3.m.... • 1r ,.. , --. t- ' . 1911147 , ___ , ..i.,-..4.-;,. 4 4.... __-. i_ . _ ' t The }Yawl Dhopexttion °Makes Booth's [ 1 . ~..!S e 4 W - .. . _j• - ;:. . The following- p!this* L iiiiin leleit. Baker's booli,.seilitat' rest tite dispute as to the final dispositert,of I:locales body : rn order to establish 'Hie - identity or the body of the assassin beyond all-question, the Score ! tart' of Far, directed rue to summon a "Mtn* 4,f witnsses\ residing in the city of Washing-- 10114kt° herd previously: known the morder er. Some tyro years - prkions to the assassi nation of the President; , ,Bootli had ',a tuirtbr or carbuncle cut from his'neck by a surgeon. On inquiry: I ascertained that Dr. May, a ll I known and very skillful surgeon, of 25 years' practice int I Vashington, had performed the operation. , Accordingly, I called on Dr. May, who, be t)re seeing the body, minutely descrid the exact locality of the tumor, , the nat . and date of the eruption,, &c. After being worn u l t pointed to the scar in the neck, Which was tOn plainly visible. Five other witnesses were examined; all oNhom had known The assassin intimately for years. The various newspaper accounts, referring to the mutillt:- .lion of Booth's body, afe equally absurd.---! (len. Barnes, Surgeon4eneral IT. S. A., was: ...n board the gun-bo where the post mortem t'arnintifion w\as h q, with his 'assistants,-- G.n. throes elk nun Booth's neck about, two i n cites of th pinalcollillln through which the halt had passed ; this piece of bone, which is now on exhibition in the Gr4rnment ..red i cal Museum in Washington; 4s thcionly dititi lat ion of the remains that *eval occurred. ' tin mediately after the conclusion of the examina-', tion, the Secretary of War gave orders as to' the disposition of the body, which had becomi very offensive, owing to the condition iiti which it had remained after death; the ldg, broken in jumping from the box to the stage, was much discolored and swollen, the blob(' froth the wound having saturated his ucder clot hi n f.r. With the assistance of Lieut. L. B. Baker, I took the body, from the gun- i ioat di rect to the bid Penitentiary, adjoining the old Atrsenal grOunds. Tlie building had not been used 'as a pr!sOn fOr Some years previously.--- Th , ordinanc!, Department had filled the go mnd-floor cells wit . ..! fixed ammunition—one of the lafgest if these cells was selected as the Imnal place of Booth—the ammunition was removed, a large flat stone lifted from its place and a rude grav b e dug ; the body, was dropped in, and the grave, filled up, the stone repla , ed. and there rests 'to this hour all that re mained of John Wilkes Booth. =I Mr. Richard C. Washington died in .Wash i tr 4 on on Friday afterndon, in the sixty-fourth year of his age. Ho vias a direct dekendant of Lawrence Washington, the cld'r brother of the father of George Washington, and was horn in Washington county, Virginia. _He had been a resident of Washington for Inv:ly years, and occupied at the time of his death the position of chief clerk in the appointment office of the Post Office DePartmennt, and had been connected with this department for over i~ccnty vears. tr,l''The Maryland Republicans are organi- Am: on the basis of free suffrage. A Gover nor tOr two years is to be chosen in Not-em bier next,' and .Judge Bond, of Baltimore, is prominently named -in connection with.the Republican nomination' for the executive of lle is an earnest and thorough Repub ii,'ap, and would eointuand the votes of `Re put, 'leans in Maryland. photograph,of Jeff. Davis as lie came oat of I'ortress Monroe, to frame along side of a II et tire of one of the starred I..;nhm prison ers as they were released from Belle Isle and AnderSonrilJe, is destined to become a popn tar work of art, with Copperheads. ,KsiGnTs THY PLAN.-The Grand command ,: u}Tetuusylva IL IN ill, hold ha finertceln:H annuli{ conclave in Pittsburg, commencing on the 11th ofJune. On the afternoon of the 12th there will be a parade of the Sir Knights in lull uniform, and they will proceed"to the A cademy of Music, where an address will be delivered by Rev. Robert H. Pattison,D. D. The installation of grand officers will take place at the same time. 'fat: Chicago Ti777CB says that '"from trai tor's prison, Jefferson Davis has gone forth to assume the place, which the future will assign him, as the most colossal charactei in the his tory of his time." A certain character called Lucifer had the same privilege, and ;bout an t,jual historical status. . , grbittri of tbt atarluts. 0 c_T., GETTYSBURG GRAIN ANDPROVISION.MARKET. Gettysburg, Wednesday Morning. :Super F10nr.....51.1 00(513 25; Apples,'..... ....... $0 OWO 00 Extra flour... 13 50413 - tXt Putatoett . 854 70 .Rye Hour 7 004 y. 8 00, Rutter, 30 White Wheat 6 2 500.. " rAi' Lard 12 :Red Wheat 2 .;0(4)2 80' , Eggs, 14 ,Corn 99, Soda, 1ame,.... 16@ 18 Rye 1 15' " gidea,.... 11 Oat., ' 60 1 " t'houldern, 11 Buckwheat.- •• SO, Pe5i1106,. Timothy Seed. g 50 1 Cherries,.... Clover Seed,... 6 01!.4.pp)e,,' St 2.5 . ,81ack. berries,. p . 'a•ter Pariv.. 17_50 50ap...,.. ii,,.• per 401.-. 16 00®16-001Tallow,.. BALTIMORE PRODUCE- MARKET, flturproaß; Monday Morifing. lie.ar of no sales except small -lots to n tai I ers and, bakers. Howard Siredt Super $11..00®12.0d; Family 615.50®419.50; City Mills Super 51100411.50. RYE FLOIR continues dull. We quCpte at $35,750;.53.371. Couiv .3.IE.Ai: dull at $5.62i®i0.75 foi' City fills. GuArx.—Wheat is dull and languid. Re ceipts 240 bushels white and 2,330 bushels red. Sales 750 bushels strictly prime Maryland red at 335 cents and 1150 bushels medium red art Sin C:irn.—Receipts 214483 bushels white, 9,749 bushels yellow. We note sales US fill] OWS : White-114®117 cents. Yellow --119(.,.120 cents. Oats continues in fair de mand. 47.1 bushels at 80®82 :cents. Rye is in rather better demandand held firmer. A r sale of 190 bushels _Pennsylvania at 150 cents. , Pito V4sioxs.—Racon is in fair demand.— : Holders generally ask 104/01 cents for Shoulders ; 12414 c, .nts lorr, rib Skit*, and 1214, 12. cents for deer rib:; tragAs ,17(1 , 17A cents for sugar-cured. Mess Pork is .steady at $ 23 . 6 •21(423.75. Lard 13 cents for 'City,: and 1.^.(.13; i , ents for Western, FINANCE AND TRADE Monday Morning, , tt The payment of gold interest for the'presen, •itiontb.'will reach *24,000,000, and the receipts from customs will sag, regate $14,000,000. The internal revenue receipts for the month will probably reach $14,000,000, which is sufficient to meet the current expenses. The highest 'price obtained to-day for gold was, 13K; the ;lowest 1,38. t. Most of Mc sales. were 138.1- and 135 : the latter was the closing price.. MAILItIED. KU.If Nr — WATTL . C .-- t. hi l t]) t " I at • .4 . ‘be residence the bride's parents. bj the ;Ivy, assisted by Rev. E. Broiden ba,Vb. Rev. D. A. Kuhn, , of & . mithtield J.efferson county, Va.;asobliss 'Kate, (laugh ter of a D. Wattles, Esq.., of this piston. PET I=UIS ---- E.A.V.II:ZAILN.—Ou the 19th inst. ' at the L Ittliterand'Arsonage in .iiendtsville; by Rev. 'I• Snyder, Mr. Isaac H. Peters to mi ss Kate Ranansithrt, bot 4 of this bounty. DIED. .01 -obituary sloticea 31e.ents aAArsefoF4W over 4 lines—cash to accompany .tiotice. MILLER.—On the 22d inst.. near Yoric:Sul- Our Springs. Mr. Charles Miller, aged 74 years,.6 months and 18 days. Doanr.F.n.—At the residence of John L. Taughinbaugh. in TiPading township, ,on lorktay last, Miss Martha Doebler, aged 2/ years. User as.—On the 9th inst., at Baltilmore.' of brain fever, Mr. _Charles 'L. Sambas. youngest son of Maj. Jacob Sanders, of this place, aged 3.3 years & months and 2 days. Aallton. —On the 2 ith inst., - ha tlids place, xis. Margaret Armor, aged 65 year 2 months and 3 days. Fsosor.2L —ln Mummasbarg, on Ike 17th 4 init., Mrs. Marianholtz (wile of Auxib ' Llchoits, and daughter of Jonas Roth), aged goats 5 months and 12 days. StICELEX.rOII the-tr,hi inst., in this place, ',Lary Limn)* infant child of and ,chstriotto Mitaalerfietadl Year Biscatesand -40 &P. == MMI . , #Prriiillgtfre/I ' 4 1 • 111VISTAR'S .ALSAML OF MtILD v v In di r t whole-histor y of medical di a mmertes aro RUMOR' has pe erm.d so many or inch remarkkide corer of the numerous utrect kin. Of. the THROAT, LUNGS and CREST, Rl' this long-tried and. Justly celebrated Balsam. 0 , 43 gen erally acknowledged la the anperiar t-h excellence of this Mu. ninny who hare t il ed lie remedy that bat few ‘ ° virtties by e'upiprienes fail to keep It - tawl as s psetlY and certain rare for -sudden athsc.ks of Cold—ful lyibelier log' that its remedial powers ate comprehenelet nuugh to enibracrevery farm of disease, tram the !lighten cold , to the most dangerous symptom of pulmonary congolaint. , UNSOLICITED TESTIMONY. , - Prem Rau. Pluir!css Lolipm,.Paslor . of Me Saulh 4lngre• gratirrnal Church. Bridgeport -(4rnnecticut. "I consider it a duty which lo*p totMlfering hutsanity to bear testlmmiy to the virtues Van. Wtarstes *IDLY or WILD CIDOILY. I have used it—when I have bad oc casiou mw aly 'remedy fur Cough', Colds or. Sore Throat, ' . is —for many ears, and never 10 I Mel instanc e it failed to rel en andante me. I have freguenti been very hostile ou Wards', and looked fetward to e de livery of two sermons on' he following day with mis givings, but by a liberal use of the Balsam my boa ness hag invariably been removed, and I have preachedlwith out difficulty. I commend it to my 'brethren in the ministry, '4od,to public speakers generally, as a certain remedy fa* the bronchial troubles to which we are peculiarly expaNed. Prepared by SET/1 W. FOWLN & 80N,18 Veintlat et., Heston, &udder Mile by Druggists generally. . , April, 5, lenl. For all the Protean forum of Disease originattni In' SCROFULA, there is tiotidna can equal the puricving effects of !lodine when acninisterei.in a pare stare. Dr. - V. Anders' lodine Water. in a pure nolntion of lodine dissolved In water, without a solvent, and in the bent remedy for Scrofula and klndrtd disease' ever discovered. Circulars free. J. P. DINSMORE. Dey Street.:Ytew York., geic-Sultl Drugglata generally. April 25.18117. '; It: Self ENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. JUL: itSPITLIW f IPOR CALOMEL. , These Pills aricedmPosisll of various roots,,Aaving fhb power to relax the secretions of the liver as promptly and effectually as Line pill or mercury, end without troday- Mg any at those disagreeable or dangerous effects which often follow the use of the latter... t lit all bilious disorders these Pills may be sit With confidence, as they promote the discharge of vitiated hits, and remove those obstructions from the liver and Mary dhcbs, which : are the cane of bilious sitrecOwis in. general SCIIENC*I3IANDRAIik: PILLSourt Sick Ilestache, and all disor ers of the Liver, indicated by sallow skin, (mated tongue, cositivenesa, drowtlnkas, and a general feeling of wean ess and lassitude, showing that no liver is Ina torpid ur Obstructed condiction. In short. these Pills may be used withedvantag • in all [AMA when a purgative or alterative medicine Is wink ed. Please ask for "Dr. S ienck's Mandrake Pills," turd ob serve that the two like sees of the Doctor are ,ca the Government stamp—one hen in the last stage of Con sumption, and the other in 'a - present health. Sold by all Druggists rgtd ealers. Price 25 cents per box. Principal office, N 0.15 IS rth 6th street, Philadel phia, pa. General Wholesale Agents • .I:) . emits Dames & Co.. 2 . 1,, i, Park Itow, New Iroik : S. S. 'lainloS Balt imure street ßaltimore, Md.: Jolla D. Park, N. E. or. of Venni and Walnut str., Cincinnati, Ohio; Welke Taylor,,, 334 and 136 Wabash Avenue. Chleagb, Illinois; opine Brothers, e \s, southwest corner of Second and Vine et ~ it. Louis, Mo Nov. A, 1566.-vreutly . . . , A COIIGH A COLD. OR A SOR* \ TIMOAt, REQUIRES ISIMP.DIA7E ATTENIbiN, AND SHOULD BE CHECKED. IF ALLOWED TO CONTINUE, Irritatioh of the Lung,s, ' Permanent Throat Dis • II oase, or Consumption • ./.1 :4' 0 lir ' BRONCHIAL TROCHES 111VINII ♦ DIRECT Tf/ THE PAST. HITE THMEDIATE RELIEP. For Bronchitiit, ARth MAT Oalarrh, five and Throat Diseaxe, "TROCHES ARE USED WITH ALWAYS GOoif SUCCESS SINGERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS n t , s willfind Troches useful in cleft rig the voice when taken before Singing or Speaking, a relieving the throat af ter an'iannsual exertion of the al organs. The Troches are recommended and pt.( scrlb by Physicians, and have had testimonials from eminent men throughout the conn try. Being an article of trite merit, and having prered their efficary by a tent of mans years. each rear finds them in new to _elides in vaxions parts of the world, and the Troches are universally pronounced better than other articles._ . i , °ALAI!, only "BinWx's BRONCHIAL Toscrus, and do not take any of the Worehlesi Isnitat ions that may be offered. mid everywhere. ' r. 4 4,v. 22, ISfol--fm HELMEOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT - Ie sustain cure for diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, ORAYEL. DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, PESIALE COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY. .4.49l.4ismmant.the tiIiNARY ORGANS, whAter existing in MALE OR NEMALE, from whatever ammo originating and i no matter of HOW ;LONG STA !JOIN,- Diiiieasen of them organs rep a fit e Tho toe ota diuretic. no treatment ib submitted r to. t:onanmptloa or . In tranftv may ensue. Our Flesh and Blood are supported from..l he,e sources. and the HEALTH AND- IL.S.PRIDIESS. and that of f ,, stertty. depends spun prompt u,e of a reliable remedy. ELM BOLD'S ISTRACT BUCHU, Restabliile•opwarda.of 18 yenT7c, prhpared by IL T. -HELM BOLD, Draggbit,' 504 Broadway. New Rork. and 104 South 10th pt.. Philadelphia, Pm Fnb.291867.-ly TO•OWNERS OP HORSES ADD CATTLE'. -' - • • r TOMS' °VINT 'ConiTl93_2owDzis ,.. are warranted su perior to Wry others, or no pay, for the cure of Distemper, Worms, r,qa, Cotighs, Bide-bound, Colds, at, in Horses; and Colds; Tighe. UM!, of 3lnk, Black Tongue, Horn Dis temper, drt. in Cattle. These Powders were formerly put up by SitnlsOn I. Tobias, son of Dr. Tobias, and, 1111000 .. I t, his death, Li' demand has been so great for theta, that Tobias a continued to manufacture them. They are perfectly fe and innocent; no need of stoppitg T hey working of y, r animals. They increase the appetite, I . give I tine t cleanse the stomach and urinary orgaps ; also increase t s milk of cows. Try than , and you will never be wit h t them. , Hiram Woodruff, the celebrated Weiner of trot g horses, has used them Sro years, and recommends Or to his friends. Col. Philo. P. Bush, of Jerolueitace rse, rordham, N. T, would not use them until he was tol of what they are composed, since which li r he Is never lirett them. Ile has over 20. counting horses in his c tie, and for the last three years has sped no other medic e.for them. /le his Kindly permitted me to refer any to e to him. Over 1,000 other tolerances can be Been at t depot . Sold by Druggists and Saddlers. Price 25 colds P box. Depot, 58 Cortlandt Street, New York. ' I [Ms) 2, ISo7.—lut. - ---rlielfi( THY DESTINY. 10@ 20 .2 00 6 12 is - 1 Mansur E. P. T frrox,the great English Astrologist 4.in Clairvoyant and P stride'''. who has astonished lhe scientific c.fassee o f Old World , has now loCated her self et Hudson , N. r: Ateda t me Thornton possesses snch wonderful powers If second sight, as to enable her to im part knowledge if tie greatest importance to the 'lnnis or married iff eithetseX• While in , a state of trance, she dalinastial Ole TArVeatures of the person you are! to marry, and by the NJ of aninstrrurfentofintensepowsr, known as the Psychanotrolpf, guarantees to produce a litmlike picture of tlb future husbandwife of the ;W -/ilmot; together wit' date of marilfigo,. or "position in life ending traits of Phu : E L :rote: This Is no bombug,ss bows-ode oT tiastime , atnusoiert. She wilisend when desired a certified se cats, or , written gitarantes, that the picture is what B purports tolfe. By anslosing a small lock of hair and kating place of birth, age , disposi ition and complexion, at enclosing fifty cents andstarop. ed envelope addressed yourself, you will receive the picture and dash's& i • 'motion by- return mail. All commpaMaloal samedli confidential. Address in con fidence, Idtogigg E. I.nm:crop, P. 0. Box 223, Hudson, New York. [Feb.243, 1801 .-ly • .. A YOgNG LADY returning to her cod titrynotas, pjy.er a sojourn ofa few months in the City, wash y roccupoinod by her friendi. In place of a course, motif, shed. face; 'oho bad a sof ruby complexion offilmost, ble, inisootboess, eggl, hi. stead oftwenty.thresifba reall ppeared but sightef: ifl i,isa Upon inquiry as to the MUM Or a 0 a a clang); a plainly told them that sbe fried tbe• IBeglinUAN MAX co sod considered it 41:111042 y able acqt; Ilion .toany WY'S toilet. By its use any or (lend an can improSe their per.onal appearance an hundred fold. It is simple in its combination, as Nature herself is le.. yet Un•• surpassed in its atijoan intlrafeing initi es from, oleo beifiLinfr, clouuMg and bcattifying the skip d complex- 1 tu V it4 ion. By its o,lrAt i aon o abgatitlf it d lron v e ail its 1141parttkii y ~ . llng As Fame, . lea g the misc. as NIL urea fil it s,hop4d be, t smooth and beedttfaL • P Al. Sent hy Mil or • ' Y on, on receipt of Sn ceder byi • • W: 1,, !CLARK k CO,,ChemlAts, 'N i , . So 3 Meat Eapect Went, 6 Yr4rnse. IL Y.' The only American Agents fur the saje of the. condo. Feb. 28, 1867,-Ir ' . '' ' A CARD TO THE LADIES: ..4.... „ . . . . DR. Di:TONDO)) GOLDEN PERIODICAL PILLS P FSBlA.LER.—lnfelllble In correcting Irmalaritier, lit. moving Otkatructione of die t ... Monthly Turtieln whoa; ever Canoe . and always Ihsocsestal as A 'Preve le. i Re elan been inditcygliantaahe the PO li PIN let tile alleviation of :Gioia scifieih la in any leregnlarltit; whatever, as well s 5 PO Pr , ix increase a tami wizace health will not permit .., ' ' ' , ONE PILL IS A DOSE. ' .1 Foment pecWMy 0044 or those sepposhig those , *civil so. iaitianetasconoeS wing thew-Mb while* that c.oulltlon bait theY.'l44 Fteeltniatrii." . i • oyEllox 0 E1V1VR7. 3 .17. 1 Pries tl per poi lIIS liiieii. la. Gettysburg,. pa. , • t r., , &AO by.lolos.7l3,lLlCitt DrOallit, Solo 40%4 - /rubes, b y sendtnChlm liTtbrooigb the Poet laukark. bate the pinsAient,(oentldiettelly t t by Men, Wee of the cona,..freerorpootatce." [April 4,1 , tormi 4 cour tit, COW:ATE & CO'S '..GERMAN 4 Co's 0,0111V8,4 7 0AP. 1 „ t ,l;rinkattfi;:iiind e tban PUKE MA. R i RAS Y -r- , . sod may boo pmaieered the DASD Qr /14031.-t ' WINCI ' 1 . F .Olotet,jraVOW• 4l 9.• cu d - ~. k- ' thrq vet kfir-ly i ---iru...... Ea I mAcr sticau lilialawkr ,v , .!. i ' - Di!trelqk - 4- 4, 111r4 f -- I\ ' etst.heate ';‘4lo. Waite seiteee.uustA is 1~ /Mod Politer: , Both- sosedirlisclo f! !' t P A a * liittg mui l 43Ootgi WAR ileth? 9 at C al k Ve• ' Illa**' Y0b.28, 1 7 ~ t .- -- .L , , \ -*i TANN NO ONPUMIANTAND .lINSArWi • • 1 turd 41Iwareii. diapass. ' rob. r . 4 1 0 1 001 01 1 14 0. 1 0 0441, ? , rio*4 arc .3.r..# \ • '4, rig= EIX! EC= BUCIIIT •. I • -- !t` atm litratistutet, ROW & WOODS, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, &C., GETTYSBITRG, PA. AQW fr WOODS Rare fine Alpaca. Mohair, Lena, Poplin Lawn and DeLalne Drees Goode. ROW d: WQOb9 Have Calicoes In grew variety, at- 8 cents a yard and apwardS. ROW R. WOODS! *are Mpachadand linbleadtedßus at YO cads a yard and upwards. ROW & WOODS; hap Domeatic ilingharns. ,Checks and Shirt - Inge at - greatly reduced prices. ROW & WOODS Mare Hoop Sisirts, Corsets; Storting Cr tilos," arid ileattiterobiefs ' , (Wittiest styles. ROW d WOODS v Parasols and Valle, WI, iela fir ibeauty awl cheapness, “caii't be beat" Reeds WOODS 11lave Table Linen, Towling, Caitlin - lee, Jaconets. 'Swiss and other White tmalds. ROW d OODS flays Cloths, Casetruerea, Ladies' Cloth Sack Flannel, dc.. as "cheap se the cheapest?' KOW e WOODS Hay, Hats. for Men and Boys, iu great variety, of the latest styles, at the lowest prim!. }COW & WOODS Have Shore and Gaiterv, of best quality made to order, of latest style. at lower prices than the same quality own he hough? rlnteuile.rb. I= A. D. BUERLEh, TI11:01.tx: ft:A CLAI , SICAI. AND ITISCELLAN Y.UUS BOOKS, D R! (2 / STA TT( ).,1" ER Y. PERFUMERY OF ALL K INDs GETTYSBURG, PA OhipiaLeisliury xtrrel , near Die :mond May 2L187 —ly SOMETHING NEW The undersigned ‘l..ts Ole Flamm, of informing the citizens of Gettyelnritaind vicinity. that he is now pre pared to ..upply them sslfli the famous C RE. ANII SODA. . drawn from Dow's Soda Fod‘p , !Alp. which has herome so popular In the cities . Ifyou /r t. tn never tasted this die l,eioue drint. yon don't know at you hays 111 i.. 1.— Try It. Once tasted. you will 1) , ckm e n regular pet , on. I have also opened my ICE CREAM a Ar,0(y..7 with accomilbslations for Ladies and utJeuo and am ,• prepared to supply wives! fAmilles. Partieo. Lc, oh t reasonable terms. Also, constantly on hand. freeb I , CONFZCTIONS, \ \ Calise. Lc. Call at the old establislied stand J oi cb an ,. i bersbwg street, opposite the Lutheran Chureil'adjoining I the Keystone Hotel. I May 29, 1b137.-3in E. !I. ML.NN kill. NEW GROCERY STORE TELL EVEYEBODY lot SEE THAT GILBERT.,• rusTahnve the Court-Ham., and opprotite the Cosany " ler Office, will sell you everything in the nROCKKT AND PRO VISLON Lino cheaper than you can got it elsewhere. • Bows, Coffees. Molasses. r Candles, Coal Oil. Syripr, BrOo P. , . , Buckets, Tubs, Tobacco, (, 'gars. ,Cll Notions oral] kinds, 11, VISII, or TEBO, VEGIF:TA BLEIt. always on hand. Oise me a call. as I am deter mined to accommodate. 121:TTNN. FAiGi.., and all kind. of Country Produce ta4ert, fur which the highest cash price will be given. Don't firget the pia c t.,.. Ew ,, ,t,,,,, atiorkthe Court-amine. Don't pass vr ithont calling, an I solicX your patronage. May 4.—tf '' Nom' SID LE SHOP. • 0' ••the P.ltitnotiStreet.i;rttystmrg. P.—C4.O- otatitly I.n hand. at matte to o rder. xl! kind, of RIDING, s A DALES, WAGON SADDLES. CARRIAGE BAR NESS. DRAUGHT HARNESS, RIDING BRIDLES, EiLIN-b Hit DLE s, COLLARS. FLY \NETS, tea as low Re the lowest .51ey 29,1867.4 f, CONOWAGO FACTORY:, INBE undersigned having leased the above named Factory. owned and formerly occupied by David Beecher, won ld take thfit method of informing his., friends and the public generally, that he la prepared to manufacture' , WOOL FROM THE FLEECE ante the fol lowing articles: CLOTHS, OASSIMERES, JEANS. SATINETSS, BLANK' ETINGI, FLANNELS, BARRED * PLAIN CAE:* PITS AND STOCKING YARN. The at..•ve named goods always on hand and for sale at the Factory. Also. Carding and Foiling andall kinds of Woollen Dyeing. He hopes by strict attenlitio to bust neat, and a desire to please, to merit a liberal share of paints patronage May 29.-3 t. J. P. CL.1.1.66031. C. VAN fI