THE CENTRE REPORTER, CENTRE HALL, PA. STOVER REUNION. On last Baturday the children. ITEMS OF grandchildren, zreat-grandchildren ang grenf-grent-grandchfldren of Daniel JLOCAL INPEREST . Stover met for thelr third annual re- union at Grange Park, Centre Hall One of the most unusual events was F. hall, Saturday {that of one family of fourteen broth- ers and sisters, thirteen being pres- ent. Following the noon hour recita- Edward Durst is driving a newj,. ... songs, readings and plays were Chevrolet sedan. rendered by various members of the The Lock Haven Motor Clup will|clan. The following members were hold its annual picnic on August 12, |present: : at Hecla Park. Oscar Stover, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stover, Mrs. Ise Stover, Mrs. Mollie John A. Brewer was appointed a Ishler, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ishler justice of the peace in Halnes town- and children; Mrs. Sophronia Wands ship by Governor Earle. and daughter Hazel, all of State Col- | A meeting of the alumni assoclation{lege; Mrs. F, M. Sharer, Mrs. Clyde | of the Centre Hall high school Is an-|Hockman and son Dick, Mrs. John | nounced for Friday evening of this] Hox ns, Mr. and Airs. Harry Smith Pi 6 pok and children, Mr. and Mrs. Nevin Gil- 4 \ Ww 5 om . - ” ea ; move and daughter Lois, Mr. and Mrs Vol v hd - w n Cr ‘h PZ 3 I's 0 Y : 7 Miss Mary Reiber, of Sanfords hos-}. Smith, Mrs. Area Condo, Mrs. | pital, Jersey Shore, and friend, Ed- Joei Clevenstine, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce | ward Heck, were week-end visitors ato merick and children, all of Zion: Mr. | {r the Reiber home. and Mrs. Charles Stover and daughter | Saveral post cards have been re- Beverly, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Stover HEC p ceived by Miss Wible from the Kirk-jand daughter Virginia, all or Altoona: A patricks, who were in Denny, Sher-iMr. and Mrs, Harold Myers, of Wash- A | FIRST NATIONAL BANK lingshire, Scotland. ington, D. C.; Miss Anna Stover. of : Sharpsburg; Mr. and’ Mrs. I. R. Stov- - 1" . Bellefont » Tyoss ST hoa rel FRC OVO o . u 4 FHietonte, nO i D. W. Bradford hag well * A 'n ier, Mrs, Charlotte Miller and sons ¢ Miles East of Bellefonte, On Route 220 CENTRE HALL, PA. from a peculiar ailment on tne inhe [James and Robert, John Forntbaugh i portion of the { 1 Cet 2 Mehr i 2 5 Gala JULY Ath Celebration! . - - * - - - . ” Smoke In I. O. O. night, 7:30 o'clock. S——————————————— RA Interior 8t. Luke's Evangelical Lutheran Church and Mrs. Jack Fox anddaugh-|Mr, and Mrs. I . Stover, Mr, f Ingram, their way to Phil-| Ha SLOYer and t i to visit On Sunday ored to New back with Bag sconpeaed te ha a Lior]? a Mrs. Ernest's; » and. = on SENECA INDIANS From SENECA RESERVATION | A Kerlin to their home a few days pre-) ors ate. a Afra Ne wm Klin i o fJONGER ; Tam s Foust and Fred Luseon Sun-} R inkl ig Th rd 1 hey Mr. — Puig FREE- A C'1'S-FREE | a os dime x (Oris Nester and children. _ Phil AFTERNOON.--July 3, 4, 5..EVENING quehanna, at Selin: 3 } reit) : len « and sor obihy, Mr. and i There are 77 boys in the camp at{Mrs. Wm MceClnahan. Mr. and Mrs, | { AP | ! ED | OWNSEND i this time and fourteen instructors. | Harol Durst, r. and Mrs. John . i - : nade to re-| Durst, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Stover and ——— AND HIS Preparations are bein Sh on a DEATH DEFYING 100 FOOT NET HIGH DIVE It Is to be reroofed, Miss Frances Weaver a clerk in . " . 0. P. G. Garett, Redrburs, bas [tho Reversbars pos office, bas ac Chief Lone Fox and His Indians SRI id State Highn o. Belletonte PAGEANT + “TIME LOST AND REDEEMED" keep in mind the ™ ehiered Won her dutles, 7:00 un 9:00 Pp. M. ————— A A i ———— —————————— TRANSFERS OF REAL ESTATE 1 ) AN C ING -. Wi LOUISIANA KINGS (30 ARTISTS) | uo Afternoon and Evening. RIRWHEEL® 3 ALL WEATHER » PATHFINDER » SPEEDWAY THE GOODYEAR MARGIN OF SAFETY with tough, sure-gripping center-traction tread that gives 43% longer non-skid mileage than even former ( soodyears. 2 BLOWOUT PROTECTION IN EVERY PLY—because of patented Supertwist Cord — more resilient, more enduring than any other cord. LOWEST COST PER MILE service with greater safety in every mile —proved by the experience of millions. NOWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD : {#7 Let us show you footprint records - that prove “G-3's" will give you more will you find a truck with all these features at such low prices safety-mileage fcr your money than : . . ou ever enjoyed before. Eur Nowhere else in the world will you y ° joy erore A the lniter was as find trucks that will give you such *Ragistered Bd : ia As t FOR CLOROMICAL » left-hand tu he dam. NEW PERFECTED Twwomnon great pulling power at such low NEW HICH. be «vio. is about $200, and | HYDRAULIC prices as the new 1936 Chevrolets! COMPRESSION o Lo : : BRAKES Nowhere else in the world will you find trucks VALVE-IN-HEAD : . 7 £2 hi Si a a always equalized for quick, that are so extremely economical for all. ENGINE volet sedan. © and 2 unswerving, “straight line” round duty! with increased horsepower, v a Harrisburg party. hugs stops And nowhere else in the world will you find increased torque, greater center of the road too closely and trucks with such outstanding performance, economy in gas and oil ° iv at ss 0 ng rd toy domly an f d safety # High. ’ rv, wing mn ste is Sues Sod ily avery hv Tt Hagan’s Garage THE GREATEST NAME IN RUBBER young ladies and considerable dam. Perfected Hydrauko Grakes, Fall- Floa oating FULL-FLOATING age to Fhe White car. The aceldent ' Rear Axle and new Full-Trimme med De a REAR AXLE occurred east of the PFlshe fi: 1 hevrolet’ remarkabl on Route $5, at a chive - a ie Cab, at 3 y ow prices 1 yn ype et CENTRE HALL on Bunday afternoon. Both Cars are See 1 these trucks “ha have a Bort i on. beuing ™ : insured, a vs Thorough dom, Harry Wolfe is driving a new the right trucks for you! Plymouth, all of which indicates the CHEVROLET MOTOR CO. DETROIT, MICH. Says Dangerous Varicose Veins farmer hag had a BOO year—a year . with profits. Last fal) he purchased GENERAL MOTORS INSTALLMENT PLAN-MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO BUIT YOUR PURSE C eighteen steers and this week sold chassis an Be Reduced At Home : the second bunch of six to A. M. ¥ ih Michigan, "Specict equipment ve: Eric - Riegel & Son, He purchased ag a low ale Sy are list wi iin Toward the Heart raid ¢ Heart stall figure, and while cattle are net wp to iehigmm, and wtyect " change without py) sins Flows That Way are “veo the price of a year ago, they are “x or sms that hey above that paid, which he with the large gain in welght resulted In a * profit he is not complaining of fg be ing too small for the labor and in- CENTRE HALL, PA, Vestment. OB AA Seis