THE CENTRE REPORTER, CENTRE HALL, PA - Pure Exhilaration ——————— ; | AE amount of pure exhilar. 9 ation that is inherent in an obstacle and a difficulty has never been adequately estimated, There is really no such stimulus known elsewhere, It Is like a ladder set up that one may climb, It is a Lighter Side of Life as Depicted by Famous Cartoonists and Humorists tac Invitation to’ command ihe outlook. t ig the open door of opportunity, It is the intimation to look within and discover one's latent powers and use them. [It » is one of the most foreible inti. THE FEATHERHEADS Br Oberne Second Guessing 9% Qur¥ : Spits Br mations Immortality Allan Whiting, SORRY, PEAR. THINK (LL HAVE I y Took. A LONG med | - P* NOT NOW=1 JUST SAW LETS Gol/ TIME FOR, HERE RS ANOTHER Sap o il TE BUS TURN TRE (ne 1 To please all, mind your own WHERE'S * 5 THAT EGE TOAST FOR, THERE ANY OF SORNER — £0 Now | RELATIVE business, GET THAT STRAWBERR d WE Lo ro TAN WE CoFFEEY RD RS PRE SERVE — . h FETEEBN MINUTES v OR Ae ee — IE I'M ‘ : 7 : : ~ TLL THE NEX “EveRY Stock of Federal Reserve Banks Owned by Members Stock of the 12 federal reserve banks is owned entirely by the mem. ber banks of the system. It is ae- quired through purchase at the time of joining the system. The federal and supervision of the system by vir. tue of the President's power to ap- point the board of governors. The board of governors in turn must ap- prove the high officers of the indi. imine vidual federal reserve banks, Sorry, Sorrier, Sorriest Ger) com Relieve reddened EYES To . ME. % 5 3 3 ? ’ : | : Bur I'™M NoT “TH AT SoRRY (// ‘. Inward Qualities Be not dazzled by beauty, but look for those Inward qualities which are lasting, (B® The Bell Syndicates, Inc) BR MESCAL IKE He Doesn’t Scare Easy -. S PAINFUL Ug 1 ANT GONNA ll Loll PINCHING Fev, pency, MARKET Apply New De Luxe Dr. Scholl's Zino-pads on any sensitive spots caused by shoe pressure or friction and you'll have instant relief. They stop pain of corns, callouses end bunions: prevent ' | - | sore toes, blisters; ease tight shoes. Flesh {7 vo : ; J ; color, waterproof; don't come off in the Sa Faust . p bath; economical, Sold everywhere, 1 ALES COAG I AROUND cs A ¢ I Scholls Zino-pads True Poverty The poorest man in the world he who has nothing except money, by BL. Westley, Trade Ma UB Pat Ofes) Crashing Into the Dough (os = : = DON'T WORRY | Co 3 Ee AYING pd O1 WNOW THAT / ~~ CLEANED 'T DE ST on 'A MERCHINT BE GOLDGEM'S WINDER, ouT, Too/ —AND Ol | THAT PHONEY nT LEAVES \ ; [JEST PASSED| winpow DISPLAY | |F¥0 Coos R HERE FONE FOR “TREE YEARS Soap at gi et P Tall i MINNITS AND | THOUGHT WINDER AT NOWHT 10 GIT A Practical View BAD BREAK Truth is beautiful to contemplate but it is sometimes inconvenient. Cardui During Middle Life Women who are entering middle life will be interested in the experi- ence of Mrs. L. C. McDonald, of Paragould, Ark, who writes: “I took Cardui during change of life. I was so weak, so nervous, I could hardly go. I just dragged around. 1 had fainting spells and would just give down. My back and head hurt. I read of Cardui. I took about seven bottles. It gave me relief and strength. I am now 60 years past, and can do a pretty good day's work in the house and garden.” Thousands of women testify Cardui bene. fited them. If it does mot bemefit YOU, consult a physician, And Needs It A wallflower girl has plenty of time to develop philosophy, The Tree Crocodile The customer proved most exacting and the clerk was growing impatient. ® We Want Every eo “Now are you sure this 1s genuine WEARER crocodile skin?” the customer inquired, er FALSE PLATE critically examining a handbag. . ; oe Dew sclenyy ged Fite oI “Quite sure, madam,” was the reply. : iibessntyou hy “You see, 1 know the man who shot : 2081 Gravel AABOATOMIES, in, So. that crocodile.” AY “It looks rather dirty,” remarked the customer, » i “Well, yes,” replied the assistant, . : Miserahle “that's where the animal struck the ’ ground when It fell out of the tree.”— CT hackache J The Automobilist, Lost for Good “Mommy,” sald little Joan plead. ingly, “can I please have another plece of toffee?” “I've only just given you & plece” sald mother, “What happened to it?” “I've lost It,” the child replied. “Where did you lose it?" mother In- quired. 1 just put it In my mouth and it went right down,” Joan informed her, —-— 's Weekly,