ICaparight, W. N. ©) By J. Millar Watt VHATEVER HAPPENED AT MIKE'S FUNERAL, PAT [ ONLY TOLD WwiDDY HE'D GONE fg © Bell Syndicate — wnt’ Service, so, I Hears SumTHin KINDA SLosH IN ACROSS THe FLOOR un ra DarW * 1 THIN OT WAS JusT A CoMmMON ORDINARY LION whic Gor LosT RJ g » Sos ps ig = i ' p CT © Bell Syndicate ~WNU Service, Oooh! A tourist, on his way to Europe, was experiencing seasickness for the first time. Calling his wife to his bedside, he said in a weak voice: “Jennie, my will is in the Florida National bank. Everything is left to you, dear. My various stocks you will find in my safe-deposit box." Then he said, fervently: ‘And Jen- nie, bury me on the other side. 1 can’t stand this trip again, alive or dead.” Tale Spins. —————— BUG SPORT Bugs—Hey fellows, this bumping C. Houston Goudiss Counsels Wise Eating HE advent of the holiday season marks the beginning of homemaker. details of Christmas shopping tainments . . Secondly, the health and com- fort of every member of the family depend to a consider- eat and what foods she serves during the weeks between now and January first. Unfortunately, statistics show that the common cold and other similar ailments greatly increase in number directly after the first of the year. That is also the period people from suffering fatigue y other Both condi- 3 are frequent- traceable to faulty habits of eating and faulty hygiene during the holiday season. The person who is usually forearmed. Therefore, every homemaker who has the in- terests of her mily at should plan, now, to ac- tivities so that strain and fatigue will be is forewarned heart | do not constitute the best possible menu-planning. The unfortunate over-emphasis on rich foods on | special occasions may easily re- | sult in digestive disturbance, un- | less great care is taken to avoid dietetic indiscretions, and to maintain always the ideal of a balanced ration. Child's Diet Especially Important ber, the children's diet requires { extra thought and care. Too close confinement indoors and the lack | of sunshine may easily have an | adverse effect upon the temper | and vitality of Then, too, the ex ticipating Christmas is bound to eral fatigue. lain of fa- Children seldom comp igue, which makes it ¢ | necessary for mothers against, or to lool irs that it may exist. | A child who is tired is very apt to | be irritable. More than likely his | appetite will be poor, and when | he does eat, he may not be able | to care properly for the food he | takes. You may find, if you al- 3 iret ” rm atiam first intimation see to it I ilates a sound eating gram. Far too many people, at this season of the year, suffer the ill effects of lowered resistar by unwise eating. diet is inadvisable at any time be- cause it tends to overburden the digestive system. But it is par- ticularly undesirable during the winter season when almost every- one tends to stay too long indoors, frequently in overheated rooms, and to take too little outdoor ex- ercise. Regularity balanced diet, cient bulky foods to help promote regular health habits, is of the ut- most importance if res to be maintained at a high peak during the holiday season. stance is Keeping Body Machinery Efficient One should always remember that the t 7 } ing as reguls as a clocl knows that ; quires t in and ¢ too, shou re; body does not functic just because we celebrate a day with age-old customs. ay ia 1d ia Thu Ss ily well and rested, try not to al- low the holiday celebrations to up- set the ordinary routine of your household. Late breakfasts, heavy dinners, and suppers taken at odd hours i unfortunate Cc quences The Ideal Holiday Diet Holiday or no holiday, both chil- iQ oe Ol in y variety; an egg dai a or fou quagt of milk for every child, ar a pint for each adult If your meals are built on this foundation, there will be less room for the rich heavy foods which | should only be taken in modera- | tion, and after you have helped to satisfy the appetite with the pro- tective foods. By making a point : ’ ¢ of eating generously of fr three Christmas Confections We can scarcely speak of the | holiday diet, particularly where | children are concerned, without saying a word about Christmas {| confections and other goodies. | These are a part of the holiday | tradition. No homemaker would and easily, in fact, that you can finish it for a gift in time for Christmas-—and you'll certainly want to make it for yourself. The house frock is a diagram design that you can finish in a few hours. It's a mighty nice thing to be wearing when people run in un- expectedly, as they're sure to be doing, frequently, during the holi- day season. You can feel right in it, and work comfortably, all day long. The Undies Set. Slip, panties and brassiere are all included in this one simple de- sign that even the inexperienced can make with no difficulty. Make it up in fine quality materials— satin, crepe de Chine or flat crepe —and ‘you'll save money not only in the first place, but in the long run, because the undies will wear | and wash so long and so well The slip has a beautifully fitted line over which your doll-waisted clothes will look their best. The | brassiere provides support and up- lift that you need for a definite bustline, and the panties are un- usually smooth-hipped, because they fasten with a zipper. The House Dress. This full-skirted frock is such a pretty thing that you'll be wise to make it up in flannel or challis for shopping as well as in calico, gingham and percale for around the house. The bodice has darts just above the waist to create be- coming fullness over the bust, the shoulders, and the neckline, out- lined with a double row of braid or ribbon, is extremely flattering. | This is one of the most satisfac- | tory house dresses that anyone in { the 12 to 20 size range can posSi- | bly choose! The Patterns. No. 1640 is designed for sizes 14, 16, 18, 20, 40, 42, 44 and 46. Size 16 requires, for the slip 2% yards of 38-inch material; for the pant- ies, 1% yards; for the brassiere, 1, yard. No. 1650 is designed for sizes 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20. Size 14 requires 4% yards of 35-inch material; 11 yards of ribbon or braid to trim. Send your order to The Sewing Circle Pattern Dept, 247 W. Forty-third street, New York, N. Y. Price of patterns, 15 cents (in coins) each. © Bell Syndicate. —~WNU Service, | wish to deprive her family of such | pleasures, but it does devolve upon her to simplify the other meals in the day so that her chil- dren do not suffer when they eat | a large holiday dinner. Similarly, she should make it | her responsibility to either pre- | pare the special Christmas treats { from ingredients which she knows | to be pure and wholesome, or to purchase them from a reliable source. If these goodies are then given to children at the end of a well-balanced meal, and not indis- criminately between meals, there should not be the upset digestions that make Christmas a bugbear to some mothers instead of the joyous occasion it should be. By following out these sugges- | tions, you can help your family to enjoy the holidays without regret. You will feel fit and your good health will be the basis of good | cheer, Questions Answered Mrs. S. M. B.—Your letter was | the first of a large number 1 re- ceived on the subject and I am fore answering you, y reply is also directed to all the others who have inquired con- recent there though ms seen reports on this sub- two investigafors and 1 t other investigators are savoring to check s there is i duce fever take 2 Bayer Tablets — drink a glass of wader, water... the Moment Your Cold Starts The simple way pictured above often brings amazingly fast relief from discomfort and sore throat accompanying colds. Try it. Then — see pour doctor. He probably will tell you to con- tinue with Bayer Aspirin because it acts so fast to relieve discomforts of a cold. And to reduce fever. This simple way, backed by scientific authori ’, has largely sup- planted the use of strong medicines in easing cold symptoms. Perhaps the easiest, most effective way yet discovered. But make sure you get nuine BAYER pirin. om 12 TABLETS 2 FULL DOZEN 2S¢ Talent and Character “Talent is formed in solitude and tranquillity; character is the rush and shock of the world of men." —Goethe. Do Luden’s do mere line factor helps build up your alkaline reserve. LUDEN'S 5°