{ THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1037 ¥ ™" THE CENTRE REPORTER, CENTRE HALL, PA, Mr. gnd Mrs, Guy Corman and ols + .% 2 rn. 20 po { ® . Annie Smi‘h were dinner guests BOALSBURG . Spring I S Sunday at the CC. 8. Thomas home i near Potters Mills, Other guests were : 5 and Mrs. oward Swank and } .A COLLECTION OF NEWSY HAP- §|Michael Smith, father of Mrs.Thomas Me 5 r 8 rs Wig ny ’ An nt PNINGE AND. PERS : nd the latter's son, William Thomas, [fond Richard an iomas, with Mi PENINGS AND PERSONALS FROM [223 ne Jatter in day s a 4 some P. 1. Swank and Miss June Orris as enn Twe ’a ETROP 3S liam, during the day, di BO Weal ton GREGG TWP.S METROPOLIS, Sih solo flving, using one of the | motor guests, drove y Wasi on 3 + 11 * y Si “« durning Monday ; hrm o aril] y he her ™ ' li—Fob- NOI planes. . in the tenting Albert DC. op Selmar, fives tenih PREPARE NOW for tris vent. GRANGE FAIR Week will soon be here. Now is Death of Spring Mls : oul e Mingle, Mrs, Mabel Smith, Mrs. Ruth BVen RE. } » g % ¢ i oi ; a veral . cuinneslvy votigelf witl . ecessary Summer Clothe { | Big Weel ert Bruce Strickler, of Spring ¥lilia Grove and daughter Helen called gt }itor at the bBwank hol ie your opportunity, to supply " RAL Tad Bet dd mT TET ee ne ith cs B MoO 8 i 21 days Weeks, . R. D., one year, 5 months and 2 : the Thomas place, BPOCOPOPOOPOI POI IPOS CSO EPOPELPOSOOOOPSOSOPS ola, dieq Tuesday at the Centre Coun- F. F. A. On a Trip—Twenty mem Mrs, Pearl Patterson | entertain COPOPPOLPEPLOPI POPPI PPOOIPOOOPIS ty hospital from complications follow ly of the local F. F. A, early Mon- [ing herp sister, Mm, Hettings. and her i BATHING LADIES SLACKS ing a week 5 ines : t hielday morning starteq on their annual daughter Palsy, of Reedsviile. WHITE SPORT OXFORDS CYT Trier. s , , The child, whose mother died vic 1 Y | inspection trip, going to points North Misses Ellen gnd Cathryn Dale wer SUITS and CULLOTES birth, is the son of Fred Ce Bran oe , rast The boy were accompan- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clement G WASHABLE SLACKS for MEN — ns or ci. ~ ee of Milton, and is survived py snefand Wes! InG DOVE Werh Bo lool se a day's outing ut Woodard A9le RAINCOATS POLO SHIRTS and SWEATERS » . by . : seer, superviso | Dale f ay ig | . a ywother, Fred C. Jr. also of Milton. |le rege Vocational and| Park last week SUMMER DRESSES ' \ NTL ‘ brothel vices Wet held Friday at | Agric ulture in Gregg Vocational an Park last wee . { MERI LLAS hCC Lengtl HOSE ol A NKLETS Funeral services W {his assistant, Wayne Bitting A number of ladies of ¢ fv-arn mrin Mills with the} wb acmas . <= p m irom =p oan : : voniatl Mr. and Mrs. Gates of John#'own | churel participated in Rev. 8. W. Heisey officiating Burial | . ) 1 | : me Sb en Sent = SI ie “Fa gases we dun es || Also, Many Small Lots of Summer Items have been radically n on Tuesday, Sept. T. This open. |Ruth of oe iatioan ® 8, hod Chale regula me Marked Down. Many Exceptional Values are available Win. Sader suffered several 50 land tne. ear Tlie dean mo for you at this time. Spring B | vere alincics onvulsions during | ome of Mrs. Hugh CO. Dale the same .Ithe recent past. a Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Stodghill and COPIIIOI IPO PP OOP P OPPO EPEP PP OOP IP OP POOLS LOOPIOS A a... ntroduce last vear. The morning introduced |} : 3 i Mr. and Mrs session will begin at 8:44 and close| ~ 2 Deas ane ” . tas > Sons. Marv} Jr., an I Hilly 4 H a _ at 12:10 p. m. T he afternoon session | are on a motor trip t ‘anada, Ki T york of ria da. Fl : viglt STORE OPEN OPEN STORE OPEN i Ar at 1:30 p. m. and close ati” . ! an ta tesring 3 admport, of waa, id., «are » yen Hart “Th tains schedule for the| Saturday evening the Spring !: ing at the home . and Mrs. | Evenings, except Evenings, except : © aaily & 3 QO : i : :00 p. m. na |Daseball club will hold 5 festival t ‘ he ladle cone teacher rural] schools wil} be the D. } ladle . ® » » . * » * * * - AR * Soee Draciice NP bod d rocant atlerson, the Tues, when we Tues, whep we aid them in balancing accounts at |, . A game as in the past. } of the season The affair oy. » PatEraon. close al 6 p.m. “Where Your Dollars Go the Farthest” close of 0 Dp. me, tha Tose Pupils entering the first grade or" Clon ; i \ 8 Mr. an Mrs. Thomas Sauer an , 4 Thurs. 06 " . , f wo Wilf be held on the athletic field and Ir on 4 Mrs. 1 : ve and Thurs. at noon MILLHEI PA and Thurs. at noon coming into the school system for the will include a number of features of}son visited friends In Washington, COPIOIPIIIIII INI M, . POPP OPPPOPOPOOOE eta 3 » . ELE ROC ati A first time must present vactinalon special interest to yung people. On over thg week-end: i certificates at the timg of entrance sale will be ice cream. fruit in season Paul Brouse and family of Coud & No beginner will be admitted who ete. The Spring Mills band will fur-|ersport are visiting friends in town will not be six years old by February nish music. Give the boys alift over Misses Flora and Augusta Murras 1, 1938. All pupils are urged to enter the rugged financial path. entertained their cousin, Mrs. Lett ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE 1 the Orst day. Dr. and Mrs. M. W. Fliege] and twiy | Willams, over thy week-end : In the Estate of WILLIAM A.l BE. M. Huyett to Chas. F. Cook It is estimated that the freshman children, William and Ruth, of May- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dale of Belle ODENKIRK. late of Centre Hall class in the high school will be the wood, N. J., are at the home of Mrs fonte were callers In town on Sunday ough, deceased largest class that has entered for a |e lefonte, tract in Centre Hall; $1. Chas, PF ook 1 « M. Huyett finse {atharine an¢ Ma ret ' § > 4 : Fliegel's father Wm. A. Neese. The " Mins 8 Katharine an 1 Margas Letters of administration on above estate | ux of Centr, 1 tract number of years. 32 pupils passed thel, . . "(kine his summ er vacatiop | 'ASTICH, accompanied by their neph- | paving been duly granted the sadersige- |, $1 entrance examination last spring, and at this time, and is having hig fam- |*™ tuddie Smeltzer, visited Mrs, Lee 4. all persons knowing themesives Ia it is thought that most of those wh flv anic is : with him 2 : Smeltzer, who is a patient in the Cen- | debted to the sstate are requested to make | : » iy enjoy it with a Citrbes ie a i passed the test will enter Sept. 7. Mr. and Mrs. Nevin wkenbury at- tre ( ounty hospital ; immediate payment, and those having | Mr. and Mrs. Bugene Slegal of Fair- | tended the Titan sles bos n Fridas The lLoysville rphas Me and elaims against the same to present them | UNICIPAL HEATRE field Conn., have been spending their! ' we zyl $4 ewistown t . ertaln { large cros with (hel! duly assthenticated for aettiament, . A ——————— horn ¥ nen 3 vacation at the home of Mr. and Mra. tor the fair 1a tarda Sunda pe Ray a a Ro ” DOHA CATHERINI Ol el CIIRR MILLHEIM SHOWS 7:80 & 9:3 p. M. in Cent ‘ Dan Slegal m their return they be nx COMpPaQ Tiel To Vi Pn br. no en BE MINGY. ctr, bn of pC Walker & Campbell FRIDAY & SATURDAY, AUGUST 13 & 14 -earned vacation, Jevege Butter, Jeesved 5 Sonia TRANSFERS OF NEAL ESTATE Special Double Feature Billing A TWO-HOUR PROGRAM THAT WILL PLEAS) I. “PENROD AND SAM’ A-WORD COLUMN. , ! wR in oi. 2. “TROUBLE IN MOROCCO" nds are wonder workers In the way of resnite Adver tise anything here, from a ~ Help Wanted™ te & “House and Lot for Sale” 1 LATEST NEWS ISSUE and SELECTED SHORTS FEPOTPOEEOPPP EOE P OC PPOIP POPPI MONDAY & TUESDAY, AUGUST 16 & 17 1000 Tegal Fish Placed In Penns ih ah Creeke——One ' eal size Mrs. pa James, Nebonid, ot Fadl 3 pe iso ribo (Cenre | Hm— “MARKED WOMAN” Mr. and Mrs right Bitner Bre ie. veces ru awa? FOR SALE-—Here!or stt]e 115] 51e78 McDonald, who had been visit with |, rb . hen Ee fe ¢ carling et . at ) IEETTE DAVIS i her parents, returned to Philadeiphi 1. : . : with Mr. McDonald, Sunday. Other CAB Dk h mE nal’ r wi HEDEL alr guests at the Bitner home during the rn » ’ i “h ne He - ; oo i : w 33 FRED LUSE, Manager. past week were Miriam Tschudy and| LOW n washer wa install "AUTION 1 t re hereby CENTRE HALL sister of Lebanon Tae ! . ’ ‘ Mrs. Wm. Odenkirk and two daugh } ta Mil] : ] " hdl Pg ad RF alae. fap the an hd iad . . imen's Milk Plax rol naon | lef r pla ha NN, YN, ters, Helen and Sarah. of Centre Ha LL ' ae RISUNSHINE SANDWICH general manager y of Apri 19] without us 1 Be 25¢ were guests of Mrs. Birdie Krape on] lor pros tion | & ha t will ny SPREAD v Qt Jar COMING FRL & SAT, AUG. 20 & 21 — JEAN HARLOW and Sunday evening. | On Thursday Mrs ‘arren Jones ou RAY 2a 1 nos z flte financially fesponsibe for any bills ROBERT TAYLOR in “PERSONAL PROPERTY.™ Prof. and Mrs. Curtis Watts had a | Milroy and Mrs. Burto Searer of | "Wistown wera guaat ¥ re covyte | died ¥ their guests during the past week, Mr |loWist WR were sues\s of Mrs. Nev: Centre Hall, Pi X ug [4X SUGAR and Mrs. Alvin Kearns, Mr. and Mrs | HoCkenbury and Mrs. Robert C. Heck. |, 43” i Iv pkg—2 for ¢ Wilson Kearns and son Alvin, Jr. of {M28 ae he ighter and sis i : Imp 1. P { ' ively, of Mifflin county FOR SALE : Fordson tract ‘ a y i p : i i*ors i and 1 “ 4 $12 armal ae | O11 OL MUSTARD 3rd iit ne Ari or a rd in 1 peg . f { PIEFW SR 3 uf | 0 : Tas itner, driving a pleasure | Cow ni mista : t Traaris ain 3 SARDINES | 2 ( Car, an truck operated by Robert Ay Hr Et a aia es he : Strouse collideq at the corner of the |adys Zerby, of Ohio, is visiting wit . her mother, Mrs. Edward Zerby. an ‘ome and look then 0% > SWANSDOWN (CAKE FLOUR grandmother, Mrs. Ellen Heckman |Bungard, Spris 32 package 250 racted ae Smith-Corman furniture store Mr. and Mre. Corman of Pittsin irgh gr on completing their camping in Mr rman expects to coma hefe and | en Mts. visited with Robert Wal Nae € and Miss Alice Neese. / i i v-| WANTED. 3 gngs-shovel : | Mr. and Mrs. C G. King made mn Mrs. Lydia High spent : 1 i i 1 piration of a ten-day outing |o hydraulic bull domer operators. Ap-| Wels Quality SAUER KRAUT " jy 8 M. Hutchinson's W i0- large can ( pring Mills, Pa accompany his wife home at tha ex businesy trip to Bellefonte during nat week. Wm. Emphfield was the angel to take them by mo'or to th county-seat, iwith her son George Hig ; — Haven, havin snjoved her vis wry] ELECTRIC WIRING and Repair CAMPBELLS TOMATO ¢ | much, | Work at reasonable prices. Call sSoUy 15¢ Mr. a Mrs, (line Gre la of Lock i. Fr Smith, Centre Hall 16114. i Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Godshall and 1 two small children are arranging te [he of Mrs renoble rebar and Wels Quality PEACHES 33 move to Latrobe, where Mr. Godshal'|[sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mul. | WHEN IN NEED OF “a Halves op Slices—2 for C will 4 Le r member in the voca tional school in that area J. W. Vonada was the representa Planin Mill SIMPLEX RAZOR BLADES Chester FE. Mel all will Teach In| i the y I phanage afi g Es . 50 blades 45¢ for High Sehool—Chestor BE. Meo choo yw So at ..} 3 , Work RELLOG'S and POST TOAST. IES CORN FLAKES—2 boxes 13¢ of any kin LUMBER, ROOFING. Nails, 31 FE PIR NO 25¢ : on above estate| All Kinds Building Material, beens duly granted the un lersigned YELM TH ’ SPI persons knowing themselves indebted |§ CALL AT— IeCORMICK'S SPICES 16 estate are requested to make im- package ' . . mediate paymert. and those having eclalme G ' Pl M Il - s married gduris against the same to present them duly an arrett $ aning 1 HE SEToOone HERE YOU GET . ew t tieates - Atlemen 4 . THE ETOR YVHERE OU Gk 4nd at present is trying |thenticated for settlement. GOOD MATERIAL AND — ire me i Spring Mille Lipid F. ERDLEY i HONEST PRICES MORE FOR YOUR MONEY. WE Miles son and family motored CHARLES W. DURST, | UR. TOT. SER RY to Hecla Park on Sunday ang spent Administrators | Rebersburg, Pa. GIVE YOU SERVICE WITH A a part of the day there. M. W. Gettig, Spring Mills, Pa |] Phone 16R42 SMILE Mrs. Vera Myers and fon Robert] Attorney 31 » visited at the Reed home at Milroy | on Sunday : The FIRST NATIONAL BANK CENTRE HALL, PA. i: A a Ea $b eeew EE SN A During the latter part of the woak Melvin Stover, Miss Bernice Smith | WAS PAYING FOR SOMETHING | DIDN'T GET. WILMA AND PEGOY ARE SO PLEASED WITH OUR George Lutz and Miss Reed formed a LS faa : | “TW | MANY A MORNING THE WATER WAS COLD AND NON-FAILING ELECTRIC HOT WATER SERVICE motor party to go to Abington, Va. LB SIA fA 1 ] EE AUST- COLORED, THAT MEANT A THAT | PEEL GUILTY FOR NOT INSTALLING IT ag aeT erg entertained by Mr HITT aa ; TRIP TO THE CELLAR TO $88 SOONER, THANKS TO THE FACT THAT WEST il Cate ayer. a nd / 1 1 I wear was wrowe » ; OUT-0'-LUCK SYSTEM wi 2 § Hot Water Sevvice 3 p - Harolg Meyer—JFrancis Johnson, Lois Marie Meyer, Helen $1 Innif}] vsio vo Mave isa LA ; , : IT'S NOT EXPENSIVE! Grove, Nancy Jane Meyer, ; : : 3 Fe own Electric Water Mrs. Russel] Condo—Catherine Mey : 2 . Mey- 2 ni Heater. obligation er, Kenneth Barger, Lois Johnson : mS - Catharine Hanna, Catharine Hagan — = ‘ | | ke Guane Creeger. Drivers were Bern. ’ - 2 . ice Barger and Mrs. Ardell Meyer Miss H ' Miss agan, daughter of Russel Hagan of Pittsburgh, was a guest last week of her cousin, Mrs. Ardell Mey- er.