The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, November 10, 1938, Image 7

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    (Copyright, W. N. U)
J. Millar Watt
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“So you lost your brother?”
“Yes poor fellow, I fear he's in
Can't Forget
The guide had taken him to the
top of the mountain, and he gazed
long at the scenery. Then he took
out a note book and commenced to
“Pardon, m’'sieu,” asked the
guide, “but what are ze notes you
“Oh,” said the tourist, “I'm just
jotting down the things that have
left an indelible impression on my
mind so I shan’t forget them.”
“That's a shady scheme!”
“But think of the clear profit!”
and Versatility of
Its Many Use
Gelatin: Outlines
s in the Diet
berry or other well liked flavors.
Every mother knows this from her
own experience—and I rather sus-
pect that many mothers describe
these attractive molded desserts
as the prize to be won in return
HEN we try to appraise
the nutritional values of any
a difficult task.
different substances that what
is lacking in one will be sup-
be misleading as well as futile
is outstanding,
most others, but because it is?
no exaggeration to say that]
without it, some of us might |
not be alive, and those of us
who are alive would obtain |
far less enjoyment from our |
daily existence.
That food is gelatin!
What Is Gelatin?
Gelatin is a protein food which
has no equal as a carrier, binder
and “‘extender’ of
a wide variety of
other nutritive ma-
terials. nical- |
ly, it is classed as |
a colloid, which]
means that in solu
tion, it can be re
moved from its sol-
vent by filtration
It is because of
this that 1t 1s sO
useful in producing
dainties, |
jce creams and
free from ice crystals.
Gelatin is an almost pure pro-
tein—a kind of protein known as |
an albuminoid. It is not a com- |
plete protein, because it is defi.
cient in three of the amino acids
that are necessary both to support
growth and repair body tissues. In
this it differs from meat, cheese, |
fish, eggs and i are
milk, which
known as complete proteins,
It cannot be used the sole
source of protein in the diet, be-
cause those three missing amino
acids are necessary for the for-
mation of new body tissue. But it
is especially rich in lysine, one of
the protein building stones that is
particularly important in the diet
of children. Experiments indicate
that no other amino acid can take
the place of lysine and that it
must be furnished by the food if
adequate nutrition is to be main-
That coupled with the fact that
ft is non-irritating and easily di-|
gestible accounts for the large
part it plays in the diet of infants
and young children.
How It Is Made
Contrary to old wives’ tales, gel-
atin is not made from hoofs and |
horns. In fact, there is no gelatin |
in hoofs or horns. It is extracted |
from connective tissue in the skins |
and from the bones of food ani-|
Every homemaker who has
soup by simmering a
knuckle bone for hours, and has
found the soup ‘‘jellied’’ after
standing overnight in the refrig
erator, has prepared gelatin on a
The same principles
are followed by the gelatin manu-
in a
much larger food kitchen, and |
each step of the preparation is!
controlled so as to
Ot Crocheted Lace
il po : Sa “odb
Pattern 6168
Spend spare moments profitably
with your crochet hook and some
string and add charm to your
home with crocheted accessories
that match! Interesting to make
and inexpensive, too, you could
make either chair set or pillow
alone or make a pillow with
matching scarf ends. Can't you
see what attention they'd attract
at a bazaar? Pattern 6168 contains
charts and instructions for mak-
ing the set; illustrations of it and
stitches used; materials needed.
To obtain this pattern, send 15
cents in stamps or coins (coins
Jreletred) to The Sewing Circle,
ousehold Arts Dept., 250 W. 14th
St., New York, N. Y.
Please wypite your name, ad-
dress and pattern number plainly.
than |
insure a uniform finished product
Gelatin is in two forms:
the unflavored, granulated prod-
uct which requires the addition
of flavoring, and when used for |
dessert purposes, sweetening; and |
the gelatin dessert powders which
contain added sugar, color, flavor
and fruit acid. So popular are
these convenient gelatin desserts,
that about 10,000,000 pounds of gel-
atin are used annually for this
purpose, |
Nutritionists recognize gelatin
as a food pos:
sessing many unique
in the daily diet, and
jans for
a variety of
born babies,
sometimes given a gelat
special diets. New
for example,
ly available protein to raise the
protein level of the blood. When
an infant readily digest
milk, owing formation
hard curds, doctor may rec-
to the
of i
the milk
to be as-
ly and satisfactorily.
ne to change
of gelatin dissolved in
causes it
quids to sol-
roves useful, for
mi-solid texture makes
an excellent trans food |
With toddlers and school chil |
dren, gelatin—the carrier and
“extender’’ —provides a splendid
Vegetables that draw |
the wsual fashion are eaten with
relish when molded into a spar-
kling lime- or lemon-flavored sal-
ad. The coarse texture of certain |
raw vegetables, such as carrots
and cabbage, or the tart flavor
of some fruits, may likewise be
modified by serving them in a
gelatin base.
And it doesn’t require statistics
from nursery schools to tell moth- |
ers how readily children eat gela-
tin desserts when they are bril-
liant with color and flavored with
orange, raspberry, cherry, straw-
Building, Maintaining
Healthy Teeth
It is an alarming fact that al-
most every adult in this great land |
of ours is affected by some form
of oral disease, and that more
than 90 per cent of our school
prominent medical authority made
instead of almost
more than half of all
Remarkable and widely herald-
ed advances have been made in |
our knowledge of how to control |
and prevent many dangerous and |
debilitating diseases. A decayed |
tooth is a poison factory, distribut- |
ing its noxious product to every |
part of the body. In the body, |
that poison attacks and centers
in the weakest spot. It may lead
to neuritis, rheumatic ailments,
dyspepsia, or duodenal ulcers. It
may even be a contributing cause
of heart disease.
Only a small percentage of our
population is yet aware of the far-
reaching effects of teeth upon
health. There is a close relation-
ship between healthy teeth and
healthy bodies, and between de-
cayed teeth and sickly bodies.
By learning something of the
importance of caring properly for
the teeth, some men and women
of middle age look and feel young-
er than their parents did at the
same age.
I have endeavored in many of
articles, which have appeared in
this newspaper over my signature,
to point out the close relationship
between diet and dental disease;
between frequent and thorough
brushing of the teeth with an effi-
cient dentifrice so as to remove
all food particles, and strong,
beautiful teeth.
1 have received many letters
from readers of these articles,
showing that homemakers are
eager for sound, authoritative ad-
vice on the proper care of the
teeth. To help these and other
readers to know how to properly
care for their teeth, I have pre-
In the Reducing Diet
Both men and women who are
counting their calories, in an ef-
fort to avoid overweight, or to
reduce, can profit by taking gela-
tin salads and desserts, which sat-
isfy hunger without providing un-
wanted fuel value.
In cases of digestive distarb-
and because it leaves ne residue
in the lower intestinal tract.
This same splendid food is also
advised by doctors when a high
protein diet is desired to speed
growth, or during convalescence
from an illness. Gelatin may be
added to broths, milk, fruit and
vegetables, and these, in turn,
may be incorporafed in solidified
stuff has
many-sided food-
to play such a
varied role in nutrition,
not only by itself but by enhanc-
ing the value of other foods, that
ust be among the
jucts ti na-
at help to increase
Questions Answered
Mrs. 8. B. L.—Even in the so-
goiter belt, simple goiter
ly be prevented by the
ion of small amounts
wwery young girl, be-
y adolescence, and
and nursing
he amount required is
] and may be given by
of fo
Re the fi ree
Miss A. M. G.—Bran is consid-
ered an excellent source of both
iron and phosphorus.
©—-~WNU-C., Houstc
n Goudiss—
Two Principles
The whole duty of a man is em-
braced in the two principles of
temperance and patience; temper-
ance in prosperity, and patient
courage in adversity.—Seneca.
That Everyone Who Takes
Aspirin Should Study
Drop a Boyer Tablet in water — it saris
to disintegrote in 2 seconds — hence is
of Genuine Bayer Aspirin
Explains Fast Relief
If you suffer with headaches or the
pains of rheumatism or neuritis,
keep the above picture about gen-
uine Bayer Aspirin in your mind.
Especially if quick relief is what
you want.
For the way a Bayer Tablet works
in the glass is the way it works when
you take it. It starts to dissolve al-
most at once — hence is ready to
“take hold” of the rheumatic pain
+ or headache with astonishing speed.
Relief often comes in a few minutes.