THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 19830 THE CENTRE REPORTER, CENTRE HALL, PA. a = THE CENTRE REPORTER jetty, Thom Joseph, Mar | 51 NKING THOMPSON SCHOOL USED CARS FOR SALE ISSUED WEEKLY, i ; 1 oan, ‘aul id 3 ley, all of | PLAN IS LOSS OF $11,000,000 ————— s——— CENTRE HALL, PENN'A. SMITH & BAILEY, Proprictors RB. W, SMITH, Editor EDW. E. BAILEY, Associate Editor and Business Manager TERMS the Key Lega gents Dis sn ap Ente Hall SUNDAY CEURCH SERVICES Pi NN DS yY Al (Rev. 1 Centre Ii Georges Farmors Mills, 7:30 P, ———————— POMONA GRANGE ELECTS ENCAMPMENT COMMITTED Mersopist Episcopal (Rev. I. IL. Miller, Pastor) : Eighteenth Century furnishings and modern entre Hall— member of the Methodist « ' | Ob ' } Ws A } " ' ‘ ’ 1 harmonize amiably to give this dining room a United Service, L % b ! f i s . » ! relaxation, Bprucetown— 40:00—8Sunday School 10:45—Morning Worship. Spring Mlills— 7:30—Church Worship. By Louise Brown PRESBYTERIAN (Rev. J. M. Kirkpatrics 9:30—Mornings Worship, 10:30—8Sur IMPROVEMENTS FOR LUTH- ERAN CHURCH IN MILLHEIM ; nd : y to : New Lighting Tricks PUBLIC AUCTION Pp \J F ben § Qe é hb St © : ' - CENTRE HALL Penns Valley Sales Barn, PENNA. Tuesday, Feb. 7 -- at 1:00 P. M. FECCE ELLE P BLO O OEP GPL EPOP EE PEGPSOEPE AUTOS Joos : J $ | JOHN IL. WETZLE} ‘ t Washed, Greased, Polished §| Register of Wills of Centre Cou (Cars Called for and Delivered) BEEF CATILE, HOGS, CALVES, SHEEP PIGS EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE SHOATS AND POULTRY nty t ) — ; . | In the Estate of C. F. EMERY, late yup: m . . U. S. Tires & Tubes | senire: Hall: Bon 0 BY rr William Gruenwald will offer a number of . | County, Pa. deceased. Fine Young Western Horses || th buyer and seller Official Inspection Sta. No. 2249 Letters testamentary on above estate Deal arsrl 1 i : ale aiers and rarmers, it you have something eood he ure an {having been quiy granted the under- > i . : i g poo, Di SUC anc vir I . Amanda Miller Tn 2 ’ . ng n fx i 1}¢ \ Valley View, nea: B k S S signed, all persong knowing themseives ona Wiig ' try to please bot i roo Ss ervice ta. indebted to the estate are ‘requested to E. M. SMITH, Auct. S T it the home f her | a CENTRE HALL, PA. make immediate payment, and those T'USSEYVILLE ahr po ie or REIGEL, Owner-Mgr. j © i in ily diabetes i . Ee i nred 2 2 5 8 + a » How a several years’ {liness. In | having claimg against the same to pre- TA SLI IC ITER CRETE ey arly sent them duly authenticated for set- H. C. Grove and family of Hunt- | 10's, she was the widow tl Sh4don spent Sunday at the W. S.| ] nh ] SERk SUSAN EMERY, E Martz home. i Sieas lellefonte, the deceased . SUSA) AMERY, Executrix, Mr. and Mrs. Perry D I {was a daughter of Geore “11 ! > x3 Centre Hall, Pa Mrs. Perry etwiler and... *eorge and Ellen | F : W ” daughter Leona of Spring Mille + - | my kley and was the last surviving OR EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE THE ORLD S GOOD NEWS ! peg ne ICE. will come to your home every day through Miller. ited the former's by ; member of her f: 7. 8 ' ) rother . - amily. She 1s surviv. wiler, who received a ig pet ud by seven children, all living ” 3 In the Estate of WILLIAM B THE CHRISTIAN broken ribs in a recent fall. | Ford City. She was a member of the FIEDLER, late of Centre Hall Be SCIENCE MONITOR Mrs. Nearhood and son I State | Methodist church, : a or An Internaironal Daly Newspaper ! of State] 3 College visited her sister, Mrs. A. 1 B Burin} was made on Friday at 0 le . WIS. A: L.iBellefonte - AAS tentaInEniare : Slaterbeck, on Sunday. Mrs Saruc: efonte, SEE ore lCROmSALY Gn above ssiaiy avis oe Hy Erantieg th inder { figned, all persong knowing rs ough “o p 01 ¢ & ugh, Centre County, Pa. deceased. It records for rou the world's clean constructive doings. The Monitor does not x3 ti 1 on neither does it ignore them iI the Horner, a daughter, fa at the States | . he GARDINER Erma i } ! " End beck home helping care for her Jane sardiner | : 5, died at the home o or DA jindebted to the estate are requesteg to i 0 i ne Howard Th iH . ermimitian | . . {make immediate payment, and tho a irsday, claime ing affair. on re refer : hal daughter of Merrill an ar Spring Mill, dumn « the last 8 E H wn Lsardines n July 1 03 3 Helen Bartholomew, Mgr. ‘ of this pape r or a somewhat s rvs v Ber parents and ENT % Far on Walker, } Howing brothers and sisters: CENTRE HALL, PA. . report. > “erent ¥ ty i111 nests y 4 8. Mary Bullock of near Howard; 3 MARGARET