© Ben Ames Willams, CHAPTER XIV—Continued Ge Phil smiled happily; and then he turned to Mary's letter, and sobered again; and for a moment he held it in his hands, remembering their last word from Mary with bitterness. He was tempted to destroy this let- ter unopened; but at last, like one performing an unpleasant duty, he tore off the end of the envelope and drew out the letter inside and began to read. And at the first words, his eyes widened, and his breath came hiss- ingly and he sat up sharply in his berth. The letter was from Paris. Mary had written: Dear Phil: Gus Loran killed Miss Wines. told me so. I'll try to tell you just what happened. I think I told you he was here. His wife was getting a divorce. We met by accident; but he seemed fascinated by me. My Argentine and I weren't get- ting along very well. He's gone back to South America now. I began to real- ize that Mr. Loran had something on his mind. He was drinking a lot, and look- ing sick; and then he began to give me presents, pretty valuable ones, and 1 asked him why, and—he was drunk most of the time of course—he began to talk i | I He has mi i [IH |! —— be reached soon after dawn—he said nothing to Mrs. Sentry. When she saw his high spirits and asked some question, he said evasively, “Oh, just looking forward to seeing Bar- bara, that's all!” They alighted at the Cleveland station, and Dan and Barbara were there to greet them, and Barbara was quick in her mother's arms, while Phil pumped Dan's hand. Then Barbara came to kiss Phil, her eyes dancing; and she linked her arm through his, and Mrs. Sentry and Dan were close on their heels, and they came to Dan's car. Phil, watching Barbara, thought she was become beautiful. It had never oc- curred to him that his sister was beautiful before. He had thought of her as a nice-looking youngster; but now she wore a subtle radiance of glowing eyes and clear skin and steady lips that were strong even when they curved in quick laughter. Phil said, “Dan, you've made a beauty out of Barb!” “Old Doctor Fisher,” Dan chuck- led. “Every treatment guaran- teed. A raving beauty after three HHT oo about some great wrong he had done me, and about making amends, This went on for weeks, and he's been sort of cracking up all the time. I asked him questions, but he'd shut up like a