' MHURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, fi i { SHE CENTRE REPORTER { ISSUED WEEKLY, I————_ - I———— —— 1040 CENTRE B————— ; " BMITH & BAILEY, Proprietors 8. W, SMITH, Editor EBDW. E. BAILEY, Associate Editor Business Manager HALL, PENNA. — mam TRRMS, Fhe terms of subsceri he Reporter are $1.50 a year, in Legal advertising at the rate gents per line each insertion. Display advertising a avnliration, Enterd in the Post Office in &8 second-class matter. “SUNDAY GHURGH SERVIGES a PENN'S rates made entre VALLEY LUTHERAN CLARENCE CC. Theological Aheran the following schedule: Pusseyvile—§ to 10 A. M. pring Milis—10:30 A. M. Centre Hall, 7:30 P. M. OTTO, Gettysburg student, will fill the ILu- appointments according to Harr RerorMED Delag R. Keener, Pastor) $:30—~Church School Bpring 9d 10 Farn ¥.uV Wor rvi Locust Grove— Bunday School, 9:30 A. M. Worskip Service, 7:30 P. M. [ Meraopist Eriscorar i (Rev. I. iller, Pastor) Centre H 8:30 30:30 Porucetown 10 60 Sut 10:45—M SONS OF PIONEERS” IN PER. APPEARANCE Al MUNICIPAL THEATR}Y SONAL tad fr soribes grades Sonal Munici; J4th. "We iy tha il dng Ameri wi doz parents § Friday | A numbey of farmers have fro ni water lines and drive to their supply for and hausehold needs, town for! stork water their The Roy Arbogasts were visitorg in Middiebinrx on . Sunday. The public schools In Miles town. ship were closed from Wednesday of last week owing to badly drifted roads LM AAI. (Thursday) i Washington's birthday. He wax born 208 years ago. He lives in the memory of all true Americans, and shaves with Abra- ham Lincoln thely love and devotion to the end of time. Toduy ———————————————— “Oh Doctor!” is. the ttl: of the high wchool’ operetta to be presented about the third week in March une dor the direction of Donald Shope. . ® ® +» @ . . 5 Deaths : vising principal Tonwship itional chool Gilbert Walts or Bell Donnld Bell of Wonst rviving are wood and Mx Ohio. Funeral services were helg Wedne day ifternoon in the Suite Preshyvterian church Rey Joneg officiating Burial the Branch cemetery, Bellefonte, R Showers and awe Nis ih toy Camptell ¥ os and M Hall: hargel Mrs. (iver 1.oeros il Arthur son. Milesburg: Charles Bax William V Birth Hpicer infant Dennis a son to Mi Wingate State College, and Me, Wim Saturday: Admitted Mrs, John DD. Patterson, Boalshirg: Bdwaged Dorman, Howard iD. Digharged—Mrs. James 8, Johnson and infant son, Bellefonte: Randall 8 Wilkins, Centre Hall, RD. Sunday Wdmitted Wim, ¥. Dugan, Belle fonte, RD. Discharged Mrs. Chas, 1. feed, Jr. and infant daughter of State College: Mise 8. Patricia Mus. sor. Bellefonte. Birth: a son to Mr and Mrs, Philhert Gl, State College, There were 54 patients in the hore pital at the beginning of this week. Hospital contributions: from Jun- for Red Cross St John's Parochial school, - Bellefonte, 2 dozen Villentine favors CENTRE BEATING, OWNER FOUR YOUTHS IN CO. JAILED FOR ROBBING, GARAGE THOMPSON NAMED DELEGATEAT-LARGIH “JACK” 3 cf es ———— FWIN VHHTORY FOR LOUAL HIGH TEAMS IN BE. IPELLEFONTE SCHOOL HEAD REFINES an be seriou n't need t 8 about life; but be solemn. 3 (0 woman likes to be called ‘‘sis- ter” by a smart aleck stranger. You're reasonably happy if you're not worried. Know that and be thankful Cases in which a man lived a wild life and wrote a good book are ex- tremely rare. In summer all insect creation wants to know you belter and will, unless your windows are well screened. Romantic love, no matter how wild and nonsensical, is the last thing a man forgets, though he lives 100 years. A bachelor, too, can enjoy home sweet home-—in his own qujet apart. ment, after a jangling and irritating business trip NOTICE CONDEMNATION L THE a ala d " ’! 4 whe REVOLUTIONIZE YOUR LIGHT WITH INEXPENSIVE & Lig Largain! $9 ONLY 90 COMPLETE Includes Light Adapter with Ama ing Pew Silvered Bowl lamp — ready 10 use. ALSO--New "Snap-On" Modernizers for multiple-light center fixtures, complete with Silvered Bowl lamps--as low as 70¢ per socket AT ELECTRICAL, HARDWARE, VARIETY AND DEPARTMENT STORES . . . W.£ S 1 P EX N CENTRE COUNTY A "YEW MINEs TONS OF “A ——————— A — Coburn Man Injured In i or Eggs for Sale? It's easy for buyers fo reach you when you have a telephone in your home. Many farmers find that a telephone pays for it- self in the extra sales it brings in and the extra money it helps them earn. IT PAYS TO HAVE = A TELEPHONE! | GUARANTEE OF BEAUTIFUL SHADOWLESS LIGHT THAT PROTECTS THE EYES These lamps are built to provide eye-ecasy light—for reading, studying, sewing and all kinds of close work. No glare, no shad- ows—just an abundance of good light that helps you to see clearly and without strain. ALL STYLES New beauty for the home! There are several styles of floor and table mod. els, even models for the end table every lamp a bar gain in good light! ON See the Displays of the LAMP DEALERS | | \ \ ; j \