THE FEATHERHEADS Self-Chastisement ~JusT GONNA “J AGAIN, ONIGHTZ STEP DOWN TO THE CORNER FOR A FEW > MINUTES HUSBANDS HOME HN {oar WASNT FUNNY —YOu DIDNT HAVE TO GET ~~ Raued! A STRONG Y HEADED HUSBAND OFTEN NEEDS] A STRONG ARMED WIFE AND A HUSBAND WITH A STRONG ARME) WIFE OFTEN] NEEDS A STRONG =a) Were Amsross, How D1» ov Tide Sou? AN WATERMELON WAS Hood! , . * Jy 3s) = EXcuse me! I mMusT By C. M. PAYNE oh NO FOOLY LAD UD OVER TO Sy - "FINNEY OF THE FORCE By Ted O'Loughlin © Py F wbser Townpaper Trin i ~~ 0) EFFORT TO GATHER —— WORTHY CAUSE fr————— iN i GooD DAY TO VEZ, | [ WHAT DO THEY STEEN MAM=— OM HERE WANT WAT OO CLOTHIN' FER Tw | RALIEF COMMITTEE THEY'RE BECOME A ouLD 4 Fg J CLOTHES / 08 Ng ~¢ MON. J No Change fo TH' PORE, \ LL SAY HE INDADE — DON'T ~ DOES — BUT NER HUSBIND THE WARDEN HAVE A SOOT MAKES HIM KEEP ON WEARING £1’ FLASHY PRISSER,, WHO WINT IN FER BE NOW, AWEARIN Letting Them Know Sandy joined a golf club, and was told by the professional that if his name was on his golfballs and TAIL aT = they were lost they would be re- turned to him when found. “Good,” said the Scot, “put my name on this ball.” The pro did so. “Would you also put M. D. after it?” said the new member. “I'm a - | What Luck the Lady | Did Not Have OQuinsy It was the evening of an inter. i the mas- ter of the house, who hoped it would be a son, had the floor, anxiously a doctor. When the cian en- tered the room the father seized { him by the arm and “Is it a boy or a girl?” “Tr-tr-tr——="" gasped the doc. tor, who stuttered rather badly, “Triplets!” “Qu-qu-qu doctor. “Quadruplets! Man alive! Wha is it you say!” “No-n-no. Tr-tr-try to take it qu-qu-quietly. It's a girl.” Deen pad ing waiting the demanded : 1 — “I was run-down— “ vos looked pale . . . lacked a keen appetite . . . felt tired e + « was underweight.” “What did I do?” "N Y intuition told me I needed 8 tonic, 3 and grateful for the benefits S58. Tonic brought me.” Naturally, You, too, will be delighted with the way S8.8. Tonic whets up the appe- tite. . . Improves digestion, red-blood-cells to a healthi richer condition. Feel and look like your old self again by taking the famous S.8.8. Tonic treatment to re- bulld your blood strength... restore your appetite. ..and make better use of the food you eat. 88.8. Tonle Is especially designed to build sturdy health... its remark- eble value is time tried and scientifi- cally proven...that's why it makes you feel like yourself again. Available at any drug store, C555. Co Joy and Grief That happiness longest thrive where griefs alternate. does still the joys and REARLY DROVE HER CRAZY Got Quick RELIEF By Rubbing Muscles were so y be. sore she could a Rud hardly touch them. Used Hamlins Wizard for stiff, aching muscles. Why suffer? Get 8 bottle for speedy comfort. Pleasant odor. MAMLINS WIZARD OIL For MUSCULAR ACHES and PAINS Due to RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA LUMBAGO CHEST COLDS ‘eA 17s smooths sailing when you're staying at The Claridge, Atlantic City's newest and tallest beach. front hotel. Here you're high above the crowd, yet just a step from the life and gayety of the boardwalk. European Plan: Single trom $4. Double trom $6. Alo American