THURSDAY A | THE CENTRE ! ISSUED FEBRUARY 29, 1840 REPORTER WEEKLY, A——— —— CENTRE HALL, PENN'A. EMITH & BAILEY, 8. W., SMITH, BAILEY, Associate Editor and Of Business Manager Proprietors Editor EDW. E. TBRMS.—--T'} Be Reporte: Legal advert ents per Display a po appileat Euterd Hall as Si gppointments: Farmers Mills—9 to 10 A. MM. Centre Hall—10:230 A, M. Georges Valley, 7:30 P. M. Centre Hair RerorMep (Rev. Delag R. Keemer, Pastor) Centre $:00—Church Worship. 30:00—Church School Tusse) §:3 { v V 3 0.30 PRESBYTERIAN (Rev. J. M. Kirkpatrick, We of that of Wr to peruse between —————— A ———————— pe ars to product w for u we tune find and aKzerated instant Wer nonsensical WAR VETERAN Raymond , “Chick ard World “War in the Veteran wall of - complications fe ing in fliress which was said to sulted’ from being wor” THe was a patient pitt for Wo Weeks Fane! day after poon tis ehurch Blanchard. DIES Gardnes Bland Monday Aspin eteran, - died ns: hospital at shave re gassed during in the ROY EIL College worry joes held Thurs Blan« Baw interment made Were in the Con at the condi 1 ved hard eart Born of teqy days alsa Me \ wis thade Lt ( Friday of fast Thomas J. Royer Wednesday of tre County cspital tion following an —- 22. 1874. .at He wi i® in his S6th Woe of Ves THE C ENTRE REPORTER, CENTRE HALL, PA. Years Ago ¥ [ler | February 24, 1910 | { i | | | Man Dies in Nittany Mt, Cabin ———————— A r——————— § 1 1 { ————————— a — PENN STATE SPECIALISTS ASSIST HORSE BREEDERS wii # 1 : day Flo Adwitped Wi wikigs tw, Howdeoo i or Aaronsburg. IRedhasged Mra "a nt i of Dellafont ‘ rege tate Ww Sunday farmers why Peeler J » JPL John W William Contre Gf Bellefonte Figarkine "State College: Moe FE. Pechto} andijnfant son’ of Hall: Mra EK Paul Campoell and i fant daxightey of f State «toile Mr Wamtrow WW. 1shiet ‘®hd Sjnfant daugh of Beallefonte Med “Austin Fise nan of State Colleg Birth X Shope of f ¥4 Prise hu WITH THE SCIENTISTS ABscardle, knie, and parsies taht mee vitanmin A thar as rears to the New Jeroey saciely i Live som Lo MY rid Bellefonte 14° beenning of Mre Homdl 2SgvietEscicntists mul deterioration of fruits etables is dein’ radia whyves report There the how pital Wee patients ed} teal al t he thi week. Tesls Pennsyivania ithmeti great! mie al i 5 dm BIRR TTOIR a Photo by A. F. Giboney IIL. Courte'y of The i oo gL : ¥ rote of 1 mo NOTH BRE CONDEMNATION INGS FOR THE CERTAIN LANDS TABLISHMEXNT i 1'SE iN (ON NELC TION PROCEED ACQUISITION OF FOR THE ES OH AND FOR WITH A Butter, Poultry \ or Eggs for Sale? It's easy for buyers to reach you when you have a telephone in your home. Many farmers find that a telephone pays for it- self in the extra sales it brings in and the extra iy 7 money it helps them earn. IT PAYS TO HAVE A TELEPHONE! Sl WEIS 255 STORES Fred Luse, Manager CENTRE HALL SUGAR MOTOR Ol 49 GRANULATED i ibs P-NUT BUTTER COCA-COLA . > 7 y ’ Pa bot -d { Cf WHEAT RICE PUFF! Pa ka “CC CATSUP BOLE onvnns serene XX 14-0 JERSEY PORK & BEANS | . - SE ¢ CANS shaven d KH BANANAS 4 ho L FLORIDA ORANGES Dozen RALSTON CORN FLAKES TEXAS 4 for GRAPEFRUIT 19¢ — NURSERY AT HOWAILD iA JARCAT WNRHIP PPIENDN FE CENTER i “ ED IN YT. VANDA i «Penns of Centre Johnston Toseph l.onthers, { Beohtel) j.eathors, Mary Barbara tombergh, William T fonthers, Barnhart, Martha Guthrie, hath Iddings, Nancy Antis, pah Antis, Mertie Antis Allen, fnm MM. Allen, James (BH) Antis (An test), Frederivk Loa hea, Mary KE. Leathers (wire of Willam T. Leath. Penna, J K Barn Christian Leathers, Jie Yerhitol {Bechtel) L.eath- Mary Eline fia Will- hennoedy hart. Bese litol Jolin ISliznbeth Bechtol Jane erly { Boe htel), I Lis leloville Times, ore), William Randall, Tax Collector of Hownrg Township, Centpe County, Pennn, AND * OTHER PERSONS TO ALL Do YOU Have A Checking Account? WHY « Moncey, arry a wallet or aj filled with nirse suibject to loss A CHECK BOOK 1s so ea a sate met d of handl; your transactions, COME IN and start count, and to 1 1 our checking vou have vou will never its conyenience and THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK CENTRE HALL, PA. This Bank is a Member of ‘he FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK AMERICAN BANKER'S ASSOCIATION want be without safety.