© Ben Ames Williams, SYNOPSIS Barbara Sentry, seeking to sober up her escort, Johnny Boyd, on the way home from a party, slaps him, and attracts the attention of a policeman, whom the boy knocks down. As he arrests him, Professor Brace of Har- vard comes to the rescue and drives Bar- bara home. On the way they see Barbara's father driving from the direction of his office at 12:45, but when he gets home hy tells his wife it is 11:15 and that he's been playing bridge at the club. Next day Sentry reports his office has been robbed and a Miss Wines, former temporary employee, killed. The evening papers luridly confirm the story, and Sentry takes it hard. Mary, elder daughter, in love with Neil Ray, young in- terne at the hospital where she works, goes off to dinner at Gus Loran's, Sentry’'s part. ner, with Mrs. Loran’s brother, Jimmy Endle. Mr. and Mrs. Sentry call on old Mrs. Sentry, and Barbara, alone, receives Dan Fisher, reporter, who advises her not to talk. Phil Sentry, son at Yale, is disturbed at the pogatble implications and suspicion of Miss nes’ absence from her rooms for three days during August. He goes home to help. Sentry is arrested and booked for murder. Dan Fisher explains the evidence against him-that the robbery was a fake, the safe opened by one who knew the combination,