THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1938, _—— THE CENTRE REPORTER ISSUED WEEKLY, ol 73 Death N\\ 4: ITH CENTRE BMITH & BAILEY, 8. W, SMITH, BAILEY, Business HALL, PENN A Proprietors Editor Associate Editor and Manager BEDW. E. Te TERMS she Report Legal #enis per Display an app Enterd Hall as SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES PEnxN’s VaLiLey la (Rev. l.. Arthur Wagner, Pa Tusseyville A. M. (Communion Service,) , Bpring Mile—10:30 A. AM (Communion e.) Centre Hall, AM. FHERAN ¥ to 10 Dervic 1:30 Pp. Harr RerorMED Pastor) CENTRE (Rev. Delag R. Centre Hall— ¥.30—Church School 7:30 Mission S¢ $Spring Millls— 4:30—Church 10: 30—Home Farmers Mills- Keener, School Mission 8:00 ald V.W—Church School. EVANGELICAL (Rev. W. Hosterman Centre Hall sunday S« Third Quarterly held Lemont— Sununy Commu 1 0ool, this School, - 10 A. n Servi M. :30 Bunday School, 9:30 A Communion Service, 7 Pp, MeTtnopist Episcopal (Rev. 1. L. Miller, Pastor) Centre Hall 9:30—AMorning Worship. Sunday School, 10:30 A. M. Bprucetown — 10:45—Morning Worship. PRESBYTERIAN (Rev. J. M. Ki Centre Hall (No Chur Pine Grove 8:30 O01 _—— TO I''STANDING AA a soos SHOWER FOR RECENT BRIDE ) ister A delightful lund g Mr h was the teats, whose and Mrs and Mrs Josephine, names follow John H Bruce Knarr Mr. and Mrs. Paul and daughter Nancy, Mr. John Rudy, Mr. and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. Miles Barger, Miss Bertha Smith, Mrs. Albert Em- ery, Mr. and Mrs. John Treaster and daughter Marion, Mra. Edgar Clark, Mrs Ernest Frank, Mrs.Oliver Strunk, Miss Miriam Mitterling, Mrs. Ralph Packer, Mr. and Mrs. John Delaney and son Ray, Mra. Robert McClena- han and son Dick, Rev. and Mrs, I. A. Wagner and sons Keith and Don- ald, Mrs. George Goodhart and daneh- ter Chickie, Miss Sara McClenahan, Mr. and Mrs. HH. C McClenahan, Rill Peg and Junior McClenahan, Mr. and Mre, Jack MoClenahan, all of Centre Hall; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Houser of State College; Mr. and Mrs, Sherms Putt and davghter Bonnie of War- riors Mark: Mr. and Mrs. Joo Hem. mis and two children, Ellen Virginia and Junior of Altoona: Mrs. Robert Mann of Chicago. ———————— Ralph Ralston, present tenant on the Rishel farm al Axemann, will suc. cead Clarence Blazer as tenant on the tor Mra, at Lemont. arine Somers of Centr Hall died at P. P. Henshell farm west of Old Fort. i AND PERSONAL LOCAL admitted tal Weoednes Power, Esq. nty hor 182 John J. Centre Co CECE LEO E LOOP ECO COOP OPP POPP POPPE EP WHEN IN NEED OF Planing Mill Work LUMBER, ROOFING. Nails, All Kinds Building Material AT Garretts Planing Mill GOOD MATERIAL AND HONEST PRICES Rebersburg, Pa. 16R42 / ~LCALY Phon © EPPO LSSOELPPOPOOr ee. A Monument Erected-- to the memory of 5 loved one is a substantia] expression of yourlast- ing affection. To select one that will be appropriate requires careful consideration — for it must last through all the years to come. Let us cooperate with you by submit- ting suggestions based upon our wide experience as memorial sculptors. C. H. HOMAN —8uccessor to H. G. STROHMEIER » PREBLE LLP L LLC PLL BL DE DELLE BOLL LPOG DP PE PPE Centre Kall Marble & Granite Works Centre Hall building ILindaman is at Mey of Off Cit the home FE. I Tussey . . - from the burning " BOALSBURG » * » i . Hobert ndparent ersdale LIM y EP PPOPOOPOOPIN OOS OPOICIOOIIIOIOOOOSs FOR (KE i INSURANCE C. D. Bartholomew Helen B Estat irtholomew, Mgr. CENTRE HALL, PA. NITE BT ASABE GEE EPPO Coro vesow COCO OPCOEOOEP OOOO C OPPO OOOOIPOOS AUTOS Washed. Greased, Polished (Cars Called for and Delivered) i. S. Tires & Tubes Official] Inspection Sta. No. 2249 n Brooks’ Service Sta CENTRE HALL FA BALM BEEBE PEE PPO Iree POCCOICC IOI IOOCrIOres Do YOU Need Money £1 3 Lilie on, taxes, assessments, morigaq > oth ” “uc any amount you ittle by little over a year o embarrassing credit ix COME IN TODAY EAST MARKET STREET No. I. Over Famous Store LEWISTOWN, PA. 0 Hoom Q@ Lewistown 2-7-2 «2-5 Fhe WwW. ROY SCHEIDHAUER, ne Manager FEDERAL HOUSING LOANS COME TO FIRST NATIONAL BANK CENTRE HALL, PA. > I5000 4 boar imum 4 INSURANCE FOR LACM 7 Erosion Tr i FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK AMERICAN BANKER'S ASSOCIATION HEE BIEL ALBA LALLA D BEADLE PABBA EPP PD LEA EER (EY Fred Luse, Manager CENTRE HALL SAVE BUTTER COUNTRY ROLL BOSCUL COFFEE Lb can PILLSBU RY FLOUR 24-1b sack RED w ING GRAPE Ju ICE 2 pint bottles SPRY or CRISCO 3b can LIF E BL oy SO SOAP 3 bars Ww EIS QU AL. No.2 1-2 can ... PEAC HES 2 for 27¢ PRUNES—40's-50"s elbs .... PELE r srr sas ree