THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1036, mm FEE CENTRE REPORTER ISSUED WEEKLY, , B—t - crs ee — BMITH & BAILEY, Proprietors 8. W, SMITH, Editer, EDW, E. BAILEY, Associate Editor and Business Manager, ————— p——— Butered in the Post Oflice in Centre as second class matler. TERMS. —1'he terms of subscription to she Keporter are $L.OU a year, in advance, Legal advertising at the rate of ten pelts per line each insertion. Display advertising rates made known #8 application, SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES — VALLEY LUTHERAN CHARGE (Rev. L. Arthur Wagner, Pastor) Centre Hall—9:00 A. AM, Georges Valley, 10:30 Al M. (Communion Service.) Farmers Mills, 7:30 P. AM — CENTRE HALL REFORMED CHARGE (Bev, Delas EB, Keener, Pastor) NO PREACHING SERVICE. The annual Reformed dren's Service will be helg on Sunday evening, June 28th, at Cenive Hall Everyone is nd, Church Chil- welcome 10 atis — EVANGELICAL AK. Mosterman, Pastor) (Bev, W, Centre Hall— Sunday School, §:30 A. M, 7:30—Children's Day service. Bethesda— Worship Sunday school, 1Viiv Service, 9:10. A. Al. Bpring Mills— Sunday School, 9:30 A. AM. Worship Service, 10:30 A. M. METHODIST EFISCOPAL (Bev, Seth Eussell, Pastor) Pring Mille— Worship Service, 8:30 Sunday School, 3:1 Centre Hall-- Worship Service, 9:30 A. MM Sunday School, 10:30 A. M. Bprucetown— Unified Service, A. A. M. M. 10:00 A. MM. PRESBYTERIAN (Rev, J. M., Kirkpatrick, Pastor) 9:30—Sunday School. (No Preaching Service) = fi. 0. P. SENATORS SHOW “THEY CAN'T TAKE IT THOMPSON TO OPPOSE PINOLA FOR STATE TREASURER It is date. of his campaign from Grundy, $20.000 A. WW. $5,000; W. L. Mellon, $5,000 N, Pew, Jr. G. O. P. boss ang Liberty Leaguer, $15000; J. Howard Pew, $5.- These contributions quoted as having been especialy Mr. Thompson and favors ola. he source funds, which came Mellon Joseph * 000, Are opposed to He to Pin- A ————— SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE, DIED THURSDAY A slate funeral in the National House chamber on Friday for Speaker Joseph Wellington RByrns, out down 21 the height of his career by a sud- den heary attack and cerebral hem- orrhage, wag held by grief-stricken corgressoinal leaders, The President accompanied the fu- neral train to Tennessee, The Speaker had attained his 66th year. He will be succeeded ag Speaker hy William BB. Bankhead, of Alabama. a s————a—— Horse Sale, June 15th. Willian Gruenwald will gely a care of Houth Dakota horses at the Centre Hall hotel barn, Monday, June 1th, at one o'clock. Bee posters and BYRNS, Yom yg wag * & + 9 *. =» Deaths . . *. =» - * * » Coldron na pars home in afternoon monhs and Mrs. Emelein fliness ending with stroke, died at her Hall, on Saturday aged 85 11 COLIDRON. after a long alyvtic Centre She was years, 17 days. The vive Mary Potter of five Hall; John Hall. Funeral services were held on Tues- day forenoon, Rev. L. A. Wagner, the Lutheran church, of denomination the was a member, officiating. made the local the 0 of and short Bur- and born deceased was tha children (Clymer) Bruss, township, a Hall. There Mrs, Ella Royer, Bessie, ut Muser las Of sano was distance survive In west Centre children: of Miss M., her Ping Charles, home; and E.. all of Centre pas- tor of which toceased Burial cometery., wag -— Wagner In Mrs, Centre WAGNER. the evening, following ¢ died at SPANGLER.~ William E. away ¢ the Norwegia Hospital, Chi last week, hs and iliness, Spangler and Adells thelr aon Mr. Tusseyville, Mr. ang Mrs. A. W. granddaughter Mellasa Lewistown. Mr. an] Mre. Kenneth Wert of Loys. ville, Mr. and Mrs. George Trevorrow and children and Miss Taylor, of Pitts. burgh, spent the week-end at the J. B. Wert home, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ramer and C, P. lamer and family spent Sunday at the Regularg hunting camp in Sev- en Mts. Miss Anna Fortney, of Altoona, is visiting at the Fortney home. Other Sunday visitors were Messrs, Fred Ferry and Fred Dunkle, of Punxsu- tawney, and Roy Dondell of Belle. fonte, John Hettinger, jocated in Maryland, spent the week-end at his home, Mr. and Mre, George Donahey and children and Miss Beulah Fohringer of 8tate College, visiteq Bunday eve. ning at the A. W, Holdermagn home. A number of persons from this vi- cinity attended the commencement Holderman and spent Friday in Boalsburg. Clarence Passmore Harrisburg, with of Lewistown, as vigitors in town visited Mrs. E. Charles Harry Shug- motor guest on Bunday and W. Hess, 5 pa- in the Centre County hospital. Mabel Bimpson went to Altoo- to visit friends. Mrs. Bender week-end at the Chas, and also greeted during their Mr. Bender high cated Mrs. days at and also attended the G3. T. VV. B. a member of the Miss Margoare! her Murs, Centre to State to attend for 8B. C. church, L.yvman from thelr WCCOME and Mrs. i son of orts, were also tient Mrs, na Sunday Mr. and the home made when local Bpent Segner other friends residence in wis Instructop The Benders are now Knoxin, near Wilkesbarre, Meyer spent Lee Brooks home last week commencement at Evelyn Brooks was graduating class, Dale accompanied George Rimmey, of lege Sun- town, in the school. in Jacob 10 i several the sinter, Hall, evening Col on baccalau- SH. In the the H. day rete services Methodist Mrs, Ann day day Stuart daughter on Fri Hat Graham Norfolk, and va. home drove and on were return ire nied by ang da \ r, rlacilin led | exercises at Penn State, Monday, ad in this fssue of the Reporter, Iwo ra SLIGHT ACCIDENTS A» COUNTY FARMERS : USE NEW DEAL CREDITS £5 - a wo AT PENN STATE; 5 FROM COUNTY alivered 4 James Ja valedictory. gave | seventy-five entre | are | from | the county include: Hall: William husbandry; William B. Dashem, chemistry, and Lowis W. ligen, agricultural biological ochemis- try; from Boalsburg: Eleanoy C. Ish- ler home conomics; from Hublers- burg, Edwin E. Vonada, electrothem- ical engineering: from Lemont, Lols M. Schreck, physical education, and from Milesburg, George F. Walker, forestry, From Philipsburg: Harry M. Crain electrical engineer; John R. George, agronomy; Susannah J. Hoffer, arte and letters; Marie OG. George educa tion, From Aaronsburg: Krape, home economios. fonte: Alexander GG. Mo letters: Erma H., Sloop, journalism: Robert A. Wilkinson, education, and Roy Wilkinson, Jr, arts and letters, From Pleasant Gap: Harry K. Ish. ler, electrion] engineering: and Sam. uel R. Noll, electrical engineering. From Port Matilda: George N. Ebbw. metallurgy, From Rebersburg: Pau) W. Bierly, education; Clifford n Diehl, architectural engineering, graduate, AOAfty-three State College. Graduates from other poin's From in Centre Campbell, animal Kathryn M. from Belle Morrie arts and i i { BASEBALL LEAGUE STANDING | Post, | Hall } B57 Gap . ‘ : 57 571 A2¢ | 286 | | TRI-VALLEY Contre Pleasant Rebhdrsburg Pine Grove Mills Lemont PE oi wa] Mills S84 CENTRE HALL WINS TWO, TIGHTENS LEAGUE POSITION the Halli gumes Tri-Valley ite ladder week Centre in the strengthened During past two and greatly the top rung evening, took League position at Thursday victim Spyker ean of the Boring 17-3 ore. Btov. had all, and an easy by a er and ford, Bpring Mills poled home ru Batteries: fall, Durst Breon: Spring Mills, Zettle, Hits 1 Herring and Snyder, 21. h for Centre H Centre i Snyder, Durs Herring and off On tken int WHERE THEY PLAY. Thursday (Twilight Games) L £ Saturday This Week. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE WANT TO BUY OR SELL ? SEE US FIRST. oreo C. D. BARTHOLOMEW CENTEE HALL, PA. TWP. SCHOOL BOARD, of School in transporting in Gregg Township year 1036-1037, with evening, GREGG Transportation Chlldren. Parties interested children for the school to meet are the schoo! June rd, all Information Gn “i Tuesday nt o'clock, board, 8:00 where pertaining to the work wil Le avail of the H. Limbert, Blds for Janitor, By order Gregx School Board 8, Bec, ili am Township oclock of 8:00 By School Im Greg Pp. the H. “a order Board - 8. ldimbert, Bec, PENNY-A-WORD COLUMN. be pays for a four line ad, in this solumn. These little ads. sre wondes workers in the way of results, Advere tise anything here, from a “Help Wanted” to » “House snd Lot for Sale” FOR BALE--Two ‘ CP. Orme Hall. grace Guernsey ir Spring arm, Centre Sealed of jar at bids the the Spring for pos. Lion i Mile Vocational itor School will be received the signed and opened nt : the gechool board, to be Leid June ¥ A by ¥ EN LI 7, FOR TOP THE WANTED—Market chickens of ail A. M. Relgel Centre Hall; phone 11- The Centre Heporter, 51.50 a year. oo {ATLANTIC —{ PRODUCTS! BAND 2 AR Ca lubricated engine parts, White Flash, Adantic Motor Oil all three —— and see! iry and polish it. Pennsylvania. We have improved It’s free deliv-