RE — — nq Shorthorns—1I Che Spring third firsts 1 second. Hampsl oo & 4 Ps Briar R. W. Reed, 1 second. 1 *hird Je 1 hird Egg Show-—Samu Mills, 1 first: IL. % 1 first; T. A. Host third Elda Musso Mills, 1 second: Rot Mills, 1 first, « A Vegetables 1 rungart, T'|évs 1s gornnd, Belle. 3 | { Bellefonte, 1 second J. G Winkle. i? third Dorothy iDuck, 1 fire Ted Bohn, Rebersburg : enh, Smullt 11 thin onald ubb, State College, i1 first Mrs HH. Whit 1 third: 4 Mra, Thos. Hos'erman Aaronshurg Zottle, Spring Zettle, Spring Srman, Coburn, 11, B. Wert, 1 Rebershurg 1: vd (Continuneq In next week's fssue.) Yarence \ my —————————— A sensi mer, Bellefonte, 1 Zubler, Sprive Mills second, (Tibbens [COUNty ange smaller politieny divisions 1 first, 1 third. [to Issue what are termed “poor bonds" man, Aaronsburg, 1 enberger, 1 second first, 1 second. 1 th ler, Spring Mills, 1 A, Brooks, Bellef: third: Mrs, Earl W1 first. Fred Feit.|?f the cost of the relief bill, ang is Earl White, 118 debt the Kansas citizen wil first: f 1 second. Frank mite, 2 fists, 1 ite, 1 first: P. E cent of the rellef bill remains unpaid j~-not taken care of by the State. The i second; Clayton Ta 2 thirds; Freda lege, first: Mrs, second; Mrs, Gilbert tion, 1 first; H. B 1 first, 2 seconds: "on Yore ary mig, Madisonburg Federal funds, Paul Wise, Statele the ternary Digest to ascers Walle, Port Ma- the two major candidates for Prowl. Fred Bohn, Reb lof means. The average coltizen, which 1 first; Earl White, 1 frst, 1 mecond: ba few opportunities to express LIVES OF TWO YOUTHS | | HOUR WINS PLACE IN SUN! poi mrennign of Potter ‘town | | { {hy edn iled Sv at i ! ned HAPPENINGS OF LOCAL INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS } th t-|ATTENDANCE AT GRANGE [ | FAIR LARGEST IN YEARS COUNTY 4-H CLUB MEMBERS : [221 PUPILS REPORT AT COMPETE AT GRANGE FAIR, | OPENING OF SCHOOLS, Tres. |” ¢ i HIUCKLEBERRIES, S30 QUANRTS CONTRIBUTIONS TO (URTAIS PICKED IN PAST SEASON FUND CONTINUE COMING THOOP 26, BOY SCOUTS EXHIBITS AT GRANGE FAI ta : a [KNOX'S RECKLESS STATEMENTS FALL ON DEAF EARS Fy Coantre _ Rest ory baer : va y ; The presen; Administratiog has ck Club-—Ariene Ryder, first: | in am: of RXh As paced al been jour years giving lp ser. har 4 ’ Att . . | number ¢ books explaining in detail { vice to seemrity and welfare. and win merit badges on | today no life Insurance policy fs secure, no savings account js safe. The value of a worker's pay in haying the necessitlog of Hf, Is dependent upon the whim of amateur tinkerers with our mon. ey, banking and credit systems, Danaila : ————— DEMOCRATIC HEADQUARTERS Mae wi retu OPENED IN BELLEFONTE! he following tania ch. he na. iburg from Mifflin. . WV ese 2153-mil fe . wesiern Henry lHiingswortd hird: 1} : ¢ 1 wi Homan | fe 3 3 ait $554 0 } Ron tat “hie visit 1 . ive i i ounty Demoerati organiza nag Hal 1 ie Guring the iret | 1 ¥ visited wit) redatives in Burns, sixth: Ralph Str ition has leased oom ip th years of osevelt admin. i : i i on and Lakeside Ohio; Kane. Hampshire and Tiskilwa. Ilinois aise visited the Exposition at leviand and motored as far west as | Little Busi Arcade Harold urns, eighth Paul } tha Thal store on oe igh treet, | Banks Deposits Vv. ninth and Russell Harpster 1 tenth Stormstown 4-H Plg Club | Rellefonte, ang has statlist county | Juhe 1039 4902 $16,774114 000 Elwood Way, first. Robert Way. seo. headquarters there § Jun i, 1984 5422 1B.932.660, 000 ond Betty Eves third Anthony] The offices will be open’ every 8 eh, 1635 5431 225182 @5 000 N fourth: Bett, Noll, fifth: Betty|and someone will be on hand to Inter] Jt 30, 1936 M74 261200,463,000 ¥ Davenport, fowa., and Viewed a po tion of the Mississippi Rives ey ale r 0 Visited the city of Chicago. Mra. William Shieldg (nes “Peguie” Hallet and His 15 Artists wii | Fassinger) and sister, the latter of rk, Tuesday of next Bellefonte, were ar the ¢ for an A ‘ . 1 3 . {Pu wuts vy 5 1 op Thomas Ross of lonlshurg, ' placed GET #15000; TOTAL, $304,527 the Steel Plor, Atlantic City. where) i 3 nxsutawney, and t wo weeks afte they were an at'‘raction Labor Day selling up housekeaping the flood wa judging contest h was open to] The additional 3% disribution See nd. elsewhere in this issue. teres rose to within a few inches of night. Mrs, Shields plied up household : places, and Richard Peltenhberger. Centre Hall: |b © 53 cents on the dollar. |TV, chairman of the Council for Ine waited, Mr. Shields, like his VOOR 's je ir ¥ wig 11 r : 1 % w * a * faurth, Spurgeon Hennigh, Spring | There yet remains for converting into [dustrial Progress Leslia V. Doud, ed. wife, is a Penn State duate and as been employ. the Rochester } : . tshed ' Company. the John A. Shugert estate. was $56. have Deen BooMmplished at the ex- . EE —————— ——— { tHe ; 933.26. After his individual creditors [PPnse of the school children of the tr on HA antinties 0 have at- had been reimbursed 105 per cent, |State, In Landon's home county vou oh for Mrs. Hehard Gelin and there still remained a total of $22,000 | (Montgomery) teachers are paid the ot H. oH om — uditery for distribution among the bank's de. (Minimum salary of $25 per mon'h. of H. E. Shreckenyast, now deconsed, positors : ie i——— and consequently. took advantage of HH, fim “ bi sisi . : oa The Mary CO, Harris estate brought aM SPhortuny 10 rome. her: jas a town] of SIO Sont the NOTICE. week for a day, thelr husbands ac. nal SH.605.31, i ficompanying (her. The third dee ter bank's asse’s made up the remalnde: » . " . : . y g Out of the funds two 15 per cent and STORE ‘WILL BE CLOSED Was born to Mr. and Mrs Colin abou t ¥ i i ¥ i A 3 a cy * § nf 4 " al At a recent meeting of the Potter|iws ten per cont distributions have FROM 6 P. Mm. WEDNESDAY. sight weeks ago. and has beell nmimed At its opening session at Syracuse Herbert H. Lehman. a ce RA MORNING, SEPT. ih, AC. ton. The Saxons have one daughter, familie live in Greensburg, and ayments, namely, Octo . Pas, - y P 3 y tober, 1st, 1936.1 pa. Jamison, on Wednesday morn fithe heads of them are Fe MILLMEIM, PA | Youister againdt presen condiifons m time stated. home in Spring Mills, Tammie | [thelr home community,