The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, February 16, 1939, Image 7

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J. Millar Watt
A+, Have You
Mou ARE Goin é
To HE. ween
] Livre wide
C. M. Payne
Judge—In other words, she gave
him a good dressing.
Witness—No, sah, jedge, your
honor-—she done tore de clothzs clean
off’'n his back.
Soft Pedal This
“We got 88 keys in our house and
none of ‘em fits a lock.”
“Then why doncha throw
‘““Huh! How'd we play the piano if
we did?’ Washington Post,
Slightly Mixed
Oliver—Look, it's starting to rain!
Bobby—Yeah? I hope it keeps up!
Bobby—Well, if it ‘keeps up, 1
—We it up,
can't come down, can it?
Willie Bugg—Gee, I wish I had my
Children Well in
Winter; Warns of
being of her children.
To help her children main-
tain top health and vitality, a
mother must constantly be
alert to the various factors
that help produce this ideal
estate. And at the same time,
against the common condi-
lowered resistance, especially
Winter Hazards
It has been said that in winter
the body is on trial—and this is
as true of children
as of adults. Ex-
tremes of tempera-
ture require ad-
justments on the
part of the body,
and in most parts
of the country,
children are called
upon constantly to
switch their envi-
ronment from a
house which is all
too frequently over-
heated to an outdoor temperature
that may be below freezing.
While cool, outdoor air is
i to children in
some children wit)
less successfully. i
particularly true of those who
improperly nourished; who
over-fatigued or suffer from poor
When it is very cold outdoors, it
is wise to have children come in
from their play periodically to
warm up. And if a child appears
to suffer from the cold unduly, it
is wise to have a physician check
up on his health.
Guard Against Frostbite
Over-exposure must be avoided,
particularly in cold, damp weath-
er. For under these conditions,
doctors warn, there is always a
danger of frostbite, They say that
whenever the temperature falls
below 8 degrees Fahrenheit, chil
dren should not be permitted to
play outdoors. If they do, the cold
may act upon the tissues so that
blood supply. This is most likely
to occur in the fingers, toes, nose
| or ears which thereupon become
frozen. The combination of wind
| and low temperature is especially
| dangerous and frostbite frequently
| occurs at temperatures up to 14
degrees Fahrenheit when there is
| a strong wind.
Mothers should be on guard
| against frostbite when the tem-
perature is below 24 degrees Fahr-
enheit, however, and at all times
during the winter, see that chil
dren are warmly clad. This need
not mean that they are so bundled
up as to preclude the possibility
of active play. Suitable clothing
consists of garments which pro
vide warmth and protection
against dampness, without
striction at any point.
Two layers of wool, such as
that provided by a woolen sweat-
er and playsuit are sidered
preferable to one too-bulky
ment. Feet and hands should, of
course, be well protected.
Don't Overheat the House
Only a little
| heated in
nate that
less serious
of ovel
It is unfortu-
people keep
y too warm in
This not only widens the
| gap and
temperatures, but may
| tremely irritating the delic
f the nose
st authorities consider
consequences 3
inOr air
007 ail.
| winter,
indoor outdoor
membranes ¢
throat. Mq
an indoor temperature of ab
degrees Fahrenheit satisf
Is Your Child Lazy?
We often hear mothers complain
} that their are lazy in
cold weather . . . and they seem
to have less pep and energy
in other seasons.
mean that are
can be attributed in part t
bleak, shorter days that do not
ways invite outdoor play.
a reduction in his activities as to
appear indolent. Then the moth.
er must seek the physical or emo-
tional factors that may be re.
[HERE'S a practical, slenderiz-
ing dress that large women
will thoroughly enjoy for their
busiest days of housework. And
a trim little bolero frock that's
gay and fresh as a spring morn-
ing, just the thing for shopping,
business and general wear. They
are so easy to make that even be-
ginners will enjoy working with
these easy designs-—each of which
includes a step-by-step sew chart.
Comfortable House Dress.
This dress is so easy to make
that you'll turn out half a dozen
of it in practically no time; it's a
diagram design that you can com-
plete in a few hours. And it's
80 easy to work in that you won't
be satisfied with less than half a
dozen. Wide armholes, a darted
waistline that looks slim, a skirt
with sufficient width, all assure
freedom for action, It's easy to
put on, too, as well as to iron, be-
cause it buttons down the front.
Percale, calico and gingham are
good materials for this.
Tailored Bolero Dress.
Even without the sleeveless bo-
lero, this dress is a charming
style for runabout and street
wear. The darted waistline makes
you look slim and supple. A scal-
| loped closing, edged with braid or
| binding, and puff sleeves nar-
| rowed into the arm by shirring,
complete the effect of youthful
charm. Make this right now of
| flat crepe, silk print or thin wool.
{ Then repeat it later in summer
cottons; it's a design that you'll
use many, many times.
The Patterns.
No. 1615 is designed for sizes
34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48 and 50.
Size 36 requires 4% yards of 35-
inch material, with 1% yard for
cuffs in contrast.
No. 1674 is designed for sizes 12,
14, 16, 18, 20 and 40. Size 14 re-
quires 5% yards of 38-inch mate-
rial, with 3% yards of braid to
Send your order to The Sewing
Circle Pattern Dept.,, 247 W,
Forty-third street, New York,
N. Y. Price of patterns, 15 cents
(in coins) each.
© Bell Syndicate. —~WNU Service,
To Blanch Nuts.—To remove
thin brown skin covering from
nut meats, cover the meats with
boiling water and let them stand
. . *
five minutes in a covered dish.
Drain and then quickly rub off
the skins with the fingers. A small
sharp knife may be needed on
brazil nuts.
For the Seamstress.—Cut geor-
gette crepe and chiffon through
two or three thicknesses of news-
paper and the material will not
stick to the scissors and prove
A Darning Hint.—When darning
silk stockings in a place where
the mending does not show, use a
fine needle and one strand of silk
for darning one way, making sure
that every little stitch is caught
to prevent laddering. For the other
way use two-ply skein wool.
sponsible. For true laziness sug-
gests a body that is not function-
ing normally.
Quite possibly the child's diet is
not meeting his bodily require-
ments. An undernourished child
usually tires easily and is dis-
inclined to exert himself. The
food may be adequate as to quan-
tity, but not as to quality. For
example, a diet that is too highly
concentrated, too little
bulk or cellulose, may cause a
tendency to faulty elimination.
frequently re-
r lassitude. The rem-
often a dietary
change—the addition of a salad to
the daily diet; or possibly the
use of stewed dried fruits in addi-
tion to a fresh fruit or fruit juice
Of course, the child should
also have two servings of vegeta-
bles besides potatoes, one of
which should be of the green
leafy variety. Also a quart of milk
daily; at least
nis, In turn,
This, ir re
sponsible fc
edy is simple
breads and cereals,
half of which may preferably be
the whole grain variety; an egg
daily or at least three or four
weekly; one serving of meat, fish
or chicken, and another serving
of a protein food, such as cheese.
Some form of vitamin D should
be included in the diet of young
children, especially during the
winter months
It is also most important that
children follow a daily routine that
includes plenty of time for sleep.
time nap is advised.
Children Need Healthy Mothers
Mothers must give attention te
give some consideration to their
own. The tired, nervous mother
is very apt to transfer some of
her own fatigue and nervousness
to her child. So in arranging your
child’s rest periods and diet, in
looking after proper habits of
elimination, make sure that Moth-
. and better still every
member of the family . fol
lows this same sound health pro-
Questions Answered
Mrs. B. F.—Between the ages
of 60 and 70, and indeed thereaft-
there is a gradual decrease in
the need for energy. All the body
more slowly.
2 18, minerals
vitamins is o less, as no
t ng formed. An
less readily han-
y in later years, so
visa for older people to
carefully against over-in-
in food.
—C. Houston Goudiss— 1830-48,
If Your Sore, Scratchy Throat
Comes from a Cold—You Can
Often Get Fast Relief this Way
unt of pr
iL. To ease pain and
discomfort and ree
duce fever take 2
Bayer Tablets —
. of water, .
Just Make Sure You Use
Genuine BAYER Aspirin
The simple way pict
y fast