| THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1998. THE CENTRE REPORTER, CENTRE HALL, PA. Lyuly 20 in the high school building Mrs, Cummings. wife of Dr, M. P. “ 5 » 45 9% 9» vn . ® » Control the Insects A thorough STATE WHEAT ALLOTMENT | with club leader, Mrs, Eckrohde, 12 cummings of Reidsville, North Caro. FARM CALENDAR e |spraying with 4 pounds of arsenate REDUCED TO 7724659 A. 2S rn oe NElls | members being present The « lub chose {lina, was a guest of friends in Spring > . of lead In 100 gnllong of wites po” Pennsylvania has been allotted 773, two members to represent them nat Mills and Centre Hall, Mrs, Cummings won as the first webs are formed will | tthe 4-H Club Week at Siate College. {a daughter of the late W. M, Orove Timely Reminders from *\xili web worms and protect thie fo A COLLECTION Of NEWSY HAP- | PENINGS AND PERSONALS FROM GREGG rwp.’s METROPOLIS, acres ns tg proportionate sha Those chosen were Betty Robinsoniy, . native of Potter townsnhi) ind |* The Pennsylvania State College Inge of ornamental hade and appl and Leotta Houser. alse UHved t Spring Mill prio to boo % 4 5 9» : » . " a Ire Individual webx= on y . ma be removed and dest = Q rdav . ang Mrs. J. 3. J EY marriage. .h ‘i ma nn i i i On Saturday Mr. and I : Prune Christmas Trees—Tt {s m iain: Th State. onto Swabb had sale and left to take up Passing of a Former Rosident,— rtant to suppl he market with GENTZEL REUNION. esidence at ranklir whens r. | John David Hornet a Hive ‘ rm vient pias rints . Fall Vegetables \ x y cirier” i 4 ne t hi lx nasmber O € } ha » 1 iy Yd Ley yt nl ‘ nn nd a reunion Hall Wer . ony nviving Le A218 ners 4 vasrrd Vivian Gent Vr nad Mrs au ler and Mrs | Gordm in varett Bedfor nty Ly pruning A Crader wie vy of Jol nN COMB ON enn § 1 Manna D. Gent- ers on Tut y at the TP Swabb ithouzh not in ood health gy us Improve Dalry Herd- T gs (Gentzel, nd childre hs 8 ols of Williamsport r with Samuel Brown. jof J Jurrell nea Miliheim i m i Mi ‘ Hanson is visi g with where Iuneraj €rvices 1 hel | er, Harold Hanson. She is a |Tuesday morning gt 9:30 o'clock, with | P N f P; urse at Geisinger hospital, [the ev SE eener fliciating et tiats STF oe | repute Ow I0r ICnIC €ec 1 oF t of i 0 Hettinger. { tery Millhe i. | tinger was Willard a] ur store are Radically REDUCED, and ret 21:10 2 MEN = 2 LADIES 2 SPORT TROUSERS, BRUSH COATS, SLACKS, OVERALLS, BATHIN BATHING SUITS, OVERSHIRTS, nd SHOES, WHITE SPOR’ SUMMER ACCESSORIES ULOTTES, WHITE SA ENTIRE STOCK OF WHITE SHOES for Men, Womeu and Children, Sharply MARKED DOWN UI RY rrr RSN 4) f > weer sroee MUNICIPAL m™=aree || fc | NIEMANS Dept Store fio MILLHEIM Exeept Tuesday : ny NALLY ia When We Close 7:30 & 9:30 P. M. at 6100 P. Ml. “Where Your Dollars Go the Farthest” W hen We Close ADMISSION 10 & 25 at 8:00 p. Mm. & Thurs, at noon MILLHEIM, PA. CPE LEPOPPOOSOPPI 3 BIG DAYS—Thursday, Friday & Saturday :3-BIG DAYS-3 | = / CLARK GABLE *MYRNA LOY < EL SLmg Test Pilot’ *SPENCER TRACY | ai RIT. DE ; 1" rv Ff 1} pe » . ting r $ ce . % of Bellefonte, Mr. and Mrs Ne of e most exciting alr stor We ave ever showy y ult SCree Hoskins were Sund guests of W. A. Neese “TEST PILOT" IS TOPS IN SCREEN ENTERTAINMENT Mr. and Mrs. W. F Mondae were host frie nds. at their oO ah aay ie Monday & Tuesday ’ Augost 1 & 2 gheny mountains Guests were Mr nce TREAT : and Mrs. H. 8. Meyer, Loig and Nan cy Jane, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Condo of Adam and Spurgeon Condo, Mr. and | Cian. Syn: Coe 31. a “Always Goodbye” ine Stover, Mr nd Mrs. Guy Cor- A was served *Barbara Stanwyck, *Herbert Marshall and *lan Hunter oved a y wT Always Goodbye’ | r | {= ected Short |= { HOW MUCH (IN THE CRYSTAL BALL, | =~ 65th ANNUAL {WOULD IT COST| | | SEE 10,000 ELECTRIC ME TO COOK RANGE USERS ON WEST IRANI, GRANG | ELECTRICALLY | Res 7) RA E 5 “> - & 3 PENN LINES WHO TZN MCS ENCAMPMENT ONLY $200 HM ON IN pi¥ AND CENTRE COUNTY = : x a Si Ld 1 SH FAIR GRANGE PARK, CENTRE HALL t4. K Aug. 27 .. Sept. 2 ad | SPEAKERS OF STATE AND NATIONAL REPUTATION Cook PLT TYE ; o THE BEST PROGRAM IN YEARS NOT only are West Penn's electric rates among the very lowest in the United States, but the 1938 electric ranges operate with the very B AND CONCERTS > GR ANGE PL AYS ini t of electricity. Ask your dealer for the details. = 3 To, 600 Families Will Camp on the Grounds See Your ELECTRIC RANGE Zeale Admission : : : : SOc for Entire Week ELECTRIC RANGE DEALER IN CENTRE HALL CHILDREN Under 12 Years ADMITTED FREE FRED HOMAN : “Hotpoint” FOR PARKING AUTOMOBILES ty