® * LJ ITEMS OF JLOCAL INTEREST ® » ’ American col twelve moniti YOoar were the Atlantic City, N. J., are expect end, and will Mrs. J Mrs the wee Mr. Mr. ior of and and and Lewis Kryder, in day wag visited by sister-in-law, Driver der, his Strohmeier, Mrs. Ripka, the 1 wtter driving Mr. and charming young daughter, Mr. ang Mrs Kaiser, Lancaster county, were day of Mr. Mrs. Jo are uncle and aunt of Mrs merly Hazel Potter, who when about to her couple getting along Biehl reg®arly employed. Mrs. la I saa f Ephrata guests on Rudy Blahl, for- left teens, and hn enter are nicely, being did n ring Penn gle react DOvin township or du tuber © already or will township in Potter tests had beds oughness In 1lso now part of them soa Son gin and is ACHING COLDS Relieve Their DISTRESS This Easy, Quick Way! To bri fort of chest colds, aches and pains due more than “just a salve” —u lating “‘counter-irritant” lik warming, soothing Must h trates the surface skin breaking up | congestion and pain resulting from colds. Even better than a mustard plaster Musterole has been used by millions for over 30 years. Recommended by many doctors and nurses. In three strengths: Regular, Children’s (mild) and Extra Strong, 40¢. Approved by Good House- keeping Bureau. All druggists, WHEN IN NEED OF . Planing Mill Work of LUMBER, ROOFING, Nails, } All Kinds Building Material, ~CALL AT-— Garretts Planing Mill GOOD MATERIAL AND HONEST PRICES Rebersburg, Pa. Phone 16R42 any kind, we R d Cross Seeks Cut In Accident Toll 1,725,406 Fi Since 1910 a w re io Wf to duce deaths and permanent juries from cidents, a recent stat ment from Red Cross headquarters in Washington reports that during past 12 months certificates have been DAIRYMEN'S LEAGUE MEMBERS GETTING BETTER MILK PRICES Dairy Inc. Members of the men s Co-operative Assn delivering in Centr | t} svyrd vir tha Spring i courses in the administration Cross first aid. Holders of these certificates followed detailed courses of study and tured limbs, stop flow of blood, treat poison sufferers, care for victims heat, electric shock, and handle other I situatior comn 8. The ff caring Will Rogers’ Humorous Story By WILL ROGERS HERE was a guy that was studying to be a preacher or a iawyer or something, and he wasn't s0 bright as he might have been. CDM A = Na 3 7 (BASEMENT) 77% >i gs » 63 He come to examination time, and all the long words or the unusual ones got him tangled up. But he generally could explain it all right, when he was called up by the profs that wanted to find out what made him so dumb. There was a question about Job, and this guy wrote down was a rich guy that lar. The profs couldn't give him anything on that till he proved it to 'em. “What do you me that this here Job guy had se dough?” ilved In of h out the | (Al USED OVER 80 YEARS TO FIGHT They Take Pride in Their Jobs Wherever you find telephone men and women and talk with them for a while, you'll notice these things: A certain pride in the job they're doing. A feeling that it's part of an important service to the community and the nation. A desire to do the job the best they know how, You'll notice, too, a strong sense of loyalty to their company and a sincere friendliness that has made “the voice with a smile” something more than a famous phrase. Perhaps all this is best summed up in another famous phrase —""the spirit of service.” All America knows what that means. It has been demonstrated in fire, flood and storm-and in your every- day telephone service, the finest in the world. The more you use your telephone service, the more it is worth to you. Let it help you do your shopping, run your errands, speed up your business affairs and keep you in touch with friendsand family everywhere. The Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania. PPPS POPP OPOP PPPOE OPIP FOR INSURANCE SEE C.D. Bartholomew Estate Mgr. PA. Helen Bartholomew, CENTRE HALL, C. H. HOMAN Successor to H. G. STROHNMEIER Centre Hall Marble & Granite Works Centre Hall John y variety, for re Hall 1 i or . Chaefl t 1 (ur nny jun (no bug) $5 $3 £3 Free screening service screen and sized to nize luding sifted toker nesh stoker, own ip in | § FEE OP OOOO IOIIIOOPIOIOOOPEIOIOOOOIOIP AUTOS | Washed, Greased Polished | Called for U.S. Tires & Tu Officlal Inspe Nia. Xo i - 2 . ks’ Service Sta. Cr (Cars and bes Delivers 224% Yor 21 00 rl HALL A | 4 CEP EPPO EOCEE POPC EPP PE SPEPPOOOPL So DE LUXE FORD V-8: Pro- vides all the basic Ford fea- tures, with extra luxury. Remarkable amount of equipment included in Hydraulic brakes. 85-hp. V.-8 engine. Sets a new hh for low-priced appearance and performance. Prices begin af...$684% price, .} gh cars m FORD V.8: Now five i longer from bun bumper. Roon styling. H Scientifi more Iriple-cushione or 60 hip. V-8 engine Prices begin at... .$584% Sor 1939 for 1939 give yor you choos ever v y. Tha priced car or the higl tant tl ng in « value for your r Their auality prec: back of these cars is th + i ice. Whichever you'll get top Things world this y » » One impor- ’ ear. MERCURY 8: Fits int tween the An entirely , the Ford De Luxe oln-Zephyr. ve styling new car, line be Ford and the Line Distinct ¥ Te wheelbase Unusually bodies. Remarkably quiet. Hydraulic brakes New hp. V-8 engine. Prices begin af... .58%4% gs. and ening in the automotive Nowhere is the advance more See up. automobile plant A ————— -— began to care.” : 5.