THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1988. THE CENTRE REPORTER ISSUED WEEKLY, Ess CENTRE HALL, PENNA. EIT m— SMITH & BAILEY, Proprietors S. W. SMITH, Editor EDW. E. BAILEY, Associate Editor and] Business Manager ame i | Pm eee enn — | TBRMS.—The the Reporter are Legal advertising sents per Line each Display advertisl an application. Enterd in the Hall as SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES Pex: L (Rev Centre of subscription tol! year, in advance the rate of ten n made terms $1.50 at jnsertio rate | ng 3 Knowr Py Of in Centr second As8 matt Q Spring Tusseyv CEN (Rev. Centre Hall #:30—Church 7:80 Bpring o i: 30 ~-Church School 10:3 Holy Communi Farmers Mills H lv: 00—Church E Di IR Haro lag I. School Church Worship. Mills po n Service. Centre Hall sunday Lemont sunday pocust Grove— Bunday School, 9:30 A. M. Communion Service, 7:30 P. M. Merropist EriscoraL 3 or) PRESBYTERIAN Fe \1 9:30—8Sunday School. N ) oN catior (Rev. Kirkpatrick, THE LATE WITTE TRIBUTE To JAMES fraternal and women all of life of social and weemncial f all religions, ureeds men and of al standing, and His PucCcesy men, ough versity of of walks degrees and colors yearg of experience and his have proven his business acu- learned in the hard and thor- school of competition and ad- and based on standards integrity, industry and application. The devotion of Mr. and Mrs. Me- Cormick, for other, ovy so many hs sheet comment by m was seldom A familiar young and old, to sé them during the arm, uncon- an example which emulated all. the one the years, is been a of any soon ithaout the and inspi married and strolling on evening ho eciously might -~ Ong other. g sight for single Main Irs, 8 street arm in setting well be by (Continued on next column) Deaths \ : Mrs. . MEYER. Eliza Meyer, one of ladies in Tyrone, 5:40 0% Nation evening at lock at in 1] ans er home the First | tment, Tyrone, idence t place ring t} tha DEATHS, EE ———————— SUMMER ASSEMBLY (Continued from previous Jam ind column) Ww M ian and nan 16 a : hushand: te a j Yoteq business | man; od hia his astu to mankind: a citizers. and an community. He will be mourned by all who knew him all of whom have the deepest sympathy for Mra. MoCormick in loss she has sustained. May the reward which is in for who love and revere Cod be and may profit by his an benefactor American | 2 aa to the store those his, example, A Joint MoCormick lodge and 1 diate which and at which all membérg of thes not sincerely ly or the Isvother midst, we service held by Masters’ « memorial will Past will for Mr Acacia at inced later whet! be its 1: be anno Masons or organizatic and their has me or may ceremonious. esteem for departed their make record who FLOYD Columbia, W. NEWMAN, Past Master, ® ® * * - * ® * Mre,. Watson had as over-Sunday guests her husband, Frank Watson, employed at Washington, DD. C,, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Zach En- | dress of Altoona. n ofl Mr. and Mrs. IL. children, accompanied by and Mrs, H. BUSINESS MEN VISIT HAMILTON WATCH WORKS ON TOUR TO LANCASTER at Cc Lan- 123,- flavor The first thing you notice with a population of over Pennsylvania Dutch The Mi« n's is Ln the : in ea town. city was visited by Kline and Mrs, W. Barr drove Business Associatie Fred Hall, and this w Kk ha Be Stover O phin be 1 Dan CECT EPOPEPOOCPOP CPP P POPP OP OP cee rrn WHEN IN NEED oF Planing Mill{ Work ar k LUMBER, ROOPNG. Nails All Kinds Building Material Ad ’ ’ — 1 Garretts Planing Mill GOOD MATERIAL AND HONEST PRICES Rebersburg, Pa. AT $ —«PUBLIC SALE —— At His Barn, 118 E. Louther Street, CARLISLE, Saturday, July 30, 1938 1:00 P. M. (Eastern Saatart Time) d(0 Head Horses MULES and COLTS Carload WYOMING HORSES and COLTS, from 2 to 5 years old. I Carload MISSOURI AND COLTS, from 5 to 8 years old. SPANS closely mated MULES, balance well broke work Special bright Bay old: | saddle 1 spotted 3-gaited saddle horses animals dav sale. Sale Starts at One O'clock P. M Sale Rain or shine, Charles McHenry bron flmmmenfirmsenllyronenliyrraen Sys oO yrcaet Roses Nyronen liye — SES E FI\ He WEES, | bay These can be ! 5 va: 2 als 6 vears 3-gaitec horse; and seen before er Mr farmers’ Write McGraw, prices your wants, N. Y. x32 Leifer calves, at shipped CC. O, D. Homesteaq Farms, Box 00. | PASTEURIZED DAIRY PRODUCTS ICE EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. the Estate of C. N. KRYDER, of Centre Hall Borough, Centre winty, Pa. deceased, Letters testamentary on above estate dy granted the under- all persong knowing themselves debted to the estate are requesteg to immediate payment, and those against the same to pre- duly authentic r set- In « whe nt them ated f MHS. ~OUR OWN CREAM — GARBRICK’'S DAIRY CENTR} HALL, DON’T BE FINANCIALLY EMBARRASSED! at Personal Finance financial Well, It Isn't dinary, every-day difficulties, OWN SIGNATU RHR} ALONE! PERSONAL LOANS UP TO 300 PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 10th Lewistown STREET Over Famous Store EANT LEWISTOWN, PA. W. ROY SCHEIDHAUVER, Year In Ro No. 1. 20 MARKET om 9 - i. Lewistown Manager FEE “ge Phone Personal Note Book. Please send 4 PERSONAL NOTE BOOK to: NAME ADDRESS I E. DALE FISHER, Realtor Officy LEWISTOWN, PA, Executive C.D. BARTHOLOMEW, Representative CENTRI HALJ PA. {re EP PBL BEEBE L PDD EBLE DE EE PELE PEGE LEE EEL LLB EEDEL DEEL DEDLLDELELEELEPED EEE (LE) Fred Luse, Manager CENTRE HALL SHRIMP - SS OLEO FANCY WEI Weis P E ACHES 2 2 WHOL E 1 Qual, can HERSHEY'S SYRUP 16-02 can CLOVERDALE 29-07 bottle APRICOTS BEVERAGES BOSCUL COFEE for 25¢ EARLY JUNE PEAS STUFFED OLIVES 13-02 pail TUNA FISH - /~0Z Can