The Centre - Reporter VOL. CX1V. 95, 1940) CENTRE HALL, Committee Signs jo W > LOCAL MEN rT ND PA. ["TH) Di MOH RAT WAT ye Jory COUN " av 1A ERAN [1.06 Al YOUT SCORES WITH TOWN AND COUNTY N t AT SELINSGROVE| CHANGES TO “THE WATCHMAN CHURCH REORGANIZES FA AMB A my SHOW] rchestra for | Ger | i te? Birthday Ball Tuesday | HAPPENINGS OF rs Mp A [VISITING COACHES SPEAR Ad BANQUET; PLAYERS AWARDED ———————————— - PT. A. CHANGES MEETING TO 3. 1; PLANS HEALTH TALK, Other County Winners AA At in {Centre Hall Woman Appointed Night { Nurse at (ounty Home ————— —— A tl A BUCKNELL UNIVERSITY RECEIVES $100,000 HOYS LOSE GIRLS WIN IX BASKETBALL WITH MILLHEIM Ff. CRUST BUYS SAMUE] GINGERICH PROPERTY on FARMING METHODS AR} PAYING DIVIDENDS WHITEROCK QUARRIES, INC, HOLD STOCKHOLDERS MEETING rm —— A DIRECT RELIEF PAYMENTS INCREASE IN CENTRE (CO. ———— - ———— Pla Study of Hawallan Musi : ts . i. IRESERVED SEATS FOR STATH dns Bb (OLLEGE SHOWING OF lp ’ : . . a) | ——— i —— — “is y WIND" { it ‘ t i i GONE win Ti d BOAILSBURG REFORMED CHURCH N SALLY i { ow" : { TO HAVE NEW PASTOR ————————————— 9 JUNIATA CO. POST OFFICES MAIL EIGHT MILLION CHICKS ln A MARRIAGE LICENSES { —— A ———— [CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT i ro UU. 8S. NAVAL ACADEMY) e————————————— : Vostmasters Wanted at Huablershurg direct and Wingate Estimates place ‘ postmasters for Fublersburg - ct nm WO.0000, making thelond Wingate 1 Centre eotinty, oan Pos at Wagner Mifflin hatch between be found ‘ h close of this © wil ntinued Januar) ni moved be closed. | 31 ! Patrons will be served by theldil tl appointments organization preatfent, are Vid - They are tourth-class offices. and the McClure R. D. mail carries The two principals i . ; tte : Ea ot : } ’ College theatis : ; y eh ey Br ara ; of Pus o " a Rea ind oe : la ‘ : : a : . . t In re Janunt 11 owing to ATTENTION, TAXPAYERS: y illilang of Altoona he first al-{ Melvin fanion 1 Susagu Io quo Hw and maintaining preparations for a Gdn run i Ya. abe - : tornnte Ly Maurice Hartle thee Tnivesrsi tot y \ vi § BA Og EV Ioes urht against Gone With the Wind." that “must "0° ARC 0 20/0 3 begging be: Drifting and Richard R. MacDonald. bad ) ie p hed to thie Please pay taxes promptly. of Tyrone second alternates are | jet The annual remuneration in Date for 5% addition Is Feb. U t Marshall Replogle of Roaring ed. The picture iy to gtart next week. ¢ § iwi.on Memorial SBehool pearance at court Other officers of . . class offices is about $500, i ruary 1, 100 Spring and Harry Fitzgeriad of Du I—————— TM AUS n TH implicated are Pam Byers, I'he Miller Motor Company of Ceén-, i Bois and thirg alternates are Joseph) Henry Brockerhoff Dems erati jee-presddent: Samuel J. MeMullen tre Hall is advertising good used —— —_ I Helen Barthelomew, Willoughitsy of Altoona and Frank A y a hh . secretary: 8. 1. Hubler. treasurer. and cars in thig lssie of the Reporter, | The Centre Leporter, §1.60 a year county chairman, of Bellefonte, was a : si ars in oe Abies fig , | Collector Juchanan of Altoona, { viodation of gee’ cinema. about which good Memorial Hospital Lhen ant eK moto po. 1 ke bi ¥ . ¥ § " 4 § 5 it i udent in the pd { i y Ares finde § wil fing an. and indifferent opinion hag heen voi visitor in Centre Hall on Monday, John Kiinefelter, steward,