners and Ladies' Nair Drumm. L. Dubose ell Broadway; Dow Barmy Co., and P.. C. Wells JW Tat, soil Saran. JOalaa, /4 ~... // 1 dath • delphle, Tenth BP est, andJelnunem /EOM b & * • C°w R : "*". J l Clemsral A d mits and Impel:tort, New York. Jan. 24,1807.-din I. W. C. szrrz. coyanBSION M. 11101112061, WHOiItBALI DBALM A 11411111111001 OIGARS, TOBACO AND SNUFF, IsTo. 164 Fratikin st. BITWEIIN GRUNIANI4ACA STIMISTS, areapariar INIPOSTID CUIAZIN IRO Cazwute Tam*. laaav atevery desorlptlan,irittr a coastal amortammo afPlpaa,Saaffßassaraacy.A.rtalaaoka. Ja1,10861-1, JOHN BOWMAN, i No. 704 rah Street,. PHILA ELPH:Li, *maid and THAW ip KILIFSIR I PLATNA ',WARR, ost fkAAR antiociti•Or 004 4 1 . 11 01 11 4 111 Uri Olt? . . ThIPLIII FLATA A No. 1.- --....c. Mar, 14, 1801.-/I 2273 E li tatiordlantous. - / NO. 1. 'FIE CHINGARORA . ANTI-NV:VOUS B'..M °KIN° 1' o',ll C .The t TING A Iti.Slt A TIABACCO grime trout tiar, rich soil of the “OltlitN't,"•and is ,tistoreettt of& peculiarly dellei• mu. flavor entirely unkts..w r n to I he toh•reo• of ell• ether rlioo a., Rut Ire unprecedented popuintity Itwa sprung trour the fact of the entire stre•iire of Tut deadly pot ion. Xicorie.vhieli pretreat other tohrreen, ••,1 *Welt ni the nue and .01. cause of the irthit readopt( wee ; ooe diseases. ay/report'''. Ac.. which Moor Ineattithis. soon( r .-r later. tull..ltr the Indulgence el the _piper and eissr. At the rtseent una lyitation of tobeeeu impt all par , oldie world. at the Academy of Sdiesires.• in Week* the rel... ne‘i A:liesoist. SI. LemidetteetX, dectoteed that • line Eon Tette :ttul Aleericsit lotteero rontnitlei! Inn) right per cent and the purr.! Ittrnna !Owe. fret, two to 11, e pet t'ettt..`t the 111 Wit A did not contain one tli:eoseruble iorrt Irle of that deadly {wham. • drop o I which. extracted. wjll siert...7,lllle. r • Our Agra! at BOMBAY 614111 oped its large quantl• tire elute CIIINGAMOR• tiering [hairnet two yenta, and al.housh we hate Welt pree.ed to stipply the demand for thi• - aoliciiiii• luxury to the veteran smoker. y.( onto' prepared: to offer it in nulitnited quantities, at.. prier touch lower than some America m of ti Air Inferior .quality. A connoiseur lute but to amok. the Amiiricsu tobacco end eeaare. which are Invariably citemFbilly flavored, to be tilepriteted with the retedicinal hurts whieb heaves a note ...as. nheoltley &Acing In th• mouth, and in thee-, setilutit toile to •Isat ter the nervous sy item. n. native. o.the “ORIANT" *woke the . ROltA from intim till nleh.; from youth to' age. and are itevitili UM . ..IA/400114 of the wild. distrepaius Are which c"taree. throuah Abe yelp. of the inhaler of the ff)!..e of tobacco r' ntaitoittg Alcotin. We in•ur er wry lover or the w eel& to try the CjIINOA It 4 ilt A and guar - 410.e unprocetlened Measure in Its de esrr w Imre EDWIN ..11 COOK k CO. i• and importers of the CIUNGAROR.I TO- It.(~.t•Vfio the United States and aznadas, oral Dealers ix all kinds of Ilae,inc and :American Segura and Tobacco', MAIN DEPOT. 191 DUANE ST.. N LW YORK Mar. 14. ISti7 —3m TEA►+ S Teas for the, People. No More enornioui Profits for anutumers to pay. Fifty Cents to One Dollar per Pound saved hy buying your Tea., direct front the Importers, ' T. Y. KELLEY A CO., Importers of Tea.. In connection with their largo wholesale business. Mem determined to 'Wrot., their Teas direct!' to C.dtAll mere at import., e' prices, thus e ff ect' hg a casing to the consumer bran to 60 per cent. Paibillescao how club together for any kind or qualities of Tea., i n package', of one pound and up wards. and we will send them a superior article of Tea at S . per eent.luove the cost of Importation. Let NMw energetic lady. or other persOu In each, neighborhood eel upou her acquaintances and take their orders for ant the following .timed Teas, and when a club often, twen ty. r r noire is obtained, send to us and .we will sand the Tea. put up in separate package., with the - name of each parson marked on it, all enclosed in one box. Asa far thee inducement to the person getting up thecluti we will send for his or her tartlets. an extra complimentary package on all order. of $3O and upward.- It Is perhaps not well understood why we can sell Teas so very low; but when It is taken into minsideratiou that besides the original cost of importation. the Broker, Speculator, Job bor. WhAesale Dealer and Retailer. hoe each to reap • large profit and the innumerabl e Corteges. Cooperages, Insurances, Storages. kc., which teas hare to pass thro' befdre they retch the consumer, wi l l read' ly explain Oils. We propose to do away with seven-eighta of these profits and expenses, and it now remain. with the people to say whether they 'hall sore t 0 cents to $l.OO per pound yin every pound of Tea they purchase, or be compelled to give their earnings to it L.it of simian' go-betweens. PLDLtIS and SMALL DIALIMA wishing Teas foetal again, can be accommodated with small packages to suit their trade, but no reduction can be mad*, as these are our wholesale prices. PRICE LIST. • Oolong.(81ack) 70, 80, 90, 11.00, 11.10. best $1.25, per pound. English Breakfast, (Black) 80. 90, 11.00, beet 11.25, per pound. Young Hylton, (Green) 85, 95,11.00, extru 11.24, superior 11.50, per pound. Mixed, (Green and lilack)7o, 80,90; best SI.CO. per pound. Imperial (Green) $1.30, beet per pound. Japan, 11 .00. 111.10, 11.26 best, per pound. Gu xpowder;(oreen).sl.3o, best 11.00 per posind. COFFEE 'DEPARTMENT -• We have lately added • Coffee Department to our eN tatliiihment, and although we cannot promise the eett-i sumer as great • laving as ere can on Teas, (the margin,' for prolit on Coffees being very small) yet we ran ast,4l Coffee. fully 24 per cent. cheaper than retailers .barge_ OurCoffee* come direct from the Callan louse and we roast at:d grind them {cease ly pure, put up in 1 or more pound packages, at an advance of 2 cents per pound. Our Wholesale Price—Ground Coffees—Pure Rio , 30 cents per pound. Best Old Government Jaes.,4o eta_ Best Ceylon. 40 eta SENDING llONEr.—Parties sending erderi for less than 330 fur Teas or Coffees should send with their order a P. U. Draft or the money, to save the expense of collect ing by Express. But large orders we will forward by Express and collect on delivery. We exalt be happy as all times to receive a call at our warehouse ;rum person. visiting the city, whether deal ers x not: T. y. KELLEY k CO- Lite Kelley ,t Vought, 56 Vesey street, New Y,rk J 110.31, 1861 W. Bradley's celebrated Patent DUPLEX ELL IPTIC (OR DOUBLE SPRING') 11. T. T. BfraritiGlLlAM J. W. C. Seitz ct 13A-Ta r lalgtOßM. "QUICK BALES AND 41111 ALL PROFITS r I- • ME silty ON El ig 0 In.ad Awes. rates. sons ad year._ • roes, . Mel any.ng-le vert •ec - C ; wHI. O. bet fell Al to E DAV . LA r.r of Coq arli rot, May 29, CEN ►nd All A • • ether- Baal CMre eterrs, Bel (I , IAI al the U... • bay, Peru. or bee reat MAY I) • Chambeit Baohlar' Uurin th IPMCO on laa that ht. sit calve prom. SAM .vq. wiii LA well as April 1 UrEE CG ME P.Q. Bo .4.ltefer • Nor. 1,18 R . Flna h two floor+ Gettystru 1)1i. C p - fully offers attention gi Pr 4. Ad. Vim U. I ll.a. Bd Davpr W 4 RC'''. 3. A 4 *,TOtnee secon4 do* JOHN tilt, the Luther* Drug Bto , .attetiti All Persons lb Ray 141,1: JOHN cl" DIA g UCZt , IoorLO he c•h at 1,1 uwas,n his . 313 y 2.1),12 iii ETA a Conveys* office of CO WRITING , Atttld naTilltS to recogr i t liattonebt Foireir Hai so, OH r r" E au da Ppublic, and a prepared By atriet at aatisfectiod. faction pis May 2.1, 1 El CORNER, DLE ST ITKILY its Tli May 29,18 Bil In Kait Y ar•prepated SUCH 7121. at the short ibrOtra. work. - G•ttYmilrg KEY WM. Tins i fitted n • Is pleasant portion or le for the actin ..• stabling att . conicnixtatlng please. This the public, • age. EA 4 JO : IfirAn dui the Delet, - Carlota May 29, 1. , El O. C. OA - I it. • /C.A Tar (Om t eirpoutitig achrlock, ii our lig* of boa Itohmoot is , borrb shanoirpob May 29. TO-T$ T HL lbrudit htiold its hiallso: , baillUng • • i_aad dimply hi %he • • r=CMI lES3 N I EEE Pima. ins.bYl April I