eo ITEMS OF . J.OCAL INTEREST . A» bar- I+ wns mit One of the several flues on the in Pot- William Fleisher farm house ter township, occupied Jrown, was found to be in an ex- tremely bad condition. The file was built up from the garrett and the side next to the outer wooden framework of the gable was broken away go bad- ly that it was necessary to rebulld the entire flue. Mention of this Is made as a caption notice to many home owners whose flues and chimneys and stovepipes should be closely exam- ined and put Into condition before cold weather begins, when firing of stoves and furnaces will be contin uous. An Indian coach trailer, completely equipped electrically and furnished with all conveniences, was purchased by Marvin Ishler through Blaine Lies- ter from the latter's brother-in-law, Donald 8t. Pierre of Williamsport, whose wife was the former Agnes Cummings of Centre Hall The B8t Pierres traveled extensively during the past few years entering almost ev- ery state In the Union. Mr. Ishler will use the trailer during the summer ang fall months in which to live while at- tending picnics, fairs and general gath- erings at which he will have his string of riding ponies, so much en- Joyed by children. dwelling by LOCALS, I Mrs, Wm. Odenkirk i My. and | Mrs W. A. Williamsport P. Campbell and I busine 811 week. | | made a trip to durin last Mrs, Jacob nit entertained Thursday Sharer on { The sylvani wrasented to the young lady. largest trout k “A beautiful aquarium of barrel ca city graceg the The are water plants Hon ed eig Ker wit! snalla ind sun room in the “pond” | turtles in home planted oi MEDICINE USED OVER 80 YEARS ACHING COLDS Relieve Their DISTRESS y, Quick Way! of from re to co i “counter-irritant”’ . r Masai i) and Extra ed by Good House- The Call Must Go Through = 2,000,000 Times a Day! Year after year the telephone job grows bigger and more complex. Last year in Pennsylvania alone we handled more than 5,000,000 calls a day. And rare indeed was the call that failed on accuracy, speed or clearness, One reason for this is fine equip- ment-—designed and made for Bell System use. But even more important are the 16,000 Pennsylvania men and women behind the equipment. They are well-trained and well-paid . . . eager and able to serve you well. . . . You can have a telephone in your home for less than a dime a day. It will run your errands, do your shop- ping, keep you in touch with family and friends. It will bring you quick aid in emergencies; save you time, trouble and money. Just call the Busi. ness Office or ask any telephone em. ployee to place your order. The Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania. IN NEED 0} 110° 285% i 5 VOrK LUMBER, ROOFING, Nails, All Kinds Building Material, ~—CALL AT Garretts Planing Mill GOOD MATERIAL AND HONEST PRICES Rebersburg, Pa. Phone BBB EDO B BB BEDDE PBB EBB BP AGNES PET PEE a a a fr New comfort Aer 1 and operating month C. H. HOMAN r to hydraulic STROMMEIER | Central picture Works | H. G. Hall Marble & Granite wre Ha Centre » all models is re-located ...THAT CAN'T BE EQUALED! Steel furnaces, kitchen ovens—for accurate con- trol, both must depend on electric heat! More and more steel mills are turning to electricity to avoid costly errors in the heat treatment of steel —more and more housewives are turning to the electric range to avoid costly and disappointing cooking failures! ELE FOR COMPLETE DETAILS ASK THE 1 amcal improvements to provide new beauty, 1939 Chevy i October 22, and featured at on two chassis , presents 1 valve-in-head engine. with steering column control, optional on all model The Master De Luxe series features a new ni 4 a smooth, soft ride. Pr TIL 1939 car Lower left: accessibility gear shift with steering colus Tr From the World's MOST ACCURATE OVEN Come PERFECT Meals Every Time! THE electric oven maintains the temperature you select more closely than any other oven! The heat variation is so slight that it does away entirely with ‘''guess-again’’ cooking— assures perfect results over and over. Whether you want high heat, say 400° for baking biscuits, cookies or bread—or medium heat, perhaps 325°, for angel food and sponge cake—or extremely low heat, 250°, for cold-pack canning-—you get it with the electric range. And complete meals, like the one in the picture —chuck roast, potatoes, onions, fruit cobbler— from meat to dessert—any meal can be cooked with confidence in an electric oven. Switch to an electric range! Serve those “extra tender’ foods with the “Sunday flavors.” Have an oven that guarantees the accurate tem- peratures that perfect cooking demands.