por URSDAY. MARCH | NO ROAD TAX IN POTTER; CASH ON HAND VOL. CX11. COUNTY BANGS COM. NAMED: MII TWF. HAS AREA PI PREPARE 99TH CONFERENCI . EVANGELICALS Fon IS 86.500 | Ss AN i ' f | «1 Mission Jur day ay at or 3 ad Wedns the an ann dave evening Conference Missionary held. Form open today. Preliminary include od conference meetings a session of SE ———— MILK PLANTS LOCAL TRADESMEN cabinet on Tuesday eveni of tl Commis i {SHEFFIELD BENEFIT meeting o Wednesday 1udes Harr conference Rea eglism on Th Stamm, cal t D, ne ing of tl o D will presi e Ww the A lp NEMPLOYMENT OFFICH NOW IN TEMPLY i i COURT | A —————— HEGIN WPA PROJECT ON Io SCHOOL, ST. - lst FIGHTNING DAMAGES AND SHOCKS HOME INMATES REPORT OF H.-P. ALUMNI of $42.33 was mad, at | FINANCIAL OC. fl all the ving ir feet from hole HON, 19 ag 4 of the slate far ASSN | house and made a r } himr wi . held bs 1 re alumnt asso. |, fa hingtor shocked and one i ER —— SHEFFIELD PAYS PER 100 LES. FOR FEB £1.93 LOCKARD GRANTED ANOTHER RESPITE TO MAY or S——————— i AV TOBACCO PD FROM LINTON I SHIPPE HN, ! f 0 —————————— By FAX COLLECTOR SWARTZ POTTI NOTH I iif A en st—— DEATHS, Sr ——— ———— Basketball League Banquet The Central i Leagu a member YM Thursday clock 1 jont I ndener Basket) Hall is the onte whict hold a banquet building, March 50 entre » are th the taxes all nieasiures Are in having expense of I would delinquent John riors Mark I 1 it i i i Zellers Sunday die He a Chemical Ctme Blanche Ww fo oh at in Pe mer foreman works, Hanna, Willis Woodring tilda, aged ageman Lions was A evening, Tick oly atl Yellen ’4, . the Hig at A suUgRest “Ww Pay 0 extreme Bellefonte, wife, + Vo are cents . taxes before is deceased, ———— ———. {PICTURE ATTRACTIONS AT THE “PLAZA” AND “STATE® ¥ 0 { reson ted Ma- | same. a gar- i organiza- : eventually collecting died at He local Port 98 vent ™ 9% i years. Was Taxes are necessary if our local and headed : |Eovernment ig function { Pa i properly . matter of Showing from 2 till 11 p. m. i At the “State” Theatre: Nl THURSDAY. thie i i€ ireenwich Village” ilen, Fay Wray, Also, Paramount special Ying taxe \ - A - . - ¥ . - . CENTRE COUNTY HOSPITAL NOTES. » with informat week Murder in|! Richard Ar- Walburn. News and wil f 8S. THOS : OO ’ ite all SWARTZ, Collector, I ———— ——————— SENATOR BORAH (R.) QUEERS N. A. M. REPRESENTATIVE . with i Raymond . First tun shorts, FRIDAY & SATURDAY “Holly- Hotel,” with Dick Powell. Rose Senator Borah told the representa [mary Lane, Hugh Herbert, Ted Healy tive of National of Glenda Farrell, Lola Lana : Manufacturery Approv MONDAY & TUESDAY. bill that “"Baronesg & utler,” of farm | Powell, dom Patientg south in the of of February Monday, der, Bpring Mills Tuesday discharged: Smith and infant son, T. . Tuesday hospital the county from ! side the during the : Week 25 wound i discharged Patricia Sny- | e Association (ry P| tal YF witostin the i : My protesting the ! next week William calsburg the Federal licens admitted Wadneaday. | Hobert ing with two cory ith Wil and Thursday, Kennelly. Spr Saturday, Garbri Uy on | 3 rationg fix the machinery and food represantatve price four ries The said comp : At Plaza THUR Feature Withers Theatre FRI, thig Prograns Checkers discharged the Mills. admitted A Oak Iall FF. "M Fl Centre a : the (: oompanine manu. . " WED did | {i Double { facturers’ a of Now fast ng he tis Miss of Know that 3 Mary i {Jane in harged infar I ris and Mrs oan Mrs. iaughter, {ruisewite, Sunday, admitted Spring Mills, There the hospital week. in- Merkel Swing Your Laady,~ Bogart, Frank Me- { | Hugh, Louise Fazenda, Nat Pendleton. dance to be bel in the Spring | Allen Jenkins, «Mills community hall, Friday evening Hr ; : a) v SATURDAY gt i xi 3 Hap rs 1oonn. orchemra wil Pine Ridge," with Tore A — urnish the sic, . x | $ » ve i ous radio and Western goreen star, Also Crazy Kat Cartoon and comedy. —————— A ———— Benefit Dance at Spring Mills Cregg iciudes Stuart No Humphrey Erwin, + 4 1 Fr Emory way Una Hall; : { Feature 2 ” 3 . Fownship Vorational wil] en School | th Colsurn. Alumni benefit Association SDONSOP Mige Mildreq Sto- ver, were thirty-four patientg in at the beginning of the ob Admission, 25¢; everybody welcome. WILLIAM a Al IAT RMAN IS CANDI CONGRESS OI MAPA SABA SCOUTS SWIM AT GLENLAND M RESUMED IN GARRETT SNUFF FORTUNE } more or tha inte ire ATTI i i ——— - LIBERAL ARTS IN PEXXKYI] ANIA 106.0) 5 iH J far 1S 5 DISQUAL- UN. comp. | ——————— MARRYING DOES NOT IFY WOMEN FOR man me she employment is | i | | dismissed which tha because service in company ang In- will el- ! Compensa- | under from engaged Secretary sgintes, for Unemployment all conditior been » Wie n of Labor dustry consequently be other the | if had & ¥ i complied with ——— A PS —— MUSIC AND DRAMA IN LYCEUM COURSE NUMBER, MARCH 1) TI tainerg sent their Pottey high day evening. This Centra James u Scott Company, Enter- | as Modern Mood, will pre. | in Centre Hall-| Mon- ! o clock, of a in ¥ program school auditorium, March 14, 8 the fourth number the | Hall-Potter High School Ly- The company consists | notable at i is Cotras Soott oman of James a vocalist ene NBC also, Miss ya Lundberg, pianist, narrator and! The happy tertaines Ex monologie and artist ir { presents | f mus- etch imparsona company blendi humor tistical a ng raina 1 ind algo Wig SK = and clever tions Pr. Iv W. Whit, of offices Market St, to % West Lewistown, Pa A ———— The John M. Boob farm near Mad- isonburg, vacated by CC. F. Tussey, is now occupied by Robert Colyer. from Third b 4 Announces removal 52 East Street, ter NO. 10 | TOWN AND COUNTY KEWS | HAP PE NING OF cal INTE! EET 0, 1938 om— 11 HS Y Ol 5 IR} } STOLL PONTIAC OX ALL —— NOES WORK ALLOTMENT ANNOI PROGRESS NAT. FARM SCHOOL OPPOSE I. GOODLING, STUDENTS C. DEAN | Farm || w i fe | | become | f 3 . of 1 r ten years, and demand ~N former princi; high sche Himself Bartges H : Hall not miinee the % wl dn RU eT os 4 2% a 3 o Tors wx In any rou ai te 10 succesd a favre x brewing time, intendent of schools out anew the boned whirhh position he Goodling oer the abolished sident * 1 pointmen da resider the din Herbert ag i man dean Tart 1¢ in be ang res ba nted ' would 2 [rvs ‘ 3 . NATIONAL USED CA} + old ’ » ent ie recent Provide Pollination product Rendering plant reducing The and of 4 ’ ni « : jon demands annual to factlitat fie OF Apple by w proper pollin orchards growers | device a merchandise, : to cuts tears and breaks large gectiong a jcarcass to a p ip. lessening the time Ineeded for cooking and separating the fata When new device wag some latalled there were close to two hamd- willow, | red carcasses ready for treatment LRICASSag omplish this best provid- referred quickly r at f ¥ planting t large repos La of two fruit ation In A varieties OCKa Penn one St bi r t ate epecialiste Have Spring Blossoms of forsythia, quince into the house to | the in Bring branches pusay an lowering and fn ne stat’ borticul i In or mn 1 Orsame : yorticud- force, Penn State « AM i 1 vertistinent This just an | iby John H to Charcoal In} ° spring this will be found ar age relative to building locks Bitner, whe with hie wide Bugene, called here Mr. Bitners ma i ress automoldle repadr tery sweet. I painting, but since he ie such a skill Observe Strip Cropping led workman in wood he using odd farms where strip cropping is used 0 | time in bullding sapplying will give a ®0od |1hom of high-grade moves this simple | onte on hang few clocks this method | enacially that he will be alternated | please to show any one calling at Crops, say hie place of business in Miro As resouft, | of chance : Mr d i Hadq . fuestie ies turist guggest. ie done he bude Doi sw : the Dbuadg begin ro | Awake son are | {Thursday in on where blossoms the water being forced wil} help Keep the wa Visite is Clicks erosion 1 ]Y stom. soil with He any out in ge hon y lay hag Hh a soll-maving attractive erogicnremisting Crops oO with erogion-encouraging ; Penn omints a IF . id $ Mme. John Philadelphia Reller run 2 n 1 erode severady Ewes Need Protein Ewes ¥ Friday n Brooks 3 p5vist : r lambing {Cents fed al cord : oa Hall on evening at this time yen aiid id 4 ~ 5 v he ales Mrs, Ave, ling Lowist {is ER Ait, of LI. OO. Packer of Mre Keller Buckwalter, 115 Sheridan Roselle, N. 1. underwent an Alene jdectomy (an emergency Case) last Hybrid Corns Vary Hybrid ©0M 9hureday, in the Blizabeth. N. 1. hos varies as wiadly in length of season injial. A telegram received at Centre and adaptation as open pollinated Va- [Hall hy Mes. BR 8 Brook revealed ricties, say Penn State agronomists. {her condition favorable. try Mrs liberal to silage high a St ration pre Penn . a daughter ar at fv sol specia ‘ Nr Mle oad «f 14 (Vivian) H. | tor with some be IF splendid 3 n . 3 Mov juts, god Iegun day © a Corn furnisheg roughage. a