* VOL. CX1ll. y CENTRE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICTS RECEIVING TOWARD TEACHERS SAL #113,971 PENN STATE STUDENTS TO STUDY MARITAL RELATIONS wi on marriage offered - FARM BUREAU TAKE OVER FOLKS TO CHOCOLATE - persons are expe od to attend Among the = s H Prof rural ted for William sociology o two-day Dennis, Per A. the Supplies, The annual Monday seasion are of V. 1 professor (| the v of naylvania State and | manager F. Farm College, Fogg, president ang Co-operative G L banquet will at 6:30 at House, district manger of Mutual Automobile take place evening, the Her- shey Community C. A. Rickard, the Farm Bureau Insurance company. is working up cal in the approaching meet. ing and banquet. 10- interest A pn CENTRE (CO. MUSIC FESTIVAL, PHILIPSBURG, MAY 4TH Miss Ethel Bragonier from Philips burg has been chosen president of the Centre County Music Festival. Miss Bragonier will be assisted by Prof. John Manner, also from the music department of the Philipsburg schools in making the necessary preparations to entertain the participating Centre county schools, The Music Festival is planned in the Philipsburg High for aund- itorium. a I Rl pm In effect does Governor James says he think it practical ganize county assistance boards at this but later, Democratic members will be out looking for new Jobs, “not to reor- time,” JURORS SELECTED FOR FEBRUARY TERM Ol 3h 114 nston, Willian Philip Bellef James R. Harry A cs College Leitzell, Samuel B. .. . . Bellefonte Lucas, mite, State Charles M. B. Victor 1. Munson State College Bellefonte, R., 3 Moyer, J. N Rebersbury Musser, Marshal C. ....State College Runkle, Bruce E. . ge ..Centge Hall Saxion, Wm. H. Matilda Shaffer, James T. R. D Shuey, Oliver Bellefonte, R. 2 Sigel, Mrs. C. W.. Port Matilda Slaterbeck, Chas. Centre Hall J. B. Bellefonte, R. 2 Melvin Woodward Westwood, George Philipsburg Winkleéblech, Paul M. ...Aaronsburg Young, J. C. .«++.. Bellefonte, BR. D Mever, Meyer, . « « . Howard Stover, Stover, ————— fe ————— FARM PROGRAM PAYMENTS MADE TO PENNA, FARMERS Checks for money earned by Penn- sylvania farmers 1939 Program to farmers. under the Conservation forwarded 14,087 Pennsylvania received a total of 8$776.840 according to figures available as of January 18, the committes announces, and the remainder will be paid as rapidly as possible. The total number of farmers who earned payments in 1938, it is estimated, will reach about 65,000, marking the largest participa- tion in any of the past thecs Agricul- tural Conservation Programs. Ag- ricultura} are being Already farm- ers have leJACK' THOMPSON” ASSAILS | GOYERNOR JAMES ON Vi Of SCHOOL TO ———— A A —————— SHOE HIGH DEFEATS SCHOOL IN BASKETBALI SNOW LOCAL A CALDWELL—POTTER otter of Me Freee Moth at the pas odist church m the afternoom of Sun by the pastor Hex niece of Mr Centra rea red SCHOOL BAND FUND BOOSTED BY #1500 A — WOMAN A SUICIDE BY HANGING, AGED (OWAN £9 home at Thursday wife Irvin Em- store at Cowan. took her life Cownn, Lewishurg, 1 D., 3 the morn- She wae of ory It is believed that during the night, but ghe hag seemed in good health and no motive has been found for the act. She was 5 member Lutheran church. who bperates a she of the Cowan Surviving are her bushand and the following step-chil- dren: Foster A., Mrs. Donald Feaster, and M. Luther Emery, of Lewisburg, R. D.: Mrs, Harold Benner. Mra. Ed- gar Walter and Mrs. Beaver Zimmer- man of Vicksburg, and George O. and Isabelle, at home; also two brothers. EE ————————— WHITE ROCK OPTIMISTIC White Rock officials operating quar- ries and lime kilns at Pleasant oredit some extent the 44-hour-a- week and the present upturn of the payroll increase ex- perienceq at this time. The company's eighteen kilng are operating to ¢ull capacity. The payroll numbers 235 the largest number at this season of the year in the history of the com- pany. The officers and company are: President, Col. W. Fred teynolds; vice-president, A. Fauble: secretary-treasurer, Ray C. Noll, and assistant secretary, Misy Dorothy Cox- ey. The directors are: Col. Mr. Fauble, Ray Noll. W. H. Noll, Jr, W. C. Smeltzer, Hardman Har- Gap to law business directors of the ris. Roy Wilkinson, John G. Love, Esq. Hugh M. Quigley. —— —————————— l[CELERRATION OF PRESIDENTS BIRTHDAY GRAND SUCCH LL AND EV. HOMES RECEIVE BEALE former lowis {BUCKN¥ her will pmo will be Beale ir known as Scholar- an fe the entram Lewisburg young wo- dl niversits Homes NO. CENTRE COUNTY DRIV] Fo OPEN AGAINNI The net 5 games Elizabeth Bartholomew bridge gameg conducted and 35.50 hacker games at the Homan. The For grand © —— PENNSYLVANIA TENTH CASH INCOM} IN IN 1988s THREE SCHOLARSHIPS OFFERED IN for at were ARE JOURNALISM three the announced this Franklin Banner, professor and head of the department of journ- alism at Penn State. Two of the scholarships, the How. ard J. Lamade and the George E. Graff awards, are state-wide. third, offered by the Sharon Herald, is limiteg to seniors in Mercer coun- ty high schools. All of the scholar- ships carry with them $1560 a year, sufficient to cover fees and books for the academic year. Applicants, for scholarships Judged on an exhibit of work, 1,000 to 4,000 words Jong. In school publications or local papers: high schoo] grades; and recommenda- tions from teachers. All applications and exhibits must be malled on or before April 15 to Professor Banner, Department of Journalism, the Penn sylvania State College, State Col- lege. Pa. Names of successful eandldates will be announced April 29 at the annual high schoo] press conferences at Penn State, Competitions in journalism State week College by will be published I MA AA AAAI. Thirty persons from - Centre Hall borough attended the Celebration of the President's Birthday on Monday evenng at Spring Mills, That indi- cates a good community spirit. i RETURNS HOM} TO THF FROM TRIP PACIFIC COAST plucking to the market stating it cent each. 10 founa places say he in song,” or, at one-half for a in real figures ER ———————— —— —_—— a HORSES AT PRIVATE SALE William Gruenwald hag eight or ten young western horses recent =ale at at is private sale. Anyone interesteg barn and look them over. They CENTRE COUNTY HOSPITAL NOTES. e . 0» . * 8 =» Patients the hospital from the . in | TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS FROM ALL PARTS require- at 3 Mr Susan Albert I. Em- Emery of Centre Foss oC Emery = TiAR : Was (8 Fitch In a dentist 1 and The The 10 the Milthedm. in Millheim. ond born Another daughter born to residents saw the jight of in 5 Bethlehem hospital and the child of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bile- licki. The father is the science teach. er and athletic coach in the East Penns Valley high school. D. Fleming of Spokane, was in town on Thurs- having come east as a national representative of the Junior Order United American Mechanics in the States of Washington and Oregon, an organization nearing its century his. tory. The national convention was held in Philadelphia. Mr. Fleming, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Julian Fleming, both deceased, jeft Centre Hall in 1886 at the age of sixteen years, and much of the time since has been spent in the far west, where he is engaged is ne sex couple. day 3 Maloolm Washington 23: Monday, admitted: Rebersburg. Tuesaday, admitted: Mrs. Clarence Ebert, Spring Mills R. DD. Dis- Mre. J. Nevin Royer, Cen- Mrs. Gerald A. Sunday, gdmitted: Master William C Lynn, Centre Hall, Discharged: Mast. er Harry Ziegler, Boalsburg. There were 46 patients in the hos- pital at the beginning of this week. ———————— A —————————— The Centre Reporter, $1.50 a year. a8 a merchant tailor Before coming here he visiteg his brother, D. Bari Fleming, at New helle, New York and William A. Sandoe, in the Phila- delphia area. He left for the west on the same day he arrived being ac. companied as far as Atoona by WwW L. Jacobs, 5 boyhood friend. Mr. Fleming stopped off ag Tiffin, Ohio to visit an orphanage with 1200 boys and girls under the care of the or- fanization he represents. Mr. Flem- ing appears to be in fine physical condition and enjoyed agai Companiong of his youth. nN Mmeeting