THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1038. THE CENTRE REPORTER, CENTRE HALL, PA. rrr P rer Card of Thanks TA. Meeting, June ben wow ns ptt a, ine sme nme bo MA illheim's Sesqui- Centennial GREGG TWP.'S METROPOLIS, hort month away, PREPARE NOW for 1 gala event, SUMMER CLOTH Wear Style and in Dressy Types now AUCTION SALE Following a stroke received elght vears ago 3 sg. wtharine Ammer Sa " : : SATURDAY JUNE 11 t 2:0 man, Sged 83 YUMIE, | ie A ve BY Mo M. at COLYER (Centre Hall, R. STRAW HAT SEASON FOR MI home in onville, Slip Wi y A store building ! : married. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fisher 11 the latter the daughtep A i : Miley Deck r A children hi i |ents Mi u Mrs. G. H. McCor ck. ers, show ses, one Westinghouse MEN--how about ner LADIES--have you seen hh Mrs. BE. C. Hettinger R ef Foust of Id plant, and numero Summer P PEPE ETE EOP H. S. GOODYEAR, CETTE TEEEEEEET CECE TTOOTETEEEEOEPEOEPE PO GIOIOPIPIA CP ECOO PEO OEOPE POOP EOPOEOERO TEE TE SOO PPODLLLPOD NEW WHITE SHOES for every member of the family (POCO PT IPE EECTEEETOEE OEE OPE OPPO PPO EO EO EPIOPOSOPOOP POPPE COIOPE CEPI OOI IOS EPO OOPOEOOOOPEr 5 1 | PEPE POOOOO rere STORE OPEN NN L | STORE OPEN Every Evening Every Evening Fxeept Taesday Except Tuesday EXECUTOR'S and Thursday, “I , 1 ; { » and Thursday : ! our Dollars Go rthe ; ¥o When We Close Where Your Dollars Go the Farthest When Ha an at 6:00 PP. M. at 6:00 P. M. MILLHEIM, PA. COPOOPOPPEPPOPPS pn POOP EPPPOEOOOIEOIOOIEOIOIPOOEIOOrSIP 8 WHEN IN NEED OF New Transparent Curtains | Planing Mill Work LUMBER, ROOFING, Nails, All Kinds Euliding Material, AT Garretts Planing Mill ‘00D MATERIAL AND HONEST PRICES Rebersburg, Pa. V] UNICIPAL ILLHEIM ‘I Met My Love Again’ y + CPP PEO PPPEIOOETIOPEOEEIOEESIOIIIS CS PPOPPPPPPIICEEIONLLLLLPEPPLOLPEPPPDEPPPPEEPE Love, Honor & Behave POPP PCO POPOL PPPOE POPOPOPOPEOD 22200 ‘THE PERFECT DAY FOR MONDAY AND TUESDAX Gephart, Mrs. Char . son from State College pe HE % Eo oo ! a y ” ore Phare ¢ x . 2 - B Stover home ® « : : « Je Smit Ballew Lou Gehrig n vera hte in own Mouth: SEE h & Mrs. Ellis Pt aul Hack man ret ried from the Mr Lula Brungart, heen a Saamita) n p 1g he -— gL 3 : > ’ 2 4 C D BARTHOLOMEW WEDNESDAY 4 TRURSD i: oe Be . . “A YANK AT OXFORD" and Mrs. George Ream f Ber. 1 gays Mover and son from Altoona } § 4 Ha a , ” % CENTRE HALL, PA. y AYES TY spent the week end with Mr iano Dlarier isiteq M. R. Moyer on Monday. Mr a ! ee — A Tr" y is a native of Loganton and among relatives in that section Memorial Day These dainty bedroom curtains are made of clear cellulose film printed to resemble white net with a green Swabb home floral pattern. They stay fresh and clean, and are not and Shen George F s) r an affected by dampness. | *{ UNDERSTAND THE “YEP! HE FOUND A of York spent the | Miss Geraldine Brungart of l= nsport spent a few days with he | | jo TAYLOR and Mrs. CC. Zubler of Philadel didays at tha M. T eve Eungard homes rs, Clark and daughter on spent ths week By Louise Brown Wem Miles Tex ker home ve Ste - c wo} » | 4 Py - slashing rom Junday dinner guests of Mi xd Mrs HE NEW transpar urtains Ri tchen “ ean or splashing { 0 BOSS IS GETTING BETTER MARKET 8Y ot are both or a histi- | the bathroom shower won't hurt Hettinger were Mr, and rs bind hate Go ales | 4 i. them, either. When they become a ny To hah wa BETTER PRICES FOR Public dives gns and vasicey = = Sh Soiled they may be wij ; USING HIS TELEPHONE ont only kitchens’ and bath-| If you like to make a few simpl OUR EGGS.” Sound Equipment coms, bul rumpus rooms, chil- changes 10 your (Wriugaings |e IT CERTAINLY PAYS TC Amplifier — Mil ; : ummers ok, the t1 ns arent ’ USE THE TELEPHONE!” P| and irs. Crarle Horner, ana mami | Britcher’s Auction the seli-sealing film and pressing |OF Pastel colors: a ribbon-tied bou -_ at East Creanviiia e See 1 hh a very hot yuet motif of red and blue flowers CP Reta | y it ! stich curtains 4 b ne- | that would be lovely in a summer ’ . Ramey AI mily ar Mir | hy hada . ’ bap aa bod roots hk v4 her type of pattern * Jodtorf motored ty Jersey Shore on | S A L E | iy zdaptabie fo imn use : Et fae oat Te i : t t t ‘unday, taking with them Mrs. Brock . oH bey stay risp and Ares a tS verly printed so that " on a e€ e€ 18 a e adie Re ry looking. They are not affected he ecms to be on a mesh weave. dampness, so they w on't be spoiled Transparent film curtains are of believing th eo n imble 1 x ATT "w nd % ” ' ' ie a thing CAN'T be done, simply because YO can't Bomital Stake. 5 _|at hig auction barn, 2 miles northeast if a sudden shower comes up and | inexpensive and may be found in ac : . ¥ : ¢ : ~ Piri iinied the funeral {of MIFFLINTOWN, on vou forget to close the window many home furnishing stores. i 0 it. Youll fing the world moves so fast you'll need to step of a brother at Williamsburg on Fri. i ——— Sl — pi : LIVELY—or get LEFT. day. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 Wm. McCormick and family of Mt Penn spent Memorial Day fvacation At 12:30 O'clock P. M. un the A. JI. Slaterbeck home. sages from all over the world? Or see talking pictures, television lay Snare and family, Samuel r a c | : ; . J -— { and other modern wonders? It's t £1 p r 4 Snare and Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Detwil- 25 Head of Horses n « he same with banking. Money is er spent the week-end with the form- : . i safer in a good Bank than when hid around the house, We ine er's brother in Washington. At the John Wilson Barn, CASSVILLE, Huntingdon County, vite you to use our modern banking facilities. Keep in step. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Dunkel and cil. " 17 miles south of Huntingdon, dren of Punxsutawney. Miss Marian 100 Head Dairy Cows FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION APPLICATIONS Isenberg and friend of Wayne vere : CRN ’ pr Memorial Day visitors at the Fortney Consigned by G. H. Lesher, Ed. Me- SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1938 ! TAKEN BY THIS BANK. - Vho spent the past week at the Bod- The undersigneq will expose to, sale orf home. Who ever really thought they Would see navigation of the 8ir? Or have glectrin refrigeration in the home? Or get radio mes- home. Williams, George Swartz, M. Davis Wm. B. Swartz, daughter Frances |Johnnie Engheart, I. C. Prince and at 12:30 P. M. SHARP and Miss Betty Haugh of State Col- {others, SIXTY- FIVE HEAD OF lege were Sunday afternoon callers Lee Swartz will have a truck load at the 8. T. Swartz home. of blood-testeq cows out of Blair Co. 2 —— a ———— Fred Dolin and Earl Britcher will CARS SOLD RECENTLY have two truck loads of Cows out of BY THE HAGAN AGENCY Snyder county. Consisting of 30 Head of Good Acclimated Work Horses; Dodge and Plymouth cars were sold | reilly 10 the ihre WE WILL HAVE A LoT OF Head of Virginia Horses, 10 Head of Iowa Horses; 10 Head of 8. Hagan agency, Centre Hall: YOUNG CATTLE & STOCK BULLS MULES, all broke to work right off the farm. » Claude K. Stahl, Narberth, Dod 4- y ity will be given. door fuuring sedan. ge 30 HEAD AF NICE SHOATS TERMS—A credit of «ix months with approved security w he pa i hing to offer for sai, any jivestock, machinery, ete, will] George Luse, Huntingdon, PI t ANYONE wis 4-door touring sedan, Ymouth| Bring some fancy cows and we will be privileged to do so at thig asle. 5 per cent straight will be charged oe) Glenn Rogers, Bellefonte, Plymouth 88% you the price. the offering. CENTRE HALL, 2-door Road King. FLOYD A. BRITCHER PA. B. W. Heywang, State College,| Mealy served at auction place WILLIAM A. FOSTER Huntingdon, Pa. = Dodge deluxe coupe,